Content uploaded by Cristian Mihail Păuna
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All content in this area was uploaded by Cristian Mihail Păuna on Sep 09, 2019
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Abstract—After the widespread release of electronic trading,
automated trading systems have become a significant part of the
business intelligence system of any modern financial investment
company. An important part of the trades is made completely
automatically today by computers using mathematical algorithms.
The trading decisions are taken almost instantly by logical models
and the orders are sent by low-latency automatic systems. This paper
will present a real-time price prediction methodology designed
especially for algorithmic trading. Based on the price cyclicality
function, the methodology revealed will generate price cyclicality
bands to predict the optimal levels for the entries and exits. In order
to automate the trading decisions, the cyclicality bands will generate
automated trading signals. We have found that the model can be used
with good results to predict the changes in market behavior. Using
these predictions, the model can automatically adapt the trading
signals in real-time to maximize the trading results. The paper will
reveal the methodology to optimize and implement this model in
automated trading systems. After tests, it is proved that this
methodology can be applied with good efficiency in different
timeframes. Real trading results will be also displayed and analyzed
in order to qualify the methodology and to compare it with other
models. As a conclusion, it was found that the price prediction model
using the price cyclicality function is a reliable trading methodology
for algorithmic trading in the financial market.
Keywords—Algorithmic trading, automated trading systems,
financial markets, high-frequency trading, price prediction.
RADING and investing in financial markets is a common
activity today. An important number of market
participants are buying and selling every day in the free
markets. Private and public investors, different types of
companies and traders are continuously speculating the
markets in order to make a profit. The main objective is to
catch the price difference in time, to buy cheap and to sell
more expensive using different trading and investing
“Nowadays, in the current challenging economic
environment, businesses have changed their models in order to
be more service oriented and serve a broader and global
audience.” [1] The trading and investment domain is one on
the top in this long list. “The increases in complexity of the
C. Păuna is with the Economic Informatics Doctoral School, Bucharest
University of Economic Studies, 11th Tache Ionescu str. 010352 Bucharest
Romania (phone: +407.4003.0000; e-mail:
This paper was co-financed by the Bucharest University of Economic
Studies during the Ph.D. program and Algorithm Invest company
phenomena that characterize a firm’s activity in general and of
financial aspects in particular, have led to an exponential
increase in the volume of data and information operated from
any field of financial activity.” [2] All of these issues involve
new aspects to organize the activity. All are competing to new
directions for the business environment in financial trading.
After the widespread release of electronic trading, “the role
of the automated trading software in the business intelligence
systems of any financial or investment company became
significant.” [3] An important part of the trades is set up
completely automatically today by computers using advanced
mathematical algorithms. The low-latency real-time
automated systems are used today to build and send trading
orders without any human intervention. Designing, testing and
developing automated software for trading decisions has
become a sustained activity nowadays and this is the field this
paper is addressed for. In this article, a computational model
will be revealed to predict the price evolution using the real-
time price series. Being exclusively a mathematical algorithm,
the methodology presented can be applied in any algorithmic
trading system to automate the trading decisions. In the first
part of the paper, the prediction model will be described and
explained. Computing a price prediction line is the core of the
model based on the price cyclicality function [4]. The
prediction model is presented in the form of two bands, one
for the stop loss and one for the take profit price levels. Some
clear trading strategies will be developed based on this model
together with the implementation steps into an automated
trading system.
In the second part of this paper, the main direction will be
revealed to integrate the developed model into an algorithmic
trading system. The general logical scheme for automated
trading software will be presented together with the steps to
compute the Price Cyclicality Function. The automated
trading signals are built based on the Price Prediction Line.
The article will also include code examples to compute these
functions. In order to present the reliability of the developed
model, in the last part, real trading results obtained with this
methodology will be included. A comparative study is also
presented in order to compare the developed trading model
with other known trading strategies. The study will permit to
highlight the advantages of the price prediction bands
methodology and its place in the algorithmic trading domain.
In the last chapter, different practical conclusions will be
presented. It was found that the methodology presented in this
paper can obtain good results to predict the changes in price
Cristian Păuna
A Prediction Model Using the Price Cyclicality
Function Optimized for Algorithmic Trading in
Financial Market
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
226International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
behavior. This article will conclude that the price prediction
model built with the price cyclicality bands is a reliable
method which can be applied for algorithmic trading in a wide
range of capital markets.
In order to answer the questions “when to buy?” and “when
to sell?” on financial markets to make profits, a mathematical
model will be developed in this chapter. Based only on the
price action, this model will permit to set up the buy and sell
orders by specialized software in order to automate the trading
process. The concepts used in this chapter are not new. The
Price Cyclicality (PCY) function was presented for the first
time in [4] and represents a function describing the cyclical
behavior of the price movement and the intervals when the
price is approaching to change its direction. The PCY function
can be used in order to set limit conditions to entry and to exit
the markets. The Price Prediction Line (PPL) was developed
and explained in [5]. It represents an accurate trend line that
describes and predicts the price evolution with good results.
What is new in this paper is assembling all of these tools into a
model building price bands that will give a clear indication for
the entry and exit points, a reliable mathematical that can be
adapted into automated software.
A. PCY Function
Being given a data price series of i intervals, the Price
Cyclicality Function (PCY) is defined by:
with 0
PCY (1)
with iii maMA
imaMA ,
maxmax (3)
imaMA ,
minmin (4)
in which MA and ma represent the moving averages [6] with
two different periods. In (3) and (4), the term N is the period
of the cyclicality function and represents the number of the
time intervals taken into account to build the PCY function; α
is a functional parameter that can be optimized for each
financial market in order to obtain the best results.
More details about how PCY function was created,
developed and optimized are presented in [4] together with the
influence of the functional parameter α. It is also presented a
study which reveals how the PCY function can be used in
order to build a trading and limit conditions for financial
markets. The PCY function can be applied in any timeframe
and is a part of the trading model developed later.
B. Price Prediction Line
The Price Prediction Line (PPL) is a trend line obtained
using a transformation function of the PCY function back into
the price space using the formula:
iiiii PPPPCYPPL min100/minmax
( 5 )
where i
Pmax and i
Pmin represent the maximum and
minimum price values in the current monotony interval of the
PCY function given by (1). The PCY function is limited in the
interval [0; 100]. Meanwhile, the PPL function is defined into
the price interval and predicts the price evolution with good
accuracy, as proved in [5]. For some financial markets with
high price volatility, the PPL function defined by (5) needs an
attenuation process in order to have a smooth evolution. For
this, any known methods can be applied as smoothing with
Spline line interpolations [7], polynomial or trigonometric
interpolations [8] or just a simple, exponential or weighted
moving averages [6] with a small period.
PCY and PPL functions for a daily price series of Frankfurt
Stock Exchange Deutscher Aktienindex DAX30 financial
market [9] are presented in Fig. 1. The functions can be used
in order to trade the markets. When PCY and PPL functions
are starting to increase, a buy condition is met because the
price will increase in the next time intervals. In [4] and [5] are
presented different types of trading signals developed with this
idea. As we can see in Fig. 1, the information about the entry
point in the market can be easily found. For long term or
investment trading systems, this point is a good trading
opportunity. Even so, the exit point is not so obvious, once the
market is bouncing up and down many times until the
direction changes. For high-frequency trading systems, with
small profit targets, to know the trend direction and the
starting point of the trend is not enough. For this kind of
algorithms, a take profit value and a stop loss level are
required in order to have a complete trading strategy. For this
purpose a methodology will be developed in the next sections,
using the Parabolic Stop and Reverse (PSAR) indicator
developed by Wilder [10].
C. Price Prediction Bands
In this section we will define the Price Prediction Bands
(PPB) using for ascending trend (current price higher than
ii PSARndStopLossBa (6)
iiii PSARPPLPPLOneTakeProfit
iiii PSARPPLPPLTwoTakeProfit
and for the descending part of the trend (current price lower
than PSAR) we have similarly:
ii PSARndStopLossBa (9)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
227International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
PPLPSARPPLOneTakeProfit (10)
D. How to Use the PPB
As we can see in Fig. 2, once the price touched the PSAR
level above PPL, the new PASR level will be calculated under
the PPL and the current price. This is the moment when the
uptrend begins. There are many trading strategies using this
point as an entry point, but the PSAR methodology [10] is
limited when it is about the exit point. The usual exit point is
located when the price level is equal with PSAR when a new
downtrend is starting. This idea is not productive at all,
because many times the profit level is too low. It was found
that exit the trade will produce a higher profit when the price
level is equal with PPB, once the profit is taken near a local
maximum point.
The first take profit level predicted by the PPB is calculated
in direct relation with the distance between PPL and PSAR.
For each time interval the values for PPL and PSAR are
different, consequently, the level for the take profit band
(TPB) is different. Because the values of the PPL depend on
the price evolution and PSAR is updated in strong correlating
with the Average True Range (ATR) developed also by
Wilder in [11], the take profit level given by PPB is in direct
correlation with the price behavior and ATR evolution. The
price band formed with the PSAR values levels will be noted
here as SLB (stop-loss band). These values are used as stop-
loss level in our model.
As we can see in Fig. 2, the distance between TPB and SLB
is variable. We will call this distance as to be a safe trade
range (STR), because under SLB a stop loss is touched and for
values higher than TPB the price is too high for a new entry.
There are intervals where the STR distance is increasing. In
this case, we will say that we have a price expansion, these are
the cases associated with a strong trend when the price is
making new highs. If the STR is decreasing, we will say we
have a price contraction. If we have an uptrend, this is the case
when the trend is preparing to reverse or to slow down the
price motion. Starting from the analysis of STR we will
develop a trading strategy as it is presented in the next section.
As it can be seen in Fig. 2, sometimes the price goes higher
the TPB levels. For these cases, the second TPB is included
using (8) and (11). We will note the second TPB with TP2B.
In Fig. 2, the TP2B was plotted using the gold ratio (δ=1.618).
This band is used in case of powerful trends to know where to
close the trade with good profit, before the price turning point.
Fig. 1 PCY Function and PPL
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
228International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
Fig. 2 PPB defined with PPL and PSAR
In the majority of the financial market, after the price
touched the TPB or TP2B, a down movement is present before
the next up movement. This is the interval when a new entry
in the trade is possible in order to maximize the profit. Once
the PPL is increasing and the PCY function is increasing too,
the uptrend is still present and a new entry neat the PPL is a
good opportunity. The PCY values give us good information
about the proximity of the price turning point when the trend
is reversing. In addition, large values of the STR involve good
profit expectation meanwhile lower values for the STR can be
a good indication to stay away from the market risk.
The PPB can be used for manual trading on daily timeframe
or 4 hours (4H) timeframe. The information included in the
PPB is good enough for short and medium time trades. Better
results are expected using algorithmic trading and even high-
frequency trading as we will see in the next section. An
automated algorithm will use the PPB values in order to build
automated trading signals. For high-frequency trading small
profit target range will be used, the TPB and TP2B being used
in order to limit the entry into a new position. For these cases,
SLB is also used as a stop-loss level.
The PPB can be also used in order to find some cases when
the price is oversold. Sometimes the price exceeds TPB and
TP2B into downtrends with the STR is in contraction. In these
cases, the price can be considered oversold and a buy trade
can be a good opportunity until the price is bouncing again in
the STR area. A case like this is plotted in Fig. 3. The oversold
cases found with PPB will be a subject for additional trading
signals included in the next section.
E. Trading Signals Based on the PPB
To automate the trading decisions we have to include the
significance of the PPB levels into some Boolean variables
called trading signals. These will be the core of the automated
trading software presented in the next chapter. The first type
of trading signal based on PPB is related to the point when the
uptrend is starting. These signals for each time interval are
given by:
( 1 2 )
where Ask is the current ask price for the equity traded, θ is the
minimal take profit level and ρ is the maximum PCY value as
protection for the trend reversal. The functional parameters θ
and ρ can be optimized for each financial market traded in
order to maximize the profit. These trading signals can be used
with good results for daily and four hours timeframes.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
229International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
Fig. 3 Oversold price area detected with PPB
For the rest part of the uptrend, on the expansion periods of
the STR, the trading signals can be given by:
defines the price expansion intervals, where STR is increasing.
These types of signals are used with good results for daily and
four hours timeframes.
The signal given by (13) gives us good results for the price
expansion intervals as we will see in the last chapter. In the
rest of the intervals, when we have not an expansion for the
STR, there are also good cases for trading opportunities. We
have found that cases are filtered by an additional condition
imposed for the TPB. When the TPB is increasing, even STR
is decreasing, good trading opportunities can be found. All of
these are given by the trading signals assembled with the
( 15)
It was found that the trading signals given by (15) give us
good trading results for the daily and four hours timeframes.
To automate the cases for the oversold price intervals detected
with PPB, the trading signals can be given by:
TPBPPLExpansionBuy !
where μ is a minimal value for the PCY function for which
long trade is accepted in the oversold area. This functional
parameter can be optimized for each financial market in order
to improve the results. These signals give us good results for
four hours timeframe. For the daily timeframe, the trading
signals (16) need to be filtered with an additional condition in
order to set only that trades in presence of a strong trend. For
this purpose, a simple limit condition for the ATR values is
strong enough. In this section, we presented the buy side
signals developed with PPB. These are the most used trading
signals for the majority of the markets. For those markets
where sell trades can be considered, the sell trading signals
can be assembled similarly.
The place of the automated trading software in the business
intelligence system of a modern investment company is well
defined in [3]. “An automated trading system is a software
which is receiving the real-time and historical price data of an
equity, generates the signals for buying and selling of the
equity based on well-determined algorithms, sets the volume
of trading based on the capital liquidity and the capital a
defined risk level, builds the trading orders and send them to
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
230International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
the brokerage account without any human intervention” [3]. A
logical scheme for automated trading software is presented in
Fig. 4.
There are three data inputs for automated trading software.
First is the low-latency real-time price data from the stock
exchange. The second is the historical price data coming from
a data warehouse. These two data fluxes are managed by two
modules for real-time and historical data-mining processes. A
low latency data management module will assure the speed for
the data processing. The price data series are stored in memory
and set up to be ready for the mathematical model.
The trading algorithms use low-latency price data and build
trading signals. The third data flux includes real-time capital
and liquidity data from the brokerage account. These data are
the core of the risk management module. In this module,
depending on the liquidity and the risk level established, the
volume for the trading orders is set up. A reliable capital and
risk management method is presented in [11]. With the signals
and trading volume, the orders can be assembled and
automatically sent to the brokerage account.
In this paper, details about the integration of the trading
model developed will be presented. All technical aspects
regarding data acquisition are already solved. There are many
trading platforms available that integrate all of these features.
One of them is Meta Trader 4 [12] which permits algorithmic
trading using a Meta Quotes programming language [13]. This
language will be used in the next sections in order to
exemplify the codes for different procedures.
A. Integration of PCY Function
The PCY function is the core of the presented trading
model. The formulas presented in Section II A must be
computed with low time consumption for a prompt response,
to permit assemblage and sending the trading orders as fast as
possible. In Fig. 5 is presented a code sample to compute the
PCY function in real time.
Fig. 4 Data logical scheme of automated trading system
Fig. 5 Code sample to compute the PCY Function [4]
B. Integration of PPL
Once the PCY functions values are computed, the PPL
values can be given by a procedure like in Fig. 6.
With PCY and PPL values ready, the trading signal
variables can be easily computed. When the signal is
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
231International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
confirmed, a trading order is assembled and sent instantly by
the trading platform to the broker.
Fig. 6 Code sample to compute the PPL
Fig. 7 Capital evolution due to the trades made by PPB signals
In this chapter are displayed results obtained with all
trading signal types presented above.
A. Trading Results Using PPB Methodology
The results presented below were obtained using
TheDaxTrader [14], an automated trading system that uses the
PPB trading signals in order to generate buy side trades for
DAX30 [9].
The results presented in Table I were obtained with a high-
frequency trading algorithm applied for DAX30 the period
01.06.2015 – 30.09.2018 using a fixed target of 10 points for
each trade. The DAX30 index market was traded as a contract
for difference (CFD) with a spread of 1 point. The exposed
capital involved and the risk management for the high-
frequency trading procedures was made using the “Global Slot
Loss Method” presented in [11].
The PPB trading signals were built for daily and four hours
timeframe interval. An additional condition was imposed
regarding the hourly intervals of the executed trades between
8:00 and 20:00 coordinated universal time (UTC) in order to
ensure the liquidity on the market. In Table I are presented the
trading results obtained for the PCY limit ρ = 99.95, for the
minimal take profit distance θ=10 and for α=0.33, the
functional parameter of the PCY function. For the signals
given by (16) the value μ = 1 was used for the maximal level
of the PCY into the oversold intervals. The moving averages
used to build the PCY function were computed for 20 and 50-
time intervals. The signals were computed by the trading
software one time per minute.
All trading signals assembled with the PPB values generate
a significant number of trades and good values for the risk and
reward ratio (RRR). For the signals (12), (13) and (15) traded
together; the RRR obtained is 1:8.22, a very good value
compared with other signals as we will see in the next section.
The lowest capital exposure is obtained for these signals made
in direction of the main trend. For all PPB signals traded
together, the RRR is 1:6.53, also a good value.
Trading signals and
Number of
trades Profit Draw-
down RRR
(12) 4 Hours 53 7,410 5,350 1:1.39
(12) Daily 117 16,224 5,353 1:3.03
(13) 4 Hours 72 10,292 5,123 1:2.01
(13) Daily 119 16,069 5,688 1:2.83
(15) 4 Hours 136 19,570 5,131 1:3.81
(15) Daily 180 25,701 5,687 1:4.52
All above together 330 46,970 5,716 1:8.22
(16) 4 Hours 179 25,274 9,337 1:2.71
All signals together 430 60,969 9,337 1:6.53
The longest trade period for these signals obtained in the
study above was 218 hours. The Quality Trading Coefficient
(QTC) [16] obtained was between 0.52 and 0.87. All these
values indicate that PPB trading methodology is a reliable one.
Even the oversold PPB trading signals used a double capital
exposure, the returns from this type of trades is significant.
The capital evolution in the time interval for all signals
assembled together is presented in Fig. 7.
B. Comparative Trading Results
In order to have a clear image of the PPB trading
methodology, in this section will be presented comparative
trading results made in the same market conditions with
different and known trading methodologies. In order to
compare the same type of trading methodologies, we will
compare the results obtained with (12), (13) and (15) with
results made with other trading methodologies in the direction
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
232International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
of the main trend. To obtain the results in Tables II and III,
TheDaxTrader [14] automated trading system was used for
DAX30 Index [9] for the period 01.06.2015 – 30.09.2018
using a high-frequency trading methodology with a fixed
profit target of 10 points for all signals presented.
Trading signals and
Number of
trades Profit Draw-
down RRR
Perfect Order [16] 107 20,107 8,712 1:2.31
Fischer Signals [17] 177 47,212 6,321 1:7.46
Turtle Signals [18] 162 24,160 3,693 1:6.54
PPB (12)+(13)+(16) 330 46,970 5,716 1:8.22
As we can see in Table II, the results made with PPB
trading methodology have the highest RRR value. The PPN
trading signals made almost double trades than other trading
strategies in the same trading conditions. These results are an
additional confirmation that the PPB trading methodology is a
reliable one. The results made with (16) will be compared with
other results made also with an oversold price trading
methodology in Table III.
Trading signals and
Number of
trades Profit Draw-
down RRR
RSI Oversold [19] 76 18,243 5,901 1:3.09
PPB (16) 179 25,274 9,337 1:2.71
As we can see, the PPB trading signals made a significant
number of trades with a comfortable RRR value. The PPB
results are perfect comparable with the RSI oversold trading
method presented in [19]. Both methods included in Table III
trade the cases when the rice is oversold but they rarely
intersect. Using both methods into a trading system will
generate additives profits with the same capital exposure.
The PPB presented in this paper can be used to develop a
reliable trading methodology. Based only on the price action,
the trading method presented here can be easily applied for
algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading in automated
trading systems.
The core of this trading model is the PCY function. It is a
mathematical transformation of the price into a subspace
defined in the [0; 100] interval. Based on the minimal and
maximal price values on a time interval, the PCY function has
an asymptotic behavior and can be used in order to impose
limit conditions in order to avoid initiating trades in the
interval when the main trend is preparing to reverse.
The PPL [5] was considered as the core for this trading
model. It is a reversed transformation of the PCY Function
into the price space. This trend line is considered as the main
price for the prediction bands. In order to find the main trend,
the method uses the PSAR [10] function which defines the
current SLB. To have a complete trading model, TPBs are
defined using (7), (8), (10) and (11). All of these together
define the PPB.
The methodology presented in this paper can be easily used
for manual trading and investment. The PPB levels can be
followed in order to set up the trades. The best results are
obtained with daily and four hours timeframes. This
methodology was tested with good results for the next
financial markets: Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX30), Dow
Jones Industrial Average (DJIA30), Financial Times London
Stock Exchange (FTSE100), Cotation Assistée en Continue
Paris (CAC40), Swiss Stock Exchange Market Index (SMI20),
Australian Securities Exchange Sydney Index (ASX200),
Tokyo stock Exchange Nikkei Index (Nikkei225),
NASDAQ100 Index, Standard & Poor’s Index (S&P500) and
Small Capitalization US Index (Russell2000). Also with good
and stable results, the PPB methodology presented in this
paper was applied for Gold and Bent Crude Oil financial
markets. For the currency markets, the method can be also
applied using additional conditions regarding the price
volatility level and the power of the trend. The cases when the
market is not in a major trend must be avoided.
Being exclusively a mathematical model based on the price
action, the PPB method can be adapted for algorithmic trading
and can be easily included in an automated trading system.
Sample codes about how the PCY Function, the PPL and the
PPB can be automated are also included in this paper. The
simplicity of this method and the reduced number of
functional parameters made this methodology to be one of the
easiest integrated ones into a trading system. All parameters
for the PCY function can be set up and used with the same
valued for all financial markets. The parameters for the trading
signals presented can be optimized for each financial market
but the values do not differ in time; once optimized for a long
period of time, they can be used with good results for the next
Looking at the results presented in the last chapter, the
significant number of the trades set up by the presented
method and the good values for the risk and reward ratio
recommend the PPB as to be a reliable trading methodology.
As it was presented, the method shows when a new trend
begins. For these particular moments, trading signals can be
built with (12). The PPB also reveals the time intervals when
the price is in an expansion. For these cases when the STR is
increasing, good trading opportunities can be found using
(13). For the intervals when the price is contracting, sustained
trading signals are also built with (15). All of these signals
traded together obtained a risk to reward ratio value equal with
1:8.22 for the study case took as an example. This value is a
very good one for a single strategy computed with algorithmic
trading into an automated trading system.
As it was found in this paper, using the price level related to
the PPB values, good opportunities for oversold buy trades
can be found using (16). These additional trading signals offer
us a significant number of trades even if the risk and reward
ratio is higher. The profit made by these types of signals is a
significant one and the methodology is preferred by many
investors. The signals build with the PPB can be also included
in automated investment systems with very good efficiency.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:13, No:4, 2019
233International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(4) 2019 ISNI:0000000091950263
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:13, No:4, 2019
Taking in consideration the results presented, the simplicity
of the method, all the advantages regarding the trend
detection, stop loss and take profit levels, detection of the
price expansion and contraction intervals, defining the STR in
different timeframe make the PPB be a reliable and sustained
trading methodology.
The reduced number of the functional parameters and the
simple integration into any trading software recommend the
method presented to be considered for any automated trading
and investment system.
The PPB trading methodology improves the spectrum of the
trading strategies and can also be considered as a data-mining
filter in addition to any other trading methodology in order to
improve the trading efficiency.
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