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The authors conducted a review of the literature to investigate how the current and future generation of college-age students learn. The authors examined how technology and learning environments effect the students’ ability to learn. The rapid development and adoption of mobile communication technology has altered the way students receive and interpret information. The change in the way students learn is leading to a need for change in the way teachers should deliver curriculum to students. Using multiple inclusions of pedagogical approaches (MIOPA) the authors have been able to increase students’ engagement and learning. Published in the Journal of Business Diversity.
66 Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019
New Approaches to Learning for Generation Z
Joseph B. Mosca
Monmouth University
Kevin P. Curtis
Monmouth University
Paul G. Savoth
Monmouth University
The authors conducted a review of the literature to investigate how the current and future generation of
college-age students learn. The authors examined how technology and learning environments effect the
students’ ability to learn. The rapid development and adoption of mobile communication technology has
altered the way students receive and interpret information. The change in the way students learn is
leading to a need for change in the way teachers should deliver curriculum to students. Using multiple
inclusions of pedagogical approaches (MIOPA) the authors have been able to increase students’
engagement and learning.
Keywords: MIOPA, Generation Z, Educational Technology
The Millennial generation consists of those born between 1982 and the early ’90s, while Generation Z
consists of those born 1995-2012. All educators need to become aware of the learning preferences for
students from these two generations. Both the Millennials and the Generation Z students are more
technologically sophisticated and may be more self-directed than previous generations; therefore,
educators need to reinforce critical thinking skills and modify their instructional approach to maximize
the engagement of these students. Students have become accustomed to learning online and watching
videos rather than reading textbooks. Students who have grown up with the current technology are
considered digital natives, yet they lack the skills to use the technology in a strategically significant way
to plan and develop a career. Educators should adopt and employ the technology students are accustomed
to using and instruct them on how to utilize it to advance their thinking and strategically plan for their
future career goals. The hypotheses tested in this report were a.) students preferred doing hands-on
experience instead of lecturing, b.) students preferred working in groups and problem-solving, instead of
working alone and completing work that required only memorization or the recall of factual information,
and finally, c.) students preferred learning in a multimedia rich environment that utilized a variety of
Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019 67
activities and hands-on activities to reinforce their learning. The authors designed and conducted a survey
to ascertain student attitudes with regards to the stated hypotheses.
Previous generations were somewhat diverse, but not as diverse as Generation Z (the Z’s). The Z’s
are accustomed to biracial, multiracial offspring, and open-minded to parents of the same sex (Pew,
2014). Shatto and Erwin (2016, p.6), point out the Z’s have easy access to streaming services so they can
watch programming at their convenience on a multitude of devices. They spend up to 9 hours a day on
personal cell phones, making them increasingly dependent on mobile technology. Shatto and Erwin noted
the inability of the Z’s to analyze the validity of information and critically use the information they
receive. This technology dependence has a direct, although sometimes flawed, influence on how they
learned. Educators need to change their instructional approach and deliver concepts in smaller segments,
considering their attention span is only 8 seconds long.
Shatto and Erwin offer some teaching tips:
x Use mobile technology when possible.
x Use assignments that can be completed on tablets or phones.
x Encourage collaboration using technology.
x Reinforce concepts with YouTube videos.
x Incorporate hands-on experiences in the classroom.
Drs. Hallowell & Ratery (2011, p.28), refer to the short attention span as “acquired attention deficit
disorder” because their brains are now wired to comprehend complex visual images. Therefore, a visual
approach to teaching that includes graphics, animations or video clips is effective. While Hicks (2011)
points out that even though they may appear to be inattentive and disengaged, they are “soaking up” just
as much information as those who appear completely engaged. Williams (2015) contends the Z’s have
their eyes open and are very much aware of societal issues, mindful of the future, taking in information
instantaneously and lose interest just as fast.
In some ways, the Z’s are like previous generations, they rely on their electronic devises and their
social skills are weaking. However, advancing technology has had a major impact on both their behavior
and their thinking, which makes them different from previous generations. As a result, they possess
higher confidence and self-esteem, are very much aware of trends, and are technologically adept due to
their early introduction to technology and adaptation. They see themselves as bright, part of the global
village, accepting of a diverse population, and concerned about environmentally safe products. They are
constantly engaged in information sharing by utilizing a multitude of open platforms. Mobile devices are
their preference along with media with which they can interact (Gupta, Gagan, 2014).
University professors need to consider how important it is to establish an educational environment
with the clear objective of facilitating the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. An
optimal learning environment should foster pedagogical components that encompass information,
performance, situations, and hands-on experiences along with collaborative activities with other students,
which allows for the exchange of knowledge. It is the exchange of knowledge and the interactive
experience, coupled with hands-on reinforcement, that results in the greatest individual learning. When
students are given the opportunity to exchange knowledge among themselves, they are empowered. They
feel that what they are learning is relevant to their future. Being actively engaged with the information
they are acquiring will give them a comprehensive approach to learning and thinking critically––an
important component for Generation Z. Currently, universities who are entrenched in the traditional
model of teaching by providing most of its services face to face on a campus should consider a change.
Increasingly, learning takes place outside the classroom and instructors need to adapt to physical and
virtual educational environments in order to keep up with the current advances in education
(Jaleniauskiene and Juceviciene, 2015).
68 Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019
Preparing the current and next generation of students requires teacher preparation programs that
incorporate teaching methods that students will learn from, but also enjoy. Additionally, well thought out
professional development must be employed to prepare in-service educators so that they have the
confidence and skills necessary to properly prepare students for their futures.
The development of our current mobile communication technology has created an artificial division
between educators and students. This division has developed due to the rapid changes in technology over
the last two decades. Current teaching methods have not adapted to address the ever-changing technology
and its impact on student learning. When educators are uncomfortable with the use of technology,
students suffer. Students learn best when they are actively engaged with the content. Utilizing technology
to engage students with the content allows educators to transform their educational environment from
teacher-centered to student-centered. Utilizing professional development to train teachers on effective
technology practices can help teachers to better prepare their students for the future.
Learning is the means by which humans acquire skills and knowledge, resulting in a long-term
change in mental representations or associations that are the result of experiences. One can determine if
learning has taken place by assessing the following:
x A new behavior has been accomplished.
x Being able to recall information, facts, and knowledge, more quickly than previously.
x Being able to view and discuss a topic with more details. (Ormrod, 2016,p.10-49),
Generation Z’s are part of a knowledge society requiring radical new approaches to learning.
Education needs to shift its objectives to life-long and life-wide learning because future employees will be
knowledge workers who will be able to transfer learned knowledge to solve a complex problem.
Knowledge is the cornerstone of technology, commercialism and cultural forces on organizations and the
economy. Z’s will require skills and general knowledge that is significantly different from previous
generations. They will be sitting in front of monitors, holding iPads and will be emerged in information
and communications (Kalantzis & Cope, 2016).
Reviewing the criteria of learning, there are three components:
x Change cannot take place without learning.
x Over time, learning is maintained.
x Experiences provide learning. (Kalantzis and Cope, 2016, pp. 26-31).
Learning is a combination of experiences to alter behavior, which occurs through practice (Schunk,
2016), therefore, exploring the benefits of hands-on and experiential experiences should be considered
when preparing to teach the Z generation of students, keeping in mind that they are visual and prefer
physical learning applications and engagement (Kalantzis and Cope, 2016). With the advent of the
information age, we have begun a new economic paradigm with knowledge as its primary commodity.
The next generations will be working in what is being called the “Knowledge Economy” in which
knowledge will be used to generate tangible and intangible values.
Future educators need to play a role in developing their students’ creative, productive and social
potential. A reconceptualization of the three R’s needs to be considered if contemporary changes to
learning are to take place, whereby the new learning will be general in its focus, rather than targeting a
particular need or use. Future students will be capable of adjusting to and causing change, problem solve,
collaborate, and comprehend diversity. That said, learning will be increasingly interdisciplinary, resulting
in an intensified engagement with general knowledge, resulting in lifelong and life-wide learning. All
those currently teaching must review the components of formal learning:
Kalantzis and Cope, (2016) stated that formal learning must be:
x Deliberate and explicit
x Structured and goal oriented
x Analytical, abstracting, and generalizing (Kalantzis and Cope, (2016, p 26-30)
Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019 69
As Figure 1 illustrates, the learner is engaged in an organic environment where a concept or topic can
be considered from many points of view. Having multiple perspectives empowers the students’ freedom
to explore a variety of avenues, actively challenging the student to become part of the learning process.
Students do not all learn the same way; however, when teachers vary the learning environment and offer
multiple choices for students to demonstrate their understanding of a concept, a higher percentage of
students will master the information. Active learning can be defined as “a combination of teaching
approaches, environment, and technology, which supports learning that is student-centered to motivate
students to take part in the learning process” (eCampus News, 2017). For the purpose of this study, active
learning classroom will be referred to as “MIOPA,” multiple inclusions of pedagogical approaches,
which are a configuration of various pedagogical approaches to instill collaboration, problem solving,
exercises such as hands-on experiences, creativity, the value of inquiry learning and the development of
the learner’s confidence.
According to Aurel Pera (2013), multimedia classrooms can promote a meaningful learning
environment by varying both the number of representations students are exposed to and the degree of
their engagement in the learning process. Interactivity is becoming a preferred method for learner success.
Students learn better when provided with learning environments that combine verbal, visual, interactivity,
empowerment, and hands-on experiences for more intense cognitive engagement. Pera concluded that
there is a positive relationship between higher education environments when instructors employed active
and collaborative learning techniques. As stated above and illustrated in Figure 2, the MIOPA approach
makes room for considering a multiple-pronged approach to enhance student engagement for intense
cognitive learning.
70 Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019
The Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), administered to 14,512 faculty members in
2016 by The Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research, asked faculty to what extent they
structured courses to achieve various objectives. Ninety-three percent responded that they “very
much” or “quite a bit” structure their courses to improve critical thinking. The other primary
objectives identified by sixty-four to sixty-seven percent of respondents included writing clearly,
acquiring a job or work-related knowledge and skills, working effectively with others and solving
complex real-world problems. These goals are consistent with the discussion of the need for a
MIOPA approach that is focused on student engagement.
Question 24 of the survey asked faculty the percentage of time in class that was spent lecturing,
discussing issues, in small group activities, presentations, videos, independent student work, and
testing. Thirty-one percent of respondents indicated they spend over fifty percent of class time
lecturing. Twenty-seven percent spent thirty to forty-nine percent of the time lecturing. Seventy-two
percent of faculty spent less than thirty percent of classroom time for discussion, and sixty-seven
percent spent less than twenty percent of classroom time in small group activities. The data raises the
question of whether there is adequate student engagement to accomplish the identified objectives.
The related National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), also administered nationally by
Indiana University to an extensive body of students, does indicate that eighty-five percent of students
believed that they “very much” or “quite a bit” learned to think critically; however, only about two-
thirds of the students agreed that they acquired work-related knowledge and skills or were better able
to solve complex or real-world problems. This result also raised the question of whether there was
sufficient student engagement in the classroom.
The survey also indicated that there was a gap between the time faculty expected students to
prepare for class and the actual time students spent studying. Fifty-two percent of faculty expected
students to spend five to 10 hours per week preparing for their class; however, only eleven percent of
the faculty actually believed that students spent that much time studying. This is consistent with
student reported data on the time spent preparing for class. There are some studies indicating that
student preparation time has decreased since 1960. A MIOPA approach may improve student
Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019 71
preparation because there is a direct connection between preparation and required participation and
engagement in class.
Educators spend hours planning learning experiences for their students, but students may not engage
enthusiastically. One of the biggest frustrations for educators is unmotivated students. One way to address
this problem is through student empowerment. Instructors all have a genuine interest in their students’
success. Empowering students may increase their engagement and therefore, their learning.
Empowerment is accomplished by allowing the student to put forth their own ideas in correlation with the
concepts put forth, set their own schedules for study and providing an opportunity to discuss with each
other what they are doing and sharing the learning. As a result of student empowerment, it becomes the
process of energizing others in order to help them experience the task they are engaged in as empowering.
By considering the employment of student empowerment, the result is intrinsic task motivation (Sanders,
Boss, Boss, Mc Conki, 2009).
When preparing a lesson plan to engage students in the learning process, instructors need to create
learning spaces that foster a student-centered environment. For the most part, the traditional classroom
setting with seats/desks/tablets in a fixed lined up position facing the instructor at the front of the room
does not give rise to student empowerment or an engaging environment. Learning effectiveness increases
when the learning environment is created for a variety of settings (David Kolb, 2015). As Kolb suggests,
the authors designed a lesson plan implementing a hybrid instructional approach as indicated in Figure 3.
The images in Figure 3 are display examples of how these concepts can be applied to starting a
business, a science project, designing a product, practicing a new Math concept, etc. The objective is for
students to be given an opportunity to take an active part in using the material they have been exposed to
in the online session. In addition, students will be empowered to control their group activities, decide
how they will demonstrate to the class what was learned by combining what was learned from the online
lesson, group discussion, and interaction with other groups. It is not suggested here that these examples
are the only way to engage students in the learning process. These examples are just the beginning of
suggestions to consider when planning lessons for generation Z. According to Winsett, Foster, Dearing
and Burch (2016), students should be given the opportunity to engage in a variety of approaches such as
collaborating with others in the classroom, outside the classroom, and to be affectively and physically
involved in the learning to comprehend new concepts. These methods provide more time for students to
be exposed to a concept and a chance to practice.
72 Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019
The authors developed an eleven-question survey to ascertain students’ preferences with regards to
lecture, hands-on-learning, problem-solving, group-work, informal learning, use of multimedia in the
classroom, and diversity of teaching methods in the classroom. The survey was distributed to a diverse
group of students including graduate and undergraduates at Monmouth University. Graduate students
were included in the study to discover if their attitudes toward learning were different then undergraduate
students, as the graduate students have already entered the workforce and had experienced a traditional
undergraduate education. The student population in the study was comprised of majors from the General
Business, Communication, Healthcare, Criminal Justice, Accounting, Finance, and Marketing programs.
One-hundred and thirty-three students were surveyed over two semesters during the fall 2018 and spring
2019 semesters at Monmouth University.
Data was collected through an anonymous student survey. The survey consisted of 11 questions
inquiring about student preferences conserving various aspects of the of course delivery and teaching
methods. The results are tabulated and graphically represented below in Table 1 and Figure 4.
MIOPA Survey Results Yes No
I feel I learn more by "doing" than be lectured to? 96.2% 3.8%
Instructor used class time effectively? 97.7% 2.3%
Case analysis is a real-world learning process? 100.0% 0.0%
Class time passes quickly when students are engaged in learning? 99.2% 0.8%
Videos help to bring in real-world situations? 97.7% 2.3%
Students working in groups completes the problem-solving process? 98.5% 1.5%
Do you learn in the environment? 99.2% 0.8%
Is this knowledge usable in the workplace? 98.5% 1.5%
Do you prefer learning experiences over lecture? 96.9% 3.1%
Would you recommend this instructor to a friend? 98.5% 1.5%
Does this learning environment help you overall? 97.7% 2.3%
Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019 73
Those in higher education can observe students at the junior high school levels to get a glimpse of
their behavior and what teaching approaches might be best suited to their lifestyle, their exposure to
technology, and their reliance on social learning. This study highlighted the importance of instructors
embracing an approach that teaches students that learning takes place through the instructor empowering
the student to engage in the learning. In addition, the study found that instructors benefit from using more
than one instructional approach. As this study indicates, students want to be actively engaged in the
learning and benefit when instructors provide space for students to flexibly interact with others who are
also allowed to problem-solve on their own. The authors put forth some suggested methods that combine
a variety of approaches that could keep the Z generation students engaged considering their limited
attention span. As stated, these are not the only possible approaches, but methods to consider when the
future generations become our students, for as most educators know, each student generation has their
own view of the environment and where they fit into it.
The authors of this article acknowledge that a major limitation of this article is the lack of empirical
data to back up their assertions. In the future, these authors will attempt to validate the statements put
forth in this article by developing and conducting a survey instrument to collect data from a broader
student population.
The ideas put forth in this paper are to consider providing a creative space in which students can
interact and engage with real world problems, allowing them to collaborate among themselves and then
practice the newly learned concept. This seems to coincide with the maxim “Seeing is believing, engaging
and practicing is learning.”
In 1798, the romantic poet, Friedrich Schlegel, understood that developments did not simply go from
one point to another and then stop, but that they were an ongoing process. Likewise, educational methods
and technological development are never stagnant and should not be treated as such. Educators need to be
kept abreast of the developments in current educational methodology and technology and their application
in the college classroom.
74 Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 19(3) 2019
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Pew Research Center (2014). Millennials in Adulthood. Detached from institutions, networked with
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Schunk, D. (2016). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective, 7th-E. Always Learning, Pearson,
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The K-20 Active Learning Landscape (2017). eClassroom News, pp. 1-8. Retrieved February 25, 2017,
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... These tools engage students in class in a simple way, add variety to classes, including the way knowledge is transmitted, and shape skills. Therefore, it is not hard to disagree with the statement that the use of technology can help create a more interactive and dynamic learning environment [7,8]. ...
... At the same time, according to Zirev [20], engaging in active learning requires learners to reflect on their experiences and break away from the monotony of daily routines, so it is related to their involvement. Teachers need to modify their thinking, foster ingenuity and cultivate pioneering educational resources to enhance the learning procedure [8]. This is consistent with the results of Chen [4], who indicates that teachers must adjust teaching methods for Generation Z students due to their unique characteristics, and the conclusions of Purwantara et al. [12] according to which academics should adapt teaching methods to meet the needs of Generation Z students, integrating digital learning materials and interactive tools in the classroom. ...
... They are more inclined towards learning through images, videos, and audio, rather than traditional textbased methods. This preference is supported by studies like those of Mosca et al. (2019) and Granitz et al. (2021), which found that Gen Z students favoured video-based learning materials over traditional textbooks. As such, the development of Generative AI-driven virtual tutors that provide students with instant, personalized guidance and feedback on various subjects (Alam, 2023;Celik et al., 2022;Terzopoulos & Satratzemi, 2019) is a significant innovation for education. ...
This study investigates the transformative potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing learning experiences and addressing the issue of low attention span among college students. The research focuses on four key components of AI-generated pedagogy: reducing learning challenges, enhancing learning experiences, ethical considerations, and balancing benefits and risks. Utilizing a quantitative survey-based approach, data were collected from 57 college students in the Kottayam District. The findings reveal that students perceive Generative AI as having a positive impact on learning experiences, effectively reducing learning challenges, enhancing the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies, addressing ethical concerns, and balancing benefits and risks. Notably, a strong positive correlation exists between these Generative AI-generated pedagogical components and low attention span, suggesting that Generative AI can effectively address this issue among college students and open new avenues for leveraging technology to improve educational outcomes. The present research contributes to the broader discourse on the effectiveness of technology-enhanced learning, particularly in improving engagement and attention span in educational settings. It underscores the need for further exploration of the role of Generative AI in education, emphasizing the balance of technological, ethical, and pedagogical considerations to maximize AI's benefits in learning environments.
... Most of our students represent Generation Z, the newest generation of digital natives. Similar toMillenials, Gen Zers tend to prefer shorter segments of learning (Mosca, Curtis, and Savoth 2019), and this will likely continue to accelerate even after the COVID crisis has passed. Today's students are more likely to be used to swiping through a large number of text and video posts in a short amount of time on popular social media platforms, like Twitter and TikTok. ...
... To be more specific, the EFL teachers' emotions were mostly influenced by students' misbehaviors and their inadequate engagement while in the classes in university. These findings were confirmed by the teachers' reflections in their journals where all of the recorded EFL teachers admitted their disappointment and negative emotions because of students' lack of attention in the classroom and using mobile phones for their personal purposes, which were characterized as Generation Z who are commonly criticized for being sluggish and reliant on technology in the classrooms (Miller & Mills, 2019;Mosca et al., 2019). ...
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Research in the area of EFL teachers’ emotion regulation in the classrooms is notably underdeveloped (Li, 2023). In fact, Namaziandost et al. (2022) called for studies to find out why and how teachers make use of certain emotions in their classrooms and regulate their negative emotions that occur during their lessons. The current phenomenological study responds to these calls on the topic to explore the layers of meanings and experiences of emotions while teaching of EFL university teachers in Vietnam. Their classroom teaching was video recorded to select incidents in which their emotions were captured. They then were involved in stimulated recall interviews and writing journals for reflections and explanations why they expressed and regulated their emotions in those incidents. The findings indicate that the teachers’ unpleasant emotions were mainly evoked by students’ behaviours in the classrooms, including their discipline matters, lack of engagement in the lessons, and failure to give correct answers to the teachers’ questions. To handle emotions of irritation and disappointment, the teachers applied the strategy to adjust their attention and manipulated the reappraisal strategy to eliminate their negative emotions by immersing into an alternative teaching activity or context for refreshment. Implications from these findings are provided for EFL teachers to reduce negative emotions for better moods in teaching English.
... The advancement of technology has an impact on changing mindsets and ways of learning in Generation Z (Szymkowiak et al., 2021;Loseñara, et al., 2023). Generation Z has habits like self-learning, is open to technology, is creative, has many ideas, and likes visual and interactive learning styles (Mosca et al., 2019). This context-based learning animation video is considered appropriate as one of the learning media that facilitates coordination system material. ...
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The biological concept has a broad scope and requires the visualisation of bioprocesses to provide complex understanding. Learning media can help visualise bioprocesses to enhance students’ cognitive abilities. The study aimed to develop, test the practicality, and test the effectiveness of video animation in improving grade XI high school students’ und erstanding of the coordination system. This study involved 66 high school students in grade XI of the science department at State Senior High School 2 Malang, Indonesia. This research used the Lee & Owens Multimedia-Based Instructional Design method, which consisted of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. In the evaluation stage, we conducted face validity by media experts and content validity by material experts, successively getting results of 97% and 100%. Then, the concurrent validity test was obtained from student assessments of the media interface with a result of 97%, the user-friendly with a result of 100%, and the appropriateness of the material with a result of 95%. In the final stage, construct validity was carried out through an effectiveness test using a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. Data analysis was performed using the Independent T-test, with the results showing a significance of 0.006 < 0.05, which showed a significant difference in the average post-test between the control and experimental classes. The average score in the experimental class increased from 76.32 to 89.03, but the control class increased from 76.38 to 84.56. The results showed that the video animation media effectively improved students’ abilities. Therefore, this learning media can be a recommendation in the learning coordination system.
... Educators should also consider adapting their instructional approach so that it delivers concepts in smaller chunks of information due to the attention span of Generation Z students which is only 8 seconds long (Mosca and Curtis, 2019). Another challenge lies in the fact that students now have access to more resources than ever before. ...
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This paper brings together two very topical and important themes. The first is the issue of the environmental footprint of transport consumption and the second is the current educational challenges of Generation Z representatives. The paper focuses on a combination of both topics, respectively addressing the education of Generation Z on the topic of the environmental footprint of transport consumption. The paper is prepared using a primary representative survey method based on an online questionnaire survey of representatives of Generation Z (secondary school students in the Czech Republic). The aim of the paper is to identify the educational challenges of the generation Z (studying at secondary schools in the Czech Republic) in the thematic area of the environmental footprint of transport consumption. The results clearly show the necessity of using audio-visual educational content and linking theory and practice, for example in the form of case studies. Generation Z wants quick, concise, up-to-date, interesting, and interactive information. Generation Z representatives clearly confirm the need to address human environmental impacts in education, adding that not enough time is devoted to them. They also confirm that there is a lack of study materials in this subject area and that they are not developed in a user-friendly way. Representatives of Generation Z are interested in further education on the environmental footprint of transport consumption. The findings of this paper can help both secondary school teachers, as well as school and curriculum developers and educational policy and strategy makers.
November 2022 might be seen an academic turning point given the uncertainty many learners experienced using Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Research studies hold that learners were impacted by Generative Artificial Intelligence: ethics, values, knowledge, and assessment rubrics that had been systematically integrated were tested. This chapter explores the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in terms of addressing academic uncertainty focusing on three information technology-related issues: Within their learning context, do learners in the Middle East have the same generative AI expectation as those in the Far East? Moreover, within their learning context, were learners in the Middle East as aware of the generative AI they experienced as those in the Far East? Third, within their learning context did graduate-level learners assess generative AI as the under-graduates did? To carry out this exploratory research, a Google survey was constructed similar to that applied in the Far East study. Data was drawn from convenience samples in universities in the Middle East and compared to that already administered in universities in the Far East. The results drawn reflected differences in generative AI learning and level of readiness. It should be noted that a number of limitations were met in terms of the convenience sample, the scope and depth of the questions within the survey, and the data drawn from the survey. Thus, the implications are calls for additional comparative research on applied generative AI in higher education institutions in the Middle and Far East.
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Sessizlik sarmalı ve sosyal mübadele kuramları üzerine inşa edilen, nicel ve görgül bir tasarıma sahip bu araştırmada, “Örgütlerdeki demokrasi algısı çalışanların sessizlik tutumlarını etkiler mi?” ve “Muhtemel bir etkinin yönü nedir?” sorularından hareketle örgütsel demokrasi algısının örgütsel sessizlik tutumu üzerindeki etkisinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda veriler, Konya ili merkez ilçelerinde görev yapan 430 lise öğretmeninden anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, SPSS 29 ve AMOS 24 programları aracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, lise öğretmenlerinin örgütsel demokrasi algılarının ilişkisel sessizlik tutumları üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı etkisinin olduğu tespit edilirken, örgütsel demokrasi algısının bireysel sessizlik tutumu üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi ortaya konulamamıştır. Bu bulgular ile araştırmanın ulusal literatüre katkı sağlayacağı ve sonraki çalışmalar için tartışma zemini oluşturacağı umulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Örgütsel Demokrasi, Örgütsel Sessizlik, Bireysel Sessizlik, İlişkisel Sessizlik, Sessizlik Sarmalı JEL Sınıflandırması: D23, L20, M14
Conference Paper
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The topic of this paper leads to the field of practice-generated knowledge. Its importance for the institutional educational process in the Tourism specialty, University of Veliko Tarnovo is being proved. The researched literature shows the need of transferring the teaching in high education from theory-based to practice-based, without belittling the lecture approach. The main method, used is the survey method where self-assessment analysis is applied. Some findings show that practice-generated knowledge is accepted as a useful one for the targeted respondents – they learnt new things in the course of the project/activity done, they acquired necessary skills and consider university practices useful for their career development. Students gave their highest marks for the responsiveness of the lecturers who lead those practices, as well as for their methodology approaches.
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Generation Z, growing up in an era of constantly evolving technology and information, presents new challenges for the world of education. They are known as a digitally connected generation, quick to adapt to technological advancements, and in search of interactive experiences in learning. One excellent step in responding to these needs is using suitable learning methods. For the new mandatory course, Electric Vehicle Technology with a weight of 3 credits, in the Electrical Engineering Bachelor's Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia, a learning approach that matches the characteristics and preferences of Generation Z was used. In the odd semester of 2023/2024, two classes were opened for Electric Vehicle Technology, class A with 56 students and class B with 50 students. The combination of discussion-based learning methods, project-based learning, and laboratory activities was used in the learning process to meet the needs of Generation Z students in the Electric Vehicle Technology course. The assessment used consisted of summative and formative assessments. The scoring rubric was key in helping to categorize the value of the work done by students. The integration of assessment weights considers the contribution from each learning model. Overall, the application of discussion-based learning models, project-based learning, and laboratory activities together have created a stimulating learning environment and aroused student enthusiasm in the Electric Vehicle Technology course. With combined methods of learning, the course passing rate for each of the course's learning outcomes was higher than 80%. For class A, the overall course passing rate was 88%, while for class B, it was 84%.
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A deeper understanding, analysis, appropriate design and management of students’ educational environment can be a powerful tool to improve the performance of both students and universities in the 21st century. The need to focus on the development of learning environments in higher education is also expressed by educational policy makers. In view of the fact that generations change and learners gain unique characteristics that differentiate them from the earlier generations, it is essential that learning environments are constantly researched and reconsidered. In the current article attention is centered on reconsideration of university educational environment for the learners of the new generation – Generation Z. Based on the literature review, the current article dwells on the discussion about educational environments for Generation Z. First, most common characteristics of the latest generation of learners have been explored and grouped into the characteristics that have a positive impact on learning and those detrimental to learning. Second, the article examines the concept of university educational environment. Third, it investigates the features of university educational environment that could be acceptable to the learners of Generation Z in higher education. The article seeks to discuss what in particular should be reconsidered by educators when developing educational environment so that it would become an influential part of learners’ personal learning environments. DOI:
Much has been written about teaching Millennials; however, little has been discussed about Generation Z—those just entering college. Nursing instructors must adapt to the upcoming generation's mobile tech-savviness and self-directed learning, which often is accompanied by a lack of critical thinking skills. Teaching strategies and incorporating technology are highlighted. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2016;47(6):253–254.
The purpose of this article is to gain a deeper understanding of cognitive load in visual displays, the value of inquiry learning as an educational method, the various ways to conceptualize thinking about cognitive, affective, and behavioral experiences, and the educational use of Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing. The literature on the role of cognitive engagement in assessment practice, inquiry learning as an educational tool, the promotion of web-based technologies for mainstream education, and educational use of emerging Web 2.0-based technologies is relevant to this discussion. I am specifically interested in how previous research investigated behavior that impedes the teaching/learning process, the use of multimodal learning techniques, the relationships between institutional characteristics and faculty behaviors and attitudes, and the importance of designing complex learning materials based on a cognitive theory of multimedia learning and cognitive load theory.
Empowering students in ways that significantly increase their engagement and learning is challenging. This paper describes how Collins and Porras' (1994) concept of the Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG, pronounced bee-hag) functions as an empowering semester project that significantly increases student engagement and learning. Based on Thomas and Velthouse's (1990) operationalization of empowerment as intrinsic task motivation, this essay outlines how to implement the BHAG as a semester project and offers evidence of increased student empowerment and learning. The discussion and findings in this essay will help management educators develop ways in which they can empower students in the courses they teach as well as increase their students' engagement and learning through this open-ended semester project.
Technology has changed the way the world functions on a day-to-day basis, but what about education? Education has been directly affected by the increase of technology in the United States. This change has not been well accepted by some members of the educational community, thus leaving the realm of education behind in the technology era. This article seeks to focus on the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some of the issues that surround teachers and technology. The article also delves into the future of technology and education and provides some helpful tips for technology use in the classroom.
This book provides the student with an understanding of theories and research on learning and related processes and demonstrates their application in educational contexts. The text is intended for graduate students in schools of education or related disciplines, as well as for advanced undergraduates interested in education. It is assumed that most students using this text are pursuing educationally relevant careers and that they possess minimal familiarity with psychological concepts and research methods. Important historical theories are initially discussed, followed by accounts of current research. Differing views are presented, as well as criticism when warranted. A chapter is devoted to problem solving and learning in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. The chapters on motivation, self-regulation, and instructional processes address topics relevant to learning theories. These topics traditionally have shown little overlap with learning theories, but fortunately this situation is changing. Researchers are addressing such topics as how motivation can influence quantity and quality of learning, how instructional practices impact information processing, and how learning principles can be applied to develop self-regulated learners. The applications of learning principles focus on school-aged students, both because of personal preference and because most students are interested in working with children and teenagers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Psycho-analysis of Mobile applications usage among Generation Z Teens
  • O Gupta
  • G Gulati
Gupta, O., & Gulati, G. (2014, August). Psycho-analysis of Mobile applications usage among Generation Z Teens. International Journal on Global Business Management & Research, 3(1), 80-95.
Driven to Distraction
  • E Hallowell
  • J Ratery
Hallowell, E., & Ratery, J. (2010). Driven to Distraction. Anchor Books, New York.
National survey of student engagement; the college student report
  • G D Kuh
Kuh, G.D. (n.d.). National survey of student engagement; the college student report. Bloomington, IN; Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and Planning.