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EasyChair Preprint
Mining Process Mining Practices: An Exploratory
Characterization of Information Needs in Process
Christopher Klinkm¨uller, Richard M¨uller and Ingo Weber
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June 8, 2019
Mining Process Mining Practices:
An Exploratory Characterization of
Information Needs in Process Analytics
Christopher Klinkm¨uller1, Richard M¨uller2, and Ingo Weber1
1Data61, CSIRO, Eveleigh, NSW, Australia
2Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Abstract. Many business process management activities benefit from
the investigation of event data. Thus, research, foremost in the field of
process mining, has focused on developing appropriate analysis tech-
niques, visual idioms, methodologies, and tools. Despite the enormous
effort, the analysis process itself can still be fragmented and inconve-
nient: analysts often apply various tools and ad-hoc scripts to satisfy
information needs. Therefore, our goal is to better understand the spe-
cific information needs of process analysts. To this end, we characterize
and examine domain problems, data, analysis methods, and visualization
techniques associated with visual representations in 71 analysis reports.
We focus on the representations, as they are of central importance for
understanding and conveying information derived from event data. Our
contribution lies in the explication of the current state of practice, en-
abling the evaluation of existing as well as the creation of new approaches
and tools against the background of actual, practical needs.
Keywords: Process Mining ·Visual Analytics ·Qualitative Content
1 Introduction
Many activities in phases of the business process management life-cycle, includ-
ing process discovery, analysis and monitoring [4], benefit from the investigation
of event logs that were generated during the execution of a business process.
Such event data can be used to answer questions like “Does the process behave
as expected?” or “Are there any bottlenecks that negatively impact process per-
formance?”. Commonly, those high-level domain problems are too complex to
be straightforwardly answered by applying a single analysis technique, and thus
analysts divide them into more fine-grain questions, leading to lower-level infor-
mation needs that can be satisfied through the application of analysis techniques.
While this divide-and-conquer strategy enables experts to iteratively form a men-
tal picture of the business process, analysts also “[...] often do not know what
2 Klinkm¨uller et al.
they do not know” [19, p.43]. Consequently, the information needs are rarely
predetermined, but arise from insights gained during the analysis process [7].
Research, predominantly in the field of process mining, has developed a
plethora of approaches, e.g. [9,17,18] that enable analysts to satisfy specific types
of information needs. Commercial and academic tools (like Apromore, Celonis,
Disco, Everflow, Lana, myInvenio, ProM, QPR, TimelinePI, etc.) offer bundles
of readily available analysis techniques. Moreover, project methodologies such as
[21,3,23] provide universal, problem-independent guidelines for the application of
such techniques in process mining projects. Due to the maturity of those research
outcomes, they are increasingly adopted in real-world analysis projects, enabling
us to examine those projects and elicit insights into the analysts’ work practices.
So far, reviews of such projects have focused on categorizing re-occurring prob-
lems [1,20], but lack insights into strategies that analysts choose to find answers
to the domain problems. Yet, such insights would provide a foundation for fur-
ther refining and enhancing the available approaches and tools.
On this basis, we aim to refine our understanding of the relationship between
the domain problems and the information needs that arise in analysis projects.
To this end, we conduct a systematic study as per [6] and analyze a corpus of
71 project reports that resulted from the problem-driven analysis of real-world
event data in the context of the annual business process intelligence challenge
(BPIC). While the significance of such studies was in general highlighted in
[12,13], our particular contributions to process mining, visual process analytics,
and business process management are twofold. First, the schema that we use
to examine work practices can serve as a general reference point for assessing
existing or for ideating advanced analysis approaches. Second, we take a first
step towards a shared and refined understanding of work practices in process
mining projects and present a consolidated overview of such practices from a
large number of analysis projects. In future work, researchers can rely on these
insights to orient the design of techniques towards actual, practical needs. We
also hope that our work stimulates further analysis of work practices.
Specific findings from our study show that discovery of control flow is of-
ten conducted by analysts to establish a basic understanding of the business
process, whereas other problems like the investigation of the time, case or orga-
nizational perspectives constitute the actual goal of the project. Moreover, for
discovery analysts heavily utilize process mining algorithms to obtain descrip-
tive process models, indicating that the low-level analysis techniques match the
domain problem well. By contrast, for other domain problems analysts rely on
general-purpose techniques or tables, pointing to situations where the analysis
techniques do not match the domain problems. We also derive a set of eight
frequent work practice patterns to provide direction for future work.
Following, we describe our methodology including the analyzed material and
discuss limitations of our study in Section 2. In Section 3, we outline the annota-
tion schema used to systematically describe the information needs and domain
problems. In Section 4 we present the insights from our analysis. We conclude
with a summary of related work in Section 5 and of our findings in Section 6.
Mining Process Mining Practices 3
Revise categories
after 10-50% of the materials
Fig. 1: The qualitative content analysis process (cf. [11])
2 Research Methodology
In this work, we adopted a qualitative research approach, which is suitable in
situations like ours where a deeper understanding of a phenomenon is developed
by investigating information material [16]. To this end, we followed guidelines
for qualitative content analysis [11] and applied the analysis process depicted in
Fig. 1. Following, we outline each of the activities and discuss limitations.
2.1 Step 1 - Determine Material
As source material we used all BPIC reports available to date. The annual BPI
Challenge has been organized in conjunction with the international workshop on
business process intelligence3since 2011. Every year the challenge publishes a
dataset containing real-world event logs. The dataset is provided by an organiza-
tion from industry or government which asked questions related to the underly-
ing business process (except for the first year). Upon publication of the dataset,
the organizers invite analysts from academia and industry who are given a few
months time to answer the questions by analyzing the dataset and to submit a
report. Frequently, the analysts were invited to express any other interesting in-
sights they obtained. Finally, a committee examines the reports and awards the
best submissions. At the time of writing, eight BPIC editions were conducted
and a total of 71 reports were published with 213 contributors co-authoring at
least one report. The reports cover a broad range of scenarios and involve an
extensive number of analysts, both from industry and academia, and therefore
form a solid basis for obtaining insights into business process analysis practices.
In the study, we focused on analyzing the visual representations from those
reports, including amongst others process models, charts, network diagrams, and
tables. The reason is that those representations are the major means to convey
information related to the underlying business process. Hence, we regard them to
be representative of the low-level information needs that arose during the anal-
ysis project. Resulting from the application of specific analysis techniques they
also provide an overview of those techniques’ capabilities. Yet, not all represen-
tations were relevant to our study, as some do not reflect a low-level information
need. For example, some representations are about the applied methodology,
algorithms or tools, or the quality of a prediction model. We thus defined the
following inclusion criterion: a visual representation must be generated from the
provided event data and it must be used for explaining aspects of the underlying
business process. In total, we yielded a set of 2021 visual representations.
3, Accessed: 12/02/2019
4 Klinkm¨uller et al.
2.2 Steps 2 and 3 - Define Categories and Annotate Material
We next needed to describe the visual representations. As we wanted to analyze
the descriptions and derive patterns of work practices from them, it was impor-
tant that they rely on a consistent vocabulary. Thus, we followed guidelines for
qualitative content analysis [11] and determined a set of categories that refer to
the dimensions of the representations that we wanted to examine. The dimen-
sions refer to the information need associated with the representations as well
as the high-level questions that representations contribute to. Here, we abstract
from the applied categories (details are provided in Section 3) and focus on the
applied methodology. For each category, we then needed to define the set of codes
which we used to encode the characteristics that the visual representations show
with regard to the respective dimension. These sets must be exhaustive and mu-
tually exclusive [8], so that (i) the codes cover all relevant aspects, (ii) all visual
representations can be annotated appropriately, and (iii) the codes refer to dis-
tinct concepts, in order to guarantee that each representation can be described
clearly and that there are no two ways of describing a visual representation.
We applied the following procedure to infer the category codes. First, we de-
termined the categories and derived initial code sets from the literature. Then,
we began to annotate the visual representations using these categories and codes.
While the categories remained unchanged during the study, our code definitions
occasionally underwent conceptual changes. That is, when we encountered rep-
resentations that could not be described appropriately using the code set, we
introduced new codes. Additionally, we sometimes experienced that our percep-
tion of a certain code changed during the annotation procedure. Due to those
conceptual changes, we needed to consolidate the sets of category codes from
time to time. Moreover, after a consolidation we revisited previous annotations
to ensure consistency with the new schema. These updates occurred during the
annotation of the first 50% of the visual representations. After that the schema
was mature and could be applied without further changes. Finally, the questions
posed in the challenge were annotated as well.
The annotation of visual representations itself was primarily conducted by
one author of the paper, and the annotation of the challenge questions was done
by another author independently. To ensure high quality of the annotations,
we implemented the following procedures. First, the definition of the categories
was frequently discussed by all authors. Second, the respective other authors of
the paper conducted random sample checks to validate the annotations. Third,
annotations that were challenging were discussed among all authors.
2.3 Step 4 - Interpret Results
Lastly, we derived descriptions of work practices from the annotations by sum-
marizing and relating them, in order to identify trends in the work practices. In
this context, we mostly analyzed the annotations by means of frequency distri-
butions, and pattern mining. The results are presented in Section 4.
Mining Process Mining Practices 5
2.4 Limitations
To any study like ours, a number of limitations and threats to validity are in-
herent. We discuss the main factors and our approaches to mitigation below.
First, there could be personal bias: the annotation process relies on our sub-
jective perception, and the interpretation was driven by insights relevant to us.
We aimed to mitigate this issue as discussed above, but a residual risk remains.
Second, the representativeness of the data and results might be limited. Our
source data stems from the BPI Challenge and might differ from process analytics
practices in industry. This point is, to a degree, mitigated by the data and
challenge questions stemming directly from real-world organizations, as well as
by the large numbers of co-authors (>200) and visual representations (>2000).
Finally, the insights into work practices are restricted by the method of sourc-
ing data from the results of these practices only. In particular, visual represen-
tations in the reports were exclusively two-dimensional and static; in contrast,
analysts can interact with tools and data. Also, the reports cannot be assumed
to show the full analysis process, e.g., for some information needs the analysts
might not have found satisfactory results, and hence did not include any repre-
sentations in the report. However, in the challenge setting with multiple teams
addressing each question, this issue is partly mitigated: as long as any team
has answered an information need, the data was included in our study. Next,
visual representations were annotated based on the respective report’s content
and structure, which might not cover all influences that a representation had on
the analysis process. Further, the choice of visual representations might be based
on personal preference or tool access. To mitigate the risk of overemphasizing
the visual aspects, we did not only focus on how data was presented, but we also
investigated what and why data was analyzed (see Section 3).
While some of these limitations and threats could not be mitigated in the
chosen study design, we believe the insights gained and described in the following
to be of high relevance to advancing the fields of process mining and analytics.
3 The Annotation Schema: Categories and Codes
During the annotation, we focused on describing information needs and domain
problems that are associated with the visual representations. According to [13],
understanding these two aspects is a prerequisite for the development of data
visualization tools. Hence, we defined the categories shown in Fig. 2.
The first category that we considered is the domain problem. It refers to the
general question that was posed by the dataset provider or that the analysts
found interesting to explore. The argumentation related to such a question is
commonly not backed up by one, but by multiple visual representations. As a
consequence, the first step in annotating the representations within a report
was to identify the domain problems that this report examined. For each of
the questions, we then introduced a conceptual section and assigned all visual
representations that are related to the respective problem to that section. We
6 Klinkm¨uller et al.
Section 1
Section 2Domain Problem Domain Problem
Information Need
Visualization Technique
Event Data Attributes
Analysis Targets
Information Need
Visualization Technique
Event Data Attributes
Analysis Targets
Fig. 2: Categories for the annotation of visual representations
also annotated the sections and thus by extension the representations with the
code for the respective domain problem. The resulting conceptual document
structure is oriented towards, but does not necessarily represent the structure of
the report itself, as, e.g., some visual representations were listed in the appendix
and referenced in the text, an executive summary outlined basic findings that
were presented in more detail in separate sections, or the logical section structure
was very fine-grained and divided visual representations by irrelevant aspects.
Further, we only assigned representations to one section based on the context
in which they were referenced. We hence might ignore their relevance to other
sections. Yet, without further inquiry the assignment to other sections reflects
our subjective interpretation, but unlikely the representations’ actual influence.
We then annotated the visual representations, focusing on the information
needs that are linked to them. To this end, we followed the guidelines from [13]
that suggest to define a visual representation in terms of what, why, and how
data is analyzed. First, we examined what part of the event data was used to
generate the visual representation. Second, with regard to the why-dimension we
focused on the analysis target. This category is related to the relationship in the
data that is expressed by the visual representation. Finally, we captured how the
data was represented by annotating the visualization technique. Note that some
visual representations might serve multiple information needs; especially tables
contained different types of data which needed to be distinguished. Consequently,
we obtained 2085 information needs for the 2021 visual representations. In the
following, we introduce the specific codes for each of the categories.
Domain Problem. The purpose of this category is to provide an abstract en-
coding for the specific domain problems that are investigated in the report. In
this regard, we derived our initial set of five codes from the process mining use
cases [1] and the more general BPM use cases [20]. This set included the prob-
lems of process discovery where a process model describing the control flow is
inferred from the data and of conformance checking which deals with verifying
that the behavior in the event log adheres to a set of business rules, e.g., defined
as a process model. While these two use cases focus on the control-flow perspec-
tive, there are three enhancement use cases which refer to other perspectives.
Domain problems related to the time perspective deal with understanding the
performance of the process such as throughput times, working times or waiting
times. The organizational perspective focuses on the utilization of resources and
Mining Process Mining Practices 7
their dependencies and the case perspective deals with the influence of other
process attributes, e.g., related to the customer, on the behavior.
During the annotation process, we identified three additional domain prob-
lems. First, there are prediction problems where analysts aimed to create models
that can forecast the development of process instances. This type is strongly re-
lated to the case perspective, as it is about comprehending the influences of at-
tributes on the process behavior. However, given its explicit focus on prediction,
we decided to capture it separately. Second, drift detection aims to recognize
points in time at which the underlying behavior of a process changed and to
provide details regarding this change. Finally, familiarization is an activity that
helps experts to understand basic characteristics of the business process and
the event data. While not necessarily related to a specific business question, we
included it in our study due to its significance for the analysis process.
Event Data Attributes. This category refers to the parts of the data that the
visual representation examines and is thus used to capture the attributes in the
data that are investigated to satisfy the information need. The codes for this cat-
egory are not based on a categorization from the literature, but were developed
in the context of our study. A first set of codes refers to the entities that are
examined in a visual representation. These entities include cases representing
single process instances and activity instances within those cases representing
the execution of a certain activity. An activity can belong to a subprocess. A
case often processes an item, e.g., a claim, a product, or a diagnosis, and in-
volves external partners, e.g., customers or suppliers, as well as organizational
entities which perform activities or who oversee a case. Types of organizational
entities include resources, departments, branches, and locations. Analysts are
also interested in relationships between these entities. The control flow refers to
constraints on the ordering of activities at the process level. The conformance
to such a control flow definition can be examined at the individual or the ag-
gregated case level. Similarly, execution patterns are related to whether a case
shows a certain type of behavior or not. With regard to the organizational units,
responsibilities are often investigated, i.e., the activities that resources work on.
Additionally, analysts are interested in the organizational hierarchy to identify
teams and they evaluate work practices which focus on combinations of resources
that frequently work on the same cases. The last set of analysis attributes is re-
lated to timing. Here, durations are examined with regard to the individual or
groups of cases as well as to resources and their performance. The data can also
be clustered or narrowed down by focusing on certain time points, such as years,
months, weeks, weekdays, mornings, etc. In this context, the execution status of
a case at a certain point is a specific derived attribute. Finally, drift scores pro-
vide information on how well the behavior in a case is aligned with the behavior
in cases that were handled in a given time window.
Analysis Targets. There are different ways in which the attributes can be
examined. In this regard, we capture the analysis targets. Here, the analysis
targets specified in [14] served as a basis for our annotation. There are targets
that refer to the entities within the dataset. In this context, trends describe
8 Klinkm¨uller et al.
overall characteristics of the entities, outliers are entities that do not adhere to
these characteristics, and features are patterns that outline interesting structures
within the data. Attribute-specific targets include those that are focused on sin-
gle attributes: its distribution or its extremes, i.e., the minimum and maximum
values. Relationships between attributes can be quantified based on their corre-
lation, i.e., the degree to which their values are related. A dependency between
attributes exists if the values of one attribute determine values of the other. Ad-
ditionally, the similarity is a quantitative measure that is based on all values of
an attribute. Finally, data might be represented as a graph to inspect its topol-
ogy. We also recognized one additional target: meta-information is important
for analysts to understand the attributes’ meaning.
Visualization Technique. The last category refers to the visualization tech-
nique that is applied, to make the data interpretable. In this regard, we used
the terminology from the data visualization catalogue4which specifies general-
purpose techniques. The techniques applied in the reports are bar chart (includ-
ing column charts and multi-set versions), box and whisker plot,chloropleth map,
chord diagram,heatmap,line graph,network diagrams,pie chart,radar chart,
scatter plot,table,tree diagram,treemap,venn diagram and word cloud. Detailed
information on each of these techniques can be found in the catalog.
As can be expected, the source data included process-specific visualization
techniques. Following our methodology, we added these to our vocabulary during
annotation. Specifically, there are two types of specialized network diagrams. The
process model depicts the control-flow of a process and the social network the
relationships between organizational units. The dotted chart is a specific scatter
plot used to visualize the correlation of attributes of activity instances such as
timestamps, activities, resources, and cases. Finally, the trace alignment is a
table-based technique that shows the sequences of activity instances for a set of
cases and how their sequential ordering is aligned with a default ordering.
4 Analysis of Mining Practices
We now evaluate the information needs and domain problems. In particular, we
describe patterns of mining practices that we detected based on our annotations.
In Section 4.1, we provide an overview of all domain problems. We then use the
insights to prioritize the domain problems and present a detailed analysis of the
most important problems in Section 4.2.
4.1 Holistic View
Our first analysis focuses on the importance of the domain problems to the
analysts. As an importance indicator we computed the absolute frequencies of
information needs for each combination of domain problem and BPIC edition.
For better comparability, we normalized the frequencies per edition, i.e., based
Mining Process Mining Practices 9
Table 1: Distribution of the domain problems per year
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Avg.
Discovery 55.6% 28.4% 5.5% 4.8% 1.5% 0% 11% 7.3% 14.3%
Conformance 0% 3.4% 32.3% 0.9% 0% 0% 0.6% 0% 4.7%
Time Pers. 0% 20.5% 0% 5.1% 19.5% 2.9% 23.5% 0% 8.9%
Org. Pers. 8.3% 13.6% 3.1% 4.5% 37.9% 0% 8.7% 13% 11.2%
Case Pers. 13.9% 6.3% 54.4% 60.7% 19.9% 80.3% 44.3% 24.6% 38.1%
Prediction 0% 1.1% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0.8% 1.5% 0.8%
Drift Detection 0% 0% 0% 6.9% 8.8% 6.6% 0.3% 23.2% 5.7%
Familiarization 22.2% 26.7% 4.7% 14.1% 12.3% 10.2% 10.7% 30.4% 16.4%
on the total number of information needs within an edition. Table 1 shows these
frequencies and their averages, per domain problem.
In the first edition in 2011, discovery was the dominating domain problem;
it also was the problem that the analysts focused on the most in 2012, although
the other domain problems started to receive increased attention. In the remain-
ing editions the case perspective is the most frequently investigated problem. In
this regard, 2018 is an exception where many information needs arose during
familiarization and the case perspective ranked second. On average, the case
perspective was the most important problem. A large share of the information
needs also emerged during familiarization and discovery. Moreover, while con-
formance checking, prediction, and drift detection only played minor roles, the
time and organizational perspectives were moderately important.
Next, we compared the importance of the domain problems assigned by
the analysts to the importance assigned by the organizations that provided the
datasets. To this end, we determined the problem frequencies based on the do-
main problems that we assigned to these questions. However, about 10% of the
questions asked for any interesting insights beyond those addressed by the other
questions without providing further direction; for these, we did not assign any
problem. Additionally, familiarization was not present as a domain problem, as
it is a task that analysts conduct to prepare for the examination of the domain
problems. Similar to the reports, in the questions perspective-related problems
ranked first, with the case perspective being associated with 29.8% of the ques-
tions, the organizational perspective with 14.9% and the time perspective with
10.7%. The group of conformance checking, drift detection and prediction were
the subject of 5.3% to 10.7% of the questions. Interestingly, discovery was only
posed as a domain problem by the organizations in three years and hence only 8%
of the questions were related to it. We hypothesize that the mismatch between
the importance of discovery for organizations and for analysts can be traced
backed to the relevance of discovery for establishing a basic understanding of
the underlying business process. That is, in accordance with the L* life-cycle
model [21] analysts rely on the insights from this activity for the investigation of
the other domain problems. Consequently, for analysts discovery often played a
role similar to familiarization and supported analysts in their preparation efforts.
10 Klinkm¨uller et al.
Table 2: Correlation between visualization techniques and domain problems
Org. Pers.
Case Pers.
Bar Chart 6.4% 14.8% 15% 10.3% 14.3% 14.1% 14.2% 13.3%
Chord Diagram 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.7% 0% 0% 0.8%
Line Chart 2% 5.8% 7.7% 5.4% 11.5% 26.9% 6.4% 9%
Network Diagram 0% 0% 0.4% 3.1% 0.5% 0% 2.8% 1%
Pie Chart 0% 0.6% 0.4% 0.4% 2.3% 1.3% 0.7% 1.3%
Scatterplot 0% 0% 1.8% 1.8% 2.6% 10.3% 1.1% 2.1%
Tree 1.5% 0% 0.7% 1.8% 1.4% 0% 1.8% 1.3%
Other 1% 0% 0% 1.8% 1.6% 0% 1.1% 1.1%
General-purpose 10.9% 21.3% 25.9% 24.6% 36% 52.6% 28% 29.8%
Heatmap 0.5% 0% 0% 0.4% 1.6% 0% 0.7% 0.9%
Table 20.3% 41.3% 52.2% 41.1% 41.5% 34.6% 55% 42.3%
Tables 20.8% 41.3% 52.2% 41.5% 43.1% 34.6% 55.7% 43.2%
Dotted Chart 5% 0% 0% 6.3% 0.3% 0% 7.1% 2.1%
Process Model 60.4% 34.8% 21.2% 8% 15.6% 12.8% 9.2% 20.1%
Social Network 1% 0.6% 0.7% 19.6% 4.7% 0% 0% 4.3%
Trace Alignment 2% 1.9% 0% 0% 0.2% 0% 0% 0.4%
Process Mining 68.3% 37.4% 21.9% 33.9% 20.9% 12.8% 16.3% 27%
To obtain first insights into the analysis process, we next investigated the use
of visualization techniques with respect to each domain problem. We focused on
the techniques, as we distinguished between general-purpose techniques, tables
and those specific to process mining: dotted charts, process models, social net-
works, and trace alignments. Thus, the techniques provide a rough estimation
for the application of process mining-specific analysis techniques. Note however
that the general-purpose techniques might display event data attributes and
analysis targets that were obtained from the application of process mining tech-
niques. For each combination of domain problem and visualization technique,
we computed the absolute frequencies with regard to the information needs, and
normalized the frequencies with respect to the overall number of information
needs per domain problem. Table 2 summarizes the results.
The process mining-specific techniques and especially the process models
are the most important means for discovery, providing experts with important
insights into the control-flow perspective. However, with regard to the other do-
main problems these techniques are less important. Indeed, process models are
used across all problems and satisfy 17.4% of the information needs on average.
Moreover, social networks play a key role for the organizational perspective. Yet,
the majority of information is represented using general-purpose techniques and
tables. Especially tables, as a flexible visualization technique suited for displaying
high-dimensional data, are used very frequently and cover 41.6% of all informa-
Mining Process Mining Practices 11
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
# Distinct
Information Needs
# Information Needs
(a) Per report
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
# Distinct
Information Needs
# Information Needs
(b) Per section
Fig. 3: Information needs in total and distinct information needs
tion needs on average across all problems. The general-purpose techniques are
applied to 28.6% of the information needs on average, with bar and line charts
being the most widely adopted techniques.
The interpretation of these results must be treated with care, as they are
insensitive to cases were general-purpose techniques and tables summarize the
results of process mining analysis techniques. Nevertheless, the widespread use
of general-purpose techniques and tables does indicate a lack of standardized
approaches at the domain problem level. That is, while there are invaluable
techniques that address issues at the level of information needs, there is limited
support for analysts in orchestrating these techniques to understand specific do-
main problems. For example, discovering process models from logs is indispens-
able for understanding the control flow; however discovery at the problem level
is addressed with a broader spectrum of representations than process models.
Lastly, we assessed the diversity of the analysts’ information needs. To this
end, we conducted the following analysis once for each report and once for each
section. First, for a given section or report, we counted the information needs
contained in it. Among those information needs we also determined the number
of distinct information needs, i.e., where the annotations for visualization tech-
niques, event data attributes, and analysis targets are identical. Fig. 3 outlines
the results. The grey line in the figure marks the equality between both mea-
sures, i.e., dots on the line are reports (a) or sections (b) where each information
need is unique. The trend in the figure shows that the analysts tend to reuse cer-
tain types of visual representations. There are two possible explanations for this
observation. First, analysts might be interested in certain aspects and re-apply
the same technique to analyze different snapshots of the data. Here, they might
benefit from dashboard-like tools, enabling them to configure views that can dy-
namically be updated with different subsets of the data. Second, analysts might
be familiar with only a few analysis techniques. In this case, advanced guidance
approaches might help analysts to explore data from various perspectives. Yet,
in order to arrive at a final conclusion further experimentation is warranted.
4.2 Details for Frequent Domain Problems
So far, we have looked at the importance of domain problems and general work
practices. We now focus on the analysis of specific domain problems and the
12 Klinkm¨uller et al.
mining practices associated with them. In particular, we identify and describe
frequent information needs. The explication of these needs constitutes important
input for assessing and designing analysis techniques. In this regard, we focus
on the two most frequent domain problems. First, we examine how analysts
familiarize themselves with the data. Here, we also consider discovery problems,
as our analysis revealed that discovery is often linked to the familiarization
problem. Second, we focus on the case perspective as the most frequent problem.
Familiarization & Discovery. A first result stems directly from our annota-
tion process, during which we inductively developed the codes describing the
event data attributes. At the level of technique development the data model
that is generally applied is a logical data model comprising log,trace, and event
entities, relationships between them as well as a set of continuous and discrete
attributes describing the entities. While this level of abstraction ensures that the
developed techniques are reusable, it is also free of semantics. Yet, analysts typ-
ically view the data from the conceptual standpoint and think about the data in
terms of entities including activities, organizational entities, and items, as well
as relationships between them including responsibilities, work practices, or the
control flow dependencies. With regard to the development of analysis tools, it
might thus be valuable to enable analysts to map the physical data model to a
conceptual model and to conduct the analysis based on the conceptual model.
Moreover, entities and attributes in this data model might be the result of a
specific analysis, e.g., a social network visualization might be used to identify
groups of resources within the hierarchy whose performance is later on investi-
gated as well. Thus, tools could also support analysts in incorporating analytical
results into the domain model.
To identify analysis patterns specific to familiarization and discovery, we ex-
tracted frequent pairs of annotated codes from the information needs associated
with these two problems. We only considered pairs and codes that occurred in at
least 5% of the information needs. Fig. 4 summarizes these pairs using a parallel
{Activity Instance, Organizational Entity}
Organizational Entity
Activity Instance
{Activity, Activity Instance}
{Activity Instance, Case} Case
{Activity Instance, Time Point}
Time Point
{Activity, Subprocess}
{Activity, Control Flow}
Control Flow
{Activity, Duration}
{Control Flow, Subprocess}
Execution Pattern
Dotted Chart
Bar Chart
Process Model
Fig. 4: Frequent analysis patterns related to familiarization and discovery
Mining Process Mining Practices 13
sets visualization. In this visualization there are four columns of nodes. Starting
from the left, sets of event data attributes are depicted in the first column, event
data attributes in the second, analysis targets in the third, and visualization
techniques in the last. An edge depicts the frequency of a code pair or, in case of
the sets of event data attributes, the frequency of attribute containment. Note
that the size of the nodes is also proportional to the frequencies of the codes.
The figure shows four main types of analysis. First, process models are used
to visualize the topology of the process or the control-flow, respectively. In this
regard, the frequency of activities and their connections is displayed as well.
Second, meta-information primarily regarding activity and case attributes is
captured in tables. Third, the major category of information needs is related
to understanding the distribution of cases, activities, execution patterns, and
durations, and is visualized using bar charts, tables or other techniques. Fourth,
analysts also investigate the correlation between a broad range of attributes
including execution patterns, items, durations, time points and organizational
entities. This type of information is displayed in tables, dotted charts or other
types of general-purpose techniques. Additionally, Fig. 4 shows which data at-
tributes were often examined in combination, e.g., activities and durations, ac-
tivity instances and time points, etc.
Case Perspective. We repeated the above analysis for the case perspective and
obtained the parallel sets visualization in Fig. 5. Here, we identified three main
use cases. First, process models including the frequency of activities, their depen-
dencies, or execution times are inspected. Process models are also used to iden-
tify execution patterns and to put them into context. Second, the distribution
of subprocesses, activity instances, and execution patterns is represented using
tables and various other types of general-purpose techniques. Finally, the third
and main use case deals with examining the relationships between attributes. In
this context, a large portion of information needs is linked to correlating exe-
{Activity, Control Flow}
Control Flow
{Activity, Execution Pattern}
Execution Pattern
{Activity, Time Point}
Time Point
{Execution Pattern, Item}
{Item, Time Point}
{Duration, Execution Pattern}
Activity Instance
Bar Chart
Line Chart
Process Model
Fig. 5: Frequent analysis patterns related to the case perspective
14 Klinkm¨uller et al.
cution patterns to items, durations, and responsibilities, amongst others. Here,
bar charts, line charts, and tables are mainly utilized for visualization.
5 Related Work
There are two streams of research that are relevant to our study. First, there
are analysis techniques and visual idioms which support analysts in the analysis
of specific sub-questions. The development of visual idioms is subject to the
field of visual process analytics and examples include the dotted chart which
provides an overview of the events in an event log [18]; a technique to replay
cases on top of process models [22]; or confusion matrices to compare process
variants with respect to different perspectives [15]. The idioms often make use of
process mining [21] techniques that extract knowledge from event logs, including,
amongst others, the process’ actual control flow (e.g., [2,9]) and its conformance
to the intended behavior (e.g., [5,17]). In this paper, we focused on understanding
how these techniques are applied in the context of process mining projects.
More relevant to our work are those works that focus on the work practices
of analysts. On the one hand, there are methodologies for systematically ap-
proaching analysis projects, e.g., PM2[23], the L* life-cycle model [21], and the
Process Diagnostics Method [3]. These methodologies comprise high-level pro-
cesses including generic activities like data collection, data cleaning, and data
analysis. Additionally, they provide anecdotal and exemplary evidence to outline
their intended use. In contrast, we focus on explicating and analyzing the actual
work practices based on empirical data. In this context, there are a few empirical
studies that provide insights into the work practices. This includes catalogs of
business process management [20] and process mining use case [1]. Additionally,
Martens and Verheul [10] categorized the techniques applied in the first four
editions of the BPIC. Yet, these studies focus on the categorization of problems
or techniques, but do not provide details insights into their relationship.
6 Findings & Recommendations
In this work, we presented a systematic study in which we examined the work
practices in process mining projects based on reports that resulted from these
projects. In our study, we observed that the most frequently examined problems
are those referring to the analysis of perspectives other than the control-flow
perspective, especially the case perspective. In this regard, our analysis revealed
that the problems are largely explored via visualization techniques not specific to
process mining, pointing to areas that might benefit more sophisticated analyti-
cal support. Additionally, the data revealed that discovery is a domain problem
that organizations need to explore. Moreover, discovery is also often analyzed as
part of the familiarization with the data in order to establish a basic understand-
ing of the underlying process. Finally, we noticed that analysts rely on similar
sets of visual representations when addressing different information needs. This
indicates that analysts apply a work practice of defining an analysis technique
Mining Process Mining Practices 15
and re-applying it to different data snapshots. We also presented a set of eight
work practice patterns that can guide the development of advanced tools.
In future work, it would be interesting to extend the investigation of work
practices by assessing the usefulness of a visual representation in the overall
analysis process, as well as its contribution towards actually answering a domain
question. Doing so would require interviews with analysts and business stake-
holders as well as observations in laboratory settings; relying on the reports for
these purposes would be too speculative.
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