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Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and
Magnetometer Traces
We demonstrate a breach in smartphone location privacy through
the accelerometer and magnetometer’s footprints. The merits or oth-
erwise of explicitly permissioned location sensors are not the point
of this paper. Instead, our proposition is that other non-location-
sensitive sensors can track users accurately when the users are in
motion, as in travelling on public transport, such as trains, buses,
and taxis. Through eld trials, we provide evidence that high ac-
curacy location tracking can be achieved even via non-location-
sensitive sensors for which no access authorisation is required from
users on a smartphone.
Smartphone, Location Tracking, Privacy, Zero-Permission Apps.
ACM Reference Format:
. 2019. Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and Magne-
tometer Traces. In Proceedings of ARES-LPW ’19: The First Location Privacy
Workshop (LPW 2019) (ARES-LPW ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
With the growing use of smartphones
and smartphone Apps, peo-
ple are no longer just dened by who they are but also by where
they are (location) and what activity they are taking part in (social
networking/games). Many of the services provided by feature-rich
smartphone Apps require access to your location – to serve your
needs better. For example, Strava, a tness App, revealed the lo-
cation and stang of military bases and spy outposts around the
world. Strava collects the GPS information about their users’ activi-
ties (walking, running and cycling) and charts them over a map -
which was made public.
A study published by AT&T [
] in 2010 showed that 19 out of
20 mobile online social networks shared location information with
third parties in a way that enabled easy identication of individual
Another revelatory example of the current situation on location
privacy is the “PleaseRobMe
” that aggregated information from
A handset that can host and run applications, with additional features than just basic
text and voice call.
A website that states on their website “Our intention is not, and never has been, to
have people burgled". Website:
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and other location services to identify homes that were
empty – due to “oversharing” [
] of location information, home-
owners have revealed that no one is at home. Such an emergent
privacy threat is referred to as “Cybercasing” [3, 10].
Two of the major smartphone platforms (Apple iOS and Google
Android) have deployed the user’s explicit opt-in scheme for mo-
bile sensors. In this scheme, a user is asked whether (s)he would
permit an application to use a particular sensor. For this scheme,
the sensors present in smartphones are categorised into sensors
that require permission and sensors that do not. An application
that uses sensors from the latter category (that does not require
permission) is referred to as permission-less mobile App in this
In some prior work (discussed succinctly in Section 2.2), it has
been shown that some of the sensors that do not require permissions
can be used to inference the location of a user. However, in this
paper, we explore the possibility of tracking a users journey over
public transport using a permission-less mobile App. The case
scenario we consider relates to users being commuting either via a
train, bus and/or taxi and based on non-location-sensitive sensors.
1.1 Paper’s Contributions
The prime proposition of the paper is that non-location sensitive
sensors used by a permission-less mobile App can accurately (to a
high degree of condence) location track users over public transport.
In this respect, this paper contributes:
A novel scenario where an adversary may mimic the sensor
trace of a victim on a bus, by tailing him in a car behind in
busy trac. Additionally, we examine the data collection for
four dierent sets of scenarios related to public transport, in
which both the adversary and the victim are travelling on:
a) a train, b) a taxi, c) a bus.
A permission-less mobile App that eciently (with low com-
putation and battery-consumption footprint) collects the
non-location sensitive sensor data.
(3) Analysis technique and results to show successful location-
tracking and location-proximity/co-location (two or more
users being in proximity to each other at a particular point
in time) using the non-privacy sensitive sensors.
In this paper, we will refer to location-tracking, location prox-
imity and co-location frequently. Therefore, the denition of these
terms in the context of this paper are:
Location-Tracking: This relates to either collection location
information directly from sensors like GPS, or inferring
a user’s location indirectly like WiFi networks and non-
privacy sensitive sensors like accelerometer and magnetome-
ter - as discussed in this paper.
A mobile App that provides local search and discovery features about local attractions,
best eateries and other facilities - based on user feedback. Since this revelation, they
have changed their privacy policies.
Location Proximity / Co-Location: Proximity or co-location
detection relates to identifying two or more users being in
the vicinity to each other – either through direct or indirect
location tracking.
One point to note is that co-location without location tracking
is just an assessment whether two (or more) devices are near each
other without any GPS point of reference.
In this section, we briey discuss o-the-shelve sensors, location
privacy and prior work.
2.1 Mobile Sensor Access Privilege
Modern mobile phones (aka smartphones) are equipped with sen-
sors, which are a silicon-based design that measures physical/environmental
features. Table 1 lists the sensors available on an Android smart-
Table 1: Sensor Availability on Android Platform
Sensors Privilege Access Location Sensitivity
Accelerometer No Yes+
Bluetooth Yes Yes*
Geomagnetic Rotation Vector No No
GPS Yes Yes
Gyroscope No No
Magnetometer No Yes+
Network Location Yes Yes
Pressure No No
Sound Yes Yes*
WiFi Yes Yes
Light No No
Proximity No No
Relative Humidity No No
Ambient Temperature No Yes*
These sensors are categorised as privileged and un-privileged
sensors. The privileged sensors are the one for whom you re-
quire explicit permission from the user (before using them), for
un-privileged sensors no user permission is required. In Table 1,
privileged sensors are represented as ‘Yes’ in the privilege access
column. Furthermore, in the location sensitive column, we identify
potential sensors that have location privacy implications. Some
of these sensors, like ambient temperature do not have a direct
inference of locations, but it can be used to build proximity infer-
ence of multiple devices to be at the same location (discussed in
Section 2.2.2) - and if one of them is sharing GPS data, location of
all other devices is easy to infer. For example, a crowd at a concert,
where an application only needs one user to permit it for using
GPS. All other devices can deny this permission, but their location
can still be inferred. The representation ‘Yes’ in location sensitivity
column means direct inference of location, ‘Yes*’ indicated indirect
inference and ‘Yes+’ indicates that you can build location proles
of an environment (e.g., train or bus route) that later can be used
for direct inference.
2.2 Prior Work in Location Tracking and
Proximity Detection
There is a number of ways in which the location of a user can
be tracked via smartphone and associated infrastructure. The two
related methods for location tracking related to this paper are dis-
cussed as below:
2.2.1 Permission-less Mobile Applications. A mobile App collects
non-location sensitive sensors, and from this data, users location is
Nawaz et al. [
] proposed the use of gyroscope and accelerome-
ter to prole users travel patterns and based on these travel patterns
notify the user about potential trac alerts to enhance their travel
Following the above-discussed work, Narain et al. [
] highlighted
the privacy issues related to calculating a user location and his/her
travel patterns using the side-channels (i.e. non-location sensitive
sensors). They utilised gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetome-
ter to construct the sensors data from both real routes and simu-
lated ones (mimicking the real routes data). From this data, they
constructed the graph of routes in a city and an ecient search
mechanism to identify what prole of the three sensors matches
with the which segment of the route (in a given city). They showed
with high accuracy that they were able to identify the user routes
based on the three sensors. For this analysis, they have collected
data from an extensive simulation, where in our case we show that
this extensive proling can be replaced by proximity (similarity)
between journeys collected from the users.
Here we would like to identify that both Nawaz et al. [
] and
Narain et al. [
] were primarily focused on the user travelling in a
car in optimal conditions (e.g., not taking into account the trac
congestion, driving behaviour and vehicle/road conditions etc.).
These conditions in many cases inuence the sensor readings and
can give false results (false positive, false negative). Furthermore,
they were looking into the gyroscope and accelerometer together
to track users. In the case of Narain et al. [
], he also utilised mag-
netometer in their papers. Our experiments, detailed in this paper
are dierent because:
We collected data from taxies (car), buses and trains that
include the environmental conditions (congestion, behaviour
and vehicle/road condition).
For location identication, we utilised the notion of prox-
imity with a higher degree of GPS correlation rather than
route proling.
We use the accelerometer for taxi and bus, where for trains
we include the magnetometer. For taxi and bus, the magne-
tometer was not an eective data source in our trials.
We also ran a bus and a car shadowing the bus, to explore
the potential of tracking users across vehicles with high
accuracy travelling on the same route at the same time.
2.2.2 Proximity Detection based on Sensors. Halevi et al. [
] demon-
strated the suitability of using ambient sound and light for proximity
detection. Here, the authors analysed the sensor measurements col-
lected for 2 and 30 seconds duration for light and audio respectively
Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and Magnetometer Traces
– using a range of similarity comparison algorithms. Extensive ex-
periments were performed in dierent physical locations, with a
high success rate in detecting co-located devices.
Truong et al. [
] evaluated four dierent sensors. Similarly to
previous studies, their sample collection was from 10-120 seconds.
Shrestha et al. [
] used specialised hardware known as Sensor-
drone, with many ambient sensors, but did not evaluate the com-
modity ambient-sensors available on commercial handsets, did not
provide the sample collection duration, and only mentioned that
data from each sensor was collected for a few seconds.
This section describes our testbeds including the test devices, test
environments, and the data processing platform.
3.1 Test devices
Six Android devices (ve phones and one tablet) were used in this
research, namely the Galaxy Nexus, LG Nexus 5, Samsung S4, Sam-
sung S8, Lenovo Phab Pro 2, and Nexus 9, covering a variety of
Android OS and sensor manufacturers. Their sensors’ specications
are detailed in Table 2. Measurement-wise, all sensors on our test
devices achieve a ne-grained sampling rate at a minimum of 49.65
Hz (about 50 samples per second) for the magnetometer and 99.5
Hz for the accelerometer, with the latest model capable of doubling
these numbers. In all experiments, our devices were held naturally
in the hands, left in the pocket or in the bag of their respective own-
ers. Their local clocks were synchronised before each experiment
by setting to the same time zone, then connecting to the Google
server to get the current time.
Table 2: The sensors specications of our test devices.
G. Nexus Nexus 5 S. S4 S. S8 Lenovo 2 Nexus 9
sampling rate 100 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz
sampling rate 100 Hz 200 Hz 100 Hz 500 Hz 200 Hz 100 Hz
Release date 2011 2013 2013 2017 2016 2014
Android OS 4.3 5.0.1 5.0.1 7.0 6.0.1 6.0.1
3.2 Test environments
We set out to examine the sensor traces on all types of public
transport in London (i.e. taxi, bus, and train), using our test devices
described above. The test routes were chosen to cover a vast amount
of areas in London (see Table 3 and Figure 2).
Table 3: The details of the test routes.
Taxi Bus Train
Distance travelled 11.6 km 10 km 34 km
Duration 25 minutes 25 minutes 40 minutes
Number of stops 3 19 6
(a) The user interface of data col-
lection app.
(b) The power consumption of
our app was estimated at just
over 1% in one hour.
Figure 1: The Android app we developed for this work.
3.3 Sensor Data Collection
We developed an Android app that runs passively in the phone’s
background to record the sensors’ readings into a text le stored
locally on each device (see Figure 1a)
. The app’s interface was
intended to be minimalistic, which only requires the user attention
to specify the le name and how frequently the app should log the
sensors. The ‘Station’ button allows the users to specify if she has
arrived at a station to aid the data analysis. At the end of the trial,
the data le will be transferred to a PC for further analysis. The
format of the le is as follows. Each line describes a snapshot of
all sensors’ measure, accompanied by a time stamp. For this paper,
we will examine just the accelerometer and magnetometer. Both of
these sensors report three measures per inquiry, corresponding to
the strength along the (x, y, z)-axis.
Battery consumption wise, one hour of continuous inquiry and
writing the data to a le on one of our test models consumed as little
as 1% of battery, according to the inbuilt Android power measure
as shown in Fig1. It is worth noting that our current procedure is
grossly unoptimised. The majority of the workload is originated
from the I/O operation of ushing all sensors data into the phone’s
memory 100 times per second on ‘normal’ mode. In reality, the
sampling rate could be reduced, and not all sensors need to be
recorded. Additionally, we may compress the data before logging
them into the memory, or reduce consecutive data with similar
readings. Hence, there is room for further improvement.
3.4 Data Processing Platform
To analyse the sensors data and plot the results, we used Matlab
(version R2017b) with the Signal Processing Toolbox, running lo-
cally on an Intel Core i7-4770k 3.50 GHz Desktop CPU with 16 GB
of RAM.
Since the sensor of each phone has dierent sensitivities and
sampling rates, we employed Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to
Our app can be downloaded free of charge on the Google App store, by searching for
“Fingerprinting WiFi Magnet”.
(a) The 25 minute taxi route
through central London. It be-
gan in Deptford, and ended near
the ExCeL exhibition centre.
(b) The 25 minute bus route. It began in
Egham town, and ended near Windsor town.
(c) The 40 minute train route. It began at Waterloo station,
and ended at Egham station.
Figure 2: The test routes visualised on Google Maps, using GPS data.
align the sensor traces [
]. DTW is a proven method with well-
known applications in speech recognition research. In short, it
stretches the shorter trace to match the longer one by nding the
optimal warping path between them, using the following recursive
Given two time series vector
t=(t1, . . . , tm)
r=(r1, . . . , rn)
DTW nds the optimal warped path of length
(p1,q1), . . . ,
(pk,qk)that minimises
|t(pi) − r(qi)|
We dene
as the DTW distance between t and r. D(1,
1) is initialised as |t(1) − r(1)|.
(3) We recursively calculate
D(i,j)=|t(i) − r(j)| +min
D(i-1, j)
D(i-1, j-1)
D(i, j-1)
with i=1 : mand j=1 : n
To quantify the similarity among traces, we used two metrics,
namely the Euclidean distance and the Kullback-Leibler metric. The
similarity score is calculated as the absolute DTW distance between
the two traces, normalised by the length of the optimal warped
path found by DTW.
To assess the uniqueness of each sensor trace (i.e. what is the
chance of two dierent routes having a similar sensor trace?), we
will apply the ‘Fourier transform’ on each trace [
]. In short, it mea-
sures every possible cycle to identify if there are repeated patterns
within the time series.
Having understood the theories and the objectives of permission-
less Apps for co-location tracking, we are now in a good position
to set out the following research questions to be examined later on.
How similar are the accelerometer and magnetometer traces
of passengers on the same public transport (i.e. taxi, bus, and
Is it possible for an adversary driving on a car to mimic the
sensor trace of a victim riding on a bus on the same road? If
so, how similar the traces will be?
This section conducts the experiments on the taxi, bus, and train to
assess the research questions set out in Section 4.
5.1 Experiment with the sensors trace in the
To verify the similarity of the accelerometer and magnetometer’s
readings in the same car, three passengers shared one taxi for a
25-minute journey through central London (see Figure 2a). The
rst passenger left the taxi after 9 minutes, and the second one
followed up after 18 minutes. Both of them continued walking for
a few minutes after leaving the vehicle.
Figure 3 demonstrates that the accelerometer is capable of pick-
ing up the slightest changes in movements, not just when the car
accelerates or decelerates, but also as it goes through speed bumps.
The high measures from the accelerometer happened when the rst
and second passengers walked.
If we consider the portion of the traces, when all three passen-
gers were together in the taxi, the overlapped sequence’s shape
was remarkably similar (see Figure 4a). To quantify this similarity,
we compared the DTW scores of dierent portions of the traces
including those that are not overlapped (see Table 4). The co-located
traces scored consistently lower than non-co-located ones.
Table 4: The DTW scores between dierent accelerometer
traces on taxi and on foot (lower number means more sim-
ilar). The co-located traces scored consistently lower than
non-colocated ones.
Euclidean Kullback-Leibler
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 5 on taxi 0.0776 0.0012
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Samsung S8 on taxi
0.0991 0.0021
Co-located Nexus 5 & Samsung S8 on taxi 0.0525 0.00057
Nexus 5 on foot, Samsung S8 on taxi 1.8472 0.66055
Galaxy Nexus on foot, Samsung S8 on taxi 2.3226 1.1896
However, the magnetometer’s traces of the passengers were
relatively at, with little spatial variation throughout the 9-minute
drive (see Figure 4b). In addition, the spectrogram indicated that
there were repeated patterns, due to the magnetic eld’s low spatial
Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and Magnetometer Traces
(a) The rst passenger left the taxi after 9 minutes.
(b) The second passenger left the taxi after 18 min-
(c) The third passenger travelled for a full 25 minute
Figure 3: The full accelerometer traces of three passengers in the same taxi. Note the high measures when the passengers
travel on foot after leaving the taxi.
(a) The accelerometer traces in the taxi. The Samsung S8 and Nexus 5’s
traces were shifted 2 and 4 units vertically with respect to the Galaxy
Nexus’ trace for comparison purpose.
(b) The magnetometer measures in the taxi have very low spatial varia-
Figure 4: The overlapped sensor traces of three passengers
travelling together in the same taxi for 9 minutes.
variation (see Figure 5). Since taxis are running on petrol, they do
not alter the onboard magnetic eld. The roads and pavements are
a mixture of cement and sand which have no impact on magnetism.
These conditions made it impractical for location tracking with the
magnetometer traces.
(a) The accelerometer’s spectrogram indicates there is no clear repeated
(b) The magnetometer’s spectrogram indicates there are repeated pat-
terns, visualised by the horizontal lines.
Figure 5: The spectrogram of the accelerometer and mag-
netometer traces in the taxi to investigate the repeated pat-
5.2 Experiment with the sensors trace on the
To verify the similarity of the sensor readings on the bus, four
surveyors rode the same bus for 25 minutes (see Figure 2b). They
sat in dierent places on the bus with their phones held naturally
in their hands or left in pockets. Compared to the previous taxi
experiment, the bus environment possesses similar features (i.e.
both are petrol-based vehicles, running on the same road-material
surface). Hence, its accelerometer and magnetometer traces are
similar to the taxi’s.
We applied the same methods to visually and computationally
compare the sensor traces, as in the last experiment. A visual pre-
sentation of the four accelerometer traces revealed a similar shape
(see Figure 6a), which was re-armed by their DTW scores (see
Table 8). The magnetometer measure had low spatial variation, as
expected, and would not be recommended to be used for sensor
matching (see Figure 6b). Similarly, the spectrogram of the magne-
tometer trace indicated that there were repeated patterns, due to its
low spatial variation, whereas the spectrogram of the accelerometer
trace had no such indication (see Figure 7).
(a) The accelerometer traces on the bus. The Samsung S8, Lenovo 2 and
Nexus 5’s traces were shifted 2, 4 and 6 units vertically with respect to
the Galaxy Nexus’ trace for comparison purpose.
(b) The magnetometer traces on the bus have very low spatial variation.
Note the unusual spike of one device was caused by the electric noise.
Figure 6: The sensor traces of four passengers riding on the
same bus for 25 minutes.
Table 5: The DTW scores between four accelerometer traces
on the bus (lower number means more similar).
Euclidean Kullback-Leibler
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Samsung S8 on bus
0.10141 0.0030335
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Lenovo 2 on bus 0.085535 0.001989
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 5 on bus 0.084074 0.001923
5.3 Experiment with the sensors trace on a car
tailing a bus
Another potential scenario is matching the sensor measurements
of two dierent users on a dissimilar mode of transport (a bus and
(a) The accelerometer’s spectrogram indicates there is no clear repeated
(b) The magnetometer’s spectrogram indicates there are repeated pat-
terns, visualised by the horizontal lines.
Figure 7: The spectrogram of the accelerometer and magne-
tometer traces on the bus to investigate the repeated pat-
a car in this instance). For this experiment, one rode the bus, while
the other two tailing the bus in a car for a 20-minute journey.
Figure 8 revealed a highly similar shape of the bus accelerometer
trace, backed up by their DTW scores (see Table 6). Since the car
followed behind the bus in the trac, we considered the trace lag
to be minimal (i.e. the impact of a speed bump on the bus was just
about 1 second ahead).
Table 6: The DTW scores between one accelerometer trace
on the bus and one in the car (lower number means more
Euclidean Kullback-Leibler
Samsung S4 & Nexus 9 in car 0.11469 0.0030534
Samsung S4 in car & Samsung S8 on
bus 0.12066 0.004992
Nexus 9 in car & Samsung S8 on bus 0.09675 0.0033772
5.4 Experiment with the sensors trace on the
Compared to the last three experiments on the taxi and bus, trains
are operated by electricity, which has a major impact on the onboard
magnetic eld.
Location Tracking Using Smartphone Accelerometer and Magnetometer Traces
Figure 8: The accelerometer traces of two phones in car tail-
ing another phone on a bus. The Nexus 9 and Samsung S8’s
traces were shifted 4 and 8 units vertically for the Samsung
S4’s trace for comparison purpose. The overall shape of the
whole journey is similar.
For this experiment, four surveyors sat in dierent places through-
out the train for a 40-minute journey (see Figure 2c). A visual presen-
tation of the four accelerometer and magnetometer traces revealed
a similar shape (see Figure 9a), backed up by their DTW scores (see
Table 8).
Table 7: The DTW scores between four accelerometer traces
on the train (lower number means more similar).
Euclidean Kullback-Leibler
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Samsung
S8 on train 0.0757 0.0011091
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Lenovo 2
on train 0.03 0.00019595
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 5 on
train 0.0870 0.0014
Table 8: The DTW scores between four magnetometer traces
on the train (lower number means more similar). Note that
the magnetometer measures are on a dierent scale unit
than the accelerometer ones.
Euclidean Kullback-Leibler
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Samsung
S8 on train 31.0739 14.7643
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Lenovo 2
on train 7.7437 1.7670
Co-located Galaxy Nexus & Nexus 5 on
train 14.4307 10.2470
However, the spectrogram of the accelerometer traces indicated
that there might be some repeated patterns, whereas the spectro-
gram of the magnetometer had no such indication (see Figure 10).
The reason was that trains often run at a constant speed in long
trips, and only accelerated at the beginning, and decelerated by the
end of the next stop.
(a) The accelerometer traces on the train. The Samsung S8, Lenovo 2 and
Nexus 5’s traces were shifted 2, 4 and 6 units vertically with respect to
the Galaxy Nexus’ trace for comparison purpose.
(b) The magnetometer traces on the train. The Samsung S8, Lenovo 2 and
Nexus 5’s traces were shifted 100, 200 and 300 units vertically with respect
to the Galaxy Nexus’ trace for comparison purpose.
Figure 9: The sensor traces of four passengers travelling on
the same train for 40 minutes.
5.5 Summary of the experimental results
In this part, we briey summarise the results obtained in previ-
ous sections, addressing the research questions outlined in Sec-
tion 4. Firstly, the accelerometer traces of the passengers in the
same vehicle demonstrated promising similarity, through-out the
experiments on a taxi, bus, and train. Secondly, the accelerometer
measures showed a high spatial variation on taxis and buses, thanks
to the frequent accelerations, decelerations, and the uneven surface
of the roads (e.g. speed bumps). The accelerometer’s measures may
be applied to match passengers’ traces. However, since trains tend
to run at a constant speed during long journeys, the traces are not
as distinctive as those on taxi and bus. Thirdly, the magnetometer
measures were distinctive on the trains, but not on the taxis and
buses. The reasons were that the trains in London are powered by
electricity, and the rail-lines are made of metal composite materials,
which alter on the onboard magnetic eld. In contrast, London
taxis and buses are petrol-based vehicles. The roads are also a mix-
ture of sand and cement which have no impact on the magnetic
eld. Fourthly, we demonstrated the possibility of mimicking the
accelerometer trace on a bus, by tailing it in a car on the same
road in busy trac. Finally, a summary of the sensors’ potential
usage for location tracking, drawn from the above experiments, is
outlined in Table 9.
(a) The accelerometer’s spectrogram indicates there may be some re-
peated patterns, visualised by the horizontal lines, although they are not
perfectly clear.
(b) The magnetometer’s spectrogram indicates there is no repeated pat-
Figure 10: The spectrogram of the accelerometer and magne-
tometer traces on the train to investigate the repeated pat-
Table 9: A summary of the potential usage of mobile sensors
for location tracking.
Dierence in Dierence in
magnetometer traces accelerometer traces
For Taxi Low High
For Bus Low High
For Train High Average
This section briey discusses the implication of this work and po-
tential defence mechanism with their pros and cons.
6.1 Location Privacy and Mobile Sensors
In this paper, we have shown with eld trials that non-location
sensitive mobile sensors can be used to track users over public
transport. Our results show that the existing techniques that limit
the sensor permission to perceived location sensitive sensors are
not eective. The results of this paper, along with the prior research
discussed in Section 2.2.1 provides clear evidence that sensors that
are perceived to have no privacy consequences like magnetometer
can, in fact, enable location tracking.
Location data is privacy-sensitive, and there is a number of reg-
ulations that enshrine user’s rights about location privacy. For
example, the US Congress Location Privacy Protection Act 2014.
Furthermore, with evolving regulation around the world like the
introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [
] will
require the management of data collected via sensors that are not
deemed privacy sensitive to be carefully considered. If an applica-
tion developer uses these sensors for legit reasons, they still have to
treat them as privacy sensitive information and under GDPR they
might be liable for hefty nes if they do not adequately protect this
6.2 Potential Way Forward
One of the main position privacy campaigners have taken is the
concept of "choice and informed consent" about data collection
from individual users. This concept does not take into account:
User awareness of technology, including the unintended
consequence of it.
Complexity of length terms and conditions that normal users
will not read and issues with such a position.
Lack of transparency about and control on privacy data -
after it is being collected.
In the situation highlighted in this proposal, a potential counter-
measure proposed based on choice and informed consent include
“Sensor Guardian" [
], which extends the application permissions
to traditionally considered non-privacy sensitive sensors.
Normal users want exibility, convenience and least among of
hassle to perform their tasks, asking for additional permission at
regular intervals has the potential of desensitising them [
]. A
potential solution can be towards behaviour analysis of the appli-
cations that are accessing sensor data. If an application is accessing
data often and for longer periods of time, the application may be
tracking the user.
This paper put forward a proposition that users can be location
tracked over public transport using non-location sensitive sen-
sors to high accuracy. To empirically support this statement, we
developed a low footprint mobile application for data collection
and an ecient analysis framework. We collected sensor data for
accelerometer and magnetometer over four dierent settings - rang-
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