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Dry versus wet and gross: Comparisons between the dry skull method and gross dissection in estimations of jaw muscle cross‐sectional area and bite forces in sea otters



Bite force is a measure of feeding performance used to elucidate links between animal morphology, ecology, and fitness. Obtaining live individuals for in vivo bite-force measurements or freshly deceased specimens for bite force modeling is challenging for many species. Thomason's dry skull method for mammals relies solely on osteological specimens and, therefore, presents an advantageous approach that enables researchers to estimate and compare bite forces across extant and even extinct species. However, how accurately the dry skull method estimates physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of the jaw adductor muscles and theoretical bite force has rarely been tested. Here, we use an ontogenetic series of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) to test the hypothesis that skeletomuscular traits estimated from the dry skull method accurately predicts test traits derived from dissection-based biomechanical modeling. Although variables from these two methods exhibited strong positive relationships across ontogeny, we found that the dry skull method overestimates PCSA of the masseter and underestimates PCSA of the temporalis. Jaw adductor in-levers for both jaw muscles and overall bite force are overestimated. Surprisingly, we reveal that sexual dimorphism in craniomandibular shape affects temporalis PCSA estimations; the dry skull method predicted female temporalis PCSA well but underestimates male temporalis PCSA across ontogeny. These results highlight the importance of accounting for sexual dimorphism and other intraspecific variation when using the dry skull method. Together, we found the dry skull method provides an underestimation of bite force over ontogeny and that the underlying anatomical components driving bite force may be misrepresented.
Dry versus wet and gross: Comparisons between the dry skull
method and gross dissection in estimations of jaw muscle
cross-sectional area and bite forces in sea otters
Chris J. Law | Rita S. Mehta
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, University of California Santa Cruz,
Santa Cruz, California
Chris J. Law, Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, University of California
Santa Cruz, 130 McAllister, Santa Cruz, CA
Funding information
American Cetacean Society; American
Museum of Natural History; American Society
of Mammalogists; Division of Environmental
Biology; NSF Doctoral Dissertation
Improvement Grant, Grant/Award Number:
1700989; National Science Foundation (NSF)
Graduate Research Fellowship
Bite force is a measure of feeding performance used to elucidate links between animal
morphology, ecology, and fitness. Obtaining live individuals for in vivo bite-force mea-
surements or freshly deceased specimens for bite force modeling is challenging for
many species. Thomason's dry skull method for mammals relies solely on osteological
specimens and, therefore, presents an advantageous approach that enables researchers
to estimate and compare bite forces across extant and even extinct species. However,
how accurately the dry skull method estimates physiological cross-sectional area
(PCSA) of the jaw adductor muscles and theoretical bite force has rarely been tested.
Here, we use an ontogenetic series of southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis)totest
the hypothesis that skeletomuscular traits estimated from the dry skull method accu-
rately predicts test traits derived from dissection-based biomechanical modeling.
Although variables from these two methods exhibited strong positive relationships
across ontogeny, we found that the dry skull method overestimates PCSA of the mas-
seter and underestimates PCSA of the temporalis. Jaw adductor in-levers for both jaw
muscles and overall bite force are overestimated. Surprisingly, we reveal that sexual
dimorphism in craniomandibular shape affects temporalis PCSA estimations; the dry
skull method predicted female temporalis PCSA well but underestimates male tempo-
ralis PCSA across ontogeny. These results highlight the importance of accounting for
sexual dimorphism and other intraspecific variation when using the dry skull method.
Together, we found the dry skull method provides an underestimation of bite force
over ontogeny and that the underlying anatomical components driving bite force may
be misrepresented.
biomechanical modeling, Carnivora, feeding performance, jaw adductor musculature,
physiological cross-sectional area, sexual dimorphism
For many vertebrates, the ability to generate relatively high bite
forces is an important character trait that determines an animal's abil-
ity to exploit challenging resources (Gignac & Erickson, 2016; Santana,
Dumont, Dumont, & Davis, 2010; Verwaijen, Van Damme, & Herrel,
2002) compete for mates and territories (Herrel, Spithoven, Van
Damme, & De Vree, 1999; Huyghe, Vanhooydonck, Scheers, Molina-
Borja, & Van Damme, 2005; Lailvaux, Herrel, Vanhooydonck,
Meyers, & Irschick, 2004; Lappin, Hamilton, & Sullivan, 2006), and
Received: 19 June 2019 Revised: 24 July 2019 Accepted: 13 August 2019
DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21061
Journal of Morphology. 2019;18. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1
presumably defend against predators. Unsurprisingly, many researchers
have quantified bite force as a measure of whole organismal perfor-
mance (Anderson, McBrayer, & Herrel, 2008) to further elucidate rela-
tionships between cranial morphology, ecology, and fitness (Arnold,
1983; Wainwright, 1994). Bite forces are typically quantified empirically
with live animals or estimated using biomechanical modeling approaches.
in vivo bite forces are measured using modified force transducers with
parallel bite plates that are placed into the specimen's mouth (reviewed
by (Lappin & Jones, 2014). However, studies using this in vivo approach
are often limited because wild animals are not easily accessible. Addition-
ally, some species, despite their interesting biology or critical phyloge-
netic position, are poor or risky experimental subjects due to their
unpredictable or aggressive, defensive behavior (but see Erickson, Lappin,
Parker, & Vliet, 1999; Gignac & Erickson, 2016). As a result, many
researchers have turned to biomechanical models where the feeding
apparatus is modeled as a lever system and quantitative descriptions of
the craniomandibular structure and jaw adductor musculature are used
as parameters to estimate bite forces (e.g., Davis, Santana, Dumont, &
Grosse, 2010; Gignac & Erickson, 2016; Hartstone-Rose, Perry, &
Morrow, 2012; Kolmann, Huber, Motta, & Grubbs, 2015). These models
not only estimate bite force but also allow study of the muscular and
morphological components that contribute to generating bite force. The
more recent development of diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced
computed tomography (diceCT) techniques have furthermore made
virtual anatomical reconstructions and digital dissections possible (Gignac
et al., 2016; Jeffery, Stephenson, Gallagher, Jarvis, & Cox, 2011;
Metscher, 2009). These novel approaches have allowed researchers to
visualize complex, soft-tissue morphology in three-dimensional and
obtain muscle architecture such as cross-sectional area (CSA), pennation
angles, and fascicle lengths (Hartstone-Rose & Santana, 2018).
Direct measurements of bite forces are difficult to ascertain and
interpret from mammals. Mammals typically do not offer motivated
bites, presumably due to sensitivity of the periodontal ligament and the
need to protect their singleset of adult dentition; consequently, it is diffi-
cult to determine whether they are biting maximally. Similarly, obtaining
the necessary specimens (i.e., freshly euthanized or recently deceased
specimens with intact jaw musculature for modeling and/or time com-
mitment for diceCT preparation) required to model bite force has proven
to be challenging. As a result, bite forces have been empirically measured
or modeled in only a handful of mammals (e.g., Becerra, Echeverría, Casi-
nos, & Vassallo, 2014; Binder & Van Valkenburgh, 2000; Ellis, Thomason,
Kebreab, Zubair, & France, 2009; Hartstone-Rose et al., 2012; Santana
et al., 2010). Instead, many researchers estimate mammalian bite forces
using Thomason's (1991) dry skull method, an approach that relies on
estimated CSA of the jaw adductor muscles from photographs of osteo-
logical specimens. Because skulls are more readily accessible from
museum collections than muscle tissue, the dry skull method is used to
examine how bite forces relate to diet (Christiansen & Wroe, 2007), cra-
nial stress distribution (Christiansen & Adolfssen, 1999; Thomason,
1991), scaling patterns (Law et al., 2018; Wroe, McHenry, & Thomason,
2005), and phylogenetic signal (Sakamoto, Lloyd, & Benton, 2010). The
dry skull method can also estimate bite forces in extinct mammals (Wroe
et al., 2005).The few studies that have examined the accuracy of the dry
skull method found inconsistent relationships between estimated bite
force and in vivo measurements; the dry skull method underestimates
in vivo measurements in Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana)and
domestic dogs (Ellis, Thomason, Kebreab, & France, 2008; Thomason,
1991), but provides an accurate estimate of bite force in New World
leaf-nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae; Davis et al., 2010). Despite the
reasonable accuracy of estimated bite force, Davis et al. (2010) found
that the dry skull method inaccurately estimates CSA of the jaw muscles,
for example, physiological CSA (PCSA) of the temporalis was under-
estimated, but PCSA of the masseter was overestimated. These results
suggest that the correspondence between estimated bite force and
in vivo measurements may be due to the fact the bite force is an emer-
gent property of multiple components and that there are multiple combi-
nations that result in similar performance (i.e., many-to-one mapping of
form to function; Alfaro, Bolnick, & Wainwright, 2005). Unfortunately,
the availability of in vivo measurements needed to validate the dry skull
method is scarce.
In this study, we examine how well Thomason's (1991) dry skull
method corresponds with the dissection-based estimates CSA of the
jaw adductor muscles and theoretical bite force. Specifically, we test
the hypotheses that bite force derived from photographs of osteologi-
cal specimens with estimated PCSA and in-lever lengths of jaw adduc-
tor muscles accurately predicts variables derived from dissection-based
measurements of PCSA and in-lever lengths of jaw adductor muscles
and overall theoretical bite force in the same individuals. We test these
relationships using an ontogenetic series of southern sea otters
(Enhydra lutris nereis) as our model species because of the availability of
a large sample of fresh specimens with intact craniomandibular muscu-
lature for dissections and the known morphological specializations for
consuming hard prey such as short, blunt skulls, taller and wider man-
dibular rami, and bunodont dentition (Constantino et al., 2011; Law,
Baliga, Tinker, & Mehta, 2017; Riley, 1985; Timm-Davis, DeWitt, &
Marshall, 2015). We acknowledge that in vivo bite force measurements
are critical in validating both modeling approaches. Nevertheless, it is
informative to determine the accuracy of the dry skull method when
data are available, and this large sample of specimens will allow us to
investigate the strength of correspondence of both modeling methods
while examining the effects of intraspecific variation on bite force.
2.1 |Specimens and gross dissections
We obtained 70 naturally deceased southern sea otters (34 females
and 36 males) that were freshly frozen from the California Department
of Fish and Wildlife Marine Wildlife Veterinary Care and Research Cen-
ter (CDFW) from October 2013 to February 2017 (U.S. Department of
the Interior, Letter of Authorization #81440-2007-B0009). Of these
70 specimens, 55 were previously analyzed in Law, Young, and Mehta
(2016) and Law, Venkatram, and Mehta (2016). Our data set consists of
an ontogenetic series from day old pups to 11-year-old adults for both
sexes and contains overlapping body sizes between both sexes. All
specimens were stranded along the central California coast, within and
throughout the current southern sea otter range (Pigeon Point in the
north to Gaviota in the south).
We dissected the major jaw adductor muscles (superficial tempo-
ralis, deep temporalis, superficial masseter, deep masseter, and zygo-
maticomandibularis) following Scapino (1968). While there was
distinct separation between the superficial and deep temporalis, there
was inadequate separation between the superficial masseter, deep
masseter, and zygomaticomandibularis muscles (Scapino, 1968).
Therefore, we treated the three subdivisions as one musclethe mas-
seter. Furthermore, the medial pterygoid is greatly reduced, making
up approximately 3.34.2% of the jaw adductor muscle volume in
other mustelids (Davis, 2014; Timm, 2013; Turnbull, 1970) and is posi-
tioned deep along the medial side of the mandible and cannot be
excised intact. Therefore, we were unable to successfully calculate
PCSA from these muscles; instead, we used estimations from (Timm,
2013) in subsequent analyses (see below). Muscles were removed
from the left side of the skull, blotted dry, weighed to the nearest
0.1 g using a digital scale, and digested in a solution of 15% aqueous
nitric acid for 37 days depending on muscle size (Biewener & Full,
1992). We then measured muscle fascicle lengths to the nearest
0.01 mm using a digital caliper (Neiko 01407A). Skulls were subse-
quently cleaned by a dermestid beetle colony at the California Acad-
emy of Sciences or with a maceration tank at CDFW.
2.2 |Theoretical bite force model
We measured theoretical bite force following Law, Young, & Mehta
(2016). Briefly, we modeled jaw closing as a static third class lever
where an axis passing through the temporomandibular joints (TMJs)
serves as the fulcrum and muscle forces generated by jaw adductor
muscle contractions create rotation of the lower jaw about this
fulcrum (Davis et al., 2010; Law, Young, & Mehta, 2016). We first
calculated PCSA for each muscle based on muscle mass (m), mean
fascicle length (f), muscle density (ρ= 1.06 g/cm; (Mendez & Keys,
1960), and fiber pennation angle (θ) (Sacks, Sacks, Roy, & Roy, 1982):
PCSA = m
cos θ½
PCSA of the temporalis muscle was totaled as a sum of the PCSA calcu-
lated for the superficial and deep temporalis subdivisions and modeled
as a single muscle. Following recommendations of (Hartstone-Rose,
Deutsch, Leischner, & Pastor, 2018), we excluded pennation angle in
our estimation of PCSA because of the challenges of measuring pen-
nation angle in multiple planes. To estimate muscle forces of the tem-
poralis and masseter, we multiplied PCSA by a muscle stress value of
30 N/cm
(Davis et al., 2010; Pfaller, Gignac, & Erickson, 2011; Santana
et al., 2010). We, however, acknowledge that there are limitations to
this muscle stress value because muscle stress can vary between
147 and 500 kPa in various mammals and even vary between different
types of muscles within an individual (Buchanan, 1995). We then
modeled each muscle force as a single force vector (F
and F
applied them to the insertion points of the temporalis, that is, the top
of the coronoid process of the mandible, and the masseter, that is, the
midpoint between the anteriormost edge of the masseteric fossa and
the angular process of the mandible. Our estimation of muscle forces
assumed that all of the jaw muscles were maximally activated, which is
typical for models estimating maximal performance (Davis et al., 2010;
Pfaller et al., 2011; Santana et al., 2010).
Following Thomason (1991), we calculated maximum theoretical
bite forces (tBF
) by adding the moment (product of the force vector
and in-lever length) of each jaw adductor muscle, dividing by the out-
lever, and multiplying by 2 to account for bilateral biting:
where MAT is the perpendicular in-lever length of the temporalis, mea-
sured as the perpendicular distance from the temporalis muscle force
vector to the TMJ; MAM is the perpendicular in-lever length of the mas-
seter, measured as the perpendicular distance from the masseter muscle
force vector to the TMJ; and O
is the out-lever length, measured as the
distances between the bite point and the TMJ (Davis et al., 2010). All in-
lever and out-lever measurements were taken from photographs of the
lateral view of the mandible in ImageJ v. 1.48 (Schneider, Rasband, &
Eliceiri, 2012). We calculated theoretical bite forces at two locations, the
lower canine (BF
) and in between first and second molar of the lower
jaw (BF
). We also incorporated the effects of the medial pterygoid in
our calculations of PCSA and theoretical bite force using Timm's (2013)
estimation of medial pterygoid force generation. Estimation of medial
pterygoid force generation (19.5 N) accounted for just 4.9% of total jaw
muscle force generation in Alaskan sea otters (Timm, 2013). Therefore,
we increased PCSA of the masseterpterygoid complex and theoretical
and BF
by 4.9% for each individual.
2.3 |Estimation of bite force with dry skull method
To estimate bite forces using Thomason's (1991) dry skull method, we
photographed each specimen in three views: (a) the cranium in
posteriodorsal view, photographed by orienting the cranium so that the
plane between the orbital processes and posteriormost points of the
zygomatic arches is parallel to the photographic plane; (b) the cranium in
ventral view, photographed by orienting the palate plane parallel to the
photographic plane; and (c) the mandible in lateral view, photographed
by orienting the long axis of the dentary parallel to the photographic
plane. We estimated CSAs of the temporalis and masseterpterygoid
complex by outlining the left and right infratemporal fossae from the
posteriodorsal cranial and ventral cranial views, respectively (Figure 1a,b).
Following Thomason (1991), the resulting areas were then multiplied by
to estimate forces of the temporalis and
masseterpterygoid complex. Each muscle force was modeled as a single
force vector (T
and M
) and assumed to act through their centroids
perpendicular to the plane of the muscle CSA. We then measured the
moment arms (in-levers)ofthetemporalis(MAT
) and masseter
pterygoid complex (MAM
) as the distance from centroid to the TMJ
using the lateral and ventral views of the cranium (Figure 1). Bite force
with the dry skull method (dsBF
) was then estimated as
All CSAs and linear measurements were taken using ImageJ
v. 1.48 (Schneider et al., 2012).
2.4 |Statistical analyses
If the dry skull method reliably estimates jaw muscle PCSA across
ontogeny, we would expect regressions between variables from the
dry skull method and variables from the biomechanical model to
exhibit strong correlations (R
> 0.95) with slopes of 1.0 and inter-
cepts of 0. To test this, we performed a series of standardized major
axis (SMA) regressions of variables derived from the bite force model
(PCSA, MAT, MAM, and tBF) against the variables estimated from the
dry skull method (CSA, MAT
, and dsBF). We used ttests
to determine if each slope significantly deviated from 1.0 and if each
intercept significantly deviated from 0. Predicted slopes/intercepts
significantly greater or less than the 95% confidence intervals of the
observed SMA regression slopes/intercepts were interpreted as over-
estimations or underestimations, respectively. Because sea otters
exhibit male-biased sexual dimorphism in craniomandibular size,
shape, and musculature (Law et al., 2017; Law, Venkatram, & Mehta,
2016; Law, Young, & Mehta, 2016), we also used sex as a main factor
in our SMA regressions to determine if slopes differed between
female and male otters. We combined the female and male data sets
FIGURE 1 Photographs of the cranium in (a) posterodorsal, (b) ventral, and (c) lateral views used to estimate cross-sectional areas (CSAs) and
in-lever lengths of the temporalis and masseterpterygoid complex. Shaded areas are reconstructed muscle CSAs of the (a) temporalis and
(b) masseterpterygoid group. White dots represent the centroids of the resultant force vectors of the (a) temporalis and (b) masseterpterygoid.
Photographs of the lateral view of the mandible were used to measure out-levers. MAT
estimated temporalis in-lever; MAM
masseter in-lever; O
out-lever to canine; O
out-lever to molar [Color figure can be viewed at]
TABLE 1 SMA regressions between parameters from dissection-based modeling (independent variables) and parameters estimated from the
dry skull method (dependent variables)
Slope test Intercept test
Slope (95% CI) pValue
from 1.0?
Accuracy of dry
skull method? Intercept (95% CI) pValue
from 0?
.79 0.78 (0.690.87) <.001 Lower Underestimated 0.38 (1.080.33) .293 No
.80 2.47 (2.212.75) <.001 Greater Overestimated 1.90 (1.292.52) <.001 Greater
MAT .76 0.55 (0.490.62) <.001 Lower Underestimated 0.69 (0.520.88) <.001 Lower
MAM .69 0.86 (0.750.90) <.001 Lower Underestimated 0.02 (0.150.18) .832 No
.89 0.77 (0.710.83) <.001 Lower Underestimated 22.61 (9.0436.19) .001 Greater
.88 0.76 (0.720.81) <.001 Lower Underestimated 43.89 (18.2969.50) .001 Greater
Abbreviations: BF, bite force; MAM, masseter in-lever; mas, masseter; MAT, temporalis in-lever; PCSA, physiological cross-sectional area; SMA,
standardized major axis; tem, temporalis.
Note. All pvalues are reported as BenjaminiHochberg-corrected values. Bold pvalues indicate significance (α= .05).
and reran the regressions in cases where the slope did not signifi-
cantly differ between the sexes. We adjusted all p-values using a
BenjaminiHochberg correction to reduce the Type I error probability
across multiple comparisons (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). All statis-
tical analyses were performed in the smatr (Warton, Duursma,
Falster, & Taskinen, 2011) package in R 3.2.3 (R Core Team, 2017).
We found strong positive relationships between measured PCSA and
estimated CSA of the temporalis (R
= .79, p< .001) and of the masse-
ter (R
= .80, p< .001) across ontogeny (Table 1; Figure 2). However,
the slope (β) between measured PCSA and estimated CSA of the tem-
poralis was significantly lower than 1.0 (β= .778, p< .001) with an
intercept not significantly different from 0 whereas the slope between
measured PCSA and estimated CSA of the masseter was significantly
higher than 1.0 (β= 2.465, p< .001) with an intercept significantly
greater than 0 (Table 1; Figure 2). These results indicated that the dry
skull method underestimated temporalis PCSA, but overestimated
masseter PCSA across ontogeny. These results do not change when
incorporating the medial pterygoid muscle into estimation of masseter
PCSA (β= 2.347, p< .001). Incorporating the effects of sex in the
regression analyses revealed that there were significant differences in
slopes between the sexes for temporalis PCSA (p= .002) but not for
masseter PCSA (p= .485): the dry skull method predicted the tempo-
ralis PCSA well in females across ontogeny (β= 1.038; CI: 0.8661.244;
p= .679) but underestimated the temporalis PCSA in males across
ontogeny (β= .730; CI: 0.6400.832; p< .001; Figure 2).
Comparisons between traditional in-lever measurements and the
dry skull method's in-lever measurements revealed strong positive rela-
tionships between measured MAT and estimated MAT
p< .001) as well as between measured MAM and estimated MAM
=.70,p< .001) across ontogeny. However, MAT and MAM were
also both underestimated by the dry skull method, as the slopes were
significantly less than 1.0 (β
Table 1; Figure 3).
Theoretical bite forces derived from the dissection-based model
exhibited strong positive relationships with bite forces estimated from
the dry skull method at both the canine and molar across ontogeny
= .89, p< .001; Table 1; Figure 4). The slopes between theoretical
bite forces and estimated bite forces were significantly lower than 1.0
= .767, p< .001; β
= .763, p< .001; Table 1; Figure 4), indicat-
ing that the dry skull method underestimated bite forces that were
derived from the dissection-based model.Theseresultsdonotchange
when incorporating the medial pterygoid muscle (β
= .730, p< .001;
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2 Standardized major
axis regressions of estimated cross-
sectional area (CSA) on measured
physiological CSA (PCSA) of
(a) temporalis (y=0.778x0.375) and
(b) masseter (y=2.465x+1.904).Red
circles indicate female otters, and blue
triangles indicate male otters. Red and
blue solid lines represent regressions
for females and males, respectively.
Black lines represent common
regression for combined female and
males. Dotted lines indicate slope of
1.0. An asterisk indicates that the
slope is significantly different from
slope of 1.0 [Color figure can be
viewed at]
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
MAT (cm)
(cm) DS
common slope = 0.549*
1:1 slope = 1
common slope = 0.858*
1:1 slope = 1
MAT (cm)
FIGURE 3 Standardized major axis regressions of estimated in-
lever lengths on measured in-lever lengths of (a) temporalis
(y= 0.549x+ 0.697) and (b) masseter (y= 0.858x+ 0.018). Black lines
represent common regression for combined female and males. Dotted
lines indicate slope of 1.0. An asterisk indicates that the slope is
significantly different from slope of 1.0
= .727, p< .001). Consistent with the dissection-based model
reported in Law, Young, and Mehta (2016), we did not find significant
sexual dimorphism in comparisons of estimated bite force slopes when
using the dry skull method (p> .112).
Although we found strong positive relationship between all variables
estimated from the dry skull method and measured using the dissection-
based model, evaluation of the slopes and intercepts revealed that the
dry skull model inaccurately represents the anatomical traits of the jaw
adductor muscles. Our results corroborated previous findings in New
World leaf-nosed bats that the dry skull method underestimated tempo-
ralis PCSA, but overestimated masseter PCSA (Davis et al., 2010). We
also found that the dry skull method underestimated in-lever measure-
ments when compared to in-lever lengths measured directly from the
mandibles. Underestimation of temporalis PCSA was not too surprising
considering that the dry skull method estimated temporalis CSA from
only the infratemporal fossae even though the temporalis muscle
extends posterior of the infratemporal fossae and across the entire dorsal
and lateral parts of the cranium (Davis, 2014; Scapino, 1968; Turnbull,
1970). A possible reason for why the dry skull method overestimated
masseter PCSA was that our dissection-based model does not account
for the force generated by the medial pterygoid, which can contribute to
biting ability. However, the medial pterygoid is greatly reduced, making
up approximately 3.34.2% of the jaw adductor muscle volume in other
mustelids (Davis, 2014; Turnbull, 1970). We found that incorporating the
medial pterygoid (Timm, 2013) does not affect our results, indicating that
eliminating the PCSA of the medial pterygoid in our analyses is not the
reason why CSA of the masseterpterygoid complex was overestimated
by the dry skull method.
Together, the underestimations of in-lever measurements and CSA
of the jaw adductor muscles contributed to the dry skull method's under-
estimation of theoretical bite forces obtained through biomechanical
modeling. These underestimations were consistent with findings that the
dry skull method underestimated in vivo measurements in Virginia opos-
sums (D. virginiana) and domestic dogs (Ellis et al., 2008; Thomason,
1991). Thomason corrected for this underestimation in opossums by
using regression equations between estimated bite force (from the dry
skull method) and theoretical bite forces (from dissection-based model),
which closely matched his in vivo measurements (Thomason, 1991).
Although some researchers have adopted this correction method
(e.g., Sakamoto et al., 2010), other researchers simply used higher muscle
stress values (i.e., 37 N/cm
instead of the typical 2530 N/cm
(e.g., Christiansen & Adolfssen, 1999; Christiansen & Wroe, 2007; Wroe
et al., 2005) rather than extrapolating beyond the range of observed and
validated opossum bite forces. An important caveat to our interpretation
is that the biomechanical model of theoretical bite force has yet to be
validated with empirical bite force measurements from wild southern sea
otters. These empirical data are essential to determine the accuracy of
our biomechanical model. Unfortunately, direct measurements of bite
forces are difficult to obtain from mammals due to lack of motivated
bites or pathogenic risks (but see examples with rodents and bats; Herrel,
De Smet, Aguirre, & Aerts, 2008; Santana et al., 2010; Becerra et al.,
2014). Sea otters, furthermore, are protected under the US Marine
Mammal Protection Act as well as the U.S. Endangered Species Act,
making in vivo studies challenging. Although the current study is unable
to evaluate which method of bite force estimation is the best approach
to predict actual bite forces, we provide evidence that the dry skull
method relies on too many assumptions to accurately capture the
mechanics of biting in mammals.
Surprisingly, we found that intraspecific morphological variation
from sexual dimorphism can affect PCSA estimations using the dry
skull method. We found significant differences in slopes between the
sexes for temporalis PCSA: temporalis PCSA of female otters was well
predicted by the dry skull whereas temporalis PCSA of male otters
was underestimated. Sexual dimorphism in cranial size and shape may
explain the difference in slopes between females and males. Unlike
other mustelid species (Abramov & Tumanov, 2003; Lynch & O'Sulli-
van, 1993; Thom, Harrington, & Macdonald, 2004; Wiig, 1986), the
postorbital constriction in adult female southern sea otters is signifi-
cantly narrower (Law, Venkatram, & Mehta, 2016). Although narrower
postorbital constriction suggests relatively larger temporalis muscula-
ture (Radinsky, 1981a, 1981b), previous work found that there was no
significant difference in temporalis mass per unit size; that is, a female
and male otter of similar sizes exhibited similarly sized temporalis
muscles (Law, Young, & Mehta, 2016). Therefore, sexual dimorphism
in craniomandibular morphology does not directly translate to sexual
dimorphism in functional traits. Because the dry skull method does
not incorporate musculature in its estimation of muscle CSA and relies
only on the osteological specimen, any sexual dimorphic signal in
theoretical bite force from dissection-based model (N)
estimated bite force from dry skull method (N)
0 200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800
(b) BF at molar
common slope = 0.763*
1:1 slope = 1
BF at canine
common slope = 0.767*
1:1 slope = 1
FIGURE 4 Standardized major axis regressions of bite forces
estimated from the dry skull method on theoretical bite force derived
from biomechanical modeling at the (a) canine (y= 0.767x+ 22.614) and
(b) molar (y=0.763x+ 1.299). Black lines represent common regression
for combined female and males. Dotted lines indicate slope of 1.0. An
asterisk indicates that the slope is significantly different from slope of 1.0
cranial morphology will potentially be captured by the dry skull
method. In the case of female otters, the narrower postorbital con-
striction increased the area of the infratemporal fossae measured
from the posteriodorsal cranial view and therefore led to the increase
in temporalis CSA. These results suggest that sexual dimorphism on
the postorbital constriction and other craniomandibular traits can also
affect estimations of bite force when using the dry skull method. The
extent of these intraspecific effects on other species, however,
remains to be investigated further.
The dry skull method is widely used to estimate bite forces in mammals
(Thomason, 1991). Because this method relies solely on osteological
specimens rather than live or freshly deceased specimens, researchers
extinct species. However, few studies have tested how accurately the
dry skull method predicts underlying skeletomuscular components and
theoretical bite force. Although we found strong positive relationships
between variables estimated from the dry skull method and variables
derived from dissection-based modeling, the dry skull method overesti-
mates masseter PCSA and underestimates temporalis PCSA, jaw adduc-
tor in-levers, and overall theoretical bite force. Our results, furthermore,
revealed that sexual dimorphism in craniomandibular morphology affects
estimations of jaw adductor muscle PCSA, highlighting that accounting
for intraspecific variation is essential when drawing relationships
between skeletal traits and musculature. Together, these results indicate
that the dry skull method provides inaccurate estimations of PCSA and
theoretical bite force across ontogeny and may also lead to error in stud-
ies of intraspecific variation of bite forces. Therefore, caution must be
taken when interpreting bite forces derived from the dry skull method in
studies of maximal bite force performances in individuals as well as over
ontogeny. Unfortunately, obtaining empirical bite forces or muscular
samples for theoretical bite forces is not always possible, especially for
large-scale macroevolutionary analyses of feeding performance. Gather-
ing these data will allow for more accurate assessment of the dry skull
method to use in future ecomorphological studies.
Both authors are grateful to Colleen Young, Erin Dodd, Francesca
Batac, and Sue Pemberton for helping clean out the skulls and Lilian
Carswell for permitting logistics. This study was funded partly by a
Grant-in-Aid of Research from the American Society of Mammalo-
gists, a Lerner-Gray Fund through the American Museum of Natural
History, an American Cetacean Society-Monterey Bay Chapter Grant,
a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship,
and an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant 1700989.
Both authors declare no conflict of interest.
C.J.L. designed the study, developed dissection-based bite force
model, measured bite force data with the dry skull method, performed
data analyses, and drafted the manuscript. R.S.M. helped develop the
approach and dissection-based bite force model, provided crucial
insights, and revised the manuscript. Both authors read and approved
the final manuscript.
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How to cite this article: Law CJ, Mehta RS. Dry versus wet
and gross: Comparisons between the dry skull method and
gross dissection in estimations of jaw muscle cross-sectional
area and bite forces in sea otters. Journal of Morphology. 2019;
... Studies of bite force vary widely in methodology, and each methodology comes with its suite of limitations. For example, in vivo measurements of bite force provide direct estimations, but samples are often limited, and working alongside live animals can be dangerous (Herrel et al. 2008;Davis et al. 2010;Law & Mehta 2019); biomechanical modeling with freshly dissected feeding apparatuses can be challenging due to the difficulty of obtaining deceased individuals of wild or rare animals Santana et al. 2010;Hartstone-Rose et al. 2012;Gignac & Erickson 2016). Many mammalogists estimate bite forces using models; the most frequently used is a two-dimensional picture-based technique known as the "dry-skull method" (Thomason 1991). ...
... Many mammalogists estimate bite forces using models; the most frequently used is a two-dimensional picture-based technique known as the "dry-skull method" (Thomason 1991). This method relies on estimated cross-sectional areas of the jaw adductor muscles from photographs of skulls (Law & Mehta 2019;Thomason 1991). Photographs can be easily obtained, as the skulls are often part of museum collections, and can thus be used to study large numbers of extant and extinct species to explore patterns of bite force through time or across large phylogenetic groups (e.g. ...
... For example, chewing performance can be influenced by factors such as muscle fiber type composition (Holmes & Taylor 2021), morphology of dental occlusal surface (Koc et al. 2010), tooth material properties (Herbst et al. 2021), and jaw kinematics during mastication (Kuninori et al. 2014). It is important to take into account that the dry-skull method used in this study has its limitations (Ellis et al. 2008;Law & Mehta 2019;Bates et al. 2021;), including over-or underestimation of muscle physiological cross-sectional area and underestimation of bite force. For comparative purposes, in this study, the method models muscle forces as vertically oriented single force vectors. ...
Bite force is often associated with specific morphological features, such as sagittal crests. The presence of a pronounced sagittal crest in some tapirs (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) was recently shown to be negatively correlated with hard-object feeding, in contrast with similar cranial structures in carnivorans. The aim of this study was to investigate bite forces and sagittal crest heights across a wide range of modern and extinct tapirs and apply a comparative investigation to establish whether these features are correlated across a broad phylogenetic scope. We examined a sample of 71 specimens representing 15 tapir species (five extant, ten extinct) using the dry-skull method, linear measurements of cranial features, phylogenetic reconstruction, and comparative analyses. Tapirs were found to exhibit variation in bite force and sagittal crest height across their phylogeny and between different biogeographical realms, with high-crested morphologies occurring mostly in Neotropical species. The highest bite forces within tapirs appear to be driven by estimates for the masseter - pterygoid muscle complex, rather than predicted forces for the temporalis muscle. Our results demonstrate that relative sagittal crest height is poorly correlated with relative cranial bite force, suggesting high force application is not a driver for pronounced sagittal crests in this sample. The divergent biomechanical capabilities of different contemporaneous tapirids may have allowed multiple species to occupy overlapping territories and partition resources to avoid excess competition. Bite forces in tapirs peak in Pleistocene species, independent of body size, suggesting possible dietary shifts as a potential result of climatic changes during this epoch. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... However, the ability of MAA-based methods to accurately reconstruct qualitative and quantitative functional patterns in a macroevolutionary radiation has not been extensively tested. To date, measures of accuracy have largely been restricted to single taxon studies of muscle anatomy and bite force [1,[29][30][31][32][33][34]. The varying levels of inaccuracy recovered by these studies contrasts somewhat with a single comparative study of bats, which found that the method accurately predicted bite forces despite inaccurately predicting muscle parameters [35]. ...
... MAA-based approaches to estimate muscle size and forcegenerating capacity, and subsequently bone loading, have been widely applied to extinct and extant taxa to examine the functional consequences of changing morphology and macroevolutionary patterns in the locomotor, axial and masticatory systems of vertebrates (e.g. ). Our study of its application to rodent masticatory morphotypes builds upon a small number of previous evaluations of such approaches [1,[29][30][31][32][33][34][35] in a number of ways: by extending assessment to FE models; by providing assessment of qualitative and quantitative accuracy in an explicit macroevolutionary context; and by direct comparison to the most widely used alternative method of numerical soft tissue reconstruction (volume sculpture; e.g. [36][37][38][39][40][41][42]). ...
... [36][37][38][39][40][41][42]). Previous studies that have examined the accuracy of the dry skull method have suggested that the approach overestimates the PCSA of the masseter muscles and medial pterygoid, while underestimating the PCSA of the temporalis [1,[29][30][31]. Here, we find a different pattern of error, possibly owing to our taxonomic focus on rodents compared to that of previous evaluations of the dry skull method, which used opossums, carnivorans and bats. ...
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Measures of attachment or accommodation area on the skeleton are a popular means of rapidly generating estimates of muscle proportions and functional performance for use in large-scale macroevolutionary studies. Herein, we provide the first evaluation of the accuracy of these muscle area assessment (MAA) techniques for estimating muscle proportions, force outputs and bone loading in a comparative macroevolutionary context using the rodent masticatory system as a case study. We find that MAA approaches perform poorly, yielding large absolute errors in muscle properties, bite force and particularly bone stress. Perhaps more fundamentally, these methods regularly fail to correctly capture many qualitative differences between rodent morphotypes, particularly in stress patterns in finite-element models. Our findings cast doubts on the validity of these approaches as means to provide input data for biomechanical models applied to understand functional transitions in the fossil record, and perhaps even in taxon-rich statistical models that examine broad-scale macroevolutionary patterns. We suggest that future work should go back to the bones to test if correlations between attachment area and muscle size within homologous muscles across a large number of species yield strong predictive relationships that could be used to deliver more accurate predictions for macroevolutionary and functional studies.
... Yet when comparing the absolute force values we reconstructed for the extant taxa (Alligator and Tomistoma) with others from the literature, our results reported significantly lower bite force values than the estimates made by other works (e.g., Sellers et al., 2017; or by direct in vivo measurements (Erickson et al., 2003a(Erickson et al., , 2003b. Several aspects impact bite force estimates, and studies have shown that different sampling or estimating methodologies, as well as traits like muscular architecture, the methods for estimating the physiological cross-section, and selected material properties (in FE estimates), may impact the results of bite force estimates (Bates & Falkingham, 2018;Erickson et al., 2003aErickson et al., , 2003bErickson et al., , 2012Erickson et al., 2014;Fawcett et al., 2023;Herbst et al., 2021;Law & Mehta, 2019;Montefeltro et al., 2020;Porro et al., 2011;Taborda et al., 2021Taborda et al., , 2023. ...
... In particular, the dry skull method tends to underestimate the full bite force potential of specimens, and this limitation is well-reported (Law & Mehta, 2019;Porro et al., 2011;Sellers et al., 2017). When dealing with fossil specimens, the most preserved parts consist of bone matrix, making it difficult to assess the presence of possible cartilaginous or soft tissue components. ...
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Proterochampsids are a group of South American nonarchosaurian archosauriforms whose general morphology has been historically likened to that of the extant Crocodylia, which purportedly exhibited similar habits by convergence. Taxa from the genus Proterochampsa, for example, show platyrostral skulls with dorsally faced orbits and external nares and elongated snouts that might indicate a feeding habit similar to that of crocodilians. Nonetheless, some aspects of their craniomandibular anatomy are distinct. Proterochampsa has comparatively larger skull temporal fenestrae, and a unique morphology of the mandibular adductor chamber, with a remarkably large surangular shelf and a fainter retroarticular region in the mandible. In light of this, we conducted biomechanical tests on a 3-dimensional model of Proterochampsa nodosa including the first Finite Element Analysis for proterochampsians and compared it with models of the extant crocodylians Tomistoma schlegelii and Alligator mississippiensis. Our analyses suggested that, despite the differences in adductor chamber, Proterochampsa was able to perform bite forces comparable to those modeled for Alligator and significantly higher than Tomistoma. However, the morphology of the surangular shelf and the adductor chamber of Proterochampsa renders it more prone to accumulate stresses resulting from muscle contraction, when compared with both analogs. The elongated lower jaw of Proterochampsa, like that ofTomistoma, is more susceptible to bending, when compared with Alligator. As a result, we suggest that Proterochampsa might employ anteriorly directed bites only when handling small and soft-bodied prey. In addition, Proterochampsa exemplifies the diversity of arrangements that the adductor musculature adopted in different diverging archosauromorph groups.
... Care must be taken in comparing the muscle force of Z. californianus to the other species, however, because it was estimated from direct dissections and the dry skull method that was used on the other species is known to underestimate PCSA for the temporalis muscle and to overestimate it for the masseter Sakamoto et al. 2010;Law and Mehta 2019). For the temporalis the discrepancy is small, with dry skull estimates being about 80% of the true value in otters; for the masseter the discrepancy was much larger, but in the opposite direction with most dry skull estimates being larger than they truly are (Law and Mehta 2019). ...
... Care must be taken in comparing the muscle force of Z. californianus to the other species, however, because it was estimated from direct dissections and the dry skull method that was used on the other species is known to underestimate PCSA for the temporalis muscle and to overestimate it for the masseter Sakamoto et al. 2010;Law and Mehta 2019). For the temporalis the discrepancy is small, with dry skull estimates being about 80% of the true value in otters; for the masseter the discrepancy was much larger, but in the opposite direction with most dry skull estimates being larger than they truly are (Law and Mehta 2019). Adjusting our Z. ...
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Behavioral foraging differences are known to aid in food resource partitioning in pinniped communities, but it is not known whether skull biomechanical efficiency also contributes to dietary niche partitioning. We tested this hypothesis in a community of four sympatric species of pinnipeds that co-occur along the coast of Baja California: California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), and Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi). We tested whether their preferred prey items differed in resistivity to puncture and whether those differences were linked to the mass of the muscles of mastication and the biomechanical efficiency with which they can puncture prey items. For each prey species, we measure resistivity to puncture using texture profile analysis. We found that M. angustirostris consumes the most resistant prey and that A. townsendi consumes the least resistant. We estimated physiological cross-sectional area of the muscles of mastication for each pinniped and found that the same pair of species respectively has the largest and smallest theoretical value of muscular force. Finally, we estimated the bite force that each pinniped species requires to puncture its prey by solving Euler-Lagrange equations based on biomechanical lever model parameters measured from 3D digital models of the skulls.We also found differences in efficiency between the species. These data allowed us to classify the three ecomorphological types. Type 1 features a hydrodynamic skull with relatively low mandibular forces, characteristic of pelagic carnivore feeders such as A. townsendi. Type 2, represented by Z. californianus and M. angustirostris (both opportunistic feeders), is characterized by broad insertion areas for the mandibular muscles and strong teeth, permitting these predators to vary the prey target species as a function of prey availability. Type 3 features a less robust skull and a lower muscle efficiency, characteristic of benthic feeders such as P. vitulina. This evidence indicates that biomechanical differences between the species contribute to dietary niche construction.
... Although in the fossil record soft tissues are often not preserved (Lautenschlager et al., 2013), other osteological elements, such as muscle scarring, are commonly measured as a proxy for the size of muscles (Sakamoto et al., 2019;Wroe et al., 2005). This 'dry skull method' and has been extensively used to predict bite force in extinct species, especially mammals (Huber et al., 2005;Law & Mehta, 2019;Thomason, 1991;Walmsley et al., 2013). Alternatively, Sakamoto (2022) used skull length and phylogeny to predict physiological cross-sectional area of muscles to predict bite force in dinosaurs. ...
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Jaw morphology and function determine the range of dietary items that an organism can consume. Bite force is a function of the force exerted by the jaw musculature and applied via the skeleton. Bite force has been studied in a wide range of taxa using various methods, including direct measurement, or calculation from skulls or jaw musculature. Data for parrots (Psittaciformes), considered to have strong bites, are rare. This study calculated bite force for a range of parrot species of differing sizes using a novel method that relied on forces calculated using the area of jaw muscles measured in situ and their masses. The values for bite force were also recorded in vivo using force transducers, allowing for a validation of the dissection‐based models. The analysis investigated allometric relationships between measures of body size and calculated bite force. Additionally, the study examined whether a measure of a muscle scar could be a useful proxy to estimate bite force in parrots. Bite force was positively allometric relative to body and skull mass, with macaws having the strongest bite recorded to date for a bird. Calculated values for bite force were not statistically different from measured values. Muscle scars from the adductor muscle attachment on the mandible can be used to accurately predict bite force in parrots. These results have implications for how parrots process hard food items and how bite forces are estimated in other taxa using morphological characteristics of the jaw musculature.
... We found that the maximal bite forces of the Andean spectacled bears and the lion we recorded are well above those predicted for these species based on the dry skull method (Christiansen, 2007). This underestimation is a known shortcoming of the dry skull method, in part owing to an overestimation of the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of the masseter and underestimation of the PCSA of the temporalis muscle (Law and Mehta, 2019;Thomason, 1991;Wroe et al., 2005). In the case of the Malayan sun bears, when corrected for the mechanical advantage of the rear molar, the in vivo values of 1907-2021 N are within the upper range of the estimated maximal force of 1722±423 N. ...
Bite force is a key performance trait of the feeding system, but maximal in vivo bite force has been measured in few large mammals. The alternative, modelling of bite force from anatomy, cannot be validated without in vivo measurements. To overcome existing limitations of ethics, safety, and animal well-being, we here propose a semi-automated method to obtain voluntary maximum bite forces from large mammals using bite plates that automatically dispense a food reward if an incrementally increasing threshold force value is reached. We validated our method using two Malayan sun bears, two Andean spectacled bears and a lioness. We show that voluntary bite force measurement using positive reinforcement is a non-invasive and reliable method to record maximum voluntary bite force performance in large mammals. Our results further show that in vivo data are critical as modeling efforts from osteology have greatly underestimated bite forces in Andean bears.
... Thomason (1991: his figure 3) found strong correlation between carnivoran jaw muscle PCSAs used to estimate forces, and the projected area of the temporal fossa-a proxy for AA widely used in the 'dry skull method'. Law and Mehta (2019) also uncovered similar correlations for sea otters using the dry skull method, although they cautioned that different muscles have rather different correlations, and sexual dimorphism as well as ontogeny complicate these correlations. Antón (2000), however, found that macaque species have varying allometries of pterygoid jaw muscles and overall noisy correlations between PCSAs and AA (or origin-insertion distances: see their figure 4), expressing scepticism that PCSA estimation from AA could reliably be conducted with fossil primates. ...
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In vertebrates, active movement is driven by muscle forces acting on bones, either directly or through tendinous insertions. There has been much debate over how muscle size and force are reflected by the muscular attachment areas (AAs). Here we investigate the relationship between the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), a proxy for the force production of the muscle, and the AA of hindlimb muscles in Nile crocodiles and five bird species. The limbs were held in a fixed position whilst blunt dissection was carried out to isolate the individual muscles. AAs were digitised using a point digitiser, before the muscle was removed from the bone. Muscles were then further dissected and fibre architecture was measured, and PCSA calculated. The raw measures, as well as the ratio of PCSA to AA, were studied and compared for intra-observer error as well as intra- and interspecies differences. We found large variations in the ratio between AAs and PCSA both within and across species, but muscle fascicle lengths are conserved within individual species, whether this was Nile crocodiles or tinamou. Whilst a discriminant analysis was able to separate crocodylian and avian muscle data, the ratios for AA to cross-sectional area for all species and most muscles can be represented by a single equation. The remaining muscles have specific equations to represent their scaling, but equations often have a relatively high success at predicting the ratio of muscle AA to PCSA. We then digitised the muscle AAs of Coelophysis bauri, a dinosaur, to estimate the PCSAs and therefore maximal isometric muscle forces. The results are somewhat consistent with other methods for estimating force production, and suggest that, at least for some archosaurian muscles, that it is possible to use muscle AA to estimate muscle sizes. This method is complementary to other methods such as digital volumetric modelling.
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The transition from milk to solid food requires equally drastic changes in the morphology of the feeding apparatus and biting performance. As durophagous mammals, southern sea otters exhibit significant ontogenetic changes in cranial and mandibular morphology to presumably enable them to feed on a variety of hard-shelled invertebrate prey. However, how quickly juvenile otters reach sufficient maturity in biting performances remained unknown. Here, I found that theoretical bite force of southern sea otters does not reach full maturity until during the adult stage at 3.6 and 5.0 years of age in females and males, respectively. The slow maturation of biting performance can be directly attributed to the slow growth and development of the cranium and the primary jaw adductor muscle (i.e., the temporalis) and may ultimately impact the survival of newly weaned juveniles by limiting their ability to process certain hard-shelled prey. Alterative foraging behaviors such as tool use, however, may mitigate the disadvantages of delayed maturation of biting performance. In analyses of sexual dimorphism, I found that growth in male bite force enables them to quickly reach sufficient biting performances needed to process prey early in life. This is followed by a slower growth phase towards bite force maturation that coincides with sexual maturity, thus enabling them to compete with other males for resources and mates. Overall, this study demonstrates how the analysis of anatomical data can provide insight on the foraging ecologies and life histories of sea otters across ontogeny.
Although tool use may enhance resource utilization, its fitness benefits are difficult to measure. By examining longitudinal data from 196 radio-tagged southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis), we found that tool-using individuals, particularly females, gained access to larger and/or harder-shelled prey. These mechanical advantages translated to reduced tooth damage during food processing. We also found that tool use diminishes trade-offs between access to different prey, tooth condition, and energy intake, all of which are dependent on the relative prey availability in the environment. Tool use allowed individuals to maintain energetic requirements through the processing of alternative prey that are typically inaccessible with biting alone, suggesting that this behavior is a necessity for the survival of some otters in environments where preferred prey are depleted.
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Background An ontogenetic niche shift in vertebrates is a common occurrence where ecology shifts with morphological changes throughout growth. How ecology shifts over a vertebrate’s lifetime is often reconstructed in extant species—by combining observational and skeletal data from growth series of the same species—because interactions between organisms and their environment can be observed directly. However, reconstructing shifts using extinct vertebrates is difficult and requires well-sampled growth series, specimens with relatively complete preservation, and easily observable skeletal traits associated with ecologies suspected to change throughout growth, such as diet. Methods To reconstruct ecological changes throughout the growth of a stem-mammal, we describe changes associated with dietary ecology in a growth series of crania of the large-bodied (∼2 m in length) and herbivorous form, Exaeretodon argentinus (Cynodontia: Traversodontidae) from the Late Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, San Juan, Argentina. Nearly all specimens were deformed by taphonomic processes, so we reconstructed allometric slope using a generalized linear mixed effects model with distortion as a random effect. Results Under a mixed effects model, we find that throughout growth, E. argentinus reduced the relative length of the palate, postcanine series, orbits, and basicranium, and expanded the relative length of the temporal region and the height of the zygomatic arch. The allometric relationship between the zygomatic arch and temporal region with the total length of the skull approximate the rate of growth for feeding musculature. Based on a higher allometric slope, the zygoma height is growing relatively faster than the length of the temporal region. The higher rate of change in the zygoma may suggest that smaller individuals had a crushing-dominated feeding style that transitioned into a chewing-dominated feeding style in larger individuals, suggesting a dietary shift from possible faunivory to a more plant-dominated diet. Dietary differentiation throughout development is further supported by an increase in sutural complexity and a shift in the orientation of microwear anisotropy between small and large individuals of E. argentinus . A developmental transition in the feeding ecology of E. argentinus is reflective of the reconstructed dietary transition across Gomphodontia, wherein the earliest-diverging species are inferred as omnivorous and the well-nested traversodontids are inferred as herbivorous, potentially suggesting that faunivory in immature individuals of the herbivorous Traversodontidae may be plesiomorphic for the clade.
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Size and shape are often considered important variables that lead to variation in performance. In studies of feeding, size‐corrected metrics of the skull are often used as proxies of biting performance; however, few studies have examined the relationship between cranial shape in it's entirety and estimated bite force across species and how dietary ecologies may affect these variables differently. Here, we used geometric morphometric and phylogenetic comparative approaches to examine relationships between cranial morphology and estimated bite force in the carnivoran clade Musteloidea. We found a strong relationship between cranial size and estimated bite force but did not find a significant relationship between cranial shape and size‐corrected estimated bite force. Many‐to‐one mapping of form to function may explain this pattern because a variety of evolutionary shape changes rather than a single shape change may have contributed to an increase in relative biting ability. We also found that dietary ecologies influenced cranial shape evolution but did not influence cranial size nor size‐corrected bite force evolution. While musteloids with different diets exhibit variation in cranial shapes, they have similar estimated bite forces suggesting that other feeding performance metrics and potentially non‐feeding traits are also important contributors to cranial evolution. We postulate that axial and appendicular adaptations and the interesting feeding behaviors reported for species within this group also facilitate different dietary ecologies between species. Future work integrating cranial, axial, and appendicular form and function with behavioral observations will reveal further insights in the evolution of dietary ecologies and other ecological variables. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Analyses of masticatory muscle architecture—specifically fascicle length (FL; a correlate of muscle stretch and contraction speed) and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA; a correlate of force)—reveal soft-tissue dietary adaptations. For instance, consumers of large, soft foods are expected to have relatively long FL, while consumers of obdurate foods are expected to have relatively high PCSA. Unfortunately, only a few studies have analyzed these variables across large primate samples—an order of particular interest because it is our own. Previous studies found that, in strepsirrhines, force variables (PCSA and muscle masses; MM) scale with isometry or slight positive allometry, while the body size corrected FL residuals correlate with food sizes. However, a study of platyrrhines using different methods (in which the authors physically cut muscles between fascicles) found very different trends: negative allometry for both the stretch and force variables. Here, we apply the methods used in the strepsirrhine study (chemical dissection of fascicles to ensure full length measurements) to reevaluate these trends in platyrrhines and extend this research to include catarrhines. Our results conform to the previous strepsirrhine trends: there is no evidence of negative allometry in platyrrhines. Rather, in primates broadly and catarrhines specifically, MM and PCSA scale with isometry or positive allometry. When examining size-adjusted variables, it is clear that fascicle lengths (especially those of the temporalis muscle) correlate with diet: species that consume soft, larger, foods have longer masticatory fiber lengths which would allow them to open their jaws to wider gape angles. Anat Rec, 301:311–324, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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This issue of the Anatomical Record is the first of a two-volume set that focuses on new investigations into behavioral correlates of muscle functional morphology. Much of the research on functional morphology and adaptation to specific functional niches focuses on the shapes of hard-tissues—bones and teeth. Investigations into soft-tissue anatomy tend to be predominantly descriptive with only brief allusion to ontogenetic or evolutionary origins of structures. When muscles are included in analyses of functional systems, their function tends to be oversimplified—usually considered a simple force vector connecting two osteological points, with the force treated as a constant derived from some simple calculation of muscle size. The goal of these special issues is to present a series of studies that take a more elaborate look at how muscles can be viewed from a functional perspective in studies searching for morphological correlates of behavior. This first volume focuses on the behavioral correlates of cranial muscles—starting with a paper about the mimetic musculature of primates and ending with a series of papers on the masticatory muscles of many lineages of vertebrates. The next issue of the Anatomical Record (March 2018) includes our papers on the behavioral correlates of postcranial muscles. Taken together, we hope you agree that this series presents valuable insights into these form/function relationships using both traditional approaches+ and cutting-edge techniques. Anat Rec, 301:197–201, 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Weaning represents a major ontogenetic dietary shift in southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis), as juveniles must transition from depending on mother’s milk to independently processing hard-shelled invertebrates. When the skulls of juveniles have reached sufficient maturity to transition to a durophagous diet remains to be investigated. Here, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of skull development and growth and sexual dimorphism using geometric morphometric approaches in 204 southern sea otter skulls. We found that southern sea otters of both sexes exhibit dramatic changes in cranial and mandibular shape and size over ontogeny. Although the majority of these changes occur in the pup stage, full development and growth of the skull does not occur until well after weaning. We hypothesize that the slower maturation of the crania of newly weaned juveniles serves as a handicap by constraining jaw adductor muscle size, biting ability and feeding on hard-shelled prey. In our analysis of sexual dimorphism, we found significant sexual shape and size dimorphism in adult craniomandibular morphology that arose through differences in developmental and growth rates and duration. We postulate that males are selected to attain mature crania faster to presumably reach adult biting ability sooner, gaining a competitive advantage in obtaining food and in male–male agonistic interactions.
Animals exert forces to move objects in their environment and to move themselves from place to place. Body segment motion, in turn, produces inertial forces that must also be countered by the muscles controlling motion at related joints. Kinetics involves the study of the forces acting on rigid bodies. Kinematics is the study of the motions produced by those forces. Linking the two analyses together, provides a powerful non-invasive approach for studying the hiomechanics of animal locomotion, and motor activity in general. For instance, measurements of the forces applied externally to an animal’s body (such as ground reaction forces exerted on an animal’s limbs when it runs), coupled with kinematic and anatomical data of the limb, allows an analysis of the internal forces that limb muscles must produce to counter externally applied forces. The data obtained from such studies are fundamental to our understanding of how the design of muscu\oske\ctal structures is related to the physical demands placed upon them during various functional activities of the animal in question. In addition, kinematic analysis alone can provide estimates of the inertial loads associated with body segment motion that must be controlled by musdes. Such analyses are particularly important in relation to studies of nervous system control of motor function.
The study of the mechanical design of living organisms is one of the most rapidly expanding areas of biological research. Greater understanding of the ways in which an animal's body responds to mechanical stress has resulted in significant advances in the fields of zoology, physiology, and biomedical engineering. This volume is the first to provide a compilation of experimental protocols for researchers in these areas. The emphasis of the book is on evaluating the performance of structures within the muscoloskeletal and circulatory systems in the context of their physical activities.
The common approach to the multiplicity problem calls for controlling the familywise error rate (FWER). This approach, though, has faults, and we point out a few. A different approach to problems of multiple significance testing is presented. It calls for controlling the expected proportion of falsely rejected hypotheses — the false discovery rate. This error rate is equivalent to the FWER when all hypotheses are true but is smaller otherwise. Therefore, in problems where the control of the false discovery rate rather than that of the FWER is desired, there is potential for a gain in power. A simple sequential Bonferronitype procedure is proved to control the false discovery rate for independent test statistics, and a simulation study shows that the gain in power is substantial. The use of the new procedure and the appropriateness of the criterion are illustrated with examples.