
The Effect of Application of Rice Dishwater and Manure as Organic Fertilizer to the Growth of Mustard (Brassica Juncea L.)

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One of the recommended concepts of organic agriculture is the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the use of inorganic fertilizers in farming activities or crop cultivation. Manure is one of the organic fertilizers that are often used as fertilizer, one of which is goat manure. In addition, there are several types of household waste that can be used as liquid organic fertilizers such as the waste rice washing water that can be applied to plants. The research objective were to determine the effect of giving rice washing water waste and manure to the growth and yield of mustard plants. This research was conducted from February to April 2017. This study used a randomized block design with two factors consisting of 16 treatments and repeated three times. The first factor isto control rice washing waterwith a concentration of 10, 20 and 30 ml/liter of water and the second factor is manure consisting of control, manure 5, 10 and 15 grams. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques. Analysis of quantitative descriptive data used is plant height and number of leaves.Observation results of plant height showed that the highest average of plant height was experienced by 20 ml/liter rice washing water and 15 goat manure treatment. Likewise, the average number of leaves of mustard plants was not significantly different from the treatment of rice washing water, but the number of leaves in mustard plants was not significant. The results showed there were no significant interactions between the concentration of rice washing water and manure doses on growth and yield of mustard greens The rice washing water did not have a significant effect on plant height and number of leaves. The difference in the results of this study was thought to be caused by differences in the types of rice used.

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... Applying organic fertilizer will create the fertile, loose soil that shallots need for the development of their bulbs. One of the components that can increase the physical, chemical and biological qualities of the soil to boost the pro ductivity of shallot plants while reducing the amount of phosphorus (P) fertilizers added to Pdeficient soils is organic fertilizer (Noviyanty and Salingkat, 2018;Susikawati et al., 2018;Nguyen et al., 2021). One organic fertilizer that can promote plant develop ment is cow manure (Sudarsono et al., 2014;Atman et al., 2018;Musdalifah et al., 2021). ...
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Deep swamp is swampland with the longest flooding period, making it challenging for crop cultivation. However, by adopting a floating system, this prolonged duration of flooding can be used for shallot growing. Thus, this study aimed to ascertain the growth and yield of shallots cultivated in polybags using conventional non-floating and floating systems with the application of different doses of cow manure. The research was located in the experimental field and reservoir of the Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University (3°13’30.3′′ S; 104°38’55.1” E). Non-floating and floating farming systems were utilized with the application of 0, 10, 15 and 20 ton/ha of cow manure. The findings demonstrated that shallots cultivated in the floating system had lower numbers and length of leaf but could produce more bulbs in comparison to the conventional method. The application of 15 ton/ha manure in the floating system resulted in higher weights of fresh and air-dried bulbs per plant, weighing 74.40 g and 64.82 g, respectively, compared to those in the non-floating system (46.77 g and 37.84 g, respectively). In conclusion, the Bima Brebes shallot variety potentially can be cultivated in a floating system with the application of 15 tons of cow manure per hectare.
... Warna pupuk organik cenderung ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor lain, seperti komposisi bahan organik, tingkat penguraian, dan kondisi lingkungan selama proses pengomposan (Mahapatra et al., 2022). Penambahan mikroorganisme lokal dari air cucian beras mungkin memiliki dampak lebih signifikan pada kualitas dan ketersediaan nutrisi dalam pupuk organik, daripada pada warna pupuk itu sendiri (Noviyanty & Salingkat, 2018). Selain itu, Mikroorganisme tersebut dapat membantu dalam proses dekomposisi dan penguraian bahan organik, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan ketersediaan nutrisi bagi tanaman. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tentang pengaruh penambahan mikroorgasnisme lokal air cucian beras terhadap kadar karbon pupuk kotoran sapi. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda rataan menurut Duncan (DMRT). Diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa penambahan mikroorgasnisme lokal air cucian beras berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar kualitas karbon (C), Nitrogen (N), Fosfor (P), Kalium (K) dan pH pupuk organik kotoran sapi. Sementara itu, faktor warna dan bau pada pupuk organik kotoran sapi tidak mempengaruhi penambahan mikroorgasnisme lokal air cucian beras. Di sisi lain, pemberian mikroorgasnisme lokal (MOL) pada air cucian beras dengan kadar 20% memberikan kadar kualitas fisik kimia pada pupuk organik yang optimal apabila dibandingkan dengan pemberian MOL dengan kadar 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15%.
... Air cucian beras merupakan limbah yang berasal dari proses pembersihan beras yang akan dimasak. Limbah cair ini memiliki kandungan senyawa organik dan mineral yang sangat beragam seperti vitamin B1, fosfor, nitrogen, kalium, kalsium, magnesium, dan besi (Noviyanty dan Salingkat, 2018). Air lindi merupakan limbah cair yang timbul akibat masuknya air ke dalam timbunan sampah yang ditimbulkan oleh proses dekomposisi sampah padat dan perkolasi air. ...
Pupuk organik cair (POC) berbahan dasar limbah cair sebagai pendukung pertumbuhan tanaman ubi kayu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan macam, teknik aplikasi dan interaksi antara macam dan teknik aplikasi pupuk organik cair yang tepat guna meningkatkan respon pertumbuhan stek ubi kayu. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjungsari Kecamatan Windusari Kabupaten Magelang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali, dengan perlakuan yakni kontrol, POC cucian beras, lindi dan campuran menggunakan teknik aplikasi kocor, semprot dan rorak. Analisis data secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA dan Uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan macam pupuk organik cair berpengaruh terhadap bobot kering akar dengan berat tertinggi pada perlakuan pupuk campuran sebesar 2,03 g. Perlakuan teknik aplikasi pupuk organik cair tidak berpengaruh nyata pada semua parameter. Perlakuan interaksi antara macam dan teknik aplikasi pupuk organik cair berpengaruh nyata pada parameter klorofil pada daun, dengan hasil tertinggi pada perlakuan pupuk campuran dengan teknik rorak sebesar 1,177 mg/g. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan bobot kering akar mempengaruhi pertambahan klorofil pada daun karena adanya bakteri fotosintesis yang dapat menambat N untuk meningkatkan fungsi klorofil dan merangsang pemanjangan sel akar.
... Rice washing water or often called leri (Javanese) has a milky white color. According to (9), this shows eroded protein and contains abundant vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is a B vitamin group that has a role in plant metabolism, which is the process of converting carbohydrates into energy for power plants. ...
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p>The phalaenopsis hybrid has become an economically important flower in the horticultural sector. Phalaenopsis Fuller's Pink Stripe Orchid is a hybrid orchid resulting from a cross between Phalaenopsis Fuller's Pink Swallow and Phalaenopsis Fullers Black Stripe . Rice washing water (leri) is a residue that accumulates when washing rice. This residue is usually thrown away when it is actually rich in various organic and mineral compounds. Waste that is wasted in vain can be used as nutrients for the growth of orchid plants. This research was conducted to study the effect of dose and frequency of leri water spraying on the growth of Phalaenopsis Fuller's Pink Stripe orchid at the vegetative stage. This study consisted of 10 treatments, namely giving 5 ml of water every 2 days (L1), 10 ml every 2 days (L2), 15 ml every 2 days (L3), 5 ml every 4 days (L4). a dose of 10 ml every 4 days (L5), a dose of 15 ml every 4 days (L6), a dose of 5 ml every 6 days (L7), a dose of 10 ml every 6 days (L8), a dose of 15 ml every 6 days (L9), and control treatment (L0). Each treatment was repeated 3 times. Based on the results of the study, it are often all over that there's no important interaction between the dose and also the frequency of administration of Leri water on the growth and performance of the Phalaenopsis Fuller's Pink Stripe . Keywords : Rice Wash Water, Phalaenopsis Fuller's Pink Stri pe, vegetative growth</p
... , entitled The effect of Application of rice dishwater and manure as organic fertilizer to the growth of mustard(Brassica Juncea L.), showed that the use of rice water on mustard plants bear no significant effect on the plant's height and number of leaves.Noviyanty and Salingkat (2018) conducted a study that determined the effect of giving rice washing water waste and manure on mustard plants' growth and yield. The researchers used quantitative data analysis techniques. The study used a randomized block design with two factors consisting of 16 treatments repeated three times. The first factor used is to control rice w ...
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Rice water has been widely produced in households as a result of cooking rice. Oftentimes, rice water is discarded, wasting water from which the existing issue of water scarcity is still prevalent in several countries. This paper aims to describe the effect of using rice water as a watering agent, thereby recycling and reusing water. Twenty in tnine plant samples were observed and collected data from. One-way ANOVA analysis on the plant samples data was performed. The analysis showed a significant difference between the means of the treatments’ absolute growth rate (AGR) with rice water treatment having the highest average AGR (p = 0.018). Samples’ observations comparison were done still with rice water, having the highest fresh and dry weight, and height. These results indicate that usage of rice water on plants has the greatest growth performance when compared to the two treatments, tap and distilled water. Hence, rice water on plants is a good and effective choice to use when watering plants.
... A study on the effect of applying rice dish water and manure as organic fertilizer on the Brassica juncea L. found that the highest height of the plant was seen in 20ml/liter in rice washing water and 15 mg of manure application. There were no other major changes observed between the application of rice washing water and manure on the growth and yield of the mustard variety [25]. A reasearch work on the effects of chemical fertilizers, bio-fertilizer and fungicides was done separately and in combination on the growth of Brassica nigra. ...
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The Organic farming can be defined as a farming method or process that inclusively involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of any kind of synthetic based fertilizer and harmful pesticides while no genetically modified organisms are permitted. It is the best and the most valuable alternative for traditional farming techniques. Main components of organic farming are organic manure, organic fertilizers which is an excellent alternative to chemical fertilizers. The word mustard is used to refer to several species of plants. Brassica rapa is the scientific name of field mustard. The plant seeds are used as condiment and spices. It grows pretty well in cold atmosphere at 4.4 degree Celsius with a pH range of soil from 4.9-8.2. This article throws light on the response of mustard plant on different soil conditions. The plant was given four treatments i.e., T1 (only Soil), T2 (Soil+NPK), T3 (Soil+Vermicompost) and T4 (only Vermicompost). Difference in physical traits of the plants was observed in the four conditions. Tallest shoot length was observed in T3 treatment i.e., 13 cm and tallest root length was seen in T2 treatment i.e., 7.5 cm. The number of leaves was same in T2 and T3 treatment i.e., 4 and also same in T1 and T4 treatment i.e., 3.
... The decreased in the total bacterial population could be attributed to the decline in pH because most bacteria thrive at a relatively higher pH (4)(5)(6)(7)(8) relative to fungi [30]. The pH reduction was because of the production of organic acids by the microbes in WRW [31,32]. ...
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Washed rice water (WRW) is said to be a beneficial plant fertilizer because of its nutrient content. However, rigorous scientific studies to ascertain its efficiency are lacking. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fermenting WRW on the bacterial population and identification, and to measure how fermentation affects the nutrient composition of WRW. Rice grains were washed in a volumetric water-to-rice ratio of 3:1 and at a constant speed of 80 rpm for all treatments. The treatments were WRW fermented at 0 (unfermented), 3, 6, and 9 days. Bacterial N fixation and P and K solubilization abilities in the fermented WRW were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The isolated bacterial strains and the WRW samples were also tested for catalase and indole acetic acid (IAA) production ability. Significantly greater N fixation, P and K solubilization, and IAA production were recorded after 3 days of fermentation compared with other fermentation periods, with increases of 46.9–83.3%, 48.2–84.1%, 73.7–83.6%, and 13.3–85.5%, respectively, in addition to the highest (2.12 × 108 CFU mL−1) total bacterial population. Twelve bacteria strains were isolated from the fermented WRW, and the gene identification showed the presence of beneficial bacteria Bacillus velezensis, Enterobacter spp., Pantoea agglomerans, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia at the different fermentation periods. All the identified microbes (except Enterobacter sp. Strain WRW-7) were positive for catalase production. Similarly, all the microbes could produce IAA, with Enterobacter spp. strain WRW-10 recording the highest IAA of up to 73.7% higher than other strains. Generally, with increasing fermentation periods, the nutrients N, S, P, K, Mg, NH4+, and NO3− increased, while pH, C, and Cu decreased. Therefore, fermentation of WRW can potentially increase plant growth and enhance soil health because of WRW’s nutrients and microbial promotional effect, particularly after 3 days of fermentation.
... WRW can support the growth of useful microorganisms (bacteria) such as Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas, Bacillus for plant growth, and soil fertility increased (Akib et al., 2015). Amalia and Chitra (2018) reported the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescence bacteria among other microorganisms in WRW. It is a potential biocontrol agent that adapts well to plant roots and can help plants fight against pathogens or be resistant to disease (Hoffland et al., 1996). ...
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A significant wastewater source in every household is washed rice water (WRW) because it contains leached nutrients (from washing the rice prior to cooking) that could be used as fertilizer. The paper reviewed the current understanding of the potential use of WRW as a plant nutrient source. WRW was shown to increase vegetables growth, such as water spinach, pak choy, lettuce, mustard, tomato, and eggplant. Different researchers have used various amounts of WRW, and their results followed a similar trend: the higher the amount of WRW, the higher the plant growth. WRW has also been used for other purposes, such as a source of carbon for microbial growth. WRW from brown rice and white rice had nutrients ranging from 40-150, 43-16306, 51-200, 8-3574, 36-1425, 27-212, and 32-560 mg L-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and vitamin B1 (thiamine), respectively. Proper utilization of WRW could reduce chemical fertilizer use and prevent both surface and groundwater contamination and environmental pollution. However, only a few of the studies have compared the use of WRW with the use of conventional NPK fertilizer. The major drawback of WRW studies is that they lack depth and scope, such as determining the initial and (or) final soil physico-chemical properties or plant nutrient contents. Considering the rich nutrient content in WRW, it will impact plant growth and soil fertility when used as both irrigation water and plant nutrient source. Therefore, it is recommended that studies on WRW effect on soil microbial population, plant, and soil nutrient contents to be carried out to ascertain the sustainability of WRW use as a plant nutrient source.
... The application of organic fertilizer and charcoal increases nutrient reserves in the plant rooting zone, reducing nutrient leaching [25]. Manure is one of the organic fertilizers that are often used as fertilizer, one of which is goat manure [26]. ...
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This study aims to improve the growth, yield, and quality of LP-VoS bulbs by applying bokashi fertilizer from goat manure and regulating the duration of water supply with a sprinkler irrigation system. This research is a field that arranged in split-plot design. The main plot is the duration of irrigation water supply, consisting of three levels, 0.5; 1,0; and 1.5 hours. The subplot is giving organic fertilizer bokashi goat manure, which consists of two kinds, namely: without bokashi fertilizer and the addition of bokashi fertilizer 15 t.ha-1. Each treatment was repeated three times so that in total, there were 18 experimental plot units. The results showed that the duration of irrigation 0.5 hours at intervals of 3 days, followed by the application of 15 t.ha-1 bokashi organic fertilizer could increase the bulb circle of 'Lembah Palu' varieties.The use of bokashi organic fertilizer 15 t.ha-1 could increase soil moisture so it can growth, yields, and quality of shallot bulb. The duration of irrigation with a sprinkler system for 0.5-1.0 hours at intervals of 3 days could result in the growth of total dry weight and total leaf area per plant as well as the number of tubers per clump, fresh weight of tubers per clump and yield of tubers per hectare higher than treatment of water for 1.5 hours at intervals of 3 days. Water supply regulations and the use of bokashi organic fertilizers can increase the growth, yield, and quality of LP-VoS bulbs on dryland. For the cultivation of‘Lembah Palu’ varieties of shallots in dry land, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers to increase the soil water content for increased production and quality.
... The rice washing water is obtained from the washing of rice with water at a ratio of 1:1 (w/v). After that, rice washing water were was allowed for 5 minutes [7]. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of the administration of rice washing water in culture medium on the growth performance of Daphnia sp. This research using three different doses of rice washing water i.e 1 mL/L, 3mL/L, and 5 mL/L. Daphnia sp. was cultured with an initial density of 20 ind/L. Observed parameters include growth parameters (population density, size and specific growth rate) and water quality. This result showed that a concentration of 3 mL/L created the highest population of Daphnia sp. density about 620±20 ind/L, number small size (young stage) 81.2%, and the highest specific growth rate about 56.68±0.55%. The water quality content of DO, temperature and pH during this study were in the good range of Daphnia sp. life and reproduction. The research has a conclusion that rice washing water can be used to nutritional sources of Daphnia sp. In the future, it is necessary to make further observations about the reproductive performance of Daphnia sp, given rice washing water through clone culture.
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ABSTRAK Pupuk merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam peningkatan produksi tanaman. Dewasa ini penggunaan pupuk mulai bergeser dari kimia menjadi organik khususnya pada tanaman Hortikultura. Pergeseran ini salah satu penyebabnya adalah dengan penggunaan pupuk organik dalam jangka panjang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan dapat mencegah degradasi lahan. Kailan (Brassica alboglabra) merupakan salah satu sayuran daun dari keluarga kubis-kubisan (Cruciferae). Hampir semua bagian tanaman kailan dapat dikonsumsi yaitu batang dan daunnya. Untuk meningkatkan produksi kailan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah ketersediaan unsur hara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk kotoran kambing terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kailan. Perlakuan dosis pupuk kotoran kambing yaitu 1:4, 1:2, 1:1 serta kontrol tanpa menggunakan pupuk. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran kambing berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun dan bobot segar tanaman kalian. Pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran kambing dengan dosis 1:4 sudah dapat meningkatkan bobot segar kalian. Pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran kambing dengan dosis 1:2 sudah dapat meningkatkan jumlah daun kalian. Kata Kunci: Kailan, Kotoran Kambing, Pupuk Organik
Increasing nutrient inputs into terrestrial ecosystems affect not only plant communities but also associated soil microbial communities. Studies carried out in predominantly unmanaged ecosystems have found that increasing nitrogen (N) inputs generally decrease soil microbial biomass; less is known about long-term impacts in managed systems such as agroecosystems. The objective of this paper was to analyze the responses of soil microorganisms to mineral fertilizer using data from long-term fertilization trials in cropping systems. A meta-analysis based on 107 datasets from 64 long-term trials from around the world revealed that mineral fertilizer application led to a 15.1% increase in the microbial biomass (Cmic) above levels in unfertilized control treatments. Mineral fertilization also increased soil organic carbon (Corg) content and our results suggest that Corg is a major factor contributing to the overall increase in Cmic with mineral fertilization. The magnitude of the effect of fertilization on Cmic was pH dependent. While fertilization tended to reduce Cmic in soils with a pH below 5 in the fertilized treatment, it had a significantly positive effect at higher soil pH values. Duration of the trial also affected the response of Cmic to fertilization, with increases in Cmic most pronounced in studies with a duration of at least 20 years. The input of N per se does not seem to negatively affect Cmic in cropping systems. The application of urea and ammonia fertilizers, however, can temporarily increase pH, osmotic potential and ammonia concentrations to levels inhibitory to microbial communities. Even though impacts of fertilizers are spatially limited, they may strongly affect soil microbial biomass and community composition in the short term. Long-term repeated mineral N applications may alter microbial community composition even when pH changes are small. How specific microbial groups respond to repeated applications of mineral fertilizers, however, varies considerably and seems to depend on environmental and crop management related factors.
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Aplikasi Pupuk Cair Hasil Fermentasi Kotoran Padat Kambing Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) Sebagai Pengembangan Materi Mata Kuliah Fisiologi Tumbuhan
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Respons Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Dua Varietas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja L.)Terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Urin Ternak
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