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Cognitive Biases Undermine Consensus on Definitions of Intelligence and Limit Understanding


Abstract and Figures

There are several reasons for the lack of a consensus definition of (machine) intelligence. The constantly evolving nature and the interdisciplinarity of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field, together with a historical polarization around what intelligence means, are among the most widely discussed rationalizations, both within the community and outside it. These factors are aggravated by the presence of cognitive biases in subjective reasoning by experts on the definition of intelligence, as we have found in a recent study of experts' opinions across multiple disciplines. In this paper, we show how different cognitive biases can undermine consensus on defining intelligence, and thus how an understanding of intelligence can be substantially affected by these human traits. We also provide general recommendations for tackling these problems. An understanding of intelligence can be achieved by understanding the limits of both human expressiveness and the current discourse around definitions of intelligence within and across the concerned fields.
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Cognitive Biases Undermine Consensus on Definitions of Intelligence
and Limit Understanding
Dagmar Monett1,2,Luisa Hoge1and Colin W. P. Lewis2
1Computer Science Dept., Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
{dagmar.monett, colin.lewis}, s
There are several reasons for the lack of a consen-
sus definition of (machine) intelligence. The con-
stantly evolving nature and the interdisciplinarity of
the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field, together with
a historical polarization around what intelligence
means, are among the most widely discussed ratio-
nalizations, both within the community and outside
it. These factors are aggravated by the presence of
cognitive biases in subjective reasoning by experts
on the definition of intelligence, as we have found
in a recent study of experts’ opinions across multi-
ple disciplines. In this paper, we show how differ-
ent cognitive biases can undermine consensus on
defining intelligence, and thus how an understand-
ing of intelligence can be substantially affected by
these human traits. We also provide general recom-
mendations for tackling these problems. An under-
standing of intelligence can be achieved by under-
standing the limits of both human expressiveness
and the current discourse around definitions of in-
telligence within and across the concerned fields.
1 Introduction
In a recent extended report [Committee on AI, 2018]answer-
ing a call for written evidence on the current state of “the
economic, ethical and social implications of advances in ar-
tificial intelligence,the Select Committee on Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI) appointed by the House of Lords in the UK con-
cluded that “there is no widely accepted definition of artifi-
cial intelligence. Respondents and witnesses provided dozens
of different definitions. This has been a recurrent and un-
wanted aspect of the AI community: since its formation as
a field more than six decades ago, numerous academics have
pressed for an agreed upon definition, but it has not been pos-
sible even to reach consensus on the need for one. “When we
talk of intelligence, we don’t really know what we are talking
about. There seems to be no generally accepted definition of
what ’intelligence’ is,writes Kugel [2002]revisiting what he
thinks Alan Turing meant by attributing intelligence to com-
puting machines. “The problem is that we cannot yet charac-
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terize in general what kinds of computational procedures we
want to call intelligent. We understand some of the mecha-
nisms of intelligence and not others,pointed out McCarthy
[2007], one of the founding fathers of AI, a few years later.
Intelligence is not the only fundamental concept that does
not have a consensus on its definition. Similar problems have
arisen for other concepts and there is a lack of well-defined or
consensus definitions for several concepts in several domains.
For example, in both the intelligence and counterintelligence
fields, “[t]he term ’intelligence’ has far been used without
clearly d efining it. . . . All a ttempts to develop ambitious the-
ories of intelligence have failed” [Laqueur, 1985]. Further-
more, in the field of intelligence research Hunt and Jaeggi
[2013]write “after 100 years of research, the definition of the
field is still inadequate.In the field of computer science, the
concept of model interpretability in Machine Learning (ML)
is crucial for understanding the decision-making processes of
ML models; however, this is an ill-defined concept that only
a few authors have precisely articulated in the academic liter-
ature [Lipton, 2018b]. The concept of privacy has also been
hard to define: despite many attempts having been made so
far, no consensus definition has been found. There is also a
lack of a concrete definition of fairness, due to an “explo-
sion of definitions in the computer science literature” in re-
cent years [Chouldechova and Roth, 2018]. This makes “the
detailed differences between multiple definitions [of fairness]
difficult to grasp” [Verma and Rubin, 2018].
Several factors contribute to the lack of a consensus def-
inition. For example, many different contexts, applications,
and stakeholders may deal with the same concept but from
different perspectives related to their specific fields. In Bim-
fort’s [1958]words, “[e]ach expert tends to view the term
through the spectacles of his specialty. This is not very dif-
ferent from what happens with AI: “what AI includes is con-
stantly shifting” [Luckin et al., 2016], i.e. the field and the
applications that include AI are constantly evolving, and its
interdisciplinary nature might work against the development
of a consensus definition [Luckin et al., 2016]. In addition to
this, we are dealing with a very polarized concept: “The de-
bate around exactly what is, and is not, artificial intelligence,
would merit a study of its own” [Committee on AI, 2018].
Other reasons include the fact that “[c]riticism of intel-
ligence has been partially based on exaggerated notions of
what it can, and can not, accomplish” [Laqueur, 1985]. Iron-
ically, Laqueur refers here to the concept of intelligence in
the intelligence and counterintelligence fields, but this also
applies fully to AI. Jordan [2018]has recently warned that
“we are very far from realizing human-imitative AI aspira-
tions. Unfortunately the thrill (and fear) of making even lim-
ited progress on human-imitative AI gives rise to levels of
over-exuberance and media attention that is not present in
other areas of engineering.
However, other scientific communities have been able
to acknowledge the need for a serious discussion around
defining their most fundamental concepts, in order to reach
consensus on the what, the how, and the why of these
concepts [Daar and Greenwood, 2007; Gottfredson, 1997;
Kaufman, 2019]and to move forward, or at least to finish or
put aside fruitless debates. This has not been the case in the
AI community, at least up until now.
2 Reasons for a Consensus Definition
There are several pressing reasons for a consensus definition
of machine (or artificial) intelligence, including the follow-
Transparency, Understanding, Sustainability: If one of
the goals is to develop algorithms and machines that improve
the well-being of individuals, then since many of these sys-
tems are increasingly using data and information on these in-
dividuals to aid in decision-making, it is of utmost importance
that they know and understand how these systems work with
their data, process it, and make decisions that can potentially
affect their lives. However, “[t]he public knowledge and un-
derstanding on AI . . . is suffering from a lack of transparency
as to capabilities and thus impacts of AI” [Nemitz, 2018].
Hence, “to achieve sustainable change towards socially just
and transparent AI development beyond a framing of data
ethics as competitive advantage . . . , it is paramount to con-
sider [among other points, that] we need a clear picture of
AI” [Sloane, 2018].
Governance, Regulation: The quickly evolving and trans-
formative character of AI algorithms and systems in sev-
eral spheres of modern life are increasingly demanding a
balance between innovation and regulation, without similar
precedents. The question of how to guarantee that these
algorithms and systems are researched, developed, and de-
ployed in ways that not only advance but also protect human-
ity against possible harm implies also thinking about their
governance [Dafoe, 2018; Gasser and Almeida, 2017]. Thus,
“having a usable definition of AI–and soon–is vital for regu-
lation and governance because laws and policies simply will
not operate without one” [Lea, 2015]because “AI cannot and
will not serve the public good without strong rules in place”
[Nemitz, 2018].
Media, Hype: Misleading media coverage raises false ex-
pectations of real progress in AI and creates ambiguity in
funding situations. As Lipton [2018a]emphasizes, “[t]he
lack of specificity allows journalists, entrepreneurs, and mar-
keting departments to say virtually anything they want. The
hyped tone not only misinforms the general public but also di-
verts important research into monolithic thinking about what
AI is. AI is not only deep learning,1and is not even only
ML! This has caused a negative view of AI and its applica-
tions by the public, “which in their view had largely been
created by Hollywood depictions and sensationalist, inaccu-
rate media reporting . . . concentrating attention on threats
which are still remote, such as the possibility of ’super-
intelligent’ artificial general intelligence, while distracting
attention away from more immediate risks and problems”
[Committee on AI, 2018].
Documenting: Even for documenting the evolution of AI
as a field, defining it and its goals is crucial. Some recent
works, such as [Mart´ınez-Plumed et al., 2018], have used AI
to shed light on its evolution, but “a lack of clarity in terms
of definitions and objectives seems to have plagued the [AI]
field right back to its origins in the 1950s. This makes tracing
[its] evolution . . . a difficult task” [Committee on AI, 2018].
Understanding, Development: The lack of a clear def-
inition of intelligence is a perceived stumbling block to the
pursuit of understanding intelligence and building machines
that replicate and exceed human intelligence [Brooks, 1991].
As is the case in the current discourse, the confusing use of
concepts such as AI, ML and deep learning, for example, is
not only problematic but also “prevents more productive con-
versations about the abilities and limits of such technologies”
[Sloane, 2018].
Achieving a consensus definition is not straightforward.
When asked about the possibility of reaching agreement on
a definition of artificial intelligence, almost 60% of respon-
dents to the AGISI research survey on defining intelligence
[Monett and Lewis, 2018]believed that it would be possible
to reach consensus, compared to one-third of the respondents
who believed the opposite. Nevertheless, the view that a def-
inition of intelligence is not self-evident was supported by
more than 80% of these participants.
If a concept is ill-defined, it cannot be well understood. We
believe that a definition of intelligence based on concepts that
are themselves well-defined is a fundamental milestone that
must be reached prior to understanding this concept. This is
also important in understanding its limits:2as we show in the
next sections, different cognitive biases can undermine the
consensus on definitions of intelligence, and thus its under-
standing can be substantially affected by these human traits.
3 Dissecting Written Opinions on Intelligence
We analyzed a corpus of more than 4,000 expert opinions,
which was obtained from the survey on defining intelligence
referenced above. The diversity of opinions reflects the
diversity of the respondents, and different research fields,
who originated from 57 countries and more than 184 dif-
ferent institutions around the world. They worked mainly
in academia (N= 441, 79.3%) and industry (N= 114,
20.5%), and their primary roles were researchers (N= 424,
76.3%) and/or educators (N= 193, 34.7%), as described in
[Lewis and Monett, 2018; Monett and Lewis, 2018].
1We recommend to read Darwiche’s insightful paper Human-
Level Intelligence or Animal-Like Abilities? [Darwiche, 2018].
2And thereby the limits, and also the risks, of intelligent tech-
nologies, as pointed out by Leetaru in [Leetaru, 2018].
Participants to the survey were presented with different
definitions of machine and human intelligence from the lit-
erature, with nine definitions in each group: MI1 to MI9 for
machine intelligence, and HI1 to HI9 for human intelligence.
They are presented in Table 1. These definitions were first
provided in historical (published date) order and then in al-
phabetical order, starting with the surname of the first cited
author. Literature references and any information about the
authors were deliberately omitted. Respondents were asked
to rate their level of agreement with each definition by se-
lecting an option from a five-point Likert rating scale ranging
from “1=Strongly disagree” to ”5=Strongly agree. They
then had the option of arguing or justifying their selection by
providing an open-ended answer.
A total of 4,041 respondents’ opinions were collected this
way, constituting a corpus with 2,424 opinions on the defini-
tions of machine intelligence and 1,617 on the definitions of
human intelligence extracted from a total of 556 survey re-
sponses. Nine comments were not considered for processing,
since they had a URL as their only content. Not all of the re-
spondents provided their reasons for or against the definitions
from the literature and not all definitions were commented
alike; some definitions polarized respondents more than oth-
ers and the length of the comments varied significantly from
respondent to respondent.
In the following subsections, the different cognitive biases
that might be present in the collected respondents’ opinions
are analyzed together with their possible explanations. This
is the main focus of this paper. Thus, other survey results and
analyses are out of scope here for space limit reasons; they
are included in separate papers.
3.1 Anchoring Effect
For the first 220 responses (39.6% of the total of responses
that were collected), the percentages of positive agreement
(i.e. the ratings of “Strongly agree” or “Agree”) with the
definitions of machine intelligence show a decreasing trend
line in a linear approximation with the definitions from the
literature that were presented for agreement (see the darkest
trend line in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Level of agreement with the definitions of machine
intelligence for the first 220 responses.
All of the definitions had a fixed position on the list: MI1
was presented at position 1, MI2 at position 2 and so on.
There was therefore the possibility of a strong dependence
between the percentage of positive opinions and the position
of a definition on the list. Furthermore, the percentage of
negative agreement shows an increasing trend line, opposite
to that for positive agreement. The percentages of neutral an-
swers remained quite stable.
It appears that respondents tended to rely heavily on the
first definitions (the anchors) that were presented. This is a
cognitive bias known as anchoring, or the anchoring effect,
which is present when “different starting points yield differ-
ent estimates, which are biased toward the initial values” or
anchors [Tversky and Kahneman, 1974].
That the percentages of both positive and negative agree-
ment might depend on the position of the definition in the list
was first noticed after a partial analysis of the responses from
the first 220 participants, as mentioned above. A reordering
of the positions of the definitions was used from then on: the
definitions were shuffled after every 56 responses on average
(this varied depending on the flux of responses) with the hope
that all of them would have the same probability of being an-
chors. A total of six random shuffles were made before the
survey was closed, and the last 336 responses (60.4% of the
total) were collected in this way.
The results were as expected: seven of the nine definitions
of machine intelligence benefited from this shuffling (see Fig-
ure 2).
Figure 2: (a) Positive and (b) negative levels of consensus
with the definitions of machine intelligence before and after
reordering (N= 556).
Both the percentages of positive agreement after shuffling
Table 1: Definitions of machine and human intelligence that were presented to the survey participants.
Id. Definition How published
MI1 “Artificial Intelligence is . . . the study of the computations that make it possible to
perceive, reason, and act.
Winston, P. H. (1992). Artificial Intelligence. Third Edition, Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.
MI2 “Intelligence measures an agent’s ability to achieve goals in a wide range of en-
Legg, S. and Hutter, M. (2007). Universal Intelligence: A Definition of Machine
Intelligence. Minds and Machines, 17(4):391-444, Springer.
MI3 “The essence of intelligence is the principle of adapting to the environment while
working with insufficient knowledge and resources. Accordingly, an intelligent
system should rely on finite processing capacity, work in real time, open to unex-
pected tasks, and learn from experience. This working definition interprets “intel-
ligence” as a form of “relative rationality.” ”
Wang, P. (2008). What Do You Mean by “AI”? In P. Wang, B. Goertzel, and S.
Franklin (eds.), Artificial General Intelligence 2008, Proceedings of the First AGI
Conference, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 171:362-373.
IOS Press Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
MI4 “The goal is to build computer systems that exhibit the full range of the cognitive
capabilities we find in humans. . . . The ability to pursue tasks across a broad
range of domains, in complex physical and social environments. [A human-level
intelligence] system needs broad competence. It needs to successfully work on
a wide variety of problems, using different types of knowledge and learning in
different situations, but it does not need to generate optimal behavior.
Laird, J. E., Wray, R. E., and Langley, P. (2009). Claims and Challenges in Evalu-
ating Human-Level Intelligent Systems. In B. Goertzel, P. Hitzler, and M. Hutter
(eds.), Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence.
Atlantis Press.
MI5 “Pragmatic general intelligence measures the capability of an agent to achieve
goals in environments, relative to prior distributions over goal and environment
space. Efficient pragmatic general intelligences measures this same capability,
but normalized by the amount of computational resources utilized in the course of
the goal-achievement.
Goertzel, B. (2010). Toward a Formal Characterization of Real-World General In-
telligence. In E. B. Baum, M. Hutter, and E. Kitzelmann (eds.), Artificial General
Intelligence, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Artificial General Intelli-
gence, AGI 2010, Lugano, Switzerland, March 5-8, 2010 pp. 19-24. Advances in
Intelligent Systems Research 10. Amsterdam: Atlantis.
MI6 “Artificial intelligence is that activity devoted to making machines intelligent, and
intelligence is that quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and
with foresight in its environment.
Nilsson, N. J. (2010). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence. A History of Ideas
and Achievements. Cambridge University Press.
MI7 “Intelligence is concerned mainly with rational action. Ideally, an intelligent
agent takes the best possible action in a situation.
Russell, S. J. and Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
Third Edition. Prentice Hall.
MI8 “Machines matching humans in general intelligence that is, possessing com-
mon sense and an effective ability to learn, reason, and plan to meet complex
information-processing challenges across a wide range of natural and abstract
Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence. Paths, Dangers, Strategy. Oxford Univer-
sity Press.
MI9 “Machine Intelligence is the ability of anagent to provide rational, unbiased guid-
ance and service to humans so as to help them achieve optimal outcomes in a
range of circumstances.
Lewis, C. W. P. and Monett, D. (2017). A Theory on Understanding Human
Intelligence and a Persuasive Definition of Machine Intelligence for the Benefits
of Humanity (working paper, unpublished).
HI1 “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purpose-
fully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment. It is global
because it characterizes the individual’s behavior as a whole; it is an aggregate
because it is composed of elements or abilities which, though not entirely inde-
pendent, are qualitatively differentiable.
Wechsler, D. (1939). The measurement of adult intelligence (p. 3). Baltimore:
Williams & Wilkins.
HI2 “Intelligence is an individual’s ability to respond to a given situation by antici-
pating the possible consequences of his actions.”
Bigge, M. L. (1976). Learning Theories for Teachers. Third Edition, London:
Harper & Row Publishing.
HI3 Intelligence is an individual’s “entire repertoire of acquired skills, knowledge,
learning sets, and generalization tendencies considered intellectual in nature
(problem solving skills) that [is] available at any one period of time.”
Humphreys, L. G. (1984). General Intelligence. In C. R. Reynolds and R. T.
Brown (eds.), Perspectives on bias in mental testing (p. 243), Springer.
HI4 “Intelligence is . . . a quality of behavior. Intelligent behavior is esse ntially adap-
tive, insofar as it represents effective ways of meeting the demands of a changing
Anastasi, A. (1986). Intelligence as a quality of behavior. In R. J. Sternberg and
D. K. Detterman (eds.), What is intelligence?: Contemporary viewpoints on its
nature and definition (pp. 19-21). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
HI5 “Intelligence is mental s elf-government. . . . The essence of intelligence is that it
provides a means to govern ourselves so that our thoughts and actions are or-
ganized, coherent, and responsive to both our internally driven needs and to the
needs of the environment.
Sternberg, R. J. (1986). Intelligence is mental self-government. In R. J. Sternberg
and D. K. Detterman (eds.), What is intelligence? Contemporary viewpoints on
its nature and definition. Norwood, N.J: Ablex.
HI6 Intelligence is “the ability to see relationships and to use this ability to solve
Fontana, D. (1988). Psychology for Teachers. Second Edition, London: Macmil-
HI7 “Intelligence is a very general mental capability that, among other things, in-
volves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend
complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book
learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather it reflects a
broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings “catching
on,” “making sense” of things, or “figuring out” what to do.”
Gottfredson, L. S. (1997). Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with
52 signatories, history, and bibliography. Intelligence, 24:13-23.
HI8 “Intelligence is clearly a combination of the ability to “figure things out on the
spot” and the ability to retain and repeat things that have been figured out in the
Deary, I. J., Penke, L., and Johns on, W. (March 2010). The neuroscience of human
intelligence differences. N ature Reviews, Neuroscience, 11:201-211.
HI9 To think and behave “rationally means taking the appropriate action given one’s
goals and beliefs and holding beliefs that are commensurate with available evi-
dence.Intelligence is thus: “optimal behavior in the domain of practical affairs.
The optimization of the individual’s goal fulfilment.”
Stanovich, K. E. (February 2014). A ssessing Cognitive Abilities: Intelligence and
More. Journal of Intelligence. 2(1):8-11.
and the absolute values (i.e. also counting all ratings given
from the first response on) improved considerably. The only
definitions for which the percentage values worsened were
the original first two definitions from the fixed list, MI1 and
MI2. The percentages of negative agreement also changed:
again, the same seven definitions of machine intelligence ben-
efited from the shuffles and received, on average, fewer neg-
ative ratings in the last 336 responses. The impact of these
changes was less evident for the negative agreement as for the
positive agreement, however. This suggested that the gains in
positive agreement after reordering were mainly from poten-
tially undecided people. A closer look at the variation in the
percentages of neutral selections seems to confirm this: these
responses also changed, and to a greater extent than the per-
centages of negative agreement.
With regard to the definitions of human intelligence, the
trends were similar: the percentages of responses showing
positive, negative, and neutral agreement with the definitions
of human intelligence before and after shuffling show the
same trends as for the definitions of machine intelligence an-
alyzed above.
Overall, the definitions of machine and human intelligence
that benefited the most were MI3 and HI7, respectively. Both
definitions were the most accepted definitions from the col-
lection, especially HI7, the undisputed overall winner. The
definitions that had a clear disadvantage with respect to the
percentages of positive agreement were the first ones from
their respective lists when the lists were fixed, since the shuf-
fling markedly diminished their anchoring effect.
3.2 Other Cognitive Biases when Argumenting
about Intelligence
The corpus containing 4,041 opinions on the definitions of
machine and human intelligence is now analyzed in more de-
tail, with regard to how many comments were provided in
relation to the level of agreement, whether respondents com-
mented more or less when they disagreed, and how many
comments were provided versus the level of agreement.
It was observed that respondents tended to comment more
when justifying why they did not agree with the definitions
of intelligence from the literature, and tended to comment
less when justifying why they did agree. When comments
were provided, the percentage of positive agreement of those
responses was much lower than the percentage of negative
agreement, i.e. for ratings of “Strongly agree” and “Agree”
combined, the total number of comments provided was lower,
at almost half of the total number for ratings of “Strongly
disagree” and “Disagree” (see Figure 3 (a)). Furthermore,
when people did not comment at all, the number of responses
with positive agreement and no comment was more than dou-
ble that of those with a negative rating and no comment (see
Figure 3 (b)).
Corresponding hypothesis tests were carried out and the
results show that there is a correlation between the number
of comments and the level of agreement with both types of
definitions of intelligence (see Figure 4).
One possible explanation for these relationships might
again be the presence of cognitive biases. The results are
consistent with research in argumentative theory: people rea-
Figure 3: Level of agreement with the definitions of human
and machine intelligence for responses (a) with and (b) with-
out comments to justify the selection.
son proactively from the perspective of having to defend their
opinions and the main function of reasoning is to produce
arguments to convince others [Mercier and Sperber, 2011].
Furthermore, the reasoning used to produce arguments ex-
hibits a strong confirmation bias.3n general, “reject-
ing what we are told generally requires some justification”
[Mercier and Sperber, 2011].
Moreover, when people disagree with the conclusion of
an argument, they often spend more time evaluating it, as
Mercier and Sperber [2011]show in their work on human
reasoning. These authors also point out that polarization in-
creases with the time spent thinking about an item. This is
again the case for the comments provided by respondents to
the survey on definitions of intelligence: the disagreement in-
creased with time.
With regard to the smaller numbers of comments justifying
a positive agreement or even no comments at all, the results
were also consistent with research in argumentative theory:
accepting what we are told generally does not require justi-
fication, because “[a] good argument is an argument that is
not refuted” [Mercier and Sperber, 2011].
3Nickerson [1998]defines confirmation bias as “[s]eeking or in-
terpreting of evidence in ways that are partial to existing beliefs,
expectations, or a hypothesis in hand.
Figure 4: Scatter plots of different hypothesis tests for opin-
ions on definitions of machine (plots on the left) and human
intelligence (plots on the right).
3.3 Focalism (Again)
We analyzed not only the number of comments provided to
justify the level of agreement but also the most often com-
mented definitions of the survey, to explore why people ar-
gued more about those than about other definitions.
The most commented definition of intelligence was Rus-
sell and Norvig’s; this was a definition from their well-known
book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, which is
used in more than 1,300 universities in over 110 countries
worldwide.4This definition, MI7, received a total of 320
comments (57.6% of respondents commented) and was the
second least accepted definition in the survey, receiving only
29.1% positive agreement. The second most commented def-
inition was the least accepted definition of machine intelli-
To explore why these definitions were the most commented
but the least accepted, we took a closer look at their structure
and both the terminology and language they used to deter-
mine whether some explanation might be possible. Russell
and Norvig’s definition, for example, is short and for this rea-
son it may be missing important aspects when defining in-
telligence. However, this is not expected to be a reason for
commenting more, since other definitions from the list were
even shorter.
Nevertheless, there were arguments that included the
words “rational” and “best” in at least 129 (40.3%) and
122 (38.1%) comments, respectively, out of all those pro-
vided for Russell and Norvig’s definition. Four other defi-
nitions from the collection also used the words rational,ra-
tionality, or rationally in their texts but received many fewer
4As claimed by the authors on the website (Last accessed: July 11, 2019).
comments. These are concepts that have received much
attention when defining intelligence, since humans some-
times make irrational decisions that may not seem intelligent
[Stanovich, 2015], and therefore the reason for the polariza-
tion over Russell and Norvig’s was not obvious.
A possible explanation might be the presence of a cog-
nitive bias called focalism,5also known as the focusing ef-
fect or focusing illusion [Kahneman et al., 2006], which is
the tendency to place too much importance on one aspect
of an event. It may be that the respondents tended to place
too much importance on the word “rational,” overlooking the
word “mainly” (intelligence is concerned mainly, but not ex-
clusively with rational action), and on the words “best possi-
ble action” while overlooking “ideally” (ideally, but not in
every situation or always).
Another possible explanation might be the presence
of other cognitive biases. For example, respondents
may have been reflecting less on the definitions they
were evaluating than on how to defend their opinion
[Mercier and Sperber, 2011], which had already been ex-
pressed in terms of a negative level of agreement with a defi-
nition before they started describing why.6This is known as
attitude polarization. Alternatively, it could also be associ-
ated with bolstering [McGuire, 1964], which is a bias arising
from the pressure to justify an opinion rather than moving
away from it, because the respondent has already stated be-
fore what his or her opinion is. This and other possible bi-
ases that might be present are considered in more detail in
[Mercier and Sperber, 2011].
4 Automated Search for Cognitive Biases
Understanding natural language is one of the oldest research
topics in the field of AI. Giving machines the ability to pro-
cess and analyze information by looking at its meaning is not
only considered a very difficult task, but has also attracted
broad commercial attention in recent years, in terms of both
investments and applications. However, although there exist
a myriad of algorithms and tools that analyze the different se-
mantic aspects of written speech, there is still no automated
(or semi-automated) tool that can detect the cognitive biases
present in natural language. This is a much more complex
task that will require a human component for the foreseeable
One example of the tools that use machine learning algo-
rithms to analyze written speech is the Perspective API cre-
ated by Google and its subsidiary Jigsaw,7which was released
in September 2017. It identifies “whether a comment could
be perceived as ’toxic’ to a discussion” and scores comments
accordingly by assigning a toxicity score. Google defines
toxic as “a rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comment that
is likely to make you leave a discussion.The creators of the
Perspective API do not recommend its use in the automated
5A cognitive bias studied in Social Psychology which is a type
of anchoring.
6Respondents were asked first to rate their level of agreement
and then to justify why.
7See for more (Last accessed:
July 11, 2019).
moderation of conversations but as an assistant to humans in
their work.
We used the Perspective API to analyze the corpus of ex-
perts’ opinions on the definitions of intelligence in order to
develop guidelines on how the AI community could con-
tribute with constructive and objective feedback when dis-
cussing intelligence. This is one of our long-term goals.
The experts’ comments justifying their level of agreement
with the definitions of machine intelligence received an aver-
age toxicity score of 9.6%, which is lower than the average
score obtained for human intelligence (10.3%). The highest
toxicity values were assigned to single opinions comment-
ing on machine intelligence, however. As analyzed above,
the definitions of machine intelligence were more polarized
and received many more comments although they were “less
toxic” in general.
The results are not satisfactory, however; it is questionable
as to how we can rely, even partially, on the use of automated
tools. Comments such as “Intelligence not originating from a
human being” were rated by the Perspective API with a tox-
icity level of 46%, for instance. Much work remains to be
done in this respect. This is why we advise against using au-
tomated tools for the detection of cognitive biases or semantic
information in written natural language; their current state of
development is still strongly dependent on narrow domains,
and needs much improvement.
5 Conclusions
Cognitive biases form part of people’s judgment and cannot
be always avoided. They affect how humans reason about
and interpret not only concepts and phenomena but also other
humans’ opinions. There is an extensive body of research
on cognitive biases, mainly in Psychology and other related
fields. We show that they are also present when definitions
are judged; especially, definitions of intelligence.
As Kelley [2014]has suggested in his work on Logic and
Critical Thinking, “it is not a good idea to include contro-
versial information in a definition. If a definition can be
thought of as a neutral framework for providing a common
understanding of the concept that is defined, then defining this
well is crucial for interpretations of the concept by all parties,
even opposing ones, and for reaching consensus on what is
defined. However, even definitions that exclude controversial
information are not exempt from biased judgment.
We also show that, although most cognitive biases cannot
be kept away from human reasoning and evaluations, shuf-
fling the definitions (of intelligence, but this conclusion could
also be extended to other concepts) not only helps to coun-
teract an anchoring effect that might arise but also means that
people tend to be less unsure about making a decision when
this happens. Furthermore, they take sides more often, at least
on average and when rating definitions of machine and human
intelligence from the literature.
The results presented in this paper could inform not only
AI researchers and practitioners but also marketers and devel-
opers, for example when they present products or solutions to
problems based on intelligent algorithms to users: what mat-
ters is not only the vocabulary that is used to describe “how
intelligent” these artifacts are but also the ordering of the in-
formation that is presented. Similarly, other implications of
the same kind may be expected in situations where people
are asked to evaluate solutions, concepts, items, topics, etc.
derived from or related to intelligent systems.
In general, when seeking feedback from users (including
experts) about the definitions of intelligence already pub-
lished in the scientific literature (and this can be general-
ized to systems, products, and other aspects that are judged),
we should not expect users to provide their opinions when
they agree with what is presented but rather to do so after a
negative impression or discordance with the item that is be-
ing evaluated. The results presented here for definitions of
intelligence are also consistent with findings in other areas
[Walz and Ganguly, 2015].
Cognitive biases undermine an understanding of intelli-
gence, and are a product of human subjective reasoning that
in most cases cannot be avoided. However, knowing that cog-
nitive biases are present in experts’ opinions is a first step in
helping to improve the definition of intelligence. In our opin-
ion, it is very important to make all stakeholders aware of the
cognitive biases that might be present when they define intel-
ligence, in particular, or interact with or develop intelligent
systems, in general, because this could also have an impact
on the way human reasoning is modeled or automated. This
is why we believe that each of the pressing rationale for a
consensus definition of machine intelligence we discussed at
the beginning of this paper are not more than a supporting
statement of the need for understanding. Mercier [1912]in
his empirical work on Logic stated more than one hundred
years ago that “[j]ust as not everything can be demonstrated,
so not everything can be defined. Our thesis is that if intel-
ligence can be defined better, then this may also contribute to
understanding it well.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... Much of the confusion around what AI stems from the lack of consensus on its definition (Monett et al. 2019). It has been a very controversial and contextual concept over decades, part of a "conceptual borrowing" of AI as a discipline (Floridi and Nobre, 2024). ...
Full-text available
We are experiencing a massive and volatile expansion of AI-based products and services. The current intermeshing of digital technologies, people, and society is shaping how we live and bringing algorithms to the forefront of decision making. The algorithmification of society and the narratives used to make it appear inevitable serve specific interests, mostly profitable for and controlled by few actors. It is not AI in itself, but the utilitarian sophistication of optimisation mechanisms and the power structures behind them that profit from controlling all that we do, when and how we do it, our behaviours, and even ourselves. In education, this is of serious concern as academia is gradually moving to uncertain dependencies on corporate interests. This paper calls for radical changes in dealing with the AI narratives that have monopolised recent public debates and discussions. It sheds light on the key terminology surrounding today’s AI algorithms and the technological background that makes them possible. It shows examples of the negative impacts and the implications of not addressing or ignoring certain issues, especially in education. This paper also suggests good practices through consistent advocacy, grounded materials, and critical work on digital literacy, particularly AI literacy.
... Much of the confusion around what AI stems from the lack of consensus on its definition (Monett et al. 2019). It has been a very controversial and contextual concept over decades, part of a "conceptual borrowing" of AI as a discipline (Floridi and Nobre, 2024). ...
Full-text available
We are experiencing a massive and volatile expansion of AI-based products and services. The current intermeshing of digital technologies, people, and society is shaping how we live and bringing algorithms to the forefront of decision making. The algorithmification of society and the narratives used to make it appear inevitable serve specific interests, mostly profitable for and controlled by few actors. It is not AI in itself, but the utilitarian sophistication of optimisation mechanisms and the power structures behind them that profit from controlling all that we do, when and how we do it, our behaviours, and even ourselves. In education, this is of serious concern as academia is gradually moving to uncertain dependencies on corporate interests. This paper calls for radical changes in dealing with the AI narratives that have monopolised recent public debates and discussions. It sheds light on the key terminology surrounding today's AI algorithms and the technological background that makes them possible. It shows examples of the negative impacts and the implications of not addressing or ignoring certain issues, especially in education. This paper also suggests good practices through consistent advocacy, grounded materials, and critical work on digital literacy, particularly AI literacy.
... The lack of consensus on the definition of AI is expected and is caused by different cognitive biases [12]. These biases form part of people's judgment and cannot always be avoided. ...
Full-text available
With the explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an area of study and practice, it has gradually become very difficult to mark its boundaries precisely and specify what exactly it encompasses. Many other areas of study are interwoven with AI, and new research and development topics that require interdisciplinary approach frequently attract attention. In addition, several AI subfields and topics are home to long-time controversies that give rise to seemingly never-ending debates that further obfuscate the entire area of AI and make its boundaries even more indistinct. To tackle such problems in a systematic way, this paper introduces the concept of identity of AI (viewed as an area of study) and discusses its dynamics, controversies, contradictions, and opposing opinions and approaches, coming from different sources and stakeholders. The concept of identity of AI emerges as a set of characteristics that shape up the current outlook on AI from epistemological, philosophical, ethical, technological, and social perspectives.
... There are several underlying reasons for disagreement on defining intelligence whose analysis would be beyond the scope of this paper (we refer the interested reader to [7] and [8] for related discussions on the lack of consensus). In Hunt and Jaeggi's [7] words, "[i]t is not surprising that defining the subject matter of intelligence research has been difficult, for in everyday discourse the word intelligence is used in various ways." ...
Conference Paper
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Delineating the boundaries of the discourse on machine or artificial intelligence (AI) may help in defining and understanding its most discussed concept, the concept of intelligence. Furthermore, better insights into both definitions and how to define them well has proven to be essential for a better understanding of concepts, intelligence included. These and related cognitive abilities (e.g. defining, analyzing, understanding, discussing, and comparing definitions of intelligence, among others) are expected for AI researchers and practitioners in the first place. Yet, they are also central to extending or at least providing the basics of AI literacy to other stakeholders of our society. Intelligent systems are transforming the way we interact with technology, with each other, and with ourselves, and knowing at least what AI or intelligence mean is becoming essential for designing, developing, deploying, using, and even regulating intelligent artefacts. However, defining intelligence has been one of the most controversial and studied challenges of both ancient and modern human thinking. A lack of consensus on what intelligence is has remained almost constant over the centuries. Interested scholars have not come up with a consensus or cross-domain accepted definition of intelligence. Neither in the ancient Eastern nor in the ancient and contemporary Western conceptions of intelligence. Nor in the more recent perspectives from the last 70 years within the field of AI. We argue that a better understanding of contemporary technologies, AI-based but not only, starts with a grounded exposure to their conceptual pillars. These include fundamental concepts like the concept of intelligence, in general, and of AI, in particular. Learners and decision makers at all levels should face them, as well as be able to discuss their importance and limitations critically and in an informed way. For doing that, they must be confronted with definitions of intelligence and understand their meaning well, for instance. If these contents are already part of study programs, the better. It is the main goal of this paper to present how a few hundreds of definitions of intelligence were annotated, i.e. their properties and characteristics systematically analyzed and commented, in order to construct a corpus (i.e. a collection) of definitions of intelligence for further uses in AI and other fields. The work and particular application domain presented here has not yet been considered in the extended work on linguistic annotation. Even though, both the annotation and the data merit special attention, for they deal with the elusive, important concept of intelligence, i.e. with definitions of both human and machine (or artificial) intelligence. Undergraduate Computer Science students carried out the annotation process and several research activities. They were involved in an AI research project led by faculty and included their findings and work as part of their undergraduate student research projects in their last study year. We provide details about how the student research projects were conceived, conducted, and mentored. We also describe the properties or quality criteria that were considered for annotating the definitions from the intelligence corpus.
... With this two-part paper we intend to give answers to these and other related questions and to help bridge diverse research fields on defining definitions. Along with previous work that analyzes cognitive biases in experts' written opinions about definitions of intelligence [16], we also seek to understand why finding a "concordant" definition might be difficult to accomplish although not impossible. Paraphrasing Kate Raworth's approach [21] when she calls for rethinking economics as a science, defining machine intelligence is not about finding the perfect definition, 2 because it does not exist yet and maybe will not; it's about establishing a definition that reflects the context we face, the values we hold, and the aims we have in the field. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
We posit that the lack of consensus definitions of (machine or artificial) intelligence might be affected by the lack of knowledge of conceptual analysis and other well-investigated theories. Acute contextualization of the concepts that are defined may also be an issue. Accordingly, in this two-part paper, we review some basic concepts from across research fields on how to explicate a definition. In Part I we propose 30 quality criteria for definitions that shall serve as guidelines for well-defined definitions of any concept. The quality criteria may allow for both better insights into definitions and a wider understanding of the current discourse on AI. In Part II we provide basic terminology on definitions and an iterative process to guide the construction of robust definitions by considering the quality criteria introduced in Part I. Our central goal is twofold: we want to facilitate understanding across fields and inform different stakeholders from industry, academia, legal and governments, among others, by contributing to the formal foundations on elucidating "good and robust definitions" for AI.
The vision systems of the eagle and the snake outperform everything that we can make in the laboratory, but snakes and eagles cannot build an eyeglass or a telescope or a microscope. (Judea Pearl)
There exists a lack of consensus regarding a clear and precise definition of regenerative medicine. We suggest here a definition developed by the authors with input from researchers in the various contributing disciplines. This definition emphasizes the interdisciplinarity of the field, its goal of restoring impaired function, and the wide variety of technologies that can contribute to achieving this goal. By highlighting the lack of agreement regarding a definition of regenerative medicine, and by proposing our own definition, we hope to stimulate discussion on the subject within the field and to encourage the regenerative medicine community to work together to develop a consensus definition. We believe that a clear definition of regenerative medicine could help to unify the field and is essential to facilitate understanding among policy makers, funding agencies and the general public, as well as individuals from scientific and medical disciplines.