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ViVoLAB Speaker Diarization System for the DIHARD 2019 Challenge
Ignacio Vi˜
nals, Pablo Gimeno, Alfonso Ortega, Antonio Miguel, Eduardo Lleida
ViVoLab, Arag´
on Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), University of Zaragoza, Spain
{ivinalsb, pablogj, ortega, amiguel, lleida}
This paper presents the latest improvements in Speaker Diariza-
tion obtained by ViVoLAB research group for the 2019 DI-
HARD Diarization Challenge. This evaluation seeks the im-
provement of the diarization task in adverse conditions. For
this purpose, the audio recordings involve multiple scenarios
with no restrictions in terms of speakers, overlapped speech nor
quality of the audio. Our submission follows the traditional
segmentation-clustering-resegmentation pipeline: Speaker em-
beddings are extracted from acoustic segments with a single
speaker on them, later clustered by means of a PLDA. Our
contribution in this work is focused on the clustering step. We
present results with our Variational Bayes PLDA clustering and
our tree-based clustering strategy, which sequentially assigns
the different embeddings to its corresponding speaker according
to a PLDA model. Both strategies compare multiple diarization
hypotheses and choose their candidate one according to a gen-
erative criterion. We also analyze the impact of the different
available embeddings in the state-of-the-art with both cluster-
ing approaches.
Index Terms: diarization, DIHARD Challenge, PLDA, Varia-
tional Bayes, Tree search, M-algorithm
1. Introduction
Speech signal is a very rich source of information with multiple
levels of knowledge: from low level speech and speaker infor-
mation to higher levels such as emotion or context. Some of
them are worthy to be extracted. Therefore speech technologies
have developed multiple tasks to process each sort of desired in-
formation. Diarization is the task focused on explaining a given
audio in terms of the active speaker at each time. Thus diariza-
tion must identify the speaker every time somebody talks and
differentiate his/her speech from the others.
Diarization is applied to multiple scenarios, such as tele-
phone, meetings or broadcast. Each one of these scenarios
presents its own particularities (number of speakers, noise, etc.)
making solutions domain dependent. DIHARD 2019 evaluation
seeks the improvement of diarization regardless of the scenario.
For this reason the database counts with audios from multiple
domains such as Youtube, court trials, meetings, etc. These do-
mains are characterized to suffer from adverse conditions as un-
known levels of noise or reverberation. Four conditions are pre-
sented, including single microphone (tracks 1 and 2) and multi-
ple microphone (tracks 3 and 4) scenarios. Odd and even tracks
only differ in the Voice Activity Detection (VAD), provided by
the organization in tracks 1 and 3, and user made in tracks 2 and
For DIHARD 2019 challenge ViVoLAB team has prepared
a submission around the Bottom-Up diarization strategy: First
we divide the input audio into segments with a single speaker
by means of Bayesian Information Criterion [1] approaches.
These segments, converted into a compact representation ei-
ther by linear, e.g. i-vectors [2], or nonlinear solutions, i.e. x-
vectors [3], are clustered afterwards. Regarding clustering, two
strategies are considered: a diarization by means of Variational
Bayes (VB) resegmentation [4, 5, 6] and a new diarization ap-
proach based on tree-modeling and helped by the M-algorithm
[7]. The obtained labels are finally refined by means of HMMs
with eigenvoice priors [8].
The paper is organised as follows. Our Variational Bayes
clustering is explained in Section 2. Section 3 describes the
tree search clustering approach. The experimental setup is com-
mented in Section 4. In Section 5 contains our results. Finally,
we include our conclusions in Section 6.
2. Clustering by means of Variational Bayes
The Bottom-Up approach in diarization consists of di-
viding the given audio into a set of of N segments
S={s1, s2, ..., sN}, compactly represented by the set of em-
beddings Φ={φ1,φ2, ..., φN}. These representations are
clustered so elements from the same speaker are together.
This is the same as labeling the embeddings with a partition
Θ = {θ1, θ2, ..., θN}where elements from the same cluster
share a common label. Therefore clustering is an assignment
task in which we must find those labels Θwhich better explain
the given data Φ. Mathematically:
Θdiar = arg max
In this clustering approach [9] we estimate the conditional
distribution P(Θ|Φ)in terms of a PLDA [10] model and then
carry out the maximization. This inference of the desired distri-
bution is done by means of the Fully Bayesian PLDA [4] solved
by Variational Bayes (VB).
The Fully Bayesian PLDA is a generalization of the PLDA
model [10]. Given a set of Nelements from Mspeakers,
the original model assumes the assignment labels to be known.
However, in our version a latent variable Θis used instead, be-
ing in charge of the assignment. Hence, a set of Nembeddings
is modeled by Mspeakers as follows:
P(Φ|Θ) =
Nφj|µ+Vyi,W−1θij (2)
The hidden variable Θ, representing the speaker labels, is
modeled as a multinomial distribution, with a Dirichlet prior πθ.
The Fully Bayesian approach also substitutes the model param-
eters (µ,Vand W), point estimates in the original, by latent
variables, each one with its own prior α, to gain robustness. Its
Bayesian Network is shown in Fig. 1 and further information
about the model is in the original work [4].
The described model allows the definition of the joint con-
ditional distribution P(Y,Θ|Φ), which models the speaker
variable Yand the speaker labels Θgiven the embeddings Φ.
Copyright © 2019 ISCA
September 15–19, 2019, Graz, Austria
µW V
Figure 1: Bayesian Network of Fully Bayesian PLDA
However, the marginalization of the speaker latent variable Y
is not straightforward.
In consequence we propose the approximation of the pos-
terior by means of Variational Bayes. Its application approx-
imates the joint posterior by a factorial of independent distri-
butions, each one only dependent on a latent variable from our
model. The considered decomposition is:
P(Y,Θ, πθ,µ,V,W,α|Φ)≈(3)
q(Y)q(Θ) q(πθ)q(µ)q(V)q(W)q(α)(4)
Despite the closed formulation of the factor q(θ), its max-
imization requires an iterative reevaluation of those factors re-
lated to the labels (q(Y),q(Θ) and q(πθ)) obtaining the la-
bels by a cartesian ascent optimization. This solution requires
an initial value for the distributions, with severe implications in
the performance. Therefore multiple seeds are provided, opting
for one of them according to a penalized Lower Bound [6].
3. Tree-based model for diarization
Our alternative proposal reinterprets the maximization of the
posterior probability P(Θ|Φ). Instead of the estimation of the
posterior distribution, we can carry out the maximization of the
loglikelihood of the joint distribution as:
Θdiar = arg max
P(Θ|Φ) = arg max
P(Φ|Θ) P(Θ) (5)
3.1. The model
In [7] we propose a definition of P(Φ|Θ) where the set of em-
beddings Φ={φ1,φ2, ..., φN}is arranged in a sequence so
the turn jis either assigned to an existing cluster or classified
as the first element of a new cluster. This decision is made ac-
cording to speaker models constructed with the previous em-
beddings in the sequence already classified. Mathematically
P(Φ|Θ) =
iθij (6)
where φjrepresents the jth embedding and θij the label as-
signing the element jto the speaker cluster i. For this purpose
θij only has a value of one if the embedding jcorresponds to the
cluster i, being zero otherwise. The variable Φ(j−1)
the previously assigned embeddings to cluster i.
Our definition of the conditional probability
iis done in terms of the PLDA model,
which uses a latent speaker variable to model the embeddings.
This latent variable is conditioned by the elements already
Figure 2: Bayesian Network for out Tree Decoding model for a
4-element sequence
assigned to the hypothesis cluster to be later marginalized.
The imposition of Gaussian distributions makes our desired
distribution Gaussian as
i=ZP(φj|yij )Pyij |,Φ(j−1)
=N(φj|µij ,Σij )(8)
whose mean µij and variance Σij are defined in terms of PLDA
parameters (µ,Vand W) by
µij =µ+Vµyij (9)
Σij =W−1+VΣyij VT(10)
These terms depend on the posterior distribution of yij, es-
timated in terms of the previous decisions Φ(j−1)
i. Its mean
µyij and variance Σyij are given by
µyij = Σyij VTW
θik (φk−µ)(11)
yij =I+VT
The label prior P(Θ) is modeled based one the Distance-
dependent Chinese Restaurant (DDCR) process [11, 12]. This
process is a probability distribution over partitions, assigning
a sequence of elements to different clusters. The element θj,
at the jth turn, keeps in the last assigned cluster with proba-
bility p0. Otherwise, it is either assigned to an existing cluster
k= 1..K proportionally to the occupation of clusters at time
jor assigned to a new empty cluster with a certain probability.
p0if k=θ(j−1)
nkif k6=θ(j−1) and k≤K
αif k6=θ(j−1) and k=K+ 1
where nkis the number of times in which variable θwas as-
signed to cluster k. The Bayesian network for the whole model
can be seen in Fig. 2.
The model we have presented has the shape of a decision
tree where in which every node represents an assignment deci-
sion. The number of branches depending on a node represent
the number of decisions we can make. Therefore, each path
from the root of the tree (the first element) to a leaf (the last
embedding) is a possible partition of the set to cluster.
3.2. The maximization
The inference of the partition which maximizes the model is
not straightforward. In fact, except for short sequences with
very low number of speakers, a brute force approach comparing
all possible partitions is unfeasible, as analyzed in [13]. More-
over, efficient search algorithms such as Viterbi cannot be ap-
plied here. In our model any decision is conditioned to previous
choices, not allowing us to use the Markov assumption.
An efficient technique to deal with tree structures is the
M algorithm, widely spread in Communications. Each time j
we propagate a handful of Lsurviving paths along all possi-
ble branches from each node. Considering each node has M
branches, i.e. from every node we can transit to the Mcandi-
date speakers, we take into account up to LM candidate paths
to progress through. This selection of paths is ranked in terms of
likelihood, only considering the top Lpaths as the most promis-
ing candidates to propagate to time j+ 1. This process is re-
peated until the end of the audio, when the most promising path
alive, the one with higher log-likelihood, is chosen as the di-
arization labeling. By this technique, we limit an exponential
number of partitions ONMfrom the brute force approach to
a linear problem (O(MNL)).
4. Experimental setup
4.1. Data resources
DIHARD 2019 challenge imposes very low restrictions regard-
ing the data. Except for a few datasets excluded due to be part in
DIHARD subset, any other source of knowledge is allowed. In
our case we have constructed a data pool trying to combine as
many scenarios as possible. The MGB 2015 broadcast dataset
[14] contributes with more than 1000 hours of labeled data from
BBC in many scenarios. These data is combined with AMI [15]
and ICSI [16], both meeting datasets with multiple speakers
recorded with different microphones. Youtube domain is also
included in the pool with Voxceleb I [17] and II [18]. Finally,
DIHARD 2019 development set is also included in the data pool
for adaptation purposes.
4.2. Speaker representation & clustering
Our diarization system works under the Bottom-Up approach
and relying on the embedding-PLDA paradigm. Hence we need
to convert the input audio into tractable representations with
speaker awareness.
Any given audio is first converted into a stream of feature
vectors. 20-coefficient MFCCs arrays are extracted from win-
dows of 25ms, and considering window shifts of 10ms. These
features are then used to carry out the initial segmentation with
Bayesian Information Criterion [1]. Voice Activity Detection
(VAD) information is obtained with a 2-layer BLSTM neural
network, trained with DIHARD development set.
The obtained segments are then converted into compact rep-
resentations. Two main representations are considered. On the
one hand our baseline system follows our contribution in [6] us-
ing i-vectors [2]. A 512 Gaussian GMM is followed by a 200-
dimension T matrix, both trained using MGB, AMI and ICSI.
On the other hand, we also use x-vector [3] networks trained on
VoxCeleb, AMI and ICSI. Multiple architectures varying both
the size of the network and the exact training pool are consid-
ered. Before clustering both sorts of embeddings are centered,
whitened and length-normalized [19].
Finally, clustering is done according to PLDA [10] mod-
Table 1: DER(%) results with the core systems. Results ob-
tained with Variational Bayes (VB PLDA) and the tree-based
sequential clustering (Tree Clustering) approaches. i-vectors
and x-vectors are compared. Results obtained with eval. set.
Embedding VB PLDA Tree Clustering
i-vector 25.95 25.67
x-vector 25.70 27.50
i-vector 38.99 38.49
x-vector 38.29 40.07
els. While i-vectors work with 200-dimension PLDAs trained
on AMI, MGB and ICSI, x-vectors are clustered in terms of a
low dimension (50) PLDA, trained only on AMI and ICSI.
4.3. Resegmentation
Results provided by the clustering stage are later refined by
means of resegmentation in order to improve the borders. To
do so we make use of the resegmentation by HMMs and eigen-
voices proposed in [8]. The same i-vector extractor (512 Gaus-
sian and 200-dimension T matrix) from the speaker representa-
tion is considered here.
5. Results
Our experimentation is centered in the single microphone
paradigm, i.e. tracks 1 and 2. For comparison reasons DIHARD
evaluation considers DER (Diarization Error Rate) as the scor-
ing metric for evaluation of performance and ranking.
Our submission can be divided into two stages. Our first
step is the study of the core diarization system, that is, the seg-
mentation and clustering steps. This part includes the analysis
of speaker embeddings, representing the audio information, and
clustering strategies. Table 1 shows the results with our candi-
date core systems.
According to the results in Table 1, the performance of our
core systems is consistent between tracks 1 and 2. Two clus-
tering setups, Tree-based and VBPLDA with i-vectors and x-
vectors respectively, have the best performance in both tasks,
with no significant differences between them. Regarding the
other two systems, while VBPLDA with i-vectors performs
slightly worse, the tree-based x-vector system obtains the worst
Surprisingly i-vectors are still competitive respect to x-
vectors, many times outperforming them despite their well
known performance capabilities. Regarding the clustering tech-
niques, VBPLDA seems to be more robust to configuration
changes than the Tree Clustering, which has obtained the best
and worst results.
Furthermore, we have observed a high domain mismatch
in the development set. As we can see in Table 2, trends of
behaviour are completely different, with i-vectors always out-
performing x-vectors.
Once we have analyzed the core diarization systems, we
add the resegmentation stage, based on HMM with eigenvoices.
The results are included in Table 3. They show a consistent im-
provement of the results obtained by all the core systems, with
benefits around 0.5% in track 1 and 1.0% in track 2. Again our
Table 2: DER(%) results with the core systems. Results ob-
tained with Variational Bayes (VB PLDA) and the tree-based
sequential clustering (Tree Clustering) approaches. i-vectors
and x-vectors are compared. Results obtained with dev. set.
Embedding VB PLDA Tree Clustering
i-vector 24.85 24.65
x-vector 25.03 26.72
i-vector 31.95 31.47
x-vector 32.55 33.20
Table 3: DER(%) results with the core systems with resegmen-
tation. Results obtained with Variational Bayes (VB PLDA)
and the tree-based sequential clustering (Tree Clustering) ap-
proaches. i-vectors and x-vectors are compared. Results ob-
tained with eval. set.
Embedding VB PLDA Tree Clustering
i-vector 25.55 25.02
x-vector 25.51 26.71
i-vector 38.04 37.22
x-vector 37.63 39.03
tree based system is able to obtain the best and worst perfor-
mance. However, this time the Variational Bayes PLDA works
slightly worse with both embeddings, i-vectors and x-vectors.
6. Conclusions
Our work provides a comparative between our two clustering
approaches, the well known Variational Bayes PLDA clustering
and our new Tree-Based clustering. Both have been tested with
two types of embeddings, i-vectors and x-vectors.
The direct comparison between the clustering methods has
shown that our new sequential approach is capable to outper-
formn our Variational Bayes approach. However, those exper-
iments carried out with x-vectors obtained the worst marks, il-
lustrating a greater robustness of the VB strategy. This extra ro-
bustness of the VB approach can be caused by a lower number
of tuneable hyperparameters (1 vs 3). Besides our results with i-
vectors have demonstrated great performance with our two clus-
tering strategies, many times outperforming the x-vectors.
Research carried out with development set has shown great
domain mismatch issues, highly noticeable at PLDA level. This
type of degradation is very adverse for our two clustering ap-
proaches, both PLDA based. However, this mismatch origi-
nated earlier in the embedding extraction step. While PLDA
is commonly adapted in the state-of-the-art, DNN embedding
extraction lacks from some method to adapt some trained net-
work to unmatched data. Otherwise, these neural networks can
include error terms too complex to mitigate afterwards. Fur-
ther research should be done to provide methods to successfully
adapt these relevant models.
7. Acknowledgments
This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund
through the project TIN2017-85854-C4-1-R, Government of
on (Reference Group T36 17R) and co-financed with
Feder 2014-2020 ”Building Europe from Arag´
on”. We grate-
fully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the
donation of a Titan Xp GPU.
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