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Original Article Shorter static stretching volume does not impair isokinetic muscle strength

Journal of Physical Education and Sport
(JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 4), Art 209 pp 1441 – 1444, 2019
online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1441
Corresponding Author: DENIS CÉSAR LEITE VIEIRA, E-mail:
Original Article
Shorter static stretching volume does not impair isokinetic muscle strength
Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília;
Curso de Educação Física, Centro
Universitário do Distrito Federal - UDF, Brasília;
Grupo de Pesquisa em Exercício, Nutrição, Saúde e
Rendimento – PENSARE, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS, Campo Grande;
Programa de
Pós Graduação em Saúde e Desenvolvimento na Região Centro Oeste – PPGSD, Universidade Federal de Mato
Grosso do Sul – UFMS, Campo Grande;
Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação Física – PPGEF,
Universidade Católica de Brasília, BRASÍLIA;
Published online: July 31, 2019
(Accepted for publication: June 30, 2019)
Coaches and athletes in warm-up routines for preventing muscle injuries during exercise, and hoping for
improving muscle performance commonly incorporate static stretching. However, static stretching exercises
usually impairs muscle performance. Although static stretching exercises impair muscle performance, there is a
greater variability of the evidence in static stretching induced impairmentswhen the static stretching volume are
less than 90 seconds per muscle group. In this sense, this study was designed to compare different static
stretching volume on extensor and flexor knee peak torque. Twenty-one physically active men visited the
laboratory five times for performing the familiarization process and experimental procedures. In each
experimental procedure, the individuals performed an isokinetic testpreceded byactive warm-up and static
stretching. The angular velocities of isokinetic tests were 60°/s, 180°/s, and 300°/s. The warm-up routines were:
active warm-up on cycle ergometer + no stretching; active warm-up on cycle ergometer + twenty seconds of
static stretching; active warm-up on cycle ergometer + forty seconds of static stretching; active warm-up on
cycle ergometer + sixty seconds of static stretching. The stretching exercises were performed in knee extensors
and knee flexors. No differences were showed between all protocols to knee extension peak torque at angular
velocities 60°/s (F=0.545, p=0.653), 180°/s (F=0.082, p=0.969), and 300°/s (F=0.230, p=0.875). Moreover, knee
flexion peak torque did not show difference between all protocols at angular velocities 60°/s (F=0.100; p=0.960),
180°/s (F=0.036, p=0.991) and 300°/s (F=0.057, p=0.982). This study provides evidence that static stretching
performed until 60 seconds incorporated in warm-up routine did not impair extensor and flexor knee peak
Key Words: Muscle Strength, Performance, Static Stretching.
Pre-exercise warm-up are common practice in training routines and had the tendency to be based on
individual coaches, trainers and athletes experiences, probably due to limited scientific evidence supporting one
protocol over another
. However, recently researchers have studied different warm-up protocols on physical
. Among warm-up protocols utilized on training routines and recent researchers: proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation
, dynamic warm-up
, and traditional static stretching
are usually highlighted.
Traditional static stretching involvesmoving a limb until the end of its range of motion or until its point of
. It has been demonstrated to be an effective tool to improve flexibility
, improve muscle
performance, and prevent injuries during exercise
. However, some studies do not corroborate with the idea that
static stretching could improve performance; on the contrary, it could reduce performance
Some factors may contribute to the impact of static stretching on muscle performance
, and among
these factors; the duration of static stretching becomes an important variable
. Simic et al.
showed that shorter
static stretching (<45 seconds) performed before the exercise may not be detrimental to muscle performance, but
static stretching performed between 45 to 90 seconds could lead to impairments on muscle performance.
As pointed by Behm et al.
those volumes used do not reflect a typical static stretching during a
resistance training session, also when total static stretching volumes are less than 90 seconds per muscle group,
there is a greater variability of the evidence in impairments. In this sense, according to literature pointed that
variability in static stretching of shorter duration, the aim of this study was to verify if static stretching could
impair muscle strength incorporated in a warm-up routine and if stretching time could influence the magnitude
of impairments. The initial hypothesis was that 60 seconds of static stretching incorporated to the warm-up
routine could impair muscle strength.
A randomized controlled trial study design was used. Fourteen trained men (22.05 ±2.09 yrs; 176.0 ±6.7
cm; 75.8 ±8.5 kg; 12.1 ±4.1 %BF) participated in this study. The inclusion criteria were as follow: age ranged
from 18 to 25 years, regular physical exercise at least 3 times per week, and no cardiovascular or orthopedic
diseases history that would compromise any proposed tests. All participants provided written informed consent
before participation and Institutional Review Board at the Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil approved the
protocol (n. 2.497.193 CEP/UCB). All procedures followed with the ethical standards of the Helsinki
The study was designed to observe if static stretching incorporated in a warm-up routine could acutely
influence muscle strength performance and if stretching duration could lead to different findings. All subjects
were evaluated immediately after the warm-up routines. Thus, the warm-up consisted in active warm-up
(cycling), specific warm-up and static stretching (20, 40, 60 seconds) or control condition (without static
stretching). The dependent variables were concentric peak torque at quadriceps extension and hamstring flexion
of knee concentric peak torque and independent variables were warm up routines.
Before the intervention, all the subjects underwent a clinical evaluation by laboratory physician,
composed by a resting electrocardiogram, blood pressure measurement, cardiovascular risks analyses, and
specific anamneses. After approved by the clinician, subjects underwent to the laboratory four times to be tested
after four different warm-up routines at the same time of the days. Extension and flexion knee peak torque were
evaluated by dynamic isokinetic test. All procedures were carried out at Laboratory of Physical Evaluation -
LAFIT - at the Catholic University of Brasilia – UCB, that has temperature and humidity controls.
Warm-up routines: All the subjects were informed to avoid any physical exercise 24 hours before any
test. Before all isokinetic testing and stretching protocols, each subject completed a 5-minute general active
warm-up at 25-50W on a stationary cycle ergometer (Monark, Ergomedic828E)
. After that, static stretch (20,
40 or 60 seconds) were in random order in different days, the same as the control session, characterized for no
prior Acute Static Stretch (NPASS). Each subject performed an unassisted static stretching exercise (PASS)
spending the specific time for the session (20, 40 and 60 seconds) at the middle point of discomfort composed
for two exercises aimed to stretches quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups according to order as followed:
1) Hip flexion with knee extension Dorsal decubitus, with a specific tensor helps
(“Theraband”), achieving the middle point of discomfort angle with no pain, keeping the
hip on the floor and knee in extension, stretching posterior leg muscle;
2) Knee flexion - In stand position, keep the knee in a flexion position, with no pain, holding the
feet with the same side hand.
Only at the first visit after general warm-up (cycling at 50W), a specific warm-upwas performed, also
used as a familiarization session at an isokinetic dynamometer, composed by 5 repetitions at all angular
velocities in descending order (300°s
, 180°s
e 60°s
Quadriceps and Hamstring peak torque: The Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems
Inc., Shirley, NY, 2002) was used to measure the right knee extension and flexion concentric muscular isokinetic
performance. The angular velocities (AV) 60°s
, 180°s
, 300°s
were inserted in ascending order, rest time
applied between AV was 1 min. Each visit consisted of 5 repetitions at 60°s
, 5 at 180°s
as well as 20
repetitions at 300°s
. The lateral femoral epicondyle of each subject was used as biological axis and then
aligned with the dynamometer axis in sitting position with the trunk at 85 flexion. After seated in the
dynamometer chair, each subject was fitted in maximum stabilization (trunk, hip, and leg) in attempt to minimize
the cooperation of different muscular groups those specific used for extending or flexing the knee. Ranged of
Motion (ROM) was setting in 70, and an experienced examiner on the procedures conducted tests. Before the
tests, the limb weight was measured by the dynamometer to calculate to correct the gravity force. All procedures
were adopted according to the manufacturer manual. Furthermore, all subjects were encouraged by verbal
through all tests
Statistical Analysis
Data normality was evaluated by Shapiro-wilk test. After that, one-way ANOVA with repeated measure
was carried out with the Bonferroni post hoc analyses for Peak Torque (PT) through statistical Package for the
Social Sciences for Windows, version 21.0 (SPSS 21.0). The significance level adopted for all comparisons were
There were not significant differences between stretching protocols in warm-up routines to knee extension
peak torque at angular velocities 60°/s (F=3.394, p=0.057), 180°/s (F=0.385, p=0.766), and 300°/s (F=0.375,
p=0.773). In addition, knee flexion peak torque at angular velocities 60°/s (F=0.820, p=0.510), 180°/s (F=0.073,
p=0.973), and 300°/s (F=0.973, p=0.440) did not show significant differences between stretching protocols in
warm-up routines (table 1).
Table 1. Peak torque at angular velocity 60°
) in different stretching volumes.
Mean ± SD
FLX PT ((N•m
Mean ± SD
time 60°/s 180°/s 300°/s 60°/s 180°/s 300°/s
239.15 ±
170.17 ±
133.18 ±
133.13 ±
102.02 ±
88.86 ±
20 seconds 224.89 ±
171.21 ±
131.94 ±
129.09 ±
101.41 ±
85.80 ±
40 seconds 234.56 ±
170.77 ±
134.39 ±
132.96 ±
102.67 ±
88.11 ±
60 seconds 229,11 ±
168.80 ±
132.23 ±
130.20 ±
101.70 ±
88.21 ±
PT = Peak Torque; EXT = Extension; FLX = Flexion; NPASS = No prior Acute Static Stretch.
The main finding of the present study was that static stretching incorporated to warm-up routine did not
reduce extension and flexion knee strength. We had hypothesized that 60 seconds of static stretching in warm-up
routine could impair extensor and flexor knee strength. However, static stretching independent of the volume
was not able to impair isokinetic muscle performance evaluated from peak torque. Results about the impact of
static stretching on muscle performance show divergences and could be dependent on factors like stretching
duration and intensity
Some studies have indicated that static stretching could affect negatively muscle strength
. In this
sense, Serra et al.
showed that independent of training status, static stretching reduced load lifted on 1RM test,
and the static stretching performed was 3 sets of the 30 seconds to each muscle tested. In this same line, Sekir et
reported that after static stretching exercises to quadriceps and hamstring, the quadriceps and hamstring
muscle strength were reduced in concentric and eccentric contractions at 60°/s and 180°/s, the total time of static
stretching was 6 ± 1 minute. However, our results contrast with studies showed, these contrasts may be
explained by different stretching volumes adopted, in both studies, Serra et al.
and Sekir et al.
, the total
stretching time was greater than 90 seconds to each muscle tested. While in our protocol, each subject performed
only 20, 40 or 60 seconds to each muscle.
In this sense, Behm et al.
reported in a systematic review that static stretching time greater than 90
seconds could impair muscle performance. However, these impairments do not always occur if the stretching
time is less than 90 seconds. In this line, Beedle et al.
showed that 45 seconds of static stretching to quadriceps
and hamstring did not impair load lifted on leg press 1RM test compared to dynamic stretching and a non-
stretching day. Moreover, Simic et al.
in a meta-analysis showed that shorter stretch tended to reducethe
negative acute effect of static stretching on maximal muscle strength. Thus, it is possible to note that stretching
time influence muscle strength impairments and could partially explain our results.
Moreover, another point that may be mentioned is stretching intensity
. In our protocol, static
stretching was performed at the middle point of discomfort and did not show strength impairments. Although
Ogura et al.
reported that sixty seconds of static stretching to hamstring until the maximal point of length
without feeling pain or discomfort showed lower hamstring maximal voluntary contraction of knee flexion than
thirty seconds of hamstring static stretching and control condition, that are contrary to our results. Winke et al.
reported that a total time of three minutes of static stretching taken to the point of discomfort did not affect peak
eccentric and concentric torque production in the knee flexors at 60°/s and 210°/s. Thus, it is possible to note that
although stretching has a high volume, if it performed at moderate intensity may not have strength impairments.
This inconsistency appears to be related to warm-up routine. In our and Winke et al.
studies warm-up routines
include active and specific warm-up on a cycle ergometer, while Ogura et al.
study was made only static
stretching before the test. In this line, Pinto et al.
investigated the effect of static stretching duration on vertical
jump performance, the authors avoided a specific warm-up, because it may minimize tissue cooling, maximize
central nervous system, muscle fiber conduction time and muscle contractile performance, that could impact on
. Although this hypothesis was not tested to muscle strength is notable that some studies reported that a
dynamic and active warm-up could improve strength performance
, because it could increase intracellular
, cross-bridge cycling
and decrease muscle stiffness
Although our study has limitations, such as, the absence control of stretching intensity, and active
warm-up condition by a more precise way. Our data suggest that static stretching at the middle point of
discomfort until sixty seconds may be incorporate in a warm up routine, without knee muscle strength
impairments. However, this data would be useful for muscular isokinetic assessment due to time spend on it.
This bearing must be better explored, mainly investigating its influence on other muscular variables as power
and total work as well as injuries risks.
The study suggests that static stretching until sixty seconds incorporated in a warm-up routine does
not impair knee muscle strength. Therefore, static stretching until sixty seconds may be incorporated in warm-up
routine by coaches without impairments in muscle strength.
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Actividad física: un aporte para el tratamiento de la depresión busca contribuir al conocimiento existente sobre la actividad física y su aporte al tratamiento de la depresión. Inicialmente, se presentan las bases conceptuales sobre la actividad física, considerada por expertos como una alternativa favorable para el cuidado de la salud humana. A continuación, se hace una aproximación a la naturaleza de la depresión, un estado que reduce la salud de las personas en todo el mundo. Posteriormente, se analizan conceptos preliminares sobre la relación entre actividad física y depresión. Luego se presentan algunos resultados de investigaciones sobre actividad física y depresión con el fin de que la comunidad académica disponga de bases teóricas relacionadas con la manera en que la actividad física puede contrarrestar los efectos producidos por la depresión. Finalmente, se presentan algunos ejercicios basados en técnicas de relajación con los que se busca que el lector encuentre diferentes alternativas favorables para hacer frente a estados depresivos.
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Whereas a variety of pre-exercise activities have been incorporated as part of a “warm-up” prior to work, combat, and athletic activities for millennia, the inclusion of static stretching (SS) within a warm-up has lost favor in the last 25 years. Research emphasized the possibility of SS-induced impairments in subsequent performance following prolonged stretching without proper dynamic warm-up activities. Proposed mechanisms underlying stretch-induced deficits include both neural (i.e., decreased voluntary activation, persistent inward current effects on motoneuron excitability) and morphological (i.e., changes in the force–length relationship, decreased Ca²⁺ sensitivity, alterations in parallel elastic component) factors. Psychological influences such as a mental energy deficit and nocebo effects could also adversely affect performance. However, significant practical limitations exist within published studies, e.g., long-stretching durations, stretching exercises with little task specificity, lack of warm-up before/after stretching, testing performed immediately after stretch completion, and risk of investigator and participant bias. Recent research indicates that appropriate durations of static stretching performed within a full warm-up (i.e., aerobic activities before and task-specific dynamic stretching and intense physical activities after SS) have trivial effects on subsequent performance with some evidence of improved force output at longer muscle lengths. For conditions in which muscular force production is compromised by stretching, knowledge of the underlying mechanisms would aid development of mitigation strategies. However, these mechanisms are yet to be perfectly defined. More information is needed to better understand both the warm-up components and mechanisms that contribute to performance enhancements or impairments when SS is incorporated within a pre-activity warm-up.
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Stretch of tensor fascia lata (TFL) improves range of motion on hip and pelvis and it reported to help reduce low back pain. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to investigate effects of static stretching using a load on TFL in patients with low back pain. Twenty three subjects were recruited according to the selection criteria. The subjects were randomly assigned to static stretching group (control, n=12), and a static stretching using a load group (experimental, n=11). All group performed stretching for 15 min (side for 50 sec per time and a rest for 30 sec) per day in the left side and the right, respectively, for 2 weeks. Before and after the intervention, all groups measured visual analogue scale (VAS), stand and reach test, and the Oswestry disability index (ODI). In the present results, we found that the experimental group showed significant differences in VAS, stand and reach test, and the ODI (P<0.05) in before and after the intervention. Therefore, static stretching using a load can be actively utilized for low back pain patients with shortened TFL.
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Context: Foam rolling has been proposed to improve muscle function, performance, and joint range of motion (ROM). However, whether a foam rolling protocol can be adopted as a warm-up to improve flexibility and muscle strength is unclear. Objective: To examine and compare the acute effects of foam rolling, static stretching, and dynamic stretching used as part of warm-up on flexibility and muscle strength of knee flexion and extension. Design: Crossover study. Setting: University research laboratory. Participants: 15 male and 15 female college students (age 21.43 ± 1.48 y, weight 65.13 ± 12.29 kg, height 166.90 ± 6.99 cm). Main outcome measures: Isokinetic peak torque was measured during knee extension and flexion at an angular velocity of 60°/second. Flexibility of the quadriceps was assessed by the modified Thomas test, while flexibility of hamstrings was assessed using the sit-and-reach test. The 3 interventions were performed by all participants in random order on 3 days separated by 48-72 hours. Results: The flexibility test scores improved significantly more after foam rolling as compared to static and dynamic stretching. With regard to muscle strength, only knee extension peak torque (pre vs. post intervention) improved significantly after the dynamic stretching and foam rolling, but not after static stretching. Knee flexion peak torque remained unchanged. Conclusions: Foam rolling is more effective than static and dynamic stretching in acutely increasing flexibility of the quadriceps and hamstrings without hampering muscle strength, and may be recommended as part of a warm-up in healthy young adults.
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Aim: To evaluate if static stretching influences peak and end-range functional hamstring-to-quadriceps (H/Q) strength ratios in elite women athletes. Methods: Eleven healthy female athletes in an elite competitive level participated to the study. All the participants fulfilled the static stretching or non-stretching (control) intervention protocol in a randomized design on different days. Two static unassisted stretching exercises, one in standing and one in sitting position, were used to stretch both the hamstring and quadriceps muscles during these protocols. The total time for the static stretching was 6 ± 1 min. The isokinetic peak torque measurements for the hamstring and quadriceps muscles in eccentric and concentric modes and the calculations for the functional H/Q strength ratios at angular velocities of 60°/s and 180°/s were made before (pre) and after (post) the control or stretching intervention. The strength measurements and functional strength ratio calculations were based during the entire- and end-range of knee extension. Results: The pre-test scores for quadriceps and hamstring peak torque and end range values were not significantly different between the groups (P > 0.05). Subsequently, although the control group did not exhibit significant changes in quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength (P > 0.05), static stretching decreased eccentric and concentric quadriceps muscle strength at both the 60°/s and 180°/s test speeds (P < 0.01). Similarly, static stretching also decreased eccentric and concentric hamstring muscle strength at both the 60°/s and 180°/s test speeds (P < 0.01). On the other hand, when the functional H/Q strength ratios were taken into consideration, the pre-intervention values were not significant different between the groups both during the entire and end range of knee extension (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the functional H/Q strength ratios exhibited no significant alterations during the entire and end ranges of knee extension both in the static stretching or the control intervention (P > 0.05). Conclusion: According to our results, static stretching routine does not influence functional H/Q ratio. Athletes can confidently perform static stretching during their warm-up routines.
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This systematic review was conducted to identify the impact of upper body warm-up on performance and injury prevention outcomes. Web of Science, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO and Cochrane databases were searched using terms related to upper extremity warm-up. Inclusion criteria were English language randomised controlled trials from peer-reviewed journals in which investigation of upper body warm-up on performance and injury prevention outcomes was a primary aim. Included studies were assessed for methodological quality using the PEDro scale. A wide variety of warm-up modes and outcomes precluded meta-analysis except for one group of studies. The majority of warm-ups were assessed as having 'positive', 'neutral', 'negative' or 'specific' effects on outcomes. Thirty-one studies met the inclusion criteria with 21 rated as having 'good' methodological quality. The studies investigated a total of 25 warm-up modes and 43 outcome factors that could be grouped into eight mode and performance outcome categories. No studies of upper body warm-up effects on injury prevention were discovered. Strong research-based evidence was found for the following: high-load dynamic warm-ups enhance power and strength performance; warm-up swings with a standard weight baseball bat are most effective for enhancing bat speed; short-duration static stretching warm-up has no effect on power outcomes; and passive heating/cooling is a largely ineffective warm-up mode. A clear knowledge gap in upper body warm-up literature is the lack of investigation of injury prevention outcomes. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the possible inhibitory effect of passive plantar flexor muscle stretching on the motoneuron facilitatory system. Achilles tendon vibration and triceps surae electrical stimulation were imposed simultaneously in 11 subjects to elicit contraction through reflexive pathways in two experiments. In Experiment 1, a vibration-stimulation protocol was implemented with the ankle joint plantar flexed (+10°), neutral (0°) and dorsiflexed (-10°). In Experiment 2, the vibration-stimulation protocol was performed twice before (Control), then immediately, 5, 10 and 15 min after a 5-min intermittent muscle stretch protocol. Plantar flexor torque and medial (EMGMG) and lateral gastrocnemius (EMGLG) and soleus (EMGSol) EMG amplitudes measured during and after (i.e. self-sustained motor unit firing) the vibration protocol were used as an indicator of this facilitatory pathway. In Experiment 1, vibration torque, self-sustained torque and EMGSol were higher with the ankle at -10° compared 0° and +10°, suggesting that this method is valid to assess motoneuronal facilitation. In Experiment 2, torque during vibration was reduced by ~60% immediately after stretch and remained depressed by ~35% at 5 min after stretch (p<0.05). Self-sustained torque was also reduced by ~65% immediately after stretch (P<0.05) but recovered by 5 min. Similarly, EMGMG during vibration was reduced by ~40% immediately after stretch (p<0.05) and EMGSol during the self-sustained torque period was reduced by 44% immediately after stretch (p<0.05). Passive stretch negatively affected the motoneuronal amplification for at least 5 min, suggesting that motoneuron disfacilitation is a possible mechanism influencing the stretch-induced torque loss.
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The acute effects of stretching on peak force (F peak), percent voluntary activation (%VA), electromyographic (EMG) amplitude, maximum range of motion (MROM), peak passive torque, the passive resistance to stretch, and the percentage of ROM at EMG onset (%EMGonset) were examined in 18 young and 19 old men. Participants performed a MROM assessment and a maximal voluntary contraction of the plantarflexors before and immediately after 20 min of passive stretching. F peak (−11 %), %VA (−6 %), and MG EMG amplitude (−9 %) decreased after stretching in the young, but not the old (P > 0.05). Changes in F peak were related to reductions in all muscle activation variables (r = 0.56–0.75), but unrelated to changes in the passive resistance to stretch (P ≥ 0.24). Both groups experienced increases in MROM and peak passive torque and decreases in the passive resistance to stretch. However, the old men experienced greater changes in MROM (P < 0.001) and passive resistance (P = 0.02–0.06). Changes in MROM were correlated to increases in peak passive torque (r = 0.717), and the old men also experienced a nonsignificant greater (P = 0.08) increase in peak passive torque. %EMGonset did not change from pre- to post-stretching for both groups (P = 0.213), but occurred earlier in the old (P = 0.06). The stretching-induced impairments in strength and activation in the young but not the old men may suggest that the neural impairments following stretching are gamma-loop-mediated. In addition, the augmented changes in MROM and passive torque and the lack of change in %EMGonset for the old men may be a result of age-related changes in muscle-tendon behavior.
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It has been proposed that pre-exercise static stretching may reduce muscle force and power. Recent systematic and meta-analytical reviews have proposed a threshold regarding the effect of short (<45 s) and moderate (≥60 s) stretching durations on subsequent performance in a multi-joint task (e.g. jump performance), although its effect on power output remains less clear. Furthermore, no single experimental study has explicitly compared the effect of short (e.g. 30-s) and moderate (60-s) durations of continuous static stretching onmulti-joint performance. Therefore, the aim of the present study was determine the effect of acute short- and moderate-duration continuous stretching interventions on vertical jump performance and power output. Sixteen physically active men (21.0±1.9 y; 1.7±0.1 m; 78.4±12.1 kg) volunteered for the study. After familiarization, subjects attended the laboratory for three testing sessions. In the non-stretching (NS) condition, subjects performed a countermovement jump (CMJ) test withouta preceding stretching bout. In the other two conditions, subjects performed 30-s (30SS; 4 min) or 60-s (60SS; 8 min) static stretching bouts in calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteus maximus and quadriceps, respectively, followed by the CMJ test. Results were compared by repeated measures ANOVA. In comparison to NS, 60SS resulted in a lower CMJ height (-3.4%, p≤0.05) and average (-2.7%, p≤0.05) and peak power output (-2.0%, p≤0.05), but no difference was observed between 30SS and the other conditions (p>0.05). These data suggest a dose-dependent effect of stretching on muscular performance, which is in accordance with previous studies. The present results suggest a threshold of continuous static stretching in which muscular power output in a multi-joint task may be impaired immediately following moderate-duration (60-s; 8min) static stretching, while short-duration (30-s; 4 min) stretching has a negligible influence.
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The purpose of the present research was to indentify the contribution of central vs. peripheral factors to the force loss after passive muscle stretching. Thirteen men randomly performed both a 5-min constant-torque stretch of the plantar flexors on an isokinetic dynamometer and a resting condition on two separate days. The triceps surae electromyogram (EMG) was recorded simultaneously with plantar flexor isometric torque. Measures of central drive, including the EMG amplitude normalized to the muscle compound action potential amplitude (EMG:M), percent voluntary activation (%VA) and first volitional wave amplitude (V:M), and measures of peripheral function, including the twitch peak torque, 20:80 Hz tetanic torque ratio and torque during 20 Hz stimulation preceded by a doublet, were taken before, and immediately and 15 min after each condition. Peak torque (-15.7%), EMG:M (-8.2%), and both twitch (-9.4%) and 20 Hz (-11.5%) peak torques were reduced immediately after stretch but recovered by 15 min. There were strong correlations between the torque loss and the reductions in central drive parameters (r=0.65-0.93). Torque recovery was also strongly correlated with the recovery in EMG:M and %VA (r=0.77-0.81). The moderate decreases in measures of peripheral function were not related to the torque loss or recovery. These results suggest that: 1) central factors were strongly related to the torque reduction immediately after stretch and during torque recovery; and 2) the muscle's contractile capacity was moderately reduced, although these changes were not associated with the torque reduction and changes in E-C coupling efficiency were not observed.
It has been proposed that fatigue during strength exercise is negatively influenced by prior proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching (PNF). However, it is possible that the effects of PNF on muscle endurance are affected by stretching duration. This study investigated the influence of PNF on the number of repetitions of the leg curl exercise performed with multiple sets and submaximal load. Nineteen men (age 25±1 yrs, weight 75.8±4.2 Kg, height 178.1±3.8 cm, 10RM 78.3±6.9 Kg) performed four sets of leg curl with ten repetition-maximum (10RM) load with and without previous PNF (three sets of hip flexion either with knees extended or flexed, duration ∼2.5 min). The total number of repetitions decreased along sets in both situations (38.6 % in control and 41.0 % in PNF sessions, p < 0.001). However, no difference between control and PNF was detected for the number of repetitions in each set (1 set, p=0.330; 2 set, p=0.072; 3 set, p=0.061; 4 set, p=0.150). In conclusion, the number of repetitions performed in multiple sets of the leg curl was not decreased by prior PNF stretching. Therefore, it appears that a moderate level of PNF could be utilized prior to resistance exercise with a minimal negative effect.