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  • Government College of Engineering Keonjhar under Biju Patnaik University of Technology Odisha
Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra
Marei M. El-ajaily
Abdusalam A. Maihub
Inorganic Chemistry:
Questions and Answers
Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the synthesis
and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This book is
written strictly for the students to understand the chemical concepts,
theories and principles in Inorganic Chemistry in a clear and concise
manner. Each chapter of the book contains a large number of various
types of questions and numerical problems with solutions. Hence, a
student can easily prepare for the examination.
Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra, Former Head, Department of Basic Science
and Humanities, Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, India,
obtained his Ph.D. in Coordination Chemistry. He has published 33
research articles in international journals of repute. He has authored six
books, which are well accepted by the students.
Inorganic Chemistry, Questions, Answers
Mohapatra, El-ajaily, Maihub
The present chapter illustrates our pursuits to correlate the structure and the reactivity of some aliphatic and aromatic compounds making use of quantum-mechanic calculations, while emphasizing the peculiar properties of bondonic influence in driving the chemical bonding in various realizations and respecting various chemical variables. The studied compounds, aromatic amines and their derivates and also hydroxiarens, have been chosen to reveal their usage in diazotization and coupling reactions in order to obtain azoic colorants. For didactic purposes, the results obtained by both Hückel (MO-molecular orbitals) and DFT(density functional theory) models have been correlated considering some aspects of bondonic chemistry. From the bondonic side, the quantum computational information, always relating regarding the bonding energy is projected on the length radii or action, bondonic mass and gravitational effects, all without eigen-equations in “classical” quantum mechanics, although being of observable nature, here discussed and compared for their realization and predictions.
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