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Antipredator strategies of pupae: How to avoid predation in an immobile life stage?

The Royal Society
Philosophical Transactions B


Antipredator strategies of the pupal stage in insects have received little attention in comparison to larval or adult stages. This is despite the fact that predation risk can be high during the pupal stage, making it a critical stage for subsequent fitness. The immobile pupae are not, however, defenceless; a wide range of antipredator strategies have evolved against invertebrate and vertebrate predators. The most common strategy seems to be ‘avoiding encounters with predators' by actively hiding in vegetation and soil or via cryptic coloration and masquerade. Pupae have also evolved behavioural and secondary defences such as defensive toxins, physical defences or deimatic movements and sounds. Interestingly, warning coloration used to advertise unprofitability has evolved very rarely, even though the pupal stage often contains defensive toxins in chemically defended species. In some species, pupae gain protection from conspecifics or mimic chemical and auditory signals and thereby manipulate other species to protect them. Our literature survey highlights the importance of studying selection pressures across an individual's life stages to predict how ontogenetic variation in selective environments shapes individual fitness and population dynamics in insects. Finally, we also suggest interesting avenues for future research to pursue. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis’.
Cite this article: Lindstedt C, Murphy L,
Mappes J. 2019 Antipredator strategies of
pupae: how to avoid predation in an immobile
life stage? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069.
Accepted: 21 May 2019
One contribution of 13 to a theme issue The
evolution of complete metamorphosis.
Subject Areas:
behaviour, ecology, evolution
pupal defence, protective coloration, chemical
defence, physical defence, predatorprey
Author for correspondence:
Carita Lindstedt
Antipredator strategies of pupae: how to
avoid predation in an immobile life stage?
Carita Lindstedt, Liam Murphy and Johanna Mappes
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 35, FI40014 University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä,
CL, 0000-0001-8176-3613
Antipredator strategies of the pupal stage in insects have received little
attention in comparison to larval or adult stages. This is despite the fact that
predation risk can be high during the pupal stage, making it a critical stage
for subsequent fitness. The immobile pupae are not, however, defenceless; a
wide range of antipredator strategies have evolved against invertebrate and
vertebrate predators. The most common strategy seems to be avoiding
encounters with predatorsby actively hiding in vegetation and soil or via
cryptic coloration and masquerade. Pupae have also evolved behavioural
and secondary defences such as defensive toxins, physical defences or deimatic
movements and sounds. Interestingly, warning coloration used to advertise
unprofitability has evolved very rarely, even though the pupal stage often
contains defensive toxins in chemically defended species. In some species,
pupae gain protection from conspecifics or mimic chemical and auditory
signals and thereby manipulate other species to protect them. Our literature
survey highlights the importance of studying selection pressures across an
individuals life stages to predict how ontogenetic variation in selective
environments shapes individual fitness and population dynamics in insects.
Finally, we also suggest interesting avenues for future research to pursue.
This article is part of the theme issue The evolution of complete
1. Introduction
I spent my time investigating insects. At the beginning, I started with silk worms
in my home town of Frankfurt. I realized that other caterpillars produced
beautiful butterflies or moths, and that silkworms did the same. This led me to
collect all the caterpillars I could find in order to see how they changed. This
is quoted from the foreword by Maria Sibylla Merian in her Metamorphosis insec-
torum Surinamensiumpublished in 1705 [1, p. 3]. The idea of the complete
metamorphosis was developed by Aristotle 2000 years earlier [2], but Merian
was the first entomologist who described insect metamorphosis in detail, includ-
ing pupation, which makes her one of the most significant contributors to the
field of entomology. It is intriguing that more than 300 years after Merians fun-
damental observations about insect metamorphosis and the discovery of pupae,
this is the life stage, along with the egg stage [3], that we still know almost
nothing about compared to the adult and larval stages in insects.
Merians butterflies, along with the other holometabolous insects, have mor-
phologically distinct immature life stages, larva and pupa, which they need to
live through to reach the final reproductive adult stage. Holometabolous insects
are thought to have evolved from hemimetabolous insectsthat have only two life
stages: the nymph and the adult [4]. Ancestral forms of immobile compact
pupae were most likely mobile nymph-resembling pupae similar to pupa of,
for example, the snakeflies [5]. Vulnerability to natural enemies in each of these
life stages has resulted in the evolution of an extensive diversity of adaptations
protecting individuals against different types of predators and parasitoids [6,7].
These adaptations can vary dramatically in each life stage depending on the indi-
viduals lifestyle (e.g. sessile versus mobile life stages), reproductive stage (larval
stage versus adult stage) and ontogenetic shifts in resource use [8,9].
© 2019 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
Traditionally, the evolution of antipredator defence mech-
anisms is considered on a scale of one life stage focusing on,
for example, larval instars or adult stages [6]. Research has
traditionally focused much less on the antipredatory strategies
of egg or pupal stages. However, even though the selective
environment can change dramatically between each life
stage, an individuals fitness (e.g. reproductive success and
ability to survive until and beyond a given reproductive
stage) is the sum of conditions experienced during the pre-
vious life stages [1012]. To predict how different conditions
shape individual fitness or population dynamics of insects,
it is therefore not enough to know the factors that contribute
to the survival in the larval stage or what affects reproductive
success as an adult. We also need to understand what happens
between these two stages: what kind of antipredator defences
individuals have during the pupal stage, how it is affected by
the conditions experienced during earlier life stages or how
behaviour during the larval stage affects pupal predation
risk. This kind of information helps us to understand the
evolution of defensive traits in general, but may also have
applied importance in predicting factors that shape popu-
lation dynamics in potential pest species or in species at risk
of extinction. At present, we have surprisingly little data tack-
ling these issues and behavioural and evolutionary research
on the topic is scarce.
Here, we first review the literature on predation on the
pupal stage to find what attacks insect pupae, how high preda-
tion risk is for them, and what different types of antipredator
defence mechanisms have evolved for insect pupae as a result
of selection by predation. We acknowledge that parasitism is
also an important source of mortality in the pupal stage, and
it is likely that many defensive mechanisms against predators
(e.g. defensive toxins, camouflage, protection gained from
other species) can have dual function against both predators
and parasitoids [7,13,14]. Therefore, we will take into account
parasitism where relevant. However, the main focus of our
review will be on antipredator defence strategies. Finally,
we discuss the gaps in our knowledge and outline some
promising directions for future research to pursue.
2. Predation risk is often high during the pupal
Predation risk during the pupal stage has received the most
attention in species that have some economical value such
as many forest pest insects. Owing to their outbreak
dynamics, pupae of forest pest insects can form an abundant
food source during the high-density population peaks for
small mammals such as voles, mice and shrews, along with
invertebrate predators such as ground beetles, ants and ear-
wigs [1517]. For example, in gypsy moths (Lymantria
dispar), small mammal predators such as the white-footed
mouse in North America, invertebrate predators such as
ground beetles Carabidae, and ants have been suggested to
be among the most important predators during the pupal
stage [15]. Similarly, in ground-dwelling pupae of winter
moths (Operophtera brumata) and autumnal moths (Epirrita
autumnata), moles, mice, voles and shrews together with
invertebrate predators (larvae of Carabidae, Elateridae and
Saphylinidae beetles that prey upon pupae in the soil) have
been suggested to be important sources of mortality in
Europe [17,18]. Birds have also been reported to feed on
pupae, but depending on the insect species, their importance
varies from moderate [15] to high [16,19].
Generalist predators of insect cocoons can have a major
impact on many insect populations, for example, in stabiliz-
ing population cycles [16,18,20]. Based on the mortality
rates reported in the literature, the magnitude of predation
risk at the pupal stage can be surprisingly high: estimates
from studies with gypsy moths report predation rates as
high as 90100% [15]. Studies on winter moths and autumnal
moths report pupal predation rates ranging from 20 to 72%
[17,18]. In Neodiprion sertifer pine sawflies, small mammals
caused 70% mortality on the ground and bird predation
caused 7085% mortality [16]. In another forest pest species,
the pine processionary caterpillars (Thaumetopea pityocampa),
predation by Hoopoes (Upupa epops) can result in up to
68.374.1% mortality in the pupal stage [19]. Much less infor-
mation from the pupal predation risk exists for the species
that do not have cyclic population dynamics and economic
value. In two moth species from the family Limacodidae
(slug caterpillars), cocoon predation resulted in intermediate
mortality ranging from 22 to 29% depending on the moth
species [21].
Based on these estimates, predation risk can vary consider-
ably from moderate to very high, making survival through the
pupal stage likely to be a critical step for the majority of
the insect species. From an evolutionary point of view, the
strength of selection on mechanisms enhancing survival at
this stage should therefore be extremely strong. It is, however,
important to note that these mortality risk estimates are
species-specific, perhaps over-estimating the predation risk
to some extent. For example, how naturallypupae are
located on experimental plots varies among studies and
thus, predation risk may sometimes be over-estimated.
The second common feature arising from the literature is
that predators that prey on insect pupae are very diverse,
including both visual and non-visual predators with, per-
haps, the emphasis on latter [15,17,18]. This is different
from the larval stage where visual predators such as insecti-
vorous birds are often considered to be the most important
predator group [22]. Physical and chemical antipredator strat-
egies play an important role in defence against non-visual
predators and could therefore be assumed to be selected for
in the pupal stage [6].
3. Avoiding detection by visual predators
The most common strategy to avoid attack is via cryptic
coloration that makes prey difficult for a predator to detect
(e.g. camouflage). This is also true for insect pupae [8,23].
Cryptic coloration of the pupa is adaptive as it increases sur-
vival against visually hunting predators when the colour
matches with the visual background [2426] (figure 1). In
some taxonomic groups, variation in the visual background
has favoured environmentally plastic variation in pupal color-
ation such as colour polyphenism. Polyphenism in cryptic
pupal coloration has evolved independentlyat least in Papilio-
nidae, Pierinae, Satyrinae and Nymphalinae [24,25,27,28]. In
many of these cases, there are two types of pupae where one
form is greenyellow and other brownblack.
Pupal colour variation has been shown to be mainly an
environmentally plastic trait, even though individual sensi-
tivity to environmental cues triggering the change in pupal Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
colour can also vary genetically [25,28]. For example, tactile
signals such as roughness of the background can impact on
whether the pupae develop green (smooth surfaces) or
brown (rough textures) in Papilio xuthus [29]. In addition to
substrate texture, several environmental conditions have
been shown to affect pupal colour (reviewed in [30]) such
as background colour, relative humidity [30], photoperiod
length, temperature, wavelength of light and diet quality
[26]. Pupal colour polyphenism can also be influenced by
the developmental pathway of the individual. In bivoltine
or multivoltine species whose pupal stage length varies
considerably depending whether the individual overwinters
in a pupal diapause (pupal stage takes several months) or
develops directly (pupal stage is only a week or two long),
the hormonal state of the pupae has a strong effect on its
coloration. For example, directly developing summer pupae
have a higher tendency to become green, whereas the over-
wintering pupae have a higher tendency to become brown
[31]. Often, several of the factors listed above can affect the
pupal coloration simultaneously [32,33].
Interestingly, the adaptive function of cryptic pupal color-
ation can also be linked to life-history traits in adult and
larval stages [28,34]. In the speckled wood butterfly Pararge
aegeria, individuals eclosing from the green coloured pupae
are larger as adults and have a larger thorax mass, which is
relevant to flight behaviour, in comparison to individuals
eclosing from the brown pupae. This suggests that there is
a trade-off between protection against predators during the
pupal stage and adult life stages, maintaining variation
both in pupal and adult traits [28].
Attack risk can also decrease if organisms deceive visual
predators by mimicking something uninteresting for the
potential predator such as sticks or bird droppings [35].
Masquerade is a relatively common defence mechanism in
the larval stage in many insect groups, but has sometimes
evolved in the pupal stage as well [36] (figure 1). For example,
Neochlamisus leaf beetleslarvae build a faecal caseunder
which they hide during the larval and pupal stage. In addition
to faeces, they also add trichomes from their host plant on
the surface of the case and closer to pupation they build a tri-
chome-filled chamber under the outer layer of faeces. Survival
against invertebrate predators is significantly improved owing
to these structures. These faecal cases covered with plant-
derived thricomes could help to masquerade the pupae on
the plants. Cases with trichomes can also offer physical protec-
tion against predators as, for example, solder bugs were not
able to penetrate the case with their mouth parts [36]. Faeces
and plant trichomes can also contain deterrent compounds
and therefore have an additional function as a secondary
chemical defence. Bagworm moths (Psychidae) build cases
that protect them during the larval and pupal stages [37].
These cases often contain material from their environment
(sand, twigs, rocks) that potentially makes them uninteresting
objects or cryptic for avian and insect predators.
In addition to morphological and physical traits, insects
have different types of behavioural adaptations that decrease
their detectability to predators and parasites during the pupal
stage. For example, many species burrow into the ground to
pupate, which offers a refuge from the predators preying
above the ground such as birds [17]. Before individuals
enter the pre-pupal stage and start to spin their cocoon,
they often disperse from their larval host plant or food
source [9,24,38,39]. Staying close to the host plant can
increase the risk of being detected by natural enemies that
often use the host plant as a cue to locate their potential
prey [13,40]. These behavioural adaptations before entering
the pupal stage can also vary within species depending on
the life-history strategy of an individual. For example, most
Figure 1. Insects have evolved an extensive diversity of protective coloration strategies in the pupal stage, although their function and mechanisms have largely
remained unstudied. (a) Pupae of the Peacock butterfly (Aglais io) are well camouflaged. (b) Pupae can also masquerade themselves to resemble something unin-
teresting to potential predators such as leaf-mimicking chrysalises of the Common Maplet butterfly (Chersoneria risa). (c) In some species, such as Harlequin ladybird
(Harmonia axyridis), pupae may advertise their defensive toxins with conspicuous warning colours. (d) Pupae can also have shiny coloration such as chrysalides of
the Common Crow butterflies (Euploea core), which could both function as a warning signal or conceal the pupa from the predators eye. (Photos: adAdobe Stock.) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
Lepidopteran larvae have a wandering phase prior to pupa-
tion when larvae move away from their host plant while
seeking a suitable substrate for pupation [38]. In the European
swallowtail butterfly, Papilio machaon, this wandering phase is
longer in the overwintering generation, which has a longer
pupal stage, in comparison to larvae that are under direct
development (non-overwintering larvae), which have a
pupal stage of only one to two weeks. Owing to increased
mobility and distances moved, the wandering phase is risky
for a larva [9,38] and this may suggest that individuals
trade-off host-related predation risk by wandering less when
the pupal stage is shorter [38].
4. Avoiding detection by non-visual predators
Individuals do not always need to mimic visual components
in their environment. Instead, if the most important predators
are non-visual, it can be more effective for a prey to use
chemical camouflage[41]. Most of the literature on the
use of chemical compounds in confounding the detection of
prey by predators comes from species that live in a close
association with ants [41]. For example, myrmecophilous
Lycaeides argyrognomon butterflies larvae have organs that
they use to produce nectar for attending ants. In return, the
ants protect them against different types of natural enemies.
Individuals lose this organ during the pupal stage, but
instead start to produce cuticular compounds that supress
attacks from the ants and make the pupae less prone to ant
predation [42]. In this way, L. argyrognomon butterflies can
pupate in ant nests where they are protected from natural
enemies. Since non-visual predators are an import predator
group during the pupal stage, these kind of tactics relying
on chemical communication for protection against predators
could be more common than previously thought.
5. High detectability cost as a constraint for
the evolution of warning coloration in the
pupal stage?
The opposite strategy for hiding from the predatorssenses is
aposematism. Aposematic individuals can advertise their
unprofitability as prey (e.g. toxicity) to predators with con-
spicuous signals (i.e. aposematism), which can include
colours, sounds or odours. Predators learn to associate the
signal with the unprofitability of the prey and avoid attacking
individuals sharing a similar appearance in future encounters
[6,43]. Intriguingly, the aposematic defence strategy seems to
be rare during the pupal stage [8,23] ( figure 1). For example,
in swallowtail butterflies (family Papilionidae), all species
have a cryptically coloured pupal stage even though their
larval and adult defence strategies vary from cryptic and
masquerade to aposematism [23].
The evolution of aposematic defence strategies may be
constrained in the pupal stage owing to some physiological
or developmental characteristics. However, developmental
constraints at least are unlikely; studies on the pupal color-
ation of Papilio species have shown that brown or green
pupal coloration is based on a blend of brightly coloured pig-
ments (red, yellow, black, blue) [44], which excludes the
possibility that lack of bright pigments would constrain the
development of colourful pupae. However, background
matching in the pupal stage combined with chemical
defences can be favoured under conditions where the detect-
ability risk for conspicuously coloured aposematic prey is
high. In their mathematical model, Endler & Mappes [45]
showed that low conspicuousness can evolve for a chemically
defended prey if there is variation in the cognitive and per-
ceptual capacity among predators or in their sensitivity to
the secondary defences of prey. This increases the detectabil-
ity costs for a prey, favouring lower conspicuousness. This
could also be true for insect pupae that are vulnerable for
long periods of time to a diverse predator community that
contains both visual and non-visual predators. In addition,
a conspicuous appearance can also invite attacks from
specialist parasitoids that have evolved to tolerate, or even
benefit, from the defensive toxins of the pupal stage [40].
Cryptic coloration or masquerade can also guarantee
highest survival during an immobile life stage [46,47]: apose-
matism can be favoured if it facilitates the mobility of the
organisms among different visual environments and back-
grounds [48]. This is because individuals with camouflage
are always dependent on their visual background to conceal
them from the predators eyes, but aposematism is expected
to function irrespective of the background. This enables apose-
matic individuals to acquire resources more effectively. For
example, in Acronicta alni, the larval mobility increases towards
the later instars when larvae grow larger and need to move
more to feed [49]. This dual benefit in terms of predator avoid-
ance and resource collection can be one factor that explains
why many Lepidopteran larvae switch strategy from crypsis
or masquerade to aposematism when they grow larger or
why immobile pupae rely on cryptic coloration [8,47,50].
6. Chemical defence
Chemical defences are one of the most widespread defensive
mechanisms against predators [51]. Among insects, chemical
defences can be defensive secretions that are actively released
in the presence of a predator, decreasing the likelihood that
the predator needs to taste (and potentially kill) the prey
before it finds it unpalatable. Chemical defences can also be
stored in body parts such as wings in many toxic butterflies
[6,51]. In both of these cases, the efficacy of chemical defence
is based on shared predator education costs where predators
learn to avoid the chemically defended prey sharing a similar
appearance [52]. If prey species offer conspicuous cues
(aposematism) associated with a chemical defence, this
avoidance learning rate becomes even more effective [52].
At present, the focus of research has been on chemical
defence in larval and adult stages and much less is known
about the role of chemical defences in protection against
predators during the pupal stage. In species whose larvae
and adults contain defensive compounds, pupal stages are
also often chemically defended [5355]. For example, both
larvae and pupae in Delphastus catalinae ladybirds have
minute secretory hairs that produce defensive secretions
deterrent to their predators [56]. Eclosion fluid in pupae
can also be bitter and play role in chemical defence (J.M.
2017, personal observation) even though its function in
chemical defence has not been tested.
Since the selective environment and lifestyle are likely to
change during the larval, pupal and adult stages, we can
expect qualitative and quantitative changes in defensive Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
chemistry during development [57,58]. In leaf beetles (Oreina
gloriosa), individuals contain defensive compounds (car-
denolides) during all the life stages [57]. However, the
composition of the chemical cocktail changes from larval to
pupal and pupal to adult stage. The authors suggest that
these differences can partly be explained by changes in the life-
style and respective predator and parasite community
structures. Studying this hypothesis experimentally would
offer a promising route to test how changes in predator com-
munity structure shape and maintain diversity in chemical
protection [51].
The quality and quantity of defensive compounds in the
pupal stage can also depend on the developmental environ-
ment during the larval stage. For example, Junonia coenia
(Nymphalidae) larvae sequester iridoid glycosides from
their host plant (Plantago lanceolata) [54]. These compounds
have been shown to be deterrent against different types of
invertebrate predators such as ants [59]. Both host plant gen-
otype and the predator type present have been shown to
affect the quality and quantity of defensive chemical content
in the pupal stage [54]. Catalpol content was higher during
the pupal stage in individuals that grew in the presence of
stinkbugs in comparison to individuals that had suffered pre-
dation by wasps. Thus, J. coenia individuals can alter their
chemical protection in the pupal stage to match the predation
risk from the most important predator species (target-specific
defence; see also [60]).
Sometimes possessing defensive compounds in the
pupal stage can increase predation risk from conspecifics.
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are plant-derived compounds that
are widely used in chemical defence and communication,
especially among Arctiid species [53,61]. Utetheisa ornatrix
larvae derive pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from their host
plants Crotalaria spp. and retain alkaloids through life
stages and metamorphosis. These compounds also occur
during the pupal stage, offering potential protection against
natural enemies. However, these same compounds can
make the pupal stage vulnerable to cannibalism. Before
pupation, larvae tend to wander further from the host plant
as U. ornatrix larvae cannibalize pupae with high PA content
to acquire PAs for themselves [62]. In addition to protection
against predators such as spiders or birds, PAs play an
important role in sexual selection in U. ornatrix, offering
one explanation for the cannibalistic behaviour in the larval
stage [61,62].
7. Physical and behavioural defences
Pupae can also offer physical defence against potential preda-
tors (figure 2). Hairs and spines have been shown to be
especially effective defence mechanisms against invertebrate
predators [6365] during the larval stage and may play a
potentially important role in pupal defence. For example,
pine processionary caterpillars are covered by urticating
hairs that can cause strong allergic reactions in humans.
Thus, it is possible that they are unprofitable to other preda-
tors too. In addition, their cocoons contain exuvia of the last
Figure 2. Pupae can defend against predators with different kinds of morphological and chemical defences or even rely on protection from other individuals. (a)
Aposematic Heliconius melpomene butterfliespupae are covered with spines. (b) Many moth species produce a silk cocoon or loose silk nets to protect the pupa
(white satin moth, Leucoma salicis). (c) Larval, pupal and adult stage in the common buckeye (J. coenia) contain iridoid glycosides that give them chemical protec-
tion predators. (d)Maculinea rebeli butterfly pupae use vocal communication to recruit ants to guard them. (Photos: acAdobe Stock, D. Marco Gherlenda.) Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
larval moult, bearing urticating hairs twined into the cocoon
walls [19]. Gonometa-moth species such as African wild silk
moth (Gonometa postica) larvae have urticating hairs that they
incorporate into the pupal cocoon walls [66]. Cocoon walls
can also be enforced with other structures that make them
less likely to break when attacked: Veldtman et al. [66]
suggest that in G. postica, cocoons appear conspicuous against
their background. They also suffer much lower bird predation
risk (2%) in comparison to Gonometa rufobrunnea (50%),
whose cocoons are otherwise similar but appear more cryptic
for the human eye [66]. Rather than aposematic defence,
authors suggest that lower predation risk in G. postica is
likely to be owing to the difference in the structure of the
cocoon. Gonometa postica cocoons are covered by small cal-
cium crystals that make the cocoon more difficult to break,
in addition to differences in cocoon colour. The function
and origin of these different types of physical protective
mechanisms in defence against predators in the pupal stage
have not, however, been tested experimentally. For example,
larvae may need to get rid of the hairs before successful
pupation. Incorporating hairs into the cocoon walls may
therefore be a physiological necessity offering additional
benefits in defence against predators or parasitoids.
Many holometabolous insects spin their cocoon before
metamorphosis. The silk cocoon can protect them against pre-
dators and parasitoids, but also protect against desiccation or
microparasites [67,68]. The silk that is the primary constituent
of Lepidopteran cocoons is also thought to play a defensive
role for pupae. Although the majority of silk is made up of
proteins that combine to maintain the silks structural proper-
ties, there are a number of other proteins present in different
speciessilk [69]. These alternative roles are thought to include
contributing to unpalatability of the cocoons and defending
their contents against microbes [70,71]. The majority of studies
on these non-structural proteins have focused on the silk of the
silkmoth, Bombyx mori; however, the silk components of moths
from different families have been shown to be very similar to
one another [69]. The silk of the silkmoth cocoons contains
protease inhibitors that could act against a range of bacterial-
and fungal-derived proteases. Yet, Kaur et al. [72] have argued
that many of the purported antibiotic properties of silk were
owing to experiments using contaminated silk. These con-
taminants originated from the processes of breaking apart
components of the silk prior to the experiments they were
used in. So, the extent to which the silk of cocoons defends
the pupae against bacterial or fungal infections or makes
them unpalatable for predators is far from clear cut and
requires further experimental studies.
Pupae can also display defensive movements that can
potentially have a deimatic function against predators [73]
or, they can make attacks by predators and parasitoids phys-
ically difficult [74]. For example, pupae of Tenebrio molitor
and Zophobas atratus rotate their abdominal segments in
response to tactile stimulation and this behaviour has been
shown to decrease the risk of cannibalism by the larvae of
the same species [75]. Pupae of the small tortoiseshell (Aglais
urticae) start to wriggle very intensively when the parasitoid
tries to land on it, often preventing the parasitoid from depos-
iting its egg into the pupa [74]. In the same paper, Cole [74]
reported higher oviposition success of parasitoids with Ledi-
dopteran species P. aegeria and Pieris brassicae, whose pupae
are not able to wriggle as intensively as A. urticae pupae.
8. Intraspecific interactions and survival
throughout the pupal stage
Predation risk is often quoted as a major selective force
favouring sociality [76], including cooperative protection of
offspring during the pupal stage. In many socially behaving
insects, such as eusocial hymenoptera, different types of
cooperative breeding strategies have evolved where adults
take care of the immature stages, including pupae, and
defend them against different types of natural enemies [77].
However, in eusocial species such as ants it is also the case
that pupae are not safe from predators: for example, Asiatic
black bears are more likely to forage on ant nests that have
plentiful pupae [78] (but see [79]).
In some species, individuals can form aggregations in the
pupal stage that decrease mortality risk. These aggregations
can be passive: for example, owing to features in the land-
scape (if suitable habitats for pupation are scattered) that
lead to the clumping of individuals. Alternatively, aggrega-
tions can be active when individuals actively maintain
contact with each other. Aggregating in the pupal stage (or
in any life stage) can function in three ways: first, it minimizes
encounters with random search predators, but may increase
vulnerability to, for example, visual predators that are good
at detecting groups of prey [16,80]. Second, it dilutes the
effect of the predator after it has been encountered (safety
in numbers owing to predator satiation and handling times)
[8082]. For example, in a stream-dwelling trichopteran,
Rhyacophila vao, pupal aggregations were disadvantageous
in terms of encounter risk with the predators. However,
grouping was beneficial in terms of dilution of predation
risk. When evaluated together (attack-abatement effect
[80]), grouping in the pupal stage offered higher net benefits
against predation risk [83].
The third way in which aggregation can lower predation
risk is by enhancing the avoidance learning of predators if the
prey is unprofitable [81]. Predators have been shown to learn
to avoid chemically defended cryptic (immobile) artificial
and real prey items more effectively when these prey items
are in groups compared to solitary prey [81,84]. This mechan-
ism has not been experimentally tested at the pupal stage, but
it could play an important role in species whose pupae pos-
sess chemical defences and are often aggregated spatially and
temporally. For example, in the gregarious chemically
defended pine sawfly species, pupae are often aggregated
in the vicinity of the host trees where larvae feed gregariously
in actively maintained groups. In Neodiprion pine sawflies
[39], individuals switch from gregarious behaviour to solitary
in non-feeding final instar where larvae disperse to spin their
cocoons on the ground. Yet, cocoons are often clumped in the
space under host trees and can form attractive feeding sites
for mammalian predators such as shrews and voles [20] or
birds [16]. Pine sawfly pupa include defensive chemicals as
the defensive glands of larvae are disposed into the pupa
during metamorphosis [85]. However, during the pre-adult
stage, individuals actively turn inside the cocoon if the
cocoon wall is pierced and move the disposed defensive
gland sacs towards the potential attacker [85]. Whether this
chemical defence mechanism of pupa has any effect on the
predatorsbehaviour has not been directly tested [16,20]
and its role might be more important in defence against
macroparasites [85]. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
9. Protection from other species and survival
throughout the pupal stage
Individuals can gain protection against predators from other
species during the pupal stage [9,14,86]. These interactions
can vary from mutualistic (both partners benefit from it) to
parasitic (costly for the other partner without any gained
benefits). Sometimes, the relationship can also be commensa-
listic: for example, Platyperpia virginalis (Arctiidae) caterpillars
shift host plant and habitat during pupation. Individuals
prefer to pupate within a spiny plant species, which are in
a different habitat and not the host plant they feed upon
during the larval stage. Furthermore, individual survival
during the pupal stage was higher in these physically
defended plants. This was confirmed experimentally: in
plants where the physical defence structures were removed,
survival of pupae decreased [9]. Similarly, in papilionidae
Battus polydamas archidamas, pupae have a higher probability
of survival when they are on cacti in comparison to shrubs,
rocks or the ground [26].
Some species can even manipulate other species to gain
protection from them [87]. Lycaenidae and Riodinidae butter-
fly families are famous for their relationships with ants, which
vary from mutualistic to parasitic (reviewed in [86,88]). In gen-
eral, larvae of several species of this group get protection from
ants against parasites and predators. Ants in return receive a
nutritious secretion from the larvae. How dependent these
species are on ants varies among species. Some of the species
are obligatory myrmecophiles such as Jalmenus evagoras,which
are practically unable to survive without ants. Some other
species are facultative myrmechophiles.
Interestingly, not only larvae but also pupae of this group
of butterflies have evolved mechanisms to manipulate the
antsbehaviour. All Lycaenid pupae produce sound via
stridulation (sound-producing organs) regardless whether
they are ant-associated or not [86]. These pupal sounds can
be considered to have a deimatic function [73], as these
sounds are produced when pupae are disturbed [89]. How-
ever, in some species, pupal sounds are involved in ant
recruitment. For example, in J. evagoras pupae, sound pro-
duction can attract ants and maintain ant guard. These
examples show that the pupal stage is not a passive and
inactivelife stage but pupae can actively communicate
with their environment. Perhaps the most fascinating
example of this comes from the parasitic Maculinea rebeli
butterflies (Lycaenidae). Both their larvae and pupae produce
sound that accurately mimics the sound of its host, the queen
ants of Myrmica schenki [90]. Sound produced by pupae is
actually more accurate than the sound produced by larvae.
This pupal sound elicits a similar response to sounds made
by queens, giving M. rebeli the ability to manipulate its host
and gain protection from ants.
10. Conclusion and future questions
Our literature survey shows that an extensive diversity of
defensive mechanisms have evolved to increase protection
against predators through the pupal stage in insects. These
strategies include different types of protective coloration
strategies, defensive toxins, protection gained from conspeci-
fics and manipulation of host speciessensitivity to specific
chemical or auditory cues to gain their protection. Thus, the
pupal stage is not an inactivestage but can protect against
predators with an extensive diversity of morphological,
chemical and behavioural mechanisms. However, consider-
ing the literature available from the larval or adult stage,
understanding of the defensive strategies at the pupal stage
is still in its early stages. Therefore, predation risk, and how
to protect from it in the pupal stage will evidently offer an
interesting and important topic for future research. Determin-
ing these selection pressures across life stages is critical to
forming a realistic view of the evolution of life-history strat-
egies in species with complex lifecycles and to predict factors
that shape their population dynamics. This information can
even provide insights to mechanismsbehind dramatic declines
in insect populations [91,92] and be beneficial for effective con-
servation planning and management. With these aspects in
mind, we have outlined several potentially interesting and
important routes for future research to follow.
(a) How does variation in predator community
composition shape the evolution of prey defences
throughout an individuals life cycle?
Variation in the predator community structure can be an
important selective agent that shapes the evolution of prey
defences. At present, these effects have been mainly considered
within the individual life stage (e.g. larval or adult) [60,93].
However, based on our literature review, predator community
structure is also likely to change across different life stages
[15,17]. How it shapes the function and diversity of defensive
mechanisms between life stages, including the pupal stage, is
not known [8]. For example, variation in the composition of
predator and parasitoid community structure could explain
why we sometimes observe variation in the quantity and qual-
ity of defensive compounds in larval, pupal and adult stages.
To study those unstudied aspects, we can benefit from
representative model systems for prey species [54,55,61],
where we already have accumulating information on the mul-
tiple factors that shape individual defensive strategies in
different life stages. We also need to focus on relevant predator
species as a recent study suggest that chemical defences can be
target-specific [60], addressing the importance of choosing
the correct focal predator species when the efficacy of
chemical defences is studied. With the accumulating empirical
research information from different species, we can then
perform systematic analyses to evaluate how much defences
across different life stages are linked or whether they evolve
(b) Function of chemical defences during the pupal
stage: can non-visual predators learn to avoid
cryptically coloured pupae based on chemical,
tactical or auditory signals?
Aposematism has repeatedly evolved in larval and adult
stages, but very rarely in the pupal stage [8,23]. However, a
general assumption is that defensive compounds also occur
in the pupal stage when larval and adult stages are chemi-
cally defended. This is also supported by empirical data in
species where defensive chemical content in the pupal stage
has been analysed [54,61]. As conspicuous signals should
enhance the predators avoidance learning efficiency, the Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
occurrence of these defended prey species with low signal
intensity is puzzling [45]; this is especially true if chemical
defences are costly to produce and maintain and the individ-
ual is already well protected by camouflage [94]. If a predator
always needs to bite the pupa to find it unpalatable (i.e. pre-
dators do not learn to avoid chemically defended pupae),
defensive chemicals in the pupal stage do not benefit the indi-
vidual, which will die anyway after the cocoon shell is
pierced. For example, Wiklund & Sillén-Tullberg [23]
suggested that pupae might even be innately more vulner-
able to handling by predators because the hard cuticle of
pupae is more likely to crack broken in comparison with
more flexible larval and adult cuticles.
What cues could predators then use to learn to avoid
chemically defended pupae? First, conspicuousness may
not be as important as long as defended prey are sufficiently
distinctive from the palatable prey [95]. Second, most of the
research on pupal coloration has focused on conspicuousness
to human eyes. However, we know very little about the con-
spicuousness of pupa to predators with different types of
visual systems, such as birds that also perceive UV wave-
lengths [96]. Some species have metallic golden or silver
shiny pupae (figure 1) [97]. This kind of shiny coloration
may function either as a warning signal in a similar way to
iridescent colours, or as a camouflage reflecting the visual
environment [97100]. Third, our literature review shows
that pupae have evolved many other ways to communicate
such as movements, sounds and chemical cues. These kind
of cues could function as effective warning signals of defen-
sive toxins [101], especially for non-visual predators.
Currently, we lack experimental studies that test if these
non-visual predators are able to learn to avoid chemically
defended pupae based on the cues available. Finally, it is
possible that defensive compounds occur in the pupal stage
simply because they need to be transported from the larval
stage to adult stage without any adaptive function during
the pupal stage. Future research could try further exper-
iments with dummy prey, similar to those that are widely
used to test predation risk during the larval [22] and adult
stages [102]. This would offer a way to test how different phe-
notypic traits such as size, coloration or pupation site are
under selection by predation.
(c) Life-history trade-offs across life stages and how
they link with predation risk during the pupal stage
Another less studied aspect is potential life-history trade-offs
between pupal and adult stages [28,34]. For example, if allo-
cation to effective camouflage pigmentation during the pupal
stage trades-off with the size or flight capacity during the
adult stage, selective predation during the pupal stage will
shape phenotypic variation in adults indirectly. Similarly, if
predation favours either large or small size during the
pupal stage [21], it is also likely to reflect traits such as size
in adults. Defensive traits, such as chemical defence, can
also be costly to produce and maintain during the larval
stage [12,103,104] and constrain performance during the
pupal and adult stages. For example, Lindstedt et al. [103]
found that when the costs of chemical defence were high,
Diprion pini pine sawfly individuals were less likely to
reach the pupal stage and grew more slowly. In P. brassicae
larvae, higher contribution to chemical defence decreased
their likelihood of reaching the pupal stage and they were
smaller in the pupal stage [12]. Finally, allocating resources
to building up the protective cocoon during the pupal stage
can also be costly and constrain resources available during
the adult stage [105].
How pupal traits are associated with adult or larval traits
could be especially interesting questions to test with species
that are polymorphic at some life stage. For example, if
adult and pupal traits are correlated and predation risk
varies accordingly with lifestage, selection during the
pupal stage could be an important factor explaining variation
in the frequencies of adult morphs. Studies that link phenoty-
pic variation in pupal traits with the variation in larval and
adult traits are, however, very scarce, and would therefore
be important in understanding the evolution of life-history
strategies in insects.
(d) Do defensive traits have multiple functions in
defence against multiple enemies?
Even though our main focus in this literature survey has been
on predation, we want to address the fact that many of the
defensive mechanisms listed above can be equally critical in
protection against parasitoids and pathogens [13,85,106]. Cur-
rently, there is accumulating evidence that studying these two
selection pressures simultaneously in multienemy-frame-
workcan help to understand how defensive traits have
evolved initially [106109]. For example, some defensive com-
pounds can have a dual function and serve multiple purposes
in protection against predators and parasites [106,107] (but see
[40]). Thus, it is possible that the same defensive compounds
that play an important role in the protection of the larval
stage against predators may play a more important role in pro-
tection against fungi and pathogens during the pupation. If
defensive toxins have evolved primarily against parasitoids
or diseases, it will offer one more evolutionary explanation
for the weak visual signals of chemically defended pupae.
Similarly, defensive movements during the pupal stage or
camouflage can increase survival both against predators and
parasitoids [13]. Again, there is a clear need for experimental
studies where the importance of visual and chemical cues in
protection against parasitoids and predators can be tested.
(e) How often do individuals switch habitats or rely on
protection from other species during the pupal
Our review shows that individuals can switch habitats [9],
host plants [9,26] or even evolve parasitic or cooperative
interactions with other species [14,68,90] to gain enemy-free
space during the pupal stage. How often pupae actually
rely on protection from other species in their defence [14]
or how dependent insect species are from multiple habitats
during their lifecycle would offer an interesting topic for
future research to consider. This would require natural
history data and behavioural observations combined with
experimental manipulations and phylogenetic studies [110].
This information could also have applied importance in plan-
ning of conservation areas targeted to protect certain species:
often efforts in conservation are allocated on protection of
areas abundant in larval host plants. However, if insect
species are dependent on other species to survive through
the pupal stage [14], or even need to change habitats to Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 374: 20190069
pupate successfully, effective conservation needs to take these
requirements into account.
Data accessibility. This article has no additional data.
Authorscontributions. C.L. led the writing of the manuscript. All authors
contributed critically to the drafts and gave final approval for
Competing interests. We declare no competing interests.
Funding. This study was funded by the Academy of Finland via Centre
of Excellence in Biological Interactions.
Acknowledgements. We thank Paul Johnston, Stuart Reynolds and Jens
Rolff for the invitation to the Evolution of complete metamorpho-
sistheme issue. We thank an anonymous reviewer, Dirk
Mikolajewski, Jens Rolff, Tapio Mappes and Emily Burdfield-Steel
for commenting the earlier versions of the manuscript. Francesca
Barbero together with Marco Gherlenda kindly provided the
photo of M. rebeli pupae.
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... Pupae are sedentary and extremely vulnerable to predation; therefore, antipredator defense mechanisms have largely driven the evolution of pupal forms and color morphs (Lindstent et al. 2019, Yumnam et al. 2021. Likewise, color plasticity is advantageous as crypsis via background matching is the most common antipredator defense in Lepidopteran pupae (Lindstent et al. 2019; Table 1). ...
... Pupae are sedentary and extremely vulnerable to predation; therefore, antipredator defense mechanisms have largely driven the evolution of pupal forms and color morphs (Lindstent et al. 2019, Yumnam et al. 2021. Likewise, color plasticity is advantageous as crypsis via background matching is the most common antipredator defense in Lepidopteran pupae (Lindstent et al. 2019; Table 1). Bordered patch butterfly, Chlosyne lacinia, pupae are polymorphic with white, black, and checkered morphs (Santiago-Rosario 2021). ...
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Coloration is a multifaceted trait that serves various functions, including predator defense, thermoregulation, and immune response, among others. We investigated pupal color variation in Chlosyne lacinia pupae, fo-cusing on identifying the cue that influences variation in melanization. Through laboratory experiments, we demonstrated that pupae reared on black backgrounds exhibited significantly higher melanization compared to those on white backgrounds. Additionally, black pupae experienced longer developmental periods, suggesting a trade-off between defense and developmental time. Our findings support crypsis as a likely evolutionary driver for increased melanization in response to substrate color. We discuss potential implications for predator avoidance, immune response, and developmental costs associated with melanization. This study provides insights into the adaptive significance of pupal melanization in response to environmental cues, shedding light on the complex interplay between life history traits in butterflies.
... Butterflies display various anti-predator mechanisms that are well-documented for their different life stages (Dapporto et al., 2019;Lindstedt et al., 2019;Medina et al., 2020). These anti-predatory strategies are in effect aimed at either preventing predator detection, predator attacks, or survival after predator attacks (Olofsson et al., 2013b) by disrupting the successful predation sequence i.e., encounter, detection, pursuit, capture, handling, and prey consumption (Bateman et al., 2014). ...
... In addition to chemical defences coupled with warning colours, some butterflies store one or more toxic chemicals (sequester from host plants) in their wings which help in proximal or distal rejection by the predator . In proximal rejection, the prey is rejected by the predator when it contacts the prey through smell or taste, while in distal rejection, the prey is rejected by the predator prior to physical contact Lindstedt et al., 2019). ...
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A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Research ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis, as a whole or in parts, has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other university or institution. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself. I wish to acknowledge the following assistance with the research detailed in this thesis. Prof. Marie E. Herberstein: conception, study design and planning, field collection, statistics, data interpretation, comments, feedback, editing and proofreading the manuscripts, and supervising the project. Assoc. Prof. Darrell Kemp: study design, spectrophotometry, suggestions, comments, feedback, editing and proofreading the manuscripts, and supervising the project. Dr. Donald McLean: model survey, data analysis, suggestions, and feedback. Dr. Louis O'Neill: bird survey, suggestions, and feedback. Dr. Kiara L'Herpiniere: bird survey, damage scoring, suggestions, and feedback. Dr. Liisa Hämäläinen: butterfly sampling, damage scoring, suggestions, and feedback. Dr. Thomas White: butterfly sampling, providing a camera for butterfly wing photography, and suggestions. Georgina Binns: model preparation training, damage scoring, suggestions, and feedback. James Douch: bird survey and suggestions. Marília Erickson: butterfly sampling, photography, model deployment and survey, and suggestions. Daniele Carlesso: butterfly sampling and photography. Caitlin Waite, Noa Vankeulen, Vanessa Penna Goncalves, Juliette Tariel, Yorick Lambreghts: butterfly sampling. Chathuranga Dharmarathne, Md Tangigul Haque, Shatabdi Paul: model deployment and survey. Sanni Silvasti: butterfly sampling. Suraksha Singh, Rhys Geyer: model deployment. Michael Kelly, Anuja Joseph: model survey. iii Prof. Grant Hose: providing access to his lab to use the oven for model preparation. I contributed to all research described in this thesis: study planning, literature reading and reviewing, organizing fieldwork, butterfly sampling and identification, bird survey, spectrophotometry, model preparation, deployment, and survey, photography, damage scoring, measurements in ImageJ software, data collection, reporting, and analysis, and writing and editing manuscripts. The thesis has three chapters. The first chapter is written as a review article that is under review in Austral Ecology. The second and third chapters are formatted as original research articles for submission to Methods in Ecology and Evolution and Biology Letters respectively. The chapters are formatted with some exceptions to meet the requirements of Macquarie University. This includes the requirement of an abstract of 200 words, 2 cm margins, 1.5x line spacing, figures, and tables embedded within the text. iv
... Animals have evolved various strategies to avoid being eaten (e.g., Howland, 1974;Peterson et al., 2021). Such strategies are especially important in groups of animals that represent a large biomass and are therefore attractive aims for predators (Lindstedt et al., 2019). Holometabola, the group including beetles, bees, butterflies, and all their closer relatives, represents a vast biomass in continental ecosystems; more precisely their larval forms represent this vast biomass (Husler & Husler, 1940). ...
Animals have evolved various strategies to avoid being eaten (e.g., Howland, 1974; Peterson et al., 2021). Such strategies are especially important in groups of animals that represent a large biomass and are therefore attractive aims for predators (Lindstedt et al., 2019). Holometabola, the group including beetles, bees, butterflies, and all their closer relatives, represents a vast biomass in continental ecosystems; more precisely their larval forms represent this vast biomass (Husler & Husler, 1940). These larvae are important food sources for many other groups of animals and are hence central points within the food web.
... ). For example, ladybird beetle (Harmonia axyridis) pupae signal their unpalatability 174 to predators through their conspicuous black dots against red cuticle warning colouration 175(Lindstedt et al., 2019). Besides predator-prey interactions, bright colouration can also 176 functions as a warning signal to avoid unwanted mating. ...
Insects exhibit diverse colours that play a crucial role in communication that directs inter- and intra-species interactions such as predator-prey interactions and sexual selection. Anthropogenic climate change may impact insects colour expression and consequently their physiology and behaviour. Insects can respond to changing climatic through phenotypic plasticity or genetic modification, however it is unclear how any of the resulting changes in body and wing colour may impact interactions with conspecifics and heterospecific (e.g., predator, prey, and mate). The aim of this review is to synthesis the current knowledge of the consequences of climate driven colour change on insects. Firstly, we discussed the environmental factors that affect insect colours, and then we outlined the adaptive mechanisms in terms of phenotypic plasticity and microevolutionary response. Secondly, we conducted a systematic review and performed a qualitative analysis to understand how experimental rearing temperature influences insect colouration. Finally, we gave an overview of the beneficial or maladaptive impact of colour change on sexual selection. We concluded by identifying research gaps and highlight potential future research areas.
Abiotic framework conditions of terrestrial evolution are quite different from aquatic habitats. Low density of air reduces the impacts of air currents and dampens to much lower extents the impacts of gravity, solar radiation and temperature dynamics than water. Dynamics of temperature and precipitations are essential constraints for the dispersal of photoautotrophic organisms on land. Erosion of land surfaces is challenging for the reconstruction of terrestrial evolution over the Earth history—in particular for microbial life forms. For multicellular terrestrial evolution are land plants in interactions with fungi and microorganisms pivotal. Land plants provided not only organic material for heterotrophic organisms but modified also—within their eco-physiological potentials—hydrogeological processes and climatic conditions. Dispersal of land plants stimulated the emigrations of some animals groups from sea to land. Invertebrates migrated at first over different routes into terrestrial habitats. Evolutionary adaptations of mouthparts and gut microbiomes—in particular of arthropods—to overcome resistant living tissues of land plants extended the energetic basis for herbivores. Vertebrates followed as fishes into freshwater habitats and—after modifications of hydro-geodynamics by deep rooting plants—eventually as tetrapods into terrestrial habitats. Asynchronous terrestrialisation of plants and animals induced global long-term adaptive damped oscillating processes with at least three phases indicating heterarchic interdependencies in evolutionary processes. The first phase can be characterised by expansions of land plants without constraints of large herbivores, the second by diversification of large vertebrate herbivores and the third by increasing interdependencies between plants (angiosperms) and animals (insects). Framework conditions of the third phase were essential for evolution of the genus Homo—now the biggest biological risk factor for global mass extinctions.
Helicoverpa zea Boddie (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important pest in many crops in the southern United States. Upon reaching the final larval instar, H. zea quests for a pupation site in the soil. Pupae are vulnerable to mortality since their movement is limited. Soil type and moisture can influence H. zea emergence, but the interaction of these factors has not been demonstrated. We compared sandy and clay soils in greenhouse and laboratory experiments. In the first experiment, we evaluated the preference of larvae to choose either sandy or clay soil for pupation. In a second experiment, we set the sandy soils at different moisture levels and observed prepupae pupation preference in a choice scenario. In a third experiment, we observed prepupae pupation in different moisture levels in a no-choice scenario. In a 4th experiment, we evaluated adult emergence following pupation when we increased moisture or kept it constant. In a final experiment, we evaluated pupation behavior in sandy or clay soils with a webcam and a glass arena. We found that larvae preferred to pupate in sandy soils over clay soils and that pupal success was highest at intermediate moisture levels. In addition, elevated soil moisture levels did not impact the emergence of H. zea between sandy or clay soil. Finally, H. zea did not take longer to burrow in either sandy or clay soil, but the tunnels of the pupal burrow were larger in sandy soil compared to clay soil. Our results clarify H. zea behavior across soil moisture and soil type.
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This study proposed a spatially explicit non-linear function for estimating the benefits following the release and establishment of the koinobiont endoparasitoid, Fopius arisanus at a landscape scale in Kenya to control the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. The proposed model relates the bioecology of the parasitoid to its impacts on fruit growers’ economic benefits per fruit farm. In addition, we used financial information attributed to the cost of importation, conducting associated research, and the release of F. arisanus to estimate the return on investment from the parasitoid’s release in Kenya. We observed distinct variations in potential annual benefits across the diverse mango cultivation regions throughout Kenya. In Kenya, the potential benefits range from negligible benefit to high benefit per acre (US201US201- US255) annually when classical biological control is applied. Furthermore, the cost-benefit ratio analysis showed that in Kenya, for every US1invested,thereturnbenefitwasUS1 invested, the return benefit was US33.92. In addition in Kenya, the investment yielded a significant net present value of US$13.7 million over a 16-year period and an attractive internal rate of return of 73% compared to the reference discount rate of 12%. The study suggests the need to facilitate further release of the parasitoid (F. arisanus) across major fruit production regions of countries affected by the invasive fruit fly (B. dorsalis).
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Aristotle made important contributions to the study of developmental biology, including the complete metamorphosis of insects. One concept in particular, that of the perfect or complete state, underlies Aristotle's ideas about metamorphosis, the necessity of fertilization for embryonic development, and whether morphogenesis involves an autonomous process of self-assembly. Importantly, the philosopher erroneously views metamorphosis as a necessary developmental response to lack of previous fertilization of the female parent, a view that is intimately connected with his readiness to accept the idea of the spontaneous generation of life. Aristotle's work underpins that of the major seventeenth century students of metamorphosis, Harvey, Redi, Malpighi and Swammerdam, all of whom make frequent reference to Aristotle in their writings. Although both Aristotle and Harvey are often credited with inspiring the later prolonged debate between proponents of epigenesis and preformation, neither actually held firm views on the subject. Aristotle's idea of the perfect stage also underlies his proposal that the eggs of holometabolous insects hatch ‘before their time’, an idea that is the direct precursor of the much later proposals by Lubbock and Berlese that the larval stages of holometabolous insects are due to the ‘premature hatching’ from the egg of an imperfect embryonic stage. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis’.
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Many animals depend on microbial symbionts to provide nutrition, defence or other services. Holometabolous insects, as well as other animals that undergo metamorphosis, face unique constraints on symbiont maintenance. Microbes present in larvae encounter a radical transformation of their habitat and may also need to withstand chemical and immunological challenges. Metamorphosis also provides an opportunity, in that symbiotic associations can be decoupled over development. For example, some holometabolous insects maintain the same symbiont as larvae and adults, but house it in different tissues; in other species, larvae and adults may harbour entirely different types or numbers of microbes, in accordance with shifts in host diet or habitat. Such flexibility may provide an advantage over hemimetabolous insects, in which selection on adult-stage microbial associations may be constrained by its negative effects on immature stages, and vice versa. Additionally, metamorphosis itself can be directly influenced by symbionts. Across disparate insect taxa, microbes protect hosts from pathogen infection, supply nutrients essential for rebuilding the adult body and provide cues regulating pupation. However, microbial associations remain completely unstudied for many families and even orders of Holometabola, and future research will undoubtedly reveal more links between metamorphosis and microbiota, two widespread features of animal life. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis’.
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Insect metamorphosis is one of the most recognized processes delimiting transitions between phenotypes. It has been traditionally postulated as an adaptive process decoupling traits between life stages, allowing evolutionary independence of pre- and post-metamorphic phenotypes. However, the degree of autonomy between these life stages varies depending on the species and has not been studied in detail over multiple traits simultaneously. Here, we reared full-sib larvae of the warningly coloured wood tiger moth ( Arctia plantaginis ) in different temperatures and examined their responses for phenotypic (melanization change, number of moults), gene expression (RNA-seq and qPCR of candidate genes for melanization and flight performance) and life-histories traits (pupal weight, and larval and pupal ages). In the emerging adults, we examined their phenotypes (melanization and size) and compared them at three condition proxies: heat absorption (ability to engage flight), flight metabolism (ability to sustain flight) and overall flight performance. We found that some larval responses, as evidenced by gene expression and change in melanization, did not have an effect on the adult (i.e. size and wing melanization), whereas other adult traits such as heat absorption, body melanization and flight performance were found to be impacted by rearing temperature. Adults reared at high temperature showed higher resting metabolic rate, lower body melanization, faster heating rate, lower body temperature at take-off and inferior flight performance than cold-reared adults. Thus, our results did not unambiguously support the environment-matching hypothesis. Our results illustrate the importance of assessing multiple traits across life stages as these may only be partly decoupled by metamorphosis. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis'.
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Insect metamorphosis promotes the exploration of different ecological niches, as well as exposure to different parasites, across life stages. Adaptation should favour immune responses that are tailored to specific microbial threats, with the potential for metamorphosis to decouple the underlying genetic or physiological basis of immune responses in each stage. However, we do not have a good understanding of how early-life exposure to parasites influences immune responses in subsequent life stages. Is there a developmental legacy of larval infection in holometabolous insect hosts? To address this question, we exposed flour beetle ( Tribolium castaneum ) larvae to a protozoan parasite that inhabits the midgut of larvae and adults despite clearance during metamorphosis. We quantified the expression of relevant immune genes in the gut and whole body of exposed and unexposed individuals during the larval, pupal and adult stages. Our results suggest that parasite exposure induces the differential expression of several immune genes in the larval stage that persist into subsequent stages. We also demonstrate that immune gene expression covariance is partially decoupled among tissues and life stages. These results suggest that larval infection can leave a lasting imprint on immune phenotypes, with implications for the evolution of metamorphosis and immune systems. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis'.
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The three modes of insect postembryonic development are ametaboly, hemimetaboly and holometaboly, the latter being considered the only significant metamorphosis mode. However, the emergence of hemimetaboly, with the genuine innovation of the final moult, represents the origin of insect metamorphosis and a necessary step in the evolution of holometaboly. Hemimetaboly derives from ametaboly and might have appeared as a consequence of wing emergence in Pterygota, in the early Devonian. In extant insects, the final moult is mainly achieved through the degeneration of the prothoracic gland (PG), after the formation of the winged and reproductively competent adult stage. Metamorphosis, including the formation of the mature wings and the degeneration of the PG, is regulated by the MEKRE93 pathway, through which juvenile hormone precludes the adult morphogenesis by repressing the expression of transcription factor E93, which triggers this change. The MEKRE93 pathway appears conserved in extant metamorphosing insects, which suggest that this pathway was operative in the Pterygota last common ancestor. We propose that the final moult, and the consequent hemimetabolan metamorphosis, is a monophyletic innovation and that the role of E93 as a promoter of wing formation and the degeneration of the PG was mechanistically crucial for their emergence. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis’.
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During metamorphosis, holometabolous insects completely replace the larval gut and must control the microbiota to avoid septicaemia. Rapid induction of bactericidal activity in the insect gut at the onset of pupation has been described in numerous orders of the Holometabola and is best-studied in the Lepidoptera where it is under control of the 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) moulting pathway. Here, using RNAseq, we compare the expression of immune effector genes in the gut during metamorphosis in a holometabolous ( Galleria mellonella ) and a hemimetabolous insect ( Gryllus bimaculatus ). We find that in G. mellonella , the expression of numerous immune effectors and the transcription factor GmEts are upregulated, with peak expression of three antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and a lysozyme coinciding with delamination of the larval gut. By contrast, no such upregulation was detectable in the hemimetabolous Gr. bimaculatus . These findings support the idea that the upregulation of immune effectors at the onset of complete metamorphosis is an adaptive response, which controls the microbiota during gut replacement. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolution of complete metamorphosis’.
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Body coloration in animals is often adaptive and used for defense against biotic (e.g., predators, competitors) and abiotic (e.g., solar radiation, desiccation) threats. The study of adaptive coloration in insects usually favors obvious model species such as yellowjacket wasps (Vespula spp.) and longwing butterflies (Heliconius spp.), partly because they actively interact with their environment. Yet, one life stage has received less attention because of its immobility: the egg. So far, vertebrate eggs, especially avian eggs, have held the ‘‘big end of the stick’’ when it comes to research effort on adaptive egg coloration. In species where eggs are not provided with parental care and left to survive on their own until hatching, studying the defensive roles played by their colors is imperative to understand their evolutionary ecology. Adaptive functions provided by egg coloration such as crypsis, aposematism and photoprotection against ultraviolet radiation potentially have huge fitness impacts and deserve more attention. Here, the current literature on insect egg coloration is reviewed, reporting its known adaptive significance. Clear distinctions are made between functions tested empirically and functions that remain hypothetical despite often being treated as facts. Avenues for future work in the field are also provided.
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Myrmecophilous lycaenid caterpillars have close relationships with their ant hosts by means of various myrmecophilous organs, most of which are usually lost after pupation. However, some lycaenid species, including Lycaeides argyrognomon, maintain such relationships at the pupal stage and go so far as to pupate in ant nests. This invokes the hypothesis that these myrmecophilous lycaenid pupae might have alternative tactics to retain myrmecophilous interactions without ant attacks. Camponotus japonicus, Formica japonica, and Lasius japonicus exhibited distinctive aggressive behaviors against ant cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) from different colonies of the same species but few attacks against the crude extract of L. argyrognomon pupae. GC–MS analysis revealed that the pupal cuticular lipids contain not only CHCs but also several long-chained aliphatic aldehydes, including 1-octacosanal and 1-triacontanal, which are absent from larval cuticular lipids. With the addition of synthesized 1-octacosanal and 1-triacontanal to ant CHCs from different colonies of the same species, the aggressive behavior decreased in C. japonicus, and the duration of physical contact shortened in C. japonicus and F. japonica. However, the behavior of L. japonicus remained unaffected after the addition of those aldehydes. These results suggest that the pupae-specific cuticular aldehydes of L. argyrognomon suppress ant aggression even after the loss of certain myrmecophilous organs, though the effects varied depending on the attending ant species. Since L. argyrognomon occasionally pupate in the nests of C. japonicus in the field, the lycaenids might be better adapted to associations with C. japonicus than with the other two ant species studied.
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Significance Arthropods, invertebrates including insects that have external skeletons, are declining at an alarming rate. While the tropics harbor the majority of arthropod species, little is known about trends in their abundance. We compared arthropod biomass in Puerto Rico’s Luquillo rainforest with data taken during the 1970s and found that biomass had fallen 10 to 60 times. Our analyses revealed synchronous declines in the lizards, frogs, and birds that eat arthropods. Over the past 30 years, forest temperatures have risen 2.0 °C, and our study indicates that climate warming is the driving force behind the collapse of the forest’s food web. If supported by further research, the impact of climate change on tropical ecosystems may be much greater than currently anticipated.
The book discusses the diversity of mechanisms by which prey can avoid or survive attacks by predators, both from ecological and evolutionary perspectives. There is a particular focus on sensory mechanisms by which prey can avoid being detected, avoid being identified, signal (perhaps sometimes dishonestly) to predators that they are defended or unpalatable. The book is divided into three sections. The first considers detection avoidance through, for example, background matching, disruptive patterning, countershading and counterillumination, or transparency and reflective silvering. The second section considers avoiding or surviving an attack if detection and identification by the predator has already taken place (i.e., secondary defences). The key mechanism of this section is aposematism: signals that warn the predator that a particular prey type is defended. One particularly interesting aspect of this is the sharing of the same signal by more than one defended species (the phenomenon of Mullerian mimicry). The final section considers deception of predators. This may involve an undefended prey mimicking a defended species (Batesian mimicry), or signals that deflect predator’s attention or signals that startle predators. The book provides the first comprehensive survey of adaptive coloration in a predator-prey context in thirty years.