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Reconciling the Expectations of Ontology Engineering to
the Process of Requirements Elicitation
Artur Machura[0000-0002-6175-8507]
University of Economics, Katowice, Poland
Abstract The paper is devoted to research into methods for requirements elicita-
tion. From our perspective, the use of ontology engineering is particularly inter-
esting. The author focuses his attention on selected aspects of ontology engineer-
ing, resulting from the needs of his doctoral thesis, organized by the Design Sci-
ence Research paradigm. The article seeks to recognize a certain level of inter-
play between ontology engineering and individual tasks of the process of require-
ments elicitation (a synergy). Therefore, it aims to explain possible expectations
for ontology engineering, which result from the specific features of the process
of requirements elicitation. In order to identify the guidelines for the developing
domain ontologies based on the requirements elicitation process. The originality
of the article results from the consideration of the interplay between ontology
engineering and requirements engineering, relative to the context of software en-
gineering. As a result, the software engineering layers propagated by Pressman
have been extended to include another layer of management philosophy. The ra-
tionale behind this was the noticing of the impact of other concepts of philosophy
on this work, such as axiology or epistemology.
Keywords: Ontology, Requirements elicitation, Ontology-driven requirement
1 The Problem Addressed by the PhD Thesis
The PhD thesis “The production of domain ontologies to elicit the requirements of IT
systems” tries to meet the needs of those IT system projects in which there is an iden-
tified problem of missing, incomplete and changing requirements. Solutions to this
well-known problem of requirements engineering are sought in the use of the ontology
engineering. The title of the thesis concerns concepts such as: domain ontologies or
elicitation of requirements. In the work, an attention is mainly paid to knowledge con-
tained in domain ontology. At the same time, the scope of this scientific work was lim-
ited by the research hypothesis entitled “The process of developing ontologies of do-
main-based business-IT alignment reduces the problem of missing, incomplete and
changing requirements for information systems”. It is essential for the work to set such
specifications and properties of the process of developing ontologies of the domain
‘business-IT alignment’, which will provide the basis for reducing the problem of
missing, incomplete and changing requirements. It also means that it is important, from
the perspective of the PhD thesis, to agree on the expectations for the process of creating
domain ontologies. It consists of the following issues:
• what expectations for elicitation of requirements, does the use of ontology engineer-
ing bring?
• how does the elicitation of requirements influence the use of the ontology engineer-
ing workshop?
• what is the significance of the specificity of domain ontologies (various conceptual
categories) for the production of ontologies?
Despite many possible issues of interest to the doctoral thesis, the paper attempts to
define only the influence of ontology engineering on requirements engineering, to elicit
requirements based on domain ontologies. The review of the literature devoted to the
issue of the use of ontologies could be much larger if the scope of literature was not
narrowed down by using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Context
(PICOC) conceptual framework [1]. As a result, the number of significant literature
items has decreased, i.e. from several thousand to several hundred items. The paper
only refers to selected publications related to the purpose of the paper.
2 Introduction and Purpose of the Paper
The purpose of the paper is the study on ontology engineering guidelines for elicitation
the requirements for IT systems. In general, it has been arranged according to the clas-
sical hierarchy of software engineering issues [2]. Due to the inclusion of ontology
engineering in the software production process. However, to explain the essential axi-
ological context, close to the concept of ontology, a layer of management philosophy
was added to the original version of the graphical representation of the layers (see Fig.
1). The Fig. 1 shows that groups of software engineering issues interact with each other.
Therefore, the user of software engineering should understand the relationship of con-
cepts contained in individual groups of software engineering.
Fig. 1. The pyramid of software engineering issue.
Caring for quality
Management philosophy
The next points of this paper have been organized by the pyramid of software engineer-
ing issue, presented on the Fig.1. The research summary has also been organized in
accordance with the layers of software engineering presented in Fig. 1.
3 Research methods
The work described in this article is subordinated to the guidelines of the research par-
adigm of information systems in the science of creating artifacts ‒ DSR (Design Sci-
ence Research)[3]. Hevner and Chaterjee proposed DSR to solve technical and con-
struction problems. DSR is recognized in scientific research, where the creation and
evaluation of technical artifacts takes place, including artifacts useful for solving iden-
tified problems of economic organizations[4]. DSR is also as main research guide in
the PhD thesis of the author of the paper. It means, among other things, that the results
reported in this paper will be used in the thesis. Hevner and Chaterjee proposed a se-
quence of steps that allow for the implementation of activities according to the DSR
paradigm: 1) Identifying the problem and motivation; 2) Definition of the study objec-
tives; 3) Design and development; 4) Demonstration; 5) Evaluation; 6) Communication
for the diffusion of knowledge in the research community.
In connection with the sequence of DSR steps and requirements of step 2, i.e. the
definition of the objectives of the study, the author of the paper intends to achieve the
following goals:
• Characterize the research goal required for the third research step, i.e. Design and
• To restrict the literature of the subject, supporting the achievement of the research
Achievement of goals will be possible by choosing specific issues from the pyramid of
software engineering, presented in Fig. 1.
4 Related works
4.1 Management philosophy
In order to characterize management philosophy, the author adopted the following ap-
proach to concepts such as: axiology, epistemology, ontology. Fig. 2 presents cooper-
ative issues of management philosophy. It assumed that the definition of axiological
criteria allows adopting the epistemological standpoint of knowing the organization
only in the next step. In turn, it enables the ontology production. At the same time, it is
managed by methodology, e.g. the one for requirements elicitation.
Fig. 2. Control flow between philosophical concepts. Source: Own study
The paper is based on axiological criteria resulting from ISO / IEC 25010: 2011[5]. The
epistemological standpoint, due to the so-called strong sociology program [6] gets to
know the organization through dialogue with its representatives. Ontology avoids a top-
down assumption of what it can represent and remains open to any variant of it through
the creation of e.g. organizational strategies. Different cooperative methods are formed
during the consideration of each of the issues of management philosophy and are influ-
enced by the position towards all listed aspects: axiology, epistemology, ontology.
4.2 Caring for quality
The ISO/IEC 25010: 2011 standard currently summarizes the quality attributes as well
as properties for IT systems and requirements for them. Thus, this standard affects the
perception of quality at the international level. The Table 1 summarizes these attributes,
and the properties of these attributes.
Table 1. Quality attributes according to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard. Source: [7]
Quality attributes
Attribute properties
Functional suitability
Functional completeness, Functional correctness,
Functional appropriateness
Performance efficiency
Time behaviour, Resource utilisation, Capacity
Co-existence, Interoperability
Appropriateness recognisability, Learnability,
Operability, User error protection, User interface
aesthetics, Accessibility
Maturity, Availability, Fault tolerance, Recovera-
Confidentiality, Integrity, Non-repudiation,
Accountability, Authenticity
Modularity, Reusability, Analysability, Modifia-
bility, Testability
Adaptability, Installability, Replaceability
Considerations subordinated to the purpose of the article, based on the philosophy of
management, pay attention to future system users. The so-called strong sociology rec-
ognizes society's knowledge as crucial. As for the aforementioned quality attributes, it
should lead to reconciliation of all attributes these attributes with future users.
4.3 Process
The relationship between ontology engineering and software production was agreed in
the context of the ODSD process (Ontology Driven Software Development)[8]. In this
context, ontologies through technologies offered by ontology engineering, extend the
possibilities of a typical MBSD (Model Based Software Development) approach[9]. It
closely cooperates with the MDA (Model Driven Architecture)[10], which lists CIM
(Computation Independent Model), PIM (Platform Independent Model), PSM (Plat-
form Specific Model) models. The definition below is particularly important:
“CIM is a model independent of computation / computational processing, which is also
identified with a business model or field, where the vocabulary of domain experts is
included. The model shows what the system will be used for, but hides all technological
information related to its further implementation” [11]
The considerations of this paper essentially oscillate around the CIM model. Require-
ments elicitation, de facto from users representing a certain organization, should first
of all allow the responsibility of the CIM model to be met. It is related to the fact that,
according to the best practices agreed in ODSD, the decisions of subsequent models
depend on CIM model. The paper, focuses only on the elicitation of requirements.
The diagram in Fig 3 shows the flow of control between the activities concerned by this
paper, such as: Creation and development of the domain ontologies, Implementation of
IT project, and Exploitation of an IT solution.
Fig. 3. Control flow between the envisioned activities: Creation and development of domain
ontologies, Development and implementation of IT business alignment strategy, Implementa-
tion of IT project, Exploitation of an IT solution. Source: Own study
The considerations of this article pay attention primarily to the fact that these tasks are
performed simultaneously. From what it can be concluded that the software develop-
ment process could be open to accepting design artifacts coming from the IT business
alignment strategy. And thus elicitation of requirements based on domain ontologies
plays an important role here.
4.4 Methods
While discussing methods related to requirements engineering, attention is paid to the
relationship of this work with system engineering and software design. In Pressman's
book [2] excellent indication is located that the analysis of requirements depends on
both system engineering and software design. In other words, we must not forget, dur-
ing the analysis of the requirements, of both system engineering and software design.
This basic specificity of software engineering methods can be referred to the modern
ODSD process itself. From an extensive publication devoted to ODSD[8], one can con-
clude about the interplay between requirements engineering and ontology.
"For requirements engineering, we suggest using a domain-independent ontology to
determine the general concepts, requirements and dependencies to be detected when
disclosing requirements."
However, without diminishing the role of ontology to only defining the guidelines
for the disclosure of requirements, attention here is paid to the definition that somehow
opens the possible scope of ontology. "Ontology-driven (or ontology-based) RE form
a RE process or at least a RE method comprehensively aided by ontologies. Therefore,
ontologies are involved in the RE process. ODRE clearly states the method to integrate
a proposed process on the continuous process RE” [12] The reconciliation of the ontol-
ogy engineering guidelines in the ODRE architecture to the process of disclosing re-
quirements draws attention to those ontology methods that support the following tasks
1. understanding the field of application,
2. identification of sources of requirements,
3. analysing the stakeholder,
4. selecting the techniques, approaches and tools;
5. eliciting the requirements.
However, attention should be paid to the popular definition of ontology “An ontology
is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization”. This definition was
influenced by the work of the authors: Gruber [14], Borst [15], and Studer [16]. Indeed,
the tasks of the process of requirements elicitation should meet the expectations of on-
tology engineering. Table 2 provides definitions of individual requirements elicitation
tasks. The definitions in Table 2 specify the responsibility of the ontology at each stage
of the requirements elicitation process.
Table 2. Theoretical responsibility for tasks of requirements elicitation. Source: Own study
Requirements elicitation process
Definitions that determine the responsibility of
Understanding the field of applica-
tion (synonym of domain [17])
Domain is an isolated context, with its own virtual
address space, in which an application runs(…)
Identification of sources of require-
Requirements have many sources in typical soft-
ware, and it is essential that all potential sources
be identified and evaluated. This topic is designed
to promote awareness of the various sources of
software requirements and of the frameworks for
managing them. [19]
Analysing the stakeholder
Analysing the stakeholderes - This step permitted
to refine and keep only relevant stakeholders.
Stakeholders did not have the same importance or
would not be affected in the same way by the con-
struction project. [13]
Selecting the techniques, approaches
and tools
Selecting the techniques, approaches and tools -
This step was often considered as a critical factor
for this process success. [13]
Eliciting the requirements
Eliciting the requirements - All the information
required is gathered at this step. [13]
4.5 Tools
At the outset, it is noted that the process of elicitation requirements where the focus is
placed on stakeholders and representatives of a certain organization, can generate any
design artifacts. Based on the literature it is noted, that only a specific ontology catego-
ries are part of the analysis and specification of requirements [20] e.g.: application do-
main [21], application domain feature model [22], system behavior ontologies [23].
Meanwhile in software production many other categories of ontologies are distin-
guished, i.e. upper ontology [24], software process ontology [25], requirements ontol-
ogy [26], software architecture ontology [27], and many others.
The point of view adopted in the article distinguishes between methods and accompa-
nying tools. In the subject literature, one can identify those ontologies whose
application is top-down (e.g. OntoREM, an ontology-driven requirements engineering
methodology) [28] and trying to create a kind of matrix for unidentified problems of
what the ontology will present (e.g. ODM, an ontology definition meta model) [29].
The issue of marketization and industrialization of tools supporting the ontology engi-
neering methods is also noteworthy. What is important in is whether the tooling envi-
ronment provides the possibility of using, e.g. the traceability mechanism between on-
tology and the CIM model, as well as the wider process and even the life cycle of the
In the review of approaches in the use of ODSD [9], whose work oscillated around
the so-called OMG meta-pyramid models, specified the following solutions:
1. The MOST project. The main goal of MOST is to enhance UML based syntactic
modeling (structural modeling) by using OWL ontologies for the representation of
static semantics of software systems. This is done by providing transformations from
MDA models to OWL and integration these two technical spaces in of software de-
velopment process.
2. A hybrid ODSD framework [30]. It uses SPARQL patterns in addition to OWL (and
DL) for ontological modeling.
3. The DSL Meta-Model Ontology Based Approach. OWL ontologies are integrated in
the model-based software technology that uses that uses automated program synthe-
sis for generating software from models [31].
4. The Three ontology method [32] that uses domain, task and top-level ontologies for
ontological modeling of a software system.
In addition, the same work has reached the very sources of the ODSD idea and it has
been explained that ontologies as semantic declarative models can extend MDA. Start-
ing in 2000, when W3C introduced Ontology Driven Architecture (ODA), this contrib-
uted to the introduction by the OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM), whose
latest version is for the year 2014.
5 Research Results
The purpose of the work, through the analysis of the literature based on the DSR re-
search paradigm, is illustrated in Fig. 4. It can be concluded that revealing requirements
on the basis of ontologies is primarily a reconciliation of mutual meta-models between
the source ontology and the target one containing requirements.
Fig. 4. Reference model for the elicitation of requirements based on ontology. Source: own study
The literature on the subject describes specific solutions relevant to specific fields of
application (e.g. OntoREM), as well as those open to various variants of the application
of ontologies (e.g. ODM). An objective choice between dedicated and universal solu-
tions could be problematic, if it were not the software development process and sub-
processes. The methods are directly dependent on this process (ODSD was selected in
this paper). On the other hand, the classic layered approach to software engineering
issues allows to look comprehensively to justify the choice. Nevertheless, the analysis
of the literature allowed to formulate the conclusions contained in Table 3.
Table 3. The guidelines for requirements elicitation using ontologies. Source: Own study
The layers of the
pyramid from Fig. 1
Elicitation of requirements with the use of ontologies
The multiplicity of possible categories of ontologies indicates the rec-
onciliation of meta-models between the source ontology and the target
ontology. Therefore, a solution was chosen that would allow defining
both ontologies and meta-models. The ODM (Ontology Definition
Meta Model) standard seems to meet these expectations. An example
of analogous application is the MOST Project (Marrying Ontology and
Software Technology). The software that supports the entire software
production process is important here, which allows to use the function-
ality of, among others, traceability.
Methods of elicitation of requirements should be based on restrictive
features of ontologies according to Gruber definition (conceptualiza-
tion, formality, explicity), also ensuring compliance with the environ-
ment adequate to the selected development process.
The development
The ODSD process specifies the use of the CIM model. With this
model, CIM cooperates under the business analysis process, i.e. re-
quirements elicitation, where tasks are specified: 1) Understanding the
application field; 2) Identification of sources of requirements; 3)
Domain ontology
with domain
Shareholder analysis; 4) Selection of techniques, methods, tools; 5)
Task to requirements elicitation.
Caring for quality
Agreeing with project stakeholders about the quality attributes: func-
tional suitability, performance, compliance, usability, reliability, pro-
tection, ease of maintenance, portability.
Management philos-
The context of management philosophy, suggests: axiological criteria
based on the ISO / IEC 25010: 2011 standard, epistemological stand:
strong sociology program, open ontology for any area of application,
methods as flexible as possible for changes and ad-hoc expectations.
6 Summary
The paper tried to explain the expectations of ontology engineering with respect to the
process and tasks devoted to requirements elicitation. As a result, it provides knowledge
used in the PhD thesis devoted to the production of domain ontologies. Based on a
review of direct literature and other similar reviews, it can be concluded that there are
no uniform recommendations. At the same time, it determines the adoption of certain
criteria, based on this paper in the position towards management philosophy. The whole
of the issues raised in the paper has been arranged according to the classic layers of
software engineering issues. As a result, it was assumed that aligning ontology engi-
neering expectations for the process of elicitation requirements should be based on the
position on these indissoluble issues:
• Reconciliation of stakeholders' expectations;
• Adoption of the position on quality attributes;
• Consolidation of the development process with the business analysis itself;
• Subordination of work methods to the required ontology features;
• Ensuring compatibility between meta-models of domain ontologies and require-
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