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Abstract and Figures

In this letter, the efficient dissemination of content in a socially-aware cache-enabled hybrid network using multi-armed bandit learning theory is analyzed. Specifically, an overlay cellular network over a vehicular social network is considered, where commuters request for multimedia content from either the stationary roadside units (RSUs), the base station, or the single mobile cache unit (MCU), if accessible. Firstly, we propose an algorithm to optimally distribute popular contents among the locally deployed RSU caches. To further maximize the cache hits experienced by vehicles, we then present an algorithm to find the best traversal path for the MCU based on commuters' social degree distribution. For performance evaluation, the asymptotic regret upper bounds of the two algorithms are also derived. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithms outperform existing content placement methods in terms of overall network throughput. Index Terms-Vehicular social networks, multi-armed bandit, cache content placement, mobile cache unit, cache hit rate.
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Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Cache Content
Placement in Vehicular Social Networks
Saeid Akhavan Bitaghsir, Aresh Dadlani, Muhammad Borhani, and Ahmad Khonsari
Abstract—In this letter, the efficient dissemination of content
in a socially-aware cache-enabled hybrid network using multi-
armed bandit learning theory is analyzed. Specifically, an overlay
cellular network over a vehicular social network is considered,
where commuters request for multimedia content from either the
stationary road-side units (RSUs), the base station, or the single
mobile cache unit (MCU), if accessible. Firstly, we propose an
algorithm to optimally distribute popular contents among the
locally deployed RSU caches. To further maximize the cache hits
experienced by vehicles, we then present an algorithm to find the
best traversal path for the MCU based on commuters’ social degree
distribution. For performance evaluation, the asymptotic regret
upper bounds of the two algorithms are also derived. Simulation
results reveal that the proposed algorithms outperform existing
content placement methods in terms of overall network throughput.
Index Terms—Vehicular social networks, multi-armed bandit,
cache content placement, mobile cache unit, cache hit rate.
SOCIALLY-AWARE networking arising from the amalga-
mation of mobile social networks and vehicular ad hoc
networks is seen as a coherent paradigm to offload the ever-
growing influx of cellular traffic contributed by multimedia con-
tent sharing [1] and real-time information diffusion [2]. Widely
referred to as vehicular social networks (VSNs), such composite
networks not only represent the enabling technology for road
safety and infotainment applications in the next-generation
transportation systems, but also incorporate the impact of human
factors such as movement patterns, preferences, and multi-
faceted social ties on the intermittent vehicular connectivity [3].
Despite the overwhelming advantages offered by VSNs, one
of the many research challenges concerns the optimal distribu-
tion of content among the road-side units (RSUs) equipped with
finite-sized caches so as to maximize the average cache hit rate,
i.e. the fraction of total requests served via the local caches per
unit time, experienced by commuters in a dynamic environment
[2]. Addressing the pertinent cache content placement (CCP)
problem is of great significance as: (i) the number of RSUs
is limited by the high deployment cost incurred and (ii) the
frequency and type of content requested by users are random.
However, there only exist a handful of reported works on the
interplay between efficient content caching and VSN perfor-
mance. In [4], a content delivery framework based on D2D com-
munication between parked and moving vehicles is investigated
to primarily reduce the RSU load. While the work leverages
the storage capacity of parked vehicles to access contents, it
does not consider the centrality metrics of the socially-tied
commuters. A cross-entropy-based caching scheme is analyzed
in [5] to cache the contents at the edge of VSNs based on
Stationary RSU
Base Station
Mobile Cache Unit
Cellular Network
Vehicular Social Network
Social User Ties
V2V Communication
Fig. 1: System model with social and vehicular interactions.
vehicular requests, traffic density, and cooperation among fixed
RSUs. In [6], a distributed cooperative CCP scheme is presented
where RSUs deployed in a given locality update their caches via
periodic information exchange. Using named data networking,
a distributed probabilistic caching strategy is proposed in [7],
where vehicles consider user demands based on interest entries,
vehicle’s degree and betweenness centrality scores, and rela-
tive movement of the content provider/receiver. Nonetheless,
a mobile version of a typical RSU fed with information on
social network centrality and capable of satisfying local content
requests has not been employed in any of the prevenient efforts.
The main contribution of this letter is to model the CCP
problem by taking into account the average degree centrality
of commuters in VSNs involving a mobile cache unit (MCU).
Given a roadway scenario, we first adopt two multi-armed bandit
(MAB) approaches, namely Thompson sampling [8] and combi-
natorial bandit (ComBand) [9], to deal with the uncertainty and
partial feedback on rewards inherent in optimizing the network
throughput under different mobility models. Next, we propose
a centrality-driven algorithm to find the best traversal path for
the MCU that maximizes the cache hit ratio of the commuters.
Considering the regret upper bounds derived for the presented
algorithms, simulation results show the better performance of
our scheme as compared to existing methods.
Consider a cellular network (CN) over a VSN in an urban
area as shown in Fig. 1. The VSN itself is created by vehicles
communicating with each other and with the underlying CN
that includes one base station (BS) and a set of static RSUs
denoted by R={Ri}, where i∈ {1,2, . . . , m}. The commuters
are the interacting users that constitute the social network.
We denote the library of content files available at the BS by
F={Fj}, where j∈ {1,2, . . . , n}. Without loss of generality,
we assume all files to be divided into small chunks of equal
size. Also, let Cibe the cache capacity of RSU Ri R and
Xi(t)={Fj:ÍFj F |Fj| ≤ Ci}be the subset of files stored in Ri
at time t. We use X(t)={Xi(t)},i∈ {1,2, . . . , m}to denote
the system allocation state where all Xi(t)s are valid cache
allocations at time t. Vehicles request for the library files from
the cache servers located at the RSUs only when not initially
satisfied by neighbouring vehicles via vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
communication. Each vehicle attempts to request the desired
file from the local RSUs within its communication range. Upon
failure, the file is then retrieved from the BS. The probability of
successful download from a local RSU depends on the strategy
undertaken to allocate the files in the RSUs. In this regard, we
define the CCP problem as determining the best allocation X(t)
for the local RSU caches that maximizes the hit ratio for nearby
vehicles. Formally, we aim to attain:
X(t) ∈ arg max
where QX(t)denotes the hit ratio of allocation X(t). To
express QX(t)mathematically, we first need to define the
content demand model in a geographical region. The content
demand is distributed non-uniformly over the region; files
bearing information on advertisements or recent discounts are
more popular in the neighbourhood of shopping malls rather
than any isolated location. To capture this intrinsic nature of
demands, we partition the area into r=|S| sectors S={Sk},
k∈ {1,2, . . . , r}, using hotspot clustering [6] and each sector Sk
encompasses some set of RSUs, denoted by Uk. To facilitate
content distribution in the network, we further employ a socially-
aware MCU that contains all the files and is capable of satisfying
all requests within a sector by travelling between sectors.
In this section, we first formulate the CCP problem using
MAB-based Thompson sampling and ComBand approaches.
Then, we analyze a heuristic to determine the optimal traversal
path for the MCU that maximizes the local cache hits.
A. Thompson Sampling CCP Model
In this model, we consider each memory cell of an RSU to
be a player and each file in Fto be an arm to pull. Thus, each
memory cell of an RSU pulls an arm (chooses a file to cache)
and consequently, receives a reward. Let qk,j(t)denote the hit
probability of file Fjin sector Skat time t, i.e. the probability
that file Fjis available in the cache of one of the RSUs in sector
Sk. Therefore, the likelihood function is given by the following
Bernoulli distribution:
where (w,l) ∈ {(0,1),(1,0)} refers to the win (hit) or lose (miss)
event. Moreover, let Hk,j(t)be the number of hits for file Fjin
sector Skup to time t. Also, let Mk,j(t)denote the number of
misses for Fjin Skuntil time t. The prior function indicating
the hit distribution is given by the beta distribution below:
where β(·) is the normalization beta function. To solve (1), we
now present the posterior function of our model as follows:
Considering the upper bound obtained for Thompson sam-
pling in [10] along with (3) and (4), the expected utility (regret)
over the entire time period Tcan be expressed as:
ER(T)≤ (1+)
| F |
dqk,j(T),qk,1(T)j+O|F |
where d(qk,j,qk,1),qk,jlog qk,j
qk,1+(1qk,j)log 1qk,j
∈ (0,1),j,q
kqk,j, and q
k=maxjqk,j. Though this CCP
model exhibits reasonable complexity, it adapts very slowly
with change in content file popularity and the rewards associated
with caching each content.
B. ComBand CCP Model
To adapt faster with the dynamicity of VSNs, we instead
assign the RSUs as players (rather than the memory cells) and
the files in Fas the arms to be pulled. Each RSU Riis rewarded
based on the Xisubset of files it selects at each time step. The
best subset of contents for each Ri, given by X
i, is selected from
the library based on Algorithm 1, where the cumulative reward
calculated for each RSU is GCB(Ri)=ÍT
t=1Í|S |
We assess the performance of this algorithm by computing the
regret for the best fixed set of actions (weak regret [11]) defined
by Gmax kas follows:
Gmax k(Ri)=max
|S |
Here, we consider every possible combination of contents
for RSU Rito be weighted as {wXi(t):Xi|F |
Ci}. At each
iteration, the algorithm updates wXi(t)and computes the matrix
P| F |× | F | (t),ÍXi(|F|
Xi, where 1Xiis an |F |
dimensional vector whose j-th element is 1if Fj∈ Xiand 0,
if otherwise. At t=1, we set wXi(1)=1for all Xi| F |
compute pXi(t)at each time step as:
Algorithm 1 Content Placement in Local RSUs
Input: i∈ {1,2, . . ., m},k∈ {1,2, . . . , r}, and γ∈ (0,1].
Output: X
i(t)for t∈ {1,2, . . . , T}.
Initialization :∀Xi| F |
1: for t=1to Tdo
2: for each Xi| F |
3: Calculate pXi(t)using (7).
4: end for
5: Select X
ibased on the distribution of pXi(t).
6: Calculate reward for Riusing (6).
7: P(t) ← ÍXi(|F|
8: L(t) ← CiÍj Xiqk,j(t)P+(t) · 1Xi.
9: for each Xi| F |
10: Update weight wXi(t)using (8).
11: end for
12: end for
Algorithm 2 Optimal Path for MCU Traversal
Input: k∈ {1,2, . . . , r},wk(t), and ε.
Output: Sequence of sectors yielding maximum hit rate.
Initialization :Sk∈ S,wk(0)=1
1: for t=1to Tdo
2: Travel to sector Skwith probability calculated in (11).
3: Observe all hits and update weight using (12).
4: end for
ÍYi(|F |
| F |
where γ∈ (0,1]. We then select Xi(t)based on the distribution
pX0(t). By setting L(t)=[CiÍj∈Xiqk,j(t)]P+(t) · 1Xi, where
L(t)is the pseudo-loss, P+(t)is the pseudo-inverse [9] of P(t),
and Lj(t)is the j-th element of L(t), we finally update the
weights for all Xi|F |
Ciin the next step as shown below:
wXi(t+1)=wXi(t)exp γ(|F | Ci)ÍjXiLj(t)
Ci|F | (|F | 1).(8)
Deducting the expected cumulative reward for Rifrom Gma xk
in (6) yields the following asymptotic regret upper bound:
Gmax k(Ri) − E[GCB (Ri)] ≤ 2(| F | − 1)
|F | CiCisT|F | ln | F |
iT|F | ln | F | .(9)
Time and space complexities of O(Ci|F |3)and O(|F |3)can
be achieved respectively, by updating the weight function as
wXi(t+1)=wXi(t)exp γ(| F | −Ci)Li(t)
Ci| F |( | F |−1).
C. Optimal Traversal Path for MCU
We now present a MAB-based approach to find the optimal
traversal path for the MCU that maximizes the cache hit ratio
experienced by social commuters. Our approach is based on
the Hedge algorithm [12] in an adversarial environment where
wk(t)is used to quantify the benefit of the MCU to visit sector
Skat time t. Initially at t=0, the weights for all sectors are
equal to 1. We compute the rewards using the average cache
miss parameter for Skat time tgiven by:
where CMi(t)is the cache miss of Riat time t. As shown in
Algorithm 2, at each time interval, the MCU chooses to visit
sector Skwith probability:
Í|S |
After observing all hits at the end of each time step, wk(t)is
updated for all Si∈ S using the following function:
k(t1)exp (εACMk(t)),(12)
where zk(t)is the average degree centrality of social commuters
in Skat time tand εis the learning rate. Note that Algorithm 2
plays the arm with the best past rewards if ε→ ∞, while it
Fig. 2: New York, Manhattan roadway map for simulation.
selects each arm with equal probability if ε0. The upper
bound on the mean regret for Algorithm 2 is obtained to be:
E[R(T)] ≤ 2εH+ln |S|
where His the maximum number of cache hits. Considering
ε=pln |S |/T1, (13) can further be simplified to:
E[R(T)] ≤ 3pTln |S| .(14)
We evaluate our strategy in the 3×4kilometer roadway
map of New York City, Manhattan in Fig. 2, where RSUs are
deployed randomly along the streets. The vehicle fleet size is
randomly chosen from [40,160]with random destinations in the
SUMO simulator [13], |F | =100 data files, and |R | is taken
between [3,20]units. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) commu-
nication is enabled using the standard IEEE 802.11p protocol,
while V2V links use dedicated short-range communications.
Moreover, the RSU and V2V communication ranges lie between
[200,500]meters and [100,200]meters, respectively.
Fig. 3 compares the performance of our approach in terms of
cache hit ratio. Defined as the fraction of requests successfully
satisfied by local RSUs over the total number of requests made,
this metric is inversely impacted by the average cache miss
in each sector as shown in Fig. 3a. Factors such as added
noise in the environment and reduction in RSU cache capacity
profoundly contribute to the mean cache miss ratio. As a result,
more number of vehicles are mandated to download their re-
quested contents from the sole BS in the system. The figure also
shows the higher hit rate achieved by the proposed ComBand-
based CCP approach with respect to other existing methods [6],
which in turn improves the overall network throughput. Fig. 3b
depicts the efficiency of the MCU traversal path determined
by Algorithm 2 against the random and greedy path selection
baseline models. In the random model, the next sector to be
visited is determined randomly, whereas greedy model selects
the next sector Skbased on the highest cache miss ratio of
the RSUs in Uk. Although increasing the number of RSUs
in the sector of interest would improve the hit ratio in all
three models, the higher efficiency of the joint ComBand-Hedge
approach is mainly due to the learning involved in finding the
best traversal path based on the average user connectivity in
each sector. Adaptation of the Thompson sampling CCP model
with changes in content popularity and rewards associated with
caching contents is compared with the ComBand counterpart
(a) In terms of mean cache miss. (b) In terms of number of RSUs. (c) In terms of adaptation rate. (d) In terms of mobility model.
Fig. 3: Performance comparison of the MAB-based approaches benchmarked in terms of the cache hit ratio with 95% confidence interval.
Fig. 4: Download time comparison of different CCP models.
in Fig. 3c. At simulation time cycles 200 and 700, we inten-
tionally change the content popularity throughout the network.
Evidently, such abrupt changes resulted in a steep fall of the
hit ratio in both MAB-based CCP approaches. The cache hit
ratio, however, increases as both methods learn the new content
popularity from RSU feedback. This increase is observed to be
relatively more in the ComBand approach which justifies its
adaptability to dynamic VSN parameters. The performance of
the ComBand CCP method with existing methods under four
vehicular mobility models, namely the Rice University model
(RUM), stop sign model (SSM), probabilistic traffic sign model
(PTSM), and traffic light model (TLM) [14] is compared in
Fig. 3d. The figure clearly shows that the ComBand approach
not only guarantees higher achievable cache hit ratios that reach
a maximum of nearly 68% for PTSM and a minimum of 36.4%
under TLM in comparison to other CCP methods, but also
adapts well to any vehicular movement pattern.
Fig. 4 illustrates the download time of different CCP models
for different number of RSUs. Each file chunk, out of 40 files,
requested by vehicles is assumed to be 5MB in size. The V2I file
transfer speed is 27 Mbps and each vehicle communicates with
the BS via a 6Mbps link using IEEE 802.11p protocol. Here, a
chunk file is first requested from RSU. If the attempt to retrieve
the file from the RSU fails, the vehicle then requests the file
directly from BS with lower transfer speed. As ComBand offers
higher cache hit ratio, the download time of a file is lesser than
the other methods. The file download time difference between
ComBand and the next best method, i.e. MobiCacher, further
increases with the number of RSUs deployed.
In this letter, we have studied the optimal distribution of
contents in VSNs equipped with multiple cache-enabled fixed
RSUs and a mobile cache unit (MCU). First, two strategies
based on multi-armed bandit learning were introduced to opti-
mize cache content placement in locally deployed RSUs. Next,
by partitioning the geographical area of interest into sectors, an
efficient centrality-aware algorithm was proposed to determine
the best traversal path for the MCU that maximizes the overall
cache hit ratio experienced by the socially-connected com-
muters. Upper bounds for the regret functions corresponding
to the proposed algorithms were also derived for performance
analysis. Simulation results have shown that the learning nature
of the proposed algorithms enable them to be adapted easier in
dynamic VSN settings and under different vehicular mobility
patterns as compared to already existing methods.
Convergence analysis of the regret function in the presence
of multiple MCUs and under the joint impact of other social
attributes characterized by centrality metrics is an interesting
follow-up of this work.
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... We assume the number of selected servers at each round is less than K, i.e., |S t | ≤ K, since the maintenance of each server usually incurs certain costs, and the content owner has limited budget. The selected servers u ∈ S t then independently send contents for each user v ∈ V with unknown success rates µ (u,v) , depending on varying geometric distances and the network congestion [19]. By "success," we mean the content is delivered in time, which can be modeled by a Bernoulli random variable X t,u,v ∈ {0, 1} with mean µ (u,v) . ...
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Road Side Units (RSUs) are the essential component of vehicular communication for the objective of improving safety and mobility in the road transportation. RSUs are generally deployed at the roadside and more specifically at the intersections in order to collect traffic information from the vehicles and disseminate alarms and messages in emergency situations to the neighborhood vehicles cooperating with the network. However, the development of a predominant RSUs placement algorithm for ensuring competent communication in VANETs is a challenging issue due to the hindrance of obstacles like water bodies, trees and buildings. In this paper, Ruppert's Delaunay Triangulation Refinement Scheme (RDTRS) for optimal RSUs placement is proposed for accurately estimating the optimal number of RSUs that has the possibility of enhancing the area of coverage during data communication. This RDTRS is proposed by considering the maximum number of factors such as global coverage, intersection popularity, vehicle density and obstacles present in the map for optimal RSUs placement, which is considered as the core improvement over the existing RSUs optimal placement strategies. It is contributed for deploying requisite RSUs with essential transmission range for maximal coverage in the convex map such that each position of the map could be effectively covered by at least one RSU in the presence of obstacles. The simulation experiments of the proposed RDTRS are conducted with complex road traffic environments. The results of this proposed RDTRS confirmed its predominance in reducing the end-to-end delay by 21.32%, packet loss by 9.38% with improved packet delivery rate of 10.68%, compared to the benchmarked schemes.
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Owing to the limited spectrum of vehicular social networks and the fragmented distribution of caching resources, problems such as low vehicle data transmission rate, poor service quality, and low service content delivery efficiency of streaming media are encountered. To solve these problems, we propose a resource allocation strategy based on tripartite graph in vehicular social networks (RATG). This strategy establishes a mobile vehicular social network model based on vehicle mobility and social similarity. To maximize the content delivery efficiency and transmission rate, one-to-one stable matching based on mobile social connections and one-to-one stable matching based on channel state are established. The proposed strategy incorporates a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the maximum spanning tree, such that the matching results of the two tripartite graphs can reach the approximate global optimal simultaneously and further improve the service quality of vehicles. The simulation results show that the content delivery efficiency of the RATG strategy is 6.05%, 5.00%, and 10.64% higher than those of the randomized resources allocation strategy, local search strategy, and local ratio strategy, respectively, and the average transmission rate is at least 2.7% higher for the RATG strategy, relative to those of the other strategies.
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In-network cache architectures, such as Information-centric networks (ICNs), have proven to be an efficient alternative to deal with the growing content consumption on networks. In caching networks, any device can potentially act as a caching node. In practice, real cache networks may employ different caching replacement policies by a node. The reason is that the policies may vary in efficiency according to unbounded context factors, such as cache size, content request pattern, content distribution popularity, and the relative cache location. The lack of suitable policies for all nodes and scenarios undermines the efficient use of available cache resources. Therefore, a new model for choosing caching policies appropriately to cache contexts on-demand and over time becomes necessary. In this direction, we propose a new caching meta-policy strategy capable of learning the most appropriate policy for cache online and dynamically adapting to context variations that leads to changes in which policy is best. The meta-policy decouples the eviction strategy from managing the context information used by the policy, and models the choice of suitable policies as online learning with a bandit feedback problem. The meta-policy supports deploying a diverse set of self-contained caching policies in different scenarios, including adaptive policies. Experimental results with single and multiple caches have shown the meta-policy effectiveness and adaptability to different content request models in synthetic and trace-driven simulations. Moreover, we compared the meta-policy adaptive behavior with the Adaptive Replacement Policy (ARC) behavior.
Remarkable prevalence of in-car entertainment systems empowers vehicular users to download multimedia-enabled contents in transit and creates a new business opportunity for content providers (CPs). However, the timely delivery of requested content is a major concern for CPs to improve the quality of service (QoS) of their subscribe users. Roadside unit (RSU)-based caching appears as a promising solution for CPs wherein CPs proactively store their content at the RSU to reduce the content delivery time. Since the RSUs are enabled with limited storage capacity, the competition among multiple CPs for storage space is unavoidable. Further, the CPs are connected with RSUs using capacity limited backhaul links. Hence the allocation of RSUs' storage among CPs becomes a fundamental issue in RSU-based caching networks. In this paper, we design a market scenario in which the set of CPs competes for the storage space of RSUs. In the unavailability of utility and cost functions of the CPs and the RSUs, we introduce a market maker to manage the marketplace. Further, we employ iteration-based double-sided auction mechanism to compute the optimal storage allocation and corresponding payment transfer for CPs which maximizes the social welfare of the networks. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed auction mechanism improves the social welfare of the network by at least 29.3% compared to the benchmark schemes. Further, with the help of both analytical and numerical analysis, we show that the proposed auction mechanism also holds vital economical properties.
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) with advanced communication, computing, and control capabilities will provide not only a convenient means of transportation but also an emerging platform for real-time social communications and networking. Thereby, it is crucial to enable timely exchange of information over the dynamic cyber-physical-social system enabled by the AVs. In this paper, we consider age of information (AoI)-centric real-time information dissemination over vehicular social networks (VSNs), where the AoI captures the freshness of received data packets. We first propose a mathematical framework based on the mean-field theory (MFT) to analyze the network AoI (NAoI) of VSNs, namely AoI for the AV that lastly receives the information update in the network. The proposed analytical framework considers both the social features of vehicular networks, which are characterized using the scale-free network theory, and the underlying wireless communication process to evaluate the NAoI. Then, we further consider joint optimization of the information update rate at the source node and the transmit probabilities at the AVs for minimization of the average peak NAoI (PNAoI), i.e., the time average of peak values occurred in the evolution of the NAoI, which is solved via a novel parametric optimization scheme. Both analytical and simulation results show that compared with several baseline schemes, the proposed scheme can exploit the scale-free feature of the VSNs to significantly lower the average PNAoI by up to 96 %\% .
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Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) have attracted the research community due to its diverse applications ranging from safety to entertainment. Social vehicles standing for private cars and floating cars standing for taxis are two important components of VSN. However, the lack of social vehicles data causes some factors are neglected including social aspects and macroscopic features, that blocks researching social attributes of vehicles in VSN. Generating a realistic mobility dataset for VSN validation has been a great challenge. In this paper, we present the detailed procedure to generate social vehicular mobility dataset from the view of floating car data, which has the advantage of wide universality. Firstly, through the deep analysis and modeling of the dataset of floating cars and combining with the official data, we predict the Origin-Destination (OD) Matrix of social vehicles with the Gravity Model, and then calibrate the OD matrix with the Average Growth Factor Method. Secondly, we construct network description after editing the road network. Thirdly, we use Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) to reproduce the scenario in view of micro-simulation by generating the mobility dataset of social vehicles based on floating car data and urban functional areas. At last, we prove the effectiveness of our method by comparing with real traffic situation in Beijing. The generated mobility model may not accurately represent the mobility of social vehicles in few spots, such as train station or airport, however, exploiting figures and facts of transportation in the city have been considered in the study to calibrate the model up to maximum possible realization. IEEE
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Vehicular transportation is an essential part of modern cities. However, the ever increasing number of road accidents, traffic congestion, and other such issues become obstacles for the realization of smart cities. As the integration of the Internet of Vehicles and social networks, vehicular social networks (VSNs) are promising to solve the above-mentioned problems by enabling smart mobility in modern cities, which are likely to pave the way for sustainable development by promoting transportation efficiency. In this article, the definition of and a brief introduction to VSNs are presented first. Existing supporting communication technologies are then summarized. Furthermore, we introduce an application scenario on trajectory data-analysis-based traffic anomaly detection for VSNs. Finally, several research challenges and open issues are highlighted and discussed.
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Recently the conflict between exploiting the value of personal data and protecting individuals' privacy has attracted much attention. Personal data market provides a promising solution to this conflict, while determining the price of privacy is a tough issue. In this paper, we study the pricing problem in a setting where a data collector sequentially buys data from multiple data owners whose valuations of privacy are randomly drawn from an unknown distribution. To maximize the total payoff, the collector needs to dynamically adjust the prices offered to owners. We model the sequential decision-making problem of the collector as a multi-armed bandit problem with each arm representing a candidate price. Specifically, the privacy protection technique adopted by the collector is taken into account. Protecting privacy generally causes a negative effect on the value of data, and this effect is embodied by the time-variant distributions of the rewards associated with arms. Based on the classic upper confidence bound policy, we propose two learning policies for the bandit problem. The first policy estimates the expected reward of a price by counting how many times the price has been accepted by data owners. The second policy treats the time-variant data value as a context and uses ridge regression to estimate the rewards in different contexts. Simulation results on real-world data demonstrate that by applying the proposed policies, the collector can get a payoff which is close to that he can get by setting a fixed price, which is the best in hindsight, for all data owners.
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This paper surveys recent literature on vehicular social networks that are a particular class of vehicular ad hoc networks, characterized by social aspects and features. Starting from this pillar, we investigate perspectives on next-generation vehicles under the assumption of social networking for vehicular applications (i.e., safety and entertainment applications). This paper plays a role as a starting point about socially inspired vehicles and mainly related applications, as well as communication techniques. Vehicular communications can be considered the “first social network for automobiles” since each driver can share data with other neighbors. For instance, heavy traffic is a common occurrence in some areas on the roads (e.g., at intersections, taxi loading/unloading areas, and so on); as a consequence, roads become a popular social place for vehicles to connect to each other. Human factors are then involved in vehicular ad hoc networks, not only due to the safety-related applications but also for entertainment purposes. Social characteristics and human behavior largely impact on vehicular ad hoc networks, and this arises to the vehicular social networks, which are formed when vehicles (individuals) “socialize” and share common interests. In this paper, we provide a survey on main features of vehicular social networks, from novel emerging technologies to social aspects used for mobile applications, as well as main issues and challenges. Vehicular social networks are described as decentralized opportunistic communication networks formed among vehicles. They exploit mobility aspects, and basics of traditional social networks, in order to create novel approaches of message exchange through the detection of dynamic social structures. An overview of the main state-of-the-art on safety and entertainment applications relying on social networking solutions is also provided.
Vehicular content networks (VCNs), which distribute medium-volume contents to vehicles in a fully distributed manner, represent the key enabling technology of vehicular infotainment applications. In VCNs, the road-side units (RSUs) cache replicas of contents on the edge of networks to facilitate the timely content delivery to driving-through vehicles when requested. However, due to the limited storage at RSUs and soaring content size for distribution, RSUs can only selectively cache content replicas. The edge caching scheme in RSUs therefore become a fundamental issue in VCNs. This paper addresses the issue by developing an edge caching scheme in RSUs. Specifically, we first analyze the features of vehicular content requests based on the content access pattern, vehicle's velocity, and road traffic density. A model is then proposed to determine whether and where to obtain the replica of content when the moving vehicle requests it. A cross entropy based scheme is proposed accordingly to cache the efficient content at the edge of VCNs. Lastly, the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by extensive simulation experiments.
The explosive growth of mobile data traffic has made cellular operators to seek low-cost alternatives for cellular traffic off-loading. In this paper, we consider a content delivery network where a vehicular communication network composed of roadside units (RSUs) is integrated into a cellular network to serve as an off-loading platform. Each RSU subjecting to its storage capacity caches a subset of the contents of the central content server. Allocating the suitable subset of contents in each RSU cache such that maximizes the hit ratio of vehicles requests is a problem of paramount value that is targeted in this study. First, we propose a centralized solution in which, we model the cache content placement problem as a submodular maximization problem and show that it is NP-hard. Second, we propose a distributed cooperative caching scheme, in which RSUs in an area periodically share information about their contents locally and thus update their cache. To this end, we model the distributed caching problem as a strategic resource allocation game that achieves at least 50% of the optimal solution. Finally, we evaluate our scheme using simulation for urban mobility simulator under realistic conditions. On average, the results show an improvement of 8% in the hit ratio of the proposed method compared with other well-known cache content placement approaches.
In this paper, we apply Thompson sampling to a class of average reward stochastic control problems with parameter uncertainty. Specifically, we study an average reward stochastic control problem over an infinite horizon in which both the reward and state transition distributions are parameterized by an unknown parameter taking values in a finite space. The main result of this paper is a proof showing that Thompson sampling achieves a worst-case average per period regret of O(T�1), which is asymptotically optimal.
We consider a repeated routing game over a finite horizon with partial control under selfish response, in which a central authority can control a fraction of the flow and seeks to improve a network-wide objective, while the remaining flow applies an online learning algorithm. This finite horizon control problem is inspired from the one-shot Stackelberg routing game. Our setting is different in that we do not assume that the selfish players play a Nash equilibrium; instead, we assume that they apply an online learning algorithm. This results in an optimal control problem under learning dynamics. We propose different methods for approximately solving this problem: A greedy algorithm and a mirror descent algorithm based on the adjoint method. In particular, we derive the adjoint system equations of the Hedge dynamics and show that they can be solved efficiently. We compare the performance of these methods (in terms of achieved cost and computational complexity) on parallel networks, and on a model of the Los Angeles highway network.
With the rapid advances in vehicular technologies and social multimedia applications, VSNs have emerged and gained significant attention from both industry and academia. However, due to the low communication ability between vehicles, heavy network traffic load, and limited storage capacity, VSNs face the challenge to improve the performance of content delivery to provide a pleasant and safe driving experience. Therefore, in this article, first we present a novel framework to deliver content in VSNs with D2D communication. In the proposed framework, moving vehicles can exchange content directly with each other according to D2D communication. All contents are managed in a content-centric mode, where moving vehicles can send their interests to obtain content with naming information, resulting in a reduction of network traffic load. Based on the D2D communication, parked vehicles around the street can form vehicular social communities with the moving vehicles passing along the road, where the storage capacity of VSNs can be increased by using the contents in parked vehicles. Then we present the detailed process of content delivery in VSNs including interest sending, content distribution, and content replacement. Finally, experiment results prove the efficiency of the proposal.