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Abstract and Figures

Since blockchain's emergence in 2008, we see a kaleidoscopic variety of applications built on distributed ledger technology (DLT) today, including applications for financial services, healthcare, or the Internet of Things. Each application comes with specific requirements for DLT characteristics (e.g., high throughput, scalability). However, trade-offs between DLT characteristics restrict the development of a DLT design (e.g., Ethereum, blockchain) that fits all use cases' requirements. Separated DLT designs emerged, each specialized to suite dedicated application requirements. To enable the development of more powerful applications on DLT, such DLT islands must be bridged. However, knowledge of cross-chain technology (CCT) is scattered across scientific and practical sources. Therefore, we examine this diverse body of knowledge and provide comprehensive insights into CCT by synthesizing its underlying characteristics, evolving patterns, and use cases. Our findings resolve contradictions in the literature and provide avenues for future research in an emerging scientific field.
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Bridges Between Islands:
Cross-Chain Technology for Distributed Ledger Technology
Niclas Kannengießer
Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology
Michelle Pfister
Karlsruhe Institute of
Malte Greulich
Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology
Sebastian Lins
Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology
Ali Sunyaev
Karlsruhe Institute of
Since the emergence of blockchain in 2008, we see a
kaleidoscopic variety of applications built on distrib-
uted ledger technology (DLT), including applications
for financial services, healthcare, or the Internet of
Things. Each application comes with specific require-
ments for DLT characteristics (e.g., high throughput,
scalability). However, trade-offs between DLT charac-
teristics restrict the development of a DLT design (e.g.,
Ethereum, IOTA) that fits all use cases’ requirements.
Separated DLT designs emerged, each specialized to
suite dedicated application requirements. To enable the
development of more powerful applications on DLT,
such DLT islands must be bridged. However, knowledge
of cross-chain technology (CCT) is scattered across sci-
entific and practical sources. Therefore, we examine
this diverse body of knowledge and provide comprehen-
sive insights into CCT by synthesizing its underlying
characteristics, evolving patterns, and use cases. Our
findings resolve contradictions in the literature and pro-
vide avenues for future research in an emerging scien-
tific field.
1. Introduction
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is one of the
major technological innovations within the last decade
[4, 37]. DLT enables the operation of a highly available
and almost immutable shared, collaborative infrastruc-
ture for individuals and organizations [8]. Data is orga-
nized in an append-only ledger that is replicated across
multiple storage devices, so-called nodes, that are syn-
chronized by using a consensus mechanism. However,
several challenges withhold the development of more
powerful applications built on DLT. Developers face in-
herent trade-offs between DLT characteristics (e.g.,
availability vs. consistency [16, 26]), which is why the
fulfillment of one DLT characteristic may impede oth-
ers [26]. Consequently, while one DLT design can be
well suited for a particular use case, it may not fit other
use cases, ultimately inhibiting the development of a
one-size-fits-all DLT design, and fueling the emergence
of diverse DLT designs (e.g., Ethereum, IOTA, or Te-
zos) [16], each operating separately. To take advantage
of individual DLT designs and to design more powerful
applications, DLT designs must interoperate. Cross-
Chain Technology (CCT), therefore, gained further at-
tention among researchers and practitioners alike. For
example, CCT could help extend the functionality of ap-
plications based on a private DLT design (e.g., Hy-
perledger Fabric) by allowing payments through a pub-
lic DLT design (e.g., Ethereum). Thus, CCT is crucial
to overcome the limitations of DLT designs and to pre-
vent the emergence of separate ‘islands’ of distributed
ledgers [14]. CCT enables different DLT designs to in-
teroperate, thereby bridging islands of distributed
ledgers across industries and use contexts.
A growing number of CCT artifacts seek to enable
cross-chain interoperability (e.g., Interledger or Polka-
dot). However, CCT artifacts pose different technical re-
quirements (e.g., concerning locking or verification
mechanisms) and non-technical requirements (e.g., con-
cerning performance and security) on distributed ledg-
ers. Consequently, developers must carefully compare
CCT artifacts in order to choose an artifact that best suits
their use case.
However, much of the current knowledge into CCT
is not readily accessible to researchers and practitioners
that would allow for such a comparison. We see three
main reasons for this. First, existing comparisons of
CCT artifacts (e.g., [18]) do not use a common set of
characteristics, which limits the usefulness of such com-
parisons. Second, the literature into CCT proposes sev-
eral patterns that describe the general functionality of
CCT artifacts (e.g., sidechains [1]). Such patterns also
inform the understanding of capabilities and limitations
of such artifacts. Third, most of the current knowledge
on CCT comes from blog posts (e.g., [4, 25]) or white-
papers (e.g., [34]). This scattered knowledge into CCT
lacks transparency and rigor of (scientific) methods used
to produce these insights. Likewise, the limited scien-
tific research on CCT mainly refers to surveys for moti-
vational purposes and seldom scrutinizes the claims
made in blog posts (e.g., [4]) or whitepapers (e.g., [22]).
Thus, there is a discrepancy between research and prac-
tice, which also hinders the scientific debate on DLT it-
self owing to the essential role of CCT for the diffusion
of DLT at scale [14, 21].
In order to compare CCT artifacts more comprehen-
sively concerning specific use case requirements, and to
provide much-needed insights into CCT, a synthesis of
characteristics and patterns of CCT artifacts is required.
We thus seek to answer the following research question:
What are the characteristics and patterns of CCT?
By conducting a thorough review of the extant liter-
ature on CCT, we identified existing CCT artifacts and
synthesized underlying characteristics. Then, we aggre-
gated common functionalities across the identified arti-
facts into general patterns that enable easy and compre-
hensive comparison between artifacts. Finally, we com-
pared these patterns with regard to particular use cases,
which we identified during the literature review.
This work contributes to research and practice by de-
fining common characteristics of CCT artifacts that al-
low researchers and developers to compare artifacts
based on use case requirements. We provide a holistic
comparison between patterns and their functioning,
which offers generalized knowledge on CCT and which
helps to overcome the scattered insights and prevailing
disconnect between research and practice.
2. Theoretical background
2.1. Distributed ledger technology
DLT enables the operation of a distributed ledger,
which is a special type of an append-only, distributed
database that is particularly suited to the peculiarities of
an untrustworthy environment [37]. DLT allows for the
presence of Byzantine failures [20], which include arbi-
trarily crashed or unreachable nodes, network delays, or
malicious behavior of nodes [20]. In DLT, new data is
added to the ledger using transactions that are commit-
ted to each node’s local replication. Owing to the use of
cryptographic mechanisms (e.g., hashing), data that has
been recorded in the distributed ledger typically cannot
be removed or altered.
To reach consistency between the replications stored
on nodes of a distributed ledger, each DLT design em-
ploys a consensus mechanism. A consensus mechanism
is an algorithm used to negotiate the current valid state
of the ledger between different nodes of the distributed
ledger. Due to inherent trade-offs that pertain to consen-
sus finding in distributed systems, consensus mecha-
nisms either reach total finality or probabilistic finality
[11, 28]. Total finality is reached if all nodes agree on
the same replication of the ledger. In probabilistic final-
ity, it is only assumed that data is finalized to a certain
probability, which depends on the number of successors
after a transaction has been recorded. For example, such
successors are blocks, which serve as a superordinate
data structure, which includes transactions. The mini-
mum number of successors that are required to assume
stored data as finalized to a certain probability deter-
mines the so-called confirmation latency of a DLT de-
sign (e.g., 1 h in Bitcoin to append 6 blocks).
In general, there are two types of DLT designs that
differ in their hierarchical structure: public and permis-
sioned DLT designs. In public DLT designs, anyone can
join the distributed ledger with an own node, which has
equal permissions concerning reading from and writing
to the distributed ledger. In contrast, permissioned DLT
designs exclude nodes from operations (e.g., transaction
validation, joining the distributed ledger) as they em-
ploy a permission model. Such permission models
strongly influence the applicability of consensus mech-
anisms due to trade-offs between characteristics that
pertain to distributed systems [11, 28]. For example,
public DLT designs predominantly employ consensus
mechanisms that only reach probabilistic finality (e.g.,
Nakamoto consensus). In contrast, consensus mecha-
nisms of most permissioned DLT designs reach total fi-
nality and, thus, do not fork or only fork for a short pe-
riod but can only include a limited number of nodes into
consensus finding.
2.2. Smart contracts
Several DLT designs enable the deployment and the
execution of customized software programs, so-called
smart contracts. Smart contracts allow for the expres-
sion of formalized conditions in program code for the
issuance of transactions [5]. Initially, smart contacts
were limited to (un-)locking of assets stored on a dis-
tributed ledger (e.g., using hash locks, time locks, and
multi-signatures) [13]. To increase developers’ flexibil-
ity for implementing more expressive smart contracts,
an environment for the execution of Turing-complete
smart contracts was developed [5]. Today, smart con-
tracts can store assets and issue transactions once the
smart contract’s formalized conditions are met. Such
conditions can relate to data stored on the same distrib-
uted ledger (on-chain) as well as data from external
sources (off-chain), so-called oracles [36]. Smart con-
tracts are also crucial to enable atomic communication
between distributed ledgers (e.g., asset transfers) and,
thus, cross-chain interoperability.
2.3. Cross-chain technology
Interoperability of a DLT design refers to its ability
to retrieve data from or exchange data with external sys-
tems. CCT helps to achieve interoperability by enabling
data exchange between DLT designs or with external
systems. Such data exchanges can increase a DLT de-
signs’ flexibility (e.g., [14, 32]), overcome performance
issues (e.g., [24, 30]), and increase security of DLT de-
signs (e.g., [1, 29]). For example, poor scalability and
low throughput can be tackled using sharding [24]. In
sharding, a distributed ledger is split into smaller
chunks, which can be managed independently and ena-
bles parallel processing of transactions to increase
throughput and scalability [24].
The development of CCT artifacts is mainly driven
by organizations that publish the functioning of their
own-developed artifact in whitepapers (e.g., Interledger,
Wanchain). Several articles present a classification of
such artifacts into patterns (e.g., [4, 22]), which are ab-
stract descriptions of the functioning of assigned arti-
facts. However, the proposed patterns lack empirical ev-
idence, which makes the results hard to reproduce.
3. Methodology
We applied a three-step research approach. First, we
conducted a literature review to extract CCT artifacts,
their characteristics, existing patterns, and use cases.
Our descriptive literature review was guided by recom-
mendations for literature reviews in the information sys-
tems field [3, 17, 33]. Second, we derived patterns from
the identified artifacts. Third, we compared the derived
patterns and explain dependencies between characteris-
tics inherent to artifacts and patterns.
3.1. Literature search
To identify publications addressing CCT, we
searched scientific databases that we deemed repre-
sentative as they cover the top computer science and in-
formation systems conferences and journals: EBSCO-
host, IEEE Xplore, AIS eLibrary, ScienceDirect, ACM
Digital Library, ProQuest, and Springer. To cover a
broad set of publications, we searched each database
with the following string in title, abstracts, and key-
words: (‘Distributed Ledger Technolog*’ OR ‘DLT*’
OR ‘Blockchain*’) AND (‘Interoperab*’ OR ‘Cross-
chain*’ OR ‘Sidechain*’ OR ‘Multi-chain*’ OR ‘Inter-
connect*’ OR ‘Connect*’). As whitepapers in this par-
ticular context are a crucial source of knowledge on
CCT, we additionally applied the search string to the
search engine DuckDuckGo.
We identified 611 articles in this initial search as of
May 2019. To identify and filter articles, we first
checked the relevance of each article by analyzing title,
abstract, and keywords. If any indication for relevance
appeared, the article was marked for further analysis.
We excluded articles that were non-English articles (5),
grey literature (i.e., books, news articles; 2), duplicate
articles (31), and off-topic (504). This first relevancy as-
sessment resulted in a sample of 69 articles deemed to
be potentially relevant. Afterward, a fine-grained rele-
vance validation was made by reading the articles in de-
tail, resulting in a sample of 38 relevant articles on
which we applied a forward and backward search. For
each of these articles, we applied the exclusion criteria,
which resulted in a final set of 81 relevant articles.
3.2. Data analysis
We analyzed the relevant articles by applying the
coding rules proposed by Lacity et al. [19]. First, we
carefully read and analyzed the relevant articles inde-
pendently to identify and code artifacts, corresponding
characteristics, use cases, and patterns in the context of
CCT. For each extracted code, we recorded a name, a
description, and the original source [19] and came up
with a preliminary set of 57 artifacts, 139 characteris-
tics, 19 patterns, and 15 use cases for CCT. Since differ-
ent people name things differently, it is crucial to avoid
semantic ambiguities for the validity of qualitative anal-
ysis (e.g., different terminology for the same character-
istics) [19]. Therefore, we aggregated the codes into
master codes (e.g., aggregating throughput and transac-
tion volume into the master code throughput). If an iden-
tified code fitted into an existing master code, we as-
signed it accordingly; otherwise, we created a new mas-
ter code. We repeated the aggregation of master codes
two times and discussed and validated the generated
master codes with two additional researchers, who are
knowledgeable in the domain of DLT. The goals were
to agree on a set of master codes for artifacts, character-
istics, patterns, and use cases and to reach theoretical
saturation, in order to stabilize the list of master codes.
We applied the same coding approach for artifacts, char-
acteristics, patterns, and use cases. We came up with a
final set of 57 distinct artifacts, 37 distinct characteris-
tics, 3 distinct patterns, 1 hybrid pattern, and 4 use cases
for CCT. We assume to have reached theoretical satura-
tion because no new master codes were identified for the
last 20 articles. Please find details on the literature
search and coding in the supplementary online material
Second, we used an inductive grouping approach to
classify master codes for characteristics into superordi-
nate properties. We generated the properties under con-
sideration of the characteristics predominant classifica-
tion in extant literature. For example, we assigned the
master code throughput to the property performance.
Third, we evaluated the coded patterns by considering
the identified artifacts. We compared the artifacts with
regards to their values for the particular characteristics
and assigned the artifacts accordingly to the coded pat-
terns. Artifacts that use a similar approach to achieve
cross-chain interoperability were assigned to the same
pattern (e.g., Dogeethereum and InfiniteChain were as-
signed to the sidechain pattern).
4. Results
4.1. Properties and characteristics of CCT
For parsimoniousness, we briefly introduce the
properties of CCT artifacts in Table 1 and refer to Table
2 for a description of the associated characteristics.
Please see a full list of the coding and the identified ar-
tifacts (e.g., BTCRelay, Polkadot, and Wanchain) in the
online material (
4.2. Patterns of cross-chain technology
Our analysis of the artifacts and their characteristics
(cf. Table 1) revealed three distinct patterns: manual as-
set exchange (MAE), notary schemes, and relays. Addi-
tionally, we identified a fourth, hybrid pattern, which in-
cludes the three distinct patterns. By and large, the pat-
terns differ in terms of characteristics that are related to
the networking property (e.g., communication). The net-
working property strongly influences other properties.
For example, the procedure characteristic (e.g., atomic
cross-chain swap [13], three phase commit [15]) influ-
ences transaction speed as it determines the number of
verifications and requests between the distributed ledg-
ers. We describe these implications in more detail in
Section 4.4.
4.2.1. Manual Asset Exchange. A MAE is the simplest
CCT pattern. MAEs follow the typical lifecycle of fi-
nancial transactions: settlement, order matching, and
clearance. In the first stage, A settles a new asset ex-
change order as A locks assets on the corresponding dis-
tributed ledgers using a certain secret (e.g., pre-image of
a hash value, a private key for an account). In the second
stage, A must find a corresponding exchange partner B
to eventually agree upon the asset exchange rate for the
respective orders (e.g., 1 Bitcoin in reward for 32.5
Ether). In MAEs, such order matching is conducted off-
chain, for example, by a third party or through personal
interaction. After A and B agreed on the exchange, B
locks assets on the corresponding distributed ledger. In
the third stage, the order clearance, the actual assets ex-
change takes place. Therefore, A and B exchange their
secrets to unlock the locked assets respectively. MAEs
have certain drawbacks and can only be applied for asset
exchanges (as opposed to the other patterns). Typically,
MAEs do not employ automated order matching and do
not require an artifact because the asset exchange can
solely base on a personal agreement of parties. How-
ever, MAEs can be vulnerable to fraud. If A receives B's
secret first and there is no mechanism to unlock A's se-
cret in return, A could use B's secret to unlock B's assets
without transferring its own assets to B. A would thus
not complete the exchange correctly. In order to prevent
exchange partners from carrying out fraudulent activi-
ties that could lead to financial losses, atomicity is cru-
cial for the exchange of assets [13]. The most prominent
protocol for MAEs to achieve atomicity is the atomic
cross-chain swap protocol [13], which is based on
hashed time-locked contracts [13, 25]. A hashed time-
lock contract locks assets using a hash value sh during a
period t. Assets are unlocked when a pre-image s is pro-
vided within a period t with a hash value equal to sh.
4.2.2. Notary Schemes. In notary schemes, a trusted
third party establishes the connection between distrib-
uted ledgers [22]. The notary scheme provides an infra-
structure (e.g., multi-miner) and related services (e.g.,
order matching) to facilitate asset transfers or similar ac-
tions (e.g., execution of a smart contract). Before an ac-
tion on a distributed ledger is executed, a notary must
first agree that a certain event (e.g., commitment of a
transaction) on another distributed ledger took place.
For instance, consider the case of a cryptocurrency ex-
change. Here, a notary must first verify that a transaction
was completed successfully on distributed ledger A, be-
fore it issues the corresponding transaction to distributed
ledger B. Thus, the data exchange between distributed
ledgers is completely managed by notaries. Notary
schemes follow a centralized architecture to achieve
cross-chain interoperability [14, 22].
Table 1. Properties of CCT artifacts
Characteristics concerned with the management and
assignment of responsibilities for the operation and
maintenance of an artifact.
Characteristics concerned with the developers’ free-
dom of customizability of the artifact, the connected
DLT designs, and applications on these distributed
ledgers or artifacts.
Characteristics referring to the effectiveness of a data
exchange measured by accuracy, completeness, cost,
and speed.
Characteristics concerned with the preservation of
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data
stored on a distributed ledger.
Characteristics concerned with the structure and pro-
cesses that enable the exchange of data between dis-
tributed ledgers.
A notary scheme can correspond to either a single notary
(centralized notary scheme or centralized exchange), or
a consortium of notaries (decentralized notary scheme
or decentralized exchange) [31]. In centralized notary
schemes, a single notary may set up and operate a node
per connected distributed ledger. For example, when a
Table 2. Characteristics of cross-chain technology artifacts
The presence of a party responsible and liable for the correct operation of the artifact.
The degree to which the artifact behavior can be analyzed (e.g., examination and traceability of stored transactions).
The ability of an artifact to adhere to laws and regulations.
The process and assignment of responsibilities for deciding to change the artifact and connected distributed ledgers.
The degree to which the community or organization that maintains an artifact provides developers with documenta-
tions, guidelines, and additional features to facilitate the setup and maintenance of the connection to the artifact.
Feature Scope
The artifact’s feature richness and appropriateness for use cases.
The ease with which developers can update the inter-connected distributed ledgers, the applied artifact, or the asso-
ciated applications on DLT.
The ease with which an artifact enables developers to independently register or unregister distributed ledgers in the
multi-chain network.
Supported DLT
The variety of DLT designs the artifact can support.
The direction of the data flow, the direct or indirect communication, the used data structures (e.g., tokens), and the
necessary events (e.g., successful transaction commit).
A mechanism that securely locks assets on one ledger and unlocks transactions on another (e.g., hash locking, time
locking, hash-time lock-contracts).
The procedure determined by the artifact to reliably fulfil its feature scope.
The management of forwarding data sent over the network via particular entities.
The structural organization of the inter-connection of distributed ledgers.
The applied mechanism to verify that transactions on one distributed ledger have been finalized.
The total sum of (monetary) cost to execute a transaction, including, for example, transaction fees and collaterals.
The required amount of computational resources (e.g., bandwidth or storage space) to operate an artifact.
The ability of the distributed ledger to appropriately adapt to increasing and decreasing workload.
The number of transactions that can be included in the ledger within a given period.
The period between a cross-chain transaction is issued and its (probabilistic) finalization at the distributed ledger(s).
The ability of an artifact to guarantee that each (cross-chain) transaction either succeeds completely or fails com-
The probability to which an artifact is in a functioning state at a random point in time.
The probability of transactions being intentionally delayed or even dropped.
The degree to which unauthorized access to stored data is prevented.
The homogeneity of data stored by all nodes participating in a DLT design without contradictions.
The degree of durability that ensures transactions are saved permanently and do not accidentally disappear or get
erased, even during a database crash.
The type of finality (e.g., probabilistic or total) and time that is needed to undergo a threshold to consider a transac-
tion finalized.
Fault Tolerance
The degree to which the artifact is able to cope with Byzantine failures (e.g., node failure, network delays).
The degree to which the operations on a distributed ledger can affect or are affected by operations in concurrent
The applied reward mechanism that motivates maintainers of an artifact to act honestly and to share computational
resources (e.g., mining or merge mining).
The degree to which the artifact protects exchanged data from being modified without consent of the data owner.
The degree to which at least two distributed ledgers, which are connected via an artifact, remain autonomous.
The ability of concurrent systems to make progress despite concurrently executing processes.
The ease of proving participation in transactions.
The period of time during which a distributed ledger is correctly functioning.
The degree to which the artifact is able to avert or not cause (economic) loss (e.g., loss of assets).
The degree to which identities and their activities are visible or traceable to others.
notary decides to enable assets transfers from Bitcoin to
Ethereum, the notary sets up a Bitcoin and Ethereum
node to manage the receive and the issuance of transac-
tions on both distributed ledgers. The notary alone con-
firms if an event occurred (e.g., transaction reception)
and triggers the corresponding event (e.g., transaction
issuance). To democratize the confirmation of events
among a consortium of notaries, to increase transpar-
ency, and to increase the availability of the exchange
service decentralized notary schemes have been intro-
duced [31]. To issue a corresponding transaction for an
event in decentralized notary schemes, trusted third par-
ties often share, for instance, a distributed private key
[22, 23] or employ a multi-signature wallet [35]. Only if
a certain number of notaries confirms the event (e.g.,
locking assets on distributed ledger A), a corresponding
event is executed (e.g., unlocking assets on distributed
ledger B).
4.2.3. Sidechains (relays). In general, sidechains are
subordinate distributed ledgers that are connected to a
central distributed ledger (main chain), such as Bitcoin
or Ethereum. Sidechains are technically independent of
the main chain and, thus, can have their own consensus
mechanism, tokens, and miners. Initially, sidechains
were developed to enhance the extensibility of existing
distributed ledgers through asset transfers. Sidechains
can read and verify data from the main chain [1], which
is important, for example, to transfer assets from the
main chain to the sidechain (one-way peg [1]). In such
asset transfers, several assets (e.g., coins) are locked on
the main chain. The locking of assets is confirmed by
the verification mechanism of the destination sidechain,
which eventually unlocks (or generates) a correspond-
ing amount of native tokens [1, 5].
Several articles refer sidechains almost exclusively
to the use in combination with the Bitcoin blockchain
[6, 22]. For example, BTC Relay extends the Bitcoin
blockchain with support for smart contracts [10]. The
original sidechains only allow for asset transfers or for-
warding information in one direction: from the main
chain to the sidechain (cf. one-way peg [2]). Meanwhile,
the concept of sidechains has been enhanced and imple-
mented in artifacts that allow for bidirectional commu-
nication of distributed ledgers. This subordinate pattern
of sidechains in which distributed ledgers communicate
bidirectionally is called a two-way peg [1]. To be able
to transfer the assets back to the main chain or to another
sidechain, the main chain must also be able to verify
data on the relay, which decreases the number of sup-
ported DLT designs.
4.2.4. Hybrid solutions. There are also hybrid solu-
tions, which combine certain aspects of the previously
explained patterns. Hybrid solutions, for example, help
to set up a two-way pegged sidechain although one of
the DLT designs does not support an appropriate verifi-
cation mechanism (e.g., Simple Payment Verification
(SPV) [12]). In such situations, a notary scheme re-
places the ability of the particular relay to recognize and
validate included transactions and let trusted notaries
provide this information [1]. For instance, such a feder-
ated pegged relay is implemented in Rootstock [29].
Rootstock sets up a two-way peg with the Bitcoin block-
chain although the Bitcoin blockchain is not able to per-
form light client proofs on other distributed ledgers [29].
Furthermore, Rootstock implements a mechanism to
empower the notaries to sign valid transactions as the
overall hashing power in the Rootstock chain is below
5 % of the Bitcoin hashing power to prevent double-
4.3. Use cases for cross-chain technology
The literature review revealed four use cases: asset
transfers, cross-chain oracles, and cross-chain smart
contracts. In asset transfers, assets are moved from one
distributed ledger to another. As a special form of asset
transfer, we identified asset exchanges, which allow us-
ers to spend assets of one distributed ledger in return of
assets from another distributed ledger (e.g., trading of
cryptocurrencies or other assets). Asset exchanges pose
a requirement for atomicity to prevent financial loss.
Rather than moving assets, cross-chain oracles, in
contrast, provide information from one distributed
ledger to another [5]. Thus, cross-chain oracles can be
employed to verify that certain events (e.g., a transac-
tion) occurred on another distributed ledger (e.g., SPV
[12]) enabling, for example, the migration of data from
one distributed ledger to another or the interaction of
distributed ledger in supply chain management (SCM).
In SCM, one distributed ledger for payments could re-
quest the current state of a shipment on another distrib-
uted ledger for tracking to execute conditional pay-
ments. Cross-chain oracles are of particular importance
for asset encumbrance (cf. [4, 18]), which is the ability
of a ledger to lock assets and unlocking the locked assets
if a certain predefined event on another distributed
ledger occurs, which is of particular importance for the
migration of a ledger from its DLT design to another.
Cross-chain smart contracts describe the ability to
trigger the execution of a smart contract on another dis-
tributed ledger, which can increase the level of automa-
tion in the previous SCM example [6]. In contrast to
cross-chain oracles, the execution of cross-chain smart
contracts requires the issuance of transactions on the
destination chain, which causes a change of state of the
distributed ledger.
According to literature, there are also other use cases
for CCT such as sharding (e.g., [4, 30]). We argue that
such use cases are combinations of the previously pre-
sented use cases and, thus, should not be grouped into
an additional class of use cases. For example, sharding
can be assigned to the cross-chain oracle use case.
4.4. Comparison of patterns
In this section, we outline differences between the
three patterns presented in section 4.2. Since the net-
working property mainly influences the other properties,
we now explain the implications of the networking prop-
erty on the others. For the sake of comprehensibility, we
summarized the differences between patterns with re-
gards to the networking property in Table 3.
Administration. Concerning the administration of
an artifact, MAEs appear as an easy to setup pattern be-
cause there are no external dependencies compared to
notaries or sidechains. In notary schemes, due to the fact
that governance of notaries is distributed among only a
few notaries of a consortium (or even only one notary),
corresponding artifacts are easier to govern than relays.
In relays, a public DLT design such as Bitcoin may form
the main chain, which comes with considerable chal-
lenges owing to its high level of decentralization.
Flexibility. MAEs do not come with high technical
requirements towards DLT designs because basic lock-
ing mechanisms can be employed (e.g., hashed time-
lock contracts). Due to the low technical requirements,
maintaining a MAE is technically easier compared to
notary schemes, which initially require to set up an in-
frastructure and its maintenance during operation. No-
tary schemes are more flexible than relays because they
can be easier extended by new distributed ledgers and
pose almost no technical requirements towards distrib-
uted ledgers that should be connected. Notaries can eas-
ily add or dispend distributed ledgers by setting up a re-
spective connector node, while it is harder to block cer-
tain distributed ledgers from the artifact in sidechains.
Performance. In MAEs, order matching can be chal-
lenging because there are no mechanisms to automate
the process of finding an exchange partner. Further-
more, the involved parties are responsible for the verifi-
cation of the relevant transaction locking. In contrast,
notary schemes accelerate cross-chain transactions due
to the engagement of a trusted third party, which man-
ages order matching, transaction verification and which
is responsible for the governance and maintenance of
the artifact. Thus, notaries are often liable for potential
faults in the exchange. However, openness is sacrificed
Table 3. Pattern comparison with regards to the networking property
Notary Scheme
Sidechain (Relay)
Hybrid Solution
One-Way Peg
Two-Way Peg
Atomic cross-
chain swap
Single notary con-
firms events
Consortium of no-
taries confirm
Sidechain verifies
locking of assets on
the main chain
Sidechain verifies
locking of assets on
other chain
Relays or notaries
verify locking of as-
sets on other relays
On-Chain or Off-
Direct or indirectB
On-Chain and par-
tially Off-Chain
Locking Mecha-
Hashed time-
lock contract
Own Accounts
Distributed Private
Key Multi-Signa-
ture Wallet
Smart ContractC
Smart ContractC
Hashed time-lock
One Central
Consortium of No-
Main Chain
Smart Contract
Main Chain
Smart Contract
Connector Nodes
N → N
N → C → N
N → C → N
1 1
N → N
1 C 1D
1 1D
Manual verifi-
cation via block
Verification by a
single notary (e.g.,
Verification by a
group of notaries
(e.g., SPVF)
SPVC,F and notary
An artifact is
not required
BTC Relay
A: Manual Asset Exchange E: Topology uses the following notation: C represents a connector entity (e.g., a notary),
B: Depends on the transfer direction N represents an arbitrary number of distributed ledgers,
C: Automated through smart contracts 1 represents one distributed ledger
D: DLT design not natively supporting the F: Simple payment verification [1]
because notaries decide on which DLT designs is sup-
ported, which impedes censorship resistance. In all pat-
terns, the transaction speed in MAEs strongly depends
on the respective confirmation latency of the distributed
ledgers, which must hold to ensure atomicity of asset
exchanges [13]. Thus, overall performance is impacted
by the supported DLT designs (public or permissioned)
and their applied consensus mechanisms.
Security. In MAEs, safety depends on the trust
model of the connected distributed ledgers, rigor in fol-
lowing the proposed procedures, and the type of finality
the consensus mechanism provides (probabilistic or to-
tal). Atomicity is of high importance in all derived pat-
terns, especially, when it comes to the transfer of assets
(e.g., coins of a cryptocurrency), where, for example, fi-
nancial loss may occur. However, the examined artifacts
achieve atomicity through different procedures (e.g.,
atomic cross-chain swaps [13] or additional consensus
mechanisms [27]), which strongly influences transac-
tion speed. In DLT designs that employ probabilistic fi-
nality, t in atomic cross-chain swaps should be chosen
under consideration of the estimated confirmation la-
tency of the involved DLT designs. Otherwise, atomic-
ity of the exchange cannot be guaranteed because trans-
actions may not be included in the main branch due to
forks [18]. This is a particular challenge when establish-
ing interoperability with a permissionless distributed
ledger, which typically comes with long confirmation
latency and only probabilistic finality (e.g., Bitcoin or
Ethereum). In terms of decentralization, MAEs and
sidechains currently appear as the most decentralized
pattern because the two distributed ledgers can com-
municate directly with each other. Due to the higher
level of decentralization in MAEs and relays compared
to notary schemes, censorship resistance appears more
likely in these patterns than in notaries.
The applied routing influences availability of the ar-
tifact, reliability of cross-chain transactions, and censor-
ship resistance. For example, there are artifacts (e.g.,
Blockchain Router) that employ particular connector
nodes for the routing of messaged between distributed
ledgers. Consequently, the routing comes with less re-
dundancy than if all nodes of the distributed ledgers
were employed into the routing (e.g., BTC Relay),
which is why availability and reliability of the connec-
tion are decreased.
5. Discussion
Although the 57 CCT artifacts have been developed
for different use cases to bridge applications from dif-
ferent industries, all CCT artifacts aim to solve common
challenges such as high performance and high security.
For example, all artifacts require that the data transfer
from one distributed ledger to another is atomic [4]. This
is predominantly ensured by waiting a sufficient period
until finality can be assumed or is reached in fact [1].
Since atomicity strongly depends on the consensus
mechanism of the connected DLT designs, the type of
DLT design must be considered when deciding for a
CCT artifact in the first place. As public blockchains
more often employ a consensus algorithm with slow or
only probabilistic finality (e.g., Proof of Work), this en-
dangers the atomicity of transactions [14]. At the same
time waiting periods become longer and the CCT arti-
fact less performant. Even though slow finality is more
likely to be linked to public blockchains [14], there are
also solutions for public blockchains that ensure rapid
finality, and, therefore, do not result in weakened secu-
rity or less performance. The type of a distributed ledger
also impacts the applicability of the presented patterns.
The applicability of certain identified CCT patterns for
combinations of public and private distributed ledgers
has been explicitly stated in literature (e.g., notary
schemes [23, 34] or hybrid solutions [4]). For example,
the notary schemes InterChain and Wanchain can con-
nect public distributed ledgers with private or public
ones [9]. Rootstock as a hybrid solution still connects
only public distributed ledgers. Generally, hybrid solu-
tions such as the federated pegged sidechains are also
applicable to private distributed ledgers [4]. MAEs and
sidechains appear applicable to public and private dis-
tributed ledgers under certain conditions. MAEs require
the involved parties to own accounts on both distributed
ledgers [13]. Thus, MAEs are only applicable if both
parties have access to both distributed ledgers, which
limits the applicability of MAEs. For example, users of
a private distributed ledger cannot exchange assets with
users of a public distributed ledger without additional
mechanisms. In sidechains, the distributed ledgers need
access to the destination distributed ledger in order to
verify the transaction by using SPV [1, 37]. Usually, re-
layers provide the required data to proceed with a SPV
from the original distributed ledger to the destination
distributed ledger [4, 10]. Therefore, if a private distrib-
uted ledger is involved the relayers must have access to
the private distributed ledger and the information neces-
sary to validate a transaction must be insensitive enough
to be shared on a public ledger.
During our review of the literature, we recognized
that the discussion on CCT parallels the general discus-
sion on DLT: both literature streams are strongly driven
by innovations from practice. Progress made by practi-
tioners is largely documented in more practical publica-
tions, which lack a scientific methodology. Thus, such
results are hardly reproducible. We recognized that
practitioners and researchers predominantly rely on own
developed metrics to compare CCT artifacts or concepts
(e.g., [5]), which points out that the topic of CCT is still
in its infancy and no common understanding of CCT
patterns and their characteristics has become widely
adopted. The scientific debate about CCT and how it
will affect DLT in general is still in its infancy. It also
became apparent that only a little progress has been
made in the development of new patterns, which could
overcome prevalent disadvantages of the relay pattern
(see Section 4.2.2). Instead, artifacts became more effi-
cient in terms of routing and communication and offer
even more flexibility for developers. For example, arti-
facts such as OneLedger, Ontology, and Wanchain pro-
vide an infrastructure to deploy smart contracts and,
thus, enable customization of the cross-chain protocol.
Some of these artifacts already offer Software Develop-
ment Kits for the deployment of a developed smart con-
tract on distributed ledgers connected to the artifact
(e.g., OneLedger). However, most of such feature-rich
artifacts come at the cost of openness as they are main-
tained by notaries (e.g., Polkadot).
Our results contradict the wide-spread classification
of patterns in CCT because we identified slightly differ-
ent patterns than proposed in extant literature: hash
locking, notary scheme, relays (e.g., [4, 18]). Although
hash locking is predominantly mentioned as a pattern
next to relays and notary schemes (e.g., [5, 7, 22]), we
assigned hash locking to the locking characteristic be-
cause hash locking can be applied in all of the identified
patterns. Therefore, the generated overview of patterns
and their characteristics contributes to a common under-
standing of CCT, which was previously fragmented and
empirically not supported.
5.1. Implications
Our work has several implications for research and
practice. The presented characteristics of CCT artifacts
support practitioners when comparing artifacts in CCT
with each other. Furthermore, the aggregation of arti-
facts into patterns helps to obtain a first impression of
the functioning of artifacts assigned to a particular pat-
tern, their advantages, and disadvantages. To facilitate
the selection of an artifact for a particular use case, we
provide insights into three classes of use cases, their in-
dividual requirements, and present recommendations
for what pattern could fit best. Furthermore, artifacts can
be comprehensively compared by considering the iden-
tified characteristics, which supports the development
of new artifacts or even new patterns.
We contribute to research through the revision of the
dominant classification of patterns, use cases, and char-
acteristics in CCT. Our comprehensive and systematic
review of the literature offers researchers a solid basis
for a more profound discourse on CCT and its implica-
tions for the emergence of DLT in general. Furthermore,
we contribute to research in requirements engineering
because the generated overview of characteristics can be
adapted to models in the requirements analysis in soft-
ware engineering.
5.2. Limitations and future research
The presented results are only generalizable on a
limited scale because they are merely derived from sci-
entific literature but mostly from whitepapers issued by
practitioners in the domain of DLT and CCT. Further-
more, several articles are proposals and the respective
implementations have not been developed, yet. Thus,
there is no evidence of how well the proposed architec-
ture operates. All of the identified artifacts refer to the
DLT concept blockchain. Thus, alternative DLT con-
cepts (e.g., transaction-based Directed Acyclic Graphs)
are not included in our study.
In order to validate the presented results, the coding
should be evaluated, for example, by using natural text
analysis (NTA) or focus groups. Since the investigated
CCT artifacts are not in use or not even developed for
the most part (e.g., [30, 34]), the applicability of these
artifacts can hardly be proven. Thus, we aim to investi-
gate their potentials and constraints for various indus-
trial use cases in future work.
6. Conclusion
Extant research on CCT predominantly builds upon
findings in practice, which is why only scattered insight
into CCT has been provided so far. By synthesizing
prior literature and research and defining CCT charac-
teristics and patterns, our study provides a foundation
for a common understanding of CCT and should enliven
the discussion on CCT in research and practice. As the
number of CCT artifacts will probably continue to in-
crease, it becomes apparent that developers will need
decision support when choosing an artifact. Thus, future
research should investigate how such decision support
should be designed to communicate potential drawbacks
for the particular application DLT. Therefore, the char-
acteristics of CCT and DLT should be operationalized
to conduct quantitative studies on CCT artifacts.
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... • L3 (Distributed bridges): The interoperability layer facilitates the transfer of assets and data across different blockchain networks, enabling communication and value exchange between disparate blockchains. It addresses the issue of blockchain isolation by connecting various networks [37,38,39]. Polkadot, Sonc, and Cosmos are introduced as two distributed bridges that link several blockchains. ...
... Removing centralized bridges is one of the cost-side applications of the universal DeFi which makes cross-chain transactions much faster and efficient. Moreover, enables DApps designers/developers to generate user-friendly UI for beginners who do have not enough knowledge about different blockchains, DEXs, and blockchain-based services [37,91,92]. As a high-potential example depicted in Figure 8, assume an amateur end-user has FTMs on the Fantom blockchain and wants to buy several objects in the Decentraland environment developed on the Ethereum blockchain. ...
Undoubtedly, blockchain technology has emerged as one of the most fascinating advancements in recent decades. Its rapid development has attracted a diverse range of experts from various fields. Over the past five years, numerous blockchains have been launched, hosting a multitude of applications with varying objectives. However, a key limitation of blockchain-based services and applications is their isolation within their respective host blockchains, preventing them from recording or accessing data from other blockchains. This limitation has spurred developers to explore solutions for connecting different blockchains without relying on centralized intermediaries. This new wave of projects, officially called Layer 3 projects (L3) initiatives, has introduced innovative concepts like cross-chain transactions, multi-chain frameworks, hyper-chains, and more. This study provides an overview of these significant concepts and L3 projects while categorizing them into interoperability and scalability solutions. We then discuss opportunities, challenges, and future horizons of L3 solutions and present a SWOT (Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats) analysis of the two groups of L3 solutions and all other proposals. As an important part, we introduce the concept of Universal decentralized finance (DeFi) as one the most exciting applications of L3s which decreases transaction costs, enhances the security of crowdfunding, and provides many improvements in distributed lending-borrowing processes. The final part of this study maps the blockchain’s triangle problem on L3s and identifies current challenges from the L3’s perspective. Ultimately, the future directions of L3 for both academic and industry sectors are discussed.
... 2.2.2 Decentralized Cross-Chain Bridges. Decentralized cross-chain bridges distribute the control and management of asset transfers among multiple independent nodes or participants in the network [54]. They typically use consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, and cryptographic techniques to facilitate secure and trustless asset transfers between blockchain networks. ...
... The aforementioned advantage is of utmost significance, given the escalating need for transactions that occur in real time across a wide range of blockchain use cases. Additionally, the hybrid model has an important advantage in terms of its inherent flexibility and adaptability [54]. The proposed model offers the capacity to customize the level of trust and decentralization according to the particular requirements or preferences of individual users. ...
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Cross-chain bridges, one of the foundational infrastructures of blockchain, provide the infrastructure and solutions for interoperability, asset liquidity, data transfer, decentralized finance, and cross-chain governance between blockchain networks. However, because cross-chain bridges often have to handle communication and asset transfers between multiple blockchains, they involve complex protocols and technologies. This complexity increases the likelihood of vulnerabilities and potential attacks. In order to ensure the security and reliability of cross-chain bridges, this paper launches a thorough investigation of existing cross-chain bridge projects, clarifying bridging mechanisms, bridge types, and security features. The following part goes into the subject of security and sheds light on the considerable challenges faced by cross-chain bridges. It conducts a thorough analysis of security flaws, covering problems like smart contract vulnerabilities, centralization risks, liquidity issues, and oracle manipulations. Furthermore, this study promotes a compendium of security solutions and best practises, pointing the way towards a cross-chain bridge scenario that is more secure.
... A promising future direction is to integrate IoT devices and realworld assets with AI-DeFi systems that offers promising prospects for developing innovative financial services and products [36]. Another promising research direction is to establish protocols and standards for cross-platform interoperability to promote adoption of AI-DeFi solutions [37]. Last but not least, privacy-preserving AI-DeFi solutions require advanced cryptographic techniques like homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs [38]. ...
... Numerous survey papers offer different frameworks for understanding and categorizing blockchain interoperability. They investigated aspects such as interoperability layers [21], architecture [12], [22], [23], the stability of interoperability solutions [24], and the integration of smart contracts as a critical component in achieving interoperability [25]. Security concerns, a fundamental aspect of blockchain interoperability, are comprehensively examined in several surveys, which discuss various strategies to secure blockchain communications [26]- [29]. ...
Interoperability is a significant challenge in blockchain technology, hindering seamless data and service sharing across diverse blockchain networks. This study introduces \textit {Automated Gateways} as a novel framework leveraging smart contracts to facilitate interoperability. Unlike existing solutions, which often require adopting new technologies or relying on external services, Automated Gateways framework is integrated directly with a blockchain's core infrastructure to enhance systems with built-in interoperability features. By implementing fine-grained access control mechanisms, smart contracts within this framework manage accessibility and authorization for cross-chain interactions and facilitate streamlining the selective sharing of services between blockchains. Our evaluation demonstrates the framework's capability to handle cross-chain interactions efficiently, significantly reduce operational complexities, and uphold transactional integrity and security across different blockchain networks. With its focus on user-friendliness, self-managed permissions, and independence from external platforms, this framework is designed to achieve broader adoption within the blockchain community.
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This paper presents a scalable, secure blockchain-based healthcare system architecture that efficiently manages large patient datasets. DHTs and Skip Lists enable efficient data access, while DPoS and PBFT facilitate parallel transaction processing. Adaptive filters, Radix Trees extended by Merkle Trees, and an immutable blockchain ledger secured by Tendermint consensus ensure data integrity and protection against evolving threats. Threshold Cryptography secures consensus participant selection, and Bulletproofs verify transactions, complying with healthcare regulations. ChaCha20, a symmetric stream cipher, encrypts sensitive data, enhancing performance across devices. ABAC manages access rights, ensuring fine-grained control over data accessibility. This architecture offers a comprehensive, efficient, and secure solution for healthcare data management in blockchain environments.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has the potential to change organization and collaboration in the economy, society, and industry. This chapter introduces the technical background and use cases of DLT. It presents the major innovations originating from DLT since the introduction of the blockchain concept. Furthermore, cryptocurrencies’ historical background as a driver of fully decentralized distributed ledgers is outlined from their origins in the 1990s until the blockchain concept’s introduction in 2009. DLT’s technical principles are introduced to provide a sound understanding. Subsequently, the functioning of DLT is illustrated by means of the Bitcoin blockchain example, which was the first fully decentralized cryptocurrency to not require a trusted authority (i.e., banks). Thereafter, smart contracts and the idea of decentralized applications are explained. Selected use cases for DLT’s application are subsequently discussed. This chapter concludes with a discussion of the prevailing challenges in the field of DLT.
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With the expansion of the digital publishing industry, copyright infringement of digital resources has become increasingly rampant. Blockchain technology offers a promising solution for copyright protection of digital resources. However, existing copyright protection methods based on single-chain or consortium blockchains have disadvantages such as low system processing efficiency, poor scalability, and a lack of alignment with real-world business needs. To address the current challenges of blockchain technology in the field of copyright protection and establish a more effective solution for protecting digital resource copyrights, while also expanding the application of blockchain cross-chain technology and promoting its development, leveraging blockchain cross-chain theory, technology, and methods, a digital resource copyright protection scheme based on blockchain cross-chain technology was constructed. It outlines detailed processes for copyright registration, resource transactions, copyright modifications, and copyright enforcement. Furthermore, this copyright protection scheme was analyzed. The findings indicated that the blockchain cross-chain technology is suitable for digital resource copyright protection. The proposed copyright protection scheme can allow various stakeholders to better fulfill their roles, in addition to enhancing the overall maintainability and scalability of the blockchain system.
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Background: A blockchain is a list of records that uses cryptography to make stored data immutable; their use has recently been proposed for electronic medical record (EMR) systems. This paper details a systematic review of trade-offs in blockchain technologies that are relevant to EMRs. Trade-offs are defined as "a compromise between two desirable but incompatible features." Objective: This review's primary research question was: "What are the trade-offs involved in different blockchain designs that are relevant to the creation of blockchain-based electronic medical records systems?" Methods: Seven databases were systematically searched for relevant articles using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Papers published from January 1, 2017 to June 15, 2018 were selected. Quality assessments of papers were performed using the Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies-of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool and the Critical Assessment Skills Programme (CASP) tool. Database searches identified 2885 articles, of which 15 were ultimately included for analysis. Results: A total of 17 trade-offs were identified impacting the design, development, and implementation of blockchain systems; these trade-offs are organized into themes, including business, application, data, and technology architecture. Conclusions: The key findings concluded the following: (1) multiple trade-offs can be managed adaptively to improve EMR utility; (2) multiple trade-offs involve improving the security of blockchain systems at the cost of other features, meaning EMR efficacy highly depends on data protection standards; and (3) multiple trade-offs result in improved blockchain scalability. Consideration of these trade-offs will be important to the specific environment in which electronic medical records are being developed. This review also uses its findings to suggest useful design choices for a hypothetical National Health Service blockchain. International registered report identifier (irrid): RR2-10.2196/10994.
Conference Paper
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An atomic cross-chain swap is a distributed coordination task where multiple parties exchange assets across multiple blockchains, for example, trading bitcoin for ether. An atomic swap protocol guarantees (1) if all parties conform to the protocol, then all swaps take place, (2) if some coalition deviates from the protocol, then no conforming party ends up worse off, and (3) no coalition has an incentive to deviate from the protocol. A cross-chain swap is modeled as a directed graph D, whose vertexes are parties and whose arcs are proposed asset transfers. For any pair (D, L), where D = (V,A) is a strongly-connected directed graph and L ⊂ V a feedback vertex set for D, we give an atomic cross-chain swap protocol for D, using a form of hashed timelock contracts, where the vertexes in L generate the hashlocked secrets. We show that no such protocol is possible if D is not strongly connected, or if D is strongly connected but L is not a feedback vertex set. The protocol has time complexityO(diam(D)) and space complexity (bits stored on all blockchains) O(|A|2).
Conference Paper
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Distributed ledger technology (DLT), including blockchain, enables secure processing of transactions between untrustworthy parties in a decentralized system. However, DLT is available in different designs that exhibit diverse characteristics. Moreover , DLT characteristics have complementary and conflicting interdependencies. Hence, there will never be an ideal DLT design for all DLT use cases; instead, DLT implementations need to be configured to contextual requirements. Successful DLT configuration requires, however, a sound understanding of DLT characteristics and their interdependencies. In this manuscript, we review DLT characteristics and organize them into six groups. Furthermore, we condense interdependencies of DLT characteristics into trade-offs that should be considered for successful deployment of DLT. Finally, we consolidate our findings into DLT archetypes for common design objectives , such as security, usability, or performance. Our work makes extant DLT research more transparent and fosters understanding of interdependencies and trade-offs between DLT characteristics.
Distributed ledgers (DLs), including blockchains, are gradually becoming an accepted technology. Almost all of these DLs are currently siloed and there is an increasing need for interaction. To fulfill this need, interoperability solutions have been proposed. However, DL interoperability has been scarcely researched and it is not always clear which properties these solutions have, nor which particular issues exist in such solutions. This paper describes a set of key properties with which interoperability solutions can be evaluated. Using these key properties, we systematically compare the two most common solutions and identify several issues, some of which cannot be solved by the solutions themselves. Finally, these properties can be used in practice to assess and compare interoperability solutions, and can be used to determine which kind of solution fits best.
Reports on the development of Open and Interoperable Distributed Ledger Technology/Blockchain standards. Discusses how these standards drive global blockchain adoption and take development of the technology ecosystem to the next level. The field of blockchain or distributed ledger is growing rapidly. The lack of consensus on definitions, implementation, management, and core attributes is driving the need for standardization. Blockchain is often confused with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, but the potential applications of this technology in diverse fields, such as smart contracts, buying and selling energy, and so much more, make distributed ledger technologies one of the high-potential technologies for the future.
Conference Paper
Blockchain is distributed ledger with the advantage of high security, tamper resistant and traceability. However, in the process of the growth of Blockchain, network isolation hinders the cooperative operation among different Blockchains and greatly restricts the development of Blockchain. There is an urgent need to break the barriers among Blockchains[1], thus cross-chain communication become a new trend of the Blockchain technology[2]. In this paper, we propose CVEM, a value exchange mechanism which supports different kind of tokens transfer cross-chain. First, we put the main exchange process execute off-chain and the final result on-chain. Then, we combine Revocable Sequence Maturity Contract (RSMC) with the idea of cross-token exchange of Blockchain, and use the mechanism of multi-signatures address to constrain the users' behaviors. In addition, we introduce the Simple Payment Verification Proof (SPV Proof) to verify transactions. Our work, to some degree, shortens the transaction process delay and also ensures the security and scalability of the value exchange.