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Transactions on Transport Sciences | Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal
DOI: 10.5507/tots.2019.004
ToTS Volume 10, Issue X: pgxx–pgxx
Palacky University in Olomouc
Evaluation of the effectiveness of aprimary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
Gunnar Meinhard
ABSTRACT: The present study describes the develop-
ment of the „Clear Picture...!? course program and ex-
amines its effectiveness. „Clear Picture...!?” is aone-
day course on alcohol prevention aimed at Estonian
adolescents aged 17 to 19 years and is carried out in
educational institutions. Atrafc psychologist togeth-
er with the police and an accident victim facilitate the
knowledge transfer, personal experience, reection ex-
ercises and experience exchange of accidents caused by
alcohol through three modules.
In the empirical part of the present study, the re-
sults with are-measurement group design (N = 109)
examine whether participation in the course program
results in areduction of number of driving under alco-
hol inuence cases, the number of violations in road
trafc and the number of general non-trafc-related
violations. The changes reecting the results from the
cases which have been registered in the police data-
base are measured one year pre- and post-participa-
tion in the course. Whether an increased amount of al-
cohol consumption among adolescents is arisk factor
for more violations within and outside road trafc was
tested using AUDIT.
With regard to all dependent variables (violations
within and outside trafc) the course program shows
reduction after one year from their participation in
comparison to the year before the participation. There
was no change in regard to the other variables.
Signicant interactions between participants and
time of measurement on all dependent variables in-
dicate a greater reduction in the registered cases of
violations in participants. For students whose results
indicated an increased daily consumption of alcohol,
more legal violations were registered with the police in
Estonia over the two-year observation period than with
those with low alcohol consumption. Increased daily
consumption of alcohol is therefore arisk indicator for
violations within and outside road trafc.
Due to the present study, atrafc risk assessment
questionnaire “Clear Picture…!?” was developed,
which enables to give immediate feedback to the par-
ticipants about possible risks and dangers in trafc. It
also enables to give directions and recommendations
for future behaviour and how to avoid possible traf-
c risks. Also, AUDIT enables to give feedback to the
participants about their possible alcohol problems and
gives directions for future use. Relationship was found
between problematic alcohol consumption and Trafc
Law violations based on AUDIT.
In terms of reducing the number of violations, the
course program „Clear Picture...!? has apositive effect
on AUDIT <8 as well as AUDIT ≥8 groups.
KEYWORDS: adolescents, alcohol, drunk driving,
prevention, trafc violations.
The course program „Clear Picture…!?“ (Meinhard,
2007) was developed in Estonia and has been running
ever since. The course program is aimed at adoles-
cents aged 17 to 19, with or without driving licence,
who can be classied as ahigh-risk group for trafc
accidents (Holte, 2012; Sturzbecher et al., 2004).
In order to achieve the EU’s planned average
level of trafc safety, the number of people killed in
trafc fatalities in Estonia should not exceed 140 in
2010 and 100 in 2015. These goals were achieved, as
there were 79 deaths in 2010 and 78 deaths in 2014
in the state (European Commission, 2010). Due to
the relatively small population of 1.3 million inhabit-
ants, further improvements can only be expected in
small steps.
The main objective of the program is the avoid-
ance of driving under alcohol inuence and reducing
the danger of alcohol-related trafc accidents and
incidents. The program „Clear Picture…!?“ aims to
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
contribute to increased safety of young people and
young adults in the eld of primary prevention of traf-
c violations and risks. The safety in connection with
alcohol consumption in particular should be reduced.
The focus of prevention is directed to reduction of
risks related to alcohol consumption before driving.
The program seeks to trigger development of risk
awareness in dealing with alcohol and thereby reduce
the likelihood of driving under alcohol inuence or
accompanying an alcohol intoxicated driver in the
vehicle. The work done evaluates the effectiveness of
the course program.
The Bühler, & Thrul (2015) publication assessed
the effectiveness of both behavioural and prevention
measures through studying reviews and meta-analy-
ses. Efcacy is dened here as preventing, delaying
or reducing the consumption behaviour of tobacco,
alcohol and other illicit psychoactive substances
among children and adolescents.
Key elements of addiction prevention measures
in the „Clear Picture…!?” evaluation study are the
following: Correct information about the impact of
substances should be imparted; the effects assessed
as critically as possible; deformed law expectations
should be corrected; stay responsible and conscious
in consuming alcohol.
Various preventive courses utilised in Austria,
Germany and USA were analysed in the above-men-
tioned study based on the criteria of theEMCDDA
quality. Some remarkable elements in the preventive
intervention techniques used in the study based on
the examples from Austria, Germany and USA were
the following:
• Evaluation studies were created for every
course model and can be accessed publicly.
• Courses that are carried out in the USA
focus mainly on reducing the alcohol use or
promoting responsible use of alcohol and
reducing the health damage from alcohol
consumption. AUDIT1 is used as an important
part of the course in the USA. In Austria and
Germany the courses focus on reducing the
1 AUDIT is an acronym for Alcohol Use Disorders
Identication Test. It helps to screen between people with
normal and problematic alcohol use (Babor et al., 2001).
road trafc accidents. However, AUDIT is not
used in Austria and in Germany. In one course
(BOB, Schutzengel), the focus is on reducing
alcohol consumption.
Based on the information from the studies men-
tioned, prevention work in the area of alcohol and
trafc risk is internationally inconsistent. When
working in the primary prevention with young driv-
ers, the inuence of peers is remarkable. This can be
seen from the Austrian program as well as from the
German “Guardian Angel” projects. B-category driv-
er-training in Austria includes atrafc-psychological
conversation as part of agroupwork, and it is similar-
ly conducted in the rehabilitation course in Germany
(Schubert et al., 2003).
The USA studies have shown that the feedback
affects drinking behaviour, especially together with
motivational interview. The AUDIT questionnaire
is also widely used in the USA to identify problem-
atic drinking habits, as well as to create a starting
position for giving personal feedback. The objective
of inclusion of AUDIT questionnaire into the USA
studies was to screen the participants for possible al-
cohol abuse.
The “Clear Picture…!?” study, described here, at-
tempts to reveal the relationship between AUDIT re-
sults and specic violations, such as driving under al-
cohol inuence, trafc violations and other violations
committed outside trafc.
The scientic basis of the study provides the in-
structors of the course with theoretical directions and
instructions. In addition, it gives the opportunity to
rely on the conceptual basis of behaviour and on the
theoretically explained methods derived from it. The
trafc-psychological training ensures that the course
instructors have necessary qualitative prerequisites
and experience.
Developed by the author of the present study, the
theoretical and methodological structure of the pro-
gram provides the course instructors with guidance
materials. The materials give guidance on connect-
ing personal alcohol consumption (based on AUDIT
data) experience and trafc behaviour (violations in
trafc). Trafc-psychological training and the experi-
ence of the instructors ensure the necessary quality
for running the program.
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
The training model was built with the aim to
improve road trafc behaviour of adolescents. The
design of the model was supported by the views of
Sturzbecher (2004), who has found that adoles-
cents have underdeveloped self-monitoring and self-
control mechanisms and accordingly make wrong
evaluations in high-risk situations. The approach
of behaviour evaluation by Kanfer et al (1996) adds
learning theory perspective to the model. The theory
of self perception by Bem (1967) points out that in
specic situations an individual makes self-related
conclusions based on momentary attitude and feel-
ings. For example, if an individual has repeatedly
driven while being drunk and has not been caught by
the police, the individual makes conclusions based
on the situation and continues law-breaking behav-
iour in the future. Similar conclusion can be drawn
for various situations. Wilken (2010) suggests that
in training situations the cases of irrational thinking
should be revealed and cognitively restructured. For
example, a way of irrational thinking „If I will not
„win“ the acceleration race from atrafc light, Iwill
be worth nothing.“ needs to be restructured.
The training model is built on the exchange of ideas
by transactional model of Berne (2001), where the
instructors treat the participants like equals to adults.
Considerations of Jacques (2000) about different as-
pects of group behaviour in groups of adolescents are
important to notice and to follow.
The course program “Clear Picture... !?” is car-
ried out in a classroom. Such arrangement allows
applying specic group work methods, takes charac-
teristics into notice, and which according to Jacques
(2000) must respond to the following well-known
features of the groups:
• Collective perception
• Common goals, needs or ideals
• Mutual dependence (interdependence)
• Social organisation, depending on norms,
roles and status
• Interaction
• Cohesion (group cohesion)
• Membership
During the initial training module, questions
are asked in the group work and participants reect
from their personal experience. As aresult, trust be-
tween the members of the group and the instructor
develops while the participants are feeling equal to
the instructor.
The Berne Crossed Transaction Model (2001) as-
sumes that communication between people is based
on three personality levels. These are Parent, Adult
and Child ego states, which represent the status of
communication. The communication between the
participants and the instructors should be designed
to be as open and trusting as possible in order to
achieve course effectiveness. This assumes com-
municating at the Adult level. Especially, during the
third module, it is important for the police to com-
municate using the Adult level.
The course program “Clear Picture…!?” needs to
raise risk awareness in participants, which can be
achieved by sharing experiences during group work.
Knowledge deciency needs to be compensated
through the knowledge of blood alcohol assembly
and decomposition, alcohol inuence, risks evolving
from alcohol consumption and punishment in the
form of alcohol violations. Specic techniques need
to be implemented, so that drivers and passengers
will not drive under alcohol inuence in the future.
Other high-risk behaviours that go beyond the topic
of alcohol are also subject of an experience-related
topic in the course. Other issues such as speeding,
driving in an overcrowded motor vehicle and driving
without licence are also addressed. Through increas-
ing knowledge and attitude change the course par-
ticipants need to be brought to alevel which ensures
their safe driving behaviour in the future.
The date and terms of the course to be conducted
with sixth year of secondary schools and vocational
schools (group sizes, the possibility of using pro-
jectors, availability of black board) are agreed be-
forehand between the school representative and the
course instructor. The course instructor makes an in-
troduction to the course in the beginning of the rst
module and explains the structure and duration of
the course program. The participants are then divid-
ed into small groups. One after another, each group
solves three trafc-related exercises. After solving
the last exercise, one person from each group pre-
sents the results of their own group. Other groups
can ask questions and the instructor comments on
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
the results. It is important to bring forth the particu-
lar problems and risk behaviours from the results and
propose possible solutions.
In the second module participants pass through
an obstacle course wearing drunkbuster goggles
(0,8 ‰). It should be worked out how the impair-
ment of alcohol affects driving. The participants are
required to discuss what they saw to change in par-
ticipants who were “under alcohol inuence”, and
the discussion should reveal the effect of alcohol on
the condition; they are all sober, however, the one
person performing the exercise is “drunk”. The in-
structor gives feedback and presents the correlation
between accident risk and blood alcohol concentra-
tion (Krüger, 1995).
The course instructor explains how to calculate
blood alcohol concentration with the Widmark mod-
el (1932). The difference between breath alcohol con-
centration (mg/l) and blood alcohol concentration
(‰) is explained.
In the third module participants meet apolice ofc-
er and atrafc accident victim. Both presentations last
for 45 minutes. The police ofcer gives aPowerPoint
presentation of two trafc accidents that happened in
real life. The presentation is based on the information
and mistakes that were identied by the young drivers
and passengers in the groupwork in the rst module.
The police ofcer provides adetailed overview of the
accident events: starting with the meeting, how the
events developed until the trafc accident, giving de-
tails of the accident and the consequences.
The disabled person presents himself briey and
then presents his experiences in three parts: 1. activi-
ties before the accident, 2. The accident, consequenc-
es, and rehabilitation, 3. Life with the disability. The
purpose of handicaps report is to open up about the
changes in life resulted from the accident. The focus
is not on the emotional side and on the hard circum-
stances, rather practical points are opened, for exam-
ple money and time cost. The aim is to show practical
changes in life after the accident.
The hypotheses of this study are based on the objec-
tives of the course program “Clear Picture ...!?” and it
should be checked whether these are achieved. First-
ly, the aim is to avoid driving - myself and others- un-
der alcohol inuence. The achievement of these goals
is tested with the hypotheses. The course “Clear Pic-
ture…!?” focuses through selective prevention on risk
behaviours, which come from alcohol consumption,
but also on other risk behaviours, which are com-
mitted in trafc or outside trafc. Anglo-American
studies, which measure alcohol prevention, check
the drinking habits of students. Also, possible health
risk identications were controlled through AUDIT
questionnaire linked with other risks (Walters etal.,
2009). The study by Beck and colleagues (2010)
found that increased alcohol consumption among
students are involved with trafc risks.
Therefore, it was tested with four hypotheses,
whether there is aconnection between increased vio-
lations and alcohol consumption and whether it de-
rives from alcohol disorder.
H 1. Less Trafc Law violations are registered by
the police ayear after participants attend the course
„Clear Picture...!?“ than ayear before participants at-
tend the course. These include driving without driv-
ing licence, driving while under alcohol inuence,
driving by car and by other means of transport, for
example by bicycle.
H 2. Less violations outside trafc are registered
by the police a year after participants attend the
course „Clear Picture...!?“ than ayear before partici-
pants attend the course. These include all law viola-
tions, which are not committed in trafc. Examples
include theft, Alcohol Law violations, physical mis-
treatments, while sober and while intoxicated.
H 3. Study participants with 8 or more AUDIT
points (Maaroos, et. al. 2010) are suspectedly having
an alcohol disorder. They have higher number of gen-
eral Trafc Law violation cases than participants with
less than 8 points.
a) „Clear Picture...!?“ course participants with 8
or more AUDIT points have more Trafc Law viola-
tions (T0 and T1 together) registered by the police
than participants with 7 or less points in AUDIT.
b) One year after taking part in the „Clear Pic-
ture...!?“ course, participants with 7 or less points in
AUDIT have less Trafc Law violations registered by
the police than participants with 8 or more points in
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the course
program „Clear Picture…!?“, aprospective study was
carried out with two measurement times (T0 and T1).
The course program was implemented according to
the modules described above. Subsequently, features
such as sample, dependent and control variable (AU-
DIT), study design and statistical processes will be de-
scribed, which will be used to control hypotheses.
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
For the sampling, after Estonian Road Administra-
tion inquiry, six vocational schools, which is 18% of
all vocational schools in Estonia, and ten 11th grades
(out of 12 grades) of secondary schools, which is
4,5% of all secondary schools in Estonia (Haridus- ja
Teadusministeerium2, 2016), took part in the „Clear
Picture…!?“ course program. Schools that wanted to
participate in the course program were located geo-
graphically all over the country.
The Estonian Road Administration in accord-
ance with regional education departments chose the
schools, where it was possible to carry out the courses.
The schools showed interest in trafc-related courses
and gave their acceptance to carry out the course in
their school. The students that happened to take part
in the course depended on the dates that the school
and the training team agreed on and the timetable
that the students had on the selected date. The train-
ers did not have achance to intervene in the selection
of people that participated in the course.
The link to the online questionnaire, which was
set up in acloud in Google Docs format, was sent to
each student by the school via email after the course
had ended. 422 participants lled in the question-
naire out of 984 possible students (response rate
42.7%). 134 (32%) answers were unusable, because
the personal data was incomplete or had not been
lled in at all.
The encoded data was forwarded to the police,
who had aspecial right to compare the statistics data
of participants. After police gave back the data and
the missing data was deducted, 109 participants
(61% of men and 39% of women) remained and their
data was used in the study.
Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test (Rasch, Friese, Hof-
mann & Naumann, 2014) was used to calculate
Trafc Law violations (including driving under al-
cohol inuence) between two time measurements
(T0 and T1).
Table 1 shows the results for hypotheses 1 and
2, which have been calculated using Wilcoxon
Sign-Rank Test.
2 Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium means ministry of
education and research
Table 1. Average number (standard error in brackets) of
violations per person one year before and one year after
passing the training, p-values show the statistical signi-
cance of the change (Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test).
Before (T0) After (T1) p-value
Trafc Law violations 0.18 (0.05) 0.03 (0.02) 0.003
Other violations 0.15 (0.05) 0.00 (0.00) -0.001
H1. The course program participants have ade-
cline in all Trafc Law violation cases, including driv-
ing sober as well as driving while under alcohol inu-
ence. The change (T1-T0) on Trafc Law violations
was statistically signicant (p = .003).
H2. The course program participants have ade-
cline in all law violation cases outside trafc. The
change (T1-T0) in all law violations outside trafc
was statistically signicant (p = -.001).
Participants in the “Clear picture... !?” course
program are separated into two groups (AUDIT <
8points and ≥ 8 points). Twenty (18%) people out of
109 participants are suspected to have an alcohol-re-
lated disorder.
Table 2 shows average number of Trafc Law vio-
lations and other violations of participants with AU-
DIT < 8 or ≥ 8 points.
a) Study participants with 8 or more points in the
AUDIT (with suspected alcohol-related disorder)
have ahigher number of violations in the overall ob-
servation period than subjects with alower score.
Table 2. Average number (standard error in brackets) of
Trafc Law violations (including driving while under al-
cohol inuence) per person depending on the AUDIT re-
sult, p-values show statistical signicance of differences
between groups (Wilcoxon Test), (N = 109)
AUDIT < 8 AUDIT ≥ 8 p-value
Trafc Law violations 0.57 (0.22) 4.00 (1.64) 0.001
Other violations 0.47 (0.12) 1.15 (0.45) 0.082
b) All „Clear Picture...!?“ course participants had
a signicant decrease in all police-registered viola-
tions from T0 to T1 (p ˂ .001).
There was no signicant interaction between
group afliation and registered law violations
(p=.087), illustrated in Figure 1.
Ayear prior to taking the course (T0), atotal of
.23 law violations per person were registered for the
participants with <8 points in the AUDIT; in the year
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
following the course participation (T1), .01 law viola-
tions per person were recorded.
For T0, participants with ≥8 AUDIT had .60 reg-
istered violations per person, while T1 had .10 reg-
istered violations per person. The Wilcoxon Rank
Sum Test reveals (Table 3) that T0 participants with
AUDIT <8 and participants with AUDIT ≥8 differ
signicantly (p = .032). There was also asignicant
difference between the participants at T1 (p = .030),
Table 3.
Table 3. Presentation of the results of hypothesis 3b) Reg-
istered law violations in AUDIT <8 points and ≥ 8 points
in the participants (N = 109)
Before (T0) 0.23 (0.080) 0.60 (0.245) .032
After (T1) 0.01 (0.011) 0.10 (0.069) .030
Change -0.21 (0.081) -0.50 (0.224) .087
Remarks. aWilcoxon Rank Sum Test for differences between
groups. Signicant results (p < .05) are written in bold.
To sum up, it was found that all people with AU-
DIT ≥8 points and who had been registered in the
police database had at least one criminal act and at
least one violation of the Alcohol Law.
The „Clear Picture…!?“ is a one-day program that
shows efcacy of alcohol and trafc subjects, al-
though the efcacy is only measured after one year
since taking part in the course. The average number
of Trafc Law violation cases (including driving un-
der alcohol inuence) decreased from 0.18 in the year
before the observation date to 0.03 in the following
year. It is in accordance to the results of the ANDREA
study (Bartl, 2002), in which a50% reduction in prob-
lematic behaviour is described as “magical 50%”.
Results showed that the „Clear Picture…!?“
course participants had less registered trafc viola-
tion cases after ayear since the observation date. The
reduction in the cases of trafc violations may be
due to the fact that the course uses acombination of
theoretical knowledge, practical examples from po-
lice, and real-life experiences from atrafc accident
victim. It is not possible to give anal answer to the
question about the effectiveness of the “Selective Pre-
vention”. The number of law violations outside trafc
(all registered trafc violation cases, except driving
under alcohol inuence and trafc violation cases,
such as theft, violation crimes with and without al-
cohol inuence) after ayear since taking part in the
„Clear Picture…!?“ course declines in participants.
18% of participants have AUDIT ≥8, which means
problematic alcohol consumption.
It was proven that over the duration of the study,
course participants who get at least AUDIT ≥8 (in-
clined to alcohol disorder) have 2.5 times more out-
side Trafc Law violations registered by police than
participants who get less points. Over the duration
of the study, “Clear Picture...!?” course participants
with AUDIT ≥8 points have 7 times more Trafc Law
violations registered by police than participants with
<8 points. It proves that alcohol abuse and law viola-
tion cases are correlated to each other.
Figure 1 illustrates that the course program has
a positive effect on participants with AUDIT ≥8
and <8.
So far no other preventive intervention study has
been found, where:
• The aim was to change the trafc behaviour,
and to manualise the training process.
• The efcacy of intervention had been
evaluated by using police database records.
The relationship between AUDIT alcohol use
and abuse questionnaire score and the frequency of
documented violations of law has been shown. The
study results have implications to raise the quality
through course guidance and technical proposals.
The modules of the „Clear Picture…!?“ course mod-
el conrmed the decline in law violation cases, that
Figure 1: Average number (± standard error) of all law
violations per person one year before and one year after
passing the training depending on AUDIT result (N=109).
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ToTS Volume 10, Issue X: pgxx–pgxx
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a primary preventive
program „Clear Picture…!?“ to increase trafc safety
were due to alcohol and also without alcohol, both in
trafc and outside trafc. It has proven to be unnec-
essary to change either the duration or the content of
the course. The combination of trafc psychological
intervention with police and atrafc accident victim
in this format inuences adolescents positively in
terms of trafc and in the subject of alcohol. The in-
novational growth should take place through cloud-
computing, where aquestionnaire is completed be-
fore the beginning of the course and which helps to
understand the course content. This allows course
participants to reveal their personal results. In addi-
tion, this way the course instructor can see the group
scores and individual scores, which the course in-
structor can then rely on during the course. Through
this kind of cloud-computing development, it is pos-
sible to involve, for example parents or other people,
to take part in the prevention activity and which may
enable to offer trafc safety training to parents and
other people. This kind of prevention method directed
towards parents (Spoth et al., 1999) could be an idea
for improving the „Clear Picture…!?“ course model.
In the course program „Clear Picture…!?“, the mo-
tivating interview and feedback play an important
role, as well as e-CHUG studies or intervention tech-
niques, that are personalised with alcohol feedback
in single or group settings as well as computer-based
(Walters et.al.2009 ). The course model „Clear Pic-
ture…!?“ has similarities to prevention model BOB
(VIAS Institut, 1966), whereby both target groups
are students since 11th grade (out of 12 grades) and
they are aimed to have an emotional effect. The infor-
mation is forwarded through explanations and pres-
entation of trafc accidents, and drunkbuster gog-
gles are used. There are similarities to Austrian trafc
psychological conversation (§13c(FSG-DV)), which
lasts for 100 minutes, whereas „Clear Picture…!?“
lasts for 270 minutes.
Many changes will have been made by 2019 in the
methodics and duration of the “Clear Picture...!?”
course program. For example, the drunkbuster gog-
gles are not in use anymore and the activity has been
replaced with more effective solutions. During the
course, AUDIT was used after aseminar, which ena-
bled to use the data for analysis, but did not give feed-
back to the course participants. If the course would re-
ceive their AUDIT results before the beginning of the
course– which would be possible through cloud-com-
puting– it would be possible to use the results during
the course. The AUDIT results would enable to give
feedback based on alcohol amount that has adamag-
ing effect on health, and which in turn would enable
to show apositive effect necessary for trafc safety. By
2019 there have been made technical changes, which
enables giving feedback about the dangers of alco-
hol consumption to the course participants through
cloud-computing before attending the course.
According to Estonian National Trafc Safety
program until 2025, „Clear Picture…!?“ is acompul-
sory training for high school students to prevent traf-
c risks. The results of this study helped to develop
arisk-rating questionnaire in Estonia for young peo-
ple and other driver groups (for example those who
are under rehabilitation for driving under alcohol
inuence or driving without driving licence), which
is used in every day life. This study revealed some in-
formation about „bottleneck problems“, which can
be taken into consideration by trainings and studies
involving amuch larger number of people.
Babor, T., Higgins-Biddle, J., Saunders, J., & Monteiro, M.
(2001). AUDIT. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identication Test.
Guideline for Use in Primary Care. Geneva: World Health Orga-
nization WHO.
Bartl, G., Assailly, J.P., Chatenet, F., Hatakka, M., Keskinen, E.,
& Willmes-Lenz, G. (2002). EU-project ”Andrea”, Analysis of
Driver Rehabilitation Programmes. Vienna: Austrian Road Sa-
fety Board.
Bem, D. J. (1967). Self-perception: An alternative interpretati-
on of cognitive dissonance phenomena. Psychological Review,
74(3), 183.
Berne, E. (2001). Suhtlemismängud. Tartu: Väike Vanker.
Bühler, A. & Thrul, J. (2015). Prevention of addictive beha-
viours. EMCDDA, Hrsg.
Europäische Komission (2010). Ein europäischer Raum der
Straßenverkehrssicherheit: Leitlinien für die Politik im Bereich
der Straßenverkehrssicherheit 2011-2020. Brüssel.
FSG-DV (2015). Führerscheingesetz-Durchführungsverord-
nung. Österreich.
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