ArticleLiterature Review

Grape seed extract: having a potential health benefits

  • Department of Pharmaceutical Technology_Adamas University
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Grapes are one of the most highly consumed fruits across the world. In ancient Europe the leaves and the sap of grape plants has been used in traditional treatment for ages. Besides being a wellspring for vitamins and fibre, the skin and seeds of grapes are highly rich in Polyphenols specifically proanthocyanidins, which can be used as a functional ingredient to address various health issues by boosting the natural bio-processes of the body. Since, grape seeds are by product of wine making companies therefore can be easily procured. The present review article briefly describes the various pharmacological activities of grape seed extract and different experimental studies were done which supports the beneficial health qualities of the extract. Through different and various studies, it was proved that the proanthocyanidin rich grape seed extract provides benefits against many diseases i.e. inflammation, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, peptic ulcer, microbial infections, etc. Therefore, beside from using it as a nutraceutical or cosmeceutical, as a result they may have a potential to substitute or complement in currently used drugs in the treatment of diseases by developing it into other successful pharmaceutical formulations for better future prospective.

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... Grape (Vitis Vinifera), belonging to Vitaceae family, is highly consumed all over the world (Gupta et al., 2020). It originates in Southern Europe and Western Asia, but, nowadays, is cultivated in numerous areas of the world (Aghbali et al., 2013;Zarev et al., 2023). ...
... The amount of the oil contained in the seeds is mostly influenced by the variety of the grapes and usually range from 10 % to 16 % of dry weight. (Gupta et al., 2020). Grape seed oil gained interest as a potential functional food and cosmetic ingredient containing both hydrophilic compounds, e.g. ...
... phenolics, and lipophilic compounds, e.g. unsaturated fatty acids (85-90 %), phytosterols and vitamin E (Carmona-Jiménez et al., 2022;Garavaglia et al., 2016;Gupta et al., 2020;Karaman et al., 2015;Shinagawa et al., 2015). ...
... Proanthocyanidins (PACs) from grape seeds, in particular, are more effective free radical scavengers than vitamins C, E, and -carotene. [23,24]. ...
... PACs from grape seeds decreased lipid peroxidation by the chelation of ROS and enhancement of the antioxidant defense system [23]. In addition to the free radical scavenging and antioxidant activity [24], PACs also exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. PACs and anthocyanidins can inhibit cyclooxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase. ...
... PACs and anthocyanidins can inhibit cyclooxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase. As a result, these ingredients interfere with the inflammation signaling pathway [21][22][23][24]. Furthermore, Bashir et al. [64] showed that GrSE pre-administration activates the expression of the transcription factor nuclear factorerythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), decreases the NF-кB activities, indicating its inhibitory effect on the inflammatory response by utilizing NF-кB-dependent pathway. ...
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Objective: This investigation was designed to analyze the phytochemicals of the ethanolic extracts of grape and guava seeds and to assess their possible ameliorating effects on gentamicin (GM)-induced nephropathy in rats. Material and methods: Sixty-four male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly allocated into eight groups and treated for ten consecutive days as follows: Group 1 (control group) was injected intraperitoneally with saline solution; Groups 2, 3, and 4 received a daily oral dosage of grape seed extract (GrSE, 40 mg/kg b.wt /day, p.o), guava seed extracts (GuSE, 300 mg/ b.wt /day, p.o) or a combination of both, respectively. Group 5 was intoxicated with GM (100 mg/kg/ b.wt /day, i.p). Groups 6, 7, and 8 received an oral dose of GrSE and/or GuSE, along with an intraperitoneal injection of GM. Results: Chemical analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) showed that the ethanolic extracts of GrSE and GuSE are rich in phenolic compounds such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, 3-hydroxycinnamic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, ellagic acid, daidzein, apigenin, syringic acid, naringenin, p-coumaric acid, quercetin, rutin, and vanillic acid. GrSE or GuSE oral administration did not cause any considerable biochemical or histological alterations in the normal rats. Rats treated with GM showed significant elevation in serum concentration of urea and creatinine and a significant reduction in serum levels of total proteins, sodium, and potassium. In contrast, serum alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly elevated. Additionally, GM injection resulted in a significant rise in the serum levels of triacylglycerol (TG), total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), and a significant decrement in serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). Furthermore, GM-injected rats displayed a substantial decline in the activity of erythrocyte copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn-SOD), and blood and renal levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) along with elevation in the renal level of malondialdehyde (MDA). Up-regulation of kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) and nuclear factor kappa B p65 subunit (NF-κB p65) gene expression was also observed in GM-injected rats compared with control. Simultaneous administration of GrSE and/or GuSE with gentamicin attenuated the nephrotoxic effects of GM as indicated by improvement in renal function parameters, normalization of serum electrolytes, restoration of serum lipid profile, reduction in renal lipid peroxidation, enhancement of the antioxidant status and down-regulation of KIM-1 and NF-κB p65 gene expression. The results of the histopathological evaluation confirmed these biochemical findings. Conclusion: Treatment with grape and guava seed extracts ameliorated gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity via hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects.
... Notably, GSE was free from bacterial and heavy-metal contamination (e.g., Cr, Cd, Pb, and Al) and rich in beneficial nutrient metals (Na, K, Zn, Ca, and Fe). Our results are in agreement with previous findings [48,49], according to which GSE has demonstrated beneficial effects against various diseases. It reduces inflammation, prevents cardiovascular disease, and helps to manage blood pressure and glycemic control. ...
... It also exhibits antioxidant properties, as demonstrated by its use in cancer patients' diets during chemotherapy to decrease the side effects of the latter, such as gastroenteritis and constipation, thanks to its gastroprotective effects. Additionally, it showed antimicrobial activity [48,49]. Furthermore, GSE contains proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, and other bioactive compounds and, as confirmed by the results of this study, is free from heavy-metal contamination (e.g., chromium, cadmium, lead, and aluminum) and provides essential minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and iron). ...
... Beyond its use as a nutraceutical or cosmeceutical, GSE could complement existing drugs. It is a safe and potent natural extract that could be used to develop pharmaceutical formulations, holding promise for better health outcomes [48,49]. ...
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Microorganisms remain in water from various sources after desalination and other treatments, posing health risks. We explored alternative natural disinfection agents, focusing on grape seed extract (GSE). We collected local grape seeds in Saudi Arabia and analyzed their chemical components. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, we identified essential phytochemicals in the GSE, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Notably, the GSE was free from bacteria and heavy-metal contamination and rich in beneficial nutrient metals. We conducted qualitative analyses on local water and urine samples to detect bacterial infections, heavy metals, and minerals. To assess GSE’s antibacterial potential, we performed molecular docking analysis. Our results reveal a strong binding energy between GSE and bacterial protein receptors, parallel to that of standard antibiotics. Additionally, the results of the laboratory pilot investigations align with those of computational analyses, confirming GSE’s efficacy. Agar well diffusion tests demonstrated significantly greater zones of inhibition for the crude oil extract compared with both diluted GSE and the positive control against the bacteria detected in the water and urine samples. Furthermore, we identified contamination by four bacterial strains and heavy metals in water samples and female urine samples, highlighting the need for effective water disinfectants. GSE shows promise as a safe and potent natural water disinfectant.
... It has a high value of powerful antioxidants like proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, vitamin E, polyphenols, and tannins (Ahmed and Fatani, 2007;Khazri et al., 2016). GSE is used also to reduce cholesterol and serum lipid levels, which aids in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system (Gupta et al., 2020). The grape proanthocyanidins protect against a high incidence of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis due to their powerful antioxidants (Richard et al., 1981;Rodrigo et al., 2011). ...
... Traditional claims for the usage of GSE in the stress induced disorders as antistress (adaptogenic), antioxidant and nootropic agent were proved to improve metabolic and health conditions (Arora et al., 2010;Sreemantula et al., 2005). For ages, GS has been used in traditional treatments because it is highly rich in polyphenols, specifically proanthocyanidins, which can be used as a functional ingredient to address various health concerns by boosting the natural bioprocesses of the body (Gupta et al., 2020). ...
... In recent decades, there has been increased interest in the biological role of bioactive compounds found in plant by-products. Grape seeds (GS) are commonly used in the traditional medicines due to their different biological activities against several diseases such as cardiovascular and inflammatory disorders (Gupta et al., 2020). GSE has high levels of antioxidant compounds, phenolic compounds, such as gallic acid, epicatechin and catechin, and polymeric and oligomeric procyanidins (Gupta et al., 2020). ...
... Grape seeds are considered an important food supplement and functional food thanks to their high contents of phytochemical compounds, high antioxidant capacity, and rich unsaturated fatty acids (Martin et al., 2020). Studies demonstrating the positive effects of grape seeds on human health are leading to increased interest in them (Gupta et al., 2020). It has also been reported that the addition of grape seeds, which are an important source of fat and protein, to animal feed positively affects animal health, the quality of animal products, and production quantities (Mu et al., 2020;D'Eusanio et al., 2023). ...
... The higher amount of unsaturated fatty acids found in grape seed oil (Dubois et al., 2007) compared to cottonseed oil (Copur et al., 2020), peanut oil (Mora-Escobedo et al., 2015), and corn oil (Sanjeev et al., 2014), which are consumed extensively today, suggests that including grape seed oil in the daily human diet would have positive health effects. Many researchers have highlighted that the consumption of grape seeds and oil can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, repair DNA damage, reduce the amount of lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol in blood serum, lower high blood pressure, and improve the health of the central nervous system (Garavaglia et al., 2016;Ma and Zhang, 2017;Gupta et al., 2020). Szabo et al. (2021) found that in parallel with the increase in the resveratrol contents of grape seeds, the amounts of oleic acid and linoleic acid also increased, and they reported that due to their high polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity, grape seeds are a valuable raw material that can be used in the production of modern nutraceuticals. ...
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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is one of the most widely cultivated horticultural plants with high socioeconomic value, and it is extensively appreciated for its colorful berries and the wines made from its berries. Variations in the phytochemical compounds of different tissues of grape berries under different cultural practices have been explored in numerous studies in recent years. In this study, variations in the physical, proximate, and fatty acid compositions of grape (Vitis vinifera L. ‘Red Globe’) seeds under different partial root-zone drying and deficit irrigation treatments were investigated. The results showed that different irrigation treatments and irrigation levels affected the vitality, moisture, and oil contents of grape seeds. However, the number of fatty acids in grape seed oil did not change according to the different irrigation treatments. The major fatty acid in grape seed oil for all irrigation treatments was linoleic acid, followed by oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid, respectively. Under drought stress, the linoleic acid in the seeds of the grapes decreased while the oleic, palmitic, stearic, myristic, docosahexaenoic, and palmitoleic acids increased. The partial root-zone drying treatments increased the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and the ratio of PUFAs to saturated fatty acids in the seeds.
... Estes compostos ainda apresentam diversas atividades, com destaque para antibacterianos, anticarcinogênicos e antidiabéticos(Peixoto et al., 2018;Cefali et al., 2019).O óleo de semente de uva contém vários compostos de grande relevância para saúde, com destaque para os ácidos graxos insaturados, linoleico e oléico.Além desses componentes, possui excelentes propriedades antioxidantes devido à presença de vitamina E, bioflavonoides e compostos polifenólicos(Fernandéz et al., 2013). Portanto, o óleo de uva ajuda na hidratação da pele, previne a descamação, rugas, envelhecimento precoce e estimula a produção de colágeno.A uva também pode ser utilizada na forma de extrato, o qual é obtido a partir das sementes, é rico em fitoquímicos como os flavonoides e os polifenóis, sendo responsáveis por fornecer maior potencial antioxidante em comparação com a vitamina E(Gupta et al., 2020). Ele é composto por proantocianidinas, que irá inibir algumas enzimas proteolíticas (colagenase e protease), melhorando a elasticidade, flexibilidade e aparência da pele. ...
... O extrato de semente de uva possui propriedades antioxidantes e de proteção contra a radiação UV, a fim de reduzir o fotoenvelhecimento(Silva et al., 2022).Diversos estudos falam sobre os compostos químicos presentes na uva(Letsiou;Kapazoglou;Tsaftaris, 2020). SegundoGupta et al. (2020), os polifenóis e os flavonoides presentes no extrato de semente de uva têm demonstrado um interesse notável com base em relatos positivos de suas propriedades antioxidantes e de serem capturadores de radicais livres, pois são capazes de proteger as células contra as espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS).Alguns polifenóis ou fitoquímicos como a proantocianidinas e o resveratrol possuem efeitos fotoprotetores na pele, devido sua capacidade de absorver as radiações UVB, UVA E UVC, realizando ação protetora contra danos ao DNA, estresse oxidativo e inflamação da pele induzida por radiação ultravioleta (UV). ...
Com o envelhecimento, a pele sofre diversas alterações, como estresse oxidativo e ressecamento. A utilização de produtos cosméticos contendo substâncias ativas derivadas da uva podem amenizar essas alterações, uma vez que a uva é rica em compostos químicos que apresentam atividade antioxidante e ação hidratante. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um creme contendo ativos derivados da uva, para tratamento de alterações que ocorrem no envelhecimento cutâneo. Primeiramente, foram selecionadas as matérias-primas para a manipulação da base cremosa juntamente com os ativos derivados da uva como o óleo de semente de uva (hidratante), extrato de semente de uva (antioxidante) e a semente de uva (esfoliante). Após, foi realizada a manipulação do creme, sendo preparada primeiramente a base cremosa e após, foi realizada a incorporação dos ativos. Em seguida, a formulação foi submetida ao controle de qualidade para verificação do aspecto, cor, odor, consistência e verificação do pH, além de ser realizado teste de estabilidade acelerada, no qual os itens avaliados no controle de qualidade foram analisados durante 90 dias. Através dos dados obtidos, pode ser verificado que o creme desenvolvido contendo ativos derivados da uva, apresentou qualidade e estabilidade adequadas em temperatura ambiente e sob refrigeração, mas não em altas temperaturas (37ºC). Dessa forma, o creme desenvolvido pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para a prevenção e tratamento do envelhecimento da pele, uma vez que terá ação hidratante, antioxidante e esfoliante, ações importantes para amenizar as alterações cutâneas que ocorrem no envelhecimento.
... Nonetheless, some components are consistently found across different types of grapes, like polyphenols, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Their typical composition comprises roughly 35% fiber, 29% extractable components, such as phenolic compounds, 11% proteins, and 7% water [36,37]. Additionally, grapes contain moderate quantities of vital vitamins, including vitamin E and various B vitamins, and significant levels of calcium, magnesium, and potassium [38].Grapes are packed with a variety have the ability to engage with various signallingpathways related to biological functions, including carcinogenesis and inflammatory responses [42,43]. ...
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Purpose of Review This review evaluates current research on grape-based interventions and their impact on cognitive and mental health. It also explores the putative mechanisms by which the grape-derived compounds might modulate cognitive function. The growing prevalence of cognitive decline and mental health disorders necessitates exploring novel dietary approaches. Grapes, rich in polyphenols, have demonstrated potential benefits in preclinical studies. However, translating these findings to humans remains an ongoing endeavor. Recent Findings Recent clinical trials complement existing observational data, suggesting a positive influence of grape consumption on cognition, particularly in areas of memory, learning, and overall cognitive function and emotional well-being. The potential mechanisms involve the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of grapes, which may mitigate neuroinflammation and protect brain cells from free radical damage. Summary Evidence from existing research suggests that grape based interventions may improve cognitive performance through several neuroprotective mechanisms; however, further investigation is needed to understand the protective effects of grape-based interventions on brain function and mental health. Large-scale trials to assess the long-term effects and safety profile of grape interventions are required. Additionally, extensive epidemiological research is needed to confirm the effect of grape interventions on cognitive health and to determine the best beneficial dosage and duration of supplementations to maximise cognitive benefits.
... 27 These effects are primarily due to its high content of polyphenols and flavonoids. 28 Thus, the effects of caffeine observed in the Termogenic 2 group might have been offset by GSE in the Thermogenic 1 group, resulting in a more balanced bone turnover. ...
... Extracts of grape seeds are poised to be turned into a potential therapeutic due to their wide variety of applications. 12 In animal experiments, grape seed extract has demonstrated preventive properties, including suppression of DNA breakage, lipid peroxidation, and reduction of cardiac infarct size. It has been shown to inhibit lineages of human cancer cells in vitro. ...
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Objectives The current study aimed to conduct a phytochemical screening of commonly known fruit red grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seed methanolic extract through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify the bioactive compounds responsible for its health benefits and evaluate the pharmacological potentialities of the extract and its fractions against oxidation, inflammation, pain, and diarrhea. Methods The in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic characteristics of methanolic extracts and various solvent fractions of V. vinifera were evaluated using the DPPH free radical scavenging assay, membrane stabilizing, and brine shrimp lethality bioassay. Furthermore, the study assessed the effects of crude extracts (200, 400, and 600 mg/kg of body weight) on pain relief and reduction of diarrhea in animals using methods such as tail immersion, the acetic acid-induced writhing technique, and a diarrheal mouse model induced with castor oil. Results A total of 73 phytoconstituents were predominantly found in the seed extract based on the GC-MS analysis. Among the identified compounds, 9-octadecenamide (13.7%), and (9E,11E)-octadeca-9,11-dienoate (11.07%) are most abundant. Several notable constituents, such as gamma-sitosterol, stigmasterol, paromomycin, 4,6-cholestadienol, gamma-tocotrienol, 24-Propylidenecholest-5-en-3beta-ol, and alpha-tocopherol acetate, are also present. The methanolic extract of V. vinifera seed and its different solvent fractions showed promising antioxidant properties (IC50 = 1.19-17.42 µg/mL) compared to the standard antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (IC50 = 20.46 µg/mL). Aqueous soluble fraction exerted inhibition of nearly 50% heat-induced hemolysis compared to the standard acetylsalicylic acid (42%). Besides, all the tested doses (200, 400, and 600 mg/kg bw) of the crude extract showed significant (P < .05) analgesic and antidiarrheal effects. Conclusion The current findings endorsed the health benefits of V. vinifera by revealing potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antidiarrheal effects. Nevertheless, further in-depth analysis of the plant’s chemical constituents and pharmacological effects on health is warranted for novel drug discovery from V. vinifera.
... The antioxidant capacity of the grape seed extract-derived groat was evaluated using four different in vitro assays: FRAP, DPPH, CUPRAC, and ABTS. The elevated antioxidant potential observed in grapes is likely attributed to the substantial presence of GA, procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin, and proanthocyanidin (Gupta et al., 2020). ...
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Grape seeds derived from winemaking pomace represent a significant waste stream with potential for valorization due to their rich phenolic content. The present study aimed to assess the phenolic composition and antioxidant potency of defatted grape seeds powder (DP) resulting after oil extraction through three different methods (i.e., cold stirring (ST), ultrasound-assisted extraction (US), and microwave-assisted extraction (MW)) from two grape varieties (i.e., Fetească Regală and Merlot) grown under organic farming conditions. The phenolic profile was determined using High-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection and mass spectrometry operating in electrospray ionization positive mode, while the total phenolic content was determined using an adapted Folin-Ciocalteu technique, The samples' antioxidant properties were determined using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) radical scavenging ability assessments, as well as Cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity and Ferric reducing antioxidant power assays. The phenolic qualitative profile differed between the two varieties and was unaffected by the defatting method. Instead, at the level of each variety, significant variations (p<0.05) were observed in the quantity of phenolic compounds, depending on the defatting method. Moreover, the total phenolic content was significantly higher in the MW-DP compared to ST-DP and US-DP (p<0.05), particularly from Fetească Regală grape seeds. The DPPH assay demonstrated the highest antioxidant activity in MW-DP from Fetească Regală. The study underscores the importance of the extraction methods and grape variety on the phenolic profile and antioxidant potency of DP. These findings suggest potential applications in pharmaceuticals, functional foods, and cosmetics, offering sustainable solutions for grape pomace utilization.
... Concerning GSE-Ov, at 0.025 mg mL −1 , it stimulated the average production of collagen by 5.13%, although with no significant differences compared to the control (p > 0.05). Nevertheless, GSE has been reported to promote collagen fibre deposition and strengthen collagen-based tissues [86]. Likewise, it could be beneficial to conduct studies on the extracellular deposition of collagen and the impact of the extract on the production of other extracellular matrix components, e.g., elastin and fibronectin. ...
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The skin is the largest organ in the human body and serves multiple functions such as barrier protection and thermoregulation. The maintenance of its integrity and healthy structure is of paramount importance. Accordingly, technological advances in cosmetic sciences have been directed towards optimizing these factors. Plant-derived ingredients have been explored for their bioactivity profiles and sustainable sources. Grape by-products contain a group of bioactive molecules that display important biological activities. Nonetheless, many of these molecules (e.g., phenolic compounds) are unstable and susceptible to degradation. So, their encapsulation using nano/microsystems (i.e., microdispersions) has been explored as a promising solution. In this work, two grape seed extracts were obtained, one from a single grape variety (GSE-Ov) and another from a mix of five grape varieties (GSE-Sv). These extracts were analysed for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, as well as their chemical composition and molecular structure. The extract that showed the most promising properties was GSE-Ov with a DPPH IC50 of 0.079 mg mL−1. This extract was encapsulated in soy lecithin microdispersions coated with pectin, with an encapsulation efficiency of 88.8%. They showed an in vitro release of polyphenols of 59.4% during 24 h. The particles displayed a zeta potential of −20.3 mV and an average diameter of 13.6 µm. Microdispersions proved to be safe under 5 and 2.5 mg mL−1 in HaCaT and HDF cell models, respectively. Additionally, they demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity against IL-1α when tested at 2 mg mL−1. This work enabled the valorisation of a by-product from the wine industry by using natural extracts in skincare products.
... Platelets, circulating small cell fragments, play a pivotal role in hemostasis but can provoke unwanted clot formation when excessively activated, obstructing blood flow and causing ischaemic events. GSE has shown promising antiplatelet effects by inhibiting platelet activation and clotting through various mechanisms, including the inhibition of enzymes and receptors crucial for platelet function (Gupta et al. 2020). ...
The study focused on grape seed-derived polyphenols for their antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, and fibrinolytic properties through molecular docking and dynamics simulations. Compounds were evaluated for their effects on P2Y12, PTP1B, thromboxane A2, and other targets. Compounds 1 and 6 showed strong inhibitory potential on P2Y12. Compounds 2 and 7, plus epigallocatechin gallate, demonstrated effective inhibition on NF-KB and COX1. The compounds exhibited drug-like properties and potential for new thrombotic disease therapies. The research sheds light on the interactions between polyphenols and target proteins, paving the way for novel antiplatelet strategies.
... GSEs stand out from other commercially available PC extracts because of their higher concentration of oligomeric proanthocyanidins at proportions more than 90% (Hagerman et al., 1998;Nakamura et al., 2003;Ricci et al., 2017). Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are composed of a class of condensed tannins well known for their potential biofunctional properties (tested in in vitro and in vivo studies) such as wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardiovascular, antihypertensive, antiulcer, antimicrobial, and anticancer activities (Gupta et al., 2020), though well known for their astringent perception (Ma et al., 2014;Monteleone et al., 2004). Lupin protein (LP) on the other hand has gained worldwide interest as a plant protein due to its nutritional value, low environmental footprints, and low-cost cultivation (Shrestha et al., 2021). ...
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Astringency of phenolic-rich foods is a key tactile perception responsible for acceptability/rejection of plant extracts as ingredients in formulations. Covalent conjugation of phenolic extracts with plant proteins might be a promising strategy to control astringency, but suffers from a lack of mechanistic understanding from the lubrication point of view. To shed light on this, this ex vivo study evaluated the effect of conjugation of a phenolic grape seed extract (GSE) with legume protein (lupin, LP) on tribological and surface adsorption performance of GSE in the absence and presence of human saliva (ex vivo). Tribological results confirmed GSE had an inferior lubrication capacity as compared to LP. The lubrication performance of LP-GSE dispersions was comparable to their corresponding LP dispersion (p > 0.05) when covalently conjugated with LP (LP-GSE) with increasing LP:GSE ratio up to 1:0.04 w/w and at a specific degree of conjugation (DC: 2%). Tribological and surface adsorption measurements confirmed the tendency of GSE to interact with human saliva (ex vivo, n = 17 subjects), impairing the lubricity of salivary films. The covalent bonding of LP to GSE hindered GSE's interaction with human saliva, implying the potential influence of covalent conjugation on attenuating astringency. LP appeared to compete with human saliva for surface adsorption and governed the lubrication behaviour in LP-GSE dispersions. Findings from this study provide valuable knowledge to guide the rational design of sustainable, functional foods using conjugation of phenolics with plant proteins to incorporate larger proportions of health-promoting phenolics while controlling astringency, which needs validation by sensory trials.
... The residues of wine, such as seed, fruit, pulp, and leaves, contain polyphenols and antioxidants [59]. Proanthocyanidin in red grapes provides benefits against human diseases such as inflammation, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, and microbial infections [60]. Vitamin A, vitamin E, and carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, xanthine, beta-cryptoxanthin, and lycopene are nutraceuticals with antioxidant properties [61]. ...
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The reuse and reincorporation of waste are the principles of circular economies. Compost, biofuels, animal feed, dyes, and bioactive compounds can be obtained from the revaluation of organic waste. Research on this subject is scarce and limited to specific sectors, such as agriculture and agroindustry, leaving aside others that generate large quantities of organic waste, such as floriculture. The remains of these sectors have a low decomposition rate compared to other organic wastes. They are a source of bioactive compounds (e.g., essential oils, pigments, phenols) that can be reincorporated into the production chain of various industries. This review describes the composition of waste from agroindustry, agriculture, and floriculture, analyzing their potential revalorization as a source of bioactive compounds and an alternative supply source.
... Several studies have reported that the pulp, seeds, and skin of grapes, as well as the waste left over after grape processing, mainly wine production, contain phenolic components that can help prevent and treat various diseases, for example, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions, metabolic syndromes, and cancer [7,8,[20][21][22]. Gupta et al. [23] found that grape seed extracts (GSEs) prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, reducing inflammation, and inhibiting platelet aggregation. Similarly, González et al. [24] reported the antihypertensive activity of compounds rich in phenols due to their action as suppressors of oxidative stress. ...
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In the pursuit of potent antioxidant sources for potential health benefits, significant attention has been directed toward polyphenols. This research is especially relevant in the context of colorectal cancer (CRC), a widespread and deadly malignancy. The exploration of preventive strategies has led to a growing interest in grapes and their derivatives, such as juices and wines, which offer various consumption options based on grape type. This investigation encompasses a comprehensive analysis of multiple grape components: skin, pulp, seed, pomace, wine, juice, and extracts. These assessments serve as a critical reference for exploring functional ingredients from grapes and their potential as chemopreventive agents against colon cancer. This scientific literature review aims to provide an in-depth overview of advancements from 2012 to 2023. A systematic review reveals varying polyphenol concentrations in different grape components and their correlation with antioxidant capacities. In addition, the chemical profiles of these matrices are analyzed concerning their antioxidant properties, antiproliferative effects, and cytotoxicity, validated through in vitro and in vivo models simulating CRC scenarios. This research seeks to demonstrate grapes’ potential, in their diverse forms, as promising functional food options.
... Concerning the GSE-Ov, at 0.025 mg.mL -1 , it stimulated the average production of collagen by 5.13%, although with no significant differences with the control (p > 0.05). Nevertheless, GSE has been reported to promote collagen fibre deposition and, strengthen collagen-based tissues (Gupta et al., 2020). Likewise, it could be beneficial to conduct studies on the extracellular deposition of collagen, and also on the impact of the extract on the production of other extracellular matrix components, e.g., elastin and fibronectin. ...
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The skin is the largest organ in the human body and serves multiple functions such as barrier protection and thermoregulation. The maintenance of its integrity and healthy structure is of paramount importance. Accordingly, technological advances in cosmetic sciences have been directed towards optimizing these factors. Plant-derived ingredients have been explored for their bioactivity profiles and sustainable sources. Grape by-products carry a group of bioactive molecules that display important biological activities. Nonetheless, many of these molecules (e.g., phenolic compounds) are unstable and susceptible to degradation. So, its encapsulation using nano/microsystems (i.e. liposomes) has been explored as a promising solution. In this work, two grape seed extracts were obtained, one from a single grape variety (GSE-Ov), and another from a mix of five grape varieties (GSE-Sv). These extracts were analysed for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, as well as for their chemical composition and molecular structure. The extract that showed the most promising properties was the GSE-Ov with a DPPH IC50 of 0.079 mg.mL-1. This extract was encapsulated in soy lecithin liposomes coated with pectin, with an encapsulation efficiency of 88.8%. These showed an in vitro release of polyphenols of 59.4% during 24 h. The particles displayed a zeta potential of -20.3 mV, and an average diameter of 13.6 µm. Loaded liposomes proved to be safe under 5 and 2.5 mg.mL-1, in HaCaT and HDF cell models, respectively. Additionally, they demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity against IL-1α when tested at 2 mg.mL-1. This work enabled the valorization of a by-product from the wine industry, by using natural extracts in skincare products.
... On a global scale, grapes are extensively ingested fruits due to their abundant polyphenol content, which confers a bolstering effect on the body's innate health. Grape seed extract proffers advantages counteracting various ailments such as inflammation, cardiovascular maladies, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, peptic ulcers, microbial infections etc 10 . The effects of grape seed involve the induction of apoptosis, suppression of cellular proliferation, mitigation of oxidative stress, and modulation of inflammatory markers through downregulation 11 . ...
... A serial of studies has shown that PCs actively exert in many diseases through inhibiting inflammatory factors production and arresting OS damage. [46][47][48][49] More importantly, our previous experiment tentatively uncovered that PCs could effectively alleviate cutaneous and renal injuries in HSP-like rats probably via suppression of inflammatory responses and OS insults, 50 but the exact mechanism of PCs against HSP still kept unclear. Thus, to clarify the therapeutic mechanism of PCs, we applied different-concentration PCs to interfere with the HSP-like cell model basing on the determination of drug safe concentrations and the establishment of cell model. ...
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Background Immune-mediated inflammation and oxidative stress play pivotal roles in Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), primarily through the TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB pathway. Proanthocyanidins (PCs) exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects by regulating some signals like TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB. Previous research uncovered that PCs could alleviate purpura-like lesions and pathological changes on rats likely through attenuating inflammation and OS damage. The mechanism of PCs on HSP deserves further investigation. Objective To clarify the potential mechanism of PCs to HUVECs induced by the serum of HSP patients. Methods HUVECs were randomly divided into blank, control, model, and low-, medium-, and high-concentration PCs group. Then, 25% HSP serum was assigned to the latter four groups, while 25% serum from healthy subjects to control group and serum-free culture medium to blank one. The last three groups separately received different concentrations of PCs. In addition, TAK-242, a TLR4 inhibitor, was applied to investigate the effect of TLR4-related signals in PCs against HSP serum-induced damage. Finally, inflammatory and OS-related parameters were detected by using cytological/molecular-biological techniques. Results Treated with HSP serum later, the levels of immuno-inflammatory and oxidative indicators obviously went up (P < 0.05), and those of antioxidants remarkably went down (P < 0.05). PCs, however, reversed above phenomena (P < 0.05). Moreover, TLR4, MyD88 and NF-κB proteins/genes highly expressed in the model group; but significantly fell off in the presence of PCs (P < 0.05). Amazingly, all of above indicators showed no significant difference among the groups of different PCs concentrations (P > 0.05). These alterations likewise occurred after TAK-242 pretreatment with or without PCs, ie a notable drop of TLR4, MyD88 and NF-κB appeared in TAK-242 presence, few differences existing when compared to the PCs groups. Conclusion PCs effectively protect HUVECs from inflammatory and OS damage provoked by HSP serum via blocking TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB signals.
... The monomeric phenols mainly include gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and gallate esters. 10 The polyphenolic substances extracted from grape seeds possess a powerful antioxidant capacity and serve as natural antioxidants. 11 Fang et al. (2021) reported that GSE could improve serum antioxidant capacity of pigles. ...
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The present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of dietary vitamin E (VE) or grape seed extract (GSE) on the growth performance and antioxidant function of broilers. Two hundred sixteen broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 3 diets: diet supplemented with oxidized rice bran oil (CN group), CN group with 25 mg/kg VE or 100 mg/kg GSE. Dietary VE or GSE improved the growth performance, reverted the disturbed levels of liver antioxidant enzymes, and reduced liver damage of broilers fed oxidized rice bran oil. The mRNA data showed that supplementation of VE or GSE enhanced the antioxidant capacity of the broiler liver through activation of the Keap1-Nrf2/ARE signaling pathway. The results suggested that VE and GSE can increase weight gain, improve the oxidative status, and alleviate liver injury in broiler chicken fed oxidized rice bran oil.
... Aluminum is found in spinach, potatoes, tea, antacids and baking powder 1,2 . In developing countries aluminum utensils are widely used 3 . Aluminum alloys are used in packaging, construction and electrical applications 4 . ...
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Introduction: Grape seed extract (vitis vinifera) contains antioxidant compounds with ability to prevent aluminium chloride induced hepatotoxicity. Aims & Objectives: To study the effects of grape seed extract on body weight, liver weight and relative tissue weight index in aluminium chloride treated rats. Place and Duration of Study: This experimental study study was conducted at the Animal House of Post Graduate Medical Institute, Lahore. Duration of study was February 2017 to February 2018. Material & Methods: 24 adult, healthy albino rats (male) were divided in to three groups. Group A was given distilled water by gavage (1ml/day), Group B was given aluminium chloride (34mg/kg body weight) and group C was given aluminium chloride plus grape seed extract (34mg/kg and 200 mg/kg body weight) by gavage. Whole treatment continued for 42 days. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used for entering and analyzing data.p value of ? 0.05 was considered significant. Results: A significant difference in body weights of Group B and C rats was noted at the end of the study. Mean liver weight was significantly reduced in aluminium treated group and near normal restoration of liver weight was seen in group C receiving grape seed extract. Conclusion: Excessive aluminium chloride exposure led to a reduction in body weight, and liver weight. Grape seed extract being an antioxidant improved these effects.
... Entelon150 ® is an herbal product of grape seed extracts which have been known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-angiogenic activity. 6) The authors showed its significant effect to reduce calcification in the rabbit model implanted with BHV tissue in the external jugular veins. The amount of Ca +2 in the implanted BHV was significantly lower in Entelon150 ® treated group than in control group, to the similar degree to other treatment groups. ...
... In addition, grape seed proanthocyanidins have shown some preventive effects against cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type-2 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, neurodegenerative disorders, asthma, eye diseases, and osteoarthritis (Unusan 2020). Because of these potential beneficial effects on human health, grape seed oils rich in proanthocyanidins and other antioxidants have been recommended as suitable dietary supplements to prevent certain diseases (Gupta et al. 2020). Nevertheless, detailed safety analyses are needed to set the conditions of use and consumption of grape-derived ingredients in humans, especially for subjects under specific medical conditions (Singh et al. 2015). ...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive decline and memory impairments and is considered the most prevalent form of dementia. Among the contributing factors to AD lies the hyperphosphorylation of the microtubule‐associated protein tau. Phosphorylated tau reduces its affinity for microtubules and triggers other posttranslational modifications that result in its aggregation and assembly into filaments. These structures progressively accumulate within neurons leading to neurodegeneration. While current AD medications often involve undesirable side effects, the exploration of natural products as a potential therapeutic alternative has gained considerable attention. Numerous compounds have shown potential capacity for reducing tau pathology through different mechanisms, such as inhibiting kinases to reduce tau hyperphosphorylation, enhancing phosphatase activity, and blocking fibril formation. Since tau hyperphosphorylation‐induced aggregation is pivotal in AD onset, this review aims to elucidate the potential of natural products in modulating this crucial molecular mechanism.
Objectives This study aimed to assess the alleviating role of maternal grape seed extract (GSE) in enhancement of caffeine-induced enamel hypomineralization in mandibular incisors of rat offspring. Materials and methods Sixteen virgin female rats were used. After pregnancy, they were divided into four equal groups. There was control, caffeine, GSE and combined groups that received daily doses of physiological saline, caffeine, GSE and both caffeine/GSE, respectively during pregnancy and lactation. In each group, four weaning pups from each rat dam were chosen ( n = 16). Their mandibles were cut into halves and their incisors were sectioned mesial to the first molars. The right halves were processed for light microscope and transmission electron microscope whereas the left ones for energy dispersive radiograph elemental analysis for calcium ions. Results Quantitatively, statistical analysis for energy dispersive radiograph elemental analysis results revealed a significant increase in the mean Ca levels for GSE group compared to other groups. Histologically, control group revealed normal features of ruffled ended-maturative ameloblasts and nearly mature enamel layer whereas caffeine group disclosed vacuolated, widely spaced ameloblasts with heterogeneous patched immature enamel layer. Interestingly, GSE group revealed features of highly organized active ameloblasts with superior complex organization of nearly mature enamel whereas combined group depicted features of reestablishment of adverse effects of caffeine on both ameloblasts and nearly mature enamel. Conclusion Maternal GSE intake has a potential role in enhancing enamel mineralization and its concurrent intake with caffeine seemed to lighten the caffeine-induced enamel hypomineralization in rat offspring.
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The grapevine industry is confronted with challenges such as plant stress from environmental factors and microbial infections, alongside the need for sustainable waste management practices. Natural polymers offer promising solutions to these issues due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and functional versatility. This review explores the dual role of natural polymers in enhancing the grapevine industry: as protective agents against various stressors and as carriers for the delivery of valuable compounds recovered from grapevine wastes. We examine the use of natural polymers such as chitosan, alginate, and cellulose in formulating bio-based protective coatings and treatments that bolster plant resistance to abiotic stress, pathogens, and pests. Additionally, the review delves into the innovative utilization of grapevine residues, including skins, seeds, and stems, as sources of polyphenols and other bioactive compounds. These compounds can be efficiently encapsulated in natural polymer matrices for applications in agriculture, food, and pharmaceuticals. Key topics include the mechanisms of action, benefits, and limitations of natural polymer-based interventions, as well as case studies demonstrating their practical implementation in vineyards. The review also addresses future research directions, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches that enhance sustainability and economic viability in the grapevine industry.
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Heart failure (HF) is a complex condition that affects 1–2% of the global population. The presence of comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or obesity has been shown in various studies to elevate mortality and hospitalization rates in HF patients. Insufficient outcomes persist in HF, necessitating additional research to address unmet needs in disease management. Lifestyle modifications, including smoking cessation, decreased alcohol consumption, regular exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, and a balanced diet, can prevent and treat a wide range of HF cases. In this review, we aimed to examine how lifestyle changes, nutrition, and nutraceutical supplements can play a role in preventing heart failure and supporting its treatment. A detailed and comprehensive analysis of the most recent data present in the literature could help identify potential candidates for future clinical trials in HF management. There is a growing body of evidence supporting the importance of closely monitoring nutritional balance, including micronutrients and nutraceuticals, in HF patients for better symptom management and outcomes. Despite promising results from initial approaches, the lack of conclusive evidence from recent studies and meta-analyses questions the widespread use of nutraceutical supplementation in HF patients. Further studies are necessary to determine the most effective way to use nutraceutical supplementation in the treatment of myocardial dysfunction in HF patients.
Grapevines, renowned for their high phenolic content, are attracting significant interest due to their potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. This research delves deeply into the primary chemical constituents of grapes and their byproducts, identifying the most effective polyphenol extraction methods. Special emphasis is placed on the development and production of innovative grape-based formulations that enhance human health through various delivery methods such as cutaneous, mucosal, oral, pulmonary, and nasal. The transition from laboratory research to industrial production is also explored, highlighting the challenges and limitations of scaling up these novel health-promoting products. This comprehensive review aims at providing valuable insights into the potential of grape-derived compounds and their applications, paving the way for future innovations in the field of health and nutrition.
This study investigated the protective efficacy of grape seed extract (GSE) and pumpkin seed extract (PSE) against cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced testicular toxicity in adult male albino rats, focusing on biochemical, histopathological, histomorphometrical, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical perspectives. Thirty-six male albino rats were divided into six groups: Control, PSE, GSE, CP, CP + PSE, CP + GSE. Testicular tissues and serum samples were collected for analysis after 8 weeks. The CP group exhibited significant testicular damage with distorted seminiferous tubules (marked decline in diameters and germinal epithelial thicknesses), germ cell apoptosis, and disrupted spermatogenesis (decline in Johnsen’s score and weak immunoexpression of PCNA in basal germ cells). Ultrastructurally, germ cells exhibited shrunken pyknotic nuclei and cytoplasmic aggregations of ribosomes with dilated or shrunken mitochondria. Spermatozoa displayed an irregular axoneme with loss of fibrous sheath. Furthermore, there were significantly decreased testosterone levels and increased oxidative stress markers (elevated malondialdehyde levels and decreased glutathione levels). In contrast, the CP + PSE and CP + GSE groups showed marked mitigation of these changes, resulting in a notable amelioration of oxidative stress markers, and testosterone levels, preservation of testicular architecture, and normalization of spermatogenic processes, along with elevated Johnsen score. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an increase in PCNA in the CP + PSE and CP + GSE groups compared to the CP group. These findings suggested that GSE and PSE, owing to their antioxidant properties, could effectively reduce CP-induced testicular damage.
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Hydrogels elaborated from Dasylirion spp. and enriched with grape seed extract (GSE) were investigated for tentative use in dental treatment. Cellulose-GSE hydrogels were elaborated with varying GSE contents from 10 to 50 wt%. The mechanical and physical properties, antimicrobial effect, biocompatibility, and in vitro cytotoxicity were studied. In all the cases, the presence of GSE affects the hydrogel’s mechanical properties. The elongation decreased from 12.67 mm for the hydrogel without GSE to 6.33 mm for the hydrogel with the highest GSE content. The tensile strength decrease was from 52.33 N/mm2 (for the samples without GSE) and went to 40 N/mm2 for the highest GSE content. Despite the adverse effects, hydrogels possess suitable properties for manipulation. In addition, all hydrogels exhibited excellent biocompatibility and no cytotoxicity, and the antibacterial performance was demonstrated against S. mutans, E. Faecalis, S. aureus, and P. aureginosa. Furthermore, the hydrogels with 30 wt% GSE inhibited more than 90% of the bacterial growth.
Oral cancer is a disease with high mortality and rising incidence worldwide. Although fragmentary literature on the anti‐oral cancer effects of plant products has been published, a comprehensive analysis is lacking. In this work, a critical and comprehensive evaluation of oral cancer preventative or therapeutic effects of dietary plants was conducted. An exhaustive analysis of available data supports that numerous dietary plants exert anticancer effects, including suppression of cell proliferation, viability, autophagy, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis while promoting cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Plant extracts and products target several cellular mechanisms, such as the reversal of epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition and the promotion of oxidative stress and mitochondrial membrane dysfunction by modulation of various signaling pathways. These agents were also found to regulate cellular growth signaling pathways by action on extracellular signal‐regulated kinase and mitogen‐activated protein kinase, inflammation via modulation of cyclooxygenase (COX)‐1, COX‐2, and nuclear factor‐κB p65, and metastasis through influence of cadherins and matrix metalloproteinases. In vivo studies support these findings and demonstrate a decrease in tumor burden, incidence, and hyperplastic and dysplastic changes. Clinical studies also showed decreased oral cancer risk. However, high‐quality studies should be conducted to establish the clinical efficacy of these plants. Overall, our study supports the use of dietary plants, especially garlic, green tea, longan, peppermint, purple carrot, saffron, tomato, and turmeric, for oral cancer prevention and intervention. However, further research is required before clinical application of this strategy.
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Seedlessness is a crucial quality trait in table grape (Vitis vinifera L.) breeding. However, the development of seeds involved intricate regulations, and the polygenic basis of seed abortion remains unclear. Here, we combine comparative genomics, population genetics, quantitative genetics, and integrative genomics to unravel the evolution and polygenic basis of seedlessness in grapes. We generated the haplotype-resolved genomes for two seedless grape cultivars, ‘‘Thompson Seedless’’ (TS, syn. ‘‘Sultania’’) and ‘‘Black Monukka’’ (BM). Comparative genomics identified a ~4.25 Mb hemizygous inversion on Chr10 specific in seedless cultivars, with seedless-associated genes VvTT16 and VvSUS2 located at breakpoints. Population genomic analyses of 548 grapevine accessions revealed two distinct clusters of seedless cultivars, and the identityby-descent (IBD) results indicated that the origin of the seedlessness trait could be traced back to ‘‘Sultania.’’ Introgression, rather than convergent selection, shaped the evolutionary history of seedlessness in grape improvement. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) analysis identified 110 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with 634 candidate genes, including previously unidentified candidate genes, such as three 11S GLOBULIN SEED STORAGE PROTEIN and two CYTOCHROME P450 genes, and well-known genes like VviAGL11. Integrative genomic analyses resulted in 339 core candidate genes categorized into 13 functional categories related to seed development. Machine learning-based genomic selection achieved a remarkable prediction accuracy of 97% for seedlessness in grapevines. Our findings highlight the polygenic nature of seedlessness and provide candidate genes for molecular genetics and an effective prediction for seedlessness in grape genomic breeding.
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In the pursuit of sustainable and innovative food production, the utilisation of plant by-products have emerged as a promising frontier. Plant by-products have an inherent value that can be utilised to address both environmental concerns and the growing demand for food resources. This review provides a critical review of the environmental impact caused by the disposal of plant by-products and waste that are not being reutilised or repurposed to benefit other products. The multifaceted applications of agricultural residues, traditionally deemed as waste, in the creation of diverse and nutritionally enriched food products, were also presented in this review. The exploration encompasses a broad spectrum, from reducing waste through innovative utilisation to enhancing nutritional profiles and fostering culinary innovation. Through a detailed examination of specific instances, challenges, and prospects linked to this paradigm shift, we provide insights into the transformative potential of agriculture by-products in shaping a more sustainable and resilient food system.
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Hyaluronic-acid- and silk-fibroin-based nanofibrous mats loaded with proanthocyanidins and collagen peptides were fabricated as multifunctional facial masks using electrospinning. Their morphology, hygroscopicity and moisture retention, DPPH, ABTS free radical scavenging abilities, and cytocompatibility were investigated. The results showed that the nanofibrous mats were dense and uniform, with an average diameter ranging from 300 to 370 nm. The nanofibrous mats exhibited satisfactory moisture retention, oxidation resistance, biocompatibility, especially excellent DPPH, and ABTS free radical scavenging capacities. DPPH free radical scavenging activity was 90% with 15 mg/L nanofibers, and ABTS free radical scavenging activity was 90% with 0.005 mg/L nanofibers. The nanofibrous mats protected fibroblasts from oxidative stress damage induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP) and significantly promoted their proliferation. Compared with traditional liquid masks and semi-solid facial masks, the multifunctional nanofibrous mats prepared in this study contained fewer additives, which has significant advantages in terms of safety. The nanofibrous mats were rapidly dissolved within 5 s after being sprayed with water, which facilitated the release and penetration of active ingredients for skincare. Therefore, the multifunctional nanofibrous mats displayed excellent moisture retention, oxidation resistance, and biocompatibility, indicating promising translational potential as facial masks and providing a valuable reference for skincare.
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Malocclusion can be solved with orthodontic treatment. In orthodontic treatment, there will be movements motivated by inflammatory responses and tissue responses in the form of resorption and apposition or bone remodeling. Some of the cells responsible for the process are fibroblasts, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Grape seeds contain many active compounds that have high levels of antioxidants and phytoestrogens that can increase the division and proliferation of fibroblasts. This study aimed to find out whether grape seed ethanol extract was effective in increasing fibroblast cell count in orthodontic treatment. This was an experimental laboratory study conducted by attaching an elastomer separator and giving 4% ethanol extract of red grape seeds 0.2 ml in seven groups of guinea pigs that met the inclusion criteria and then were evaluated on days 1, 7, and 14. The Anova test showed a p value of < 0.001 (p<0.05) which meant that there was a statistically significant difference between the treatment groups and the test groups on days 7 and 14. The number of fibroblasts increased from day 1, 7 to day 14. The lowest number of fibroblasts was obtained in the control group (11.7±0.70) while the highest number of fibroblasts was found in the guinea pig group applied rubber separator and given 4% red grape seed extract as much as 0.2ml for 14 days (21.75±1.29). In conclusion, grape seed extract is effective in increasing the number of fibroblasts in orthodontic treatment and is most effective on day 14. Keywords: grape seed; fibroblasts; malocclusion; orthodontic treatment Abstrak: Masalah maloklusi dapat diselesaikan dengan melakukan perawatan ortodonti. Pada perawatan ortodonti akan terjadi pergerakan yang dilatarbelakangi oleh respon inflamasi dan respon jaringan berupa resorpsi dan aposisi atau remodeling tulang. Beberapa jenis sel yang bertanggung jawab atas proses tersebut ialah fibroblas, osteoblas, dan osteoklas. Biji anggur mengandung banyak senyawa aktif yang memiliki tingkat antioksidan tinggi dan fitoestrogen yang mampu membantu meningkatkan pembelahan serta proliferasi dari fibroblas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ekstrak etanol biji anggur efektif dalam meningkatkan jumlah sel fibroblas pada perawatan ortodonti. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental laboratoris dengan memasangkan separator elastomer dan memberikan ekstrak etanol biji anggur merah 4% sebanyak 0,2 ml pada tujuh kelompok marmut sesuai kriteria inklusi dan dievaluasi pada hari ke-1, hari ke-7, dan hari ke-14. Uji Anova menunjukkan nilai p <0,001 (p<0,05) yang berarti terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok uji dihari ke-7 dan ke-14. Jumlah fibroblas meningkat dari hari ke-1, ke-7 sampai hari ke-14. Jumlah fibroblas paling rendah didapatkan pada kelompok kontrol (11,7±0,70) sedangkan jumlah fibroblas yang paling meningkat terdapat pada kelompok marmut yang diaplikasikan karet separator dan diberi 4% ekstrak biji anggur merah sebanyak 0,2 ml selama 14 hari (21,75±1,29). Simpulan penelitian ini ialah ekstrak biji anggur efektif dalam meningkatkan jumlah fibroblas dalam perawatan ortodonti, paling efektif pada hari ke-14. Kata kunci: biji anggur; fibroblas; malokusi; perawatan ortodonti
Waste products from natural sources are vital for extracting and recovering natural compounds. Transforming these wastes into valuable products requires specific methodologies and approaches. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is one of the biomaterials which can be developed from natural sources. This study will show how natural resources can be converted into helpful biomaterial that can be applied in various fields of science and technology. One of the main challenges in orthopedics and dentistry is the surgical site infection. The application of plant sources at the surgical site can act as antifungal and antibacterial compounds, thereby inhibiting infection at the surgical site. Hydroxyapatite, a widely used calcium phosphate bioceramic, is often used in dentistry and orthopedics as a biomaterial. In recent days, the synthesis of hydroxyapatite has been done using natural sources as a capping agent. This is more advantageous than conventional methods because it can cure surgical site infection and positively impact the environment without using expensive chemicals. This article aims to be a comprehensive, critical, and accessible review of general interest to the chemistry community.
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Background: Grape seed polyphenol bioactivity is linked to reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and coronary heart disease development. Furthermore, regular consumption of β-glucan is associated with decreased lipidemic and glycemic profiles. The aim was to investigate the acute effect of crackers enriched with either 10% grape seed flour or 40% barley flour with added β-glucan along with a high-fat and high-carbohydrate meal on biomarkers of postprandial glycemia, lipidemia, and oxidative stress. Methods: In a randomized, three-arm crossover design study, 12 healthy subjects were assigned to consume breakfast consisting of bread, butter, and 250 mL water along with crackers containing either (a) wheat flour, (b) 10% grape seed flour, or (c) 40% barley flour enriched with β-glucan. Blood samples were drawn immediately before and 30, 90, and 180 min after the meal. Total antioxidant capacity was measured in plasma with the FRAP method. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, and uric acid were measured in serum. Results: Tested markers did not differ between the intervention groups at baseline, 30, 90, and 180 min (p ≥ 0.05) post-prandially. Conclusions: Enriched cracker consumption did not significantly affect the selected markers at the postprandial state, although better serum glucose and lipid levels, similar to baseline values, were maintained.
A BSTRACT Background The Vitis vinifera , also known as grapevine, is one of the most widely grown fruit crops in the world and is renowned for producing wine and grapes. Other than their importance in gastronomy and ecology, certain sections of the V. vinifera plant have shown promising bioactive qualities. The numerous phytochemicals in this plant, including flavonoids, stilbenes, and phenolic acids, are what gives its antibacterial and antifungal properties though the antimicrobial properties of seed extract have to be studied, however in this present study we focus on screening and its biological compatibility of seed extracts of V. vinifera . Methods The commercial power of seed ( V. vinifera ) obtained from local market near Poonamallee, Chennai, India. and the extraction of crude metabolites was done by direction extraction method, the antimicrobial activity was done by well diffusion method, and Minimum Inhibitory concentration was done by CLSI guideline. To check the biocompatibility of crude metabolites was done by hemolytic assay. Results Studies have demonstrated that grapevine extracts and their separated components have potent antibacterial and antifungal effects against a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of the plant’s extracts have demonstrated potential 128 µg/mL for S. aureus , and 256 µg/mL E. faecalis and C. albicans as the best inhibitory concentration. The biological compatibility of crude metabolites shows 3 % of lysis at 512 µg/mL. Conclusion V. vinifera is a prospective source for the creation of novel antimicrobial drugs because of its antibacterial capabilities. To completely understand the chemicals’ mode of action and to create efficient treatments for microbial illnesses, more research is necessary.
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Background: Grape seed is a natural herb with many suggested pharmacological effects related to many biologically active compounds in its extract and fractions. Grape seed pharmacological effect is investigated in mice psoriasis like model. Methods: A thirty male albino mice, six weeks’ age used in this research and were divided into five groups. Group I apparently healthy. Group II induction group, imiquimod 5% cream once daily used at the back skin of the animal for five days. Group III, IV and V treatments groups. Group III clobetasol ointment 0.05%, group IV Grape seed extract and group V Grape seed petroleum ether fraction for five days. Results: A high significant increase was found between the apparently healthy and imiquimod induced group for all of the investigated parameters except munro abscess was significant increase. For the grape seed extract group, it was found A significant difference in immunohistochemistry score of IL17, also significant decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) with high significant decrease of other immunohistopathology measurement like parakeratosis. Conclusion: Grape seed extract may have a role in imiquimod-induced psoriasis like skin inflammation in mice treatment which make it a future candidate therapy for psoriasis.
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Alkaloids are considered major secondary plant metabolites and are found mostly in plants. Some alkaloids are used as a spice in foodstuffs such as fenugreek, black pepper, and long pepper. These spices have large quantities of alkaloidal compounds. Trigonelline is a major alkaloidal compound present in fenugreek seeds, and piperine is present in peppers. Black pepper has a long history of usage in traditional medicines all throughout the world as well as food and condiments (Kaltner et al., 2020). In the Piperaceae, or pepper family, there are about 2,000 species in the Piper genus (Durant-Archibold et al., 2018). Only a few spices from the genus Piper include alkaloids, the biggest class of nitrogenous natural chemical substances. The two species that are most well-known are Piper longum and Piper nigrum, also known as pippali and black pepper, respectively. This genus contains piperidine-type alkaloids (Martha Perez Gutierrez et al., 2013). Numerous traditional medical systems, including traditional Chinese medicine, the Indian Ayurvedic system, and folkloric medicines of Latin America and the West Indies, have used plants from the genus Piper as a cure (Zaveri et al., 2010). Another alkaloid-containing species we have included in this chapter is a short-living and annual medicinal herb Trigonella foenum-graecum belonging to the Fabaceae family. Its major alkaloids are Trigonelline and 4-hydroxy-isoleucine (Nagulapalli Venkata et al., 2017). This chapter provides an overview of food spices containing alkaloids as major chemical compounds. The major focus is on the sources, traditional uses, and phyto-pharmacological properties of food spices containing alkaloids.
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Cherry stems, prized in traditional medicine for their potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, derive their efficacy from abundant polyphenols and anthocyanins. This makes them an ideal option for addressing skin aging and diseases. This study aimed to assess the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of cherry stem extract for potential skincare use. To this end, the extract was first comprehensively characterized by HPLC-ESI-qTOF-MS. The extract’s total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant capacity, radical scavenging efficiency, and its ability to inhibit enzymes related to skin aging were determined. A total of 146 compounds were annotated in the cherry stem extract. The extract effectively fought against NO· and HOCl radicals with IC50 values of 2.32 and 5.4 mg/L. Additionally, it inhibited HYALase, collagenase, and XOD enzymes with IC50 values of 7.39, 111.92, and 10 mg/L, respectively. Based on the promising results that were obtained, the extract was subsequently gently integrated into a cosmetic gel at different concentrations and subjected to further stability evaluations. The accelerated stability was assessed through temperature ramping, heating-cooling cycles, and centrifugation, while the long-term stability was evaluated by storing the formulations under light and dark conditions for three months. The gel formulation enriched with cherry stem extract exhibited good stability and compatibility for topical application. Cherry stem extract may be a valuable ingredient for creating beneficial skincare cosmeceuticals.
The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of grape seed powder (GSP) as a natural coagulant and Austrocylindropuntia mucilage (AM) as a natural flocculant to efficiently eliminate both Congo red (CR) azo dye and turbidity from synthetic wastewater using coagulation-flocculation technique. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectra (EDS) mapping, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques were used to characterize natural plants employed as well as sludge formed after coagulation-flocculation process. Moreover, response surface methodology (RSM) approach was established via Box-Behnken Design (BBD) to optimize a set of coagulation-flocculation conditions; including GSP dose, AM dose, initial pH, initial CR concentration, initial turbidity, and settling time. RSM-BBD results showed highest removal efficiency of 99.36 % and 95.74 % of CR and turbidity, respectively, achieved under optimum conditions of 0.45 mg L−1 of GSP coagulant, 6 mL L−1 of AM flocculant, at pH of 10, initial CR concentration of 5 mg L−1, initial turbidity of 250 NTU, and after settling time of 120 min. The findings of this work revealed that there are multiple mechanisms involved in CR and turbidity removal, namely hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, π-π interactions, and bridging effect.
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BACKGROUND Inflammatory bowel diseases contain two digestive system diseases, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease with unclear causes. The aim of present study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of administration of the Sesame oil (SO) and grape seed oil (GSO) as enema route in rats suffering from experimental acetic acid induced UC. METHODS Eighty male rats were randomly allocated into 8 equal groups as health control (HC1) without any disease treated with 1 ml of normal saline as enema; HC2 received SO; HC3 received GSO; negative control (NC) with induced UC receiving 1 ml of normal saline as enema; and positive control (PC) with induced UC treated by asacol. All treatments were performed identically with 4 mg/kg of medication except for asacol that was 100 mg/kg for 7 days. The weight changes was recorded after seven days. The serum levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), interleukin-6, and c-reactive protein (CRP) were measured. Colon macroscopic and microscopic histological changes were also measured at the end of 7th day. RESULTS No significant changes were detected in weight in neither groups on day 0 nor at the end of study. No beneficial effects were seen for all treatments regarding healing process and the decrease in inflammation. Between treatment groups, the lowest MDA (7.40±0.98 U/ml), CRP (83.20±10.01 mg/l) and IL-6 levels (130.86±10.70 mU/ml) and highest TAC (1.91±0.43 mmol/l) belonged to GSO group. CONCLUSION GSO enema alone can be considered as a treatment of choice for UC due to its antioxidant properties.
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Backgrounds and objective: Several clinical trials have shown that grape seed extract can reduce blood pressure, but the results are often irreproducible. We therefore sought to systematically evaluate the impact of grape seed extract treatment on the changes of systolic/diastolic blood pressure (SBP/DBP) by meta-analyzing available randomized controlled trials. Methods: Trial selection and data extraction were completed independently by 2 investigators. Effect-size estimates were expressed as weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Twelve articles involving 16 clinical trials and 810 study subjects were analyzed. Overall analyses found significant reductions for SBP (WMD = -6.077; 95% CI: -10.736 to -1.419; P = 0.011) and DBP (WMD = -2.803; 95% CI: -4.417 to -1.189; P = 0.001) after grape seed extract treatment. In subgroup analyses, there were significant reductions in younger subjects (mean age < 50 years) for SBP (WMD = -6.049; 95% CI: -10.223 to -1.875; P = 0.005) and DBP (WMD = -3.116; 95% CI: -4.773 to -1.459; P < 0.001), in obese subjects (mean body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m) for SBP (WMD = -4.469; 95% CI: -6.628 to -2.310; P < 0.001), and in patients with metabolic syndrome for SBP (WMD = -8.487; 95% CI: -11.869 to -5.106; P < 0.001). Further meta-regression analyses showed that age, body mass index, and baseline blood pressure were negatively associated with the significant reductions of SBP and DBP after treatment. There was no indication of publication bias. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that grape seed extract exerted a beneficial impact on blood pressure, and this impact was more obvious in younger or obese subjects, as well as in patients with metabolic disorders. In view of the small sample size involved, we agree that confirmation of our findings in a large-scale, long-term, multiple-dose randomized controlled trial, especially among hypertensive patients is warranted.
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Grape seed oil (GSO) is not often consumed in Brazil and little is known of its nutritional value. Around the world there are already studies that point to the high levels of minority bioactive compounds and their relation to health benefits. The main constituent of GSO is linoleic fatty acid, some works are controversial and there is no consensus in literature regarding their effect on the animal organism. Thus, this study aimed to present a review of GSO and show the potential health effects of its major components, not only linoleic acid, but also γ-tocotrienol and β-sitosterol, and finally, their influence on lipid-modulating, anti and pro oxidative parameters. © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.
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The consumer demand for natural ingredients in cosmetic products is increasing. Phenolic compounds are among the most studied natural antioxidant compounds, they also present antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory or antiaging actions and can permeate through the skin barrier. Grapes contain valuable phenolic components and grape byproducts are widely available low cost raw materials. This review presents an overview of the application of phenolic compounds from grape products and byproducts as sources of natural ingredients for cosmetics.
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Background: Atherosclerotic plaques indicate the occurrence of ischemia events and it is a difficult task for clinical physicians. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) has been reported to exert an antiatherogenic effect by inducing regression of atherosclerotic plaques in animal experimental studies. In this study, the antiatherogenic effect of GSPE has been investigated in clinical use. Methods: Consecutive 287 patients diagnosed with asymptomatic carotid plaques or abnormal plaque free carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) were randomly assigned to the GSPE group (n = 146) or control group (n = 141). The patients in the GSPE group received GSPE 200 mg per day orally, while patients in the control group were only enrolled in a lifestyle intervention program. Carotid ultrasound examination was performed at baseline and 6, 12, 24 months during follow-up. Mean maximum CIMT (MMCIMT), plaque score, echogenicity of plaques and ischemic vascular events were recorded. Results: As anticipated, after treatment, GSPE resulted in significant reduction in MMCIMT progression (4.2% decrease after six months, 4.9% decrease after 12 months and 5.8% decrease after 24 months) and plaque score (10.9% decrease after six months, 24.1% decrease after 12 months and 33.1% decrease after 24 months) for the primary outcome, while MMCIMT and plaque score were stable and even increased with the time going on in control group. The number of plaques and unstable plaques also decreased after treatment of GSPE. Furthermore, the carotid plaque can disappear after treatment with GSPE. The incidence rate for transitory ischemic attack (TIA), arterial revascularization procedure, and hospital readmission for unstable angina in GSPE group were statistically significant lower (P = 0.02, 0.08, 0.002, respectively) compared with the control group. Conclusions: GSPE inhibited the progression of MMCIMT and reduced carotid plaque size in GSPE treated patients, and with extended treatment, the superior efficacy on MMCIMT and carotid plaque occurred. Furthermore, the GSPE group showed lower rates of clinical vascular events.
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The Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet with positive scientific evidence of preventing chronic diseases. Bioactive components support the healthy properties of the Mediterranean diet. Antioxidants and fiber, two components of the Mediterranean diet, are key functional nutrients for healthy eating and nutrition. Wine grape pomace is a rich source of these dietary constituents and may be beneficial for human health. Our hypothesis was that the intake of red wine grape pomace flour (WGPF) prepared from red wine grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon variety) reduced the metabolic syndrome in humans. To evaluate the effect of WGPF on components of metabolic syndrome we design a 16-week longitudinal intervention study. Thirty-eight males, 30-65 years of age, with at least one component of metabolic syndrome, were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (n = 25) or the control group (n = 13). At lunch, the intervention group was given 20 g of WGPF per day, which contained 10 g of dietary fiber, 822 mg of polyphenols and an antioxidant capacity of 7258 ORAC units. Both groups were asked to maintain their regular eating habits and lifestyles. Clinical evaluation, anthropometric measurements and biochemical blood analyses were done at the beginning and the end of the study. WGPF intake significantly decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as fasting glucose levels. Plasma γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol increased and carbonyl group in plasma protein decreased in WGPT group, significantly. No significant effect was observed for waist circumference, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C in and between groups. The group-dependent magnitude of the differences between the baseline and final postprandial insulin values and γ-tocopherol concentrations was statistically significant. The consumption of WGPF-rich in fiber and polyphenol antioxidants, as a food supplement in a regular diet improves blood pressure, glycaemia and postprandial insulin. In addition, increased antioxidant defenses and decreased oxidative protein damage indicating attenuation of oxidative stress. WGPF might be a useful food ingredient for health promotion and chronic disease prevention.
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Background Skin aging is a natural process that may be aggravated by environmental factors. Topical products are the conventional means to combat aging; however, the use of oral supplements is on the rise to assist in the management of aged skin. Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the effects and safety of an oral supplement containing (per tablet) marine protein (105 mg), vitamin C (27 mg), grape seed extract (13.75 mg), zinc (2 mg), and tomato extract (14.38 mg) in the improvement of skin aging in men. Methods This single-center, open-label, quasi-experimental clinical study enrolled 47 male subjects, aged 30–45 years, with phototypes I–IV on the Fitzpatrick scale. Subjects received two tablets of the oral supplement for 180 consecutive days. Each subject served as their own control. Clinical assessments were made by medical personnel and by the subjects, respectively. Objective assessments were carried out through pH measurements, sebumetry, corneometry, ultrasound scanning, skin biopsies, and photographic images. Results Forty-one subjects (87%) completed the study. Clinical improvements on both investigator- and subject-rated outcomes were found for the following parameters: erythema, hydration, radiance, and overall appearance (P<0.05). The objective measurements in the facial skin showed significant improvements from baseline in skin hydration (P<0.05), dermal ultrasound density (P<0.001), and reduction of skin pH (P<0.05). No statistical improvement in relation to sebum was found. The photographic assessment showed an improvement in the overall appearance. The results of the objective measurements were found to be correlated with the subjects’ satisfaction by an increase of collagen and elastic fibers. Conclusion The use of an oral supplement based on a unique biomarine complex, vitamin C, grape seed extract, zinc, and tomato extract produced improvements in the signs of skin aging in men.
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Peptic ulcer disease is a multifactorial and complex disease involving gastric and duodenal ulcers. Despite medical advances, the management of peptic ulcer and its complications remains a challenge, with high morbidity and death rates for the disease. An accumulating body of evidence suggests that, among a broad reach of natural molecules, dietary polyphenols with multiple biological mechanisms of action play a pivotal part in the management of gastric and duodenal ulcers. The current review confirmed that dietary polyphenols possess protective and therapeutic potential in peptic ulcer mediated by: improving cytoprotection, re-epithelialization, neovascularization, and angiogenesis; up-regulating tissue growth factors and prostaglandins; down-regulating anti-angiogenic factors; enhancing endothelial nitric oxide synthase-derived NO; suppressing oxidative mucosal damage; amplifying antioxidant performance, antacid, and anti-secretory activity; increasing endogenous mucosal defensive agents; and blocking Helicobacter pylori colonization associated gastric morphological changes and gastroduodenal inflammation and ulceration. In addition, anti-inflammatory activity due to down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and cellular and intercellular adhesion agents, suppressing leukocyte-endothelium interaction, inhibiting nuclear signaling pathways of inflammatory process, and modulating intracellular transduction and transcription pathways have key roles in the anti-ulcer action of dietary polyphenols. In conclusion, administration of a significant amount of dietary polyphenols in the human diet or as part of dietary supplementation along with conventional treatment can result in perfect security and treatment of peptic ulcer. Further well-designed preclinical and clinical tests are recommended in order to recognize higher levels of evidence for the confirmation of bioefficacy and safety of dietary polyphenols in the management of peptic ulcer.
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Polyphenols in grape and wine have been suggested to contribute to the cardiovascular health benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle. The reported effects of grape products on blood pressure (BP) remain, however, equivocal. In a double-blind placebo controlled crossover study, the effect of two grape extracts on BP and vascular function was assessed in 60 untreated, mildly hypertensive subjects after four weeks intervention. Both extracts (grape-red wine and grape alone) had high concentrations of anthocyanins and flavonols, but the grape alone was relatively poor in catechins and procyanidins. Parameters measured included ambulatory and office BP, flow-mediated vasodilation, arterial distensibility, platelet function and plasma lipoproteins. Results showed that 24-hour ambulatory systolic/diastolic BPs were significantly lower in the grape-wine extract intervention (135.9 ± 1.3/84.7 ± 0.8 mmHg; mean ± SEM) compared to placebo (138.9 ± 1.3/86.6 ± 1.2 mmHg), predominantly during daytime. Plasma concentrations of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 decreased by 10%, but other measures of vascular function were not affected. Grape juice extract alone had no effect on BP or any measures of vascular function. Polyphenol-rich food products, and may be specifically catechins and procyanidins, may thus help sustain a healthy BP and contribute to the healthy Mediterranean lifestyle.
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Background: Reducing the wound healing time is crucial in wound as it lowers the chance of infection and decreases complications and cost. Grape seed extract has the ability to release endothelial growth factor and its topical application results in contraction and closure of the skin wound. Furthermore, it possesses antioxidant and antibacterial properties. In several studies it has been proved effective in animals. Therefore, due to low side effects and recognition of herbal medicine, we decided to evaluate the effect of grape seed extract 2% herbal cream on human skin lesions. Materials: This study is a double blind clinical trial conducted on two groups of treatment and placebo. Surgery was performed on skin lesions such as skin tags and moles which were found on the neck, trunk and limbs (except for face). After enrollment and obtaining informed consent from participants, they were randomized into two groups of treatment and placebo. Excision of the lesions was done by surgical scissors. The lesions got restored by secondary intention method. After the first day of treatment, the patients were visited on the 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, and 21st day. Grape seed extract cream 2% was produced and coded by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences. In order to compare the two groups, T-test was used. For time assessing, analysis of variance with repeated measures was employed. Results: The results showed complete repair of wounds averagely on day 8 for the treatment group and on day 14 for the placebo group, which was clearly significant in terms of statistical difference (p=0.00). Conclusion: Proanthocyanidins in grape seed extract trigger the release of vascular endothelial growth factor and its topical application causes wound contraction and closure. Curing skin lesions with grape seed extract caused proliferation areas with protected boundaries in epithelium, increased cell density and increased deposition of connective tissue at the wound site which in general improves cellular structure in wound. In addition, its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties are effective in wound healing.
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Resveratrol (5-[(E)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]benzene-1,3-diol), a redox active phytoalexin with a large number of beneficial activities is also known for antibacterial property. However the mechanism of action of resveratrol against bacteria remains unknown. Due to its extensive redox property it was envisaged if reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by resveratrol could be a reason behind its antibacterial activity. Employing Escherichia coli as a model organism we have evaluated the role of diffusible reactive oxygen species in the events leading to inhibition of this organism by resveratrol. Evidence for the role of ROS in E. coli treated with resveratrol was investigated by direct quantification of ROS by flow cytometry, supplementation with ROS scavengers, depletion of intracellular glutathione, employing mutants devoid of enzymatic antioxidant defences, induction of adaptive response prior to resveratrol challenge and monitoring oxidative stress response elements oxyR, soxS and soxR upon resveratrol treatment. Resveratrol treatment did not result in scavengable ROS generation in E. coli cells. However, evidence towards membrane damage was obtained by potassium leakage (atomic absorption spectrometry) and propidium iodide uptake (flow cytometry and microscopy) as an early event. Based on the comprehensive evidences this study concludes for the first time the antibacterial property of resveratrol against E. coli does not progress via the diffusible ROS but is mediated by site-specific oxidative damage to the cell membrane as the primary event.
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Objective Grape seed procyanidins (PC) are flavan-3-ol oligomers and polymers known for their biological activity in the gut. Grape seed extract (GSE) have been reported to reduce intestinal injury in a rat model of mucositis. We sought to investigate effects of purified PC fractions differing in mean degree of polymerization (mDP) combined with 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) chemotherapy on the viability of colon cancer cells (Caco-2). Design SixPC fractions (F1-F6) were isolated from Cabernet Sauvignon seeds at two ripeness stages: pre-veraison unripe (immature) and ripe (mature), utilizing step gradient, low-pressure chromatography on a Sephadex LH-20 resin. Fractions were tested on Caco-2 cells, alone and in combination with 5-FU. Eluted fractions were characterized by phloroglucinolysis and gel permeation chromatography. Cell viability was determined by the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide) (MTT) assay. Results All isolated fractions significantly reduced Caco-2 cell viability compared to the control (P<0.05), but F2 and F3 (mDP 2–6) were the most active fractions (immature F2 = 32% mDP 2.4, F3 = 35% mDP 5.8 and mature F2 = 13% mDP 3.6 and F3 = 17% mDP 5.9; percentage of viable cells remaining) on Caco-2 cells. When combined with 5-FU, immature fractions F1-F3 enhanced the cell toxicity effects of 5-FU by 27–73% (P<0.05). Mature seed PC fractions (F1–F4) significantly enhanced the toxicity of 5-FU by 60–83% against Caco-2 cells (P<0.05). Moreover, some fractions alone were more potent at decreasing viability in Caco-2 cells (P<0.05; immature fractions = 65–68% and mature fractions = 83–87%) compared to 5-FU alone (37%). Conclusions PCs of mDP 2–6 (immature F1-F3 and mature F1 and F4)not only enhanced the impact of 5-FU in killing Caco-2 cells, but also surpassed standard 5-FU chemotherapy as an anti-cancer agent.The bioactivity of PC is therefore attributed primarily to lower molecular weight PCs.
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Exercise Training (ET) and Grape Seed Extract (GSE) as an antioxidant have many positive effects on controlling diabetes mellitus and its complications. This study aimed to determine the effects of GSE alone or combined with ET on body weight, plasma lipid profile, blood pressure, and heart rate in STZ-induced diabetic rats. IN THIS STUDY, MALE WISTAR RATS WERE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED TO FIVE GROUPS: sedentary control, sedentary diabetic, trained diabetic, GSE treated sedentary diabetic, and GSE treated trained diabetic. ET was conducted on the treadmill daily for 8 weeks. One way ANOVA followed by LSD test was used for statistical analysis. Reduction of body weight, high density lipoproteins, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure and increment of total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, and very low density lipoproteins were observed after STZ injection. Co-administration of GSE and ET had more positive effects on lipid profile compared to each method alone. In addition, GSE and ET modified heart rate partially, while their combination was more effective in improvement of heart rat in conscious rats. On the other hand, administration of ET or GSE alone did not affect systolic blood pressure and body weight, while their combination restored systolic blood pressure completely and improved body weight partially. The study findings indicated that ET combined with GSE had more beneficial effects compared to each one alone on the complications of STZ induced diabetes. This may constitute a convenient and inexpensive therapeutic approach to diabetic complications.
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Background and aims. Promoting remineralization is the ultimate goal of clinical prevention of caries lesion. The present in vitro study aimed to investigate the effect of grape seed extract (GSE) on artificial enamel caries in primary human teeth. Materials and methods. Seventeen human sound primary incisors were sectioned mesiodistally. The tooth slices were placed in a demineralizing solution for 96 hours at 37ºC and 50% relative humidity to create lesions. The demineralized fragments of each tooth were randomly divided into two case (immersed in GSE solution in phosphate buffer for 8 days) and control (immersed in distilled water) groups. The samples were subsequently evaluated using a scanning electron microscope and a micro-hardness tester. Data were analyzed using independent t-test. Results. The mean ± SD micro-hardness values for the case and control groups were 358.6±83.42 and 296.51± 69.41, respectively. Grape seed extract significantly increased the micro-hardness of the lesions (P=0.03). The morphology of GSE treated enamel was clearly different from that in the control group, and there were deposits of scaffolding insoluble complexes on the enamel surface. Conclusion. GSE enhanced the remineralization process of artificial enamel lesions of primary teeth, and thus, might be considered an effective natural agent in non-invasive dentistry.
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Grape is one of the oldest fruit crops domesticated by humans. The numerous uses of grape in making wine, beverages, jelly, and other products, has made it one of the most economically important plants worldwide. The complex phytochemistry of the berry is characterized by a wide variety of compounds, most of which have been demonstrated to have therapeutic or health promoting properties. Among them, flavonoids are the most abundant and widely studied, and have enjoyed greater attention among grape researchers in the last century. Recent studies have shown that the beneficial health effects promoted by consumption of grape and grape products are attributed to the unique mix of polyphenolic compounds. As the largest group of grape polyphenols, flavonoids are the main candidates considered to have biological properties, including but not limited to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and hepatoprotective activities. Here, we discuss the recent scientific advances supporting the beneficial health qualities of grape and grape-derived products, mechanisms of their biological activity, bioavailability, and their uses as nutraceuticals. The advantages of modern plant cell based biotechnology as an alternative method for production of grape nutraceuticals and improvement of their health qualities are also discussed.
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Cisplatin (CP) is used as an antineoplastic drug in the clinic, but its nephrotoxicity limits its use. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) is a powerful antioxidant. In this study, we investigated whether GSPE can prevent CP-induced nephrotoxicity and explored the underlying mechanism. Male C57/BL6 mice were randomly divided into four groups: control group (N), CP group (C), receiving an intraperitoneal (ip) injection of 20 mg/kg CP, GSPE group (G), receiving an intragastric (ig) dose of 500 mg/kg GSPE, and CP+GSPE group (C+G), where ig administration of GSPE was performed 30 min prior to ip injection of CP, followed by an additional ig administration of GSPE 72 h later. Blood and kidney samples were collected 120 h after treatment. The pathological changes in the kidney were examined by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining, while the protein levels of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), phosphorylated‑extracellular signal-regulated kinase (p-ERK) and caspase-12 were examined by western blotting and immunohistochemical staining. Apoptosis was examined by a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick‑end labeling (TUNEL) assay. Compared to the CP group, the CP+GSPE group had a significant decrease in the level of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Scr) and reduced renal index (RI) (P<0.05), and showed limited histopathological damage. The number of TUNEL-positive cells was significantly reduced in the CP+GSPE group compared to the CP group (P<0.05), and the protein expression of GRP78, p-ERK and caspase-12 was significantly reduced in the CP+GSPE group (P<0.05). We conclude that GSPE can protect the renal function from CP-induced nephrotoxicity and can attenuate the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress‑induced apoptosis via regulation of the caspase-12 pathway.
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We recently discovered a regulatory mechanism that stimulates the production of the multifunctional antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (CAMP). In response to subtoxic levels of ER stress, increased sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) production activates an NFκBC/EBPα-dependent pathway that enhances CAMP production in cultured human keratinocytes. As the multifunctional stilbenoid compound resveratrol (RESV) increases ceramide (Cer) levels, a precursor of S1P, we hypothesized and assessed whether RESV could exploit the same pathway to regulate CAMP production. Accordingly, RESV significantly increased Cer and S1P levels in cultured keratinocytes, paralleled by increased CAMP mRNA/protein expression. Furthermore, topical RESV also increased murine CAMP mRNA/protein expression in mouse skin. Conversely, blockade of CersphingosineS1P metabolic conversion, with specific inhibitors of ceramidase or sphingosine kinase, attenuated the expected RESV-mediated increase in CAMP expression. The RESV-induced increase in CAMP expression required both NF-κB and C/EBPα transactivation. Moreover, conditioned media from keratinocytes treated with RESV significantly suppressed Staphylococcus aureus growth. Finally, topical RESV, if not coapplied with a specific inhibitor of sphingosine kinase, blocked S. aureus invasion into murine skin. These results demonstrate that the dietary stilbenoid RESV stimulates S1P signaling of CAMP production through an NF-κBC/EBPα-dependent mechanism, leading to enhanced antimicrobial defense against exogenous microbial pathogens.
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To determine the effects of grape seed extract (GSE) supplementation on antioxidant defense system and lipid peroxidation in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). During a randomized double blind clinical trial adult subjects with type 2 diabetes were supplemented with 200 mg/day of GSE or placebo for two months. Fasting blood samples were obtained at the beginning and the end of study to determine total antioxidant capacity (TAC), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) levels in red blood cells and the serum malondialdehyde levels (MDA). After 2 months of grape seed extract supplementation, TAC decreased significantly from 0.71±0.17 to 0.7±0.15 (p<0.05) and SOD increased significantly from 1453±210 to 1514±243 (p<0.05) with no significant changes in MDA and GPX concentrations. There were no significant differences in the levels of TAC, SOD, GPX and MDA between groups (P > 0.05) during study. Although there were significant changes in TAC and SOD levels in GSE group, but there were no significant differences compared to placebo group. Therefore that is better to more investigation performed with upper dose and longer time by attention to special condition of diabetes and the medicines that are consumed.
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Cold-pressed onion, parsley, cardamom, mullein, roasted pumpkin, and milk thistle seed oils were characterized for their fatty acid (FA) composition, tocopherol content, carotenoid profile, total phenolic content (TPC), oxidative stability index (OSI), color, physical properties, and radical-scavenging capacities against peroxyl (oxygen radical-scavenging capacity) and stable DPPH (diphenylpicrylhydrazyl) radicals. Parsley seed oil had the highest oleic acid content, 81 g/100 g total FA, and the lowest saturated fat among the tested oils. Roasted pumpkin seed oil contained the highest level of total carotenoids, zeaxanthin, β-carotene, cryptoxanthin, and lutein at 71 μmol/kg and 28.5, 6.0, 4.9, and 0.3 mg/kg oil, respectively. Onion seed oil exhibited the highest levels of α- and total tocopherols under the experimental conditions. One of the parsley seed oils exhibited the strongest DPPH scavenging capacity and the highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value of 1098 μmol Trolox equiv/g oil. However, ORAC values of the tested seed oils were not necessarily correlated to their DPPH scavenging capacities under the experimental conditions. The highest TPC of 3.4 mg gallic acid equiv/g oil was detected in one of the onion seed oils. The OSI values were 13.3, 16.9–31.4, 47.8, and 61.7 h for the milk thistle, onion, mullein, and roasted pumpkin seed oils, respectively. These data suggest that these seed oils may serve as dietary sources of special FA, tocopherols, carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and natural antioxidants.
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Resveratrol (3,4′,5-trihydroxistilbene) is a phytoalexin commonly found in food and drinks, which is thought to possess antimicrobial activity. These effects together with its well known antioxidant properties are beneficial for the prevention of some diseases, e.g. cancer. In this study we have verified that resveratrol has antibacterial activity against all tested Gram-positive bacteria using both the disk diffusion and broth microdilution methods. Time kill assays of this compound against Gram-positive bacteria showed that its effects on the growth of bacterial cells were due to bacteriostatic action. The addition of resveratrol has allowed the identification of changes in cell morphology and DNA contents, which have been assessed through microscopic analysis and flow cytometry; this suggests that the cell cycle is affected by resveratrol. This study indicates that this compound may have potential as a natural antibacterial agent for both food preservation and medicinal use. KeywordsResveratrol-Antimicrobial activity-Bacteriostatic effect-Gram-positive bacteria-Bacterial cell cycle
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Effects of GSE and vitamins C and E on aspirin- and ethanol-induced gastric ulcer and associated increases of lipid peroxidation in rats were compared. Two experiments were conducted. Rats were randomized into eight groups: a negative control and seven groups that received aspirin or ethanol for ulcer induction: one positive control (vehicle) and six with VC, VE, or GSE (25 and 250 mg/kg). Ulcer indexes and gastric levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) were quantified. VC, VE, and GSE (25 and 250 mg/kg) decreased aspirin, and ethanol-induced ulcers and MDA values compared with positive control group. The magnitude of aspirin ulcer reduction was comparable for all treatments, and MDA decrease with GSE was higher than with VC and tended to be greater, albeit none significantly, than with VE. GSE was more effective than VC and VE for lowering the ethanol ulcers, while the decrease of MDA levels with GSE was greater than with VC, but comparable to that achieved with VE. GSE protected against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers more effectively than VC or VE, while its protection against aspirin ulcers was comparable for all treatments. GSE produced the greatest reductions of gastric MDA in both models.
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Despite advances in traumatic wound care and management, infections remain a leading cause of mortality,morbidity and economic disruption in millions of wound patients around the world. Animal models have become standard tools for studying a wide array of external traumatic wound infections and testing new antimicrobial strategies. Animal models of external traumatic wound infections reported by different investigators vary in animal species used, microorganism strains, the number of microorganisms applied, the size of the wounds and for burn infections, the length of time the heated object or liquid is in contact with the skin.Methods: This review covers experimental infections in animal models of surgical wounds, skin abrasions, burns, lacerations,excisional wounds and open fractures. As antibiotic resistance continues to increase,more new antimicrobial approaches are urgently needed.These should be tested using standard protocols for infections in external traumatic wounds in animal models.
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The endothelium forms an important part of the vasculature and is involved in promoting an atheroprotective environment via the complementary actions of endothelial cell-derived vasoactive factors. Disruption of vascular homeostasis can lead to the development of endothelial dysfunction which in turn contributes to the early and late stages of atherosclerosis. In recent years an increasing number of non-invasive vascular tests have been developed to assess vascular structure and function in different clinical populations. The present review aims to provide an insight into the anatomy of the vasculature as well as the underlying endothelial cell physiology. In addition, an in-depth overview of the current methods used to assess vascular function and structure is provided as well as their link to certain clinical populations.
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Vitis vinifera (grape) and Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) are well known medicinal plants; most of the pharmacologically active phytochemicals have been isolated from the skin, fruit juice, fermented extract and alcohol fractions of the plants above. Here, the pharmacological properties of the phytochemical constituents present in oils of cranberry and grape were investigated. The oil of grape and cranberry has been evaluated for their wound healing activity by using an excision wound model in rats. The animals were divided into four groups of six each (n = 6). The experimental group 1 and 2 animals were treated topically with the grape and cranberry oil (100 mg/kg body weight), respectively. The controls were treated with petroleum jelly. The standard group of animals were treated with mupirocin ointment (100 mg/kg body weight). The healing was assessed by the rate of wound contraction and hydroxyproline content. On day 13, animals treated with cranberry oil exhibited a (88.1%) reduction in the wound area compared with grape-oil treated (84.6%), controls (74.1%) and standard group animals (78.4%) (p < 0.001). The hydroxyproline content of the granulation tissue was significantly higher in the animals treated with cranberry and the grape-oil (p < 0.000). Comparative investigation of the curative properties of the oils of V. vinifera and V. macrocarpon revealed a significant result which suggests their wound-healing potential.
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The numerous uses of the grapevine fruit, especially for wine and beverages, have made it one of the most important plants worldwide. The phytochemistry of grapevine is rich in a wide range of compounds. Many of them are renowned for their numerous medicinal uses. The production of grapevine metabolites is highly conditioned by many factors like environment or pathogen attack. Some grapevine phytoalexins have gained a great deal of attention due to their antimicrobial activities, being also involved in the induction of resistance in grapevine against those pathogens. Meanwhile grapevine biotechnology is still evolving, thanks to the technological advance of modern science, and biotechnologists are making huge efforts to produce grapevine cultivars of desired characteristics. In this paper, important metabolites from grapevine and grape derived products like wine will be reviewed with their health promoting effects and their role against certain stress factors in grapevine physiology.
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The dietary consumption of grape and its products is associated with a lower incidence of degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancers. Most recent interest has focused on the bioactive phenolic compounds in grape. Anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols and resveratrol are the most important grape polyphenols because they possess many biological activities, such as antioxidant, cardioprotective, anticancer, anti-inflammation, antiaging and antimicrobial properties. This review summarizes current knowledge on the bioactivities of grape phenolics. The extraction, isolation and identification methods of polyphenols from grape as well as their bioavailability and potential toxicity also are included.
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The common Grape L. (Vitaceae) is regarded as an important medicinal plant. European healers have suggested the use of grapevine sap, juice, and whole grape in the treatment of pain, allergic reactions, inflammation, and to promote wound healing. We evaluated grape-skin powder for its wound-healing activity using an excision wound model in rats. Animals were randomly divided into three groups of six (n = 6) each. The test group animals were treated topically with the grape-skin powder (100 mg/kg/day). The controls and standard group animals were treated with petroleum jelly and mupirocin ointment respectively. Healing was assessed by the rate of wound contraction, period of epithelialization, and hydroxyproline content. On day 13, treatment of the wounds with grape-skin powder enhanced significantly the rate of wound contraction (100 %). Treated animals showed significant decrease in the epithelialization period (p < 0.000) and increase in the hydroxyproline content (p < 0.05) when compared to control and the standard. Histological analysis was also consistent with the proposal that grape-skin powder exhibits significant wound-healing potential. Increased rate of wound contraction, hydroxyproline content, and decrease in epithelialization time in the treated animals support the use of grape-skin powder in the management of wound healing.
Background: Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are universally appreciated fruit for their delicacy, nutrition and accepted as functional food. The objective of the present study is to evaluate antioxidant and anti-hypercholesterolemic potential of Vitis vinifera leaves extract. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening of methanolic (VVME) and aqueous (VVAE) extract was carried out to identify the phytoconstituents. Antioxidant potential was evaluated by employing in-vitro and in vivo assays. The anti-hypercholesterolemic activity was evaluated by inducing hypercholesterolemia with high cholesterol diet for 21 days in experimental animals. Results: In VVME, total tannins, total flavonoids and total phenolic contents were found to be present in major amount. Both extract has significant in-vitro and in-vivo antioxidant efficacy. Different doses i.e. 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of VVME and VVAE significantly attenuated the lipid levels. Moreover, VVME was found to be more effective as compared to VVAE and also, effectiveness was confirmed with histological results. Conclusion: It can be concluded that antioxidant and anti-hypercholesterolemic efficacy of Vitis vinifera might be due to presence of antioxidant ro ert and active phytoconstituents. © 2017 Phcog.Net. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Background and aims: Lifestyle has been found to play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is evidence to suggest that if lifestyle factors are modified successfully, the relative risk of CVD can be reduced. Risk factors for CVD such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidaemias can be modified by lifestyle changes. The main aim of this article is to provide best practice approaches and support for healthcare professionals on the role of lifestyle changes in the prevention of CVD. Methods: A working group of experts discussed existing guidelines, clinical practice and evidence, and provided their recommendations on ten topics concerning the role of lifestyle in CVD prevention. These topics covered important lifestyle factors as well as tools/approaches to assess or encourage lifestyle changes. Results: The group of clinical experts collaborated to provide their opinion on the following topics: one diet versus customised diets; the role of alcohol consumption in a healthy diet; a diet based on nutrient composition or on whole foods; a Mediterranean versus low-fat diet; the role of dietary supplements; physical activity; smoking cessation; the role of a nutritionist/dietitian in a CVD risk multidisciplinary team; tools to be implemented to assess diet, physical activity and smoking status; and the most effective approaches to encourage lifestyle changes. Conclusions: The expert working group agreed that lifestyle changes were important in preventing CVD and provided recommendations which complemented current guidance and increased clarity on several topics.
INTRODUCTION: Moderate and regular consumption of wine reduces the risk of acute coronary thrombotic events. The mechanism of the anti-thrombotic effect of wine is not clear. Extract or purified ingredients of grapes have not yet been studied for anti-thrombotic effect. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anti-thrombotic effect of proanthocyanidin, a highly purified ingredient of grape seed, was assessed by a shear-induced thrombosis test in vitro and by a laser-induced thrombosis test in the mouse carotid artery, in vivo. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Intravenously (20 mg/kg body weight, BW) or orally (2 x 200 mg/kg BW) administered proanthocyanidin significantly inhibited the laser-irradiation induced thrombus formation in the carotid artery (both P=0.01). Subsequent to oral administration of proanthocyanidin, in vitro platelet reactivity to shear stress has been inhibited. The latter suggests that the in vivo anti-thrombotic effect of proanthocyanidin may be due to a direct inhibitory effect on platelets.