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Are Tropical Reptiles Really Declining? A Six-year Survey of Snakes in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, and the Role of Temperature, Rain and Light



Introduction: studies in the last two decades have found declining snake populations in both temperate and tropical sites, including informal reports from Drake Bay, Costa Rica. Objective: to investigate if reports of decreasing snake populations in Drake Bay had a real basis, and if environmental factors, particularly temperature, rain and light, have played a role in that decrease. Methods: we worked at Drake Bay from 2012 through 2017 and made over 4000 h of transect counts. Using head flashlights we surveyed a transect covered by lowland tropical rainforest at an altitude of 12–38 m above sea level, near the Agujas River, mostly at 1930–2200 hours. We counted all the snakes that we could see along the transect. Results: snake counts increase from August to September and then decline rapidly. The May snakes/rainfall peaks coincide, but the second snake peak occurs one month before the rain peak; we counted more snakes in dry nights, with the exception of Imantodes cenchoa which was equally common despite rain conditions. We saw less Leptodeira septentrionalis on bright nights, but all other species were unaffected. Along the six years, the number of species with each diet type remained relatively constant, but the number of individuals declined sharply for those that feed on amphibians and reptiles. We report Rhadinella godmani, a highland species, at 12–38 m of altitude. Conclusion: night field counts of snakes in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, show a strong decline from 2012 through 2017.
Are tropical reptiles really declining? A six-year survey of snakes in Drake
Bay, Costa Rica, and the role of temperature, rain and light.
Jose Pablo Barquero-González1*, Tracie L. Stice1, Gianfranco Gómez1 & Julián Monge-Nájera2
1. Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Laboratorio de Sistemática, Genética y
Evolución (LabSGE), Heredia, Costa Rica;,,
2. Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Laboratorio de
Ecología Urbana, 2050 San José, Costa Rica;
* Correspondence
Abstract: Introduction: studies in the last two decades have found declining snake populations
in both temperate and tropical sites. Objective: to investigate if reports of decreasing snake
populations in Drake Bay had a real basis, and if environmental factors, particularly temperature
and precipitation, have played a role in that decrease. Methods: we worked at Drake Bay from
2012 through 2017 and made over 4 000 h of transect counts of snakes. Using head flashlights
and a schedule mostly from 19302200 hours, several times every month we surveyed one
transect covered by lowland tropical rainforest at an altitude of 1238 m above sea level, near the
Agujas River. We counted all the snakes along the transect; identified species in situ and also
photographed them. Results: snake counts increase from August to September and then decline
rapidly. The May snakes/rainfall peaks coincide, but the second snake peak occurs one month
before the rain peak; we counted more snakes in dry nights, with the exception of Imantodes
cenchoa which was equally common despite rain conditions. We saw less Leptodeira
septentrionalis on bright nights, but all other species were unaffected. Along the six years, the
number of species with each diet type remained relatively constant, but the number of individuals
declined sharply for those that feed on amphibians and reptiles. We report Rhadinella godmani, a
highland species, at 1238 m of altitude. Conclusion: night field counts of snakes in Drake Bay,
Costa Rica, show a strong decline from 2012 through 2017.
Key words: snake demography; moonlight; rain; temperature; climate change in Osa.
Total Words: 4025
Snakes are particularly susceptible to population decline because of their long life spans,
late sexual maturity, low reproductive frequency, site fidelity and significant mortality among
neonates and juveniles (Scott & Seigel, 1992; Shetty & Shine, 2002). They are also good
ecological indicators because their populations often reflect fluctuations in the environment and
in the populations of their prey (Moore et al., 2003; Madsen, Ujvari, Shine, & Olsson, 2006).
Population status assessments are difficult because of their cryptic life styles and low or
sporadic activity (Gibbon et al., 2000), but there have been reports of population decline in
temperate regions, including the United States of America (Mount, 1975; Rudolph & Burgdorf,
1997; Conant & Collins, 1998; Hallam, Wheaton, & Fischer, 1998; Tuberville, Bodie, Jensen,
LaClaire, & Gibbons, 2000; Winne, Willson, Todd, Andrews, & Gibbons, 2007) and Europe
(Reading et al., 2010). The situation may be worse in the tropics, where documented studies are
even more scarce (Böhm et al., 2013; Urban, 2015): declines include the extinction of the Round
Island Burrowing Boa, endemic to Mauritius (Bullock, 1986; Greene, 2000), and population
drops of snakes in Nigeria (Reading et al., 2010) and Australia (Lukoschek, Beger, Ceccarelli,
Richards, & Pratchett, 2013; Lukoschek, 2018).
Even though snake declines seem to be a reality in many parts of the world, hundreds of
samples are needed to detect real declines (Kery, 2002; Sewell, Guillera-Arroita, Griffiths, &
Beebee, 2012; Hileman et al., 2018). Furthermore, problematic assumptions used in
mathematical models can lead to suspicious conclusions (e.g. exaggerated extinction rate
estimates: McCallum, 2007).
Reports of snake declines are frequently based on anecdotal evidence and there is a need
for studies that provide intensive counts for prolonged periods (Krysko, 2001; Böhm et al., 2013;
Urban, 2015); for example, local tourist guides in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, have told us that
populations have been declining for nearly two decades. Our objective in this study was to
investigate if their impression is matched by more formal data collection.
We worked at Drake Bay, South Pacific of Costa Rica (N 08.6942008.69490; W
083.67421083.67495), from 2012 through 2017, and made over 4 000 h of transect counts of
snakes. These counts were made while we were accompanied by small groups of tourists as part
of our work as field guides in the area.
We hypothesized that climate changes may reduce local populations of some species and
increase others; and that snakes that feed exclusively on amphibians or insect prey (which
fluctuate strongly with rain or temperature), should be more affected than generalist species.
Snake counts: Using head flashlights we surveyed a transect covered by lowland
tropical rainforest, 1238 m above sea level, near the Agujas River (Fig. 1 in Digital Appendix
1). Several times every month we counted all the snakes that we could see along one transect;
identified them in situ (guides by Savage, 2002 and Solórzano, 2004), and photographed them
for taxonomic corroboration (Digital Appendix 2). We worked mostly from 1930 to 2200 hours,
but a few counts started at 1730 and ended at 2245 hours (sampling hours per date in Digital
Appendix 2).
Snake diet: Observed species were assigned to different categories considering their type
of diet, in order to see if there were changes in the number of species with certain types of prey
preferences. Categories were not mutually exclusive (Table 1 in Digital Appendix 1).
Precipitation rates and temperature: Precipitation rates and temperature data were
kindly provided by the Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica from the nearest
meteorological station at Rancho Quemado.
Note: Rancho Quemado, where the meteorological station is located, has an altitude of
240 m above sea level while the survey site in Drake Bay has an altitude of 12 to 38 m, so we
expected a difference in temperature between the study site and the meteorological station. To
assess this difference, we made temperature measurements directly in Drake Bay from February
2017 to August 2017 and compared them with Rancho Quemado for that same time period. We
found that average temperatures in Drake Bay are 2 to 3 degrees Celsius higher than
temperatures in Rancho Quemado, but that the trends along the timeline are the same. No
precipitation records were available from January 2012 to July 2012, December 2016 to March
2017 and September 2017 to December 2017. No temperature records were available from
January 2012 to July 2012 and from September 2017 to December 2017.
Moon and in situ rain: Instead of using published moon phase data, we recorded
moonlight conditions on every trip directly in the trail because cloudy skies produce dark nights
even when the moon is full. We used both official rain records and our own classification of rain
condition during the trip (see Results).
Statistical analyses: We analyzed the counts independently for each of the most
common species, and pooled the rare species into an “others” category that we also analyzed
(Table 2 and Table 3 in Digital Appendix 1).
Ethical, conflict of interest and financial statements: the authors declare that they have
fully complied with all pertinent ethical and legal requirements, both during the study and in the
production of the manuscript; that there are no conflicts of interest of any kind; that all financial
sources are fully and clearly stated in the acknowledgements section; and that they fully agree
with the final edited version of the article. We did not need collecting permits because we did not
collect any animals.
Species observed: In total, we recorded 25 snake species, representing five families
(Boidae, Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae, Viperidae) (Table 1 in Digital Appendix 1).
Effect of diet: Along the six years, the number of species with each diet type remained
relatively constant, fluctuating by a couple of species each year (Fig. 2 in Digital Appendix 1).
However, the numbers of individuals changed visibly along the six-year study period depending
on their main diet items. Species that mostly eat fish and invertebrates were always rare, and thus
insufficient for us to see temporal trends; snakes that mostly feed on birds and mammals, which
had larger populations, declined from 2012 through 2015. Finally, species that feed mostly on
reptiles and amphibians were initially abundant but also have constantly declined over the six-
year period, despite some occasional population peaks (Fig. 3 in Digital Appendix 1).
Annual patterns: When we compared counts of the five most frequent species with
rainfall and temperature during the six-year study period, we noticed several trends (Fig. 4 in
Digital Appendix 1). One is a weak increase in overall temperature along the study period. The
other is that numerically dominant species have highly specific patterns but most started a
decline since 2015. We observed a decrease in L. septentrionalis and I. cenchoa since 2015; E.
sclateri is scarce (except for a peak from August to September of 2012 and 2014) but it has
become even rarer since 2015; S. compresus was not seen after April 2016; finally, M.
melanolomus had no clear tendency to grow or decline from 2012 to 2017, but showed a peak
between August to September (Fig. 4 in Digital Appendix 1).
Monthly pattern: Mean temperature does not change strongly along the year, but
rainfall increases after February and reaches a maximum in October, while snake counts increase
from August to September and then decline rapidly. The May snakes/rainfall peaks coincide, but
the second snake peak occurs one month before the rain peak (Fig. 5 in Digital Appendix 1).
Ecological correlations: The statistical significance values of ANOVA tests appear in
Table 2 and Table 3 (Digital Appendix 1) and the counts/environmental condition relationships
in the appendices,
Effect of rain: We counted more snakes in dry nights, with the exception of I. cenchoa
which was equally common despite rain conditions (Fig. 6 in Digital Appendix 1).
Effect of moonlight: We saw less L. septentrionalis on bright nights, but all other
species were unaffected so they are not presented in the figure (Fig. 7 in Digital Appendix 1).
Final considerations: We did not see differences in leaf litter quantity from the
beginning to the end of the study period (Digital Appendix 2). Our finding of R. godmani is
unexpected because it is a highland species (see Discussion).
Food: Snake activity patterns depend on changes in food availability throughout the year
(Henderson, Dixon, & Soini, 1978; Martins, 1994). Snake species that ambush their prey and
rely on sit-and-wait strategies are particularly susceptible because of their low rate of food
acquisition (Webb & Shine, 1998), just like specialist species, which are less likely to exploit
alternative resources in response to shifting environmental conditions (Terborgh & Winter, 1980;
Gaston, 1994). Counts of I. cenchoa, a snake that feeds mainly on reptiles, sharply fell in 2015
and 2017; E. sclateri, a specialist feeder on reptile eggs, declined in 2015 and almost disappeared
in 20162017, possibly due to scarce prey. The fall in the numbers of L. septentrionalis matches
the fall in the abundance of prey species like Boana rosenbergi, Smilisca phaeota and
Agalychnis callidryas; nevertheless, other prey items for this species, like Rhinella horribilis and
Craugastor fitizingeri, remained common (Gianfranco Gómez, personal observation).
If we consider that four of the five species affected by rainfall in our study have diets
consisting primarily of amphibians, reptiles, or both, our results are consistent with those of a
study in Mexico, where more rain lead to more amphibian activity and to increased populations
of the snakes that feed on them (Duellman, 1958).
Rhadinella godmani is a small leaf litter snake of uncertain diet and considered a highland
species (Savage, 2002; Solórzano, 2004); we ignore if its presence at near sea level in Drake is in
any way related to changes in environmental factors.
Temperature: Higher temperatures reduce the metabolic rate of snakes and restrain their
activity and visibility (Seigel, Collins, & Novak, 1987; Zamora-Camacho, Moreno-Rueda, &
Pleguezuelos, 2010; Rugiero, Milana, Petrozzi, Capula, & Luiselli, 2013). In Drake Bay, average
monthly temperatures did not vary widely, so we are not surprised that there were no strong,
generalized trends in species abundance that could be related with temperature. This matches
previous work with tropical species (e.g. Shine & Madsen, 1996; Luiselli & Akani, 2002). Only
one species, S. compressus, which needs fresh, shady habitats, was not recorded at all from our
sampling site along 2016 and 2017.
Rain: There are reports of no correlation between counts of Neotropical snakes and
rainfall (Henderson & Hoevers, 1977; Martins, 1994; Bernarde & Abe, 2006) and this is similar
to our finding that the arboreal I. cenchoa was equally common despite rain conditions. Other
species become more active with rain (Daltry, Ross, Thorpe, & Wüster, 1998; Oliveira &
Martins, 2001; Morrison & Bolger, 2002), but we did not see any species more often in rainy
nights in Drake, quite the opposite, Drake snake counts were higher in dry nights. Perhaps they
avoid the cold rainwater (rain is cold in the tropics, too).
Moonlight: Snakes may increase activity in full moon nights, when prey are more visible
(Lillywhite & Brischoux, 2012; Connoly & Orrock, 2018); for example, the tropical tree snake
Boiga irregularis even moves to areas where moonlight is stronger (Campbell, Mackessy, &
Clarke, 2008). However, Crotalus viridis avoids bright moonlight, possibly to escape detection
by its predators (Clarke, Chopko, & Mackessy, 1996). In our study, the fewer sightings of L.
septentrionalis on nights with strong moonlight may also mean that it is avoiding predation, but
we saw all the other species at Drake with the same frequency in dark and illuminated nights.
Final remarks: The clear decline in snake counts at Drake along the years might mean
that their populations have decreased, that they moved out of sight or that they migrated to
higher, cooler areas. They did not seem to avoid the transect because of our presence there
(actually a few species remained constant in our counts along the years) and we do not think they
found a suitable habitat at higher altitude because of human alteration of habitats around the
reserve. We believe that the population decline in Drake is real and needs attention from the
conservation authorities.
We thank Carolina Seas for her assistance with data analysis, Sergio Aguilar for his help
in the elaboration of the images, Alejandro Solórzano, Héctor Zumbado and Mahmood Sasa for
recommendations to improve the manuscript, and Instituto Meteorológico Nacional for climatic
data. This study was financed by the authors.
¿Están disminuyendo los reptiles tropicales? Seis años de monitoreo en las serpientes de
Bahía Drake, Costa Rica, y el papel de la temperatura, la lluvia y la luz. Introducción: los
estudios realizados en las últimas dos décadas han encontrado una disminución de las
poblaciones de serpientes en los sitios templados y tropicales. Objetivo: investigar si los
informes de disminución de las poblaciones de serpientes en Bahía Drake tuvieron una base real,
y si los factores ambientales, particularmente la temperatura y la precipitación, han jugado un
papel en esa disminución. Métodos: trabajamos en Bahía Drake desde el 2012 hasta el 2017 y
realizamos más de 4 000 h de recuentos de serpientes en transectos. Usando linternas de cabeza y
en un horario mayormente entre las 1930-2200 horas, examinamos un transecto de bosque
tropical de tierras bajas a una altitud de 1238 m.s.n.m, cerca del río Agujas. Contamos todas las
serpientes a lo largo del transecto; identificamos las especies in situ y también las fotografiamos.
Resultados: los conteos de serpientes aumentan de agosto a setiembre y luego disminuyen
rápidamente. Los picos de las serpientes/precipitaciones de mayo coinciden, pero el segundo
pico de serpientes ocurre un mes antes del pico de lluvia; contamos más serpientes en las noches
secas, con la excepción de Imantodes cenchoa que era igualmente común a pesar de las
condiciones de lluvia. Vimos menos Leptodeira septentrionalis en noches brillantes, pero todas
las demás especies no se vieron afectadas. A lo largo de los seis años, el número de especies con
cada tipo de dieta se mantuvo relativamente constante, pero el número de individuos disminuyó
considerablemente para aquellos que se alimentan de anfibios y reptiles. Reportamos Rhadinella.
godmani, una especie de montaña, a 1238 m de altitud. Conclusión: los conteos nocturnos de
serpientes en Bahía Drake, Costa Rica, muestran una fuerte disminución en el periodo del 2012
hasta el 2017.
Palabras clave: demografía de serpientes; luz de la luna; lluvia; temperatura; cambio climático
en Osa.
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Pathogenic fungi have become a global concern to wildlife populations over the last 2 decades. However, the threat of snake fungal disease (SFD; caused by Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola) to snake populations is still largely unknown. From 2014–2016, we monitored 3 disjunct populations of the federally threated eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Michigan, USA. We used clinical signs of SFD, quantitative TaqMan polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), repeated sampling of individuals and sites, and single-season occupancy models to estimate site-specific prevalence of Ophidiomyces. Point estimates of Ophidiomyces prevalence in 2016 were larger at the northernmost study site (0.17, 95% CI = 0.04–0.50), where 17 of 34 snakes were implanted with radio-transmitters, and smaller at southern sites (0.03, 95% CI = 0.00–0.19). However, Ophidiomyces prevalence was not different between snakes with transmitters and snakes without transmitters. Swabbing snakes with 1 applicator resulted in a high probability of failure in detecting Ophidiomyces DNA for individuals with clinical signs of SFD and the probability was even higher for individuals without clinical signs of SFD. Repeated sampling of individuals reduced the probability of obtaining a false-negative qPCR result by 72% for snakes with clinical signs and 12% for snakes without clinical signs when we swabbed individuals with 5 applicators. We recommend resampling individuals and sites as a sampling design for estimating fine-scale, site-specific Ophidiomyces prevalence and population-level responses to SFD. If clinical signs are used as a surrogate for SFD, we recommend researchers standardize diagnosis of clinical signs of SFD by providing technicians adequate field training and educational materials, and minimize the number of observers recording clinical signs. We discourage the use of radio-telemetry methods where SFD occurs unless sterile surgical, handling, and equipment protocols can be ensured and the benefits to the population from such activities outweigh the increased health risks to individuals.
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This study describes a tropical rainforest snake assemblage in Central Amazonia, based on resource use (microhabitat and food), time of activity, species richness and abundance, morphology, behavoir, and reproduction. The data base was obtained between 1991 and 1994 in several localities around Manaus, mostly at Reserva Ducke (RFAD), a 100 km2 “terra firme” rainforest tract, 25 km north of Manaus, State of Amazonas, northern Brazil. The climate in this region is caracterized by 2100 mm of anual rainfall, with a dry season extending from July to September and a rainy one from November to May, temperature ranged between 18 and 37oC, and mean humidity about 85%. The main method used was visual search along forest trails. Part of this search was made regularly (about 90-100 man-hours each month, during 18 months) and considered “time constrained search”; this method resulted in 274 snake findings and provided capture rates. The remaining findings (N = 234) were considered occasional and included those by others (N = 98). Most sampling was made at night. Almost all snakes were marked by ventral scale clipping. In some additional areas around Manaus, visual searches and pitfall traps were used, resulting in 177 snake findings. Only a few snakes were collected at Reserva Ducke. A total of 508 snake findings, of 50 species, were made at Reserva Ducke. During time constrained search (a total of about 1600 man-hours), the rate of snake findings was 0.064 and 0.217 snakes per man-hour, during the day and at night, respectively. Although time constrained search provides comparable rates of snake findings, only 31 out of 50 species were found using this method; the remaining were found occasionally. The apparently most abundant species at Reserva Ducke, were Xenoxybelis argenteus, Bothrops atrox, Imantodes cenchoa, and Dipsas sp. The three former species also seemed to be the most abundant in other studies in Amazonia. Twenty nine species were found by day and 41 at night. The proportions of species found in each microhabitat was similar during the day and at night. A comparison of the patterns of habitat use found at Reserva Ducke and other localities in Amazonia indicated that “exchanges” (or sum and subtractions) of species using different microhabitats, within each major colubrid lineage, may explain most of the differences found among these studies. Snake activity at Reserva Ducke seemed to be influenced by the amount of rainfall; activity was lower in the dry season and higher during the rainy season, probably as a response to the apparently low availabilty of certain prey during the dry season. No relationship was found between moonlight and snake activity; the number of active snakes found was similar in dark and clear nights. The most consumed prey types by the snakes of Reserva Ducke were lizards (eaten frequently or occasionally by 60% of the species with known diet, N = 48), frogs (42%), mammals (23%), birds (23%), and snakes (19%). Nine species feed on invertebrates (six on earthworms) and only one on arthropods. These results reflect, mostly, the history of colonization of the region by different snake lineages, and are also contrary to the hypothesis of differential prey abundance as a major factor determining the patterns observed in neotropical snake assemblages (for instance, insects are very abundant at Reserva Ducke, although consumed by only one snake species).Morphological analyses were based in three measurements: body length, tail length, and weight. An analysis of maximum length distribution within the major colubrid lineages (colubrines, South American xenodontines, and Central American xenodontines), that occur at RFAD, showed that features related to these lineages (thus, historical) are responsible for most of the general pattern observed for colubrids and for the entire assemblage. The relationship between body and tail length showed that, in general, arboreal species have longer tails than terrestrials, that have longer tails than fossorials, in agreement with the idea that there is a strong effect of habitat use on tail length in snakes. Finally, an analysis of weight-length relationships showed that, in general, arboreals tend to be lighter than terrestrials, that tend to be lighter than aquatics, confirming the effects of habitat use in snake body form. These tendencies became more evident in the analyses where colubrids were separated in major lineages. An additional analysis on color and color patterns confirmed the effect of defence in snake color patterns. A cluster analysis based on data on habitat use, time of activity, diet, and size (length and weight) split the assemblage into guilds where high overlaps in form and resource use are evident; in several cases these guilds were made of closely related species, indicating the presence of constraints inherent to each lineage sampled. Although data on reproduction is scarce for most species, there are snakes at Reserva Ducke in which births occur only during the rainy season and in others occur throughout the year. A general anaysis of the presence of juveniles in the populations sampled indicated a strong tendency to seasonal breeding by the snakes of Reserva Ducke, contradicting most speculations on the patterns of juvenile recruitment in Amazonian snakes. The seasonality in reproduction, as in activity, may be related to the probably low availability of certain prey types during the dry season. A general analysis of the results indicate that most patterns found at Reserva Ducke may well be explained by historical factors as previously predicted by J. E. Cadle and H. W. Greene in a review of the role of history on the organization of neotropical snake assemblages. Concomitantly, a critical review of the arguments favoring the hypothesis that consider competition as a major structuring force in amazonian snake assemblages indicate that these arguments tend to be irrelevant before several evidences are found in natural assemblages, especially alterations in the reproductive success in the species thought to be competing. In conclusion, it is suggested, based on a series of arguments, that the co-occurrence os 50 snake species at Reserva Ducke may be due to the combination of the following: (1) resource abundance and/or low snake densities would allow the coexistence of a relatively large number of snake species; (2) thus, the populations would be regulated mainly by predation and/or other biotic and abiotic factors to a level where densities were not high enough to result in resource deployment (and, perhaps, competition) (some studies on Amazonian snake assemblages converged to these speculations while others, to completely conflicting ones). Concomitantly, the patterns found in the assemblage of Reserva Ducke may be a natural result of the history of colonization of the region by the various snake lineages that constitute this assemblage.
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Timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) and Louisiana pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus ruthveni) are large-bodied snakes occurring on the West Gulf Coastal Plain. Both species are thought to be declining due to increasing habitat alteration. Timber rattlesnakes occur in closed canopy hardwood and pine-hardwood forests, and Louisiana pine snakes in pine forests on sandy, well drained soils. While various factors are probably involved in population declines, this study examined one factor for each species that may have widespread consequences for population viability. Results obtained in this study support the premise that timber rattlesnakes are vulnerable to mortality associated with roads and vehicular traffic. Data and discussion are presented suggesting that populations are negatively impacted in areas of eastern Texas having a high road density. Conversely, Louisiana pine snakes appear to be affected by changes in the fire regime which has altered vegetation structure resulting in decreases in pocket gopher (Geomys breviceps) density. Decreases in gopher densities are farther hypothesized to result in decrease or extirpation of pine snake populations.
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Many reptile and amphibian populations either are pests, are harvested, or are declining towards extinction; however, relatively few are managed. This neglect can be traced to many causes, chief of which is the lack of sympathy that many people have for reptiles and amphibians, especially life-threatening forms such as large or poisonous snakes and large crocodilians. A few reptiles and amphibians are pests, especially some introduced forms such as the brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam and the cane toad (Bufo marinus) in many tropical areas. Many reptiles and amphibians are on the U. S. list of endangered and threatened species because of uncontrolled harvest and habitat degradation. International trade in amphibian and reptilian products amounts to hundreds of millions of U. S. dollars annually. Management priorities are often set by nonbiological criteria, such as economic importance and the size and appeal of the animal. Sea turtles and crocodilians receive the most attention. However, priorities set in this manner ignore economically less valuable and less glamorous species that may become endangered by neglect. Common management measures include the protection of species from illegal exploitation, the establishment of harvest quotas, and the captive rearing of endangered species. Management protocols are often hastily implemented without adequate testing for effectiveness. As a group, crocodilians are probably the most effectively managed reptiles. By partially controlling the international market, illegal harvest has been greatly reduced and many formerly threatened populations are recovering. Legal harvest and ranching projects provide the impetus (and often the funds) for high priorities being placed on the research and management of crocodilians. Placing a value on wild crocodilian populations helps conserve wetlands for the benefit of other species of wildlife. Sea turtles are also the recipients of massive management efforts. However, positive results are not easily demonstrated. The huge effort in saving eggs and hatchlings on sea turtle beaches seems to be largely misplaced; long-lived, highly fecund species such as sea turtles are most effectively managed by controlling the mortality of large juveniles and adults. Recently, the reduction of mortality in Kemp’s ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempi) resulting from the killing of nesting females and drowning in shrimp nets seems to have reversed the plunge towards the extinction of the world’s rarest sea turtle. Management-oriented research on reptiles and amphibians is unevenly distributed among taxa. Crocodilians and sea turtles are the subjects of much research, but reliability of much of it is difficult to judge as it does not undergo the peer-review process of scientific literature. Research is especially needed to identify the critical life stages of sea turtles, in order to better direct management. Because of their ecothermic physiology, the life history and ecology of amphibians and reptiles often differ markedly from those of traditionally managed game species. Amphibians and reptiles can survive long periods without food, have extended periods of inactivity (often including long periods of hibernation), and exhibit strong seasonal changes in habitat utilization. When compared to endotherms, amphibians and reptiles have low rates of parental care and viviparity, high rates of neonate mortality, low frequencies of reproduction, extended age at sexual maturity, and long generation times. These traits suggest that appropriate management of amphibians and reptiles should focus more on protecting subadults and adults than protecting juveniles and neonates. However, most current management practices protect juveniles and neonates, and allow adults to be harvested. Many reptiles and amphibians are difficult to study and require specialized techniques. There is a need for standardized monitoring techniques to allow comparison of different studies and years. Herpetologists could more often choose their organisms and design their studies to better meet the informational needs of wildlife managers. Wildlife management training needs to include reptiles and amphibians, along with birds and mammals, so that managers in the future will consider all taxa in their plans.
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The effect of rainfall on Neotropical snake activity in general, in different adaptive zones and on seasonal differences in prey taken by snakes was studied utilizing 177 preserved specimens of 22 species collected in 1967-1974 in the area of Orange Walk Town, Belize. In addition, certain aspects of resource partitioning in a Neotropical snake community were examined. There is an apparent positive correlation between the number of snakes collected and amount of precipitation. The aquatic colubrid Tretanorhinus nigroluteus was, however, taken more often in the dry months than any other species and not at all in the peak of the rainy season. The number of snakes taken in each adaptive zone reaches a peak in September (the wettest month), or an equal number in September and another month, except for leaf litter and aquatic species. Stomach content analysis showed that 37.8% of the wet season and 22% of the dry season stomachs contained food. Anurans were the most common prey items, but they were not taken in the dry season. Snakes that did not prey on anurans were the ones most frequently taken in the dry season. Resource partitioning among the common anuran predators suggests that they are segregated either temporally or spatially. The Orange Walk snakes may or may not be directly rainfall dependent, but the prey (anurans) of many of them are directly rainfall dependent. Snake activity peaks in September and so, probably, does anuran activity. Many species of snakes hatch or are born in the wet season when anuran prey is most abundant and localized. The February-May inactive period is possibly induced by water loss and snakes might secrete themselves in damp, dark microhabitat in order to keep water loss to a minimum.
Population bottlenecks can result in loss of genetic variation, increased extinction risk, and hybridization with related sympatric species. Many challenges are associated with empirical detection of population declines, thus conservation biologists often use molecular approaches as surrogates. This study explored whether declines in abundances of viviparous sea snakes on Australia's Timor Sea reefs could have been foreshadowed using genetic surveys. Ashmore Reef (the largest Timor Sea reef) once hosted large breeding populations of sea snakes. Abundances have declined precipitously since 1994 and Ashmore Reef has been devoid of snakes since 2012. Moreover, high rates of hybridization between two sympatric species have been documented on Timor Sea reefs, possibly associated with sea snake declines. I analysed mitochondrial DNA and 11 nuclear microsatellites for >250 sea snakes from three species, Aipysurus laevis, Aipysurus fuscus and Emdocephalus annulatus, sampled on four Timor Sea reefs in 2002 and 2010. While there was strong spatial genetic structure among reefs, there was little temporal genetic divergence for A. laevis at Ashmore Reef, despite the massive declines in abundance during that temporal window. Positive Tajima's D and Fu's FS values at Ashmore Reef indicated demographic contraction for: A. laevis in 2002 and 2010; E. annulatus (2002); but not A. fuscus (2002). Microsatellites showed inbreeding depression (positive Fis values) and non-random mating (heterozygote deficit) for all three species at Ashmore Reef, consistent with population declines. Bottleneck tests were equivocal, with significant heterozygous excesses at Ashmore Reef, but non-significant M-ratios or mode-shifts in allele frequencies, with the significance of tests differing markedly with microsatellite mutation models. Thus genetic analyses alone would not have been sufficient to provide managers with unequivocal evidence of population declines. There was little evidence for hybridization between A. laevis and A. fuscus, despite previous research suggesting that the Endangered A. fuscus was at risk of reverse speciation secondary to the highly porous reproductive barriers between these species.
Timing is an essential component of the choices that animals make: The likelihood of successful resource capture (and predator avoidance) depends not just on what an animal chooses to do, but when it chooses to do it. Despite the importance of activity timing, our ability to understand the forces that constrain activity timing has been limited because this aspect of animal behavior is shaped by several factors (e.g., interspecific competitors, predators, physical conditions), and it is difficult to examine activity timing in a setting where only a single factor is operating. Using an island system that makes it possible to focus on the effect of predation risk in the absence of interspecific competition, we examine how the onset of activity of the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) varies between habitats with unique predation risks (i.e., minimal-shrub cover versus abundant-shrub cover sites). Using capture time to assess the timing of mouse activity, we found that mice in habitats with minimal shrub cover were captured 1.7 hr earlier than mice in habitats with abundant shrub cover. This difference in timing between habitats was likely a direct response to differences in predation risk between the two habitats: There were no differences in thermal conditions between the two habitats, and the difference in activity timing disappeared during a night when overcast skies reduced island-wide predation risk. Our results demonstrate that predation risk, independent of interspecific competition, can generate significant changes in animal activity timing. Our work suggests that habitat structure that provides safety (i.e., refuge habitats) plays a direct role in the timing of prey activity and that habitat modification that alters refuge availability (e.g., shrub dominance) may alter the timing of animal activity.
Current predictions of extinction risks from climate change vary widely depending on the specific assumptions and geographic and taxonomic focus of each study. I synthesized published studies in order to estimate a global mean extinction rate and determine which factors contribute the greatest uncertainty to climate change-induced extinction risks. Results suggest that extinction risks will accelerate with future global temperatures, threatening up to one in six species under current policies. Extinction risks were highest in South America, Australia, and New Zealand, and risks did not vary by taxonomic group. Realistic assumptions about extinction debt and dispersal capacity substantially increased extinction risks. We urgently need to adopt strategies that limit further climate change if we are to avoid an acceleration of global extinctions. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.