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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Alternative of stone ash as a sand replacement in fc’40 mpa quality
concrete mixture on pressure stress
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Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
Alternative of stone ash as a sand replacement in fc '40 mpa
quality concrete mixture on pressure stress
R Hidayata, Iswinarti, and Asnun Parwanti
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Darul ‘Ulum, Jombang, Indonesia
Abstract. Stone ash is the result of breaking stone by using a stone crusher. Stone ash is currently a
product in the industry the amount of stone is not small. At present stone ash is not very salable
for sale because the use in the construction industry is very little considering the use of sand as fine
aggregate is still used for concrete mixtures. The method used in this study is a reduction in the
amount of sand used in the concrete composition replaced with stone ash. Where the percentage of
the use of stone ash is determined at 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the amount of sand, using concrete
quality Fc '40 Mpa. From this study, it is known that the more mixed the ash, the lower the
compressive strength. Each 5% increase in the proportion of rock ash mixture to the weight of sand
results in a decrease in strength. For 0% of stone ashes produce Fc '= 40.17 MPa; 5% of stone ash
produces Fc '= 39.37 MPa; 10% of stone ash produces Fc '= 38.32 MPa; 15% of stone ash produces
Fc '= 37.38 MPa; 20% of rock ash produced Fc '= 36.8 Mpa. From the research carried out the
addition of rock ash more than 5% decreased the concrete compressive strength required because by
using a mixture of 5% stone ash, the compressive strength of concrete only reached 39.37 Mpa.
1. Introduction
In the field of construction, the material that is often used is concrete. The use of concrete is the main choice
because concrete is a basic material that is easily formed at a relatively cheap price compared to other
construction. Concrete is a mixture of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water. Concrete
hardening will occur immediately because of the bond between water and cement, where the mass of
concrete will grow stronger with increasing age of concrete. In making concrete, the selection of materials
used is very important, especially for obtaining concrete quality with special properties, which desired for
certain purposes in the most economical way.
Along with the scarcity of sand raw materials, nowadays in some concrete construction works, sand is
replaced with stone ash, stone ash is the result of processing broken stones using stone crusher. Stone ash is
currently a by-product in the industry, the amount of which is not small. At present stone ash is not very
salable for sale because the use in the construction industry is very little considering the use of sand as fine
aggregate is still used for concrete mixes. For this reason, a normal concrete composition is tested by testing
the compressive strength of concrete by using stone ash as a substitute
for sand for concrete mixture.
According to [4] that the more mixture of rock ash, the lower the compressive strength. Every 20%
increase in the proportion of rock ash mixture to the weight of sand results in a decrease in strength. For 0%
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
of stone ashes, Fc '= 20.67 MPa; 20% of stone ash produced Fc '= 19.44 MPa; 40% of stone ash produced
Fc '= 18.14 MPa; 60% of stone ash produces Fc '= 17.03 Mpa; 80% of stone ash produces Fc '= 15.94 MPa;
100% rock ash produces Fc '= 15.01 Mpa. From the research carried out the addition of rock ash more than
20% did not reach the concrete compressive strength required because by using a mixture of 20% stone ash,
the compressive strength of the concrete only reached 19.44 Mpa. For this reason, it is necessary to test the
compressive strength of the concrete with the composition of adding rock ash below 20% to the weight of
sand as a substitute for sand, in order to make a better change in the compressive strength of the concrete
2. Literature Review
2.1 Cement
Cement is a solid, hard object with a strong compressive strength but weak to tensile, with its base material
being: cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (gravel), water and other additives as admixed
material (stone ash). Cement is an important bonding material and is widely used in physical construction
around civil construction, compounds contained in mothballs cement (CaO), sandililate (SiO2), soilLi
(Al2O3), seedsBesi (Fe2O3), magnesium (MgO), sulfur (SO3) , soda or potash (Na2O + K2O). If added,
cement water will become a cement paste. If
added with fine aggregate, cement paste will become mortar
and if combined with coarse aggregate into fresh concrete mixture which after hardening will become hard
concrete. The function of cement is to bind aggregate granules until they form a period (solid and fill air
cavities between aggregate grains. Cement is a very complex industrial product, with different mixtures and
structures, cement can Concrete regulation 1989 (SKBI. 4,53,1989) division of cement porland into five
types [9] those are:
a) Type 1
Porcelain cement which in its use does not require special requirements such as other types, is used
for public buildings that do not need to use special requirements.
b) Type II
Porcelain cement which is in use requires resistance to sulfate and moderate hydration heat. Used
for construction of buildings and concrete which are continuously in contact with dirty water or
ground water or for foundations that are retained in soil containing aggressive water (sulfate salts)
and sewerage or buildings that are directly related to swamps.
c) Type III
Portland cement in its use requires high initial strength in the initial phase after binding occurs, this
type of cement is used in areas with low temperatures, especially areas that have winter (winter
d) Type IV
Porland cement which in its use requires low hydration heat, is used for large jobs, such as weir
work, large foundation or other large work
e) Type V
Porcelain cement which in its use requires high resistance to sulfate, is used for buildings related to
seawater, industrial waste water, buildings affected by aggressive chemical gases or vapors and for
buildings associated with high percentage of sulfuric groundwater.
2.2 Fine Agregate
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
Fine aggregate (sand) is a natural mineral that functions as a filler in a concrete mixture that has a grain size
of less than 5 mm or passes no. 4 filter and is stuck on filter no.200. fine aggregate (sand) comes from the
natural disintegration of rock breakers. Types of sand:
a) Excavated sand
This class of sand is obtained directly from the ground surface or by digging it first. This sand is
usually free of salt content
b) River Sand
This sand is obtained directly from the river, which is generally fine-
d, rounded due to
friction, less adhesion between granules due to strong grain. Because the grain size is small, it is
good to use for plastering the walls as well as other necessities.
c) Sea Sand
Sea sand is sand taken from the beach, the grain is smooth and round due to friction, this sand is the
ugliest sand because it contains lots of salt. These salts absorb water from the air and this results in
the sand always getting wet. Therefore, it is better for sea sand (beach) not to be used in concrete
2.3 Coarse
Coarse aggregates come from natural disintegration of natural rocks or in the form of broken stones
produced by stone breakers with a grain size of more than 5 mm or retained by no. 4 filter.
2.4 Water
Water is an important basic material for making concrete. Water is needed to react with cement and as a
lubricant between aggregate grains to be easily worked and compacted. Water containing dangerous
compounds contaminated with salt, oil, sugar, or other chemicals when used in concrete mixtures will reduce
the quality of the concrete and can even change the properties of concrete.
Because cement paste is the result of a chemical reaction between cement and water, it is not the ratio of
the amount of water to the total weight of the mixture that is important, but rather the ratio of water to
cement or commonly called cement water ratio.Low water content causes hard to work concrete (not easy
to flow), and high water content causes low concrete strength. Besides that the excess water will be together
with cement moving the surface of the freshly poured fresh concrete and then become foam and form a thin
layer known as laitance. This thin membrane will reduce adhesion between the concrete layer and is a weak
connection area. If there is a mold leak, water with cement can also come out so there are small nests. Apart
from the amount of water, the quality of water must also be maintained, the impurities contained in the water
can cause the strength of the concrete and its durability to decrease, the effect on the concrete including the
length of the initial bonding time.
2.5 Stone Ash
Stone ash is a building material which is the result of the process of breaking stone slabs that are used for
concrete combinations. This aggregate is a mineral filler / filler that passes filter No. 200 size <0.075 mm ,
obtained from the by-product of a stone-breaking plant. Abu-stone stone can be said to have a lot of volume
and is still in the development stage to reduce the use of sand in concrete mixes. smooth.
Stone Ash is often
used as a side material as a combination of mortar or concrete. Stone ash is easy to obtain and can be
considered cheap in terms of price.
High quality concrete testing with a strong pressure plan of 25 MPa, with cylindrical test material 15 x
30 cm, with a total sample of 10 samples, each variation using a mixture of Ash Bat as cement substitute
material. Concrete testing was carried out at the age of 7 and 28 days with the results of the optimum pressure
strength of 40 Mpa, namely the addition of Aboriginal Ash as much as 12% and at the age of 28 days[5]
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
2.6 Work Abilitty
This property is a measure of the level of ease of stirring to be complained, transported, poured and
compacted. Comparison of the composition of the concrete constituent materials together affects the nature
of workability (workability). Elements that affect the nature of ease of work include: addition of cement,
gradation of sand and gravel mixtures, use of rounded relief items, and how to compact concrete
2.7 Concrete Slump
Concrete slump experiments are a way to measure concrete stirredness, ie stir / liquid thickness which is
useful in concrete work. The lower the slump value indicates that the mixture is gett
ing thicker. Concrete
slump checking is intended to determine the consistency of concrete and workability in accordance with the
predetermined requirements shown in Figure 1, while the Test Slump values are in Table 1
Figure 1. Possibly Slump
Table 1. Slump score
Slump (mm)
Walls, Plates, Foundations and Bones for Bones
The foundation of the palm is not boned, kaison and
underground construction
Plate, beam, column and wall
Mass concretion
Source : PBI 1971
3. Methodology
The research was carried out in the concrete laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Darul
Ulum Jombang. Before making the test specimens for research on the "Alternative of Ash Stone as a
Substitute of Sand in Fc '40 Mpa Concrete Mixture Against Workability and Compressive Strength", it is
necessary to check the constituent material. The stages for conducting research in the laboratory are carried
out in 7 stages, Figure 2
1. Provision of concrete constituents
2. Material inspection
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
3. Mix Design
4. Making test specimens
5. Curing
6. Testing the compressive strength of concrete aged 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days
7. Analysis of Test Results
Figure 2. Research Flow Chart
4. Result
4.1 Concrete Mixture
Where :
Preparation of materials and tools
Materials Testing
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
The results of the proportion of concrete mix design Fc '= 40 MPa in 1.0 m3 concrete are presented in Table
2 and Table 3.
Table 2. Design of Normal Concrete Mixtures
Standard deviation (s)
-added (m) 10 Mpa
The concrete compressive strength required, at 28 days
(from RKS) and fourth sheet ) Fc’
40 Mpa
Average compressive strength (Fcr = Fc’+ m)
50 Mpa
Cement type (Choices : normal or quickly hardens)
Agregate Type
A type of fine aggregate
(choose: natural / fractional)
B type of coarse aggregate (choose: natural / fraction)
Cement water factor (from attachment III and attachment IV)
Slump value
6 Cm
Maximum size of aggregate grain
2 Cm
Water requirement per cubic
meter 189,9 Liter
Cement requirements per cubic meter
487 Kg
Type of fine aggregate (write: 1,2,3 or 4)
Zona 3
The proportion of the weight of the fine aggregate to the mixture
35 %
Mixed aggregate specific gravity
Estimated weight of concrete per cubic metr
2420 Kg
Mixed aggregate needs per cubic meter of concrete
1743,11 Kg
Need for fine aggregate per cubic meter of concrete
610,09 Kg
The need for coarse aggregate per cubic meter of concrete
1133,02 Kg
Source :
SK SNI 03-2847-2002
Table 3. Result of proportion of concrete mixing design
Plan of Making Concrete
The need for concrete base material
fine aggregate
1 m3
2420 kg
189,9 Ltr
487 kg
610,09 kg 113,02 kg
12,83 kg 1,01 Ltr 2,58 kg
3,24 kg
6 kg
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
4.2 Test Press Normal Concrete
The compressive strength of concrete is the amount of load per unit area, which causes the concrete test
object to be destroyed when loaded with a certain compressive force, which is produced by the press
machine. Testing of normal concrete compressive strength is carried out on cylindrical test objects using
Compression Machine compressive strength testing machine. The test was carried out after the concrete
reached the ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. As for the results of testing the normal concrete compressive
strength can be seen in table
4 and figure 3.
Table 4. Normal Compressive Strength Results
Figure 3. Normal Strength Compressive Graph
4.3 Concrete Press Test With Substitute Ash Stone
The compressive strength of concrete is the amount of load per unit area, which causes the concrete test
object to be destroyed when loaded with a certain compressive force, which is produced by the press
machine. Testing of concrete compressive strength with rock ash replacement material is carried out on
the cylinder test object by using Compression Machine compressive strength testing machine. The test
was carried out after the concrete reached the ages of 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The results of testing the
compressive strength of concrete with a substitute for rock ash can be seen in table 5 and figure 4.
Table 5. Normal Compressive Strength Results
Stone Ash %
Mpa 7 Days
Mpa 14 Days
Mpa 21 Days
Mpa 28 Days
Concrete Compressive Strength (Mpa)
7 Days
14 Days
21 Days
28 Days
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
Figure 4. Result Graph of Concrete Press Strength with Substitute Material of Stone Ash
From the graphic above (Figure 4) it can be seen that the results of the replacement of sand with stone
ash for concrete compressive strength at 28 days are as follows:
- Replacement of 5% stone ash to the concrete compressive strength decreased by 39.37 MPa this
strength was reduced by 0.63% from the normal concrete compressive strength
- Replacement of 10% of rock ash to the compressive strength of the concrete decreased by 38.32
MPa this power was reduced by 1.68% from the normal concrete compressive strength
- Replacement of 15% of rock ash against concrete compressive strength decreased by 37.38 MPa
this strength was reduced by 2.62% from normal concrete compressive strength
- Replacement of 20% rock ash to the compressive strength of the concrete decreased by 36.28
MPa this strength was reduced by 3.72% from the normal compressive strength of the concrete
. Conclusion
From the results of research conducted in the laboratory, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. From the test results, the normal concrete compressive strength is 40.17 Mpa
2. Replacement of 5% stone ash to concrete compressive strength decreased by 39.37 Mpa this
strength was reduced by 0.63% from the normal compressive strength of concrete, replacement
of 10% stone ash to the concrete compressive strength decreased by 38.32 Mpa, this power was
reduced by 1.68% from normal concrete compressive strength, Replacement of 15% stone ash
to concrete compressive strength decreased by 37.38 Mpa this strength was reduced 2.62% from
normal concrete compressive strength, 3). The replacement of 20% of rock ash against the
compressive strength of the concrete decreased by 36.28 MPa this strength was reduced by
3.72% from the normal compressive strength of the concrete
3. Testing Results Slump Value On Normal Concrete Of 9.5 cm, On Replacement Of 5% stone
ash of 8 cm, On Replacement Of 10% stone ash of 7 cm, On Replacement 15% stone ash of 6.5
cm, On Replacement 20% ash stone as big as 6 cm.
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[3] Dipohusodo I 1994 Reinforced Concrete Structure (Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
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Mpa 14 Days
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Stone Ash Content (%)
Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar 2018 (IMRCS 2018)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 588 (2019) 012045
IOP Publishing
[5] Sukana I 2014 Effect of Use of Fly Ash and Ash Stone as Partial Substitutes for Cement in High
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[7] Murdock L J and Brook K M 1986 Concrete Materials and Practices (Jakarta : Erlangga)
[8] ASTM C 33-97 Standard specifications for fine aggregate and coarse aggregate
[9] SNI T-15-1990-03 Procedures for Making a Normal Concrete Mix Plan