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An investigation into the relationships between bullying, discrimination, burnout and patient safety in nurses and midwives: Is burnout a mediator?



Background Bullying and discrimination may be indirectly associated with patient safety via their contribution to burnout, but research has yet to establish this. Aims The aims of this study were to investigate the relationships between workplace bullying, perceived discrimination, levels of burnout and patient safety perceptions in nurses and midwives and to assess whether bullying and discrimination were more frequently experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic than White nurses and midwives. Methods In total, 528 nurses and midwives were recruited from four hospitals in the United Kingdom to complete a cross-sectional survey between February and March 2017. The survey included items on bullying, discrimination, burnout and individual level and ward level patient safety perceptions. Data were analysed using path analysis. Results The results were reported according to the STROBE checklist. Bullying and discrimination were significantly associated with higher burnout. Higher burnout was in turn associated with poorer individual- and ward-level patient safety perceptions. Experiences of discrimination were three times more common among Black, Asian and minority ethnic than White nurses and midwives, but there was no significant difference in experiences of bullying. Conclusions Bullying and discrimination are indirectly associated with patient safety perceptions via their influence on burnout. Healthcare organisations seeking to improve patient care should implement strategies to reduce workplace bullying and discrimination.
Accepted for publication in the Journal of Research in Nursing
An investigation into the relationships between bullying, discrimination, burnout and
patient safety in nurses and midwives
Judith Johnson, PhD, ClinPsyDabd; Lorraine Cameron, MAbe*; Lucy Mitchinson, BScaf; Mayur
Parmar, BScag; Gail Opio-te, RNch; Gemma Louch, PhDbi; Angela Grange, RN, PhDbj
aSchool of Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS29JT, UK; +44 (0)1133235719
bBradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, BD96RJ; +44
(0) 1274 383430
cSilsden District Nurse Team, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford, BD18
3LD; +44 (0)1274 256131
dCorresponding author; Lecturer,
eHead of Equality and Diversity
fResearch and Implementation Assistant
gResearch and Implementation Assistant
hCommunity Nurse
iResearch Fellow
jHead of Nursing; Research and Innovation.
* Since the article was accepted for publication, we are sad to report that Lorraine Cameron
has died. Lorraine was passionate about equality and diversity, and was a driving force
behind this project. We are grateful to have worked with her on this piece of research.
Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare they have no conflict of interests.
Sources of support: This article presents independent research supported by the National
Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and
Care Yorkshire and Humber (NIHR CLAHRC YH). (Reference:
NIHR IS-CLA-0113-10020). The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors, and
not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
An investigation into the relationships between bullying, discrimination, burnout and
patient safety in nurses and midwives: Is burnout a mediator?
Background: Bullying and discrimination may be indirectly associated with patient
safety via their contribution to burnout, but research has yet to establish this.
Aims: To investigate the relationships between workplace bullying, perceived
discrimination, levels of burnout and patient safety perceptions in nurses and midwives, and
to assess whether bullying and discrimination were more frequently experienced by Black,
Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) than White nurses and midwives.
Methods: Five hundred and thirty-eight nurses and midwives were recruited from
four hospitals in the UK to complete a cross-sectional survey between February and March
2017. The survey included items on bullying, discrimination, burnout and individual level
and ward level patient safety perceptions. Data were analysed using path analysis.
Results: Results were reported according to the STROBE checklist. Bullying and
discrimination were significantly associated with higher burnout. Higher burnout was in turn
associated with poorer individual level and ward level patient safety perceptions. Experiences
of discrimination were three times more common among BAME than White nurses and
midwives, but there was no significant difference in experiences of bullying
Conclusions: Bullying and discrimination are indirectly associated with patient safety
perceptions via their influence on burnout. Healthcare organisations seeking to improve
patient care should implement strategies to reduce workplace bullying and discrimination.
Keywords: workforce and employment; burnout; diversity; discrimination; patient safety
Numerous studies have found an association between higher burnout and poorer patient
safety (Hall et al., 2016; Panagioti et al., 2018; Hall et al., 2018; Johnson et al., 2017),
suggesting that reducing burnout could be an area for patient safety improvement initiatives
to target. Recent reviews of burnout reduction interventions suggest these are effective but
effect sizes are small (Panagioti et al., 2017; West et al., 2016). Organisational interventions
(e.g., work scheduling, staff training) appear to be most effective (Panagioti et al., 2018).
However, it is unclear which form of organisational interventions may work best. One
possible area organisational interventions could focus on is workplace bullying and
discrimination, but further research is needed to explore this.
Literature review
Bullying in hospitals and healthcare organisations is an issue of international concern, and
has been experienced by between 20% and 77% of nurses (Rosenstein and Naylor, 2012;
Sellers et al., 2012; Roche et al., 2010; Stanley et al., 2007; Farrell et al., 2006; Ganz et al.,
2015; Carter et al., 2013). Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) and immigrant nurses
are more likely than White nurses to experience workplace bullying (Deery et al., 2011). This
is possibly due to a higher likelihood of bullies targeting employees whose appearance or
accent is different to the wider workplace population (Deery et al., 2011; Berdahl and Moore,
2006). Similarly, discrimination in nursing is widespread. In the UK, the National Health
Service (NHS) recruitment process favours White applicants, with White applicants 1.57
times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting as BAME applicants (Kline et al., 2017).
In the US, 40% of foreign-educated nurses report experiencing discriminatory practices in
relation to benefits, wages or shift/unit assignments (Pittman et al., 2014).
There is reason to believe that these elevated rates of discrimination and bullying could be
a patient safety concern. Previous research links bullying and discrimination with burnout
(Volpone and Avery, 2013; Laschinger et al., 2012), and some studies have also directly
linked bullying with patient safety (Houck and Colbert, 2017). However, no studies have
included UK hospital nurses, where a quarter of entry-grade nurses are BAME (Kline et al.,
2017). Furthermore, there is a lack of research into possible associations between
discrimination and patient safety, and it remains unclear whether addressing discrimination
could improve patient safety. As significant global shortages of healthcare workers have
resulted in net migration of nurses from low- to higher-income countries, proportions of
BAME nurses in higher income countries could be expected to rise, and the need to
understand these issues will become increasingly important (Aluttis et al., 2014).
When this evidence is considered together, it seems likely that bullying and
discrimination may be indirectly associated with patient safety via their contribution to
burnout, but research has yet to establish this. A proposed model of the associations between
bullying, discrimination, burnout and perceptions of patient safety is presented in Figure 1. If
supported, this would suggest interventions which reduce bullying and discrimination may
reduce burnout. Such interventions may also improve other outcomes linked with burnout
such as patient experience, quality of care, staff retention and absence rates.
Figure 1. Proposed model of the relationships between bullying, discrimination, burnout and
patient safety perceptions
In summary, our research aimed to investigate the relationships between workplace
bullying, perceived discrimination, levels of burnout and patient safety perceptions using path
analysis. We predicted that perceived bullying and discrimination would be associated with
higher burnout, which would in turn be associated with poorer perceptions of patient safety in
nurses and midwives. A corollary prediction was that experiences of workplace bullying and
perceived discrimination would be more frequent in BAME than White nurses and midwives.
All registered and practicing hospital nurses and midwives from four hospitals within
an acute NHS Trust were invited to participate in the study in the UK between February and
March 2017. We aimed to recruit over 320 participants; this is the suggested sample size
proposed by Wolf et al. (2013) as being adequate for testing Structural Equation Models
investigating mediation where there is up to 20% missing data per indicator. All participants
provided informed consent prior to completing the study.
Participants were informed of the study through a global email. Eligible participants,
identified from the Trust Electronic Staff Record (ESR), received a paper questionnaire pack.
We were aware that some participants may be concerned that their responses would be shared
with the trust. To address this, the information sheet informed participants that only research
team members would have access to their data, and that their responses would be entirely
confidential. The participants were asked to return questionnaires via the Trust internal mail.
After two weeks, reminders and a second paper questionnaire were sent to participants who
had not responded.
The study used a cross-sectional survey design. Results were reported according to
the STROBE checklist (supplementary file 1).
Demographic information. Questionnaire items asked for information regarding
gender, ethnicity, age, job role, highest level of qualification, years qualified and time spent
working within the Trust.
Bullying and discrimination. Respondents were asked two items based upon the
NHS Workforce Race Equality Standards and Indicators (WRES), each requiring a ‘yes’ or
‘no’ response. The first measured discrimination: “In the last 12 months have you personally
experienced discrimination at work? (Participants were provided with the following
definition: Discrimination is when you are treated as less favourable than someone else
because of your ethnicity, age, gender, etc).” The second measured bullying, harassment and
abuse: “In the past 12 months have you experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other
staff at work? (Participants were provided with the following definition: Harassment is
unwanted conduct which has the purpose of violating your dignity or creating an
intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment”. For both items,
‘none’ was coded as ‘1’ and occurrence of harassment/bullying or discrimination was coded
as ‘2’.
Burnout. The Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) (Demerouti et al., 2000) consists
of two eight-item subscales, Disengagement and Exhaustion. Disengagement subscale items
include “Over time, one can become disconnected from this type of work”. Exhaustion
subscale items include “There are days when I feel tired before I arrive at work”. Items were
rated on a 4-point scale from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 4 (“strongly agree”). Possible scores
ranged from eight to 32 on each subscale, with higher scores indicating higher burnout. The
measure demonstrated good internal consistency in our study (α = 0.80 for Emotional
Exhaustion, α = 0.79 for Disengagement, α = 0.88 for the full scale).
Patient safety perceptions. Both individual level and ward/unit level patient safety
perceptions were measured. Previous research suggests this approach provides
complementary information that varies between nurses according to individual differences
and stress (Louch et al., 2016; Louch et al., 2017).
Individual-level safety perceptions. Individual level safety perceptions were
measured using the one-item Safe Practitioner Measure (Louch et al., 2016) (“My practice is
not as safe as it could be because of work related factors/conditions”). This is scored on a
five-point scale from one (“Strongly disagree”) to five (“Strongly agree”) (Louch et al.,
2016). Responses were reverse coded in order that higher scores suggested more positive
safety perceptions.
Ward/unit-level safety perceptions. To assess ward/unit-level safety perceptions,
participants responded to a subscale from the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture
(Sorra and Nieva, 2004) focusing on “Perceptions of Patient Safety”. This comprises four
items (e.g., “It is just by chance that more serious mistakes don’t happen around here”). Items
were scored on a five-point scale from one (“Strongly disagree”) five (“Strongly agree”),
with total possible scores ranging from four to 20 and higher scores suggesting more positive
perceptions. The measure demonstrated good internal consistency in our study (α = .80).
Data Analysis
Descriptive statistics and correlations were conducted for study variables. For the
purposes of the inferential statistics, ethnicity was collapsed into two categories to allow for
comparisons (White was coded as ‘1’ and Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) was
coded as ‘2’). Spearman’s Rho correlations were conducted for most variables, as several
variables were not normally distributed. Point-biserial correlations were conducted for binary
variables (bullying, discrimination and ethnicity) with other continuous and ordinal variables.
It was not possible to assess correlations between binary variables. Odds ratios and the
Fisher’s Exact test were calculated to investigate whether experiences of bullying and
discrimination varied according to ethnicity (White vs. BAME) (McHugh, 2009).
For the purposes of path analysis, the two burnout facets were totalled to create one
burnout item. This was due to the two facets of burnout being closely related, which can
adversely affect model fit in SEM when included separately as endogenous variables.
Furthermore, previous research suggests that both facets have a similar association with
patient safety perceptions, so they would be unlikely to demonstrate different relationships
with other variables in these analyses (Johnson et al., 2017). Missing data analyses were
undertaken for variables to be included in the path analyses. Rates of missing data for
variables varied between 0.9% (gender) to 12.5% (Burnout). Little’s chi-square statistic was
not significant, suggesting no systematic pattern to the missing data (x = 26.74, df = 21, p = .
18) (Little, 1988), and as overall missing data rates were <20%, data imputation was
conducted (Garson, 2015). This was undertaken with regression imputation in AMOS 22.
This imputes predicted values in place of missing values using linear regression, which
estimates these values based on the observed (i.e., non-missing) values of that individual
(Arbuckle, 2013).
To test the proposed model of the relationships between bullying, discrimination,
burnout and each of the patient safety perception scales, SEM path analyses were conducted
in AMOS 22. This enabled use of the bootstrapping method to estimate model fit and
regression weights, which is a powerful non-parametric approach. As it uses a resampling
procedure, data distributions do not need to conform to assumptions of parametric tests. In
order to reduce estimation error we followed the advice of Cole and Preacher (2014): the
multiple-item scales we included (burnout; ward-level patient safety perceptions) were highly
reliable measures, and we kept our models simple.
Bootstrapping was used to test two models (5000 bootstrap samples; 95% confidence
interval), both of which controlled for age and gender. Model 1 tested a proposed relationship
between study variables whereby bullying and discrimination were associated with higher
burnout, which in turn was associated with lower individual-level patient safety perceptions.
Model 2 repeated this, replacing the outcome variable with the ward/unit-level perceptions of
patient safety measure. Bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals were reported (Cheung
and Lau, 2007). For each path tested in the analyses, Standardised beta coefficients were
reported followed by confidence intervals (lower limit, upper limit) and the significance
value, in line with previous similar studies (Johnson et al., 2017; Holden et al., 2011).
To assess model fit, we reported chi-square value, the root mean square error of
approximation (RMSEA) and the Comparative fit index (CFI), in line with recommendations
by Hooper et al. (2008). Hooper et al. (2008) note that the chi-square has several severe
limitations, namely that it assumes multivariate normality and rejects properly specified
models that do not meet this assumption, and that it is nearly always significant when
samples are large. As such the RMSEA and CFI were also reported to provide alternative fit
indices. RMSEA values <0.08 were deemed to signal acceptable fit and values <0.06 were
deemed to signal good fit. CFI values >0.90 were used to indicate acceptable fit and values
>0.95 were used to indicate good fit (Hooper et al., 2008).
Participant Characteristics
One thousand, seven hundred and four participants were contacted and 538 responded
(M age= 43.55, SD= 12.72, 90.5% female, gender data missing for 1.5% participants),
producing a response rate of 31.6%. We were unable to gather information regarding why
non-responders chose not to participate. Demographic information for participants is
presented in Table 1. Participants had been qualified on average 16.89 years (SD = 11.29) and
had been working for the Trust on average for 11.91 years (SD = 10.39).
Table 1: Demographic information for participants
Number %
Ethnicity White 428 79.6
Asian 83 15.4
African-Caribbean 12 2.2
Mixed ethnicity 7 1.4
Other ethnicity 2 0.4
Preferred not to state 2 0.4
Missing 4 0.7
Education (highest attainment) PhD or Doctoral degree 2 0.4
Masters degree 42 7.8
Postgraduate diploma 81 15.1
Bachelors degree 256 47.6
Advanced diploma 99 18.4
A-Levels or equivalent 19 3.5
Other attainment 27 5.0
Missing 12 2.2
Discipline Nursing 458 85.1
Midwifery 79 14.7
Missing 1 0.2
Band 8a or above (e.g.,
matron/lead nurse)
38 7.1
7 (ward manager) 113 21.0
6 (ward sister/charge
159 29.6
5 (staff nurse grade) 217 40.3
Missing 1 0.2
Bivariate Associations
Descriptive statistics and bivariate associations are presented (Table 2). Occurrence of
bullying was associated with higher disengagement (rpb = 0.18, p<0.001) and exhaustion (rpb =
0.15, p = 0.001), and lower individual level and ward level safety perceptions (rpb = -0.14, p
= 0.001 and rpb = -0.16, p<0.001, respectively). Occurrence of discrimination was also
associated with higher disengagement (rpb = 0.15, p = 0.001) and exhaustion (rpb = 0.15, p =
0.001) and lower individual level and ward level safety perceptions (rpb = -0.11, p = 0.016,
and rpb = -0.10, p = 0.023, respectively). Disengagement and exhaustion were positively
associated with each other (rs = 0.62, p<0.001) and both burnout facets were inversely
associated with safety perceptions (rs = -.41, p<0.001 for individual perceptions and rs = -.39,
p<0.001 for ward perceptions for disengagement,; rs = -.41, p<0.001 for individual
perceptions and rs = -.35, p<0.001 for ward perceptions for exhaustion).
Table 2: Means, Standard deviations a and correlations for variables
2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Bullyingb--- ---- .18*** .15** -.14** -.16**
2. Discriminationb--- .15** .15** -.11* -.10* ---
3. Disengagement
(burnout facet)
.62*** -.41**
4. Exhaustion
(burnout facet)
5. Individual-level
safety (Safe
.52*** -.03
6. Work area/unit
level safety
(AHRQ subscale)
7. Ethnicityb---
Note. *p<0.05, **p<.01, ***p<0.001. AHRQ = Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
aStandard deviations appear in italics below the means. Spearman’s Rho correlations are
reported unless point biserial correlations are indicated. bThese variables were binary.
Ethnicity was divided into White and Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) categories.
As such, no mean was calculated for these variables and point-biserial correlations were
Path Analyses of the Associations Between Bullying, Discrimination, Burnout and
Safety Perceptions
Two path analyses were tested, the first with ward-level patient safety perceptions as
the outcome and the second with individual level patient safety perceptions as the outcome.
Ward level safety perceptions. When ward level safety perceptions was the outcome
(Figure 2), the pathway between bullying and burnout was significant (B = 0.157, CI = 0.073,
0.239, p= 0.001), the pathway between discrimination and burnout was significant (B =
0.129, CI = 0.041, 0.219, p = 0.003) and the pathway between burnout and patient safety was
significant (B = -0.404, CI = -0.473, -0.326, p < 0.001). Model fit indices were X2 (6) =
17.652, p = 0.007; CFI = 0.94; RMSEA = 0.06, suggesting that although the chi-square was
significant there was overall acceptable model fit.
For completeness, we also tested the model when paths between discrimination and
ward-level safety perceptions and bullying and safety perceptions were also specified. In this
model, the pathway between bullying and burnout was significant (B = 0.157, CI = 0.073,
0.239, p = 0.001), the pathway between discrimination and burnout was significant (B =
0.129, CI = 0.041, 0.219, p= 0.003) and the pathway between burnout and patient safety was
significant (B = -0.387, CI = -0.459, -0.308, p < 0.001). However, the pathways between
bullying and patient safety (B = -0.079, CI = -0.184, 0.025, p = 0.143) and discrimination and
patient safety (B = -0.008, CI = -0.102, 0.085, p = 0.857) were not significant. Model fit
indices showed no consistent improvement upon the previous model (X2 (4) = 13.473, p =
0.009; CFI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.07); as such the previous model was retained due to its
Figure 2. Structural equation model of the relationships between bullying, discrimination,
burnout and ward level patient safety perceptions
Individual Level Safety Perceptions. Similarly, when individual level safety
perceptions was the outcome (Figure 3), the pathway between bullying and burnout was
significant (B = 0.157, CI = 0.073, 0.239, p = 0.001), the pathway between discrimination and
burnout was significant (B = 0.129, CI = 0.041, 0.219, p = 0.003) and the pathway between
burnout and patient safety was significant (B = -0.473, CI = -0.543, -0.395, p<0.001). Model
fit indices were X2 (6) = 18.926, p = 0.004; CFI = 0.95; RMSEA = 0.06. Although the X2 test
was significant this might be expected given our sample size; however, the other model fit
indices suggest good model fit.
For completeness, we also tested the model when paths between discrimination and
individual-level safety perceptions and bullying and safety perceptions were also specified. In
this model, the pathway between bullying and burnout was significant (B = 0.157, CI =
0.073, 0.239, p = 0.001), the pathway between discrimination and burnout was significant (B
= 0.129, CI = 0.041, 0.219, p = 0.003) and the pathway between burnout and patient safety
was significant (B = -0.461, CI = -0.536, -0.378, p<0.001). However, the pathways between
bullying and patient safety (B = -0.045, CI = -0.126, 0.039, p = 0.294) and discrimination and
patient safety (B = -0.017, CI = -0.109, 0.071, p = 0.69) were not significant. The model fit
indices were poorer than the previous model (X2 (4) = 17.099, p = 0.002; CFI = 0.94;
RMSEA = 0.08), leading us to reject this model in favour of the former.
Figure 3. Structural equation model of the relationships between bullying, discrimination,
burnout and individual level patient safety perceptions
Ethnicity and Experiences of Bullying and Discrimination
A higher rate of BAME participants (18 of 102; 17.6%) reported experiencing
bullying in the previous year compared with White participants (52 of 419; 12.4%). The odds
of experiencing bullying were 1.5 times higher for BAME participants (odds ratio = 1.51,
95% CI [0.84, 2.72]). However, Fisher’s exact test suggested this was not significant, p =
A higher rate of BAME participants (21 of 102; 20.5%) reported experiencing
discrimination at work in the previous year compared with White participants (33 of 421;
7.8%). The odds of experiencing discrimination were three times higher for BAME
participants (odds ratio = 3.04, 95% CI [1.68, 5.54]) and Fisher’s Exact test suggested this
was significant, p < 0.001.
This study reports results from a survey of UK nurses and midwives from four
hospitals in one acute NHS organisation. We investigated the relationships between bullying,
perceived discrimination, levels of burnout and patient safety perceptions. The results
supported our hypothesised model. Both bullying and discrimination were significantly
associated with higher burnout. Higher burnout was in turn associated with poorer
perceptions of patient safety at both the individual and ward level. Experiences of
discrimination were three times more common in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME)
than White nurses and midwives, however while more BAME nurses and midwives
experienced bullying than White nurses and midwives, this difference was not significant.
A large number of studies have found that burnout is linked with poorer patient safety
(Hall et al., 2016; Panagioti et al., 2018). This finding is less clear when patient safety
outcomes are measured using objective measures such as incident reports, possibly due to
reporting variability, but consistent and robust when patient safety outcomes are self-reported
(Hall et al., 2018; Panagioti et al., 2018). Together, this body of work suggests that reducing
burnout could be one target for patient safety initiatives to address. However, burnout
reduction interventions have only limited effectiveness (West et al., 2016). While
interventions targeted at the organisation level, addressing areas such as work scheduling and
staff training seem to be most effective (Panagioti et al., 2017), it is unclear which types of
organisational interventions produce the greatest reductions in burnout. The present study
extends this literature by 1) providing the first evidence that perceived discrimination is
associated with patient safety in nurses and midwives and 2) proposing and testing the first
proposed framework of the associations between bullying, discrimination, burnout and
perceptions of patient safety, and reporting that bullying and discrimination have an indirect
relationship with patient safety perceptions which is mediated by burnout. This suggests that
reducing bullying and discrimination at an organisational level may be one way to reduce
burnout, and could be useful targets for patient safety initiatives to address. It should be
noted, however, that the size of the associations between bullying and burnout, and
discrimination and burnout was small; one possible avenue for future research to explore
could be to investigate whether there are factors which moderate the strength of these
Global healthcare staff shortages have led to increased migration of nurses and
doctors from low- to higher- income countries (Aluttis et al., 2014). Countries including the
UK, Netherlands and Australia actively recruit from overseas (WHO, 2014); an analysis of
2011 census data indicated that over 30% of nurses and midwives in Australia were born
overseas (Negin et al., 2013) and in the UK in 2017, 20% of nurses joining the NHS were not
from the UK (Baker, 2018). The present findings suggest that a fair and equal approach to
recruitment and promotion for all nurses may support patient safety, and countries who
recruit nurses from overseas should take particular care to ensure that any discrimination in
their recruitment and promotion practices is reduced.
The present study is the first to investigate associations between bullying and patient
safety within UK hospital nurses and midwives. Previous research has focused on nurses in
the US, Canada and Australia, and has reported that bullying is linked with outcomes such as
medication errors (Rosenstein and Naylor, 2012) and fall rates (Roche et al., 2010). The
current study extends this by finding a similar association in the UK, where 20% of registered
nurses have experienced bullying in the last 6 months (Carter et al., 2013). This adds further
evidence that this association may be universal, and reducing bullying could be a target for
patient safety initiatives to focus on internationally. However, further research is needed to
explore these associations in non-English speaking and developing countries.
Our finding that perceived discrimination was higher in BAME nurses and midwives
than White nurses and midwives is consistent with previous NHS reports suggesting the
likelihood of being appointed to a post following shortlisting is 1.57 higher for White
applicants (Kline et al., 2017). It is also consistent with research from the US suggesting that
40% of foreign educated nurses have experienced discrimination (Pittman et al., 2014).
However, although BAME nurses and midwives reported higher levels of bullying than
White nurses and midwives, this difference was not significant. This contrasts with previous
studies suggesting higher rates of bullying in BAME than White nursing staff. For example,
Deery et al (2011) found 18.2% of BAME nurses had experienced verbal harassment from
colleagues compared with 10.4% of white nurses. We found that a similar percentage of
BAME nurses and midwives reported bullying (17.65%), however slightly more White
nurses and midwives in our sample also reported bullying (12.4%) which may explain why
this difference was not significant. Our findings regarding bullying can also be compared
with studies in UK nursing students; these suggest that rates of bullying are higher in
students, with around 40% having experienced bullying (Birks et al., 2017; Tee et al., 2016).
Being bullied can lead student nurses to consider leaving nursing (Tee et al., 2016).
Furthermore, a recent study estimated that the annual cost of bullying to the NHS is
£2.281(Kline and Lewis, 2018). Taken together, it seems that experiences of bullying are
common, there is no sign that rates are declining, and this problem is financially costly as
well as psychologically harmful for those involved.
Implications for Clinical Practice
Reducing workplace bullying and discrimination in nursing and midwifery may
support the delivery of safe patient care. Bullying reduction interventions may involve
organisational changes such as the introduction of procedures to raise awareness of bullying
and provide a bullying reporting mechanism. They can also involve individual interventions
such as the provision of training and education (e.g., assertiveness training) to change
behaviours or perceptions (Gillen et al., 2017), although this approach may place
responsibility on the victims of bullying rather than the perpetrators. The strongest evidence
currently supports the Civility, Respect and Engagement (CREW) intervention, a nationwide
initiative by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (Gillen et al., 2017). This involves
facilitators meeting regularly with organisations to create respectful, civil work environments
(Osatuke et al., 2009). Interventions to reduce discrimination in recruitment practices include
introducing discrimination law, monitoring the diversity of organisations and anonymising as
much of the recruitment process as possible (Lloyd, 2010). While many of these interventions
are beyond the scope of individual organisations to implement, Lindsey and colleagues
(2013) suggest organisations should pass applications to a ‘middle person’ to anonymise them
and screen out stigmatising information before passing them to decision makers. They also
suggest using highly structured interview schedules and appointing interview panels who are
low in explicit and implicit bias (Lindsey et al., 2013).
This study was limited by its use of a cross-sectional design, which means that
conclusions regarding causality cannot be drawn. We omitted to ask participants for
information regarding how long they had been working for before joining the trust; this
information would have been useful in providing a fuller description of the sample. We based
our bullying and discrimination questions on the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standards
and Indicators (WRES). This decision meant that we used binary items which reduced
variability for statistical analysis. It also meant that we omitted to ask participants about
indirect discrimination; this information would have complemented the data we gathered
regarding direct discrimination and may have allowed for a fuller understanding of the
relationships between discrimination, burnout and patient safety. Reponses may have been
biased by a higher rate of extreme responders participating (those who are experiencing
particularly high or low levels of bullying, discrimination, burnout and perceptions of patient
safety). Finally, it should be noted that the non-significant difference regarding bullying may
have reached significance in a larger sample.
Workplace bullying and discrimination are associated with higher levels of burnout,
which are in turn associated with poorer individual-level and ward-level patient safety
perceptions in hospital nurses and midwives. BAME nurses and midwives experience higher
levels of discrimination than White nurses and midwives. Healthcare organisations seeking to
improve their levels of patient safety should implement interventions to reduce bullying and
discrimination within their recruitment practices.
Key points
BAME nurses and midwives are three times more likely to experience discrimination
at work than White nurses and midwives.
Bullying and discrimination are indirectly associated with patient safety perceptions,
via their influence on burnout.
Patient safety interventions in nurses and midwives should target bullying and
When appointing nurses and midwives, healthcare organisations should use methods
to reduce discrimination against applicants from ethnic minority groups.
Ethical permissions
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19th January 2017 (Ref: ID 217229).
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... En segundo lugar, se encuentran los resultados de salud mental relacionada con el trabajo (12%). Algunos hallazgos revelan que la discriminación laboral es un predictor significativo del estrés laboral [26,50,51] y burnout [35,53,62]. En tercer lugar, los resultados relacionados con las condiciones organizacionales representan 10% de los estudios, encontrando diversas formas de operacionalizarla como reclamos [58], maltrato laboral [63], conflicto trabajo-familia [64], rotación laboral [65] y tensión laboral [45,56,66]. ...
... Estrés laboral [50], estrés laboral [26], burnout [62], estrés laboral [51], burnout estrés laboral [53], burnout [35], cognición paranoide en el trabajo y agotamiento emocional [54] Condiciones organizacionales 10,0 (6/60) 83,3% (5/6) de los estudios encontraron un efecto negativo en las condiciones organizacionales. ...
... Un hallazgo importante de esta revisión es la falta de definición del concepto de discriminación laboral percibida, ya que más del 90% de los artículos no presenta una definición en la metodología o en el cuestionario. Aquellos estudios que la definieron [19,62,65,80,82,88] permiten identificar dos elementos comunes: el trato injusto, diferente o desfavorable, y la razón subyacente de la discriminación, en donde todas las definiciones hacen referencia a alguna razón como edad, raza, sexo o pertenecer a un determinado grupo de personas. Asimismo, se pudieron identificar dos ejes en los que difieren estas definiciones. ...
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Introduction Perceived workplace discrimination is a complex phenomenon involving unfair treatment in the workplace based on personal characteristics such as age, ethnicity, gender, or disability. The objective of this study is to explore the association of perceived workplace discrimination with health and occupational outcomes. Methods Following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines and the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, a scoping review of articles published between 2000 and 2022 was conducted in databases such as Pubmed, Scopus, and PsyInfo. Inclusion criteria focused on studies exploring perceived workplace discrimination among workers, excluding those on patients, students, or the general population, and articles not written in English or Spanish. Results Of the 9,871 articles identified, 102 met the criteria and were analyzed. Research showed a progressive increase in the study of perceived workplace discrimination, with a majority of studies in North America and Europe and a predominance of cross-sectional designs. Most studies did not clearly define the concept of perceived workplace discrimination nor report the psychometric characteristics of the measurement instruments. A significant association was found between perceived discrimination and negative outcomes in workers' mental and physical health, as well as a negative impact on job satisfaction and an increase in absenteeism. Additionally, sociodemographic characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender, and age influenced the perception of discrimination. Conclusions This review confirms that perceived workplace discrimination significantly impacts the health and job satisfaction of workers, with particular detriment in minorities and women. Despite an increase in research over the last two decades, there remains a lack of consistency in the definition and measurement of the phenomenon. Most studies have used cross-sectional designs, and there is a notable absence of research in the Latin American context.
... Bullying and workplace discrimination were also described in one of the articles as factors associated with higher levels of burnout (Darling et al., 2023;Johnson et al., 2019). ...
... Countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Australia actively recruit more than 30% foreign midwives. This has led to situations of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, which in turn are associated with high levels of EB, especially in ethnic minority midwives (Darling et al., 2023;Johnson et al., 2019 (Janighorban et al., 2020). ...
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Aim The aim of this study was to review the existing evidence on burnout levels in midwives and the main related factors. Design Mixed studies systematic review. Data Sources PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science were sourced from 2018 and 2023. Review Methods Inclusion criteria: quantitative cross‐sectional or qualitative articles published in English within the last 5 years. Exclusion criteria: studies with undergraduate or trainee midwives, studies examining the factors in a pandemic setting and those not answering the research question. Potential risk of bias was assessed using the Mixed Methods Assessment Tool (MMAT). A convergent synthesis design was followed through a thematic synthesis using Thomas and Harden's three‐step method: inductive coding of the text, development of descriptive themes and generation of analytical themes. Qualitative approaches adopted exploratory descriptive studies and participatory action research. Results Thirty‐six studies were included, with a total of 17,364 participants. There were higher levels of burnout in midwives who were single, under 35–40 years of age, with less than 10 years of experience and those with young children. Stress, anxiety and depression, as well as the emotional impact of traumatic events, have been described as related psychological factors. Conclusion Although extrinsic work factors such as shifts, workload, pay and interpersonal relationships increase burnout, intrinsic factors such as lack of autonomy and recognition are the main factors related to it. Impact What problem did the study address? Burnout among healthcare workers has been recognized as a global crisis requiring urgent attention, specifically in midwives. What were the main findings? There is a persistent shortage of midwives that is attributed in part to chronic retention difficulties related to job burnout expressed by these professionals. Where and on whom will the research have an impact? We seek to address the paucity of research on burnout in midwives in the current crisis in the profession. Work factors such as lack of autonomy or recognition in the profession carry an associated risk of burnout and job attrition. Understanding the factors that contribute to burnout will enable healthcare organizations to reduce the current problem. Reporting Method: Preferred Reporting items for systematic review and meta‐analyses (PRISMA). Patient of Public contribution No patient or public contribution.
... This, intra-organisational discrimination (IOD) takes place under the mantra of hitting targets at all costs (Fearfull and Kamenou, 2007;Francis, 2015;Mesdaghinia et al., 2018;Mishra et al., 2022;Seifert, 2019). Key consequences of persistent high levels of IOD include staff emotional exhaustion and mental health issues (Maslach and Leiter, 2017;Johnson et al., 2019;Iheduru-Anderson et al., 2021). Of course, one way to get out of an abusive employment relationship is to resign or staff retention issues (UK Parliament, 2022b). ...
... When distributive justice, such as fair career opportunities, is being enforcedand is seen to be enforcedit can encourage more employees to come forward to make challenging issues visible and known, instead of keeping silent. This can reduce issues such as stress, burnout and life-altering events, thus avoiding fundamental damage to careers (Maslach and Leiter, 2017;Johnson et al., 2019). This in-house solution to unfair discriminatory practices spills over to the wider community and therefore matters beyond the workplace. ...
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Purpose This study examines potential ways to break the inequality reproduction circle faced by ethnic minority health workers and sustained by key performance indicators (KPIs)-centred management in the National Health Service (NHS) in England. It does so through the lens of signalling theory. Design/methodology/approach Three years panel data for 2018–2020 covering 207 hospitals was compiled from the annual NHS staff survey and matched with relevant administrative records. Structural equation modelling was used to test the proposed hypotheses at the organisational level. Findings The moderated mediating model reveals that persistent racial discrimination by managers and coworkers can disadvantage the career progression of ethnic minority health workers, which in turn reinforces and reproduces economic and health inequalities among them. More importantly, we show how the collective agreement that the senior management team acts (SMTA) on staff feedback can break this vicious circle. Research limitations/implications While our research focuses on the not-for-profit health care sector, it opens important opportunities to extend the proposed model to understand organisational inequality and how to address it. Practical implications Perceived SMTA can send strong signals to reduce deep-rooted discrimination (race, gender, age, etc.) through resource allocations and instrumental functions. This is also a way to address the current staff burnout and shortage issues in the healthcare sector. Social implications This article reveals why the purpose of organisations that provide public service to reduce social inequality was comprised during their business-like operations and more importantly, how to reflect their foundational purpose through management practice. Originality/value This study offers a way forward to resolve one of the unintended consequences of KPI-centred management in the not-for-profit sector through unpacking the process of inequality reproduction and, more importantly, how it is possible to break this vicious circle.
... Similar fndings indicated that the experiences of racial discrimination were common among minority and ethnic nurses compared to white nurses. In a cross-sectional study conducted from a survey of 528 UK nurses, black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) nurses reportedly experienced three times more discrimination than white nurses and midwives [97]. Te study's key fnding indicated that bullying and discrimination were substantially associated with higher burnout and higher burnout was linked with poorer perceptions of patient safety on the individual and ward level [97]. ...
... In a cross-sectional study conducted from a survey of 528 UK nurses, black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) nurses reportedly experienced three times more discrimination than white nurses and midwives [97]. Te study's key fnding indicated that bullying and discrimination were substantially associated with higher burnout and higher burnout was linked with poorer perceptions of patient safety on the individual and ward level [97]. An anonymous online questionnaire survey conducted to explore the experiences of NZ RNs of Chinese ethnicity during the COVID-19 pandemic indicated that 47.06% of the 51 nurses reportedly experienced racial discrimination, workplace bullying, and judgement [98]. ...
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Aim. To synthesise and map what is known about second-level nurses’ workplace violence experience. Background. Workplace violence has become a topic of focus in nursing over recent years. Research demonstrates that there is a growing body of literature focusing on first-level nurses’ workplace violence experiences, but those of second-level nurses, a crucial component of the health workforce in many countries, have not been well explored. Evaluation. A scoping review was conducted from January 2000 up to March 2022 using Arksey and O’Malley’s framework and databases, including ABI/Inform Collection, CINAHL, DOAJ, EBSCOhost, and ProQuest Central. Key Issues. Eighteen studies were included in the final review. The review identified three key findings related to second-level nurses’ workplace violence experience. (1) They were found to have experienced physical and non-physical violence. Among non-physical violence, they reported experiencing bullying, mobbing, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, nurse-to-nurse conflict, and electronic abuse. (2) They were more likely than first-level nurses to experience physical violence, and (3) often data from second-level nurses were combined with those of first-level nurses; hence, it was difficult to identify the specific experiences of second-level nurses. Conclusion. The review contributes to new knowledge highlighting the second-level nurses’ workplace violence experiences worldwide. The review indicated that there are gaps identified and there is a need for greater understandings of workplace violence in second-level nurses to understand the scope of their problem and the nature of their experiences. Implications for Nursing Management. Nurse managers play a critical role to develop and implement effective policies and evidence-based interventions to improve the working conditions of the second-level nurses. The results of this current review can be used to guide nurse managers and organisations in providing adequate support to reduce and prevent WPV and advocate for a positive workplace culture.
... Johnson et al. (13) have shown that 20-77 % of healthcare workers experience injustice in the form of discrimination, professional stress, and abuse. They further claim that female or black healthcare workers, as well as other minority workers are more exposed to social injustice. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate and compare justice sensitivity between self-perceived beneficiaries, victims, and observers in a sample of 90 healthcare workers (nurses and physiotherapists) at the Varaždinske Toplice Special Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Croatia. For this purpose we used a questionnaire consisting of demographic data and the Croatian version of the justice sensitivity inventory developed by Schmitt. Regardless of its limitations, our study clearly shows that healthcare professionals at Varaždinske Toplice are most sensitive to injustice from the beneficiary’s perspective, that is, as persons who personally benefitted from injustice, although they may not have been instrumental to this effect. They are less sensitive to injustice perceived on the outside (observer’s perspective) or to injustice suffered by themselves (victim’s perspective). Another important finding is that participants of female gender, rural residence, and nurses (who are all women) are significantly more sensitive to injustice, whereas age and marital status do not seem to contribute to justice sensitivity. Future research should investigate the perception of injustice over a longer timeframe and involve all healthcare workers. It could also address different approaches to management, especially in terms of worker rewards and career advancement. Qualitative research among healthcare workers could provide a broader and clearer idea of social injustice at their workplace.
... Nurses working in understaffed departments, with high workloads and shortages of material resources, are more likely to develop burnout [17][18][19]. Studies in different settings reveal the high incidence of bullying, which is significantly associated with the development of burnout among nurses [20][21][22]. Also, when nurses' work organizations recognize their valuable contributions and show concern for their well-being, with nurses participating in hospital affairs and decision-making, as well as having good collegial nurse-physician relationships and organizational values for support, goals, innovation, and rules, then the likelihood of nurses experiencing burnout is reduced [23][24][25][26]. ...
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Introduction The prevalence of workplace bullying, job burnout, and turnover intention among nursing staff increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that have measured the relationships among variables of interest after the pandemic. Objective Our intention is to investigate the effect of workplace bullying on job burnout and turnover intention in nursing staff. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study during January–February 2024 in Greece. We obtained a convenience sample of 450 nurses. We used the 22-item Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised to assess workplace bullying. We measured job burnout with the single-item burnout measure. We measured nurses' turnover intention with a valid 6-point Likert scale. Results The study sample included 450 nurses with the mean age of 39.1 years (standard deviation [SD] = 10.2). The mean workplace bullying score was 7.7 (SD = 2.0), while the mean job burnout score was 7.7 (SD = 2.0). Among our nurses, 57.3% showed a high level of turnover intention. After eliminating confounders, we found that increased workplace bullying (adjusted beta = 0.031, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.023 to 0.039, p < 0.001) was associated with increased job burnout. Moreover, multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that increased turnover intention was more common among nurses who experienced higher levels of workplace bullying (adjusted odds ratio = 1.057, 95% CI = 1.043 to 1.071, p < 0.001). Conclusion We found a positive relationship between workplace bullying, job burnout, and turnover intention. Nurse managers, organizations, and policy-makers ought to consider such findings to intervene and decrease workplace bullying by improving working conditions.
... There are widespread concerns about bullying and toxic nursing cultures, including in the UK, with implications for patient safety, staff burnout, absenteeism, high staff turnover, and reputational damage to the profession and employing organisations (Wilson 2016;Johnson et al. 2019). They can potentially prevent the delivery of compassionate care and create fertile environments where discriminatory and oppressive practice can flourish (O'Driscoll et al. 2018). ...
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Importance Occupational burnout syndrome is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a diminished sense of personal accomplishment and is prevalent among nurses. Although previous meta-analyses have explored the correlates of nurse burnout, none have estimated their association with health care quality and safety and patient morbidity and mortality. Objective To evaluate the magnitude and moderators of the association between nurse burnout and patient safety, patient satisfaction, and quality of care. Data Source The Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and ProQuest databases were searched from January 1, 1994, to February 29, 2024. Study Selection Two reviewers independently identified studies that reported a quantifiable association between nurse burnout and any of the outcomes of patient safety, patient satisfaction, or quality of health care. Data Extraction and Synthesis The PRISMA 2020 guideline was followed. Two reviewers independently extracted the standardized mean difference (SMD) (Cohen d ) estimates for a random-effects meta-analysis. Subgroup analyses and meta-regressions were conducted using prespecified variables. Main Outcomes and Measures Any measure of patient safety, patient satisfaction, or quality of health care previously associated with nurse burnout. Results A total of 85 studies (81 cross-sectional and 4 longitudinal) involving 288 581 nurses from 32 countries (mean [SD] age, 33.9 (2.1) years; 82.7% female; mean [SD] burnout prevalence rate with study-specific ascertainments, 30.7% [9.7%]) were included. Nurse burnout was associated with a lower safety climate or culture (SMD, −0.68; 95% CI, −0.83 to −0.54), lower safety grade (SMD, −0.53; 95% CI, −0.72 to −0.34), and more frequent nosocomial infections (SMD, −0.20; 95% CI, −0.36 to −0.04), patient falls (SMD, −0.12; 95% CI, −0.22 to −0.03), medication errors (SMD, −0.30; 95% CI, −0.48 to −0.11), adverse events or patient safety incidents (SMD, −0.42; 95% CI, −0.76 to −0.07), and missed care or care left undone (SMD, −0.58; 95% CI, −0.91 to −0.26) but not with the frequency of pressure ulcers. Nurse burnout was also associated with lower patient satisfaction ratings (SMD, −0.51; 95% CI, −0.86 to −0.17) but not with the frequencies of patient complaints or patient abuse. Finally, nurse burnout was associated with lower nurse-assessed quality of care (SMD, −0.44; 95% CI, −0.57 to −0.30) but not with standardized mortality rate. The associations were consistent across nurses’ age, sex, work experience, and geography and persistent over time. For patient safety outcomes, the association was smaller for the low personal accomplishment subcomponent of burnout than for emotional exhaustion or depersonalization, as well as for nurses with a college education. Conclusions and Relevance In this systematic review and meta-analysis, nurse burnout was found to be associated with lower health care quality and safety and lower patient satisfaction. This association was consistent across nurse and study characteristics.
The call to address anti‐Black racism in workplaces resonates across several organizations and institutions in Canada. But specifically, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic shed further light on how health inequities negatively impact the Black community. After conducting a literature review of the experiences of Black nurses in Canada, a deeper understanding of their plight was gained. In healthcare, the findings from the Black Nurses' Task Force report conclude that anti‐Black racist practices are pervasive in nursing, and there remains a paucity of research in this area. This study builds off the report by exploring how Black nurses experience anti‐Black racism while working in Canada's healthcare system. Inspired by critical race theory and Black feminist thought, an exploratory qualitative research study was conducted, using semistructured interviews to gather data. The study concludes that Black nurses experience anti‐Black racism within the workplace, and it manifests itself through some of the attitudes of colleagues, patients, and nurses in leadership roles. Despite policies and statements that were in place to protect them, anti‐Black racism continues to occur systematically. The findings point to the need for change in the overall workplace culture, which includes a fair representation of Black nurses in leadership roles, further research to identify best practices for tackling anti‐Black racism within Canada's healthcare system, and mandatory training on anti‐Black racism for healthcare leaders, educators, and service providers.
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Using a spectrum of measures, this paper estimates some of the financial costs of bullying and harassment to the NHS in England. By means of specific impacts resulting from bullying and harassment to staff health, sickness absence costs to the employer, employee turnover, diminished productivity, sickness presenteeism, compensation, litigation and industrial relations costs, we conservatively estimate bullying and harassment to cost the taxpayer £2.281 billion per annum.
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Objectives: The aims of the study were (1) to explore whether primary care physicians (general practitioners [GPs]) perceive burnout and well-being to impact on the quality and safety of patient care and (2) to determine potential mechanisms behind these associations. Method: Five focus groups with 25 practicing GPs were conducted in England, either in the participants' practice or in a private meeting room outside of their workplace.An interview schedule with prompts was followed with questions asking how participants perceive GP burnout and poor well-being could impact on patient care delivery. Audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: General practitioners believed that poor well-being and burnout affect the quality of care patients receive through reducing doctors' abilities to empathize, to display positive attitudes and listening skills, and by increasing the number of inappropriate referrals made. Participants also voiced that burnout and poor well-being can have negative consequences for patient safety, through a variety of mechanisms including reduced cognitive functioning and decision-making abilities, a lack of headspace, and fatigue. Furthermore, it was suggested that the relationship between well-being/burnout and mistakes is likely to be circular. Conclusions: Further research is needed to ascertain the validity of these perceptions. If found, physicians, healthcare organizations, and policy makers should examine how they can improve physician well-being and prevent burnout, because this may be a route to ensure high-quality and safe patient care.
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Abstract Background There is growing interest in the relationships between depressive symptoms and burnout in healthcare staff and the safety of patient care. Depressive symptoms are higher in healthcare staff than the general population and overlap conceptually with burnout. However, minimal research has investigated these variables in nurses. Given the conceptual overlap between depressive symptoms and burnout, there is also a need for an explanatory model outlining the relative contributions of these factors to patient safety. Aims To investigate the relationships between depressive symptoms, burnout and perceptions of patient safety. A mediation model was proposed whereby the association between symptoms of depression and patient safety perceptions was mediated by burnout. Design A cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed at three acute NHS Trusts. Method Three-hundred and twenty-three hospital nursing staff completed measures of depressive symptoms, burnout and patient safety perceptions (including measures at the level of the individual and the work area/unit) between December 2015 - February 2016. Results When tested in separate analyses, depressive symptoms and burnout facets were each associated with both patient safety measures. Furthermore, the proposed mediation model was supported, with associations between depressive symptoms and patient safety perceptions fully mediated by burnout. Conclusion These results suggest that symptoms of depression and burnout in hospital nurses may have implications for patient safety. However, interventions to improve patient safety may be best targeted at improving burnout in particular, with burnout interventions known to be most effective when focused at both the individual and the organisational level.
Importance Physician burnout has taken the form of an epidemic that may affect core domains of health care delivery, including patient safety, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. However, this evidence has not been systematically quantified. Objective To examine whether physician burnout is associated with an increased risk of patient safety incidents, suboptimal care outcomes due to low professionalism, and lower patient satisfaction. Data Sources MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycInfo, and CINAHL databases were searched until October 22, 2017, using combinations of the key terms physicians, burnout, and patient care. Detailed standardized searches with no language restriction were undertaken. The reference lists of eligible studies and other relevant systematic reviews were hand-searched. Study Selection Quantitative observational studies. Data Extraction and Synthesis Two independent reviewers were involved. The main meta-analysis was followed by subgroup and sensitivity analyses. All analyses were performed using random-effects models. Formal tests for heterogeneity (I²) and publication bias were performed. Main Outcomes and Measures The core outcomes were the quantitative associations between burnout and patient safety, professionalism, and patient satisfaction reported as odds ratios (ORs) with their 95% CIs. Results Of the 5234 records identified, 47 studies on 42 473 physicians (25 059 [59.0%] men; median age, 38 years [range, 27-53 years]) were included in the meta-analysis. Physician burnout was associated with an increased risk of patient safety incidents (OR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.59-2.40), poorer quality of care due to low professionalism (OR, 2.31; 95% CI, 1.87-2.85), and reduced patient satisfaction (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.42-3.68). The heterogeneity was high and the study quality was low to moderate. The links between burnout and low professionalism were larger in residents and early-career (≤5 years post residency) physicians compared with middle- and late-career physicians (Cohen Q = 7.27; P = .003). The reporting method of patient safety incidents and professionalism (physician-reported vs system-recorded) significantly influenced the main results (Cohen Q = 8.14; P = .007). Conclusions and Relevance This meta-analysis provides evidence that physician burnout may jeopardize patient care; reversal of this risk has to be viewed as a fundamental health care policy goal across the globe. Health care organizations are encouraged to invest in efforts to improve physician wellness, particularly for early-career physicians. The methods of recording patient care quality and safety outcomes require improvements to concisely capture the outcome of burnout on the performance of health care organizations.
Purpose: Stress is a significant concern for individuals and organisations. Few studies have explored stress, burnout and patient safety in hospital nursing on a daily basis at the individual level. This study aimed to examine the effects of chronic stress and daily hassles on safety perceptions, the effect of chronic stress on daily hassles experienced and chronic stress as a potential moderator. Method: Utilising a daily diary design, 83 UK hospital nurses completed three end-of-shift diaries, yielding 324 person days. Hassles, safety perceptions and workplace cognitive failure were measured daily, and a baseline questionnaire included a measure of chronic stress. Hierarchical multivariate linear modelling was used to analyse the data. Results: Higher chronic stress was associated with more daily hassles, poorer perceptions of safety and being less able to practise safely, but not more workplace cognitive failure. Reporting more daily hassles was associated with poorer perceptions of safety, being less able to practise safely and more workplace cognitive failure. Chronic stress did not moderate daily associations. The hassles reported illustrate the wide-ranging hassles nurses experienced. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate, in addition to chronic stress, the importance of daily hassles for nurses' perceptions of safety and the hassles experienced by hospital nurses on a daily basis. Nurses perceive chronic stress and daily hassles to contribute to their perceptions of safety. Measuring the number of daily hassles experienced could proactively highlight when patient safety threats may arise, and as a result, interventions could usefully focus on the management of daily hassles.
(Abstracted from Lancet 2016;388:2272–2281) Physician burnout, as documented in national studies, has a prevalence rate exceeding 50% in both physicians in training and practicing physicians. It negatively affects patient care, professionalism, physicians’ own care, and safety.
Background: Bullying has been identified as one of the leading workplace stressors, with adverse consequences for the individual employee, groups of employees, and whole organisations. Employees who have been bullied have lower levels of job satisfaction, higher levels of anxiety and depression, and are more likely to leave their place of work. Organisations face increased risk of skill depletion and absenteeism, leading to loss of profit, potential legal fees, and tribunal cases. It is unclear to what extent these risks can be addressed through interventions to prevent bullying. Objectives: To explore the effectiveness of workplace interventions to prevent bullying in the workplace. Search methods: We searched: the Cochrane Work Group Trials Register (August 2014); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; The Cochrane Library 2016, issue 1); PUBMED (1946 to January 2016); EMBASE (1980 to January 2016); PsycINFO (1967 to January 2016); Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL Plus; 1937 to January 2016); International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS; 1951 to January 2016); Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA; 1987 to January 2016); ABI Global (earliest record to January 2016); Business Source Premier (BSP; earliest record to January 2016); OpenGrey (previously known as OpenSIGLE-System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe; 1980 to December 2014); and reference lists of articles. Selection criteria: Randomised and cluster-randomised controlled trials of employee-directed interventions, controlled before and after studies, and interrupted time-series studies of interventions of any type, aimed at preventing bullying in the workplace, targeted at an individual employee, a group of employees, or an organisation. Data collection and analysis: Three authors independently screened and selected studies. We extracted data from included studies on victimisation, perpetration, and absenteeism associated with workplace bullying. We contacted study authors to gather additional data. We used the internal validity items from the Downs and Black quality assessment tool to evaluate included studies' risk of bias. Main results: Five studies met the inclusion criteria. They had altogether 4116 participants. They were underpinned by theory and measured behaviour change in relation to bullying and related absenteeism. The included studies measured the effectiveness of interventions on the number of cases of self-reported bullying either as perpetrator or victim or both. Some studies referred to bullying using common synonyms such as mobbing and incivility and antonyms such as civility. Organisational/employer level interventionsTwo studies with 2969 participants found that the Civility, Respect, and Engagement in the Workforce (CREW) intervention produced a small increase in civility that translates to a 5% increase from baseline to follow-up, measured at 6 to 12 months (mean difference (MD) 0.17; 95% CI 0.07 to 0.28).One of the two studies reported that the CREW intervention produced a small decrease in supervisor incivility victimisation (MD -0.17; 95% CI -0.33 to -0.01) but not in co-worker incivility victimisation (MD -0.08; 95% CI -0.22 to 0.08) or in self-reported incivility perpetration (MD -0.05 95% CI -0.15 to 0.05). The study did find a decrease in the number of days absent during the previous month (MD -0.63; 95% CI -0.92 to -0.34) at 6-month follow-up. Individual/job interface level interventionsOne controlled before-after study with 49 participants compared expressive writing with a control writing exercise at two weeks follow-up. Participants in the intervention arm scored significantly lower on bullying measured as incivility perpetration (MD -3.52; 95% CI -6.24 to -0.80). There was no difference in bullying measured as incivility victimisation (MD -3.30 95% CI -6.89 to 0.29).One controlled before-after study with 60 employees who had learning disabilities compared a cognitive-behavioural intervention with no intervention. There was no significant difference in bullying victimisation after the intervention (risk ratio (RR) 0.55; 95% CI 0.24 to 1.25), or at the three-month follow-up (RR 0.49; 95% CI 0.21 to 1.15), nor was there a significant difference in bullying perpetration following the intervention (RR 0.64; 95% CI 0.27 to 1.54), or at the three-month follow-up (RR 0.69; 95% CI 0.26 to 1.81). Multilevel InterventionsA five-site cluster-RCT with 1041 participants compared the effectiveness of combinations of policy communication, stress management training, and negative behaviours awareness training. The authors reported that bullying victimisation did not change (13.6% before intervention and 14.3% following intervention). The authors reported insufficient data for us to conduct our own analysis.Due to high risk of bias and imprecision, we graded the evidence for all outcomes as very low quality. Authors' conclusions: There is very low quality evidence that organisational and individual interventions may prevent bullying behaviours in the workplace. We need large well-designed controlled trials of bullying prevention interventions operating on the levels of society/policy, organisation/employer, job/task and individual/job interface. Future studies should employ validated and reliable outcome measures of bullying and a minimum of 6 months follow-up.
A common concern when faced with multivariate data with missing values is whether the missing data are missing completely at random (MCAR); that is, whether missingness depends on the variables in the data set. One way of assessing this is to compare the means of recorded values of each variable between groups defined by whether other variables in the data set are missing or not. Although informative, this procedure yields potentially many correlated statistics for testing MCAR, resulting in multiple-comparison problems. This article proposes a single global test statistic for MCAR that uses all of the available data. The asymptotic null distribution is given, and the small-sample null distribution is derived for multivariate normal data with a monotone pattern of missing data. The test reduces to a standard t test when the data are bivariate with missing data confined to a single variable. A limited simulation study of empirical sizes for the test applied to normal and nonnormal data suggests that the test is conservative for small samples.
Importance: Burnout is prevalent in physicians and can have a negative influence on performance, career continuation, and patient care. Existing evidence does not allow clear recommendations for the management of burnout in physicians. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to reduce burnout in physicians and whether different types of interventions (physician-directed or organization-directed interventions), physician characteristics (length of experience), and health care setting characteristics (primary or secondary care) were associated with improved effects. Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials were searched from inception to May 31, 2016. The reference lists of eligible studies and other relevant systematic reviews were hand searched. Study selection: Randomized clinical trials and controlled before-after studies of interventions targeting burnout in physicians. Data extraction and synthesis: Two independent reviewers extracted data and assessed the risk of bias. The main meta-analysis was followed by a number of prespecified subgroup and sensitivity analyses. All analyses were performed using random-effects models and heterogeneity was quantified. Main outcomes and measures: The core outcome was burnout scores focused on emotional exhaustion, reported as standardized mean differences and their 95% confidence intervals. Results: Twenty independent comparisons from 19 studies were included in the meta-analysis (n = 1550 physicians; mean [SD] age, 40.3 [9.5] years; 49% male). Interventions were associated with small significant reductions in burnout (standardized mean difference [SMD] = -0.29; 95% CI, -0.42 to -0.16; equal to a drop of 3 points on the emotional exhaustion domain of the Maslach Burnout Inventory above change in the controls). Subgroup analyses suggested significantly improved effects for organization-directed interventions (SMD = -0.45; 95% CI, -0.62 to -0.28) compared with physician-directed interventions (SMD = -0.18; 95% CI, -0.32 to -0.03). Interventions delivered in experienced physicians and in primary care were associated with higher effects compared with interventions delivered in inexperienced physicians and in secondary care, but these differences were not significant. The results were not influenced by the risk of bias ratings. Conclusions and relevance: Evidence from this meta-analysis suggests that recent intervention programs for burnout in physicians were associated with small benefits that may be boosted by adoption of organization-directed approaches. This finding provides support for the view that burnout is a problem of the whole health care organization, rather than individuals.