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Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Chronic Kidney Disease - Results from a Matched Case-Control Study from a Rural Population in Shivamogga District in South India

  • Nanjappa Hospital
  • DHFWS karnataka Inda

Abstract and Figures

Introduction: There is a high prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the rural agrarian population of South India and it often appears unrelated to major known causes such as diabetes or glomerulonephritis. Methods: In a matched case-control study conducted in a rural population in Shivamogga district in South India, the association of heavy metals - lead (Pb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) - and pesticides in CKD was studied. Blood and spot urine samples were tested quantitatively for heavy metals and qualitatively for pesticides. Results: In all, 69 matched pairs (40 female, 58%) were recruited. The mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73 m2) was 60.1 (14.2) in cases and 83.4 (13.4) in controls. Elevated blood lead level >5 μg/dL was seen in 15 cases and 25 controls, respectively [P = 0.035, matched odds ratio (MOR) 0.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22-1.05]. Urinary Pb was elevated in 16 cases and 13 controls, respectively (P = 0.28, MOR 1.25, 95% CI 0.58-2.73). There was no significant association with As and Cd, while pesticide residues were undetectable in cases as well as controls. These results did not change even after excluding CKD cases with diabetes, stage 2 hypertension, and significant proteinuria. Conclusions: There was no statistical significant association between any of the studied heavy metals and CKD, although there was a significant burden of heavy metals in the studied subjects.
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402 © 2019 Indian Journal of Nephrology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is widely
acknowledged to be a global epidemic.[1]
The global prevalence is on the rise and is
estimated to be between 11% and 13%.[2]
The rise in prevalence is not only seen in
the developed countries but also seen in
the developing countries. The cause for this
appears to be multifactorial. The changing
lifestyle among the people in these
countries due to socioeconomic transition
and the ageing trend of the population
have led to an increase in comorbidities
such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and
cardiovascular diseases that have directly
contributed to the CKD burden.[3] Factors
such as poor sanitation, overcrowding,
illiteracy, infections, low socioeconomic
status, and poor reach of quality medical
services to remote areas have also resulted
in an increase in the CKD prevalence
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Y. J. Anupama,
Nanjappa Hospital,
Shivamogga - 577 201,
Karnataka, India.
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DOI: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_325_18
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Introduction: There is a high prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the rural agrarian
population of South India and it often appears unrelated to major known causes such as diabetes
or glomerulonephritis. Methods: In a matched case–control study conducted in a rural population
in Shivamogga district in South India, the association of heavy metals – lead (Pb), arsenic (As),
cadmium (Cd) – and pesticides in CKD was studied. Blood and spot urine samples were tested
quantitatively for heavy metals and qualitatively for pesticides. Results: In all, 69 matched pairs
(40 female, 58%) were recruited. The mean estimated glomerular ltration rate (mL/min/1.73
m2) was 60.1 (14.2) in cases and 83.4 (13.4) in controls. Elevated blood lead level >5 μg/dL
was seen in 15 cases and 25 controls, respectively [P = 0.035, matched odds ratio (MOR) 0.5,
95% condence interval (CI) 0.22–1.05]. Urinary Pb was elevated in 16 cases and 13 controls,
respectively (P = 0.28, MOR 1.25, 95% CI 0.58–2.73). There was no signicant association
with As and Cd, while pesticide residues were undetectable in cases as well as controls. These
results did not change even after excluding CKD cases with diabetes, stage 2 hypertension, and
signicant proteinuria. Conclusions: There was no statistical signicant association between any
of the studied heavy metals and CKD, although there was a signicant burden of heavy metals in
the studied subjects.
Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, epidemiological study, heavy metals, India, matched
case–control study, rural population
Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Chronic Kidney Disease – Results from
a Matched Case–Control Study from a Rural Population in Shivamogga
District in South India
Original Article
Y. J. Anupama,
S. K. Kiran1,
Shrikanth N. Hegde2
Department of Nephrology,
Nanjappa Hospital, Shivamogga,
1Taluka Medical Ofcer,
Thirthahalli, 2Department of
Medicine, Anushri Medical
and Diabetes Care Center,
Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
How to cite this article: Anupama YJ, Kiran SK,
Hegde SN. Heavy metals and pesticides in chronic
kidney disease – Results from a matched case–
control study from a rural population in Shivamogga
district in South India. Indian J Nephrol 2019;29:402-9.
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the new creaons are licensed under the idencal terms.
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in these countries.[4,5] CKD of unknown
etiology (CKDu) is a new disease entity
seen in some of the developing countries,
predominantly affecting the population
dependent on agriculture. Mesoamerican
nephropathy in the Central American
countries and Sri Lankan nephropathy in
Sri Lanka are the well‑described disease
prototypes.[6,7] They have in common a
chronic tubulointerstitial disease pattern
and are etiologically linked to toxins in the
environment.[8‑11] Heavy indiscriminate use
of agrochemicals with consequent toxic
contamination of the drinking water and
food with heavy metals and heat stress are
some of the causes incriminated.[12‑14]
In India, CKDu similar to these prototypes
has been described from the Uddanam
area of Andhra Pradesh.[15] However, it
may be more widespread than previously
believed. In a previous study done on the
rural population of Shivamogga district in
South India, more than 40% of the subjects
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had minimal or no proteinuria and mild to moderate
hypertension which raised the possibility of CKDu.[16] In
a subsequent follow‑up conducted in 2014–2015 also, a
similar trend was observed.[17] A preliminary evaluation for
heavy metals revealed increased levels of urinary lead in
some of these subjects (author’s unpublished observations).
Hence, this study was undertaken to systematically evaluate
the levels in blood and urine for heavy metals such as
lead (Pb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) in patients with
CKD and to analyze whether there was any association
between the two. The study also looked at the pesticide
residues and their association with CKD.
Study setting and study design
This matched case–control study was conducted in
2015–2016 on the adult population of Hosakoppa,
Indiranagar, and Gajanur villages of Shimoga district,
Karnataka state in South India. The villages are located
about 10 km from Shivamogga town, with agriculture
being an important occupation. The villages had been
screened on two previous occasions, in 2011–2012[16] and
again in 2014–2015.[17] All the persons who were identied
as patients with CKD in these previous studies were
approached for recruitment. The consenting individuals
were reevaluated and recruited as cases in this study, after
conrming the diagnosis of CKD. We recruited 69 cases
after excluding those subjects who were not available for
interview even after visits to their houses on two different
days and those subjects who had relocated or did not
consent to the study. A list of subjects who did not have
CKD as found in the earlier studies was prepared. Line
list of these subjects who were matched with cases for
age (+ or − 4 years), gender, and village was nalized.
Controls were selected from this line list using random
number tables generated by OpenEpi version 3.1.[18] If a
selected control had relocated, died, or was not available
for interview even after visits to his house on two different
days, the subject next in the list was selected as a matched
Study population
All adults (age 18 years and above) were considered for
inclusion in the study. Elderly people >75 years of age,
pregnant women, and women in the postnatal period
(up to 6 weeks after delivery) were excluded. Cases
of CKD in stage 5 already receiving dialysis and renal
transplant recipients were also excluded.
Data collection and tools
The study was conducted from August 2015 to May
2016. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics
Committee. A written, informed consent was taken from
each participant. The eld work was done by one of the
authors (SKK) along with the students of the nursing
college afliated to the investigating institution. All
participants were administered a structured questionnaire,
which included demographic details such as educational
and occupational status, living conditions, and personal
habits such as smoking and alcohol use. History of diabetes,
hypertension, renal disease, ischemic heart disease, stroke,
and arthritis was elicited. Details of current medications,
long‑standing analgesic use, and indigenous medicine intake
were as recorded. Weight, height, waist circumference, and
hip circumference were measured as per standard protocol.
Waist/hip ratio and body mass index were calculated. Blood
pressure (BP) measurements were taken for the entire group
using mercury sphygmomanometers (Diamond, Pune,
India), which were regularly calibrated. Two measurements
were taken in the sitting position 5 min apart with the arms
resting on a surface and the average was considered to be
the BP.
Blood samples were collected for the following tests:
hemoglobin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), serum
creatinine, and uric acid. Blood samples were analyzed in
the parent institution using a fully automated biochemistry
analyzer (A‑25; Biosystems SA, Barcelona, Spain). HbA1C
was tested by high‑performance liquid chromatography
method using Bio‑Rad D10 analyzer (Bio‑Rad
Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). Serum creatinine
was analyzed by the Jaffe’s method using standards and
reagents (Biosystems SA) which are traceable to isotope
dilution mass spectroscopy. Uric acid was analyzed using
glucose oxidase method. Glomerular ltration rate (GFR)
was estimated in all subjects using the Modication of
Diet in Renal Diseases (MDRD) study equation. Random
midstream urine samples were assessed using 11‑parameter
dipstick (Agappe Diagnostics, Ernakulam, Kerala, India)
for urine protein, sugar, blood, and macroalbuminuria (MA)
mechanically read by urine analyzer (MispaUriskan 100;
Agappe Diagnostics, Ernakulam, Kerala, India). In all
cases, albuminuria was also examined by semi‑quantitative
estimation of urinary albumin creatinine ratio (ACR)
using Siemens Clinitek dipstick (Siemens Healthcare
GmBH, Erlangen, Germany). It was mechanically read by
BiosenseUchek, a smartphone‑based portable diagnostic
system (Biosense Diagnostics, Thane, Maharashtra, India).
Quantitative analysis of urinary Beta‑2 microglobulin (β‑2),
was done by immunoturbidimetric method using Beta‑2 m
turbilatex kit (Spin‑React, SA, Sant Esteve De Bas, Spain).
Care was taken to transport all blood and urine samples to
the laboratory in cold chain and process them immediately.
Toxicology analysis
Toxicological analysis was done in a national‑accredited
toxicology laboratory at Amrita Institute of Medical
Sciences, Cochin, India. Precautions were taken to avoid
contamination of the samples during collection and
transport. Blood and urine were analyzed quantitatively
for lead, arsenic, and cadmium by inductively coupled
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plasma atomic energy spectrometry method (Iris Intrepid
II XSP Duo; Thermo Electron Corporation, Madison,
WI, USA). Samples were also tested qualitatively by
thin‑layer chromatography for residues of a panel of
commonly used pesticides. The tested compounds included
malathion, methyl parathion, quinalphos, monocrotophos,
chlorpyriphos, carbofuran, carbaryl, carbendazim, propoxur,
lindane, DDT, cypermethrin, permethrin, prallethrin, and
Denitions of relevant parameters in the study
The case of CKD was dened as an adult residing in the
villages mentioned above who had evidence of CKD.
CKD was dened as the presence of either kidney damage
or GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2.[19] Persistent albuminuria,
dened as urine positive for MA on dipstick and spot
ACR ≥30 mg/g, was taken as the indicator of kidney
damage. Proteinuria was detected by the presence of
protein in urine as indicated by 1+ (0.3 g/L) or more on
dipstick.[20] Adult residing in the above‑mentioned villages,
who had no evidence of CKD, was considered to be the
Hypertension was dened as the presence of systolic
BP ≥140 mmHg and/or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg
or self‑reported history of hypertension or use of
antihypertensive medications.[21] Diabetes mellitus was
dened as HbA1C ≥6.5% or self‑reported history of diabetes
or taking antidiabetes medications.[22] BMI was staged
using the World Health Organization Asia Pacic criteria:
malnutrition <18.5 kg/m2, normal BMI 18.5–22.9 kg/m2,
overweight >23 kg/m2, and obesity >25 kg/m2.[23] Abdominal
obesity was identied by the criteria of WC in men >90 cm
and women >80 cm.[23] Urinary β‑2 microglobulin levels
were considered elevated when the levels exceeded
0.3 µg/mL.[24]
Heavy metals and pesticides: Elevated blood lead level
(BLL) was dened as blood lead more than 5 µg/dL. Blood
cadmium levels >6 µg/L and blood arsenic level >12 µg/L
were considered elevated. Urinary lead, cadmium, and
arsenic levels were considered elevated when spot urine
lead, cadmium, and arsenic levels were more than 4, 1.3,
and 35 µg/L, respectively.[25]
Statistical analysis
Baseline descriptive data are presented as proportions,
mean with standard deviation, and median as applicable
to individual variables. Comparative data by groups are
described as mean and 95% condence intervals (CIs).
Student’s t‑test or Mann–Whitney U‑tests were used to
compare the variables between the two groups depending
on the normality of the data. SPSS version 16 (SPSS,
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to perform above
analysis. Concordance and discordance among pairs for
each variable of interest were manually identied and
entered into paired matched odds ratio (MOR) contingency
tables, using OpenEPI version 3.01 software, and mid
P exact values and MOR were obtained. Two‑sided P value
of <0.05 and MOR >1 with 95%condence intervals were
accepted as statistically signicant. For analyzing blood
and urine heavy metal levels, the values reported to be
below detectable limits were censored to calculate means
and medians. Pearson’s product moment correlation was
determined to assess correlation between heavy metals
and estimated GFR (eGFR) and also with urinary β‑2
microglobulin levels.
Baseline characteristics
In all, 69 pairs of cases and controls were recruited. There
were 40 (58%) female pairs and 29 (42%) male pairs. The
mean [±SD] ages of cases and controls were 49.2 ± 13.8
and 48.9 ± 13.3 years, respectively. The sociodemographic
characteristics of cases and controls are summarized in
Table 1.
Analysis of cases and controls
Clinical characteristics of cases and controls are summarized
in Table 2. The mean serum creatinine was 1.15 ± 0.26 mg/
dl in cases and 0.85 ± 0.14 mg/dl in controls (P < 0.001).
The mean eGFR was 60.12 ± 14.28 ml/min in cases and
83.09 ± 12.97ml/min in controls (P < 0.001). Albuminuria
was seen in 47 (68%) and 6 (8.7%) had signicant
proteinuria. Stagewise distribution of the CKD cases was
as follows: stage 1: 2.9%, stage 2: 43%, stage 3a: 40%,
and stage 3b: 13%. There were no patients in stage 4 CKD.
One‑fourth of our study population were diabetics (cases:
n = 13, 19%; controls: n = 15, 21%, P = 0.81). In all,
59% of cases (n = 41) and 43% of controls (n = 30) were
found to be hypertensive (P = 0.03). The majority of the
study subjects had BMI in the normal range, while 23%
had BMI >25 kg/m2. Abdominal obesity was seen in 44%.
There were no signicant differences between the two
groups when means of variables were examined, apart
from serum creatinine and eGFR [Table 2]. However,
one important observation was that 27 participants had
signicant elevation of urinary β‑2 microglobulin, of whom
23 (85%) were cases and only 4 (15%) were controls. The
mean and median urinary β‑2 microglobulin in the cases
were 0.85 ± 1.32 and 0.13 µg/mL, respectively, while that
in controls was 0.09 ± 0.14 and 0.04 µg/mL, respectively
(P < 0.001).
Toxicological analysis
Blood lead and urinary lead levels were high in a signicant
number of study participants [Figures 1 and 2]. In all, 40%
of the participants (27% cases and 50% controls) had
elevated BLL [Table 3]. Nearly 75% of them had blood
lead above >5 µg/dL. Urine lead was elevated in 21% of
participants (23% cases and 19% controls). The median
BLL and ULL was 22.25 and 178 µg/L, respectively.
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However, they did not differ signicantly between cases
and controls. A few of the subjects had blood and urine
cadmium and arsenic too. Urine arsenic was elevated in 11%
of the subjects (9% cases and 13% controls). The median
level of urine arsenic was signicantly higher in cases (501
µg/L) than in controls (233.5 µg/L; P = 0.04) [Figure 3].
However, there was no signicant association between
cases and controls with any of the heavy metals [Table 4].
Table 2: Comparison of anthropometric and clinical characteristics between cases and controls
Characteristic, mean (SD) Cases, n=69 Controls, n=69 P95% CI
Height, cm 155.4 (8.05) 156.7 (1.1) 0.374 −4.24, 1.60
Weight, kg 53.9 (4.2) 53.1 (12.0) 0.677 −3.01, 4.61
Body mass index, kg/m222.2 (4.3) 21.6 (3.76) 0.317 −0.66, 2.04
Hip circumference, cm 91.14 (10.43) 89.52 (8.34) 0.315 −1.55, 4.80
Waist circumference, cm 82.44 (12.25) 80.91 (8.34) 0.459 −2.55, 5.63
Waist/hip ratio 0.90 (0.076) 0.89 (0.079) 0.321 −4.22, 1.39
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg 135.72 (22.69) 130.58 (17.93) 0.106 −1.21, 12.55
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg 84.72 (14.27) 83.13 (8.59) 0.428 −2.37, 5.56
Hemoglobin, g/dL 12.58 (2.62) 12.24 (1.91) 0.39 −0.43, 1.11
Glycosylated hemoglobin, % 5.94 (1.21) 5.83 (1.29) 0.612 −0.31, 0.53
Serum creatinine, mg/dL 1.15 (0.26) 0.85 (0.14) <0.001 0.22, 0.36
Serum uric acid, mg/dL 3.87 (1.15) 4.18 (1.13) 0.108 −0.70, 0.07
Estimated GFR, MDRD mL/min/1.73 m260.12 (14.28) 83.09 (12.97) <0.001 −27.56, −18.37
SD: Standard deviation; CI: Condence interval; GFR: Glomerular ltration rate; MDRD: Modication of Diet in Renal Diseases study
equation. Signicant difference marked in bold
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of study population
Characteristic Cases, n=69 % Controls, n=69 %
Age (years), mean (SD) 49.2 (13.8) NA 49.04 (13.46) NA
Males, no. (%) 29 42.0 29 42.0
Education status ‑ elementary school 58 84.1 60 87.0
Occupation: agriculture 28 40.6 21 30.4
Occupation: manual labor 16 23.2 32 46.4
Nonvegetarian food habits 60 87.0 57 82.6
Smoking 15 21.7 6 8.7
Chewing of tobacco 19 27.5 13 18.8
Alcohol 31 44.9 25 36.2
Self‑reported diabetes 8 11.6 6 8.7
Self‑reported hypertension 24 34.8 10 14.5
Self‑reported history of renal stones 2 2.9 3 4.3
SD: Standard deviation; NA: Not applicable
Figure 2: Urine lead levels among cases and controlsFigure 1: Blood lead levels among cases and controls
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Pearson's product moment correlation coefcients generated
for heavy metals with eGFR also suggest that there is a
positive correlation between the heavy metals but not with
eGFR [Table 5]. There was no signicant correlation of
studied heavy metal levels with urinary β‑2 microglobulins
as well [Table 6]. Pesticide residues were not detected in
either cases or controls by the method studied.
Subgroup analysis
We identied those cases without diabetes, signicant
hypertension (BP ≥160/110 mmHg), overt proteinuria
(>0.3 g/L), and self reported kidney stones and considered
them to be having CKD of undetermined etiology (CKDUD).
A pair matched analysis for all the variables including heavy
metals with their respective controls did not show signicant
association between the heavy metals and CKDUD.
In this study, we found that our patients with CKD had
signicant urinary excretion of β‑2 microglobulin even when
they did not have signicant proteinuria or albuminuria. There
was signicant lead burden as demonstrated by high blood
and urine lead levels in the study population. A few subjects
also had high levels of arsenic and cadmium. However, in
our limited study, we could not demonstrate any signicant
positive association between these heavy metals and CKD.
Table 3: Heavy metals among cases and controls
Heavy metals Statistical measure Cases, n=69 Controls, n=69
Blood lead Detectable values, number 19 35
Range 4.4‑155.1 2.3‑195.1
Signicant (>5 µg/dL), number 15 25
Mean* (SD) 35.6 (39.3) 34.5 (40.9)
Median (IQR)* 24.7 (38.7) 19.5 (41.8)
P** 0.69
Urine lead,
Detectable values, number 16 13
Range 24.2‑1200 24637
Mean* (SD) 342.9 (380.4) 234.7 (398.3)
Median (IQR)* 227.2 (467.2) 142.6 (398.3)
P** 0.661
Blood arsenic,
Detectable values, number 3 2
Range# 101 101
Mean* 101 101
Median (IQR)* NA NA
Urine arsenic,
Detectable values, number 6 9
Range 448‑501 44.4‑440.6
Mean* (SD) 483.5 (27.1) 216.4 (136.4)
Median (IQR)* 501 (52.3) 233.5 (224)
P** 0.001
Detectable values, number 1 6
Range 44.6 4.5‑69.2
Mean* (SD) NA 43.4 (21.2)
Median (IQR)* NA 46.5 (20.8)
Detectable values, number 1 5
Range 54.5 25.9‑178.9
Mean* (SD) NA 67.7 (62.6)
Median (IQR)* NA 44.8 (77)
SD: Standard deviation; CI: Condence interval; IQR: Interquartile range; NA: not applicable. *Derived after censoring undetectable values;
**derived for difference between rank sum of the two groups; #all subjects had the same value; signicant difference indicated in bold
Figure 3: Urine arsenic among cases and controls
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In India, CKDu has been described from the coastal belt of
Andhra Pradesh and Odisha states. Our study suggests that
CKDu may be more widespread in India than previously
thought. We had earlier reported a high prevalence of
nonproteinuric CKD in agricultural workers in a previous
study conducted in the same area in Karnataka state in
South India.[16] In this study too, 32% cases had urinary
ACR <30 mg/g. Furthermore, our cases had signicant
urinary excretion of β‑2 microglobulin. Increased urinary
excretion of low molecular weight proteins such as β‑2
microglobulin is a feature of most toxic nephropathies.[26,27]
It indicates proximal tubular dysfunction and has been
described in lead nephropathy and nephrotoxicity due to
cadmium, arsenic, and mercury.[28] Low‑molecular‑weight
proteinuria has also been described in CKDu as seen in
Sri Lanka and the Central American countries and it is
likely that our patients too have similar tubulointerstitial
pattern of kidney damage. However, in our limited sample,
we did not nd a signicant correlation of urinary β‑2
microglobulin with the studied heavy metal levels in either
blood or urine.
Studies in Sri Lanka point to a possible link between
environmental toxins and CKDu. Various studies have
demonstrated increased urinary excretion of As, Cd, and
glyphosate in cases with CKDu.[29‑31] The source of these
metals may be agrochemicals or other environmental sources
such as well water, rice, sh, and pesticides.[32‑35] However,
studies on possible environmental toxic exposures carried
out in the coastal belt of Andhra Pradesh in India have not
reported a positive association with either agrochemicals or
heavy metals till date.[36,37] In our study too, we could not
demonstrate signicant association between CKD and heavy
metals in either blood or urine. It is possible that we could
not demonstrate a positive association between the heavy
metal levels and CKD because our study patients had milder
renal disease compared with the subjects in the Sri Lankan
studies.[14,38] It is possible that the effect of these metals may
be better demonstrable as renal functions decline further.
Interactions between metals or genetic polymorphisms also
may inuence effect of the metals on the kidneys.[39,40]
To the best of our knowledge, this is a rst ever matched
case–control study from India that studied the association
of CKD with heavy metals and pesticides. Another positive
Table 5: Correlation between metals and with estimated GFR
Heavy metals Correlation
with metals
Pearson’s correlation
with estimated GFR
Blood lead Urine lead 0.101 0.239 0.061 0.477
Blood arsenic 0.439** <0.001
Urine lead Blood cadmium 0.263** 0.002 −0.016 0.85
Urine cadmium 0.195* 0.022
Blood arsenic Urine lead −0.064 0.453 −0.105 0.221
Urine arsenic 0.484** <0.001
Urine arsenic Blood cadmium −0.041 0.631 −0.079 0.357
Urine cadmium −0.032 0.707
Blood cadmium Urine cadmium 0.521** <0.001 0.017 0.841
Urine cadmium Urine lead 0.195* 0.022 0.092 0.285
GFR: Glomerular ltration rate. **Correlation is signicant at the 0.01 level (two‑tailed); *correlation is signicant at the 0.05 level (two‑tailed);
signicant correlations denoted in bold
Table 6: Correlation of urinary beta‑2 microglobulins
with heavy metals and renal damage indicators
Variable Pearson’s correlation Signicance
Blood lead 0.12 0.892
Urine lead −0.083 0.381
Urine arsenic −0.112 0.192
Estimated GFR −0.384** <0.001
Urinary protein 0.259** 0.002
Microalbuminuria 0.306** <0.001
GFR: Glomerular ltration rate. **Correlation is signicant at the
0.01 level (two‑tailed); Please note: correlation not checked for
blood arsenic and cadmium as the positive samples are very few in
number; signicant correlations denoted in bold
Table 4: Association of heavy metals with chronic kidney disease
Heavy metals Cases, no. (n=69) % Controls, no. (n=69) % PMOR 95% CI
Blood lead >5 mcg/dL 15 21.74 25 36.23 0.061 0.47 0.20, 1.03
Urine lead 16 23.19 13 18.84 0.571 1.25 0.58, 2.73
Blood arsenic 3 4.35 2 2.90 >0.991 1.50 0.22, 12.61
Urine arsenic 6 8.70 9 13.04 0.424 0.62 0.18, 1.93
Blood cadmium 1 1.45 6 8.70 0.071 0.16 0.01, 1.12
Urine cadmium 1 1.45 5 7.25 0.125 0.20 0.01, 1.44
MOR: Matched odds ratio; CI: Condence interval
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Anupama, et al.: CKD and heavy metals
408 Indian Journal of Nephrology | Volume 29 | Issue 6 | November-December 2019
aspect of our study is the nding of signicant urinary
excretion of β‑2 microglobulin in CKD cases that probably
indicates a tubulointerstitial pattern of kidney damage. This
is another nding that has not been demonstrated in any
Indian study on CKD till date.
The high lead burden in the study subjects is alarming. Our
study showed that nearly 40% of the study participants
have elevated BLLs. Spot urine lead was elevated in
about 20% of the participants. The magnitude of the blood
and urine lead levels is large and far exceeds the range
of lead levels seen in those studies which were done on
occupationally lead‑exposed subjects. This has enormous
public health implications and needs further preventive
There are some limitations with our study. It would have
been more accurate to report urinary heavy metal levels
corrected to urinary creatinine values which we did not do
in our analysis. A few Sri Lankan studies have reported
higher uncorrected urinary heavy metal levels in controls
than in cases, but when the levels were corrected to urinary
creatinine, the levels were signicantly higher in cases than
in controls.[14,38] It would have been desirable to test the
subjects for pesticide residues using quantitative methods.
Third, the small sample size limits the generalizability of
the ndings and calls for larger study in this direction.
In summary, this study showed that there is no demonstrable
association between CKD and heavy metals in this part
of rural area of Shivamogga district in South India.
A signicant lead burden among the study participants and
high levels of arsenic and cadmium in a few participants
have been detected. This calls for more studies in this area
to identify the source of heavy metals.
The authors thank the management, Nanjappa Hospital,
Shivamogga, Karnataka, India, and the staff of Nanjappa
Hospital and Nanjappa Institute of Nursing Sciences for
logistic support.
Financial support and sponsorship
The authors thank the International Society of Nephrology
(Clinical Research Grant #05‑038), Brussels, Belgium, for
the nancial grant for the project.
Conicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... The precise pathway through which arsenic exposure affects the onset of T2DM is not yet fully understood [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. Based on the weight of evidences [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35], the likelihood of developing diabetes is greater with prolonged exposure to arsenic and higher concentrations of the element. ...
... There were significant correlations between urinary element levels and specific food groups. It is felt the potential health risks associated with heavy metal exposure and the need for further research and public health interventions [32,91]. ...
... The trace levels in tear fluid were similar to those in human blood serum, while there was a significant positive correlation between blood arsenic levels and CKD with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.439 and a significance level (p < 0.001). Nevertheless, a correlation doesn't automatically signify causation, and additional research is necessary to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between arsenic and CKD [32,116]. The potential link between toenail arsenic levels in early maturity and the later development of diabetes engaged over 4000 participants in China and indicated that there was no substantial relevance between modest levels of arsenic detected in toenail samples and the occurrence of diabetes [117]. ...
... 15 An Indian study also reported undetectable pesticide residues in cases (CKDu, CKD) as well as controls. 16 There is new evidence in patients with Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) that long hours of heat exposure result in pre-renal AKI, hyperuricemia, and its conversion to glucosamine, causing tubulointerstitial injury. 17 Whereas some researchers from the same geographical areas of MeN, by analyzing trends and the mortality pattern among women, children, and adolescents, 18 reported that the heat stress-dehydration hypothesis could not fully explain the diseases. ...
... The numbers of residents who were involved in pesticide use were n = 12/53 in CKDu and n = 7/55 in CKD, Table 1; subjects involved in pesticide use either performed mixing or spraying or both for a median (with 25-75 quartiles) of 18 (11.25-25) years in CKDu and 20 (12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25) years in CKD subjects (p>.05). There was no pesticide user in healthy controls. ...
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Background The etiology of chronic kidney disease of unknown cause (CKDu) remains unexplained, with environmental toxins, i.e., heavy metals and pesticides. being explored for their causal role. We measured pesticide levels in blood and urine in patients with CKDu in central India. We compared them with healthy and chronic kidney disease (CKD) controls. Materials and Methods This case–control study compared patients with CKDu (n = 55), CKD (n = 53) and healthy controls (n = 50). Levels of 6 organophosphates (OPs) and 16 organochlorines were measured by GC-MS. Drinking water sources and pesticide use, and hours spent in sunlight were also evaluated. Results CKDu and CKD subjects were age and sex matched. CKDu and CKD subjects had higher median chlorpyrifos (CP) 3.69 (2.36–5.65) and 3.79 (1.9–5.53) µg/L; pesticide use 19.6% and 12.5%; and heat spent hours 3.0 (2.0, 5.0) compared to healthy subjects 1.49 (0.97–2.20) µg/L; 0%; and 1.0 (1.0, 3.0) hours, respectively (p ≤ 0.001 for all). Surface water use was higher in CKDu (49%) compared to CKD (20.7%) and healthy subjects (20%) (p<0.01). The CP (ρ −0.0532, p<0.01), and ethion (ET) (ρ 0.221, p<0.01) had inverse correlation with GFR. Urine CP and ET were significantly higher in healthy controls. On multinomial regression, CP was independently associated with CKDu (OR, 95%CI) (3.5, 2.1–5.9) and CKD (3.7, 2.2–6.1). ET was also associated with CKDu (2.2, 1.2–3.9) and CKD (1.9, 1.1–3.4). Spending 4 hours or more in sunlight was associated with CKDu (6.1, 1.7–22.3) and CKD (6.0,1.7–21.3) (P<0.01 for all) in reference to healthy subjects. Surface water was associated with CKDu (4.0, 1.3–12.7) (p<.01). Conclusion Environmental factors such as spending 4 hours or more in sunlight and higher levels of OP pesticides, namely, CP and ET, are associated with both CKDu and CKD. As higher levels of pesticides were seen in both groups of CKDu and CKD, the association of pesticides with CKDu could not be established. The higher levels could be due to low eGFR. Surface water use is independently associated with CKDu; however, larger studies are required to establish the causation.
... Current literature has yet to demonstrate a conclusive link, with many studies providing contradictory results and meta-analyses not finding any statistically significant risks. [19][20][21][22][23][24] A more recent hypothesis centers on a putative role for silica nanoparticles. Sugarcane stalks are comprised primarily of naturally occurring amorphous silica, which can be released during routine crop burning. ...
... 50,51 Although some association of heavy metals have been made with increased risk of CKDu, such findings have been inconsistent. 23,24 Thus, it is unsurprising that elemental analysis found that urinary levels of heavy metals were relatively low and did not increase significantly over the harvest. [40][41][42][43] It is important to emphasize that the agricultural company where these workers were employed had implemented a program to reduce worker exposure to heavy metal contaminated water through routine QC testing for metals in their supplied drinking water. ...
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Introduction Sugarcane workers are exposed to potentially hazardous agrochemicals, including pesticides, heavy metals, and silica. Such occupational exposures present health risks and have been implicated in a high rate of kidney disease seen in these workers. Methods To investigate potential biomarkers and mechanisms that could explain chronic kidney disease (CKD) among this worker population, paired urine samples were collected from sugarcane cutters at the beginning and end of a harvest season in Guatemala. Workers were then separated into 2 groups, namely those with or without kidney function decline (KFD) across the harvest season. Urine samples from these 2 groups underwent elemental analysis and untargeted metabolomics. Results Urine profiles demonstrated increases in silicon, certain pesticides, and phosphorus levels in all workers, whereas heavy metals remained low. The KFD group had a reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) across the harvest season; however, kidney injury marker 1 did not significantly change. Cross-harvest metabolomic analysis found trends of fatty acid accumulation, perturbed amino acid metabolism, presence of pesticides, and other known signs of impaired kidney function. Conclusion Silica and certain pesticides were significantly elevated in the urine of sugarcane workers with or without KFD. Future work should determine whether long-term occupational exposure to silica and pesticides across multiple seasons contributes to CKD in these workers. Overall, these results confirmed that multiple exposures are occurring in sugarcane workers and may provide insight into early warning signs of kidney injury and may help explain the increased incidence of CKD among agricultural workers.
... Furthermore, in Table 3 we compared our analysis to results of similar previous studies. Based on Table 3, in previous studies, the urinary concentration of As [28], Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni [13], and, Cu [1] in CKD patients was higher than in controls. Certain studies indicated that CKD patients had lower urinary concentration of As compared to controls [1,13]. ...
... However, our analysis found no statistically significant difference between concentration of urinary heavy metals of the case and control groups (P < 0.05) ( Table 1). Based on similar studies conducted in other countries, the urinary concentration of Cu, Cd and Ni in larger sample size was significantly higher for CKD patients (Table 6) [1,13,28]. Therefore, by choosing a larger sample size, a significant difference may be observed in the population of Hovayzeh cohort study. ...
... Researchers found that across different races, levels of metals/metalloids such as lead (Pb), Cd, and As were associated with the risk of CKD 15-17 . However, some other studies have reported nonsignificant associations between these metals/metalloids and CKD 18,19 . An increasing OPEN ...
... The continuous bioconcentration of metals/metalloids might pose a greater threat to human health 24 . Moreover, most previous studies have examined the influence of single metal or metalloid on CKD [15][16][17][18][19]25 , and few have considered the combined effects of exposure to multiple metals/metalloids. This cross-sectional study measured 21 kinds of metals and metalloids in the urine of healthy and non-healthy populations from urban central China. ...
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The relation between exposure to single metal/metalloid and the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains unclear. We aimed to determine the single and mixed associations of 21 heavy metals/metalloids exposure and the risk of CKD. We performed a cross-sectional study that recruited 4055 participants. Multivariate logistic regression, linear regression and weighted quantile sum (WQS) regression were conducted to explore the possible effects of single and mixed metals/metalloids exposure on the risk of CKD, the risk of albuminuria and changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). In single-metal models, Cu, Fe, and Zn were positively associated with increased risks of CKD (P-trend < 0.05). Compared to the lowest level, the highest quartiles of Cu (OR = 2.94; 95% CI: 1.70, 5.11; P-trend < 0.05), Fe (OR = 2.39; 95% CI: 1.42, 4.02; P-trend < 0.05), and Zn (OR = 2.35; 95% CI: 1.31, 4.24; P-trend < 0.05) were associated with an increased risk of CKD. After multi-metal adjustment, the association with the risk of CKD remained robust for Cu (P < 0.05). Weighted quantile sum regression revealed a positive association between mixed metals/metalloids and the risk of CKD, and the association was largely driven by Cu (43.7%). Specifically, the mixture of urinary metals/metalloids was positively associated with the risk of albuminuria and negatively associated with eGFR.
... In other studies, heavy metals have been identified in relation to the risk of CKD [42][43][44][45] . This is despite the fact that in the study conducted by Anupama 46 . According to the published conflicting results, it is suggested that more studies be done on the risk factor of heavy metals. ...
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a non-communicable disease that includes a range of different physiological disorders causing abnormal renal function and progressive decline in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This study aimed to investigate the associations of several Environmental factors with CKD in the Iranian population. This is the second phase of a hospital-based case-control study, which was conducted on 700 participants (350 CKD cases and 350 controls, age and gender frequency matched). Multiple logistic regression was applied to measure the associations between the selected factors and CKD. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. All p-values were two-sided and the results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. The results suggested that environmental factors including proximity of residence to mines (OR yes/no=3.98, 95%CI: 2.20–7.21, p < 0.001), proximity of residence to mobile antenna (OR yes/no=2.20, 95%CI: 1.24–3.89, p = 0.006), and exposure to chemicals (OR chemical/no=4.40, 95%CI: 2.27–8.53, p < 0.001), were significantly associated with a higher risk of CKD. The present study covered a large number of factors in association with CKD and highlighted the importance of some environmental factors in development of CKD.‌ One of the main causes of heat in the work environment being a risk factor is dehydration caused by high heat. In order to reduce damage to the kidneys in jobs that deal with high heat, the following tips are recommended: drinking fluids, reducing working hours and shifts, proper ventilation in the workplace, using suitable clothes and heat protection.
... In a matched case-control study in the rural population of Shivamogga district of Karnataka, pesticides as well as heavy metals in blood and urine samples of CKD patients at the early stage showed higher heavy metal burden among affected populace indicating possible association with the progression of CKD. 41 Research shows gender differences as standard prognosticators for a decline in renal function, namely proteinuria among males and poor glycemic control among females. 28,42 High CKD cases among males in our study may be linked to their socio-behavioral and occupational practices, such as higher exposure to sunlight, longer working hours in the agricultural field, exposure to pesticides, and habitual consumption of locally made alcohol, which itself may be contaminated with toxic additives. ...
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Background Bargarh, a district in Odisha, is known for intense agricultural activities because of uninterrupted irrigation from the Hirakud reservoir. The number of chronic kidney disease (CKD) cases in the district is increasing rapidly. The present study assesses the prevalence of CKD and CKDu (of unknown etiology) in the district and its association with pesticide application. Materials and Methods A door-to-door survey was conducted to find out the CKD hotspots in the different blocks of the district with the help of primary and community health centers. The prevalence of CKD in the identified hotspot villages was assessed using a random clustered sampling method along with the collection of data related to age, sex, occupation and source of drinking water. Soil and water samples collected from identified hotspot and nonhotspot villages were analyzed to assess the presence of nephrotoxic pesticide residues. Results A total of 16 villages were identified with high CKD prevalence rates and designated as hotspot villages. Data indicate that about 21% of males under ≥ 40 years age group were found to be suffering from CKD. Cases of CKDu (85%) were more prominent in these hotspot villages. Analysis of soil and water samples demonstrated the presence of seven different nephrotoxic pesticides above the maximum residues levels (MRLs) in hotspot villages compared to nonhotspot villages. Conclusion The presence of nephrotoxic pesticides above MRLs in the hotspot villages indicates their possible association with the onset and progression of CKD among the exposed population. Further research is needed to establish their causative association with CKDu in the study region.
... L'utilisation abusive des pesticides par les producteurs entrave la durabilité de la production du riz dans les bas-fonds et diminue la qualité de ces derniers (Afandhi et al., 2019). Pourtant, il existe des moyens pour limiter le recours aux pesticides chimiques comme l'usage des biopesticides et d'autres pratiques agroécologiques (Anupama et al., 2019). Du point de vue théorique du concept de cycle adaptatif (Holling & Gunderson, 2002), les composantes économiques et écologiques des systèmes agricoles (objectifs de production des ménages et configuration du système de production du riz) sont étroitement liées. ...
Description du sujet: La durabilité écologique de la riziculture dépend principalement des efforts et des capacités des agriculteurs à prendre des décisions et actions rationnelles pour la préservation des ressources naturelles de production. Objectif: L'objectif de cette recherche est d’évaluer la durabilité écologique des différents systèmes de culture rizicole en bas-fonds dans la commune de Malanville au Nord du Bénin. Méthodes: Les données ont été collectées par interview directe à l’aide d’un questionnaire structuré et digitalisé sur KoboCollect (système CAPI). Au total, 283 producteurs ont été identifiés et sélectionnés de manière aléatoire simple. Les analyses des données sont basées sur les statistiques descriptives (moyenne, écart-type et fréquences absolues) et la méthode des Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles (IDEA) a permis d’évaluer la durabilité agroécologique. Le modèle Tobit a été utilisé pour identifier les facteurs déterminant le niveau de durabilité écologique des systèmes de culture du riz en bas-fonds. Résultats: Les résultats ont montré que les systèmes de culture pratiqués par les producteurs ne sont pas durables. Cependant, cette durabilité varie largement en fonction des systèmes de culture. Ainsi, le système de culture SCR2 basé sur la transition agroécologique se révèle le plus écologiquement durable. Les variables systèmes de culture et indice d’efficacité économique déterminent le niveau de durabilité écologique des systèmes de cultures rizicoles. Conclusion: L’analyse de la durabilité agroécologique à travers cette étude permet d’apporter la lumière sur les pratiques à conseiller aux producteurs et celles à abandonner, afin de promouvoir la disponibilité des ressources pour les générations futures. English title: Agroecological sustainability of lowland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation systems in the commune of Malanville in northern Benin Subject description: The ecological sustainability of rice cultivation depends mainly on the efforts and abilities of farmers to make rational decisions and actions for the preservation of natural production resources. Objective: The main of this research is to assess the ecological sustainability of different lowland rice cropping systems in the Municipality of Malanville in northern Benin. Methods: Data were collected by direct interview using a structured and digitized questionnaire on KoboCollect (CAPI system). A total of 283 farmers were identified and selected in a simple random fashion. Data analyses were based on descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and absolute frequencies) and the Farm Sustainability Indicators (IDEA) method was used to assess agroecological sustainability. The Tobit model was used to identify factors determining the level of ecological sustainability of lowland rice cropping systems. Results: The results showed that the cropping systems practiced by the farmers are not sustainable. However, this sustainability varies widely depending on the cropping system. Thus, the SCR2 cropping system based on the agroecological transition is the most ecologically sustainable. The variables cropping systems and economic efficiency index determine the level of ecological sustainability of rice cropping systems. Conclusion: The analysis of agroecological sustainability through this study sheds light on the practices to be advised to farmers and those to be abandoned, in order to promote the availability of resources for future generations.
Karnataka, a southern Indian state, exhibits a vibrant cultural and economic landscape. This paper provides an overview of nephrology services in Karnataka, drawing on government data, a literature review, and a survey of 147 dialysis centers and hospitals. The inception of nephrology in Karnataka dates to the early 1970s. Kidney care services have remained primarily centered in the capital city of Bengaluru. There are around 200 nephrologists and 300 dialysis centers (168 under the Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Program), with hemodialysis being the predominant modality. Transplant services are offered in 69 centers, most in the capital city. Nephrology training is offered at 20 centers. Challenges remain, including the uneven distribution of services, fluctuating dialysis costs, and restricted access to peritoneal and home dialysis. There is a lack of comprehensive epidemiological data, necessitating the establishment of a statewide CKD registry.
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Since the online publication of this article the authors realised there were errors in Figure 1, Table 3 and Table 5.In Figure 1, the value for 'non-availability at home during the time of sample collection' was given as n = 310. This should be n = 410. The corrected version of Figure 1 can be seen below. In Table 3, the number of hypertensive males was given as 472 and the number of non-hypertensive males was given as 1003. The correct number of hypertensive males is 202 and the correct number of non-hypertensive males is 383. The corrected version of Table 3 can be seen below. In Table 5, the symbol 'greater than' was inadvertently added to the odds ratio for HTN adjusted for age. The corrected version of Table 5 can be seen below. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by these errors. These errors have now been rectified, and the corrected article appears in this issue. The html and online pdf versions have also been rectified, and now carry the corrected paper. (Figure presented) (Table presented).
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Cereal grains are the dominant source of cadmium to the human diet, with rice being to the fore. Here we explore the effect of geographic, genetic and processing (milling) factors on rice grain cadmium and rice consumption rates that lead to dietary variance in cadmium intake. From a survey of 12 countries on four continents, cadmium levels in rice grain were the highest in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with both these countries also having high per capita rice intakes. For Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, there was high weekly intake of cadmium from rice, leading to intakes deemed unsafe by international and national regulators. While genetic variance, and to a lesser extent milling, provide strategies for reducing cadmium in rice, caution has to be used as there is environmental regulation as well as genetic regulation of cadmium accumulation within rice grains. For countries that import rice, grain cadmium can be controlled by where that rice is sourced, but for countries with subsistence rice economies that have high levels of cadmium in rice grain, agronomic and breeding strategies are required to lower grain cadmium.
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Hypertension (HTN) is an important cause for chronic kidney disease (CKD). There is a paucity of studies exploring the association of HTN with CKD from rural India. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and the determinants for HTN in a rural population in South India, focusing on the association with CKD. In a cross-sectional study on 2984 adults in three villages, demographic and anthropometric data were collected. Blood pressure was recorded on all individuals and prevalence was estimated. Proteinuria, microalbuminuria (MA) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were determined in a subgroup of 1331 subjects and the relation with HTN was analysed. Prevalence of HTN was 30.4% (95% CI 28.75-32.05%). In all, 78.08% had stage 1 HTN while 22% had stage 2 HTN. In total, 27.4% (249/908) subjects were aware of their hypertensive status. Of them, only 14.4% had adequate control of blood pressure. Age>50 years, diabetes, body mass index >25 and eGFR<60 ml min(-1) were independent significant predictors of HTN (P<0.05). HTN was found to be an important risk factor for CKD even after adjusting for age, diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors (OR 2.22, 95% CI 1.46-3.36, P<0.001). The high prevalence of HTN, very low level of awareness and control, and the significant association with kidney disease indicate a need for stronger public health initiative with better penetration for awareness and screening for HTN and CKD in India's villages.Journal of Human Hypertension advance online publication, 24 November 2016; doi:10.1038/jhh.2016.81.
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health burden with a high economic cost to health systems and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). All stages of CKD are associated with increased risks of cardiovascular morbidity, premature mortality, and/or decreased quality of life. CKD is usually asymptomatic until later stages and accurate prevalence data are lacking. Thus we sought to determine the prevalence of CKD globally, by stage, geographical location, gender and age. A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies estimating CKD prevalence in general populations was conducted through literature searches in 8 databases. We assessed pooled data using a random effects model. Of 5,842 potential articles, 100 studies of diverse quality were included, comprising 6,908,440 patients. Global mean(95%CI) CKD prevalence of 5 stages 13·4%(11·7-15·1%), and stages 3-5 was 10·6%(9·2-12·2%). Weighting by study quality did not affect prevalence estimates. CKD prevalence by stage was Stage-1 (eGFR>90+ACR>30): 3·5% (2·8-4·2%); Stage-2 (eGFR 60-89+ACR>30): 3·9% (2·7-5·3%); Stage-3 (eGFR 30-59): 7·6% (6·4-8·9%); Stage-4 = (eGFR 29-15): 0·4% (0·3-0·5%); and Stage-5 (eGFR<15): 0·1% (0·1-0·1%). CKD has a high global prevalence with a consistent estimated global CKD prevalence of between 11 to 13% with the majority stage 3. Future research should evaluate intervention strategies deliverable at scale to delay the progression of CKD and improve CVD outcomes.
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Climate change has led to significant rise of 0.8˚C–0.9˚C in global mean temperature over the last century and has been linked with significant increases in the frequency and severity of heat waves (extreme heat events). Climate change has also been increasingly connected to detrimental human health. One of the consequences of climate-related extreme heat exposure is dehydration and volume loss, leading to acute mortality from exacer-bations of pre-existing chronic disease, as well as from outright heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Recent studies have also shown that recurrent heat exposure with physical exertion and inadequate hydration can lead to CKD that is distinct from that caused by diabetes, hypertension, or GN. Epidemics of CKD consistent with heat stress nephropathy are now occurring across the world. Here, we describe this disease, discuss the locations where it appears to be manifesting, link it with increasing temperatures, and discuss ongoing attempts to prevent the disease. Heat stress nephropathy may represent one of the first epidemics due to global warming. Government, industry, and health policy makers in the impacted regions should place greater emphasis on occupational and community interventions.
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Background: An epidemic of chronic kidney disease (CKD) of unknown cause has emerged along the Pacific Coast of Central America. The disease primarily affects men working manually outdoors, and the major group affected is sugarcane workers. The disease presents with an asymptomatic rise in serum creatinine that progresses to end-stage renal disease over several years. Renal biopsies show chronic tubulointerstitial disease. While the cause remains unknown, recent studies suggest that it is driven by recurrent dehydration in the hot climate. Potential mechanisms include the development of hyperosmolarity with the activation of the aldose reductase-fructokinase pathway in the proximal tubule leading to local injury and inflammation, and the possibility that renal injury may be the consequence of repeated uricosuria and urate crystal formation as a consequence of both increased generation and urinary concentration, similar to a chronic tumor lysis syndrome. The epidemic is postulated to be increasing due to the effects of global warming. Summary: An epidemic of CKD has led to the death of more than 20,000 lives in Central America. The cause is unknown, but appears to be due to recurrent dehydration. Potential mechanisms for injury are renal damage as a consequence of recurrent hyperosmolarity and/or injury to the tubules from repeated episodes of uricosuria. Key Messages: The epidemic of CKD in Mesoamerica may be due to chronic recurrent dehydration as a consequence of global warming and working conditions. This entity may be one of the first major diseases attributed to climate change and the greenhouse effect.
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Objective. After filtration through glomeruli, β2-microglobulin is reabsorbed in proximal tubules. Increased urinary β2-microglobulin indicates proximal tubule injury and measurement of β2-microglobulin in urine is useful to determine the source of renal injury. Kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) has been characterized as a selective proximal tubule injury marker. This study was designed to evaluate the correlation of urinary β2-microglobulin concentration and KIM-1 expression as evidence of proximal tubule injury. Methods. Between 2009 and 2012, 46 patients with urine β2-microglobulin (RenalVysion) had follow-up kidney biopsy. Diagnoses included glomerular and tubule-interstitial disease. Immunohistochemical staining for KIM-1 was performed and the intensity was graded from 0 to 3+. Linear regression analysis was applied to correlate the values of urinary β2-microglobulin and KIM-1 staining scores. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. Thirty patients had elevated urinary β2-microglobulin. KIM-1 staining was positive in 35 kidney biopsies. There was a significant correlation between urinary β2-microglobulin and KIM-1 staining (P < 0.05). Sensitivity was 86.6%, specificity was 43.7%, positive predictive value was 74.2%, and negative predictive value was 63.6%. Conclusion. Increased urinary β2-microglobulin is significantly correlated with KIM-1 staining in injured proximal tubules. Measurement of urine β2-microglobulin is a sensitive assay for proximal tubule injury.