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Intelligent Baby Monitoring System

  • Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri,Pune
P.B. Patel1, S. Ticku2 and S. Darunde3
1,2,3 Department of Instrumentation and control, Dr. D.Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,(INDIA)
The customary Automatic child cradle frameworks
are excessively lavish and they additionally don't
offer much usefulness. Baby cuddle bed / cuddle nest
is a concept originated in Sweden. Baby cuddle bed
makes a cozy sleeping place for the baby and protects
baby at night because of stable bumper. We intends
to help those moms who are excessively occupied and
don't have a cleaning specialist or sitter to deal with
their infants. This paper portrays the configuration of
a programmed cradle which fundamentally chips
away at location of infant development with the
assistance of a PIR sensor. PIR sensor detects the
movement of infant. Another important feature is the
automated swing of the bed by means of voice
command which will work through an app. The
cuddle will also swing when the baby will start crying
inside the bed. The cradle additionally incorporates a
wet sensor which will caution the folks or the
Attendant/sitter for bunk wetting of the infant. It will
help to keep the infant in a hygienic environment. The
framework is kept negligible as far as fittings as
greatest measure of usefulness of the cradle is
performed through Arduino. The cradle is vitality
productive and obliges no physical consideration.
Keywords: Automatic cradle, bed-wet sensor,
PIR sensor, swinging of cradle, movement
Generally, the baby cradle is used for to make sleep
and soothe to baby. For example guardian have to
take care of their child till as they asleep. However,
conventional cradle does not electronically equipped
such like battery or adapter to automate the cradle
automatically. In Addition to that, these kind of
conventional cradle is used in villages areas or non-
developed cities due to its low prices. But the
problem of this kind of designated cradle is that you
need manpower to take care of your child and your
child may not be safe and feel comfortable in the
conventional cradle. Thus, we need automatic cradle
to take care of child which uses the battery or power
source. Besides, there are extra features or function is
provided by the newly automatic cradle that is
beneficial for parents. Because in the present world
people are very busy in their professional life so they
do not get ample time to take care of their infants. It
will be very difficult control the babies and if
someone is hiring professional to take care of their
infants. It may increase your expenses from monthly
expenditure. Moreover, in today, life it is very hard to
even for the homemakers (mummy) to sit nearby
their babies and sooth them whenever they feel
uncomfortable. Though, it is automatic this
application is very useful for the nurses in maternity
units of hospital.
1.1 Objective of the project
1.1.1 To design the development of an intelligent
baby care, which has ability for automated swing,
bed-wet condition and body temperature?
1.1.2 To make a baby cradle is safe and comfortable
for baby with using PIR sensor to detect the
movement of the baby body as well as bed-wet
condition to keep away baby from hygienic
1.1.3 Automated swing of cuddle when baby is
1.1.4 To make cradle innovation that is more flexible
and less expensive to market.
1.1.5 User friendly- simple and complete with
1.2 Automated baby cradle bed
The requirement of automatic intelligent baby cradle
is day by day increasing. Especially in metropolitan
cities. The benefits of Automatic cradle are:
1.2.1 It is very easy to operate and it’s reduces the
manpower work. The user can adjust the cradle
according to their comfort and use.
1.2.2 User can adjust the time as per need of the
parent’s the how long cradle will move and the
parents can finish their household work in that
1.2.3 The one of the most benefit of this cradle is we
can use cradle as a biomedical product in the
hospital. Hospital have neonatal and maternity units.
It will be helpful for the nurses to take care of infant
and sooth whenever they need. They do not have to
seat nearby.
2.1 Hardware design and description
The following section describes the hardware that is
being used in the project.
A. Hardware Requirements
1. PIR sensor
2. Motor shield
3. Arduino UNO
4. Bluetooth module
5. Surface temperature sensor
6. Wet sensor
7. Power source
9. Activated relay KYO38 MICROPHONE SOUND
2.2 Procedure and purpose of material
(1) PIR Sensor- The PIR sensor has been used the
model HC-SR501 in this project to detect the baby
movement and procured from the local store[5].
(ii) Arduino UNO- Arduino UNO is the
microcontroller board and the Arduino AT MEGA
328 model has been used in this project and procured
from the local store. And arduino has been used for
the quickly developed interactive objects, taking
input from variety of switches or sensors and
controlling a variety of outputs such as automate the
motor and detect the temperature sounds and light
this is called physical computing[6].
(iii) Motor shield- The arduino motor shield has been
used and it is based on the H-bridge chip L 298 driver
integrated circuit .this motor shield mount with
arduino and enable the geared motor which help in
swing of cradle. This is procured from the local
(v) As the name implies, a “gear motor” or “geared
motor” is a motor having an attached ”gear
assembly” (or gear train) which enables the gear
motor to provide greater torque at a lower rpm than
the motor alone would be capable of providing. In
our experiments however, we didn’t need the gear
assembly. We used a 300 rpm, 12V motor to control
the speed and direction and it is also procured from
the local market or store.
3.1 Implementation of the PIR sensor
monitoring device
Pyro electric infrared (PIR) sensor is a strong state
sensor which is fit for catching infrared radiation
emanating from the objects[11]. The sensor
fundamentally measures the adjustments in the
infrared radiation amid development of the items, set
with in the field of perspective of the sensor. Since
the sensor is equipped for distinguishing articles
while they are in movement, they are regularly
viewed as movement finders. In this study, PIR
sensor was appended on the pole of the support in
order to identify the development of the child. Once,
the development of the infant is recognized, a control
sign was created to swing the support for the 5
minutes. In the event that the sensor recognized the
development of the infant after the progression of the
swing stage, the swing was rehashed for an additional
five minutes.
3.3 Implementation of the bed-wet sensing
A mesh like structure was produced on to a copper
clad board the cross section was comprised of two
leads with extended structures. The expanded
structures of the leads don't cover one another. In
other vicinity of Bed-wet condition, the leads was
associated with a 5V force supply through the
resistance of 55 kilo-ohm. The second lead was
joined with the ground. The yield of the framework
was taken from the 55kilo-ohm resistance and the
lattice lead. The yield was associated with the AIO
information of the Arduino UNO board. Under
typical circumstances the lattice surface will carry on
as open circuit and the yield of the sensor will be 5V.
On account of Bed-wet condition, there will a drop in
the yield voltage. A not as much as rationale was
connected to produce a control signal for the
actuation of the GSM module.
3.2 Implementation through mobile app
We will connect Arduino UNO board through a
Bluetooth module, the Bluetooth module will be
connected to the phone Bluetooth. And then after
connecting to the Bluetooth module, we will give the
voice command through an app from the phone,
which will control the swing of the cradle. The
diagram is shown in fig-1
3.4 Implementation through noise sensor
When the baby will start crying the noise sensor will
detect the sound and gives the signal to the Arduino
UNO for the implementation of the motor and thus
causing the swing of the bed.The diagram is shown in
Fig1- Block diagram of control through mobile app
Fig2- Block diagram of working of noise sensor
sensor Arduino
UNO motor swing of
We are successful in swing the cradle bed
automatically by using the motor and power
supply/battery. Now we are controlling the swing of
the bed by means of voice command by using
Arduino UNO, noise sensor, Bluetooth module and
motor controller.
In the present study, an intelligent baby cradle system
was developed. The cradle was capable of detecting
the movement of the baby and initiate cradle swing.
This project emphasis on providing ease for caring &
safety of the infants and reducing the pressure on the
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... Hence, this point leads to the idea that these days with hectic lifestyles and obligations, parents have struggled to find enough time to care for their children . Moreover, they also cannot afford to hire a nanny or enrol their children in places where they would be cared for while working [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. However, in [1,[6][7][8]10], the author states that women must juggle their homes and work simultaneously in the modern lifestyle. ...
... In this research, for the prototype of the cradle, the following components, such as the microcontroller Arduino UNO, Micro Servo, System's RAM, Sound sensor, and Thin Speaker, are used. Moreover, the action algorithm is written in the Arduino software utilizing C++ Programming language, as most libraries are written in C or C++ [11]. ...
... It also uses the Fire base cloud to send notifications to the parent's android application. Several similar studies on infant monitoring systems have been conducted in [8,23] and [24]. Most of these studies conducted are usually based on the use of sensors to collect different information about the child using the previous techniques. ...
Experiment Findings
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This project proposes the idea of automatic caretaker room for a baby. The main motive of this idea is to save time and energy of very busy parents. Working people are very busy these days. They do not have enough time to properly take care of their babies. So, the whole room is set up as it can sense the activities of the baby and work according to requirement. Parents can save their time and energy as they don't have to go and check their baby again and again until they don't get any information about baby. The idea of this scenario is accomplished by using sensors and a microprocessor. The sensors attached to the microprocessor sense the room condition and also monitor the activity of the baby. It works based on the condition we apply to it. Entire data will be visible to the user and get notified about the status of the baby.
... In the authors, [7] Savitha P. Patil, and Manisha R. Mhetre, proposed an "Intelligent Baby Monitoring System" in 2014. This system captures pediatric parameters such as body temperature, heart rate, moisture condition, and motion of an infant. ...
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The project proposes the development of a smart infant incubator monitoring and control system that uses IoT technology to customize the care and monitoring of premature and critically ill newborns. As the system is interfaced with advanced sensors, actuators, and connective solutions to create a smart and responsive incubator environment. The system adopts with some key components such as temperature and humidity sensor for precise check of environmental conditions, gas sensor, heartbeat sensor, sound sensor and accelerometer to monitor the infant’s conditions inside the incubator and actuators such as Peltier module and humidifier are integrated to adjust the environmental conditions according to the threshold range on the processed sensor data. An LCD display provides the local feedback, while buzzer alerts the caretakers at time of critical periods. These sensors collectively provide data for the parameters as a Wi-Fi enabled microcontroller such as Arduino Wi-Fi R3 is utilized to process and transmit data which also communicates with cloud based IoT platforms. IoT application was developed using Thing speak to build an ideal communication through a Wi-Fi module, Healthcare providers can regularly monitor the infant’s condition through a designed web or mobile interface. The developed IoT interface provides real-time data acquisition, and the system incorporates automated alert mechanism by integrating a GSM module. In the matter of change in normalities beyond the threshold ranges, an automated alert message will be forwarded to the attentive doctor or caretaker through GSM.
... It also uses the Firebase cloud to send notifications to the parent's android application. Several similar studies on infant monitoring systems have been conducted in [8,23] and [24]. Most of these studies conducted are usually based on the use of sensors to collect different information about the child using the previous techniques. ...
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Child care is necessary for parents, but nowadays taking care of a child has become a lot more challenging, especially for working mothers. It has become increasingly difficult for parents to continuously monitor their baby’s condition. Thus, a smart baby monitoring system based on IoT and machine learning is implemented to overcome the monitoring issues and provide intimation to parents in real-time. In the proposed system, the necessary monitoring features like room temperature and humidity, cry detection, and face detection were monitored by exploiting different sensors. The sensor data is transferred to the Blynk server via controllers with an Internet connection. The system is also capable of detecting the facial emotions of the registered babies by using a machine learning model. Parents can monitor the live activities and emotions of their child through the external web camera and can swing the baby cradle remotely upon cry detection using their mobile application. They can also check the real-time room temperature and humidity level. In case an abnormal action is detected, a notification is sent to the parent’s mobile application to take action thus, making the baby monitoring system a relief for all working parents to manage their time efficiently while taking care of their babies simultaneously.
In today’s situation, parents are busy in their career. As in India that both the parents need to work and look after their infants, so more workload and stress is there on such families especially on female counterparts. Therefore, the chance of providing better infant care is reduced. This may cause many troubles to the health of children. For this, temperature, moisture, motion and sound sensors. So that the system can monitor the external conditions like increasing body temperature, crying of the baby when the voice exceeds the pre- determined range, movements of the baby, when found to be moving continuously and also indicates when the diaper is needed to be changed, if excess wet was observed. This system is attached with a video camera which is operated based on the instructions from the raspberry pi pico and is used to capture the video when the motion sensor detects the baby's movements continuously. The video will be displayed on the screen to monitor the baby. Key Words: PIR sensor, sound sensor, moisture sensor, image processing, open cv, blynk app
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In recent days, the IoT along with wireless sensor networks (WSNs), have been widely deployed for various healthcare applications. Nowadays, healthcare industries use electronic sensors to reduce human errors while analysing illness more accurately and effectively. This paper proposes an IoT-based health monitoring system to investigate body weight, temperature, blood pressure, respiration and heart rate, room temperature, humidity, and ambient light along with the synchronised clock model. The system is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the system compares the observed parameters. It generates advisory to parents or guardians through SMS or e-mails. This cost-effective and easy-to-deploy system provides timely intimation to the associated medical practitioner about the patient’s health and reduces the effort of the medical practitioner. The data collected using the proposed system were accurate. In the second phase, the proposed system was also synchronised using a linear quadratic regression clock synchronisation technique to maintain a high synchronisation between sensors and an alarm system. The observation made in this paper is that the synchronised technology improved the performance of the proposed health monitoring system by reducing the root mean square error to 0.379% and the R-square error by 0.71%.
Full-text available
The customary Automatic child cradle frameworks are excessively lavish and they additionally don't offer much usefulness. Baby cuddle bed / cuddle nest is a concept originated in Sweden. Baby cuddle bed makes a cozy sleeping place for the baby and protects baby at night because of stable bumper. We intends to help those moms who are excessively occupied and don't have a cleaning specialist or sitter to deal with their infants. This paper portrays the configuration of a programmed cradle which fundamentally chips away at location of infant development with the assistance of a PIR sensor. PIR sensor detects the movement of infant. Another important feature is the automated swing of the bed by means of voice command which will work through an app. The cuddle will also swing when the baby will start crying inside the bed. The cradle additionally incorporates a wet sensor which will caution the folks or the Attendant/sitter for bunk wetting of the infant. It will help to keep the infant in a hygienic environment. The framework is kept negligible as far as fittings as greatest measure of usefulness of the cradle is performed through Arduino. The cradle is vitality productive and obliges no physical consideration.
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Temperature plays a central role in the life of birds, especially during egg incubation and nestling thermal brooding. I investigated nest temperature variation relative to ambient temperature during incubation in an enclosed nest-builder species (Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis) and an open-cup nest-builder species (Iberian azurewinged magpie yanopica cooki). The data for empty enclosed nests showed that the nest structure acted as a temperature buffer which reduced the impact of night-time temperature variation within the nest. The buffer effect was reduced as ambient temperature increased at dawn. The presence of an adult increased the difference between nest temperature and ambient temperature, and dissociated its variation from the ambient temperature variation. The enclosed nest also retained the body heat released by an adult in the nest. Both effects had a positive effect on the temperature balance in the nest. By contrast, open-cup nest temperature was more affected by the ambient temperature, although it did not affect the egg temperature directly. Thus the absence of an incubating parent would endanger the hatchability in open-cup nests more rapidly than in enclosed nests. The life histories of the investigated species correspond to these findings, i.e. a more pronounced presence of the female in the Iberian azure-winged magpie nests.
Conference Paper
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Nowadays, the installation of affordable automation and security system for residential and office usage has been a necessity in line with the increasing number of break-in cases in urban city. The demand for the mentioned installation is going to increase rapidly in near future. The crux of providing such systems is the occupancy map of interested areas. The occupancy map will overlook the status of the protected areas. Hence, most of the security systems nowadays have the tendency of providing occupancy map of the designated areas. In most of the security systems, presence detectors are used to achieve a secured home or office. Passive' infrared detector is widely used in the presence detector as a mean of human detection. This paper discusses the application of pyroelectric infrared sensor (PIR) and the application of processing algorithm in handling sensor information so as to provide real time occupancy map on computer in control unit. PIR sensor is used to detect the presence of human in a protected room. Wireless communications network by using frequency modulation technique is developed to handle data transmission through the air. The personal computer plays a significant role in providing the intelligent centralized controls of the entire system. A software package has been developed for visual display, control mechanism configuration, and embedded server-client application. KEYWORDS: Pyroelectric Infrared sensors; intruder detection; Protected Zones; floor Maps; Security Systems; Occupancy Map; Algorithm; PIR; Monitoring Systems; Health monitoring system
In this work, we look at the Arduino as a design platform for a course on embedded systems and ask the question, is the Arduino platform suitable for teaching computer engineers and computer scientists an embedded system course with? To examine this question, we describe a project based learning embedded system course that we have taught and identify which topics are covered in it compared to the IEEE/ACM recommendations. The major contention lies in the idea that students can access and use an open source community that is focused on getting things working as opposed to strictly looking at low-level technical aspects of embedded systems. Additionally, the presence of open source and reusable designs makes it difficult to identify what a student is doing. In our experience, using the Arduino exposes students to sufficient complexity and challenges for an embedded system course.
Conference Paper
Wireless Sensor Networks for surveillance systems in home, office, or factory environment require correct tracking of intruders. For such systems, passive infrared motion sensors (PIR sensors) are ideal because they do not require any signal or devices on the object to be tracked and they can work in dark environment as well. This paper first analyzes the performance and the applicability of the PIR sensors for security systems. Then, we propose a region-based human tracking algorithm with actual implementation and experiment in real environment. From the experiments, we show that the human tracking algorithm based on the PIR sensors performs very well with proper sensor deployment.
  • S Srikanth
  • P Ramya
  • M Satheesh
  • G Thomas Philip
  • K Vineetha
S.Srikanth, P.Ramya, M.Satheesh, G.Thomas Philip and K.Vineetha -Smart Baby Cradle System‖,International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering,Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 51-60, March -2018.
Intelligent Baby Monitoring System
  • P Savita
  • Manisha R Patil
  • Mhetre
Savita P. Patil and Manisha R. Mhetre, "Intelligent Baby Monitoring System", ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, volume 2, Issue 1, pp.11-16, 2014.
Automatic E-Baby Cradle Swing based on Baby Cry‖
  • Misha Goyal
  • Dilip Kumar
Misha Goyal,Dilip Kumar, -Automatic E-Baby Cradle Swing based on Baby Cry‖, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 -8887) Volume 71-No.21, June 2013.
Design and Fabrication of Automatic Baby Cradle System‖
  • P Tushar
  • Pooja S Patekar
  • Pooja A Dawale
Tushar P. Patekar, Pooja S. Dawale, Pooja A. Jaiswal, -Design and Fabrication of Automatic Baby Cradle System‖, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05,Issue: 02,Feb-2018