This research contributes to the scholarship on collective actions in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the articulations between structural opportunities, political framing processes,
relationship networks and activist’s repertoires of action. The ethnography focuses on the
relationships established in the course of 20 years by Aos Brados!!. Based in Campinas, a
metropolis situated in the countryside of the state of São Paulo, Aos Brados!! acts in the
intersection between LGBT, black, popular and favela movements. In order to focus on the
relationships, the research situates the trajectory of the group and of those related to it in the
face of changes in the structure of opportunities in national level – such as: state permeability to social movements demands and the development of tools for socio-state participation, stage recognition, democratization of internet and of higher education access. Moreover, through the trajectories of Aos Brados!! of and its main leader, it analyses the way these actors produce, in everyday life, in local level, political commitments that mobilize certain repertoires of action. The ethnography shows the connections between structural opportunities, repertoires and frames; however, it remarks the way that the network of relationships circulates conventions and repertoires of actions that result in the political commitments effectively undertaken by the group. The methodology articulates participant-observation, document analysis and in-depth in interviews. In order to avoid arbitrary delimitations of the network of relations, the adopted procedure was to follow the relations of the oldest and well-known leadership of the group, which made it possible to cross borders between portions of a web constituted by relations between political actors as varied as managers of public policies, councilors, trade unions, political parties, cultural centers, social clubs, youth groups, Afro-Brazilian religious organizations and NGOs, and that work in diverse themes, mobilizing different repertoires.
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Vinícius ZanoliAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Vinícius Zanoli
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