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Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia


Abstract and Figures

In this study, we characterized the production system and morphology of local sheep in Liberia. We gathered husbandry information from 514 male and 190 female sheep farmers across all three agroecological zones of Liberia. We also described the basic morphological attributes of 709 female and 189 male sheep. The main motivation for raising sheep is income (81%) and meat production (14%), with cost and availability of feed (45%), housing (26%), diseases (18%), and cost of veterinary medicines (7%) being the main challenges. The predominant sheep breed in Liberia is the Djallonke (82%). Coat colour pattern of sampled sheep was plain/solid/uniform (61%) or patchy/pied (28%) with a few being spotted (11%). The sheep had mostly straight facial (79%) profile, were horned (74%) with straight horns (92%) which were either oblique (48%) or lateral (35%). The sheep had mainly erect ear orientation (60%) and cylindrical straight tails (83%). The high prevalence of crossbred sheep and the popularity of exotic breeds call for the need to conserve the Djallonke breed and/or to implement within breed selection. Community-based breeding programmes and formation of farmer associations should be encouraged by stakeholders to facilitate improvements of their animals. This should help reduce the challenges affecting sheep farmers and encourage especially the youth to go into sheep farming. RÉSUMÉ Dans cette étude, nous avons caractérisé le système de production et la morphologie des moutons locaux au Libéria. Nous avons recueilli des informations sur l'élevage de 514 moutons mâles et 190 femelles dans les trois zones agroécologiques du Libéria. Nous avons également décrit les attributs morphologiques de base de 709 moutons femelles et de 189 moutons mâles. La principale motivation pour élever des moutons est le revenu (81 %) et la production de viande (14 %), le coût et la disponibilité des aliments pour animaux (45 %), le logement (26 %), les maladies (18 %) et le coût des médicaments vétérinaires (7 %) étant les principaux problèmes. La race ovine prédominante au Libéria est le Djallonke (82%). La couleur de la robe des moutons échantillonnés était unie/solide/uniforme (61 %) ou inégale/pied (28 %), quelques-uns ayant été repérés (11 %). Les moutons avaient surtout un profil facial droit (79 %), étaient cornus (74 %) avec des cornes droites (92 %) qui étaient obliques (48 %) ou latérales (35 %). Les moutons avaient principalement l'orientation de l'oreille dressée (60%) et les queues droites cylindriques (83%). La forte 944 A. B. KARNUAH et al.
Content may be subject to copyright.
African Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 3 (4): October-December 2018, pp. 943-954. ISSN 2415-2838
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons license, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Characterizaon of local sheep producon system and morphology in Liberia
and P.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, One UN Building, Pan African Plaza,
1st Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
Department of Animal Science, School of Agriculture, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, P.O.
Box, LG 226, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana
Department of Livestock and Fishery, Central Agricultural Research Institute, Suakoko, Bong County,
Animal Genetic Resources Branch, Animal Production and Health Division, Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nation
Corresponding author:
Received: 14 June 2018
Accepted: 29 September 2018
Published: 31 December 2018
Cite as
: Karnuah, A. B., Osei-Amponsah, R., Dunga, G., Wennah,
A., Wiles,W.T. and Boettcher, P. 2018. Characterization of local sheep
production system and morphology in Liberia.
African Journal of
Rural Development
3 (4): 943-954.
In this study, we characterized the production system and morphology of local sheep in
Liberia. We gathered husbandry information from 514 male and 190 female sheep farmers
across all three agroecological zones of Liberia. We also described the basic morphological
attributes of 709 female and 189 male sheep. The main motivation for raising sheep is
income (81%) and meat production (14%), with cost and availability of feed (45%), housing
(26%), diseases (18%), and cost of veterinary medicines (7%) being the main challenges.
The predominant sheep breed in Liberia is the Djallonke (82%). Coat colour pattern of
sampled sheep was plain/solid/uniform (61%) or patchy/pied (28%) with a few being
spotted (11%). The sheep had mostly straight facial (79%) prole, were horned (74%) with
straight horns (92%) which were either oblique (48%) or lateral (35%). The sheep had
mainly erect ear orientation (60%) and cylindrical straight tails (83%). The high prevalence
of crossbred sheep and the popularity of exotic breeds call for the need to conserve the
Djallonke breed and/or to implement within breed selection. Community-based breeding
programmes and formation of farmer associations should be encouraged by stakeholders to
facilitate improvements of their animals. This should help reduce the challenges aecting
sheep farmers and encourage especially the youth to go into sheep farming.
Key words: Conservation, disease, Djallonke sheep, feed, housing, Liberia
Dans cette étude, nous avons caractérisé le système de production et la morphologie des
moutons locaux au Libéria. Nous avons recueilli des informations sur l’élevage de 514
moutons mâles et 190 femelles dans les trois zones agroécologiques du Libéria. Nous avons
également décrit les attributs morphologiques de base de 709 moutons femelles et de 189
moutons mâles. La principale motivation pour élever des moutons est le revenu (81 %) et
la production de viande (14 %), le coût et la disponibilité des aliments pour animaux (45
%), le logement (26 %), les maladies (18 %) et le coût des médicaments vétérinaires (7 %)
étant les principaux problèmes. La race ovine prédominante au Libéria est le Djallonke
(82%). La couleur de la robe des moutons échantillonnés était unie/solide/uniforme (61
%) ou inégale/pied (28 %), quelques-uns ayant été repérés (11 %). Les moutons avaient
surtout un prol facial droit (79 %), étaient cornus (74 %) avec des cornes droites (92
%) qui étaient obliques (48 %) ou latérales (35 %). Les moutons avaient principalement
l’orientation de l’oreille dressée (60%) et les queues droites cylindriques (83%). La forte
et al.
prévalence des moutons croisés et la popularité des races exotiques appellent à la nécessité
de conserver la race Djallonke et / ou à mettre en œuvre dans la sélection de la race. Les
programmes communautaires et la formation d’associations d’agriculteurs devraient être
encouragés par les parties prenantes an de faciliter l’amélioration de leurs animaux. Cela
devrait contribuer à réduire les dés qui touchent les éleveurs de moutons et encourager en
particulier les jeunes à se lancer dans l’élevage de moutons.
Mots clés : Conservation, maladie, mouton de Djallonke, fourrage, logement, Libéria
The need to increase livestock production to
feed an ever-increasing human population
is now more urgent than ever (FAO, 2018).
Expected negative eects of climate change on
livestock production justify the need to conserve
and sustainably use available local animal
genetic resources (AnGR) which are relatively
more adaptive (AUIBAR, 2018) and resilient
to the eects of environmental challenges.
Conservation and sustainable utilization of local
AnGR however requires information on their
morphology and production system (FAO, 2012;
Osei-Amponsah et al., 2017). Morphological
characteristics relating to production and
reproduction provide useful baseline information
on the normal morphological aspects important
in the production of the breed (https://
characterisation of small ruminant populations
in developing countries will play a major role
in their maintenance for future improvement in
livestock production (Birteeb et al., 2013).
The state of animal genetic resources in Liberia
within the context of agricultural production
and their importance to socio-economic
development was described by Karnuah et al.
(2018a). Although mutton is a popular livestock
product in Liberia, sheep production has been
on the decline in recent decades. In the 1990s
goat and sheep production were at par with
each other in Liberia, but by 2011, the country
had lost close to 50% of its sheep population
(MOA, 2015). The drastic decline was due to
the eect of 14 years of civil war where most
animals were killed and eaten by ghters.
Moreover, restocking eorts have not targeted
sheep as has been done for goats by various
stakeholders (FED, 2012; Land O’ Lakes, 2013).
Therefore the population of sheep is yet to be
at par with that of goats as during the pre-war.
Unfortunately baseline characterization data
on sheep production is not available. Yet this
information is needed for the establishment of
sustainable livestock research and development
plans and to guide restocking and animal health
programmes (FAO, 2012; Karnuah et al.,
2018a). The objective of this study therefore was
to describe the morphological characteristics
of local sheep in Liberia and the prevailing
sheep production and management system so
as to enable stakeholders make appropriate
decisions to enhance the future utilization and
conservation of this AnGR.
Source and collection of data. The study
was part of the Government of Liberia’s
Technical Cooperation Project with the Food
and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations and a previous paper (Karnuah
et al., 2018a) has described the study area and
data collection process. Briey, we sampled
local sheep in their production systems in
15 counties of Liberia, much of which is
dominated by at to rolling coastal plains with
mangroves and swamps (MOA, 2008). Data
collected included general information on
demographic characteristics of sheep farmers,
sheep production and management practices
as well as the morphometric attributes of
Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia
sheep. Phenotypic characterization descriptors
provided by FAO (2012) were used in the design
of a questionnaire; the responses were recorded
on an electronic data capture system (Aanensen
et al., 2009). Linear and morphological
measurements including heart girth, whither
height, body length and body weight were also
carried out using a measuring tape and weighing
scale according to FAO Guidelines (FAO, 2012).
Data analysis. Data were analysed using
Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) software
(SAS, 2012) and the Survey Package in R
(R Core Team, 2016) to take advantage of
their very exible options for summarizing
categorical and quantitative variables and
clear gures. Analyses carried out included
categorical analysis of qualitative data using
chi square, descriptive analyses of quantitative
data, regression analysis to determine the
eects of linear body measurements on body
weight and correlation between the parameters.
Relative frequencies of various characterization
parameters and the results are summarized in
tables and gures that follow.
Background of respondents. Demographic
attributes of 704 sheep farmers made up of 190
females and 514 males interviewed are shown
in Table 1. Signicantly higher proportion of
male farmers have basic (48%) or secondary
(29%) education compared to the females
with just 3% of sheep farmers having tertiary
education. Majority of the sheep farmers (82%)
did not belong to any livestock associations.
The absence of well-organized farmer/breeder
associations to support governmental initiatives
has hindered eorts to develop an appropriate
and integrated livestock recording system for
Liberia’s AnGR (MOA, 2008). Popular sheep
farming counties such as Gedeh, Nimba,
River Cess, Gbarpolu and Bassa are potential
areas to help farmers come together with such
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of sheep farmers by gender in Liberia
Gender of farmers Chi Square value Prob df
Female (%) Male (%) Total
Educational status
None 52 19 198(28%) 79.97** <0.0001 3
Basic 37 48 317(45%)
Secondary 8 29 166(24%)
Tertiary 3 4 23 (3%)
All farmers 27 73 704(100%)
Membership of Livestock Association
No 80 82 579(82%) 0.33ns 0.57 1
Yes 20 18 128(18%)
Total 27 73 707(100%)
Average age, household size and number of animals of sheep farmers
Female Male
Mean ± SE n CV(%) Mean ± SE n CV(%)
Age of farmer 47.5 ± 0.98 190 28 47.2 ± 0.57 514 27
Household size 7.6 ± 0.24b 189 43 8.9 ± 0.18a 508 47
Number of animals 1.3 ± 0.07b 190 72 1.5 ± 0.05a 514 72
Gender Head Ratio 127(20%) 509(80%)
NB: ns – not signicant (P>0.05); ** - highly signicant (P<0.01); within rows means followed by dierent superscripts are
signicantly (P<0.05) dierent
et al.
associations to safeguard breed conservation
and utilization of sheep genetic resources.
Sheep production. The main reasons for sheep
production in Liberia are for meat and adding
saving to income with crop-livestock and free-
range systems being popular (74%) across
agroecological zones (Figure 1). Some farmers
raise sheep for important religious festivals to be
slaughtered for meat. Among the sheep farmers,
their motivation for sheep production was mainly
for meat or income (89%), followed by socio-
cultural reasons (8%) with breeding and manure
production being very minor (3%) reasons. This
nding agrees with those of Dosa et al. (2015)
who reported that irrespective of city, sheep
were primarily kept for their nancial functions
whereby sheep were perceived as having higher
economic value than goats. In terms of housing,
close to 60% of sheep farmers provide no
housing/shed for their animals with permanent
structures being more popular in the coastal zone
whilst temporary sheds are popular in the forest
zone (Figure 1). Sheep production is also mainly
based on crop-livestock systems with 63% of all
sheep farmers also being crop farmers. In fact,
less than 20% of sheep farmers keep livestock
alone and in the forest and savannah zones,
that is 75% and 70% of all sheep farmers are
also crop farmers, respectively. Irrespective of
agroecological zone, the most popular sheep
tending management system encountered was
free grazing which was practiced by 75% of
sheep farmers (Figure 1). Tindano et al. (2017)
reported that 70% of Mossi Djallonke sheep
farmers in Burkina Faso grazed their ocks
freely in natural pasture during the dry season.
The average age of a sheep farmer was 47
years, and this suggests a need to encourage
and provide incentives to more youth to go into
agriculture and sheep farming. Male farmers
had relatively larger herd sizes and household
sizes than female heads of households. Sheep
farming was mainly undertaken with family
labour (98%) as shown in Table 2. Hired labour
was only reported by a few farmers in the
forest and savannah agro-ecological zones with
farmers in the coastal zone depending solely on
family labour. Male sheep farmers were also
Figure 1 Variation of shee p production pract ices acros s agro-ecologi cal zones
a. Reason for keeping sheep
c. Prov ision of housing for she ep
b. Shee p production sys tems
d. Shee p tending manageme nt
Number of farmers
Number of farmers
Number of farmers
Number of farmers
Figure 1. Variation of sheep production practices accross agro-ecological zones
Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia
predominantly household heads which gave
them control over family labour. Table 2 also
shows that commercial sheep farmers were
found mainly in the coastal (71%) and the forest
zones (59%) whilst almost all sheep farmers
in the savannah zone were substance farmers
(94%). Sheep multiplication farms were not
popular in Liberia and represented just 5% of
all sheep farms surveyed. River/lake (74%) and
deep wells (24%) are the major sources of water
for sheep across ecozones with no farmer in the
savannah zone mentioning either pipe-borne or
rain harvesting.
Sheep farmers reported diseases, drought and
heat tolerance as the major adaptive traits of
their animals. Indeed, the farmers indicated
disease tolerance (55%), followed by drought
tolerance (28%) and heat tolerance (17%). These
are very important adaptive traits for breeding
climate resilient sheep and a justication for
genomic characterisation of local breeds to
identify genes associated with such adaptive
traits (Birteeb et al., 2013) for introgression of
favourable alleles into crossbred sheep in future
breeding programmes. This is in line with the
need to consider traits of adaptive and economic
importance to farmers in the design of breeding
policies (FAO, 2015; Konig et al., 2016). The
most common mating system observed among
Table 2. Sheep production attributes by agroecological zone in Liberia
Agroecological zone Chi Square Prob df
Coastal (%) Forest (%) Savannah (%) Total
Holding type
Commercial farmer 71 59 6 439 (62%) 89.6** <0.0001 4
Peasant farmer 28 31 94 233 (33%)
Breeding centre 1 10 0 32 (5%)
All types 62 33 5 704 (100%)
Source of water 17.7** 0.0070 6
River/lake 78 65 72 515 (74%)
Deep well 20 31 28 170 (24%)
Pipe borne 1 4 0 14(2%)
Rain 1 0 0 1(0%)
All water sources 62 33 5 700 (100%)
Source of Labour 21.5** <0.0001 2
Family 100 96 91 686 (98)
Hired 0 4 9 13 (2%)
All labour sources 62 33 5 699 (100%)
Challenges of sheep farming
Disease 19 12 39 119 (18%) 16.6** <0.0001 14
Feed 50 40 16 300 (45%)
Housing 19 40 38 165 (26%)
Veterinary medicine 8 5 6 44 (7%)
Theft 4 3 0 25(4%)
Land 1 0.5 0 5 (1%)
All Challenges 62 33 5 668 (100%)
NB: ns – not signicant (P>0.05); ** - highly signicant (P<0.01)
et al.
the sheep farmers was uncontrolled, non-
seasonal, natural mating involving the use of
multiple sires (91%). This is not surprising
given the predominantly free-range husbandry
system which gives the farmer very little control
over breeding rams. The determination of price
among sheep farmers in Liberia depend on
several factors such as nancial need (65%)
among farmers with none or basic education
or market readiness (68%) among farmers
with tertiary education who appeared to have
better deals in selling their stock. In the Tolon
District of Ghana, Birteeb and Donkor (2016)
indicated that sex and fur texture were the key
determinants of price in the livestock market.
Challenges of sheep farming. Sheep farmers
reported cost and availability of feed (45%),
housing (26%), diseases (18%) and cost of
veterinary medicines (7%) as their main
challenges (Table 2). However, major variations
were recorded across the agroecological zones
as indicated by the signicant Chi Square value.
The major challenges were feed in the coastal
zone, feed and lack of animal shed in the forest
zone and disease and lack of animal sheds in
the savannah zone. These challenges aect all
livestock species (Karnuah et al., 2018a and b)
and need to be addressed not only to increase
productivity but to motivate and encourage
more farmers to go into livestock production in
Liberia. The cost and accessibility to veterinary
services and medicines is a huge challenge to
livestock farming in Liberia. As indicated by
the MOA (2015), animal diseases are the major
constraint to livestock development in Liberia
and there is little information available on major
diseases, and little or no research on animal
production and health. Sheep production in
Liberia is also negatively aected by poor or
no housing/shed and fencing facilities, resulting
in theft of animals on one hand and damages
of farm crops on the other hand. Few sheep
farmers (4%) reported loses of their animals due
to theft. Provision of animal sheds and fencing
infrastructure for sheep, the accessibility and
Sahelian Ram
Sahelian Ewe
Djallonke Ram
Djallonke Ewe
Crossbred Ewe
Figure 2. Images of sampled sheep by breed type in Liberia
Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia
availability of feeds and veterinary medicine
should help improve sheep production in Liberia.
Previous studies have reported such constraints
as major causes of sheep mortality (Lakew et
al., 2017) and therefore needs to be addressed
for a successful sheep industry in Liberia.
Morphological characterization. The survey
revealed that Djallonke sheep is the predominant
sheep breed in Liberia, accounting for 82% of all
sheep surveyed, followed by various crossbreds
between local and exotic breeds such as the
Black Headed Persian (17%), and the Sahelian
(2%) (Figure 2). Local names for the Djallonke
include Yonkpoe, Woley, Bor, Baar, Mbah,
Bolee, Blabeh, Blie, short sheep, Mabawah
amusum, Guinea sheep and Saar, whilst the
Sahelian breed is known locally as Wlie and tall
Morphometric characterisation of sampled
sheep indicated that on the average females were
older (3 years) than the male sheep (2 years). On
the other hand, male sheep were signicantly
(P<0.05) superior to females in all morphometric
parameters measured. For instance, average
body weights for female and male sheep were
24 and 28kg; body length 57 and 62cm; height
at withers 52 and 55cm and chest girth 68 and
70cm respectively. Irrespective of sex, the
relatively high coefficient of variation in body
weight of sheep can be attributed to the wide
variation in estimated age of animal (Table 3).
In addition, the large variations in body weight
of sampled sheep suggest opportunities for
genetic improvement of local sheep of Liberia
by selection (Boubekeur et al., 2015). As
indicated by Lakew et al. (2017), local sheep
have potential for multipurpose roles and also
generate income for smallholders and any
Table 3. Summary statistics of key quantitative variables of sheep by sex
Variable Females Males
Mean ± SE* n* CV* (%) Mean ± SE n CV (%)
Body weight (kg) 24.5 ± 0.24b 709 27 28.7 ± 0.73a 189 35
Body length (cm) 57.6 ± 0.23 b 709 11 61.9± 0.71 a 189 16
Height at withers (cm) 52.2 ± 0.23 b 709 12 55.7 ± 0.66 a 189 16
Chest girth (cm) 67.1 ± 0.31 b 709 13 70.4 ± 0.80 a 189 16
Horn length (cm) 13.9 ± 0.18 b 369 25 16.5 ± 0.42 a 158 32
Ear length (cm) 9.7 ± 0.05 b 709 13 11.2 ± 0.19 a 189 23
Tail length (cm) 23.0 ± 0.13 b 709 16 28.9 ± 0.89 a 189 42
Estimated age (years) 3.1 ± 0.10a 704 54 1.9 ± 0.08 b 188 58
NB: SE = Standard error of mean; n – sample size; CV – coefficient of variation; within rows means followed
by different superscripts are significantly (P<0.05) different
Table 4. Spearman correlation coecients of key quantitative variables of sheep in Liberia
Body Body Height at Chest Horn Ear Tail
length weight withers girth length length length
Body weight 1.00 0.99** 0.99** 0.99** 0.97** 0.80** 0.88**
Body length <.0001 1.00 0.98** 0.99** 0.96** 0.78** 0.87**
Height at withers <.0001 <.0001 1.00 0.98** 0.96** 0.80** 0.88**
Chest girth <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 1.00 0.97** 0.79** 0.88**
Horn length <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 1.00 0.70** 0.82**
Ear length <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 1.00 0.90**
Tail length <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 1.00
NB: ** Signicant at 0.01; * Signicant at 0.05 level of signicance. ns – not signicant.
Upper diagonal – correlation coecients; Lower diagonal – P values..
et al.
genetic improvement programme should aim
at farmers’ need to consider simultaneously
their traits of preference and existing traditional
herding and breeding practices.
The summary statistics of the key quantitative
variables of sheep by sex (Table 3) shows that
males were signicantly (P<0.05) superior in
all linear body measurements than females.
In the study by Birteeb and Donkor (2016)
on Djallonke sheep in Ghana they reported
that the females had higher values in all body
measurements than males, but higher variability
of all body measurements were associated
with males. The highly signicant correlations
between body weight and the linear body
measurements of sheep (Table 4) indicates that
body weight can be predicted from these linear
measurements by using appropriate regression
models. For instance, we tted simple linear
regression models between body weight and all
the other morphological parameters shown in
Figure 3. The best t for predicting body weight
was obtained when body length was tted with
an R2 value of 97% (Fig. 3). This indicates
that one can predict body weight of sheep from
body length with a high degree of accuracy.
The live weight of Djallonke sheep in Ghana
was signicantly corrected with all linear body
measurements (Birteeb and Donkon, 2016).
Morphologically, in terms of coat colour pattern
sampled sheep were mainly plain/solid/uniform
(61%) and patchy/pied (28%) with a few being
spotted (11%) conrming the variation in coat
colour pattern of the predominant Djallonke
sheep breed (Table 5; Figure 4). This nding
agreed with researchers in both Burkina Faso
and Ghana where they observed patchy/pied
colour pattern among the Djallonke sheep
(Traore et al., 2008; Birteed and Donkor,
2016). Patchy/pied colour is multiple colours
combinations (black, brown, white, red). In
addition, in terms of temperament, most sheep
were either docile (48%) or moderate (47%),
with just 5% being described as wild. Liberian
sheep were also characterised to have mostly
straight facial (79%) prole, horned (74%) with
straight horns (92%) which were either oblique
(48%) or lateral (35%). Table 5 also shows that
a signicantly higher proportion of males (97%)
were horned with more females (52%) showing
oblique horns. The high incidence of horns in
the sampled population indicates that this is a
Figure 3. Prediction plot for body weight using body length of sheep
Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia
Table 5. Frequency of some morphological parameters of sheep by sex for Liberian sheep
Sex of animal Total Χ2 P
Female (%) Male (%)
Coat colour pattern
Patchy/pied 26 35 248 (28%) 9.8** 0.0074
Plain 62 58 548 (61%)
Spotted 12 7 101 (11%)
All coat colour patterns 79 21 897 (100%)
Docile 48 45 425 (48%) 17.7** 0.0001
Moderate 48 44 422 (47%)
Wild 4 11 46 (5%)
All Temperaments 79 21 893 (100%)
Facial prole
Straight 82 67 708 (79%) 22.6** <0.0001
Concave 17 31 176 (20%)
Convex 1 2 12 (1%)
All Proles 79 21 896 (100%)
Horn presence
Present 68 97 652 (74%) 63.8** < 0.0001
Absent 32 3 227 (26%)
All 79 21 880 (100%)
Horn shape
Straight 91 96 570 (92%) 5.9* 0.0527
Spiral 4 3 23 (4%)
Scurs 5 1 23 (4%)
All shapes 75 25 616 (100%)
Horn orientation
Backward 13 29 112 (17%) 23.9** <0.0001
Lateral 36 32 225 (35%)
Oblique 52 39 313 (48%)
All orientations 72 28 650 (100%)
NB: * – signicant (P<0.05); ** - highly signicant (P<0.01)
characteristic of Djallonke sheep.
Liberia Djallonke sheep had predominantly
erect ear orientation (60%) and cylindrical
straight tails (83%) (Figure 4). However, in
terms of rump prole, the Djallonke sheep
were predominantly at whilst the crossbred
sheep were more sloppy than at. Thus, the
predominant Djallonke sheep breed could be
described as having mainly plain coat colour
patter, erect ears, straight cylindrical tails and a
at rump prole. Tail type of Djallonke sheep
could thus be said to be dierent from local
sheep of Ethiopia, which had short fat, short
thin, or rump fat tails (Tesfay et al., 2017).
Gebreyowhens and Tesfay (2016) reported
lateral ear orientation (93.5%), uniform coat
pattern (49 %) with beige colour, medium hair
length with course hair (61%), curved (50%)
horn shape with lateral orientation (58%), as
major morphological attributes of highland
sheep in Northern Ethiopia. These variations
in morphological attributes indicates a strong
genotypic eect as well as adaptation of various
sheep breeds to their environments.
et al.
Figure 4 Morphologi cal attributes by br eed of shee p
a. Shee p coat colour pattern by br eed type
b. She ep ear orie ntation by bree d type
c. She ep back profi le by bree d type d. She ep tail shape by bree d type
Number of sheep
Number of sheep
Number of sheep
Number of sheep
Figure 4. Morphological attributes by breed sheep
The sheep genetic resources of Liberia are
made up predominantly of the local Djallonke
breed, which is transboundary in West Africa.
Both female and male farmers keep the animals
in subsistence free-range husbandry systems
for additional income and meat production for
socio-cultural and religious festivals as the main
motivational factors. About 60% of farmers
provide housing/shed for their animals. In
the forest and savannah zones, 75% and 70%
of all sheep farmers were also crop farmers,
respectively. Sheep multiplication farms were
few, with only 5% of all farms surveyed using
this practice. Drought, disease and heat tolerance
are the major adaptive traits of Djallonke sheep
in Liberia. The most common mating system
among the sheep famers is uncontrolled, non-
seasonal, natural mating. Morphologically,
Djallonke sheep have plain coat colour pattern,
black or white coat colour, erect ears with
straight backline and facial prole. Male sheep
were signicantly superior to female in all
morphometric traits measured. The average body
weight for male sheep was 28 kg compared to 24
kg for females, body length was 62 cm for male
and 57cm for female, while wither height was
55 cm for male and 52 for female, respectively.
The key challenges hampering sheep production
in Liberia are feed costs and unavailability, poor
housing, diseases and the high cost of veterinary
services. These have negative consequences on
sustainable use, productivity and conservation of
sheep genetic resources in Liberia. Community-
based breeding programme for sheep farming as
recommended for goats (Karnuah et al., 2018b)
should be pursued.
We sincerely thank the farmers and respondents
who participated in the study. Sincere thanks and
appreciations to all technical Sta of Ministry
of Agriculture and Central Agricutural Research
Institute (CARI) for their contributions. Our
sincere thanks and appreciation also go to the
then FAO Country Representataive Mr. Marc
Abdala, and his sta in Liberia for their support.
Special thanks to Mr. Jesse Yuan of FAO/Liberia
Characterization of local sheep production system and morphology in Liberia
for his guidance and training in the utilization of
EpiCollect programme used in data collection.
Funding: The project was funded by FAO
under the Technical Cooperation Programme
(TCP) for Liberia (TCP/LIR/3502) with the
Central Agricultural Research Institute as the
The authors declare that there is no conict of
interest in this paper.
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... This work revealed that nearly all males had horns while females usually were polled. Interestingly, such strong male-biased in the presence of horns has also been recently reported in neighboring countries: Burkina-Faso, Cameroon, and Liberia (Traore et al., 2006;Karnuah et al., 2018;Djoufack et al., 2020). Moreover, despite some sex-and locality-dependent differences, wattles were globally less frequent in sampled animals. ...
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Domesticated sheep have adapted to contrasting and extreme environments and continue to play important roles in local community‐based economies throughout Africa. Here we review the Neolithic migrations of thin‐tailed sheep and the later introductions of fat‐tailed sheep into eastern Africa. According to contemporary pictorial evidence, the latter occurred in Egypt not before the Ptolemaic period (305–25 BCE). We further describe the more recent history of sheep in Egypt, the Maghreb, west and central Africa, central‐east Africa, and southern Africa. We also present a comprehensive molecular survey based on the analysis of 50 K SNP genotypes for 59 African breeds contributed by several laboratories. We propose that gene flow and import of fat‐tailed sheep have partially overwritten the diversity profile created by the initial migration. We found a genetic contrast between sheep north and south of the Sahara and a west–east contrast of thin‐ and fat‐tailed sheep. There is no close relationship between African and central and east Asian fat‐tailed breeds, whereas we observe within Africa only a modest effect of tail types on breed relationships.
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The study was conducted to phenotypically characterize in local sheep in the highlands of Atsbi-Womberta district in northern Ethiopia. Two hundred fifty seven randomly selected sheep (121 males and 136 females) were grouped into four age groups based on PPI (in full) as (0 PPI, 1 PPI, 2 PPI, and 3 PPI. Lateral ear orientation (93.5%), uniform coat pattern (49 %) with beige color, medium hair length with course hair (61%), curved (50%) horn shape with lateral orientation (58%), In-between the lanky and compacted body shape (82%) and flat face (62%) are among the major physical characteristic of the highland sheep flock found in the study area. The mean (±SE) live body weight for male and female sheep was 23.3±0.5 kg and 20.9±0.3 kg, respectively. The mean (±SE) value of body weight at age group 0 PPI, 1 PPI, 2 PPI, and ≥3 PPI was recorded as 19.3±0.3 kg, 23.0±0.6 kg, 25.7±0.8 kg and 28.9±0.8 kg, respectively for male and 17.1±0.1 kg, 20.1±0.6 kg, 22.3±0.4 kg and 23.4±0.2 kg for female in the respective age categories. The mean (±SE) values of heart girth, body length, and height at wither was 71.6±0.6 cm, 57.6±0.8 cm and 62.2±0.7 cm, respectively for male and 68.4±0.4 cm, 54.9±0.5 cm, and 58.5±0.5 cm, respectively for female. The study concluded that the highland sheep found in Atsbiwonberta district is small sheep breed adapted in the dry highland area, reproduced, and contributed to the socioeconomic life of the local community.
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In Algeria, D'man sheep breed is raised mainly in the Southwest oases (Gourara and Touat) especially in small family flocks and permanent housing. The was carried out from the study of 354 animals over two sites: 271 heads in oases family farms and 83 heads in INRAA experimental station in the region of Adrar. 7 quantitative characters and 5 qualitative traits were recorded on 259 ewes and 95 rams. The results show that the black color coat, alone or in combination with other colors is dominant. The absence of horns is a constant character in both sexes. 95.5% of the animals studied have a great white tip, and 78% of them have a white spot on the head. The variables tail length and ears length are low or have almost zero correlations with other variables. However, all other quantitative variables measured are correlated in both sexes. Sexual dimorphism (male versus female) of 1.07 was observed in the study. Males are 24% heavier than females. The coefficient of morphological features varied from 5.35% to 20%, showing therefore some heterogeneity. Differences (P <0.05) for several characters are found between flocks and between sexes. The results highlight the measured variables, differences in gender and age of the animals. Larger variability observed for coat color and live weight individual suggests opportunities for genetic improvement of the D’man breed by selection.
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Phenotypic characterization of animal genetic resources (AnGR) involves identification of distinct breed populations, describing their external and production characteristics in a given environment and management, and taking into account the social and economic factors that affect them. A survey involving 346 livestock farmers was conducted in the 15 counties of Liberia to collect data on production practices and phenotypic characteristics of beef cattle. A pre-tested structured questionnaire, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews were utilized in data collection. Phenotypic descriptors were measured using a measuring tape and weighing scale. The purpose for keeping beef cattle, preferred cattle traits, and challenges of beef cattle farmers were also assessed. Liberia’s beef cattle are predominantly of Ndama (50%), Muturu (38%), and Zebu (11%) breeds. Beef cattle are mainly kept on free range with little investment in housing, feeding, and veterinary care. Beef cattle are raised mainly for income generation, with high cost and low availability of feed (32%), insufficient housing (25%), diseases (21%), and high costs of veterinary medicines (12%) being the main challenges faced by the farmers. Liberian beef cattle were characterized as being docile (53%) or moderate (33%) in temperament, with solid/uniform coat color pattern (61%), black coat color (26%), and non-pigmented skin (84%). The animals had mainly erect or lateral ears, straight back lines, and are sloped rumps. Disease (54%) and drought tolerance (30%) were the main adaptive traits reported. The body weight of beef cattle sampled ranged from 213 to 226 kg, the body length from 119 to 122 cm, and the heart girth from 134 to 140 cm. The government of Liberia should improve policies on local AnGR management and support stakeholder institutions to ensure their sustainable use and conservation.
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The study of the phenotypic body traits of the West African Dwarf (Djallonke') sheep in the Tolon District of Ghana is necessary for the attainment of detailed description of this breed. A total of 124 sheep were randomly selected from flocks reared under extensive system by farmers. Biometric traits including live body weight (LW), rump height (RH), height at withers (HW), body length (BL), neck length (NL), ear length (EL) and tail length (TL) were measured, while qualitative traits including coat colour, fur texture and sex were observed. Chi-square and Cramer's V tests revealed that sex was associated with fur texture but not coat colour pattern. Fixed effects of sex and fur texture on biometric traits were tested using GLM, while Principal Component Factor Analysis was used to identify latent factors in body composition. Seven different colour patterns were identified of which white dominated as solid or pairing with brown or black. Male and female sheep were generally similar (P > 0.05) in biometric traits except for LW and NL (P < 0.05), while animals with smooth fur texture had significantly (P < 0.05) higher LW, BL, NL and TL. The overall mean values of 20.73 ± 0.44 Kg, 53.26 ± 0.48, 52.79 ± 0.48, 46.95 ± 0.47, 24.29 ± 0.30, 10.61 ± 0.15, and 25.66 ± 0.35 cm were obtained for LW, RH, HW, BL, NL, EL and TL, respectively. Two latent factors (PC's) were extracted to explain a maximum variation of 71.55% with the first PC comprising of RH, HW, BL and TL, which accounted for 52.21% variation to indicate the general body size of the Djallonke' sheep. The second PC seemed to indicate the length of the anterior region. The two PC's could be exploited by researchers and breeders in selection and improvement of the breed.
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Crossing local breeds with exotic breeds may be an option for increased livestock productivity. However, there is a risk for endangerment of the local breeds. One such case is in Kenya where the imported Dorper breed is used for crossbreeding with Red Maasai sheep. The aim of this study was to investigate farmers' trait preferences as a basis for determination of breeding objectives for Red Maasai and Dorper sheep at two sites, Amboseli and Isinya, in Kenya. Within their own flock, each farmer identified three ewes representing the best, average and poorest within each breed group: Red Maasai, Dorper and Crosses. Farmers gave reasons for their ranking. Body measurements and weights were also taken. At the harshest site, Amboseli, differences between breed groups in body weight were small and breeds were equally preferred. In Isinya, where environmental conditions are better and farmers are more market oriented, Dorper and Crosses had significantly higher body weights and market prices and were thus preferred by the farmers. Red Maasai were preferred for their maternal and adaptive traits. Breeding objectives should emphasize growth traits and milk production in both breeds at both sites. Body condition needs to be specifically considered in the breeding objectives for sheep in Amboseli, whereas adaptive traits need to be generally emphasized in Dorper.
The aim of this study was to characterize the phenotype of the indigenous sheep population in central zone of Tigray. A total of 450 mature sheep were sampled randomly for collect qualitative data. Based on dentition adult sheep were classified into four age categories (from one pair of permanent incisor to four pair of permanent incisor). Coat colour, tail type, ear orientation and presence of wattle were significant (p<0.05) between districts studied. Among the three districts only within Tanqua-Abergelle district attributes of coat colour type, tail form, horn and wattle were found to be significant (p<0.05). Majority of the sheep population in Tanqua-Abergelle district had a dark red coat colour type (50.2%), while in Kola-Tembien and Adwa districts sheep were dominated by gray coat colour type (30.1 and 40.8%) respectively. Most of the sampled sheep population across the three districts were short fat tailed followed by short thin and rumped fat tail type. Multiple correspondence analysis indicated that the sampled sheep population in the study districts were clustered into two groups based on their unique characteristics; Kola-Tembien and Adwa sheep together as one group while Tanqua-Abergelle district sheep as the other group, based on their unique characters. Based on the present result on characterization of sheep in the study area one may develop selection criteria and productivity schemes of the local sheep. Key words: Adwa, Kola-Tembien, Tanqua-Abergelle, qualitative traits, suitable selection criteria.
a b s t r a c t A total of 6440 female sheep from Burkina Faso were scored for seven body measurements and four qualitative morphological traits. Sampling included the three main environmental areas and sheep breeds of Burkina Faso: the Sahel area (Burkina-Sahel sheep), the Sudan-Sahel area (Mossi sheep) and the Sudan area (Djallonké sheep). Canonical analyses showed that differences in body measurements between the Sudan and the Sudan-Sahel sheep were small even though most body traits showed higher average values in the Burkina-Sahel sheep: the shortest Mahalanobis distance was found between the Sudan and the Sudan-Sahel populations (1.54), whilst that between the Sudan and the Sahelian populations was the largest (7.88). Discriminant analysis showed that most Sudan (Djallonké) individuals (60.85%) were classified as Sudan-Sahel (Mossi) individuals whilst most Burkina-Sahel indi-viduals were classified into their environmental area of sampling (89.46%). Correspondence analyses indicated that the Burkina-Sahel sheep population clustered together with drop-ping ears, black and brown colour patterns and presence of wattles, the Sudan sheep were closely associated with long hair and vertical and curled ears and that the Sudan-Sahel sheep did not have clear associations with qualitative phenotypic traits. At the morphological level, the Sudan-Sahel (Mossi) sheep population can be considered a geographical subpopulation belonging to the Djallonké breed, showing some particularities, namely larger body size, due to the particular environmental condition of the area in which it is managed and a con-tinuous gene flow from Sahelian sheep, The information reported in this study will be the basis for the establishment of further characterization, conservation and selection strategies for Burkina Faso sheep.
The purpose of this study is to survey the literature pertinent to some morphological traits which are related with the production and reproduction of fat-tailed sheep breeds. The fat-tailed breeds were identified according to Food and Agriculture Organization databases. Articles referring to all these sheep breeds were evaluated. The morphology of udders and their measurable variables were collected and described. The particularities of pelt and fleece features which are important from an economic point of view were summarized. Linear, planar, and spatial parameters of body, slaughter, and carcass factors were compared at various ages of breeding. Testicular dimensions and semen characteristics were recorded. Their relationships with productive and reproductive performance were discussed. The pattern of ovarian follicle development and the involution of the genital tract were assessed from the anatomical point of view in normal and untreated animals. The data presented here provide useful baseline information on the normal morphological aspects which are important in the animal production of these breeds.