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Background : Shoulder arthroplasty (SA) complications require standardization of definitions and are not limited to events leading to revision operations. We aimed to define an international consensus core set of clinically-relevant unfavorable events of SA to be documented in clinical routine practice and studies. Methods: A Delphi exercise was implemented with an international panel of experienced shoulder surgeons selected by nomination through professional societies. Based on a systematic review of terms and definitions and previous experience in establishing an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair core set, an organized list of SA events was developed and reviewed by panel members. After each survey, all comments and suggestions were considered to revise the proposed core set including local event groups along with definitions, specifications and timing of occurrence. Consensus was reached with at least a two-third agreement. Results: Two online surveys were required to reach consensus among a panel involving 96 surgeons. Between 88% and 100% agreement was achieved separately for local event groups including three intraoperative (device, osteochondral, soft tissue) and nine postoperative event groups. Experts agreed on a documentation time period ranging from 3 to 24 months after SA for four event groups (peripheral neurological, vascular, surgical site infection, superficial soft tissue) and lifelong until implant revision for other groups (device, osteochondral, shoulder instability, pain, late hematogenous infection, deep soft tissue). Conclusion: A structured core set of local unfavorable events of SA was developed by international consensus to support the standardization of SA safety reporting. Clinical application and scientific evaluation is needed.
Core set of unfavorable events of shoulder
arthroplasty: an international Delphi consensus
Laurent Audig
e, PhD
*, Hans-Kaspar Schwyzer, MD
, Shoulder Arthroplasty Core
Event Set (SA CES) Consensus Panel, Holger Durchholz, MD
Research and Development, Schulthess Clinic, Z
urich, Switzerland
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Schulthess Clinic, Z
urich, Switzerland
Klinik Gut, St Moritz, Switzerland
Background: Shoulder arthroplasty (SA) complications require standardization of definitions and are not
limited to events leading to revision operations. We aimed to define an international consensus core set of
clinically relevant unfavorable events of SA to be documented in clinical routine practice and studies.
Methods: A Delphi exercise was implemented with an international panel of experienced shoulder sur-
geons selected by nomination through professional societies. On the basis of a systematic review of
terms and definitions and previous experience in establishing an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair core
set, an organized list of SA events was developed and reviewed by panel members. After each survey,
all comments and suggestions were considered to revise the proposed core set including local event groups,
along with definitions, specifications, and timing of occurrence. Consensus was reached with at least two-
thirds agreement.
Results: Two online surveys were required to reach consensus within a panel involving 96 surgeons. Be-
tween 88% and 100% agreement was achieved separately for local event groups including 3 intraoperative
(device, osteochondral, and soft tissue) and 9 postoperative event groups. Experts agreed on a documen-
tation period that ranged from 3 to 24 months after SA for 4 event groups (peripheral neurologic, vascular,
surgical-site infection, and superficial soft tissue) and that was lifelong until implant revision for other
groups (device, osteochondral, shoulder instability, pain, late hematogenous infection, and deep soft tissue).
Conclusion: A structured core set of local unfavorable events of SA was developed by international
consensus to support the standardization of SA safety reporting. Clinical application and scientific evalu-
ation are needed.
Level of evidence: Level V; Expert Opinion; Consensus Development
Ó2019 Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of
Trustees. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.o
Keywords: Shoulder; arthroplasty; unfavorable events; complications; standardization; Delphi process;
core event set
Institutional review board approval was not required for this consensus
development project.
*Reprint requests: Laurent Audig
e, PhD, Research and
Development–Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Schulthess Clinic, Lengghalde
2, CH-8008 Z
urich, Switzerland.
E-mail address: (L. Audig
J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2019) -,111
1058-2746/Ó2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
The incidence of shoulder arthroplasty (SA) is
Although SA is associated with rapid and
persistent recovery of shoulder function and quality of life
for most patients, some experience local complications that
may lead to revision surgery.
Among osteoarthritis
patients, 4% require revision after primary total SA at a
mean follow-up time of 3.3 years.
Monitoring implant
survival, as well as establishing the reasons for revision,
is essential to identify inadequate or suboptimal implants
or procedures.
High-quality registries permit the assessment of implant
survival. They also include relevant image-based, clinical,
and patient-reported outcome data with sufficient granu-
larity to allow in-depth and qualitative scientific evaluation
of various procedures for all patients regardless of whether
revision is necessary.
A recent international consensus
process led to the development of a so-called core outcome
for shoulder disorders,
which considers inner core
domains of pain, physical function and activities, global
perceived effect (personal assessment of recovery or degree
of improvement), and adverse events (AEs).
From the
consensus process, it was clear that clinically relevant AEs
may not always lead to SA revision but could potentially
harm affected patients and must be considered.
Valid and consistent reporting of AEs in SA is essential
to foster adequate decision-making processes, but much of
the quantitative information stems from reviews of pub-
lished data
and retrospective series that are
highly inconsistent.
Further reports of large administra-
tive databases
only include events that were not
defined by consensus and may not be considered unfavor-
able events relevant to surgeons and their patients.
Mandated registration of device failures with health au-
thorities more likely provides valid safety implant
yet also excludes further relevant events. There is a
clear need for consensus on which events should be docu-
mented according to outlined quality standards.
A core event set (CES) was recently developed for
arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) as a hierarchical
and structured list of unfavorable events along with their
terms and definitions.
The aim of this project was to
extend the international consensus CES work for the
common orthopedic procedure of SA. We hypothesized that
by applying a Delphi process including a series of online
surveys, we could achieve consensus within a large panel of
experienced shoulder surgeons on a core set of local un-
favorable events applicable to any type of prosthesis to
support the standardization of SA safety reporting.
Materials and methods
General methodology
This study encompasses the development of a classification sys-
tem for clinically relevant unfavorable events of SA. We applied a
well-accepted methodologic process
for the development of the
SA CES, which was similar to that for ARCR.
A systematic
literature review was implemented comprising 495 original arti-
cles published between 2010 and 2014,
which gave rise to a total
of 1399 event terms grouped according to 8 of 9 previously
defined event groups: device, osteochondral, pain, surgical-site
infection, peripheral neurologic, vascular, superficial soft tissue,
and deep soft tissue.
Another group of terms related to impaired
function was also established to examine the possibility of using a
similar structured list. The majority of reported event definitions
in 21.4% of the reviewed articles were related to periprosthetic
radiolucency, as well as humeral or glenoid loosening. On the
basis of this review and the previously published ARCR CES, we
drafted an initial CES for SA.
We applied the modified Delphi technique
together with an
international panel of experienced shoulder surgeons to review the
proposed CES and reach consensus on appropriate modifications.
In this process, participants were also invited to provide input
regarding the development of a minimum set of parameters for
postoperative monitoring of asymptomatic SA patients.
With the
online electronic data capture system REDCap,
were asked to complete 3 successive surveys after personal invi-
tation by e-mail, in which the CES was specifically addressed
during the first and last surveys. We sent 2 automatic e-mail re-
minders and made individual personal contact to minimize the
proportion of nonresponders. All participants remained unaware
of the identities of the other panel members. We served as the
adjudication committee and remained blinded to all respondent
identities when reviewing the responses and proposing changes to
the CES.
Nomination and selection of panel members
Our international expert panel included orthopedic surgeons and
shoulder specialists with recognized experience in SA. The 84
shoulder surgeon members of the ARCR CES Consensus Panel
were included and complemented by nominations from the
following societies or professional groups: International Shoulder
Arthroplasty Consortium
; International Society of Orthopedic
Centers member clinics; European Society for Surgery of the
Shoulder and the Elbow; Swiss Orthopaedics; German Associa-
tion for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; British Elbow and Shoulder
Society; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons; Dutch Shoulder
and Elbow Society; Italian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Sur-
gery; steering committee of the Danish Shoulder Arthroplasty
Registry; Swedish Orthopaedic Association; and Shoulder and
Elbow Society of Australia. All nominated surgeons were invited
to participate in the first and second Delphi surveys. Only re-
spondents to 1 of these 2 surveys were invited to complete the
third and final survey. Members of the SA Consensus Panel
acknowledged in this work participated in at least 1 of the 2
surveys addressing the CES.
Development of initial core set and first online
The initial CES draft proposal was submitted for review and
commentary by invited surgeons as part as the initial Delphi
survey (Supplementary Appendix S1). Participants were asked
about their level of experience in orthopedics and, more
2 L. Audig
e et al.
specifically, in performing SA, as well as their agreement on the
CES development concept. We asked open questions regarding the
suggestion to develop a set of imaging parameters for monitoring
asymptomatic patients. Participants were asked if they agreed on
the propositions made regarding the distinction between intra-
operative and postoperative events, as well as the appropriate term
definitions, specifications, and period of observation for each
event group. For certain event groups (device, osteochondral, pain,
peripheral neurologic, and deep soft tissue), alternative observa-
tion periods (eg, 12 months, 24 months, 5 years, 10 years, 15
years, and lifelong) were suggested. Open fields allowed partici-
pants to comment on any additions or corrections they believed
were necessary. Consensus definitions of rotator cuff tear and
shoulder stiffness that originated from the ARCR CES Delphi
dand remained unpublished, particularly for the defini-
tion of shoulder stiffnessdwere proposed.
Second and third online surveys
On the basis of initial responses, a second survey was prepared to
address only a core set of radiologic monitoring parameters, which
was undertaken in parallel with this work on an SA CES. Proposed
changes to the CES were presented for review, commentary, and
agreement within the third and final survey (Supplementary
Appendix S2). Intraoperative event groups were excluded from
this survey because their definitions and specifications were fully
agreed on in the first survey. Postoperative event definitions and
specifications were amended for all initially proposed event
groups; a ‘‘shoulder instability’’ event group was added as sug-
gested by a panel member. In making the amendments, event
specifications were tailored in line with the core set of radiologic
parameters to ensure that these parameters could be defined and
recorded in a similar manner regardless of whether the patient
reported symptoms (ie, included in the CES) or not (ie, an
observation independent of the CES).
Data analysis and final adjudication
Survey data were transferred to Intercooled Stata (version 14;
StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) for standard descriptive
analyses. Consensus was achieved when agreement of at least two-
thirds of the respondents was reached. The required observation
period for specific event groups was proposed when at least two-
thirds of the panel members suggested the same or a shortened
period. All comments and suggestions made by panel members
were listed and reviewed. Final amendments and adjudication of
the CES were made by us for a few parameters to ensure simple,
uniform, and pragmatic implementation of the core set.
Consensus panel
Of 182 nominated surgeons invited to participate in the first
survey, only 1 was excluded because this surgeon did not
perform SAs. A total of 90 participants (50%) responded
partly (n ¼17) or completely (n ¼73). The second survey
sent to the same surgeons was answered by 72 participants
(40%), including 64 who had responded to the first survey.
The third survey was sent to 98 surgeons, to which almost
three-quarters (n ¼73) responded. There were 96 members
who responded to either the first or third survey, with 83
reporting either having more than 5 years’ orthopedic sur-
gical experience and performing at least 20 SAs annually
(Table I). Of these members, 74 (76%) originated from
Europe (Germany, 14; Switzerland, 15; United Kingdom,
14; The Netherlands, 8; others, 23), with 12 from North
America (United States, 11; Canada, 1) and 10 from else-
where (Chile, 2; Brazil, 2; Israel, 1; Australia, 5).
Initial survey
The development framework for the CES was highly sup-
ported with 99% agreement (89 of 90) among the first survey
participants. Of respondents, 89% (72 of 81) supported a
clear distinction between intraoperative and postoperative
events. In addition, consensus was reached with 93%
agreement (71 of 76) to organize intraoperative events into 3
distinct event groups (device, osteochondral, or soft tissue)
with specific consideration for the field of SA (Table II).
Respondents were rather (44%) or definitively (47%) in
agreement to adopt a structure comprising 8 event groups and
definitions gained from the ARCR CES with rotator cuff
events being considered within the deep soft-tissue event
group (implant [device], osteochondral, persisting or wors-
ening pain, peripheral neurologic, vascular, surgical-site
infection, superficial soft tissue, or deep soft tissue). Per-
centages of agreement for each event group definition and
specification ranged from 89% to 99%. Nevertheless,
numerous comments and suggestions were made, including
the option to add a separate shoulder instability event group
(Supplementary Appendix S3); this event group would
comprise those relevant events that do not fit as a new spec-
ification within any of the previously defined event groups.
Final survey
As a result of this last process, the shoulder instability event
group was added. The event group of surgical-site infection
Table I Skill of clinician consensus panel
Average annual SAs*Years of experience, n
Total, n
1-5 6-10 11-20 >20
1-20 d45 312
21-50 1 6 14 15 36
51-100 d316 1534
>100 d17 614
Total 1 14 42 39 96
SA, shoulder arthroplasty.
Panelists were asked, ‘‘On average, how many SAs do you perform
Panelists were asked, ‘‘How many years of surgical experience do
you have in orthopedics?’’
Unfavorable event core set of SA 3
was renamed the infection event group to incorporate late
hematogenous infections in the core set. The adjustments of
postoperative event terms and definitions organized into
9 groups were approved with 88% to 100% agreement
(Table III). The period of documentation ranged from 3 to 24
months after SA for 4 event groups and subgroups (periph eral
neurologic, vascular, surgical-site infection, or superficial
soft tissue) and was lifelong until implant revision for the
following: device, osteochondral, shoulder instability, pain,
late hematogenous infection, and deep soft tissue.
Device events included radiolucency around the implant
and implant loosening, as well as implant migration,
breakage, disassembly, and malpositioning (Table III).
Specific osteochondral events were listed as bone formation
or resorption, fracture around the implant, and the presence
of loose bodies. Several definitions were formulated and
agreed on in the context of radiologic SA monitoring,
particularly regarding subluxation and dislocation in the
shoulder instability event group; dynamic instability was
also considered in the CES. Persisting or worsening pain
events were similar to those outlined by the ARCR CES
and defined as occurring at night or during the day while at
rest or during everyday activities. Peripheral neurologic
events were reorganized by distinguishing sensory and/or
motor disturbance from autonomic disturbance (complex
regional pain syndrome). Vascular events included hema-
toma requiring evacuation, as well as thrombosis and
ischemia of the involved extremity. Periprosthetic late he-
matogenous infections considered for lifelong observation
in SA until implant revision were added to the CES, along
with the surgical-site infections, in a global infection event
group. Superficial soft-tissue events included early events
over a period of 30 days and late hypertrophic scar and
keloid events over a period of 6 months. Finally, the deep
soft-tissue event group was extended to include metallosis
and rotator cuff events; 94% of respondents (67 of 71)
approved the proposed consensus definition of rotator cuff
tear as a loss of tendon integrity with Sugaya classifica-
type IV or V diagnosed by appropriate diagnostic
imaging including arthrographic computed tomography and
ultrasound examination (Table IV). The consensus defini-
tion of shoulder stiffness was also approved with the
following consideration: Motion restriction in passive
external rotation in 0of abduction was defined for
anatomic SA only as glenohumeral motion no more than
50% of the contralateral-side value. In addition, the
observation time frame for stiffness following SA was
extended to 12 months.
This project focused on the development of a consensus
core set of unfavorable local events for SA. We used a
modified Delphi process and reached widespread consensus
after only 2 online surveys with between 88% and 100%
agreement for specific event groups within an international
panel of 96 experienced shoulder surgeons. The period of
Table II Definitions and specifications of intraoperative event groups*in core set
Event group Definition and specification
Device events Events affecting any component of the implanted device or material or the instrumentation
used for their implantation
Instrument problem (breakage, failure)
Implant (breakage, malpositioning, separation)
Cementation problems
Osteochondral events Events affecting the osteochondral tissue of the proximal humerus, clavicle, and/or scapula
Articular cartilage damage
Humeral metaphyseal (above the surgical neck)
Humeral diaphyseal
Soft-tissue events Events involving only the soft tissue in the treated shoulder
Skin, muscle, tendon, joint capsule, ligament, labrum
Blood vessels (bleeding): bleeding at the surgical site that requires additional intervention
or leads to a stop of the operation
Nerves: recognized damage of a neurologic structure that needs additional surgical
Intraoperative events were organized into 3 distinct event groups as previously presented
and adapted to focus on the field of shoulder arthroplasty.
Adaptations are italicized. Consensus was already reached for these definitions and specifications with 93% agreement (71 of 76 participants) achieved
during the first Delphi survey.
Fracture includes hairline fracture.
A standard list of potentially affected nerves is only presented for postoperative neurologic events.
4 L. Audig
e et al.
Table III Definitions and specifications of postoperative event groups*in core set
Event group Definitions and specifications Period Agreement, % (n)
Events affecting the implanted device(s) (prosthesis) that is (are)
shown on adequate postoperative imaging (eg, radiographs,
ultrasound, CT) and associated with clinical symptoms
Migration (subsidence, tilt, shift): noticeable change in the
position of an implant component relative to the bone to which it
is supposedly fixed
Radiolucency around the implant or implant loosening
Wear of the implant articular surfaces: damage, erosion or loss of
the articular surface material over time, which is identified by
reduction of joint space observed on serial plain radiographs
Disassembly: noticeable change in the relative position of the
various parts of an implant humeral or glenoid component
: implant not in its expected position
Lifelong until
implant revision
100 (64 of 64)
Osteochondral Events affecting the osteochondral tissue of the proximal humerus,
clavicle, and/or scapula
Bone formation or resorption (including scapular notching in
reverse shoulder arthroplasty, osteochondral erosion in
hemiarthroplasty, and bone cyst)
Fracture around the implant
Loose body
Lifelong until
implant revision
92 (59 of 64)
Persisting or
worsening pain
Shoulder pain reported by the patient that is not associated with
another identified local event (idiopathic) and is either
persisting (compared with preoperative status) beyond 6
mo postoperatively or worsening any time postoperatively
Night pain: shoulder pain that awakens the patient at night or
interferes with sleep
Daily pain while at rest
Daily pain during everyday activities (household, work, sport,
leisure, and so on)
Lifelong until
implant revision
95 (62 of 65)
Symptomatic shoulder associated with loss of alignment of the
articulating surface of the humeral component with the
articulating surface of its joint partner
Subluxation: non–arm position–dependent eccentric misalignment
with residual contact
Dislocation: non–arm position–dependent complete loss of contact
of the articulating surfaces
Dynamic instability: arm position–dependent loss of contact of the
articulating surfaces apparent on physical examination and/or
visible on functional radiographs (horizontal flexion/extension
view in 90of abduction and true AP view in 60of abduction)
The direction of instability is noted from clinical examination as well
as the AP view (superior/inferior) and from the axillary view or Y-
view (anterior/posterior)
Lifelong until
implant revision
91 (59 of 65)
Events resulting from peripheral neurologic injury at the surgical site,
which was not present prior to surgery (including worsening of
preoperatively known neurologic lesion) and which is associated
with sensory and/or motor and/or autonomic disturbance
Sensory and/or motor disturbance: affected nerve(s)
Cervical or brachial plexus
Branch neuropathy (suprascapular, musculocutaneous, median,
ulnar, radial, axillary, dorsal scapular, long thoracic, spinal
accessory, thoracodorsal, cutaneous nerves of arm and
Autonomic disturbance: CRPS
Neurologic injury may be classified by a neurologist according to
3 mo 91 (58 of 64)
(continued on next page)
Unfavorable event core set of SA 5
documentation after SA was limited to between 3 and 24
months for only 4 event groups and should otherwise
remain a lifelong process. There is a lack of general
agreement in the literature about how ‘‘consensus’’ should
be defined, although reaching a threshold percentage for
certain responses is most often applied.
Our decision to
consider a threshold of two-thirds agreement was deter-
mined a priori to include relevant items that should not be
excluded from further evaluation in field testing; the
reporting of actual percentages of agreement well above
80% shows the robustness of our achievement.
The development framework for this project was highly
supported among participants of the first survey. The fact
that the CES achieved large consensus after only 2 survey
rounds shows that our concept appeals to the vast majority
of clinicians. Adaptation of the previous ARCR CES was
Table III Definitions and specifications of postoperative event groups*in core set (continued)
Event group Definitions and specifications Period Agreement, % (n)
(ie, neurapraxia, axonotmesis, or neurotmesis) and/or
(degenerative, short conduction block, prolonged condition
Vascular Events involving laceration, avulsion, contusion, puncture, or crush
injury to an artery, vein, or microvascularity at the surgical site
Hematoma that requires evacuation by needle puncture or surgery
Superficial and deep thrombosis at the involved extremity
Ischemia of the involved extremity that requires additional
30 d 91 (59 of 65)
Infections SSI: definition and specifications adapted from the 2008 Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention definition
Superficial incisional SSIs: infections involving only the skin and
subcutaneous tissue of the incision: early (<3 mo)
Deep SSIs (incisional and organ or space): infections involving any
part of the anatomy (eg, fascia, muscle, organs, and spaces)
other than the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the incision: early
(<3 mo) and low grade (3-24 mo)
3-24 mo 88 (57 of 65)
Late hematogenous infections: periprosthetic infections defined
according to international consensus
>24 mo until
implant revision
soft tissue
Events affecting the superficial soft tissues (ie, skin and
subcutaneous tissue) at and around the surgical site and/or
wound that do not affect deep soft tissues (ie, fascia, muscle, or
articular capsule) and that require additional treatment
Early events within 30 d: edema, emphysema, burn, delayed wound
healing, hypersensitivity reaction, skin necrosis, and skin bulla
Late events within the first 6 mo: hypertrophic scar and keloid
(except if known history of development)
30 d to 6 mo 97 (62 of 64)
Deep soft
Events affecting the deep soft tissues (ie, fascia, muscle, or articular
capsule), except infections
Affecting the subacromial/subcoracoid space (impingement,
adhesion, and so on)
Affecting the biceps
Affecting the capsule (shoulder stiffness,
Affecting the rotator cuff
Affecting the deltoid
Lifelong until
implant revision
94 (59 of 63)
CT, computed tomography; AP, anteroposterior; CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome; SSI, surgical-site infection.
Postoperative events were organized into distinct event groups as previously presented
and adapted for the field of shoulder arthroplasty. The rotator
cuff event group was moved into the deep soft-tissue event group. A new event group related to shoulder instability was included. The infection event
group includes late hematogenous infections. Most specifications within the implant, osteochondral, and peripheral neurologic event groups were
A malpositioned implant may result from intraoperative malpositioning and/or postoperative implant displacement. The time of occurrence may be
determined by immediate postoperative assessment of the implant position.
Consensus definitions of shoulder stiffness and rotator cuff tear were also agreed on, together with the deep soft-tissue event group, as presented in
Table IV.
6 L. Audig
e et al.
fairly straightforward and required minimal changes, which
further demonstrates the relevance of the current proposal
for SA, as well as any future CES development for other
indications or treatments in orthopedics.
Previous reports on complications after SA were largely
based on retrospective case series, and about one-fifth of
examined articles in our previous literature review
narrative reviews. Without international consensus, the au-
thors of these reports were left to judge which events were
most relevant to them or their patients. Other reports using
large administrative databases
targeted specific
events that were not primarily documented for assessing
comprehensively unfavorable events and patient safety in
SA. Therefore, our CES provides a more specific and
comprehensive system for events localized to the affected
shoulder; this system can then be complemented by a more
generic system for events affecting other body
The CES should be considered the minimum
documentation requirement for assessing AEs in the context
of clinical studies.
We believe the CES will also allow for a
more in-depth and transparent assessment of patient out-
comes in clinical registries. The use of a standardized
structure to record these events should facilitate the ability
to combine data from multiple assessment sites as well as
compare outcomes between implants, clinical settings, and
surgeons. Consistent with the need to document long-term
implant survival in SA registries, all events that may lead
to the deterioration of shoulder function and implant revi-
sion should be documented over the patient’s lifetime.
Our proposed hierarchical system organized into event
groups offers flexibility in its application and development so
that detailed specifications can be added to the CES at any
time point. Although definitions of rotator cuff tear and
shoulder stiffness were approved in the context of SA, we
foresee that further development and adjustment will be
required after a period of application and evaluation in real-
life settings. It should be noted that the CES from this project
focuses on symptomatic events that may trigger additional
examinations or treatments for affected patients; the events
may be captured passively when patients consult the surgeon
of their own accord, as well as actively by asking patients
about the occurrence of unfavorable events at regular post-
operative intervals. We recommend the documentation of
symptomatic events in parallel with a proposed systematic
SA monitoring schedule in all patients.
The strengths and limitations of this consensus project are
similar to those previously outlined.
We applied the term
‘‘unfavorable event’’ because the term ‘‘surgical complica-
tion’’remained undefined. Comprehensive documentation in
clinical registries and studies should outline how recorded
events relate to SA, harm patients, or influence outcomes. We
used cost-effective methodologic standards for consensus
development using a modified Delphi exercise. Participation
was very high within the large international panel of expe-
rienced shoulder surgeons, with a 74% response rate for the
final survey; although the consensus reflects their opinions
well, the perspective of SA patients remains to be captured
during the evaluation phase of the current proposal. Only 2
surveys were required to complete the CES, partly because
our initial proposal was based on adapting the existing CES in
ARCR. We believe that there was no justification to start the
development process without consideration of the previous
consensus and that there is value in harmonizing the
Table IV Consensus definitions of rotator cuff tear and
shoulder stiffness in shoulder arthroplasty
Event Definition*
Rotator cuff tear
A rotator cuff event affects the
anatomic and functional integrity of
the rotator cuff including one of the
following muscles and tendons:
subscapularis, supraspinatus,
infraspinatus, or teres minor
A rotator cuff tear (imaging definition)
is a loss of rotator cuff tendon
integrity (full-thickness tear defined
as either type IV or V based on the
Sugaya classification
diagnosed on appropriate imaging
(arthro-CT, ultrasound)
Shoulder stiffness
Postoperative restriction in passive
shoulder motion diagnosed in 2
of the motion planes of flexion,
abduction, and external fixation
in 0of abduction
Motion restriction is assessed
separately for each plane according
to the following criteria:
Flexion: total motion 90or
glenohumeral motion (fixed scapula)
Abduction: total motion 80or
glenohumeral motion (fixed scapula)
External rotation in 0of abduction:
glenohumeral (fixed scapula) motion
20(or, for anatomic shoulder
arthroplasty only, no more than 50%
of the contralateral-side value)
For the core set, only shoulder stiffness
occurring within 12 mo after shoulder
arthroplasty is considered
arthro-CT, arthrographic computed tomography.
These definitions were agreed on by the consensus panel together
with the deep soft-tissue event group, as described in Table III.
This definition was adapted from a previous proposal
with 1
change highlighted in italics.
This definition was previously developed by members of the
Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Core Event Set Consensus Group
adapted for the context of shoulder arthroplasty.
Modifications are
shown in italics. The observation time frame of 6 months following
arthroscopic rotator cuff repair was extended to 12 months for
shoulder arthroplasty.
Unfavorable event core set of SA 7
framework and structure of the approved systems for doc-
umenting unfavorable events across various indications or
treatments in shoulder surgery. Finally, our own judgment
was applied to assess individual opinions and ensure appli-
cability of the final CES in practice.
The present core set has been included in a standard
electronic complication form for systematic documentation
as part of our local SA registry using a REDCap
The use of branching logic facilitates the
documentation and evaluation of any unfavorable events in
the defined structure. To foster availability and wide uni-
form field application, we created an electronic and paper
form for our ‘‘SA core event set 1.0’’ to be used in any
documentation system, as well as clinical studies
(Supplementary Appendix S4). Some unfavorable events
may occur simultaneously in any patient, which can result
in an overall assessment and management process. We
suggest that only the leading event should be recorded,
although contrary to Somerson et al,
we did not predefine
a hierarchy of events for anatomic and reverse SA. Treating
surgeons should rely on their own professional judgment.
Finally, our paper form remains limited with respect to the
space offered to adequately document the events. Our
electronic form, on the other hand, offers more detailed
options for recording, for example, grading of radiolucency,
scapular notching, and fracture classification, which are
addressed in the context of a parallel project on radiologic
This information can be captured in the
descriptive field of the paper form if not recorded
This international Delphi consensus process contributes
to the standardization of reporting unfavorable events of
SA for safety evaluation. The proposed SA CES in its
first version should be applied in practice and assessed
regarding its comprehensiveness and relevance for
The authors greatly thank the participants of the Delphi
consensus process recognized in the SA CES Consensus
Panel author list. The authors would also like to
acknowledge the support of Dr. Melissa Wilhelmi,
medical writer at the Schulthess Clinic, Z
Switzerland, for manuscript proofreading and assisting
with the submission process.
The SA CES Consensus Panel members are as fol-
lows: Ville
arimaa, MD, Turku University Hospital,
Turku, Finland; Tjarco D. Alta, MD, PhD, Spaarne
Gasthuis, Haarlem/Hoofddorp, The Netherlands; Marcus
Vinicius Amaral, MD, MSc, Instituto Nacional de
Traumatologia e Ortopedia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
Alison Armstrong, MD, University Hospitals of
Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, United Kingdom; Steve
Bale, MD, Wrightington Hospital, Wrightington, United
Kingdom; Shaul Beyth, MD, PhD, Hadassah Medical
Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Andreas Bischof, MD, Berit
Klinik, Speicher, Switzerland; Desmond J. Bokor, MD,
Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Macquarie
University, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Mario Borroni,
MD, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center IRCCS,
Milan, Italy; Stig Brorson, MD, PhD, DMSc, Zealand
University Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copen-
hagen, Denmark; Peter Brownson, DM, FRCS(Ed),
FRCS(Tr&Orth), Royal Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool,
United Kingdom; Stefan Buchmann, MD,
adisches Fachzentrum Weilheim, Weilheim,
Germany; Eduard Buess, MD, Shouldercare Clinic,
Berne, Switzerland; Benjamin Cass, MD, Royal North
Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Cormac Kelly,
MD, Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hos-
pital, Oswestry, United Kingdom; Vincenzo De Cupis,
MD, ICOT, Latina, Italy; Philippe Debeer, MD, PhD,
University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Mark T.
Dillon, MD, The Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser
Permanente, Sacramento, CA, USA; Holger Durchholz,
MD, Klinik Gut, St Moritz, Switzerland; Anders Eke-
lund, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedics, Capio St
orans Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; Mikael Etzner,
MD, Department of Orthopaedics Sjukhuset i Varberg,
Varberg, Sweden; Matthias Flury, MD, Zentrum f
adie & Neurochirurgie In-Motion, Wallisellen,
Switzerland; Mark Frankle, MD, Florida Orthopaedic
Institute, Temple Terrace, FL, USA; John Geoghegan,
MD, Nottingham University Hospitals, Nottingham,
United Kingdom; Harry Georgousis, MD, PhD, St Jo-
seph Hospital, KKRH–Contillia Group, Essen, Ger-
many; Ariane Gerber-Popp, MD, Kantonsspital
Baselland, Basel, Switzerland; K
aroly Guly
as, MD,
eterfy S
andor Hospital and Trauma Center, Budapest,
Hungary; Patrick Henry, MD, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada; Ralph Hertel, MD, Lindenhof-
spital, Berne, Switzerland; Philipp Heuberer, MD,
Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Wien,
Vienna, Austria; Philip Holland, MD, The James Cook
University Hospital, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom;
Nicolas Holzer, MD, H^
opitaux Universitaires de Gen-
eve, Geneva, Switzerland; Greg Hoy, MD, Melbourne
Orthopaedic Group, Monash University, Melbourne,
VIC, Australia; Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Hospital
Rechts der Isar University of Munich, Munich, Ger-
many; Hans Viggo Johannsen, MD, Aarhus University,
Aarhus, Denmark; Matthew Kent, MD, Royal Liverpool
Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom; Georges Kohut,
MD, Clinique G
erale Ste-Anne, Fribourg,
8 L. Audig
e et al.
Switzerland; Alexandre L
adermann, MD, University of
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; Simon Lambert, MD,
University College London Hospital, London, United
Kingdom; Ulrich Lanz, MD, Sportorthop
adie Zentrum,
Vienna, Austria; Evan Lederman, MD, The Orthopedic
Clinic Association (TOCA), Phoenix, AZ, USA; Lars
Lehmann, MD, St Vincentius-Kliniken, Karlsruhe,
Germany; Jan Leuzinger, MD, Etzelclinic, Pf
Switzerland; Sven Lichtenberg, MD, ATOS Klinik
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Jonathan Livesey,
MD, Scarborough Hospital, Scarborough, United
Kingdom; Markus Loew, MD, PhD, ATOS–Clinic Hei-
delberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Olaf Lorbach, MD, PhD,
Saarland University, Homburg, Germany; Kirsten
Lundgreen, MD, PhD, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital,
Oslo, Norway; Dirk Maier, MD, Medical
Center–University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany;
Frank Martetschl
ager, MD, ATOS Clinic Munich,
Munich, Germany; Nicholas Matis, MD, Paracelsus
Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria; Saurabh
Sagar Mehta, FRCS(Tr&Orth), University Hospitals of
North Midlands, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom;
Dominik Meyer, MD, Balgrist University Hospital,
urich, Switzerland; Peter J. Millett, MD, Steadman
Clinic, Vail, CO, USA; Philipp Moroder, MD, Center for
Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charit
e Universit
Berlin, Germany; Geraldo Motta, MD, MSc, Instituto
Nacional de Traumatologia e Ortopedia, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; Andreas Mueller, MD, University Hospital of
Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Ronald A. Navarro, MD,
Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser
Permanente, Rolling Hills, CA, USA; Wolfgang Nebe-
lung, MD, Marienkrankenhaus D
serswerth, D
usseldorf, Germany; J
org Neumann, MD,
HELIOS ENDO-Klinik, Hamburg, Germany; Richard
Page, MD, School of Medicine Deakin University,
Geelong, VIC, Australia; Paolo Paladini, MD, U. O.
Chirurgia della Spalla, Ospedale Cervesi, AUSL
Romagna, Cattolica, Italy; Vipul Patel, FRCS(Orth),
South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre,
Epsom, United Kingdom; Ludo Penning, MD, PhD,
MSc, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;
Dirk Petr
e, MD, Sint-Jozefskliniek, Izegem, Belgium;
Dario Petriccioli, MD, Istituto Clinico Sant’ Anna,
Brescia, Italy; Pol Huijsmans, MD, Bergman Clinics,
Rijswijk, The Netherlands; Amar Rangan, MD, The
James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, United
Kingdom; Jonny Rees, MD, University of Oxford, Ox-
ford, United Kingdom; Felipe Reinares, MD, Clinica
Alemana, Santiago, Chile; Herbert Resch, MD, Para-
celsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria;
Anthony A. Romeo, MD, Rothman Orthopaedic Insti-
tute, New York, NY, USA; Claudio Rosso, MD, MSc,
ARTHRO Medics Corp and University of Basel, Basel,
Switzerland; Roberto Rotini, MD, Istituto Ortopedico
Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy; Miguel A. Ruiz-Iban, MD, PhD,
Hospital Universitario Ram
on y Cajal, Madrid, Spain;
orn Salomonsson, MD, PhD, Karolinska Institutet
Danderyds Sjukhus AB, Stockholm, Sweden; Michael
Sandow, FRACS, Wakefield Orthopaedic Clinic, Ade-
laide, SA, Australia; Felix H. Savoie, MD, Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tulane University, New
Orleans, LA, USA; Johan Scheer, MD, Link
oping Uni-
versity, Link
oping, Sweden; Markus Scheibel, MD,
Schulthess Klinik, Z
urich, Switzerland; Hans-Kaspar
Schwyzer, MD, Schulthess Klinik, Z
Switzerland; Jose Francisco Soza Rex, MD, Pontificia
Universidad Cat
olica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; John
Sperling, MD, MBA, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
USA; Christoph Spormann, MD, Endoclinic Z
urich, Switzerland; Mark Tauber, MD, ATOS Clinic
Munich, Munich, Germany; Theis Thillemann, MD,
PhD, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark;
Thomas (Quin) Throckmorton, MD, University of
Tennessee-Campbell Clinic, Memphis, TN, USA; Tim
Peckham, MD, Basildon University Hospital, Basildon,
United Kingdom; Felipe Toro, MD, Cl
ınica Alemana,
Santiago, Chile; Marco van der Pluijm, MD, Sint
Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, Gelderland, The
Netherlands; Peer van der Zwaal, MD, PhD, Haaglanden
Medical Center, The Hague, The Netherlands; Derek
F.P. van Deurzen, MD, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Arthur van Noort, MD,
PhD, Spaarne Hospital, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands;
Cornelis Visser, MD, PhD, Alrijne Hospital, Leiden, The
Netherlands; Markus Wambacher, MD, Medical Uni-
versity Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; Stephen C.
Weber, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Silver
Spring, MD, USA; and Gerald Williams, MD, Rothman
Orthopaedics, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA.
Support for this research was provided by the Schulthess
The authors, their immediate families, and any
research foundations with which they are affiliated have
not received any financial payments or other benefits from
any commercial entity related to the subject of this article.
Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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Unfavorable event core set of SA 11
... Core event sets (CES) in shoulder disorders were recently developed for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) [10] and shoulder arthroplasty (SA) [11] as the minimum set of events that should be systematically documented and reported in routine care and clinical research. Relevant unfavorable events local (regional) to the operated shoulder were defined by international consensus and organized in a hierarchical structure to facilitate standardization of safety assessment and reporting. ...
... We applied a similar methodological process for the development of the PHF CES as that used for ARCR [10] and SA [11]. Unfavorable event terms and definitions were identified from a systematic literature review including original articles published between 2010 and 2017, and grouped according to nine previously defined event groups [6,7]. ...
... Consensus was reached with 97% agreement (206/213) to organize intraoperative events into three distinct event groups (device | osteochondral | soft tissue). Respondents were rather (38%) or definitively (58%) in agreement to distinguish between eight event groups gained from the SA CES [11] (implant [device] | osteochondral | shoulder instability | peripheral neurological | vascular | infection | superficial soft tissue | deep soft tissue). Percentages of agreement for each event group definition and specification ranged from 93 to 99%, except for the osteochondral event group for which respondents provided numerous definitions for a list of specification terms in the context of different treatment options including nonoperative management. ...
Full-text available
Background Proximal humerus fracture (PHF) complications, whether following surgery or nonoperative management, require standardization of definitions and documentation for consistent reporting. We aimed to define an international consensus core event set (CES) of clinically-relevant unfavorable events of PHF to be documented in clinical routine practice and research. Methods A Delphi exercise was implemented with an international panel of experienced shoulder trauma surgeons selected by survey invitation of AO Trauma members. An organized list of PHF events after nonoperative or operative management was developed and reviewed by panel members using on-line surveys. The proposed core set was revised regarding event groups along with definitions, specifications and timing of occurrence . Consensus was reached with at least a two-third agreement. Results The PHF consensus panel was composed of 231 clinicians worldwide who responded to at least one of two completed surveys. There was 93% final agreement about three intraoperative local event groups (device, osteochondral, soft tissue). Postoperative or nonoperative event terms and definitions organized into eight groups (device, osteochondral, shoulder instability, fracture-related infection, peripheral neurological, vascular, superficial soft tissue, deep soft tissue) were approved with 96 to 98% agreement. The time period for documentation ranged from 30 days to 24 months after PHF treatment depending on the event group and specification. The resulting consensus was presented on a paper-based PHF CES documentation form. Conclusions International consensus was achieved on a core set of local unfavorable events of PHF to foster standardization of complication reporting in clinical research and register documentation. Trial registration Not applicable.
... Patients have been systematically recorded in the clinical information system at the timepoints defined above since 2005. Data collection is based on standardized recommendations [1,23]. The exact database design is documented below. ...
... In 2020, the design of another monocentric shoulder prosthesis registry with nearly 1480 RTSAs was described [22]. Like our database setup, a normalized international consensus was used to classify adverse events [1] and radiological image data [8]. ...
Full-text available
Background The number of implanted reverse total shoulder arthroplasties (RTSA) is increasing worldwide. To improve patient care, institutional and national arthroplasty registries are being established worldwide to record outcome data. This article aims to describe the setup of an RTSA database in a high-volume university orthopedic hospital. Methods All patients who received an RTSA at the authors’ tertiary referral hospital have been followed and individual datasets have been systematically recorded in a REDCap database since 2005. The data are captured longitudinally as a primary preoperative survey and as a regular or irregular postoperative follow-up. All baseline demographic data, patient history, surgical details, arthroplasty details, adverse events, and radiographic and clinical outcome scores (Constant–Murley score, Subjective Shoulder Value, range of motion) are recorded. Results A total of 1433 RTSA were implanted between January 2005 and December 2020. Of these, 1184 (83%) were primary implantations and 249 (17%) were secondary cases. The cohort had a mean age of 70 ± 10 years, was 39% male, and was classified ASA II in 59%. The lost to follow-up rate was 18% after 2 years, 22% after 5 years, and 53% after 10 years. The overall complication rate with 2 years minimum follow-up was 18% (156/854 shoulders) with reintervention in 10% (82/854 shoulders). Conclusion A well-managed institutional arthroplasty registry, including structured clinical and radiological follow-up assessments, offers the opportunity for high-quality long-term patient and arthroplasty outcome analysis. Such data are not only helpful for analyzing patient outcome and implant survival, but will be increasingly important to justify our daily clinical practice against different stakeholders in the various health care systems.
... There were no signs of implant migration, shoulder joint displacement, wear of the implant articular surfaces, or implant breakage or disassembly. [22]; ‡ p-value = adjusted binomial regression analyses adjusted for gender, ASA classification; n.p. = regression analysis was not performed due to the limited number of events observed. ...
... Bone resorption/Bone formation parameters † n (%) n (%) n (%) p-value ‡ 1 (1) -- † according to an international consensus standard [22]; ‡ p-value = adjusted logistic regression analyses adjusted for gender, ASA classification; parameters were dichotomized (presence/absence) for this comparison to the limited number of events observed. Scapular notching and Modified Brooker classification were compared using ordered logistic regression analyses without dichotomization. ...
Full-text available
There is a lack of consensus on what physicians can recommend and what patients can expect concerning sports activity after reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA). The purpose of this retrospective register-based observational study was to investigate the association between participation in sports or physical activity involving the upper extremity and 5-year clinical and radiological outcomes for primary RSA patients. We screened the institutional arthroplasty registry for patients reporting the type and level of sports postoperatively after primary, unilateral RSA due to rotator cuff deficiency. One hundred thirty-eight patients with clinical and radiological outcomes documented at a minimum 5-year follow-up were divided into three groups comprising those who participated regularly in: sports mainly involving the upper extremity (sports upper extremities, SUE, n = 49), sports mainly involving the lower extremities (sports lower extremities, SLE, n = 21), and those who did not participate in sports at all (no sports, NS, n = 68). The participants had a mean age of 72 years (standard deviation (SD) 8) and were overall predominantly female patients (62%). Primary clinical outcomes included the Constant Score (CS) and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI). Secondary radiographs were analyzed for radiolucent lines (RLL), signs of glenoid or humeral prosthesis loosening, bone resorption, bone formation, and scapular notching. A total number of 8 senior surgeons were involved in treatment of patients, and two types of prosthesis were used. The SUE group had non-significantly higher mean scores for CS (75 points) and SPADI (88 points) compared to SLE (71 and 78 points, respectively) and NS patients (66 and 78 points, respectively) (p ≥ 0.286). The incidence of RLL around the humeral diaphysis was higher in NS compared to SUE patients (32% versus 12%, respectively) (p = 0.025); all other radiological parameters were similar between the groups. There were no cases of loosening in the SUE group that led to revision surgery. Patients engaging in sports activities involving the upper extremity show similarly good functional scores 5 years post-RSA as the other groups, without additional signs of implant loosening as a result of increased shoulder use.
... Local adverse events (AEs) including surgical complications were recorded and classified according to a previously described standardized method [26,27]. All events were assessed with regard to their severity, as well as their relationship with the RSA procedure, notably to identify serious adverse events (SAEs, including revision operations) and serious adverse device effects (SADEs) [24]. ...
Full-text available
Background/Objectives: Classical reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) with a high neck–shaft angle (NSA) of 155° has shown satisfactory outcomes. However, newer RSA designs aim to improve results by modifying the stem design. This study evaluates the 5-year outcomes of a stem design featuring a rectangular metadiaphyseal fixation and a 135° NSA. Methods: This prospective bicentric case series included and longitudinally followed up patients that were treated for cuff arthropathy, massive irreparable rotator cuff tears, or eccentric osteoarthritis using a non-cemented rectangular metadiaphyseal fixation stem with a 135° NSA (Univers Revers, Arthrex, Naples, FL, USA). Subjective and objective functional outcome scores (Constant–Murley Score (CS), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), and Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV)), range of motion (ROM), radiographic outcome, adverse events, complications, and quality of life were investigated. Results: This study enrolled 132 patients (59% female, mean age 75 years, SD 6). At the 5-year follow-up, subjective and objective outcomes significantly improved compared to baseline: CS (32.9 to 71.7, p < 0.001), SPADI (38.7 to 86.2, p < 0.001), and SSV (43.0 to 84.1, p < 0.001). ROM improved in flexion (80° to 142.4°, p < 0.001), abduction (71.5° to 130.2°, p < 0.001), internal rotation (p < 0.001), internal rotation at 90° abduction (12.7° to 45.0°, p < 0.001), and abduction strength (0.8 kg to 5.2 kg, p < 0.001). External rotation remained unchanged (32.1° to 32.0°, p = 0.125), but external rotation at 90° abduction improved (20.9° to 52.7°, p < 0.001). No signs of implant migration, subsidence, shift, tilt, alignment loss, or wear were observed, but scapular bone spur formation (11%), scapular notching grade 1 (10%), bone resorption (10%), and partial humeral radiolucent lines (1%) were reported. Conclusions: Rectangular stems with metadiaphyseal fixation and a 135° neck–shaft angle in RSA consistently improve shoulder function, showing no aseptic loosening and minimal radiological changes at 5 years.
... A revision was defined as any unplanned surgical procedure to the ipsilateral glenohumeral joint related to the arthroplasty. A complication was defined as any unforeseen medical problem caused by the RSA procedure which negatively influences the outcome temporarily or permanently [9]. ...
Full-text available
Background This study aims to compare the range of motion (ROM) of reverse shoulder arthroplasty lateralised by bony increased offset (BIO-RSA) using a standard 38-mm (mm) component to regular reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) lateralised by using a 42-mm glenoid component. The secondary aims are to compare patient-reported and radiographic outcomes between the two groups. Materials and Methods All patients with a BIO-RSA and size 38 glenosphere were retrospectively identified and matched to patients with a regular RSA and size 42 glenosphere. Matched patients were invited for a follow-up visit. ROM was assessed as well as radiographic outcomes (lateralisation, distalisation, inferior overhang, scapular notching, heterotopic bone formation, radiolucency, stress shielding, bone graft healing and viability and complications) and patient-reported outcomes (subjective shoulder value, Constant score, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, activities of daily living which require internal rotation, activities of daily living which require external rotation and a visual analogue scale for pain). Outcomes were compared between the two groups. Results In total, 38 BIO-RSAs with a size 38 glenosphere were matched to 38 regular RSAs with a size 42 glenosphere. Of the 76 matched patients, 74 could be contacted and 70 (95%) were included. At the final follow-up, there were no differences between the two groups in ROM, patient-reported outcomes or radiographic outcomes ( p > 0.485). Conclusions Using a larger glenosphere is a feasible alternative to BIO-RSA for lateralising RSA, providing comparable ROM, patient-reported and radiographic results, while potentially decreasing costs, operative time and complication rates. Level of evidence III.
... Patients have been systematically recorded in the clinical information system at the timepoints defined above since 2005. Data collection is based on standardized recommendations [1,23]. The exact database design is documented below. ...
Background The number of implanted reverse total shoulder arthroplasties (RTSA) is increasing worldwide. To improve patient care, institutional and national arthroplasty registries are being established worldwide to record outcome data. This article aims to describe the setup of an RTSA database in a high-volume university orthopedic hospital. Methods All patients who received an RTSA at the authors’ tertiary referral hospital have been followed and individual datasets have been systematically recorded in a REDCap database since 2005. The data are captured longitudinally as a primary preoperative survey and as a regular or irregular postoperative follow-up. All baseline demographic data, patient history, surgical details, arthroplasty details, adverse events, and radiographic and clinical outcome scores (Constant–Murley score, Subjective Shoulder Value, range of motion) are recorded. Results A total of 1433 RTSA were implanted between January 2005 and December 2020. Of these, 1184 (83%) were primary implantations and 249 (17%) were secondary cases. The cohort had a mean age of 70 ± 10 years, was 39% male, and was classified ASA II in 59%. The lost to follow-up rate was 18% after 2 years, 22% after 5 years, and 53% after 10 years. The overall complication rate with 2 years minimum follow-up was 18% (156/854 shoulders) with reintervention in 10% (82/854 shoulders). Conclusion A well-managed institutional arthroplasty registry, including structured clinical and radiological follow-up assessments, offers the opportunity for high-quality long-term patient and arthroplasty outcome analysis. Such data are not only helpful for analyzing patient outcome and implant survival, but will be increasingly important to justify our daily clinical practice against different stakeholders in the various health care systems. = Hintergrund Die Zahl implantierter inverser Schultertotalprothesen (RTSA) ist international steigend. Um die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern, werden weltweit institutionelle und nationale Prothesenregister etabliert. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den Aufbau einer RTSA-Datenbank in einer orthopädischen Universitätsklinik mit hoher Fallzahl. Methoden Alle Patienten, welche eine RTSA an unserer Klinik erhielten, wurden seit 2005 nachkontrolliert und systematisch in einer REDCap-Datenbank erfasst. Die Übertragung erfolgt longitudinal als präoperative Erhebung und als reguläre oder irreguläre Verlaufskontrolle. Erfasst werden alle demographischen Basisdaten, die Patientenanamnese, die Operationsdetails, Prothesendetails, Komplikationen, radiologische und klinische Outcome-Scores (Constant-Murley-Score, Subjective Shoulder Value, Bewegungsmaße). Ergebnisse Im Zeitraum von Januar 2005 bis Dezember 2020 wurden insgesamt 1433 RTSA implantiert. Von diesen waren 1184 (83 %) primäre Implantationen und 249 (25 %) sekundäre Implantationen. Die Kohorte war im Mittel 70 ± 10 Jahre alt, zu 39 % männlich und zu 59 % als ASA II klassifiziert. Die Lost-to-follow-up-Rate betrug 18 % nach 2 Jahren, 22 % nach 5 Jahren und 53 % nach 10 Jahren. Die generelle Komplikationsrate nach einem Mindest-Follow-up von 2 Jahren betrug 18 % (156/854 Schultern) mit notwendiger Revisionsoperation bei 10 % (82/854 Schultern). Schlussfolgerung Ein sorgfältig geführtes lokales Endoprothesenregister mit strukturierten klinischen und radiologischen Nachuntersuchungen bietet die Möglichkeit einer qualitativ hochwertigen Langzeitanalyse der Patienten- und Endoprothesenergebnisse. Solche Daten sind nicht nur hilfreich für die Analyse des Patientenergebnisses und des Implantatüberlebens, sondern werden auch immer wichtiger in der Rechtfertigung unserer täglichen klinischen Praxis gegenüber verschiedenen Kostenträgern im Gesundheitssystem.
... 9,11 Radiographic assessment Standardized radiographic images taken in internal/external rotation and axillary views at 12 and 24 months postoperative follow-up examinations were evaluated for the appearance of radiolucent lines (RLLs) around the implant, signs of humeral or glenoid component loosening, bone resorption (including scapular notching), bone formation, and signs of implant wear according to an international standard core set of radiographic parameters for shoulder arthroplasty monitoring. 2 The appearance of RLL was graded based on an adapted method originally described by the working groups of Sperling et al 30 and Schoch et al 27 and categorized as either incomplete (grade 1) or completely surrounding the implant (grade 2). Scapular notching was graded according to Sirveaux et al, 29 and heterotopic ossification around the implant was graded according to an adapted classification by Brooker et al 4 for the shoulder. ...
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Background: The application of reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) has risen in the past decades especially due to its excellent long-term outcomes. With this positive trend, the indications for RSA have gradually extended to a broader age spectrum. The objective of this study was to identify the benefits of primary RSA in an advanced geriatric population with considerable comorbidity burden and higher perioperative risk. Methods: For this observational study using data collected from our local RSA register, we identified 73 patients (77% female) with a minimum age of 85 years (range: 85-93 years) at the time of surgery and a complete 24-month postoperative follow-up. Clinical evaluations of pain, Subjective Shoulder Value, Constant score, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index, quality of life (European Quality-of-Life 5-Dimension 5-Level utility), and patient satisfaction were made. Radiographic evaluation followed an international consensus core set. Adverse events were documented according to a core event set. Results: Preexisting medical conditions categorized following the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification system indicated only 22% of patients with mild comorbidities (American Society of Anesthesiologists I-II), whereas severe (American Society of Anesthesiologists III-IV) comorbidities were common (78%). Indications for surgery were rotator cuff deficiency (72%), post-traumatic conditions (18%), and primary arthrosis (10%). There was significant improvement in all clinical evaluations up to 24 months post RSA: mean pain levels decreased from 6.2 to 1.6 points, where 0 indicates no pain (P < .001) and Subjective Shoulder Value, Constant score, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index, and European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions 5 Level increased from 36% to 76%, 26 to 61 points, 29 to 74 points, and 0.58 to 0.79, respectively (P < .001). Most patients (88%) opted in favor of undergoing the same surgery again based on their personal outcome. There were no signs of early loosening, migration or dislocation at 24 months postsurgery. However, 6 periprosthetic fractures were identified, 5 of which were treated conservatively. Adverse events were reported for 39% of patients, yet rarely led to the need for revision surgery (1.8%) or hospital readmission (3.6%). Conclusion: Despite an advanced age over 85 years and numerous associated comorbidities, our geriatric population showed a distinct clinical improvement in their daily activities with high rates of patient satisfaction. Radiographic analysis at 24 months after surgery identified adequate implant stability. RSA is a safe procedure, even in these elderly patients, with an acceptable risk of unfavorable medical and surgical events.
The aim of this Delphi study was to provide a diagnostic and treatment algorithm for patients with persistent or recurrent symptoms after trapeziometacarpal joint resection arthroplasty. Three Delphi rounds were conducted in which surveys were sent to 182 experienced hand surgeons worldwide. Responses were received from 140 participants. A consensus threshold was set at 67% agreement. Diagnostic tools and treatment approaches for six common revision scenarios achieved consensus. Radiographs are appropriate as primary (97%) and CT scans as secondary (76%) diagnostic tools. For scaphometacarpal impingement, 67% of respondents agreed that revision interposition is appropriate, with 93% recommending autologous tendon for the interposition. Additional suspension was considered appropriate by 68% of the participants. The diagnostic and treatment algorithm can help the surgeon to identify the reason for persistent symptoms after trapeziometacarpal joint resection arthroplasty and to choose an appropriate treatment strategy. Level of evidence: V
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Introduction Spinal and peripheral joint manipulation (SMT) and mobilisation (MOB) are widely used and recommended in the best practice guidelines for managing musculoskeletal conditions. Although adverse events (AEs) have been reported following these interventions, a clear definition and classification system for AEs remains unsettled. With many professionals using SMT and MOB, establishing consensus on a definition and classification system is needed to assist with the assimilation of AEs data across professions and to inform research priorities to optimise safety in clinical practice. Methods and analysis This international multidisciplinary electronic Delphi study protocol is informed by a scoping review and in accordance with the ‘Guidance on Conduction and Reporting Delphi Studies’. With oversight from an expert steering committee, the study comprises three rounds using online questionnaires. Experts in manual therapy and patient safety meeting strict eligibility criteria from the following fields will be invited to participate: clinical, medical and legal practice, health records, regulatory bodies, researchers and patients. Round 1 will include open-ended questions on participants’ working definition and/or understanding of AEs following SMT and MOB and their severity classification. In round 2, participants will rate their level of agreement with statements generated from round 1 and our scoping review. In round 3, participants will rerate their agreement with statements achieving consensus in round 2. Statements reaching consensus must meet the a priori criteria, as determined by descriptive analysis. Inferential statistics will be used to evaluate agreement between participants and stability of responses between rounds. Statements achieving consensus in round 3 will provide an expert-derived definition and classification system for AEs following SMT and MOB. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Research Ethics Board and deemed exempt by Parker University’s Institutional Review Board. Results will be disseminated through scientific, professional and educational reports, publications and presentations.
This study proposes a relational framework for standardized machine-applicable, readable, and transferable (smart) information delivery manual (IDM) specifications. As the demand for projects using building information modeling (BIM) increases, there is a more acute awareness and need for clearly defined information requirements to support the BIM projects. The ISO 29481-1 IDM standard defines how to specify exchange requirements (ERs) and their use cases (UCs) using a process map (PM). However, IDM specifications are currently not easily sharable or reusable due to the lack of a commonly accepted standard data schema. This study overcomes this problem by identifying definitions and relationships of IDM components to develop the relational framework for an IDM data schema. An extensive review of existing IDM-related documents and standards, and iterative international meetings, were conducted by 46 international IDM experts from 16 countries. A consensus on the relational framework was then reached through three Delphi survey rounds. The formalized relational IDM framework lays a foundation for further developing an IDM data schema as an international standard.
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Background: Some unfavorable local events following shoulder arthroplasty occur without the patient experiencing symptoms and yet may be detected on diagnostic imaging, thereby serving as indicators of complications that may require revision. Our aim was to create a standardized protocol for an image-based monitoring process for assessing patients who are asymptomatic following shoulder arthroplasty. Methods: A Delphi exercise was implemented with the participation of an international panel of experienced shoulder surgeons. On the basis of expert opinion from a core steering group, an initial list of imaging parameters for shoulder arthroplasty monitoring of asymptomatic patients was developed and reviewed by panel members. The most appropriate imaging modality was identified. Between each survey, all feedback was considered in order to revise the proposed core set with its definitions and specifications. Consensus was reached upon a two-thirds agreement. Results: Three online surveys were administered, with 98 surgeons responding to the first and/or the second survey. The response rate for the final survey was 74%. Final parameter definitions were organized in 7 categories (implant migration, radiolucency around implant and implant loosening, signs of shoulder displacement, bone resorption and formation, wear of implant articular surfaces, fractures around the implant, and implant breakage and disassembly) and approved with 85% to 100% agreement. Seventy-eight percent of the panel members agreed on a minimum radiographic imaging schedule: standard anteroposterior and axial (alternatively, Y) views made within 6 weeks after implantation and between 3 and 6 months as well as at 12 months post-surgery. Conclusions: Our work presents a monitoring tool developed with international consensus for the assessment of asymptomatic patients after shoulder arthroplasty and including a structured core set of radiographic parameters. Clinical application and scientific evaluation of the monitoring process are needed. Clinical Relevance: This represents a major step toward the standardization of shoulder arthroplasty radiographic monitoring for routine quality controls and research investigations.
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Introduction: A transparent, reliable and accurate reporting of complications is essential for an evidence-based evaluation of shoulder arthroplasty (SA). We systematically reviewed the literature for terms and definitions related to negative events associated with SA. Materials and methods: Various biomedical databases were searched for reviews, clinical studies and case reports of complications associated with SA. Any general definition of a complication, classification system, all reported terms related to complications and negative events with their definitions were extracted. Terms were grouped and organised in a hierarchical structure. Definitions of negative events were tabulated and compared. Results: From 1086 initial references published between 2010 and 2014, 495 full-text papers were reviewed. Five reports provided a general definition of the term "surgical complication" and 29 used a classification system of complications. A total of 1399 extracted terms were grouped based on similarities and involved implant or anatomical parts. One hundred and six reports (21.4%) defined at least one negative event for 28 different terms. There were 64 definitions related to humeral or glenoid loosening, and 25 systems documenting periprosthetic radiolucency. Other definitions considered notching, stress shielding, implant failure and tuberosity malposition. Conclusions: A clear standardised set of SA complication definitions is lacking. Few authors reported complications based on definitions mainly considering radiological criteria without clinical parameters. This review should initiate and support the development of a standardised SA complication core set.
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Objective To achieve consensus on the most important outcome domains to measure across all clinical trials for shoulder disorders. Methods We performed an online modified Delphi study with an international, multidisciplinary and multistakeholder panel. A literature review and the OMERACT Filter 2.0 framework was used to generate a list of potential core domains, which were presented to patients, clinicians and researchers in two Delphi rounds. Participants were asked to judge the importance of each potential core domain and provide a rationale for their response. A core domain was defined a priori as a domain that at least 67% of participants considered core. Results In both rounds, 335 individuals were invited to participate (268 clinicians/researchers and 67 patients); response rates were 27% (n=91) and 29% (n=96), respectively. From a list of 41 potential core domains, four domains met our criteria for inclusion: ‘pain’, ‘physical functioning’, ‘global assessment of treatment success’ and ‘health-related quality of life’. Two additional domains, ‘sleep functioning’ and ‘psychological functioning’, met the criteria for inclusion by some, but not all stakeholder groups. There was consensus that ‘number of deaths’ was not a core domain, but insufficient agreement on whether or not several other domains, including ‘range of motion’ and ‘muscle strength’, were core domains. Conclusions Based on international consensus from patients, clinicians and researchers, ‘pain’, ‘physical functioning’, ‘global assessment of treatment success’ and ‘health-related quality of life’ were considered core outcome domains for shoulder disorder trials. The value of several other domains needs further consideration.
Background: The literature does not consistently report on complications associated with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR). Valid comparison of the occurrence of complications between ARCR inter- ventions requires standardization. This project was implemented to define a core set of negative (untoward) events associated with ARCR along with their terms and definitions, which should be systematically docu- mented and reported in routine care and clinical research. Materials and methods: A Delphi consensus process was applied. An international panel of experi- enced shoulder surgeons was nominated through professional societies and personal contacts. On the basis of a systematic review of terms and definitions, an organized list of relevant events associated with ARCR was developed and reviewed by panel members. Between each survey, all comments and suggestions were considered to revise the proposed core set, including local event groups along with definitions, specifica- tions, and timing of occurrence. Consensus was defined as at least two-thirds agreement. Results: Three successive online surveys were implemented involving 84 surgeons. Consensus with over 86% agreement was reached for a core list of local events including 3 intraoperative event groups (device, osteochondral, and soft tissue) and 9 postoperative event groups (device, osteochondral, pain, rotator cuff, surgical-site infection, peripheral neurologic, vascular, superficial soft tissue, and deep soft tissue). Experts agreed on a period for documentation of each event or group of events ranging from 3 to 24 months after ARCR. Conclusion: A structured core set of local events associated with ARCR has been developed by interna- tional consensus. Further evaluation and validation in the context of clinical studies are required. Level of evidence: Development of Classification System Keywords: Shoulder; rotator cuff; complications; standardization; Delphi process; core event set
Background: Most of the literature on shoulder arthroplasty failure comes from high-volume centers. These reports tend to exclude the experience of community orthopedic surgeons, who perform most of the shoulder joint replacements. Methods: We analyzed the failure reports mandated by the US Food and Drug Administration for all hospitals. Each reported event from 2012 to 2016 was characterized by implant, failure mode, and year of surgery. Results: For the 1673 anatomic arthroplasties, the most common failure modes were glenoid component failure (20.4%), rotator cuff/subscapularis tear (15.4%), pain/stiffness (12.9%), dislocation/instability (11.8%), infection (9%), and humeral component loosening (5.1%). For the 2390 reverse arthroplasties, the most common failure modes were dislocation/instability (32%), infection (13.8%), glenosphere-baseplate dissociation (12.2%), failed/loosened baseplate (10.4%), humeral component dissociation/tray fracture (5.5%), difficulty inserting the baseplate (4.8%), and difficulty inserting the glenosphere (4.2%). Although the percentage distribution among the different failure modes was relatively consistent over the years of this study, the percentage distribution of these failure modes differed substantially among different implant manufacturers. Conclusions: The Food and Drug Administration database reveals modes of shoulder arthroplasty failure that are not emphasized in the published literature, such as rotator cuff tear, infection, and postoperative pain/stiffness for anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty and implant dissociation and baseplate failure for reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Knowledge of these failure modes may help inform surgical technique and implant design in ways that will lower the risk of implant failure in the future.
Update This article was updated on May 17, 2017, because of a previous error. On page 256, the sentence that had read “The current analysis revealed a total of 19,262 TSAs and RSAs at a mean follow-up of 40.3 months in 122 studies, with an overall complication rate of 7.4% (2,122 complications) ³⁻¹²⁴ ” now reads “The current analysis revealed a total of 19,262 TSAs and RSAs at a mean follow-up of 40.3 months in 122 studies, with an overall complication rate of 11% (2,122 complications) ³⁻¹²⁴ .” An erratum has been published: J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 June 21;99(12):e67. The most common complications after reverse shoulder arthroplasty in order of decreasing frequency included instability, periprosthetic fracture, infection, component loosening, neural injury, acromial and/or scapular spine fracture, hematoma, deltoid injury, rotator cuff tear, and venous thromboembolism (VTE). The most common complications after anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) in order of decreasing frequency were component loosening, glenoid wear, instability, rotator cuff tear, periprosthetic fracture, neural injury, infection, hematoma, deltoid injury, and VTE. Glenoid component wear and loosening remain a common cause of failure after anatomic TSA, despite advances in surgical technique and implant design. Diagnostic confirmation of infection after shoulder arthroplasty remains a challenge. In the setting of a painful and stiff shoulder after arthroplasty, the surgeon should have a heightened suspicion for infection. Inflammatory markers may be normal, radiographs may be inconclusive, and prosthetic joint aspiration may be negative for a causative organism.
Objective: The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Shoulder Core Outcome Set Special Interest Group (SIG) was established to develop a core outcome set (COS) for clinical trials of shoulder disorders. Methods: In preparation for OMERACT 2016, we systematically examined all outcome domains and measurement instruments reported in 409 randomized trials of interventions for shoulder disorders published between 1954 and 2015. Informed by these data, we conducted an international Delphi consensus study including shoulder trial experts, clinicians, and patients to identify key domains that should be included in a shoulder disorder COS. Findings were discussed at a stakeholder premeeting of OMERACT. At OMERACT 2016, we sought consensus on a preliminary core domain set and input into next steps. Results: There were 13 and 15 participants at the premeeting and the OMERACT 2016 SIG meeting, respectively (9 attended both meetings). Consensus was reached on a preliminary core domain set consisting of an inner core of 4 domains: pain, physical function/activity, global perceived effect, and adverse events including death. A middle core consisted of 3 domains: emotional well-being, sleep, and participation (recreation and work). An outer core of research required to inform the final COS was also formulated. Conclusion: Our next steps are to (1) analyze whether participation (recreation and work) should be in the inner core, (2) conduct a third Delphi round to finalize definitions and wording of domains and reach final endorsement for the domains, and (3) determine which instruments fulfill the OMERACT criteria for measuring each domain.
Objective: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the (1) change in incidence rate of shoulder arthroplasty, the (2) utilization of shoulder arthroplasty for specific indications, and the (3) surgeon volume trends associated with these procedures between 2005 and 2013. Methods: A population based cohort study was conducted using the over 7 million members of an integrated healthcare system in California. Shoulder arthroplasty cases performed between 2005 and 2013 were identified using a Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry. Annual shoulder arthroplasty incidence rates per 100,000 patients were determined, and adjusted yearly changes in rates were estimated using incidence rate ratios (IRRs). Changes in surgeon volumes by year and number of surgeons performing different procedures were also compared. Results: The incidence of shoulder arthroplasty per 100,000 members increased from 6.1 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.5-6.7) in 2005 to 13.4 (95% CI 12.5-14.2) in 2013. In patients with osteoarthritis, there was increasing utilization of total shoulder arthroplasty (IRR=1.12, 95% CI 1.11-1.14) and decreasing utilization of hemiarthroplasty (IRR=0.91, 95% CI 0.89-0.94). For patients with rotator cuff tear arthropathy, there was an increase in utilization of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (IRR=1.33, 95% CI 1.29-1.37) but no change in hemiarthroplasty (IRR=0.99, 95% CI 0.92-1.05). The average surgeon yearly volume increased for total shoulder arthroplasty (p-value<0.001) and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (p-value=0.020). Conclusion: Shoulder arthroplasty is being used with greater frequency in this community based population. Surgeons are performing a higher yearly volume of shoulder arthroplasty, specifically total shoulder arthroplasty and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: The Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association was initiated in 2007, and several papers about hip and knee arthroplasty have been published. Inspired by this, we aimed to examine the feasibility of merging data from the Nordic national shoulder arthroplasty registries by defining a common minimal data set. Methods: A group of surgeons met in 2014 to discuss the feasibility of merging data from the national shoulder registries in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Differences in organization, definitions, variables, and outcome measures were discussed. A common minimal data set was defined as a set of variables containing only data that all registries could deliver and where consensus according to definition of the variables could be made. Results: We agreed on a data set containing patient-related data (age, gender, and diagnosis), operative data (date, arthroplasty type and brand), and data in case of revision (date, reason for revision, and new arthroplasty brand). From 2004 to 2013, there were 19,857 primary arthroplasties reported. The most common indications were osteoarthritis (35%) and acute fracture (34%). The number of arthroplasties and especially the number of arthroplasties for osteoarthritis have increased in the study period. The most common arthroplasty type was total shoulder arthroplasty (34%) for osteoarthritis and stemmed hemiarthroplasty (90%) for acute fractures. Conclusion: We were able to merge data from the Nordic national registries into 1 common data set; however, the set of details was reduced. We found considerable differences between the 3 countries regarding incidence of shoulder arthroplasty, age, diagnoses, and choice of arthroplasty type and brand.