ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Abstract and Figures

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a relatively rare, but distressing, disease in pregnant women. Little is known about the causes, clinical manifestations, treatments, and prognosis of SSNHL. Some hypotheses have been proposed to explain the pathophysiological mechanism of SSNHL, but most of them have not been identified. This article reviews the existing literature to present a summary of this clinical problem. Most patients suffer from SSNHL in the second or third trimester, and show moderate to profound hearing loss. The interval between the initial treatment and onset of hearing loss is less than 10 days in most patients. Some patients with SSNHL show tinnitus, vertigo, or dizziness, and fullness of the ear. Although some patients have a tendency for self-cure, treatment with intravenous dextran 40 combined with intratympanic corticosteroids is probably a safe and effective therapeutic strategy for pregnant patients with SSNHL. Further clinical research is necessary to identify the best therapeutic strategy for these patients.
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Special Issue: Rare Diseases: Advances in Diagnosis,
Prevention, Treatment and Management
Clinical management
and progress in sudden
sensorineural hearing
loss during pregnancy
Shaobing Xie
and Xuewen Wu
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a relatively rare, but distressing, disease in pregnant
women. Little is known about the causes, clinical manifestations, treatments, and prognosis of
SSNHL. Some hypotheses have been proposed to explain the pathophysiological mechanism of
SSNHL, but most of them have not been identified. This article reviews the existing literature
to present a summary of this clinical problem. Most patients suffer from SSNHL in the second or
third trimester, and show moderate to profound hearing loss. The interval between the initial
treatment and onset of hearing loss is less than 10days in most patients. Some patients with SSNHL
show tinnitus, vertigo, or dizziness, and fullness of the ear. Although some patients have a tendency
for self-cure, treatment with intravenous dextran 40 combined with intratympanic corticosteroids
is probably a safe and effective therapeutic strategy for pregnant patients with SSNHL. Further
clinical research is necessary to identify the best therapeutic strategy for these patients.
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss, pregnancy, dextran, intratympanic steroid, tinnitus, vertigo,
acoustic neuroma
Date received: 20 June 2019; accepted: 29 July 2019
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss
(SSNHL) is an emergency medical condi-
tion, which is defined as hearing loss of at
least 30 dB in three contiguous frequencies
within 3 days. As a symptom of acute
impairment of the inner ear, the etiology
Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha,
Hunan, PR China
Key Laboratory of Otolaryngology Major Diseases
Research of Hunan Province, Changsha, Hunan, PR China
National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric
Disorders, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University,
Changsha, Hunan, PR China
Corresponding author:
Xuewen Wu, Department of Otolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery, Xiangya Hospital of Central South
University, 87 Xiangya Road, Changsha, Hunan 410008,
Journal of International Medical Research
48(2) 1–12
!The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0300060519870718
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of SSNHL has been proposed by some
hypotheses, but most of these etiologies
have not been identified. With an increase
in the incidence of SSNHL, it is no longer
considered as a rare disease. An American
survey estimated the annual incidence of
SSNHL at 27 per 100,000 people,
and a
study in Germany showed a prevalence as
high as 160 cases per 100,000 per year.
However, this clinical disorder may occur
at a low incidence rate in pregnant
women. A population-based study from
Taiwan showed an incidence of SSNHL at
2.71 per 100,000 pregnant women.
A series of obvious physiological
changes occur during pregnancy, which
lead to considerable challenges on the hor-
monal system, cardiovascular system,
hematological system, and others.
Although these changes are proposed to
cause occurrence and development of
SSNHL in pregnant women, all of them
have not been confirmed.
A retrospective
study in Taiwan showed that SSNHL was
attributed to 21% of inner ear disorders in
pregnant women.
There have been few
reports involving SSNHL in pregnant
women because of its rare occurrence.
Therefore, little is known of the causes, clin-
ical manifestations, treatments, and prog-
nosis of SSNHL. This review focuses on
the possible etiologies, clinical manifesta-
tions, treatments and prognosis of SSNHL
in pregnant women to present a summary
of this clinical problem.
Literature search
We searched the China National Knowledge
Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Database,
VIP Database, Chinese Biomedical
Literature (CMB), PubMed, Embase
PubMed, and EMBASE databases using
the keywords “pregnancy” OR “gestation”
AND “sudden sensorineural hearing loss”
OR “sudden hearing loss” OR “sudden
deafness”, and limited the results to
l March 2019. All search results were
merged, and duplicate articles and reviews
were removed. We also searched key article
reference lists to find additional related
publications. We identified 10 articles relat-
ed to our research topic.
Possible etiologies
Hormonal changes
The exact etiology of SSNHL in
pregnant women has not been identified.
Nonetheless, the relationship between hor-
monal changes and hearing loss was fre-
quently discussed in previously published
articles. Production and excretion rates of
sex steroid hormones (estrogen and proges-
terone) are significantly increased when a
woman is pregnant. These female hormonal
changes can cause an electrolyte imbalance
(excessive salt and water retention), which
leads to an apparent increase in the volume
of extracellular fluid.
Previous studies
have shown widespread expression of estro-
gen receptors in humans and rodent cochle-
When hormonal fluctuations occur
in the cochleae, the chemical compositions
(e.g., concentrations of sodium) of endo-
lymph and perilymph may also be dis-
turbed. If water–sodium retention occurs
in the endolymph, endolymphatic hydrops
may occur in the cochlea and then SSHNL
may occur when the vestibular membrane
ruptures, which is similar to the pathologi-
cal process of Me
`re’s disease.
On the
basis of this hypothesis, Hou and Wang
defined this clinical problem as a new dis-
ease related to pregnancy called pregnancy-
induced SSNHL, which is different from
non-pregnant SSNHL. Although many
studies have suggested that sex steroid
hormones may interrupt cochlear microcir-
culation and cause sudden hearing loss,
correlation analysis between the level of
sex hormones and hearing loss still remains
2Journal of International Medical Research
Cardiovascular and
hematological changes
Anatomically, the cochlea is supplied by the
labyrinth artery. As a terminal artery, the
labyrinth artery is vulnerable to vascular
occlusion. Accordingly, most changes in
the cardiovascular system and hematologi-
cal system occur in the second month of
pregnancy, and plateau in the second or
third trimester.
There is usually a rise
in some coagulation factors (VII, VIII, IX,
X, XII) and fibrinogen, and a fall occurs
in factor XI in pregnancy.
a hypercoagulable state with increased acti-
vation of blood coagulation and the fibri-
nolysis system appears during normal
pregnancy. However, these changes in the
hypercoagulable state could increase
plasma viscosity and erythrocyte aggrega-
tion, and decrease erythrocyte deformabil-
ity in pregnant women. This may lead to an
increase in the risk of thromboembolism
in the labyrinth artery and vascular occlu-
sion in the cochlear microcirculation,
and may further evoke SSNHL.
Immune-mediated disorders
According to previous reports, SSNHL is
sometimes associated with acquired auto-
immune system disorder.
Wiles et al.
reported two cases of SSNHL with antiphos-
pholipid (AP) antibodies and discussed the
probable causative association. As an auto-
immune disease, AP syndrome is defined by
the presence of AP antibodies or anticardio-
lipin antibody in association with vascular
thrombosis and/or pregnancy-related com-
plications. AP syndrome can cause thrombo-
sis in the cochlea, placenta, and vessels, and
this subsequently leads to SSHNL and
Other etiologies
Acoustic neuroma is reported in up to 15%
of patients with SSNHL and thus might be
an etiology of SSNHL during pregnancy.
During the last 3 or 4 months of gestation,
hormonal changes may rapidly enlarge
acoustic neuroma. A gradual increase in
volume of the acoustic neuroma and vascu-
larity of the vestibular nerve myelin sheath
can then commence or worsen the symp-
toms of acoustic neuroma, and even evoke
Moreover, undesirable lifestyle
habits and stress during pregnancy might
increase the risk of SSNHL.
Hou and
also found that a pregnant patient
suffered from SSNHL after emotional exci-
tation. In 2008, Pawlak-Osinska et al.
sented a case of repeatable SSNHL in a
woman during her first and second preg-
nancies. These authors speculated that suf-
fering sudden deafness in the first
pregnancy is a risk factor of another occur-
rence during following pregnancies.
Clinical manifestations and examinations
A few case series studies involving pregnant
SSNHL have been published, and the total
number of patients was less than 150
(Table 1). A study in Taiwan showed that
most cases of SSNHL during pregnancy
occurred in the last trimester, and younger
pregnant women had a relatively lower
occurrence of SSNHL than did older preg-
nant women.
In a retrospective analysis
of pregnant SSNHL from the south of
clinical manifestations of pregnant
patients with SSNHL showed that 57% had
moderate hearing loss and 38% reached
severe or profound deafness. Additionally,
all of the pregnant patients in this study
were in the last two trimesters. According
to previous studies with detailed informa-
tion of clinical manifestations (Table 1),
more than 80% of pregnant patients with
SSNHL suffered from this problem in the
second or third trimester. Moreover, most
pregnant patients were primiparas without
systemic disease or precipitating fac-
Hearing loss in most pregnant
Xie and Wu 3
Table 1. General information of pregnant patients with SSNHL from previous studies.
ear side,
n (%)
Onset of
hearing loss
of hearing
steroids (times)
40 iv
Final hearing
threshold (dB)
criteria) Notes
6 30.34.5
2 in the
and 4 in
the third
5 (83.3) 5.35.0
90.518.8 Severe to
(n ¼5)
(n ¼1)
(n ¼6)
(n ¼3)
(n ¼3)
All patients
recovery rate
was 33.3%,
and 16.7%
30 27.73.3
6 in the first,
14 in the
and 10 in
the third
17 (56.7) 4.83.7
63.425.1 Ascending
(n ¼3)
(n ¼3)
Flat (n ¼12)
(n ¼12)
(n ¼21)
(n ¼7)
16 patients
All patients
500 mL
per day for
10 days
rate was
60.0%, includ-
ing 33.3%
and 26.7%
24 28.13.3
4 in the first,
9 in the
and 11 in
the third
14 (58.3) 4.83.8
71.821.1 Ascending
(n ¼2)
(n ¼2)
Flat (n ¼6)
(n ¼14)
(n ¼17)
(n ¼6)
(n ¼5)
13 patients
All patients
500 mL
40 per day
for 10 days
No data Overall
rate was
50.0%, includ-
ing 33.3%
and 16.7%
Table 1. Continued.
ear side,
n (%)
Onset of
hearing loss
of hearing
steroids (times)
40 iv
Final hearing
threshold (dB)
criteria) Notes
7 27.43.5
6 in the
and 1 in
the third
No data 5 (6 hours
to 12
70.322.2 No data No data þ All patients
500 mL
40 per
day for
14 days
Low flow
42.330.0 Overall
rate was
71.4%, includ-
ing 14.3%
and 57.1%
1 patient
21 26.23.3
19 in the
and 1 in
the third
No data 5 (8 hours
to 15
No data Ascending
(n ¼6)
Flat (n ¼7)
(n ¼5)
(n ¼3)
No data þ 17 patients
500 mL
40 per day
for 10 days
2 patients
250 mL
No data Overall
rate was
76.2%, includ-
ing 61.9%
and 14.3%
1 patient
and 2
2 30, 31 2 in the first 1 (50) 7, 10 days 26.3, 96.3 Ascending
(n ¼1)
(n ¼1)
(n ¼2)
(n ¼2)
One patient
HBO and
12.5, 73.8 Overall
was 50%,
50% com-
plete recovery
1 was
1 42 Third 0 (0) No data 27.5 Ascending 21 Complete
Table 1. Continued.
ear side,
n (%)
Onset of
hearing loss
of hearing
steroids (times)
40 iv
Final hearing
threshold (dB)
criteria) Notes
1 25 (first
0 (0) 2 days 38.8 Irregular
Tinnitus þ B vitamins
11.3 Complete
The patient
at the
27 (second
1 (100) No data 42.5 Irregular
8.8 Complete
6 30.5
2 in the
and 4
in the
2 (33.3) No data 55.519.8 Ascending
(n ¼1)
(n ¼1)
Flat 3
(n ¼1)
(n ¼6)
(n ¼4)
All patients
2 patients 4 patients
23.718.7 Overall
rate was
66.7%, includ-
and 16.7%
12 28.93.6
4 in the first,
3 in the
and 5 in
the third
8 (66.7) 3 (1–9)
83.122.1 No data Vertigo
(n ¼4)
6 patients 58.829.2 In the
treated group,
the overall
rate was
33.3%, includ-
ing 16.7%
and 16.7%
1 patient
1 was
Siegel’s criteria:
complete recovery is a final hearing level better than 25dB; partial recovery is more than a 15-dB hearing gain and a final hearing level between 25 and 45 dB; slight recovery is a final
hearing level >45 dB with a hearing gain of 15 dB; and no recovery is a final hearing level >75 dB with a hearing gain of 15 dB. HBO: hyperbaric oxygen; iv: intravenously; Sudden sensorineural hearing
loss, SSNHL
patients is unilateral and some of them may
also have tinnitus, vertigo, or dizziness, and
fullness of the ear.
However, the
irregularity and diversity of these accompa-
nied symptoms appear to be related to a
lack of detailed descriptions in other
Studies have reported that audiological
changes are found during pregnancy
because of high levels of sex hormones,
and these changes return to normal once
pregnancy is finished.
Patients routinely
receive audiometry tests, acoustic immit-
tance, distortion product otoacoustic emis-
sions, auditory brainstem response, and
other audiological examinations for diagno-
sis of SSNHL. Tympanograms are normal
in cases of SSNHL. Zeng et al.
the audiometric curves of 21 pregnant
patients and found that 57% (12/21) of
patients showed moderate hearing loss.
Furthermore, 38% (8/21) of patients
reached severe or profound deafness, and
most of them were in a low-mid frequency
falling curve (n ¼6) and flat curve (n ¼7).
However, in some recent studies, such as
those by Xu et al
, Fu et al.
, and Shi
et al.
, most pregnant patients suffered
from severe or profound deafness.
The equivocal etiologies of SSNHL lead
to many empirical treatment protocols
for these patients. However, the most fre-
quently recommended therapy for SSNHL
is systemic or topical administration of
steroids and hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)
Prescriptions of other medicines
(e.g., antivirals, thrombolytics, vasodila-
tors, vasoactive substances, and antioxi-
dants) to patients are not recommended.
However, the therapeutic strategy for preg-
nant patients with SSNHL is particularly
challenging because of the limited clinical
experience. Otolaryngologists should con-
sider whether there are sufficient benefits
to pregnant patients with SSNHL when
they attempt to save their hearing by
taking the risk of exposing the fetuses to
side effects.
Previous studies have reported
that hearing of a few pregnant patients
returned to normal levels several days
later or after delivery without any treat-
Because of the fear of mater-
nal complexity and side effects on the
fetuses, as well as the self-cure tendency in
some cases of SSNHL, some pregnant
patients and otolaryngologists prefer
no medication and choose conservative
treatment, including bed rest and carbogen
However, even though some
cases may spontaneously recover after
delivery occurs, emergency treatment is
mandatory for ethical reasons. Therefore,
many other otolaryngologists advocate pos-
itive treatment.
The interval between
the initial treatment and onset of hearing
loss is less than 10 days in many pregnant
patients (Table 1). Although SSNHL has
the tendency of spontaneous self-cure in
adult men and non-pregnant women, the
natural course of SSNHL during pregnancy
has not been established.
management of this clinical problem is con-
troversial. The following empirical thera-
pies can be considered on the basis of
previous studies.
Dextran 40
In the clinic, dextran 40 is widely and
successfully used as a plasma expander for
thrombotic diseases and flap transplanta-
tion. Dextran 40 decreases blood viscosity
and enhances the microcirculation in guinea
pigs, and then reduces cochlear hypoxia,
Accordingly, patients with SSNHL who
were treated with intravenous dextran 40
showed marked hearing improvement.
In Wang and Young’s study,
dextran 40 treatment led to remarkable
improvement in the hearing of six pregnant
patients with SSNHL These authors also
Xie and Wu 7
found a significant difference in hearing
improvement between the dextran 40
group and control group. Unfortunately,
some adverse effects (e.g., coagulopathy,
acute renal failure, or non-cardiogenic pul-
monary edema) have been reported when
dextran 40 was used as a therapy of
However, there is no apparent
adverse effect of dextran 40 when used as
a therapy for pregnant SSNHL.
Therefore, the therapeutic benefits probably
outweigh the potential risk of dextran 40 in
pregnant patients and their fetuses.
Corticosteroid therapy
Another alternative treatment for SSNHL is
corticosteroid therapy, including systemic cor-
ticosteroids and topical corticosteroids.
Corticosteroids work via reduction of
inflammation and the immune response, a
change in the mircrovascular circulation,
and a direct effect on sensory epithelium
of the cochleae.
Despite promising ther-
apeutic effects, this therapy has rarely been
tested on pregnant woman because of det-
rimental fetal effects. Corticosteroids affect
the metabolic and endocrine balance of var-
ious fetal organs after excessive prenatal
exposure of corticosteroids.
systemic corticosteroids are not recom-
mended in pregnant women at the first
trimester when the human embryo is most
vulnerable to teratogenic insults.
However, corticosteroid therapy is thought
to be safe when corticosteroids are used in
the third trimester according to Ambro
et al.’s prescribing guidelines.
et al.
and Zhang
also showed that oral
prednisone use in pregnant women with
SSNHL achieved a satisfactory recovery.
There were also no apparent harmful side
effects found in the mothers and infants
who were followed up for several years.
Intratympanic corticosteroids are increas-
ingly used in patients with SSNHL as a top-
ical corticosteroid therapeutic option,
especially in patients in whom systemic
corticosteroids are contraindicated or
This therapy is also recom-
mended as initial therapy for severe and pro-
found SSNHL by some otologists.
Treatment of topical intratympanic cortico-
steroid injection provides a high dose of cor-
ticosteroids in the perilymph through the
intact round membrance.
The cochlear
pharmacokinetics of intratympanic cortico-
steroids have been confirmed in animal
This therapeutic method is rela-
tively easy to carry out under local anesthe-
sia in an outpatient clinic or ward, and it is
well tolerated by the patients. Most patients
can understand the concept of intratympanic
corticosteroid treatment and readily accept
this therapeutic method.
corticosteroid injection is superior to system-
ic administration of corticosteroids because
it not only provides topical high-dose thera-
peutic effects in the affected ear, but it also
avoids the harmful side effects of systemic
concentrations of corticosteroids.
Traditionally, dexamethasone and methyl-
prednisolone have been used in intratym-
panic injection, but methylprednisolone
(US FDA category B) may be more suitable
than dexamethasone (US FDA category C)
for pregnant patients. Previous studies have
shown that pregnant patients with SSNHL
can achieve complete or partial recovery
without any side effects after intratympanic
corticosteroid injection.
Fu et al.
showed that all of their six patients showed
relatively satisfactory improvement in hear-
ing after intratympanic corticosteroid injec-
tion, and the mean improvement in hearing
was 48 7.33 dB. Therefore, intratympanic
corticosteroid therapy should be recom-
mended to pregnant patients with SSNHL.
Chinese herbal medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is popular with
patients with sudden deafness in China
and other East Asian countries.
8Journal of International Medical Research
herb extracts, especially puerarin and ginkgo
biloba extract, are most frequently used in
clinical practice.
Unfortunately, most of
these herb extracts cannot be used in preg-
nant patients, and only puerarin has been
proven to be safe.
Zeng et al.
a satisfactory improvement in hearing in two
pregnant patients with SSNHL after a
course of intravenous puerarin (14 days).
HBO therapy
HBO therapy is recommended to use as an
adjuvant treatment for SSNHL in non-
pregnant patients.
However, HBO ther-
apy during pregnancy is controversial in the
clinic because of the potential adverse
effects of hyperoxic exposure, such as reti-
nopathy of prematurity, teratogenicity, and
cardiovascular adverse effects, which may
occur in the fetus.
However, careful
review of clinical studies has suggested
that a short duration of hyperoxic exposure
during HBO therapy can be well tolerated
by the fetus in all stages of pregnancy.
There is no evidence of harmful human
neonatal outcomes with HBO therapy at 2
atmospheres for 2 hours’ duration.
et al.
subjected pregnant rabbits to lipid
peroxidation during late pregnancy and
treated them with HBO therapy. No delete-
rious effects of this treatment on the fetuses
were observed. In the clinic, a pregnant
patient with SSNHL received HBO therapy
in the first trimester.
There was no
improvement in hearing at the time of hos-
pitalization, and no adverse effects to the
newborn were observed after cesare-
an delivery.
Other therapies
Traditional Chinese approaches, including
acupuncture and ocular needling, are
thought to be beneficial in patients with
In Hou and Wang’s
the symptoms of tinnitus and aural fullness
disappeared in a pregnant patient with
SSNHL after treatment with HBO and acu-
puncture for 7 days. However, there was no
improvement in the hearing threshold.
When a pregnant patient with SSNHL
was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma via
magnetic resonance imaging, multidiscipli-
nary therapy was required involving otolo-
gists, neurosurgeons, obstetricians, and
Additionally, management
depended on the trimester of pregnancy
and neurological status.
Various prognostic factors have been
assessed to predict recovery from SSNHL,
including age, onset of hearing loss, initial
hearing loss, types of audiogram, accompa-
nying symptoms, therapeutic method, and
systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus
and hypertension.
However, there is
no relevant case series research on the prog-
nosis of SSNHL during pregnancy.
According to previous studies (Table 1),
most pregnant patients with SSNHL
achieved complete or partial recovery after
treatment according to Siegel’s criteria.
The short interval between initial treatment
and onset of hearing loss may be associated
with favorable recovery of hearing in preg-
nant patients. However, further studies need
to be performed to determine this issue.
SSNHL is a relatively rare disease during
pregnancy with different inconclusive etiol-
ogies, irregular clinical features, and equiv-
ocal audiological findings. A thorough
medical history, detailed ear, nose, and
throat examination, and appropriate audi-
ological evaluation are mandatory for
SSNHL. In addition to an ear, nose, and
throat examination, an examination by an
obstetrician is also important. Blood tests
should be performed, including a routine
Xie and Wu 9
blood test, biochemical blood test, clotting
factors, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, sex
hormone analysis, and antiphospholipid anti-
bodies. Imaging examinations of the brain
and inner ears should be carried out to rule
out an acoustic neuroma when acute hearing
loss occurs or within 3 months after delivery.
Most patients suffer from SSNHL in the
second or third trimester, and show moderate
to profound hearing loss. The interval
between the initial treatment and onset of
hearing loss is less than 10 days in most
patients. Some patients exhibit tinnitus, ver-
tigo, or dizziness, and fullness of the ear.
For medical treatment of SSNHL, intra-
venous dextran 40 can be used after carefully
weighing the therapeutic benefits versus side
effects. Intratympanic corticosteroid injec-
tion, as a safe and topical therapeutic
option, also should be recommended to
pregnant patients with SSNHL. Systematic
corticosteroid therapy can be used at the
third trimester. Intravenous puerarin is
another alternative treatment for SSNHL
during pregnancy. The safety and effective-
ness of HBO therapy for pregnant SSNHL
needs to be further confirmed. Overall, treat-
ment of intravenous dextran 40 combined
with intratympanic corticosteroid is proba-
bly a safe and effective therapeutic strategy
for pregnant patients with SSNHL at the
present stage. Much more knowledge is
required about the etiology and clinical man-
ifestations of SSNHL. Additionally, further
clinical research is necessary to identify the
best therapeutic strategy for this clini-
cal problem.
Declaration of conflicting interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict
of interest.
This study was supported by the Natural
Science Foundation of Hunan Province
(Grant no. 2018JJ3842) and the Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant
no. 81300819).
Xuewen Wu
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12 Journal of International Medical Research
... Hormones like estrogen in the endolymphatic fluid may have an impact on stria vascularis, cochlea, spiral ligament, and spiral ganglion neurons, as well as on the neuron's afferent termination. Additionally, a few enzyme receptors on Na+/K+ (sodium/potassium) channels in the cochlea and labyrinth of the membrane are affected by estrogen, which results in the development of otological signs like vertigo and dizziness in pregnant women [16][17][18][19]. Other events related to the inner ear include fluid retention in perilymph and endolymph, as well as hypercoagulability in the auditory arteries. ...
... The labyrinthine artery and its branches are more prone to vascular occlusion, which is harmful [16][17][18][19]. Increases in several factors of coagulation (VII, VIII, IX, X, XII) and fibrinogen with the reduction in factor XI are mainly associated with occlusions, which are often seen during the first trimester of pregnancy and stabilize in the second or third trimester [19]. ...
... The labyrinthine artery and its branches are more prone to vascular occlusion, which is harmful [16][17][18][19]. Increases in several factors of coagulation (VII, VIII, IX, X, XII) and fibrinogen with the reduction in factor XI are mainly associated with occlusions, which are often seen during the first trimester of pregnancy and stabilize in the second or third trimester [19]. Thus, pregnancy is considered a hypercoagulable state with increased activation of the blood clotting and fibrinolysis systems that would increase plasma viscosities and erythrocytic aggregations and reduce deformities. ...
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From conception to childbirth, there are many physical, hormonal, and psychological changes that a woman undergoes during pregnancy. During this time, balance is also affected, resulting in symptoms like vertigo and unsteadiness. These symptoms can lead to physical impairment and disability and can develop at any time. Vertigo in pregnancy has not been extensively written about. The subject of a narrative review is vertigo in pregnant patients. In pregnant women, hormonal alterations in the peripheral tissues and inner ear organs may contribute to vertigo. Meniere's disease, mild convulsive positional dizziness, and oculomotor migraines are all commonly exacerbated by pregnancy. Between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, specific modifications to proprioception and hearing are also detected during physical examination. Patients who are pregnant typically experience these symptoms throughout this time. Some vertigo conditions can worsen during pregnancy, while others can appear at any time. Understanding audio-vestibular symptoms' pathological and clinical relationship during pregnancy requires more study.
... According to previous clinical presentations, it has been observed that over 80% of expectant individuals who experience sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) typically manifest the syndrome during the mid or late stages of pregnancy. This occurrence may be attributed to an increase in sex steroid hormone levels, embolism of the labyrinthine artery due to maternal hypercoagulability, obstruction of the cochlear microcirculation, or autoimmune diseases (18,19). SSNHL occurred during pregnancy FIGURE 2 Pathophysiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman with an vestibular schwannoma. ...
... Approximately 15% of SSNHL patients exhibit symptoms of vestibular schwannoma. Moreover, It has been observed that some obstetricians may neglect the occurrence of sudden hearing loss in pregnant patients with this condition (19). Consequently, a comprehensive history collection and thorough physical examination are imperative. ...
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Vestibular schwannomas in pregnancy have rarely been reported, and there is a lack of in-depth discussion on the experience of management of massive acoustic neuromas in pregnancy. Herein, we present a pregnant woman with a giant vestibular schwannoma and obstructive hydrocephalus who presented at 30 weeks of gestation. She was initially misdiagnosed as having a pregnancy-related reaction of headache, dizziness, and vomiting that had occurred 2 months earlier. After observation at home, her symptoms progressed at 30 weeks of gestation, and imaging findings revealed a brain tumor in the CPA region with secondary cerebella tonsil herniation and obstructive hydrocephalus, and she was transferred to our center for treatment. Consequently, we relieved her hydrocephalus with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (V-P shunt) and used corticosteroids to simulate fetal maturation. After 10 days, her mental condition deteriorated, and her right limb muscle strength gradually decreased until grade 0 (MMT Grading). Finally, under a joint consultation with the Department of Neurosurgery, Obstetrics, and Anesthesiology, she underwent a cesarean section under general anesthesia and first-stage tumor removal at 31 weeks of gestation. Upon discharge, the previously observed neurological deficits, which were reversible and had manifested during her gestational period, had been successfully resolved, and the fetus had been conserved. The neuroimaging confirmed the complete tumor removal, while the neuropathologic examination revealed a vestibular schwannoma. Therefore, we recommend early diagnosis and treatment for these patients, especially people with headaches, vomiting, and sudden hearing loss during pregnancy. Herein, we concluded that our cases provide a valuable experience in the latest acceptable time frame for the operation to prevent irreversible neurological impairment and premature delivery in late pregnancy.
... When hormonal fluctuations occur in the cochlea, the chemical components of en-dolymphatic and periauricular fluid can also be disturbed. Although many studies have suggested that sex hormones may interfere with cochlear microcirculation and contribute to sudden hearing loss, the correlation analysis between sex hormone levels and hearing loss is still uncertain [12]. This study explored the relationship between SSNHL and serum sex hormone (follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), testosterone (T), prolactin (PRL)) levels in perimenopausal women, which can be used to guide the diagnosis and treatment of female SSNHL patients. ...
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Background The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) and serum sex hormone levels in perimenopausal women, as well as to further investigate the influence of these indicators for SSNHL in perimenopausal women. Methods A total of 156 patients with SSNHL and 149 healthy individuals during perimenopause who received treatment or underwent physical examination in the Fourth Hospital of Shijiazhuang from August 2023 to December 2023 were selected to participate in this retrospective cohort study. The variances in fundamental patient data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square test. We employed multivariate logistic regression to examine the association between serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), testosterone (T), prolactin (PRL) levels and the occurrence of SSNHL in perimenopausal women. Spearman analysis was used to analyze the correlation between perimenopausal women serum sex hormone levels and SSNH. Results Compared to the non SSNHL group, the SSNHL group women had lower serum levels of E2 and P ((35.08 ± 12.49) pmoL/L and (0.63 ± 0.24) nmoL/L) vs. ((43.46 ± 10.17) pmoL/L and (0.84 ± 0.13) nmoL/L) (p < 0.05). Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated that E2 and P were both at higher risk with the development of SSNHL. Spearman correlation analysis found that E2 and P are negatively correlated with pure tone hearing threshold in perimenopausal women. Conclusions SSNHL in perimenopausal women may be related to their serum levels of sex hormones.
... There have been studies in past changes in hearing threshold values in pregnancy, such as sudden sensorineural hearing loss in an uncomplicated pregnancy. It was probably caused by the hypercoagulable state during pregnancy, leading to vascular occlusion in the inner ear [34][35][36]. ...
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Background: Hormonal changes during pregnancy have a substantial effect on the swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, resulting in rhinitis and Eustachian tube dysfunction. The aim of the study was to assess subjective and objective changes in nasal cavity and Eustachian tube patency in the third trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: The study group included fifty 18–41 year-old women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The control group consisted of 25 females aged 25 to 31 who were not pregnant. The Eustachian tube and nasal cavity patency examination was carried out using a rhinomanometer, a tympanometer and a SNOT-22 Questionnaire. Results: The SNOT-22 showed that subjective nasal obstruction was assessed as strong or worse by 42% of the study group, which was significantly higher than in the control group and confirmed with rhinomanometry. A total of 68% of the study group reported a subjective ear fullness which correlated with the week of pregnancy. The tympanometry showed that all pregnant women exhibited a type A tympanogram, but tympanometry values decreased at higher weeks of pregnancy, and statistical analysis confirmed a significant difference between the study group and the control group in tympanometry for both ears. Conclusions: The results highlight the substantial impact on both subjective and objective measurements of nasal and Eustachian tube patency. Almost every woman in the third trimester of pregnancy experiences nasal obstruction, and nearly 70% struggle with ear fullness. Recognizing and addressing these challenges are pivotal for ensuring the well-being of pregnant individuals and enhancing the quality of antenatal care.
... (3) the increase of blood volume and retention of water and sodium in the body easily affect low-frequency hearing 8 ; (4) high concentration of estrogen leads to water-electrolyte imbalance and has an impact on the composition of endolymph 3 ; and (5) changes in hormone levels may rapidly expand the acoustic neuroma. 11 Most of the above factors will lead to arterial stiffness and microvascular dysfunction, affecting the cochlear blood circulation. ...
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Objective The objective of this study was to explore the clinical characteristics and management of sudden hearing loss (HL) during pregnancy, thus better guiding the clinical practice. Methods The clinical and follow‐up data of 17 patients (17 ears) with sudden HL during pregnancy were analyzed retrospectively (the observe group). Twelve nonpregnant female patients (12 ears) with sudden HL of similar clinical characteristics were selected as the control group. The prognosis of the two groups was compared. All the patients were followed up after delivery, and two of them were readmitted to the hospital 1–2 months after delivery. Results The observe group had better improvement in hearing and a higher response rate compared to the control group. The pure tone hearing and speech recognition rate of patients could still be improved after the readmitted treatment, and the hearing could partially recover spontaneously during follow‐up. The laboratory indicators that affect the inflammatory response and coagulation pathway were significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions The hearing condition of sudden HL during pregnancy is severe, and the prognosis of these patients is better than nonpregnant patients of similar clinical characteristics. Postpartum treatment is still effective, and some patients showed self‐healing with time during follow‐up. The inflammatory response and coagulation function may affect the hearing of patients through a metabolic pathway.
b>Introduction: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is defined as the sudden onset of hearing loss of 30 dB or more, across three consecutive frequencies in a pure-tone audiogram occurring within a 72-hour period. The term “sensorineural” indicates that the cause of the hearing loss lies in disturbances within the cochlea or auditory nerve. SSNHL typically presents as unilateral, transient hearing loss that occurs upon awakening. Bilateral hearing loss occurs in less than 2% of patients. Additionally, patients may report sensations of ear fullness or blockage, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Aim: Defining the management of SSNHL in pregnant women. Case report: This article describes the case of a 36-years-old pregnant woman who developed hearing impairment in the left ear in the third trimester along with tinnitus and balance disorders. Discussion: The occurrence of SSNHL in pregnant women is rare and not well understood. Majority of pregnant patients with SSNHL experienced the condition in second or third trimester. Key elements facilitating an accurate diagnosis include: interview and physical examination, hearing tests, balance evaluation, and imaging studies. The exact causes of SSNHL in pregnant women remain unknown. However, hormonal changes during pregnancy can have some contribution to development of this condition. Onset of SSNHL symptoms could resemble Ménière’s disease. Conclusions: Due to rare occurrence of SSNHL in pregnant women, there is no standardized approach to managing this medical issue. Given that most cases of SSNHL are classified as idiopathic, empirical treatment primarily involves steroids.
Background: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) during pregnancy is a rare condition and has not been much studied. The study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the risk factors, complications, and treatment modalities for SSNHL in pregnant women. Materials and methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, and Google Scholar were used for the literature search. The Cochrane technique for assessing risk of bias was used for the article quality appraisal, and RevMan 5.4 was used for conducting the meta-analysis. Standard mean difference (SMD) and odds ratios with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were utilized. Heterogeneity and publication bias were assessed using the I-square (I2) test statistic and the Egger's test, respectively. Results and discussion: The seven primary studies employed prospective and retrospective study designs. The meta-analysis showed that there were fewer risk variables for SSNHL in the experimental group compared with those in the control group (SMD = -0.45 to 3.24, 95% CI = -3.063.63 to 2.16-2.85), indicating that the analysis revealed an insignificant difference. However, the treated patients presented hearing improvement, suggesting a significant analysis (SMD = -0.6710.20, 95% CI = -1.2713.51 to -0.066.88). Furthermore, after therapy, substantial differences were observed in SMD between the two groups (SMD = -0.7415.18, 95% CI = -1.2423.85 to -0.256.40) in favor of the experimental group patients, based on the analysis results of four included studies. However, the I2-value of 0% showed that the heterogeneity was low. Conclusion: SSNHL during pregnancy is a notably rare condition with an unknown cause. However, hormonal fluctuations, particularly increased levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, have been frequently implicated as potential triggers for SSNHL.
This chapter addresses specific issues surrounding otologic and neurotologic diseases in pregnant women. It includes a summary of key general considerations, a review of the main otologic and neurotologic symptoms and disorders that may arise among disease-free pregnant women, and a discussion of management of existing neurotologic disorders in the setting of pregnancy.
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Background: The aim of this study was to study the safety and effectiveness of oral and tympanic hormone injection in the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss during pregnancy. Methods: Data were collected via prospective method. A total of 102 pregnant women with sensorineural hearing loss as experimental group and another 102 patients of sensorineural hearing loss without pregnancy as control group were simultaneously included in the study. Pure tone audiometry test was examined at pre- and posttreatment in 1 week, 2 weeks, and 12 weeks. The experimental group received oral and tympanic hormones, while the control group was treated with the Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss (2019) of USA. Recovery rate and hearing gain were assessed by the Clinical Practice Guidelines. Results: After treatment, the effects of the experimental group and the control group were compared at the 1st, 2nd, and 12th week after treatment. It was found that at the 12th week after treatment, the curative effect of the experimental group was significantly different from that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The pregnant women with sensorineural hearing loss were more serious than nonpregnant women, and the treatment efficacies were worse than control group. For pregnancy patients with sudden deafness, oral steroids and tympanic cavity injection is an effective, safe first-line treatment options.
Otorhinolaryngological (ENT) emergencies can affect individuals of all age groups. ENT emergencies are of high importance due to the vital organs located in the head and neck region. The approach to the pregnant patient is of higher importance due to the presence of two living individuals. Otorhinolaryngological emergencies may occur due to various metabolic, endocrinological, and physiological changes during pregnancy. For the management of these emergencies, physicians must be familiar with all medical evidence and guidelines. The emergency treatment of most pregnant patients requires a multidisciplinary approach involving obstetricians and anesthesiologists in addition to otorhinolaryngologists. A treatment or intervention should be implemented after obtaining maternal informed consent regarding the possible effects on the mother and fetus. In this section, we tried to summarize how physicians should approach pregnant patients presenting with ENT emergencies.
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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect and safety of intratympanic dexamethasone in pregnant women with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL). Methods: We performed a prospective study on pregnant women who suffered from ISSNHL and were treated in our clinic during 2016. The patients received intratympanic treatment three to four times a week. A pure tone audiogram (PTA) was performed before treatment and patients were followed up until 2 months after treatment was finished. Results: A total of six pregnant women were included. All of the patients tolerated intratympanic treatment well. The mean improvement in hearing was 48 ± 7.33 dB. There were no complications, including permanent perforation of the ear drum or middle ear infection. Each patient delivered a healthy newborn. Conclusion: Intratympanic dexamethasone is effective and safe for treating pregnant women with ISSNHL. Further randomized, controlled studies on this treatment need to be performed.
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The objective of this study is to evaluate possible prognostic factors of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) treated with adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) using univariate and multivariate analyses. From January 2008 to October 2016, records of 178 ISSNHL patients treated with auxiliary hyperbaric oxygen therapy were reviewed to assess hearing recovery and evaluate associated prognostic factors (gender, age, localization, initial hearing threshold, presence of tinnitus, vertigo, ear fullness, hypertension, diabetes, onset of HBOT, number of HBOT, and audiogram), by using univariate and multivariate analyses. The overall recovery rate was 37.1%, including complete recovery (19.7%) and partial recovery (17.4%). According to multivariate analysis, later onset of HBOT and higher initial hearing threshold were associated with a poor prognosis in ISSNHL patients treated with HBOT. HBOT is a safe and beneficial adjuvant therapy for ISSNHL patients. 20 sessions of HBOT is possibly enough to show its therapeutic effect. Earlier HBOT onset and lower initial hearing threshold is associated with favorable hearing recovery.
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Conclusions: Intratympanic steroid (ITS) treatment groups exhibited better outcomes in PTA improvement and recovery rate than systemic steroid therapy (SST) groups. Whether initial hearing loss severity would influence the PTA improvement and recovery rate still requires further research. Objective: This article was aimed at evaluating whether intratympanic steroid (ITS) treatment would provide benefits over systemic steroid therapy (SST) as initial therapy in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL). A meta-analysis was carried out based on published RCTs that included the hearing outcomes of ITS treatment and SST in ISSHL as initial therapy. Both PTA differences and recovery rate were analyzed. Methods: The literature search was based on the online database including Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane trails, which completed in July 2016. This study extracted the relevant data following the selection criteria. Mean difference (MD) of PTA differences and Odds ratio (OR) of recovery rate were calculated within 95% confidence intervals. Results: Six eligible articles were reviewed. The pooled MDs of PTA differences was 3.42 (95% CI = 0.17-6.67, p = .04) and the pooled ORs of recovery rate was 2.05 (95% CI = 1.38-3.03, p = .0003), which indicated that ITS treatment yielded better PTA improvement than SST. Sub-group analyses based on the initial hearing loss were also conducted; however, the difference was insignificant according to our analysis results (p = .82 for PTA improvement and p = .26 for recovery rate).
Background: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) may occur during pregnancy with a rare prevalence, and little is known about it. Aims: To retrospectively analyze cases of SSNHL during pregnancy and investigate their clinical characteristics, management and outcome. Material and methods: Records of 30 SSNHL patients during pregnancy were reviewed, including age, localization, duration from onset to treatment, gestation period, accompanying symptoms, initial hearing threshold, final hearing threshold, audiogram, treatment and outcome. Results: Twenty-four patients (80.0%) suffered SSNHL in the second trimester or the last trimester with a high rate of tinnitus (70.0%). The initial hearing threshold was 63.4 ± 25.1 dB, and most audiograms were flat and profound. The overall recovery rate was 60.0%, including complete recovery (33.3%) and partial recovery (26.7%). Further, 16 patients received adjuvant intratympanic steroid showed a better audiologic outcome (improvement 27.1 ± 16.4 vs. 15.7 ± 12.0 dB, p = .042) than those who had not. Conclusions and significance: SSNHL during pregnancy often occurred in the second trimester or the last trimester with a severe hearing loss, the most audiogram configurations are flat and profound. Dextran-40 is a safe and beneficial therapy for SSNHL patients during pregnancy and adjuvant intratympanic steroid increase the probability of hearing recovery.
We analyzed 356 patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and systemic steroids (n = 161), systemic steroids alone (n = 160), or intratympanic and systemic steroids (n = 35). The main outcome measure was the hearing recovery rate. The effect of other variables, including the initial averaged 5-frequency hearing level, patient age, interval between the onset of symptoms and treatment, presence of vertigo as a complication, presence of diabetes mellitus, smoking history, and presence of hypertension, on the hearing recovery rate was also evaluated. The overall hearing recovery rate was significantly higher for the patients treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and systemic steroids than for those treated with systemic steroids alone (p < 0.001) or systemic and intratympanic steroids (p < 0.001). The presence of vertigo negatively affected hearing recovery. Our findings suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy confers a significant additional therapeutic benefit when used in combination with steroid therapy for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
Objective: The primary objective is to investigate the contribution of intratympanic steroids in the primary treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL). The secondary objective is to compare methylprednisolone (MP) and dexamethasone in terms of their effectiveness and injection-site pain. Methods: Two hundred and four patients with ISSNHL, 144 patients underwent systemic steroid therapy (SST) alone and 60 patients underwent combined therapy (CT). The effectiveness of the treatment was assessed according to the Furuhashi criteria. Injection-site pain after the procedure was assessed at 5 and 60 min on a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: Successful recovery was 55% in the CT group and 34% in the SST alone group (p = .004). Patients whose initial hearing level is severe, the success rate was statistically significantly higher with CT (p = .0001). Hearing improvement differed significantly between the MP and dexamethasone (p = .015). Injection-site pain at 5 min after the procedure, higher VAS scores were obtained with MP (p = .002). Conclusion: In the primary treatment of sudden hearing loss, in which the level of hearing loss is 70–89 dB HL, the addition of ITS to the treatment significantly increased the success rate. The pain occurring in the middle ear was high but tolerable in the first few minutes by MP.
Pregnancy itself causes the mothers not only physiological changes in metabolism, hormone status, and autonomic nervous system, but also psychological impacts from emotional stress. These changes may affect the hearing and balance system in pregnant women resulting in a variety of inner ear symptoms i.e. hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, etc.(1) However, the clinicians were not so familiar with the management of inner ear disorders in pregnant women. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Conclusion: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) in pregnancy is rare. It usually occurs in the third trimester. SSNHL in pregnancy does not increase risks during delivery or subsequent stroke. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the incidence and to determine the factors associated with SSNHL in pregnancy. Method: Data were retrieved from Taiwan's National Health Insurance Database (NHIRD), covering the years 2000-2009. Patients admitted for SSNHL during pregnancy were enrolled. An age-matched controlled cohort was randomly selected from pregnant women without SSNHL in the NHIRD. The clinical characteristics of both cohorts were collected for further analyses. Results: Thirty-three patients with SSNHL in pregnancy were enrolled. The estimated incidence of SSNHL in pregnancy in Taiwan was 2.71 per 100,000 pregnancies. The incidence of SSNHL in pregnancy was lower than that of the general female population. The incidence of SSNHL in the third trimester was higher compared to the other two. The incidence of SSNHL occurring in the 30-39 years old age group was higher than other groups. Women with better socioeconomic status had a higher incidence of SSNHL. There were no identified systemic diseases before SSNHL. Two patients had pre-eclampsia and one patient had premature delivery. Nevertheless, SSNHL in pregnancy did not increase the risk for stroke.
One of the chief problems confronting the investigation of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss is the great difficulty in obtaining a significant number of patients. This can only be done by cooperative and coordinated efforts involving many physicians and clinics. The National Registry for Idiopathic Sudden Deafness in Minneapolis represents one such effort.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is the leading cause of death due to poisoning. Although uncommon, CO poisoning does occur during pregnancy and can result in fetal mortality and neurological malformations in fetuses who survive to term. Uncertainty arises regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) as a treatment for the pregnant patient because of possible adverse effects on the fetus that could be induced by oxygen at high partial pressures. While the dangers of hyperoxia to the fetus have been demonstrated in animal models, careful review of animal studies and human clinical experience indicates that the short duration of hyperoxic exposure attained during HBO therapy for CO poisoning can be tolerated by the fetus in all stages of pregnancy and reduces the risk of death or deformity to the mother and fetus. A case is presented of acute CO poisoning during pregnancy that was successfully treated with HBO. Recommendations are suggested for the use of HBO during pregnancy. (JAMA 1989;261:1039-1043)