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Toward an Understanding of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Practices


Abstract and Figures

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is influencing all aspects of human and business activities nowadays. Although potential benefits emerged from AI technologies have been widely discussed in many current literature, there is an urgently need to understand how AI can be designed to operate responsibly and act in a manner meeting stakeholders' expectations and applicable regulations. We seek to fill the gap by exploring the practices of responsible AI and identifying the potential benefits when implementing responsible AI practices. In this study, 10 responsible AI cases were selected from different industries to better understand the use of responsible AI in practices. Four responsible AI practices are identified, including governance, ethically design solutions, risk control and training and education and five strategies for firms who are considering to adopt responsible AI practices are recommended.
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Toward an Understanding of Responsible Artificial Intelligence Practices
Yichuan Wang
University of Sheffield
Mengran Xiong
University of Sheffield
Hossein G. T. Olya
University of Sheffield
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is influencing all
aspects of human and business activities nowadays.
Although potential benefits emerged from AI
technologies have been widely discussed in many
current literature, there is an urgently need to
understand how AI can be designed to operate
responsibly and act in a manner meeting
stakeholders’ expectations and applicable
regulations. We seek to fill the gap by exploring the
practices of responsible AI and identifying the
potential benefits when implementing responsible AI
practices. In this study, 10 responsible AI cases were
selected from different industries to better understand
the use of responsible AI in practices. Four
responsible AI practices are identified, including
governance, ethically design solutions, risk control
and training and education and five strategies for
firms who are considering to adopt responsible AI
practices are recommended.
1. Introduction
Artificial Intelligence (AI), a set of algorithm-
based machine, is programmed to self-learn from
data and display predictions and intelligent behaviors
through artificial neural networks, automated
machine learning, robotic process automation, and
text mining [1]. AI is capable of responding to real-
world problems and arriving decisions in real-time or
near real-time manner on behalf of human being [2],
[3], [4]. For instance, Chatbots, an AI-enabled service
robot, developed by provides real-time
24/7 customer service with the support of 43
languages to answer travel related queries to its
customers. With such highly evolved language
processing capabilities, Chatbots can interact with
customers and provide them with personalized
recommendations. It also enables to
deliver marketing automation thereby simplify
routine works accordingly.
AI, as a major shift in the global economy, is
influencing all aspects of human and business
activities nowadays. It holds the promise to create
efficiency and effectiveness by using data generated
from an explosion of digital touchpoints [5], [6]. At
the same time, it comes with its own concerns
relating to privacy concerns, user distrust, data
leakages, information transparency, and ethical
concerns. Such ethical dilemma and concerns, if they
are not well addressed when developing AI
initiatives, would lead to the potential loss of
credibility for products and brands and hamper the
company reputation in the marketplaces. Ethical and
societal concerns aroused from AI systems need to be
addressed in priority to ensure effective, ethical, and
responsible use of AI [7]. However, relatively little
attention has been given to understand responsible
approaches to the development, implementation,
management, and governance of AI.
Indeed, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has
become the main preoccupations of organizations in
the global marketplaces [8], used in broad domains
including areas of policies, programs and actions
while interacting with stakeholders [9][10]. For
instance, customer retention rate could be enhanced
as consumers prefer to purchase from and engage in,
socially responsible companies [8]. Likewise,
company reputation could be built along with CSR
activities [11]. From the CSR perspective,
organizations need to embrace the goal of being
socially responsible while bringing AI into the
business mainstream. However, according to the
Cognizant’s report, only about 50% of surveyed 975
executives across industries in U.S. and Europe had
policies and procedures in place to address ethical
concerns while designing AI applications [12].
Although potential benefits emerged from AI
technologies have been widely discussed in many
current literatures, the sustainable outcomes from
business to the society that AI presents is remained
unexplored [6]. Specifically, there is an urgently need
to understand how AI solutions can be designed to
operate responsibly and act in a manner meeting
stakeholder expectations and applicable regulations
[7], [13], [14].
We seek to fill the gap by exploring the practices
of responsible AI and identifying the potential
benefits when implementing responsible AI
initiatives. Therefore, this study set out to answer the
following research questions.
RQ1: What are the practices of responsible AI?
RQ2: What benefits and challenges have been
brought by implementing responsible AI practices?
To answer the above research questions, we hope
to provide business practitioners a more current
comprehensive understanding of responsible AI and
both theoretical and practical reference values for the
use of AI in a more socially responsible way. In this
paper, we begin by providing the historical context of
technology use of CSR, and then move on to
understanding ethical challenges in AI and the
development of AI in responsible practices. We
conducted a multiple case study of responsible AI,
which leads to the identification of responsible AI
practices and the recommendation of responsible AI
2. Literature Review
2.1. Technology Use in CSR
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be
defined as commitments from organizations to the
society in improving societal, environmental and
economic well-being through different business
practices [8], [15]. The relationship between the
company’s social responsibilities and its financial
performance has been documented extensively in the
literature [16], [17]. The study from BernalConesa et
al. [18] has indicated that the contribution of CSR-
oriented strategies is significant to the overall
performance of the organizations. From the empirical
perspectives, this principle has been incorporated in
marketing communications by many organizations in
order to enhance stakeholder perceptions and
retentions [19]. Thus, CSR is perceived to have
increasing importance for increasing enterprises’
CSR domains within the marketing field are
classified into seven categories, including employee
relations, human rights, diversity, community issues,
corporate governance, environmental issues and
product issues [20], [21]. Consumers are evinced to
have domain-based pro-company responses to CSR
practices due to the influence of moral foundations
theory (MFT) either individual-oriented or group-
oriented [8]. Their reactions towards companies can
be moderated through CSR domains in the case of
CSR strengths, therefore, properly CSR activates in
different aspects need to be organized and lapses of
CSR are required to be solved by companies [8].
As digital has become a megatrend in the global
economy, new technology gains great popularity
among different industries, offering new possibilities
and bringing benefits in many aspects of human lives
[22]. For example, labor force may be replaced by the
intelligent machines [23]. However, concept of the
sustainability has changed as it is confronted with the
digital transformation, also known as a technological
leap [24], leading to the increase in the restraints,
from the national laws and international rules, on
companies’ responsibilities towards society and
environment (Bernal-Conesa et al., 2017). Thus,
challenges could be posted to organizations for
creating sustainability and responsibility in the long
run. Inability to communicate the CSR programmers
and integrate them into strategies may lead to the
failure from achieving full potentials. Moreover,
criticisms of CSR vary between companies and
industries [20]. Data, algorithms and bots are main
areas to be explored during the process of sustainable
digitalization [22]. Specifically, although having
access to consumer data helps predict their potential
moves and create personalized experiences for them,
privacy invasions and algorithmic bias derived from
the sophisticated use of consumer data cannot be
underestimated [25]. Hence, the performance of
technologies is required to be aligned with CSR
principle and enhance its implementations [26]. In
practice, technology could identify the integration
points of CSR initiatives, offering corporate strategy
to increase the overall integrated level. In addition, it
could reduce human bias through the multi-
dimensional measurement on the programme
performance. Therefore, it is arguable that technical
resources can be integrated with human resources,
within or across companies, helping develop
capabilities to address sustainable concerns and
delivering responsible values to stakeholders to
obtain sustained benefits [27].
2.2. Ethical Challenges in AI
AI is no doubt beneficial to society as it helps to
harness empathy and creativity skills of human and
leveraging their emotional intelligence [28], [29]. An
example is that Siri, assistant of iPhone, is able to
recognize user’s requests through voice message, and
provide them assistance accordingly. It could lessen
the uncertainty, reduce the time spent on
administration and improve the efficiency in
decision-making process based on the data evidence.
In practice, the application of AI varies as it is
programmed to use specific data to achieve a certain
goal [30]. Marketers with such data can provide
additional benefits to target consumers in a more
efficient way [25].
In recent years, the pace of using consumer data
in the marketing field exceeds the academic scholars’
analytics [25]. Consequently, negatively unforeseen
issues may come along with initial programs and
against its positive goals. In addition, the lack of
transparency on algorithms, in reality, has caught
public attention, leading to the rise of ethical
concerns on the use of AI [2]. Ethical issues are
associated with the emergence of machine learning,
as it allows intelligence system to get access and
learn from numerous datasets, to derive its own rules,
enhance its behaviors and produce cognitive
competence [31]. The ways in which its
performances caused ethical reflections, may result in
deviating from sustained values and presenting new
challenges [28], [29], [32]. For instance, interruptions
of systems are of frequent occurrence due to the self-
reflection. Programmers’ biases might exist as the
abilities of AI are initially dependent on human
inputs, therefore, it might be problematic as bias can
also be replicated from previous events according to
the algorithm [2]. Thus, it is argued that intelligence
systems are requiring moral reasoning capabilities
while facing certain ethical dilemmas [29].
Studies on ethical AI, both from the data and the
information system perspectives, have been
conducted recently, leading the mitigation of unfair
bias. Reinforcement learning (RL) is prospected to
prevent ethical issues in the process of intelligent
decision-making [32]. It can learn from interruptions
while using data, either from humans or from
environments, to avoid repetitive problems. In
addition, formulating ethical principles to guide the
design of AI system and rational algorithms are
argued to be effective to ensure the ethics [33].
Nevertheless, it is not an easy task. Research from
Robbins [29] states a lack of assistance from ethical
norms or policy guidelines to regulate AI developer
to achieve a balance between the effective use of AI
and the concerns on ethics in the society. Taddeo and
Floridi [33] point out that the formulation of ethical
principles depends on cultural contexts and the
domain of analysis which they could vary.
3. Research Method
Our cases were drawn from materials on current
and past responsible AI projects from multiple
sources such as practical journals, print publications,
case collections, and companies’, vendors’,
consultants’ or analysts’ reports. The absence of
academic discussion in our case collection about the
utilization of responsible AI is due to the incipient
nature of such in this field.
The following case selection criteria were
applied: (1) the case presents an actual
implementation of responsible AI; (2) it clearly
describes the practices of responsible AI. We were
able to collect 10 responsible AI cases in different
industry (See Appendix 1). Categorizing by region, 4
cases were collected from Northern America, 6 cases
from Europe and UK.
Data analysis followed the constant comparison
method. Initially data analysis was performed
concomitantly with data collection, and continued
with an explicit coding stage and an analytical coding
procedure stage [33].
In the explicit coding stage, the analysis started
by comparing and coding each statement extracted
from the case materials into categories. This allowed
categories to emerge to fit in an existing category
[33]. Relevant statements were labelled and either
created as a new code and given a definition, or
assigned to the existing codes with memos indicating
their relevance and potential properties. Through this
process, the statement was broken down into units of
meanings. The concept as a basic unit of analysis
labels phenomenon representing a practice of
responsible AI [35]. After the explicit coding stage,
the data were conceptualized, defined and
categorized in terms of their properties, which
initiates the analytical coding stage.
During the analytical coding stage, the research
team compared the properties and dimensions of the
emergent categories. In order to constantly analyze
and compare the categories, the concept map was
employed to visualize the classification [35]. Four
dimensions underlying responsible AI practices were
identified. They are described in detail in the
following sections and visualized in Figure 1.
4. Practices of Responsible AI
Responsible AI is a governance framework that
uses to harness, deploy, evaluate, and monitor AI
machines to create new opportunities for better
service provision. It focuses on designing and
implementing ethical, transparent, and accountable
AI solutions that help maintain individual trust and
minimize privacy invasion. Responsible AI places
human (e.g., end-users) at the center and meets
stakeholder expectations and applicable regulations
and laws. Prior to designing and implementing
responsible AI, organizations need to understand the
practices that will help them drive ethics and trust of
AI use. The four practices of responsible AI include:
(1) Data governance; (2) Ethically design solutions;
(3) Human-centric surveillance/risk control; and (4)
Training and Education. These practices are evident
in the real-world cases of responsible AI. These are
described in turn below.
4.1. Data Governance
Governance of responsible AI focuses on building
transparency, trust, and explainability.
Transparency. It is important that the
organizational use of AI must be transparent to the
stakeholders by allowing them fully understand how
an AI application processes their data and arrive to
specific decisions [36]. According to the Direct
Marketing Association (DMA)’s investigation, 80%
of surveyed consumers would be very or moderately
comfortable with sharing personal data when they
know about how digital data is shared and effectively
used for marketing purposes [37]. Capital One is
making the criteria system of credit card transparent
by providing a computational decision with complete
explanation to their customers when their credit card
applications are accepted or denied [38]. Likewise,
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, as one of the largest
children’s hospitals in Europe, has developed an AI
featured digital App called Alder Play. Alder Play
has incorporated the cognitive advances in order to
present the enjoyable and informative experiences for
its young patients. Young patients allow to active
their own avatar during their stay, receive awards
when completing treatments, and get access to further
guidelines and contents accordingly [39]. Alder Play
enables healthcare professionals to have access to
medical records of patients who are eligible for NHS
treatment. Patients and their families would be able to
obtain their medical records online. This could
largely improve transparency in the clinical
processes, thereby enhancing the quality of health
services and strengthening the patient engagement.
Trust building. Trusted AI is built through high-
quality data and consent to use [12]. AI with high-
quality data could mitigate biased and inaccurate
results generated. To ensure the quality and reliability
of data, where the data sources come from, the
limitation of data, and data rules to sharpen data error
detection should be identified when developing AI
algorithms and systems. For example, PwC has
employed to build a revolutionary bot named, which uses AI algorithms to effective track
operational data and transactions and correct errors to
maintain accurate purchase histories and
interactions for their business customers.
What makes AI workable is its access to personal
information [36]. However, widespread access to
personal information (e.g., consumer-generated
content, online transactional data, and browsing and
clicking data) has brought negative impacts to
Figure 1. A concept map of responsible AI practices
individual, business, and society [25], [40]. The
availability of consumer data gives rise to serious
concerns where consumers suffer from privacy
invasion, fraud, information leakage, and identity
theft, and on the other hand, companies cannot
collect consumer data effectively due to the
consumers’ distrust. These trends have led to a focus
on data protection and transparency of data use by the
regulators in many countries such as General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) formulated by the
European Union and Act on the Protection of
Personal Information (APPI) in Japan. These
regulations aim to protect all individuals’ rights
regarding privacy and personal data and give control
to individuals over their personal data. With these
regulations came into force, it is crucial for
companies to institutionalize the practice of obtaining
consent statement or permission from users and
reduce ambiguity of data use and make the logic
behind automation clear through effective
communication with users [12].
Explainability. Providing meaningful and
personalized explanations about the results generated
by AI models could reduce uncertainty and build
trust with users [12]. To develop explainable AI,
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC)
proposed by IBM suggests that effective AI systems
should be able to interpret algorithm outputs via
examples properly and describe the testing
methodology [41]. For example, PwC has released its
Responsible AI Toolkit to guide companies to
accountably harness the power of AI and provide
them with personalized advisory services. Likewise,
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust in
Liverpool, UK has driven the intelligent use of digital
techniques based on big sets of patient data. Alder
Hey’s AI systems powered by IBM Watson cognitive
analytics enable healthcare professions to interact
with young patients and deliver them with
personalized health services, thereby improving the
quality and experience of care and securing the sound
health services [39]. AI-enabled personalized health
services have improved patient experiences in terms
of familiarization, distraction and reward [42].
Specifically, before patients arrive, 360-degree tours
of hospital environments and introductive videos of
blood test and x-ray check are available for them to
explore the hospital conditions and familiarize with
potential treatment experiences. Parents could speak
to a virtual assistant called Ask Oli to inquire about
the progress of their children’s health checks and
treatments. Questions are assured to be answered in
real time. Additionally, Alder Hey offers young
patients with character-based stickers activated by
using augmented reality (AR).
4.2. Ethically Design solutions
Ethical concerns should be minimized in
designing AI solutions in three ways. First, design
engineers need to be aware of possible ethical
challenges such as artificial stupidity, racist robots,
data and cyber security when developing AI systems.
To prevent these ethical concerns, AI system allows
for human inspection of the functionality of the
algorithms and systems [7]. For example, Google has
pointed out that concerns on ethical, environmental
and societal challenges while applying AI technology
need to be addressed across all sectors of society
[43]. User-centered AI systems are designed based on
Google’s concept of general best practices for
software systems. As acting a leading role in the
development of AI, Google has invested in AI
research and announced guidance principles to
manage its research fields and product development,
thereby influencing its business decisions in a more
ethical way [43]. Assessment of responsible AI
applications could be made via these objectives,
leading to the obligation for Google to form a
“responsible innovation team” with experts from a
range of disciplines to initially examine its ethical
level, and select a council of senior executives to
make decisions for more complicated issues [44][45].
In addition, an external advisory group is organized
with Google’s AI solution developers from a variety
of disciplines to avoid unethical AI practices and
complement its internal governance [44].
Second, a responsible AI system should
themselves be able to make socially significant
decisions by a set of ethical algorithms in order to
reduce the risk of unethical behaviors [14]. Lessons
could be learnt from a ridesharing platform, for
instance, the unethical AI algorithm potentially
creates unfairness on the distribution of driverstask
assignments and pricing practices. This algorithm
exists like a “black box” and helps its drivers evade
local transport regulators.
Third, a prerequisite for implementing responsible
AI successfully is to develop ethical mindset and
culture for organizations and employees. This is
critical for reducing any risks when applying AI.
H&M Group, for instance, has developed a checklist,
along with 30 questions to guide all ongoing and new
AI projects to ensure that AI applications are used
with fairness, transparency, beneficial results,
governance, collaboration, reliability, respecting
privacy, focused, and security. Such a practice help
H&M to ensure every AI solutions they develop are
subject to the comprehensive assessment of risks in
its use.
4.3. Training and education
Building training programs is another crucial
responsible AI practices. Such programs are to equip
managers and employees with a deeper
understanding of ethical use of AI and data. IEEE’s
Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial
Intelligence Systems
is a program designed to
promote ethical and responsible AI and ensure AI
architects and solutions developers are educated and
trained to prioritize ethical considerations of AI [36].
This program suggests that organizations should
provide training courses for ethical use of AI in areas
such as methods to guide ethical design, and safety
and beneficence of artificial general intelligence and
artificial superintelligence to those employees who
will play a critical support role of responsible AI.
Mentoring, cross-functional team-based training and
self-study are also beneficial training approaches to
help employees develop the ethical AI mindset and
Google has provided a series of advanced
technical knowledge online for people to master
technical skills. One suggested path is related to
Machine Learning (ML) techniques, a subset of AI
which could be applied to the datasets generated from
the real world. To be specific, Machine Learning
Crash Course (MLCC) is designed by Google
engineers with the help from university computer
science faculties, offering resources with insights of
data science and innovative ML approaches for the
supplement of study by self-learning. It has featured
with lessons including video lectures, actual case
studies and practical exercises. For example, a
technical module on fairness in 11 language versions
has been added to the MLCC by Google, in order to
train its staff around the world and help them mitigate
bias [45]. Additionally, material rewards from
Kaggle Machine Learning Competitions could be
given to those who learn new skills with ML
challenges. Moreover, training of “Ethics in
Technology Practice” project has been developed at
the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa
Clara University [45]. It offers assistance for Google
users to identify multifaceted ethical issues during
their daily work. Besides, Resource Library from
Google is available to be accessed to create
individual pathway.
Cloud AutoML has been introduced to design the
own model by using Google’s techniques such as
“learning2learn” and “transfer learning” [46]. This
Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human
Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems,
version 1, IEEE Standards Assoc., 2016;
could increase the productive level for less-skilled
users. The Google Cloud AI Solution provides either
prepackaged solutions or personalized model to serve
organizations’ needs across industries. Moreover, it
has shared experiences to improve AI practices,
partnered with professionals to apply projects with
positive societal effects, and worked with
stakeholders to promote thoughtful leadership in this
area [43]. Therefore, it could guarantee a long-term
development of AI technology as well as its
In addition, PwC has published the articles and
white papers to demonstrate their responsible AI
experiences [47]. AI: Sizing the prize from PwC
aims to estimate the percentage of the increase in
GDP to be contributed to AI in various regions [48].
From a recent PwC analysis report on the financial
services sector, concerns related to augmentation,
automation has been addressed, and corresponded
advice on the way to adapt AI in the future has been
provided. PwC advises exploring AI solutions within
explanatory and operational areas, which could help
using budget and resources in a more ethical and
societal way [48]. In addition, PwC has worked on
leveraging AI to fulfil client demands and
expectations, thereby sharing its own experiences to
help customers to employ the power of AI in the
same way [49]. As AI cannot learn without human
intervention, consequently, it is vital to train both
intelligence machines and staff to acquire appropriate
data [50]. Efforts from staff across the whole PwC
global network has accelerated the PwC’s approach
to the AI. It is proved that the advantages of aligning
AI innovation with core strategic objectives outweigh
operating initiatives in isolation [50].
Another example, reported by Audi AG, is that
the “Beyond AI Initiative” is created to address social
acceptance barriers of autonomous driving and the
future of work by educating development engineers,
scientists and other stakeholders.
4.4. Human-centric surveillance/risk control
Successful responsible AI requires a series of risk
control mechanisms at the design, implementation,
and evaluation stages. Several risks should be taken
into consideration when developing responsible AI
for organizations that includes security risks (cyber
intrusion risks, privacy risks, and open source
software risk), economic risks (e.g., job displacement
risks), and performance risks (e.g., risk of errors and
bias and risk of black box, and risk of explainability).
To minimize these AI risks, the first step is to
formulate the rules of risk controls, with clearly
focused goals, execution procedures, metrics, and
performance measures. In other words, a strong data
protocol should be defined that provides clear
guidelines to proactively identify AI risks that enable
organizations to harness data effectively from the
time it is acquired, stored, analyzed, and finally used.
Second, organizations should review the data they
gather internally and externally and realize their
potential risks. AI comes from self-learning through
human designed algorithms. It is imperative to ensure
the creditability of data so that AI can learn from the
right patterns and act according to their input. Once
the potential risk of these data has been managed,
managers can make better decisions, thereby
minimizing cost and complexity.
Finally, a responsible AI system should consider
the economic risks such as job displacement, liability,
and reputation risks. It is widely acknowledged that
future trend of AI will utilize AI approaches to
augment and complement human cognitive skills, and
focus on human-AI machine interaction and
collaboration to bring together the best of each [51].
5. Formulating Responsible AI Strategies
Lessons learnt from our selected case studies, we
suggest the following five strategies might provide
useful guideline for those seeking to develop
responsible AI initiative in their organizations.
5.1. Emergence of Chief Responsible AI
Officers (CRaiO)
Firms increasingly expect that the deployment of
AI is aligned with their goals and values of CSR. AI
not only enable firms to explore sharper customer
insights, but also become a powerful strategic
resource to facilitate positive business reputation and
brand recognition if it is used in an ethical and
responsible manner. However, only 25% of around
250 surveyed companies have considered the ethical
implications of AI before investing in it according to
the PwC’s investigation [52]. This shows that the
responsible AI practices in most cases are immature.
CRaiO roles should emerge to in response to this
need. We define the CRaiO as a role in charge of
developing a responsible AI roadmap and policy in
conjunction with internal and external stakeholders
to make use of trusted AI, integrating the oeuvre of
responsible AI to the projects across functional units,
and cultivating an inclusive responsible AI culture
across organizational and functional boundaries.
Creating a CRaiO may require intensively cross-
functional collaborations and organizational changes.
A careful assessment on organizational resources and
capabilities should be taken. Alternatively, as
suggested by EY [53], AI ethics multi-disciplinary
advisory board can be established to provide advice
and guidance to the Board of Directors.
5.2. Balancing economic and social
sustainability of AI use
AI for sustainability has attracted academic and
practical attentions in recent years, particularly
discussions on how can AI techniques be applied to
find a balance between economic and social
sustainable impact for businesses has been excited in
diverse disciplines. When applying AI, its societal
impact on well-being of humans and environment
should be seriously considered. If firms develop AI
algorisms with controversial impact on human rights,
privacy, and employment, it may lead to the potential
loss of credibility for products and brands, and
hamper the company’s reputation in the
marketplaces. Thus, the ultimate goal of responsible
AI is to strike a balance between satisfying customer
needs with less ethical concerns and dilemmas, and
attaining long-term profitability for businesses and
services. Ecological modernization theory (EMT)
argues the ecological outcomes could be maximized
through achieving a balance between economic
growth and social sustainability [54]. In this sense,
firms should develop their AI solutions by taking the
co-creation of economic and social sustainability into
consideration. Specifically, firms need to establish
policies on ethical governance considering socially
preferable approaches, address ethical issues both in
the initial design and post-launch stage of AI
systems, and place AI ethics as part of the CSR
5.3. Transparent and customer-centric data
There is no strategy with AI without a good data
quality management. However, with the data
protection regulations such as GDPR came into force,
firms require to obtain consent statement or
permission from consumers if they want to use their
information. These regulations have been a double-
edged sword for firms, potentially acting as a barrier
to behavioural targeting, personalisation of the
communications and other promotions plans of
marketers. On the other hand, with appropriate data
policy, it will improve consumers’ confidence in
sharing the data with firms for AI use [56].
Furthermore, penalties for the GDPR non-
compliance is about ranges from €10-20 million or 2-
4% annual global turnover, which is a hefty fine and
challenge for small and medium retailers [55].
Although the GDPR is an EU act, but it has a global
acts as international marketers that plan to
communicate with EU citizens must comply with the
regulations. Thus, persuading customers to share
information through transparent and customer-centric
data policy may turn these regulations from a threat
to an opportunity and may improve their trust
towards AI .
5.4. Creating socially responsible initiatives
with AI
Responsible AI is not just about designing AI to
operate ethically and responsibly, what do matter is
how AI can be leveraged to advance socially
responsible initiatives [57]. For instance, Quantcast, a
leading AI company who specializes in AI-driven
marketing, optimizes customers’ advertising
campaigns through using AI-driven real-time
insights. Meanwhile, they rely on real-time data and
machine learning capability to help their customers
ensure brand safety and prevent consumers in the
markets from fraud and fake information
dissemination. H&M utilizes AI to ensure customer
centricity (approaches such as fitting consumers
physical dimensions with their preferred style and
incorporating multiple data sources for dynamic
analysis), as a result of cutting environmental waste
and cost caused by high purchase return rates. These
socially responsible initiatives with AI contribute to
increased trust and sustainability among consumers.
5.5. Carrot and stick mechanism to regulate
AI usage
Carrot (reward/incentive) and stick (punishment)
mechanism has been widely applied to regulate IT
usage [58]. It is important to understand what
mechanisms can trigger employees’ ethical AI
behavior or impede the misuse of AI. Floridi et al.
[59] have designed a series of actionable plans to
financially incentivize ethical use of AI at the
organizational level. First, firms should encourage
cross-disciplinary cooperation and debate on
technological, social, legal aspects of AI. For
example, H&M has created an Ethical AI Debate
Club where cross-functional employees and their
customers and AI researchers can meet for debates on
ethical concerns and dilemmas arise in the fashion
industry. Second, developing an inclusive triadic
configuration to capture the complex interactions
among ethics, innovation, and policy in confluence, it
will help firms to ensure AI has ethics as a core
consideration and policy is guided facilitating
socially positive innovation [59]. Moreover,
punishment plays a key role in affecting employees’
ethical AI behavior. Firms should develop a
monitoring, auditing and punishing mechanism to
redress for a wrong caused by AI usage and to
moderately punish unethical AI behaviors.
6. Conclusion
As being maturing rapidly, AI holds an incredibly
power which has created new opportunities for social
good. However, the scalability of machine learning
might lead to inevitable disruptive impacts,
consequently, concerns may be aroused while
misusing AI. In practice, only few companies across
industries have incorporated AI with a series of
practices in a manner consistent with ethical
considerations, organizational values, public
expectations and societal norms. Attention is urgently
needed for research to formulate responsible AI
strategies that will enable firms to move forward to
leverage AI most efficiently and ethically.
Although our study identifies responsible AI
practices which is not only contributing to the
disciplinary field of AI and ethics, but also provides
practical recommendations for practitioners, it is
subject to the limitation of data source but at the
same time formulating new directions for future
research if primary data can be collected. First, the
adoption of responsible AI is still in its infancy. Case
materials used in this study mainly came from
companies and consultants reports. The absence of
academic works may result in a potential bias, as
companies usually publicize their success stories
[60]. Further validation could be undertaken by
collecting primary data from consumers, C-level
executives, AI software companies, third party
organizations and policy makers to fully explore
responsible AI practices at the individual,
organisational, industrial, and societal levels.
Second, as we found trust plays a vital role in
implementing AI, understanding consumers
cognitive appraisals, emotional states, and behavior
responses toward irresponsible use of AI enables
practitioners to avoid negative consequences. The
different scenario of irresponsible use of AI (e.g.,
ineffective marketing message, identity theft, and
invasion of privacy) can be examined through the
surveys and field experiments.
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Appendix 1
The list of responsible AI cases in this study:
Audi AG (Automobile manufacturing), Germany
Capital One (Financial and banking), United States
H&M (Clothing retail), Sweden
PwC (Professional services), United Kingdom
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital (Health care service),
United Kingdom
Google (Software), United States
Sage Group (Software), United Kingdom
IBM (Software), United States
Quantcast (Software), United States
Ernst & Young (EY) Global (Professional services),
United Kingdom
... Companies that adopt AI will venture into diverse avenues, including management and governance frameworks, democratization of data science and AI, continuous model enhancement, transparency and comprehensibility of AI, and diminished data prerequisites . The following cases were analyzed for this paper: PwC (Paradise, 2023;Wang, Xiong, & Olya, 2020) and KPMG (Gartner, 2023;Paradise, 2023;. ...
... The move reflects the growing significance of AI, particularly generative AI, in the business world, with monthly online lessons, interactive elements, and AI experts within the company sharing knowledge to assist colleagues in mastering AI skills. At the same time, the human capital training approach aims to bring all employees up to speed with AI technology and its potential applications (Wang et al., 2020). ...
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The volume starts discussions on skills, new techniques, regulations, policies, and benefits of using AI in various forms of education, from pre-university schools to academia and continuous training, from formal education to informal, as in the case of museums’ experiences. A reflection on what we already know and what to expect, the following pages are an invitation to everyone interested in education – educators, parents, managers, and decision-makers. There is no argument: AI is here to stay. As with any new technology, we are just beginning to discover its many uses and, in this process, some of the abuses. It is up to us to see how we can turn it into a driving force for good and ensure that we will use it to improve education.
... In addition, when reviewing, we identified more discussions in the literature about how RAI is supposed or expected to be practiced rather than observations and discussions of actual, existing RAI practices. These findings show that implementation of RAI practices in real-world settings is likely still in its infancy and relatively inconsistent [70]. Accordingly, there is a need for more documentation of and learning from RAI practices in real-world for future work. ...
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AI-enabled systems have significant societal benefits, but only if they are developed, deployed, and used responsibly. We systematically review 45 empirical studies in real-world settings to identify suggested Responsible AI (RAI) practices to ensure that AI-enabled systems uphold stakeholders' legitimate interests and fundamental rights. Our findings highlight eleven areas of suggested RAI practices: harm prevention, accountability, fairness and equity, explainability, AI literacy, privacy and security, human-AI calibration, interdisciplinary stakeholder involvement, value creation, RAI governance, and AI deployment effects. Our findings also show that there are more discussions about how RAI is supposed to be practiced than existing RAI practices. Ad hoc implementation of RAI practices in real-world settings is concerning because almost 80% of the AI-enabled systems reported in the 45 included articles are applied in use cases that can be categorised as high-risk settings, and over half are reported in the deployment phase. Our findings also highlight the crucial role of stakeholders in ensuring RAI. Identifying stakeholders into user, non-user, and primary stakeholders can thus help understand the dynamics of the settings where AI-enabled systems are (to be) deployed and guide the implementation of RAI practices. In conclusion, although there is a consensus that RAI practices are a necessity, their implementation in real-world is still in its early day. The involvement of all relevant stakeholders is irreplaceable in driving and shaping RAI practices. There is a need for more comprehensive and inclusive RAI research to advance RAI practices in real-world settings.
... Dennoch sind diese Maßnahmen unerlässlich, um langfristig einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit KI in Unternehmen zu etablieren. Durch die Einhaltung von Compliance-Richtlinien und die Umsetzung von RAI können Unternehmen nicht nur rechtliche Anforderungen erfüllen, sondern zugleich Kompetenzen aufbauen, Ängste nehmen und das Vertrauen in ihre KI-Systeme fördern (Wang et al., 2020). Dies führt letztendlich zu einer gesteigerten Effizienz (Behl et al., 2023) tungsvoll eingesetzt werden und keine Ungleichheiten in der Belegschaft verschärfen. ...
In diesem Kapitel wird die strategische Bedeutung von Responsible AI (RAI) und Lernfabriken zur Förderung von menschenwürdiger Arbeit und nachhaltigem Wirtschaftswachstum gemäß SDG 8, insbesondere Ziel 8.2, beleuchtet. Die Integration von RAI und AI-Compliance in der Produktionsindustrie kann sowohl Produktivität steigern als auch nachhaltige Arbeitsbedingungen fördern, etwa durch den Einsatz von Chatbots in der Instandhaltung. Eine quantitative Methode zur Bewertung des Reifegrads von KI-Systemen in Bezug auf Responsibility wird beschrieben, ebenso wie die Rolle von Lernfabriken zur Schulung im Umgang mit disruptiven Technologien.
With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), there arises a new frontier in CSR practices, as AI-powered solutions also have the ability to promote innovation; increase stakeholder involvement; improve the efficacy, efficiency, and scalability of corporate social responsibility (CSR) endeavours; and make evidence-based decisions in CSR efforts easier. But incorporating AI into CSR initiatives also brings up difficult moral, legal, and societal issues. The purpose of this chapter is to provide insights into the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) is changing corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how AI can encourage transparency, drive innovation in CSR programs, and involve stakeholders to produce significant social, environmental, and economic results. This study also explores the current trends in CSR and AI. This may help businesses allocate their resources more effectively, spot new trends, and improve impact measurement at large.
Cet ouvrage propose une étude réalisée par le chapitre français de l’IEEE SMC sur l’éthique et la transformation numérique dans les industries et la société. Fondée sur une enquête menée auprès de chercheurs en technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) et en intelligence artificielle (IA), ainsi que sur des séminaires de présentation, cette étude examine les différents aspects à considérer pour évaluer les principes éthiques dans les approches de la transition numérique, notamment en ce qui concerne les systèmes intelligents.Pour ce faire, Éthique et transition numérique présente les principales technologies et les usages des systèmes intelligents. Rassemblant des spécialistes de divers domaines, il explore les différentes dimensions de l’éthique à prendre en compte dans le développement de ces systèmes, qu’il s’agisse des sciences de l’ingénieur, du droit, de la sociologie ou encore de la philosophie, et se penche sur les défis futurs de l’éthique dans la transition numérique.
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Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) is the primary language used by the deaf community in Kenya. It is the medium of instruction from Pre-primary 1 to university among deaf learners, facilitating their education and academic achievement. Kenyan Sign Language is used for social interaction, expression of needs, making requests and general communication among persons who are deaf in Kenya. However, there exists a language barrier between the deaf and the hearing people in Kenya. Thus, the innovation on AI4KSL is key in eliminating the communication barrier. Artificial intelligence for KSL is a two-year research project (2023-2024) that aims to create a digital open-access AI of spontaneous and elicited data from a representative sample of the Kenyan deaf community. The purpose of this study is to develop AI assistive technology dataset that translates English to KSL as a way of fostering inclusion and bridging language barriers among deaf learners in Kenya. Specific objectives are: Build KSL dataset for spoken English and video recorded Kenyan Sign Language and to build transcriptions of the KSL signs to a phonetic-level interface of the sign language. In this paper, the methodology for building the dataset is described. Data was collected from 48 teachers and tutors of the deaf learners and 400 learners who are Deaf. Participants engaged mainly in sign language elicitation tasks through reading and singing. Findings of the dataset consisted of about 14,000 English sentences with corresponding KSL Gloss derived from a pool of about 4000 words and about 20,000 signed KSL videos that are either signed words or sentences. The second level of data outcomes consisted of 10,000 split and segmented KSL videos. The third outcome of the dataset consists of 4,000 transcribed words into five articulatory parameters according to HamNoSys system.
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AI-enabled systems have significant societal benefits, but only if they are developed, deployed, and used responsibly. We systematically review 45 empirical studies in real-world settings to identify suggested Responsible AI (RAI)practices to ensure that AI-enabled systems uphold stakeholders' legitimate interests and fundamental rights. Our findings highlight eleven areas of suggested RAI practices: harm prevention, accountability, fairness and equity, explainability, AI literacy, privacy and security, human-AI calibration, interdisciplinary stakeholder involvement, value creation, RAI governance, and AI deployment effects. Our findings also show that there are more discussions about how RAI is supposed to be practiced than existing RAI practices. Ad hoc implementation of RAI practices in real-world settings is concerning because almost 80% of the AI-enabled systems reported in the 45 included articles are applied in use cases that can be categorised as high-risk settings, and over half are reported in the deployment phase. Our findings also highlight the crucial role of stakeholders in ensuring RAI. Identifying stakeholders into user, non-user, and primary stakeholders can thus help understand the dynamics of the settings where AI-enabled systems are (to be) deployed and guide the implementation of RAI practices. In conclusion, although there is a consensus that RAI practices are a necessity, their implementation in real-world is still in its early day. The involvement of all relevant stakeholders is irreplaceable in driving and shaping RAI practices. There is a need for more comprehensive and inclusive RAI research to advance RAI practices in real-world settings.
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In the past five years, private companies, research institutions and public sector organizations have issued principles and guidelines for ethical artificial intelligence (AI). However, despite an apparent agreement that AI should be ‘ethical’, there is debate about both what constitutes ‘ethical AI’ and which ethical requirements, technical standards and best practices are needed for its realization. To investigate whether a global agreement on these questions is emerging, we mapped and analysed the current corpus of principles and guidelines on ethical AI. Our results reveal a global convergence emerging around five ethical principles (transparency, justice and fairness, non-maleficence, responsibility and privacy), with substantive divergence in relation to how these principles are interpreted, why they are deemed important, what issue, domain or actors they pertain to, and how they should be implemented. Our findings highlight the importance of integrating guideline-development efforts with substantive ethical analysis and adequate implementation strategies.
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With Artificial Intelligence (AI) entering our lives in novel ways—both known and unknown to us—there is both the enhancement of existing ethical issues associated with AI as well as the rise of new ethical issues. There is much focus on opening up the ‘black box’ of modern machine-learning algorithms to understand the reasoning behind their decisions—especially morally salient decisions. However, some applications of AI which are no doubt beneficial to society rely upon these black boxes. Rather than requiring algorithms to be transparent we should focus on constraining AI and those machines powered by AI within microenvironments—both physical and virtual—which allow these machines to realize their function whilst preventing harm to humans. In the field of robotics this is called ‘envelopment’. However, to put an ‘envelope’ around AI-powered machines we need to know some basic things about them which we are often in the dark about. The properties we need to know are the: training data, inputs, functions, outputs, and boundaries. This knowledge is a necessary first step towards the envelopment of AI-powered machines. It is only with this knowledge that we can responsibly regulate, use, and live in a world populated by these machines.
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Effy Vayena and colleagues argue that machine learning in medicine must offer data protection, algorithmic transparency, and accountability to earn the trust of patients and clinicians.
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Augmented Intelligence - effective human-computer symbiosis - has the potential to address emerging challenges successfully, possibly more so than pure AI. It integrates the unique abilities of human beings that cannot be replicated by AI. Large-scale IoT problems often cannot be solved by either computers or human beings alone. Therefore, there are significant opportunities in IoT applications that are coupled with the notion of Augmented Intelligence. Managers need to consider carefully for which task, in which way and to what extent IoT applications will be applied. They must make their choices based on the expected performance, cost and risk of autonomous IoT solutions that would operate without human oversight. For example, automated manufacturing, predictive maintenance and security IoT solutions may be cautiously fully automated. However, human-oriented applications, such as smart retail, could still maintain a certain level of human oversight.
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This article argues that an ethical framework will help to harness the potential of AI while keeping humans in control.
The convergence of robotics technology with the science of artificial intelligence is rapidly enabling the development of robots that emulate a wide range of intelligent human behaviors. Recent advances in machine learning techniques have produced artificial agents that can acquire highly complex skills formerly thought to be the exclusive province of human intelligence. These developments raise a host of new ethical concerns about the responsible design, manufacture, and use of robots enabled with artificial intelligence-particularly those equipped with self-learning capacities. While the potential benefits of self-learning robots are immense, their potential dangers are equally serious. While some warn of a future where AI escapes the control of its human creators or even turns against us, this chapter focuses on other, far less cinematic risks of AI that are much nearer to hand, requiring immediate study and action by technologists, lawmakers, and other stakeholders.
Recent advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensors now enable machines to automate activities that once seemed safe from disruption—including tasks that rely on higher-level thinking, learning, tacit judgment, emotion sensing, and even disease detection. Despite these advancements, the ethical issues of business automation and artificial intelligence—and who will be affected and how—are less understood. In this article, we clarify and assess the cultural and ethical implications of business automation for stakeholders ranging from laborers to nations. We define business automation and introduce a novel framework that integrates stakeholder theory and social contracts theory. By integrating these theoretical models, our framework identifies the ethical implications of business automation, highlights best practices, offers recommendations, and uncovers areas for future research. Our discussion invites firms, policymakers, and researchers to consider the ethical implications of business automation and artificial intelligence when approaching these burgeoning and potentially disruptive business practices.
Based on the central premise that corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions are inherently moral acts, we draw upon moral foundations theory to investigate the extent to which consumers’ moral foundations affect their pro-company behaviors based on CSR domains. In two studies, our results reveal that when consumers’ moral foundations are congruent with CSR domains, positive pro-company behaviors increase. Moreover, this congruency effect is observed only in positive CSR actions but not in CSR lapses. Lastly, we introduce consumer-company identification as the underlying process driving the consumer-domain congruence effect on pro-company reactions. Theoretical contributions and practical implications for marketers are discussed.