
Corruption and organized crime in Bangladesh

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... We discussed earlier, the shipments of Chinese products primarily relies on the sea dominated by the US allied countries. Cookson (2017) The final step, China's One Belt and One Road initiative, aims to improve economic interconnectedness (Sakib, 2019). This project highly depends on the bilateral relationship between Myanmar and China (Cookson, 2017). ...
... The Chinese vision of integrating Asia, Europe, and Africa through initiatives known as One Belt One Road poses a challenge to the United States' position as the world's preeminent superpower. This initiative will reduce the distance and increase the opportunity of spreading Chinese products in large cities (Sakib, 2019). China has developed initiatives such as OBOR, AIIB, and the Silk Road fund in order to compete with the Bretton Woods institutions that are dominated by the United States (Sharma, 2017). ...
... The drug 'Yaba' comes from Myanmar and Rohingya is used as a carrier (Banerjee, 2019). Meanwhile, the percentages of addicted youth are frequently rising in Bangladesh (Sakib, 2019). ...
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Rakhine state in Myanmar is strategically located at the center of a power struggle between emerging Asian nations. Consequently, the strategic position has become the crucial factor that fans the fire behind the current Rohingya issue. As a minority group in Myanmar, the Rohingya have struggled for citizenship for decades. To escape the state-orchestrated persecution, a large number of Rohingya took shelter in neighboring Bangladesh. Under the cloak of geopolitical issues, the Rohingya Crisis has lingered for five years with no clear path to resolution. While India attempts to pursue its “Act East Policy,” China seeks to incorporate Myanmar into its “One Belt, One Road” initiative. A further aggravating factor is a threat posed by US military forces in Southeast Asia to China’s interests. However, as a neighboring nation of Myanmar, Bangladesh became entangled in the conflict between the Regional Competitors. The study argues that the geopolitical interest of bordering countries and the economic interest of the military regime have exacerbated the situation and are one of the primary reasons why the crisis has not been resolved. The purpose of this study is to analyze how and why the geopolitical consequences of the Rohingya crisis outrun the humanitarian demands of this crisis. Through content analysis of previous scholarly publications, the conclusions of the research have centered on how the fight for regional hegemony makes the Rohingya crisis more vulnerable.
... The drug "Yaba" comes from Myanmar and Rohingyas are used as a carrier (Banerjee, 2019). Meanwhile, the percentages of addicted youth are on a frequent rise in Bangladesh (Sakib, 2019). ...
... Jackfruit, coconut, watermelon, etc.), gas cylinder, tiffin boxes, shoes, oil tanks, and so on (Alsaafin, 2018;A. Khan, 2018;Sakib, 2019). Surprisingly, few Rohingya even dare to risk their lives in danger. ...
This paper highlights the security challenges that the Rohingya crisis poses to the host nation Bangladesh. As a humanitarian gesture, the Bangladesh government allowed Rohingya minority people in the south-eastern part of its land. Unfortunately, these large numbers of displaced people misuse the blessing and engage in various terrorist activities, fraudulence, smuggling, including drugs, arms, human trafficking, and so on. Based on secondary sources and interviewing Law Enforcement officials of Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar, the paper aims to identify and analyze the notions of diversified intimidation in Bangladesh. Since the Rohingya camps are close to Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India’s border areas, the uncertainty produced by the crisis is also becoming a vital threat to regional stability. It generates ambiguity regarding the extent to which the victims are responsible for scaring the nation that has sheltered them. Unfortunately, the local populations became xenophobic due to the refugees’ uncertain repatriation. It is crucial to relocate the Rohingya refugees rationally and diplomatically within a short time to assure Bangladesh’s safety and security as a host country. Meanwhile, the Government of Bangladesh should improve surveillance in the camps. Besides, the enormous number of refugees should be engaged in some productive work to keep them aside from participating in criminal activities.
... According to a recent study, connectedness among countries through One Belt One Road (OBOR) is likely to be a factor behind the expansion of organized crimes in this region such as human trafficking (Sakib, 2019). ...
Purpose Quality is a sensitive and high-priority issue in the global construction including in Bangladesh. This research is intended to provide necessary information to stakeholders and authorities for better management of the construction quality in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study seeks to find and prioritize the factors affecting the construction quality in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach In total 65 factors were extracted and categorized from the literature and expert panel discussion. Subsequently, these factors were designed in a questionnaire under 13 major groups for a survey where 176 construction professionals participated and returned their completed survey form. Collected data were tested by the Cronbach Alpha to check the reliability before proceeding to the Relative Importance Index (RII) analysis for determining the relative ranks of identified factors. Findings Statistical analysis of survey data represents that the most significant factors are: lack of management commitment, lack of technical skill and experience of the consultant, delays in progress investigation, political interference and contractor's desire for unrealistic profit. The most crucial major groups of factors influencing the construction quality are management, material, consultant, cost and time and contract-related major groups. Originality/value It will contribute to the body of knowledge, as it points out the impact of factors affecting quality in Bangladeshi construction. Authorities and stakeholders can be helped by the overview of the high and low ranks factors, understanding the diverse characteristics of factors and making more aware the industry about the quality issues which need to be a top concern to solve. Other developing countries that share the same socio-economic context as Bangladesh can be benefit from the results of this study to control quality issues in construction.
Bangladesh is a developing nation that is about to complete its Golden Jubilee partnership by 2022 with Australia, a country that has been supporting Bangladesh through aid, assistance, grant, loan, trade, scholarship, etc. Recently, the regional and global superpower China has increased its influence in the Indian Ocean region both through its military and through the OBOR or BRI where it has also shown interest to work with Bangladesh in both fronts. Bangladesh is a very small country but strategically very important, with access to the Indian Ocean. Therefore, it is important to check whether the OBOR initiatives put any negative impact on the neighboring SAARC nations and partner states. The study therefore attempted to identify the potential diseconomies of scale and the solutions Australia-Bangladesh relations might offer.
Corruption in Bangladesh: Causes, Costs and Remedies
  • H U Ahmed