Conference PaperPDF Available

Secure Semantic Interoperability for IoT Applications with Linked Data



Interoperability stands for the capacity of a system to interact with the units of another entity. Although it is quite easy to accomplish this within the products of the same brand, it is not facile to provide compatibility for the whole spectrum of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Linked Data (LD) world. Currently, the different applications and devices operate in their own cloud/platform, without supporting sufficient interaction with different vendor-products. As it concerns the meaning of data, which is the main focus of this paper, semantics can settle commonly agreed information models and ontologies for the used terms. However, as there are several ontologies for describing each distinct 'Thing', we need Semantic Mediators (SMs) in order to perform common data mapping across the various utilized formats (i.e. XML or JSON) and ontology alignment (e.g. resolve conflicts). Our goal is to enable end-to-end vertical compatibility and horizontal cooperation at all levels (field/network/backend). Moreover, the implication of security must be taken into consideration as the unsafe adoption of semantic technologies exposes the linking data and the user's privacy, issues that are neglected by the majority of the semantic-web studies. A motivating example of smart sensing is described along with a preliminary implementation on real heterogeneous devices. Two different IoT platforms are integrating in the case study, detailing the main SM features. The proposed setting is secure, scalable, and the overall overhead is sufficient for runtime operation, while providing significant advances over state-of-the-art solutions.
Fig. 1.
The semantics stack in IoT
Secure Semantic Interoperability for IoT
Applications with Linked Data
George Hatzivasilis, Othonas Soultatos,
Eftychia Lakka, Sotiris Ioannidis
Institute of Computer Science
Foundation for Research and
Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
Heraklion, Crete, Greece,,,
Darko Anicic, Arne Bröring
Siemens AG
Corporate Technology Siemens
Munich, Germeny,
Mirko Falchetto
STMicroelectronics S.r.l.
Agrate Brianza, Italy
Konstantinos Fysarakis, George
Sphynx Technology Solutions AG
Zug, Switzerland,
Lukasz Ciechomski
BlueSoft Sp. z.o.o.
Warsaw, Poland
Abstract—Interoperability stands for the capacity of a
system to interact with the units of another entity. Although it
is quite easy to accomplish this within the products of the same
brand, it is not facile to provide compatibility for the whole
spectrum of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and the Linked Data
(LD) world. Currently, the different applications and devices
operate in their own cloud/platform, without supporting
sufficient interaction with different vendor-products. As it
concerns the meaning of data, which is the main focus of this
paper, semantics can settle commonly agreed information
models and ontologies for the used terms. However, as there
are several ontologies for describing each distinct ‘Thing’, we
need Semantic Mediators (SMs) in order to perform common
data mapping across the various utilized formats (i.e. XML or
JSON) and ontology alignment (e.g. resolve conflicts). Our goal
is to enable end-to-end vertical compatibility and horizontal
cooperation at all levels (field/network/backend). Moreover,
the implication of security must be taken into consideration as
the unsafe adoption of semantic technologies exposes the
linking data and the user’s privacy, issues that are neglected by
the majority of the semantic-web studies. A motivating
example of smart sensing is described along with a preliminary
implementation on real heterogeneous devices. Two different
IoT platforms are integrating in the case study, detailing the
main SM features. The proposed setting is secure, scalable, and
the overall overhead is sufficient for runtime operation, while
providing significant advances over state-of-the-art solutions.
Keywords—semantics, linked data, data mapping, ontology
alignment, interoperability, IoT, JSON-LD, SPARQL-LD
I. I
This paper tackles the semantic interoperability issues
that arise in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain [1].
Semantic interoperability is the designed property where
various systems can interact with each other and exchange
data with unambiguous, shared meaning. This enables
knowledge discovery, machine computable reasoning, and
federation of different information systems.
Interoperability is materialized by including information
regarding the data (metadata) and linking each element to a
commonly shared vocabulary (e.g. [2], [3]). Thus, the
meaning of the data is exchanged along the data itself in a
self-describing information package. The shared vocabulary
and the associations to an ontology enable machine
interoperation, logic, and inference. Ontology is the explicit
specification of a conceptualization and includes a formal
representation of the properties and relations between the
entities, concepts and data of a specific application domain.
In general, technologies from the Semantic Web are adapted
in order to capture the inherited properties of an IoT
ecosystem [4], [5]. They are mainly eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) schemes, such as the Resource Description
Framework (RDF), RDF Scheme (RDFS), and Web
Ontology Language (OWL) for ontologies, and for services
the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). These
primitives provide common definitions of data or services,
describe things with the underlying properties, and
accommodate the semantic annotations, discovery of
resources, inference of knowledge, and access control, in an
interoperable and machine-readable fashion.
The common format and meaning of semantics in a
universally accepted ontology, as suggested above, would be
fruitful. Yet, this is not the current status [1]. While various
systems could employ standardized or popular ontologies,
eventually they extend them and settle own interfaces and
semantics (e.g. [4], [5]). Thereby, the direct interaction of
such systems is infeasible. A smart watch for example,
which is developed in IOS could not interwork with smart
bulbs without a relevant proprietary gated application from
the same brand. Therefore, islands of IoT functionality are
established, leading towards a vertical ‘Intranet-of-Things’
instead of the actual vision of an ‘Internet-of-Things’. To
presume upon the full potential of the IoT setting, we require
standards for accomplishing the desired horizontal and
vertical operation, communication, and programming across
platforms/devices, independent of their vendor and/or model.
Nevertheless, the cyber-security concerns must be also
taken into account throughout the whole semantic resolution
process. The mainstream network defences alone (i.e. TLS)
are not adequate in protecting the communication against an
emerging type of malicious entity, the semantic attacker [6],
[7]. While the ordinary attacks could exploit the lack or bad
configuration of cryptography, adversaries in the Semantic
Web try to manipulate the semantic relations and the RDF
rules. The goal is to control the inference operation of the
reasoning components that collect, correlate, and process
data. The semantic attacks exploit network or Web level
vulnerabilities. They do not attack the reasoning system itself
but they try to compromise the input data to influence the
deduced conclusions. The distributed nature of the IoT and
the linking data of the social Web exaggerates the problem,
especially in the case of the follow your nose algorithm [8]
that is performed by many Linked Data (LD) applications.
Thus, the deployment of Semantic Mediators (SMs) is
recommended in this article in order to correlate the required
information and materialize cross-domain interaction with
interoperability between systems of different semantics. The
SMs transform data in the same format and resolve potential
conflicts between the different thing descriptions. Security
countermeasures are also deployed, protecting the data both
in transit and at rest. The main contributions of the proposed
SMs include: i) cooperation with legacy, XML, and
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formats, ii) support of
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) initiatives for IoT and
LD (i.e. standardized ontologies,, JSON for
Linking Data (JSON-LD)), iii) direct processing of JSON-
LD data by the inference and reasoning modules (with
SPARQL-LD [9]), iv) secure transmission of data (Transport
Layer Security (TLS) at all communications) defending the
system against data in transit attacks, v) validation of the data
legitimacy prior their usage (i.e. JSON Web Signature (JWS)
/ Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
framework [10]), protecting against the data in rest semantic
attacks, vi) distributed functionality across the edge,
network, and backend systems, vii) efficient and scalable
operation, viii) integration of two EU funded IoT initiatives:
the SEMIOTICS project and the FIWARE cluster, and ix)
advancements over state-of-the-art solutions.
The rest article is structured as: Section II refers the
background theory regarding the semantic interoperability in
the IoT domain and related works for semantic
mediators/brokers. Section III evinces the security
perspective. Section IV describes the proposed SM
component. Section V details the implementation of a
preliminary version along with the performance evaluation.
Section VI discusses the evaluation results and presents a
comparative study with alternative candidates, while Section
VII concludes and mentions future extensions.
A. Semantics
There are several Sematic Web initiatives that try to
describe and model specific domain ontologies. The most
notable effort for semantics formation in the IoT field are the
Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) and Sensor Observation
Sampling Actuator (SOSA) ontologies by the W3C
community [2]. Combined together, SOSA/SSN model
sensors, actuators, samplers as well as their observation,
actuation, and sampling activities. The ontologies capture the
sensor and actuator capabilities, usage environment,
performance, and enabling contextual data discovery. This
also constitutes the standardized ontologies for the semantic
sensor networks. The cooperation of SSN and SOSA offers
different scope and degrees of axiomatization that enable a
wide range of application scenarios of Web 3.0 [11].
The general approach regarding the semantic
interoperability that is followed by several IoT initiatives,
like the EU funded projects OpenIoT [4] and INTER-IoT [5],
is the usage of the SSN/SOSA ontologies as the semantic
base. The ontologies are then extended with the additional
required concepts to model the targeted application
scenarios. Such concepts usually include relevant standards
and ontologies for specific application areas, like e-health
[12], and less often extensions at the sensor level (as the
relevant SSN/SOSA information is quite complete).
In the ongoing shift towards the Web 3.0, we move from
a Web of linked documents into a Web of linked data [3],
[11]. Except from modelling ontology schemas as mentioned
before, this also includes methods for publishing structured
data in a manner that it can be interlinking and accessed by
semantic queries, like in the LD approach. Just recently, the
working group Web of Things (WoT) was initiated by the
W3C in an attempt to circumscribe the fragmentation issues
in IoT and enable interoperable services and devices,
therefore decreasing the overall development costs. The
Thing Description (TD) constitutes a considerable aspect of
this W3C WoT interplay. TDs describe the interfaces of
(physical) Things and their metadata in a machine
interpretable manner. They are built upon the W3C's
extensive efforts on RDF and JSON- LD, and determine a
domain agnostic vocabulary for defining any Thing in terms
of its properties, actions, and events. Here, several semantic
models can express the semantic meaning of these attributes
for each particular Thing. The is such a
meritorious communal effort to establish a semantic schema
for the IoT ecosystems. Jointly, W3C WoT and, instate a layer for semantic interoperability
which renders the software capable in interacting with the
physical world. This interplay is abstracted in such a manner
where the development of applications across various IoT
settings and domains is ease and simplified.
Then, data can be transmitted in an RDF format and
stored in triple stores (e.g. Sesame and Virtuoso) [13].
Thereafter, tools are used which process semantic queries
[14]. The standardized SPARQL is the query language for
the Semantic Web [15]. It acts as a semantic database and
constitutes the main option for semantic reasoning. Methods
are also supported to interrogate multiple triple-stores over
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). SPARQL can process
data with XML format and exploit the RDF rules in order to
answer queries for the stored information. An interesting
variant is the SPARQL-LD [9]. This version parses JSON-
LD data and can also gather linking information directly
from the Internet. The implementation extends a popular
SPARQL processor for the Jena Apache server [9] and is
quite efficient (an ask query on DPedia requires around
300ms on average).
Fig. 1 illustrates the overall semantics stack of a modern
IoT setting. Thereafter, these semantic layers are adopted in
the SEMIOTICS project and we utilize the SMs in order to
align the semantics of other cooperative platforms, like the
FIWARE cluster. Also, the SMs embodies the SPARQL-LD
for the implementation of the semantic reasoning and the
direct processing of JSON-LD data across the Internet.
B. Ontology Alignment
Depending on the completeness and expressiveness of
the processed ontologies, the aforementioned reasoning tools
can infer associations among the different semantic domains.
OWL rules are exploited for this purpose, like the
owl:sameAs, owl:equivalentClass, and owl:subClassOf.
They provide the basic ontology alignment functionality
between the underlying linking information. Thus, data are
adapted and transformed across signified ontologies.
However, as Halpin et al. state [16], expressing
relationships on LD is a much more complex problem than
just applying the owl:sameAs rule. Currently, there is a
plethora of distinct datasets that have been developed
independently. The problem arises when someone tries to
integrate/correlate these pieces of knowledge together, as
many of the applied owl:sameAs rules tend to be mutually
incompatible. Indicative cases of erroneous usage include
definitions for: i) the same thing but in different context, ii)
the same thing but in referentially opaque, iii) different
representations of the same thing, and iv) very similar things
[16]. Moreover, the expressive capabilities of OWL are
constrained and are not always sufficient for modeling
complex interrelations or resolving semantic conflicts [17],
[18]. Doulaverakis et al. also mention [18] that the
knowledge base have to be extended with rules in order to
capture situations that cannot be defined by OWL alone.
Therefore, semantic brokers are deployed to perform
ontology alignment and resolve semantic conflicts [17], [18],
retaining the reliability and Quality of Service (QoS) in the
IoT setting. The Semantic Information Brokers (SIBs) [17] is
a typical option for semantic interoperability in pervasive
computing. The semantics are described by mainstream
solutions, like RDF/OWL, and distributed SIBs resolve
semantics in the local smart space scale. Then, Resolve
Servers interlink the knowledge originated by SIBs and
permit cross-domain interaction, exploiting the modelling
capabilities of OWL. SPARQL is utilized for reasoning.
The Intelligent Information Fusion (IIF) [18]
recommends a low level mechanism for consolidating
information from heterogeneous sensory equipment. The
case study considers a city-wide public surveillance system
that has to process information from multiple resources (e.g.
visible spectrum or IR cameras, and acoustic sensors) in real-
time. The semantics of each domain are modelled by the
mainstream XML/RDF technologies and the reasoning is
implemented as an SQL-like procedural language in
SPARQL. Then, the user defines fusion functions describing
which pieces of information are to be retrieved (e.g. number
of persons, detection of smoke, etc.) by each platform and
how to use them. IIF successfully correlates semantics of the
same format for different domains and overcomes some
restrictions of the OWL expressiveness. On the other hand, it
does not resolve semantic conflicts.
Similarly, the semantically-enabled Plug & Play
approach for the Sensor Web ([19], [20]) facilitates the
automatic association of sensors to data hosting Web
services. A mediation approach is implemented based on an
ontology that extends SSN and a set of SWRL rules. First,
the sensor metadata (expressed in standard SensorML) is
auto-translated into the ontology. Then, the matchmaking is
performed through subsumption reasoning between those
advertised sensor metadata and the requirements specified by
Web services. Finally, for spatial, temporal and unit
matchmaking, SWRL rules are executed and also employed
for mediation between convertible mismatches.
The Semantic Web utilizes the widely-known Uniform
Resource Identifiers (URIs) as a mean to address and link
data and their sources. The consumer (user or service)
discovers the required information in the Web, retrieves the
data from the related URI, and processes it. However, several
security aspects have been neglected throughout the overall
operation [21]. W3C standardized the core semantic
technologies before the formalization of the Same Origin
Policy and the TLS, and thus, the Semantic Web had been
designed without taking into account the security
implications [21]. Until even today, there are almost no
academic works on the Semantic Web security [22], [23].
Furthermore, there is also considerable confusion regarding
the underlying security aspects, like the usage of HTTP URIs
or the misuse of cryptographic solutions (i.e. TLS,
WebID+TLS.2, etc.). These facts also raise significant
privacy risks for the personal data that can be exposed and
linked across the Internet.
If TLS has not been properly set in the origin, a network
attacker acting as a man-in-the-middle can manipulate the
transmitted traffic. The malicious entity can gain the control
of the exchanged information and perform a series of
specialized attacks (e.g. Coercive parsing, SOAPAction
spoofing, Metadata spoofing, attack obfuscation, WS-
Addressing spoofing, attacks on Web Service Compositions
through Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) state
deviation, signature wrapping with namespace injection, etc.)
[6], [7]. These exploits could potentially change endpoint
URLs, message schemas, cryptographic parameters, or
remove security assertions, and even add/delete/change/fake
operations. Over and above, the attacks can be done quite
easily with open-source tools (e.g. sslstrip or wireshark),
while it is impossible for the consumer to discriminate the
malicious activity.
Nevertheless, except from securing the information in
transit with TLS, we must also protect the data in rest at the
backend side. This is an even more neglected research issue
for the Semantic Web specialists and practitioners. As
Thuraisingham states [23], securing RDF is a much more
challenging task than in the ordinary HTML/XML settings as
we also need to retain the security of the semantic level. So
far the highest majority of researchers and Semantic Web
users simply consider the protection mechanisms for access
control and secure transmission [22].
Thus, consider the case where the hacker infiltrates a
vulnerable server that hosts ontologies or schemas, and
replaces them with malicious ones (in a similar fashion as
they can change the HTML code of popular sites). The same
effect could be accomplished through Domain Name System
(DNS) poisoning, where the attacker makes the traffic to be
routed in a compromised server instead to the legitimate one.
The result will be successful attacks, as in the
aforementioned cases of data in transit assaults ([6], [7]).
Note that some versions of these attacks can be performed
even if the TLS communication has been set correctly. Then,
take as an indicative example, an application that utilizes
linking data form the Web in order to determine if a citizen is
categorized in a particular class, like the terrorist group. A
semantic attacker who manipulates one of the resources that
is parsed by the inference engine (either in transit or at rest)
could alter the terrorist definition. The OWL/RDF triples
which denote that the crime must be political by virtue of a
certain government-approved definition, are erased. Then,
any person who exhibits a less important deviating behaviour
(e.g. violation of the road traffic code, robbery, etc.) would
be erroneously categorized as a terrorist. If more triples are
deleted, any citizen could be denoted as a terrorist by this
correctly functioning inference procedure, due to the
utilization of data with poor quality.
Therefore, as the Semantic Web reasoning is based on
collecting and integrating trusted data across the Internet, the
whole information retrieval infrastructure must deploy TLS
for every involved URI. If triples are originated from Web-
level protocols, the protocols must also utilize TLS and
retain their security properties. Moreover, in order to protect
the inference engine that gathers linked data from the Web
for the data in rest attacks, we need to authenticate the
legitimacy of the information before proceeding to further
processing. For these purposes, the IETF standard JWS has
been proposed [10]. The information that is contained in
JSON files is signed and the consumer can verify the
source’s authenticity along with the integrity of the received
data. The full framework, called JOSE [10], can also support
encryption for confidentiality.
For the proposed SMs, except from deploying TLS and
signing data, we mainly utilize JWS to sign the TDs that are
processed and validate the trustworthiness of the reported
transformation rules. As these rules are pieces of code that
will be executed by the legitimate system for accomplishing
ontology alignment, they have to be also inspected by the
system operator prior their integration to the knowledge base.
Otherwise, the SM could be vulnerable to code injection
attacks. Nevertheless, this is not considered a significant
burden for the operator as it is done only once, when a new
or updated TD is parsed. Then, the runtime interoperation of
the various components is done automatically.
This section details the operation of the semantic
mediators. The SMs utilize the Yet Another Next Generation
(YANG) data model in order to map the data in a common
format (i.e. JSON). For ontology alignment, they retrieve
transformation rules from the related signed JSON-LD files
and then perform the rules as regular expressions in Perl.
A. Data Mapping
The YANG data language is defined in the RFC 7950. It
is a current programming trend and facilitates the
deployment of new applications in various platforms. For
this purpose, YANG supports the NETCONF and
RESTCONF interfaces for the deployment of network and
RESTful services, respectively. The service operations are
modelled in YANG. Then, the YANG processor parses the
model and exports the abstract development project in a
denoted programming language (e.g. JAVA, C/C++, etc.).
For our motivating example below, we utilize these features
in order to deploy the smart functionality that collects,
processes, and transmits the sensed information. More
specifically, we exploit the RESTCONF and implement
RESTful web services that run in the field and backend
systems. RESTCONF is defined in the RFC 8040.
Thereafter, we additionally exploit YANG to establish a
common data mapping between the involved operations. The
interfaces can process messages with semantic information.
At the design phase, we have described the structure of these
messages in YANG (e.g. get current temperature value from
a sensor). Then, at runtime, we can transform XML
messages into JSON ones and vice versa, according to the
specific format which is supported by each interface. The
mapping is accomplished via the IEFT Internet Draft draft-
ietf-netmod-yang-json, which establishes a one-to-one
mapping between JSON and the subset of XML that can be
modelled by YANG. The overall functionality is also
tailored in order to cooperate with legacy formats, as in the
IoT domain there could be several constrained devices, like
motes/sensors, that do not process structured data (e.g. [24],
[25], [26], and [27]).
B. Ontology Alignment & Semantic Reasoning
After we have achieved the common format, the next step
is to resolve semantic conflicts and perform ontology
alignment between the interacting domains. Thus, we need
transformation rules that describe how we can transform
data that are processed by one application into a compatible
form which is understandable by another machine.
For the proposed SM components, the rules are modelled
as specific JSON tags that are included in the related
TD/JSON-LD files. Each rule tag contains the identification
of the two domains (from-to) and a Regular Expression
(RE). The RE is a valid PERL program that models the
search pattern (for matching the data to be altered) and the
transformation formula itself (how the data will be changed).
For example, the next TD sample transforms the temperature
value from the Celsius to the Fahrenheit scale. Once parsed
to the inference engine, the rule takes as input the JSON-LD
file from a FIWARE’s set_temperature service, searches for
the temperature value, and changes it to the other scale. The
expressiveness of this RE type is even more advance than
just performing a single mathematic formula. REs can
perform complex transformations and successfully resolve
conflicts that occur by the incorrect OWL correlations [16].
V. I
A. Motivating Example – Smart Sensing
As a motivating example, we consider a smart sensing
scenario, where a smart building deploys several sensing
equipment in order to support pervasive and ubiquitous
Fig. 2. The smart sensing interoperability scenario.
functionality. Energy management is such a popular service.
Horizontal operation in the field system is mandatory as well
as vertical cooperation with the backend. The Customer
Energy Manager (CEM) is a logical function for optimizing
energy consumption and can be deployed either in the home
gateway and/or in the cloud. The interoperability of the
underlying IoT devices and the CEM service must be
guaranteed regardless their brand or manufacturer. The user
should be able to buy and install any smart device while
retaining the full functionality of the integrated system.
As an indicative scenario, we consider the case where the
user installs temperature sensors in the rooms. Three types of
sensory devices are modelled: the first one is bought from a
European manufacturer – measures the temperature in the
Celsius scale (
C) and transmits data in an XML format; the
second one is bought from USA – measures the temperature
in the Fahrenheit scale (
F) and transmits JSON messages;
and the third sensor is compatible with the FIWARE’s
semantics – measures the temperature in
C and transmits
JSON messages. Then, we model two reasoning processes
where the system collects data and takes runtime decisions.
Edge reasoning: The CEM functionality that runs in the
local gateway must retain a specified temperature value in
the building. At first, the SM component in the gateway
maps all gathered data in a common format and aligns all
semantics in the SEMIOTICS schema (
Thus, the temperature information is stored in JSON and in
the Celsius scale. If the temperature in a room goes beyond a
threshold, the relevant fan is adjusted accordingly.
Backend reasoning: If one device is damaged or
malfunctioning, the deductive capabilities of JSON-LD are
utilized to search for a technician who can fix it. Thus, the
equipment descriptions and the technicians’ expertise are
collected via Internet. The information is stored in the CEM
cloud service (i.e. SPARQL-LD) and the SM’s ontology
alignment can be performed if it is required.
The SMs are deployed in the gateway and the cloud to
ensure common data mappings and ontology alignment.
They also include a local repository for maintaining TDs and
sensed data. Then, semantic reasoning can be performed, i.e.
with SPARQL/SPARQL-LD. Fig. 2 depicts this scenario.
From bottom-up, we consider 3 main data flows that
implement the abovementioned functionality. The first data
flow includes the local communication of the interconnected
devices at the edge system. The devices can interact directly
(if they are compatible) or indirectly through a gateway. If it
is required, the gateway also performs the SM services,
applying common data mappings and semantics. In the
second setting, the devices or a gateway application interplay
with the backend. Here again, the gateway can execute the
SM services for semantic interoperability. In cases where the
communication between the field and the backend (flow 2)
must be encrypted, the SM functionality is performed in the
cloud by the end-point that decrypts and processes the data.
B. Performance Evaluation & Comparison
A preliminary version of the proposed setting is
implemented. We deploy two different embedded platforms
that emulate the smart sensing equipment, consisting of
Zolertia Z1 motes and BeagleBone nodes. Two Z1 transmit
C messages with 6LoWPAN, a BeagleBone sends
F data over Ethernet, while another BeagleBone
exchanges JSON/
C information via USB-WiFi. A laptop
acts as the local gateway that gathers data from the edge
system. It also runs the SM service and emulates a fan device
that exchanges legacy-formatted/
C messages. A similar
virtual machine runs the backend SM in the cloud platform
Proxmox along with end-user services.
We measure the performance of the SM component in
the laptop (the cloud version performed similarly). For the
initialization process, 100 TDs are parsed by the mediator
(for the sake of this testbed, the operators consent is gained
automatically, without the manual inspection of the
transformation rules). Then, the devices sent totally 100
sensed messages, requiring common data mapping and
ontology alignment. Table I details the average evaluation
results. As is evidence, the overall overhead of the SM is
adequate for real-time applications which will have to
process many messages simultaneously.
Operation CPU (ms) RAM (KB)
Sign JSON-LD (RSA-2048) 0.3 7.0
TLS 10.7 11.5
Verify signature (offline) 0.2 0.5
Signature verification of TD 0.2 0.5
Processing of TD and extraction of
transformation rules 0.1 0,2
Intermediate data mapping models (Yang) 800 32,658
Total resource consumption 800.3 33.358
Runtime Processing
Operation CPU (ms) RAM (KB)
TLS+Signature verification 10.9 12
Data mapping (Yang) 800 32.658
Ontology alignment (Perl execution) 4.7 452
Maximum resource consumption 815.6 33.122
Table II summarizes the main features that are provided
by the proposed SM and the related SIB [17] and IIF [18]. In
general, SIB/IIF are suitable for RDF/OWL ecosystems
while SM also exploits the capabilities of the modern LD
approach. The expressive power of the SM/REs is far more
advance than a specific notification schema that must be
supported by all entities, as proposed by the related works.
Thus, SM resolves a high variety of semantic conflicts,
including the four main cases of erroneous OWL usage [16],
and offers a general ontology alignment approach. Moreover,
security and trust are considered, with the validity of TDs
and semantic data being verified before further processing.
Feature SM SIB [17] IIF [18]
Architecture Distributed Distributed Distributed
Data formats Legacy, XML,
Own physical
Semantic Security TLS and
This article presents the landscape for semantic
interoperability in the IoT. To do so, the state-of-the-art
approaches are reviewed, including technologies for
semantics, data mappings, ontologies alignment, semantic
reasoning, etc. The main outcome is the proposal of the
Semantic Mediator (SM) component which can be deployed
across the various IoT layers (field, network, backend) and
provide the required common representation and meaning of
data. The platform integration of 2 EU funded IoT initiatives
(SEMIOTICS and FIWARE) is described in a smart
temperature sensing scenario. This includes the appliance of
the various interoperability methods from the field to the
backend. The overall deployment is scalable and sufficient
for real-time operation. In comparison with related settings,
the SM retains security and exhibits more advanced data
mapping and ontology alignment capabilities. As future
extension, the SMs’ can be applied as privacy mediators,
where the transformation rules anonymize or generalize the
exchanged data and enhance the user’s privateness.
This work has received funding from the European Union
Horizon’s 2020 research and innovation programme under
the grant agreements No. 780315 (SEMIOTICS), No.
786890 (THREAT-ARREST), and No. 830927
[1] G. Hatzivasilis, et al., “The Interoperability of Things,” CAMAD,
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... Administrators of online communities are what we refer to as community managers. They are in responsible of the day-to-day operations of these communities via various types of virtual communities and social networks on the internet acting as a liaison between companies and online communities, ensuring a healthy link between the two [32]. ...
... They accomplish three purposes, in our perspective, by executing a range of tasks. To begin, they must boost the organization's marketing efforts by promoting products and events while also improving the organization's reputation [32]. They must improve the meeting, participation, and collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders related to online communities, while also attending to the needs and opinions of customers and other stakeholders, and attempting to monitor and control activity, particularly "word of mouth," over the internet (distribution lists, newsgroups, or web forums); implementing the organization's vision and relational marketing plan, while enhancing and ensuring good customer service; and implementing the organization's vision and relational marketing plan, while enhancing and ensuring good Second, they have a management role in that they must communicate the state of the community to the company by developing measurements, analyzing data, and identifying key success criteria to aid firms in developing product and process strategies. ...
In web-based marketing, the constant growth of the Internet has thrown up inconceivable opportunities and problems. Web 3.0, the most recent version of the web, is believed to be a technologically sophisticated medium that allows users to Read/Write/Execute and also allows robots to perform some of the thinking formerly reserved for human beings, but also as a game changer on the existing business models on which digital marketing is conducting nowadays. Online marketing with web 3.0 is also known as intuitive Web, which is a Semantic Web that allows web services to communicate with one another whilst web users are engaged and rewarded. Individualized and behavioral Web 3.0 will be the norm. Web 3.0 has generated new tools and technology for aiding web-based marketing in a short amount of time and in full transparency. To begin, this article addresses certain Web 3.0 concepts, development, and features. We explored the influence of web 3.0 on marketing in this study, as well as the many aspects that contribute to marketing uplift. Web 3.0 is a word used to describe the interaction that occurs as a result of the evolution of Web use and the transformation of the Web into a decentralized database. Smart web with intelligence analysis, personalization, interoperable web, virtualization (virtual 3D environments), blockchain technologies supporting smart contracts and multimedia are some of the most significant elements of these technologies. The broad adoption of Web 3.0 technologies in marketing settings has resulted in the creation of e-marketing 3.0. Web 3.0 is defined by facilitating cooperation and is powered by co-creation tools.
... Administrators of online communities are what we refer to as community managers. They are in responsible of the day-to-day operations of these communities via various types of virtual communities and social networks on the internet acting as a liaison between companies and online communities, ensuring a healthy link between the two [32]. Their most well-known duties are to build, manage, facilitate, make dynamic, raise, and generally ensure and enhance a company's dialogue and interactions with consumers and other stakeholders on the internet, depending on the interests of the business and other agents. ...
... They accomplish three purposes, in our perspective, by executing a range of tasks. To begin, they must boost the organization's marketing efforts by promoting products and events while also improving the organization's reputation [32]. They must improve the meeting, participation, and collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders related to online communities, while also attending to the needs and opinions of customers and other stakeholders, and attempting to monitor and control activity, particularly "word of mouth," over the internet (distribution lists, newsgroups, or web forums); implementing the organization's vision and relational marketing plan, while enhancing and ensuring good customer service; and implementing the organization's vision and relational marketing plan, while enhancing and ensuring good Second, they have a management role in that they must communicate the state of the community to the company by developing measurements, analyzing data, and identifying key success criteria to aid firms in developing product and process strategies. ...
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In web-based education and learning, the constant growth of the Internet has thrown up inconceivable opportunities and problems. Web 3.0, the most recent version of the web, is believed to be a technologically sophisticated medium that allows users to Read/Write/Execute and also allows robots to perform some of the thinking formerly reserved for human beings. Online marketing with web 3.0 is also known as intuitive Web, which is a Semantic Web that allows web services to communicate with one another. Individualized and behavioral Web 3.0 will be the norm. Web 3.0 has generated new tools and technology for aiding web-based education and learning in a short amount of time. To begin, this article addresses certain Web 3.0 concepts, development, and features. We explored the influence of web 3.0 on marketing in this study, as well as the many aspects that contribute to marketing uplift. Web 3.0 is a word used to describe the interaction that occurs as a result of the evolution of Web use and the transformation of the Web into a database. Smart web with intelligence analysis, personalisation, interoperable web, virtualization (virtual 3D environments), and multimedia are some of the most significant elements of these technologies. The broad adoption of Web 3.0 technologies in educational settings has resulted in the creation of e-learning 3.0. Web 3.0 is defined by facilitating cooperation and is powered by co-creation tools.
... AI in cybersecurity has its advantages and disadvantages. While it can enhance cyber-security, it can also expose AI applications to new forms of attacks (e.g., semantic attacks [103]), creating serious security threats. We suggest that having complete trust in AI for cyber-security is not justified, and to minimize security risks, it is essential to have some form of control to guarantee the use of 'reliable AI' for cyber-security. ...
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Digitalization is continuing facilitating our daily lives. The world is interconnected as never before, bringing close people, businesses, or other organizations. However, hackers are also coming close. New business and operational models require the collection and processing of massive amounts of data in real-time, involving utilization of complex information systems, large supply-chains, personal devices, etc. These impose several advantages for adversaries on the one hand (e.g., poorly protected or monitored elements, slow fashion of security updates/upgrades in components that gain little attention, etc.), and many difficulties for defenders on the other hand (e.g., administrate large and complex systems with high dynamicity) in this cyber-security interplay. Impactful attacks on ICT systems, critical infrastructures, and supply networks, as well as cyber-warfare are deriving the necessity for more effective defensives. This paper presents a swarm-intelligence solution for incident handling and response. Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is continuously integrated in the system (i.e., MISP, CVEs, STIX, etc.), and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) are incorporated in the risk assessment and event evaluation processes. Several incident handling and response sub-procedures are automated, improving effectiveness and decreasing response time. Information concerning identified malicious activity is circulated back to the community (i.e., via the MISP information sharing platform) in an open loop. The proposal is applied in the supply-chain of healthcare organizations in Europe (considering also EU data protection regulations). Nevertheless, it is a generic solution that can be applied in any domain.
... LOD is a concept that combines Linked Data [16] that connects data according to mutual relations and Open Data that is open to public data for anyone to use. LOD has a form in which data is connected by various relationships and issues a Data Set so that anyone can reuse the linked data through Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) on the web. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables many devices to connect to each other. However, these devices mostly come from different manufacturers with distinct product standards, which makes interactive control problems. Moreover, these devices will generate large amounts of data, and efficiently examining this information for intelligent services as well their heterogeneous nature, things communicate in different semantics making integration difficult and costly to achieve. Furthermore, the other challenges on the IoT consist of providing interoperability among IoT data, understanding data generated by IoT devices, and supporting developers in accomplishing these responsibilities by defining rules. Many IoT platforms currently offer data modeling and information retrieval services, however, these platforms use a variety of data models and standards, which also leads to interoperability problems. Semantic technologies eliminate such barriers by enabling semantic annotation of IoT data based on advanced and common data models. Therefore, semantic enlightenment is becoming an increasingly important requirement and a key challenge for IoT service layer platforms. Data gathered from various devices and vertical silos can be given enhanced meaning and can be more efficiently analyzed through semantic support in IoT systems. This thesis focused on to present a number of semantic features in an IoT platform for smart IoT services that are based on semantics for smart cities with implementation of semantics discovery services, as well as visualizing the results of these services. To design ontologies and develop services for the smart city project, the services are divided into three categories, LOD, mashups, and signage & BEMS. The admin dashboard manages all services in one place. Besides that, other IoT implantable projects are also managed through this dashboard.
... Also, the interoperability of security is ensured by using semantic web technologies. The secure semantic interoperability for IoT is also studied in [98]. For this purpose, a semantic mediator component across the various IoT layers is presented to provide the required common representation and meaning of data. ...
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As the Internet grows, so are advertising possibilities and challenges. Web 3.0 will boost the emerging economy as Internet access grows. The extent to which web 3.0 customer acquisition practises impact developing country marketplaces is debatable, although comparable tactics have been effective in wealthier countries. The report examines Web 3.0 e-business commerce's environment and strategy. This research, grounded on the theory of wants and needs, examines the tactics used by these regional businesses in an effort to clarify the factors that set them apart when it comes to e-commerce and to answer the question of how Web 3.0 firms can thrive in the new economic landscape. Lastly, we talk about some potential restrictions and implications.
The main objective of this chapter is to contribute a better knowledge and understanding of security and privacy issues in the IoT ecosystem and examine the current status in IoT-based healthcare systems. Thus, the fundamental security and privacy concepts in IoT are covered, the security and privacy concerns for the IoT healthcare systems are presented, the current semantic web-based solutions to ensure security and privacy in IoT ecosystem and IoT-based healthcare systems are examined, and challenges in the related field are discussed.
Conference Paper
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Day-by-day modern circular economy (CE) models gain ground and penetrate the traditional business sectors. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is the main enabler for this interplay of CE with healthcare. Novel services, like remote sensing, assisting of elder people, and e-visit, enhance the people's health and convenience, while reducing the per-patient cost for the medical institutions. However, the rise of mobile, wearable, and telemedicine solutions means that security can no longer be examined within the neat, physical walls as it was considered before. The problem for a healthcare system further increases as the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) reality, affects the way that the health services are accommodated nowadays. Both patients and healthcare staff utilize their personal devices (e.g. smart phones or tablets) in order to access, deliver, and process medical data. As the IoMT is materialized and the underlying devices maintain so valuable data, they become a popular target for ransomware and other attacks. In the CE case, the problem is further emerging as several of these assets can be used over-and-over by many actuators. However, medical users and vendors are less aware of the underlying vulnerabilities and spend less on the IoMT security. Nevertheless, the risk from exploiting vulnerabilities can be drastically reduced when the known and relevant controls are placed. This paper presents an overview of the core security and privacy controls that must be deployed in modern IoMT settings in order to safeguard the involved users and stakeholders. The overall approach can be considered as a best-practices guide towards the safe implementation of IoMT systems, featuring CE.
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This paper presents an overview of the interoperability concepts along with the challenges for the IoT domain and the upcoming Web 3.0. We identify four levels of interoperability and the relevant solutions for accomplishing vertical and horizontal compatibility between the various layers of a modern IoT ecosystem, referred to as: technological, syntactic, semantic, and organizational interoperability. The goal is to achieve cross-domain interaction and facilitate the proper usage and management of the provided IoT services and applications. An interoperability framework is also proposed where the involved system components can cooperate and offer the seamless operation from the device to the backend framework. This by-design end-to-end interoperation enables the interplay of several complex service composition settings and the management of the system via patterns. The overall proposal is adopted by the EU funded project SEMIoTICS as an enabler towards the IoT and Web 3.0, even when products from different vendors are utilized.
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The joint W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) Spatial Data on the Web (SDW) Working Group developed a set of ontologies to describe sensors, actuators, samplers as well as their observations, actuation, and sampling activities. The ontologies have been published both as a W3C recommendation and as an OGC implementation standard. The set includes a lightweight core module called SOSA (Sensor, Observation, Sampler, and Actuator) available at:, and a more expressive extension module called SSN (Semantic Sensor Network) available at: Together they describe systems of sensors and actuators, observations, the used procedures, the subjects and their properties being observed or acted upon, samples and the process of sampling, and so forth. The set of ontologies adopts a modular architecture with SOSA as a self-contained core that is extended by SSN and other modules to add expressivity and breadth. The SOSA/SSN ontologies are able to support a wide range of applications and use cases, including satellite imagery, large-scale scientific monitoring, industrial and household infrastructures, social sensing, citizen science, observation-driven ontology engineering, and the Internet of Things. In this paper we give an overview of the ontologies and discuss the rationale behind key design decisions, reporting on the differences between the new SSN ontology presented here and its predecessor [9] developed by the W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator group (the SSN-XG). We present usage examples and describe alignment modules that foster interoperability with other ontologies. A. Haller et al. / The Modular SSN Ontology: A Joint W3C and OGC Standard 1
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The need to manage embedded systems, brought forward by the wider adoption of pervasive computing, is particularly vital in the context of secure and safety-critical applications. Technology infiltrates in ordinary things, hitching intelligence and materializing smart systems. Each of these individual entities monitors a specific set of parameters and deduces a constrained local view of the surrounding environment. Many distributed devices exchange information in order to infer the real system state and achieve a consistent global view. However, conflicts may arise due to the integration of deficit pieces of local knowledge. Robust and efficient conflict resolution is essential, especial in cases of emergency where the system must contribute with timely and accurate data to the overall crisis management operation. In this paper, we present AmbISPDM - a formal framework for the management of embedded systems with a coherent conflict resolution mechanism. The process is implemented as a software agent's reasoning behaviour and applied in the multi-agent domain. As a proof of concept, a smart university campus setting is deployed, with agents controlling embedded devices to assist living conditions in normal operation and the evacuation planning in case of fire.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) idea, explored across the globe, brings about an important issue: how to achieve interoperability among multiple existing (and constantly created) IoT platforms. In this context, in January 2016, the European Commission has funded seven projects that are to deal with various aspects of interoperability in the Internet of Things. Among them, the INTER-IoT project is aiming at the design and implementation of, and experimentation with, an open cross-layer framework and associated methodology to provide voluntary interoperability among heterogeneous IoT platforms. While the project considers interoperability across all layers of the software stack, we are particularly interested in answering the question: how ontologies and semantic data processing can be harnessed to facilitate interoperability across the IoT landscape. Henceforth, we have engaged in a “fact finding mission” to establish what is currently at our disposal when semantic interoperability is concerned. Since the INTER-IoT project is initially driven by two use cases originating from (i) (e/m)Health and (ii) transportation and logistics, these two application domains were used to provide context for our search. The paper summarizes our findings and provides foundation for developing methods and tools for supporting semantic interoperability in the INTER-IoT project (and beyond).
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Web Services allow applications to communicate with each other independent of platform and/or language. They are prone to attacks in the form of Denial-Of-Service, XML, XPath, SQL injection and spoofing, making implementation of web service security vital. Though many solutions are proposed for minimizing attacks, there is no single solution for mitigating all the attacks on web services. The objective of this paper is to present a systematic review on the studies of web service security. It is identified that there is lot of research going on in web services, dealing mostly with attack detection as well as identification of vulnerabilities in the services. Denial-of-service attack is found to be the most addressed of all attacks. Solutions were mainly proposed using dynamic analysis, closely followed by static analysis.
The proliferation of advertising applications facilitated by Web 2.0 technology has changed the way organizations interact with customers. Sites like YouTube and Facebook have caused firms to modify advertising models to take into consideration the value of social media and user-generated content. However, with such content come critical issues about information accuracy, source credibility, and amateurish presentation. Web 3.0 combines human and artificial intelligence to make information richer, more relevant, accessible and timely. This paper describes applications made possible because of the generational changes of the Web and offers educators course content suggestions and experiential learning opportunities for their curriculum.
In the new era of connectivity, marked by the explosive number of wireless electronic devices and the need for smart and pervasive applications, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications are an emerging technology that enables the seamless device interconnection without the need of human interaction. The use of M2M technology can bring to life a wide range of mHealth applications, with considerable benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Many technological challenges have to be met, however, to ensure the widespread adoption of mHealth solutions in the future. In this context, we aim to provide a comprehensive survey on M2M systems for mHealth applications from a wireless communication perspective. An end-to-end holistic approach is adopted, focusing on different communication aspects of the M2M architecture. Hence, we first provide a systematic review of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), which constitute the enabling technology at the patient's side, and then discuss end-to-end solutions that involve the design and implementation of practical mHealth applications. We close the survey by identifying challenges and open research issues, thus paving the way for future research opportunities.
Conference Paper
A constantly increasing number of data providers publish their data on the Web in the RDF format as Linked Data. SPARQL is the standard query language for retrieving and manipulating RDF data. However, the majority of SPARQL implementations requires the data to be available in advance (in main memory or in a repository), not exploiting thereby the real-time and dynamic nature of Linked Data. In this paper we present SPARQL-LD, an extension of SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query that allows to directly fetch and query RDF data from any Web source. Using SPARQL-LD, one can even query a dataset coming from the partial results of a query (i.e., discovered at query execution time), or RDF data that is dynamically created by Web Services. Such a functionality motivates Web publishers to adopt the Linked Data principles and enrich their digital contents and services with RDF, since their data is made directly accessible and exploitable via SPARQL (without needing to set up and maintain an endpoint). In this paper, we showcase the benefits offered by SPARQL-LD through an example related to the Europeana digital library, we report experimental results that demonstrate the feasibility of SPARQL-LD, and we introduce optimizations that improve its efficiency.