Conference PaperPDF Available

Eco-friendly Mid-rise Apartments Using CLT Panels


Abstract and Figures

This paper represents a series of design alternatives for a mid-rise apartment complex, inspired by the configuration of Habitat 67, where the prefabricated modules seem to be stacked chaotically. Unlike Habitat 67, where prefabricated reinforced concrete panels are used for construction, the apartment complex in this project is to be built by structural Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) panels. In this study, characteristics of Habitat 67 are considered to evaluate the performative characteristics of the generated solutions. The form exploration process in this study is based on a GA+TRIZ hybrid method [1]. First, the design objectives are set, and the Theory of Innovative Problem Solving (TRIZ) is used to define parametric modeling. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to generate a wide variety of design solutions. Through the iterative process of form generation, the structural performance, the heating energy demand throughout November to March, the shell cost, the environmental and life cycle impact of the design alternatives are studied. The suitable solutions are explored using Pareto sets and TRIZ matrix of contradictions. Finally, performative characteristics of Habitat 67 are compared with those of the generated solutions, and it is explained how the design objectives and sustainable development of our environment are sought within this project.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
7 10 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain
C. Lázaro, K.-U. Bletzinger, E. Oñate (eds.)
Copyright © 2019 by <Anahita KHODADADI>
Published by the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) with permission.
Eco-friendly Mid-rise Apartments Using CLT Panels
* Portland State University
Portland, OR
This paper represents a series of design alternatives for a mid-rise apartment complex, inspired by the
configuration of Habitat 67, where the prefabricated modules seem to be stacked chaotically. Unlike
Habitat 67, where prefabricated reinforced concrete panels are used for construction, the apartment
complex in this project is to be built by structural Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) panels. In this study,
characteristics of Habitat 67 are considered to evaluate the performative characteristics of the generated
solutions. The form exploration process in this study is based on a GA+TRIZ hybrid method [1]. First,
the design objectives are set, and the Theory of Innovative Problem Solving (TRIZ) is used to define
parametric modeling. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to generate a wide variety of design
solutions. Through the iterative process of form generation, the structural performance, the heating
energy demand throughout November to March, the shell cost, the environmental and life cycle impact
of the design alternatives are studied. The suitable solutions are explored using Pareto sets and TRIZ
matrix of contradictions. Finally, performative characteristics of Habitat 67 are compared with those of
the generated solutions, and it is explained how the design objectives and sustainable development of
our environment are sought within this project.
Keywords: Form exploration, mid-rise apartment complex, Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) panels, genetic
algorithm, TRIZ, Habitat 67, life-cycle assessment
1. Introduction
In 1967, Moshe Safdie designed Habitat 67 as the Canadian Expo Pavilion. Habitat residential complex
gained worldwide admiration as it was an outstanding integration of architecture and structure and could
break the traditional form of orthogonal high rises and introduce a new housing topology. Fifty years
later, Habitat 67 still seems a spectacular residential project. However, today, the industrialization of
building construction is no longer a major concern for architects and engineers. Designers are to find
solutions for sustainable development of human-built environment and reduction of building
construction impact on global warming, CO2 emission, ozone depletion, and consumption of natural
resources. Therefore, if such an innovative project as Habitat 67 were to be built today, the design
approach would be different.
Habitat 67 is constructed from 354 identical prefabricated modules stacked in various geometrical
configurations to provide 158 apartments (Figure 1). There are 15 models of apartment units that include
one to five modules. The units look similar, but the interior space of each house differs from the others.
The apartments are soundproofed and heated by a central heating and air-conditioning system. The
geometrical and material properties of Habitat 67, along with the cost estimation, are described in Table
1 [2, 3, 4, 5]. The manufacturing site of Habitat 67 was located 300 m away from the site of
implementation. The complete modules, whose weight varies between 70 and 90 tons, were hoisted by
a giant crane, set up and secured to other units using post-tensioning cables. (Figures 2 and 3) [2].
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
Figure 1: Habitat 67, Montreal, Canada [6]
Table 1: The design properties of Habitat 67
Geometrical properties
354 modules 38×17 ft2 [7] (12.5×5.7×3.2 m3 external measurement)
Total Height: 36.576 m (120 ft) | 12 stories
15 different modules with an area of 55 m2 (624 ft2)
Floor plans range from 1 to 4 bedroom apartments and 1 to 3 stories
Weight of each module = 70 to 90 tons
The area of terraces range from 20-90 m2 (225 to 1000 ft2)
Exterior walls of the units: sand-blasted concrete
Window frames: brown anodized aluminum
140,000 CAD per unit Total cost = 140,000 × 158 = 22,120,000 CAD
Heating/cooling cost for a one-bedroom apartment of Habitat = 400-600 CAD per month throughout the year
[8]. (Heating/cooling cost for a one/two-bedroom apartment in Montreal = 200-300 CAD per month
throughout the year )
Figure 2: Floor plan of an apartment and constructional Figure 3: Prefabrication of the apartment units
details [6] in the manufacturer’s site [9]
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
2. Configuration processing of the CLT mid-rise residential tower
Habitat 67 includes three clusters of stacked modules. With the same fashion, the residential complex
in this project is to be composed of three same clusters of apartment units (Figure 4). In order to reduce
the simulation time in this project, only one of the clusters is parametrically modeled and analyzed.
Therefore, performative characteristics such as the shell cost, thermal energy demand, weight of
structures, and life cycle impact are compared to one-third of the corresponding values in Habitat 67.
The configuration of each cluster of apartment units is defined by creating a stack of 12×16×11
(width×length×height) modules whose number of floors is reduced regarding the location of four
attractor points on the XY plane (Figure 4). Then, 250 to 500 modules from this basic model are removed
randomly to shape the roof gardens and private balconies (a seed value controls the reduction pattern).
Each module is 5.8×5.8×3.4 m3. Then, columns and required structural supports are added to the model
where units are not supported by the walls of the lower floors. The geometrical properties of the
residential complex are described in Table 2.
Figure 4: The configuration processing of mid-rise residential complex
Table 2: The geometrical properties of the mid-rise residential complex
Geometrical properties
Habitat module dimension = 12.5×5.7×3.2 = 228 m3 Habitat maximum height = 36.576 m | 12 stories
Assumption: Each residential unit includes two geometrical modules, floor to floor height = 3.4 (11 ft)
Geometrical dimension of each module = 5.8×5.8 m2
Height of each apartment module = 3.4×11=37.4 m | 11 stories
Area of each apartment module: 5.8×5.8 m2 (19×19 ft2) Height of each apartment module: 3.4 m (11 ft)
Maximum number of floors: 11
3. Structural and thermal analyses and life cycle impact assessment
The walls, roofs, and floor slabs are all to be made of structural panels. The roofs are expected to be
used as roof gardens. Therefore, the appropriate combination of live load and snow load is considered
in the structural analysis. Total weight of the structure, its natural frequency, and maximum
displacement are obtained through the simulation carried out in Karamba a plugin for Grasshopper [10].
Thermal analysis is carried out for assessment of the Heating Ideal Zone Load for five months, from
November 1st to March 31st. In Montreal, heating cost and maintaining the comfortable temperature
within these five months are critical while cooling energy demand throughout the year is not important.
The thermal analysis is carried out using ArchSIM plugin for Grasshopper [11].
In this design case study, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is carried out to evaluate the magnitude and
significance of the potential impacts of the residential building complex on the environment. In this
study, the same input data, including the type of occupancy, location, and gross floor area, are truncated
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
from the model for practical purposes and quick estimation. The Product Declarations of the structural
materials, provided by the suppliers, are used to compute the LCA. The LCA assessment in this design
project includes global warming potential, acidification potential, ozone depletion potential, total used
energy through the life cycle, non-hazardous waste, hazardous waste, and consumptions of freshwater,
non-renewable and renewable material.
4. Form exploration of the mid-rise residential complex using the GA+TRIZ method
In this project, the main design objectives are minimizing the environmental impact, reducing the
heating energy demand in the cold season, providing a pleasant residential space for the tenants, and
maximizing the number of units and total floor area of the apartments. This form exploration method in
this study is based on a GA+TRIZ hybrid method [1] (Figure 5).
Figure 5: The plan of work in the GA+TRIZ design method [12]
According to the GA+TRIZ method, the design objectives are synthesized into their basic factors and
checked for probable conflicts. As a result, the contradiction between the life cycle impact of the
building and the amount of structural material or the amount of floor area was revealed. Design
alternatives with a greater number of units and amount of total floor area require more consumption of
material resources and, as a result, they have greater potential to increase global warming. Referring to
the TRIZ inventive principles and the matrix of contradiction [13, 14, 15, 16, 17] made the designer opt
for an eco-friendly material such as CLT panels instead of prefabricated reinforced concrete. There are
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
five reasons for choosing CLT panels as a replacement of prefabricated reinforced concrete in this case
study. The first reason is the renewability and low environmental impact of the wood, in particular, its
low carbon footprint. Second, CLT panels can be employed in the prefabricated building industry where
panels are cut to the required dimensions, engineered and treated to be thermal and fire resistant, and
finally erected in-site relatively quickly. Third, the presence of wood can provide the occupants with a
pleasant environment and improve the quality of interior space. Fourth, the reason for choosing CLT
products and not, for example, light-frame wood construction is to compare two massive constructions
that have two different carbon footprints. Fifth, in Canada, in particular in Quebec, forestry is a huge
part of the economy, and several companies supply the CLT products for the building industry. Also,
the required building codes are provided for architects and engineers to employ CLT products. There
are successful examples of CLT residential buildings all over the world, as well as in Canada, that have
pushed the boundaries of the CLT industry furthest [18, 19, 20, 21]. Structural specifications of the CLT
products used in this design project are provided by Nordic Structures Company [22] in Montreal.
Furthermore, in Habitat 67 prefabricated reinforced concrete panels were used without any thermal
insulation. In this project, design analysis suggested thermal insulation of the building for better
environmental performance. Moreover, the application of GA+TRIZ form exploration method implies
consideration of two separate variables to define the thickness of CLT panels and the thickness of
thermal insulation. Taking these actions allow for the resolution of the explained contradiction among
the design objectives innovatively.
In the next step of the design procedure, the parametric model of the apartment complex is defined.
Then, the database is set, separate models for structural and thermal simulations are created, and the
GA-based breeding code is scripted [23, 24]. Details of inputs for structural and thermal analyses are
provided in Table 3. The displacement and utilization diagrams of the generated solutions and, the bar
charts that show their thermal energy demand from November to the end of March are to be stored in
the database.
Table 3: The environmental and structural properties of the mid-rise residential complex
Material and thermal properties
CLT plates density = 500 kg/m3 ,Conductivity = 0.13 W/mK ,Specific heat 1600 J/kgK
Thermal emittance = 0.9 ,Solar absorptance = 0.7 , Visible absorptance = 0.7
Embodied energy =10 MJ/kg , Embodied carbon =0.71 kgCO2/kg
Material cost estimation
CLT structural system cost: Design + material supply +installation = 435-490 CAD/m2 (40-45 CAD/ft2)
≈ 450 CAD/m2
(Exchange rate CAD to USC = 0.75) , Design + material supply +installation = 326 367 ≈ 350 USD/m2
Material and load properties
CLT plates: Spruce-Pine-Fir Density = 400 kg/m3 (25 lb/ft3) Thickness = 8-20 cm (3 1/8 7 7/8 in)
Load case 1 = self-weight + Roof load (promenade roof) of 2.8 kN/m2 (58.5 psf) [25]
Load case 2 = self-weight + residential live load of 1.92 kN/m2 (40 psf) [25]
Load: 0.01 people/m2 +11 equipment w/m2 + 7 lighting w/m2, 150 lux, continuous dimming, AllOn schedule [26].
Conditioning: heating setpoint: 21C cooling setpoint 26 C
Ventilation: Air change per hour = 0.5 ACH
Hot water: On | peak flow 0.03 m3/h/m2 | 65C supply temperature | All On
Roof = 95mm CLT + 80mm Rigid foam EPS 035 insulation + 95mm CLT + 20mm Gypsum Fiber Board
Partition = 20mm Gypsum Fiber Board + 95mm CLT + 20mm Gypsum Fiber Board
Ceiling = 95mm CLT + 30mm Impact sound insulation + 95mm CLT + 20mm Gypsum Fiber Board
External floor = 95mm CLT + 80mm Rigid foam EPS 035 insulation + 95mm CLT + 30mm Pine wood
Façade = 30mm Pine wood + 80mm rigid foam pur no coating Insulation + 150mm CLT + 20mm Gypsum Fiber Board
According to the described design objectives, a series of design alternatives is generated whose global
warming potential is less than 1,000,000 kgCO2eq and ideal total heating energy from November to the
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
end of March is less than 5000 MJ (Figure 6). Then, the generated solutions are explored to find a series
of suitable design alternative whose total floor area is greater than that of the Habitat 67. Figure 7
displays the distribution of solutions regarding their gross floor area and global warming potential.
Figure 8 displays the distribution of solutions based on their gross floor area and ideal total heating
energy from November to the end of March. In both graphs, solution number 228 has been chosen as a
suitable solution. The performative characteristics of solution number 228 are displayed in Table 4.
Figure 6: South-East view of the solutions whose global warming potential is less than 1,000,000 kgCO2 eq and
ideal total heating energy from November to the end of March is less than 5000 MJ. The solutions are sorted based
on their gross floor area in descending order.
Figure 7: The plot displays the distribution of solutions regarding their gross floor area and global warming
potential. Habitat 67 and some of the suitable solutions made of CLT panels are highlighted.
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
Figure 8: The plot displays the distribution of solutions regarding their gross floor area and ideal total heating
energy from November to the end of March. Habitat 67 and some of the suitable solutions made of CLT panels
are highlighted. Table 4: The performative characteristics of solution number 228
5. Conclusion
It is almost a decade that designers have been more concerned about the sustainable development of
human-built environment and reduction of building construction impact on our environment. This paper
represents a series of design alternatives for a mid-rise apartment complex, inspired by the configuration
of Habitat 67. In contrast to the prefabricated reinforced concrete construction of the Habitat 67, Cross-
Laminated Timber (CLT) panels are utilized as the structural components of the residential complex.
The application of the GA+TRIZ methodology helped to obtain relatively more suitable solutions by
directing the designer to choose better structural material and reduce the life cycle impact and heating
energy demand of all generated solutions.
My thanks to Professor Peter von Buelow for his support in using ParaGen interface [23] and Hydra Lab
at the University of Michigan.
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 Structural Membranes 2019
Form and Force
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... Athena Sustainable Materials Institute is a stand-alone software for estimating the impact of buildings. It estimates different life cycle assessment (LCA) measures such as global warming potential, acidification potential, and ozone depletion potential in different life cycle stages of buildings (Khodadadi, 2019). Athena Software offers various building assemblies and requires the user to define them in their platform. ...
Conference Paper
A hallmark of the industrial revolution was standardization in production, while the digital age is characterized by variation and non-standardization. The ability to create variation in degree and kind will not only be an aesthetic driver but potentially will enable us to shape projects specifically for programmatic need, structural capacity, and material properties. Nonetheless, the discipline of architecture has increased awareness of the environmental impact of material use and production methods, which has shifted attention to repeatability and reusability, material waste, material CO2 emissions, and other involved factors such as labor. This shift is more pronounced in the design and fabrication of concrete elements used in building envelopes since both material and mold design can impact the environment. As a result, customized repetitive manufacturing (CRM) is well suited to address today’s design needs for achieving complexity and variability while considering standardized fabrication methods and processes. This research study focuses on the design of precast elements used in facades. It first classifies design variability in architectural panels based on a survey of sixteen built precedents. With this classification, the design of panels is critically evaluated to save on materials using computational design methods, namely topology optimization. Topology optimization is used to determine the placement of openings considering the structural performance of the panels. The tools used for design include Rhino, Grasshopper, and a plugin for topology optimization. The CO2 emissions of panels with different porosities are assessed to understand the relation between surface area of concrete panels and their environmental impact. The results of this study demonstrate innovative design approaches for precast panels used in building envelopes to save on materials and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
... This thesis identified the main contributors to the cost and environmental impacts for the three considered geometries. Khodadadi [36] presented a series of designs inspired by Habitat 67, with a structural system that consists of CLT plates instead of concrete panels like the original design. In this work, a genetic algorithm was used to obtain a variety of designs and studied their structural performance, heating energy demand, shell cost, and environmental and life cycle impact. ...
This paper describes a parametric framework for early-stage tall timber design, which enables a comparison across a range of geometries with respect to embodied carbon of the main structural elements for two mass timber structural systems: post-beam-panel and post-and-platform. This research finds that the post-beam-panel system on average has a higher embodied carbon that increases faster as the building height increases. In both structural systems, the floors are a major contributor to the embodied carbon. The framework can inform higher resolution decisions, help designers detect broad trends and relationships in the tall timber design space, and allow designers to adapt geometries and immediately assess the impact on the embodied carbon. For each geometry, the embodied carbon of both structural systems can be compared to determine which system is more appropriate. Within each structural system, the timber elements with the largest material volume can be identified, and alternative materials can be considered. As a result, the framework permits designers to make simultaneous decisions on the structural system and the geometry from the perspective of both aesthetic and embodied carbon performance. By providing guidance and feedback on early-stage design, this paper aims to increase the recognition and application of timber as a structural material for large-scale construction.
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In the last decade, the construction industry has been going through a technological revolution known as Construction 4.0. This progress has brought digitization, automation, virtual reality, 3D printing and prefabrication to production. Prefabrication is the basic solution of most Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), thanks to which construction is faster, safer, better quality and with a lower impact on the environment. MMC design solutions can include volumetric, panel, hybrid systems, parts and components bat also on-site innovative technologies. From the point of the sustainability, material solutions of MMC are also very important and open the potential for their innovations. The aim of this article is to explore the possibilities of higher use of composite materials and mixtures, preferably with an emphasis on more environmentally friendly and recycled materials.
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When an architectural design problem is stated, it may take several iterations to evaluate the design alternatives, modify the problem statement and the corresponding solutions and make the final decision. The recursive essence of an architectural design procedure and the designer’s tendency to explore further possibilities increases the use of iterative programming search methods to find suitable solutions. Although there have been successful accomplishments in parametric modeling and evolutionary form exploration methods, the prior step of problem structuring has been developed less. We can still solve the wrong problem correctly. Thus, the step of problem structuring has significant effect on the final design outcome. A common challenge in the application of computational design methodology is to discern the parameters that influence the project outcome. Sometimes the solution may be found around a design parameter that is not included in the parametric model and form exploration procedure. This challenge is more likely when contradictory design objectives exist in a project. Then, the designer may favor one design criterion over the others, or compromise (trade-off) and choose a solution among a group of suitable ones. In such cases, the corresponding Pareto front may be studied to find the best trade-off solutions between two or more performative design objectives. A third approach can be the attempt to eliminate the contradiction innovatively. Accordingly, the designer may apply data mining techniques or clustering and classification algorithms to achieve higher-level information or implicit search goals to make a final decision. In this dissertation, I intend to introduce a design search method that a designer unspecialized in the field of data mining can understand and employ in both the formulation of a design problem and in the exploration of generated solutions. The main goal of this dissertation is to introduce a method which provides better problem structuring and decision making. This computational search method is expected to provide the benefits of the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) at the same time. The TRIZ Inventive Principles and the associated Matrix of Contradiction are combined with a Non-Destructive Dynamic Population Genetic Algorithm (NDDP GA) used in the ParaGen method, initially developed by Peter von Buelow, to develop the GA+TRIZ method. The GA+TRIZ method helps the designer build a better parametric model where pertinent variables, not all possible ones but those which will more probably be dominant, are included. Furthermore, following the map of the GA+TRIZ design method can provide higher-level information which is useful in making better decisions when conflicting design objectives exist. To examine the suitability and benefits of the application of the GA+TRIZ search method, four design case studies are carried out using the GA+TRIZ map of work. The cases are chosen from design explorations previously solved using only the ParaGen method. In each design case, the design process and the outcome of the explorations are compared with the corresponding results from in the previous trials with the ParaGen-only procedure. The following four metrics are used to evaluate the application of the GA+TRIZ method: • Diversity and particularity of solutions • Performative cost • Time efficiency • The amount of data provided for decision making The outcome of this research is the description of the GA+TRIZ search method along with examples of its application and all the required codes, scripts, and components.
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When an architectural design problem is stated, it may take several iterations to evaluate the design alternatives, modify the problem statement and the corresponding solutions and make the final decision. The recursive essence of an architectural design procedure and the designer’s tendency to explore further possibilities increases the use of iterative programming search methods to find suitable solutions. Although there have been successful accomplishments in parametric modeling and evolutionary form exploration methods, the prior step of problem structuring has been developed less. We can still solve the wrong problem correctly. Thus, the step of problem structuring has significant effect on the final design outcome. A common challenge in the application of computational design methodology is to discern the parameters that influence the project outcome. Sometimes the solution may be found around a design parameter that is not included in the parametric model and form exploration procedure. This challenge is more likely when contradictory design objectives exist in a project. Then, the designer may favor one design criterion over the others, or compromise (trade-off) and choose a solution among a group of suitable ones. In such cases, the corresponding Pareto front may be studied to find the best trade-off solutions between two or more performative design objectives. A third approach can be the attempt to eliminate the contradiction innovatively. Accordingly, the designer may apply data mining techniques or clustering and classification algorithms to achieve higher-level information or implicit search goals to make a final decision. In this dissertation, I intend to introduce a design search method that a designer unspecialized in the field of data mining can understand and employ in both the formulation of a design problem and in the exploration of generated solutions. The main goal of this dissertation is to introduce a method which provides better problem structuring and decision making. This computational search method is expected to provide the benefits of the application of a genetic algorithm (GA) and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) at the same time. The TRIZ Inventive Principles and the associated Matrix of Contradiction are combined with a Non-Destructive Dynamic Population Genetic Algorithm (NDDP GA) used in the ParaGen method, initially developed by Peter von Buelow, to develop the GA+TRIZ method. The GA+TRIZ method helps the designer build a better parametric model where pertinent variables, not all possible ones but those which will more probably be dominant, are included. Furthermore, following the map of the GA+TRIZ design method can provide higher-level information which is useful in making better decisions when conflicting design objectives exist. To examine the suitability and benefits of the application of the GA+TRIZ search method, four design case studies are carried out using the GA+TRIZ map of work. The cases are chosen from design explorations previously solved using only the ParaGen method. In each design case, the design process and the outcome of the explorations are compared with the corresponding results from in the previous trials with the ParaGen-only procedure. The following four metrics are used to evaluate the application of the GA+TRIZ method: • Diversity and particularity of solutions • Performative cost • Time efficiency • The amount of data provided for decision making The outcome of this research is the description of the GA+TRIZ search method along with examples of its application and all the required codes, scripts, and components.
Conference Paper
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A design task usually begins with a conceptual design phase where requirements and objectives are defined and synthesized into design alternatives. Although there have been successful accomplishments in developing computational methods and tools in the conceptual design of spatial structures, the initial step of problem structuring needs more consideration. A designer may spend several hours to build a parametric model and explore the suitable solutions through an iterative process of generation, evaluation, and modification of design alternatives. But the parametric model may not initially include some determining variables. The process of exploring design alternatives and choosing the suitable one/s may be more of a challenge when contradictory design objectives exist in a project. In such a case, the designer may give privilege to only one design criterion over the others, or compromise (trade-off) and choose a solution among a group of suitable ones. This study addresses the extent to which TRIZ can contribute to computational early design exploration of spatial structures. The focus of the paper is on presenting a map of the design process which allows a better problem structuring and, also, elimination of the contradiction among design objectives. The proposed model is founded on the Lawson's map of design process. The matrix of contradictions and 40 Inventive Principles of TRIZ, and a genetic algorithm in the framework of ParaGen are incorporated in this model.
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A design task usually begins with a phase where requirements and objectives are defined. Then, it continues through a creative and iterative process of generation, evaluation, and modification of design alternatives until the design team is satisfied. The main objective of this paper is to expand the concepts of interactive multi-objective design in the field of architecture design, and demonstrate the contribution of parametric modeling, genetic algorithms, computational simulation and an interactive programming environment in the process of decision making in the preliminary stage of architecture design. In this paper, an interactive GA-based computational method is employed to consider both technical and non-technical requirements in exploring the design solutions of a one-bedroom house unit. The design objectives, in this case, include thermal performance, material cost, and the resident’s lifestyle. Ultimately, it is shown how the interactive approach of the exploration method can help the decision maker with objective trade-offs.
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Spatial structures often embody generative systems. Both analog (physical modeling) as well as computational methods have been uses to explore the range of design possibilities. Whereas many of the favored physical modeling techniques, such as soap films or catenary nets, inherently generate forms based on certain performative properties, many of the parametric form generating computational methods derive form based solely on geometry, detached from physical performance. ParaGen has been developed as a tool to explore parametric geometry based on aspects of performance. Within the cyclic structure of a genetic algorithm, it incorporates parametric geometry generation, simulation for performance evaluation, and the ability to sort and compare a wide range of solutions based on single or multiple objectives. The results can be visually compared by teams of designers across a graphic web interface which includes the potential for human interaction in parent selection and breeding of further designs. The result is a tool which allows the exploration of the generative design space based on performance as well as visual criteria.
New ideas for new products are not enough for creating successful markets: Product Innovation means to manage the whole chain from invention to new and best selling products in market. This innovation roadmap has to be carefully and systematically planned and procured. There are a lot of methods for creativity, market analysis, evaluation, technology forecast, and decision gates available within this book. These methods and tools are brought together and their scopes of application as well as their limitations are shown. The whole tool kit of methods and decision models like market studies, value engineering, TRIZ or portfolio analysis and others are linked together to the overall Aachen Innovation Model (AIM). This handbook is to be used as an innovation management guide as well as an information source for nearly all methods and tools in the field of innovation for technical products. The complete Innovation Road Map is supported by an interactive, multiple user software tool "EDEN" on an ontology basis (see appendix D in the book). Thus the user has not only access to the collected know how of the past, but can also contribute to growth of expertise within his or her enterprise.
This is the second edition of the Michael Orloff's successful practical introduction to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) - a strategy and methods for breaking out of rigid thought patterns to achieve truly creative engineering solutions. Written for self-study, the book provides the reader in the most vivid and systematic manner with the key ideas, techniques, and paradigms of the quite complex TRIZ method. The author is experienced in many practical applications of TRIZ in various fields. By enabling the reader to search for and find ideas more efficiently, this book is of extreme practical importance to developing engineers and planners in all areas of modern technology. In particular, young graduates involved in innovative technical projects will benefit a lot, since it gives exact "standard" algorithms and practical templates for problem solutions. TRIZ turns inventing into a controllable and systematic process. Within technology-oriented companies and institutions, these powerful methods can help to foster innovation through an extraordinary efficient and learn management of knowledge and data. In fact, TRIZ makes available all the inside creative knowledge of all the patents world-wide that can be used for the solution of new practical problems.
AD Classics: Habitat 67 / Safdie Architects
  • G Merin
G. Merin, "AD Classics: Habitat 67 / Safdie Architects," ArchDaily, 21 July 2013.
Director, Habitat 67: The Transformative Architecture of Montreal
  • A Reuben
A. Reuben, Director, Habitat 67: The Transformative Architecture of Montreal. [Film]. 2018.
Director, Documentary On Habitat 67 in Montreal
  • J Kavanagh
J. Kavanagh, Director, Documentary On Habitat 67 in Montreal. [Film]. 2012.