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The Analysis of Fiber and CO 2 Laser Cutting Accuracy


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the conducted research was to compare the functional properties and the cutting accuracy of items produced using Fiber lasers in comparison with CO2 lasers. The object of 6 mm thick sheet plates made of S235JR steel cut with the two different laser types were analyzed. The tests covered dimensional accuracy (in accordance with the PN EN 22768-fH standard) and the surface after cutting (in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9013: 2017-04). The results of the analysis have demonstrated that for the same welding linear energy, more accurate cutting surface is obtained using Fiber laser cutting.
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The Analysis of Fiber and CO2 Laser Cutting
Robert Sołtysiak1*, Piotr Wasilewski2, Agnieszka Sołtysiak1, Adam Troszyński1
and Paweł
1UTP University of Science and Technology, al. prof. S. Kaliskiego 7, 85-796 Bydgoszcz, Poland
2Zakład Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowy TEMIROL Mirosław Łachacz, Gutkowo 81A,
11-041 Olsztyn, Poland
Abstract The aim of the conducted research was to compare the
functional properties and the cutting accuracy of items produced using
Fiber lasers in comparison with CO2 lasers. The object of 6 mm thick sheet
plates made of S235JR steel cut with the two different laser types were
analyzed. The tests covered dimensional accuracy (in accordance with the
PN EN 22768-fH standard) and the surface after cutting (in accordance
with the PN-
EN ISO 9013: 2017
-04). The results of the analysis have
demonstrated that for the same welding linear energy, more accurate
cutting surface is obtained using Fiber laser cutting.
1 Introduction
The laser technology was applied for the first time for cutting of steel sheets using CO2
laser. It took place in 1967 [1]. Thanks to advancements in the design of laser devices the
laser cutting technology has become one of the basic technologies of cutting engineering
[2]. CO2 lasers have been used for a long time for laser cutting, but recently Fiber
lasers have become more and more popular [3-4].
List of basic parameters of CO2 and Fiber lasers is shown in the Table 1. Fiber lasers are
characterized by significantly lower BPP (Beam Parameter Product). The most favorable
BPP value for Fiber lasers is achieved for the power of up to about 3
-4 kW. Above this
value of power BPP starts to increase (i.e. the beam quality decreases). However, for
cutting with a power of about 1 kW, the BPP is characterized by about 50% better value for
Fiber lasers as compared to CO2 lasers.
Fiber lasers emit about 10 times shorter wavelengths than CO2 lasers. Shorter
wavelength improves the laser beam absorption coefficient. Thanks to the lower BPP and
shorter wavelengths, cutting with Fiber lasers can be faster and more accurate [2]. As
a result of the increase in the laser beam absorption, through the use of a laser that emits
a shorter wavelength laser beam, the scope of cut materials is also broadened by e.g.
copper, nickel and its alloys, as well as composite materials such as Kevlar coated sheet
metal [2].
* Corresponding author:
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© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (
Fiber lasers do not require such frequent servicing. From the list presented in Table 1 it
follows that Fiber lasers can operate without the need for servicing 5 times longer. This
solution reduces machine downtime as well as lowers service costs.
The downside of Fiber lasers is their higher purchase cost, which can be more than
twice as high as for CO2 type lasers. However, thanks to high energy efficiency (about
30%), high quality of the beam when cutting with power of up to 4 kW and other
advantages of the aforementioned Fiber lasers,
the demand for them on the market and the
interest in their use is growing.
The aforementioned advantages of Fiber lasers as compared to CO2 lasers result also in
the possibility to obtain better quality of the cut surface. It should be borne in mind that
better surface quality obtained after laser cutting can contribute to the elimination of the
need for additional machining. The quality of the surface is also of great importance for the
surface preparation for various types of connections, for example adhesive ones [5-6] as
well as f
or preparation of various types of s
pecimens, e.g. for destructive tests [7].
Table 1. Comparison of basic physical properties and technical parameters of CO2 and Fiber lasers [2]
Length of
wave, µm
Beam transfer
mirrors, lenses
up to 50
fiber, lenses
up to 50
for laser
power of
1.0 kW,
at max.
frequency of
inspections of
the equipment,
in h
cost of the
laser per 1.0
kW of power,
1000 USD
by the
diameter of
fiber, μm
3.7 3.7
2 000
very high
1.8 12
10 000 130-
Studies available in the professional literature
tests on surfaces obtained
using various types of lasers demonstrate that the accuracy of the cut depends mainly on the
roughness. In the study [8] on the surface quality after cutting with Nd-YAG laser, it was
shown that the surface roughness increases with the increase of the cutting speed.
It depends also on the frequency of the pulse as well as on its length. In other studies [9]
authors observed that the surface roughness after cutting with Slab type CO2 gas lasers was
sometimes increasing and sometimes was falling with the increase of the cutting power.
Other researchers [10] determined optimal cutting parameters without roughness
measurement. However, the standard [11] clearly states that the mean height of the profile
Rz5 and the value of the perpendicularity tolerance of the surface after cutting „u” are used
to qualify the cutting accuracy.
The authors of this paper compared the functional properties and the accuracy of cutting
using F
iber lasers in comparison with CO
2 lasers. Surfaces of 6 mm thick sheet metal plates
made of S235JR steel were analyzed after cutting. The tests included the analysis of the
manufacturing accuracy in terms of dimensional tolerance (based on the PN EN 22768-fH
standard) and surface quality after cutting (based on PN-EN ISO 9013: 2017-04).
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2 Research object
In order to conduct a comparative analysis, Figure 1 was prepared, on the basis of which
two items were cut from S235JR steel. One was cut with CO2 laser and the other with Fiber
laser. The cutting parameters (Table 2) were selected so that the linear energy in both cases
was 55.4 kJ/m. Figure 2 shows photos of the item produced. The item is 6 mm thick.
Table 2. Cutting parameters used for cutting accuracy tests.
Fig. 1. Detailed drawing of the item
Results and discussion
3.1 Measurement of main dimensions after cutting operation
The main geometrical dimensions indicated in Figure 1 were analyzed. Measured radii were
marked with R1 to R10 symbols, the lengths with 1 to 6 numbers, angles with <1 to <4
symbols and one diameter was marked as ø60. The tolerance of perpendicularity and
parallelism with regard to A and C bases indicated in Figure 1 was also measured. The tests
were carried out using Quick Scope CNC machine tools of QS and CRYSTA-APEX S
series manufactured by Mitutoyo. Nominal dimensions and actual dimensions of items cut
with CO2 and Fiber laser are listed in Table 3. This table also includes the difference
between the nominal dimension N and the actual dimension R and the dimensional
tolerances determined in accordance with PN EN 22768-fH standard. The dimensions
obtained were compared with the most accurate class provided in the PN EN 22768 series
standards [12-13].
Power, kW
Pressure, bar
Cutting speed, m/s
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Table 3. Nominal and actual dimensions of measured parameters.
in the
Actual value - R
Difference = N - R
10.135 mm
10.061 mm
± 0.100 mm
20 mm
19.937 mm
20.076 mm
± 0.100 mm
40 mm
40.129 mm
39.964 mm
± 0.150 mm
15 mm
15.134 mm
15.075 mm
± 0.100 mm
3 mm
3.280 mm
2.936 mm
± 0.050 mm
5 mm
5.046 mm
5.017 mm
± 0.050 mm
7 mm
7.242 mm
7.005 mm
± 0.100 mm
9 mm
9.122 mm
9.033 mm
± 0.100 mm
11 mm
11.109 mm
11.033 mm
± 0.100 mm
15 mm
15.270 mm
15.168 mm
± 0.100 mm
30 mm
30.145 mm
30.044 mm
± 0.100 mm
50 mm
50.030 mm
49.961 mm
± 0.150 mm
30 mm
30.177 mm
30.157 mm
± 0.100 mm
60 mm
60.201 mm
60.182 mm
± 0.150 mm
140 mm
139.893 mm
139.962 mm
± 0.200 mm
60 mm
60.024 mm
59.988 mm
± 0.150 mm
± 0.500°
± 0.500°
± 0.333°
± 0.333°
± 0.333°
60 mm
60.063 mm
± 0.150 mm
0.403 mm
0.443 mm
0.200 mm
// A
0.016 mm
0.015 mm
0.200 mm
// C
0.089 mm
0.023 mm
0.200 mm
The tests show that for 25 measurements taken for the object cut with the CO2 laser, 11
of them do not fall within the range of the selected tolerance specified in the standards
[12,13]. However, in the case of an object cut with the Fiber laser, only 5 measurement
results are outside the tolerance. It is clearly observed that deviations from the nominal
dimension for the object being cut with the Fiber laser are lower than in the case of those
cut with CO2 laser.
3.2 Measurement of surface accuracy after cutting operation
The cut surface accuracy was tested on the basis of
standard [11] titled: Thermal cutting
- Classification of thermal cuts - Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances.
The following parameters were tested: drag - n, perpendicularity tolerance - u, mean height
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of the profile – Rz5 and additionally arithmetic mean deviation of the assessed profile - Ra.
The tests were carried out using Mahr MarSurf GD 120 testing machine.
The "u" and "n" parameters were measured three times on the surface designated in
Figure 1 as the base A. The roughness measurements were made at the height of 1/3a
viewed from the upper surface of the sheet plate (in accordance with [11]) and, as a
comparison, at a height of 2/3a (where : a
thickness of the cut sheet plate). The
measurements were carried out three times on the surface A and three times on the surface
for which the parallelism tolerance was determined (Fig. 1). Table 4 presents the results of
mean values of the measurements carried out. A graphical illustration of the Rz5 roughness
measurement results is shown in Figure 2.
Table 4. Measurement results for u, n, Rz5 and Ra parameters
n, µm
u, µm
n, µm
u, µm
Base A surface
- 1/3a
Surface II to A
- 1/3a
Base A surface
- 1/3a
Surface II to A
- 1/3a
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Base A surface
- 2/3a
Surface II to A
- 2/3a
Base A surface
- 2/3a
Surface II to A
- 2/3a
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Rz5, μm
Ra, μm
Fig. 2. A graphical illustration of the Rz5 roughness measurement results
Considering the comparison between the value of the drag distances "n" for the CO2
and Fiber laser, it should be noted that the surface obtained after the Fiber laser cutting is
characterized by smaller deviation. The perpendicularity tolerance "u" of surfaces obtained
with CO2 and Fiber laser cutting is comparable. Significant differences are observable for
Rz5 values measured at a height of 2/3a. For example, the Rz5 value of the base surface A
measured at that height is 95% higher for a surface obtained using CO2 laser than for a
surface obtained using Fiber laser. Noteworthy is also the fact that the surface roughness
obtained with the Fiber laser is more repeatable than obtained using t
he CO2 laser.
Better results of deviations from the nominal dimension and accuracy the cut surfaces
were obtained after Fiber laser cutting. This is due to the fact that Fiber lasers are
characterized by the higher energy density as a result of a better beam quality. Furthermore
the Fiber lasers have a higher value of absorptivity when compared with CO2 laser, and
thus is able to reach higher accuracy of the cut surfaces.
Base A surf. – 1/3a Surf II to A. – 1/3a Base A surf. – 2/3a Surf II to A. – 2/3a
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4 Conclusions
When comparing functional properties, frequency of servicing, efficiency of CO2 and Fiber
lasers, it should be concluded that Fiber lasers are a good solution for cutting. The sole
disadvantage of Fiber lasers can only be their purchase price.
The conclusions refer only to the tests carried out with specific cutting parameters. It
was assumed for the tests that the value of linear energy during cutting with both types of
lasers would amount to 55.4 kJ/m. With such assumptions, the comparison of the accuracy
of the surface after cutting with CO2 laser and Fiber laser shows that significantly higher
dimensional accuracy was obtained for Fiber laser. Surfaces cut with Fiber laser were also
characterized by better roughness and high repeatability of roughness results over the entire
cutting height.
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11. PN-EN ISO 9013:2017-04
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... Such a difference causes difficulties in the analysis of the quality characteristics of laser cutting since quality characteristics studies must be carried out separately for each type of laser. Since the first industrial use of laser cutting in 1967, when researchers tried to process a 1 mm thick steel plate with a 300 W CO2 type laser [23,24], there have been obvious advances in laser processing-lasers are much more powerful, and more types of lasers are used in the manufacturing industry, which are classified according to the active medium where the laser beam is generated. The active material of the CO2-type laser is a mixture of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2) and helium (He) gases, and the fiber-type laser is an optical fiber. ...
... CO2 lasers have been used for cutting for a long time, but recently, the newer fiber-laser technology has become increasingly popular. The main characteristics that distinguish CO2 and fiber lasers are wavelength (10.6 µm and 1.07 µm, respectively), energy efficiency (5-8% and 20-30%), maintenance (every 2000 h and every 10,000 h) and device area occupied (large and small) [23]. It is important to mention that the laser's wavelength greatly influences the efficiency of the process. ...
... A beam with a shorter wavelength is more easily absorbed by the material being cut, so fiber lasers, due to their ten-times shorter wavelength, have a higher cutting efficiency, acceleration, and maximum cutting speed [8,25]. In addition, the shorter wavelength of the fiber laser can cut various materials, such as copper, nickel and its alloys or composite materials [23]. Among the advantages of fiber lasers, infrequent servicing can also be attributed to a reduction in service costs and device downtime. ...
Full-text available
Fiber lasers, the latest laser-cutting technology, are notable for their high process efficiency, cutting precision, and high cutting quality for thin materials. However, the quality of the cut significantly decreases when machining thicker materials. For now, this is a challenge for the metalworking industry. This study investigated the effects of laser power, cutting speed, and auxiliary gas pressure on the fiber-laser cutting quality of 4 and 6 mm thick S355JR steel plates. To evaluate the influence of cutting parameters on cutting quality, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy and cut taper were measured. A microscopic analysis of the laser cuts was performed, revealing the heat-affected zone, transition zone and unaffected base-material zone. Research results show that laser cutting is a complex process, and the correct choice of cutting parameters greatly influences the cutting performance and final quality. An artificial neural network was created and trained using the results from measuring the quality characteristics to achieve optimum cutting quality. The accuracy of the optimization model was assessed by control samples, which were cut using calculated optimum parameters. The actual values of the quality characteristics only slightly differ from the predicted values, showing that the optimization model is suitable for selecting cutting parameters.
... Planning and setting of main laser cutting parameters, such as focus position, laser power, assist gas pressure, cutting speed, directly affect a number of process performances such as kerf width [7][8][9], kerf taper [10,11], surface roughness [12][13][14], material removal rate [15], width of heat affected zone [5], dross occurrence [5,12], striation formation [8,16], laser beam absorption in the cut channel [17], cutting volume efficiency [18], morphology of the cut surface [6,19], temperature of the cut kerf [20], cutting accuracy [21], perpendicularity of the cut [22], mechanical properties and microfeatures characterization [23], cutting depth and surface integrity [24], surface oxidation marks [25], cut edge squareness deviation [4], etc. ...
... Given that the laser beam is generated in an active fiber and guided to the workpiece by a flexible fiber, fiber lasers are compact requiring no lenses and mirrors for beam alignment and guidance, thereby further enhancing the reliability and beam guidance and enabling faster startup times. Moreover, this decreases machine downtime and service cost [21]. ...
... Fiber lasers enable attainment of higher output power with high beam quality and focusability [30]. In comparison to CO2 lasers, fiber lasers have significantly lower beam parameter product (BPP), with most favorable BPP value achieved for the power of up to about 3-4 kW [21]. With high beam quality and shorter wavelengths, emitted laser light is more easily absorbed, particularly in the case of reflective metals, which enables high-productive quality contour cutting. ...
Upon different traditional and unconventional contour cutting technologies, fiber laser cutting technology is increasingly emerging as the most adequate choice for modern industrial production. In this paper the basics, specific characteristics and associated benefits and opportunities, as well as latest research and development directions in fiber laser cutting technology were discussed. In addition, the study presents results obtained by realization of two pilot experiments, based on the use of one factor at a time (OFAT) experimental strategy, in fiber laser cutting of mild steel. The first OFAT experiment considered the analysis and modelling of the effect of focus position on the kerf width and surface roughness, while the second OFAT experiment investigated the effect of the cutting speed. Based on the analysis of experimental results more adequate parameter settings than initial were identified which was one of the underlying motives and goals of the present study.
... Another comparative analysis between the two types of lasers was performed by Sołtysiak et al. The experiments were carried out on S235JR steel plates with a thickness of 6 mm [36]. For the types of lasers studied, the linear energy calculated by the authors was 55.4 KJ/m. ...
... The results showed that a smoother cutting surface was generated using the fiber laser. According to the authors, the disadvantage of fiber lasers is the high purchase price [36]. We also found a comparative analysis of the results obtained by cutting with both types of lasers in Kubišová et al. ...
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Laser cutting has experienced a sharp development in recent years due to the advantages it implies in industrial production, the most important being: great diversity of processed materials, reduced cutting time, low processing cost, small percentage of removed material, and low impact on the natural environment. The problem of energy has become acute in the last year, so a new direction of research has taken shape, consisting of the optimization of the high energy consumptions involved in laser cutting. The objective of this research is to develop a computational and experimental model to estimate the melting efficiency. Additionally, the research seeks to establish some mathematical relationships that describe the law of variation of the melting efficiency depending on the input parameters in the CO2 laser cutting. The experimental determinations were carried out on Hardox 400 steel plates of 8 mm thickness. The input parameters were laser power, assist gas pressure, and cutting speed. The experimental data were statistically processed, and the results were verified with the Lagrange interpolation method. It was found that the maximum melting efficiency is influenced mainly by laser power (F = 3.06; p = 0.049), followed by speed and pressure. The results obtained show that the melting efficiency varies in the range (13.6–20.68) mm3/KJ. The maximum value of the melting efficiency (20 J/mm3) was obtained when the laser power was 5100 W, the cutting speed 1900 mm/min, and the gas pressure 0.5 bar, and the minimum efficiency under conditions of speed setting at 1700 mm/min and laser power of 5000 W. Linear and quadratic regression models were established to estimate the global mean efficiency according to two independent variables that act at the same time. The established calculation relationships contribute to the improvement of the literature and constitute a tool for practical applications. The results obtained allow the modeling of cutting parameters and the optimization of production costs in industrial processes that use laser cutting.
... Gaworska-Koniarek also compared laser cut samples with punched samples, with results showing that for 1.5T induction, punched samples had total energy losses of 5% whereas for the samples laser cut with air the loss was 20% and samples laser cut with nitrogen showed 17% total energy losses. Salvador [12] has similarly compared the performance of laser cut and guillotined (a cutting method mechanically very similar to stamping) samples, again concluding that laser cutting introduces greater losses than stamping-like processes. Bayraktar & Turgut [6] compare four different cutting methods. ...
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With the move away from fossil fuels, the importance of electric machines is increasing. This is particularly the case within major engineering sectors such as the automotive industry. There is therefore a need to further develop processes which will allow for the diverse range of machining operations and large volume manufacture which will be required to overcome the inherent challenges in making this transition. Several critical components of an electric machine, such as the rotor and the stator, are made from electrical grade steel. This is a steel where the composition and processing acts to optimise the magnetic and other properties for the application. The steel is processed as thin sheet laminations and then stacked, to reduce the losses which occur within it due to the generation of eddy currents. The laminations need to be cut to shape, in an operation currently carried out most frequently by stamping from a sheet, but which could be done with greater flexibility by laser cutting (due, for example, to the absence of tooling). In laser cutting the possibility exists to perform cutting operations using what we call here a polystromata method, where several sheets are stacked and then cut simultaneously, increasing the efficiency of the operation. To date there have been few reports on this type of laser cutting process, and none that provide detail on the effect that the number of layers in a cutting stack has on critical parameters, such as the edge quality post cutting and the magnetic performance of the sheets. In this work we perform an experimental study of the process and report data in these measures, quantifying the decrease in performance as the stack increases in number of sheets.
... The approach is justified because in world production, the CO 2 laser has been gradually replaced by a fiber laser. Sotysiak et al. compared the performance of two different types of lasers [32]. The authors demonstrated that a more precise cutting surface is obtained using fiber laser on the 6 mm thickness S235JR steel. ...
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The article presents the findings of a study on the machining of 10 mm thick Hardox 400 steel plates using the CO2 laser. The purpose of the investigation was to investigate the relationship between the entropy and the hardness of machined surfaces. For this purpose, a new mathematical model is established to estimate the entropy, and its influence on the hardness is determined. The mathematical model is statistically and experimentally validated. An entropy variation ΔS = −330 mJ/K between 2 K is found, causing a decrease in hardness compared to the standard value. The influences of input parameters (laser power, cutting speed, and auxiliary gas pressure) on hardness are determined. It is demonstrated that the surface hardness is strongly influenced by the auxiliary gas pressure. The combination of laser power P = 4200 W with gas pressure p = 0.45 bar at average cutting speed v = 1400 mm/min leads to a hardness of 38 HRC, extending the life and wear resistance of the cut parts.
... They recommended fiber laser for continuous and mass production. In another study, performed by Robert Sołtysiak et al. [22], a comparison of fiber laser and CO2 laser was performed with respect to the functional properties and cut quality of the cut edge for 6-mm-thick S235JR steel. Characterization of the cut specimens showed high accuracy, low surface roughness value, and good repeatability for both sources. ...
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In the current study, laser cutting of Ti6Al4V was accomplished using Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array (OA). Laser power, cutting speed, and gas pressure were selected as input process parameters, whereas surface roughness (SR), kerf width, dross height, and material removal rate (MRR) were considered as output variables. The effects of input variables were analyzed through the analysis of variance (ANOVA), main effect plots, residual plots, and contour plots. A heat transfer search algorithm was used to optimize the parameters for the single objective function including higher MRR, minimum SR, minimum dross, and minimum kerf. A multi-objective heat transfer search algorithm was used to create non-dominant optimal Pareto points, giving unique optimal solutions with the corresponding input parameters. For better understanding and ease of selection of input parameters in industry and by scientists, a Pareto graph (2D and 3D graph) is generated from the Pareto points.
... As for dimensional accuracy, Soltysak et al. [28] compared the performance of 6 mm thick S235JR steel sheets with both fiber and CO 2 lasers, with a cutting speed of 0.03667 m/s. They found that fiber laser provided better dimensional accuracy and better roughness than the CO 2 laser. ...
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At present, laser cutting is currently employed to cut metallic plates, due to their good finish and dimensional quality, as well as because of the flexibility of the process to obtain different shapes. In the present paper, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, and burr thickness of thin plates of 0.8 mm are studied as functions of different process parameters: pulse frequency, pulse width, and speed. Eight different experiments were performed according to a full 23 factorial design, with two replicates each. Square specimens of 10 mm × 10 mm were cut. Arithmetical mean roughness Ra was measured with a contact roughness meter, and the dimensions and burr thickness with a micrometer. Ra values ranged between 1.89 and 3.86 µm, dimensional error values between 0.22 and 0.93%, and burr thickness between 2 and 34 µm. Regression analysis was performed, and linear models were obtained for each response. Results showed that roughness depends mainly on frequency, on the interaction of frequency and pulse width and on pulse width. The dimensional error depends on pulse width, frequency, and the interaction between pulse width and speed. Burr thickness is influenced by frequency, pulse width, and the interaction between frequency and speed. Multi-objective optimization showed that, in order to simultaneously minimize the three responses, it is recommended to use high frequency (80 Hz), high pulse width (0.6 ms), and high speed (140 mm/min). The present study will help to select appropriate laser cutting conditions in thin plates, in order to favor good surface finish and dimensional accuracy, as well as low burr thickness.
In recent years, the widespread use of type 201 stainless steel has been due to its high specifications, including strength and corrosion resistance. Despite its excellent properties, this metal may be affected during cutting operations. One of the best methods used for this purpose is laser cutting. This study examined the impact of various fiber laser cutting parameters on the properties of 201 stainless steel to achieve optimal cutting results. Different thicknesses, cutting speeds, and power levels were employed, with a focus on assessing upper and lower kerf widths and vertical deviation. A total of 27 practical experiments were conducted using a Taguchi L27 design and predictive analysis with the “Minitab” program. The results were promising, revealing that the most influential factors on upper and lower kerf widths and vertical deviation were thickness and cutting speed, while the effect of power was relatively minor. Ultimately, the goal of this research was to achieve the narrowest upper and lower kerf widths and minimize vertical deviation—a step toward improving the fiber laser cutting process for type 201 stainless steel.
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The use of laser technology for materials processing has a wide applicability in various industrial fields, due to its proven advantages, such as processing time, economic efficiency and reduced impact on the natural environment. The expansion of laser technology has been possible due to the dynamics of research in the field. One of the directions of research is to establish the appropriate cutting parameters. The evolution of research in this direction can be deepened by determining the efficiency of laser cutting. Starting from such a hypothesis, the study contains an analysis of laser cutting parameters (speed, power and pressure) to determine the linear energy and cutting efficiency. For this purpose, the linear energy and the cutting efficiency were determined analytically, and the results obtained were tested with the Lagrange interpolation method, the statistical mathematical method and the graphical method. The material chosen was Hardox 400 steel with a thickness of 8 mm, due to its numerous industrial applications and the fact that it is an insufficiently studied material. Statistical data processing shows that the maximum cutting efficiency is mainly influenced by speed, followed by laser power. The results obtained reduce energy costs in manufacturing processes that use the CO2 laser. The combinations identified between laser speed and power lead to a reduction in energy consumption and thus to an increase in processing efficiency. Through the calculation relationships established for linear energy and cutting efficiency, the study contributes to the extension of the theoretical and practical basis.
Laser beam machining (LBM) is the most widely used machining process and can be applied to almost all metallic and non-metallic range of materials. In this paper, the effect of process parameters such as cutting speed, laser power, frequency, duty cycle and gas pressure have been investigated on hard die steel plate (EN-31, 10 mm thick) to determine the impact on taper angle, surface roughness (Ra) and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). Second-order mathematical models have been developed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and compared with the experimental results. It has been observed from the main effect plot that cutting speed, laser power and frequency have a major impact on the taper angle. For getting better surface roughness, all the process parameters have been set to its mean value. Cutting speed, power and gas pressure were the significant parameters to control the HAZ. The bottom edge has been observed with larger HAZ than the top edge for all holes. Optimized parameters have been identified and industry desirable results were obtained for all the responses. A scanning electron microscope has been used to notice the striation pattern and surface damage on the top surface of the hole.
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Structural adhesives are increasingly used in the construction of mechanical devices. Adhesive joints replace welded, soldered and other joints. The strength of the adhesive joints obtained allows the transfer of loads. The possibility of combining different materials is a significant advantage. In order to design joints, it is necessary to know the mechanical properties of adhesives. Determining them requires the use of special methods of obtaining specimens. Analytical and numerical methods of stress estimation in adhesive joints require more material data than is provided by manufacturers. The aim of the following work is to present the method of manufacturing specimens and to compare methods for determining mechanical properties based on three example structural adhesives. The paper presents two methods for determining the mechanical properties of exemplary structural adhesives: metacryl, epoxy and polyurethane adhesive. The tests were carried out on a cast and then machined specimens. Flat specimens were used in a tensile test. In compression test, round specimens were used. The results obtained from both tests were compared with the manufacturer's data. Differences and possible reasons for them were indicated. Stress distributions in the adhesive single lap joint were estimated using the Volkersen analytical method for various determined mechanical properties.
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Laser cutting is a well-established process in the industry, mainly for cutting metallic materials such as steels. However, the utilization of this laser technique to process advanced materials, such as ceramics or some aluminium alloys, is restricted due to the formation of a large heat affected zone (HAZ), rough cut edges, presence of dross, or thermal cracks. These defects are closely related to the performance of the assist gas during the removal of molten material. Previous works have demonstrated the impressive improvement in cut quality with the utilization of off-axial supersonic axisymmetric nozzles to inject the assist gas. This is due to the higher removal of molten material. However, these results can be even improved if the geometry of the gas jet is tailored to the cut kerf. In the present work, a cutting head with an off-axial supersonic rectangular nozzle was developed to improve the efficiency of the current assist gas injection systems. The performance of this system was compared with that of a converging (coaxial) nozzle, and an off-axial supersonic axisymmetric nozzle during the processing of Al2024-T3 sheets. Results demonstrated the superior performance of the new assist gas injection system in terms of cut quality and productivity (cut edge roughness was 6.5 times lower, and the cutting speed is 1.98 times higher as compared to the results found for a converging coaxial nozzle).
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In the paper results of comparative analysis of the fracture toughness of explosively welded Al/Ti composite determined for the ambient temperature and for the cryogenic conditions were presented. Testing of mechanical properties of inhomogeneous materials very often presents a lot of difficulties connected with the experimental procedures as well as with the interpretation of study results. It is also in the case of layered Al/Ti material, for which cracking history has different nature for both layers: aluminium and titanium alloy. However, from the viewpoint of practical application, the knowledge of ‘global’ material properties is important. Due to differences of properties of both materials constituting the Al/Ti bimetal, it is hard to talk about determination of material property, which is plane strain fracture toughness K1C. In such case more adequate is fracture toughness KQ value, which can refers to the system of two materials. In investigations compact tension (CT) specimens were used. For specimens used in the tests the ratio of width to thickness W/B was 4. The initial pre-cracks were made by cyclic axial loading of specimens. The experimental tests were made with the use of the axial servohydraulic test system equipped with an original cryogenic chamber. During the tests all parts including specimen, clevis grips, extensometer were immersed in liquid nitrogen. The influence of cryogenic temperature on the fracture toughness was observed as a result of the tests.
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The direct use of diode lasers for cutting sheet metal has high potential to decrease operational costs, but, currently, implementation in industrial environments is constrained by beam quality. In this paper the performance of a novel direct diode laser (DDL) with increased beam quality is documented for both fusion and flame cutting and compared to conventional CO2 and fiber laser sources. Experimental tests were carried out for steel and aluminium based on a Design of Experiments approach. Furthermore, an analytical model, focusing on the absorption of lasers in metals, is described here, which predicts and clarifies performance variation. Although the observed laser beam quality is still lower than the other studied technologies, industrially relevant cutting speeds, with acceptable surface quality, are achievable with DDL, as validated by our results
Thin sheets of aluminium alloys are widely used in aerospace and automotive industries for specific applications. Nd:YAG laser beam cutting is one of the most promising sheetmetal cutting process for cutting sheets for any profile. Al-alloy sheets are difficult to cut by laser beam because of its highly reflective nature. This paper presents modelling and optimization of cut quality during pulsed Nd:YAG laser cutting of thin Al-alloy sheet for straight profile. In the present study, four input process parameters such as oxygen pressure, pulse width, pulse frequency, and cutting speed and two output parameters such as average kerf taper (Ta) and average surface roughness (Ra) are considered. The hybrid approach comprising of Taguchi methodology (TM) and response surface methodology (RSM) is used for modelling whereas multi-objective optimization is performed using hybrid approach of TM and grey relational analysis (GRA) coupled with entropy measurement methodology. The entropy measurement methodology is employed for the calculation of weight corresponding to each quality characteristic. The results indicate that the hybrid approaches applied for modelling and optimization of the LBC process are reasonable.
Laser cutting is still the most common industrial application of CO2 laser systems but currently available high-power fibre lasers seem to be an attractive alternative to the established CO2 laser sources for several cutting tasks. Practical experience has shown that fibre lasers enable significantly increased travel rates in the case of inert-gas fusion cutting. This advantage in achieving higher cutting speeds in comparison to CO2 laser cutting is however a clear function of the sheet thickness to be cut. In the first part of this article, possible reasons for this experimental fact are derived from a thermodynamic analysis of the process with consideration of the specific beam absorption characteristics under cutting conditions. After that, in the second part, a quite new laser cutting variant, namely the gas-free remote cutting process that considerably benefits from the high beam quality of fibre laser systems, is presented.
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