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The Role of the Skin Barrier in Perioricial Dermatitis
Anamaria Balić1, Domagoj Vlašić2, Mislav Mokos2, Branka Marinović1
1Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb,
School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; 2University of Zagreb, School
of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author:
Professor Branka Marinović, MD, PhD
Department of Dermatology and Venereology
University Hospital Centre Zagreb
School of Medicine University of Zagreb
10000 Zagreb
Received: March 12, 2019
Accepted: August 8, 2019
Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2019;27(3):169-179 REVIEW
ABSTRACT Perioricial dermatitis, mostly known as perioral dermatitis,
is a benign inammatory facial dermatosis which can be a severe bur-
den and even disguring and psychologically disturbing. The disease
still presents a challenge for physicians when it comes to etiology and
appropriate therapy. Although a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic factors
have been proposed as etiopathogenetic factors, none of these fully ex-
plain complex pathogenesis of the disease. There is more evidence that
supports beliefs that the epidermal barrier dysfunction is an underlying
main pathogenic factor that contributes to persistent cutaneous inam-
mation in typical facial localizations. Patients with perioricial dermatitis
are considered hyper-reactors who have impaired essential function of
the skin barrier, especially the skin barrier of the perioral region, char-
acterized by thin permeable stratum corneum and imbalance of inter-
cellular lipids, which makes them more susceptible to various internal
and external irritants that contribute to the development of the disease.
The verication of this connection reinforces the need for clinicians to
address this issue when approaching their patients and formulating
the best treatment plan. Treatment should emphasize repairing the im-
paired skin barrier function to minimize associated skin inammation
and sensitivity, which results in resolution of the objective and subjec-
tive symptoms.
KEY WORDS: skin barrier, perioricial dermatitis, perioral dermatitis,
transepidermal water loss, corticosteroids
Perioricial dermatitis (PD) is a benign inamma-
tory facial dermatosis presenting in both children
and adults as persistent grouped tiny erythematous
papules, papulovesicles, and papulopustules some-
times on the background of pink, scaly patches (1,2).
Although its most common form is perioral with char-
acteristic spared skin zone around the vermilion bor-
der, there can be additional or exclusive periocular
and perinasal involvement, which is the reason why
the term perioricial dermatitis is used (3). Patients
frequently complain of subjective symptoms like
burning or stinging and/or pruritus. The disease is in-
creasing in its incidence but still presents a challenge
for physicians when it comes to etiology, patho-
physiology, and appropriate therapy. Several etio-
pathogenetic factors have been proposed, but none
of these fully explains the intricate pathogenesis of
the disease (4-7). In addition to the most well-known
contributing factor, topical corticosteroids (TC) (8),
several other factors have been proposed including
excessive skin cleaning and washing, occlusive skin
moisturizers, physical sunscreens and cosmetic prod-
ucts, uoridated toothpastes, fusobacteria, Candida
albicans, Demodex folliculorum, and hormonal inu-
ences dependent on the menstrual cycle or oral con-
traceptive therapy (1,9-13).
It is currently believed that the interplay of both
intrinsic and extrinsic factors is crucial for the devel-
opment of PD, with an emphasis on the interaction of
external irritants, atopic diathesis, and decient skin
barrier (SB) function (1,9,14,15). Deciencies in SB
function and features of atopy have been detected at
increased frequency in patients with PD (14-16), so it
is believed that impaired SB function could augment
the risk of persistent cutaneous inammation after
exposure to external and internal irritants, but its de-
nitive role has not been established yet.
In order to corroborate the previously proposed
role of SB in PD, we conducted a clinical review on
the state of the SB in PD and its proposed role in the
etiopathogenesis of the disease as well as the fac-
tors inuencing SB function which result in occur-
rence or worsening of PD. Four databases, EMBASE,
SCOPUS, MEDLINE (PubMed), and Google Scholar
were thoroughly searched using the following key
terms: “perioricial dermatitis”, “perioral dermatitis”,
“periocular dermatitis’’, “skin barrier”, and “corticoste-
roids”. The selection process was performed through
an initial screening of titles and abstracts, followed by
evaluation of full-text articles. Further papers were
also identied from the reference lists of the above-
retrieved papers and citations, as identied by Web
of Science.
The function of skin barrier defects in
most common inammatory facial skin
disorders – atopic dermatitis and rosacea
The skin is both a physical, “chemical”, and im-
munological antimicrobial barrier that has a critical
role in the prevention of water loss, preservation of
electrolyte balance, allergen penetration, and host
defense against microbial invasion (17). The main
component of the SB is the multilayered stratum cor-
neum (SC), often modeled as a brick wall because of
its lmogenic features due to SC corneocytes with
their resistant cell envelopes and keratin microbrils
that produce a physical barrier of a cross-linked ma-
trix containing various proteins and multiple lamel-
lar sheets enriched in ceramides, cholesterol and free
fatty acid (18,19). Nucleated cells with a cytoskeleton
and tight and gap junctions contribute to the physi-
cal barrier. Filaggrin (FLG) and proteins of the tight
junctions (TJs) (occludin, claudin, zonula occludens
1 and 2, junctional adhesion molecule-1, and multi-
PDZ-1) have been the most studied components of
the SB (20-23). FLG, after being hydrolyzed, contrib-
utes to the formation of relevant components for pH
maintenance, moisture, and skin protection against
microbial agents (24-26). TJ proteins with active
expression, on the other hand, are important to con-
trol the selective permeability of the epidermis to form
the barrier against the external inuences (20,27,28).
The “chemical” barrier is formed by lipids, the “acid
mantle”, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) secreted by
keratinocytes, mast cells (MCs) and sebocytes, and the
FLG that aggregates keratin laments and produces
natural moisturizing factors (NMF) (19,29). These com-
ponents synergistically ensure proper keratinization
and lipid synthesis, providing antimicrobial protec-
tion and adequate skin hydration.
An intact SB can be regarded as the rst and most
essential component of the innate immune system
(17). It is well-known from various studies, mostly ex-
amining atopic dermatitis (AD), that the impairment
of the SB function, which corresponds to increased
transepidermal water loss (TEWL) (30) and decreased
SC hydration, is correlated to initiation of a cytokine
cascade in the human skin (24,29,31,32), which sup-
ports the claim that dysfunction of SB greatly contrib-
utes to triggering and perpetuation of inammation
in the aected skin. Patients with AD and deciency
in FLG expression have decreased SC hydration, in-
creased TEWL, higher pH which causes impaired
serine protease activation and modication of micro-
biome, impaired skin integrity due to reduced pro-
tein expression in keratinocytes, and impaired AMPs
function which leads to ongoing inammation that
contributes to already impaired SB function (29,33).
It is not only in AD, but also other inammatory der-
matoses such as rosacea, that increased basal TEWL
activates certain epidermal proteases, specically SC
serine proteases, and this activation leads to inam-
mation (15,16,34-36).
Not all patients with AD can attribute their disease
to FLG mutations; in such patients we can detect oth-
er causes of the impaired barrier, mostly altered com-
position and structure of the lipids (37-42). Skin lipids
produced by sebaceous glands not only contribute
to integrity, but also exhibit strong antimicrobial ac-
tivity (43). In addition to the FLG mutations and lipid
disbalance, there are numerous factors which can
be inuenced and whose functions can be altered,
since many proteolytic enzymes and protease inhibi-
tors are involved in obtaining the normal function
and structure of the barrier. We can say that all the
important functions of the barrier are a result of the
barrier’s structure and organization. Except for genet-
ic predisposition, where FLG mutation has the central
role, many exogenous and endogenous stressors can
additionally compromise SB, such as psychosocio-
logical stress, environmental pollution, and hygiene
products/cosmetics which cause further damage to
the SB (29,35,44-47).
Balić et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Role of the skin barrier in perioricial dermatitis 2019;27(3):169-179
In rosacea, as one of the most common facial
dermatoses that is being clinically correlated to PD
according to some authors, studies assessing SB are
scarce and they focus mostly on sebum production
(48). Two studies reported that rosacea depends more
on skin hydration levels, with dry skin being aected
the most, than on the amount of sebum (49,50). Sur-
prisingly, there is data that supports evidence that se-
bum production is important but due to the content
itself, particularly of fatty acids, which may inuence
the SB integrity of patients with rosacea (51).
Rosacea has a complex pathophysiology char-
acterized by a modied innate immune response to
environmental stimuli (52,53). Under normal physi-
ologic conditions, triggering the innate immune sys-
tem leads to controlled increases in AMPs (e.g. cat-
helicidins, defensins, psoriasins) and cytokines in the
skin (54,55). These pathways are disrupted in patients
with rosacea who have been shown to have increased
baseline expression of AMP cathelicidin and serine
protease kallikrein 5 (KLK5) that cleaves cathelicidin
into its active peptide form – cathelicidin LL-37 (Cath
LL-37), which possesses proinammatory and angio-
genic properties by promoting leukocyte chemotaxis
and angiogenesis (56-59). Although mostly attribut-
ed to the pathophysiology of rosacea, Cath LL-37 is,
along with other overexpressed AMPs, also implicat-
ed in the pathogenesis of AD and psoriasis (55,60,61).
Not only is KLK5 increased in rosacea pathology, but
there is also an increase in molecules that activate
it and promote inammation, i.e. Toll-like receptor
2 (TLR2) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) (62-
64). Zheng et al. (65) showed that Cath LL-37 also
stimulates the generation of reactive oxygen species
(ROS); their importance in rosacea pathophysiology
is emphasized by the eectiveness of the most com-
monly used topical agent in the treatment of rosacea
and PD – metronidazole (66). Cath LL-37 has emerged
as a key mediator in the pathogenesis of rosacea af-
ter being examined in animal studies, which showed
that intradermal administration of Cath LL-37 induces
an inammatory response with rosacea-like features
(56). Doxycycline, which is a proven and eective
treatment for both rosacea and PD, directly inhibits
MMP-9 which in turn inhibits KLK5 activity, suppress-
es activation of cathelicidins in human epidermal ke-
ratinocytes, and results in suppression of inamma-
tion and clinical improvement (67,68).
MCs which are well-known as one of the cells re-
sponsible for secretion of AMPs, have recently been
identied as key mediators of cathelicidin-initiated
skin inammation in rosacea (69-71). MCs, MC prote-
ases, and MMP-9 are found in increased numbers in
the skin of patients with rosacea. It is known that this
cell type partly regulates SB function, not only by be-
ing the primary source of Cath LL-37 responsible for
the inammation and worsening of the SB but also
by acting through its proteases responsible for vaso-
dilatation and angiogenesis as well as amplication
of the inammation by recruitment of other immune
cells, primarily neutrophils (69,72). The most abun-
dant MCs mediator is tryptase, which causes direct
proteolytic damage, activates proteinase-activated
receptors and neuropeptides precursors, and causes
inammation. MCs are rich in proinammatory me-
diators, particularly tumor necrosis factor and IL-6,
which could also perpetuate local inammatory pro-
cesses in response to chemical, mechanical, psycho-
logical, or oxidative stress (72).
The impairment of the skin barrier in peri-
oricial dermatitis
As mentioned previously, current understand-
ing of the etiopathogenesis of the PD points to the
importance of skin-environmental interactions with
an emphasis on the interaction of external irritants,
atopic diathesis, and impairment of SB function (73).
The clinical observation of a tight association of PD
with sensitive skin has led scientists to the concept
of abnormal epidermal barrier function in PD that is
in contrast to AD restricted only to facial skin, with
both clinically involved and uninvolved areas of the
facial skin having SB impairment, mostly the perioral
region, suggesting the presence of mild invisible
inammation (15,74). A Japanese group of authors
conducted a study to evaluate dierences in bio-
physical functions of skin in distinct facial regions
(74). They showed that the barrier function of SC is
signicantly poorest on the chin, whereas the naso-
labial fold region presented with the highest TEWL,
in contrast to the cheek region presenting with the
lowest TEWL. Furthermore, the corneocytes on the
chin and the nasolabial folds were smaller than those
on the cheeks but increased in size with age, which
is in concordance with results showing a decrease in
TEWL. The group also tried to characterize the skin
surface lipids on facial specic sites. They revealed
that skin surface lipids were richest on the nose, fore-
head, and chin, signicantly higher than those mea-
sured on the cheek, but they did not nd a correla-
tion between skin surface lipids and TEWL that would
corroborate the evidence of reduced lipids in PD skin.
Their results are similar those of Shiner and Maibach,
demonstrating that the nasolabial skin is the most
sensitive area of the face when exposed to certain
irritants (75). It is therefore understandable that pa-
tients with impaired facial SB are hyper-reactors be-
cause of the thin permeable SC which makes them
Balić et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Role of the skin barrier in perioricial dermatitis 2019;27(3):169-179
more susceptible to chemical irritations, namely that
of the perioral region, leading to the development of
PD (76,77). Although patients with impaired facial SB
are considered to be hyper-reactors, and the impor-
tant feature of many “hyper-reactive” skin diseases is
mounting of excessive immune cell response to low-
level stimuli (78), there are still no studies focusing
on the immune dysfunction in PD, either in the skin
or systemically. Skin of rosacea-prone persons and
patients presenting with sensitive skin both have in
common perpetuation of perivascular, epidermal,
and dermal inammation which synergistically accel-
erates epidermal proliferation and dierentiation, re-
sulting in functionally impaired SC without the ability
to maintain proper hydration. This leads to hydration
loss and increased TEWL, which is already increased
by the underlying inammation. As explained previ-
ously, similarly as in AD, in addition to increased TEWL
certain epidermal proteases are being activated and
there is a change in the innate immune functions, in-
cluding an increase in AMPs that leads to ongoing in-
ammation. It is possible that dysregulation of the in-
nate immune system, very similar to the one involved
in rosacea and AD, is the core pathogenetic pathway
that augments the risk for persistent skin inamma-
tion in patients with PD who already have impaired
SB and features of atopy and who are exposed to ex-
ternal stressors/irritants.
Since skin lipids are crucial for a healthy skin bar-
rier (38,79), we tried to nd articles presenting direct
evidence of reduced lipids in PD skin, but there were
no studies that examined at least one component
crucial for SB function in this group of patients. Para-
doxically, there were studies showing that excessive
use of moisturizers, especially occlusive moisturizing
emollients based on paran or petrolatum jelly, can
be irritating for the facial skin and result in SB dysfunc-
tion, leading to edema of the SC and increased TEWL,
leading to the conclusion that the skin lipids content
and the structure is more important than the quantity
itself (9,15). An Australian study conducted by Malik
corroborated the role of excessive topical cosmetics
usage in the development of PD by demonstrating
that a combination of moisturizer, night cream, and
foundation signicantly increases the risk of PD (80).
Dirschka et al. (14) investigated facial SB function and
various markers of atopy to elucidate their role in the
development of PD. On the basis of their ndings,
they proposed that atopy serves as an intensier that
contributes to ongoing inammation in PD after non-
specic irritants have induced impaired SB function.
Unfortunately, despite some minor investigative and
clinical studies, there are currently no studies or evi-
dence that would corroborate the role of SB function
in PD pathogenesis by elucidating specic molecular
or genetic pathways. Established link between SB
dysfunction and the cutaneous cytokine cascade ex-
plained in detail in AD pathogenesis (29,32) has not
been studied in PD, although deciencies in SB func-
tion and features of atopy have been detected in the
majority of patients with PD.
Topical steroids – skin barrier – periori-
cial dermatitis
It is well-known that TC use triggers or aggravates
PD, and therefore it should be avoided as much as
possible when dealing with this group of patients. It
is not only TC usage, but also the use of inhaled or
nasal corticosteroids, and even the “connubial” expo-
sure from intimate contact with another person who
uses TC that can result in the disease (12).
Since their rst introduction in 1951, the abuse of
the TC has been a prevalent problem. Although it is
strongly suggested to avoid prolonged continuous
and/or repeated intermittent TC use in disorders like
PD and rosacea, these instructions are often not ad-
hered to by the patients (81). Initial improvement of
their symptoms with TC treatment leads to prolonged
misuse and long-term dependency on TC that result in
adverse eects such as epidermal atrophy, degenera-
tion of dermal structure, and collagen deterioration
that are predictable but dicult to manage (82,83).
Both human and animal model studies showed vari-
ous cutaneous abnormalities that occurred as a result
of TC use, including alterations in epidermal struc-
ture and SB permeability that lead to increased TEWL
(8,37,84). When we translate these ndings into clini-
cal practice, we often see that the routine misuse of
uorinated TC on the face results in an large group of
skin complications like PD and an eruption clinically
indistinguishable from rosacea – “steroid-induced ro-
sacea” – which is also known in literature under the
term corticosteroid-induced rosacea-like dermatitis
(CIRD) (34,82). CIRD was reported by Del Rosso to
occur more commonly in female patients (72%), of-
ten with a history of atopy (67%), and the patients
additionally reported symptoms such as burning,
stinging, dryness, and pruritus (34). It is believed that
anyone may develop this complication; however,
it may be that rosacea-prone persons and persons
with sensitive skin or history of atopy are more sus-
ceptible, which could be explained by the fact that
both the facial skin of these group of patients and
those who had been treated with TC have essentially
impaired epidermal barrier (15,85). In patients prone
to rosacea, with chronic TC use PD may eventually
progress into a more severe granulomatous subtype
Balić et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Role of the skin barrier in perioricial dermatitis 2019;27(3):169-179
of the disease occurring in the same distribution as
esh-colored to erythematous or yellow-brown pap-
ules (5,86,87). It is believed that TC cause damage of
the hair follicle wall followed by edema in the follicle
cells, which results in the development of granulo-
matous PD (62,87). When examining the medical his-
tory of most patients in our clinical practice, we often
came across prolonged continuous and/or repeated
intermittent TC use. Initially, inammation was sup-
pressed with TC, but the eruption recurred upon the
withdrawal of the TC. According to medical history,
most of our patients with PD that were mistreated
with TC over a longer period had atopic dermatitis,
seborrheic dermatitis, and sometimes rosacea (1). As
it is usually observed in patients with PD and CIRD,
we noticed extreme sensitivity of our patients’ facial
skin resulting from perturbed epidermal permeabil-
ity, caused by both underlying disease, excessive skin
cleaning, and prolonged TC use.
Stress – skin barrier – perioricial dermatitis
Stress is a term which has become ubiquitous in
the everyday life of each and every one of us and
presents a burden to our normal functioning. Psycho-
logical stress is triggered by a stimulus that induces
a reaction in the brain which consequently activates
additional physiological systems in the body, includ-
ing the nervous, endocrine, and immune system
(88,89). There is more and more evidence and studies
corroborating the concept of neuro-endocrine skin
that was formulated twenty years ago, which sees the
skin as a bi-directional platform for signal exchange
with other peripheral organs, such as the endocrine
and immune system (88,90,91). On the other hand,
the skin allows the brain to achieve rapid and selec-
tive responses to the environment in order to main-
tain local and systemic homeostasis. The skin repre-
sents the rst line of defense against many external
irritants and noxic inputs, being especially sensitive
to psychological stress according to many investiga-
tors. Studies have demonstrated that psychological
stress alters the homeostasis of the cutaneous barrier
as well as the adaptive immune system, which is even
clearer in studies showing reduced recovery time of
the SC after elimination of psychological stress (92-
95). Choi et al. (94) investigated the inuence of psy-
chologic stress on SB homeostasis and showed that,
similarly to glucocorticoids, it alters SB homeostasis
and SC integrity and inhibits epidermal lipid synthe-
sis, resulting in decreased production and secretion
of lamellar bodies and impaired production of lamel-
lar membranes in SC interstices. They also found that
topical treatment with physiologic lipids restores
both permeability barrier homeostasis and SC integ-
rity even in situations of ongoing psychologic stress,
which means that topical treatment with lipids could
be benecial in stress-induced, barrier-associated
Antigen presentation by epidermal Langerhans
cells has also been altered under the inuence of
stress (96). It is therefore not surprising that many
dermatological diseases are triggered or exacerbat-
ed by psychological stress. Stress signals initiate the
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the
sympathetic nervous system, induce secretion of dif-
ferent neurotransmitters, cytokines, and hormones
that possess skin receptors, and can aggravate skin
diseases like acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rosa-
cea, and even PD (45,97-99). The exact mechanisms
of stress-induced triggering or aggravation of PD
have not yet been claried. We hypothesize that
glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens which are
released during emotionally stressful periods lead to
skin hyper-sensitivity to various other stimuli but also
provoke or sustain inammation through activation
of an impaired epidermal barrier-initiated cytokine
cascade and AMPs disbalance. The inuence of psy-
chological stress on SB function, just as the inuence
of endogenous glucocorticoids, could be connected
to the inhibition of epidermal lipid synthesis resulting
in decreased production of epidermal lamellar bod-
ies. Because one of the functions of human epidermal
lamellar bodies is to deliver endogenous lipids, AMPs,
and desquamatory enzymes to SC interstices, a de-
crease in its formation contributes to an impairment
of the antimicrobial SB function which explains the
uncontrolled inammatory response when such skin
is exposed to various external irritants, especially in-
fectious agents (93,100). Based on results in the eld
of neuroimmunology showing that MCs are highly
sensitive to modulation of stress hormones such as
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and ACTH,
there is increasing evidence that MCs have a func-
tional role as “switchboards” of neurogenic inamma-
tion during stress responses (72,91).
The diagnosis of PD is established clinically based
on physical examination and clinical history. Although
the diagnosis is straightforward in most cases, some-
times a biopsy is helpful to exclude other dierential
diagnoses like sarcoidosis, granulomatous rosacea,
allergic contact dermatitis, or a variety of cutaneous
adnexal neoplasms (101). Because of the perturbed
SB of the aected facial skin, it is suggested to per-
form a “null therapy” or ‘’zero therapy’’ approach for
the rst few weeks of treatment as a way to prime the
skin (34,102). During this period, all topical products
Balić et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Role of the skin barrier in perioricial dermatitis 2019;27(3):169-179
should be discontinued, including topical medica-
tions, cosmetics, soaps, astringents, abrasives, and
occlusive moisturizers. If the history is positive for TC
misuse, the most important step in the treatment is
to immediately cease their application either abrupt-
ly or by tapering them down by using a low potency
TC such as 1% hydrocortisone, or by slowly tapering
the frequency of more potent TC application prior to
their cessation (12,73). After subsequently priming
the skin, usually just with saline or chamomile tea
dressings along with a non-occlusive moisturizing
emulsion, other benecial therapeutic options which
result in excellent therapeutic response should be in-
troduced. Several topical options have been suggest-
ed as rst-line pharmacologic agents for PD – met-
ronidazole 0,75% gel or 1% cream, 2% erythromycin
gel, clindamycin gel or lotion, topical sulfur prepara-
tions, azelaic acid, and calcineurin inhibitors, mostly
1% pimecrolimus cream, especially when it comes to
treatment of CIRD or PD induced or exaggerated by
TC (5,34,73,103,104). However, some patients, mostly
those with TC-induced PD, complain of irritation after
starting topical medication, in which case the period
of “null therapy” should be prolonged. In our clinical
practice, we have had excellent results by applying
this approach, which is seen in the example of a typi-
cal patient with PD presenting with a periocular vari-
ant of PD (Figure 1, a, b).
In cases of extensive presentation of PD or if topi-
cal therapy is not enough or not helpful (we usually
wait up to one month of application twice a day)
systemic treatment with oral antibiotics is suggest-
ed (5). The most commonly used antibiotics for PD
are tetracyclines because of their anti-inammatory
properties, but oral erythromycin is used as an alter-
native for patients who cannot tolerate tetracyclines
or for children under age of nine due to the risk of
adverse eects (1,73). When both topical therapy and
oral antibiotics fail to yield the desired result, low-
dose isotretinoin can be used with good response
(105,106). There is more and more evidence of ben-
ecial and well-tolerated treatment of PD with either
oral or 1% topical ivermectin in individual cases, but
well-designed prospective studies with larger num-
ber of patients are needed to corroborate its thera-
peutic role in PD (107).
Most of our patients conrm that PD has a strong
negative impact on their quality of life through stig-
matizing feelings and anxiety. They report that their
facial skin condition negatively inuences their emo-
tional health, which results in psychological comor-
bidities such as anxiety disorders and social phobias.
There is no doubt that this emotional stress aggra-
vates the underlying disease even more. Therefore,
management and therapeutic approach of PD should
be adjusted individually, with special attention to
triggering factors, the irritant potential of topical
therapeutics, patient education in the disease course,
and continuous psychological support, which results
in improved quality of life and better social function-
ing of our patients.
As intact SB is synonymous for healthy skin, it is
not surprising that SB function has often been exam-
ined many times when studying various inamma-
tory dermatoses. Although some parts of the puzzle
are still missing, there is more clinical and observa-
tional evidence that even PD can be triggered or ex-
acerbated through disruption of SB permeability and
function. There is also more evidence that patients
with PD are hyper-reactors with impaired essential SB
function, especially SB of the perioral region, charac-
terized by thin permeable SC and imbalance of inter-
cellular lipids which makes them more susceptible to
various internal and external irritants and leading to
the development of PD. Unfortunately, there are still
no scientic studies which would further explain the
Figure 1. Periocular presentation of perioricial dermatitis
in a 45-year-old female patient. (a) Topical corticosteroid-
induced worsening of periocular dermatitis presenting as
clustered monomorphous erythematous papules along
with stinging sensation; (b) Marked initial improvement
noted at two weeks after cessation of topical corticoste-
roids, treatment with a ceramide-based gentle cleanser,
wet saline dressings, a non-occlusive moisturizing emul-
sion, and 1% metronidazole cream applied once daily.
Balić et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Role of the skin barrier in perioricial dermatitis 2019;27(3):169-179
exact intrinsic factors that cause changes in the SB in
patients with PD or the specic genetic and molecu-
lar pathways responsible for the inammation of spe-
cic facial localizations in aected individuals. More
research in this area would corroborate the role of SB
dysfunction in PD and be useful in improving our un-
derstanding of the development of the disease. The
validation of SB impairment in patients with PD re-
inforces the need for clinicians to address this issue
when approaching patients with PD and formulat-
ing the best treatment plan. The treatment should
emphasize repair of the impaired SB function and
reduction of the increased TEWL in order to minimize
associated skin inammation and sensitivity. Treat-
ment recommendations should be evidence-based,
and the use of barrier-improving moisturizers should
be encouraged because they shorten the treatment
period needed for improvement and provide both
sparing of other therapeutic agents and skin care
maintenance quality.
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