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A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome
Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is widely known to be one of the most common cancers among men around the world.
Due to its high heterogeneity, many of the studies carried out to identify the molecular level causes for
cancer have only been partially successful. Among the techniques used in cancer studies, gene
expression profiling is seen to be one of the most popular techniques due to its high usage. Gene
expression profiles reveal information about the functionality of genes in different body tissues at
different conditions. In order to identify cancer-decisive genes, differential gene expression analysis is
carried out using statistical and machine learning methodologies. It helps to extract information about
genes that have significant expression differences between healthy tissues and cancerous tissues. In this
paper, we discuss a comprehensive supervised classification approach using Support Vector Machine
(SVM) models to investigate differentially expressed Y-chromosome genes in prostate cancer. 8 SVM
models, which are tuned to have 98.3% average accuracy have been used for the analysis. We were able
to capture genes like CD99 (MIC2), ASMTL, DDX3Y and TXLNGY to come out as the best
candidates. Some of our results support existing findings while introducing novel findings to be possible
prostate cancer candidates.
keywords: Support Vector Machines; prostate cancer; Y-chromosome; differential expression;
microarray data; log fold change.
1. Introduction
Advancement in computing technology has enabled the possibility of materializing microscopic
information into humanly sensitive data, thus causing a massive growth of bioinformatics and
computational biology fields. Collecting biological information of humans and other species, which
once was a virtually impossible task has now become trivial. The depth of available cellular information
of species has gone from cell level to DNA sequences. Furthermore, gene expression data can be
acquired for analysis on computers with the development of Microarray technology [18] [21]. The
advancement of retrieving methods and purity of Microarray data has given insights into touching
Wageesha Rasanjana, Sandun Rajapaksa, Indika Perera, Dulani Meedeniya
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, {sandunip, indika, dulanim}
EPiC Series in Computing
Volume 60, 2019, Pages 129–138
Proceedings of 11th International Conference
on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
O. Eulenstein, H. Al-Mubaid and Q. Ding (eds.), BiCOB 2019 (EPiC Series in Computing, vol. 60),
pp. 129–138
untouchable aspects in Medicine and Biology [9]; thus, benefitting the treatments for various diseases.
Cancer treatments have become highly cellular based as bioinformaticians and scientists have been
discovering genes and their interactions with each other over the past decade. These discoveries could
cause triggers for treatments of a number of cancers and other sorts of untreatable diseases. In fact,
studies have been carried out on the genome level to find differentially expressed genes that are
remarkable in cancerous tissues [3] [14] [23]. However, the heterogeneity of these data has caused many
hardships in analyzing gene expression profiles, which in turn provoking the development of novel
data-analysis techniques.
One of the most common, yet hardly treatable cancers is Prostate cancer, which can be seen often
among men around the globe [2]. 84,861 men from the USA [20] and 47,151 men from the UK [5]
were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015 while 11,631 deaths were reported in the UK in 2016. It
has two basic stages as primary prostate tumour and metastatic prostate cancer where primary cancer is
of low risk than metastatic cancer. The primary prostate tumour is only located within the prostate gland
while the metastatic disease is spread across many other organs of the body [24].
The probability of a man being diagnosed with it rises highly with the age making this cancer common
among the geriatric population. The 84,861 men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer in the USA
in 2015 includes 12,489 men aged between 60 and 79 and 14,529 men above the age of 80. This has
led to research on gene expression data related to prostate cancer, which in turn revealed to be massively
heterogeneous [1] [4] [23]. Many of the studies have been carried out in both biological sciences and
statistical domains, highlighting information about some of the candidate genes that can be vital in
prostate cancer [1] [22]. Since prostate cancer is male-specific, the importance of analyzing the effect
of Y-chromosome genes towards the proliferation of the disease has been identified. However, most of
the research carried out on prostate cancer is focused on chromosomes other than Y-chromosome.
This paper presents an approach for the identification of candidate Y-chromosome genes that can have
an impact on the growth of prostate cancer. Section 2 presents an overview of commonly used analysis
techniques in both statistical and supervised learning domains while describing important statistical
terms used in our approach. Section 3 outlines the analysis criteria and methodology of the model.
Obtained experimental results and comparisons are presented in Section 4. Finally, section 5 concludes
the paper with the inference obtained from the results, future extensions, and emphasizes the importance
of the research.
2. Background
Common practice in big data analysis is to build statistical models that can interpret the probabilistic
behaviour of data. In this paper, interest lies within gene expression profiles and their differential
expressions. Biological data are highly variable and very sensitive due to their microscopic scale,
especially when it comes to gene expressions. The variance of data highly depends on each of the gene
expression values, which vary largely with respect to the tissue from which they have been collected.
In order to remove the variability and noise in data, data pre-processing should be taken place as a
common practice. Table 1 and Figure 1 depict information about average and variance of expression is
5 randomly selected genes from GSE6919 dataset.
Table 1. Average expression across 171 patient-samples
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
In statistics, the log2 transform is widely used to get rid of the high variance of data due to its
simplicity [8] [13] [19]. It is possible to get rid of the dependency between the mean and variance of
data by using this transform. This dependency is generally known as heteroskedasticity. This is
important when dealing with noise (error) in microarray data because errors largely dependent on the
population mean, especially when finding the quantitative change of a statistical variable.
Figure 1. Variation of expression across 171 samples
Fold change (FC) is a statistical quantity used to measure the quantitative change of a variable from
one state to another. FC can be calculated between tumour (or cancer) samples and normal samples in
microarray gene expression data. It is an indication of the amount of expression change that has occurred
when the gene transformed from a normal state to a cancerous state. When the data are log-transformed
before calculating the fold change, the resulting value is interpreted as log fold change (LogFC). In
addition to that, there are many other statistical quantities, which can be used to evaluate the differential
expression of genes such as t-statistics or Bayesian log odds (B-statistics) [19].
Apart from these statistical estimation methods, machine-learning methods have been widely used to
analyze gene expression data and sequence data [11]. Since gene expression data are highly variable,
statistical methods may provide incorrect estimates when the expression differences are insignificant
between tissue samples. Pirooznia et al. [16] have carried out a study to perform comparisons between
several machine learning algorithms regarding the applicability in microarray expression analysis. This
study concludes that SVM results in better performance compared to other supervised learning
algorithms for microarray expression analysis.
A study done by Khosravi et al. [10] found a set of Y-chromosome genes in cancerous tissues which
exhibit highly differentiated expression levels compared to other normal tissues. This phenomenon is
used in many of the other studies to classify cancer candidate genes by analyzing their differential gene
expression profiles. For some genes, expression patterns either can be up or down regulated and those
genes are classified as cancer candidates. The occurrence of up or down regulation during the metastatic
transformation process is highlighted in a comprehensive study done by Chandran et al. [4]. This
information is used extensively to extract candidate Y-chromosome genes having differential
expressions between normal tissue cells and cancerous cells in our research. Moreover, SVM is used in
our approach to predict the genes since it has been concluded as the best learning algorithm for
microarray data analysis [16]. However, further laboratory testing and comprehensive analysis are
required to enhance these results and confirm them as truly vital candidates in prostate cancer.
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
3. Analysis Criteria and Methodology
The proposed approach employs a dataset extracted from GEO Dataset under the accession number
GSE6919 with platform ID GPL8300 [15]. The dataset has 171 patient-samples those, which are
acquired from four distinct conditions; normal prostate tissue samples without any pathological
alterations, samples adjacent to the primary prostate tumour, primary prostate tumour samples, and
metastatic prostate cancer samples. Each of these distinct sample types contains 18, 63, 65 and 25
samples respectively. Healthy prostate tissue samples without any pathology and samples adjacent to a
prostate tumour are altogether labelled to normal category while primary tumour samples and metastatic
cancer samples are put into the cancerous category. Throughout this paper, we refer to normal samples
and cancerous samples according to the above categorization. These patient-samples, each having
12625 gene expression values, are used for categorization purpose while training, testing and prediction
performed on gene-probe samples where one gene-probe sample has 171 values. Overall, the microarray
dataset is a matrix having 12625 rows and 171 columns. The proposed approach consists of a number
of steps combining both statistical and supervised learning methods. The dataset is restructured into 8
categories each of which contains more than one sample category as illustrated in Table 2. The purpose
of the categorization is the unique identification of differentially expressed genes throughout the cancer
expansion process from the normal stage to the metastatic stage. Our study compares every normal
sample with every cancerous sample creating the need for 8 categories. Therefore, 8 SVM models were
built having one model for each category. SVM models are trained using a subset of ranked gene probes
from the whole gene set of 12625 genes while the Y-chromosome gene set with 45 genes, is extracted
for the classification. Limma package in R is used for the probe ranking process since it has been widely
used among the computational biology researchers for the statistical expression analysis of genes.
Table 2. Categorization of samples
No. of Samples
NOR-MET (Normal & Metastatic samples)
ADJ-MET (Adjacent to tumour & Metastatic samples)
NOR-ADJ-MET (Normal, Adjacent to a tumour & Metastatic samples)
NOR-TUM (Normal & Primary tumour samples)
ADJ-TUM (Adjacent to tumour & Primary tumour samples)
NOR-ADJ-TUM (Normal, Adjacent to tumour & Primary tumour samples)
TUM-MET (Primary tumour & Metastatic samples)
ALL (All samples)
The gene probes are ranked according to log-fold-change (LogFC) value. Large LogFC values of the
top genes provide evidence for the significance of differential expression pattern in them. Under-
expressed genes exhibit a negative LogFC value while over-expressed genes exhibit the opposite. In
order to signify the patterns in the training dataset, it is divided into two subsets following their positive
and negative LogFC values. Highly over-expressed genes tend to have significantly increased
expression in the metastatic region while highly under-expressed metastatic gene expressions are
significantly shrunk. Thus, highlighting patterns in both cases. This distinct pattern will be slowly
diminished with the reduction of LogFC value. Seemingly, top-ranked genes show a greater pattern in
differential expression while others barely display a pattern. As per the investigation carried out, none
of the top genes was from Y-chromosome. Concisely, Y-chromosome genes that are differentially
expressed in the prostate cancer cannot be accurately identified just by the statistical ranking method,
but another more sophisticated approach is required. Therefore, a combined approach containing a
statistical ranking method and a supervised learning model was used in this research.
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
3.1 Model Building and Classification
For each SVM model, ~200 genes were classified as vital for cancer and ~200 genes were considered
to have no effect for cancer. These classifications were done based on LogFC values. Top-ranked genes
from each category having the highest LogFC values (LogFC > 1.5) [17] are classified as vital (boolean
1) and the genes from the bottom of the ranking table having lowest LogFC are considered as neutral
(boolean 0); thus, creating a training dataset of ~400 genes out of 12625 total genes. Alternatively, all
NA values were replaced by zero. We have used a 70:30 dataset split ratio based on the size of the
available dataset [7]. Therefore, our training set has ~280 samples, leaving ~120 samples for the test
data. In statistics, training datasets less than ~100 samples in size tend to have a greater variance
resulting in low accuracy models. Thus, around 85% of data is recommended to use as the training set.
Since our training set contains more samples, we refrained from using a higher split ratio.
Using the dataset both linear and non-linear SVM models were evaluated with 10-fold cross-
validation. This evaluation resulted in better accuracy for the linear model as illustrated by the bar plot
in Figure 2. Therefore, a linear SVM model was adapted for our approach. Moreover, a cost-grid
ranging from 0.05 to 35 was used to find the best regularization parameter for each model as illustrated
in Figure 3. The train function from the Limma package selects the optimum cost value from the range
and sets to the training model. The accuracy tent to be constant after cost is 25; hence, we limited the
range up to 35. After classification, the prediction results from each of the 8 models were observed to
derive conclusions. Figure 4 shows the architectural setup of the procedure followed in our study.
Figure 4. The architecture of the experimental setup
Figure 2. Comparison of linear & non-linear model
Figure 3. Variation of the accuracy of SVM models
against a range of cost values
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
4. Results and comparison
We analyzed 171 samples taken from 171 patients and from different conditions in the human body.
Those contain both cancerous and healthy samples from tissues in both prostate gland and other organs
(only metastatic samples are taken from other organs). All the samples contain 12625 total gene probes,
which we use as samples for training, testing and prediction, summing up to 2,158,875 out of which 67
NA values are replaced by zero. We built 8 SVM models to identify and interpret the Y-chromosome
genes that are differentially expressed across different tissues. In addition, we simultaneously
investigated over-expressed genes and under-expressed genes under those 8 models. Finally, we
compared our results with the existing findings from the literature. Table 3 and Table 4 display results
and comparison of expression change between candidate Y-chromosome genes across different models.
Table 3. Under-expressed genes
Initially, we considered the significantly differentiated samples, which are highly cancerous and
highly normal. NOR-MET model contained genes from normal prostate tissue samples (samples that
are neither diagnosed nor pathologically altered) and metastatic cancer samples (samples taken from
different metastatic cancer locations such as lungs, liver or lymph nodes). In the ADJ-MET model, we
analyzed genes from tissue samples that are adjacent to the prostate gland and genes from metastatic
locations. In both models, we have achieved over 99% model accuracy and the outputs were almost
identical in both cases. We identified seven over-expressed Y-chromosome genes and six under-
expressed genes namely; VAMP7, USP9Y, ASMTL, KDM5D, DDX3Y, SLC25A6 and CD99,
LOC101928634, AKAP17A, TXLNGY, SLC25A6, RPS4Y1 as illustrated in columns 3, 4 and 5 of Table
3. USP9Y and DAZ4 genes do not show over-expression in the NOR-MET model. NOR-ADJ-MET
model was created to justify our findings of NOR-MET and ADJ-MET models. The results under-
expression from this category were similar to the first two categories except for the loss of DDX3Y and
over-expression was different for some genes. When the normal and adjacent samples are combined
into one category, the expression patterns become less significant compared to when they are evaluated
separately. Thus, causing difficulty for accurate classification.
SVM Model categories
Genes with changes of expression pattern in the majority of classes
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
Then we analyzed genes that are differentially expressed during the tumour growth process. In contrast,
healthy normal prostate tissue samples and primary prostate tumour samples were considered. First, we
compared normal prostate gland samples and primary prostate tumour samples, which is the NOR-TUM
model. In the ADJ-TUM model, we considered samples that are adjacent to primary prostate tumour
and samples taken directly from a primary prostate tumour. In addition, we analyzed the NOR-ADJ-
TUM model as well to justify the results. We could analyze them as a special scenario where these
genes exhibit differential expressions only within a primary tumour and no differential expression in
the metastatic stage. In which, they have resulted as candidates from NOR-TUM, ADJ-TUM and NOR-
ADJ-TUM categories while displaying no expression changes in NOR-MET, ADJ-MET and NOR-
ADJ-MET models. We could identify only one common under-expressed gene (CD99) across these 3
models though there are many common over-expressed genes such as BPY2, XKRY2 and SRY etc. These
genes that only exhibit early changes expression pattern are shown in gray colour in Table 4.
Table 4. Over-expressed genes
SVM Model categories
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
Finally, we analyzed the genes from the TUM-MET (primary tumour samples and metastatic
samples) model and ALL model. In the TUM-MET model, we attempt to focus on the cancer spread
phenomena starting from a primary tumour to other organs. In ALL model we focused on identifying
the genes that generally have a differential expression due to prostate cancer. Out of the resulting
candidates, some of the Y-chromosome genes can be recognized as most vital since they significantly
vary in expression level across all the categories as illustrated in Table 3 and Table 4. Figure 5.1 to
Figure 5.8 depict heatmaps of row-normalized expression for critically identified genes across 8 models
in which intensity decrease from red to yellow. High intensity conforms to high normalized-value in
each of 4 rows. Next chapter presents important conclusions about our findings and insights into future
Figure 5.4. NOR-TUM
Figure 5.5. ADJ-TUM
Figure 5.6. NOR-ADJ-TUM
Figure 5.7. TUM-MET
Figure 5.8. ALL
Figure 5.1. NOR-MET
Figure 5.2. ADJ-MET
Figure 5.3. NOR-ADJ-MET
A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.
5. Conclusion and Future Work
The analysis carried out by the categorical SVM model with a minimum accuracy of 95%, results in
a set of decisive Y-chromosome genes namely CD99 (also known as MIC2), ASMTL, DDX3Y, and
TXLNGY. Those genes are highlighted in yellow colour in Table 3 and Table 4. It is highly probable
that the aforementioned Y-chromosome genes to be actively involved in prostate cancer generation and
metastasis process when considering the high accuracy obtained for the SVM models. There are many
biological studies carried out focusing on the CD99 gene and its involvement in prostate and other types
of cancers [3][25]. Apart from that, Lau et al. [12] have found information about the involvement of
many Y-chromosome candidates including ASMTL, ILR3, and RPS4Y1 in prostate cancer. In addition,
the genes highlighted in gray colour rows might play vital a role in prostate tumour generation. Early
medical precautions targeted on them may be able to prevent the cause of developing the tumour. These
Y-chromosome genes do not exhibit significant expression patterns when compared to the top-ranked
genes in differential expression analysis but the changes in their expressions from normal tissue to
cancerous tissue are significant for closer observations. Table 3 and Table 4 contains information about
many other genes from our findings, which are correlated with Lau’s work. Moreover, Dasari et al. [6]
have done similar work to add stability to our findings.
However, it should be highlighted that future work is needed to provide confirmation about these Y-
chromosome genes as to how they relate to the progression of prostate cancer. Microarray data may
contain noise, which cannot be removed completely by data pre-processing. Therefore, the results
obtained through the computational methods can never be accurate enough for direct acceptance. We
suggest carrying out thorough narrowed down laboratory experiments on these genes to investigate the
actual role they involved in the disease. In fact, it will be highly beneficial for the biological community
to find out new cellular level treatments for prostate cancer.
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A SVM Model for Candidate Y-chromosome Gene Discovery in Prostate Cancer Rasanjana et al.