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Setiap wanita pastinya bermimpi memiliki kecantikan yang dapat diagung-agungkan oleh kaum adam. Hanya saja saat ini makna kecantikan alami seolah terhapus oleh iklan-iklan kapitalis. Cantik itu putih, rambut lurus, bermata lebar, berhidung mancung, dan lain sebagainya. Hal ini menyebabkan para wanita berlomba-lomba mengubah apa yang sudah dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan. Konstruksi makna dan simbol kecantikan tidak begitu saja diterima oleh masyarakat. Harus ada proses-proses yang dilewatinya. Berger mengatakan bahwa ada tiga proses, yaitu : 1) proses eksternalisasi yang menjadi bagian dari proses penciptaan realitas dalam berbagai bentuk. 2) Proses objektivasi yang merupakan proses integrasi nilai ke dalam fakta sosial objektif yang dapat diterima oleh publik. 3) Proses konstruksi terkait dengan proses internalisasi yang merupakan tahapan untuk menjadikan pengetahuan, nilai dan tindakan menjadi milik individu yang melahirkan komitmen sikap dan perilaku individual (Berger dan Luckmann, 1979). Konstruksi besar ini secara tidak langsung disepakati oleh industri-industri kecantikan seluruh dunia.
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... Oleh karena itu, menurut Marliani (2015) sebelum membeli produk konsumen harus mengambil keputusan terkait produk yang akan dibelinya. Wanita harus mempertimbangkan berbagai hal sebelum mengambil keputusan tentang produk kecantikan yang akan dibeli, jika tidak wanita akan diperdaya, terutama jika wanita tidak aktif bertanya akan membuat wanita tidak memiliki pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan, cenderung menurut serta menyanggupi apapun yang dikatakan oleh yang dianggap ahli seperti orang salon dan dokter kecantikan (Sari, 2019). ...
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The purpose of this study is to find out how curiosity with decision-making in student using facial whitening cosmetics.The hypothesis in this study is the existence of a relationship of curiosity with (1) vigilance. ( 2 ) hypervigilance, ( 3 ) buckpassing, (4) Procrastination in student using facial whitening cosmetics. The decision-making variable is measured using the standard scale mdmq (mann, 1997), and the variable of curiosity was measured by developing a liquid model scale measurement based on the case theory, (2004). Data analysis carried out using a technique which showed that gave pearson product with vigilance show curiosity value significantly by 0,000 ( p<0,05 ) of r = 0,315 which means having a positive relationship.Curiosity and the next hypervigilance showed significantly by 0,000 ( p<0,05 ) of r = -0,307 which means having a negative.The third dimension with buckpassing show curiosity value significantly by 0,000 ( p<0,05 ) of r = -0,311 which means having negative relationship.And the last dimension with procrastination show curiosity value significantly by 0,003 ( p<0,05 ) of r = -0,158 which means having negative relationship. _____________________________________________________________Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana curiosity dengan pengambilan keputusan pada mahasiswi pengguna kosmetik pemutih wajah. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini ialah adanya hubungan curiosity dengan pengambilan keputusan (1) vigilance, (2) hypervigilance, (3) buckpassing, (4) procrastination) pada wanita pengguna kosmetik pemutih wajah. Variabel pengambilan keputusan diukur dengan menggunakan skala baku MDMQ (Mann, dkk, 1997) dan variabel curiosity diukur dengan mengembangkan alat ukur skala model likert berdasarkan teori Kashdan, dkk (2004). Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan teknik korelasi pearson product moment yang menunjukan bahwa curiosity dengan vigilance menunjukan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05) dengan nilai r = 0,315 yang berarti memiliki hubungan positif. Selanjutnya curiosity dan hypervigilance menunjukan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05) dengan nilai r = -0,307 yang berarti memiliki hubungan negatif. Dimensi ketiga curiosity dengan buckpassing menunjukan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05) dengan nilai r = -0,311 yang berarti memiliki hubungan negatif. Dan dimensi terakhir curiosity dengan procrastination menunjukan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,003 (p<0,05) dengan nilai r = -0,158 yang berarti memiliki hubungan negatif.
... Banyak hal yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkannya, semisal rutin mengunjungi salon kecantikan/spa (Sari Intan Permata 2019). Menggunakan aneka ragam kosmetik (Fatmawati 2020;Haryani and Herwanto 2015). ...
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p> Beauty is a fundamental aspect of women's existence. They have aspirations to fulfill society's beauty norms. This research seeks to examine the complexity of the idea of beauty among Palopo City and emphasize its impact on women's consumer behavior. Data was collected using qualitative methodology by conducting in-depth interviews and observations of women from various age groups in Palopo City. Research findings show that women in the city of Palopo conceptualize beauty as a combination of physical aspects that can be measured and non-physical aspects, such as self-confidence and self-perception. Beauty is partly formed by advertisements in the mass media, which align with the goals of capital owners in the beauty business, giving rise to the concept of the beauty myth. Apart from that, this concept is also formed by self-objectification that arises from the social environment. The use of cosmetics has become a basic need for women and increases self-confidence. However, this consumptive behavior also has a negative impact, encouraging a wasteful lifestyle and forming a false consciousness because someone feels valued in society only when they have made an effort to look beautiful. Keywords : Women , Beauty , Consumerism, Palopo City Abstrak Kecantikan merupakan aspek mendasar dari eksistensi perempuan. Mereka memiliki cita-cita untuk memenuhi norma kecantikan dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengkaji kompleksitas gagasan kecantikan di kalangan warga Kota Palopo dan menekankan dampaknya terhadap perilaku konsumtif perempuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dan observasi terhadap perempuan dari berbagai kelompok umur di Kota Palopo. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan di kota Palopo mengonseptualisasikan kecantikan sebagai perpaduan pada aspek fisik yang dapat diukur dan aspek nonfisik, seperti kepercayaan diri dan persepsi diri. Konsep kecantikan sebagian dibentuk oleh iklan-iklan di media massa yang sejalan dengan tujuan pemilik modal dalam bisnis kecantikan sehingga memunculkan konsep mitos kecantikan. Selain itu, konsep ini juga dibentuk oleh objektifikasi diri yang muncul dari lingkungan sosialnya. Penggunaan kosmetik telah menjadi kebutuhan mendasar bagi perempuan, dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. Namun demikian, perilaku konsumtif ini juga menimbulkan dampak buruk, mendorong gaya hidup boros dan membentuk suatu kesadaran palsu bagi mereka karena seseorang merasa dihargai dalam suatu masyarakat hanya ketika mereka telah berupaya untuk tampil cantik Kata Kunci: Perempuan, Kecantikan, Konsumerisme, Kota Palopo</strong
... Menurut Michael Argyle dan Lanet Dean (Monica, 2020) mengemukakan suatu teori komunikasi nonverbal yang didasarkan pada suatu metafora keintimanequilibrium, bahwa setiap kali kita berinteraksi kita mengalami atau menggunakan seluruh saluran komunikasi yang ada, dan suatu perubahan dalam suatu saluran nonverbal akan menghasilkan perubahan pada saluran komunikasi yang ada dan suatu perubahan dalam suatu saluran nonverbal akan menghasilkan perubahan pada saluran lainnya sebagai kompensasi, misalnya pendekatan dan penghindaran. Kusuma Jaya (Sari, 2019) mengatakan bahwa kecantikan itu pada hakikatnya adalah kemampuan tampil menarik secara keseluruhan, bukan bagian per bagian. Hal ini senada dengan (Hapsari & Sukardani, 2018) (Wiasti, 2012) bahwa kecantikan adalah total, mencakup ukuran-ukuran tubuh (fisik), dan mental atau kepribadian (inner beauty) dengan ukuran standar pula, sehingga secara keseluruhan melahirkan kecantikan sejati. ...
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The existence of social media allows the emergence of social media influencers where in turn they have an impact on social media users. This can happen by bringing up new messages or raising issues about a particular subject. One of them is the topic of the concept of beauty and its relation to self-confidence. Moreover, with the existence of social media influencers who carry out information dissemination activities by compiling and creating content related to the concept of beauty and its relation to self-confidence. By using persuasive narratives, social media influencers build different beauty concepts that can even be contrary to concepts that have been developing in society. The purpose of writing this research is focused on providing an understanding to the wider community, about the narratives used by social media influencers in persuading and penetrating new messages to the public, especially with regard to the concept of ideal beauty related to hairstyles. Through the method of qualitative content analysis techniques to observe the messages conveyed by social media influencers, related to a number of important aspects. The use of qualitative content analysis allows the writer to see the content of the message more deeply, through understanding the meaning of the message.
Acne is a chronic disease caused by blockage of the oil glands in the skin. The beauty treatment for treating acne is Mesotherapy Acne, which is a treatment technique that incorporates certain substances into the subcutaneous fat tissue. The purpose of this study was to find out the treatment techniques and the effectiveness of Mesotherapy acne technology. The method used in this study is the method of R&D, interviews, observation, documentation and literature. This research developed three acne facial care techniques, namely the technique of pulling up, rotating, and pressing. The author made different studies based on duration, technique, procedure and type of treatment. Product validation of acne facial care technique books using acne mesotherapy beauty technology was carried out by 2 beauty lecturer validators. The results of the scores for all content aspects, display aspects, language aspects, and supporting questions obtained a total score of 28 and 29. Intervals 0-16 are not accepted and 17-32 are accepted. The conclusion of the validation results from the two validator data used is acceptable. Based on these three techniques, the upward pulling motion is effective because it can reduce acne. It is recommended that a guidebook for acne facial care techniques using mesotherapy acne beauty technology can be further investigated because it is effective in dealing with acne skin problems. Prepare a maintenance technique book that is copyrighted nationally so that it can be used as teaching material for beauty field reading books.
Technological developments have made the world more borderless, information easier to obtain and in a short time, one of the information media is social media, including TikTok which is booming and provides a lot of information, including information about facecare. Recently, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media which displays not only facecare products, but also tips to contend with facecare. Using qualitative approach, this research was conducted in the city of Makassar. There are ten female students participated in this study, whose age ranging between 18 and 22 years old and who regularly use TikTok application and perform facecare. Data was collected using the combination of indepth interview and observation. The study shows that for female students, facecare is a series of activities that use a variety of products to maintain healthy faceskin and to deal with faceskin problems, so that it looks “glowing” (white, shining, smooth textured, and tight), like the skin of Korean artists which reflects the ideal Indonesian women's skin today. Even though there are lots of content presenting facecare products on TikTok, to choose a product, female students first understand their skin type, the variety of facecare products, look for products that are suitable for their skin type. Skin types vary from normal skin, oily skin, combination skin, or sensitive skin. In terms of product variety, facecare consists of two, namely: basic products and advanced products with their respective functions. While the former includes products for cleansing, toning, moisturizing, protecting, eye creaming, the latter consists of masking, seruming, essence, ampouling (ampoules), and acne spotting (acne spots) for those with acne. Uniquely, the facecare products used are not well-known brand facecare products, but new brand products that are popularized by TikTok. Meanwhile, they use trial and error method to find a product that suits their skin. Information and references from TikTok are taken into consideration in choosing facecare products. Female students use social media TikTok as a source of information for facecare because TikTok provides facecare content, because TikTok has reviews of facecare products, and because of peer influence. It is argued in this article that even though TikTok has become a source of information for facecare, the selection of facecare products is highly dependent on the compatibility of one's facial skin.
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Perempuan yang ditampilkan pada iklan di Media sosial dapat memengaruhi masyarakat dalam menentukan standar ataupun persepsi tentang kecantikan perempuan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan representasi kecantikan perempuan Indonesia pada iklan media sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menganilisis adegan atau dialog pada berbagai video iklan produk kecantikan di media sosial Instagram. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan masih ada iklan kecantikan di media sosial yang tidak sesuai dengan level realitas yang menunjukkan penampilan pemeran iklan, dan level representasi yang menampilkan penataan angle dan audio , dan level ideologi supremasi yang menekankan bahwa kulit putih dan glowing menjadi standar kecantikan perempuan Indonesia.
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This paper aims to describe the beauty myth and the female resistance in the movie I Feel Pretty. This research uses gender study which focuses on beauty myth and the female resistance towards the beauty myth. The object material in this study is a chick lit movie, I Feel Pretty. The formal object of this research is gender study that focuses on beauty myth. Data analysis was performed through qualitative descriptive techniques by interpreting the data found in the movie I Feel Pretty and linked to beauty myth theories. Beauty myth has been promoted through the mass media, including the movie I Feel Pretty. However, there are also various forms of resistance performed by the female character to challenge the beauty myth and promote a more inclusive and diverse definition of beauty. This paper tries to highlight some resistances towards beauty myth in this movie, which are being confident, being passionate, and having a good personality. This research eventually finds out that having these traits is a form of resistance against the normalized unreasonable beauty standard.
The standard of female beauty established by the media is a woman with a slender body, pure white skin, long hair and black hair. A phenomenon that occurred in 2020 regarding visual pollution, Dove did soft selling by making corporate advertisements about self-love with the #RambutAkuKataAku campaign which featured several women with various hair types and different characters, inviting Indonesian women to be confident and be themselves and they are all feminine women. This study uses a semiotic qualitative research method, by looking at the phenomenon of self-love as a campaign by presenting women who are far different from the constructions of the media and the meaning of femininity.
Beauty is the most beautiful gift that God gives to every woman, how to care for it is also a nature that cannot be separated from the discussion of women, especially in the current millennial era. Beauty for the perception of many women can be relative and difficult to describe, but its meaning can be seen in different perspectives. This study aims to reveal what the meaning of beauty looks like for students of the IAIN Metro Social Studies Department, because based on the author's observations it is found that there are differences in perceptions in terms of interpreting beauty which tend to be seen from appearance so that students try to look beautiful by wearing make-up on campus so that beauty becomes a necessity of social recognition, appreciation and self-actualization. This study was analyzed using the theory of Phenomenology by Alfred Schutz. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological study approach. The results showed that there were various perceptions of the meaning of beauty for each student, especially Tadris IPS IAIN Metro students in interpreting beauty which tended to be objective in terms of: (1) ideal body shape (2) white and bright skin (3) attractive (outer beauty) rather than subjective meaning as seen from (1) Intellectual Intelligence (2) Emotional Intelligence (3) Spiritual Intelligence (Inner Beauty). The meaning of beauty for students is very diverse, every effort is made to meet certain beauty standards because then they will be more confident, get praise and attention and feel welcomed in a social environment.
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The beauty of Indonesian women is distinguished by skin color, facial structure, hair color and body posture. For women today trying to look beautiful is a must. The way to make yourself look beautiful can be tricked by using make-up. But it's not that easy to use make-up because the type of make-up is differentiated based on the basic skin color, this is the problem for women in using make-up. Undertone is the basic color of the skin, there are three types of undertones, namely warm, cool and neutral. By knowing the type of undertone, it will make it easier for women to use make-up, namely to determine the appropriate shade based on the type of undertone. For this reason, a modeling of undertone image classification was made using the Convolutional Neural Network algorithm. This algorithm is claimed to be the best algorithm for solving object recognition and detection problems. The wrist vein color image dataset is required. The dataset used is 30 data per class, then preprocessing is carried out by homogenizing the image size to 64x64 pixels, then augmentation is carried out on each image by rotating and zooming. At this stage, the dataset will be divided into 3000 images which are divided into 80% training data and 20% testing data. Then it is processed through the convolution and pooling process at the feature learning stage, then the fully connected layer and classification stage where the feature learning results will be used for the classification process based on subclasses. Produces accuracy and training model values reaching 98% with a loss value of 0.0214 and for accuracy from data validation it reaches 99% with a loss value of 0.0239 with model testing results of 99.5%.
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Mass media is not only a channel to deliver messages but also is a channel to build a special image about the world, such as the beauty image of women. Advertisements create it in their messages. Most of them show women with white skin, slim and have long black hair. These cases are a part of popular culture or mass culture because it could be a homogen-standard value. Advertising is related with popular culture. Advertising is a reflection of popular culture and it is an inventor of popular culture.
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Although researchers have conceptualized beauty as unidimensional, modern-day cultural definitions of beauty are multidimensional. This paper focuses on two forms of mass media that play an important role in transmitting information about multiple and diverse cultural ideals of beauty—fashion magazine advertising and music videos shown on music television. We examine the overall prevalence of different beauty ideals and how these are distributed across specific vehicles within each medium. We also compare the emphasis placed on different ideals of beauty across these two communications media (print vs. television) and formats (advertising vs. entertainment). The implications of the findings for understanding the cultural construction of beauty ideals and for understanding how advertising and other mass media communications contribute to them are discussed. Several extensions of the present research are proposed.
Dove, a popular beauty brand, impressed some in the advertising world with its unique “Campaign for Real Beauty” and made others cringe. But little is known about how real women respond. “Real” beauty according to Dove means various shapes and sizes—flaws and all—and is the key to rebranding, rebuilding women's self-esteem, and redefining beauty standards. Drawing on interviews and focus groups with sixteen Canadian women and guided by social semiotics and dramaturgy, I examine Dove's presentation of beauty and women's reactions to it from a “beauty as performance” frame. This study examines processes of interpretation and finds that expressing beauty, the self, and a public image inextricably requires elements of performance.
Eighteenth-Century Studies 35.3 (2002) 361-378 Literary study may currently appear to be invested in a reexamination and revaluation of the aesthetic. The reasons for such a renewed interest in beauty and its kin equally may seem obvious from some perspectives. One narrative posits that aesthetics is the late-twentieth-century answer to ideology, a can't-we-all-get-along response to the perceived fracturing of the academy brought about by ideological and critical conflict. Such an approach, though satisfying in the way of all neat reductions, is only about as accurate as one might expect; it is, like many a Victorian heroine, no better than it should be. In some cases, this explanation may be correct, but a turn to aesthetics can be differently explained and holds different value for critics who recall the powerful role aesthetics plays in Enlightenment philosophy, a legacy whose revision was at the heart of the critical theory of Jauss, Lyotard, Foucault, and their followers. The response in the 1990s to the barely accessible complexities of such theory has been, at its best, to resituate literary criticism, to integrate theoretical acuity within accessible writing about art and culture. In the drive to bring theory and practice closer together, the aesthetic, as a theory of the relationships between readers and texts, raises compelling interest. Hand in hand in recent years with a turn to history, the discontinuities and processes through which texts and meaning are made, we find a turn to beauty, a mode of sensibility through which texts enter into and change the worlds of the people who read them. But the return to the aesthetic, like the return to history, raises significant questions about how literary studies as a discipline is constituted, and at the core of the conflicts surrounding turns to aesthetics-- both in the eighteenth century and at the start of the twenty-first -- are problems of labor and meaning. Recent work by critics like Elaine Scarry has made bold and intelligent statements about the potential of the aesthetic, but in turning to aesthetic theory, many contemporary critics tend to reenact the melding of categories at the heart of the emergence of eighteenth-century British aesthetics: aesthetic experience and aesthetic inquiry are compressed and frequently conflated, and aesthetic inquiry is, in turn, all but replaced by ethics or hermeneutics. This pattern is in part the result of giving precedence to the Shaftesburian tradition of aesthetic theory. As Ronald Paulson points out, most literary study of the aesthetic proceeds from Shaftesburian assumptions and suppresses or ignores the serious challenges offered to this strain within the eighteenth century by "less respectable" thinkers like Hogarth. This essay sketches a pattern common to ethical and hermeneutic approaches to the aesthetic both then and now, examining the reasons aesthetics tends to become an appealing object of contemporary theory-as-hermeneutics and a de facto domain within the larger field of ethics. In opposition to this tradition, I bring together works by Hogarth, Swift, and Proust -- an unlikely grouping, perhaps -- in order to explore what happens when the temptations of hermeneutic and ethical approaches to the aesthetic are held, even briefly, at bay. The pressing questions are those of discipline. First, if aesthetics matters, what does aesthetic inquiry produce that no other form of questioning can? And second, what role might both the question and its answers play in current reformulations of literary study? The merging of aesthetic inquiry with ethics or hermeneutics has its most explicit statement in the eighteenth century and is reinforced by late-twentieth-century critique. Major texts in the early years of British and continental aesthetics tend to emerge as answers to problems that on the surface do not concern the aesthetic at all. The theories of aesthetics promoted early in the century by Shaftesbury or Hutcheson are, in large part, a response to the perceived moral crudity and inadequacy of Hobbesian philosophy. Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) undertakes to resolve the foundations of both public and private virtue as a rebuttal of "licentious systems" like Mandeville's utilitarian approach to vice (and simultaneously provides the framework by which a capitalist economy can be made a civil...
A Clinic for Women and Children
  • Gerald H Pearson
Pearson, Gerald H. 1924. A Clinic for Women and Children. The Public Health Journal, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 452-455. Canadian Public Health Association.
  • Susan Sontag
Sontag, Susan. 2005. An Argument about Beauty. Daedalus, Vol. 134, No. 4, 50 Years, pp. 208-213. The MIT Press.
Makna Cantik di Kalangan Mahasiswa dalam Perspektif Fenomenologi
  • Novitalista Syata
Syata, Novitalista. 2012. Makna Cantik di Kalangan Mahasiswa dalam Perspektif Fenomenologi. Skripsi. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanudin. Makasar.