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A Discussion on Present Theories of Rubber Friction, with Particular Reference to Different Possible Choices of Arbitrary Roughness Cutoff Parameters


Abstract and Figures

Since the early study by Grosch in 1963 it has been known that rubber friction shows generally two maxima with respect to speed-the first one attributed to adhesion, and another at higher velocities attributed to viscoelastic losses. The theory of Klüppel and Heinrich and that of Persson suggests that viscoelastic losses crucially depend on the "multiscale" aspect of roughness and in particular on truncation at fine scales. In this study, we comment a little on both theories, giving some examples using Persson's theory on the uncertainties involved in the truncation of the roughness spectrum. It is shown how different choices of Persson's model parameters, for example the high-frequency cutoff, equally fit experimental data on viscoelastic friction, hence it is unclear how to rigorously separate the adhesive and the viscoelastic contributions from experiments.
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A Discussion on Present Theories of Rubber Friction,
with Particular Reference to Dierent Possible
Choices of Arbitrary Roughness CutoParameters
Andrea Genovese 1, Flavio Farroni 1, Antonio Papangelo 2,3 and Michele Ciavarella 2, *
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio, 21-80125 Naples, Italy; (A.G.); (F.F.)
2Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management, Politecnico di Bari, Via Orabona 4,
70125 Bari, Italy;
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hamburg University of Technology, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1,
21073 Hamburg, Germany
Received: 24 July 2019; Accepted: 24 September 2019; Published: 26 September 2019
Since the early study by Grosch in 1963 it has been known that rubber friction shows
generally two maxima with respect to speed—the first one attributed to adhesion, and another at
higher velocities attributed to viscoelastic losses. The theory of Klüppel and Heinrich and that of
Persson suggests that viscoelastic losses crucially depend on the “multiscale” aspect of roughness
and in particular on truncation at fine scales. In this study, we comment a little on both theories,
giving some examples using Persson’s theory on the uncertainties involved in the truncation of the
roughness spectrum. It is shown how dierent choices of Persson’s model parameters, for example
the high-frequency cuto, equally fit experimental data on viscoelastic friction, hence it is unclear
how to rigorously separate the adhesive and the viscoelastic contributions from experiments.
Keywords: rubber friction; viscoelasticity; roughness
1. Introduction
After the fundamental study by Grosch [
], who took advantage of the other fundamental study of
Williams Landel & Ferry [
] which relates temperature and rate dependence of viscoelastic properties,
it is known that rubber friction shows two maxima as a function of speed, one more easily attributed
to adhesion with the track, and another at high velocities due to viscoelastic losses. In the search
for more quantitative models, two main theories appeared, one by Klüppel and Heinrich [
], and
another by Persson [
], both concentrating heavily on the multiscale nature of surfaces and their fractal
roughness, which introduced more than one complication. For about 20 years, we have had to solve
several mathematical problems to deal with the fractal roughness issue, how to rigorously define the
measurement and the mathematical structure, and all theories have experienced several problems to
define cutos to the fractal scaling, particularly at short scales [
], where generally friction would tend
towards extremely high values and hence the choice of the truncation is critical.
Klüppel and Heinrich’s early theories [
] recognize this problem more explicitly than Persson’s
original paper [
] as an upper cutofrequency
is introduced into the integral of their
Equation (35), where
is the lower cutolength of the excitation spectra and vis the velocity. They
showed that the results strongly depend on
as v
in their Equation (36) does depend on
. On
the other hand, dierently from Persson’s theory, they use the elastic contact model of the Greenwood
and Williamson (GW) asperity model for the contact mechanics, which has later found to have some
limitations and to be inaccurate, especially for broad spectra of roughness. A profound analysis of
Lubricants 2019,7, 85; doi:10.3390/lubricants7100085
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their theory is not simple: GW seems to lead to reasonable predictions for the mean penetration depth,
which appears to depend only on macroscopic wavelengths, as does Persson’s theory much later [
(see also [
]). For the cuto
, they introduce an energy balance [
] in the presence of adhesion,
which turns out to be relevant only in the normal force regime, i.e., when the external load is dominant
for the formation of elastic contacts, giving a cuto
very sensible to the surface fractal dimension,
especially in the limit of D
2, which in turns is the most common case for real surfaces. Contrary to
Persson [
], Klüppel and Heinrich [
] suggest that adhesion-induced hysteretic losses may play a role
only for extremely smooth surfaces, such as glasses with D=2, but they do not seem to be relevant
on rough surfaces such as road tracks with typical D=2.2. Klüppel and Heinrich [
] try to apply
the theory to the original cases of Grosch, namely friction on the silicon carbide paper and the glass
surface, by changing the broadness of the spectrum, although only very qualitatively, and not really
explaining the appearance of the two maxima in the case of Grosch data on silicon carbide: choices of
cutos are not immediately clear to the reader.
Persson’s theory, on the other hand, in the latest forms (Lorenz et al. [
]), seems to have a
surprisingly simple criterion for truncation wavenumber q
: it is defined where the rms
slope reaches
H0rms (q1)=1.3 (1)
although other authors (Carbone & Putignano [
]) are more cautious about many possible choices to
the truncation cuto, e.g., small dirt particles or rubber wear particles.
However, more recently, both Klüppel and co-authors [
] and Persson and Volokitin [
seem to attribute a lot more importance to the adhesive term than the viscoelastic one. For example,
Lang & Klüppel [
], has an adhesion contribution attributed to peeling eects at the edges which
depends on velocity and viscoelastic properties in the simplified form
τs=τs0 1+E/E0
is a static shear stress for very low velocities and v
is a certain critical velocity to a plateau.
There are explicit expressions for
based on contact angle measurements; obviously E
is the ratio
of dynamic modulus in a glassy and rubbery state, ncan be estimated from the power law behavior of
the relaxation time spectra H(
) in the glass transition range. Notice that this term is then multiplied
by the real contact area, and hence the dependence on roughness spectrum and its truncation is very
important. Even the viscoelastic properties, which in Equation (2) are limited to two elastic moduli,
with no reference to relaxation spectra, could have more eect on the contact area. The agreement with
an extensive set of measurements is quite good over an extensive range of velocities, except perhaps at
very low ones of the order of 104m/s, where the discrepancy is significant.
Turning back to recent Persson’s theories [
], the dominant mechanics is also adhesion, and
for it, based on ideas such as stretching, detaching, relaxing, and reattaching of rubber molecules
of Schallamach/Cherniak (see Persson and Volokitin [
]), they suggest an adhesive contribution
proportional to the frictional shear stress, which is a Gaussian-like curve as a function of the logarithm
sliding velocity:
µadh =τf
τf=τf0 exp"clog10
and where A/A
is the relative contact area, p
is the nominal contact pressure and vis the sliding velocity.
This adhesive contribution on one hand, is also very simple in form, and basically as semi-empirical as
is Klüppel’s one, but on the other, is symmetrical contrary to the Lang & Klüppel [
]. It maintains the
complications (or the eects) of the full-contact mechanics theory with roughness, since the contact
Lubricants 2019,7, 85 3 of 12
area A/A
depends in principle on the full viscoelastic spectrum, and on the full roughness spectrum.
However, in the end, the choices of the factors
,c, and v* are not from independent experiments
such as contact angle measurements in Lang & Klüppel [12].
In this paper, short of making a full comparison of the Klüppel and Persson’s theories, which both
seem (at least in the presentation of their authors) to fit friction measurements quite well, we discuss
how the choice to be made about the truncation of the spectrum influences the determination of the
various coecients, with reference in particular to Persson’s theory. Here, we shall use in particular a
simplified version for the viscoelastic losses, since they are no longer considered so relevant. Persson,
indeed, in recent papers (Tolpekina & Persson, [
], see also [
]), seems to agree with Klüppel [
(just looking at the how the friction data are separated into viscoelastic and adhesive contributions)
that the contribution due to adhesion is now considered prevalent over the hysteretic one. Obviously,
this shift is also a sign of the uncertainty of the choice on how to interpret the two contributions
(viscoelastic and adhesive ones), which appear to have a similar bell-shape. In this paper, we shall
discuss exactly this point, where for brevity we consider only Persson’s theories.
2. Experimental Data
To analyze typical compounds of interest in asphalt vs. tire contact and to give a quantitative
example of the analysis made, all of the following is referred to the experimental data obtained by
Tolpekina and Persson [14] (TP in the following) for three dierent reference compounds A, B, and C
(see [
]), on which quite general information are provided: “B is a summer tread compound filled
with carbon black. A is a summer tread compound filled with silica and containing a traction resin.
C is a winter tread compound, filled with silica and containing the same traction resin (in the same
relative volume fraction) as for Compound A”. In the following subsection the power spectral density
(PSD) of a rough surface, the viscoelastic properties of the rubber, and experimental friction data used
as references for theoretical results are shown.
2.1. Surface PSD
For rough surface for the rubber friction analysis, a concrete block was considered. This type of
substrate is very stable (negligible wear) and is easily available in a large number of nominally identical
blocks. The most important information about the substrate is the surface roughness power spectrum.
Notice that it is possible to find dierent normalization of the PSD and therefore it is important to pay
attention to the formulations used for the calculation of the quantities such as the root-mean-square
(RMS) height h
, the RMS slope h
, and the RMS curvature h
]. Referring to the Persson
formulation, Figure 1shows the 2D surface roughness power spectrum of the concrete surface. The
significant range of interest of this self-ane fractal power spectrum can be assumed to be a power law:
where the Hurst exponent H=0.86 and C
=0.001152 mˆ
. The wavenumber q
considered in this
study is q
[1/m] but fortunately the choice of this truncation is not very relevant for friction
estimation, while the choice of the large wavenumber cutois extremely more sensible and arbitrary,
as debated in the next section.
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Figure 1. The surface roughness power spectrum of the concrete substrate.
2.2. Material Viscoelastic Properties
A full viscoelastic rubber characterization is fundamental for the friction calculations. The
knowledge of the complex elastic modulus of the rubber over a rather large frequency range is
necessary, and more recently it has been suggested also its behavior at different strain values when
the non-linear effects related to the viscoelastic modulus of the rubber should be taken into account.
The standard way of measuring the viscoelastic modulus is to deform the rubber sample in an
oscillatory manner with a constant strain or stress amplitude. This is done at different frequencies
and then repeated at different temperatures. The results measured at different temperatures can be
shifted according to the timetemperature superposition principle to form a master curve covering a
wide range of frequencies at the chosen reference temperature. TP have performed measurements of
the viscoelastic modulus in both shear and in tensile (elongation) modes, providing both the shear
modulus G(ω) and the Young’s modulus E(ω). These moduli are related, for the lack of better
approximations, via E = 2G (1 + ν) where ν = 0.5 is the Poisson ratio.
In their paper, TP [14] tested three different compounds: A is a summer tread containing silica
and resin, B is a summer tread filled with carbon black and C is a winter tread filled with silica and
traction resin. The viscoelastic moduli of the three different rubber compounds A, B, C, are detailed
in Figure 2, as storage (Re E) and loss (Im E) moduli.
Let us consider for the compound under investigation a power law approximation for the
moduli, at low frequency. This approximation, which appears quite good in the practical range of
interest for rubber compounds used in tires (as depicted in Figure 2), also permits a simple estimate
of the relevant equations in closed form at low speeds. The power law behavior considered is:
𝑅e 𝐸(𝜔)=10αr𝜔βr and 𝐼m 𝐸(𝜔)=10αiωβi
In Table 1 the parameters of the power law approximation for the three compounds are
Table 1. Parameters for power law approximation.
Compound A
Compound B
Compound C
Figure 1. The surface roughness power spectrum of the concrete substrate.
2.2. Material Viscoelastic Properties
A full viscoelastic rubber characterization is fundamental for the friction calculations. The
knowledge of the complex elastic modulus of the rubber over a rather large frequency range is
necessary, and more recently it has been suggested also its behavior at dierent strain values when the
non-linear eects related to the viscoelastic modulus of the rubber should be taken into account. The
standard way of measuring the viscoelastic modulus is to deform the rubber sample in an oscillatory
manner with a constant strain or stress amplitude. This is done at dierent frequencies and then
repeated at dierent temperatures. The results measured at dierent temperatures can be shifted
according to the time–temperature superposition principle to form a master curve covering a wide
range of frequencies at the chosen reference temperature. TP have performed measurements of the
viscoelastic modulus in both shear and in tensile (elongation) modes, providing both the shear modulus
) and the Young’s modulus E(
). These moduli are related, for the lack of better approximations,
via E=2G(1 +ν) where ν=0.5 is the Poisson ratio.
In their paper, TP [
] tested three dierent compounds: A is a summer tread containing silica
and resin, B is a summer tread filled with carbon black and C is a winter tread filled with silica and
traction resin. The viscoelastic moduli of the three dierent rubber compounds A, B, C, are detailed in
Figure 2, as storage (ReE) and loss (ImE) moduli.
Let us consider for the compound under investigation a power law approximation for the moduli,
at low frequency. This approximation, which appears quite good in the practical range of interest for
rubber compounds used in tires (as depicted in Figure 2), also permits a simple estimate of the relevant
equations in closed form at low speeds. The power law behavior considered is:
ReE(ω)=10αrωβrand ImE(ω)=10αiωβi(6)
In Table 1the parameters of the power law approximation for the three compounds are summarized.
Table 1. Parameters for power law approximation.
Compound αrβrαiβi
Compound A 1.4193 0.0820 0.5375 0.0939
Compound B 1.3262 0.0501 0.2312 0.0507
Compound C 1.4140 0.0639 0.4713 0.0737
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Figure 2. Real (solid blue) and imaginary (solid red) parts of the viscoelastic modulus of rubber
Compound A (a), B (b), C (c) in TP [14]. The dashed lines indicate the power law approximations at
low frequencies.
Notice that TP affirms that when a rubber tread block is sliding on a road surface, the strain in
asperity contact regions is typically of order one, ε 1. To take into account the effect of these large
strain, they perform strain sweep measurements up to a strain of order one, resulting in a reduction
of the small strain modulus E(ω) of a factor Sf 0.1, where Sf is the strain softening factor [15].
Figure 2.
Real (solid blue) and imaginary (solid red) parts of the viscoelastic modulus of rubber
Compound A (
), B (
), C (
) in TP [
]. The dashed lines indicate the power law approximations at
low frequencies.
Notice that TP arms that when a rubber tread block is sliding on a road surface, the strain in
asperity contact regions is typically of order one,
1. To take into account the eect of these large
strain, they perform strain sweep measurements up to a strain of order one, resulting in a reduction of
the small strain modulus E(ω) of a factor Sf0.1, where Sfis the strain softening factor [15].
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2.3. Friction
The available measured data for low velocities (LV) and higher velocity (HV) was obtained by
TP [
] using two dierent experimental setups. Friction for LV was obtained by means the Leonardo
da Vinci experiment, which allows only measurement of the friction coecient on the branch of the
(v)-curve where the friction coecient increases with increasing sliding speed. The friction coecients
for the sliding speeds of 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 1.8 m/s were obtained by means of a linear friction tester (LFT).
Figure 3shows the measured data and calculated results, by using Persson formulation, for rubber
sliding on concrete. Notice that the total friction curve is calculated as a sum of the viscoelastic and
adhesive contribution plus a constant term
=0.2 (an empirical choice, for the lack of better data),
which the authors refer to the “scratching of the concrete surface by the hard filler particles”.
Lubricants 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 12
2.3. Friction
The available measured data for low velocities (LV) and higher velocity (HV) was obtained by
TP [14] using two different experimental setups. Friction for LV was obtained by means the Leonardo
da Vinci experiment, which allows only measurement of the friction coefficient on the branch of the
µ(v)-curve where the friction coefficient increases with increasing sliding speed. The friction
coefficients for the sliding speeds of 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 1.8 m/s were obtained by means of a linear friction
tester (LFT).
Figure 3 shows the measured data and calculated results, by using Persson formulation, for
rubber sliding on concrete. Notice that the total friction curve is calculated as a sum of the viscoelastic
and adhesive contribution plus a constant term µ const = 0.2 (an empirical choice, for the lack of better
data), which the authors refer to the “scratching of the concrete surface by the hard filler particles”.
Figure 3.
The measured (symbols, from [
]) and calculated (lines) friction coecient using the Persson
formulation for Compound A (a), B (b), C (c).
Lubricants 2019,7, 85 7 of 12
The parameters adopted for the friction calculation are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary of the reference parameters adopted for the friction calculation.
Compound q1h0rms µconst log10 v* (m/s) τf0 (MPa) Sf
Compound A 2·1061.3 0.2 2.47 3.6 0.1
Compound B 2·1061.3 0.2 1.97 4.0 0.1
Compound C 2·1061.3 0.2 2.53 4.1 0.1
3. Discussion on the Viscoelastic and Adhesive Contributions
In this section, we want to point out that the recognition of the importance of the adhesive
and viscoelastic contribution is not at all simple and obvious. Indeed, starting from the viscoelastic
properties of the rubber and the PSD of a rough surface, we propose dierent set of arbitrarily
determined parameters, which return a dierent combination of Gaussian-like curves of the two
contributions, allowing an equally good fit of the experimental data.
For all the three compounds, the theoretical results obtained calculating the viscoelastic
contribution using the simplified formulation were first investigated
µvisc =h0
where h
is the rms slope of the surface that depends on the cutowavenumber q
and E(q
v) is the
complex viscoelastic modulus of the rubber (for a given temperature), at the circular frequency 2
v. Adopting the power law approximation of the moduli at low frequencies, the coecient Kis
calculated as:
Again, the total friction curve is calculated as a sum of the viscoelastic and adhesive contributions
plus the constant term
=0.2. The parameters are the same as those used for the calculation with
the Persson theory and reported in Table 2.
For each compound, Figure 4shows the measured and calculated friction coecient on the
concrete surface as a function of the logarithm of sliding speed, using the simplified formulation. The
lower red curve represents the (calculated) viscoelastic contribution to the friction coecient, while the
green is the adhesive contribution and the upper blue curve is the total calculated friction.
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Figure 4. The measured (symbols, from [14]) and calculated (lines) friction coefficient on concrete as
a function of the logarithm of the sliding speed, using the simplified formulation for the viscoelastic
contribution, for Compound A (a), B (b), C (c).
The results obtained with Persson theory and with our simplified assumption for the loss and
storage modulus do not show significant difference for low-velocity friction data being these results
considered to be principally influenced by the adhesion. For high sliding velocity some difference
can be appreciated but these data are often not predicted appropriately.
Figure 4.
The measured (symbols, from [
]) and calculated (lines) friction coecient on concrete as a
function of the logarithm of the sliding speed, using the simplified formulation for the viscoelastic
contribution, for Compound A (a), B (b), C (c).
The results obtained with Persson theory and with our simplified assumption for the loss and
storage modulus do not show significant dierence for low-velocity friction data being these results
Lubricants 2019,7, 85 9 of 12
considered to be principally influenced by the adhesion. For high sliding velocity some dierence can
be appreciated but these data are often not predicted appropriately.
Here it should be emphasized that these results are strongly influenced by the value of some
parameters that are fixed in a non-rigorous way. In particular:
the choice of the cutowavenumber q
influences strongly both viscoelastic and
adhesive contributions;
the term
=0.2 which is attributed to scratching of the concrete surface by the hard filler
particles is quite arbitrary;
- The reference velocity v* and the τf0 significantly influence the adhesive curve;
The assumption that for sliding friction on the rough surfaces the deformation is
1 implies a
reduction of the strain modulus E(
) of a strain factor S
0.1. Due to the non-linear eects related
to the viscoelastic modulus of the rubber, lower strain values would cause sensible variation of
the Sfand therefore of the adhesive friction.
Adopting the simplified formulation (7) for the viscoelastic friction and Equations (3) and (4)
for the adhesion, dierent combinations in the choice of these parameters are proposed, which are
able to give an equally good fitting of the available experimental data. In Tables 35, five dierent
parameters set used for simulation for Compound A, B, and C, respectively, are reported. Figure 5
reports the corresponding friction results. All the proposed fits predict quite accurately the low-velocity
experimental data, while at high velocity the fit is generally poor. Notice that we have varied the
high-wavenumber cutoq
of several orders of magnitude obtaining almost equally good fits for the
friction coecient. This poses fundamental questions on the physical meaning of this quantity and on
the role that it plays in modern theories of viscoelastic friction.
Table 3.
Summary of the dierent parameter sets adopted for the friction calculation of the Compound A.
SET q1h0rms µconst log10 v* (m/s) τf0 (MPa) Sf
A2·1093.6 0 1.5 8 0.1
B2·1061.3 0.3 2.2 4.1 0.1
C2·1071.85 0.3 1.9 7 0.1
D2·1050.9 0.35 2.1 7 0.3
E3·1040.63 0.35 2.1 7 0.5
Table 4.
Summary of the dierent parameter sets adopted for the friction calculation of the Compound B.
SET q1h0rms µconst log10 v* (m/s) τf0 (MPa) Sf
A2·1010 4.5 0 1 4.0 0.1
B2·1061.3 0.3 1.80 8 0.19
C2·1050.9 0.3 1.8 8 0.3
D3·1040.63 0.35 1.8 8 0.5
E1071.66 0.25 2 5.5 0.1
Table 5.
Summary of the dierent parameter sets adopted for the friction calculation of the Compound C.
SET q1h0rms µconst log10 v* (m/s) τf0 (MPa) Sf
A2·1061.3 0.25 2.0 5.25 0.1
B1071.66 0.25 2 6.9 0.1
C3·1071.96 0.25 2 8 0.1
D1050.8 0.3 2.1 7.1 0.3
E1040.5 0.3 2.1 6.4 0.5
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Figure 5. The measured (symbols, form [14]) and calculated (lines) friction coefficient on concrete as
a function of the logarithm of the sliding speed considered five different sets of arbitrary parameters
for each Compound A (a), B (b), C (c).
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, the theories of rubber friction seem to have evolved over the years, but now the
emphasis on the viscoelastic losses for tireroad contact due to fractal roughness has been much
reduced, because the adhesive term is considered dominant. Perssons theories [4,1315] seem to have
evolved more rigorously in the contact mechanics treatment (they are approximate, but the
Figure 5.
The measured (symbols, form [
]) and calculated (lines) friction coecient on concrete as a
function of the logarithm of the sliding speed considered five dierent sets of arbitrary parameters for
each Compound A (a), B (b), C (c).
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, the theories of rubber friction seem to have evolved over the years, but now the
emphasis on the viscoelastic losses for tire–road contact due to fractal roughness has been much
reduced, because the adhesive term is considered dominant. Persson’s theories [
] seem to
Lubricants 2019,7, 85 11 of 12
have evolved more rigorously in the contact mechanics treatment (they are approximate, but the
approximations have been corrected over the years), but the adhesion part is less fundamentally
rigorously introduced, having been less studied and compared with experiments, and perhaps more
eort in the coming years should concentrate on this. Klüppel’s theories [
], which seem instead
to remain attached to the GW asperity description of roughness, which today is considered inaccurate.
While this may not be very important for viscoelastic losses, since anyway there is an arbitrary
truncation to be defined, it is less clear how this has an impact in the real contact area estimation, and
hence the adhesive friction. While Klüppel’s theories have attempted to discuss at length the problem
of truncation of roughness—and the resulting conclusion is not so clear—Persson’s theory has recently
made a very abrupt choice of truncation at rms slope of 1.3, which is not well explained. We have
indeed oered some examples on how dierent choices of the parameters (for example varying by
orders of magnitude the high-frequency cuto) equally fit the data, and hence it is unclear in Persson’s
theory, for example, how to rigorously separate the two contributions from experiments.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, F.F., A.G., A.P. and M.C.; Data curation, A.G.; Investigation, A.G. and
F.F.; Methodology, A.P. and M.C.; Supervision, F.F. and M.C.; Writing–original draft, F.F. and M.C.; Writing–review
& editing, A.G., A.P. and M.C.
A.P. is thankful to the DFG (German Research Foundation) for funding the project PA 3303/1-1. A.P.
acknowledge support from PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014/2020-Azione I.2-D.D. n. 407 del 27/02/2018, bando
“AIM”. M.C. is supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the
Departments of Excellence. Grant No. L.232/2016.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... In order to characterise the tire tread compound within the temperature range of -20°C to 100°C, a heating gun and a climatic cell (Fig. 7) were used. Thus, the glass transition phenomenon could be identified for the compound of interest, with the potential advantage to improve the evaluation of grip coefficient by means of specific physical models [17] [18]. ...
... The knowledge of viscoelastic properties is a key factor in the grip generation, which is defined as the coefficient of friction between the surface of the tire and the surface of the road. This friction depends on an array of factors including the roughness of the track as well as the type, temperature and therefore behaviour of the tire-rubber [4,18,19]. In vehicle dynamic field two stress mechanism, shown in Fig. 2, are involved in the rubber-road interface: ...
The viscoelastic properties of tires play a fundamental role into vehicle dynamics field affecting the vehicle performance and safety according to their evolution over the mileage. The knowledge of these properties is obtained through destructive tests, such as the Dynamic Material Analysis, which make the tire unusable. In this scenario, the Applied Mechanics research group of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Federico II has developed an innovative device, called VESevo, capable of providing a smart and non-destructive characterization of the viscoelastic properties of tires tread compound. This new device allows to characterize tires obtained important information about the evolution of viscoelastic properties of a same tire over its mileage, opening scenarios of interest in a very broad panorama of applications ranging from the monitoring of the material performance during its whole lifecycle, to the quantitative analysis of products quality and repeatability of production processes. In this work, the authors show how the viscoelastic properties of a tire change as function of its mileage.KeywordsViscoelasticityTirePolymerNon-destructive test
Vehicle safety is of a fundamental importance in the automotive industry and, with an increasing level of automation, the impact of vehicles on the global environment has to be investigated from a totality of different perspectives starting from pollution impact objectives up to the vehicle risk-prevention capabilities. For this reason, the state estimation techniques and the advanced control logics have being developed in recent years with the aim of improving the safety of the semi-automated vehicles, able to assist the driver in emergency situations minimizing the connected risks. Furthermore, the vehicle stability topic has acquired more interest since it could allow to pre-determine the vehicle stability and maneuverability regions, optimizing both the real-time computational efficiency of the control-related logics and the correct identification of the optimum vehicle operating boundaries in completely different use scenarios. Since a vehicle is a strongly nonlinear system mainly because of tyres behaviour, the methodology able to adequately determine the stability region becomes crucial. Starting from a specific literature survey, this work aims to investigate control-oriented approaches, employing the local stability criteria method, able to determine stability regions within the system phase-plane potentially adoptable in a computationally-efficient vehicle onboard logic. The techniques presented and the sensitivity analyses conducted highlight which should be the research directions in this field to remove several not-negligible but yet present assumptions in the literature.
Friction is one of the leading causes of energy loss in moving parts, and understanding how roughness affects friction is of utmost importance. From creating surfaces with high friction to prevent slip and movement, to creating surfaces with low friction to minimize energy loss, roughness plays a key role. By measuring shear stresses of crosslinked elastomers on three rough surfaces of similar surface chemistry across nearly six decades of sliding velocity, we demonstrate the dominant role of adhesive frictional dissipation. Furthermore, while it was previously known that roughness-induced oscillations affected the viscoelastic dissipation, we show that these oscillations also control the molecular detachment process and the resulting adhesive dissipation. This contrasts with typical models of friction, where only the amount of contact area and the strength of interfacial bonding govern the adhesive dissipation. Finally, we show that all the data can be collapsed onto a universal curve when the shear stress is scaled by the square root of elastic modulus and the velocity is scaled by a critical velocity at which the system exhibits macroscopic buckling instabilities. Taken together, these results suggest a design principle broadly applicable to frictional systems ranging from tires to soft robotics.
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We study the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic properties of two tire tread compounds. We discuss the difference in nonlinear response between the oscillatory tensile and shear modes. We also analyze strain relaxation (creep) data for the same systems. We discuss what type of measurements are most suitable for obtaining the viscoelastic modulus used in rubber friction calculations.
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We study the adhesion and friction for three tire tread rubber compounds. The adhesion study is for a smooth silica glass ball in contact with smooth sheets of the rubber in dry condition and in water. The friction studies are for rubber sliding on smooth glass, concrete, and asphalt road surfaces. We have performed the Leonardo da Vinci-type friction experiments and experiments using a linear friction tester. On the asphalt road, we also performed vehicle breaking distance measurements. The linear and non-linear viscoelastic properties of the rubber compounds were measured in shear and tension modes using two different Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) instruments. The surface topography of all surfaces was determined using stylus measurements and scanned-in silicon rubber replicas. The experimental data were analyzed using the Persson contact mechanics and rubber friction theory.
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Jacobs and Martini (JM in the following) give a nice review of direct measurement methods (in situ electron microscopy), as well as indirect methods (which are based on contact resistance, contact stiffness, lateral forces, and topography) for measurement of the contact area, mostly at nanoscale. They also discuss simulation techniques and theories from single-contact continuum mechanics, to multi-contact continuum mechanics and atomistic accounting. As they recognize, even at very small scales, "multiple-contacts" case occurs, and a returning problem is that the "real contact area" is often an ill-defined, "magnification" dependent quantity. The problem remains to introduce a truncation to the fractal roughness process, what was called in the 1970's "functional filtering". The truncation can be "atomic roughness", or can be due to adhesion, or could be the resolution of the measuring instrument. Obviously, this also means that the strength (hardness) at the nanoscale is ill-defined. Of course, it is perfectly reasonable to fix the "magnification" and observe the dependence of contact area, and strength, on any other variable (speed, temperature, time, etc).
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The size of the mechanical contact between nanoscale bodies that are pressed together under load has implications for adhesion, friction, and electrical and thermal transport at small scales. Yet, because the contact is buried between the two bodies, it is challenging to accurately measure the true contact area and to understand its dependence on load and material properties. Recent advancements in both experimental techniques and simulation methodologies have provided unprecedented insights into nanoscale contacts. This review provides a detailed look at the current understanding of nanocontacts. Experimental methods for determining contact area are discussed, including direct measurements using in situ electron microscopy, as well as indirect methods based on measurements of contact resistance, contact stiffness, lateral forces, and topography. Simulation techniques are also discussed, including the types of nanocontact modeling that have been performed and the various methods for extracting the magnitude of the contact area from a simulation. To describe and predict contact area, three different theories of nanoscale contact are reviewed: Single-contact continuum mechanics, multiplecontact continuum mechanics, and atomistic accounting. Representative results from nanoscale experimental and simulation investigations are presented in the context of these theories. Finally, the critical challenges are described, as well as the opportunities, on the path to establishing a fundamental and actionable understanding of what it means to be "in contact" at the nanoscale.
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There are two main approximate theories in the contact of rough solids: Greenwood-Williamson asperity theories (GW) and Persson theories. Neither of them has been fully assessed so far with respect to load-separation curves. Focusing on the most important case of low fractal dimension (Df = 2.2) with extensive numerical studies we find that: (i) Persson’s theory describes well the regime of intermediate pressures/contact area, but requires significant corrective factors: the latter depends also on upper wavevector cutoff of the roughness; hence, (ii) Persson’s theory does not predict the correct functional dependence on magnification; (iii) asperity theories in the discrete version even neglecting interaction effects are more appropriate in the range of relatively large separations, also to take into consideration of the large scatter in actual realization of the surface.
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Roughness determines many functional properties of surfaces, such as adhesion, friction, and (thermal and electrical) contact conductance. Recent analytical models and simulations enable quantitative prediction of these properties from knowledge of the power spectral density (PSD) of the surface topography. The utility of the PSD is that it contains statistical information that is unbiased by the particular scan size and pixel resolution chosen by the researcher. In this article, we first review the mathematical definition of the PSD, including the one- and two-dimensional cases, and common variations of each. We then discuss strategies for reconstructing an accurate PSD of a surface using topography measurements at different size scales. Finally, we discuss detection and mitigating artifacts at the smallest scales, and how to compute upper/lower bounds on functional properties obtained from models. We accompany our discussion with virtual measurements on computer-generated surfaces. This discussion summarizes how to analyze topography measurements to reconstruct a reliable PSD. Analytical models demonstrate the potential for tuning functional properties by rationally tailoring surface topography - however, this potential can only be achieved through the accurate, quantitative reconstruction of the power spectral density of real-world surfaces.
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We study rubber friction for tire tread compounds on asphalt road surfaces. The road surface topographies are measured using a stylus instrument and atomic force microscopy, and the surface roughness power spectra are calculated. The rubber viscoelastic modulus mastercurves are obtained from dynamic mechanical analysis measurements and the large-strain effective modulus is obtained from strain sweep data. The rubber friction is measured at different temperatures and sliding velocities, and is compared to the calculated data obtained using the Persson contact mechanics theory. We conclude that in addition to the viscoelastic deformations of the rubber surface by the road asperities, there is an important contribution to the rubber friction from shear processes in the area of contact. The analysis shows that the latter contribution may arise from rubber molecules (or patches of rubber) undergoing bonding-stretching-debonding cycles as discussed in a classic paper by Schallamach.
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In this paper, we show how the numerical theory introduced by the authors [Carbone and Putignano, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 61, 1822 (2013)] can be effectively employed to study the contact between viscoelastic rough solids. The huge numerical complexity is successfully faced up by employing the adaptive nonuniform mesh developed by the authors in Putignano et al. [J. Mech. Phys. Solids 60, 973 (2012)]. Results mark the importance of accounting for viscoelastic effects to correctly simulate the sliding rough contact. In detail, attention is, first, paid to evaluate the viscoelastic dissipation, i.e., the viscoelastic friction. Fixed the sliding speed and the normal load, friction is completely determined. Furthermore, since the methodology employed in the work allows to study contact between real materials, a comparison between experimental outcomes and numerical prediction in terms of viscoelastic friction is shown. The good agreement seems to validate-at least partially-the presented methodology. Finally, it is shown that viscoelasticity entails not only the dissipative effects previously outlined, but is also strictly related to the anisotropy of the contact solution. Indeed, a marked anisotropy is present in the contact region, which results stretched in the direction perpendicular to the sliding speed. In the paper, the anisotropy of the deformed surface and of the contact area is investigated and quantified.
The temperature and load dependence of the sliding friction behaviour of a racing tire tread compound on coarse and fine rough granite substrates is analysed by experimental and theoretical techniques. Based on dry friction measurements at different temperatures, friction master curves are constructed by shifting the data horizontally on the velocity axis using the same shifting factors as found from viscoelastic master curves. The obtained isothermal friction curves increase rapidly with increasing sliding velocities and show a more or less pronounced plateau over a broad velocity range, which decreases with increasing load. For analysing this behaviour, the Klüppel and Heinrich theory of rubber friction and contact mechanics is applied, which considers the multi-scale contacts and excitations of the rubber sliding on rough surfaces in the frame of a linear viscoelastic approach. The extension of this theory to more realistic surfaces with two or more scaling ranges is described in some detail. It takes adhesion and hysteresis contributions into account referring to the viscoelastic response of the rubber on different frequency scales. The theory predicts that under isothermal conditions the coefficient of friction decreases with load, which is more pronounced for the adhesion than for the hysteresis contribution. This result is found to be in fair agreement with the measure friction curves confirming the contact mechanical approach of the theory.
A basic theoretical concept of rubber friction on rough surfaces is presented that relates the frictional force to the dissipated energy of the rubber during sliding stochastic excitations on a broad frequency scale. It is shown that this is of high relevance for tire traction and allows for a prediction of the likely level of friction of tread compounds on the basis of viscoelastic data.. The impact of both, the frequency dependent loss- and storage modulus on the frictional force during sliding of tires on rough tracks, is demonstrated quantitatively for different sliding velocities. The effect of the surface roughness of road hacks is described by three characteristic surface descriptors, i.e., the fractal dimension and the correlation lengths parallel and normal to the surface. These descriptors can be obtained from a fractal analysis of the road texture via stylus- or laser measurements. In particular, it is shown that the applied model of rubber friction is in agreement with the classical friction data of Grosch, who found a broad maximum for the friction coefficient with increasing sliding speed. The broadness of the friction maximum is shown to be directly related to the broadness of the roughness scale of the surface.