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Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), a New Species from Amazonas, Peru


Abstract and Figures

Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis Damian sp. nova (Orchidaceae : Pleurothallidinae), a new species from Amazonas, Peru, is proposed. It is similar in overall morphology to the Ecuadorian C. molleturoi. However, C. chachapoyensis is distinguished by its shorter ramicauls, larger resupinate flowers and 3-lobed, callose-free lip with a pair of cavities above the base. A line drawing and habitat information are provided as well as a comparison with morphologically similar species. You can see the article free online following this link:
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Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis (Orchidaceae:
Pleurothallidinae), a New Species from Amazonas, Peru
Author: Damián, Alexander
Source: Annales Botanici Fennici, 56(4-6) : 301-304
Published By: Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board
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Ann. Bot. Fennici 56: 301–304 ISSN 0003-3847 (print) ISSN 1797-2442 (online)
Helsinki 7 June 2019 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2019
Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis (Orchidaceae :
Pleurothallidinae), a new species from Amazonas, Peru
Alexander Damián
Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Cientíca del Sur, Lima, Perú (e-mail: ldamian@
cienti; and Posgrado en Botánica Tropical, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas,
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Av. Venezuela, Cdra. 34 s/n, Lima, Perú
Received 13 Mar. 2019, nal version received 4 Apr. 2019, accepted 14 May 2019
Damián A. 2019: Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis (Orchidaceae : Pleurothallidinae), a new spe-
cies from Amazonas, Peru. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 56: 301–304.
Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis Damian sp. nova (Orchidaceae : Pleurothallidinae),
a new species from Amazonas, Peru, is proposed. It is similar in overall morphology
to the Ecuadorian C. molleturoi. However, C. chachapoyensis is distinguished by its
shorter ramicauls, larger resupinate owers and 3-lobed, callose-free lip with a pair of
cavities above the base. A line drawing and habitat information are provided as well as
a comparison with morphologically similar species.
The orchid genus Crocodeilanthe comprises
90 species mainly distributed in Central and
South America (Toscano 2018). Species of this
genus are large plants, with conspicuous bracts
and erect, racemose, multiowered simultane-
ous inorescences, borne from a conspicuous
spathaceous bract. Sepals are similar to each
other, never caudate, the lateral sepals connate to
around the middle. The lip is entire or trilobed,
almost always with a pair of calli somewhere
near the middle, either on the hypochile, on the
lateral lobes, or intramural on the margins and
attached to the bulbous base of the usually short
and straight column (Luer 2004, Karremans et
al. 2013).
Taxonomic circumscriptions derived from
phylogenies of Crocodeilanthe and related
genera are controversial. Some authors prefer to
recognize this group of species as an independ-
ent genus (Luer & Thoerle 2012, Carnevali 2014,
Toscano 2018), while others opt for a lumping
approach with all species embedded within a
larger circumscription of Stelis s. lato (Pridgeon
et al. 2001, Solano 2005, Karremans et al. 2016).
In this article the former approach is preferred
since the molecular evidence published so far is
limited, only ve species of Crocodeilanthe have
been sampled without including the nomenclatu-
ral type of the genus. Therefore, a more extensive
sampling is needed to support the inclusion of
Crocodeilanthe in a broader concept of Stelis
(Luer & Toscano 2018, Toscano 2018).
In Peru, 24 species of Crocodeilanthe are
so far recorded (cf. Appendix), including the
one proposed as new herein. They are mainly
distributed in the departments of Huanuco, Ama-
zonas, and Cusco on the upper mountains slopes
of the Andes above 2800 m a.s.l. In an attempt
to perform an orchid inventory in the district of
Magdalena (Chachapoyas) in the northeast part
of the country, a distinctive species was encoun-
tered. In the present manuscript, it is formally
proposed, described, discussed and illustrated as
a new species.
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302 Damián ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 56
Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis Damian,
sp. nova (Fig. 1)
Type: Peru. Amazonas, Prov. Chachapoyas, Dist. Magdalena,
above “Saula”, 06°24´10.34´´S, 77°49´30.28´´E, 2800 m
a.s.l., 20 March 2016 A. Damian & J. Torres 07023 (holotype
eTymology: In reference to the province where the type
was collected, Chachapoyas, Amazonas.
Plant up to 30 cm tall, epiphytic, densely
caespitose; roots slender. Ramicauls fasciculate,
slender, erect, 5–8 cm long, with a loose tubu-
lar sheath near middle and 2 loose, imbricat-
ing sheaths about base. Leaf erect, coriaceous,
elliptical, acute, 5–10 cm long including a peti-
ole 3–4 mm long, cuneate below into petiole.
Inorescence 1–2 congested, simultaneously
many-owered racemes, distichous, 10–18 cm
long including peduncle 2 cm long, subtended
by a spathe 1–1.4 cm long, from an annulus
10–11 mm below abscission layer; oral bracts
oblique, 4–4.5 mm long; pedicels 1.5 mm long;
ovary 1 mm long; sepals eshy, carinate, nar-
rowly obtuse, concave, dorsal sepal 8 mm long,
2.5 mm wide, 3-veined, free from lateral sepals,
lateral sepals oblique, 8 mm long, 2.5–3 mm
wide, 3-veined, connate 3 mm long; petals
translucent, deeply concave, elliptical, slightly
oblique, wide obtuse, erose at apex, 3.5 mm
long, 2 mm wide, 3-veined; lip 3-lobed, ovate,
Fig. 1. Crocodeilanthe
chachapoyensis (from the
holotype). — A: Habit.
B: Dissected peri-
anth. — C: Labellum not
expanded, front view. —
E: Column and labellum,
lateral view.
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ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 56 Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis, a new species from Peru 303
3 mm long, 1 mm wide, 3-veined, apex nar-
rowly obtuse, thick, basal angles, erect, broadly
rounded, retrorse, slightly erose, overlapping
margin, hypochile callose free, at, with a pair
of cavities above base, base truncate, inexibly
attached to column-foot; column stout, 2.5 mm
long, anther and stigma subapical.
HabiTaT and disTribuTion: Known only from
the type locality in the high mountains of Mag-
dalena, Chachapoyas, at about 2800 m a.s.l.
Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis is most simi-
lar to C. molleturoi but can be easily distin-
guished from it by its shorter ramicauls, larger
resupinate owers, and 3-lobed, callose-free lip
with a pair of cavities above the base (Table 2).
We are grateful to Junior Torres and his family for his kind
help during the eldwork performed in Magdalena, Chacha-
Carnevali G. & Dorr L.J. 2014: Orchidaceae. — In: Dorr L.J.
(ed.), Flora of Guaramacal (Venezuela): Monocotyle-
dons: 106–209. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany.
Karremans A. 2016: Genera Pleurothallidinarum: an updated
phylogenetic overview of Pleurothallidinae. — Lankes-
teriana 16: 219–241.
Karremans A., Bakker F., Pupulin F., Solano-Gómez R. &
Smulders M. 2013: Phylogenetics of Stelis and closely
related genera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae). —
Plant Systematic Evolution 299:151–176.
Luer C.A. 1998: Icones Pleurothallidinarum XVI Systematics
of Pleurothallis subgenera Crocodeilanthe, Rhynchopera,
Talpinaria (Orchidaceae). — Monographs in Systematic
Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 65: 1–122.
Luer C.A. 2011: Miscellaneous new species in the Pleu-
rothallidinae (Orchidaceae) excluding species from
Brazil. — Harvard Papers in Botany16: 311–360.
Luer C.A. & Toscano de Brito A.L.V. 2018: Miscellaneous
new species in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). —
Harvard Papers in Botany 23: 47–51.
Pridgeon A.M. & Chase M.V. 2001: A phylogenetic reclas-
sication of Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). — Lind-
leyana 16: 235–271.
Solano-Gomez R. 2005: Inference of the phylogenetic rela-
tionships in Stelis sensu lato clade based upon morphol-
ogy and sequences of the ITS region data sets. — In:
Raynal-Roques A., Roguenant A. & Prat D. (eds.), Pro-
ceedings of the 18th World Orchid Conference, March
2005, Dijon: 460–468. Naturalia Publications, Turriers.
Toscano de Brito A.L.V. 2018: New combinations in Croco-
deilanthe (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae). — Harvard
Papers in Botany 23: 53–55.
Table 2. Comparative morphology of Crocodeilanthe chachapoyensis and C. molleturoi. Data on C. molleturoi ret-
rieved from Luer (1998).
C. chachapoyensis C. molleturoi
Plant height (cm) 30 20–23
size (cm) 5–10 ¥ 2 11–12 ¥ 2.5–3.5
shape elliptical elliptical
apex acute acute
Inorescence (cm) 10–18 10–12
Peduncle length (cm) 2 2–3
Number of owers 15–18 11–18
Dorsal sepal size (mm) 8 ¥ 2.5 5 ¥ 2
Lateral sepal
size (mm) 8 ¥ 2.5–3 5 ¥ 2
connation (mm) 3 0.5
size (mm) 3.5 ¥ 2 3 ¥ 1.6
shape elliptical elliptical
size (mm) 3 ¥ 1 2.8 ¥ 2
shape ovate, 3-lobed ovate, entire
apex narrowly obtuse narrowly obtuse
callus callose free, with one pair of cavities covered by one pair of lunate calli and
above base transverse callus above base
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304 Damián ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 56
Appendix. Distribution and altitudinal range of Peruvian species of Crocodeilanthe recognized by Luer (2004), and
the species described in this paper. Endemic species are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Species Distribution Altitudinal range (m a.s.l.)
C. cassidis Amazonas, San Martín, Huánuco 2700–3600
C. cauliora Cajamarca unknown
C. chachapoyensis* Amazonas 2800
C. cyathiora Cusco 2800
C. oribunda Huánuco, Junín, Puno, San Martín, Ayacucho, Cusco 627–2700
C. fons-orum Huánuco unknown
C. galeata Amazonas 2400
C. gelida Huanuco, Cusco 1200–1500
C. jamesonii San Martín 2800
C. laevigata Amazonas unknown
C. moritzii Pasco 2700
C. pachypus Junín 1400–1700
C. pulchella Cajamarca 2560
C. retusiloba* Cusco 3000
C. salpingantha Pasco 2700
C. simplicilabia* Cusco 2200
C. siphonantha* Amazonas 3050
C. tunguraguae Huánuco unknown
C. vargasii Apurímac 3700
C. velaticaulis unknown unknown
C. verbiformis Cajamarca 1500–2000
C. virgata* Cajamarca, Huánuco, La Libertad 1800–3500
C. weddelliana Pasco 3170
C. xiphizusa Piura 3200
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... than to other members of Stelis s.l. It is also not a matter of simply recognizing the more apparent genera like Crocodeilanthe Rchb.f., Dracontia (Luer) Luer and Salpistele, as advocated by several authors (Karremans 2010;Karremans & Bogarín 2013;Toscano de Brito 2018a;Damián 2019). Most Crocodeilanthe species are indeed easily distinguished from other members of Stelis s.l., but certainly not all of them have those very evident morphological features of their most distinctive members. ...
... Acuminatae in Stelis s.l. is still met with inexplicable resistance (e.g. Santos et al. 2018, 2019, Toscano de Brito 2018b, Govaerts et al. 2019. The exclusion of these species from genus Anathallis is not only evident morphologically (Karremans 2014), but is highly supported even in multi-gene genomic studies (Ponert et al. 2019). ...
Full-text available
Despite the availability of multiple sources of evidence and consistency in the support for a broadly circumscribed Stelis Sw. (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), some authors continue to be hesitant in its use. It is certain that the more typical species of Stelis, with their triangular, flattish flowers with very short fleshy petals and lip, form a monophyletic group that is easily recognized. However, it is likewise undisputed that they are not an isolated lineage in the subtribe and that several groups of species with a similar vegetative habit but that lack the typical Stelis flower are in fact very close relatives, sharing a relatively recent common ancestor. Those species groups need to be classified in a way that also reflects their own evolutionary history, and alternatives to a broadly circumscribed Stelis are possible yet neither straightforward or practical at this time. An infrageneric classification for the whole group is provided here in an attempt to clarify which species actually belong where in this highly complex affinity. Emphasis is made on the difficulty of diagnosing the less typical members of each proposed subgenus or section, and on the importance of floral convergence and divergence as a result of pollinator adaptation. As here defined, Stelis is the largest genus in the Pleurothallidinae, with 1243 species. Key words: convergence; evolutionary history; floral morphology; generic circumscription; Pleurothallidinae; pollinator adaptation
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La vegetación del departamento de Amazonas (Perú) ha destacado por presentar una diversidad biológica bastante amplia y una alta importancia de los servicios ecosistémicos. Sin embargo, los ecosistemas son también amenazados por actividades forestales, agricultura o ganadería. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron de evaluar la diversidad y composición de especies vasculares y helechos; comparar la composición de la diversidad según el hábito o tipo de planta y su distribución en pajonales y zonas boscosas; finalmente evaluar las tasas de endemismo según las zonas evaluadas en el ecosistema de Jalca. Un total de 294 especies, divididas en 190 géneros y 65 familias fueron registradas de diez diferentes estratos de vegetación en un área aproximada de 180000 m² y a una elevación de 3400-3710 msnm. Se seleccionaron un total de 61 unidades de muestreo con dimensiones de 1-1000 m² que variaron en tamaño según la cobertura vegetal y acceso topográfico. Los resultados demuestran que los pajonales poseen menor diversidad que las zonas boscosas.Mientras que a nivel de endemismo, las zonas boscosas registraron un leve aumento a comparación de lospajonales. Los resultados pueden relacionarse a la mayor humedad en las depresiones de origen kársticos ylos parches boscosos no intervenidos, evidenciando la particularidad de la vegetación de las zonas boscosasen composición, diversidad y cobertura.
Fifty-eight new species from regions north and west of Brazil are described and illustrated in miscellaneous genera of the Pleurothallidinae. A new combination in Crocodeilanthe, C. bracteosa, is proposed, as well as the new generic name Lalexia to replace the invalid name Loddigesia. A new combination in Lalexia, L. quadrifida is also proposed. Pleurothallis ringens is transferred to Talpinaria and recognized as distinct from Pleurothallis hitchcockii (= Talpinaria hitchcockii). These two species are discussed and described, and the treatment of Talpinaria hitchcockii in Icones Pleurothallidinarum XVI is revised. Porroglossum miguelangelii, originally described for Ecuador, is placed in synonymy with Porroglossum tokachii, a species heretofore known only from Amazonian Peru. In alphabetical order, the new species proposed herein are: Acianthera cornejoi, A. fernandezii, A.tanyae; Acronia miniatura, A. niesseniae, A. rinkei, A. werneri, Alaticaulia amsleri, A. cracens, Ancipitia dubbeldamii, A.renieana, Crocodeilanthe franciscensis, C.juxta, C. mendietae, C. speciosa, C. werneri, Dracula gerhardii, Effusiella werneri, Kraenzlinella rinkei, Lepanthes anemica, L.barclaya, L. brevipedicellata, L. carrilloi, L. chocoënsis, L. ericae, L. eucerca, L. heteroloba, L.juan-felipei, L. lacera, L. macdougalii, L. maria-victoriae, L. medinae, L. pictoris, L. reburra; Luzama dejonghei; Masdevallia odnalorii, M. sentinella; Octomeria werneri; Porroglossum adrianae, P. apoloae, P. dejonghei, P. ecuagenerense, P. myosurotum; Regalia antonii; Restrepia peetersii; Rodrigoa ruthiana; Scaphosepalum rinkei; Stelis compressicauls, S. conduplicata, S. discrepans, S. franciscensis, S. malvina, S. modica, S. pilulosa, S. regia, S. rudolphiana, S. thelephora, and S. tyria.
  • G Carnevali
  • L J Dorr
Carnevali G. & Dorr L.J. 2014: Orchidaceae. -In: Dorr L.J. (ed.), Flora of Guaramacal (Venezuela): Monocotyledons: 106-209. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany.
  • A Karremans
  • F Bakker
  • F Pupulin
  • R Solano-Gómez
  • M Smulders
Karremans A., Bakker F., Pupulin F., Solano-Gómez R. & Smulders M. 2013: Phylogenetics of Stelis and closely related genera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae). -Plant Systematic Evolution 299:151-176.
Icones Pleurothallidinarum XVI Systematics of Pleurothallis subgenera Crocodeilanthe, Rhynchopera, Talpinaria (Orchidaceae). -Monographs in
  • C A Luer
Luer C.A. 1998: Icones Pleurothallidinarum XVI Systematics of Pleurothallis subgenera Crocodeilanthe, Rhynchopera, Talpinaria (Orchidaceae). -Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 65: 1-122.
Inference of the phylogenetic relationships in Stelis sensu lato clade based upon morphology and sequences of the ITS region data sets
  • R Solano-Gomez
Solano-Gomez R. 2005: Inference of the phylogenetic relationships in Stelis sensu lato clade based upon morphology and sequences of the ITS region data sets. -In: Raynal-Roques A., Roguenant A. & Prat D. (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th World Orchid Conference, March 2005, Dijon: 460-468. Naturalia Publications, Turriers. Toscano de Brito A.L.V. 2018: New combinations in Crocodeilanthe (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae). -Harvard Papers in Botany 23: 53-55.