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Entrepreneurship learning, positive psychological capital and entrepreneur competence of students: a research study

  • Universitas Kristen Tentena, Indonesia, Tentena

Abstract and Figures

This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of positive psychology capital, and explains the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning and positive psychological capital on student entrepreneurial competencies in Makassar City. This research is included in the type of explanatory research, which is non-experimental. The population in this study were 345 students who had participated in entrepreneurship education and training at state and private universities in South Sulawesi Province, while the sample size was 201 students who already had and were running a business. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive psychology capital of students of entrepreneurship, and positive psychology capital has a significant influence on student entrepreneurial competence in South Sulawesi Province. The results of path analysis show that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competence through mediation of positive psychology capital.
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ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
Muhammad Hasan¹*, St. Hatidja², Nurjanna3, Feliks Arfid Guampe4, Gempita5,
Muhammad Imam Ma’ruf6
1,6 Universitas Negeri Makassar, Jl. Raya Pendidikan Kampus UNM Gunung Sari Baru, Makassar, South Sulawesi,
2 STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia, Jl. Inspeksi Kanal No. 10, Kabupaten Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
3 STIE Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar, Jl. Kumala II No. 51, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
4 Universitas Kristen Tentena, Jl. Torulemba No. 21, Kabupaten Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
5 STIE Yapman Majene, Jl. Sudirman No. 76, Majene, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
E-mail: 1* (Corresponding author)
Received 13 February 2019; accepted 15 July 2019; published 30 September 2019
Abstract. This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of positive psychology capital,
and explains the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning and positive psychological capital on student entrepreneurial
competencies in Makassar City. This research is included in the type of explanatory research, which is non-experimental. The population in
this study were 345 students who had participated in entrepreneurship education and training at state and private universities in South
Sulawesi Province, while the sample size was 201 students who already had and were running a business. The results of this study indicate
that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive psychology capital of students of entrepreneurship, and
positive psychology capital has a significant influence on student entrepreneurial competence in South Sulawesi Province. The results of
path analysis show that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competence through mediation of
positive psychology capital.
Keywords: entrepreneurship learning; positive psychological capital; entrepreneur competence; students
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hasan, M.; Hatidja, St.; Nurjanna, Guampe, F.A.; Gempita, Ma’ruf, M.I. 2019.
Entrepreneurship learning, positive psychological capital and entrepreneur competence of students: a research study, Entrepreneurship and
Sustainability Issues 7(1): 425-437.
JEL Classifications: I25
Additional disciplines: psychology; educology
The research was supported by the Directorate of Higher Education and Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
1. Introduction
In the era of industrial revolution 4.0 which has implications for the importance of economic literacy and digital
literacy, every country in the world is expected to be able to have competitiveness, especially in terms of
innovation and creativity. However, there are still many countries that face high unemployment rates among their
youth, especially young people with low education qualifications (Biavaschi et al., 2012; Hasan & Azis, 2018;
Musa & Hasan, 2018), so that, mastering science and technology through education and training is one of the
determining factors for the success of individual in the workforce (Biavaschi et al., 2012). In an innovation-based
digital era, it is necessary to have the well-trained entrepreneurial technical expertise to deal with a rapidly
changing global economic environment (Essia, 2012). Thus, there is a need to establish entrepreneurial learning
that can form entrepreneurial competencies, especially at the level of higher education (Grubor, 2013; Haeruddin,
Pick, & Thein, in press).
Students need tools, techniques, and theories to help them succeed in finding and directing their world. Some
studies have found that entrepreneurship education and business literacy are still lacking among the younger
generation, especially the aspects of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills is one of the efforts to improve the
economic welfare of young people in the future (Ernst & Young, 2012).
The results of other studies from Ernst & Young (2011) confirm that experience in the corporate sector provides
an important foundation in business practice. The informants in the study chose experience as employees as
having the highest impact (33%). Higher education is prioritized by almost one third of informants (30%),
followed by mentors (26%), families (21%), co-founders (16%), secondary education (13%), colleagues (12%),
executives (11 %), friends (9%), and investors (5%). Despite having the second highest contribution according to
the informants, higher education remains one of the important aspects that is able to provide experience in the
formation of entrepreneurial competencies.
Many young people are reluctant to entrepreneurship due to psychological conditions that do not support.
Psychological circumstances are valuable personal resources and capital for someone to succeed (Luthans,
Luthans, & Luthans, 2004). Psychological capital is an extension of the concept of "economic capital", but differs
from human capital or social capital (Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans 2004). In other words, psychological capital is
the belief that a person has all the mental strength, capacity, and ability to do things for the sake of the progress of
oneself and others. Psychological capital is related to "who I am". Psychological capital has four dimensions: self-
efficacy, optimism, resilience, and hope (Luthans et al., 2004; Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2007). In
various literature, psychological capital is the primary determinant of the success of the entrepreneurial process,
including in terms of the formation of entrepreneurial competencies. But in the entrepreneurial literature, more
empirical evidence is needed to prove the importance of a positive relationship between psychological capital and
entrepreneurial competence (Newman, Schwarz & Borgia, 2014).
In general, competencies include the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to complete an activity
(Morris et al., 2013). These include strategic thinking, a favorable orientation for change and innovation, the
ability to build networks and build strategic alliances, risk assessment, identify opportunities and motivate others
around common goals. Mitchelmore and Rowley (2013) propose a structure that establishes six principles of
entrepreneurial skills: proper identification and niche market definitions, development of products or services that
are in line with niche markets/product innovation, idea creation, environmental identification, recognizing and
utilizing opportunities, and formulating strategies to take advantage of opportunities.
Entrepreneurship learning aims to guide all students not only, have an entrepreneurial mindset, but also have the
competence and entrepreneurship skills (Hegarty, 2006). At the level of higher education entrepreneurial learning
aims to build entrepreneurial spirit and culture, so that students have entrepreneurial intentions and competencies.
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
Several studies have been conducted to find out entrepreneurial learning towards the success of students to
become successful entrepreneurs. However, findings from several studies are often difficult to observe because
there is still a lack of quantity of students who have successful businesses (Amoros & Bosma, 2014). Seeing these
findings, it is felt that there are still research gaps to see the impact of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of
student entrepreneurial competencies.
Often, entrepreneurship learning is only related to aspects of knowledge and often neglects the formation of
potential skills, abilities, and entrepreneurial attitudes. Therefore, an empirical study is needed to prove the
relationship between entrepreneurial learning and the structure of positive psychology capital and entrepreneurial
skills in students. Although various learning strategies have been introduced, there is no agreement on the right
learning strategies to form entrepreneurial competencies. However, some experts have agreed on three main
categories of entrepreneurial learning strategies, which include cognitive plans, meta-cognitive strategies, and
resource management strategies (Soric & Palekcic, 2009; Clayton, Blumberg, & Auld, 2010).
2. Literature review
This article aims to determine the impact of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of entrepreneurial
competencies through the formation of positive psychology capital in students, so based on this, the formation of
student entrepreneurial competencies includes triggers, processes, and consequences. The trigger for the
formation of student entrepreneurial competencies includes beliefs, goals, and contextual embeddedness. The
process of developing competencies consists of entrepreneurial learning such as learning by doing (Cope & Watts
2000; Minniti & Bygrave, 2001), cognitive learning strategies (Vermetten et al., 1999; Baubonienė et al., 2018),
meta-cognitive learning strategies (Huang, 2008), and Clayton, Blumberg, & Auld (2010) with dimensions of
cognitive strategy, meta-cognitive strategies, and resource management strategies.
The consequences of the entrepreneurial process are divided into three categories which include: entrepreneurial
competence, entrepreneurial attributes, and entrepreneurial skills (Gibb, 2005). Entrepreneurial behavior includes
seeking and utilizing opportunities, taking initiatives to realize things, solving problems creatively, managing
independently, being responsible, building networks effectively, arranging things creatively, and being able to
take account of various risks. Entrepreneurial attributes of individuals that consist of orientation and ambition of
achievement, self-confidence, performance, high locus of control, orientation to action, preference for learning by
doing, perseverance, determination and creativity. Entrepreneurial skills consist of creative problem solving,
negotiation skills, the ability to manage a business, project or situation holistically, think strategically, and make
intuitive decisions under uncertainty. Based on this, the study of this article was based on the assumption that the
process of developing entrepreneurial competencies through entrepreneurship learning aims to form
entrepreneurial competencies through entrepreneurial attributes of individuals known as positive psychology
Until now, scientists have identified several that determine one's competency in entrepreneurship, including their
nature and personality, for example the big five (Ciavarella et al., 2004; Musa, Haeruddin, & Haeruddin, 2018),
the tendency to take risks (Zhao et al., 2005), self-efficacy (Zhao et al., 2005), risks to entrepreneurial activity
(Krueger 1993; Matthews & Moser, 1996), and gender (Marlow & McAdam, 2011; Haeruddin & Natsir, 2016;
Azis, Haeruddin, & Azis, 2018). Among these determinants, entrepreneurship learning seems to be one of the
important things, because the evidence in previous research shows that there is a clear relationship between
entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurial activity (Henderson & Robertson, 2000; Galloway & Keogh, 2006;
Girdzijauskaite et al., 2019).
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
Psychological tradition in entrepreneurship tends to focus on entrepreneurial description as a phenomenon, not as
a way to inform entrepreneurial practice (Frese et al., 2012). This study looks at the psychological aspects of
entrepreneurship which are positively related to the formation of entrepreneurial competencies, so that through
this, it is possible to design interventions that can improve student entrepreneurial competence through
entrepreneurial learning.
Psychological capital is a relatively new concept that is still being developed, especially in the formation of
entrepreneurial competencies (Jensen & Luthans, 2006; Baron et al., 2013). Hmieleski and Carr (2008) found that
psychological capital is able to explain the achievement of business performance through the formation of
entrepreneurial competencies. Baron et al., (2013) found that entrepreneurs with higher psychological capital have
a higher welfare because psychological capital is able to form good entrepreneurial competencies.
Based on the study, the conceptual framework of the process of developing student entrepreneurial competencies
can be seen in Figure 1.
Fig.1. The Conceptual Framework of The Process of Developing Student Entrepreneurial Competencies
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
3. Methods
This research is included in the type of explanatory research, which is non-experimental in nature and aims to
analyze the influence of entrepreneurial learning and positive psychology capital on student entrepreneurial
competencies in South Sulawesi Province, using a quantitative approach through parameter testing in answering
hypotheses. To get data in accordance with the study design, the closed-ended question type was used.
Entrepreneurship learning refers to Clayton, Blumberg, & Auld (2010) with dimensions of cognitive strategy,
meta-cognitive strategy, and resource management strategies, the measuring scale used is ordinal. Positive
psychology capital refers to Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans (2004) with dimensions, namely: self-efficacy,
optimism, resilience, and hope, the measurement scale used is ordinal. Measurement of entrepreneurial
competencies includes proper identification and niche market definition, development of products or services that
are in line with niche markets/product innovation, idea creation, identification of the environment, recognizing
and utilizing opportunities, and formulating strategies to take advantage of opportunities (Mitchelmore & Rowley,
2013), with an ordinal measurement scale.
The population in this study were 345 students who had participated in entrepreneurship education and training in
South Sulawesi Province, while the sample size was 201 students who already had and were running a business.
Data analysis techniques use statistical testing to verify the various problems presented in the hypothesis, so that
generalization can be carried out, and based on path analysis. The purpose of path analysis is to find out the direct
and indirect effects of a set of exogenous variables on endogenous variables (Hair et al., 2010). Based on the
description, the variables examined in this article can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Research Variable
Entrepreneurship learning
(Clayton, Blumberg, & Auld, 2010)
Cognitive strategy
Meta-cognitive strategy
Resource management strategies
Positive psychology capital
(Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans, 2004)
Entrepreneurial competencies
(Mitchelmore & Rowley, 2013)
Market identification
Product development and innovation
Idea creation
Identification of the environment
Recognizing and utilizing opportunities
Take advantage of opportunities
4. Results and discussion
The results of the instrument validity test indicate that all indicators in the research variable meet the data validity
requirements. For more details can be seen in Table 2.
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
Table 2. Validity Test
Entrepreneurship learning
Cognitive strategy (X1.1)
Meta-cognitive strategy (X1.2)
Resource management strategies (X1.3)
Positive psychology capital
Self-efficacy (X2.1)
Optimism (X2.2)
Resilience (X2.3)
Hope (X2.4)
Entrepreneurial competencies
Market identification (Y1.1)
Product development and innovation (Y1.2)
Idea creation (Y1.3)
Identification of the environment (Y1.4)
Recognizing and utilizing opportunities (Y1.5)
Take advantage of opportunities (Y1.6)
Source: Computed by authors
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
The results of the validity test in Table 2 show that all indicators in entrepreneurial learning variables, positive
psychology capital, and entrepreneurial competence have a pearson correlation (correlation coefficient) that is
greater than 0.30, so that all of these indicators have met the data validity requirements. After the validity test is
done, then the instrument reliability test is carried out as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Reliability Test
Cronbach's Alpha
Entrepreneurship learning (X1)
Positive psychology capital (X2)
Entrepreneurial competencies (Y)
Source: Computed by authors
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of positive
psychology capital, and explains the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning and positive
psychology capital on student entrepreneurial competencies in South Sulawesi Province. Summary of research
results can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4. Path Analysis Coefficient(s)
Direct Effect
Path Analysis
Path Coefficient
Entrepreneurship Learning Positive Psychological Capital
Entrepreneurship Learning Entrepreneur Competence
Positive Psychological Capital Entrepreneur Competence
Indirect Effect
Indirect Path
Path Coefficient
Entrepreneurship Learning Positive Psychological Capital
Entrepreneur Competence
0.887 x 0.754 = 0.668
Source: Computed by authors
Based on the results of data processing, the entrepreneurial learning path coefficient for positive psychological
capital formation is 0.887, indicating that the influence of entrepreneurial learning on positive psychology capital
formation is 0.887 with a probability value of 0.000. The results of this analysis indicate that entrepreneurship
learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive psychology capital of students who become
entrepreneurs. The coefficient of entrepreneurship learning pathway towards entrepreneurial competence is equal
to 0.613 indicating that the influence of entrepreneurial learning on entrepreneurial competencies is 0.613. The
probability value of entrepreneurship learning on entrepreneurial competencies is 0.001. The results of this
analysis indicate that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competencies that
become entrepreneurs. The positive psychology capital path coefficient on entrepreneurial competence is 0.754,
indicating that the positive psychological capital effect on entrepreneurial competency is 0.754. The probability
value of family capital on business performance is 0.015, so the results of this analysis indicate that positive
psychological capital has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competencies that become entrepreneurs.
The indirect coefficient of entrepreneurship learning on entrepreneurial competence through positive psychology
capital is 0.668, indicating that the coefficient of entrepreneurial learning pathways towards entrepreneurial
competence through positive psychological capital is 0.668.
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2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
The findings of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning influences the formation of positive psychology
capital. This shows that entrepreneurial learning determines the level of formation of positive psychology capital
(Sarasvathy, 2004). Entrepreneurship learning that is applied makes students learn from direct experience and
other experiences around the campus environment. Positive psychological capital formation is the result of high
learning intensity (Cope, 2003).
The test results in this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning influences entrepreneurial competencies. These
results indicate that applied entrepreneurship learning has been able to cover the realm of skills. There are 3
approaches to entrepreneurship learning, which include entrepreneurial learning by emphasizing theoretical study,
work-oriented learning, this learning encourages students to practice becoming entrepreneurs, fosters students'
interest in becoming entrepreneurs with knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship, and learning
through entrepreneurial activities, this learning invites students to learn to be directly involved in business
activities (O'Connor, 2013).
The findings of this study indicate that student entrepreneurship competencies are supported by appropriate
learning processes within the institution. The curriculum in the institution contains a sequence of courses related
to the formation of student entrepreneurial competencies that are in accordance with the cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor levels of students. This is tailored to the expected competencies through a systematic process. These
findings are in accordance with the findings of Markowska (2011) who suggested that learning entrepreneurship
should be the main vehicle for the development of student entrepreneurial competencies. The research findings
also show that universities have used learning with experience as one of the main methods of delivering
entrepreneurial material, so that izn every learning the weight between knowledge and skills through practice is
increasingly dominant in entrepreneurship learning. Makassar State University, as one of the research locations,
has provided a center for entrepreneurship, external/internal funding for students who want entrepreneurship,
community services and guest lectures, and business incubators. This shows that entrepreneurship learning is also
focused on aspects of learning while working or direct observation.
Another finding in this study shows that positive psychological capital has a significant effect on entrepreneurial
competence and there is an influence of entrepreneurial learning on entrepreneurial competence through
mediating the formation of positive psychology capital. Entrepreneurial success is a series of positive results from
the utilization of internal forces contained within humans (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Entrepreneurship
views success not only financially but also psychologically (Gorgievski et al., 2011). For entrepreneurs, non-
financial incentives are more satisfying, while financial benefits do not always bring the greatest satisfaction
(Alstete, 2008; Zainal et al., 2018). Meanwhile, the career success literature highlights that people are more
appreciative of personal success than objective performance measures, given their full commitment to their work
(Poon, 2005). In other words, successful entrepreneurs often feel more satisfied after all the difficulties and are far
more satisfied after sharing a lot of money or wealth with the community in the form of charity, donations,
sponsors and at the same time, transforming gratitude to the city for success (Csikzentmihalyi, 2000). Thus,
entrepreneurial success is highlighted to comprise not only financial benefits but also measures of psychological
success, such as satisfaction, gratitude, and readiness (Tang et al., 2010).
The findings of this study indicate that the most dominant dimension of positive psychology capital held by
students is optimism. Optimism is a way of interpreting positive events as a matter that occurs as a result of self,
is permanent, and can occur in various situations; and interpret negative events as things that occur due to things
outside ourselves, are temporary, and only occur in certain situations (Luthans et al., 2007). Optimism is also
interpreted as a hope for a positive and open future for settled self-development (Avey, Richard, Luthans, Mhatre,
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
Optimistic students will be more realistic and flexible. Because, optimism in positive psychology capital is not
only described as positive feelings but also a strong learning in terms of self discipline, analysis of past mistakes,
and planning to prevent the occurrence of bad things. Students with high optimism will be able to feel cognitive
and emotional implications when they get success (Luthans et al., 2007).
The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive
psychology capital. Other findings show that positive psychology capital has a significant influence on
entrepreneurial competence. The results of path analysis show that entrepreneurial learning has a significant
effect on entrepreneurial competence through the mediation of positive psychology capital. The research findings
have implications for the importance of entrepreneurial learning in higher education, both through education and
training, to form positive psychological capital that can support the formation of entrepreneurial competencies.
The findings of this study are able to provide information on the importance of psychological factors in forming
entrepreneurial competencies, so that entrepreneurship learning at the tertiary level must be designed to balance
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, especially in the affective aspect, positive psychology capital formation is
very important because of the formation of entrepreneurial competencies very much determined by positive
psychology capital. Future research is expected to conduct research by looking for other psychological factors
that can shape student entrepreneurial competencies.
This research is inseparable from several limitations. The first limitation is, this study only managed to identify
entrepreneurship learning models based on student perceptions, so that in the future it is hoped that the
entrepreneurship learning model that has been identified can be developed in the form of development research.
The second limitation is that this study only measures positive psychology capital and student entrepreneurship
skills based on the perceptions of respondents who are still students, so that in the future this research can be
developed to measure positive psychology capital and entrepreneurship skills of students who have completed
college education and decide to become an entrepreneur.
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2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
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We would like to thank the Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education, the Republic of Indonesia for their financial support of this research. We appreciate the Research
Institution of Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), and to anonymous reviewers for excellent comments and
suggestions for this paper.
Muhammad HASAN is a Lecturer in Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Makassar. His
research fields include entrepreneurship, economic education, informal education, economic literacy, and knowledge transfer.
St. HATIDJA is a Lecturer in Department of Economics Education, STKIP Pembangunan Indonesia Makassar. His field of research
includes entrepreneurship and economic education
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
2019 Volume 7 Number 1 (September)
NURJANNA is a Lecturer in Department of Management, STIE Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar. His research fields include
entrepreneurship, management, and financial management.
Feliks Arfid GUAMPE is a Lecturer in Department of Economics Development, Universitas Kristen Tentena. His field of research studies
includes the economics of entrepreneurship, management, and economic education.
GEMPITA is a Lecturer in Department of Management, STIE Yapman Majene. His field of research studies includes the economics of
entrepreneurship, management, and economic education
Muhammad Imam MA'RUF is a Lecturer in Department of Economics Development, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri
Makassar. His field of research includes entrepreneurship, agribusiness, and agricultural economics.
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Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and VsI Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
... Entrepreneurial skills consist of creative problem-solving, thinking strategically, negotiation skills, and the ability to manage the business and make intuitive decisions under uncertainty (Hasan et al., 2019). ...
... Through the mediation of positive psychology capital, Hasan et al. (2019) discovered that entrepreneurial learning significantly affects students' entrepreneurial competence. ...
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There has been an acceleration in competence-based management in recent years, which has, in turn, influenced entrepreneurial success by strengthening entrepreneurial competencies. This study aims to analyse and predict the future of the research on entrepreneurial competencies using bibliometric methods. For this purpose, VOSviewer software was used for co-word analysis. Bibliometric methods such as citation analysis and co-author analysis were used to analyse the studies related to entrepreneurial competencies. It was found that most publications were published in 2019 based on a search in the Web of Science database between 1995 and 2023. The analysis of 1403 publications revealed that 460 proceeding papers, 10 early access and 210 book chapters were involved in the search. After reducing the set to include articles, 914 papers were evaluated. Results show that the authors most cited over the years are Lans Thomas, Al Mamun Abdullah, Mulder Martin, and Obschonka. Furthermore, it was found that Spain had the highest number of published works, followed by China and the USA respectively. Study findings also revealed that entrepreneurial competencies are more related to core, emotional, and network competencies and sustainable development, creativity, innovation, social capital, and higher education.
... Asimismo, se consideran como factores importantes para el aprendizaje, la experiencia y el aprendizaje propio y de otros, como menciona la teoría de Nonaka y Takeuchi (2019) en sus dimensiones epistemológicas y ontológicas. Estas competencias empresariales serán respaldadas por los procesos de aprendizajes de la institución (Hasan et al., 2019). ...
... Tal como indican Nonaka y Takeuchi (2019) se logra mejorar la competencia considerando al aprendizaje individual y grupal, lo cual ha sido observado en las actividades diseñadas dentro del programa, con mejores resultados en la d1, d2 que se compone de ambos tipos de actividades y resultados limitados en la d3 y d4 que consideran sólo un tipo de actividad (grupal o individual). Estos resultados (en grupos experimentales) coinciden con Hasan et al. (2019) al mostrar que el aprendizaje en temas de emprendimiento tiene un efecto significativo en la competencia (logro absoluto de la competencia: logro en las cuatro dimensiones). ...
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar el efecto del programa académico complementario en la mejora de la competencia emprendimiento nivel 1 (n1) en pregrado. Para ello se realizó un programa experimental en el año 2020, basado en la metodología Lean Startup, con un enfoque cuantitativo, cuasi experimental y diseño de Solomon. La muestra consideró 112 estudiantes y la herramienta utilizada fue la rúbrica, validada por un comité de expertos y aprobada por el área de assessment de la institución. Se aplicó un cuestionario y se analizó con las pruebas de Kruskall Wallis y Mann Whitney. Se evidenció la mejora de la competencia y de sus dimensiones en los grupos experimentales, encontrando que el grupo experimental sin pretest presentó mejores resultados.
... This criterion can effectively restrain human behaviour in interpersonal interaction, reduce friction in interpersonal communication, and ease tension and conflict in interpersonal communication. Hasan et al. (2019) have found that entrepreneurship training has a certain impact on students' learning of positive psychology. By conducting entrepreneurship training courses for a certain number of students, they analyse the psychological level changes before and after the study. ...
... By conducting entrepreneurship training courses for a certain number of students, they analyse the psychological level changes before and after the study. The experimental results show that entrepreneurship learning training can promote the formation of college students' positive psychology, open their innovative thinking and improve their self-confidence (Hasan et al. 2019). During the COVID-19 epidemic, people not only worry about the risk of death but also have some psychological pressure. ...
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The aim of this study was to Analysed the influence of Chinese traditional culture identity education on the positive psychology of university students. The study selected 200 students as the research object and divided into experimental group and control group. The students in the experimental group received traditional cultural identity education courses combined with practical activities, while the control group implemented conventional courses. After implementing the program, students’ learning efficiency is significantly improved and their learning anxiety is reduced. The learning effectiveness, cultural identity, and interpersonal communication barriers of the experimental group students have all improved, and the improvement in positive psychological status of the experimental group is significantly higher than that of the control group. The difference between the two groups is statistically significant. Chinese culture has a long history and contains profound life truth and positive thoughts. Good traditional cultural identity education can cultivate college students’ correct political position and establish correct outlook on life, values and the world. This study showed effective cultural identity education and practical activities in colleges and universities can effectively promote the cultivation of students’ positive psychology, improve students’ self-confidence and enhance national pride. Contribution: The result of this study is applicable for scholars in the field of psychology of religion and the sociology of religion, as well as cultural studies and public theology.
... Several recent studies believe that entrepreneurship education can provide knowledge and mindset, which in turn influence innovative activities and risk-taking in business (Wardana et al., 2020). Entrepreneurship education will educate someone about how to make economic decisions and how to think about or know economic concepts, so it is hoped that it can create economic literacy (Hasan et al., 2019). For a business to run well, entrepreneurs need to have a strong understanding of finance (Rapina et al., 2023). ...
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Entrepreneurship has become a central issue in an effort to improve the nation’s economic welfare. Several previous studies agree that the ideal country is one that has an entrepreneurial contribution of at least 4% of its total population. However, when compared with other countries, Indonesia’s entrepreneurial contribution is currently still low because it has only reached an entrepreneurial ratio of 3.47%. One of the causes of this low contribution is the lack of effective entrepreneurship education. Some empirical evidence has not been able to explain how entrepreneurship education is able to prepare generation Z to become entrepreneurs through various new literacies. This research aims to investigate the influence of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial readiness of generation Z students, which is moderated by digital business literacy and financial literacy. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and involved 700 students in Makassar City, Indonesia. The data analysis technique used is partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. Research findings show that entrepreneurship education plays an important role in the entrepreneurial readiness of generation Z students, which is strengthened by digital business literacy and financial literacy. The findings of this research can help expand and develop concepts related to digital business literacy and financial literacy in the context of entrepreneurship education in higher education, so that, by implication, this research provides a valuable contribution to entrepreneurship education, which paves the way for further research regarding entrepreneurial readiness in the context of diverse higher education through various other new literacies.
... Baluku et al., 2016;Baluku et al., 2018). Research also offers evidence that psychological capital is associated with entrepreneurship (Bockorny, 2015;Contreras et al., 2017;Hasan et al., 2019;Jensen & Luthans, 2006;Pease & Cunningham, 2016). These constructs provide the scaffolding to support and protect their holistic and psychological wellbeing. ...
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This paper examines the effectiveness of the pilot emotional intelligence programme with individual coaching interventions in enhancing the psychological capital, creative self-efficacy, well-being, and life satisfaction of entrepreneurship students. The study, involving 16 students from an entrepreneurship academy, shows that these interventions have a positive impact on these psychological aspects, both immediately after the sessions and in the long term. The results indicate a strong interconnection between psychological capital and its components and well-being, and to a lesser extent, with creative self-efficacy.
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This study aims to explain and analyze the impact of product innovation and social media on business competitiveness through e-commerce of MSME products to bridge the gap. The population under this study includes e-commerce MSMEs customer community located in 27 districts / cities in South Sulawesi and East Java Provinces including Palopo City, Pare-Pare, Makassar, Batu, Malang, Surabaya, Kediri and Madiun, Bulukumba Regency, Sinjai, Bantaeng, Takalar, Gowa, Tana Toraja, Luwu, Maros, Pangkep, Soppeng, Wajo, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Bojonegoro, Gresik, Kediri, Lamongan, Magetan, and Malang which amounted to 22,296,873 e-commerce MSME customers in South Sulawesi and East Java Provinces. The sample used in this study, namely 500 respondents / customers, using probability sampling techniques or multistage random sampling or determination of cluster sampling based on the division of an area / region in stages. The analytical technique used for hypothesis testing is Amos structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that product innovation has one indirect significant effect on e-commerce of MSME products, social media has an indirect significant effect on e-commerce of MSME products. Product innovation has a significant effect directly on business competitiveness. Social media has a significant effect directly on business competitiveness and e-commerce of MSME products has a significant effect directly on business competitiveness.
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International branch campus is a rather new phenomenon in higher education and it is often questioned if it is an effective tool for HEI competitiveness because of its high risks and extremely high costs. In order for higher education institution managers to be able to use an international branch campus (IBC) as a tool for competitiveness, indicators of IBC having the strongest influence on the competitiveness of HEI must be indicated. In order to determine the main key performance indicators semi structured interviews were executed with the top managers of international branch campuses globally and the gathered data was analysed and coded using the computer assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS) with Nvivo software. Six most important key performance indicators of IBCs have been identified and the FARE (Factor Relationship) method was used in order to determine the weights of the latter criteria. A system of indicators has been developed to assess the impact of HEI international development on the university's competitiveness and a relationship between the key performance indicators of the IBCs and the university's competitiveness has been revealed.
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Today's ultra-competitive businesses pose new ambitious challenges for universities to become entrepreneurial, to promote creativity and student aspirations to start up a business, to contribute to the spirit of entrepreneurship, to provide the knowledge necessary for the development of business and to introduce new and innovative entrepreneurship programmes. The paper argues that this shift arises from factors such as the image of entrepreneurship, personal qualities and the environment, the university study process, study environment and university infrastructure, all of which should be taken into consideration. The aim of the research was to determine and compare the factors that influence students’ intentions to start their own business in Dongseo University (South Korea) and in Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), using quantitative (a sample of 367 and 335 students) and qualitative (a sample of 6 and 10 experts) research methods respectively. The results showed that personal qualities, the image of student entrepreneurship and the environmental impact on entrepreneurship vary across cultures. However, it should be noted that students’ intentions to start a business are affected by determining factors in the study process. These research results could help determine what are the expected knowledge, competences or practical skills to be acquired at university. © 2018 by author(s) and VsI Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center.
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In this article, a conceptual framework and research propositions are developed to explain how microfinance provision can translate into new venture creation and existing venture growth in an emerging economy context by engendering higher levels of psychological and social capital in clients. In doing this, the extent to which microfinance institutions provide business support and opportunities for social interaction are identified as factors which may strengthen the impact of microfinance provision on psychological and social capital, especially for poor entrepreneurs in resource-constrained settings. The conceptual framework and research propositions developed will be of use to academics in designing an agenda for future empirical research. In addition, they will help policymakers and microfinance providers to better design microfinance initiatives that enhance the well-being of clients and maximise their entrepreneurial outcomes.
The aim of this study is to explore women academic's identity work in the context of the Global South (Indonesia). This is done by examining how the interplay between macro‐level social, cultural and political influences and micro‐processes produce moments of compliance and resistance. To this end, the following research question is posed: What is the nature of identity work among women academics in higher education institutions of the Global South where there are shifting and conflicting social and cultural conditions? This study contributes by illuminating the ways in which women comply with or resist traditional and contemporary organisational and occupational structures that produce gender inequality. It also contributes to understanding how the interplay of power and resistance influences women's academic identity work in developing nations.
This paper explores the extent whether entrepreneurship education in its relation with female student’s experiences contribute to their career intention. This paper employed a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews on 75 respondents in Makassar State University, Indonesia. The findings show that despite the existing knowledge on entrepreneurship education is perceived as gendered, this study results shows the benefits as the female students in higher education, since the cultural and religious teaching in the patriarchal values settings are support them in crafting their career intention. This will bring such theoretical and practical implication. For theoretical implication, this research fills the gaps in existing research. Moreover, for practical implications, it is expected that the decision makers in higher education settings should be able to preserve the privileges of the women students in order to achieve the equality in education, to create potential pool of talents in entrepreneurship field, to encourage the emerge of start-up companies initiated by women and lastly to overcome the unemployment problem.
The changing nature of work suggests that young people may face the prospect of a “portfolio” career including periods of paid employment, nonwork and selfemployment, of which the latter implies greater scope for entrepreneurial activity. Reports questionnaire surveys of young adults which examine their attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Reference is also made to current policy initiatives and entrepreneurship education in the UK. The findings suggest that generally positive images of entrepreneurship are hampered by a lack of identifiable role models, poor media presentation of individuals or small firms, and lack of encouragement from important influencers on career choice such as teachers and career guidance specialists. University courses have their limitations but can have a role in providing a useful insight into the challenges involved in being an entrepreneur and also encouraging skill development and selfreliance.
Entrepreneurship and leadership have arguably been among the most explosive fields of study within recent years, yet little research attention has been given to entrepreneurs as leaders or the psychological strengths that may be related to their leadership behaviors. Using a sample (N = 76) of business founders of relatively new, small organizations, this study examined the relationship between their psychological capital (Luthans and Youssef, 2004) and their self-perceptions of authentic leadership (Avolio et al, 2004; Luthans and Avolio, 2003). Results indicate initial empirical support for this relationship. Limitations and recommendations for practice and future research conclude the article.
We model entrepreneurial learning as a calibrated algorithm of an iterated choice problem in which entrepreneurs learn by updating a subjective stock of knowledge accumulated on the basis of past experiences. Specifically, we argue that entrepreneurs repeat only those choices that appear most promising and discard the ones that resulted in failure. The contribution of the paper is twofold. First, we provide a structural model of entrepreneurial learning in which failure Is as Informative-though clearly not as desirable-as success. Second, to complement standard economic models in which agents are rational, we allow our entrepreneurs to have myopic foresight. Our entrepreneurs process Information, make mistakes, update their decisional algorithms and, possibly, through this struggle, Improve their performance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
The importance of entrepreneurial competencies is widely acknowledged, but its systematic incorporation into formal education in Nigeria has been quite slow. This paper contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship, and how formal education can be transformed through entrepreneurial acculturation. More specifically, a framework for entrepreneurial culturing of undergraduate programmes of universities in Nigeria is proposed. Formal education is a core component of enterprise development because the larger proportion of the population go through it to actualize their career goals; hence the need to mainstream entrepreneurial training in tertiary education. But doing so calls for comprehensive review of the curricula to accommodate more action learning, internship, fieldwork, and running of mini-companies by students. Drawing on lessons from the experiences of the UK and other European Community countries, the paper proposes the entrepreneurial culturing programme (ECP) as a framework for mainstreaming entrepreneurial competencies in the undergraduate programmes of Nigerian universities. Workability and sustainability of ECP call for sound fiscal governance, effective partnership and collaboration with private investors and donors, and regular monitoring to reward high performing students, teachers, and institutions appropriately.
Purpose – Entrepreneurial competencies have an impact on firm performance and growth. The purpose of this paper is to report empirical research into the entrepreneurial competencies reported by female entrepreneurs who are committed to the growth of their business. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire‐based survey of female entrepreneurs in England and Wales was conducted. The core of the questionnaire was a list of entrepreneurial competencies compiled from previous theoretical and empirical frameworks, coupled with Likert scales through which the entrepreneurs were invited to rate their ability in relation to each competency. PCA was conducted in order to identify clusters of competencies, and to identify the competencies that loaded onto those clusters. Findings – Four main clusters of competencies were identified: personal and relationship, business and management, entrepreneurial, and human relations competencies. Whilst previous research on the competencies of entrepreneurs has identified the two clusters of business and management, and entrepreneurial competencies, the competencies in the other two clusters have received less attention and have not been identified as clusters. Arguably, competencies in these clusters are valued more highly by female entrepreneurs than by their male counterparts. Originality/value – This study is the first to offer a comprehensive analysis of the competencies of female entrepreneurs. By identifying four key groups of competencies, the research provides the basis for an agenda for focus in education, and development of female entrepreneurs. More specifically, the Female Entrepreneur Competence (FEC) framework generated by this research can be used to support female entrepreneurs in the self‐assessment of their competencies.