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With the widespread use of AI systems and applications in our everyday lives, it is important to take fairness issues into consideration while designing and engineering these types of systems. Such systems can be used in many sensitive environments to make important and life-changing decisions; thus, it is crucial to ensure that the decisions do not reflect discriminatory behavior toward certain groups or populations. We have recently seen work in machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning that addresses such challenges in different subdomains. With the commercialization of these systems, researchers are becoming aware of the biases that these applications can contain and have attempted to address them. In this survey we investigated different real-world applications that have shown biases in various ways, and we listed different sources of biases that can affect AI applications. We then created a taxonomy for fairness definitions that machine learning researchers have defined in order to avoid the existing bias in AI systems. In addition to that, we examined different domains and subdomains in AI showing what researchers have observed with regard to unfair outcomes in the state-of-the-art methods and how they have tried to address them. There are still many future directions and solutions that can be taken to mitigate the problem of bias in AI systems. We are hoping that this survey will motivate researchers to tackle these issues in the near future by observing existing work in their respective fields.
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning
With the widespread use of AI systems and applications in our everyday lives, it is important to take fairness
issues into consideration while designing and engineering these types of systems. Such systems can be used in
many sensitive environments to make important and life-changing decisions; thus, it is crucial to ensure that
the decisions do not reflect discriminatory behavior toward certain groups or populations. We have recently
seen work in machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning that addresses such challenges
in different subdomains. With the commercialization of these systems, researchers are becoming aware of the
biases that these applications can contain and have attempted to address them. In this survey we investigated
different real-world applications that have shown biases in various ways, and we listed different sources of
biases that can affect AI applications. We then created a taxonomy for fairness definitions that machine learning
researchers have defined in order to avoid the existing bias in AI systems. In addition to that, we examined
different domains and subdomains in AI showing what researchers have observed with regard to unfair outcomes
in the state-of-the-art methods and how they have tried to address them. There are still many future directions
and solutions that can be taken to mitigate the problem of bias in AI systems. We are hoping that this survey will
motivate researchers to tackle these issues in the near future by observing existing work in their respective fields.
CCS Concepts:
Computing methodologies Artificial intelligence
Philosophical/theoretical founda-
tions of artificial intelligence;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Fairness and Bias in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, Natural Language Processing, Representation Learning
Machine algorithms have penetrated every aspect of our daily life. Algorithms make movie rec-
ommendations, suggest products to buy, and are increasingly used in high-stakes decisions in loan
applications [
], dating and hiring [
]. There are clear benefits to algorithmic decision-making;
unlike people, machines do not become tired or bored [
], and can take into account orders of
magnitude more factors than people can. However, like people, algorithms are vulnerable to biases
that render their decisions “unfair” [
]. In the context of decision-making, fairness is the absence
of any prejudice or favoritism toward an individual or a group based on their inherent or acquired
characteristics. Thus, an unfair algorithm is one whose decisions are skewed toward a particular
group of people. A canonical example comes from a tool used by courts in the United States to
make parole decisions. The software, Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative
Sanctions (COMPAS), measures the risk of a person to recommit another crime. Judges use COMPAS
to decide whether to release an offender, or to keep him or her in prison. An investigation into the
software found a bias against African-Americans:
COMPAS is more likely to assign a higher risk
score to African-American offenders than to Caucasians with the same profile. Similar findings
Authors’ address: USC, Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001 Marina del Rey, CA 90292
This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Agreement
No. HR0011890019.
arXiv:1908.09635v2 [cs.LG] 17 Sep 2019
2 Mehrabi et al.
have been made in other areas, such as an AI system that judges beauty pageant winners but was
biased against darker-skinned contestants,
or facial recognition software in digital cameras that
overpredicts Asians as blinking.
These biased predictions stem from the hidden or neglected biases
in data or algorithms.
In this survey we identify two potential sources of unfairness in machine learning outcomes—those
arising from biases in the data and those arising from the algorithms. We review research investigating
how biases in data skew what is learned by machine learning algorithms, and nuances in the way the
algorithms themselves work that prevent them from making fair decisions—even when the data is
We begin the review with several highly visible real-world cases of where unfair machine learning
algorithms have led to suboptimal and discriminatory outcomes. We then describe the many types
of biases that occur in data and present the different ways that the concept of fairness has been
operationalized and studied in literature. We discuss the ways in which these two concepts are
coupled. Last, we will focus on different families of machine learning approaches, how fairness
manifests differently in each one, and the current state-of-the-art for tackling them, followed by
potential areas of future work in each of the domains.
With the popularity of AI and machine learning over the past decades, and their epidemic spread in
different applications, safety and fairness constraints have become a huge issue for researchers and
engineers. Machine learning is used in courts to assess the probability that a defendant recommits
a crime. It is used in different medical fields, in childhood welfare systems [
], and autonomous
vehicles. All of these applications have a direct effect in our lives and can harm our society if not
designed and engineered correctly, with considerations to fairness. [
] has a list of the applications
and the ways these AI systems affect our daily lives with their inherent biases, such as the existence
of bias in AI chatbots, employment matching, flight routing, and automated legal aid for immigration
algorithms, and search and advertising placement algorithms. [
] also discusses some examples of
how bias in the real world can creep into AI and robotic systems, such as bias in face recognition
applications, voice recognition, and search engines. Therefore, it is important for researchers and
engineers to be concerned about the downstream applications and their potential harmful effects
when modeling an algorithm or a system. A well-known example is COMPAS, which is a widely
used commercial risk assessment software that was compared to normal human judgment in a study
and was later discovered to be not any better than a normal human [
]. It is also interesting to note
that although COMPAS uses 137 features, only 7 of those were presented to the people in the study.
In [
], authors also argued that COMPAS is not any better than a simple logistic regression model
when making decisions. We should think responsibly, and recognize that these tools are used in
courts and are actually making decisions which affect peoples’ lives; therefore, considering fairness
constraints is a crucial task while designing and engineering these types of sensitive tools. In another
similar study, while investigating sources of group unfairness (unfairness across different groups is
defined later), the authors in [
] compared SAVRY, a tool used in risk assessment frameworks
that includes human intervention in its process, with automatic machine learning methods in order
to see which one is more accurate and fair. Conducting these types of studies should be done more
frequently, but prior to releasing the tools in order to avoid doing harm.
Another interesting direction that researchers have taken is introducing tools that can assess the
amount of fairness in a tool or system. For example, Aequitas [
] is a toolkit that lets users to test
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 3
models with regards to several bias and fairness metrics for different population subgroups. Aequitas
produces reports from the obtained data that helps data scientists, machine learning researchers, and
policymakers to make conscious decisions and avoid harm and damage toward certain populations. AI
Fairness 360 (AIF360) is another toolkit developed at IBM in order to help moving fairness research
algorithms into an industrial setting and to create a benchmark for fairness algorithms to get evaluated
and an environment for fairness researchers to share their ideas [
]. These types of toolkits can be
helpful for learners, researchers, and people working in the industry to move towards developing
fair machine learning application away from discriminatory behavior. In addition to COMPAS,
discriminatory behavior was also evident in an algorithm that would deliver advertisements promoting
jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields [
]. This advertisement was
designed to deliver advertisements in a gender-neutral way. However, less women compared to
men saw the advertisement due to gender-imbalance which would result in younger women being
considered as a valuable subgroup and more expensive to show advertisements to. This optimization
algorithm would deliver ads in a discriminatory way although its original and pure intention was to
be gender-neutral. Bias in facial recognition systems [
] and recommender systems [
] have
also been largely studied and evaluated and in many cases shown to be discriminative towards certain
populations and subgroups. In order to be able to address the bias issue in these application, it is
important for us to know where these biases are coming from and what we can do to prevent them.
Fig. 1. Illustration of biases in data. Red line shows the regression (MLR) for the entire population,
while dashed green lines are regressions for each subgroup, and the solid green line is the unbiased
regression. (a) When all subgroups are of equal size, then MLR shows a positive relationship between
the outcome and the independent variable. (b) Regression shows almost no relationship in less
balanced data. The relationships between variables within each subgroup, however, remain the same.
(Credit: Nazanin Alipourfard)
Data, especially big data, is often heterogeneous, generated by subgroups with their own character-
istics and behaviors. The heterogeneities, some of which are described below, can bias the data. A
model learned on biased data may lead to unfair and inaccurate predictions. To illustrate how biases
in data affect machine learning, consider a hypothetical nutrition study which measured how the
outcome, body mass index (BMI), changes as a function of daily pasta calorie intake (Figure 1).
Regression analysis (solid red line) shows a positive relationship in the population between these
variables. The positive trend suggests that increased pasta consumption is associated with higher
BMI. However, unbeknown to researchers, the study population was heterogeneous, composed of
subgroups that vary in their fitness level—people who did not exercise, people with normal activity
levels, and athletes. When data is disaggregated by fitness level, the trends within each subgroup are
4 Mehrabi et al.
negative (dashed green lines), leading to the conclusion that increased pasta consumption is, in fact,
associated with a lower BMI. Recommendations for pasta consumption that come from the naive
analysis are opposite to those coming from a more careful analysis that accounts for the differences
between subgroups.
3.1 Types of Bias
Bias in data can exist in many shapes and forms, some of which can lead to unfairness in different
downstream learning tasks. In [
], authors talk about sources of bias in machine learning with
their categorizations and descriptions in order to motivate future solutions to each of the sources of
bias introduced in the paper. In [
], authors prepare a complete list of different types of biases with
their corresponding definitions that exist in different cycles from data origins to its collection and its
processing. Here we will reiterate some of the most general and important sources of bias introduced
in these two papers and also add in some work from other existing research papers. Additionally, we
will also introduce a different categorization and grouping of these definitions later in the paper.
(1) Historical Bias.
Historical bias is the already existing bias and socio-technical issues in the
world and can seep into from the data generation process even given a perfect sampling and
feature selection [
]. An example of this type of bias can be found in a 2018 image search
result where searching for women CEOs ultimately resulted in fewer female CEO images due
to the fact that only 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs were woman—which would cause the search
results to be biased towards male CEOs [
]. These search results were of course reflecting
the reality, but whether or not the search algorithms should reflect this reality is an issue worth
(2) Representation Bias.
Representation bias happens from the way we define and sample from
a population [
]. Lacking geographical diversity in datasets like ImageNet (as shown in
Figures 3 and 4) is an example for this type of bias [
]. This demonstrates a bias towards
Western countries.
(3) Measurement Bias.
Measurement bias happens from the way we choose, utilize, and measure
a particular feature [
]. An example of this type of bias was observed in the recidivism risk
prediction tool COMPAS, where prior arrests and friend/family arrests were used as proxy
variables to measure level of “riskiness” or “crime”—-which on its own can be viewed as
mismeasured proxies. This is due to the fact that minority communities are controlled and
policed more frequently, so they have higher arrest rates. However, one should not conclude
that because people coming from minority groups have higher arrest rates therefore they are
more dangerous as there is a difference in how these groups are assessed and controlled [
(4) Evaluation Bias.
Evaluation bias happens during model evaluation [
]. This includes the
use of inappropriate and disproportionate benchmarks for evaluation of applications such
as Adience and IJB-A benchmarks. These benchmarks are used in the evaluation of facial
recognition systems that were biased toward skin color and gender [
], and can serve as
examples for this type of bias [118].
(5) Aggregation Bias.
Aggregation bias happens when false conclusions are drawn for a subgroup
based on observing other different subgroups or generally when false assumptions about a
population affect the model’s outcome and definition [
]. An example of this type of bias can
be seen in clinical aid tools. Consider diabetes patients who have apparent differences across
ethnicities and genders, or more specifically, HbA1c levels that are widely used in diagnosis
and monitoring of diabetes are different in complicated ways across genders and ethnicities.
Therefore, because of these factors and their different meanings and importance across different
sub-groups and populations, a single model would most probably not be best-suited for all
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 5
groups in a population [
]. This is true even when they are represented equally in the training
data. Any general assumptions about different populations can result in aggregation bias.
(6) Population Bias.
Population bias arises when statistics, demographics, representatives, and
user characteristics are different in the user population represented in the dataset or platform
from the original target population [
]. An example of this type of bias can arise from
different user demographics on different social platforms, such as women being more likely to
use Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, while men being more active in online forums like Reddit
or Twitter. More of such examples and statistics related to social media use among young
adults according to gender, race, ethnicity, and parental educational background can be found
in [56].
(7) Simpson’s Paradox.
Simpson’s paradox [
] can bias the analysis of heterogeneous data that
is composed of subgroups or individuals with different behaviors. According to Simpson’s
paradox, a trend, association, or characteristic observed in underlying subgroups may be quite
different from association or characteristic observed when these subgroups are aggregated.
One of the better-known examples of this type of paradox arose during the gender bias lawsuit
in university admissions against UC Berkeley [
]. After analyzing graduate school admissions
data, it seemed like there was bias toward women, a smaller fraction of whom were being
admitted to graduate programs compared to their male counterparts. However, when admissions
data was separated and analyzed over the departments, women applicants had equality and
in some cases even a small advantage over men. The paradox happened as women tended to
apply to departments with lower admission rates for both genders. Simpson’s paradox has been
observed in a variety of domains, including biology [
], psychology [
], astronomy [
and computational social science [77].
(8) Longitudinal Data Fallacy.
Observational studies often treat cross-sectional data as if it were
longitudinal, which may create biases due to Simpson’s paradox. As an example, analysis of
bulk Reddit data [
] revealed that comment length decreased over time on average. However,
bulk data represented a cross-sectional snapshot of the population, which in reality contained
different cohorts who joined Reddit in different years. When data was disaggregated by cohorts,
the comment length within each cohort was found to increase over time.
(9) Sampling Bias.
Sampling bias arises due to non-random sampling of subgroups. As a conse-
quence of sampling bias, the trends estimated for one population may not generalize to data
collected from a new population. For the intuition, consider again the example in Figure 1.
Suppose the next time the study is conducted, one of the subgroups is sampled more frequently
than the rest. The positive trend found by the regression model in the first study almost com-
pletely disappears (solid red line in plot on the right), although the subgroup trends (dashed
green lines) are unaffected.
(10) Behavioral Bias.
Behavioral bias arises from different user behavior across platforms, con-
texts, or different datasets [
]. An example of this type of bias can be observed in [
], where
authors show how differences in emoji representations among platforms can result in different
reactions and behavior from people and sometimes even leading to communication errors.
(11) Content Production Bias.
Content Production bias arises from structural, lexical, semantic,
and syntactic differences in the contents generated by users [
]. An example of this type of
bias can be seen in [
] where the differences in use of language across different gender and
age groups is discussed. The differences in use of language can also be seen across and within
countries and populations.
(12) Linking Bias.
Linking bias arises when network attributes obtained from user connections,
activities, or interactions differ and misrepresent the true behavior of the users [
]. In
] authors show how social networks can be biased toward low-degree nodes when only
6 Mehrabi et al.
considering the links in the network and not considering the content and behavior of users in
the network. [
] also shows that user interactions are significantly different from social link
patterns that are based on features, such as method of interaction or time. The differences and
biases in the networks can be a result of many factors, such as network sampling, as shown in
[51, 91], which can change the network measures and cause different types of problems.
(13) Temporal Bias.
Temporal bias arises from differences in populations and behaviors over time
]. An example can be observed in Twitter where people talking about a particular topic start
using a hashtag at some point to capture attention, then continue the discussion about the event
without using the hashtag [99, 120].
(14) Popularity Bias
.Items that are more popular tend to be exposed more. However, popularity
metrics are subject to manipulation—for example, by fake reviews or social bots [
]. As an
instance, this type of bias can be seen in search engines [
] or recommendation systems
where popular objects would be presented more to the public. But this presentation may not be
a result of good quality; instead, it may be due to other biased factors.
(15) Algorithmic Bias.
Algorithmic bias is when the bias is not present in the input data and is
added purely by the algorithm [8].
(16) User Interaction Bias.
User Interaction bias is a type of bias that can not only be observant
on the Web but also get triggered from two sources—the user interface and through the user
itself by imposing his/her self-selected biased behavior and interaction [
]. This type of bias
can be influenced by other types and subtypes, such as Presentation and Ranking biases.
Presentation Bias.
Presentation bias is a result of how information is presented [
]. For
example, on the Web users can only click on content that they see, so the seen content gets
clicks, while everything else gets no click. And it could be the case that the user does not see
all the information on the Web [8].
Ranking Bias.
The idea that top-ranked results are the most relevant and important will result
in attraction of more clicks than others. This bias affects search engines [
] and crowdsourcing
applications [78].
(17) Social Bias.
Social bias happens when other people’s actions or content coming from them
affect our judgment. [
]. An example of this type of bias can be a case where we want to rate
or review an item with a low score, but when influenced by other high ratings, we change our
scoring thinking that perhaps we are being too harsh [8, 125].
(18) Emergent Bias.
Emergent bias happens as a result of use and interaction with real users. This
bias arises as a result of change in population, cultural values, or societal knowledge usually
some time after the completion of design [46]. This type of bias is more likely to be observed
in user interfaces, since interfaces tend to reflect the capacities, characteristics, and habits of
prospective users by design [
]. This type of bias can itself be divided into more subtypes, as
discussed in detail in [46].
(19) Self-Selection Bias.
Self-selection bias
is a subtype of the selection or sampling bias in which
subjects of the research select themselves. An example of this type of bias can be observed
in situations where survey takers decide that they can appropriately participate in a study
themselves. For instance, in a survey study about smart or successful students, some less
successful students might think that they are successful to take the survey—which would then
bias the outcome of the analysis. In fact, the chances of this situation happening is high, as
the more successful students probably would not spend time filling out surveys that would
increase the risk of self-selection bias.
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 7
(20) Omitted Variable Bias.
Omitted variable bias
occurs when one or more important variables
are left out of the model. An example for this case would be when someone designs a model
to predict, with relatively high accuracy, the annual percentage rate at which customers will
stop subscribing to a service, but soon observes that the majority of users are canceling their
subscription without receiving any warning from the designed model. Now imagine that the
reason for canceling the subscriptions is appearance of a new strong competitor in the market
which offers the same solution, but for half the price. The appearance of the competitor was
something that the model was not ready for; therefore, it is considered to be an omitted variable.
(21) Cause-Effect Bias.
Cause-effect bias
can happen as a result of the fallacy that correlation
implies causation. An example of this type of bias can be observed in a situation where a
data analyst in a company wants to analyze how successful a new loyalty program is. The
analyst sees that customers who signed up for the loyalty program are spending more money
in the company’s e-commerce store than those who did not. It is going to be problematic if the
analyst immediately jumps to the conclusion that the loyalty program is successful, since it
might be the case that only more committed or loyal customers, who might have planned to
spend more money anyway, are interested in the loyalty program in the first place. This type
of bias can have serious consequences due to its nature and the roles it can play in sensitive
decision-making policies.
(22) Observer Bias.
Observer bias
happens when researchers subconsciously project their ex-
pectations onto the research. This type of bias can happen when researchers (unintentionally)
influence participants (during interviews and surveys) or when they cherry pick participants or
statistics that will favor their research.
(23) Funding Bias.
Funding bias
arises when biased results are reported in order to support or
satisfy the funding agency or financial supporter of the research study. As an example, this
manifests when employees of a company report biased results in their data and statistics in
order to keep the funding agencies or other parties satisfied.
Existing work tried to categorize these bias definitions into groups, such as definitions falling solely
under data or user interaction. However, due to the existence of the feedback loop phenomenon,
which is a situation in which the trained machine learning model makes decisions that produce
outcomes, and these very outcomes affect future data that will be collected for subsequent training
rounds or models [
], these definitions are intertwined, and we need a categorization which closely
models this situation. This feedback loop is not only existent between the data and the algorithm, but
also some work analyzed the existence of this loop between the algorithms and user interaction [
Getting inspiration from these papers, we also modeled categorization of bias definitions, as shown
in Figure 2, and grouped these definitions on the arrows of the loop where we thought they were
most effective. We emphasize the fact again that these definitions are intertwined, and one should
consider how they affect each other in this cycle, and try to address them accordingly.
3.2 Data Bias Examples
There are multiple ways that discriminatory bias can seep into data. For instance, using unbalanced
data can create biases against underrepresented groups. In [
], the authors show that datasets like
IJB-A and Adience are imbalanced and contain mainly light-skinned subjects—79.6% in IJB-A and
86.2% in Adience. This can bias the analysis towards dark skin groups who are underrepresented
in the data. In another instance, the way we use and analyze our data can create bias when we do
not consider different subgroups in the data. In [
], the authors also show that considering only
male-female groups is not enough, but there is also a need to use race to further subdivide the
gender groups into light-skin females, light-skin males, dark-skin males, and dark-skin females.
8 Mehrabi et al.
Fig. 2. Bias definitions in the data, algorithm, and user interaction feedback loop are placed on their
most appropriate arrows.
It’s only in this case that we can clearly observe the bias towards dark-skin females, as previously
dark-skin males would compromise for dark-skin females and would hide the underlying bias
towards this subgroup. [
] also analyzes some examples of the biases that can exist in the data
and algorithms and offer some recommendations and suggestions toward mitigating these issues.
These data biases can be more dangerous in other sensitive applications. For example, in medical
domains there are many instances in which the data studied and used are skewed toward certain
populations—which can have dangerous consequences for the underrepresented communities. [83]
showed how exclusion of African-Americans resulted in their misclassification in clinical studies,
so they became advocates for sequencing the genomes of diverse populations in the data to prevent
harm to underrepresented populations. Authors in [117] studied the 23andMe genotype dataset and
found that out of 2,399 individuals, who have openly shared their genotypes in public repositories,
2,098 (87%) are European, while only 58 (2%) are Asian and 50 (2%) African. Other such studies
were conducted in [
] which states that UK Biobank, a large and widely used genetic dataset, may
not represent the sampling population. Researchers found evidence of a “healthy volunteer” selection
bias. [
] has other examples of studies on existing biases in the data used in the medical domain.
] also looks at machine-learning models and data utilized in medical fields, and writes about how
artificial intelligence in health care has not impacted all patients equally. This issue not only exists in
medical fields, but popular machine-learning datasets that serve as a base for most of the developed
algorithms and tools can also be biased—which can be harmful to the downstream applications
that are based on these datasets. For instance, ImageNet and Open Images are two widely used
datasets in machine-learning. In [
], researchers studied and showed that these datasets suffer
from representation bias and advocate for the need to incorporate geo-diversity and inclusion while
creating such datasets.
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 9
Fig. 3. Fraction of each country, represented by their two-letter ISO codes, in Open Images and
ImageNet image datasets. In both datasets, US and Great Britain represent the top locations, from
Fig. 4. Geographical distribution representation for countries in the Open Images data set. In their
sample, almost one third of the data was US-based, and 60% of the data was from the six most
represented countries across North America and Europe, from [116].
Fighting against bias and discrimination has a long history in philosophy and psychology, and
recently in machine-learning. However, in order to be able to fight against discrimination and achieve
fairness, one should first define the notion of fairness. Philosophy and psychology have tried to define
the concept of fairness long before computer science started exploring it. The fact that no universal
definition of fairness exists shows the difficulty of solving this problem [
]. Different preferences
and outlooks in different cultures lend a preference to different ways of looking at fairness, which
makes it harder to come up with just a single definition that is acceptable to everyone in a situation.
Indeed, even in computer science, where most of the work on proposing new fairness constraints for
algorithms has come from the West, and a lot of these papers use the same datasets and problems to
show how their constraints perform, there is still no clear agreement on which constraints are the
most appropriate for those problems.
4.1 Types of Discrimination
Broadly, fairness is the absence of any prejudice or favoritism towards an individual or a group based
on their intrinsic or acquired traits in the context of decision-making [113]. Even though fairness is
an incredibly desirable quality in society, it can be surprisingly difficult to achieve in practice. In
10 Mehrabi et al.
order to understand how we can have so many definitions of fairness, it is also crucial to understand
the different kinds of discrimination that may occur.
(1) Direct Discrimination.
Direct discrimination happens when protected attributes of individuals
explicitly result in non-favorable outcomes toward them [
]. Typically, there are some traits
identified by law on which it is illegal to discriminate against, and it is usually these traits that
are considered to be "protected" or "sensitive" attributes in computer science literature. A list
for some of these protected attributes is provided in Table 4 as specified in the Fair Housing
and Equal Credit Opportunity Acts (FHA and ECOA) [29].
(2) Indirect Discrimination.
In Indirect discrimination, individuals appear to be treated based
on seemingly neutral and non-protected attributes; however, protected groups or individuals
still get to be treated unjustly as a result of implicit effects from their protected attributes.
(e.g., the residential zip code of a person can be used in decision making processes such as
loan applications. However, this can still lead to racial discrimination as despite the fact that
zip code appears to be a non-sensitive attribute, it may correlate with race because of the
population of residential areas.) [136].
(3) Systemic Discrimination.
Systemic discrimination refers to policies, customs, or behaviors
that are a part of the culture or structure of an organization that may perpetuate discrimi-
nation against certain subgroups of the population [
]. For example, a restaurant fulfilling
customers’ requests that lead to discriminatory placement of employees would be systemic
discrimination. [
] found that employers overwhelmingly preferred competent candidates
that were culturally similar to them personally, and shared similar experiences and hobbies. If
the decision-makers happen to belong overwhelmingly to certain subgroups, this may result in
discrimination against competent candidates that do not belong to these subgroups.
(4) Statistical Discrimination.
Statistical discrimination is a phenomenon where decision-makers
use average group statistics to judge an individual belonging to that group. It usually occurs
when the decision-makers (e.g., employers, or law enforcement officers) use an individual’s
obvious, recognizable characteristics as a proxy for either hidden or more-difficult-to-determine
characteristics, that may actually be relevant to the outcome [102].
(5) Explainable Discrimination.
Differences in treatment and outcomes amongst different groups
can be justified and explained via some attributes in some cases. In situations where these
differences are justified and explained, it is not considered to be illegal discrimination and
hence called explainable [
]. For instance, authors in [
] state that in the UCI Adult dataset
], a widely used dataset in the fairness domain, males on average have a higher annual income
than females. However, this is because on average females work fewer hours than males per
week. Work hours per week is an attribute that can be used to explain low income which
needs to be considered. If we make decisions, without considering working hours, such that
males and females end up averaging the same income, we will lead to reverse discrimination
since we would cause male employees to get lower salary than females. Therefore, explainable
discrimination is acceptable and legal as it can be explained through other attributes like
working hours. In [
], authors present a methodology to quantify the explainable and illegal
discrimination in data. They argue that methods that do not take the explainable part of the
discrimination into account may result in non-desirable outcomes, so they introduce a reverse
discrimination which is equally harmful and undesirable. They explain how to quantify and
measure discrimination in data or a classifier’s decisions which directly considers illegal and
explainable discrimination.
(6) Unexplainable Discrimination.
In contrast to explainable discrimination, there is unexplain-
able discrimination in which the discrimination toward a group is unjustified and therefore
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 11
considered illegal. Authors in [
] also present local techniques for removing only the illegal or
unexplainable discrimination, allowing only for explainable differences in decisions. These are
pre-processing techniques that change the training data such that it contains no unexplainable
discrimination. We expect classifiers trained on this pre-processed data to not capture illegal or
unexplainable discrimination.
4.2 Definitions of Fairness
In [
], authors studied fairness definitions in political philosophy and tried to tie them to machine-
learning. Authors in [
] studied the 50-year history of fairness definitions in the areas of education
and machine-learning. In [
], authors listed and explained some of the definitions used for fairness
in algorithmic classification problems. In [
], authors studied the general public’s perception of
some of these fairness definitions in computer science literature. Here we will reiterate and provide
some of the most widely used definitions, along with their explanations inspired from [123].
Definition 1.
(Equalized Odds). The definition of equalized odds, provided by [
], states that
"A predictor
Y satisfies equalized odds with respect to protected attribute A and outcome Y, if
Y and
A are independent conditional on Y. P(
Y=1|A=0,Y =y) = P(
Y=1|A=1,Y =y) , y
{0,1}". This means
that the probability of a person in the positive class being correctly assigned a positive outcome and
the probability of a person in a negative class being incorrectly assigned a positive outcome should
both be the same for the protected and unprotected (male and female) group members [
]. In other
words, the equalized odds definition states that the protected and unprotected groups should have
equal rates for true positives and false positives.
Definition 2.
(Equal Opportunity). "A binary predictor
Y satisfies equal opportunity with respect to
A and Y if P(
Y=1|A=0,Y=1) = P(
Y=1|A=1,Y=1)" [
]. This means that the probability of a person
in a positive class being assigned to a positive outcome should be equal for both protected and
unprotected (female and male) group members [
]. In other words, the equal opportunity definition
states that the protected and unprotected groups should have equal true positive rates.
Definition 3.
(Demographic Parity). Also known as statistical parity. "A predictor
Y satisfies demo-
graphic parity if P(
Y |A = 0) = P(
Y|A = 1)" [
]. The likelihood of a positive outcome [
should be the same regardless of whether the person is in the protected (e.g., female) group.
Definition 4.
(Fairness Through Awareness). "An algorithm is fair if it gives similar predictions to
similar individuals" [
]. In other words, any two individuals who are similar with respect to a
similarity (inverse distance) metric defined for a particular task should receive a similar outcome.
Definition 5.
(Fairness Through Unawareness). "An algorithm is fair as long as any protected
attributes A are not explicitly used in the decision-making process" [53, 73].
Definition 6.
(Treatment Equality). "Treatment equality is achieved when the ratio of false neg-
atives and false positives is the same for both protected group categories" [14].
Definition 7.
(Test Fairness). "A score S = S(x) is testfair (well-calibrated) if it reflects the same
likelihood of recidivism irrespective of the individual’s group membership, R. That is, if for all values
of s, P(Y =1|S=s,R=b)=P(Y =1|S=s,R=w)" [
]. In other words, the test fairness definition states
that for any predicted probability score S, people in both protected and unprotected (female and
male) groups must have equal probability of correctly belonging to the positive class [123].
12 Mehrabi et al.
Definition 8.
(Counterfactual Fairness). "Predictor
Y is counterfactually fair if under any con-
text X =x and A=a, P(
(U)=y|X =x,A=a)=P(
(U)=y|X =x,A=a), (or all y and for any
attainable by A" [
]. The counterfactual fairness definition is based on the "intuition that a
decision is fair towards an individual if it is the same in both the actual world and a counterfactual
world where the individual belonged to a different demographic group".
Definition 9.
(Fairness in Relational Domains). "A notion of fairness that is able to capture the
relational structure in a domain—not only by taking attributes of individuals into consideration but
by taking into account the social, organizational, and other connections between individuals" [44].
Definition 10.
(Conditional Statistical Parity). For a set of legitimate factors L, predictor
Y satisfies
conditional statistical parity if P(
Y |L=1,A = 0) = P(
Y|L=1,A = 1) [
]. Conditional statistical parity
states that people in both protected and unprotected (female and male) groups should have equal
probability of being assigned to a positive outcome given a set of legitimate factors L [123].
Fairness definitions fall under different types as follows:
(1) Individual Fairness. Give similar predictions to similar individuals [43, 73].
(2) Group Fairness. Treat different groups equally [43, 73].
(3) Subgroup Fairness
. Subgroup fairness intends to obtain the best properties of the group and
individual notions of fairness. It is different than these notions but uses them in order to obtain
better outcomes. It picks a group fairness constraint like equalizing false positive and asks
whether this constraint holds over a large collection of subgroups [66, 67].
Name Reference Group Individual
Demographic parity [73][43]
Conditional statistical parity [37]
Equalized odds [55]
Equal opportunity [55]
Fairness through unawareness [73][53]
Fairness through awareness [43]
Counterfactual fairness [73]
Table 1. Categorizing different fairness notions into group vs. individual types.
It is important to note that according to [
], it is impossible to satisfy some of the fairness con-
straints at once except in highly constrained special cases. In [
], the authors show the inherent
incompatibility of two conditions: calibration and balancing the positive and negative classes. These
cannot be satisfied simultaneously with each other unless under certain constraints; therefore, it
is important to take the context and application in which fairness definitions need to be used into
consideration and use them accordingly [
]. Another important aspect to consider is time and
temporal analysis of the impacts that these definitions may have on individuals or groups. In [
authors show that current fairness definitions are not always helpful and do not promote improvement
for sensitive groups—and can actually be harmful when analyzed over time in some cases. They
also show that measurement errors can also act in favor of these fairness definitions; therefore, they
show how temporal modeling and measurement are important in evaluation of fairness criteria and
introduce a new range of trade-offs and challenges toward this direction. It is also important to pay
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 13
attention to the sources of bias and their types when trying to solve fairness-related questions.
There have been numerous attempts to address bias in artificial intelligence in order to achieve
fairness; these stem from domains of AI. In this section we will enumerate different domains of
AI, and the work that has been produced by each community to combat bias and unfairness in their
methods. Table 2 provides an overview of the different domains and sub-domains that we focus upon
in this survey.
Domain Sub-domain Reference(s)
Data Simpson’s Paradox [68]
Machine learning Classification
] [
] [
] [
] [
] [
[127] [59] [24] [128]
Machine learning Regression [13] [1]
Machine learning PCA [111]
Machine learning Community detection [85]
Machine learning Clustering [30] [7]
Machine learning Graph embedding [21]
Machine learning Causal inference
] [
] [
] [
] [
] [
[69] [105] [133]
Natural language processing Word embedding
] [
] [
] [
Natural language processing Coreference resolution [140] [109]
Natural language processing Language model [20]
Natural language processing Sentence embedding [84]
Natural language processing Machine translation [45]
Natural language processing Semantic role labeling [139]
Deep learning / representation
Variational auto encoders [82] [4] [92] [38]
Deep learning / representation
Adversarial learning [76] [129]
Table 2. List of papers targeting and talking about bias and fairness in different areas and sub-areas
of machine learning.
While this section is largely domain-specific, it can be useful to take a cross-domain view. Gener-
ally, methods that target biases in the algorithms fall under three categories:
(1) Pre-processing.
Pre-processing techniques try to transform the data so that the underlying
discrimination is removed [
]. If the algorithm is allowed to modify the training data, then
pre-processing can be used [10].
(2) In-processing.
In-processing techniques try to modify and change state-of-the-art learning
algorithms in order to remove discrimination during the model training process [
]. If it is
allowed to change the learning procedure for a machine learning model, then in-processing
can be used during the training of a model— either by incorporating changes into the objective
function or imposing a constraint [10, 13].
14 Mehrabi et al.
(3) Post-processing.
Post-processing is performed after training by accessing a holdout set which
was not involved during the training of the model [
]. If the algorithm can only treat the
learned model as a black box without any ability to modify the training data or learning
algorithm, then only post-processing can be used in which the labels assigned by the black-box
model initially get reassigned based on a function during the post-processing phase [10, 13].
Examples of some existing work and their categorization into these types is shown in Table 3. These
methods are not just limited to general machine learning techniques, but because of AI’s popularity,
they have expanded to different domains in natural language processing and deep learning. From
learning fair representations [
] to learning fair word embeddings [
], debiasing
methods have been proposed in different AI applications and domains. Most of these methods try
to avoid unethical interference of sensitive or protected attributes into the decision-making process,
while others target exclusion bias by trying to include users from sensitive groups. In addition, some
works try to satisfy one or more of the fairness notions in their methods, such as disparate learning
processes (DLPs) which try to satisfy notions of treatment disparity and impact disparity by allowing
the protected attributes during the training phase but avoiding them during prediction time [
]. A list
of protected or sensitive attributes is provided in Table 4. They point out what attributes should not
affect the outcome of the decision in housing loan or credit card decision-making [
] according to
the law. Some of the existing work tries to treat sensitive attributes as noise to disregard their effect on
the decision-making, while some causal methods try to use causal graphs, and disregard some paths
in the causal graph that result in sensitive attributes affecting the outcome of the decision. Different
bias-mitigating methods and techniques are discussed below for different domains—each targeting a
different problem in different areas of machine learning in detail. This can expand the horizon of
the reader on where and how bias can affect the system and try to help researchers carefully look
at various new problems concerning potential places where discrimination and bias can affect the
outcome of a system.
5.1 Bias Mitigation
In order to mitigate the effects of bias in data, some general methods have been proposed that advocate
having good practices while using data, such as having datasheets that would act like a supporting
document for the data reporting the dataset creation method, its characteristics, motivations, and
its skews [
]. [
] proposes a similar approach for the NLP applications. A similar suggestion
has been proposed for models in [
]. Authors in [
] also propose having labels, just like nutrition
labels on food, in order to better categorize each data for each task. In addition to these general
techniques, some work has targeted more specific types of biases. For example, [
] has proposed
methods to test for cases of Simpson’s paradox in the data, and [
] proposed methods to discover
Simpson’s paradoxes in data automatically. Causal models and graphs were also used in some work
to detect direct discrimination in the data along with its prevention technique that modifies the data
such that the predictions would be absent from direct discrimination [
]. [
] also worked on
preventing discrimination in data mining, targeting direct, indirect, and simultaneous effects.
5.2 Fair Machine Learning
To address this issue, a variety of methods have been proposed that satisfy some of the fairness
definitions or other new definitions depending on the application.
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 15
Algorithm Reference Pre-Processing In-Processing Post-Processing
Community detection [85]
Word embedding [22]
Optimized pre-processing
Data pre-processing [63]
Classification [131]
Regression [13]
Classification [65]
Classification [128]
Adversarial learning [76]
Classification [55]
Word embedding [19]
Classification [103]
Table 3. Algorithms categorized into their appropriate groups based on being pre-processing, in-
processing, or post-processing.
Attribute FHA ECOA
Race ✓ ✓
Color ✓ ✓
National origin ✓ ✓
Religion ✓ ✓
Sex ✓ ✓
Familial status
Exercised rights under CCPA
Marital status
Recipient of public assistance
Table 4. A list of the protected attributes as specified in the Fair Housing and Equal Credit Opportunity
Acts (FHA and ECOA), from [29].
5.2.1 Fair Classification. Since classification is a serious task in machine learning and is widely
used in different areas that can be in direct contact with humans, it is important that these types
of methods be fair and be absent from biases that can harm some populations. Therefore, certain
methods have been proposed [
] that satisfy certain definitions of fairness. For instance,
in [
] authors try to satisfy the subgroup fairness in the classification task, equality of opportunity
and equalized odds in [
], both disparate treatment and disparate impact in [
], and equalized
odds in [
]. Other methods try to not only satisfy some fairness constraints but to also be stable
toward change in the test set [
]. Other works tried to propose three different modifications to
the existing Naive Bayes classifier for discrimination-free classification [
]. The authors in [
propose a general framework for learning fair classifiers. This framework can be used for formulating
fairness-aware classification with fairness guarantees.
5.2.2 Fair Regression. [
] proposes a fair regression method along with evaluating it with a
measure introduced as the "price of fairness" (POF) to measure accuracy-fairness trade-offs. They
16 Mehrabi et al.
introduce three fairness penalties as follows:
Individual Fairness: The definition for individual fairness as stated in [
], "for every cross pair
(x,y) ∈ S1
,y) ∈ S2
, a model
is penalized for how differently it treats
(weighted by a
function of
) where
are different groups from the sampled population". Formally,
this is operationalized as
Group Fairness: "On average, the two groups’ instances should have similar labels (weighted by the
nearness of the labels of the instances)" [13].
f2(w,S)= 1
Hybrid Fairness: "Hybrid fairness requires both positive and both negatively labeled cross pairs to be
treated similarly in an average over the two groups" [13].
f3(w,S)= Õ
+ Õ
In addition to the previous work, [
] considers the fair regression problem formulation with regards
to two notions of fairness statistical (demographic) parity and bounded group loss.
5.2.3 Structured Prediction. In [
], authors studied the semantic role-labeling models and a
famous dataset, imSitu, and realized that only 33% of agent roles in cooking images are man, and
the rest of 67% cooking images have woman as agents in the imSitu training set. They also noticed
that in addition to the existing bias in the dataset, the model would amplify the bias such that after
training a model
on the dataset, bias is magnified for “man”, filling only 16% of cooking images.
Under these observations, the authors of the paper [
] show that structured prediction models
have the risk of leveraging social bias. Therefore, they propose a calibration algorithm called RBA
(reducing bias amplification); RBA is a technique for debiasing models by calibrating prediction in
structured prediction. The idea behind RBA is to ensure that the model predictions follow the same
distribution in the training data. They study two cases: multi-label object and visual semantic role
labeling classification. They show how these methods exemplify the existing bias in data.
5.2.4 Fair PCA. In [
] authors show that vanilla PCA can exaggerate the error in reconstruction
in one group of people over a different group of equal size, so they propose a fair method to create
representations with similar richness for different populations—not to make them indistinguishable,
or to hide dependence on a sensitive or protected attribute. They show that vanilla PCA on the
labeled faces in the wild (LFW) dataset has a lower reconstruction error rate for men than for
women faces, even if the sampling is done with an equal weight for both genders. They intend to
introduce a dimensionality reduction technique which maintains similar fidelity for different groups
and populations in the dataset. Therefore, they introduce Fair PCA and define a fair dimensionality
reduction algorithm. Their definition of Fair PCA (as an optimization function) is as follows, in
5Specifically, a Conditional Random Field (CRF)
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 17
denote two subgroups,
denote matrices whose rows correspond to rows of
Uthat contain members of subgroups Aand Bgiven mdata points in Rn:
,r ank (U)dmax (1
|A|loss (A,UA),
|B|loss (B,UB))
And their proposed algorithm is a two-step process listed below:
(1) Relax the Fair PCA objective to a semidefinite program (SDP) and solve it.
(2) Solve a linear program that would reduce the rank of the solution.
5.2.5 Community Detection/Graph Embedding/Clustering. Inequalities in online communities
and social networks can also potentially be another place where bias and discrimination can affect the
populations. For example, in online communities users with a fewer number of friends or followers
face a disadvantage of being heard in online social media [
]. In addition, existing methods, such
as community detection methods, can amplify this bias by ignoring these low-connected users
in the network or by wrongfully assigning them to the irrelevant and small communities. In [
authors show how this type of bias exists and is perpetuated by the existing community detection
methods. They propose a new attributed community detection method, called CLAN, to mitigate
the harm toward disadvantaged groups in online social communities. CLAN is a two-step process
that considers the network structure alongside node attributes to address exclusion bias, as indicated
Detect communities using modularity values (Step 1-unsupervised using only network struc-
Train a classifier to classify users in the minor groups, putting them into one of the major
groups using held-out node attributes (Step 2-supervised using other node attributes).
Fair methods in domains similar to community detection are also proposed, such as graph embedding
[21] and clustering [7, 30].
5.2.6 Fair Causal Inference. Many researchers have used causal models and graphs to solve
fairness-related concerns in machine learning. In [
], authors discuss in detail the subject of causality
and its importance while designing fair algorithms. There has been much research on discrimination
discovery and removal that uses causal models and graphs in order to make decisions that are
irrespective of sensitive attributes of groups or individuals. For instance, in [136] authors propose a
causal-based framework that detects direct and indirect discrimination in the data along with their
removal techniques. [
] is an extension to the previous work. [
] gives a nice overview of
most of the previous work done in this area by the authors, along with discussing system-, group-,
and individual-level discrimination and solving each using their previous methods, in addition to
targeting direct and indirect discrimination. By expanding on the previous work and generalizing it,
authors in [
] propose a similar pathway approach for fair inference using causal graphs; this would
restrict certain problematic and discriminative pathways in the causal graph flexibly given any set of
constraints. This holds when the path-specific effects can be identified from the observed distribution.
In [
] authors extended a formalization of algorithmic fairness from their previous work to the
setting of learning optimal policies that are subject to constraints based on definitions of fairness.
They describe several strategies for learning optimal policies by modifying some of the existing
strategies, such as Q-learning, value search, and G-estimation, based on some fairness considerations.
In [
] authors only target discrimination discovery and no removal by finding instances similar to
another instance and observing if a change in the protected attribute will change the outcome of the
decision. If so, they declare the existence of discrimination. In [
], authors define the following two
notions of discrimination—unresolved discrimination and proxy discrimination—as follows:
18 Mehrabi et al.
Unresolved Discrimination:
"A variable V in a causal graph exhibits unresolved discrimination if
there exists a directed path from A to V that is not blocked by a resolving variable, and V itself is
non-resolving" [69].
Proxy Discrimination:
"A variable V in a causal graph exhibits potential proxy discrimination, if
there exists a directed path from A to V that is blocked by a proxy variable and V itself is not a
proxy" [
]. They proposed methods to prevent and avoid them. They also show that no observational
criterion can determine whether a predictor exhibits unresolved discrimination; therefore, a causal
reasoning framework needs to be incorporated.
In [
], Instead of using the usual risk difference
RD =p1p2
, authors propose a causal risk
difference RDc=p1pc
2for causal discrimination discovery. They define pc
2to be:
2=ÍsS,de c (s)=w(s)
not close to zero means that there is a bias in decision value due to group membership (causal
discrimination) or to covariates that have not been accounted for in the analysis (omitted variable
bias). This
then becomes their causal discrimination measure for discrimination discovery. [
is another work of this type that uses causal networks for discrimination discovery.
5.3 Fair Representation Learning
5.3.1 Variational Auto Encoders. Learning fair representations and avoiding the unfair interfer-
ence of sensitive attributes has been introduced in many different research papers. A well-known
example is the Variational Fair Autoencoder introduced in [
]. Here,they treat the sensitive variable
as the nuisance variable, so that by removing the information about this variable they will get a fair
representation. They use a maximum mean discrepancy regularizer to obtain invariance in the poste-
rior distribution over latent variables. Adding this maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) penalty into
the lower bound of their VAE architecture satisfies their proposed model for having the Variational
Fair Autoencoder. Similar work, but not targeting fairness specifically, has been introduced in [
In [
] authors also propose a debiased VAE architecture called DB-VAE which learns sensitive latent
variables that can bias the model (e.g., skin tone, gender, etc.) and propose an algorithm on top of this
DB-VAE using these latent variables to debias systems like facial detection systems. In [
] authors
model their representation-learning task as an optimization objective that would minimize the loss of
the mutual information between the encoding and the sensitive variable. The relaxed version of this
assumption is shown in Equation 1. They use this in order to learn fair representation and show that
adversarial training is unnecessary and in some cases even counter-productive. In Equation 1, c is the
sensitive variable and z the encoding of x.
In [38], authors introduce flexibly fair representation learning by disentanglement that disentangles
information from multiple sensitive attributes. Their flexible and fair variational authoencoder is
not only flexible with respect to downstream task labels but also flexible with respect to sensitive
attributes. They address the demographic parity notion of fairness, which can target multiple sensitive
attributes or any subset combination of them.
5.3.2 Adversarial Learning. In [
] authors present a framework to mitigate bias in models
learned from data with stereotypical associations. They propose a model in which they are trying to
maximize accuracy of the predictor on y, and at the same time minimize the ability of the adversary
to predict the protected or sensitive variable (stereotyping variable z). The model consists of two
parts—the predictor and the adversary—as shown in Figure 6. In their model, the predictor is trained
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 19
to predict Y given X. With the help of a gradient-based approach like stochastic gradient descent,
the model tries to learn the weights W by minimizing some loss function LP(
, y). The output layer
is passed to an adversary, which is another network. This network tries to predict Z. The adversary
may have different inputs depending on the fairness definition needing to be achieved. For instance,
in order to satisfy
Demographic Parity
, the adversary would try to predict the protected variable Z
using only the predicted label
passed as an input to it, while preventing the adversary from learning
this is the goal of the predictor. Similarly, to achieve
Equality of Odds
, the adversary would get
the true label Y in addition to the predicted label
. To satisfy
Equality of Opportunity
for a given
class y, they would only select instances for the adversary where Y=y. [
] takes an interesting
and different direction toward solving fairness issues using adversarial networks by introducing
FairGAN which generates synthetic data that is free from discrimination and is similar to the real
data. They use their newly generated synthetic data from FairGAN, which is now debiased, instead
of the real data for training and testing. They do not try to remove discrimination from the dataset,
unlike many of the existing approaches, but instead generate new datasets similar to the real one
which is debiased and preserves good data utility. The architecture of their FairGAN model is shown
in Figure 5. FairGAN consists of two components: a generator
GDe c
which generates the fake data
conditioned on the protected attribute
PG(s)=Pdat a (s)
, and two
is trained to differentiate the real data denoted by
Pda t a (x,y,s)
the generated fake data denoted by PG(x,y,s).
Fig. 5. Structure of FairGAN as proposed in [129].
Fig. 6. The architecture of adversarial network proposed in [76].
20 Mehrabi et al.
In addition to that, for achieving fairness constraints, such as statistical parity,
, the training of
is such that it emphasizes differentiation of the two types of
synthetic (generated by the model) samples
indicating if the
synthetic samples are from the unprotected or protected groups. Here s denotes the protected or the
sensitive variable, and we adapted the same notation as in [129].
5.4 Fair NLP
5.4.1 Word Embedding. In [
] authors noticed that while using state-of-the-art word embeddings
in word analogy tests, “man” would be mapped to “computer programmer” and “woman” would
be mapped to “homemaker.” This bias toward woman triggered the authors to propose a method to
debias word embeddings by proposing a method that respects the embeddings for gender-specific
words but debiases embeddings for gender-neutral words by following these steps: (Notice that Step
2 has two different options. Depending on whether you target hard debiasing or soft debiasing, you
would use either step 2a or 2b)
(1) Identify gender subspace.
Identifying a direction of the embedding that captures the bias
(2) Hard debiasing or soft debiasing:
(a) Hard debiasing (neutralize and equalize).
Neutralize puts away the gender subspace
from gender-neutral words and makes sure that all the gender-neutral words are removed
and zeroed out in the gender subspace [
]. Equalize makes gender-neutral words to be
equidistant from the equality set of gendered words [19].
(b) Soft bias correction.
Tries to move as little as possible to retain its similarity to the original
embedding as much as possible, while reducing the gender bias. This trade-off is controlled
by a parameter [19].
Following on the footsteps of these authors, other future work attempted to tackle this problem
] by generating a gender-neutral version of (Glove called GN-Glove) that tries to retain gender
information in some of the word embedding’s learned dimensions, while ensuring that other dimen-
sions are free from this gender effect. This approach primarily relies on Glove as its base model
with gender as the protected attribute. However, a recent paper [
] argues against these debiasing
techniques and states that many recent works on debiasing word embeddings have been superficial,
that those techniques just hide the bias and don’t actually remove it. A recent work [22] took a new
direction and proposed a preprocessing method for the discovery of the problematic documents in
the training corpus that have biases in them, and tried to debias the system by perturbing or removing
these documents efficiently from the training corpus. In a very recent work [
], authors target bias
in ELMo’s contextualized word vectors and attempt to analyze and mitigate the observed bias in the
embeddings. They show that the corpus used for training of ELMo has a significant gender skew,
with male entities being nearly three times more common than female entities. This automatically
leads to gender bias in these pretrained contextualized embeddings. They propose the following two
methods for mitigating the existing bias while using the pretrained embeddings in a downstream task,
coreference resolution: (1) train-time data augmentation approach, and (2) test-time neutralization
5.4.2 Coreference Resolution. The [
] paper shows that correference systems have a gender
bias. They introduce a benchmark, called WinoBias, focusing on gender bias in coreference resolution.
In addition to that, they introduce a data-augmentation technique that removes bias in the existing
state-of-the-art coreferencing methods, in combination with using word2vec debiasing techniques.
Their general approach is as follows: They first generate auxiliary datasets using a rule-based
approach in which they replace all the male entities with female entities and the other way around.
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 21
Then they train models with a combination of the original and the auxiliary datasets. They use the
above solution in combination with word2vec debiasing techniques to generate word embeddings.
They also point out sources of gender bias in coreference systems and propose solutions to them.
They show that the first source of bias comes from the training data and propose a solution that
generates an auxiliary data set by swapping male and female entities. Another case arises from
the resource bias (word embeddings are bias), so the proposed solution is to replace Glove with a
debiased embedding method. Last, another source of bias can come from unbalanced gender lists, and
balancing the counts in the lists is a solution they proposed. In another work [
], authors also show
the existence of gender bias in three state-of-the-art coreference resolution systems by observing that
for many occupations, these systems resolve pronouns in a biased fashion by preferring one gender
over the other.
5.4.3 Language Model. In [
] authors introduce a metric for measuring gender bias in a
generated text from a language model based on recurrent neural networks that is trained on a text
corpus along with measuring the bias in the training text itself. They use Equation 2, where w is any
word in the corpus, f is a set of gendered words that belong to the female category, such as she, her,
woman, etc., and m to the male category, and measure the bias using the mean absolute and standard
deviation of the proposed metric along with fitting a univariate linear regression model over it and
then analyzing the effectiveness of each of those metrics while measuring the bias.
bias (w)=loд(P(w|f)
In their language model, they also introduce a regularization loss term that would minimize the
projection of embeddings trained by the encoder onto the embedding of the gender subspace following
the soft debiasing technique introduced in [
]. Finally, they evaluate the effectiveness of their method
on reducing gender bias and conclude by stating that in order to reduce bias, there is a compromise
on perplexity. They also point out the effectiveness of word-level bias metrics over the corpus-level
5.4.4 Sentence Encoder. In [
] authors extend the research in detecting bias in word embedding
techniques to that of sentence embedding. They try to generalize bias-measuring techniques, such
as using the Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT [
]) in the context of sentence encoders
by introducing their new sentence encoding bias-measuring techniques, and the Sentence Encoder
Association Test (SEAT). They used state-of-the-art sentence encoding techniques, such as CBoW,
GPT, ELMo, and BERT, and find that although there was varying evidence of human-like bias in
sentence encoders using SEAT, more recent methods like BERT are more immune to biases. That
being said, they are not claiming that these models are bias-free, but state that more sophisticated
bias discovery techniques may be used in these cases, thereby encouraging more future work in this
5.4.5 Machine Translation. In [
] authors noticed that when translating the word "friend" in the
following two sentences from English to Spanish, they achieved different results—although in both
cases this word should be translated the same way.
"She works in a hospital, my friend is a nurse."
"She works in a hospital, my friend is a doctor."
In both of these sentences, "friend" should be translated to the female version of Spanish friend
"amiga," but the results were not reflecting this expectation. For the second sentence, friend was
translated to "amigo,"—the male version of friend in Spanish. This is because doctor is more
stereotypical to males and nurse to females, and the model picks this bias or stereotype and reflects it
in its performance. To solve this, authors in [
] build an approach that leverages the fact that machine
22 Mehrabi et al.
translation uses word embeddings. They use the existing debiasing methods in word embedding and
apply them in the machine translation pipeline. This not only helped them to mitigate the existing bias
in their system, but also boosted the performance of their system by one BLUE score. In [
] authors
show that Google’s translate system can suffer from gender bias by making sentences taken from the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics into a dozen languages that are gender neutral, including Yoruba,
Hungarian, and Chinese, translating them into English, and showing that Google Translate shows
favoritism toward males for stereotypical fields such as STEM jobs. In [
] authors annotated and
analyzed the Europarl dataset [
], a large political, multilingual dataset used in machine translation,
and discovered that with the exception of the youngest age group (20-30), which represents only a
very small percentage of the total amount of sentences (0.71%), more male data is available in all age
groups. They also looked at the entire dataset and showed that 67.39% of the sentences are produced
by male speakers. Furthermore, to mitigate the gender-related issues and to improve morphological
agreement in machine translation, they augmented every sentence with a tag on the English source
side, identifying the gender of the speaker. This helped the system in most of the cases, but not
always, so further work has been suggested for integrating speaker information in other ways.
While there have been many definitions of, and approaches to, fairness in the literature, the study
in this area is anything but complete. Fairness and algorithmic bias still holds a number of research
opportunities. In this section, we provide pointers to outstanding challenges in fairness research, and
an overview of opportunities for development of understudied problems.
6.1 Challenges
There are several remaining challenges to be addressed in the fairness literature. Among them are:
(1) Synthesizing a definition of fairness.
Several definitions of what would constitute fairness
from a machine learning perspective have been proposed in the literature. These definitions
cover a wide range of use cases, and as a result are somewhat disparate in their view of fairness.
Because of this, it is nearly impossible to understand how one fairness solution would fare
under a different definition of fairness. Synthesizing these definitions into one remains an open
research problem.
(2) From Equality to Equity.
The definitions presented in the literature mostly focus on equality,
ensuring that each individual or group is given the same amount of resources, attention or
outcome. However, little attention has been paid to equity, which is the concept that each
individual or group is given the resources they need to succeed [
]. Operationalizing this
definition and studying how it augments or contradicts existing definitions of fairness remains
an exciting future direction.
(3) Searching for Unfairness.
Given a definition of fairness, it should be possible to identify
instances of this unfairness in a particular dataset. Inroads toward this problem have been made
in the areas of data bias by detecting instances of Simpson’s Paradox in arbitrary datasets [
however, unfairness may require more consideration due to the variety of definitions and the
nuances in detecting each one.
6.2 Opportunities
In this work we have taxonomized and summarized the current state of research into algorithmic
biases and fairness—with a particular focus on machine learning. Even in this area alone, the research
is broad. Subareas, from natural language processing, to representation learning, to community
detection, have all seen efforts to make their methodologies more fair. Nevertheless, every area
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 23
has not received the same amount of attention from the research community. Figure 7 provides an
overview of what has been done in different areas to address fairness—categorized by the fairness
definition type and domain. Some areas (e.g., community detection at the subgroup level) have
received no attention in the literature, and could be fertile future research areas.
Fig. 7. Heatmap depicting distribution of previous work in fairness, grouped by domain and fairness
In this survey we introduced problems that can adversely affect AI systems in terms of bias and
unfairness. The issues were viewed primarily from two dimensions: data and algorithms. We il-
lustrated some of the problems and showed why considering fairness is an important issue, along
with providing some of the potential real-world harm that unfairness can have on society—such as
applications in judicial systems, face recognition, and promoting algorithms. We then went over
the definitions of fairness and bias that have been proposed by researchers. To further stimulate the
interest of readers, we provided some of the work done in different areas in terms of addressing the
biases that may affect AI systems and different methods and domains in AI, such as general machine
learning, deep learning and natural language processing. We then further subdivided the fields into a
more fine-grained analysis of each subdomain and the work being done to address fairness constraints
in each. The hope is to expand the horizons of the readers to think deeply while working on a system
or a method to ensure that it has a low likelihood of causing potential harm or bias toward a particular
group. With the expansion of AI use in our world, it is important that researchers take this issue
seriously and expand their knowledge in this field. In this survey we categorized and created a
taxonomy of what has been done so far to address different issues in different domains regarding
the fairness issue. Other possible future work and directions can be taken to address the existing
problems and biases in AI that we discussed in the previous sections.
This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) under Agreement No. HR0011890019. We would like to thank Mila and IVADO for their
24 Mehrabi et al.
summer school on Bias and Discrimination in AI and all the speakers. Special Thank to Golnoosh
Farnadi and Jihane Lamouri for organizing the event.
9.1 Datasets for Fairness Research
Aside from the existence of bias in datasets, there are datasets that are specifically used to address
bias and fairness issues in machine learning. There are also some datasets that are introduced to
target the issues and biases previously observed in older existing datasets. Below we list some of the
widely known datasets that have the characteristics discussed in this survey.
9.1.1 UCI Adult Dataset. UCI Adult dataset, also known as "Census Income" dataset, contains
information, extracted from the 1994 census data about people with attributes such as age, occupation,
education, race, sex, marital-status, native-country, hours-per-week etc., indicating whether the
income of a person exceeds $50K/yr or not. It can be used in fairness-related studies that want to
compare gender or race inequalities based on people’s annual incomes, or various other studies [6].
9.1.2 German Credit Dataset. The German Credit dataset contains 1000 credit records contain-
ing attributes such as personal status and sex, credit score, credit amount, housing status etc. It can
be used in studies about gender inequalities on credit-related issues [42].
9.1.3 WinoBias. The WinoBias dataset follows the winograd format and has 40 occupations in
sentences that are referenced to human pronouns. There are two types of challenge sentences in the
dataset requiring linkage of gendered pronouns to either male or female stereotypical occupations. It
was used in the coreference resolution study to certify if a system has gender bias or not—in this
case, towards stereotypical occupations [140].
9.1.4 Communities and Crime Dataset. The Communities and Crime dataset gathers infor-
mation from different communities in the United States related to several factors that can highly
influence some common crimes such as robberies, murders or rapes. The data includes crime data
obtained from the 1990 US LEMAS survey and the 1995 FBI Unified Crime Report. It also contains
socio-economic data from the 1990 US Census.
9.1.5 COMPAS Dataset. The COMPAS dataset contains records for defendants from Broward
County indicating their jail and prison times, demographics, criminal histories, and COMPAS risk
scores from 2013 to 2014 [75].
9.1.6 Recidivism in Juvenile Justice Dataset. The Recidivism in Juvenile Justice dataset
contains all juvenile offenders between ages 12-17 who committed a crime between years 2002 and
2010 and completed a prison sentence in 2010 in Catalonia’s juvenile justice system [119].
9.1.7 Pilot Parliaments Benchmark Dataset. The Pilot Parliaments Benchmark dataset, also
known as PPB, contains images of 1270 individuals in the national parliaments from three European
(Iceland, Finland, Sweden) and three African (Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa) countries. This
benchmark was released to have more gender and race balance, diversity, and representativeness
9.1.8 Diversity in Faces Dataset. The Diversity in Faces (DiF) is an image dataset collected for
fairness research in face recognition. DiF is a large dataset containing one million annotations for
face images. It is also a diverse dataset with diverse facial features, such as different craniofacial
distances, skin color, facial symmetry and contrast, age, pose, gender, resolution, along with diverse
areas and ratios [87].
A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning 25
Dataset Name
Size Area
UCI adult dataset [6] 48,842 income records Social
German credit dataset [42] 1,000 credit records Financial
Pilot parliaments benchmark dataset [23] 1,270 images Facial images
WinoBias [140] 3,160 sentences Coreference resolution
Communities and crime dataset [107] 1,994 crime records Social
COMPAS Dataset [75] 18,610 crime records Social
Recidivism in juvenile justice dataset [27] 4,753 crime records Social
Diversity in faces dataset [87] 1 million images Facial images
Table 5. Most widely used datasets in the fairness domain with additional information about each of
the datasets including their size and area of concentration.
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... El uso de algoritmos conlleva un riesgo relacionado con la generación de sesgos, los cuales pueden reforzar prejuicios existentes o históricos, sin ser siempre evidentes en las aplicaciones (Belloso Martín, 2022). Estos sesgos pueden surgir por factores de distinta índole y tienen como efecto el perjuicio a minorías o grupos poco representados en los datos utilizados para el aprendizaje computacional (Mehrabi et al., 2022). El resultado es la reproducción de situaciones que los sistemas IA van a perpetuar (Presno Linera, 2022). ...
... Los sesgos no son meros errores técnicos, sino que tienen implicaciones significativas al perpetuar dinámicas de dominación y discriminación, distorsionando análisis y decisiones. Estos sesgos pueden originarse en la selección de datos que no representan fielmente la realidad, como sesgo de muestreo, o al reflejar prejuicios existentes en los datos de entrenamiento del algoritmo (Mehrabi et al., 2022). ...
... La inclusión de diversidad geográfica en conjuntos de datos ampliamente utilizados, como ImageNet y Open Images, puede mitigar sesgos de representación. En el ámbito del procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP, por sus siglas en inglés) se identifican sesgos en bases de conocimiento utilizadas en diversas aplicaciones (Mehrabi et al., 2022). ...
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Este estudio lleva a cabo un examen comparativo del panorama regulatorio que rodea a la inteligencia artificial (IA) en Iberoamérica, la Unión Europea, los Estados Unidos de América y China. La investigación comienza con una introducción que describe las características definitorias de la IA e identifica los principios generales que deberían guiar su desarrollo. Estos principios sirven como ejes básicos para la creación de marcos jurídicos generales destinados a fundamentar posibles restricciones en esta tecnología con el fin de proteger los derechos humanos. El estudio subraya la necesidad de emprender acciones coordinadas a nivel internacional, en consonancia con los problemas que plantea la IA dentro de un contexto jurídico global.
... Цікаве дослідження "A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning" (Опитування щодо упередженості та справедливості в машинному навчанні) було проведено рядом фахівців та присвячене різним типам алгоритмічних упереджень, у дослідженні їх було виявлено аж 23 (Mehrabi, Morstatter, Saxena, Lerman, & Galstyan, 2022). ...
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Актуальність. Зростаюча поширеність штучного інтелекту в усіх сферах діяльності сучасного суспільства виявила несподівану проблему, а саме відновлення традиційних ґендерних стереотипів, які, як здавалося, були подолані й забуті. Метою статті є з’ясування впливу штучного інтелекту (ШІ) на гендерні стереотипи сучасного суспільства. На основі вивчення наукової літератури з’ясовано, що ґендерний підхід є важливою та невід’ємною категорією при проведенні наукового аналізу і якщо йому не приділяється достатньо уваги, отримані в дослідженнях дані не повністю відповідають дійсності. Це, в свою чергу, не дозволяє отримати ефективні рішення існуючих проблем. Результати. Багаторічні зусилля жіночого руху, інших впливових суспільних організацій та особистостей призвели до того, що на цей час ми маємо очевидні ознаки гендерної рівності закріпленої на законодавчому рівні. Однак, традиційні ґендерні стереотипи нікуди не поділися та існують на рівні підсвідомості, нерідко проявляючись в суспільному житті неочікувано. В рекламі ми найчастіше бачимо жінку в ролі матері, домогосподарки або у сексуальному образі. Практично відсутня реклама, де жінка постає в ролі керівника, дослідника, винахідника, громадського діяча. Виходить, що незважаючи всі зусилля наші традиційні установки та очікування не зазнали серйозних змін. Технології штучного інтелекту дозволяють проводити аналіз цих проявів несвідомої ґендерної нерівності. Таким чином ШІ автоматично приймає такі стереотипи як поведінкову модель, що притаманна суспільству. В результаті він будує свої рішення та рекомендації з урахуванням цих ґендерних стереотипів. Висновки. Широке впровадження ШІ у виробництві, науці та інших сферах суспільного життя, на жаль, може привести до посилення ґендерної нерівності та до відродження традиційних ґендерних стереотипів. Можна визнати, що ШІ безпосередньо впливає на актуалізацію ґендерних стереотипів незважаючи на всі зусилля, що вживалися раніше, з досягнення ґендерної рівності.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges of implementing accountable artificial intelligence (AI) systems in India, focusing on the need for algorithms to justify their decisions, especially in subjective and complex scenarios. By analyzing various government projects, documented biases and conducting empirical case studies and experiments, the study highlights the limitations of AI in recognizing the nuances of India’s unique social landscape. It aims to underscore the importance of integrating political philosophy to ensure that AI systems are held accountable within India’s sociopolitical context, urging policymakers to develop frameworks for responsible AI decision-making. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts a mixed-methods approach to address the five research questions. It begins with an extensive literature review, focusing on AI’s transformative potential, algorithmic bias and accountability in the Indian context. Data is collected from 15 AI use cases in health care, education and public safety, 13 government automated decision tools and five bias cases, including facial recognition and caste-based discrimination. Additionally, ten case studies and three experiments on ChatGPT are analyzed. Content analysis is used to interpret and categorize the data, identifying patterns and themes. Specific case studies and experiments on autocompletion in search engines further support the findings. Findings The study revealed significant limitations in current AI systems when applied to India’s complex socio-cultural landscape. Analyzing 15 AI applications and 13 government projects, the research identified multiple instances of algorithmic bias. Experiments with Google’s autocomplete and ChatGPT showed that these systems often reinforce social stereotypes and struggle with nuanced, subjective situations. The findings emphasize the accountability gap in AI-driven decisions, highlighting the need for rigorous oversight, particularly in welfare projects where errors could lead to severe consequences. The study recommends developing regulatory frameworks, improving AI design and raising public awareness to address these challenges. Originality/value In the context of complex societies like India, a pressing concern arises: who should assume responsibility for the repercussions stemming from algorithmic failures to comprehend subjective complexities? To this end, there exist no serious scholarly works toward which present paper tries to shed new insights. It draws upon insights from the corpus of political philosophy literature, encompassing both classical and contemporary notions of responsibility, and seeks to establish connections between these concepts and the unique sociopolitical structure of India. The work is unique in the focus of the paper and is original in the direction projected.
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has catalysed a paradigm shift in agricultural practices, revolutionising critical aspects of contemporary farming methodologies. In recent years, discrimination has become a significant topic of controversy in the use of AI-based systems. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into agriculture, the potential for bias within these systems raises significant concerns, as biases can affect farming practices, crop management, resource allocation, and the broader agricultural economy. Mitigating these issues is vital to ensure equitable access to technology, enhance farming practices for all, and foster sustainable and inclusive food production systems. This manuscript provides an extensive review of the literature on biases and fairness in AI focusing on the field of agriculture and the need for a holistic and inclusive approach to mitigate AI biases, ensuring that AI advancements benefit a broad spectrum of farming communities while promoting sustainability and equity.
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The rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered substantial attention for its potential application in drug discovery and development. This opinion review critically examined the feasibility and prospects of integrating AI as a transformative tool in the pharmaceutical industry. AI, encompassing machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and data analytics, offers unprecedented opportunities to streamline and enhance various stages of drug development. This opinion review delved into the current landscape of AI-driven approaches, discussing their utilization in target identification, lead optimization, and predictive modeling of pharmacokinetics and toxicity. We aimed to scrutinize the integration of large-scale omics data, electronic health records, and chemical informatics, highlighting the power of AI in uncovering novel therapeutic targets and accelerating drug repurposing strategies. Despite the considerable potential of AI, the review also addressed inherent challenges, including data privacy concerns, interpretability of AI models, and the need for robust validation in real-world clinical settings. Additionally, we explored ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven decision-making in drug development. This opinion review provided a nuanced perspective on the transformative role of AI in drug discovery by discussing the existing literature and emerging trends, presenting critical insights and addressing potential hurdles. In conclusion, this study aimed to stimulate discourse within the scientific community and guide future endeavors to harness the full potential of AI in drug development.
Sociologists increasingly employ machine learning (ML) to quickly sort, code, classify, and analyze data. With known racial and gender biases in ML algorithms, we urge sociologists to (re)consider the implications of the widespread use of these technologies in our research. To illustrate this point, we use two popular ML algorithms, ClarifAI and Kairos, to code a small sample of sociologists (n = 167) and their coauthors (n = 1,664) and compare their findings to the sociologists’ hand-coded race and gender information. We further explore ML-generated differences by analyzing the extent of racial homophily in these sociologists’ collaboration networks. We find significant differences across the three coding methods that would lead to very different conclusions and future research agendas. We conclude by elaborating on how sociologists might ethically consider the role of ML and its use in the discipline.
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Accepted paper, to be published in: Rodney L. Lowman & Joanie B. Connell (2025): Special Issue: Ethical & Legal Issues in AI. Consulting Psychology Journal
In the age of increasing process automation and data-driven decision-making, ensuring the reliability, transparency and usability of data is of paramount importance. In this context, the concept of "data observability" has aroused the interest of practitioners and there is also a lot of grey content on it. On the other hand, there is a lack of academic effort to define and build on the concept. This conference paper will therefore examine the importance of "data observability" in modern data ecosystems. The focus is on the definition and characterisation of the concept, the differentiation from other concepts (e.g. data quality, data monitoring, data discovery, data operations) and why this concept appears to be so important in an increasingly data-driven world. In addition, the concept of "data observability" is categorised in the dynamically developing research field of data governance. For this purpose, a multivocal literature review (MLR) was conducted, a form of systematic literature review (SLR) which, in addition to the published (formal) literature (e.g. journal and conference papers), also includes and brings together the grey literature (e.g. blog posts, videos and white papers). The results show that the concept of "data observability" has the potential to revolutionise the way companies manage, analyse and derive insights from their data, ultimately leading to more informed and confident decision-making. Nevertheless, there is still plenty of room for further research into the specific contribution to better data and therefore better business processes and decisions.
Anti-discrimination is an increasingly important task in data science. In this paper, we investigate the problem of discovering both direct and indirect discrimination from the historical data, and removing the discriminatory effects before the data are used for predictive analysis (e.g., building classifiers). The main drawback of existing methods is that they cannot distinguish the part of influence that is really caused by discrimination from all correlated influences. In our approach, we make use of the causal graph to capture the causal structure of the data. Then, we model direct and indirect discrimination as the path-specific effects, which accurately identify the two types of discrimination as the causal effects transmitted along different paths in the graph. For certain situations where indirect discrimination cannot be exactly measured due to the unidentifiability of some path-specific effects, we develop an upper bound and a lower bound to the effect of indirect discrimination. Based on the theoretical results, we propose effective algorithms for discovering direct and indirect discrimination, as well as algorithms for precisely removing both types of discrimination while retaining good data utility. Experiments using the real dataset show the effectiveness of our approaches.
Conference Paper
Static classification has been the predominant focus of the study of fairness in machine learning. While most models do not consider how decisions change populations over time, it is conventional wisdom that fairness criteria promote the long-term well-being of groups they aim to protect. This work studies the interaction of static fairness criteria with temporal indicators of well-being. We show a simple one-step feedback model in which common criteria do not generally promote improvement over time, and may in fact cause harm. Our results highlight the importance of temporal modeling in the evaluation of fairness criteria, suggesting a range of new challenges and trade-offs.
Conference Paper
What is the best way to define algorithmic fairness? While many definitions of fairness have been proposed in the computer science literature, there is no clear agreement over a particular definition. In this work, we investigate ordinary people's perceptions of three of these fairness definitions. Across two online experiments, we test which definitions people perceive to be the fairest in the context of loan decisions, and whether fairness perceptions change with the addition of sensitive information (i.e., race of the loan applicants). Overall, one definition (calibrated fairness) tends to be more pre- ferred than the others, and the results also provide support for the principle of affirmative action.