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Optimal Control Strategy for Variable Air Volume Air-Conditioning Systems Using Genetic Algorithms


Abstract and Figures

This study is aimed at developing a real-time optimal control strategy for variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning in a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system using genetic algorithms and a simulated large-scale office building. The two selected control variables are the settings for the supply air temperature and the duct static pressure to provide optimal control for the VAV air-conditioning system. Genetic algorithms were employed to calculate the optimal control settings for each control variable. The proposed optimal control conditions were evaluated according to the total energy consumption of the HVAC system based on its component parts (fan, chiller, and cold-water pump). The results confirm that the supply air temperature and duct static pressure change according to the cooling load of the simulated building. Using the proposed optimal control variables, the total energy consumption of the building was reduced up to 5.72% compared to under ‘normal’ settings and conditions.
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Optimal Control Strategy for Variable Air Volume
Air-Conditioning Systems Using Genetic Algorithms
Nam-Chul Seong 1, Jee-Heon Kim 1and Wonchang Choi 2,*
Eco-System Research Center, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Korea; (N.-C.S.); (J.-H.K.)
2Department of Architectural Engineering, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Korea
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-31-750-5335
Received: 3 September 2019; Accepted: 18 September 2019; Published: 19 September 2019
This study is aimed at developing a real-time optimal control strategy for variable air
volume (VAV) air-conditioning in a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system using
genetic algorithms and a simulated large-scale oce building. The two selected control variables are
the settings for the supply air temperature and the duct static pressure to provide optimal control
for the VAV air-conditioning system. Genetic algorithms were employed to calculate the optimal
control settings for each control variable. The proposed optimal control conditions were evaluated
according to the total energy consumption of the HVAC system based on its component parts (fan,
chiller, and cold-water pump). The results confirm that the supply air temperature and duct static
pressure change according to the cooling load of the simulated building. Using the proposed optimal
control variables, the total energy consumption of the building was reduced up to 5.72% compared to
under ‘normal’ settings and conditions.
heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system; variable air volume (VAV);
optimization; genetic algorithm
1. Introduction
Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems constitute a significant portion of the
energy consumption of many buildings [
]. Researchers have tried to determine a methodology
to reduce such HVAC energy consumption [
] and, among the developed methodologies, genetic
algorithms (GAs) are widely used in various fields and are known to be suitable for solving complex
optimization problems, especially when large amounts of data and parameters are involved [
Therefore, GAs (a type of machine learning technique) are applicable for the optimization of complex
configurations of systems such as buildings [
]. Extensive research has been conducted to optimize the
thermal performance of buildings and reduce energy consumption, particularly that of the building’s
HVAC system [
]. Recent studies have shown that optimization methods that use GAs can save energy
in HVAC systems and improve energy eciency [
]. Researchers have carried out analyses of the
changes in the energy consumption of HVAC systems with respect to building design parameters [
and have optimized HVAC system design based on simulations [10].
The performance of buildings and their HVAC systems is influenced in real time due to factors
such as temperature and humidity of the outside air, operation modes and patterns, and others. In order
to implement ecient operations and eectively control a building’s HVAC system, the HVAC system
must be operated and controlled by optimal control variables (settings) in real time that correspond to
the changes in load usage according to the external environment. Preferably, such optimal operation
and control can be implemented without additional costs for updating the system [12].
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122; doi:10.3390/su11185122
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 2 of 12
The typical local controls in a valuable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system rely on static
pressure control, supply air temperature, and outdoor air flow [
]. These local controls have an
eect on the indoor comfort and energy consumption in the system. The appropriate controls can be
achieved by adopting indoor loads and outdoor conditions in real time. Local controls in a VAV system
have traditionally been implemented using controllers with values derived from traditional control
strategies such as setpoint reset, proportional integral derivative (PID), and model predictive control
(MPC) [1618].
HVAC systems are comprised of many components and subsystems (e.g., fans, chillers, pumps,
ductwork, pipes, heat exchangers, etc.). In this research, an oce building was used as the reference
building in which the HVAC system was modeled and simulated. The optimal control variables were
derived from genetic algorithms (GAs) and are proposed to mitigate energy consumption and optimize
the performance of HVAC systems in large-scale oce buildings. The calculated optimal control
variables/settings were input to a variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system at one-hour
intervals. GAs were employed to analyze the changes in the calculated optimal control variables
which, in turn, were used to operate the modeled system. Using this process, energy savings were
calculated and compared with the energy consumption under previous ‘normal’ (compared to ‘optimal’)
operating conditions.
2. Generation of Simulated Reference Building and Description of VAV System
Among the standard buildings found in the Commercial Prototype Building Models proposed
by the United States Department of Energy’s Building Energy Codes Program [
] and
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 [
] for standardized energy assessment, the category of Large Oce
Buildings [
] was selected as the building type to generate the required input data for this study.
The input values for the reference building were modified to reflect the usage profile of a large oce
building in Korea [
]. To fit the simulation program, weather information was obtained by modifying
test reference year (TRY) data, which are the standard weather data for the Seoul area. Table 1presents
the main boundary conditions that were used in the proposed simulation model to acquire data.
Table 1.
Simulation Conditions for Reference Large-Scale Oce Building. HVAC: heating, ventilation,
and air-conditioning.
Component Features
Weather data and site location Test reference year (TRY) Seoul
(latitude: 37.57N, longitude: 126.97E)
Building type Large-scale oce building
Total building area (m2)46,320
Hours simulated (hour) 8760
Envelope insulation (m2K/W) External wall 0.35, roof 0.213, external window 1.5
Window-to-wall ratio (%) 40
Setting (C) Cooling 26, heating 20
Internal gain Lighting 10.76 (W/m2), people 18.58 (m2/person),
plug and process 10.76 (W/m2)
HVAC sizing Autocalculated (software to be determined)
HVAC operation schedule 7:00–18:00
The building and its HVAC system were simulated using EnergyPlus version 8.9.0 (U.S. Department
of Energy, Washington, DC, USA) [
]. The outputs, which include energy consumption, were
generated from EnergyPlus and include quantities for flow, temperature, and pressure at each node
in the building’s system. The HVAC system modeled in this study has an air handling unit that
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 3 of 12
provides a VAV system to each room and a freezer that can be used also as a heat source in cold weather.
Numerous controllable settings are required to manage a VAV system, from heating and cooling
temperature settings and minimum airflow rate settings at the zone level to the minimum outside
airflow, supply air temperature, and duct static pressure settings at the system level [
]. Among the
various controllable variables in an HVAC system, the settings for supply air temperature and duct
static pressure are selected specially for the study as the control variables in the VAV air-conditioning
system. Figure 1describes a typical VAV HVAC system that includes the control setting locations for
the supply air temperature and duct static pressure.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 11
consumption, were generated from EnergyPlus and include quantities for flow, temperature, and
pressure at each node in the building’s system. The HVAC system modeled in this study has an air
handling unit that provides a VAV system to each room and a freezer that can be used also as a
heat source in cold weather. Numerous controllable settings are required to manage a VAV system,
from heating and cooling temperature settings and minimum airflow rate settings at the zone level
to the minimum outside airflow, supply air temperature, and duct static pressure settings at the
system level [25]. Among the various controllable variables in an HVAC system, the settings for
supply air temperature and duct static pressure are selected specially for the study as the control
variables in the VAV air-conditioning system. Figure 1 describes a typical VAV HVAC system that
includes the control setting locations for the supply air temperature and duct static pressure.
Figure 1. Diagram of typical variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system and setting
3. Optimal Control Using Genetic Algorithms
In this study, GAs were used to derive optimal control parameters for an optimized control
operation. The objective function is the total energy consumption of the HVAC system. First, an
energy calculation model for the HVAC system is needed to implement a GA whose objective
function is the energy consumption of the HVAC system. The numerical model for calculating the
energy of an HVAC system references an existing calculation model and several input variables,
including controlled and uncontrolled variables [26,27]. The numerical models to determine energy
consumption of three components (fan, chiller, and cold-water pump) in the HVAC system are
addressed as follows.
Fan Power Model:
, (1)
, (2)
, (3)
, (4)
where 𝑄 is zone air flow (m
/h), 𝑞 is zone sensible load (kW) 𝑡 is zone temperature (°C), 𝑡 is
supply air temperature (°C), 𝑄 is total system air flow (m
/h), n is number of zone, 𝑃 is duct
Figure 1. Diagram of typical variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system and setting controls.
3. Optimal Control Using Genetic Algorithms
In this study, GAs were used to derive optimal control parameters for an optimized control
operation. The objective function is the total energy consumption of the HVAC system. First, an energy
calculation model for the HVAC system is needed to implement a GA whose objective function is the
energy consumption of the HVAC system. The numerical model for calculating the energy of an HVAC
system references an existing calculation model and several input variables, including controlled
and uncontrolled variables [26,27]. The numerical models to determine energy consumption of three
components (fan, chiller, and cold-water pump) in the HVAC system are addressed as follows.
Fan Power Model:
Qz=qs/1.21(tzts), (1)
Qsys =
Qzi, (2)
Pt=Ps+C×Qsys2, (3)
Pf an =Qsys ×Pt/nf, (4)
is zone air flow (m
is zone sensible load (kW)
is zone temperature (
is supply
air temperature (
is total system air flow (m
/h), n is number of zone,
is duct static pressure
(Pa), Cis flow coecient (dimensionless), Ptis fan total pressure (Pa), nfis fan total eciency (%).
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 4 of 12
Chiller Power Model:
PLR =qct/qnominal ×Rf, (5)
Pchiller =Pre f ×CAPFT ×EIRFT ×EIRPLR, (6)
Pre f =qre f /COPre f , (7)
is part-load ratio,
is system cooling coil load (kW),
is chiller nominal capacity,
refrigeration ton (RT),
is a curve that represents the capacity factor as a function of evaporator
and condenser temperatures,
is a curve that represents the energy input ratio to cooling output
factor as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures, EIRPLR is a curve that represents the
energy input ratio factor as a function of part-load ratio,
qre f
is chiller capacity at reference conditions
(reference temperatures and flow rates) (kW), and
COPre f
is a reference coecient of performance
Pump Power Model:
Qw=qct/Cw×γw×(twr tw), (8)
Ppump =Qw×Ht/np, (9)
is chilled water flow rate (L/s),
is specific heat capacity of water 4.19 (kJ/kg
is density
of water (1000 kg/m
is chilled water return temperature (
is chilled water temperature (
Htis total pump head (Pa), and npis pump total eciency (%).
The input values that are needed to calculate the energy consumption of the HVAC system are
derived from the outputs of the building simulation. The next step is to derive the optimal control
variables using GA that gives a set of optimal or potential solutions to a problem. Each solution in
the population is referred to as an individual. A generation is a new population of individuals that is
created each time [
]; the optimization algorithm is repeated to determine the most optimal solution.
Figure 2presents a flow chart that describes the optimization process to determine optimal control
settings using GAs.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 11
static pressure (Pa), 𝐶 is flow coefficient (dimensionless), 𝑃 is fan total pressure (Pa), 𝑛 is fan
total efficiency (%)
Chiller Power Model:
PLR = 𝑞
, (5)
, (7)
where PLR is part-load ratio, 𝑞 is system cooling coil load (kW), 𝑞 is chiller nominal
capacity, refrigeration ton (RT), CAPFT is a curve that represents the capacity factor as a function of
evaporator and condenser temperatures, EIRFT is a curve that represents the energy input ratio to
cooling output factor as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures, EIRPLR is a curve
that represents the energy input ratio factor as a function of part-load ratio, 𝑞 is chiller capacity
at reference conditions (reference temperatures and flow rates) (kW), and 𝐶𝑂𝑃 is a reference
coefficient of performance (W/W).
Pump Power Model:
, (8)
, (9)
where 𝑄 is chilled water flow rate (L/s), 𝐶 is specific heat capacity of water 4.19 (kJ/kg°C), 𝛾 is
density of water (1000 kg/m
), 𝑡 is chilled water return temperature (°C), 𝑡 is chilled water
temperature (°C), 𝐻 is total pump head (Pa), and 𝑛 is pump total efficiency (%).
The input values that are needed to calculate the energy consumption of the HVAC system are
derived from the outputs of the building simulation. The next step is to derive the optimal control
variables using GA that gives a set of optimal or potential solutions to a problem. Each solution in
the population is referred to as an individual. A generation is a new population of individuals that
is created each time [28]; the optimization algorithm is repeated to determine the most optimal
solution. Figure 2 presents a flow chart that describes the optimization process to determine
optimal control settings using GAs.
Figure 2. Flow chart of energy analysis model for HVAC system using genetic algorithms.
The GAs used for the energy calculation model and optimization of the HVAC system were
programmed using MATLAB R2018a and the toolbox in MATLAB, respectively. The hot season
Figure 2. Flow chart of energy analysis model for HVAC system using genetic algorithms.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 5 of 12
The GAs used for the energy calculation model and optimization of the HVAC system were
programmed using MATLAB R2018a and the toolbox in MATLAB, respectively. The hot season
(from May to September) in Seoul, Korea, was used as the analysis period for calculating the energy
consumption of the HVAC system. The total energy consumption of the HVAC system during the hot
season is the sum of the energy consumption of three components (fan, chiller, and cold-water pump)
in the HVAC system [29]. Total energy consumption can be calculated using Equation (10).
Ptotal =Pf an +Pchiller +Ppump, (10)
where Pis energy consumption. In practice, the setting values need to be selected within a controllable
range for real-world applications. The upper and lower limits were set according to the general design
conditions of the building and the literature [
]. The air supply temperature was selected to be
between approximately 12 and 19
C, and the duct static pressure was set to be between approximately
250 and 620 Pa. Table 2shows the design settings for the two control variables (supply air temperature
and duct static pressure) and the control range for the variables.
Table 2. Control Variables at Fixed Settings and Control Range.
Case Control Variable
Supply Air Temp. (C) Duct Static Pressure (Pa)
‘Normal’ (Non-optimal) Control Operation 12.8 474
Optimal Control Operation (Range) Calculate GA
Calculate GA
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Eects of Changes in Supply Air Temperature
Figure 3shows the changes in supply air temperature according to the time series during the
optimal control operation from June through September. In June and September, the supply air
temperature changes frequently, as shown in Figure 3a,d, but in July and August (the hottest months),
the supply air temperature is set as low as 12
C, as shown in Figure 3b,c. If the supply air temperature is
maintained continuously at about 12
C during normal operations, including July and August, the flow
rate of the cold water that circulates in the cooling coil increases, which leads to an increase in the load
rate of the refrigerator and an increase in the circulation of the cold water in the cold-water circulation
pump, thereby increasing the energy consumption of the system that supplies the cooling source.
Figure 3. Cont.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 6 of 12
Figure 3.
Supply air temperature changes during optimal control mode for (
) June, (
) July, (
) August,
and (d) September.
4.2. Eects of Changes in Duct Static Pressure
Figure 4shows the changes in duct static pressure according to the time series during the optimal
control period from June through September. Duct static pressure in the optimal control operation
mode is lower than 474 Pa and was kept constant during normal operations. The GA discovered energy
savings for the fan by supplying less air than the existing air volume by keeping the static pressure
low on the air supply side. However, any reduction in airflow that is due to low static pressure can
also cause problems such as the temporary deterioration of indoor air quality, even when the required
outdoor air intake for the design is satisfied. Hence, for practical design, ways to maintain proper
indoor air quality must also be considered.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 7 of 12
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 11
(a) June
(b) July
(c) August
(d) September
Figure 4. Duct static pressure changes during optimal control mode for (a) June, (b) July, (c) August,
and (d) September.
4.3. Comparison of Energy Consumption Levels
Figure 4.
Duct static pressure changes during optimal control mode for (
) June, (
) July, (
) August,
and (d) September.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 8 of 12
4.3. Comparison of Energy Consumption Levels
Figure 5presents a comparison of monthly energy consumption with respect to normal operation
mode versus optimal operation mode. The total amount of energy saved in July and August when
the outside temperature is relatively high is about 4%, and is up to 9.7% in September. The rate of
the total cooling energy consumption during the period of analysis from June through September
was reduced from 384,296 kW in normal operation mode to 362,309 kW in optimal operation mode,
which represents 5.7% in energy savings. The control value changes in the time series according to the
changes in outside air conditions and the cooling load. The total energy consumption is calculated
as the sum of the separate energy consumption of the fan, chiller, and cold-water pump. The eects
of energy consumption for each of these three components in the HVAC system also were analyzed,
as discussed in the next three subsections.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 11
Figure 5 presents a comparison of monthly energy consumption with respect to normal
operation mode versus optimal operation mode. The total amount of energy saved in July and
August when the outside temperature is relatively high is about 4%, and is up to 9.7% in
September. The rate of the total cooling energy consumption during the period of analysis from
June through September was reduced from 384,296 kW in normal operation mode to 362,309 kW in
optimal operation mode, which represents 5.7% in energy savings. The control value changes in the
time series according to the changes in outside air conditions and the cooling load. The total energy
consumption is calculated as the sum of the separate energy consumption of the fan, chiller, and
cold-water pump. The effects of energy consumption for each of these three components in the
HVAC system also were analyzed, as discussed in the next three subsections.
Figure 5. Monthly energy consumption comparison between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
1) Energy consumption of fan
Figure 6 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the fan in the HVAC system
during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. The
results indicate that energy consumption is reduced by at least 15.9%–32.6% per month. The energy
savings are due to the low duct static pressure, which leads to low static pressure for the fan. The
energy consumption of the fan during the cooling months was reduced from 65,449 kW in normal
operation mode to 47,865 kW in optimal operation mode, which is a reduction of about 26.9%
energy consumption.
Figure 6. Comparison of fan energy consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
2) Energy consumption of chiller
Figure 7 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the chiller in the HVAC system
during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. In June
and September, the chiller energy consumption decreased by 1.8% and 8.6%, respectively, but the
Figure 5.
Monthly energy consumption comparison between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
(1) Energy consumption of fan
Figure 6shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the fan in the HVAC system during
the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. The results indicate
that energy consumption is reduced by at least 15.9–32.6% per month. The energy savings are due to
the low duct static pressure, which leads to low static pressure for the fan. The energy consumption of
the fan during the cooling months was reduced from 65,449 kW in normal operation mode to 47,865 kW
in optimal operation mode, which is a reduction of about 26.9% energy consumption.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 11
Figure 5 presents a comparison of monthly energy consumption with respect to normal
operation mode versus optimal operation mode. The total amount of energy saved in July and
August when the outside temperature is relatively high is about 4%, and is up to 9.7% in
September. The rate of the total cooling energy consumption during the period of analysis from
June through September was reduced from 384,296 kW in normal operation mode to 362,309 kW in
optimal operation mode, which represents 5.7% in energy savings. The control value changes in the
time series according to the changes in outside air conditions and the cooling load. The total energy
consumption is calculated as the sum of the separate energy consumption of the fan, chiller, and
cold-water pump. The effects of energy consumption for each of these three components in the
HVAC system also were analyzed, as discussed in the next three subsections.
Figure 5. Monthly energy consumption comparison between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
1) Energy consumption of fan
Figure 6 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the fan in the HVAC system
during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. The
results indicate that energy consumption is reduced by at least 15.9%–32.6% per month. The energy
savings are due to the low duct static pressure, which leads to low static pressure for the fan. The
energy consumption of the fan during the cooling months was reduced from 65,449 kW in normal
operation mode to 47,865 kW in optimal operation mode, which is a reduction of about 26.9%
energy consumption.
Figure 6. Comparison of fan energy consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
2) Energy consumption of chiller
Figure 7 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the chiller in the HVAC system
during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. In June
and September, the chiller energy consumption decreased by 1.8% and 8.6%, respectively, but the
Figure 6.
Comparison of fan energy consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 9 of 12
(2) Energy consumption of chiller
Figure 7shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the chiller in the HVAC system
during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode. In June and
September, the chiller energy consumption decreased by 1.8% and 8.6%, respectively, but the chiller
energy consumption increased by about 0.7% in July and August when the outside air temperature and
the cooling load were both high. During the cooling period from June through September, the chiller
energy consumption decreased by 1.6% from 294,820 kW in normal control mode to 290,213 kW in
optimal control mode. Thus, no significant dierence was evident in the reduction rate of the energy
consumption of the chiller with regard to whether it operated in normal control mode or in optimal
control mode.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 11
chiller energy consumption increased by about 0.7% in July and August when the outside air
temperature and the cooling load were both high. During the cooling period from June through
September, the chiller energy consumption decreased by 1.6% from 294,820 kW in normal control
mode to 290,213 kW in optimal control mode. Thus, no significant difference was evident in the
reduction rate of the energy consumption of the chiller with regard to whether it operated in
normal control mode or in optimal control mode.
Figure 7. Comparison of chiller power consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
3) Energy consumption of cold-water pump
Figure 8 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the cold-water pump in the
HVAC system during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation
mode. The energy consumption of the cold-water circulation pump increased by about 1%, except
in September. When the supply air temperature is maintained at a temperature lower than about 0.8
°C compared to the temperature in normal control mode, the flow rate of the cold water that
circulates in the cooling coil increases, which results in an increase in the energy consumption of the
cold-water pump. The cooling period from June through September saw a 0.9% increase from
24,028 kW in normal control mode to 24,213 kW in optimal control mode.
Figure 8. Comparison of cold-water pump energy consumption between normal operation mode
and optimal operation mode for June through September.
5. Conclusions
The optimal control strategy proposed in this study uses an objective function as the energy
consumption in a GA. Then, GAs are used to select the supply air temperature and duct static
pressure as the control variables/settings to operate a VAV system in real time. The following
results were obtained from this study.
The proposed optimal control operation was evaluated based on changes in the optimal
control variables and energy savings in a simulated HVAC system in a reference large-scale office
Figure 7.
Comparison of chiller power consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
(3) Energy consumption of cold-water pump
Figure 8shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the cold-water pump in the HVAC
system during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation mode.
The energy consumption of the cold-water circulation pump increased by about 1%, except in
September. When the supply air temperature is maintained at a temperature lower than about 0.8
compared to the temperature in normal control mode, the flow rate of the cold water that circulates in
the cooling coil increases, which results in an increase in the energy consumption of the cold-water
pump. The cooling period from June through September saw a 0.9% increase from 24,028 kW in normal
control mode to 24,213 kW in optimal control mode.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 11
chiller energy consumption increased by about 0.7% in July and August when the outside air
temperature and the cooling load were both high. During the cooling period from June through
September, the chiller energy consumption decreased by 1.6% from 294,820 kW in normal control
mode to 290,213 kW in optimal control mode. Thus, no significant difference was evident in the
reduction rate of the energy consumption of the chiller with regard to whether it operated in
normal control mode or in optimal control mode.
Figure 7. Comparison of chiller power consumption between normal operation mode and optimal
operation mode for June through September.
3) Energy consumption of cold-water pump
Figure 8 shows the energy consumption and savings rates of the cold-water pump in the
HVAC system during the cooling period from June through September with respect to operation
mode. The energy consumption of the cold-water circulation pump increased by about 1%, except
in September. When the supply air temperature is maintained at a temperature lower than about 0.8
°C compared to the temperature in normal control mode, the flow rate of the cold water that
circulates in the cooling coil increases, which results in an increase in the energy consumption of the
cold-water pump. The cooling period from June through September saw a 0.9% increase from
24,028 kW in normal control mode to 24,213 kW in optimal control mode.
Figure 8. Comparison of cold-water pump energy consumption between normal operation mode
and optimal operation mode for June through September.
5. Conclusions
The optimal control strategy proposed in this study uses an objective function as the energy
consumption in a GA. Then, GAs are used to select the supply air temperature and duct static
pressure as the control variables/settings to operate a VAV system in real time. The following
results were obtained from this study.
The proposed optimal control operation was evaluated based on changes in the optimal
control variables and energy savings in a simulated HVAC system in a reference large-scale office
Figure 8.
Comparison of cold-water pump energy consumption between normal operation mode and
optimal operation mode for June through September.
Sustainability 2019,11, 5122 10 of 12
5. Conclusions
The optimal control strategy proposed in this study uses an objective function as the energy
consumption in a GA. Then, GAs are used to select the supply air temperature and duct static pressure
as the control variables/settings to operate a VAV system in real time. The following results were
obtained from this study.
The proposed optimal control operation was evaluated based on changes in the optimal control
variables and energy savings in a simulated HVAC system in a reference large-scale oce building.
As the two optimal control operations, the air supply temperature was kept as low as 12
C, which is
below the system design value of 12.8
C, and the duct static pressure was kept at a value lower than
the system design value of 474 Pa.
When the low temperature and low pressure were outputs from the GAs, the total energy
consumption was reduced by 5.7%, the fan energy consumption was reduced by 26.9%, the chiller
energy consumption was reduced by 1.6%, and the cold-water pump energy consumption showed a
mere 0.9% increase. However, low supply air temperatures and low air flow rates can cause conditions
such as internal condensation in the system or ductwork, cold drafts, and temporary deterioration
of the indoor air quality during HVAC operation. Therefore, these possible outcomes need to be
addressed when optimizing HVAC system design.
If the energy consumption of the fan unit takes up a large portion of the configuration of the
HVAC system, then even more energy savings should be achieved using the proposed method.
Several variables can be controlled in supplying the heat/cooling source, such as the cold-water
supply temperature, cold-water flow rate, and cooling the water in the chiller, so further research is
required for optimizing HVAC systems using various control settings.
Author Contributions:
N.-C.S. contributed to the project idea development and write a draft version, and J.-H.K.
performed the data analysis. W.C. reviewed the final manuscript and contributed to the results discussion
and conclusions.
This work is supported by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) grant
funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (19AUDP-B099702-05).
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of
this article.
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... A system that includes "ventilation", "heating", and "air conditioning" is often referred to as HVAC [1]. In the context of enterprise data centres, the inclusion of HVAC systems in the planning and management process is essential, as they are integral components alongside servers, storage, networking, security, and electricity [2]. These systems are responsible for regulating the ambient atmosphere of the data centre, encompassing factors such as humidity, temperature, air movement, and air filtration [3]. ...
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Research is now focused on numerically evaluating how occupational level affects pool temperature in a big competition pool. Ansys Fluent, a program for "Computational Fluid Dynamics" (CFD), was used to carry out the experiment. In this study five configuration of inlet and outlet are consider in the indoor swimming pool. The study only focus on achieve the thermal comfort in the spectator area and pool area without increasing and decreasing the volume temperature of indoor swimming pool. In case 2, changing the position of outlet there is minor changes in the volume temperature as compare to case 1. In case 3, case 4, and case 5 decreasing the temperature at spectator area of 10%, 11%, and 14% as compare to case 1 respectively.
... Rahnama et al. investigated the energy-saving potential of a novel mechanical ventilation system by replacing terminal dampers with decentralized fans [22,23]. Seong et al. developed a real-time optimal control strategy for VAV air conditioning in HVAC systems using genetic algorithms and a simulated large-scale office building [24]. Zhang et al. developed a model-based control method to achieve decoupling control of room temperature and humidity based on the bilinear characteristics of temperature and humidity variations in a VAV air-conditioning system [25]. ...
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In an office building equipped with a Variable Air Volume (VAV) system, this paper introduces a novel method for controlling the minimum supply airflow fraction in each zone’s VAV box, having a capability to consider indoor CO2 level and energy consumption. The EnergyPlus simulation using the medium office prototype model was employed, which evaluated the performance of the energy and CO2 concentration for five VAV box airflow control strategies. The paper focuses on CO2 concentration-based airflow control method and compares it with other four methods including conventional single-max, reduced minimum single-max, demand-controlled ventilation(DCV), and dualmax control methods according to guidelines and common practices. The newly proposed control strategy directly correlates the minimum airflow fraction to CO2 concentration. A general trend emerged when comparing CO2 concentrations—lower minimum airflow fractions were associated with higher concentrations. The proposed control method effectively maintained low CO2 concentrations and enabled a lower airflow fraction contributing to energy consumption reduction. It was confirmed that heating energy consumption in climate zone 4A, 5B, and 6A showed a maximum saving of approximately 30% compared to the conventional single-max and dual max control strategies. It was found that cooling energy consumption in climate zone 4A and 6A can achieve a maximum saving of approximately 10% compared to the conventional control strategies. The proposed CO2 concentration-based control logic is promising as it not only improves the indoor air quality lowering the CO2 concentration in the occupied spaces, but also contributes to HVAC energy savings.
... Adaptive and learning-based approaches have also been introduced in the study [7]. Seong et al. [8] the authors performed studies of optimal HVAC control methods using Genetic Algorithms that were implemented to both a variable air volume (VAV) air-conditioning system and chilled water system for optimization of the control variables in each system. Robust control system is crucial due to the dynamic uncertainties and external disturbance. ...
... This method could not deal with the optimization of a complex system in real-time [43]. In addition, meta-heuristics techniques, such as simulated annealing [44], particle swarm optimization [45,46], and genetic algorithm (GA) [47,48,49] also became popular nowadays, due to their ease of implementation and low requirement for prior knowledge of the optimization problem. However, these techniques could only solve unconstrained optimization problems. ...
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Buildings contribute to more than 70% of overall U.S. electricity usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. HVAC systems in buildings often consume more than 40% of the total building energy usage. To reduce such high energy use, numerous control strategies including optimal and predictive controls have been developed and demonstrated. To achieve a near real-time solution, most previous research has simplified the non-linearity of building thermodynamics and provided an approximate optimal solution. The future HVAC control optimizes more connected devices in buildings, which requires a rapid and accurate response, not only to the building itself but also to the grid signals. It also poses the challenge of solving non-linear problems with discrete variables. With the recent development of quantum computers, this has become feasible. In this paper, we developed a new optimization solution based on quantum annealing for model predictive control (MPC) of a rooftop unit (RTU). Compared to traditional optimization methods, we obtained similar solutions with less than 2% differences and improved computational speed from hours to seconds. We also demonstrated an 80% reduction in total electricity consumption and a 21% reduction in electricity bills by considering day-ahead price time-of-use demand response signals. Quantum computing has proven capable of solving large-scale non-linear discrete optimization problems for building energy systems.
To ensure proper functioning, minimize environmental impact, and provide optimal indoor conditions for occupants, HVAC systems must be designed, operated, and maintained efficiently. Optimization and control methods are the most commonly used energy conservation techniques in HVAC systems. Modeling HVAC systems is an essential step toward conserving energy and improving indoor air quality, prior to implementing optimization and control. Currently, the most common methods for modeling HVAC systems can be classified into three types: data-driven modeling, physics-based modeling, and gray box modeling; each method has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.
Forecasting the amount of required energy is a primary task for sustainable building design. In recent decades, machine learning (ML) has provided effective solutions to this problem, particularly thermal energy forecasting. This study aims to develop new ML paradigms for predicting annual thermal energy demand (EDAT) based on the building’s architecture. A valid dataset is obtained from the previous literature to feed the ML models. It is then synthesized with four of the most recent optimization algorithms, namely gazelle optimization algorithm (GOA), incomprehensible but intelligible-in-time logics (ILA), osprey optimization algorithm (OOA) and sooty tern optimization algorithm (STOA), which are responsible for training the ML. The quality of training and validation of the ensembles used are checked using relative and absolute accuracy quantifiers. According to the results, all four ensembles of ML-GOA, ML-ILA, ML-OOA and ML-STOA are trained and validated with excellent accuracy, and therefore, they can be recommended for the practical forecast of the EDAT. A comparison, however, disclosed the superiority of the GOA-based model. This model has also been successfully validated against several hybrid algorithms used in earlier efforts. In short, the introduced models can directly contribute to the energy–construction sectors by assisting decision-makers in effectively designing residential buildings and their energy systems.
During the regulation process of VAV systems, the supply air volume changes with the real time load changes, which will cause the fresh air volume to deviate from its set value. Insufficient fresh air results in poor IAQ, whereas an excessive fresh air increases energy consumption. Therefore, an effective method to control the fresh air volume is essential for VAV systems. Based on the differential pressure control theory, two improved control methods—the fresh air section static pressure control method and the critical air volume control method—are proposed herein. Three control methods were compared through experimental study. The results indicate that differential pressure in the first improved method is higher than that in the differential pressure control method, which increases the ease of measurement. However, both these methods have approximately 15% to 25% errors when the supply air volume is small. The critical air volume control method provides more precise control of the fresh air volume, and eliminates deviations at small supply air volumes. Furthermore, the fan power is reduced as well. Investigation has demonstrated that the critical air volume control method is energy-efficient, and can provide new insights into optimized energy-saving control methods for VAV systems. This work proposed a fresh air volume control method of VAV system, the critical air volume control method. This method improves the control accuracy and the convenience of differential pressure measurement of VAV system. The reliability of the method was verified on the test rig, and it is similar to the engineering situation. Therefore, this method has practical application value. Also this method reduces the fan energy consumption of VAV system, thereby improving energy efficiency and reducing operating costs.
The accuracy of sensor measurement has an important influence on energy efficiency and control characteristics of air conditioning systems. However, the sensor will inevitably have errors due to sensor installation location or aging in the practical system. In previous studies, the sensor virtual in-situ calibration (VIC) method is proposed to diagnose and calibrate sensor faults based on physics-based methods with plenty of sensors. However, the basic sensors are only installed due to the cost and limited installation space in the practical system, which restrains this method. To address this problem, the autoencoder (AE) based on the internal relationship between sensor variables is applied to establish the sensor model to achieve calibration. This paper studies the applicability of the AE that constructs sensor models with limited sensors, and the accuracy of the VIC method under different working conditions. The results show that the AE can well realize the sensor model construction with high accuracy, which lays a foundation for the implementation of the VIC method. Meantime, the accuracy for different scenarios of the single fault is more than 90.75% after calibration, the concurrent fault can also reach more than 88.5%. The supply air temperature calibration will make the continuous regulating valve keep the normal opening to maintain the air volume and ensure the stability of indoor temperature. The static pressure calibration will increase the energy efficiency of the supply fan by 17%, make the VAV box adjust normally, and avoid the disorder of the control loops. The differential pressure sensor calibration will increase the energy efficiency of the water pump by 21%, and ensure normal water flow. Meantime, the calibration of three sensors reduces the time to reach a stable state by more than 20.6%. The VIC method based on AE makes the application scenario of sensor fault calibration more extensive and universal.
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The purpose of this study was to develop a data-driven predictive model that can predict the supply air temperature (SAT) in an air-handling unit (AHU) by using a neural network. A case study was selected, and AHU operational data from December 2015 to November 2016 was collected. A data-driven predictive model was generated through an evolving process that consisted of an initial model, an optimal model, and an adaptive model. In order to develop the optimal model, input variables, the number of neurons and hidden layers, and the period of the training data set were considered. Since AHU data changes over time, an adaptive model, which has the ability to actively cope with constantly changing data, was developed. This adaptive model determined the model with the lowest mean square error (MSE) of the 91 models, which had two hidden layers and sets up a 12-hour test set at every prediction. The adaptive model used recently collected data as training data and utilized the sliding window technique rather than the accumulative data method. Furthermore, additional testing was performed to validate the adaptive model using AHU data from another building. The final adaptive model predicts SAT to a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.6 °C.
Conference Paper
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Advanced energy management control systems (EMCS), or building automation systems (BAS), offer an excellent means of reducing energy consumption in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems while maintaining and improving indoor environmental conditions. This can be achieved through the use of computational intelligence and optimization. This paper evaluates model-based optimization processes (OP) for HVAC systems utilizing any computer algebra system (CAS), genetic algorithms and self-learning or self-tuning models (STM), which minimizes the error between measured and predicted performance data. The OP can be integrated into the EMCS to perform several intelligent functions achieving optimal system performance. The development of several self-learning HVAC models and optimizing the process (minimizing energy use) is tested using data collected from an actual HVAC system. Using this optimization process (OP), the optimal variable set points (OVSP), such as supply air temperature (Ts), supply duct static pressure (Ps), chilled water supply temperature (Tw), minimum outdoor ventilation, and chilled water differential pressure set-point (Dpw) are optimized with respect to energy use of the HVAC’s cooling side including the chiller, pump, and fan. The optimized set point variables minimize energy use and maintain thermal comfort incorporating ASHRAE’s new ventilation standard 62.1-2013. This research focuses primarily with: on-line, self-tuning, optimization process (OLSTOP); HVAC design principles; and control strategies within a building automation system (BAS) controller. The HVAC controller will achieve the lowest energy consumption of the cooling side while maintaining occupant comfort by performing and prioritizing the appropriate actions. The program’s algorithms analyze multiple variables (humidity, pressure, temperature, CO2, etc.) simultaneously at key locations throughout the HVAC system (pumps, cooling coil, chiller, fan, etc.) to reach the function’s objective, which is the lowest energy consumption while maintaining occupancy comfort.
Conference Paper
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Model-based building operation optimization can be used to reduce building energy consumption, so as to improve the indoor environment quality. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of the commonly used optimization algorithms for building applications. To provide readers up-to-date information, this paper attempts to summarize recent researches on building optimization with GA. Firstly, the principle of GA is introduced. Then, we summarize the literatures according to different categories, including applied system types and optimization objectives. We also provide some insights into the parameter setting and operator selection for GA. This review paper intends to give a better understanding and some future directions for building research community on how to apply GA for building energy optimization.
The optimization of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system operations and other building parameters intended to minimize annual energy consumption and maximize the thermal comfort is presented in this paper. The combination of artificial neural network (ANN) and multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is applied to optimize the two-chiller system operation in a building. The HVAC system installed in the building integrates radiant cooling system, variable air volume (VAV) chiller system, and dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS). Several parameters including thermostat setting, passive solar design, and chiller operation control are considered as decision variables. Subsequently, the percentage of people dissatisfied (PPD) and annual building energy consumption is chosen as objective functions. Multi-objective optimization is employed to optimize the system with two objective functions. As the result, ANN performed a good correlation between decision variables and the objective function. Moreover, MOGA successfully provides several alternative possible design variables to achieve optimum system in terms of thermal comfort and annual energy consumption. In conclusion, the optimization that considers two objectives shows the best result regarding thermal comfort and energy consumption compared to base case design.
There is a dearth of detailed advice in common HVAC design handbooks describing how to design ductwork for VAV systems. Chapter 21 of ASHRAEHandbook—Fundamentals, for instance, provides three suggestions for duct sizing friction rates but does not suggest when to use each and does not distinguish between constant volume and variable volume systems with respect to design techniques or friction rates. In this month’s column, I will provide detailed advice and a simple procedure for sizing “medium-pressure” * duct mains † in VAV systems. © 2019 Amer. Soc. Heating Ref. Air-Conditoning Eng. Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This paper is the second part of a two-part series which investigates the energy saving potentials in a novel mechanical ventilation system by replacing terminal dampers with decentralized fans. The present study (Part 2) proposes a method to control the main fan as well as the decentralized fans in such a way that the system is balanced for different demand requests. The control method comprises two levels, zone level and system level control, and is based on measuring static pressure in the duct system similar to the energy-efficient control proposed for the conventional ventilation system in Part 1. Two identical experimental mock-ups, one with the dampers and one with the decentralized fans were used in a laboratory environment to evaluate the performance of the novel ventilation system and to compare the two ventilation systems from power use point of view. Experimental results indicate the ability of the proposed method to control the ventilation system with decentralized fans. The measured power use of the two ventilation systems was almost the same for the range of tested total airflow rates, except when the total airflow rate was rather low. Calculations, however, reveal an energy saving potential of around 30% depending on the efficiency of the main fan.
The most distinctive properties of the HVAC systems are their large-scale nonlinear systems that contain large thermal inertia, time variability, nonlinear constraints, uncertain disturbance factors, multivariate systems and coupled properties for both temperature and humidity. This paper considers a novel control algorithm that could handle such intricate characteristics by using hybridization layers between the physical parameters' memory and the neural networks' weight, which is well-structured by the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy inference strategy. The application of nonlinear regression to the offline hybrid layers construction and online fine-tuning methods are conducted by using the Gauss-Newton Method in order to achieve fast tuning operation. The feedforward strategy is adopted, so as to boost the stability of the overall system in addition to increasing the control precision and its response speed. Moreover, the effects of disturbances and uncertainty are eradicated by online tuning. The tracking control goal takes full advantage of mature strategies regarding the predicted mean vote (PMV) to address high thermal inertia, to save energy and to tackle coupling problem. The proposed control performance results are analysed and compared to hybrid PID cascade control, where both strategies are tested individually and simultaneously through the use on the HVAC system. The obtained results showed that Feedforward Hybrid Layers Control (FHLC) led to effective advantages regarding optimal performance, adaptation, precision and robustness. Furthermore, adopted the adaptive structural control algorithm for FHLC to improve indoor thermal comfort, whereas the significant energy reduction is achieved. The prospective scope for future work is to expand the control structure for full building control by adding more controlled elements, such as lighting, ventilation, security, fire protection and other building appliances.
This paper describes a new supply air temperature control strategy for multi-zone variable air volume systems. We developed the strategy with the intent that it is simple enough to implement within existing building management systems. At 5-minute intervals, the strategy estimates the cost of fan, heating and cooling energy at three different supply air temperatures (current, higher, lower), and chooses the one with the lowest cost as the setpoint. We then implemented this strategy in a seven floor, 13,000 m² office building and compared the energy costs to the industry best practice control strategy in a randomized (daily) controlled trial over a 6-month period. We showed that the new control strategy reduced total HVAC energy costs by approximately 29%, when normalized to the typical annual climate data for this location and operating only during typical office hours. These findings indicate that the current industry best practice control strategy does not find the optimal energy cost point under most conditions. This new control strategy is a valuable opportunity to reduce energy costs, at little initial expense, while avoiding more complex approaches, such as model predictive control, that the industry has been hesitant to adopt. We describe the new control strategy in language common to the industry (see sequence of operations included as supplemental material) so that readers may easily specify and implement this immediately, in new construction or controls retrofit projects.
This paper is the first part of a two-part series which investigate the energy saving potentials in a novel mechanical ventilation system by replacing terminal dampers with decentralized fans. In Part 1, a conventional variable air volume (VAV) ventilation system with dampers is studied as a reference for comparison with the novel ventilation system in Part 2. The present study (Part 1) proposes a new method to implement the pressure reset strategy in practice. A common strategy to control the supply fan speed in a VAV system is to install a pressure sensor in the supply duct system. Then the fan speed is controlled such that a constant static pressure is maintained at the sensor location. Further energy saving can be obtained by resetting the pressure setpoint to a lower value at partial load conditions. This strategy is known as pressure reset control or critical zone reset strategy in the literature. The proposed method has been evaluated through an experimental mock-up in a laboratory environment. Experimental results show a minimum reduction of about 20% in fan power demand with applying the reset strategy compared to a constant static pressure setpoint.
The proliferation of Building Automation Systems (BAS) has enabled the development of and use of more complex algorithms for controlling HVAC systems and increase energy efficiency in commercial buildings. One such complex algorithm, static pressure reset, which is associated with minimization of the static pressure in the supply air duct at all times while still maintaining zonal comfort —is a proven low cost means to reduce fan power consumption in Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems.