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Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in Elementary School

Anatolian Journal of Education October 2019 Vol.4, No.2
e-ISSN: 2547-9652
pp. 53-60
Citation: Puspitarini, Y. D., & Hanif, M. (2019). Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in Elementary
School. Anatolian Journal of Education, 4(2), 53-60.
Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in Elementary School
Yanuari Dwi Puspitarini
Educational Technology Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
Muhammad Hanif
Educational Technology Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,
This research is a preliminary study that aims to find out how the learning process is
implemented in the classroom and how the students' learning motivation. The method used in this
research is qualitative research method. Methods of data collection in the form of observation
and interview. The results of observations made with elementary school teachers in Purbalingga,
Indonesia found that in the learning of teachers using lecture methods and learning resources
used were books. The use of lecture methods in the learning process does not attract students so
students do not understand the material presented and student learning motivation decreased. In
addition, students are also more interested in chatting with the classmate, daydreaming, and busy
by themselves. Learning resources are always used is a book, where the delivery of all material
comes from the book so that students quickly get bored and difficult to understand the material.
Interview results make students more interested in the learning process using media other than
books. Therefore, another alternative in the learning process is needed to improve students'
learning motivation. One alternative is to utilize technology as a medium in the learning process.
Keywords: learning motivation, technology, learning media, elementary school, media
Learning is an activity undertaken with the aim of acquiring knowledge, mastering certain
competencies and forming student attitudes. The success of learning can be seen from the changes in
behavior and student learning outcomes. Learning activities will run smoothly when students have the
motivation to learn. According to Sardiman (2012), motivation can be interpreted as the driving force
that arises in the students that lead to learning activities, ensuring the continuity of the learning
process, and provide guidance in the learning process so that the learning objectives can be achieved.
Motivation to learn is one of the decisive factors in the achievement of learning objectives. Through
learning motivation, students will have the drive to follow the ongoing learning process.
Many ways can be executed by the teacher to foster students' motivation to learn. Using a challenging
learning strategy such as a game can motivate students and bringing a contextual and fresh material or
interactive media can stimulate it from inside. In addition to the motivation that comes from within
their-self, motivation can also be enhanced through the stimuli provided through the student learning
environment. Teachers have an important role in the process of improving students' learning
motivation because teachers have a lot of time with students in school. Teachers can improve students'
learning motivation by developing learning strategies as an external motivation for students to learn.
Learning strategies include methods and media used in the learning process.
54 Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in
Anatolian Journal of Education, October 2019 Vol.4, No.2
According to Sudjana (2009), the teaching method is a way that teachers use in interaction with
students during the lesson. This interaction process will run well if the students are active in following
the learning. Therefore, it is necessary for teaching to apply teaching methods that can foster student
learning activities. The methods commonly used in learning are lectures, discussions, demonstrations,
and so forth. The use of learning methods can not stand alone because the media is also required as a
tool to convey materials or information to students. Learning media is used as a means of supporting
the learning process for learning objectives can be achieved. Learning media is defined as a tool in the
form of physical and non-physical used by teachers in conveying material to students to be more
effective and efficient. So that the learning materials more quickly accepted students intact as well as
attract students to learn more. (Musfiqon, 2012).
Learning media that is utilized appropriately in the learning process will become a more effective and
efficient support tool in achieving the learning objectives. In addition learning media will also increase
students' learning motivation, this is in line with the statement expressed Sanaky (2009) that the
benefits of instructional media include: (a) By using learning media, the learning process will be more
interesting, so it can lead to motivate student learning; (b) Can clarify learning materials, so that
students can easily understand the material and enable students to master the learning objectives; (c)
By using instructional media, the learning process becomes more varied. The material is not only
delivered orally, so students do not get bored quickly and more effectively and efficiently; and (d)
Students listening to the material presented by the teacher, doing more learning activities such as:
observing, doing, demonstrating, and others. The features of learning media can promote the
experiential classroom so that foster the students’ learning engagement.
On the basis of the benefits presented by Sudjana and Rivai in Sanaky (2009), learning media needs to
be utilized to overcome the limitations of the learning process. As an example of media learning in the
process of learning is in the 5th grade of elementary school subjects social studies with material
Meaning of National Heritage of the Hindu-Buddhist and Islam in Indonesia. This material is usually
delivered with a didactic method of lecturing and using material books as a supporting medium. The
current technology can be utilized as a learning medium to support the learning process. From the
research conducted by Heafner (2004) states that “this article advocates the use of technology in social
studies as a means to motivate students by engaging students in the learning process with the use of a
familiar instructional tool that improves students’ self-efficacy and self-worth”. The article can be
concluded that the use of technology in social studies as a means to motivate students by involving
students in the learning process can improve self-efficacy and self-worth.
Submission of material in the learning process sometimes experience some obstacles. Some of the
constraints faced by teachers are boring learning methods and the media used is less interesting. One
way to overcome this problem is to use technology as a medium in the learning process. An
instructional video is one of the media commonly used to involve the student in the learning process
and effectively deliver the material (Pebriani, 2017). By watching instructional video students see and
imagine the real and contextual material. The research on the use of video-based learning of Choi &
Johnson (2010) showed the feasibility of video to motivate students. In this research, there was a
significant difference in learners' motivation in terms of attention between video-based instruction and
traditional text-based instruction. In addition, the learners reported that the video-based instruction
was more memorable than the traditional text-based instruction. This study implies that context-based
videos in online courses have the potential to enhance learners' motivation (Ismail, 2017).
Learning is a combination that is composed of human elements, materials, facilities, equipment, and
procedures that affect each other in achieving the objectives of learning. In this case, the human
elements in learning include students, teachers, education personnel, and so forth. Material elements in
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learning include books, whiteboards, and so forth. Elements of facilities and equipment include
classrooms, laboratories, and so forth. While the elements of procedures include learning schedule,
learning methods and so forth (Hamalik, 2008).
Learning is the ability to manage the components related to learning operationally and efficiently.
Components related to the school in improving the quality of learning are teachers, students, school
builders, facilities/infrastructure, and learning process (Yamin, 2013).
Instructional Media
Learning media is anything that can be used to convey a message so as to stimulate students' feelings,
thoughts, willingness, and attention and encourage the learning process (Miarso, 2009). Meanwhile,
according to Musfiqon (2012), learning media can be defined as a tool in the form of a physical and
non-physical used teacher in conveying material to students to be more effective and efficient. The use
of learning media is expected to be more quickly accepted student learning materials as well as attract
students to learn.
So the learning media can be interpreted as a tool of hardware or software used in the delivery of
materials by teachers to students in the learning process. In learning, media is expected to make a more
effective and efficient learning process in accordance with the purpose of learning.
The theoretical basis of media usage in the learning process by Dale in Daryanto (2013) is Dale’s
Cone of experience. The cone of Dale's experience can be seen as follows:
Figure 1
Dale’s Cone of Experience (Daryanto, 2013)
According to Dale’s Cone of experience, direct experience (concretely) provides the highest learning
outcomes. Followed by artificial objects, dramatizations, field trips, television, live exhibition pictures,
still images, visual symbols and word symbols (abstracts) that provide the least portion. However, the
learning process does not necessarily begin with the immediate experience of the students but can use
experience appropriate to the learning needs.
Technology-based multimedia can be utilized as classroom learning media. Husain (2014) stated that
the utilization of multimedia especially on presentation has a big effect and useful to increase student
learning result. The use of multimedia on presentation aims to accommodate all the optimize all sense
of student in the form of audio, visual, or combination of both. In addition, the internet also influences
the trend of media use in the classroom and the result of learning. Husain (2014) stated that the
internet influences the option of method both in and out of the classroom. The utilization of the
internet provides independence, acceleration, feedback, affordability, affectivity, and productivity in
the learning process.
56 Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in
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Functions and Principles of Media in Learning
One of the functions of learning media is a tool in delivering the material in the learning process.
Aside from being a tool for conveying materials in the process of learning other functions in Asyhar
(2012) are as follows: (a) Media as a learning resource; (b) The semantic function is related to the
word, term, sign or symbol. (c) Manipulative function is the ability of the media to reload an
object/event in various ways, according to its conditions, circumstances, objectives, and targets; (d)
Fixative function that is in capturing, storing and recasting an object or event that has long occurred;
(e) Distributive functions of the media used in the learning process can be followed by students in
large numbers or unlimited media coverage; (f) Psychological functions, learning media has the
function of attention, affective function, cognitive function, imaginative function and motivation
function; and (g) socio-cultural functions. The use of media in learning can overcome the socio-
cultural barriers between students with different customs, habits, environments, and experiences.
While the principle of media usage in learning process according to Musfiqon (2012) can be divided
into three main principles, namely: (a) Princip’s effectiveness of efficiency. Effectiveness in the
concept of learning is the achievement of a learning process in achieving learning objectives. While
efficiency is to achieve learning objectives by using time, cost, facilities/infrastructure, and other
resources to a minimum; (b) Principles of relevance. As a teacher, one should be able to choose the
media that is compatible with the objectives, content, learning strategies, and evaluation of learning;
and (c) Principles of productivity. Practice in the learning process is the goal of optimal goals by
utilizing natural resources and human resources are available.
Type of Learning Media
Anitah (2009) mentions there are several types of media, namely: (a) Non-projected visual media, such
as caricatures, illustrations, charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, and so on; (b) Projected visual media, such
as: Slide (film frame), Overhead Projector (OHP), Opaque Projector, Silm strip (composite film); (c)
Audio media, such as: radio, optical media, tapes, telephones, and so on; (d) Audio-visual media, such
as: television and voice slides; (e) Multimedia, such as: interactive media, hypermedia, virtual reality,
and multimedia kits.
The usefulness of Media in Learning
According to Sadiman, Rahardjo, Haryono, and Harjito (2012) in general education media has several
uses as follows: (a) Clarify the presentation of information or messages so as not to be too verbalistic
(in the form of written or oral words); (b) Overcome the limitations of space, time, and sense-power,
for example: objects that are too large can be replaced with pictures, films, and so on; (c) The use of
various educational media in the learning process will strengthen students' active attitudes and can
motivate students to learn; and (4) Given the characteristics, environments, and experiences of
students of different educational media can be used as a tool for teachers. This is thanks to the same
educational media, the same learning experience, and providing the same stimulus to the students.
Motivation to Learn
A learning process should gain the student as a center of activity. The engagement of the student in
learning activity determines the success of learning. Ningsih, Soetjipto & Sumarmi (2017) said that
learning activities are very important in the learning process because learning is an activity or a
process to acquire and strengthen personality. The engagement will also be drawn from motivation.
Motivation is an energy change within the person characterized by affective arousal and anticipatory
goal reaction (Hamalik 2014). Motivation in the learning process can be divided into two, namely
intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation derived from the
student self, such as the desire to acquire knowledge, the desire to achieve learning goals, the drive to
meet the learning needs, and so forth. While extrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from
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outside the student self, such as parents' demands, a comfortable learning environment, fun learning
partners, interesting and unpleasant learning activities.
Sardiman (2012) mentions the forms and ways of foster motivation in learning activities, namely: (a)
give a number. Because high numbers are considered as something real for the effort they do; (b) gift.
This gift can be used as one of the rewards in the learning activities; (c) competition. This competition
can increase self-existence for the winner; (d) ego involvement. Raise awareness of learning and task
is important; (e) giving a test. Giving the test will make students prepare to learn to get a high score;
(f) know learning outcomes. This will provide information on whether the value is in accordance with
the specified target; (g) Praise. This praise is one form of positive reinforcement; (h) punishment. This
punishment is one form of negative reinforcement; (i) desire to learn; (j) interest. The learning process
will run smoothly if accompanied by interest; and (k) recognized goals. Submission of learning
objectives to be achieved after the learning process.
The learning motivation indicators according to Uno (2014) can be classified into (a) the desire and
desire to succeed; (b) the impulse and the need to learn; (c) the hope and ideals of the future; (d) an
appreciation in learning; (e) the existence of interesting activities in learning; and (f) the existence of a
conducive learning environment, thus enabling students to learn well.
The aims of this research are to analyze the learning process executed in elementary school, to find the
main learning resources used by teachers and explain the potential of school to create new learning
resources as supporting of learning process specially to enhance student’s motivation. The research
method used is observation, interview, and document analysis. Observation by Satori and Komariah
(2011) is a data method used to collect research data through observation and sensing. This
observation includes the process of learning in the classroom, completeness of facilities and
infrastructure in schools. According to Esterberg (Sugiyono, 2015), an interview is a meeting of two
persons to exchange information and ideas through question and responses, resulting in
communication and joint construction of meaning bout a particular topic. This interview activity was
conducted to the fifth-grade teacher of National Elementary School of Arenan and National
Elementary School of Cipawon of Purbaligga Regency, while document analysis from students reports
and lesson plan of the teacher to gain the primary information. The sample is chosen randomly from
10 teachers’ population and limit to the social science subject. The data analysis used was an
interactive model of Miles dan Huberman by step of data collecting, reduction serving in the form of
summary or chart and followed by a conclusion.
This research found that in social science subject learning of those two schools in Purbalingga (a) The
methods used in the learning process in class ie lecture, question, and answer method and discussion.
This lecture method is more often used to describe abstract materials because of the lack of supporting
media to deliver the material. This becomes an obstacle because teachers are difficult to equate
perceptions in each student. As a result, students have a different understanding of the material
presented. Furthermore, the use of the didactic method will influence the students’ learning
motivation. The chosen method forces student to easily fee bored and break the focus. The student
then tries to do something else with their friends. The didactic method can be tricked by collaboration
with interesting learning media to maximize the memorable material.
(b) Learning resources used other than teachers are books. The book serves as a source of material
support delivered by the teacher, so the information obtained by students is less varied. Most of the
students are also neglecting to read books that serve as material presented by the teacher. Besides lazy
reading students are also less interested in the abstract and rote material because they can only imagine
the material without them knowing the original form. For example, on the material Meaning of
58 Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in
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National Heritage of the Hindu-Buddhist and Islam in Indonesia. This material is abstract because,
with limited time and space, they can only see the remains of the period in the book only. So, the
students can only imagine the form of relics in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam through the books it
has. Based on the interview result, can be gained that students are more interested if in the process of
learning teachers using another media. The teacher also stated that students will be more excited and
pay attention to explanations when teachers use the media in the learning process. This is because
students are not fixated on the teacher's explanation in front of the class.
c) the school has been completed by several ICT supported technologies. The school has utilized
computer, LCD and audio set in all classes to support instructional activity. Unfortunately, those
equipment’s have not been utilized to support learning material optimally. In contrary to the supported
ICT device, the teachers use the didactic method. Most of the teacher traditionally using the textbook
as learning sources and media as well. ICT based media is also can be developed to optimize the fresh
method and strategy in learning. The ICT device can be truly helpful to enhance a variety of learning
media used. Variety of learning media can finally foster the students’ engagement on learning activity.
Motivation to learn is also can be stimulated by using varied and probably new learning media so the
result of students’ outcomes can be improved.
The learning process carried out in schools is not free from the constraints faced by teachers and
students. Some of the obstacles that often arise are the method of learning used by teachers is still
traditional and student learning resources are still limited to the book. Learning methods that are still
monotonous can collaborate with the learning media so that the learning process becomes more varied.
As for the lack of learning resources can be overcome with the use of technology in the learning
In classroom lessons other than appropriate learning methods, teachers also need to use appropriate
instructional media. Learning media is media used as a tool to convey material or information from
teachers to students. In addition, the learning media also serves as a tool to stimulate student interest
so that student learning motivation is expected to increase. Learning media can be audio media, visual
media, or video (Yusup, Aini, & Pertiwi, 2016). Learning media in the learning process aims to equate
students' perceptions of the material presented.
Currently, there are still many teachers who have not utilized the technology in the learning process
optimally. This is marked by the lack of knowledge and ability of teachers in understanding and
knowing the benefits that can be taken from the use of technology as a medium of learning. With the
current technological progress is expected teachers willing and able to utilize technology as a
supporting medium in the learning process.
This research outlines the finding that the didactic method is still become the option to deliver material
conventionally. This chosen method was assumed as the reason for the lack of learning motivation of
students in correlation with the result of students’ final report of social science subject. As Adilah
(2017) stated in this research that the weakness of the old-fashioned method is the domination of
teachers’ role thus neglecting students’ involvement in the learning activity. The activity will be
dominated by memorizing material. It is also a lack of helping students to organize the memory to be
long term and stimulate creativity. This research suggested combining the didactic or other
conventional method used with the supporting learning media such as video instructional or other ICT-
based media. Hopefully by a structural and well-developed combination of method and learning media
can take the students’ attention and then the motivation to learn (Pan,, 2012).
The lack of learning resources is also a significant problem outlined in this research. The use of the
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Anatolian Journal of Education, October 2019 Vol.4, No.2
textbook as the only learning source made student easily feel bored since they have no other option to
choose. It will be a greater effect since depends on students’ reading interest. For the student who has
a lack of reading interest, they will difficult to follow the instructional activity. It supported the
statement of Arsyad (2011) that many benefits of using learning media. One of them is gaining
students’ intention with an interesting and different method. This feature can motivate the student to
clearly understand the material and reaching the learning goal in the end. Learning method will be
more fascinating by reducing verbal communication and combining many activities of reviewing &
demonstrating based on experience.
The availability of ICT device has not been utilized by teacher optimally. It can be associated with the
perception of the teacher and the readiness to use technology in the classroom. student and teacher
who have a good perception on using technology in class will potentially optimize the instructional
media (Hanif, Asrowi, Sunardi, 2018) the utilization of technology can e an alternative seeking the
appropriate method and strategy to support learning goals. The readiness of applying technology in
class is assumed as the main factor (Hanif & Asrowi, 2018). Many teachers unready for implementing
modern technology is higher than those who are ready for. The groups perceived as ready for
implementing technology in learning still dominating other groups.
Utilization of technology as a learning media has actually been implemented in schools that already
support the use of technology in the learning process. Facilities and infrastructure available in schools
include laptops, LCD projectors, and internet access. If existing facilities and infrastructure can be
utilized properly, this will make the learning process more interesting. But apparently, teachers have
not utilized the facilities and infrastructure that exist in the school. Technology that has not been
maximally utilized in the competence of teachers in mastering existing information technology,
especially for senior teachers. They prefer to use lecture methods and use existing media. Learning
technology has not been utilized to produce a less effective learning process and efficient. In addition,
from the results of class observations, the students have not encountered the Minimum Criteria for
Mastery Learning. As many as 50% of students have not reached the Minimum Criteria for Mastery
Learning and 50% have met the Minimum Criteria for Mastery Learning but not too high.
The use of technology in the form of learning media can be an alternative to overcome the limitations
of space and time of the existing learning process so that teachers do not need to explain the material
to students in excess. The use of easy media is also expected to be utilized by senior teachers so that
oral transmission can be minimal. This is in accordance with the benefits of instructional media
expressed by Sudjana and Rivai in Sanaky (2009) as a tool in the learning process is as follows: (a) By
using learning media, the learning process will be more interesting, so it can lead to motivate student
learning; (b) Can clarify learning materials, so that students can easily understand the material and
enable students to master the learning objectives; (c) By using instructional media, the learning
process becomes more varied. The material is not only delivered orally, so students do not get bored
quickly and more effectively and efficiently; and (d) Students listening to the material presented by the
teacher, doing more learning activities such as: observing, doing, demonstrating, and others.
To further support the process of learning in the classroom is expected teachers can take advantage of
technology that is available for the learning process becomes more effective and efficient seta not
boring. The use of media in the learning process will also positively influence the students in regarding
to increase their learning motivation.
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... Technological developments have created a new educational transformation, with innovations in learning methods and the use of interactive learning media, which, of course, can enrich students' learning experiences (Islam [558] Sarker et al., 2019). However, in reality, there are still many teachers who have not maximized learning media due to a lack of facilities and teacher limitations in applying learning media (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019). ...
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Student learning outcomes that have not been maximized can be caused by one of them is the utilization of learning media that is less varied. The use of varied learning media can attract student interest and can affect student learning outcomes. However, in reality there are still many teachers who have not maximized the use of learning media. The main objective of this research is to develop augmented reality integrated e-comics to improve learning outcomes. The research method used is Research and Development research. The development model used is 4D (Define, design, develop, and disseminate). This study involved teachers and 20 fifth grade students. E-comic integrated augmented reality was developed according to the needs of teachers and students obtained from the results of interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results showed the percentage level of feasibility of e-comic from media experts obtained a percentage value of 90% with very feasible criteria. Assessment of e-comic integrated augmented reality from material experts obtained a percentage value of 80% with decent criteria. The n-gain test result is 0.581 which shows an increase in student learning outcomes. The conclusion is that e-comic integrated with augmented reality can help students improve learning outcomes in IPAS learning.
... Penggunaan media pembelajaran bukan hanya membantu siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran (Nurrita, 2018). Tetapi pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis elektronik juga bertujuan meningkatkan antusias siswa mengikuti pembelajaran (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019) dan berguna sebagai sumber belajar (Irfandi et al., 2023). Salah satu media untuk membangkitkan semangat belajar siswa adalah media pembelajaran Powtoon. ...
Semakin berkembangnya berbagai fasilitas yang memudahkan untuk mengakses pendidikan, maka perlu adanya penyesuaian pada tuntutan perkembangan zaman. Dimana guru dan peserta didik diharuskan memiliki kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Salah satu contohnnya adalah menggunakan aplikas Powtoon. Aplikasi ini bersifat interaktif, menarik secara aspek indera, penggunaannya praktis, variatif, dapat terjadinya feedback dari peserta didik dan mampu memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengembangan aplikasi powtoon dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode literatur review yang menggunakan 10 artikel R&D, dengan 6 artikel jurnal model ADDIE, 1 artikel jurnal jurnal model R&D Borg & Gall, 1 artikel jurnal model Hannafin dan Peck, dan 2 jurnal model pengembangan 4D. Validasi para ahli menunjukkan hasil yang sangat memuaskan dari 10 artikel tersebut, dimana hasil validasi dari ahli materi adalah 90% dan ahli media 88% dan hasil angket respon peserta didik juga menunjukkan hasil yang sangat baik yaitu 88%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi powtoon sangat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi. Kata kunci : Powtoon; Literatur Review; Model R&D; Perkembangan Zaman
... This made it difficult for the researchers to find the objectives of the lesson since they were not written anywhere because of instructional planning. Yet, Lesson objectives help create an effective lesson that results in the desired learning outcome, claim (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019). Any lesson plan must include objectives that outline the goals you, as the teacher, hope to accomplish by the end of the class. ...
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Woodworking or "Crafts" class is often overlooked in today's digital age while it plays a pivotal role in nurturing a well-rounded education that extends beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms. Therefore, engaging in woodworking in schools is significant because it fosters intellectual growth by challenging learners' critical and creative thinking skills. It is fundamental to know that woodworking teachers need to have adequate lesson planning skills to ensure that workshops are well organized and lesson objectives are met without a hitch. Thus, in Technology and Vocational Education (TVE), lesson planning remains a crucial step to be practiced in order to accumulate effective teaching in a workshop. This study aims to enquire into planning of woodworking practical lessons for effective teaching in uMgungundlovu District, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Purposive sampling was used to identify a total of eight woodworking teachers to participate in this study. Qualitative research method was used where document analysis and semi-structured interviews were used as a complementary data collection tools. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the collected data in this research. The findings reveal that woodworking teachers rely on the Civil Technology Practical Assessment Task (PAT) document that provides them with a template for PAT management plan for their practical lessons. Also, this study found that woodworking teachers oversight the need of preparing a lesson plan. Hence, this study recommended that KwaZulu Natal Department of Education should also emphasize on instructional planning skills when providing teacher development programs in order to promote effective teaching in schools.
... Motivasi merupakan sebuah pendorong utama bagi siswa untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang baik, sehingga jika siswa tidak memiliki motivasi belajar maka siswa akan kesulitan untuk menjalani proses belajar dengan baik dan selanjutnya mencapai target hasil belajar yang ditentukan (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019). Motivasi belajar pada siswa juga akan memberikan dampak-dampak positif kepada siswa diantaranya adalah pencapaian jangka panjang, pemahaman terkait konsep, menurunnya kecemasan ketika mengerjakan tugas sekolah, ketahanan dalam mengerjakan tugas sekolah, menjauhkan siswa dari perilaku membolos, dan kesuksesan akademik lainnya (Froiland & Worrell, 2016). ...
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran penting dari efikasi diri dalam membentuk perilaku siswa, terutama berfokus pada korelasinya dengan motivasi belajar di antara siswa kelas delapan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan korelasional kuantitatif, penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh populasi yang terdiri dari 177 siswa, menggunakan strategi sampel jenuh dengan pengambilan sampel secara kebetulan. Instrumen untuk mengukur efikasi diri dan motivasi belajar diadaptasi dari penelitian sebelumnya dan telah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment Pearson menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif yang signifikan antara efikasi diri dan motivasi belajar (r = 0.421, sig <0.001). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efikasi diri yang lebih tinggi berhubungan dengan peningkatan motivasi belajar. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya meningkatkan efikasi diri untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, memberikan wawasan yang berharga untuk strategi pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.
... Consequently, reverting to traditional rote learning methods upon the return to physical classrooms may lead to a decline in student motivation and engagement (Su & Cheng, 2015) in certain aspects of learning. While student engagement is closely related to student learning outcomes (Subramainan & Mahmoud, 2020), traditional teaching methods fail to motivate and engage students in the classroom (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019). Therefore, teachers and researchers look for ways to engage and motivate students. ...
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The widespread integration of digital technology in education, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a shift in student preferences toward online learning. This poses a significant challenge for teachers to maintain student motivation and engagement in traditional classroom settings without risking a decline due to the ingrained reliance on virtual education methods. This study explores the dynamic integration of technology into daily educational practices, specifically through the lens of gamification, with a focus on teachers' and students' perceptions of utilising Book Widgets to augment teaching and learning experiences. Employing a qualitative approach and adopting a case study design, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 Grade 5 students from a girls-only private primary school in Saudi Arabia. Simultaneously, online questionnaires were distributed to teachers in Saudi Arabia using Book Widgets, through convenience and voluntary sampling. Thematic analysis, facilitated by the Atlas-ti Software, was employed to derive meaningful insights from the collected data. The research highlights the effectiveness of Book Widgets in boosting both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation among students, prompting teachers to strategically use Book Widgets as a tool for increased engagement and participation, particularly in primary school settings. Establishing Book Widgets as a valuable instrument for fostering motivation and engagement, the implications for optimising integration into educational practices to enhance student involvement further, are evident.
... This approach is consistent with previous findings that engaging and interactive learning media can increase student engagement and motivation, as well as enhance language skills (Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019). However, unlike prior studies that primarily focused on typically developing students, this research demonstrates that Puppet Theater can effectively improve language acquisition among students with a variety of special needs, including those with speech impairments, ADHD, and learning delays. ...
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Developing effective muhadastah (conversational/oral communication) materials for special needs, students presents ongoing challenges. This study investigates the use of Puppet Theater as an innovative tool to improve muhadastah skills in special needs students, drawing on William Francis Mackey's theory of contextual and interactive learning. This research was conducted at MTs Wachid Hasyim Surabaya and involved 11 Class VIII special needs students, including individuals with hearing and speech impairments, ADHD, slow learning, and emotional needs. A qualitative methodology was applied, employing observations, interviews, and instructional material analysis to assess the effectiveness of Puppet Theater in enhancing communication skills within Mackey’s theoretical framework. The findings indicate that Puppet Theater markedly improved student engagement, interaction, and language development. Notably, a student with a speech impairment exhibited enhanced articulation and confidence, while students with ADHD showed better focus and participation. Slow learners benefited from the structured social interactions that Puppet Theater provided, fostering their conversational skills. These results suggest that Puppet Theater aligns well with Mackey’s contextual learning principles, offering a dynamic approach for muhadastah skill development in special needs students. It fosters a conducive environment for social and linguistic growth, accommodating diverse learning needs effectively. Puppet Theater proves to be a creative and interactive method for developing muhadastah materials, highlighting its potential as an educational strategy for diverse learners. This study contributes to special education literature by demonstrating Puppet Theater's effectiveness in enhancing conversational skills, with implications for broader educational applications.
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This study aims to analyze the influence of principal problem-solving competence on teacher performance. The method used is quantitative with ex-post facto design and correlation and regression approaches. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 17. Samples were taken randomly from 181 teachers. The collected data were analyzed mathematically. The results showed that principal problem-solving competence positively and significantly correlated with teacher performance (correlation value 0.608 or 60.8%). There is a direct influence of 28%, an indirect influence of 13%, and a total influence of 41% from problem-solving competence on teacher performance. Based on these findings, improving teacher performance is greatly influenced by the principal’s competence in problem-solving. The study's implications indicate that to improve teacher performance, principals must have skills in dealing with and solving problems. Therefore, training in problem-solving for principals is essential to improve the quality of education.
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This research aims to find out the effectiveness of using Google Sites in teaching writing for senior high school at SMAN 21 Gowa. This research applied a true-experimental method using quantitative approach with a pre-test post-test control group design. There were 40 students of SMAN 21 Gowa involved in this research. The test was a writing test which consisted pre-test and post-test. The findings of this research shows that the use of Google Sites is effective in teaching writing. This is evidenced by the mean pre-test and post-test scores between the experimental group before and after treatment (68.00 became 91.20) and in the control group before and after treatment (67.60 became 85.80) with an increase in the percentage of the experimental group (34%) and control group (26%). It means there is a significant difference before and after using Google Sites in teaching writing. Based on the findings, it concludes that the use of Google Sites is effective in teaching writing for senior high school at SMAN 21 Gowa.
The aims of this research are to (1) produce three-dimensional (3D) media suitable for use and (2) analyze responses and learning outcomes for blind students who use 3D media in the Earth’s shape. The subjects of this study included 16 blind students in class VII SMPLB-A Gebang Putih Surabaya and SLBN Kalirejo Bojonegoro, East Java Province, Indonesia. The feasibility level of the media is based on assessments from learning media and material experts using validation sheets from media experts and material experts. They collect data on the responses of blind students using student response questionnaires. Collecting data on learning outcomes of blind students uses tests carried out through pre-test and post-test activities. The media feasibility data analysis technique uses a four-category Likert-type scale adopted from Mardapi. The responses of blind students were analyzed using a five-category Likert-type scale adopted from Sugiyono. Learning outcomes were analyzed using the n-gain test and paired sample t-test. The study results stated that 3D media in the form of the Earth’s surface received a feasibility assessment by learning media experts in the very feasible category. The blind students responded very well to using 3D media in the form of the Earth’s surface in social science subjects. In the aspect of knowledge in the form of learning outcomes, it has high effectiveness, and there is a significant difference between before and after applying 3D media in the shape of the Earth. Through 3D media, Blind students can experience visual experiences using 3D media. By holding and touching objects in 3D media, they can feel their shape, size, and texture.
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Proficient reading comprehension is a fundamental ability to acquire language acquisition in English language learning. However, the level of reading comprehension among students in Indonesia remains inadequate because of paper-based learning methods. Integrating game-based media in teaching reading comprehension can hold great potential for enhancing reading comprehension. Thus, the study’s objective was to address whether QuizWhizzer, a game-based learning platform, can impact EFL students’ reading comprehension skills. The research employed a quasi-experimental approach, utilizing both experimental and control classes. This research recruited 45 seventh-grade students from a private Junior High School in Surabaya, selected using purposive sampling. They were assigned to the control class, which consisted of 23 students, and the experimental class, which consisted of 22 students. Data were collected through a standardized reading comprehension test consisting of 30 questions. The pre-test and post-test data were analyzed using inferential statistics, specifically an independent sample t-test. The findings indicated that QuizWhizzer successfully enhanced students’ reading skills. It was demonstrated that the post-test average score of the experimental group was 82.45, whereas the control group was 75.52. The 2-tailed significance value was 0.023, below the threshold of 0.05, meaning there was a notable difference in post-test scores between the two classes. Ultimately, utilizing QuizWhizzer media effectively improved students’ reading comprehension abilities significantly. The integrated digital tools that align with learning objectives can positively impact reading comprehension, particularly for students in middle school grades. The interactive and engaging nature of QuizWhizzer could help mitigate some of the challenges associated with digital reading environments. Therefore, it is advised that future researchers pursue this research to examine students’ attitudes regarding learning with QuizWhizzer media.
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In implementing mobile learning system, students’ needs and perceptions should be focused upon along with curriculum standards. Particularly in the context of higher education institutions in Indonesia, some schools authorities have refused to implement m-learning. Although m-learning is widely used in some schools and considered an effective educational tool, it is not yet fully utilised in most Indonesian schools. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate students’ access to and perception of the use of mobile devices in learning, and to understand the potential for its implementation. This study is the result of a survey conducted on 61 students in a school which banned the use of mobile technology. It seeks to understand their potential accessibility by means of ownership, interaction time and the types of mobile application used and to find their perceptions through agreement and the reasons for adopting mobile learning in the classroom. The findings indicate that students are very familiar with mobile devices and their applications. The results also reveal that students have positive perceptions toward m-learning, and indicate that mobile technologies are widely used among them. This report can be taken as the basis for applying a mobile learning system in the classroom.
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In the context of higher education institutions in Indonesia, some of schools authority refuses the implementation of mobile learning. Although m-learning is widely used in some school in Indonesia and considered as an effective educational tool, it is not yet fully utilized in most Indonesian school. Before designing a mobile learning system, it is necessary to assess the perception of target users towards mobile learning since their perception will influence the successful the system. This research aims to investigate the perception of students of educational technology program who currently are being teachers in several level of educations towards mobile learning to ascertain their readiness to apply a mobile learning system in their teaching. The respondents of this study are 18 teachers who are being students of Magister Program on Educational Technology in e-learning & mobile learning class in even semester. This research is conducted with a survey related to implementation of mobile learning. The results show that teachers in Indonesia had positive perception and were looking forward to apply mobile learning in their teaching. Knowledge and learning method issues were not obstacles for them to use a mobile learning as well as financial obstacle. The readiness for mobile learning of teachers are vary based on the school level even though they have been taught mobile learning subject. The findings surprisingly show that accessibility of device may be a big problem on implementing mobile learning in class.
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The rapid development of information technology today has given a new breath toward usage of computer in education. One of the increasingly popular nowadays is a multimedia technology that merges a variety of media such as text, graphics, animation, video and audio controlled by a computer. With this technology, a wide range of multimedia element can be developed to improve the quality of education. For that reason, this study aims to investigate the use of multimedia element based on animated video that was developed for Engineering Drawing subject according to the syllabus of Vocational College of Malaysia. The design for this study was a survey method using a quantitative approach and involved 30 respondents from Industrial Machining students. The instruments used in study is questionnaire with correlation coefficient value (0.83), calculated on Alpha-Cronbach. Data was collected and analyzed descriptive analyzed using SPSS. The study found that multimedia element for animation video was use significant have capable to increase imagination and visualization of student. The implications of this study provide information of use of multimedia element will student effect imagination and visualization. In general, these findings contribute to the formation of multimedia element of materials appropriate to enhance the quality of learning material for engineering drawing.
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Many teachers struggle with motivating students to learn. This is especially prevalent in social studies classrooms in which students perceive social studies as boring (Schug, Todd, & Berry, 1984; Shaughnessy & Haladyana, 1985). This article advocates the use of technology in social studies as a means to motivate students by engaging students in the learning process with the use of a familiar instructional tool that improves students' self- efficacy and self-worth. The potential that technology has to motivate students is discussed as it relates to expectancy-value model of motivation which focuses three areas of motivational theory (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996): value (students' beliefs about the importance or value of a task), expectancy (students' beliefs about their ability or skill to perform the task), and affective (emotional reactio ns to the task and self-worth evaluation). Recently, during fieldwork, the author was observing in a high school government class. The social studies concepts discussed in the lesson were political parties, the role of campaigning, and the impact of media on citizens' decisions. The teacher integrated a variety of traditional and constructivist instructional methods. She incorporated a brief lecture, questioning strategies to discuss readings, graphic organizers, and video clips of recent election campaign commercials. Despite her efforts to engage students, the class was chaotic. What follows is an excerpt from the author's field notes describing the complexities of the classroom environment. Twenty -five students are seated in pods of four. One girl in the back is putting on eyeliner and eye shadow. She frequently chats with two boys seated at her table. She proceeds to mash zits. Two girls and one boy socialize in the back of the class. They are more concerned about the social complexities of the school rather than listening. However, periodically one will shout out a correct answer without interrupting the flow of the social conversation. One girl, sitting in the back of the class, totally isolates herself and has no verbal or nonverbal communication with her peers or the teacher. A quiet boy and two girls sit at a table located in the front of the class. They do not share comments and appear to be intimidated by their peers.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of a constructivist approach to context-based video instruction for enhanc- ing learning. To achieve this purpose, the authors examined whether video-based instruction that was developed using constructivist theory can affect student learning (i.e., comprehension and retention) and motivation (i.e., attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) by comparing learners' perceptions of both video-based instruction and traditional text-based instruction in an online context-based lesson. There was a significant difference in learners' motivation in terms of attention between the video-based instruction and traditional text-based instruction. In addition, the learners reported that the video-based instruction was more memorable than the traditional text-based instruction. This study implies that context-based videos in online courses have the potential to enhance learners' retention and motivation.
The difference between learning outcomes of science taught by mind map and didactic method
  • N Adilah
Adilah, N. (2017). The difference between learning outcomes of science taught by mind map and didactic method. Indonesian Journal of Primary Education, 1(1), 98-103.
Instructional media. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada
  • A Azhar
Azhar A. (2011). Instructional media. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
Teaching and learning process
  • O Hamalik
Hamalik, O. (2014). Teaching and learning process. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.