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Exposure to Blue Light Emitted from Smartphones in an Environment with Dim Light at Night Alters the Reaction Time of University Students


Abstract and Figures

Background: Substantial evidence now indicates that exposure to visible light at night can be linked to a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from obesity to cancer. More specifically, it has been shown that exposure to short wavelengths in the blue region at night is associated with adverse health effects such as sleep problems. Objectives: This study aimed at investigating if exposure to blue light emitted from common smartphones in an environment with dim light at night alters human reaction time. Methods: Visual reaction time (VRT) of 267 male and female university students were recorded using a simple blind computer-assisted test. Volunteer university students, who provided their informed consent were randomly divided into two groups of control (N = 126 students) and intervention (N = 141 students). All participants were asked to go to bed at 23:00. Participants in the intervention group were asked to use their smartphones from 23:00 to 24:00 (watching a natural life documentary movie for 60 minutes), while the control group only stayed in bed under low lighting condition, i.e. dim light. Just before starting the experiment and after 60 minutes of smartphone use, reaction time was recorded in both groups. Results: The mean reaction times in the intervention and the control groups before the experiment (23:00) did not show a statistically difference (P = 0.449). The reaction time in the intervention group significantly increased from 412.64 �105.60 msec at 23:00 to 441.66 �125.78 msec at 24:00 (P = 0.0368) while in the control group, there was no statistically significant difference between the mean reaction times at 23:00 and 24:00. Conclusions: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study, which showed that exposure to blue-rich visible light emitted from widely used smartphones increases visual reaction time, which would eventually result in a delay in human responses to different hazards. These findings indicate that people, such as night shift or on-call workers, who need to react to stresses rapidly should avoid using their smartphones in dim light at night.
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Shiraz E-Med J. 2019 October; In Press(In Press):e88230.
Published online 2019 June 9.
doi: 10.5812/semj.88230.
Research Article
Exposure to Blue Light Emitted from Smartphones in an Environment
with Dim Light at Night Alters the Reaction Time of University
Seyed Ali Reza Mortazavi#1, Mahdi Faraz #1, Sahar Laalpour 1, Azim Kaveh Ahangar2, Jamshid Eslami3,
Sina Zarei 4, Ghazal Mortazavi 1, Farshid Gheisari5, * and Seyed Mohammad Javad Mortazavi 6, **
1Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2Vice-Chancellory for Research, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3Anesthesiology Department, School of Nursing, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4Speech Pathology Department, Varastegan University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
5Nuclear Medicine Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz, Iran
6Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
*Corresponding author: Nuclear Medicine Department, School of Medicine, Imam Hossein Square, Shiraz, Iran
**Corresponding author: Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Imam Hossein Square, Shiraz, Iran.
Tel: +98-0732349332, Email:
# These authors are contributed equally as the first author.
Received 2018 December 24; Accepted 2019 May 06.
Background: Substantial evidence now indicates that exposure to visible light at night can be linked to a wide spectrum of disor-
ders ranging from obesity to cancer. More specifically, it has been shown that exposure to short wavelengths in the blue region at
night is associated with adverse health effects such as sleep problems.
Objectives: This study aimed at investigating if exposure to blue light emitted from common smartphones in an environment with
dim light at night alters human reaction time.
Methods: Visual reaction time (VRT) of 267 male and female university students were recorded using a simple blind computer-
assisted test. Volunteer university students, who provided their informed consent were randomly divided into two groups of control
(N = 126 students) and intervention (N = 141 students). All participants were asked to go to bed at 23:00. Participants in the interven-
tion group were asked to use their smartphones from 23:00 to 24:00 (watching a natural life documentary movie for 60 minutes),
while the control group only stayed in bed under low lighting condition, i.e. dim light. Just before starting the experiment and after
60 minutes of smartphone use, reaction time was recorded in both groups.
Results: The mean reaction times in the intervention and the control groups before the experiment (23:00) did not show a statisti-
cally difference (P = 0.449). The reaction time in the intervention group significantly increased from 412.64 ±105.60 msec at 23:00
to 441.66 ±125.78 msec at 24:00 (P = 0.0368) while in the control group, there was no statistically significant difference between the
mean reaction times at 23:00 and 24:00.
Conclusions: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study, which showed that exposure to blue-rich visible light
emitted from widely used smartphones increases visual reaction time, which would eventually result in a delay in human responses
to different hazards. These findings indicate that people, such as night shift or on call workers, who need to react to stresses rapidly
should avoid using their smartphones in a dim light at night.
Keywords: Blue Light, Smartphones, Digital Screens, Reaction Time
1. Background
Substantial evidence now indicates that human expo-
sure to artificial sources of light, especially short wave-
length blue light at night can be associated with alter-
ations in sleep, alertness, circadian physiology, and ad-
verse health effects, such as insomnia and sleep problems,
psychiatric disorders, obesity, diabetes, increased growth
of bacteria, and different cancers (1-4). In many coun-
tries conventional incandescent light bulbs have been re-
placed by energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs
(CFL) and light emitting diodes (LED), which relatively de-
liver higher levels of blue light. Light emitting diodes are
also used in devices, such as televisions, computers, smart
phones, and tablets. The light emitted by most LEDs ap-
Copyright © 2019, Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
( which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the original work is properly
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Mortazavi SAR et al.
pear white yet their peak emission lies in the blue range
(400 to 490 nm) (5). The adverse health effects of chronic
exposure to “blue-rich” LED light compared to other light
sources, which emit less blue light is well documented (6).
The high intensities of blue light emitted from the screens
of smartphones, tablets, and laptops look white to the hu-
man naked eye. It has been shown that both blue light and
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by digital screens
can disturb the circadian rhythm of the users of smart-
phones, who use this device at night (7). Moreover, appli-
cations developed for color-shifting that make the smart-
phone’s screen look “warmer” at night and using special
eye glasses or filters which block blue light (e.g. amber
filters) are widely believed to be able to reduce the detri-
mental biological effects of exposure to blue light (8,9). Al-
though mitigation of the blue light seems to be easy, reduc-
ing the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
(RF-EMF) is more complicated and needs further research
Some studies show the light emitted by computer
screens can alter circadian physiology, alertness, and cog-
nitive performance (12).
2. Objectives
The aim of the current study was to assess whether ex-
posure to blue light emitted from the screens of common
smartphones in an environment with dim light at night al-
ters human reaction time.
3. Methods
3.1. Ethical Considerations
This study was approved by the Medical Ethics com-
mittee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (Permit No.
IR.SUMS. REC.1395.108). Written informed consent was ob-
tained from all students.
3.2. Participants
This study was conducted on 267 apparently healthy
students. Participants were randomly divided into two
groups of control (N = 126 students) and intervention (N
= 141 students). The socio-demographic characteristics of
the participants are reported in Table 1.
3.3. Pre-Intervention/Intervention Set-up
All participants, who had declared they usually sleep
at 24:00 were asked to go to bed at 23:00. Participants
in the intervention group were asked to use their smart-
phones from 23:00 to 24:00 (watching a natural life doc-
umentary movie for 60 minutes), while the control group
only stayed in bed under the same low lighting condition
(Figure 1). The researchers’ previous study showed that the
life documentary movie used in this study lacked exciting
scenes. Before the experiment and 60 minutes after us-
ing smartphone, reaction time was recorded in the inter-
vention group. In the control group, reaction time was
recorded both at 23:00 and 24:00. To ensure the unifor-
mity, participants, who used smartphones with the same
size of display, were included in this study.
3.4. Reaction Time Test
A modified simple blind computer-assisted-visual reac-
tion time test, which was previously developed (13,14), was
used in this study. In summary, the participants were asked
to respond as fast as possible by a single right click on a lap-
top mouse when a red square on the display was replaced
by a green one.
3.5. Statistical Analysis
Student’s t-test was used to compare the means of VRT
between the two groups, before the experiment and after
60 minutes of smartphone use (it was after 60 minutes of
staying in bed for the control group). P values of less than
0.05 were considered statistically significant.
4. Results
The mean ±SD age of the participants was 20.94 ±
5.06 years. One hundred and fifty-two (56.9%) of the partic-
ipants were male and 115 (43.1%) were female. One hundred
and sixty (60%) of the participants were medical students
and 107 (40%) were dentistry students. As indicated in Ta-
ble 2, the mean reaction times in the intervention and the
control groups before the experiment (23:00) were 412.64
±105.59 and 423.13 ±120.31 msec, respectively. This differ-
ence was not statistically significant (P = 0.449). However,
there was a statistically significant difference between the
mean reaction times in the intervention (441.66 ±125.78
msec) and the control groups (406.19 ±92.60 msec) after
60 minutes (at 24:00) (P = 0.01).
As shown in the table, the reaction time in the interven-
tion group significantly increased from 412.64 ±105.60 at
23:00 to 441.66 ±125.78 msec at 24:00 (P = 0.037) while in
the control group there was no statistically significant dif-
ference between the mean reaction times at 23:00 (423.13
±120.31 msec) and 24:00 (406.19 ±92.60 msec) (P = 0.211).
5. Discussion
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first
study, which showed that exposure to blue light emitted
2Shiraz E-Med J. 2019; In Press(In Press):e88230.
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Mortazavi SAR et al.
Table1. Demographic and Occupational Characteristics of the Sample (N = 157)
Intervention Group Controls
Frequency (%) Mean ±SD Frequency (%) Mean ±SD
Age, y 141 (52.8) 20.91 ±5.49 126 (47.2) 20.98 ±4.66
Male 86 (60.99) 66 (52.38)
Female 55 (39.01) 60 (47.62)
Medicine 89 (63.12) 71 (56.34)
Dentistry 52(36.88) 55 (43.66)
History of smartphone use, y 7.37 (2.08) 7.58 (2.50)
Smartphone’s screens use per day,h 8.02 (2.30) 7.81 (2.43)
Figure 1. graphic presentation of the protocol used in this study
from common smartphones increases the visual reaction
time. This effect can possibly result in a delay in human
responses to different hazards. The current findings re-
veal that the effects of exposure to different parts of non-
ionizing electromagnetic radiations (radiofrequency ver-
sus visible light) are contradictory. Mortazavi et al. pre-
Shiraz E-Med J. 2019; In Press(In Press):e88230. 3
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Table2. Mean Reaction Times in the Intervention and the Control Groups Before (23:00) and After the Experiment (24:00)
Reaction Time, msec Intervention Groupa(N = 141) Control Groupa(N = 126) P Value (Significance)
Visual reaction time at 23:00 p.m. 412.64 ±105.59 423.13 ±120.31 0.449 (NS)
Visual reaction time at 24:00 p.m. 441.66 ±125.78 406.19±92.60 0.01
P value (significance) 0.037 0.211 (NS)
Abbreviation: NS, not significant.
aValues are expressed as mean ±SD.
viously showed that the visual reaction time of university
students was significantly affected by a short-term expo-
sure (10 min) to RF-EMFs emitted by a common mobile
phone (13). Their experiment revealed that short term ex-
posure to RF-EMFs could significantly decrease the reaction
time in students (the mean ±SD reaction time after real
exposure and sham exposure were 286.78 ±31.35 msec and
295.86 ±32.17 msec, respectively). Furthermore, Mortazavi
et al. showed that occupational exposure to microwave ra-
diation can also decrease the reaction time in radar work-
ers (14). Based on these findings, exposure to RF-EMF scan
decrease the reaction time while the findings of the cur-
rent study showed that exposure to blue-rich visible light,
in contrast with RF-EMFs, could lead to a longer response
time to different hazards, which in turn can increase the
probability of errors and accidents.
The current findings are generally in line with the re-
sults obtained in a study performed by Cajochen et al., who
showed that the spectral pattern of the light generated by
the screens of computers can affect the circadian rhythms,
alertness, and the levels of cognitive performance (12).
However,another study that aimed at investigating the
effects of exposure to a 30-minute pulse of blue light ver-
sus placebo (using amber light) significantly showed bet-
ter long-delay verbal recall compared to individuals, who
received amber light exposure (15). Given this considera-
tion, Alkozei et al. discussed the potential applications of
blue light for optimizing memory performance in healthy
individuals. They also stated that further studies can an-
swer the question of whether exposure to blue light can en-
hance the performance in patients with memory deficits.
The difference between the findings of this study and those
obtained in the current study comes from the exposure
time (morning in the study performed by Alkozei et al. ver-
sus late night in our experiment) (15).
A more recent study on the effect of blue-enriched
white light on reaction time does not support the current
findings. Motamedzadeh et al. showed that during the sus-
tained attention task, exposure decreased both omission
errors and reaction time. This difference may come from
confounding factors, which were ignored in the study of
Motamedzadeh et al. (16).
5.1. Study Limitations
This study had some limitations. For example, the
number of students participated in this study was rela-
tively small. Moreover, the intervention group partici-
pated in a mentally and visually demanding task while the
control group was resting.
5.2. Conclusions
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first
study, which showed that exposure to blue-rich visible
light emitted from widely used smartphones increases vi-
sual reaction time, which would eventually result in a de-
lay in human responses to different hazards. These find-
ings indicate that people, such as night shift or on call
workers, who need to react to stresses should avoid using
their smartphones in a dim light at night.
This study was supported by Shiraz University of Medi-
cal Sciences.
Conflict of Interests: Authors declare no conflict of inter-
Ethical Approval: This study was approved by the Medical
Ethics Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
(permit No.: IR.SUMS. REC.1395.108).
Funding/Support: This project was funded by Shiraz Uni-
versity of Medical Sciences.
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Full-text available
Background: It has been shown that short-wavelength blue component of the visible light spectrum can alter the circadian rhythm and suppress the level of melatonin hormone. The short-wavelength light emitted by smartphones' screens can affect the sleep quality of the people who use these devices at night through suppression of melatonin. Objectives: In this study, we examined the effects of covering the screens of smartphones with different filters (changing the effective wavelength of the light) on sleep delay time in 43 healthy students. Materials and methods: Volunteer students were asked to go to bed at 23:00 and to use their mobile phones in bed for watching a natural life documentary movie for 60 minutes. No filter was used for one night while amber and blue filters were used for other 2 nights. Photospectrometry method was used to determine the output spectrum of the light passing through the filters used for covering the screens of the mobile phones. The order for utilizing amber or blue filters or using no filter was selected randomly. After 1 hour, the participants were asked to record their sleep delay time measured by a modified form of sleep time record sheet. Results: The mean sleep delay time for the "no-filter" night was 20.84±9.15 minutes, while the sleep delay times for the nights with amber and blue filters were 15.26±1.04 and 26.33±1.59 minutes, respectively. Conclusion: The findings obtained in this study support this hypothesis that blue light possibly suppresses the secretion of melatonin more than the longer wavelengths of the visible light spectrum. Using amber filter in this study significantly improved the sleep quality. Altogether, these findings lead us to this conclusion that blocking the short-wavelength component of the light emitted by smartphones' screens improves human sleep.
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Re: Insomnia and Mild Cognitive Impairment S. M. J. Mortazavi, PhDFirst Published July 20, 2018 Full text available at:
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Acute exposure to light within the blue wavelengths has been shown to enhance alertness and vigilance, and lead to improved speed on reaction time tasks, possibly due to activation of the noradrenergic system. It remains unclear, however, whether the effects of blue light extend beyond simple alertness processes to also enhance other aspects of cognition, such as memory performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a thirty minute pulse of blue light versus placebo (amber light) exposure in healthy normally rested individuals in the morning during verbal memory consolidation (i.e., 1.5 hours after memory acquisition) using an abbreviated version of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). At delayed recall, individuals who received blue light (n = 12) during the consolidation period showed significantly better long-delay verbal recall than individuals who received amber light exposure (n = 18), while controlling for the effects of general intelligence, depressive symptoms and habitual wake time. These findings extend previous work demonstrating the effect of blue light on brain activation and alertness to further demonstrate its effectiveness at facilitating better memory consolidation and subsequent retention of verbal material. Although preliminary, these findings point to a potential application of blue wavelength light to optimize memory performance in healthy populations. It remains to be determined whether blue light exposure may also enhance performance in clinical populations with memory deficits.
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Background: Due to rapid advances in modern technologies such as telecommunication technology, the world has witnessed an exponential growth in the use of digital handheld devices (e.g. smartphones and tablets). This drastic growth has resulted in increased global concerns about the safety of these devices. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other digital screens emit high levels of short-wavelength visible light (i.e. blue color region in the visible light spectrum). Material and Methods: At a dark environment, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were exposed to the light of the tablet and smartphone. The control samples were exposed to the same intensity of light generated by a conventional incandescent light bulb. The growth rate of bacteria was examined by measuring the optical density (OD) at 625 nm by using a spectrophotometer before the light exposure and after 30 to 330 minutes of light exposure. Results: The growth rates of bacteria in both smartphone and tablet groups were higher than that of the control group and the maximum smartphone/control and tablet/control growth ratios were observed in samples exposed to digital screens’ light for 300 min (ratios of 3.71 and 3.95, respectively). Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the effect of exposure to light emitted from digital screens on the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus and its association with acne pathogenesis. Our findings show that exposure to short-wavelength visible light emitted from smartphones and tablets can increase the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus. Correspondence:
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Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used to provide illumination in industrial and commercial environments. LEDs are also used in TVs, computers, smart phones, and tablets. Although the light emitted by most LEDs appears white, LEDs have peak emission in the blue light range (400–490 nm). The accumulating experimental evidence has indicated that exposure to blue light can affect many physiologic functions, and it can be used to treat circadian and sleep dysfunctions. However, blue light can also induce photoreceptor damage. Thus, it is important to consider the spectral output of LED-based light sources to minimize the danger that may be associated with blue light exposure. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the effects of blue light on the regulation of physiologic functions and the possible effects of blue light exposure on ocular health.
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Objective: To objectively and subjectively compare whether reading a story for 30 min from an iPad or from a book in bed prior to sleep will differentially affect sleep. Methods: Sixteen students (12 females, mean age 25.1 ± 2.9 years) underwent ambulatory (sleeping in their own beds at home) polysomnographic (PSG) recordings in a counterbalanced crossover design consisting of three PSG nights (one adaptation night, two test nights) and two different reading materials: read from an iPad or from a book. Illumination was measured during reading and Karolinska Sleepiness Scale was completed prior to turning the light off. Sleep diaries were kept to assess subjective sleep parameters from day to day. Results: Illumination was higher in the iPad condition compared to the book condition (58.3 ± 6.9 vs 26.7 ± 8.0 lux, p <0.001). Reading a story from an iPad decreased subjective sleepiness, delayed the EEG dynamics of slow wave activity by approximately 30 min, and reduced slow wave activity after sleep onset compared to reading from a book. No parameters of sleep state timing and sleep onset latency differed between the two reading conditions. Conclusion: Although there was no direct effect on time spent in different sleep states and self-reported sleep onset latency, the use of an iPad which emits blue enriched light impinges acutely on sleepiness and EEG characteristics of sleep pressure. Hence, the use of commercially available tablets may have consequences in terms of alertness, circadian physiology, and sleep.
Introduction: Night-shift works are basically accompanied by reduced cognitive performance, sleepiness, and higher possibility for human error and related incidents. It is therefore crucial to improve individuals' performance and alertness in sensitive places like industries' control room with the ultimate goal of increasing efficiency and reducing the number of possible incidents. Previous research has indicated that blue light is a critical cue for entraining circadian rhythm. As a result, the present study was an attempt to investigate whether blue-enriched white light illumination was a practical strategy to decrease sleepiness and improve cognitive performance during night shifts. Martial and methods: The study, which adopted a before-after interventional design, was conducted among 30 control room staff members of petrochemical industry. After baseline assessments under existing lighting conditions, every participant was exposed to two new lighting conditions (namely, 17,000K and 6500K blue-enriched white light), each lasting for a week. Assessments were conducted again at the end of these treatments. In order to measure the subjective sleepiness, Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS) was utilized. Subjects also performed the Conners' Continuous Performance Test II (CPT-II) and 1-back test in order to gauge their cognitive performance, and melatonin assessment was carried out using salivary and Eliza technique. The data was analyzed using two-way repeated measure ANOVA. Results: The results indicated that, compared to normal lighting conditions, participants' sleepiness and melatonin rhythm significantly declined when they were exposed to blue-enriched white light. Furthermore, the experimental condition had a significant effect on the reduction of working memory errors. It also decreased omission errors and the reaction time during the sustained attention task. Conclusions: Thus, using blue-enriched white light may be a proper ergonomic strategy for improving performance and alertness, especially during night, in sensitive environments like control rooms.