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Model-driven Cyber Range Training: A Cyber Security Assurance Perspective


Abstract and Figures

Security demands are increasing for all types of organisations, due to the ever-closer integration of computing infrastructures and smart devices into all aspects of the organisational operations. Consequently, the need for security-aware employees in every role of an organisation increases in accordance. Cyber Range training emerges as a promising solution, allowing employees to train in both realistic environments and scenarios and gaining hands-on experience in security aspects of varied complexity, depending on their role and level of expertise. To that end, this work introduces a model-driven approach for Cyber Range training that facilitates the generation of tailor-made training scenarios based on a comprehensive model-based description of the organisation and its security posture. Additionally, our approach facilitates the automated deployment of such training environments, tailored to each defined scenario, through simulation and emulation means. To further highlight the usability of the proposed approach, this work also presents scenarios focusing on phishing threats, with increasing level of complexity and difficulty.
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Model-driven Cyber Range Training: A Cyber
Security Assurance Perspective
Iason Somarakis[0000000234748995], Michail Smyrlis[000000019527516X],
Konstantinos Fysarakis[0000000268718102], and George
Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, Zug, Switzerland
{somarakis, smyrlis, fysarakis, spanoudakis}
Abstract. Security demands are increasing for all types of organisa-
tions, due to the ever-closer integration of computing infrastructures and
smart devices into all aspects of the organisational operations. Conse-
quently, the need for security-aware employees in every role of an or-
ganisation increases in accordance. Cyber Range training emerges as a
promising solution, allowing employees to train in both realistic environ-
ments and scenarios and gaining hands-on experience in security aspects
of varied complexity, depending on their role and level of expertise. To
that end, this work introduces a model-driven approach for Cyber Range
training that facilitates the generation of tailor-made training scenarios
based on a comprehensive model-based description of the organisation
and its security posture. Additionally, our approach facilitates the auto-
mated deployment of such training environments, tailored to each defined
scenario, through simulation and emulation means. To further highlight
the usability of the proposed approach, this work also presents scenar-
ios focusing on phishing threats, with increasing level of complexity and
Keywords: Cyber Range training ·Model Driven Engineering ·Secu-
rity Assurance
1 Introduction
The insufficient knowledge of security procedures and the lack of security aware-
ness across different types of employees within an organisation, combined with
the rapid technological advancements (e.g., 5G, the Internet of Things - IoT)[1]
that transform various domains (e.g., energy, health-care), provide fertile ground
for various threat actors (sophisticated or otherwise) to carry out successful at-
tacks that may significantly damage tangible and intangible assets [2]. Organ-
isations own or access a vast number of cyber systems that can be exposed
through numerous known and unknown attack vectors; as organisations advance
technologically, the complexity of their systems and their security further in-
crease. Nevertheless, the security awareness and security expertise of employees
2 I. Somarakis et al.
typically, does not increase at the same pace. This is especially critical for or-
ganisations that handle sensitive data (e.g., hospitals [3]) or are part of critical
infrastructures (e.g., smart energy grids [4]). Therefore, to protect their assets
and mitigate potential attacks, such organisations need to train their employees
to appropriately respond to the security challenges of this era. This includes,
educating them with the latest learning resources that will allow them to com-
prehend the security related changes introduced by the new technologies and
giving them access to training scenarios that realistically represent situations
that may occur in their organisation. In this manner, Cyber Security training
that is not explicitly designed to fit the requirements of an organisation and
does not have the ability to easily adapt to the rapidly changing landscape, is
insufficient and quickly becomes obsolete. Thus, the importance for a dynamic
and continuously up-to-date cyber security training environment emerges.
Motivated by the above, this work aims to highlight the potential of model-
driven Cyber-Range training that: (i) is applicable to any type of a system; (ii)
is able to represent the actual assets of an organisation and generate training
scenarios based on them; (iii) offers scalability and adaptability, by enabling
adjustments to the model as the organisation evolves; (iv) is up-to-date regarding
threat intelligence, considering new vulnerabilities discovered [5]) or changes
to the organisation’s setup (e.g., adding new systems that may introduce new
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section II presents an
overview of the background, related works and how the proposed approach over-
comes the limitations of current commercial solutions; Section III describes the
adopted security assurance methodology; Section IV provides a detailed model
of an example scenario and two variations; and finally, Section V summarises
the paper and sets future goals.
2 Background & Related Work
This work is based on the definition of a security assurance model, adopting and
extending state of the art approaches in model-driven cyber assurance and certi-
fication, simulation, emulation, and e-training cyber range tools and platforms.
The security assurance’s focus is to evaluate ICT systems, products and ser-
vices with regard to security standards and security properties [6]. To achieve
this, the proposed approach follows certification schemes such as CUMULUS
[7], an open source model driven framework, capable of executing automatically
different types of certification schemes for cloud services. It was introduced to
close the gap of automation that other certification frameworks lacked (STAR [8],
ECSTA [9]). In this work, cyber training leverages the continuous security assur-
ance enabled by the assurance model to use its elements (e.g., Threats, Security
Controls, monitoring evidence) and create realistic simulations for CyberRange
training programmes, while monitoring the assurance schemes to measure the
performance of the trainees following training.
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To cover the needs for the implementation of the training environment several
tools for simulation and emulation can be considered to support automatic de-
ployment of the emulated components and facilitate the communication across
simulated and real assets (see Section 3.2). Regarding the simulation require-
ments, the Cyber-Range sub-model needs to be able to accommodate a detailed
representation of simulation environments and its components in order to sup-
port automatic generation of the simulation demands of the training programme;
thus, several open source discrete event-driven simulators were examined. The
NS-3 [10] provides support of TCP, routing and multicast protocols over wired
and wireless networks and has the ability to run software on simulated models.
GNS3 [11] is an open source network simulator mainly focuses on Cisco and
Jupiter software. Netkit [12] is a command-line based simulator tool that uses
user-mode linux to create network nodes. Finally, OMNet++ [13] is another
open source discrete event simulator that offers a highly scalable and modular
framework primarily for building any-kind of network (e.g., wired, wireless, on-
chip) simulators. OMNet’s community is vast providing domain-specific support
for sensor networks, wireless ad-hoc networks, internet protocols, performance
modelling, photonic networks etc. Considering the emulation requirements, two
major virtualisaton tools are OpenStack [14] that features deployment and man-
agement of virtual machines and Docker [15] that uses an engine to host con-
tainers of virtualised software.
Considering external sources for keeping the security assurance model up to
date with changes in the threat landscape, various established cyber security
threat and vulnerability lists can be considered; e.g., OWASP [16], ENISA[17],
NIST[5]. Additionally, state of the art research efforts such as project CIPSEC
[18] can provide valuable insights on personnel training courses, know-how on
forensics analysis tools and education for protection against cascading effects.
Furthermore, various products established in the market of Cyber Training
must be considered in order to identify gaps and needs in the domain. Kasper-
sky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) [19] targets senior managers and
decision makers to increase their security awareness by offering 6 scenarios (i.e.,
Corporation, Bank, eGovernment, Transport, Power Station, Water Plant) with
related types of attacks. The Adaptive Awareness Portal [20] offers modular
means for building your own training programmes but it emphasises on secu-
rity awareness training, social engineering scenarios and e-learning management.
Sophos Phish Threat [21] is another phishing training solution that utilises phish-
ing simulations to educate and tests its end users. Inspired e-learning’s Security
Awareness Training [22] is a role-based solution educating against phishing sce-
nario via a combination of videos and immersive situation-based role-playing sce-
narios. Finally, literature [23] [24] indicates that the gamification of cyber range
training offers promising results. This approach is followed by PwC’s Game of
Threats [25]; a solution that simulates cyber security breaches and uses gamifica-
tion and game theory to provide a realistic game environment for an interactive
blue team / red team experience. While there are various solutions in the mar-
ket, most offer a fixed number of scenarios, role/domain specific limitations,
4 I. Somarakis et al.
minimal automation, and often lack the interaction with actual emulated cyber
environments, thus lacking in realism.
3 Security Assurance Modelling
The proposed model-driven approach to Cyber-Range training is based on the
definition of a Security Assurance Model that enables the systematic represen-
tation of the target organisation, its assets and their relations, and, ultimately,
its security posture. This comprehensive approach allows us to identify and de-
scribe the assets of the system, their relations and their corresponding threats;
the sequence of events that leads to the manifestation of these threats, alongside
the responsible threat actor/s; the actions that trainees are expected to take
against these attacks and the tools that may be used for this purpose; targets
regarding the preparedness and effectiveness level that the trainees targeted by
a Cyber-Range training programme are expected to achieve and how these lev-
els may be measured in different stages of the delivery of the programme; and,
finally, information on how the system can simulate and emulate the compo-
nents necessary for its implementation. Additionally, it supports the effortless
integration of potential changes in the composition of the organisation to the
model (e.g., hiring a person, introducing a different job role, acquiring a soft-
ware or hardware, removing old hardware, the disclosure of new vulnerabilities
etc.); and enabling the generation of updated or brand-new Cyber Range train-
ing scenarios driven by these changes. To support the training, the core model
is extended with the Cyber-Range sub-model that provides training relevant
information; this allows it to build custom training scenarios for known cyber-
attacks; new cyber-attacks; learning how to effectively and systematically utilise
different security tools; learning the procedure for various types of actions (e.g.,
preparedness, detection and analysis, incident response, post incident response)
and security processes in the target organisations and availability for different
types of users of the system (e.g., end-user, administrator, technician, security
engineer, blue/red team). This approach allows us to provide automated means
for generation of tailored Cyber-Range training programmes that align with the
organisations composition and security requirements. The core assurance model
and the Cyber-Range sub-model will be described in the following sections.
3.1 The Security Assurance Model
The core of the defined security assurance model are the organisations assets (i.e.,
anything of value to the organisation), as well as the interplay between threats,
vulnerabilities, security properties and security controls. For the sake of brevity,
a view of the assurance model depicting the above is shown in Fig 1. In the
above, an asset can be a software asset (Software Architecture Layer (SAL) or
Physical Architecture Layer (PAL)), a hardware asset, a physical infrastructure
asset, data, person or a process. An asset inherits a number of attributes that
are grouped into a single element namely the SecurityAssuranceModelElement.
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 5
Fig. 1. Core Security Assurance Model
The status of this element must be equal to final in order for an asset to have all
its attributes/interconnections set. An asset may have security properties and
be subject to vulnerabilities. A security property can be of type (a) integrity,
(b) confidentiality, (c) availability; it also contains a verification attribute which
describes the way a security property is verified and a specification of it; a
security property is addressed by security control and may be required by assets.
Threat is any circumstance or event with the potential to adversary impact
an asset through unauthorised access, destruction, disclosure, modification of
data, and/or denial of services; a threat exploits a number of vulnerabilities and
violates a number of security properties. Vulnerability is a weakness an adversary
could take advantage of to comprise the security properties of a resources; a
vulnerability applies to a number of assets and is exploited by a threat which
may lead to the violation of a security property if a security control is not in place
or properly set up; a vulnerability can either be of physical or computational
type. The latter applies to a computational asset (i.e., a Software or Hardware
asset) and (mostly) follows the structure provided by National Vulnerability
Database (NVD) while the former applies to a physical asset. Finally, a security
control protects assets, address security properties and mitigates vulnerabilities.
For the sake of brevity, a view of the assurance model depicting the above is
shown in 1.
6 I. Somarakis et al.
3.2 Cyber-Range Sub-Model
The Cyber-Range sub-model is developed to provide essential information for the
specification and implementation of the Cyber-Range training programmes. To
accomplish this, the Cyber-Range sub-model extends the security assurance core
model in the sense of utilising certain elements from it. Specifically, to generate
training scenarios tailored to a target cyber system the cyber range sub-model
considers the systems assets, threats, security properties and security controls;
information provided by the core security assurance model. For example, if a
system isnt prone to phishing attacks, then the cyber range sub-model will not
generate a phishing training scenario. Furthermore, to generate different types of
difficulty and execution steps of a training scenario, the cyber-range sub model
considers information about a person asset (i.e., its role within the organisation).
For instance, if an organisation doesnt have any security experts then scenarios
targeting this role will not be generated. Additionally, the core security assurance
model defines the sequence of events that lead to the manifestation of the threats
which is utilised by the Cyber-Range sub- model to drive the different phases
of the training scenario. Subsequently the Cyber-Range sub-model defines the
threat actors (e.g., external attacker, insider) that cause the aforementioned
sequence of events, as it is important for the purposes of the training. The Cyber-
Range sub-model extends the network module of the core security assurance
model to support virtual networking required for the communication between
the emulations Virtual Machines (VM); this information (i.e., as a class) can also
be of use to the security assurance model to support interactions between virtual
systems within the actual cyber-system. Finally, Cyber-Range sub-model uses
the organisations software assets to describe the components of the emulation
and makes use of the inheritance and other associations with the asset. For
example, the containment relationship between assets is utilised by the emulation
to describe the link between a VM and its operating system. The diagram of
the model is provided in the form of a Unified Modelling Language (UML) class
diagram (see figure 2) together with a detailed description below.
The Training Programme is specified by a brief description of the pro-
gramme; a measurable goal for the training (e.g., in a phishing scenario, the
trainee has to identify at least 50 percent of the phishing emails); roles that
the programme aims to train (e.g., end-user, administrator, technician, secu-
rity engineer); types of training (e.g., analysis, detection, preparedness, secu-
rity awareness); legal frameworks that align with the programme (e.g., GDPR
compliance scenario); a difficulty value that indicates the difficulty rating (e.g.,
a phishing training scenario could be represented very simply to considerably
The training programme covers one or more Assets,Threats and Security
Properties; zero or more Security Controls. For example, a phishing scenario
concerns an end-user asset, covers a phishing specific threat, that involves the
confidentiality security property and involve a spam filter as a security control.
In this example, if the target organization doesnt employ a spam filter, then it
wont be included in the training.
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The training programme records zero or more actual trace evidence for
debugging or training reasons, including system and traffic logs; The training
programme sets one or more expected trace to track the progress of a user
during its training. For example, an end-user examines a malicious email, the
email contains a link, the expected trace is to monitor if the user presses the
link or not. In this example, the training programme isnt concerned with any
actual trace; however, if this scenario involved a security expert (instead of an
end-user) that needs to investigate the origins of the aforementioned link, then
the training programme will need to monitor actual trace to follow the users
investigation path (e.g., packets send).
The training programme supports one more training programme execu-
tions. This class defines the actions enabled for the training programme consid-
ering the role of the account undergoing the training (e.g., in a phishing scenario
the end user wouldnt have the same actions enabled versus a security engineer
or administrator). The account class is utilised by one or more person, for
example, a red team/blue team might have a single account for training their
team members. Another example, an account can be used by a security engineer
that wants to train on different positions, like system admin, forensics, blue/red
team etc. A person can belong to zero or more groups.
The training programme consists of phases, that are the stages the the
programme is deployed; in some cases this class is driven by a sequence of
events that lead to the specific manifestation of a threat generated by zero
or more threat actors or in other cases this represent stages of the training
scenario(e.g., for example on a blue/red team scenario, on phase 1 the blue team
secures the system and on phases 2 the red team tries to exploit it and blue
team defends it).
The implementation of the Cyber Range training will be accomplished through
emulation and simulation of the components and the interactions among them.
In some cases where the training requires an additional level of realism interac-
tions with real assets (e.g., specialised devices like Global Position System (GPS),
or actual devices like an email server), will be accommodated as well. The Cy-
ber range model will provide the necessary information and links to resources to
support the automated deployment of the playable training programmes via var-
ious simulation (e.g., OMNet++) and emulation tools (e.g., OpenStack). This
information is described in the simulation and emulation sub-models. A training
programme may involve more than one simulation and emulation sub-models,
considering its deployment phases. For example, a training programme may de-
ploy one virtual machine with a set of configurations for the implementation of
its first phase and an additional virtual machine with different configurations
for its second phase, or more than one virtual machines for its third phase.
Similarly, the simulation model of training programme may deploy a simulation
environment on one phase and a different simulation environment on another
8 I. Somarakis et al.
Fig. 2. Cyber-Range sub-model
Simulation Sub-Model The Simulation Sub-Model is responsible for indicat-
ing if a component can be simulated and is describing the simulation environment
and its individual components. The simulation model specifies: if an asset can
be simulated; the deployment mode for the simulated component (e.g., build
from scratch or by using a template); which tool is used to realise the simulation
(e.g., OMNet++, NS3); the required, initialisation operations (e.g., instantiation
scripts); the time and date that the simulation started and ended; the current
simulation and date time; the execution speed that describes how fast the sim-
ulation is passing; the random seed value that influences the random operations
of the simulation in order to have reproducible randomness; the list of messages
that are exchanged among the simulations modules (e.g., events, commands,
packets) during the simulation; Additionally, the simulation model facilitates
different simulation environments if required by different phases of the training
programme. To describe the composition, the model follows the paradigm of
the Network Description (NED) language that is used by the discrete simulator
OMNet++ which describes the simulation environment as topology of modules
and connections between them. A module is a node in the composition of the
simulation; it has a distinctive name, it can be either a simple or compound
module and supports communication with other modules via Gates. A module
is a node in the composition of the simulation; it has a distinctive name, it can
be either a simple or compound module and supports communication with other
modules via Gates.
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 9
Acompound module consists of modules (i.e., simple or compound); it
has one or more gates that enable the communication across modules in the
compound system and the modules outside of it.
Asimple module contains source code, specifying the behaviour of a sim-
ulated component (e.g., hardware, software), it involves one or more gates to
enable the communication with other modules and, it uses operations to handle
Gates can be either input, output and in-out and serve as a connection
points between two modules.
Aconnection links two gates and has a specific behaviour, which is defined
by characteristics; a variety of characteristics are supported but two main are
the data-rate and the delay. All objects of the simulation model can be further
specified by a set of parameters and properties.
Parameters are variables that further define an object; variables can hold
different simple values (e.g., int, double, boolean, string) or even complex ones
(e.g., XML). For example, for a simple module simulating an Application, a set
of parameters may define the communication protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, ICMP),
destination address, packet length of message etc.
Properties are various meta-data that can be attached to objects of the
simulation model. For example, properties can be statistics that are needed to
track the progress of a trainee, such as end-to-end delay, jitter etc. Properties
can also be rendering information of the specific object for the GUI.
Emulation Sub-Model Emulation Sub-Model The emulation sub-model indi-
cates if a component can be emulated and is responsible for defining the informa-
tion required by the training programme to emulate components and facilitate
connections between them, with simulated components and possibly external
real assets (e.g., external email server via the internet). Thus, the emulation
sub-model includes information about the resources for instantiating and con-
figuring the various emulated components, the deployment mode for them (e.g.,
from scratch, template) and the tool that will carry out the emulation (e.g.,
OpenStack). The resources involve images (i.e., software and OS settings), hard-
ware characteristics (e.g., memory, Central Processing Unit (CPU) cores, stor-
age) and connections details (e.g., internal connection of OpenStack resources
or external communication).
The emulation sub-model describes the emulation environment as a structure
of one or more software assets and zero or more virtual network modules.
Software assets are a set of programs used to operate computers and exe-
cute specific tasks; software can either be SAL or a PAL. SAL is an application
later software module (e.g., the sources code of a software implemented within
the organisation). PAL is platform level software, which describes an abstract
software platform (e.g., a virtual machine, web server, OpenStack). Software as-
set inherits from asset the containment association; this indicates that an asset
can contain or be managed by another asset. A containment can illustrate a de-
ployment relation if an asset is contained in another asset and it operates within
10 I. Somarakis et al.
the containment. For instance, a software asset can be contained in a hardware
asset, a software (SAL) operates in a virtual machine (PAL) and an Operating
System (OS) controls the virtual machine.
The virtual network module, specifies the network configuration informa-
tion necessary to support the communication between the emulated nodes, such
as IP address, netmask, protocol and routing.
Finally, the emulation sub-model supports one or more phases, supporting the
capability to modify the emulated components throughout the training scenario,
according to the different phases that the training programme consists of.
4 Sample Scenario
In this section, three variants of training focused around phishing attacks are
used to demonstrate the use of the proposed approach. The first is a simple
phishing scenario where the trainee analyses a sequence of emails, to identify
their legitimacy or malicious intent. The second is more complex, deployed on
a realistic environment where the trainee uses their email client to identify and
quarantine (i.e., isolate in the spam folder) phishing emails. The third is a capture
the flag scenario. This involves the red and blue team and adds another level
of complexity. More specifically, the trainer places vulnerabilities on a emulated
smart home system, where the blue team tries to secure it and the red team tries
to infiltrate it, scoring flags for each vulnerability exploited.
4.1 Simple Phishing Scenario
This is a social engineering scenario that targets trainees with low security ex-
pertise. In this simple scenario the user is trained on identifying phishing email
attempts. The user logs into the Cyber Range application and is presented with
a sequence of emails; their target is to select which of them are legitimate or
Scenario Modelling By using the Cyber-Range sub-model the above sce-
nario is specified below. The Training Programme class includes a description
(i.e., Simple Phishing Scenario), a goal (i.e., identify 50 percent of the malicious
emails), a type (i.e., preparedness), role (i.e., low privilege end-user), difficulty
(i.e., 1), . The actual trace that the training programme records include, system
logs, traffic logs and the fake emails that were generated during this scenario.
The expected trace that the training programme sets include the correct and
wrong answers of the user. The Training Programme Execution class defines
that the only actions allowed to the user is to indicate, via the Cyber Range soft-
ware, if an email is legitimate or malicious. This scenario has only one phase,
that is the presentation of the email sequence; when that phase concludes the
scenario completed. The Simulation Model defines that the deployment mode
for this scenario is ”from scratch”; the tool that is used to implement the sim-
ulation is ”Omnet”; the simulation timer starts with 0; messages that contain
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 11
events; specifically the event that starts the simulation, 10 emails with varying
states (i.e., legitimate or malicious), and the event that concludes the simula-
tion; the randomness seed is set to 1; execution speed is set to 1; the starting
time and date of the simulation is 20:00 25/8/2019; the end time and date of
the simulation is 21:00 25/8/2019. The simulation topology consists of a simple
module, an email generator application. The Emulation Model defines that
the deployment mode for this scenario is ”preset”; the tool that is used to im-
plement the emulation is ”Open-Stack”; and also provides a path to the preset
template ”/path/simplePhishingVM”. The emulation sub-model consists of one
Software-PAL asset (virtual machine) that will contain two Software-SAL assets
1) the operating system ”Linux” 2) the simulation software. The scenario’s em-
Fig. 3. Cyber-Range sub-model
ulated and simulated components are displayed in figure 3, while the populated
model for this scenario is displayed in figure 4.
Besides the aforementioned simplistic scenario, the Cyber-Range sub-model
can facilitate more complex and advanced scenarios that will be explored as part
of our future work.
12 I. Somarakis et al.
Fig. 4. Cyber-Range sub-model
5 Conclusions & Future work
This paper presented a model-driven approach to Cyber-Range training based
on the definition of a security assurance model, extending it to facilitate the def-
inition of Cyber-Range training programmes, via the Cyber-Range sub-model.
The Cyber-Range sub-model is developed with applicability and scalability in
mind, so to offer realistic training scenarios via a hybrid approach of simula-
tion and emulation, which satisfy the security training demands tailored to any
specific organisation. While the security assurance model is used to model the
organisation as a whole, the Cyber-Range sub-model facilitates the specification,
implementation and automatic generation of Cyber-Range training programmes.
To this end, the Cyber-Range sub-model links the Assets, Security Properties,
Security Controls, and Threats covered in the scenario and defines it, in terms
of training information (e.g., description of the scenario, goal), simulation (e.g.,
simulation tool, components) and emulation (e.g., emulation tool, components).
This approach, along with the integration of state of the art simulation and
emulation solutions, enables the automated deployment of cyber range training
programmes tailored the specific organisation, in realistic environments, while
also considering changes in the threat landscape (as encompassed in the assur-
ance model).
Next steps will focus on further refining the Cyber-Range sub-model, test-
ing its applicability in more complex and advanced scenarios, clearly defining
the goal and scoring functions supported by the model for trainee performance
evaluation. Special focus will be given on improving the simulation and emula-
tion sub-models and integrating additional simulation and emulation tools [26]
design. Moreover, the aim is to develop and demonstrate a proof of concept con-
verting a Cyber-Range sub-model to a playable training scenario. Finally, the
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 13
applicability of the proposed approach will be investigated in different domains,
covering smart home, health-care, smart shipping environments.
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18. CIPSEC-EU Project,
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20. MediaPro’s Adaptive Awareness Portal,
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... The procedure begins by analyzing the organization's system. The Assurance Tool [28] evaluates the current security level and reports the most significant security issues that must drive the following training process. Then, hybrid training programmes are produced, and tailored to the organizational needs and the trainee types. ...
... Thereupon, the experts also apply the STRIDE threat model [21] in order to capture the current security status of the piloting system, including the potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the proper deployment of the required defense mechanisms. This information is also part of the core sub-model (a well-structured XML or JSON format [28]) and offers a common and widely-used vocabulary across the whole training experience. ...
... The goal is to estimate the current security status and identify the weak points (e.g., system or behavioral vulnerabilities). The platform's Assurance Tool [28] deploys monitoring modules in the piloting system that disclose its technical features (such as the type and version of the running software or the installed hardware components) and check if it operates securely. Then, it searches to widely-known security repositories (i.e., CVE) and automatically discovers the active vulnerabilities of the system (e.g., if a server uses MSQL 5.5.35, then it is vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks based on the CVE-2014-0001). ...
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Nowadays, more-and-more cyber-security training is emerging as an essential process for the lifelong personnel education in organizations, especially for those which operate critical infrastructures. This is due to security breaches on popular services that become publicly known and raise people’s security awareness. Except from large organizations, small-to-medium enterprises and individuals need to keep their knowledge on the related topics up-to-date as a means to protect their business operation or to obtain professional skills. Therefore, the potential target-group may range from simple users, who require basic knowledge on the current threat landscape and how to operate the related defense mechanisms, to security experts, who require hands-on experience in responding to security incidents. This high diversity makes training and certification quite a challenging task. This study combines pedagogical practices and cyber-security modelling in an attempt to support dynamically adaptive training procedures. The training programme is initially tailored to the trainee’s needs, promoting the continuous adaptation to his/her performance afterwards. As the trainee accomplishes the basic evaluation tasks, the assessment starts involving more advanced features that demand a higher level of understanding. The overall method is integrated in a modern cyber-ranges platform, and a pilot training programme for smart shipping employees is presented.
... A challenge of the SCR is that it will be necessary to translate SP into the specification that the SCR requires, including precisely what the emulated and simulated environments should look like. The consortium's access to current cyber range implementations, such as the THREAT-ARREST 13 , KYPO 14 , and the SPHYNX model-driven Cyber Range [29], will be assessed as a baseline for the SCR. Furthermore, a knowledge base offering a selected list of cybersecurity tabletop exercise materials (like the CISA Table-top Exercise Packages 15 ) and relevant online courses (like those offered through Massive Open Online Courses platforms 16 ) will supplement the readiness capacity of SCR. ...
Conference Paper
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In an era of escalating cyber threats, the imperative for robust and comprehensive cybersecurity measures has never been more pressing. To address this challenge, SYNAPSE presents a pioneering approach by conceptualising, designing, and delivering an Integrated cybersecurity Risk & Resilience Management Platform. The innovation of this platform lies in the integration of key elements, such as situational awareness, incident response, and preparedness (i.e., cyber range), augmented by advanced AI capabilities. Through its holistic approach, SYNAPSE aims to elevate cyber resilience by not only mitigating threats but also fostering a culture of proactive defence, informed decision-making, and collaborative response within organisations and across industries.
... Finally, Somarakis et al. [11] describe the link between Cyber Range training and Assurance, introducing a model-driven approach that facilitates the generation of ad hoc training scenarios based on a comprehensive model-based description of the organization and its security posture. Cybersecurity training through Cyber Range has also been exploited for critical environments. ...
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Cyber ranges have gained significant importance in cybersecurity training in recent years, and they are still playing a role of paramount importance, thanks to their ability to give trainees hands-on experience with real-world exercises. This paper presents the motivation and objective of the AERAS project, including a thorough analysis of data from ad hoc interviews and surveys specifically designed and administered for the project’s goals. AERAS aims to apply the cyber range concept to the critical healthcare sector. The AERAS platform will be a virtual cyberwarfare solution that will simulate the operation and effects of security controls and offer hands-on training on their development, assessment, use, and management.
... Finally, Somarakis et al. [11] describe the link between Cyber Range training and Assurance, introducing a model-driven approach that facilitates the generation of ad-hoc training scenarios based on a comprehensive modelbased description of the organization and its security posture. Cybersecurity training through Cyber Range has also been exploited for critical environments. ...
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Cyber ranges gained great importance in cybersecurity training in the last years and it is still playing a role of paramount importance, thanks to its ability to give hands-on experience to trainees on real-world exercises. This paper presents the motivation and objective of the AERAS project, including a thorough analysis of data coming from ad-hoc interviews and surveys specifically designed and administered for the project's goals. AERAS aims to apply the cyber range concept to the critical Healthcare sector. The AERAS platform will be a virtual cyberwarfare solution enabling the simulation of the operation and effects of security controls and offering hands-on training on their development, assessment, use and management.
Tennis requires a high level of physical fitness. Once physical fitness fails to keep up, its reaction ability and movement speed will decline, and ultimately affect professional development. Therefore, when arranging tennis ball fitness training, we should improve our understanding of the concept of physical fitness training, grasp every sensitive period of teenagers' physical quality development, develop their ability in an all-round way, and also understand the psychological characteristics of athletes Then combined with the characteristics of modern tennis and the constituent elements of the special physical fitness of young tennis players, that is, moving speed, fast strength, coordination, sensitivity, aerobic endurance and anaerobic endurance, this paper preliminarily discusses the special physical fitness training methods of young tennis players, with a view to providing some help for the physical fitness training of young tennis players.
Conference Paper
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This work considers training needs for cyber defence and discus the gamification of training. The use of game play mechanics will be considered with a special emphasis on strategies to encourage users to engage in desired secure behaviours. The use of games and game play mechanics has been shown to be able to make the training more engaging. Serious games may as well help increase motivation amongst learners. A possible design of a gamified training system for cyber security that complies with these requirements is introduced. Based on these analyses, the paper concludes for the feasibility of the approach overall.
How Effective Is Your Security Awareness Program? An Evaluation Methodology, Konstantinos Rantos and Konstantinos Fysarakis and Charalampos Manifavas
How Effective Is Your Security Awareness Program? An Evaluation Methodology, Konstantinos Rantos and Konstantinos Fysarakis and Charalampos Manifavas, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, vol. 21, n. 6, pp. 328-345, Taylor & Francis, 2012.
CUMULUS Project. Certification infrastructure for multilayer cloud services project, 2012. D2.2 Certification models
  • M Lagazio
  • D Barnard-Wills
  • R Rodrigues
  • D Wright
Lagazio M., Barnard-Wills D., Rodrigues R., Wright D. Certification Schemes for Cloud Computing, EU Commission Report, Digital Agenta for Europe, 2014, 7. CUMULUS Project. Certification infrastructure for multilayer cloud services project, 2012. D2.2 Certification models. ,
Certification Schemes for Cloud Computing
  • M Lagazio
  • D Barnard-Wills
  • R Rodrigues
  • D Wright
Lagazio M., Barnard-Wills D., Rodrigues R., Wright D. Certification Schemes for Cloud Computing, EU Commission Report, Digital Agenta for Europe, 2014,
Certification infrastructure for multilayer cloud services project, 2012. D2.2 Certification models
  • Cumulus Project
CUMULUS Project. Certification infrastructure for multilayer cloud services project, 2012. D2.2 Certification models. ,