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Analysis of Employability Skills Scale on Vocational High School Students



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... Penggunaan skala likert dalam mengukur sikap responden atau penilaian selfreport terhadap kecakapan kerja pun sejalan dengan pengembangan instrumen pada penelitian kecakapan kerja sebelumnya diantaranya penelitian kecakapan kerja siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan oleh Supriatna et al., (2019), self-report persepsi kepemilikan employability mahasiswa oleh Rothwell & Arnold, 2007) dan Álvarez-González et al., (2017). ...
Employability Skills for College Students in University are an asset that can bring students closer to being ready to enter the world of work. Employability Skill can be interpreted as a series of characteristics including knowledge, attitudes, and skills that make a person capable of being trained. To get a general trend or a long work profile students need an instrument to reveal these variables. This study aims to develop employability skill instruments that are psychometrically tested both in terms of validity testing and instrument reliability testing using the RASCH model analysis method. The research instrument has been tested on 728 people. The results showed that from testing the instrument's validity using the RASCH model analysis on Outfit MNSQ, Outfit ZSTD, and Pt Measure Corr, of the 54 items developed, a total of 48 items met psychometric standards. The instrument's reliability on Cronbach's alpha value is in very good criteria, even in terms of reliability a person is in the very good category, and item reliability is in the special category. Therefore, the student employability skills instrument meets psychometric requirements and can be used as an instrument to measure student employability skills.
... Different scholars have divided employability into key elements. Some examples of these elements based on various scholars are basic work and academic skills, personal qualities or traits, core skills, and process skills, high-order thinking skills, social skills, etc. (Supriatna et al., 2019). Na (2019) provides a three-dimensional model of understanding skills viz. ...
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Despite an annual influx of programming graduates from Information Technology (IT)-focused educational institutions, software companies struggle with the persistent challenge of finding qualified candidates for entry-level programming roles. In this context of skill shortage, this study explored the crucial issue of skill mismatch of IT graduates, by assessing the employers’ expectations and observations vital for entry-level programming positions. This study employed a quantitative survey approach to delve into this skills mismatch issue. Professionals within 128 software development companies in Lalitpur were surveyed, all holding managerial positions and possessing programming experience. Utilizing a Likert scale questionnaire distributed through Google Forms, these industry experts rated their expectations and real-world observations concerning the specific skills requisite for entry-level programming positions. The analysis of expectations of skills showed that learning attitude (personal), basic concepts of programming (technical), and organizational culture fit (interpersonal) were considered the most important skills. Personal or college projects and skills in version management and testing were considered equally important. The analysis of skill expectations versus observations uncovers noteworthy disparities, mostly observed in personal skills, with expectations significantly exceeding actual observations. Almost 50% of the skills were found to have high importance and high gaps, most of which were personal skills. The discrepancy was comparatively less in interpersonal and technical compared to personal skills. Perceptions regarding the alignment of knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) were mixed in which most of the respondents indicated moderate to strong alignment between expectations and observations for knowledge and skills, while weak alignment for attitudes. Statistical analysis confirmed significant mean differences between expected and observed skills across all skill categories, reaffirming the existence of a skills mismatch. Notably, employers overwhelmingly advocate ii addressing these skill mismatches through training and development initiatives. These findings shed light on the multifaceted nature of the skills mismatch challenge in Lalitpur’s entry-level programming job market, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to bridge this gap and foster alignment between employer expectations and the skills of recent graduates. Aligning curriculum with industry needs and designing skill development approaches is of utmost importance to enhance graduates’ workforce readiness, facilitating a smoother transition for entry-level programmer positions.
... For articles that could not be immediately confirmed for needed information (Nassar et al., 2019;Kenny et al., 2019;Robinson et al., 2018), we read their abstracts together, and if necessary, read the full article in order to make a final decision. Some publications with relevant keywords but unrelated content were removed (see for example, Deb, 2018;Rozhina & Baklashova, 2018;Saputra & Sudira, 2019;Supriatna et al., 2019). Thus, after this step, 347 studies were rejected. ...
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Career guidance, which strongly influences the world labor market and social structure, is studied in many countries on different levels. This study aims to explore the number, growth trajectories, and geographic distribution of studies on Career guidance in general schools and identify prominent influential authors, sources, publications, and new research issues. Bibliometric analysis is employed to analyze all 382 publications on the topic of Career guidance in general schools in the Scopus database. The data shows that the volume of scientific publications in this field remained steady from 1964 to 2010, while the period from 2010 to 2022 experienced a significant increase. There is a total of 2412 authors participating in research on this topic, from 1609 institutions, in 98 different countries and regions. Besides the studies of American, Italian, and Russian scholars, researchers in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Australia also play a notable role in this topic. The most cited and notable journal on this topic is the British Journal of Guidance and Counseling. Recently, the most prevalent research topics include influencing general school students to prepare for their career readiness, and the opportunity to create social justice in understanding and deciding on career options.
... Keterampilan siap kerja adalah serangkaian kemampuan dasar dan atribut pribadi yang membuat kesempatan seseorang menjadi lebih besar dalam meraih peluang kerja dan sukses dalam pekerjaan yang mereka pilih sehingga memberikan keuntungan bagi diri mereka dalam membangun karir (Supriatna et al., 2019). Keterampilan siap kerja mencakup sejumlah keterampilan yang boleh jadi non teknis sifatnya akan tetapi dibutuhkan siapapun yang ingin berhasil menembus pasar dunia kerja (Amirullah, 2017 Seberapa efektifkan pendekatan tersebut? ...
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Di Indonesia, tingkat pengangguran terbuka tertinggi adalah lulusan sekolah menengah kejuruan – yaitu lebih dari 10.42% menurut laporan Biro Pusat Statistik bulan Agustus 2019. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi Psikologi Universitas Pembangunan Jaya memberikan peningkatan kapasitas berupa keterampilan untuk bekerja (employability skills) untuk 27 siswa jurusan multi-media Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Waskito Pamulang pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2019. Pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan bahwa mereka dapat mencapai keterampilan tersebut melalui penguasaan konsep regulasi diri. Dengan menggunakan metode belajar aktif dan pendekatan partisipatif, inisiatif ini mencakup ceramah dan sesi diskusi juga simulasi wawancara kerja dan bermain peran dengan mengadopsi materi yang dikembangkan Jaya Soft Skills Development Program. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dalam skala 1-5, para penerima manfaat ini memberikan skor 3.77 sampai 4 untuk manfaat dan peningkatan kesadaran. Diskusi mengupas bahwa mengingat terdapat sejumlah spesialisasi SMK, maka menarik untuk mengembangkan materi khusus sesuai kebutuhan dengan berkolaborasi dengan sektor industri. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa pengabdian masyarakat ini berhasil meningkatkan kesadaran mereka tentang pentingnya keterampilan untuk bekerja. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dipublikasikan di media massa setempat. Vocational high school graduates represent the highest number of open unemployment rate in Indonesia - up to 10.42% according to the National Bureau of Statistics August 2019 report. Therefore Department of Psychology Universitas Pembangunan Jaya delivered employability skills capacity building for 27 multi-media students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Waskito Pamulang on October 4th 2019. The objective of community service involved 27 Educational Psychology students to master self-regulation concept. Using the method of active learning and participatory approach, the initiative comprised of lecture and discussion sessions as well as job interview simulation and role play by adopting Jaya Soft Skills Development Program materials. Result showed that on the scale of 1-5, the beneficiaries gave 3.77 to 4 for its usefulness and its ability. For the discussion, considering various SMK specializations, it would be interesting to develop tailor-made resource materials in collaboration with industry key players. It was concluded that this community service increased their awareness. This community service was also published in the local mass media report.
... In reality, research findings revealed evidence stating that national investment for human resource development suffers minor losses through various aspects. The loss occurs because of curriculum issues [9], lack of mastery in terms of hard skill and soft skill [10]- [11], low language proficiency [12], unfavorable attitude and personality [13], skills incompatibility [14], picky about jobs [15]. This situation caused spillover effects such as low employability [12], imbalance demand [16], employment supply [6], unemployment and mistakes in career choice [2]. ...
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Career choice is a major issue in human resource development. Accurate choice of career will contribute to career satisfaction and improvement in the individual and national economy. In contrast, failure in making accurate career choices will cause investment loss within national human resources. This study examines the effect of career adaptability and vocational employability on students' career choice. The study respondents are 166 technical and vocational institutions students who enrolled in the Bakery and Pastry courses. The study analysis was conducted using the Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square (SEM PLS). Findings from the study confirmed that career adaptability helps students in their career choice. Meanwhile, vocational employability enhances their self-efficacy to make career choices.
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The aim of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Croatian paper-and-pencil and Internet versions of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). The CDDQ is based on the theoretical taxonomy of difficulties in career decision-making and comprises three major clusters of difficulties: Lack of readiness, lack of information, and inconsistent information that are further divided into 10 specific types of difficulties. The paper-and-pencil version and the Internet version were filled out by 451 and 568 high school students, respectively. Both versions of the Croatian CDDQ showed to be reliable and structurally equivalent measures. A hierarchical cluster analysis and confirmatory factor analysis generally supported the three-cluster classification system of career decision-making difficulties, with the exception of the Dysfunctional Beliefs Scale that was not significantly associated with any of the other scales. The associations between the CDDQ Scales on the one hand, and two measures of career maturity—Student Career Construction Inventory and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale—were moderate and negative and thus supported the concurrent validity of the CDDQ. The results suggest revising the dysfunctional beliefs subscale or using the CDDQ without this scale in counseling practice.
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One critical measure of success in workplaces is employee’s ability to use competently the knowledge, skills and values that match the needs of his job, satisfy the demands of his employer, and contribute to the overall achievement of institutional goals. An explanatory-correlational research design was used to determine the extent of relationship between three categories of employability skills (using The Conference Board of Canada’s Employability Skills 2000+) and five elements of Contextual Performance adopted from Borman and Motowidlo’s Taxonomy. There were a total of 220 respondents representing the groups of employers and employees from 25 government institutions in the south-central part of Mindanao region, Philippines. Inferential analysis shows that fundamental skills had moderate relationship with employees’ contextual performance; however, being more competent in thinking and problem solving skills provides employees with more benefits in performing contextual behavior. Findings further revealed that although personal management skills had moderate relationship with employees’ contextual behavior, the competence in personal adaptability and learning continuously are contributory across all elements of contextual performance. Finally, the result of the study yielded that teamwork skills, particularly the skill on working with others, were also moderately correlated with employees’ contextual performance. This implies that graduates’ competence in employability skills could give them due advantage in their respective work settings. Thus, proper attention on developing competence on employability skills by employers, employees, higher academic institutions, labor agencies, and policy makers may help address the problems on job performance.
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The implementation of Industry 4.0 has a far-reaching impact on industrial value creation. Studies on its opportunities and challenges for companies are still scarce. However, the high practical and theoretical relevance of digital and connected manufacturing technologies implies that it is essential to understand the underlying dynamics of their implementation. Thus, this study examines the relevance of Industry 4.0-related opportunities and challenges as drivers for Industry 4.0 implementation in the context of sustainability, taking a differentiated perspective on varying company sizes, industry sectors, and the company’s role as an Industry 4.0 provider or user. A research model comprising relevant Industry 4.0-related opportunities and challenges as antecedents for its implementation is hypothesized. In order to test the model, partial least square structural equation modeling is applied for a sample of 746 German manufacturing companies from five industry sectors. The results show that strategic, operational, as well as environmental and social opportunities are positive drivers of Industry 4.0 implementation, whereas challenges with regard to competitiveness and future viability as well as organizational and production fit impede its progress. Moreover, it is shown that the perception of Industry 4.0-related opportunities and challenges as antecedents to Industry 4.0 implementation depends on different company characteristics.
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Our next generation of industry—Industry 4.0—holds the promise of increased flexibility in manufacturing, along with mass customization, better quality, and improved productivity. It thus enables companies to cope with the challenges of producing increasingly individualized products with a short lead-time to market and higher quality. Intelligent manufacturing plays an important role in Industry 4.0. Typical resources are converted into intelligent objects so that they are able to sense, act, and behave within a smart environment. In order to fully understand intelligent manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0, this paper provides a comprehensive review of associated topics such as intelligent manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled manufacturing, and cloud manufacturing. Similarities and differences in these topics are highlighted based on our analysis. We also review key technologies such as the IoT, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), cloud computing, big data analytics (BDA), and information and communications technology (ICT) that are used to enable intelligent manufacturing. Next, we describe worldwide movements in intelligent manufacturing, including governmental strategic plans from different countries and strategic plans from major international companies in the European Union, United States, Japan, and China. Finally, we present current challenges and future research directions. The concepts discussed in this paper will spark new ideas in the effort to realize the much-anticipated Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This study reports on development and initial validation of a scale to measure young adults’ perceptions of their future employability. Perceived future employability concerns young people’s perceptions of their future skills, experience, networks, personal traits, labor market knowledge, and institutional reputation at the time of completing their formal education, when they are on the verge of entering the labor market. In Phase 1, an initial item pool was developed from focus group discussions and expert feedback. In Phase 2, exploratory factor analyses reduced the number of items using data from a university student sample (N = 324). In Phase 3, confirmatory factor analyses tested the initial structure using data from a second sample of university students (N = 250). In Phase 4, construct validity was examined by correlating scale scores with measures of career ambition, university commitment, and career distress. The scale potentially (a) augments research on perceived future employability, (b) illuminates factors promoting employability and well-being in young adults, and (c) provides information to young adults who are concerned about their future career.
Abstrak . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan program bimbingan karier untuk peningkatan core work skills mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain pretest dan posttes . Alat instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan uji perbedaan dua rata-rata ( uji-t ) tingkat core work skills sebelum dan setelah mengikuti program bimbingan karier. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan tingkat core work skills sebagian mahasiswa semester akhir berada pada kategori sedang dan setengahnya lagi berada pada kategori tinggi. Ditinjau dari 20 indikator core work skills, 10 cenderung berada pada kategori Tinggi dan 10 pada kategori Sedang atau belum dikuasai secara optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan program bimbingan karier efektif untuk peningkatan core work skills mahasiswa. Peningkatan dapat dilihat dari 20 indikator core work skills, 18 indikator efektif meningkat dan 2 indikator tidak efektif meningkat setelah pemberian perlakuan. Kata Kunci: Program, Bimbingan Karier dan Core Work Skills
This study aimed to test the applicability of the Survey of Employability Skills Needed in the Workforce (SESNW) (Robinson, 2006) in Greek sport employers. One hundred ninety three employers from three sectors participated in the study. Consecutive EFAs led to six robust factors of employability skills, labeled Professional Behavior & Development, Leadership & Influence, Problem Solving, Organization & Time Management, Communication Ability and (Inter)Personal skills. All factors were highly rated by the employers were no differences occurred between employment sectors. By understanding the competencies expected by employers, Universities may better align undergraduate programs with industry needs, enhancing the graduates' employability.
Perceived employability has been found to be related to the career development and well-being of both working adults and university students. In a first initiative to examine perceived employability among nonlocal Chinese university students, we collected data from a sample of 246 graduating students who had come from Mainland China to study in Hong Kong. After controlling for demographic variables and migration intentions, we found that perceived employability was explained by career exploration, relational support, acculturative hassles, and the assimilation strategy of acculturation. Career exploration was also found to mediate the relationship between the assimilation strategy of acculturation and perceived employability. We discuss the implications of these findings for theory building and career guidance practices regarding the perceived employability and career guidance of nonlocal and international Chinese students.
This paper offers (a) a multidimensional Employability Skill Scale development method, and (b) one 30-item, seven-dimensional, and another 26-item six-dimensional employability skill requirement scale for use with entry-level human resources management positions, as perceived by employers and students, respectively, in Bangladesh. The study is based on samples of 174 and 446 survey responses collected from corporate managers and university students, respectively. There were significant variations in opinions between employers and students on employability skill requirements in entry-level human resources management positions. Employers prioritized skills such as subject knowledge, applying knowledge, listening effectively, breadth of knowledge, working safely, and self-management. On the other hand, students preferred skills such as team leading ability, complex problem-solving ability, judgment ability, proactivity, negotiation ability, strength of reference, type of university, and image of the university.