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Visual training could be useful for improving reading capabilities in dyslexia



The term dyslexia originated in 1887 when an ophthalmologist described the difficulty of learning to read. After more than a century of research, we still do not know the etiology of such pathology. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain dyslexia and in the present article we will describe in detail the visual attentional deficits reported in dyslexia. Reading is a complex cognitive process during which several mechanisms are involved (visual perception, eye movements -saccades and fixations-, semantic and linguistic abilities); consequently, a deficit in one of these different components could cause impairment in reading acquisition. In children with dyslexia, we observed abnormal oculomotor patterns during reading: frequent saccades of small amplitude, long-term fixation, high number of saccades to the left (retro-saccades), and poor binocular coordination during and after the saccades. These results suggest a deficit of visual information processing as well as an immaturity of the interaction between the saccade and vergence systems. In the present review, we will discuss different methods that use short periods of visual rehabilitation or text manipulation, and by using an eye tracker in order to obtain objective information on eye movement’s performance during reading, assist in improved reading performance of dyslexic children.
Visual training could be useful for improving reading capabilities in dyslexia
Maria Pia Bucci
UMR 1141 Inserm Paris Diderot University, Robert Debr!
e Hospital, Paris, France
The term dyslexia originated in 1887 when an ophthalmologist described the difficulty of
learning to read. After more than a century of research, we still do not know the etiology of
such pathology. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain dyslexia and in the pre-
sent article we will describe in detail the visual attentional deficits reported in dyslexia.
Reading is a complex cognitive process during which several mechanisms are involved (vis-
ual perception, eye movements -saccades and fixations-, semantic and linguistic abilities);
consequently, a deficit in one of these different components could cause impairment in
reading acquisition. In children with dyslexia, we observed abnormal oculomotor patterns
during reading: frequent saccades of small amplitude, long-term fixation, high number of
saccades to the left (retro-saccades), and poor binocular coordination during and after the
saccades. These results suggest a deficit of visual information processing as well as an
immaturity of the interaction between the saccade and vergence systems. In the present
review, we will discuss different methods that use short periods of visual rehabilitation or
text manipulation, and by using an eye tracker in order to obtain objective information on
eye movements performance during reading, assist in improved reading performance of
dyslexic children.
Filters; fixations; reading;
saccades; visual training
The term dyslexia was proposed in 1887 by Rudolf
Berlin, an ophthalmologist, who described the reading
disorder (Berlin, 1887). Dyslexia is a specific learning
difficulty in reading without compromising oral or
nonverbal reasoning skills and it affects between 5
and 15% of the school-age population (Pennington,
2009). The origin of dyslexia is still not well known; it
is a complex reading disorder involving genetic and
environmental factors (Bishop, 2015). Researchers
have suggested several theories of dyslexia and the
hypothesis of a phonological deficit in dyslexia has
been shared by several authors (Brady, Shankweiler, &
Mann, 1983; Bruck, 1992; Snowling, 1995). Recent
imaging studies reported that phonological deficien-
cies in dyslexics are correlated with important abnor-
malities in the cortical structure of the left hemisphere
(Hampson et al., 2006; Xia, Hoeft, Zhang, & Shu,
2016). Taken together, these results suggest that a
phonological theory is partially correct but that it can-
not explain all deficiencies reported in dyslexia.
Other theories have been proposed such as auditory,
visual perception, working memory, and attentional
abnormalities (Brosnan et al., 2002; Facoetti et al.,
2003; Nicolson & Fawcett, 1990; Stein, Riddell, &
Fowler, 1988; Tallal, 1980). Further functional mag-
netic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (Demb,
Boynton, & Heeger, 1997,1998; Eden et al., 1996)
reported abnormal processing of visual motion, par-
ticularly in the extrastriate middle temporal brain
areas, supporting the hypothesis of an M-cell pathway
visual abnormality in subjects with dyslexia. Gori,
Seitz, Ronconi, Franceschini, and Facoetti (2016)
showed, with different experiments, the impairment of
the magnocellular system in dyslexia and highlighted
the role of this system in developing normal visual
capabilities. A recent work (Le Floch & Ropars, 2017)
underlined visual abnormalities in dyslexics, based on
the absence of asymmetry of the two foveas
(Maxwells spot centroid) that seems to play an
important role for brain connectivity in normal child
development. In relationship with the hypothesis of a
visual deficit in dyslexia, Stein (2018) advanced the
theory of an impaired dorsal stream function, even if
several researchers do not share this hypothesis and
the existence of a deficit of the dorsal pathway in
CONTACT Maria Pia Bucci UMR 1141 Inserm - Paris Diderot University, Robert Debr!
e Hospital, Paris, France.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
!2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
dyslexia is still under debate (Blythe, Kirkby, &
Liversedge, 2018).
It is important to point out that for reading, a
good control of eye movement (saccades, fixation and
vergence) is required, and several studies reported
poor eye movement control in dyslexic children inde-
pendently of language. Indeed, during reading Greek,
dyslexic children showed longer and increased num-
bers of fixations, pro-saccades with shorter amplitude,
and frequent retro-saccades (Palvidis, 1981), suggest-
ing that such oculomotor abnormalities could be
responsible for slow-reading abilities in these children.
Successively, a similar abnormal oculomotor pattern
has also been reported in English (Rayner, 1985),
Italian (De Luca, Di Pace, Judica, Spinelli, &
Zoccoloti, 1999), German (Trauzettel-Klosinski et al.,
2010), Chinese (Li et al., 2009), and French (Seassau,
Gerard, Bui-Quoc, & Bucci, 2014) dyslexic children.
Furthermore, our group (Bucci, Nassibi, Gerard, Bui-
Quoc, & Seassau, 2012; Tiadi, Gerard, Peyre, Bui-
Quoc, & Bucci, 2016) suggested a deficiency in the
visual attentional processing, as well as an immaturity
in the interaction between the saccade and the ver-
gence system, leading to poor motor control during
reading by French dyslexic children. Note, however,
that it is not yet clear whether atypical eye movement
performance is the cause or the consequence of read-
ing difficulties in dyslexia. Independently of the fact
that visuo-oculomotor problems observed in dyslexics
are the result or the cause of their reading problems,
several studies have been performed to test the possi-
bility of improving reading capabilities in the dyslexia
population via visual training.Indeed, by perform-
ing a PubMed research, one can find about 363 papers
focused on visual training in dyslexia,suggesting
that this research issue is important and it has great
interest for scientists.
Recently, Peters and collaborators (Peters, De Losa,
Bavin, & Crewther, 2019) reviewed the effect of sev-
eral types of visuo-attentional interventions for read-
ing in dyslexic children; however, they did not
describe studies in which eye movements were
recorded during reading. Next, we will describe new
studies on rehabilitation techniques that reduce read-
ing deficits in dyslexia that are relevant to studies
dealing with eye movements in dyslexia.
A study done in 2012 (Chouake, Levy, Javitt, &
Lavidor, 2012) reported that basic visual networks,
such as the magnocellular system, might play a crucial
role in reading deficits observed in dyslexia. These
researchers showed that reading abilities significantly
improved in dyslexics after five days of training using
a motion detection task (magnocellular training); in
contrast, dyslexics trained with a control task of pat-
tern detection (parvocellular training) did not showed
any reading improvement. This study advanced the
importance of basic visual systems in reading and had
potential implications for reading rehabilitation in the
dyslexic population. In the same line of thinking,
Ebrahimi, Pouretemad, Khatibi, and Stein (2019)
explored the effect of magnocellular based visual
motion training on reading performance in Persian
speaking dyslexic children. The training consisted on
12 sessions, twice a week over 6 weeks. They found an
improvement of reading capabilities that persisted also
after training (at least 1 month later). The authors
advanced the hypothesis that a simple test on magno-
cellular function could be also used as screening tool
for detecting dyslexia early before that child starts
to read.
It has been also shown that several dyslexics suffer
from crowding phenomenon, that is, impaired recog-
nition of the word due to the presence of neighboring
letters (Bouma, 1970) and dyslexics could take advan-
tage of reading a text with larger spaced letters (Zorzi
et al., 2012).
Meng, Lin, Wang, Jiang, and Song (2014) also
reported that visual perceptual training can improve
reading performance in Chinese children and that
such improvement persisted for up to 2 months, sug-
gesting that visual perceptual processing and reading
ability could, at least partially, rely on overlapping
mechanisms. Gori and Facoetti (2014) also reported
that perceptual learning could improve visual capabil-
ities in dyslexic children that are the consequence of a
magnocellular impairment and poor visual attention,
given that as suggested by Rizzolatti, Riggio, Dascola,
and Umilt!
a(1987), there is a relationship among vis-
ual input, eye movement, and attention. Furthermore,
it has been also explored whether playing action video
games (without reading or phonological content)
could improve reading abilities in dyslexia
(Franceschini et al., 2013,2017). These authors
reported that 12 hours of playing action video games
(AVG), in contrast to nonaction video games
(NAVG), significantly improved the reading abilities
in French dyslexic children (Franceschini et al., 2013)
as well as English dyslexic children (Franceschini
et al., 2017). The AVGs have specific characteristics:
1) extraordinary speed both in terms of very transi-
ent events and in terms of the velocity of moving
objects; 2) a high degree of perceptual, cognitive, and
motor load in the service of an accurate motor plan;
3) unpredictability both temporal and spatial; 4) an
emphasis on peripheral processing (Green, Li, &
Bavelier, 2010, page 203). Based on the description of
the AVG characteristics, a possible distinction between
the two treatments could be that the AVG increase
stimulation of the Magnocellular-Dorsal or Action
stream in comparison with the NAVG (Vidyasagar &
Pammer, 2010). Recently, Franceschini and Bertoni
(2018) reported that AVG intervention in dyslexic
children improved both phonological decoding speed
and phonological short-term memory. Note, however,
that such improvement has been reported in a small
group of dyslexic Italian children that obtained a good
video game score.
Finally, the possible benefits of reading text
through colored filters have also been suggested to
facilitate reading in dyslexia, even if it is an extremely
controversial subject (see the review of Uccula, Enna,
& Mulatti, 2014, and more recent Stein, 2018). For
instance, Ritchie, Sala, and McIntosh (2011) failed to
show a significant effect of colored filters on reading
performance in dyslexia population and Denton and
Meindl (2016) did not report either significant
improvements in reading from the use of colored fil-
ters in three individuals with dyslexia (7-, 11-, and 32-
year-old). In contrast, Ray, Fowler, and Stein (2005)
showed reading improvement after yellow filters used
for 3 months compared with the use of no filter in
children with reading difficulties. Those authors sug-
gested that the yellow color increased input to the
magnocellular system by selectively stimulating both
L- and M-cones. One major problem with studies
exploring the colored filter effect during reading is the
lack of standardization during the trials. For example,
the procedures used to investigate reading perform-
ance with and without filters should be strictly con-
trolled, such as maintaining the same experimental
setup; preventing any noise and/or distractions; ran-
domizing the trials with and without filters; and, most
importantly, presenting different texts in each condi-
tion to prevent learning effects. Finally, it is important
to record eye movements during the reading with fil-
ters in order to obtain objective data on eye move-
ment. Based on these findings, the current study
further explores the effect of colored filters on reading
performance in dyslexic and nondyslexic children.
The following sections describe some recent studies
made by our group in which we explored some tech-
niques to improve reading performance in dyslexic
children. Eye movements were recorded during read-
ing text in order to objectively quantify the eventual
benefit of these rehabilitations.
Children population
Dyslexic children participated in the studies were
recruited from the Center for Language Disorders and
Learning, at the Robert Debr!
e pediatric hospital
(Paris), to which they had been referred for a com-
plete evaluation of their dyslexia including an exten-
sive examination of their neurological/psychological
and phonological capabilities. For each child, we
measured the time they required to read a text pas-
sage, assessed their general text comprehension, and
evaluated their ability to read words and pseudo-
words using the L2MA battery (oral Language, written
Language, Memory, Attention; Chevrie-Muller, Simon,
& Fournier, 1997). This is the standard test in France
developed by the Center de Psychologie appliqu!
ee de
Parisand is used to detect dyslexic populations.
Inclusion criteria were: score on the L2MA thhat was
more than two standard deviations from the mean, a
normal mean intelligence quotient (IQ, evaluated
using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-
Fourth edition [WISC-IV], 2004), namely between 85
and 115 and normal visual acuity at near vision (both
eyes !10/10). The reading age of all children was
assessed using the ELFE test (,
Grenoble). Children with comorbid diagnosis such as
ADHD and dyslexia were not included in our studies.
Typically developing (TD) age-matched children
group was compared to dyslexic group. The inclusion
criteria for TD children were as follows: no known
neurological or psychiatric abnormalities, no history
of reading difficulty (reading score was assessed by
ELFE test), no visual impairment, or difficulty with
near vision. Also, IQ in TD children was estimated on
two subtests, one assessing their verbal capability
(similarities test) and one assessing their logic capabil-
ity (matrix reasoning test). Normal range for both
tests is 10 ± 3 (WISC-IV). The number and the age of
the population participating in each of the studies are
reported in the following section.
Eye movement recording during reading text
We used an eye tracker (Mobile EBT, from
e(ye)BRAIN, SuriCog, Paris, France), to record eye
movements from both eyes. This system is a CE-
marked medical eye- tracking device (Figure 1); its
frequency is 300 Hz and its precision is 0.25".
Children were asked to read a text of four lines
from a childrens book projected on a PC screen at
60 cm in front of the child. The text consisted of 40
words and 174 characters, it was 29"wide and 6.4"
high and the mean character width was 0.5". The
words were written on a white background in black
courierfont. During reading, eye movements were
recorded at the same time; for oculomotor data, cali-
bration factors for each eye were determined from the
eye positions during a calibration procedure done
before the reading task. The number and the ampli-
tude of progressive saccades (pro-saccades, from left
to right) and regressive saccades (retro-saccades, from
right to left) and the duration of fixations between
each saccade were analyzed. The time to perform
reading task was also measured.
Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed in the
two groups of children (dyslexic and TD children) on
the different oculomotor parameters. The level of sig-
nificance was maintained at 0.05.
Effect of green filters
Further exploration of the effect of filters on reading
performance in dyslexic children was deemed import-
ant, based on the work of Irlen (1983) who patented a
set of colored-filter lenses for visual stress treatment,
which is linked to problems of seeing a distorted page
of words or perceiving the environment in a distorted
fashion. Such visual difficulties (also called Meares-
Irlen syndrome) can affect reading, writing, spelling,
math, copying, reading music, working on a com-
puter, night driving, driving, sports performance, and
comfort under fluorescent lights, among other effects.
However, the use of colored-filtered lenses to reduce
the effects of visual stress on reading is controversial,
and the scientific community remains skeptical about
their benefits.
In one study (Razuk et al., 2018), we recorded eye
movements while 18 dyslexic (mean age
9.8 ± 1.2 years) and 18 IQ- and age-matched nondy-
slexic children read different texts (with similar diffi-
culties) in three different filter conditions: no filter,
yellow filter, and green filter. We reported that the
total reading time and the duration of fixations, which
were significantly longer in dyslexic versus TD chil-
dren while reading without filters, significantly short-
ened in dyslexic children only when they were reading
with green filters on (see Figure 2A and B), respect-
ively), suggesting that visual word recognition/
No filters Yellow filters Green filters
No filters Yellow filters Green filters
Total reading !me (sec) (B) Dura!on of fixa!ons (msec)
* *
Figure 2. Mean of the total reading time (A) and of the duration of fixations (B), while reading without filters and with yellow
and green filters for dyslexic and nondyslexic children. Vertical bars indicate the standard error. Horizontal bars indicate significant
difference in dyslexic groups.
Figure 1. Mobile Eyebrain tracker used to record
eye movements.
identification was facilitated by changing the color of
the visual stimulus. In contrast, in TD children, filters
did not affect these parameters (i.e., reading time and
the duration of fixation).
The results of this study indicated no significant
discrepancies in the number of pro- and retro-
saccades across the visual conditions. These results
may suggest that the oculomotor pattern of children
with dyslexia, which consists of smaller and more fre-
quent pro- and retro-saccades, could be due to a
reduced visual attention window (Friederici,
uschemeyer, Hahne, & Fiebach, 2003) and that nei-
ther the green nor the yellow filter was sufficient to
change and improve such abnormal behavior. We
suggest that colored filters minimize the distortions
and apparent text motion and that they could be con-
sidered useful as assistive technology for people with
learning disabilities according to previous studies
(Hall, Ray, Harries, & Stein, 2013; Henderson, Tsogka,
& Snowling, 2013). Interestingly, an imaging study
(Kim, Seo, Ha, & Kim, 2015) investigated sentence
reading before and after the use of color filters in
patients with Meares-Irlen syndrome. The results
showed that 20% of patients wearing blue filters
improved their reading speed. Moreover, the fMRI
showed that the activity of the left middle and super-
ior temporal cortices significantly increased while
reading with filters compared to sentence reading
without filters. Recall these regions are involved in
comprehension and, more specifically, semantic and
syntactic integration; thus, despite the controversy, the
use of filters seems to change activation in cortical
structures related to the reading process. This finding
is interesting and definitely indicates the need for
more studies to confirm the benefits of colored filters
on the reading performance in dyslexic children.
Although many questions and doubts remain, our
study suggests that green filters can be used as an
additional tool at school and home to improve the
academic performance of children with dyslexia.
Effect of font sizes and of spaces between words
The goal of the study by Masulli et al. (2018) was to
explore the eventual change in eye movements per-
formance in a group of 15 dyslexic (mean age:
9.4 ± 0.2 years) and 15 IQ- and age-matched nondy-
slexic children reading a text with different font sizes
and spaces between the words. As previously men-
tioned in the Introduction, the crowding effect in dys-
lexic subjects can be reduced by adding space between
letters (Bouma & Legein, 1977). Interestingly, spacing
between the words influences word comprehension
and oculomotor performances (Slattery & Rayner,
2013), but, in contrast to the previous findings (Zorzi
et al., 2012), for some researchers such improvement
is also observed among nondyslexic subjects (Skotun
& Skoyles, 2012). Indeed, several other studies
observed a reading improvement in terms of speed or
accuracy that was not specific to individuals with dys-
lexia only (Hakvoort, van den Boer, Leenaars, Bos, &
Tijms, 2017; Perea & Gomez, 2012). In order to gain
more insight on the effect of different sizes and
spaced words on reading we recorded objectively eye
movements in dyslexic and nondyslexic children dur-
ing reading three different texts with different corpus
and/or inter-letter space (Text 1: Corpus: 25 pt; Inter-
letter space: 1 pt; Text 2: Corpus: 25 pt; Inter-letter
space: 2.5 pt; Text 3: Corpus: 30 pt; Inter-letter space:
2.5 pt). The child was asked to read aloud in order to
register the number of errors he/she made; after read-
ing each text we asked few questions to the child to
assess he/she text comprehension.
We reported that increasing font size and character
spacing changed eye movements performance. In
more detail, the duration of the fixations (Figure 3A),
independently to the text read, was significantly longer
in dyslexic than in TD children, but in dyslexic group
it reduced significantly while reading Text 2 and 3.
The number of pro-saccades (Figure 3B) in all three
types of text was significantly larger in dyslexic than
in TD children group, but it increased with the
increase of the font size and space between the words.
Note that this occurred also for TD children. Finally,
the amplitude of pro-saccades (Figure 3C) was similar
between the two groups of children, but it increased
significantly while reading Text 2 and 3 for both
groups of children (dyslexics as well as TD).
Taken together, these results suggest that the size
and the interspace of the letters of a text can affect
oculomotor pattern: the duration of fixations, the
number, and the amplitude of pro-saccades changed
depending of the type of the text read.
Finally, the total duration for reading the text
was not affected by the type of the text read.
Reading a text in which the size and the interspace
of the letters increased facilitates reading capabilities,
even if the total time for reading did not change
given that even if the duration of fixation is short-
ened, the child make several saccades of large amp-
litude. It should be noted that the three texts were
balanced in terms of number and length of words
and that they differed only in font size and letter
spacing. Consequently, the greater number of
pro-saccades made by both groups of children while
reading Texts 2 and 3, with respect to the Text 1
could be due to the typographical characteristics.
Indeed, larger font size led the child to make more
saccades in order to look at the word of interest
and to put it on the fovea. By increasing both letter
size and interletter spaces, the crowding effect could
also be reduced, which leads to a better reading
performance in both groups of children, most likely
due to visual attention capabilities that play an
important role in phonological decoding.
Even if this study did not directly test a visual
reeducation technic for improving reading in dys-
lexic children, the present findings could be useful
for the facilitation of reading in such a population.
Indeed, based on these results, we could develop
applications on tablets or e-readers that allow text
size changes and other features that help dyslexic
(and nondyslexic) children ameliorate their reading
Effect of computer based oculomotor training
Finally, based on the hypothesis of eye movements
difficulties in dyslexia, we aimed at validating a com-
puter-based program for remediation of reading defi-
cits in French (Peyre et al., 2018) and Italian dyslexic
children (Bucci, Carzola, Fiucci, Potente, & Caruso,
2018). The training used in these two studies consists
of four different exercises (rapid naming task, Stroop
task, motion perception and saccades) performed
15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 8 weeks. In
France, we conducted a crossover randomized trial on
11 children (from 7 to 12 years old); participants were
assessed on reading and writing skills as well as
phonological skills, visuo-attentional skills, and verbal
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
(A) Dura!on of fixa!ons (sec)
(C) Amplitude of pro-saccades (deg)
(B) Number of pro-saccades
Figure 3. The mean of duration of the fixations (A), of the number (B), and of the amplitude (C) of pro-saccades in both groups
of children tested (dyslexic and nondyslexic), while reading the three different types of text (Text 1: 25 pt with 1 pt inter-letter;
Text 2: 25 pt with 2.5 inter-letter; Text 3: 30pt with 2.5 pt inter-letter). Vertical bars indicate the standard error. Horizontal bars
indicate significant differences.
memory using the French Batterie Analytique du
Langage Ecrit (BALE). Eye movements during reading
a text were recorded before and after training. French
dyslexic children did not show effects of training on
reading capabilities. However, after training they
showed a significant improvement on several tests
measuring phonological skills (syllabic suppression),
visuo-attentional skills (search of anarchic verbal
cues), verbal memory (digit span backward), and writ-
ing skills (regular words). The same study was than
conducted on a group of 16 Italian dyslexic children
(mean age: 10.2 ± 0.3 years), but with an important
difference with respect to the study previously per-
formed: each of the four exercises was composed of
eight levels with increasing difficulty, developed using
the Unity game engine (Unity Technologies, Paris,
France). After the training, we observed that the
majority of dyslexic children (69%) significantly
improved the number of syllables read per second.
Moreover, as shown in Figure 4, the total time of
reading (4A) and the duration of fixations (4B) sig-
nificantly decreased after training (in 77% of children
tested). These results are interesting, even if they need
to be confirmed by a study comparing a population of
dyslexic and nondyslexic children. Additionally, a fol-
low-up study will be necessary in order to verify the
permanence of the beneficial effect of training in read-
ing capabilities.
Such training benefits suggest that a computer-
based oculomotor program could be an easy and prac-
tical tool for improving reading performance in dys-
lexic children. The based oculomotor rehabilitation
proposed in this study allowed to train visuo-
attentional capacities as well magnocellular abilities.
We suggest that both mechanisms occur given that
visuo-attention and saccades are strictly linked to each
other and that the magnocellular visual pathway is
also involved in oculomotor performance (Leigh &
Zee, 2015).
Finally, an important point to be discussed is the
individual home training performance follow-up used
in this study. Indeed, to the best of our knowledge,
this is the first time that a training performed at
home is controlled and supervised, and user perform-
ance continuous monitoring is an important step in
the development of training programs. Indeed, chil-
dren with unsatisfactory performance in different lev-
els of each one of the four exercises did not present a
shortening in fixations. This finding is in line with the
study of Franceschini and Bertoni (2018) showing that
only children who performed well in the video games
training obtained a significant improvement in read-
ing, highlighting the importance of training supervi-
sion by the clinician and/or therapist. Further
research on such issues will be necessary to confirm
these previous findings; however, a computerized
oculomotor training could be helpful for improving
reading capabilities in dyslexic children.
General discussion
For several years, researchers posited that a phono-
logical deficit is the mean cause of dyslexia (Peterson
& Pennington, 2012). However, it is well known that
when one child is reading a word, he/she needs to
have good fixation and correct position of the visual
axis on the word that is read. Consequently, the eye
movements capability that in dyslexia is known to be
impaired needs to be considered independently of lan-
guage (Bucci et al., 2012; De Luca et al., 1999;
Li et al., 2009; Palvidis, 1981; Rayner, 1985; Seassau
et al., 2014; Tiadi et al., 2016; Trauzettel-Klosinski
Before training A"er training
Before training A"er training
Dura!on of fixa!ons (msec)Total reading !me (sec)
(A) (B)
Figure 4. Total time of reading (A) and the duration of fixations (B) in dyslexic children tested before and after training. Vertical
bars indicate the standard error. Horizontal bars indicate significant difference.
et al., 2010). Several studies previously cited confirmed
the hypothesis of a visual deficit in dyslexia in rela-
tionship with poor magnocellular system organization
and difficulty to focalize visual attention (see review
of Stein (2018)). Our studies are in line with this
hypothesis, because their goal was to test new visual
attentional techniques in order to improve reading
abilities in dyslexic children. Indeed, the use of filters
for reading, and/or the use of larger letter size and
interletter spaces, could improve the magnocellular
activity leading to a better visual input at the cortical
level for better and faster word identification. The
new computer-based oculomotor program tested was
created to improve visual attention span, as well as
oculomotor and magnocellular performance in dys-
lexia as these mechanisms have also been shown to be
impaired in subjects with dyslexia (Bosse, Tainturier,
& Valdois, 2007; Eden, Stein, Wood, & Wood, 1994;
Gori et al., 2016 Valdois, Bosse, & Tainturier, 2004).
Taken together, these results suggest dyslexic children
could benefit from visual oculomotor training to
improve their reading capabilities. Further studies are
necessary to be performed in order to confirm such
findings on a large population of dyslexic children
from different countries. Also important is the use of
an eye tracker, which allows precise and objective
quantification of reading improvement after training,
with precise information on oculomotor patterns dur-
ing reading and not only the reading performance of
children. Finally, several types of dyslexia exist, and it
is not yet well known the role of visual, attentional,
phonological, and auditory deficiencies in such path-
ology. A focus on training that deals with these defi-
cits will be useful for dyslexic children.
Statement of ethics
The investigation adhered to the principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the
Institutional Human Experimentation Committee of
CPP Ile de France I (Hotel-Dieu Hospital).
The authors are particularly grateful for the cooperation of
the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department, Robert
Debre Hospital (Paris) for permitting the testing of dys-
lexic children.
Disclosure statement
The authors declare no competing interests exist.
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10 M. P. BUCCI
... 어휘발달지연의 판별 • 양윤희 외 적 자극 형태에 따른 이야기 이해 과제 수행이 달라질 수 있음을 언 급한 선행연구의 언급과 일치한다(Mills, 2015). 어휘발달지연 아동 집단의 '듣기+읽기' 조건에서의 수행 저하는 다중감각양식에서의 정보 제시가 이 아동들의 시각적 주의를 오히려 떨어뜨릴 수 있음 을 시사한다(Bucci, 2021;Prado, Dubois, & Valdois, 2007). 초기 학 령기인 초등 1-2학년의 문자해독 능력이 아직 자동화되기 이전임을 감안할 때(Storch & Whitehurst, 2002), 또래 일반 아동 집단에 비해 어휘 발달이 지연된 아동 집단에게 '들으면서 읽는(reading while listening)' 과정은 읽기 유창성을 증진시키는 중재 시 유용하게 사 용될 수 있다고 보고되기도 하였다(Brown, Waring, & Donkaewbua, 2008). ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify group differences in various aspects of narrative tasks performance (comprehension, production, and eye-tracking variables) and finally to explore whether narrative tasks can be used to detect vocabulary delay.Methods: Children in the 1st and 2nd grades (TD= 101, VD= 22) of elementary school participated in this study. All children participated in story comprehension and production tasks, and eye-tracking variables were extracted from two reading conditions (‘listening+reading’, and ‘reading’) in the story comprehension task.Results: There was a significant difference between the two groups in the ‘listening+reading’ condition in the story comprehension task, the ‘construction’ condition in the story production task, and the ‘total fixation duration (TFD)’ in the eye-tracking variables. We examined the ability of the story performances to discriminate vocabulary delays, and found that a total of 79.6% of the original cases based on the standardized vocabulary test could be correctly classified by the story performance variables. The ROC curve also showed that 84.6% of the children could be validly identified by a combination of narrative comprehension scores in the ‘listening+reading’ condition, narrative production scores in the ‘structure’ condition, and TFD in the ‘listening+reading’ condition of comprehension task.Conclusion: The significance of this study is that it explored the possibility of using narrative tasks as a useful tool for identifying micro-level vocabulary delays.
... The results showed that daily exercises of visual orientation detection tasks in terms of fixation, saccade, or mode distraction situations can improve not only the attention capacity but also the saccadic behavior of dyslexic children within 3 to 8 weeks, and after the training period, the dyslexic group was not statistically different from the normal group in performing visual tasks. 40 Now, the question is to what extent the effects of the practice are transferred to children's reading or pronunciation skills. Deficiency in saccade control can lead to an impaired reading process regardless of whether the cause of poor saccade control is difficulty in acquiring reading skills or vice versa. ...
The oculomotor abnormalities have been reported in some dyslexic children. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of oculomotor rehabilitation on the reading performance of dyslexic children. Subjects were 50 dyslexic children. Those with oculomotor abnormalities ( n = 30) were randomly assigned into 2 groups matched for age. The case group received oculomotor rehabilitation. The rehabilitation program consists of 3 different exercises. The reading and dyslexia tests were performed before and after the intervention. The correct scores of reading tests in the case group posttest increased significantly compared with the control group, and there is a significant difference between the two groups ( P = .001). The positive effects of oculomotor rehabilitation on the reading performance of dyslexic children confirmed that the oculomotor program could be a practical tool for improving reading performance in dyslexic children.
... This excess of fixations in dyslexia, which has been studied by many groups [2,5,10,[17][18][19][20][21][22] using different currently available eye-tracking systems [23], seems to provide a useful guide for detecting and predicting dyslexia using machine learning based on the eyetracking technique [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. The role of external crowding [32,33] has been studied and discussed in developmental dyslexia [34,35]. ...
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When reading, dyslexic readers exhibit more and longer fixations than normal readers. However, there is no significant difference when dyslexic and control readers perform only visual tasks on a string of letters, showing the importance of cognitive processes in reading. This linguistic and cognitive processing requirement in reading is often perturbed for dyslexic readers by perceived additional letters and word mirror images superposed on the primary images on the primary cortex, inducing internal visual crowding. Here, we show that while for a normal reader, the number and the duration of fixations remain invariant whatever the nature of the lighting, the excess of fixations and total duration of reading can be controlled for a dyslexic reader using the Hebbian mechanisms to erase extra images in optimized pulse-width lighting. In this case, the number of fixations can then be reduced by a factor of about 1.8, recovering the normal reading experiment.
... Thus, the observed deficits in the oculomotor skills of children with DD might be seen as separate from language [18]. Multiple studies concur that the visual defects in these children can be linked to the inadequate organization of the magnocellular system and challenges in visual attention [19,20]. Different remedial training methods, including phonological, linguistic, visual, and auditory interventions, commonly used for treating DD, can induce neural changes in the nervous system [21][22][23][24]. ...
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To evaluate the effect of online visual games on the balance, visual perception, and oculomotor skills of children with developmental dyslexia during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this single-blind randomized clinical trial, 50 children with developmental dyslexia, aged 7 to 11 years, were recruited from rehabilitation centers in Tehran, Iran, using a convenience sampling strategy. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: intervention (25) and control (25), with close matching based on sex, age, IQ, and type of disease. The interventions consisted of web-based online computer games focusing on visual perception and oculomotor skills. Outcome measures included the Test of Visual Perception Skills—Revised, the Pediatric Balance Scale, and videonystagmography. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—IV and the Reading and Dyslexia Test were used to evaluate IQ and reading skills, respectively. The intervention group exhibited significant post-intervention improvements in the Test of Visual Perception Skills—Revised, tracking gain, saccade latency, and saccade velocity scores (all P < 0.001). In contrast, the control group showed no significant differences in these tests in pre- and post-intervention (all P > 0.05). Notably, post-intervention comparisons between the groups revealed significant differences in smooth pursuit eye movements (P < 0.001), saccade latency (P = 0.027), and saccade velocity (P < 0.001). The Pediatric Balance Scale scores remained unchanged in both groups post-intervention (intervention: P = 0.317; control: P = 0.999). Game face validity was affirmed with impact scores above 1.5 for all items, suggesting that the games were straightforward, clear, and relevant. Online visual games enhanced oculomotor and visual perception skills in children with dyslexia but did not influence balance skills.
... Other deficits Page 2 of 15 Slaby et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2023) 15:25 commonly related to DD include poor short-term and working memory [7], difficulties with visual information processing [8], and slowed processing speed [9], all of which are seen in children with other neurodevelopmental disorders. ...
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Background Developmental dyslexia (DD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are highly comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders. Individuals with DD or ADHD have both been shown to have deficits in white matter tracts associated with reading and attentional control networks. However, white matter diffusivity in individuals comorbid with both DD and ADHD (DD + ADHD) has not been specifically explored. Methods Participants were 3rd and 4th graders (age range = 7 to 11 years; SD = 0.69) from three diagnostic groups ((DD (n = 40), DD + ADHD (n = 22), and typical developing (TD) (n = 20)). Behavioral measures of reading and attention alongside measures of white matter diffusivity were collected for all participants. Results DD + ADHD and TD groups differed in mean fractional anisotropy (FA) for the left and right Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF)-Parietal Terminations and SLF-Temporal Terminations. Mean FA for the DD group across these SLF tracts fell between the lower DD + ADHD and higher TD averages. No differences in mean diffusivity nor significant brain-behavior relations were found. Conclusions Findings suggest that WM diffusivity in the SLF increases along a continuum across DD + ADHD, DD, and TD.
... This excess of fixations in dyslexia has recently been studied by many groups 2,5,9,[16][17][18][19][20] using different eye-tracking systems available today 21 . This widely observed symptom of dyslexia seems to be able to detect and predict dyslexia using machine learning based on the eyetracking technique [22][23][24][25][26][27][28] . ...
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During reading, dyslexic readers exhibit more and longer fixations than normal readers. However, there is no significant difference when dyslexic and control readers perform only visual tasks on a string of letters, showing the importance of cognitive processes in reading. This linguistic and cognitive processing demand in reading is often perturbed for dyslexic readers by perceived additional letter and word mirror-images superposed to the primary images on the primary cortex, inducing an internal visual crowding. Here we show that whereas for a normal reader, the number and the duration of fixations remain invariant whatever the nature of the lighting, the excess of fixations and total duration of reading can be controlled for a dyslexic reader using the Hebbian mechanisms to erase the extra images in an optimized pulse-width lighting. The number of fixations can be reduced by a factor of about 1.8, recovering the normal reader records.
... (Rayner, 1985;Trauzettel-Klosinski et al., 2010). 이러한 연구결과는 감소된 시각적 주의력 및 정보처리 능력을 시사하며, 이것이 읽기에 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고된다 (Bucci, 2021;Prado, Dubois, & Valdois, 2007;Schneps, Thomson, Chen, Sonnert, & Pomplun, 2013;Yagle et al., 2017). ...
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify whether there was a significant difference in reading comprehension in typically developing children (TD) and children with language impairment (LI) in early school age according to reading conditions, and to determine whether there was a significant correlation between reading comprehension skills and eye movement patterns in each group.Methods: A total of 213 children (TD: 183; LI: 30) in the 1st and 2nd grades of elementary school participated in this study. According to the reading conditions (reading while listening, reading only), all children were randomly assigned to perform text reading tasks, and real-time data collection was carried out through an attached eye-tracker.Results: There was no significant difference in story understanding according to reading conditions between groups, but it was confirmed that the correlation patterns between each group’s reading comprehension and eye movement patterns were different depending on reading conditions.Conclusion: In the TD group this study found that the faster the processing speed, the higher the reading processing efficiency. On the other hand, in the LI group, the processing speed was generally slow due to their poor literacy or cognitive processing speed, therefore there was no correlation between eye movement patterns and reading comprehension skills.
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Purpose An internal model deficit is considered to underlie developmental coordination disorder (DCD); thus, children with DCD have an altered sense of agency (SoA), which is associated with depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the perception of action-outcome regularity is present in early development, is involved in the generation of SoA, and has roles in adaptive motor learning and coordinated motor skills. However, perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity has not been examined in children with DCD. Methods We investigated perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity in 6–15-year-old children with DCD and age- and sex-matched typically developing (TD) children. Both groups were assessed for coordinated motor skills with the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2nd Edition, while the DCD group was assessed with the DCD Questionnaire, Social Communication Questionnaire, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Rating Scale, and Depression Self- Rating Scale for Children. Results Perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity was significantly reduced in children with DCD. However, there was a significant correlation between perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity and age in DCD and TD children. Perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity was significantly lower in younger children with DCD than in younger and older TD children, but there were no significant differences between older children with DCD and younger and older TD children. Conclusion The current results suggest that children with DCD have significantly reduced perceptual sensitivity to action-outcome regularity at younger ages, which may alter SoA and inhibit internal model development, thereby reducing motor skill coordination.
Objective: To develop a novel diagnostic modality to identify and diagnose stroke in daily life scenarios for improving the therapeutic effects and prognoses of patients. Methods: In this study, 16 stroke patients and 24 age-matched healthy participants as controls were recruited for comparative analysis. Leveraging a portable eye-tracking device and integrating traditional Chinese medicine theory with modern color psychology principles, we recorded the eye movement signals and calculated eye movement features. Meanwhile, the stroke recognition models based on eye movement features were further trained by using random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), decision tree (DT), gradient boosting classifier (GBC), XGBoost, and CatBoost. Results: The stroke group and the healthy group showed significant differences in some eye movement features (P
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The visual magnocellular system is thought to play a crucial role in learning to read. Here therefore, we examined whether magnocellular based training could improve reading in children with visual reading problems. The participants were 24 male primary school students aged between 9–11 (Mean = 9.76, SD = 0.59) with specific reading difficulty. Experimental and control groups were matched for age, sex, educational level, IQ, reading abilities (measured by APRA), magnocellular performance as assessed by a random dot kinematogram (RDK) paradigm and recordings of their saccadic eye movements. The experimental group received twelve magnocellular based visual motion training sessions, twice a week over 6 weeks. During the same period, the control group played a video game with the help of a practitioner. All measures were made just prior to the training and were repeated at the 6th, 12th training session and one month later. The experimental group showed significant improvements in magnocellular function, visual errors and reading accuracy during the course of intervention. Follow-up assessment confirmed that these effects persisted one month later. Impaired magnocellular functioning appeared to be an important cause of poor reading in Persian. Hence magnocellular based training could help many children with specific reading difficulties. Also testing magnocellular function could be used as screening tool for detecting dyslexia before a child begins to fail at school.
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The aim of the present study was to explore the possible change in eye movement performance in a group of dyslexic and non-dyslexic children reading four lines of a text with different font sizes and spaces between the words. Fifteen dyslexic children from 7 to 12 years old and two groups of fifteen non-dyslexic children, respectively reading and chronological age-matched group, participated in this study. Horizontal eye movements from both eyes were recorded by a video-system (EyeBrain T2®) while the children were reading a text. Three different texts were used with different font sizes and spaces between words. Results showed that increasing font size and character spacing significantly reduced duration of the fixation and increased the number and amplitude of prosaccades in all groups of children tested. Interestingly, while reading texts in which the letters were larger and more spaced (Texts 2 and 3), the duration of fixations in dyslexic and in non-dyslexic children groups decreased, becoming similar to those reported in the non-dyslexic children group. We suggest that large letter spacing between words could be employed in schools to help dyslexic children in order to ameliorate their reading performance.
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We are writing in response to the review article: Stein. J. (2018). What is Developmental Dyslexia? Brain Sciences, 8, 26, doi:10.3390/brainsci8020026. We consider that the section entitled, “Eye Movement Control”, presents a misleading characterisation of current empirical and theoretical understanding. We outline five specific points relating to Stein’s views on eye movement control and developmental dyslexia with which we disagree and conclude that disruption to oculomotor behaviour occurs as a consequence of processing difficulty that individuals with dyslexia experience as they engage in reading.
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Until the 1950s, developmental dyslexia was defined as a hereditary visual disability, selectively affecting reading without compromising oral or non-verbal reasoning skills. This changed radically after the development of the phonological theory of dyslexia; this not only ruled out any role for visual processing in its aetiology, but it also cast doubt on the use of discrepancy between reading and reasoning skills as a criterion for diagnosing it. Here I argue that this theory is set at too high a cognitive level to be explanatory; we need to understand the pathophysiological visual and auditory mechanisms that cause children's phonological problems. I discuss how the 'magnocellular theory' attempts to do this in terms of slowed and error prone temporal processing which leads to dyslexics' defective visual and auditory sequencing when attempting to read. I attempt to deal with the criticisms of this theory and show how it leads to a number of successful ways of helping dyslexic children to overcome their reading difficulties.
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In human vision, the brain has to select one view of the world from our two eyes. However, the existence of a clear anatomical asymmetry providing an initial imbalance for normal neural development is still not understood. Using a so-called foveascope, we found that for a cohort of 30 normal adults, the two blue cone-free areas at the centre of the foveas are asymmetrical. The noise-stimulated afterimage dominant eye introduced here corresponds to the circular blue cone-free area, while the non-dominant eye corresponds to the diffuse and irregular elliptical outline. By contrast, we found that this asymmetry is absent or frustrated in a similar cohort of 30 adults with normal ocular status, but with dyslexia, i.e. with visual and phonological deficits. In this case, our results show that the two Maxwell centroid outlines are both circular but lead to an undetermined afterimage dominance with a coexistence of primary and mirror images. The interplay between the lack of asymmetry and the development in the neural maturation of the brain pathways suggests new implications in both fundamental and biomedical sciences. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
This new edition comprises a modern synthesis of the anatomical, physiological, and pharmacological substrate for eye movements, including current views on the reflexive and voluntary control of gaze. This synthesis is based on electrophysiological and inactivation studies in macaque, and behavioural studies in humans that incorporate functional imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in normals, and clinicopathological studies in patients with neurological, visual, or vestibular disorders. Sophisticated experimental paradigms have been applied to both species to explore aspects of cognition, memory, volition, and reward. This large body of research has demonstrated the power of eye movements as experimental tools. The second part of this online resource applies this synthesis to the clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients with abnormal eye movements due to a broad range of disorders - from muscular dystrophy, and genetic disorders, to dementia, including visual and vestibular conditions.
Dyslexia is associated with phonological and visuo-attentional deficits. Phonological interventions improve word accuracy and letter-sound knowledge, but not reading fluency. This systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of dynamic computerized visuo-attentional interventions aimed at improving reading for dyslexic and neurotypical children aged 5–15. Literature searches in Medline, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, ERIC, PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library identified 1266 unique articles, of which 18 met inclusion criteria (620 participants; 91.40% dyslexic). Three types of visuo-attentional interventions were identified. Results show that visual perceptual training (n = 5) benefited reading fluency and comprehension, visually-based reading acceleration programs (n = 8) improved reading accuracy and rate, and action video games (n = 5) increased rate and fluency. Visuo-attentional interventions are effective options for treating childhood dyslexia, improving reading generally equal to or greater than other strategies. Initial evidence indicates that visuo-attentional interventions may be efficacious in different orthographies, and improve reading for at least two months after intervention. Larger sample interventions on a wider range of reading skills with follow-up assessment are needed to further clarify their effectiveness.
Recently, increased interletter spacing (LS) has been studied as a way to enhance reading fluency. It is suggested that increased LS improves reading performance, especially in poor readers. Theoretically, these findings are well substantiated as a result of diminished crowding effects. Empirically, however, findings on LS are inconclusive. In two experiments, we examined whether effects of increased LS are specific to children with dyslexia and whether increased LS affects word or sentence processing. In the first experiment, 30 children with dyslexia and 30 controls (mean age=9years 11months) read sentences in standard and increased LS conditions. In the second experiment, these sentences were read by an unselected sample of 189 readers (mean age=9years 3months) in either a sentence or word-by-word reading condition. The first experiment showed that increased LS affected children with dyslexia and controls in similar ways. Participants made fewer errors in the increased LS condition than in the standard LS condition. Reading rates were not affected. There were no indications that the effect of LS was related to reading ability, not even for a subgroup of readers. Findings of the second experiment were similar. Increased LS resulted in fewer errors, not faster reading rates. This was found only when complete sentences were presented, not when sentences were read word by word. Three main conclusions can be drawn. First, increased LS appears to affect reading accuracy only. Second, the findings do not support claims that increased LS specifically affects poor readers. And third, the effect of LS seems to occur at the interword level. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.