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Abstract and Figures

Para esta investigación se realizaron cuatro muestreos en la laguna Yahuarcaca, formada por meandros abandonados del Río Amazonas, en inmediaciones de Leticia, a lo largo de un año, aguas altas (2), ascendentes y bajas, para caracterizar la ictiofauna y determinar el efecto del pulso hídrico en aspectos alimentarios y reproductivos. Durante los muestreos se capturaron 5856 ejemplares, pertenecientes a 7 órdenes, 23 familias, 102 géneros y 134 especies, de las cuales 57 son registros nuevos para la Amazonía colombiana. Los órdenes más abundantes por número de individuos son Characiformes, Siluriformes, Perciformes. Asimismo, las familias más abundantes son Curimatidae, Pimelodidae, Characidae, Anostomidae, Auchenipteridae, Doradidae, Serrasalmidae, Loricariidae, y Cichlidae. La composición íctica varió dependiendo del período en el que realizó el muestreo, el mayor número de especies se presentó durante aguas altas y descendentes, mientras que el menor fue en aguas bajas. El análisis de los aspectos tróficos se realizó en cinco especies y se encontró que las preferencias alimentarias variaron de acuerdo al pulso hídrico. Las especies pertenecen a las familias Curimatidae: Potamorhina altamazonica, Psectrogaster rutiloides; Pimelodidae: Callophysus macropterus, Pimelodus blochii y Auchenipteridae: Centromochlus heckelii. Las dos especies de la familia Curimatidae fueron detritófagas, C. macropterus consumió restos de peces, P. blochii prefirió frutos y semillas y C. heckelii insectos. En cuanto a los aspectos reproductivos, ninguno de los ejemplares estudiados presentó gónadas maduras, lo cual puede deberse a que la mayoría de las especies tienen su pico reproductivo al iniciar el ascenso de las aguas y los muestreos utilizados para este trabajo no abarcaron ese período.
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... Dendrogram branches of the systems of the Amazonia region plus the three outgroup systems (i.e. Bita, Tomo, and Ventuari), at ca. 0.5 Donascimiento et al. 2017, Galvis et al. 2006, Galvis et al. 2007a, Galvis et al. 2007b, Lasso et al. 2009, Mojica et al. 2005, Ortega et al. 2006, Santos 2000, Vejarano 2000, Villa-Navarro et al. 2021 orn Donascimiento et al. 2017, Lasso et al. 2013, Lasso et al. 2009, Villa-Navarro et al. 2021 orn (NT) ...
... x x x x x x x x CIACOL, CZUT-IC, IAvHP, ICNMHN, MPUJ Calderón & Hincapié 2001, Correa 2003, Correa 2008, Lasso et al. 2009, Mojica et al. 2005, Ortega et al. 2006, Santos 2000, Vejarano 2000 x con ...
... Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes 1837) Calderón & Hincapié 2001, Mojica et al. 2005, Ortega et al. 2006, Santos 2000, Vejarano 2000, Villa-Navarro et al. 2021 x con ...
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The Colombian Amazon region is part of the Neotropical rainforest (humid forest biome) covering an area of 483,163 km2 and includes tributaries of both the Amazon and Orinoco River basins. The aquatic ecosystems found there include: rivers and alluvial plains originating in Andean headwaters, on eroded soils of tropical forests in the lowlands, and Guiana Shield formations, comprising a dense fluvial drainage network in the lowlands, with Paleogene/Neogene geological formations (terra firme streams in higher places that don’t usually flood) and Paleozoic (shield streams); and Andean and Guiana Shield streams above 200–250 m a.s.l. We present here an exhaustive compilation of published information, supported by fish collections, consisting of a list of 1104 species distributed in 375 genera, 53 families, and 16 orders. We include occurrence data of these species in each sub-basin. The presence/absence species matrix was analyzed using a dendrogram and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis to identify patterns of similarity between basins and sub-basins. We evaluated species composition between basins and among the different geological origins using PERMANOVA. The dendrogram shows co-occurrences of 404 species in the two basins. It also shows two clear groupings of the sub-basins of the Amazon (except Guainía-Negro drainages) and those of the Orinoco. Within the Amazon Basin, there are two nodes according to the geological origin: systems of Andean origin and those of the lowlands. The dendrogram results are consistent with the NMDS analysis, which shows a clear grouping according to the connectivity of the basins; the Guainía-Negro is included in the Amazon basin. Species distribution patterns were supported by the PERMANOVA, and differed significantly between basins (F = 4.3, R = 0.26, P = 0.003) and geological origin (F = 3.6, R = 0.23, P = 0.003). The number of species in this study represents almost a fifth of the ichthyofauna of the Neotropics and about a third of that of the Amazon River basin; clearly supporting Colombia’s status among the countries with the greatest diversity of freshwater fish species of the planet. We include here a significant number of new records (75 spp), provide a first approximation of the distribution patterns, and a framework for future biogeographical studies.
... Floodplains in the ARB are known to contain the world's highest fish species diversity (Hurd et al., 2016). To date, several ichthyological surveys have been conducted in YLS (Prieto-Piraquive, 2000a, 2000bSantos-Acevedo, 2000;Mojica et al., 2005;Vejarano, 2000;Galvis et al., 2006;Prieto-Piraquive, 2012a;Prieto-Piraquive et al., 2015). Despite this, the exact number of species inhabiting this system remains uncertain. ...
Colombia is the fourth contributor to the Amazon River Basin (ARB) by surface, and the third by mean annual runoff. The Yahuarcaca Lakes System (YLS), consisting of four large interconnected water bodies situated on the floodplain of Amazon River, was identified as one of the key areas for the conservation of freshwater biodiversity in the Colombian ARB. This review aimed to provide a general overview of YLS, present its environmental and biological features, identify main ecological and health threats, and propose mitigation strategies and future research prospects. A systematic search was performed using various databases. In summary, YLS harbors significant biodiversity and provides a number of ecological services for local communities, encompassing fish and drinking water supply and utilization of the floodplain for agriculture. Ensuring its sustainability requires attention from local and international authorities, collaboration with indigenous communities and future interdisciplinary research.
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Este trabajo de investigación documental se realizó bajo la revisión bibliográfica de documentos publicados en la red, sobre la influencia de los cambios post mortem de cinco especies de peces amazónicos (Piaractus brachypomus, Arapaima gigas, Brycon amazonicus, Psudoplatystoma punctifer, Colossoma macropomun) en la calidad de la carne. El objetivo de este trabajo se centró en aquellos artículos que presentan información sobre los cambios físico, químicos y microbiológicos que sucede en la carne y algunos métodos de conservación que existen, se han seleccionado un total de 33 artículos de los cuales 18 son en inglés, 5 en portugués y 10 en español. Los resultados obtenidos destacan la importancia del frio en la conservación de las especies, así como el manejo de atmosferas modificadas que regulan la degradación que se genera por el cambio post mortem, en conclusión, el sacrificio, el manejo y la conservación tienen mucho efecto en la calidad del producto.
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The present work is part of a process to create a Catalogue of the Freshwater Fishes of Colombia and consisted in the depuration and updating of the taxonomic and geographic components of the checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia. An exhaustive revision of the 1435 species recorded in 2008 was necessary to: 1. Add new species described since 2009 and species originally described from Colombia but inadvertently omitted in 2008; 2. Add new records of already described species; 3. Delete species whose presence in Colombia was not supported by voucher specimens in ichthyological collections; and 4. Revise the geographic distribution of the species listed in 2008. This process resulted in the following numbers: 1. Total number of freshwater fish species in Colombia: 1494; 2. Number of species recorded by hydrographic region - Amazon: 706, Orinoco: 663, Caribbean: 223, Magdalena-Cauca: 220, Pacific: 130; and 3. Number of endemic species: 374 (76% from the trans-Andean region). Updating the current checklist is a fundamental requirement to ensure its incorporation in the decision-making process with regard to the conservation of Colombian aquatic species and ecosystems, which are facing transformation processes as a result of activities such as mining, construction of hydroelectric plants, expansion of the agricultural frontier and subsequent deforestation, industrial and domestic pollution, development of waterways, introduction of exotic species, and climate change.
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p>(detritívoros, depredadores y alimento) lo cual mantiene el equilibrio en el los flujos de materia y energía. En el presente estudio se confirma la importancia trófica de MA en la dieta de peces de sistemas lóticos. El estudio se desarrolló en la cuenca del río Hacha (Caquetá, Colombia) en 6 estaciones de muestreo; se realizó la captura de peces para el análisis de sus contenidos estomacales. Adicional se tomaron muestras de MA como material de referencia para comparar con los encontrados en los contenidos estomacales de los peces. Para el análisis de datos, se aplicaron tres índices de diversidad en los MA; respecto a los contenidos estomacales en peces se estimó el porcentaje de frecuencia de ocurrencia (%FO) y el porcentaje de dominancia (%D) y se evaluó el solapamiento de nicho mediante un clúster con distancia euclidiana. Las estaciones de la cuenca alta y media presentaron los mayores valores de diversidad de MA. Respecto a los peces, la familia Characidae agrupó la mayor riqueza de especies; Astyanax abramis fue el taxón más representativo en distribución y abundancia. En términos de hábitos alimenticios, se identificaron especies de peces generalistas que consumen MA y especialistas que pueden o no consumir. Characidium zebra y Astyanax abramis, presentan una fuerte relación con el consumo de MA. Leporinus frieredici y Leporinus y-ophorus fueron las especies con mayor solapamiento de nicho. © 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.</p
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Aquatic macroinvertebrates (MA) are vital to the daily health of their related habitats, as detritivores, predators, and prey. In this study we demonstrate the trophic importance of MA’s, as prey items to fishes in the river basin Hacha (Florencia-Caquetá) by analyzing their stomach contents. Six sampling stations were defined taking into account upper, middle and lower part of the basin; Field samples of MA as reference material and fish were collected were captured 3 arts used traditional fishing. For data analisys, three indices of diversity were calculated for MA; regarding fish stomach contents was estimated percentage frequency of occurrence (%FO) and the percentage of dominance (%D), plotting their values; niche overlap was also evaluated using a cluster with euclidean distance. Stations 1, 2, 3 and 4 showed the best values of diversity of MA. The Characidae family has the highest species richness of Characiformes fish, being Astyanax abramis with better distribution and abundance. Generalist species that consume aquatic macroinvertebrates and specialist species that may or may not consume aquatic macroinvertebrates were identified. Characidium abramis zebra and Astyanax, are more related to consumption MA. Leporinus friderici and Leporinus y-ophorus were those with high niche overlap.
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Descrição de diversas espécies de peixes de água doce do Brasil
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Resumo A fauna sul-americana de peixes de água doce, comparada com a do resto do mundo, é pouco conhecida. Há necessidade de coletas imediatas em muitas regiões, antes que os peixes se tornem raros ou se extingam. A fase descritiva da fauna de peixes de água doce da América do Sul desenvolveu-se em três períodos históricos. De 1750 até aproximadamente 1866, boa parte dos grandes exemplares de interesse comercial foi descrita por zoólogos europeus. De 1866 a 1930, caracterizou-se por descrições de espécies de grande e pequeno porte, por ictiólogos tanto europeus como norte-americanos. De 1930 ao presente, foi, em parte, um período em que surgiram descrições adicionais na América do Norte, Europa e América do Sul. De 30 a 40% da fauna de peixes de água doce da América do Sul estão por ser descritos. Em termos de descrição e inventariação, o conhecimento desta fauna é comparável ao da fauna de peixes de água doce dos Estados Unidos e Canadá há cerca de 100 anos. Existem atualmente 2.500 a 3.000 espécies conhecidas de peixes de água doce na América do Sul e o número final pode chegar a 5.000. A não disponibilidade de bibliografia antiga sobre peixes, de exemplares de museu para comparações adequadas, e a falta de trabalhos faunísticos para a maior parte das áreas, são fatores que dificultam e até mesmo impossibilitam ictiólogos e biólogos de pesca no desempenho satisfatório de suas profissões na América do Sul. Muitas espécies descritas antes de 1870, precisam ser estudadas e redescritas. A maior parte dos grupos de peixes de água doce sul-americanos necessita revisões taxonómicas modernas.
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