
Desarrollo turístico e identidad cultural. La experiencia de la comunidad de Taquile, en Puno

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Este documento pretende mostrar los esfuerzos de la organización comunitaria para impulsar su desarrollo a partir de la artesanía y del turismo competitivo, resguardando su patrimonio cultural; para ello, se describe sistemáticamente los elementos más significativos de la experiencia de la isla Taquile en torno a una nueva actividad económica: el turismo ecológico-cultural. Y finalmente, busca ser referente para el tratamiento de la competitividad y el desarrollo local de diversas comunidades.

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... (4) El caso taquileño ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Entre otros trabajos cabe citar los de Healy&Zorn (1983a, 1983b, Zorn (1983Zorn ( , 2004, Matos Mar (1986), Tapia (1983), Vidas (1995, 1996), Esparza&Aquise (1997), Mitchell&Reid (2001, Bardales (2004) o Zorn&Farthing (2007). ...
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In the last years, Community-Based Tourism has created expectations in many latin american ruralcommunities as an strategy to increase their income and to diversify the sources of this income. But it is anactivity that is not free of risks. From a specific case (Amantaní Island, Titikaka Lake, Peru), the articlestudies one of these risks: the impact of tourism in the socio-economical communitarian cohesion.
... Rural tourism is claimed to be an option to revitalize local economies in rural territories and an opportunity of empowerment for depressed local communities (Barlybaev, Akhmetov, & Nasyrov, 2009;Cawley & Gillmor, 2008;Fleischer & Felsenstein, 2000;Sharpley, 2002;Wilson, Fesenmaier, Fesenmaier, & van Es, 2001). Interesting successful experiences are in progress worldwide ( Avila, 2002;Bal & Sipahio glu, 2013, Bardales, 2004, but other initiatives have not been as flourishing as expected (Farthing & Zorn, 2007;Ghaderi & Henderson, 2012;Gasc on, 2005;Santana, 2009). ...
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The presence of distinctive territories and identities are important assets for rural tourism in addition to favorable internal conditions in host communities to reach a governance tourism model. In Mexico, several rural tourism initiatives have shown weaknesses in the outcomes such as the emergence of new conflicts in host communities, an incorrect inversion in infrastructure or deficient local organizational capabilities. This indicates the need of previous understanding in target territories where rural tourism wants to be introduced. A geographical approach based on concepts such as identity, territory, land cover and multi-scale provides an ex-ante assessment in rural spaces of tropical dry lands in Mexico where rural tourism initiatives want to be encouraged. The ex-ante assessment allowed the identification of five productive identities clearly defined from an inside perspective which revealed a high countryside capital in the studied area. In the productive identities areas, different types of tourism and activities could be developed based on the specificities found. Furthermore, heterogeneous internal conditions in communities into the entire territory were found, which has implications for the creation of horizontal collaborative networks among communities. The results offered new evidence about the potentiality of the whole territory as well as the need of further intervention and analysis to strengthen the social capital in local communities. This geographical approach to guide an ex-ante assessment is complementary to other conventional approaches for recognizing the feasibility of rural tourism initiatives or policies in rural territories
... From that moment onwards, the principal economic activity on the island has been tourism. The island receives approximately fifty thousand visitors per year (Bardales 2004), an impressive number considering that the number of the inhabitants on the island is just two thousand people. The production of textiles in the Andes has a history of more than 4500 years (Prochaska 1988). ...
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The case study of the island of Taquile in the Peruvian part of Lake Titicaca will be used to explore how textiles functions as intermediaries for social interactions and change and how they respond to demands from ethnic tourism. By using theories of material culture, specifically the analytical approach of "the biography", I aim to shed light on the process by which some textiles in Taquile have passed from being the person's "second skin" to a commodity responding to ethnic tourism. However, such a process, rather than being contradictory, expresses the capacity of Taquilean culture to adapt the local values to a monetary economy. Taquilean culture is also an agent in these encounters with tourism, impeding the complete commoditization of the textiles.
... (4) El caso taquileño ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Entre otros trabajos cabe citar los de Healy&Zorn (1983a, 1983b, Zorn (1983Zorn ( , 2004, Matos Mar (1986), Tapia (1983), Vidas (1995, 1996), Esparza&Aquise (1997), Mitchell&Reid (2001, Bardales (2004) o Zorn&Farthing (2007). ...
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ABSTRACT: In the last years, Community-Based Tourism has created expectations in many latin american rural communities as an strategy to increase their income and to diversify the sources of this income. But it is an activity that is not free of risks. From a specific case (Amantaní Island, Titikaka Lake, Peru), the article studies one of these risks: the impact of tourism in the socio-economical communitarian cohesion. RESUMEN: En los últimos años, el turismo rural comunitario se ha presentado como un instrumento adecuado para aumentar la renta de la población campesina y diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Pero se trata de una actividad económica que no está exenta de riesgos. A partir de un caso específico (la isla peruana de Amantaní, en el Lago Titicaca) el artículo estudia uno de ellos: el impacto del turismo en la cohesión socioeconómica comunitaria.
... This study examines an experience that several recently-developed Andean projects have attempted to replicate (Maldonado 2005 ). Taquile Island, a rural indigenous Peruvian community, is often considered a model for what has come to be called communitarian tourism in Latin America: that is, a locally developed, owned, and managed enterprise with community-wide distribution of benefits (Bardales 2004; Campbell 1999; Maldonado 2003 Maldonado , 2005 Maldonado , 2006 ). A long-term, ethnographic assessment (1976–2006) is used to describe tourism's explosive growth on Taquile, and how islanders developed, managed, and then lost control, giving particular emphasis to relations between hosts and outsider mediators. ...
This study provides a long-term, ethnographic assessment of the development, management, and decline of communitarian tourism in the rural Peruvian indigenous community of Taquile Island, focusing on relations between hosts and outsider brokers/mediators. To date, relationships with outsider tour operators and guides have generally been acrimonious due to competition over control of transportation and the type of tourism outsiders have promoted. Nonetheless, Taquile’s initiative was at first successful because of help from a hitherto unresearched group of individual foreigners. The study points to the need for further investigation of the potential impact of this type of broker/mediator, particularly vis-à-vis public-sector investment and development.RésuméTourisme communautarien: hôtes et médiateurs au Pérou. Cette étude présente une évaluation ethnographique à long terme du développement, gestion et déclin du tourisme communautarien dans la communauté indigène péruvienne rurale de l’île de Taquile, en particulier des relations entre hôtes et médiateurs/agents externes. Jusqu’à présent, les relations avec voyagistes et guides externes ont été généralement acrimonieux dû à la compétition pour le contrôle des transports et au genre de tourisme promu par les gens de l’extérieur. Pourtant, l’initiative de l’île de Taquile a eu du succès au début grâce à l’aide d’un groupe de personnes externes qu’on n’avait pas étudié auparavant. L’étude montre le besoin de faire plus de recherches sur l’impact éventuel de ce genre d’agent/médiateur, surtout en ce qui concerne le développement et l’investissement du secteur public.
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