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Fermentation with Lactobacillus strains for elimination of gluten in wheat (Triticum Aestivum) by-products


Abstract and Figures

Recently there is an increase in the number of consumers with gluten intolerance that causes expanding of the demand for gluten-free products. Gluten-free diet is unbalanced and usually has a higher percentage of calories from fat, less of carbohydrates, as well as low intake of non-starch polysaccharides. To solve this problem, new strategies are looked for to eliminate immunogenicity of gluten in products of wheat and other cereals and to make them more balanced. Fermentation with lactic cultures and/or enzymes enables to reduce the gluten content in wheat flour. However, this process takes a long time, is complicated to control, and hydrolysed gluten looses its technological properties. The purpose of this work is to find another way of removing gluten residues: at first remove gluten from wheat by wet fractionation, then hydrolyse gluten residues in the remaining fractions by using biotechnological measures. The fractions of starch, fibers and bran had an initial gluten concentration of 85-33750 mg kg-1. For eliminating of gluten residues they were fermented with four probiotic strains separately: Lactobacillus plantarum P-1, Lactobacillus brevis R-1, Lactobacillus acidophilus 308, Lactobacillus acidophilus 336. Short (12 hours) and long fermentation (24 hours) at 30 and 37°C was used. Gluten was degraded in wheat starch to below 20 mg kg-1 using Lactobacillus plantarum in short time, other strains performed better using long fermentation. In conclusion, it could be stated that sourdough-based biotechnology could eliminate the immunogenicity of wheat by-products and to improve the quality of life of celiac patients.
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FOODBALT 2019 and NEEFood 2019
Vijole Bradauskiene1,3, Lina Vaiciulyte-Funk1, Edita Mazoniene2, Darius Cernauskas1
1Food Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu road 19, Kaunas, Lithuania
2Polymer Science and Technology department, Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilenu road 19, Kaunas, Lithuania
3Food Technology department, Faculty of Technology, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Bijunu street 10,
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Recently there is an increase in the number of consumers with gluten intolerance that causes expanding of the demand for gluten-free
products. Gluten-free diet is unbalanced and usually has a higher percentage of calories from fat, less of carbohydrates, as well as low
intake of non-starch polysaccharides. To solve this problem, new strategies are looked for to eliminate immunogenicity of gluten in
products of wheat and other cereals and to make them more balanced. Fermentation with lactic cultures and/or enzymes enables to
reduce the gluten content in wheat flour. However, this process takes a long time, is complicated to control, and hydrolysed gluten
looses its technological properties. The purpose of this work is to find another way of removing gluten residues: at first remove
gluten from wheat by wet fractionation, then hydrolyse gluten residues in the remaining fractions by using biotechnological
measures. The fractions of starch, fibers and bran had an initial gluten concentration of 85-33750 mg kg-1. For eliminating of gluten
residues they were fermented with four probiotic strains separately: Lactobacillus plantarum P-1, Lactobacillus brevis R-1,
Lactobacillus acidophilus 308, Lactobacillus acidophilus 336. Short (12 hours) and long fermentation (24 hours) at 30 and 37°C was
used. Gluten was degraded in wheat starch to below 20 mg kg-1 using Lactobacillus plantarum in short time, other strains performed
better using long fermentation. In conclusion, it could be stated that sourdough-based biotechnology could eliminate the
immunogenicity of wheat by-products and to improve the quality of life of celiac patients.
Keywords: Wheat, Gluten, Hydrolysis, Sourdough, Lactobacillus
Wheat is one of the most popular cereals in the world,
however, gluten proteins of wheat are responsible for
very common allergic reactions in populations, leading
to immune disorder and non-celiac gluten sensitivity
(Gujral et al., 2012; Kang et al., 2013; Catassi et al.,
2014). Currently, the only therapy is a strict, lifelong
gluten-free diet (GFD). Compliance with a GFD is an
extremely challenging task, given a number of
problems related to poor quality of gluten-free products
compared to their gluten-rich counterpart (Do
Nascimento et al., 2017) as well as these products are
more expensive (Stevens, Rashid, 2008). Patients with
celiac disease are looking for alternatives and are using
products from gluten free materials such as corn, rice,
millet, buckwheat, amaranths and potatoes. The diet of
these patients is unbalanced and had a higher
percentage of calories from fat and less from
carbohydrates, also in GFD was obtained low intakes
of non-starch polysaccharides (Thompson et al., 2005;
Wild et al., 2010). Products made from naturally
gluten-free raw materials resulted in breads often have
inferior textural and sensory properties compared to the
corresponding gluten-containing products (Hager et al.,
2012; Miranda et al., 2014; Pellegrini, Agostoni, 2015).
To resolve this socioeconomic problem, new strategies
are looking for to eliminate harmful gluten from wheat
and other cereals and to produce balanced products
with good sensory properties (Greco et al., 2011;
Nionelli, Rizzello, 2016).
Wheat gluten fragments (peptides) remain intact during
digestion. They penetrate through the small intestine
wall and initiate antigenic cellular immune responses.
There is no immune response if the gluten hydrolysed
to peptides, which contain less than nine amino acid
residues. Research on the use of biological measures in
wheat products to eliminate or reduce the immune
toxicity of gluten proteins is being actively pursued in
the last decade. Numerous studies (Di Cagno et al.,
2008; Giuliani et al., 2016; Gerez et al., 2012; Loponen
et al., 2007; Romano, Urminská, 2017; De Palma et
al., 2010; Stefanska et al., 2016) were carried out using
lactic cultures - their individual strains or various
combinations. They focus on probiotic strains
possibilities to decrease the toxicity of wheat flour, but
there is a lack of informationon on biological measures
to completely eliminate gluten from wheat processing
Sourdough fermentation with lactic acid bacteria
(LAB) can improve the texture, palatability, aroma,
shelf life and nutritional value of wheat breads
(Guerzoni et al., 2011), texture and palatability of
whole grain, fibre-rich or gluten-free products, stabilise
or increase levels of various bioactive compounds,
retard starch bioavailability and improve mineral
bioavailability (Katina et al., 2005; Moroni et al.,
2009). LAB degrade celiac active gluten peptides,
because some species of LAB produce specific
peptidases during growth, which are capable to
hydrolyse hardly cleavable bonds between amino acids
in proline-rich peptides (Vukotić et al., 2016).
Selecting strains of LAB with targeted proteolytic
effects is vital important (Stefańska et al, 2016).
The use of sourdough LAB was at first proposed with
the aim of eliminating traces of gluten epitopes in
2002. Di Cagno et al. (2002) showed that selected
LAB, possessing proteolytic activities, could efficiently
hydrolyse the toxic peptides of gliadin in wheat
sourdough. The pool of L. alimentarius 15M, L. brevis
FOODBALT 2019 and NEEFood 2019
14G, L. sanfranciscensis 7A, and L. hilgardii 51B has a
pattern of specialized peptidases capable of
hydrolysing different peptide bonds that potentially
include the proline (Di Cagno et al., 2004). Study of Di
Cagno et al. (2008) highlighted the use of selected
LAB consisted of Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis LS40
and LS41 and Lactobacillus plantarum CF1 to
eliminate risks of contamination by gluten and to
enhance the nutritional properties of GF bread.
Several studies were carried out using individual
strains of LAB also. Sourdough fermentation using
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis (Thiele et al, 2004;
Vermeulen et al, 2006) or Lactobacillus plantarum
(Yin et al, 2015) showed a decrease in pH and resulted
hydrolysis and solubilization of wheat proteins.
De Angelis et al. (2006) showed the capacity of
probiotic VSL#3 preparation to hydrolyse extensively
wheat flour. Probiotic product VSL#3 including
Streptococcus thermophilus, L. plantarum, L.
acidophilus, L. casei, L. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus,
Bifidobacterium breve, B. longum and B. infantis
strains was used in the fermentation of a mass with
wheat flour in order to hydrolyse gliadin peptides and
promoted almost complete hydrolysis of gliadin
peptides. Patent Application WO2006/097415 (2006)
describes a process for gluten degradation by means of
the use of a complex mixture consisting of at least six
lactic acid bacteria and/or bifidobacteria and long
fermentation times (24-31 hours) also. After hydrolysis
some gliadins are partially hydrolysed, but others are
not susceptible to hydrolysis process. Lactobacillus
plantarum CRL 775 and Pediococcus pentosaceus CRL
792 also hydrolysed gliadins during wheat dough
fermentation (Gerez et al, 2012).
Romanová, Urminská, 2017 described growth
characteristics and intracellular aminopeptidases
activities of Lactobacillus plantarum CCM 3627 and
Lactobacillus brevis CCM 1815. The results confirm
production of active proline aminopeptidase, which is
important for cleavage of proline rich-peptides. Two
strains: Enterococcus mundtii and Wickerhamomyces
anomalus exhibited the potential to be used as
probiotic for sourdough fermentation: they have shown
the ability to tolerate low pH, bile salt properties and
hydrophobicity compared to other gluten-degrading
yeast and bacterial strains (Sakandar et al., 2018).
Stefańska et al. (2016) have selected 11 LAB strains
capable of hydrolysing gliadin in bakery sourdoughs.
However, in all sourdoughs were found some
polypeptides with IgE‐reactive epitopes. Previous
research has shown that fermentation with LAB
reduces the amount of reactive gluten fragments, but
does not reach the safe limit for gluten free products,
which is 20 mg kg-1 (Standard 118-1979, 2015).
Fermentation with mixtures of selected lactic acid
cultures in combination with fungal enzymes enable to
reduce the gluten content in wheat flour to gluten free
limit (Rizzello et al., 2007; 2014). However, this
process takes a long time, it is necessary to control it in
several stages, but hydrolysed gluten still loses its
technological properties: enzymatic hydrolysis destroys
the gluten network, reduces the elasticity of the dough
and baked goods (Van Den Broeck et al., 2009).
In this work, it would be advisable to combine physical
and biotechnological measures for the preparation of
raw materials for the production of gluten-free wheat
products: at first remove gluten from wheat by wet
fractionation, then hydrolyse gluten residues in the
remaining fractions by using LAB fermentation.
Whereas the levels of gluten are low in the wheat by-
products, it can be expected that the effect of LAB will
be sufficient to eliminate it.
Wet fractionation of wheat could be done by
centrifuging of the flour-water mixture in the
laboratory according to Czuchajowska, Pomeranz,
1993, as well as at industrial plants producing gluten
and starch from wheat that are widely used in the food
industry, meanwhile the fractions of fibers and bran are
diverted to feed production.
Eliminating of gluten residue in wheat processing
products allows produce gluten free starch and gluten
free fraction of arabinoxylan and other non-starch
polysaccharides, suitables for flour mixtures or bakery
production for users intolerant to gluten or celiac
The aim of the research - to use fermentation with
Lactobacillus strains for elimination of the
immunogenicity of gluten in wheat by-products.
Materials and Methods
Investigations were carried out at the Kaunas
University of Technology, Food Institute, Lithuania.
Samples of wheat fractions after dry and wet
fractionation: starch, fibers and bran were provided by
Roquette Amilina, AB, Lithuania.
A fraction of wheat bran is obtained as a by-product
during the dry milling of wheat grain and is composed
of outer layers of wheat kernel, mainly pericarp. A
fraction of fibers is obtained as a by-product in the wet
processing of the flour for starch and gluten separation,
and is composed mainly of seed coat and aleurone
Physical-chemical analysis of composition of wheat by-
Moisture content of wheat by-products was measured
by humidity measuring device Kern MLS 50-3HA
pH was measured by pH-meter ORION 3STAR;
Determination of protein content by Kjeldahl method
(LST EN ISO 20483).
Research on the selection of Lactobacillus strains
Research to removal of the immunogenicity of wheat
was carried out experimenting with microorganisms of
the collection from the KTU Food Institute. Four
probiotic strains: Lactobacillus plantarum P-1,
Lactobacillus brevis R-1, Lactobacillus acidophilus
308, Lactobacillus acidophilus 336 were used.
The LAB cultures were stored for the study at -72-
74°C in the VIABANK (MWE medical wire) system.
Cultures revived in MRS broth (Biolife, Italy): an
FOODBALT 2019 and NEEFood 2019
initial LAB suspension was prepared by seeding of the
initial culture on a MRS agar (Biolife, Italy) and
incubating at 30°C (L. plantarum P-1, L. brevis R-1)
and at 37°C (L. acidophilus 308, L. acidophilus 336)
for 24h. Each LAB culture was transformed then into
sterile milk and incubated at an appropriate
temperature for 72h under anaerobic conditions.
The number of lactic acid bacteria was determined by
the method of seeding in Petri dishes by incubation on
a MRS agar under anaerobic conditions for 72 h at 30
or 3C.
Total plate count of samples performed according to
standard procedures LST EN ISO 4833:2003, found
2,1 *102 CFU / g, count of of yeast and mold 1.2 * 101
cfu / g, aerobic and anaerobic spore forming bacteria is
not found. The amounts of these microorganisms in the
samples are small and the samples are suitable for
consumption and biotechnological work without
sterilization from the microbiological safety point of
Wheat starch or fiber samples (5-10 g) was weighed in
into glass tubes (30 mL), distilled water (10 mL) and
LAB suspension (7 mL) at an active concentration of
1,7-2,8*106 was added (see Table 1) and mixed well.
Table 1
Preparing of samples of wheat product with
different LAB strains
Wheat product
LAB strains
L. acidophilus 308
L. acidophilus 336
L.brevis R-1
L.plantarum P-1
L. acidophilus 308
L. acidophilus 336
L.brevis R-1
L.plantarum P-1
Samples were incubated at 30 and 37°C, pH and gluten
content in sourdough were measured after 12 and 24
Gluten quantitation by ELISA
Gluten residues in wheat products were quantitated by
competitive ELISA using G12 antibody AACCI 38-
52.01 (Romer Labs, UK Ltd) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Gluten concentrations
were established based on calibration function
provided by Romer Labs. Multiscan EX microplate
reader with a 450 nm filter was used for the reading the
Results and Discussion
The fractions of starch, fibers and bran had different
moisture content (10,78-72,01%), different amount of
total protein (0,32-16,9%) an initial gluten
concentration of 85-33750 mg kg-1 (see Table 2).
Table 2
Characteristics of samples
mg kg-1
For eliminating of gluten residues starch and fiber were
fermented with four probiotic strains separately:
Lactobacillus plantarum P-1, Lactobacillus brevis R-1,
Lactobacillus acidophilus 308, Lactobacillus
acidophilus 336. Short (12 hours) and long
fermentation (24 hours) at 30 and 37°C was used.
The reducing of gluten content depending on the
decreasing of pH was observed. Gerez et al. (2008),
Rollan et al. (2016) demonstrated also that protein
hydrolysis in sourdough were partially caused by pH-
dependent activation of cereal enzymes according to
change in proteolytic activity. Di Cagno et al. (2002)
proved also, that primary proteolysis is exerted by
wheat endogenous enzymes, which are activated by the
low pH. Among the selected LAB cultures, the lowest
pH was achieved by using L. acidophilus 308, at least
acidic sourdough was obtained with L.brevis R-1. The
pH of the fermentation of starch was also lower than
sourdough of fiber (see Figure1).
Figure 1. Decreasing of pH in different sourdough
LA1 L. acidophilus 308; LA2 L. acidophilus 336;
LB L. brevis R-1; LP L . plantarum P-16
Further hydrolysis of peptides were exerted by
intracellular peptidases of LAB in a strain-specific
manner: the type and amount of released amino acids
depend on the fermenting strain (Di Cagno et al.,
The selected strains exhibited different proteolytic
activity in this research, which leads to a reduction of
gluten content in wheat sourdoughs. The amount of
non-digestible gluten peptides decreased in all
fermented starch samples after 12h, but the most
pronounced proteolytic effect was observed in
4,44 4,39
After 12h
Starch After 24h
Sratch After 12h
Fiber After 24h
FOODBALT 2019 and NEEFood 2019
sourdough with L. Plantarum P-1 (see Table 3).
Table 3
pH and gluten content in samples of wheat
starch after fermentation
Duration of fermentation, h
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
After 24 hours the lowest amount of immunoreactive
gluten peptides was found in sourdough with L.
acidophilus 308 and L. Plantarum P-1. Sourdough
fermentation decreases the disulphide bonds in gluten
network, which influence its digestibility in people with
gluten sensitivity (Gänzle et al, 2008). Although
fermentation of starch with L. acidophilus 336 most
reduced pH, failed to reduce the gluten content to 20
mg kg-1.
Fibers of wheat (after wet fractionation) had a high
initial content of gluten (up to 33750 mg kg-1). Despite
a significant decrease in pH after fermentation with
LAB the amount of gluten was reduced but remained
still high (see Table 4). Table 4
pH and gluten content in samples of wheat fibers
after fermentation
Duration of fermentation, h
mg kg-1
mg kg-1
The results showed that LAB fermentation can only
eliminate small amounts of gluten while content of
gluten at high concentrations still remains high after
Similar results were obtained by hydrolysis of
fermentation of wheat flour. In the wheat flour 74590-
80127 mg kg-1 of gluten were found (Greco et al.,
2011). Results achieved in the studies (De Angelis et
al., 2006; Stefańska et al., 2016) demonstrate that the
proteolytic activity of the selected LAB strains is not
high enough to allow their use for the degradation of
allergenic proteins in bakery products made from
wheat flour intended for patients with food allergy to
gluten. However, fermentation with LAB could be used
in production from raw materials with low gluten
content and, at high concentrations, their effects must
be combined with proteolytic effects of the enzymes.
The role of a fermentation process for improving the
quality of GF products and for developing a new
concept of GF products is very important, however,
this method is not suitable in order the gluten to be
completely degraded, when its initial amount in the raw
material is high enough.
Gluten degraded in wheat starch to below 20 mg kg-1
using Lactobacillus plantarum-P1 in short time, and L.
acidophilus-308 after long fermentation. These
selected LAB strains may be applied as specific starter
cultures to prepare bakery products of special
nutritional use from wheat starch, but did not reduce
the amount of gluten in fibers and bran to a safe limit
for gluten-free diet.
The authors thank Roquette Amilina, AB for the
samples of wheat processing products: fractions of
starch, fibers and bran.
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Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences,
7(2), p. 205210.
... Starch had the lowest gluten content compared to other byproducts; therefore, the fermentation reduced the gluten concentrate to 20 and 12 mg kg À1 after 12 and 24 h fermentation, respectively, while the initial gluten concentration was 85 mg kg À1 , which means reducing by 76.5% and 85.9% respectively. The reduction of gluten concentration of fibre was 42.3% and 71.8% after 12 and 24 h fermentation, respectively, when the initial concentration was 7800 mg kg À1 (Bradauskiene et al., 2019). Rizzello et al. (2007) studied the effect of fermentation by several types of Lactobacillus and two types of proteases extracted from Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus nigre on the IRG by using R5 antibody of ELISA, R5 antibody WB, two-dimensional electrophoresis and LC-MS. ...
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Wheat is the most important crop in the world mainly because of the feature of its storage protein, gluten, such as stretching and extending, that can hold the produced gas. However, some people have immunoreactivity against wheat gluten, which is generally called gluten disorder. Coeliac disease (CD) and non‐coeliac gluten sensitivity are types of gluten disorders. Several food processing techniques have been used to reduce gliadin immunoreactivity such as using thermal processing, fermentation, high‐pressure processing and pulsed light with different wheat products such as wheat flour, flatbread and gluten suspension. CD is the most known gluten disorder; therefore, this review will focus on the reduction effect of food processing on it. Gluten consists of gliadins and glutenin; the allergic effect of gliadins is well known, and several epitopes were identified, which are usually used to follow gluten immunoreactivity. Till now, consuming a gluten‐free diet is the only way for people who are suffering from gluten disorder. Up to now, all the attempts to reduce the immunoreactivity of gliadin (IRG) by food processing have not fully succeeded. The main techniques used to follow the target epitopes are enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot, LC–MS/MS, etc. The fermentation process and adding enzymes are the most promising food processing in terms of reducing IRG. Worth mentioning that using different techniques gave different gliadin reductions; beyond that, using different ELISA kits gave different reductions. Combining different techniques is recommended to monitor the IRG reduction by using the most effective method till now.
... Lacticaseibacillus acidophilus 308, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P-1 -Enzymatic hydrolysis of toxic peptides derived from gliadin [100] In vitro (Caco-2 ...
As one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases, celiac disease (CD) affects 1% of people globally and is frequently linked to the HLA-DQ2/DQ8 polymorphism and gut microbiota dysbiosis. The possibility of different symptom severities between pediatric and adult populations, as well as the heterogeneity amongst them, might make diagnosis difficult. However, there are currently accessible diagnostic techniques, such as duodenal mucosal biopsies, serological screening for IgA and IgG as transglutaminase 2 specific antibodies, HLA haplotypes DQ8 and DQ2 and endoscopic assessment that is assessed on both healthy and vulnerable individuals. The only effective treatment for CD at the moment is rigorous, lifetime adherence to a glu-ten-free diet (GFD), which is sometimes a difficult challenge. The symptoms of accidental gluten intake cannot be controlled or mucosal damage prevented by a GFD alone. Additionally, many people may experience long-term consequences. There is hence an unmet demand for further therapies that can contain a reasonable combination of dietary-and non-dietary-based therapies for the management of CD. In this review, while exploring various aspects of etiology, pathophysiology, and nutritional issues related to CD, the latest findings of preclinical and clinical studies related to dietary-and non-dietary-based therapies are discussed.
... Several studies had shown that dairy, soymilk, and glutenbased fermented foods decrease the IgE immunoreactivity [38,[55][56][57][58][59]. Since the in vitro IgE binding capacity and the ability to crosslink IgE on mast cell/basophils are not always correlated [60], the gluten fermented by Lc. lactis LLGKC18 was submitted to tests in a functional model of RBL activated with pooled patients sera. ...
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Wheat is a worldwide staple food, yet some people suffer from strong immunological reactions after ingesting wheat-based products. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) constitute a promising approach to reduce wheat allergenicity because of their proteolytic system. In this study, 172 LAB strains were screened for their proteolytic activity on gluten proteins and α-amylase inhibitors (ATIs) by SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. Gliadins, glutenins, and ATI antigenicity and allergenicity were assessed by Western blot/Dot blot and by degranulation assay using RBL-SX38 cells. The screening resulted in selecting 9 high gluten proteolytic strains belonging to two species: Enterococcus faecalis and Lactococcus lactis. Proteomic analysis showed that one of selected strains, Lc. lactis LLGKC18, caused degradation of the main gluten allergenic proteins. A significant decrease of the gliadins, glutenins, and ATI antigenicity was observed after fermentation of gluten by Lc. lactis LLGKC18, regardless the antibody used in the tests. Also, the allergenicity as measured by the RBL-SX38 cell degranulation test was significantly reduced. These results indicate that Lc. lactis LLGKC18 gluten fermentation can be deeply explored for its capability to hydrolyze the epitopes responsible for wheat allergy.
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After removing gluten residues from wheat processing by-products – starch and bran, they could be used for production of gluten-free products. Various plants and their extracts contain gluten decomposing proteases. For gluten hydrolysis, based on the previous research data, it was determined to use pineapple, kiwi, papaya juices and Nigella sativa seeds extract. Wheat starch and brans samples were mixed with these plants based remedies and were fermented for 24 hours at 37°C temperature. pH in samples and gluten residual derivatives have been measured after 12 and 24 hours. It was determined that these extracts have strong proteolytic effect. After fermentation gluten amount in wheat starch was reduced to 15-28 mg/kg, while in brans - to 530-3500 mg/kg. The largest proteolytic effect was registered in pineapple, kiwi and papaya substrates. With these substrates it was able to remove gluten residues from wheat starch, however in the brans it wasn’t able to achieve safe limit which is allowed for gluten-free products. For this reason the experiments will be continued by using enzymes of bacterial and fungal origin and pure plants enzymes – bromelin and papain.
Celiac disease (CD) is a systematic immune-mediated enteropathy induced in the most genetically predisposed people by exposure to prolamin proteins. The only effective strategy for inhibiting CD is a lifelong exclusion of gluten from patient’s diet; however, adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD) could be difficult for them. Because of this challenge, there is a demand for novel therapies. The utilization of probiotics in CD patient’s diets has been proposed as a novel therapy for reducing CD symptoms. Probiotic strains can suppress the gliadin toxicity through some probable mechanisms such as enzymatic hydrolysis of toxic peptides derived from gliadin. The present review describes the recent scientific researches about mechanisms of suppressing gliadin by probiotics.
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Lactobacillus is the most representative strain in a group of lactic acid bacteria, which perform an essential role in the preservation and production of wholesome foods. Lactic acid fermentation is the oldest traditional method for preparation of fermented vegetables, meat products, dairy products and cereal foods. Cereal grains are considered to be one of the most important sources of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre for people. The main exploitation of cereals is to prepare sourdough, which is a mixture of wheat, rye or other cereal flour with water and contains yeasts and lactobacilli. The basic biochemical changes that occur in sourdough bread fermentation are acidification of the dough with organic acids produced by the lactobacilli and leavening with carbon dioxide produced by the yeast and the lactobacilli. Acidification perhaps initiate enzymatic processes of proteins and phytates degradation. Lactobacilli produce various enzymes which make flavour precursors, improve of mineral bioavailability or degrade celiac active peptides, because some species of lactobacilli produce specific peptidases during growth, which are capable to hydrolyze hardly cleavable, celiac-active proline-rich peptides. Microbial fermentation with selected strains of lactobacilli may be new alternative approach for modification of gluten by hydrolysis. In this paper are described growth characteristics and intracellular aminopeptidases activities of Lactobacillus plantarum CCM 3627 and Lactobacillus brevis CCM 1815. Work was focused on characterization of the lactobacilli for potential usage as a starter culture in further fermentation experiments.
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Sourdough fermentation, a traditional biotechnology for making leavened baked goods, was almost completely replaced by the use of baker’s yeast and chemical leavening agents in the last century. Recently, it has been rediscovered by the scientific community, consumers, and producers, thanks to several effects on organoleptic, technological, nutritional, and functional features of cereal-based products. Acidification, proteolysis, and activation of endogenous enzymes cause several changes during sourdough fermentation, carried out by lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, which positively affect the overall quality of the baked goods. In particular, the hydrolysis of native proteins of the cereal flours may improve the functional features of baked goods. The wheat flour processed with fungal proteases and selected lactic acid bacteria was demonstrated to be safe for coeliac patients. This review article focuses on the biotechnologies that use selected sourdough lactic acid bacteria to potentially counteract the adverse reactions to gluten, and the risk of gluten contamination.
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The gluten-free (GF) products market represents one of the most prosperous markets in the field of food and beverages in the immediate future. Historically, counselling for celiac disease has focused on the absence of gluten in foods, however the nutritional quality of GF foodstuffs is an important aspect to consider. The aim of the present work was to compare the nutritional composition of the 206 GF rendered products most consumed in Spain, against the composition of 289 equivalent foods with gluten, and to make a comparison between the diet including GF products and the same diet with equivalent products with gluten in a 58 adult celiac population. The results of the present collaborative study pointed out differences in calorie, macronutrient, fiber, sodium, salt and cholesterol content between GF rendered and gluten-containing foodstuffs. Thus, calorie and nutrient intake in a GF diet is different when compared to its equivalent diet with gluten. Following a diet based on GF products could suppose a nutritional imbalance for celiac patients as well as for non-celiacs who follow a diet that includes many GF rendered foodstuffs.
The present study was undertaken to isolate and characterize gluten hydrolyzing microbiota from locally fermented sourdoughs to evaluate their potential as a candidate for probiotics. Sixty autochthonous sourdough samples were collected from different areas of Pakistan. Nineteen bacterial and three yeast isolates were screened for the presence of gluten-degrading ability from sourdough samples. These isolates were sub-cultured on different media for presumptive preselection by biochemical assays. Five bacterial isolates were lactic acid bacteria and two were Bacillus sp among 19 bacterial isolates which were further characterized based on auto-aggregation, β-galactosidase activity, antibiotic susceptibility, anti-pathogenic activity, bile salts tolerance, pH tolerance, surface hydrophobicity and cholesterol assimilation. In this study Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 14917 was used as control strain to compare the probiotic potential of isolated strains. 16S and 28S rRNA sequencing revealed the presence of four Enterococcus faecalis strains along with Enterococcus mundtii, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium strains. All yeast strains were identified as Wickerhamomyces anomalus. Among all microbial strains, E. mundtii QAUSD01 and W. anomalus QAUWA03 had the ability to tolerate low pH, bile salt properties and hydrophobicity compared to other gluten-degrading strains. These two strains exhibited the potential to be used as probiotic for sourdough fermentation.
Lactocepins or CEPs are large cell wall bound extracellular proteinases of lactic acid bacteria, involved in protein breakdown and utilization. They are responsible for many health-promoting traits of food products fermented with these organisms, but also essential for probiotic effects of certain strains. Different mesophilic strains selected within the species Lactobacillus zeae, Lb. casei, Lb. rhamnosus, and Lb. plantarum were analyzed for their proteolytic activity towards main fractions of milk proteins—caseins and whey proteins. The strains showing excellent proteolytic features were further examined for presence of corresponding proteinase gene(s). It was found that Lb. zeae LMG17315 possessed catalytic domains of three distinct proteinase genes, unique feature in Lb. casei group, which are similar but not identical to previously characterized prtP and prtR genes. Lb. casei neotype strain ATCC393 was also analysed and based on obtained results its reclassification in taxon Lb. zeae is supported. In addition, we report catalytic domain of prtR-type gene in Lb. plantarum LMG9208, which is first such report in this species, and it is first time that this gene is reported outside Lb. casei group.
Background: Wheat flour is one of the most common causative agents of food allergy. The study presents the selection and characterization of lactic acid bacteria strains capable of hydrolyzing/modifying allergenic proteins of wheat flour. Hydrolysis of wheat proteins was determined with SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with sera from patients with food allergy to gluten. Results: The analysis of electrophoretic profiles of protein extracted from sourdough shows the capability of selected LAB strains for proteolytic degradation of wheat proteins that belong to two factions, albumin/globulin (hydrolysis of 13 polypeptides with the molecular weight between 103 and 22 kDa) and gliadin (7 polypeptides in the molecular weight range of 39 to 24 kDa). All analyzed strains were capable of hydrolyzing some IgE-binding epitopes of wheat allergens. The lack of such changes in control samples indicates that they were induced rather by the proteolytic activity of bacterial strains than endogenous enzymes of wheat flour. The gluten proteins were susceptible to hydrolysis by sequential digestion with pepsin and trypsin. Conclusion: The selected strains exhibit the proteolytic activity, which leads to a reduction in allergenicity of wheat sourdoughs. These strains may be applied as specific starter cultures to prepare bakery products of special nutritional use.
In recent years, gluten free (GF) goods have become popular, fuelling a growing market as they do not only cater to individuals with medical needs, but also to consumers who seek a GF diet. In their development, it is pivotal to pay attention to nutritional quality. This review aims to provide some insights on the nutritional quality of GF products, focusing on major concerns and the strategies to overcome them. In order to mimic the viscoelastic properties of gluten, a large number of flours and starches and other ingredients have been used. Therefore, the different mixtures of these ingredients bring a wide difference in the nutritional composition of GF foods with respect to gluten-containing counterparts. Several GF foodstuffs contain more fat, including saturated, and salt, but less minerals and vitamins than their equivalent with gluten. The increased fibre content and the improved technological processes have positively affected the glycemic responses from these goods. However, in order to improve their nutritional quality wholemeal GF cereals and pseudocereals with high nutritive value should replace the low nutritional GF flours and consequently the technological processes would be optimized. The improvement of the nutritional quality of GF products, and in turn that of the GF diet, should also be aimed at improving the risk of later chronic degenerative disorders, especially for infants and young children. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The prevalence of celiac disease (CD) varies greatly, but several reports have shown that CD is increasing in frequency in different geographic areas. The increase in prevalence can be partially attributed to the improvement in diagnostic techniques and disease awareness; however the equally well documented rise in incidence in the last 30-40 years cannot be so easily explained. The new epidemiology of CD is now characterized by an increase of new cases in the historical CD areas (northern Europe and the United States) and more interestingly in a spread of the disease in new regions (Asian countries). A significant change in diet habits, particularly in gluten consumption as well as in infant feeding patterns are probably the main factors that can account for these new trends in CD epidemiology.