Conference Paper

The Influence of Internet Celebrities (Wanghongs) on Social Media Users in China

  • AMG Digital Marketing & Design Company
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This study aims to decipher how Internet celebrities in China, or Wanghong, accumulate their credibility and how they gratify fans in China. By conducting qualitative research based on interviews in Guangzhou, China, this study fills a research gap in understanding the Internet celebrity culture in the digital China. The analysis shows that Chinese fans were attracted by Wanghong because of their positive personality traits, e.g., being humorous and inner beauty. They followed Wanghong mainly because they gained useful information and advice from Wanghong who at the same time provided entertainment. The benefits from following Wanghong are mainly the acquiring of information and the fulfillment of emotional needs. This information was then shared to boost the follower's self-esteem and to strengthen the follower's connection with his or her social circle. However, although most interviewees were satisfied with their parasocial interactions with Wanghong, they expected more interactions.

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... According to the research of Chang and Woo (2019), that the main purpose of following internet celebrities is to satisfy informational feedback and emotional echoes. For example, as a member of the queer community, homosexual followers experience conflicts with families and misunderstandings in real life. ...
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This paper explores the connection between lesbian internet celebrities and their audiences. Under the circumstance of the burgeoning market on social media platforms in mainland China, I take Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), a social media platform that is permeated by female users as a study target. In addition, I use Manxue, Maxxxx, and Quanjiaofu as lesbian internet celebrities' examples. I examined whether previous studies shed light on the internet celebrity-audience relationship still suits lesbian internet celebrity-audience relationships. Considering that in the context of mainland China, homosexuals such as lesbians are not welcomed by mainstream media and undergo serious censorship when posting content on social media. This study invited 26 female users who identified themselves as lesbians or bisexuals to participate in online and offline interviews. Former studies centered on T-style (Tomboy style) fandom enlightened the direction of this study. Although the appearance of lesbian internet celebrities is evaluated by the audience when they make decisions if they will start to follow or not, the essential part which prolongs the connectedness between them and the lesbian internet celebrity is the genuine attitude they believe they are receiving from the internet celebrity. Similar life backgrounds such as being a sexual minority or outrageous performance might have a chance to win the glances of users when they scroll the screen. According to the interview results, sincere life sharing and self-disclose storytelling bring the two sides closer and cultivate intimacy and affinity which help to strengthen the bond between lesbian internet celebrities and audiences.
... The most popular type of internet celebrities in social media platforms is YouTuber (Djafarova & Rushworth, 2017;Sokolova & Kefi, 2019). However, there is also a rise of live stream influencers which is very popular in some countries like China and Taiwan (Cai and Wohn, 2019;Chang and Woo, 2019). Things turn to be more interesting when some Internet Celebrities are actively involved in themself in product selling. ...
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The use of social media had created a group of ordinary people who actively share their life and experiences on the social media platform. When this group of people received more and more “likes” from the audiences, they are being named as Internet celebrities. Internet celebrities who are having many followers had created the opportunity for the businesspeople to engage them in promoting and selling the products. However, despite the growth of social media and the use of social media by businesspeople, there are not many studies on internet celebrities that affecting the purchase intention among the customers in Malaysia. Hence, the problem statement of this study is to investigate the characteristic affecting internet celebrities that will affect the purchase intention of the consumers. The research had been done by collecting feedback from 200 respondents from Generation Y. An online questionnaire with 5-Likert rating scales is used to collect the data. Convenient sampling techniques were used to collect the data. The result of the study indicated that source credibility and video characteristic are the most important factors in influencing purchase intention, however, physical attractiveness and interactivity are not going to influence purchase intention. This gives an insightful thought to marketers to request internet celebrities to produce more quality videos to attract viewer attention. In terms of source credibility, marketers need to find Internet celebrities who have a more credible image to sell the company products. The justifications for the rejected hypotheses were discussed in detail in the study. The research findings of this study give marketers and academics insightful thoughts on how Internet celebrities can influence the purchase intention of Generation Y today.
Online-to-offline (O2O) commerce, e.g., the internet celebrity economy, provides a seamless service experience between online commerce and offline bricks-and-mortar commerce. This type of commerce model is closely related to location-based social networks (LBSNs), which incorporate mobility patterns and human social ties. Personalized point-of-interest (POI) recommendations are crucial for O2O commerce in LBSNs; such recommendations not only help users explore new venues but also enable many location-based services, e.g., the targeting of mobile advertisements to users. However, producing personalized POI recommendations for O2O commerce is highly challenging, since LBSNs involve heterogeneous types of data and the user-POI matrix is very sparse. LBSNs have substantially altered how people interact by sharing a wide range of user information, such as the products and services that users use and the places and events that users visit. To address these challenges in O2O commerce LBSNs, we analyze users’ check-in behaviors in detail and introduce the concept of a heterogeneous information network (HIN). Then, we propose a HIN-based POI recommendation system, which consists of two components: an improved singular value decomposition (SVD++) and factorization machines (FMs). The results of experiments on two real-world O2O commerce websites, namely, Gowalla and Foursquare, demonstrate that our method is more accurate than baseline methods. Additionally, a case study of the bricks-and-mortar brand of internet celebrity indicates that our proposed POI recommendation system can be used to conduct online promotion and purchasing to drive offline marketing and consumption.
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In the past few years, expenditure on influencer marketing has grown exponentially. The present study involves preliminary research to understand the mechanism by which influencer marketing affects consumers via social media. It proposes an integrated model – social media influencer value model – to account for the roles of advertising value and source credibility. In order to test this model, we administered an online survey among social media users who followed at least one influencer. Partial least squares path modeling results show that the informative value of influencer-generated content, influencer’s trustworthiness, attractiveness, and similarity to the followers positively affect followers’ trust in influencers’ branded posts, which subsequently influence brand awareness and purchase intentions. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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This study investigates system generated cues (SGCs) that influence microblog users' reposting behavior from the perspective of source credibility. A comprehensive set of SGCs were identified through an exploratory qualitative study (study 1) to reflect each source credibility dimensions (ie. expertise, trustworthiness, attraction and co-orientation), and were later adopted in a quantitative study (study 2) to test robust nature of the conceptual framework of source credibility and its impact on users' actual repost behavior when incentives are presented to them. Data indicate that by holding expected reward and perceived cost constant, all dimensions of source credibility were found to have significant main effects on repost behavior, with no interaction. Number of friends to @ was found to be inversely related to repost behavior. Implications of these findings are discussed, along with limitations of the current study and directions for future research.
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This research investigates the effects of the big five consumer personality traits on perceptions of source credibility related to consumer-generated advertising (CGA). An online experiment with 175 participants was conducted with viewing of a YouTube video in which source credibility (as firm-generated or consumer-generated) was manipulated. Findings show participants viewed CGA as more credible than firm-generated advertising. CGA positively influenced attitudes toward the ad and brand for consumers with low openness, and positively influenced opinion giving for consumers with high extraversion and low neuroticism. Also, a significant main effect of neuroticism was found. Theoretical and practical implications, and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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It is one thing to catch someone’s attention and another thing to hold it for as long as the speaker desires. There must be something about those leaders and speakers who have been able to achieve this feat. The secret is source credibility which arises from how the public view or perceive a speaker. This research paper explained the role of this important virtue in relation to advertisements, politics and religion. This paper is timely and significant because the most difficult form of management is human and mind management. The key is to be seen as a credible source. How is that possible?
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Two experiments examined the impact of Twitter followers, electronic word-of-mouth (eWoM) valence, and celebrity type (prosocial versus antisocial) on consumer behavior in Twitter-based marketing communication, applying social capital theory, social identity theory, source credibility, and extant literature on eWoM. Experiment 1 demonstrated the main effect of number of followers on source credibility, and the interaction effect between eWoM valence and number of followers on product involvement, buying intention, and intention to pass along eWoM. Experiment 2 revealed the interaction effect of celebrity type and number of followers on social identification with the celebrity as well as the mediating effect of social identification.
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The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring celebrity endorsers' perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Accepted psychometric scale-development procedures were followed which rigorously tested a large pool of items for their reliability and validity. Using two exploratory and two confirmatory samples, the current research developed a 15-item semantic differential scale to measure perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. The scale was validated using respondents' self-reported measures of intention to purchase and perception of quality for the products being tested. The resulting scale demonstrated high reliability and validity.
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This paper considers the phenomenon of parasocial interaction (PSI) used by media researchers to describe the relationship between media users and media figures (from celebrities to fictional characters). Although the concept has been used consistently across the past two decades in media research, it is argued here that it has not been sufficiently developed at a theoretical level to be taken up by psychologists. A number of key issues have not been addressed: firstly, how PSI might, as its originators put it, be "integrated into the matrix of usual social activity" (Horton & Wohl, 1956); secondly, how PSI might vary according to different types of media figure; and thirdly, what processes over time and media use bind user and figure into a "parasocial relationship." In this paper the existing literature on PSI is extensively reviewed, and an original model of PSI is developed for use in future social psychological research, which places PSI within the realm of ordinary social interaction and suggests ways in which different media use and different types of media figure interact to produce different styles of relationship. Finally, some applications of more detailed research into PSI are suggested.
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Users have adopted a wide range of digital technologies into their communication repertoire. It remains unclear why they adopt multiple forms of communication instead of substituting one medium for another. It also raises the question: What type of need does each of these media fulfill? In the present article, the authors conduct comparative work that examines the gratifications obtained from Facebook with those from instant messaging. This comparison between media allows one to draw conclusions about how different social media fulfill user needs. Data were collected from undergraduate students through a multimethod study based on 77 surveys and 21 interviews. A factor analysis of gratifications obtained from Facebook revealed six key dimensions: pastime, affection, fashion, share problems, sociability, and social information. Comparative analysis showed that Facebook is about having fun and knowing about the social activities occurring in one’s social network, whereas instant messaging is geared mor
Local altmetrics is currently an integral part of the altmetrics landscape. This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of microblog altmetrics of the Chinese microblog platform, Weibo, to shed light on cultural differences and draw attention to local altmetrics in developing countries. The analysis is based on 4.4 million records provided by Data collected are from March 2014 to July 2015. It is found that Weibo users discuss global science, more actively compared with several international altmetrics sources. Statistical results show strong evidence of the immediacy advantage of metrics based on Weibo as well as Twitter and the general altmetrics over citations. Distribution of Weibo altmetrics on the article level, source level and discipline level are highly skewed. Overall, compared with Twitter, Weibo altmetrics present similar distributions, with some minor variations. To better understand how and why Weibo users discuss global scientific articles, the top weiboed articles, sources and disciplines are identified and further explored. Our content analysis shows that the common motivation of scientific weibos is to disseminate or discuss the articles because they are interesting, surprising, academically useful or practically useful. Conclusion of articles is the most frequently mentioned element in scientific weibos. In addition, different from Twitter, Weibo users have a preference for traditional prestigious journals.
The growth of Instagram continues, with the majority of its users being young women. This study investigates the impact of Instagram upon source credibility, consumer buying intention and social identification with different types of celebrities. In-depth interviews were conducted with 18 female Instagram users aged 18–30 to determine the extent to which Instagram influences their buying behaviour. The research findings show that celebrities on Instagram are influential in the purchase behaviour of young female users. However, non-traditional celebrities such as bloggers, YouTube personalities and ‘Instafamous’ profiles are more powerful, as participants regard them as more credible and are able to relate to these, rather than more traditional, celebrities. Female users are perceptively aware and prefer to follow Instagram profiles that intentionally portray positive images and provide encouraging reviews.
The mass media are ranked with respect to their perceived helpfulness in satisfying clusters of needs arising from social roles and individual dispositions. For example, integration into the sociopolitical order is best served by newspaper; while "knowing oneself" is best served by books. Cinema and books are more helpful as means of "escape" than is television. Primary relations, holidays and other cultural activities are often more important than the mass media in satisfying needs. Television is the least specialized medium, serving many different personal and political needs. The "interchangeability" of the media over a variety of functions orders televisions, radio, newspapers, books, and cinema in a circumplex. We speculate about which attributes of the media explain the social and psychological needs they serve best. The data, drawn from an Israeli survey, are presented as a basis for cross-cultural comparison.
This paper reviews the empirical evidence of the effect of credibility of the message source on persuasion over a span of 5 decades, primarily to come up with recommendations for practitioners as to when to use a high- or a low-credibility source and secondarily to identify areas for future research. The main effect studies of source credibility on persuasion seem to indicate the superiority of a high-credibility source over a low-credibility one. Interaction effect studies, however, show source credibility to be a liability under certain conditions. The variables found to interact with source credibility are categorized into 5 categories: source, message, channel, receiver, and destination variables. The most heavily researched variables have been the message and receiver variables. Implications for marketers/advertisers and suggestions for future research are discussed.
It is often argued that the mass media “give the people what they want” and that the viewers, listeners, and readers ultimately determine the content of the media by their choices of what they will read, view, or hear. Whether or not this is a valid characterization of the role of the mass in relation to the media, it is only an arc of circular reasoning unless there is independent evidence of what the people do want. More particularly, there is great need to know what people do with the media, what uses they make of what the media now give them, what satisfactions they enjoy, and, indeed, what part the media play in their personal lives. Here is a discussion of some of the functions the media may perform in the lives of the members of the mass society.
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