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Patient preferences for whole-body MRI or conventional staging pathways in lung and colorectal cancer: a discrete choice experiment


Abstract and Figures

Objectives To determine the importance placed by patients on attributes associated with whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) and standard cancer staging pathways and ascertain drivers of preference. Methods Patients recruited to two multi-centre diagnostic accuracy trials comparing WB-MRI with standard staging pathways in lung and colorectal cancer were invited to complete a discrete choice experiment (DCE), choosing between a series of alternate pathways in which 6 attributes (accuracy, time to diagnosis, scan duration, whole-body enclosure, radiation exposure, total scan number) were varied systematically. Data were analysed using a conditional logit regression model and marginal rates of substitution computed. The relative importance of each attribute and probabilities of choosing WB-MRI-based pathways were estimated. Results A total of 138 patients (mean age 65, 61% male, lung n = 72, colorectal n = 66) participated (May 2015 to September 2016). Lung cancer patients valued time to diagnosis most highly, followed by accuracy, radiation exposure, number of scans, and time in the scanner. Colorectal cancer patients valued accuracy most highly, followed by time to diagnosis, radiation exposure, and number of scans. Patients were willing to wait 0.29 (lung) and 0.45 (colorectal) weeks for a 1% increase in pathway accuracy. Patients preferred WB-MRI-based pathways (probability 0.64 [lung], 0.66 [colorectal]) if they were equivalent in accuracy, total scan number, and time to diagnosis compared with a standard staging pathway. Conclusions Staging pathways based on first-line WB-MRI are preferred by the majority of patients if they at least match standard pathways for diagnostic accuracy, time to diagnosis, and total scan number.
Patient preferences for whole-body MRI or conventional staging
pathways in lung and colorectal cancer: a discrete choice experiment
Anne Miles
&Stuart A. Taylor
&Ruth E. C. Evans
&Steve Halligan
&Sandy Beare
&John Bridgewater
&Vicky Goh
Sam Janes
&Neil Navani
&Alf Oliver
&Alison Morton
&Andrea Rockall
&Caroline S. Clarke
&Stephen Morris
on behalf of the STREAMLINE investigators
Received: 31 October 2018 / Revised: 22 February 2019 / Accepte d: 11 March 2019 / Published online: 1 April 2019
#The Author(s) 2019
Objectives To determine the importance placed by patients on attributes associated with whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) and
standard cancer staging pathways and ascertain drivers of preference.
Methods Patients recruited to two multi-centre diagnostic accuracy trials comparing WB-MRI with standard staging pathways in
lung and colorectal cancer were invited to complete a discrete choice experiment (DCE), choosing between a series of alternate
pathways in which 6 attributes (accuracy, time to diagnosis, scan duration, whole-body enclosure, radiation exposure, total scan
number) were varied systematically. Data were analysed using a conditional logit regression model and marginal rates of
substitution computed. The relative importance of each attribute and probabilities of choosing WB-MRI-based pathways were
Results A total of 138 patients (mean age 65, 61% male, lung n= 72, colorectal n= 66) participated (May 2015 to September
2016). Lung cancer patients valued time to diagnosis most highly, followed by accuracy, radiation exposure, number of scans,
and time in the scanner. Colorectal cancer patients valued accuracy most highly, followed by time to diagnosis, radiation
exposure, and number of scans. Patients were willing to wait 0.29 (lung) and 0.45 (colorectal) weeks for a 1% increase in
pathway accuracy. Patients preferred WB-MRI-based pathways (probability 0.64 [lung], 0.66 [colorectal]) if they were equiv-
alent in accuracy, total scan number, and time to diagnosis compared with a standard staging pathway.
Conclusions Staging pathways based on first-line WB-MRI are preferred by the majority of patients if they at least match
standard pathways for diagnostic accuracy, time to diagnosis, and total scan number.
Key Points
WB-MRI staging pathways are preferred to standard pathways by the majority of patients provided they at least match standard
staging pathways for accuracy, total scan number, and time to diagnosis.
For patients with lung cancer, time to diagnosis was the attribute valued most highly, followed by accuracy, radiation dose,
number of additional scans, and time in a scanner. Preference for patients with colorectal cancer was similar.
Most (63%) patients were willing to trade attributes, such as faster diagnosis, for improvements in pathway accuracy and
reduced radiation exposure.
Keywords Magnetic resonance imaging .Cancer .Patient preference .Positron emission tomography .Tomography, X-ray
CT Computed tomography
DCE Discrete choice experiment
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
PET-CT Positron emission tomography
WB-MRI Whole-body MRI
Anne Miles and Stuart A Taylor are joint first authors because both
authors were equally involved in the design, analysis, and write-up of the
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Anne Miles
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
European Radiology (2019) 29:38893900
Cancer staging pathways are complex, typically comprising a
variety of imaging modalities including ultrasound, computed
tomography (CT), and positron emission tomography (PET)
CT. Multi-modality pathways are inconvenient for patients
and prolong time to treatment. Conversely, whole-body mag-
netic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) may facilitate staging
with a single investigation, while simultaneously achieving
greater accuracy for metastatic disease, without imparting i-
onising radiation [1,2]. However, patients perceive WB-MRI
as more challenging than conventional staging scans [3], par-
ticularly among those with coexisting physical conditions
and/or high anxiety levels [4]. MRI scan acquisition is noisy
and whole-body imaging can take up to 1 h, much longer
than standard CT or PET-CT. In addition, WB-MRI elicits
claustrophobia in a substantial proportion of patients, which
can terminate the scan prematurely [5]. Furthermore, WB-
MRI may itself generate future tests such as PET-CT for
equivocal findings.
Patients value staging accuracy highly [6]aswellasrapid
diagnosis [7].Therelativeimportanceplacedbypatientson
the comparative attributes of WB-MRI and standard staging
pathways is unknown currently. For example, it is unclear
what improvement in diagnostic accuracy patients would
trade for lengthier scan times, or a longer wait before final
The aim of this study was to determine the relative impor-
tance placed by patients on a range of attributes associated
with WB-MRI and standard staging pathways by performing
a discrete choice experiment and to ascertain which of these
attributes govern patient preferences for one pathway over the
Materials and methods
Discrete choice experiments (DCE) elicit preferences by ask-
ing individuals to indicate their choice between two or more
options, where each option contains characteristics or attri-
butes (e.g. scan accuracy, scan duration) that are varied and
are differentiated by values or levels of each attribute. By
analysing the choices people make, the relative importance
of different attributes can be determined. The international
DCE guidelines were followed for study design and analysis
Patients and recruitment
Recruitment took place within the context of two prospec-
tive, multi-centred cohort trials investigating the diagnos-
tic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of WB-MRI compared
with standard pathways for staging newly diagnosed lung
and colorectal cancers (Streamline Land Streamline
C). The trial protocols have been published previously
[11]. For Streamline L, patients were recruited from 16
hospitals and underwent WB-MRI at one of seven centres.
For Streamline C, patients were recruited from 16 hospi-
tals and underwent WB-MRI at one of eight centres.
Across both trials, WB-MRI was performed on scanners
from three major vendors.
Recruits underwent WB-MRI (the research interven-
tion) in addition to conventional staging scans. The
WB-MRI scans were performed according to a mini-
mum dataset, including axial whole-body (vertex to
mid-thigh) axial diffusion and axial T2- and T1 (pre-
and post-intravenous gadolinium-containing contrast me-
dium)-weighted imaging. A Dixon sequence was used if
available on the scanner. Slice thickness was between 5
and 7 mm and post gadolinium images were acquired at
a minimum through the liver (portal phase), lung (equi-
librium phase), and brain. Exact parameters differed be-
tween sites, but all sites utilised protocols that could be
Patients recruited to the Streamline trials were initially in-
vited to either an interview [3] or questionnaire study (both
aimed at assessing patientsexperience of staging scans) [4]
(Fig. 1). Once recruitment to these studies was complete, pa-
tients were exclusively invited to complete the current DCE
study [11].
Ethical approval for this study was granted by the Camden
and Islington NRES committee on 03/10/2012, project num-
bers: 12/LO/1176 (StreamlineC) and 12/LO/1177 (Streamline
L). Participants gave written informed consent for participa-
tion in the DCE study.
DCE questionnaires were posted to patients by the Clinical
Trials Unit within 12 days of consenting to trial participation
and while they were still undergoing staging. Patients were
provided with stamped addressed reply envelopes and were
paid £20 upon receipt of a completed questionnaire.
Consecutive patients were approached to participate until a
minimum of 42 patients had returned a questionnaire for each
cancer type cohort (see power calculation supplementary
Attributes and levels
DCE attributes were selected by study investigators to
capture known or potential important differences between
WB-MRI and standard staging pathways; these were in-
formed by findings from the patient interview and ques-
tionnaire studies described above [3,4]. The Streamline
trials were designed to determine whether WB-MRI is
more accurate than standard staging pathways for detect-
ing metastatic disease, while simultaneously decreasing
thenumberofindividualscans, thereby reducing time to
3890 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
diagnosis. Accordingly, accuracy, scan number, and time
to diagnosis were selected as potentially important attri-
butes. In addition, the following attributes were also in-
cluded, having also been identified as potentially impor-
tant: scan duration, need for the whole body and head to
be enclosed by the scanner, and increased cancer risk due
to exposure to ionising radiation.
Credible levels for each attribute were chosen based on
either known characteristics, such as scan duration, or after
appropriate literature review, for example radiation exposure
and scan/pathway accuracy [1214]. The number of scans in
each pathway required to reaching a final diagnosis was based
on typical staging pathways, supported by data accrued during
the main trials.
Attributes and levels are summarised in Table 1.
Questionnaire design
Of the six attributes, five had three levels and one had two
levels. The total number of attribute combinations was there-
fore 486 (= 3
). Each question presented patients with a
binary choice set (pathway A vs. pathway B), resulting in a
possible 235,710 choices (= 486 × 485). To reducethe number
of choices to a manageable number, an orthogonal fractional
main effects design was applied for pathway A [15]. Pathway
B was generated by shifting the attribute level up by one
category for each attribute (e.g. if the time in a scanner was
10 [30] {60} min in Pathway A then it was shifted to 30 [60]
{10} min in Pathway B). We reduced the number of choice
sets to 18, which were split into two blocks of nine, and half
the respondents in each group were assigned to each block.
Patients were randomly assigned to complete either choice
Fig. 1 Flow diagram of
participants through the study
(May 2015September 2016)
Table 1 Attributes and attribute levels
Attributes Attribute levels
Time in a scanner 10 min 30 min 60 min
Time to reach a final diagnosis 1 week 3 weeks 5 weeks
Associated increase in cancer risk due to radiation exposure None 1 in 1000 risk of cancer 2 in 1000 risk of cancer
Number of additional staging scans before final diagnosis 0 1 2
Accuracy for metastatic disease (%) 85 90 95
Need for whole body and head to be in a scanner No Yes
Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900 3891
sets 1 to 9 (Questionnaire A) or 10 to 18 (Questionnaire B) and
asked to complete all 9 choice sets. A similar approach has
been used in previous DCE studies, balancing the desire to
include more choice sets to cover a wider number of attribute
combinations against respondent burden [16]. The choice sets
were presented in a random order within each questionnaire.
We did not include an opt-out or neitheroption as patients
recruited tothe Streamline trials were unlikely to choose not to
undergo staging. Prior to administering the DCE question-
naire, its burden and content were reviewed and modified
for clarity by the Streamline trial management group, which
included 2 patient representatives.
An example of a choice set is shown in Fig. 2.
A range of demographic and health-related variables were
also collected from participants (see Questionnaire
supplementary data), along with self-rated health, presence
of comorbidities, and positive and negative mood (using the
PANAS, phrased to ask about current mood [17,18]and
whether patients had already had a WB-MRI at the time of
completing the questionnaire). Missing data for age and gen-
der were populated with data from the main trial (with patient
Participants were also asked whether they preferred WB-
MRIorstandardtests(If you had to have JUST ONE of the
tests which one would you prefer?).
An example administered questionnaire (Questionnaire A
for lung cancer patients) is shown in supplementary data.
The analysis is described in detail in supplementary data.
In brief, DCE data were analysed using a conditional logit
regression model (fixed effects logit) where the outcome was
the test preference (scan A or B) and the variables in the
equation were the individual attributes. We undertook explor-
atory analyses to investigate whether within each cohort pref-
erences varied by sample sub-groups. We conducted likeli-
hood ratio tests to test the null hypothesis that none of the
attributes were related to preferences.
The relative importance of each attribute was calculated as
the difference in preference weights between the best or most
preferred level of each attribute and the worst or least preferred
level of the same attribute [19].
We used the regression coefficients to compute marginal
rates of substitution (MRS). The MRS allows direct assess-
ment of how much of one attribute participants are willing to
trade for one unit of another attribute and therefore enables a
comparison of different attributes on a common scale.
We also used the regression analysis results to calculate
the predicted probabilities of choosing alternative path-
ways (for example based on WB-MRI), compared with a
default standard staging pathway The selected default
standard pathway was PET-CT plus one additional scan
(lung cancer), or CT plus 1 additional scan (colorectal
cancer) (Figs. 3and 4).
Fig. 2 Example of a choice set
3892 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
We compared default staging pathways to alternative path-
ways with varying attribute levels based around PET-CT, CT,
and WB-MRI. We considered several scenarios for WB-MRI-
based pathways, although fixed the following attributes: (i)
60 min in the scanner, (ii) no risk of cancer from radiation
exposure, and (iii) requirement for the whole body and head
to be enclosed. We then varied combinations of time to diag-
nosis, number of additional scans, and accuracy of WB-MRI
individually and jointly. Non-traders were included in the
All data were analysed using SPSS version 24 and Stata
version 13.
One hundred thirty-eight patients completed part or all of the
questionnaires, 72 recruited to Streamline L, and 66 recruited to
Streamline C. A total of 128 completed all 9 choice sets (66 in
Streamline L, 62 in Streamline C). Demographic data are shown
in Table 2. Most patients had already undergone WB-MRI at the
time of completing the DCE (113 [86%] of 131 answering the
question), with no significant difference between the cohorts
(Streamline C, 55/64, 86%; Streamline L, 58/67, 87%).
Regression analysis
Likelihood ratio tests rejected the null hypothesis that none of
the attributes were related to preferences (Table 3). Overall,
participants preferred (i) to wait less time for a diagnosis, (ii) a
lower dose of radiation exposure, (iii) fewer additional scans,
and (iv) greater test accuracy. Conditional on these factors,
preferences were not influenced significantly by time in the
scanner or the need for the whole body and head to be
enclosed. Preferences differed significantly between lung can-
cer and colorectal cancer patients. Time in the scanner did
significantly influence the preferences of lung cancer patients.
Both cohorts preferred tests with higher accuracy, but the
preference was significantly greater for patients with colorec-
tal cancer (p= 0.03). For the other attributes, preferences were
not significantly different between the two cohorts.
Relative importance of the attributes
Over the range of levels included in the study, for patients with
lung cancer, time to diagnosis was the attribute valued most
highly, followed by accuracy, radiation dose, number of addi-
tional scans, and time in a scanner (Table 3). For patients with
colorectal cancer, accuracy was valued most highly, followed
by time to diagnosis, radiation dose, and number of additional
In exploratory analyses, within each cohort, there
were no significant differences in preferences according
to sub-groups stratified by gender, age, comorbidities,
employment status, marital status, and positive mood.
For patients with lung cancer (but not colorectal), there
were significant variations when patients were stratified
by home ownership, education, and self-rated health
(supplementary data, Tables A1 to A3). For example,
the influence of diagnostic accuracy on preferences
was greater for lung cancer patients who were home-
owning or had higher self-rated health.
Overall, 32/59 (54.2%) lung cancer patients and 45/
61 (73.8%) colon cancer patients who answered the
question selected WB-MRI over standard scans. There
were no significant differences in attribute preferences
between colorectal cancer patients who preferred WB-
standard staging scans. Conversely, in patients with lung
cancer, those stating an overall preference for standard
staging scans preferred less time in a scanner and to not
have their whole body and head enclosed (supplementa-
ry data, Table A4).
Traders vs non-traders
Thirty-seven percent (n= 51/138) of patients were non-
traders(non-traders are participants whose preferences
are determined by a single attribute, which they do not
trade-off against any of the other attributes presented;
suppose for example that a respondent was a non-
trader with respect to the time to reach a final diagno-
sisattribute, this would mean they would always select
the pathway with the lowest time to reach a final diag-
nosis, irrespective of the levels of any of the other at-
tributes). The most common attributes patients would
not trade were higher accuracy, faster time to diagnosis,
and reduced cancer risk due to scan-related radiation
exposure (see supplementary data, Table A5).
Marginal rates of substitution
Tab le 4shows results of the MRS analysis. Lung cancer pa-
tients were willing to wait just over 1 extra week (MRS =
1.11) in return for a 1 in 1000 reduction in the risk of cancer
from radiation exposure. They were willing to wait around an
extra half a week (MRS = 0.48) to avoid an additional scan
and around a third of a week (MRS = 0.29) for every 1%
increase in accuracy (i.e. 1.45 weeks for a 5% increase in
accuracy). The willingness to wait longer for a diagnosis for
a reduction in the time in a scanner was negligible (0.02).
These figures were broadly similar to colorectal cancer pa-
tients. For example, they were willing to wait just under half
Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900 3893
a week (MRS = 0.45) for every 1% increase in accuracy (i.e.
2.25 weeks for a 5% increase in accuracy).
Predicted probabilities
Figures 3and 4detail the predicted probabilities of choos-
ing alternative pathways, compared with a default standard
staging pathway for lung (PET-CT plus one additional
scan) and colorectal cancer (CT plus one additional scan),
respectively. Lung cancer patients were more likely to pre-
fer a WB-MRI-based pathway (probability 0.64) if it was
as accurate, required the same total number of scans, and
had the same time to diagnosis as the default staging path-
way. If the WB-MRI pathway was more accurate, reduced
time to diagnosis and/or required fewer scans than the de-
fault staging pathway, then the preference for WB-MRI
was even stronger. For example, the probability of choos-
ing WB-MRI if it was more accurate than the default path-
rate, reduced time to diagnosis and meant fewer scans. The
same patterns were also found for colorectal cancer pa-
tients compared with their default staging pathway.
Fig. 3 Predicted probabilities of choosing an alternate staging pathways
in comparison to a default staging pathway (PET-CT plus one additional
scan) (lungcancer patients). Description of tests: Default staging pathway
(PET-CT plus 1 additional scan) in every case: 30-min time in a scanner,
3 weeks to diagnosis, 2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1
additional scan, 90% accuracy, no need for whole body and head to be
in a scanner. Worst possible test: 60-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to
diagnosis, 2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans,
85% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. PET-CT
plus 2 additional scans: 30-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis,
2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90%
accuracy, no need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. CT plus
2 additional scans: 10-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis, 2/1000
cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90% accuracy, no
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 1:
longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, longer time to
diagnosis, more scans= 60-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis,
0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90%
accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. CT plus 1
additional scan: 10 min time in a scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis, 1/1000
cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1 additional scan, 90% accuracy, no
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 2:
longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed = 60-min time in a
scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1
additional scan, 90% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a
scanner. WB-MRI scenario 3: longer scan time, no radiation, whole body
enclosed, more accurate = 60-min time in a scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis,
0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1 additional scan, 95% accuracy,
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 4: longer
scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, quicker time to diagnosis,
fewer scans = 60-min time in a scanner, 1 week to diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer
risk due to radiation dose, 0 additional scans, 90% accuracy, need for
whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 5: longer
scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, more accurate, quicker
time to diagnosis, fewer scans = 60-min time in a scanner, 1 week to
diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 0 additional scans,
95% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. Best
possible pathway: 10-min time in a scanner, 1 week to diagnosis, 0/1000
cancer risk due to radiation dose, 0 additional scans, 95% accuracy, no
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. The comparison
indicated by the dashed box (WB-MRI scenario 2) is one in which
WB-MRI differs from the default staging pathway according to
established differences (time in a scanner, exposure to ionising
radiation, need for the whole body and head to be inside the scanner)
but for which other attributes (time to diagnosis, number of additional
scans, accuracy) are assumed to be the same between the two pathways
3894 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
The acceptability or otherwise of WB-MRI as a replacement
for current multi-modality pathways is dependent on many
factors, most notably diagnostic accuracy and patient accept-
ability, the latter governed by the contrasting attributes of al-
ternative staging pathways. Using a DCE, we identified those
desirable attributes that most influence patient preferences and
identified circumstances in which WB-MRI pathways would
be preferred by the majority over current staging pathways.
As would be expected, we found that patients generally pre-
fer to wait less time for staging, reduce the cancer risk due to
radiation exposure, and undergo fewer scans with greater accu-
racy. For patients with lung cancer, time to diagnosis was the
attribute valued most highly, followed by accuracy, cancer risk
from radiation exposure, number of additional scans, and time
in a scanner. For patients with colorectal cancer, accuracy was
valued most highly, followed by time to diagnosis, cancer risk
from radiation exposure, and number of additional scans.
Diagnostic accuracy however had a greater influence on the
preferences of lung cancer patients who were home-owning
or had higher self-rated health. Differences between the two
cohorts could therefore reflect demographic and health differ-
ences, with colorectal cancer patients reporting lower
Fig. 4 Predicted probabilities of choosing an alternate staging pathways
in comparison to a default staging pathway (CT plus one additional scan)
(colorectal cancer patients). Description of tests: Default staging pathway
(CT plus 1 additional scan) in every case: 10-min time in a scanner,
3 weeks to diagnosis, 1/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1
additional scan, 90% accuracy, no need for whole body and head to be
in a scanner. Worst possible pathway: 60-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks
to diagnosis, 2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans,
85% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. PET-CT
plus 2 additional scans: 30-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis,
2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90%
accuracy, no need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. CT plus
2 additional scans: 10-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis, 2/1000
cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90% accuracy, no
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 1:
longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, longer time to
diagnosis, more scans= 60-min time in a scanner, 5 weeks to diagnosis,
0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 2 additional scans, 90%
accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. PET-CT
plus 1 additional scan: 30-min time in a scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis,
2/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1 additional scan, 90% accuracy,
no need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 2:
longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed = 60-min time in a
scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1
additional scan, 90% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a
scanner. WB-MRI scenario 3: longer scan time, no radiation, whole body
enclosed, more accurate = 60-min time in a scanner, 3 weeks to diagnosis,
0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 1 additional scan, 95% accuracy,
need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI scenario 4:
longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, quicker time to
diagnosis, fewer scans= 60-min time in a scanner, 1 week to diagnosis,
0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 0 additional scans, 90%
accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. WB-MRI
scenario 5: longer scan time, no radiation, whole body enclosed, more
accurate, quicker time to diagnosis, fewer scans = 60-min time in a
scanner, 1 week to diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose,
0 additional scans, 95% accuracy, need for whole body and head to be in a
scanner. Best possible pathway: 10-min time in a scanner, 1 week to
diagnosis, 0/1000 cancer risk due to radiation dose, 0 additional scans,
95% accuracy, no need for whole body and head to be in a scanner. The
comparison indicated by the dashed box (WB-MRI scenario 2) is one in
which WB-MRI differs from the default staging pathway according to
established differences (time in a scanner, exposure to ionising radiation,
need for the whole body and head to be inside the scanner) but for which
other attributes (time to diagnosis, number of additional scans, accuracy)
are assumed to be the same between the two pathways
Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900 3895
deprivation, higher educational level, and better health than
lung cancer patients. However, the analyses by sub-group with-
in each cohort were exploratory and further research to explore
the observed variations would be beneficial.
The length of time in the scanner was a significant factor
affecting preferences for patients with lung cancer only, likely
because this group finds prolonged scans more challenging. In
support, previous data from patients recruited to the Streamline
trials have shown that in general, patients with lung cancer find
WB-MRI more demanding, often because they cannot hold
their breath easily or lie flat for long periods [3].
Cancer risk from radiation exposure significantly influ-
enced the preferences of both cohorts, although was deemed
less important than test accuracy and time to diagnosis. The
long-term prognosis of the recruited cohort is clearly heavily
dependent on their age and underlying primary cancer diag-
nosis rather than the theoretical small additional cancer risk
due to staging investigations. It is likely improved patient
education would reduce their perceived importance of ionis-
ing radiation exposure, but, nonetheless, long-term survivor-
ship is common for both cancers (particularly colorectal) and
exposure to radiation is clearly a legitimate patient concern.
Just over a third of participants were non-traders,with
preferences anchored to a single attribute, most commonly
diagnostic accuracy. Traders (who formed the majority) were
willing to accept inferior levels of one attribute in turn for
Table 2 Demographic and psychological characteristics of the sample. Numbers are N(percent) unless stated otherwise
All patients Lung cancer patients Colorectal cancer
(mean (SD)) 64.7 (10.9) (n= 138) 66.0 (10.8) (n= 72) 63.2 (10.9) (n=66) p=0.122
Male gender
84 (60.9) (n=138) 42(59.2) (n= 72) 41 (62.1) (n=66) p=0.723
White ethnicity
112 (84.2 ) (n=133) 59(85.5) (n= 69) 53 (82.8) (n=64) p=0.670
Educational qualifications
None 35 (28.2) 28 (44.4) 7 (11.5) p<0.001
Below degree level 39 (31.5) 17 (27.0) 22 (36.1)
Degree level or equivalent 50 (40.3) (n=124) 18(28.6) (n= 63) 32 (52.5) (n=61)
Home ownership (yes)
82 (64.6) (n=127) 34(50.0) (n= 68) 48 (81.4) (n=59) p<0.001
Car ownership (yes)
114 (87.0 ) (n=131) 61(88.4) (n= 69) 53 (85.5) (n=62) p=0.619
Marital status
Married/cohabiting 85 (63.4) 42 (58.3) 43 (69.4) p=0.403
Single 22 (16.4) 13 (18.1) 9 (14.5)
Divorced, separated, widowed 27 (20.1) (n=134) 17(23.6) (n= 72) 10 (16.1) (n=62)
Employment status
Employed full-time, part-time, self-employed, full-time
46 (34.1) 17 (23.9) 29 (45.3) p=0.018
Retired 74(54.8) 43(60.6) 31(48.4)
Unemployed, disabled, or too ill to work 15 (11.1) (n=135) 11(15.5)(n= 71) 4 (6.3) (n=64)
Self-rated health
Very bad, bad, or fair 60 (44.1) 41 (57.7) 19 (29.2) p=0.001
Good or very good 76 (55.9) (n=136) 30 (42.3) (n= 71) 46 (70.8) (n=65)
Presence of comorbidities
77 (55.8) (n=138) 48(66.7) (n= 72) 29 (43.9) (n=66) p=0.007
Psychological variables
Negative mood
(mean (SD)) 18.01 (7.45) (n= 136) 18.76 (7.62) (n= 71) 17.20 (7.23) (n=65) p=0.224
Positive mood
(mean (SD)) 27.32 (7.92) (n= 137) 25.73 (7.72) (n= 71) 29.03 (7.84) (n=66) p=0.014
No missing data
Missing data less than 5%
Missing data greater than 5%
Patients recruited to Streamline C were more likely to have educational qualifications, own a home, and be in employment than patients recruited to
Streamline L. They were less likely to report comorbidities and more likely to rate their current health as good or very good and report higher levels of
positive mood than Streamline L patients
3896 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
Table 3 Results of conditional logit regression analysis by group
All patients Lung cancer patients Colorectal cancer patients
Attributes Levels Coefficient (95% CI) RI Coefficient (95% CI) RI Coefficient (95% CI) RI pvalue
Time in a scanner Minutes 0.002 (0.007, 0.002)
0.008 (0.014, 0.002) 0.04 0.005 (0.002, 0.012)
Time to diagnosis Weeks 0.355 (0.411, 0.300) 1.42 0.372 (0.449, 0.295) 1.49 0.349 (0.432, 0.265) 1.40 0.70
Radiation dose Risk of cancer (/1000) 0.421 (0.521, 0.320) 0.84 0.413 (0.551, 0.274) 0.83 0.436 (0.587, 0.286) 0.87 0.83
Number of additional scans Number 0.192 (0.299, 0.084) 0.38 0.179 (0.330, 0.028) 0.36 0.224 (0.382, 0.067) 0.45 0.69
Accuracy Percentage 0.128 (0.107, 0.150) 1.28 0.109 (0.079, 0.138) 1.09 0.156 (0.122, 0.190) 1.56 0.03
Needforwholebodyandheadtobeinascanner No ––––––
Yes 0. 0 20 (0.129, 0.170)
0.017 (0.190, 0.224)
0.007 (0.233, 0.220)
Observations/respondents 2362/138 1230/72 1132/66 0.02
Likelihood ratio χ
(pvalue) 445.5 (< 0.01) 221.9 (< 0.01) 238.9 (< 0.01)
NB: Different attributes do not have the same unit of change so cannot be directly compared with one another
CI, confidence interval; RI, relative importance (see text); RI is calculated for attributes with coefficients that were significantly different from zero
Coefficient not significantly different from zero; all other coefficients significant at pvalue < 0.05
pvalues are from χ
tests that coefficients are equal for lung cancer and colorectal cancer patients. pvalues < 0.05 indicate coefficients are significantly different between groups. pvalue in the bottom row
is for joint test across all coefficients
Table 4 Marginal rates of substitution across all attributes
Lung cancer patients Colorectal cancer patients
Time in a
Time to
Radiation dose Number of
Accuracy Time to
Radiation dose Number of
Numerator of MRS Willingness
to wait in
scan (min)
Willingness to
wait for
Willingness to have an
additional 1/1000 cancer risk
due to radiation exposure
to have an
extra scan
Willingness for
Willingness to
wait for
Willingness to have an
additional 1/1000 cancer risk
due to radiation exposure
to have an
extra scan
Willingness for
Time in the scanner 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.08 NS NS NS NS
Time to diagnosis 45.23 0.90 2.08 3.42 0.80 1.55 2.23
Radiation exposure 50.20 1.11 2.31 3.80 1.25 1.94 2.79
Number of
additional scans
21.77 0.48 0.43 1.65 0.64 0.51 1.44
Accuracy 13.21 0.29 0.26 0.61 0.45 0.36 0.70
NS indicates that the coefficient on time in a scanner is non-significant so the MRS is not computed. The MRS for the willingness for time on the scanner for colorectal cancer patients is not reported because
the coefficient on time in a scanner in this group is non-significant. The MRS with regards need for whole body and head to be in a scanner is not reported for either group because in both cases, the
coefficient is non-significant
Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900 3897
improvement in another. For example, the marginal rates of
substitution suggest that in return for a 5% improvement in
accuracy, patients with colorectal cancer would be prepared to
wait an additional 2.25 weeks for their final staging diagnosis
and undergo an additional 3.5 scans. Similarly, patients with
lung cancer are willing to wait 1.45 weeks for their final stag-
ing diagnosis or undergo an additional 3.05 scans for the same
5% accuracy improvement. Many patients were also willing
to trade for a reduction in cancer risk due to radiation expo-
sure. For example, to avoid a 1/1000 increase in cancer risk
from scan-related radiation exposure, lung cancer patients
would wait around 1.11 weeks more for their final diagnosis,
despite its likely limited impact on overall prognosis.
This trading of attributes is reflected in overall patient pref-
erences for the various pathway scenarios presented. Patients
with lung or colorectal cancer were more likely to prefer a
WB-MRI pathway compared with default staging as long as
it was as accurate and results in the same scan number and
time to diagnosis. As noted above, this suggests that a lack of
radiation exposure is believed important by patients. If, how-
ever, WB-MRI is more accurate than the standard pathway,
reduces time to diagnosis, and/or results in fewer scans, then
the preference for WB-MRI is even stronger. Indeed, if WB-
MRI is more accurate, reduces time to diagnosis, and results in
fewer scans, the probability of preferring it over the standard
staging pathway is 0.89 in patients with lung cancer and 0.99
in patients CRC.
Likelihood ratio tests rejected the null hypothesis that none
of the attributes were related to preferences. This also provides
some reassurance that the problem of multiple comparisons
did not arise in our analyses.
Our results were very similar between patients with lung and
colorectal cancer, and so we envisage the data could potentially
be extrapolated to staging other cancers. However, there were
some differences between lung and colorectal cancer patients,
which may be in part due to underlying differing comorbidities.
It is possible, for example, that patients with pain due to bony
metastasis (for example in myeloma) may find prolonged WB-
MRI protocols more challenging and this should be investigat-
ed. Furthermore, research on patient preferences for WB-MRI
vs CT in patients undergoing lymphoma staging showed pa-
tients found WB-MRI less unpleasant and less worrisome than
CT [20]. The authors attributed their findings to the more inva-
sive preparation required for CT in their scan protocol (patients
required intravenous lines and had to consume oral contrast). In
our study, WB-MRI protocols required IV gadolinium which
may help explain discrepant findings.
The study has limitations. It was powered to detect differ-
ences between the two cancer cohorts, but not to detect differ-
ences within each cancer type. This may explain non-significant
effects across a number of different demographics. The need to
enclose the whole body and head did not influence scan prefer-
ences when balanced against other test attributes. Previous work
has demonstrated that claustrophobia is problematic for many
patients undergoing MRI [5,21]. Patients recruited to the
Streamline trials were, by definition, willing to undergo WB-
MRI and may therefore not be representative of an unselected
cancer patient cohort, particularly given the general prevalence
of claustrophobia. Indeed, the majority of participants had al-
ready had the WB-MRI scan prior to completing the study. Of
note, however, when given a binary choice, lung cancer patients
stating an overall preference for standard staging scans preferred
less time in a scanner and not to have their whole body and head
enclosed compared with those preferring WB-MRI.
Future research could assess what attributes WB-MRI
would need to possess in order to appeal to people who are
more reluctant to undergo a full body scan.
In conclusion, patients with cancer are willing to trade stag-
ing pathway attributes, for example prolonging time to diag-
nosis, in return for increased accuracy and/or reduced diagnos-
tic radiation exposure. Staging pathways based on first-line
WB-MRI are preferred by most patients if they at least match
standard pathways for diagnostic accuracy, time to diagnosis,
and total scan number. If WB-MRI staging improves any or all
these attributes, patient preference is stronger.
Acknowledgements Study collaborators
*STREAMLINE investigators
The authors of this paper are part of a wider group that form the
Streamline trials investigators and include the following collaborators: A
Aboagye, L Agoramoorthy, S Ahmed, A Amadi, G Anand, G Atkin, A
Austria, S Ball, F Bazari, R Beable, H Beedham, T Beeston, N Bharwani, G
Bhatnagar, A Bhowmik, L Blakeway, D Blunt, P Boavida, D Boisfer, D
Breen, S Burke, R Butawan, Y Campbell, E Chang, D Chao, S Chukundah,
B Collins, C Collins, V Conteh, J Couture, J Crosbie, H Curtis, A Daniel, L
Davis, K Desai, M Duggan, S Ellis, C Elton, A Engledow, C Everitt, S
Ferdous, A Frow, M Furneaux, N Gibbons, R Glynne-Jones, A
Gogbashian, S Gourtsoyianni, A Green, Laura Green, Liz Green, A
Groves, A Guthrie, E Hadley, A Hameeduddin, G Hanid, S Hans, B
Hans, A Higginson, L Honeyfield, H Hughes, J Hughes, L Hurl, E Isaac,
M Jackson, A Jalloh, R Jannapureddy, A Jayme, A Johnson, E Johnson, P
Julka, J Kalasthry, E Karapanagiotou, S Karp, C Kay, J Kellaway, S Khan,
D-M Koh, T Light, P Limbu, S Lock, I Locke, T Loke, A Lowe, N Lucas, S
Maheswaran, S Mallett, E Marwood, J McGowan, F Mckirdy, T Mills-
Baldock, T Moon, V Morgan, S Nasseri, P Nichols, C Norman, E Ntala, A
Nunes, A Obichere, J ODonohue, I Olaleye, A Onajobi, T OShaughnessy,
A Padhani, H Pardoe, W Partridge, U Patel, K Perry, W Piga, D Prezzi, K
Prior, S Punwani, J Pyers, H Rafiee, F Rahman, I Rajanpandian, S Ramesh,
S Raouf, K Reczko, A Reinhardt, D Robinson, P Russell, K Sargus, E
Scurr, K Shahabuddin, A Sharp, B Shepherd, K Shiu, H Sidhu, I
Simcock, C Simeon, A Smith, D Smith, D Snell, J Spence, R
Srirajaskanthan, V Stachini, S Stegner, J Stirling, N Strickland, K Tarver,
J Teague, M Thaha, M Train, S Tulmuntaha, N Tunariu, K van Ree, A
Verjee, C Wanstall, S Weir, S Wijeyekoon, J Wilson, S Wilson, T Win, L
Woodrow, D Yu.
Funding This work was supported by the National Institute of Health
Research health technology assessment NIHR HTA programme (project
number 10/68/01) and will be published in full in Health Technology
Assessment. The project is supported by researchers at the National
Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals
Biomedical Research Centre. S. Janes is a Wellcome Trust Senior
Fellow in Clinical Science. Stephen Morris was in part supported by the
3898 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for
Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC), North
Thames at Barts Health NHS Trust. Department of Health disclaimer:
This report presents independent research commissioned by the National
Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed
by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not neces-
sarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC or the HTA pro-
gramme or the Department of Health.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest Stuart Taylor is a research consultant to Robarts.
Guarantor The scientific guarantor of this publication is Professor
Stuart Taylor.
Statistics and biometry One of the authors has significant statistical
Informed consent Written informed consent was obtained from all sub-
jects (patients) in this study.
Ethical approval Institutional Review Board approval was obtained.
Study subjects or cohorts overlap There is no overlap with study sub-
jects, but this study is one ofthree looking at patient experience ofstaging
scans within the context of the STREAMLINE trials.
cross-sectional study
multi-centre study
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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Publishersnote Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to juris-
dictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900 3899
Anne Miles
&Stuart A. Taylor
&Ruth E. C. Evans
&Steve Halligan
&Sandy Beare
&John Bridgewater
&Vicky Goh
Sam Janes
&Neil Navani
&Alf Oliver
&Alison Morton
&Andrea Rockall
&Caroline S. Clarke
&Stephen Morris
Department of Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of
London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, UK
Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, Charles
Bell House, 43-45 Foley Street, London W1W 7TS, UK
Cancer Research UK and University College London Clinical Trials
Centre, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, UK
UCL Cancer Institute, Paul O Gorman Building, 72 Huntley Street
London, London WC1E 6DD, UK
Cancer Imaging, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging
Sciences, Kings College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
Lungs for Living Research Centre, Division of Medicine, University
College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Department of Thoracic Medicine, UCLH and Lungs for Living
Research Centre, University College London, London WC1E 6BT,
National Cancer Research Institute, Angel Building, 407 St John
Street, London EC1V 4AD, UK
Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London,
Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, UK
Department of Radiology, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation
Hospital Trust, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ, UK
Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health,
University College London, Upper Third Floor, UCL Medical
School (Royal Free Campus), Rowland Hill Street, London NW3
Research Department of Applied Health Research, University
College London, 1-19 Torrington Place, London WC1E 6BT, UK
3900 Eur Radiol (2019) 29:38893900
... The results of the interview study have been reported elsewhere, 15 as have data from the present cohort pertaining to the perceived burden of WB-MRI and standard staging scans, 10 and a discrete choice experiment assessing the influence of scan attributes on patient preferences. 16 This current report pertains to patient preferences for WB-MRI and standard scans, along with predictors of preferences. ...
... Indeed, using a discrete choice experiment, we have shown that most patients prefer WB-MRI-based staging pathways that are quicker, require fewer scans and avoid radiation, with 72% of colorectal cancer patients and 82% of patients with suspected lung cancer preferring such a pathway. 16 The Streamline trails found WB-MRI staging pathways possess these attributes over standard staging. 4,5 Interestingly, of the five potential benefits presented to patients in our questionnaire, only lack of radiation independently predicted preference, despite only 42% of patients being apparently aware of this. ...
Full-text available
Introduction Whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WB‐MRI) may be more efficient in staging cancers, but can be harder for patients to tolerate. We examined predictors of patient preference for WB‐MRI vs. CT/ PET‐CT for staging colorectal or lung cancer. Methods Patients recruited prospectively to two multicentre trials comparing diagnostic accuracy of WB‐MRI with standard staging scans were sent two questionnaires: the first, administered at trial registration, captured demographics, educational level and comorbidities; the second, administered after staging completion, measured emotional distress (GHQ‐12), positive mood (PANAS), perceived scan burden, patients’ beliefs about WB‐MRI, and preference for either WB‐MRI or CT (colorectal trial), WB‐MRI or PET‐CT (lung trial). Preference for WB‐MRI or CT/ PET‐CT was analysed using logistic regression. Results Baseline and post‐staging questionnaires were completed by 97 and 107 patients, respectively. Overall, 56/107 (52%) preferred WB‐MRI over standard scans and were more likely to have no additional comorbidities, higher positive mood, greater awareness of potential benefits of WB‐MRI and lower levels of perceived WB‐MRI scan burden. In adjusted analyses, only awareness of potential WB‐MRI benefits remained a significant predictor (OR: 1.516, 95% CIs 1.006–2.284, P = 0.047). Knowledge that WB‐MRI does not use radiation predicted preference (adjusted OR: 3.018, 95% CIs 1.099–8.288, P = 0.032), although only 45/107 (42%) patients were aware of this attribute. Conclusions A small majority of patients undergoing staging of colorectal or lung cancer prefer WB‐MRI to CT/ PET‐CT. Raising awareness of the potential benefits of WB‐MRI, notably lack of ionizing radiation, could influence preference.
... Patient acceptance and even preference for WB-MRI over CT and multimodality staging have been repeatedly reported [87,88]. ...
Full-text available
Metastatic disease and myeloma present unique diagnostic challenges due to their multifocal nature. Accurate detection and staging are critical for determining appropriate treatment. Bone scintigraphy, skeletal radiographs and CT have long been the mainstay for the assessment of these diseases, but have limitations, including reduced sensitivity and radiation exposure. Whole-body MRI has emerged as a highly sensitive and radiation-free alternative imaging modality. Initially developed for skeletal screening, it has extended tumor screening to all organs, providing morphological and physiological information on tumor tissue. Along with PET/CT, whole-body MRI is now accepted for staging and response assessment in many malignan-cies. It is the first choice in an ever increasing number of cancers (such as myeloma, lobular breast cancer, advanced prostate cancer, myxoid liposarcoma, bone sarcoma, …). It has also been validated as the method of choice for cancer screening in patients with a predisposition to cancer and for staging cancers observed during pregnancy. The current and future challenges for WB-MRI are its availability facing this number of indications, and its acceptance by patients, radiologists and health authorities. Guidelines have been developed to optimize image acquisition and reading, assessment of lesion response to treatment, and to adapt examination designs to specific cancers. The implementation of 3D acquisition, Dixon method, and deep learning-based image optimization further improve the diagnostic performance of the technique and reduce examination durations. Whole-body MRI screening is feasible in less than 30 min. This article reviews validated indications, recent developments, growing acceptance, and future perspectives of whole-body MRI.
... WB MRI has also been studied for systemic staging of many other neoplastic diseases, such as melanoma and thyroid and gastric cancer, with promising results. This suggests that WB MRI imaging will potentially replace conventional pathways and is preferred by most patients if accuracy and time to diagnosis are matched (56). Whole-body MRI was performed (B, coronal short-τ inversion recovery image) and showed aggressive bone lesions on the proximal and distal tibia (thick arrows in B-D), as well as another asymptomatic lesion on the proximal right humerus (curved arrow in B-D). ...
Full-text available
Whole-body (WB) MRI has emerged as an attractive method for oncologic evaluation, potentially replacing conventional imaging modalities and providing a one-step wide-coverage assessment of both the skeleton and soft tissues. In addition to providing anatomic information, WB MRI may also yield a functional analysis with the inclusion of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). DWI translates microstructural changes, resulting in an excellent alternative to fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT. WB MRI (with DWI) offers comparable accuracy to PET/CT and has the advantage of avoiding ionizing radiation. Technological advances and the development of faster protocols have prompted greater accessibility of WB MRI, with growing applications in routine practice for the diagnosis, staging, and follow-up of cancer. This review discusses the technical considerations, clinical applications, and accuracy of WB MRI in musculoskeletal oncology. Keywords: Pediatrics, MR Imaging, Skeletal-Axial, Skeletal-Appendicular, Soft Tissues/Skin, Bone Marrow, Extremities, Oncology, Musculoskeletal Imaging © RSNA, 2023.
... Specifically, in the context of myeloma, WB-MRI is well tolerated (17), and avoidance of radiation has been shown to be influential in directing patient preference for WB-MRI in patients with lung and colorectal cancers, although time to diagnosis and accuracy were more highly valued (42). The coverage and sensitivity of WB-MRI can raise concern regarding incidental findings. ...
Purpose To compare disease detection of myeloma using contemporary whole-body (WB) MRI and fluorine 18 (18F) fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT protocols and to correlate imaging with laboratory estimates of disease burden, including molecular characteristics. Materials and Methods In this observational, prospective study, participants were recruited from November 2015 to March 2018 who had a diagnosis of myeloma, who were planned to undergo chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, and who underwent baseline WB-MRI and FDG PET/CT ( identifier NCT02403102). Baseline clinical data, including genetics, were collected. Paired methods were used to compare burden and patterns of disease. Results Sixty participants (mean age, 60 years ± 9 [standard deviation]; 35 men) underwent baseline WB-MRI and FDG PET/CT. WB-MRI showed significantly higher detection for focal lesions at all anatomic sites (except ribs, scapulae, and clavicles) and for diffuse disease at all sites. Two participants presented with two or more focal lesions smaller than 5 mm only at WB-MRI but not FDG PET/CT. Participants with diffuse disease at MRI had higher plasma cell infiltration (percentage of nucleated cells: median, 60% [interquartile range {IQR}, 50%-61%] vs 15% [IQR, 4%-50%]; P = .03) and paraprotein levels (median, 32.0 g/L [IQR, 24.0-48.0 g/L] vs 20.0 g/L [IQR, 12.0-22.6 g/L]; P = .02) compared with those without diffuse disease. All genetically high-risk tumors showed diffuse infiltration at WB-MRI. Conclusion WB-MRI helped detect a higher number of myeloma lesions than FDG PET/CT, and diffuse disease detected at WB-MRI correlated with laboratory measures of disease burden and molecular markers of risk. Keywords: MR-Imaging, Skeletal-Appendicular, Skeletal-Axial, Bone Marrow, Hematologic Diseases, Oncology Clinical trial registration no. NCT02403102. Supplemental material is available for this article. © RSNA, 2021.
... The protocol for investigation of SAB takes w1 h, which is comparable to focused MRI, though on occasion a further focused MRI may be required for an area of interest. The use of coils in WB-MRI may be uncomfortable for the patient but in our clinic >90% of patients with myeloma were able to tolerate the entire procedure and in patients with lung cancer this pathway to diagnosis was preferred to standard imaging staging pathways [9]. There is limited experience of the use of WB-MRI in SAB but WB-MRI has been found to improve diagnosis in chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis and be more sensitive than PET/CT in the assessment of myeloma [10,11]. ...
Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) continues to affect ∼25 000 patients in the UK per year with a high crude mortality of 30% at 90 days. Prompt source control improves outcomes in sepsis and SAB and is included in sepsis guidelines. A recent clinical trial of adjunctive antibiotic treatment in SAB found that the majority of recurrences of SAB were associated with a failure of source management. In this condition, the ability to control the source of infection may be limited by the ability to detect a focus of infection. Echocardiogram is now a routinely used tool to detect such unknown foci in the form of unexpected infectious vegetations. We review the literature to explore the utility of advanced imaging techniques, such as 18F-FDG PET/CT and MRI (including whole-body MRI, WB-MRI), to detect foci which may otherwise be missed. As unknown foci are associated with increased mortality, we propose that increasing the detection of foci could enable improved source control and result in improved outcomes in SAB.
... The results of these studies have been published elsewhere. 6,17,18 The present study uses some of the questionnaire data published previously 17 and reports a secondary analysis, the association with scan quality. The full recruitment pathway and reasons for exclusion are given in Fig 1. ...
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Aim: To evaluate the association between the image quality of cancer staging whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) and patient demographics, distress, and perceived scan burden. Materials and methods: A sample of patients recruited prospectively to multicentre trials comparing WB-MRI with standard scans for staging lung and colorectal cancer were invited to complete two questionnaires. The baseline questionnaire, administered at recruitment, collated data on demographics, distress and co-morbidity. The follow-up questionnaire, completed after staging investigations, measured perceived WB-MRI scan burden (scored 1 low to 7 high). WB-MRI anatomical coverage, and technical quality was graded by a radiographic technician and grading combined to categorise the scan as "optimal", "sub-optimal" or "degraded". A radiologist categorised 30 scans to test interobserver agreement. Data were analysed using the chi-square, Fisher's exact, t-tests, and multinomial regression. Results: One hundred and fourteen patients were included in the study (53 lung, 61 colorectal; average age 65.3 years, SD=11.8; 66 men [57.9%]). Overall, 45.6% (n=52), scans were classified as "optimal" quality, 39.5% (n=45) "sub-optimal", and 14.9% (n=17) as "degraded". In adjusted analyses, greater deprivation level and higher patient-reported scan burden were both associated with a higher likelihood of having a sub-optimal versus an optimal scan (odds ratio [OR]: 4.465, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.454 to 13.709, p=0.009; OR: 1.987, CI: 1.153 to 3.425, p=0.013, respectively). None of the variables predicted the likelihood of having a degraded scan. Conclusions: Deprivation and patients' perceived experience of the WB-MRI are related to image quality. Tailored protocols and individualised patient management before and during WB-MRI may improve image quality.
The incidence of gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy is increasing worldwide. In particular, there is a concerning rise in incidence of GI cancer in younger adults. Direct endoscopic visualisation of luminal tumour sites requires invasive procedures, which are associated with certain risks, but remain necessary because of limitations in current imaging techniques and the continuing need to obtain tissue for diagnosis and genetic analysis; however, management of GI cancer is increasingly reliant on non-invasive, radiological imaging to diagnose, stage, and treat these malignancies. Oesophageal, gastric, and colorectal malignancies require specialist investigation and treatment due to the complex nature of the anatomy, biology, and subsequent treatment strategies. As cancer imaging techniques develop, many opportunities to improve tumour detection, diagnostic accuracy and treatment monitoring present themselves. This review article aims to report current imaging practice, advances in various radiological modalities in relation to GI luminal tumour sites and describes opportunities for GI radiologists to improve patient outcomes.
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Objective: To evaluate perceived patient burden and acceptability of whole body MRI (WB-MRI) compared to standard staging investigations, and identify predictors of reduced tolerance. Methods: Patients recruited to multi-centre trials comparing WB-MRI with standard staging scans for lung and colorectal cancer were invited to complete two questionnaires: a baseline questionnaire at recruitment, measuring demographics, comorbidities, and distress; and a follow-up questionnaire after staging, measuring recovery time, comparative acceptability/satisfaction between WB-MRI and CT (colorectal cancer) and PET-CT (lung cancer), and perceived scan burden (scored 1 low to 7 high). Results: 115 patients (median age 66.3 years; 67 males) completed follow-up and 103 baseline questionnaires. Sixty-nine (63.9%) reported "immediate" recovery from WB-MRI and 73 (65.2%) judged it "very acceptable". Perceived WB-MRI burden was greater than for CT (p < 0.001) and PET-CT (p < 0.001). High distress and co-morbidities were associated with greater WB-MRI burden in adjusted analyses, with deprivation only approaching significance (adjusted regression Beta = 0.223, p = 0.025; Beta = 0.191, p = 0.048; Beta = -0.186, p = 0.059 respectively). Age (p = 0.535), gender (p = 0.389), ethnicity (p = 0.081) and cancer type (p = 0.201) were not predictive of WB-MRI burden. Conclusion: WB-MRI is marginally less acceptable and more burdensome than standard scans, particularly for patients with pre-existing distress and comorbidities. Advances in knowledge: This research shows that WB-MRI scan burden, although low, is higher than for current staging modalities among patients with suspected colorectal or lung cancer. Psychological and physical co-morbidities, adversely impact on patient experience of WB-MRI. Patients with high distress or comorbid illness may need additional support to undergo a WB-MRI.
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Background: Centralizing specialist cancer surgery services aims to reduce variations in quality of care and improve patient outcomes, but increases travel demands on patients and families. This study aimed to evaluate preferences of patients, health professionals and members of the public for the characteristics associated with centralization. Methods: A discrete-choice experiment was conducted, using paper and electronic surveys. Participants comprised: former and current patients (at any stage of treatment) with prostate, bladder, kidney or oesophagogastric cancer who previously participated in the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey; health professionals with experience of cancer care (11 types including surgeons, nurses and oncologists); and members of the public. Choice scenarios were based on the following attributes: travel time to hospital, risk of serious complications, risk of death, annual number of operations at the centre, access to a specialist multidisciplinary team (MDT) and specialist surgeon cover after surgery. Results: Responses were obtained from 444 individuals (206 patients, 111 health professionals and 127 members of the public). The response rate was 52·8 per cent for the patient sample; it was unknown for the other groups as the survey was distributed via multiple overlapping methods. Preferences were particularly influenced by risk of complications, risk of death and access to a specialist MDT. Participants were willing to travel, on average, 75 min longer in order to reduce their risk of complications by 1 per cent, and over 5 h longer to reduce risk of death by 1 per cent. Findings were similar across groups. Conclusion: Respondents' preferences in this selected sample were consistent with centralization.
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Objective To describe the experience and acceptability of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) staging compared with standard scans among patients with highly suspected or known colorectal or lung cancer. Design Qualitative study using one-to-one interviews with thematic analysis. Setting Patients recruited from 10 hospitals in London, East and South East England between March 2013 and July 2014. Participants 51 patients (31 male, age range 40–89 years), with varying levels of social deprivation, were recruited consecutively from two parallel clinical trials comparing the diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of WB-MRI with standard scans for staging colorectal and lung cancer (‘Streamline-C’ and ‘Streamline-L’). WB-MRI was offered as an additional scan as part of the trials. Results In general WB-MRI presented a greater challenge than standard scans, although all but four patients completed the WB-MRI. Key challenges were enclosed space, noise and scan duration; reduced patient tolerance was associated with claustrophobia, pulmonary symptoms and existing comorbidities. Coping strategies facilitated scan tolerance and were grouped into (1) those intended to help with physical and emotional challenges, and (2) those focused on motivation to complete the scan, for example focusing on health benefit. Our study suggests that good staff communication could reduce anxiety and boost coping strategies. Conclusions Although WB-MRI was perceived as more challenging than standard scans, it was sufficiently acceptable and tolerated by most patients to potentially replace them if appropriate. Trial registration number ISRCTN43958015 and ISRCTN50436483.
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Background and aims: Rapid and accurate cancer staging following diagnosis underpins patient management, in particular the identification of distant metastatic disease. Current staging guidelines recommend sequential deployment of various imaging platforms such as computerised tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) which can be time and resource intensive and onerous for patients. Recent studies demonstrate that whole body magnetic resonance Imaging (WB-MRI) may stage cancer efficiently in a single visit, with potentially greater accuracy than current staging investigations. The Streamline trials aim to evaluate whether WB-MRI increases per patient detection of metastases in non-small cell lung and colorectal cancer compared to standard staging pathways. Methods: The Streamline trials are multicentre, non-randomised, single-arm, prospective diagnostic accuracy studies with a novel design to capture patient management decisions during staging pathways. The two trials recruit adult patients with proven or highly suspected new diagnosis of primary colorectal (Streamline C) or non-small cell lung cancer (Streamline L) referred for staging. Patients undergo WB-MRI in addition to standard staging investigations. Strict blinding protocols are enforced for those interpreting the imaging. A first major treatment decision is made by the multi-disciplinary team prior to WB-MRI revelation based on standard staging investigations only, then based on the WB-MRI and any additional tests precipitated by WB-MRI, and finally based on all available test results. The reference standard is derived by a multidisciplinary consensus panel who assess 12 months of follow-up data to adjudicate on the TNM stage at diagnosis. Health psychology assessment of patients' experiences of the cancer staging pathway will be undertaken via interviews and questionnaires. A cost (effectiveness) analysis of WB-MRI compared to standard staging pathways will be performed. Discussion: We describe a novel approach to radiologist and clinician blinding to ascertain the 'true' diagnostic accuracy of differing imaging pathways and discuss our approach to assessing the impact of WB-MRI on clinical decision making in real-time. The Streamline trials will compare WB-MRI and standard imaging pathways in the same patients, thereby informing the most accurate and efficient approach to staging. Trial registration: Streamline C ISRCTN43958015 (registered 25/7/2012). Streamline L ISRCTN50436483 (registered 31/7/2012).
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Conjoint analysis is a stated-preference survey method that can be used to elicit responses that reveal preferences, priorities, and the relative importance of individual features associated with health care interventions or services. Conjoint analysis methods, particularly discrete choice experiments (DCEs), have been increasingly used to quantify preferences of patients, caregivers, physicians, and other stakeholders. Recent consensus-based guidance on good research practices, including two recent task force reports from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, has aided in improving the quality of conjoint analyses and DCEs in outcomes research. Nevertheless, uncertainty regarding good research practices for the statistical analysis of data from DCEs persists. There are multiple methods for analyzing DCE data. Understanding the characteristics and appropriate use of different analysis methods is critical to conducting a well-designed DCE study. This report will assist researchers in evaluating and selecting among alternative approaches to conducting statistical analysis of DCE data. We first present a simplistic DCE example and a simple method for using the resulting data. We then present a pedagogical example of a DCE and one of the most common approaches to analyzing data from such a question format—conditional logit. We then describe some common alternative methods for analyzing these data and the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative. We present the ESTIMATE checklist, which includes a list of questions to consider when justifying the choice of analysis method, describing the analysis, and interpreting the results.
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Despite the expected health benefits of colorectal cancer screening programs, participation rates remain low in countries that have implemented such a screening program. The perceived benefits and risks of the colorectal cancer screening technique are likely to influence the decision to attend the screening program. Besides the diagnostic accuracy and the risks of the screening technique, which can affect the health of the participants, additional factors, such as the burden of the test, may impact the individuals' decisions to participate. To maximise the participation rate of a screening program for a new colorectal cancer program in the Netherlands, it is important to know the preferences of the screening population for alternative screening techniques. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of preferences for particular attributes of the screening tests on the intention to attend a colorectal cancer screening program. We used a web-based questionnaire to elicit the preferences of the target population for a selection of colon-screening techniques. The target population consisted of Dutch men and women aged 55-75 years. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a technique for multi-criteria analysis, was used to estimate the colorectal cancer screening preferences. Respondents weighted the relevance of five criteria, i.e. the attributes of the screening techniques: sensitivity, specificity, safety, inconvenience, and frequency of the test. With regard to these criteria, preferences were estimated between four alternative screening techniques, namely, immunochemical fecal occult blood test (iFOBT), colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and computerized tomographic (CT) colonography. A five-point ordinal scale was used to estimate the respondents' intention to attend the screening. We conducted a correlation analysis on the preferences for the screening techniques and the intention to attend. We included 167 respondents who were consistent in their judgments of the relevance of the criteria and their preferences for the screening techniques. The most preferred screening method for the national screening program was CT colonography. Sensitivity (weight = 0.26) and safety (weight = 0.26) were the strongest determinants of the overall preferences for the screening techniques. However, the screening test with the highest intention to attend was iFOBT. Inconvenience (correlation [r] = 0.69), safety (r = 0.58), and the frequency of the test (r = 0.58) were most strongly related to intention to attend. The multi-criteria decision analysis revealed the attributes of the screening techniques that are most important so as to increase intention to participate in a screening program. Even though the respondents may recognize the high importance of diagnostic effectiveness in the long term, their short-term decision to attend the screening tests may be less driven by this consideration. Our analysis suggests that inconvenience, safety, and frequency of the test are the strongest technique-related determinants of the respondents' intention to participate in colorectal screening programs.
Background: Precise staging of lung cancer is usually evaluated by PET-CT and brain MRI. Recently, however, whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (WB-DWI) has be applied. The aim of this study is to determine whether the diagnostic performance of lung cancer staging by WB-DWI is superior to that of PET-CT+brain MRI. Materials and methods: PET-CT + brain MRI and WB-DWI were used for lung cancer staging before surgery with 59 adenocarcinomas, 16 squamous cell carcinomas and 6 other carcinomas. Results: PET-CT + brain MRI correctly identified the pathologic N staging in 67 patients (82.7%), with overstaging in 5 (6.2%) and understaging in 9 (11.1%), giving a staging accuracy of 0.827. WB-DWI correctly identified the pathologic N staging in 72 patients (88.9%), with overstaging in 1 (1.2%) and understaging in 8 patients (9.9%), giving a staging accuracy of 0.889. There were no significant differences in accuracies. PET-CT + brain MRI correctly identified the pathologic stages in 56 patients (69.1%), with overstaging in 7 (8.6%) and understaging in 18 (22.2%), giving a staging accuracy of 0.691. WB-DWI correctly identified the pathologic stages in 61 patients (75.3%), with overstaging in 4 (4.9%) and understagings in16(19.7%), giving a staging accuracy of 0.753. There were no significant difference in accuracies. Conclusions: Diagnostic efficacy of WB-DWI for lung cancer staging is equivalent to that of PET-CT + brain MRI.
Knowledge about cancer patients' preferences in health care is important because it enables care to be patient centered. However, the literature does not provide an overview. The aim of this study was to identify the dimensions of hospital-based cancer care that patients evaluate the most important using Patient-rated importance as a method. PubMed was searched in 2013/2014. Studies were identified, if they were in accordance with specific search terms and focused on hospital-based cancer care. Totally, 11 studies were found. The 11 studies comprised a total of 598 items. Of these, 592 items were categorized into 19 care dimensions. The highest rated quartile of items was identified as care elements patients evaluated to be the most important. Identification of the most important dimensions was done by calculating the percentages of items within each dimension that were within the highest quartile. The 11 studies varied a lot in regard to aim and patient characteristics. The three most important dimensions were as follows: Rapid diagnosis and treatment; High professional standard; and Information about treatment and side(effects)/consequences. Within four dimensions, Psychosocial support, Physical facilities, Waiting time and Transparency in care, no items were within the highest quartile. Patient-rated importance was a useful method in identifying the care patients preferred. Due to a limited number of studies and great diversity within studies evaluated, interpretation of results should be cautious. However, it seems that cancer patients treated in hospitals with a curative intent find treatment-related information, professional standard and short delay of diagnosis and treatment most important. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press in association with the International Society for Quality in Health Care; all rights reserved.
Purpose: To prospectively compare the capabilities for TNM classification and assessment of clinical stage and operability among whole-body magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, coregistered positron emission tomographic (PET)/MR imaging with and without MR signal intensity (SI) assessment, and integrated fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/computed tomography (CT) in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Materials and methods: The institutional review board approved this study, and written informed consent was obtained from each patient. One hundred forty consecutive NSCLC patients (75 men, 65 women; mean age, 72 years) prospectively underwent whole-body MR imaging, FDG PET/CT, conventional radiologic examinations, and surgical, pathologic, and/or follow-up examinations. All factors and clinical stage and operability were then visually assessed. All PET/MR examinations were assessed with and without SI assessment. One examination used anatomic, metabolic, and relaxation-time information, and the other used only anatomic and metabolic information. κ statistics were used for assessment of all factors and clinical stages with final diagnoses. McNemar test was used to compare the capability of all methods to assess operability. Results: Agreements of assessment of every factor (κ = 0.63-0.97) and clinical stage (κ = 0.65-0.90) were substantial or almost perfect. Regarding capability to assess operability, accuracy of whole-body MR imaging and PET/MR imaging with SI assessment (97.1% [136 of 140]) was significantly higher than that of MR/PET without SI assessment and integrated FDG PET/CT (85.0% [119 of 140]; P < .001). Conclusion: Accuracies of whole-body MR imaging and PET/MR imaging with SI assessment are superior to PET/MR without SI assessment and PET/CT for identification of TNM factor, clinical stage, and operability evaluation of NSCLC patients.
To assess and compare patient experience of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to that of computed tomography (CT) for staging newly diagnosed lymphoma. A total of 36 patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma prospectively underwent whole-body MRI and CT for staging purposes. Patients were asked to fill in a short questionnaire with regard to the burden and experience of the examination on a Likert scale (range 1-4). Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to determine statistically significant differences in patient (dis)comfort between the two examinations. Patients reported to be significantly (P=0.007) less worried before undergoing whole-body MRI compared to CT. Patients also experienced whole-body MRI as significantly (P=0.010) less unpleasant and felt significantly (P=0.003) better shortly after the scan. The necessary preparations before CT scanning (i.e. insertion of intravenous line, drinking of contrast fluid), which are not required for whole-body MRI, were reported to be a considerable burden. In this study in patients with newly diagnosed lymphoma, whole-body MRI was experienced as a more patient-friendly technique than CT.