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Innovative experiential learning experience: Pedagogical adopting Kolb’s learning cycle at higher education in Hong Kong

Taylor & Francis
Cogent Education

Abstract and Figures

General education constitutes a significant portion of undergraduate curriculum. However, students are not always keen on learning general education. Pedagogy of experiential learning is one of the strategies in arousing their learning motivation. Although many previous pieces of research were conducted in the field, attention on how experiential learning works with information and communication technology (ICT) on teaching general education at higher education deserves more attention. Thus, by adopting Kolb’s learning cycle from Experiential Learning Theory, this paper suggests an innovative pedagogical approach of implementing experiential learning with(out) adopting ICT in a general education course offered by one of the universities in Hong Kong and has been successfully implemented for three years within classroom setting to enhance learning motivation and consolidate learning experience. Data were collected from auto-ethnography and then analysed through conversation analysis and qualitative content analysis. Through proposing the pedagogical approach, this study is significant in transforming experiential learning beyond personal level and extending students’ learning from within to beyond classroom setting in a cost-effective manner.
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Innovative experiential learning experience:
Pedagogical adopting Kolbs learning cycle at
higher education in Hong Kong
Shui Kau Chiu*
Abstract: General education constitutes a significant portion of undergraduate
curriculum. However, students are not always keen on learning general education.
Pedagogy of experiential learning is one of the strategies in arousing their learning
motivation. Although many previous pieces of research were conducted in the field,
attention on how experiential learning works with information and communication
technology (ICT) on teaching general education at higher education deserves more
attention. Thus, by adopting Kolbs learning cycle from Experiential Learning Theory,
this paper suggests an innovative pedagogical approach of implementing experi-
ential learning with(out) adopting ICT in a general education course offered by one
of the universities in Hong Kong and has been successfully implemented for three
years within classroom setting to enhance learning motivation and consolidate
learning experience. Data were collected from auto-ethnography and then analysed
through conversation analysis and qualitative content analysis. Through proposing
the pedagogical approach, this study is significant in transforming experiential
learning beyond personal level and extending studentslearning from within to
beyond classroom setting in a cost-effective manner.
Subjects: Education - Social Sciences; Teaching & Learning - Education; Theories of
Learning; Higher Education; Teaching &Learning; Theories of Learning; Study Skills;
Classroom Practice
Keywords: Experiential learning; Kolbs learning cycle; experiential learning theory;
general education; higher education
Mr. Shui Kau Chiu is currently a full-time PhD
candidate in the Department of Applied Social
Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University. His research interests include science,
technology and society, risk perception, cultural
theory of risk, education and history. This paper
deals with the way of innovative and skillful
integration of information and communication
technology into pedagogy and that contributes
further understanding of bridging the link
between the fields of education and science,
technology and society.
Students tend not having interest in learning gen-
eral education even though it is an important
component in the university curriculum. One of the
proposed reasons is that students find it difficult to
generate feeling of and attitude towards the con-
tent of the general education in classroom envir-
onment. Through innovative and skilful adoption of
information and communication technology in
teaching and learning activity, this paper suggests
that it can be done within classroom environment
in a cost-effective way. The findings help us to have
a better understanding of the way of integrating
technology with society. Teachers can take this
study as a reference in preparing learning activity.
Chiu, Cogent Education (2019), 6: 1644720
© 2019 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Received: 23 July 2018
Accepted: 14 July 2019
First Published: 18 July 2019
*Corresponding author: Shui Kau Chiu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Reviewing editor:
John Lee, Education University of
Hong Kong, Tai Po, Hong Kong
Additional information is available at
the end of the article
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1. Introduction
Different pedagogical strategies have been proposed to enhance studentslearning and arouse their
learning motivation. One of them is experiential learning where students can develop deeper under-
standings and reflections on knowledge through experience. Another strategy is through adopting
information and communication technology (ICT). There are many studies focused on how each of
them can enhance studentslearning experience. However, attention on how the adoption of ICT
works with experiential learning in consolidating studentslearning experience requires more atten-
tion. With a view of bridging this gap, this paper is going to propose a suggested pedagogical
approach in experiential learning with(out) adopting ICT, aimed at enhancing students' learning
motivation and experience in studying general education. In the followings, a brief account on
general education and its development in Hong Kong will be examined first. Experiential learning,
Experiential Learning Theory (ELT), Kolbs learning cycle and some of the major studies on experiential
learning will then be briefly reviewed. In addition, research questions and methodology of this study,
background of the course and rationale behind the task will be explained followed by a description of
the suggested pedagogical approach. After that, findings and discussions will be made. Before
drawing a conclusion and making acknowledgements, implications for further work, significances
and limitations of this study will be stated.
2. General education at higher education and its implementation in Hong Kong
General education is to understand how everything that we teach in the arts and sciences
relates to their lives and to the world that they will confront(Harvard University, 2007,p.3).It
is about educational foundation of skills, knowledge, habits of mind, and values that prepares
students for success in their majors and in their personal and professional lives after gradua-
tion(Nicholls State University, 2019). General education emerged in the United States origin-
ally aimed at helping people to link up with different streams of knowledge (Brint, Proctor,
Murphy, Turk-Bicakci, & Hanneman, 2009, p. 607). Nonetheless, this belief has changed since
general education is being adopted at higher education when many American universities
deployed it just as courses to fulfil part of the graduation requirements (Rudolph, 1977,
p. 253). As its importance is underestimated, one of the challenges in implementing general
education at higher education is that it can only provide students with basic understanding
of the subject matter (Latzer, 2004,p.20).
Adaption of general education in Hong Kong shares similar mentioned experience. General
education has framed as one of the significant components in Hong Kong undergraduate
curriculum since an implementation of curriculum reform in 2012 (Jaffee, 2012,pp.
193194). Hong Kong has also encountered challenges. Like the case in the United States,
the status of general education in the whole undergraduate curriculum in Hong Kong has not
perceived very significant even among some academic staff. Based on the authorsreal
experiences, teaching hours of general education have always been sacrificed for the sake of
promoting admission exercise. Similarly, students usually did not take a serious attitude
towards general education. It is an usual practice at higher education in Hong Kong to allow
students to select some general education courses (Lau, 2011, pp. 36). Based on the observa-
tions from the author and other lecturers, in many cases, students always lacked learning
motivation, especially on those general education courses offered by non-majored depart-
ments. Thus, arousing learning motivation among Hong Kong students is one of the measures
in helping them to consolidate and enhance their understanding towards general education.
One of the methods to do so is through experiential learning.
3. Experiential learning, experiential learning theory and Kolbs learning cycle
John Dewey (1938) pathed a modern theoretical recognition on experiential learning.
Experiential learning can be understood as a process through which a learner constructs
knowledge, skills, and value from direct experiences(Jacobs, 1999,p.51).Inotherwords,it
is about learning through experience (Shiralkar, 2016, p. 1). Nevertheless, experience does not
necessary to be meaningful and relevant to learning as not all experiences are genuinely or
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equally educative(Dewey, 1938, p. 13). Meaningful and relevant experience, however, can link
behaviours or realities with mindset and is said to enhance studentsinvolvement in learning
(Beard & Wilson, 2006,pp.1622; Gross & Rutland, 2017,p.32).
As one of the proclamations among different notions of experiential learning, David A. Kolb
(1984)proposedELT.Itisthe process whereby knowledge is created through the transforma-
tion of experience(Kolb, 1984, p. 38). ELT stresses on the role of experience in constructing
knowledge (Kolb, & Kolb, 2005a, p. 2). Knowledge can be constructed through assimilating
lessons and feelings stem from experience (Kolb, 1984,p.41).Theongoingprogressof
assimilating experience to constructing knowledge, which is referred as Kolbs learning cycle,
involves an interplay between action/reflectionand experience/abstraction(Kolb & Kolb,
2012,p.125).Kolbs learning cycle composes four stages, namely concrete experience, reflec-
tive observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Overall speaking,
concrete experience is the time when students engage in the experience to learn. Reflective
observation refers to students review from their experience. Abstract conceptualization is that
students try to apply the knowledge that they have already acquired to explain and justify
what they have experienced. Active experimentation focuses on the way of students in making
use of what they have acquired from the experience into future application (Kolb, 1984,pp.
3031). Apart from learning style, learning also depends on how well a learner embraces and
conveys the experience (Kosir, Fuller, Tyburski, Berant, & Yu, 2008, pp. 660661; Li & Armstrong,
2015, p. 423).
There are two general approaches to apply experiential learning in pedagogy, namely live
approach and classroom-confinedapproach (Georgiou, Zahn, & Meira, 2008, p. 808). The
former approach refers to arrange students to experience in a certain community (Eyler,
2009, p. 24). On the contrary, experiential learning for the latter approach is practised within
a classroom setting. With regard to classroom-confinedapproach, lecturers can practice
experiential learning inside the classroom through asking students to solve problem (Böcker,
1987,p.65;Georgiouetal.,2008, p. 808). Solving problem in classroom can be interpreted as
experiential learning since, through participation, students can generate, reflect and exchange
on the feelings and difficulties that they experienced with the lecturer and among classmates
(Böcker, 1987, p. 65). In addition, these exchanges enable the lecturer to have more under-
standing of the effectiveness of the experiential learning on students (Böcker, 1987,p.65).In
view of this, experiential learning in this paper can be understood as a problem-solving activity
practised in classroom environment. With reference to Kolbslearning cycle, stages of concrete
experience, reflective observation and abstract conceptualization can be sustained with
a pedagogical approach within classroom setting, while the stage of active experimentation
may be implemented with assignment (Svinicki & Dixon, 1987, p. 142; Terry, 2001, pp. 7779).
Experiential learning and ELT have been applied within classroom setting. There have been
many previous studies on the area. Some of them have not been supported by ICT while some
have. Concerning those previous studies without ICT support, for instance, Bowes and Johnson
(2008) conducted problem-solving experiential learning among American undergraduate stu-
dents in classroom setting. By using card game, they found that students experienced and
learned more about the difference between theory and practice over cooperation and non-
cooperation in the business environment (Bowes & Johnson, 2008, p. 15). However, their
attentions were on the economic field, and ICT was not involved in the activity.
Greene (2011) adopted experiential learning to teach year 1 students on fundamental
theories of marketing and general understanding of business. Through integrating Kolbs
learning cycle into teaching and learning activity, the study found that the experiential learning
helped students to achieve the learning targets while offering them with unreplaced exposure
(Greene, 2011, pp. 81, 86). However, ICT did not incorporate into the experiential learning.
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Meanwhile, Marschall and Davis (2012) made use of Kolbs learning cycle and introduced
some skills in teaching critical reading. While the skills were said to be applicable with various
stages in Kolbs learning cycle, the skills did not involve any ICT and the study targeted at adult
students only (Marschall & Davis, 2012, pp. 6667).
Concerning those previous major researches with ICT support, for instance, Kiili (2005)
examined the role of digital games in ELT by mainly presenting a model that combined digital
games into instructional theory. The study offered an understanding of how the combination
contributes to the learning experience in general without referring much to the empirical issues
at a specific field. Nonetheless, Kiili (2005) encourages this current study by demonstrating
a feasibility of combing ICT, ELT and educational theory.
Pauleen, Marshall, and Egort (2004) studied the role of course management system in ELT
among different groups of postgraduate students in information management (p. 92). While
Pauleen et al. (2004) pinpointed that adoption of course management system facilitated students
experiential learning, such adoption may not able to fully reflect the role of ICT took within the
classroom setting as students could access course management system after lessons (p. 98). That
informs the current study to take this factor into consideration when designing and embedding ICT
with ELT.
Jarmon, Traphagan, Mayrath, and Trivedi (2009) probed into ELT through employing digital
platform among American postgraduate students in communication (p. 169). Jarmon et al.
(2009) pointed out that the employment of ICT in approaching ELT facilitated students in going
through the four stages of Kolbs learning cycle (p. 179). While the digital platform facilitated
students to go through the stages of concrete experience, reflective observation and abstract
conceptualization in Kolbs learning cycle, students applied the experience that they learned
from the platform on their assignments and projects (Jarmon et al., 2009, pp. 171, 179). In
other words, adopting ICT to approach experiential learning also helped students to achieve
active experimentation in Kolbs learning cycle. In this regard, Jarmon et al. (2009) inform this
study by illustrating that active experimentation in Kolbs learning cycle can be reified by
a project or an assignment.
Similarly, Leggette et al. (2012) conducted experiential learning among students in commu-
nication course by making use of an online platform named Second Life. Partly through
reviewing the written assignment after the activity, Leggette et al. (2012) pointed out that
students did able to apply what they experienced from the online platform (pp. 132133).
While the online platform might not solely approaching experiential learning within classroom
setting, Leggette et al. (2012) also inform this study in using an assignment to crystalize active
experimentation in Kolbslearningcycle.
In short, previous major literature on ELT mainly shed their lights on the fields other than
general education and beyond the Hong Kong context. Therefore, more attention should be
focused on researching experiential learning with an adoption of ICT on teaching general
education at undergraduate level within the Hong Kong context. While the effectiveness of
implementing of experiential learning demands studentsdevoted participations, attracting
studentsengagements in classroom-confinedapproach may be a challenge as students
may not easy to recognize, immerse and reflect from the experience (Georgiou et al., 2008,
pp. 808, 810). With a view of bridging the aforementioned gaps, increasing studentsengage-
ments, learning motivation and enhancing their learning experience, ICT was embedded with
experiential learning in this suggested pedagogical approach while incorporating with an
element of cooperation in an innovative and skilful way. The strategy of asking students to
tackle the problem was adopted in approaching general education as it could motivate stu-
dents to experience, consolidate and reflect on their learnings (Georgiou et al., 2008,pp.
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4. Research questions and methodology
Based on the above denotations, the first research question for this study was formed as follows:
(1) Can the suggested pedagogical approach of embedding ELT with(out) ICT motivate
Hong Kong university studentslearning on general education?
This research question informed this research on the effectiveness of the suggested pedago-
gical approach. Even when finding of this research question suggests an effectiveness of the
approach, an understanding of how it achieves is needed. Because of that, the second research
question for this study was set as follows:
(2) In what ways the suggested pedagogical approach of embedding ELT with(out) ICT motivate
Hong Kong university studentslearning on general education?
The research question helped this study in identifying the ways of the suggested pedagogical
approach in motivating studentslearning on general education. These two research questions
enabled this study to offer more sociological imaginations on the researched area.
When looking for sociological imaginations from the two research questions, appropriate
research approach should be chosen. Even though some researchers like Pai (2016)and
Witesman (2012) employed a quantitative approach in studying experiential learning, this
study adopted qualitative research approach as it offered an in-depth understanding of how
the adoption of ICT in experiential learning enhanced and consolidated studentslearning
experience (Byrne, 2012, pp. 209, 215). Other scholars such as Borredon, Deffayet, Baker, and
Kolb (2011), Chan (2012) and Opdyke, Javernick-Will, and Koschmann (2018)alsoadopted
qualitative research approach when studying experiential learning. Empowerment from the
qualitative research approach, this research was a three-year auto-ethnographic case study
on a course adopted the below-mentioned suggested pedagogical approach. The course was
on general education which had been offered by one of the universities in Hong Kong for
several years as a part of the graduation requirements. More specifically, the course was about
self-advancement as a lifelong learner. Some key concepts covered in the course including
digital divide, cooperation and knowledge construction. Enrolment in the course was all non-
majored full-time students. Students were required to attend 3-hour lecture and 3-hour tutorial
lesson every week, and their attendances were checked. The medium of instruction for both
lecture and tutorial lesson was English. Around the middle of the semester, students had to
submit individual essays. Lectures covered all the subject matters of the course, while tutorial
lessons consolidated and enhanced what students learned in lectures. The suggested pedago-
gical approach was implemented during the tutorial lessons which covered some significant
concepts and ideas that students needed to address on in their individual essays. The entire
three-year study covered 210 students from six tutorial lessons with class sizes of 49, 46, 30,
25, 23 and 37 with an average of 35. Most students were studying at year 1 and year 2 of their
academic years.
After conducting the proposed pedagogical approach, there was a debriefing session. In the
session, students were invited to casually share their results and, most importantly, all sorts of
feelings and difficulties they encountered in the activity. In order to create a comfortable setting
for students to freely express their opinions, they were not required to do sharing in front of the
class. In addition, students were permitted to use their mother tongue, Cantonese, to do the
sharing. When some students did their sharing, other classmates were welcome and encouraged
to join the sharing and voice out their respectful comments or responses, no matter they were
approvals, disapprovals or supplements. The lecturer gave some comments and illustrations
whenever appropriate. This would fill up the session with constructive and interactive chitchatting
not only between the lecturer and students but also among classmates themselves. Key contents
of chitchatting were then immediately marked down on field notes. By doing so, data on students
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opinions and reflexivity towards the suggested pedagogy were collected during the session. In
addition, as students may need time to develop and generate reflections, casual conversations
between the author and the students or their comments after the tutorial lessons constituted
another source of data. For the sake of data triangulation, the author also adopted observations
and took a role of an observer as participant (Seale, 2012,p.535;Walsh,2012, p. 250). To record
the data, field notes were taken immediately after the end of the activity and the casual
conversations with the students. Data were analysed by conversation analysis and qualitative
content analysis.
Conversation analysis looks into activities that involve social interactions (Mondada, 2013,
p. 33). Reasons for adopting conversation analysis as a data analytical method are as follows.
First, activities in the classroom can be treated as social interactions (Huth, 2011,pp.
297298). Second, as Kolb, Baker, and Jensen (2002) proclaimed, engaging into conversation
is one of the measures in generating meaningful ideas which lead to experiential learning and
it also fits into Kolbslearningcycle(pp.5253). Through conversation analysis, the effective-
ness of the suggested pedagogical approach in facilitating studentsexperiential learning has
been unveiled. Nonetheless, procedures of adopting conversation analysis in this study did not
follow traditional way of taking and transcribing video or audio records (Hepburn & Bolden,
2013,pp.5758; Liddicoat, 2007, p. 8). With a view of further encouraging students to freely
express their views, actively involve into conversations among lecturer and classmates and
minimizing the Hawthorne effect which can change the natural behaviour of the research
participants, conversation analysis was adopted as non-invasive and non-aggressive as possi-
ble. The author tried not to create an impression among students that they were being studied.
Having that consideration in mind, intervention from the author as a sole researcher and an
instructor of the tutorial lessons was kept minimal. It eventually led to an unconventional
adoption of conversation analysis in this study as the author did not want studentsexperience
on experiential learning was affected by data collection procedure. Therefore, as afore
described, no audio or video recording and no photograph was taken. In the same vein, neither
formal interview nor focus group discussion was conducted. No transcription was prepared.
In this study, while conversation analysis was helpful in analysing how students felt and
reacted to the suggested pedagogical approach for Kolbs learning cycle of concrete experi-
ence, reflective observation and abstract conceptualization, qualitative content analysis was
deployed to apply on Kolbs learning cycle of active experimentation. Drisko and Maschi (2015)
describe qualitative content analysis as a systematic method for searching out and describing
meanings within texts of many kinds(p. 87). It is applicable to study if a person already
acquired a knowledge (Graneheim, Lindgren, & Lundman, 2017, pp. 2930). Since students had
to internalize and apply what they experienced from the suggested pedagogical approach
through submitting individual essays at the middle of semester, the whole process took time
and that it might not be easily identified through conversation as it was embodied in written
format. After taking those concerns into considerations, instead of employing conversation
analysis, qualitative content analysis was used to look into the effectiveness of the approach
through analysing studentsperformance on the essays. Students, however, had no idea that
their essays were analysed for research purpose. Therefore, similar to the way of applying
conversation analysis in this study, adoption of qualitative content analysis also minimized the
explicit or implicit influence on students during the data collection process.
5. Rationale behind the activity
Apart from the theoretical foundation as mentioned earlier, another rationale behind the activity is on
digitalization of daily life, especially among teenage. Even though whether students are belonging to
a generation of digital native or not, as suggested by Prensky (2001), is beyond a discussion of this
paper, generally speaking, students are now living with digital media. Almost wherever they are, their
attentions are always attracted by their ICT devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets, even
when they are attending lessons. To minimize distractions and better managing the classroom
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behaviour, some teachers in higher education are now working very hard and set up various rules to
regulate usages of ICT devices inside the classroom. Nonetheless, as Livingstone (2014) expressed,
adoptions of ICT in pedagogy can facilitate and enhance teaching and learning experience (p. 58).
Shek, Yu, Wu, and Chai (2015) also indicated cooperative pedagogy is much preferable by students to
conventional lecturing (pp. 10241025). Kayes, Kayes, and Kolb (2005) further proposed to enhance
the learning experience through embedding group activities with ELT. In addition, adoption of ICT can
help students to develop reflections from their experience, especially when such experience is missing
from their surroundings (A. Y. Kolb & Kolb, 2005b, p. 208). What is more, Bontchev, Vassileva,
Aleksieva-Petrova, and Petrov (2018) and Sung, Hwang, Lin, and Hong (2017) also illustrated the
importance of arousing studentslearning motivation when adopting experiential learning.
6. Description of the suggested pedagogical approach
With a view of arousing studentslearning motivation and enhancing their learning experience,
an idea of creating this proposed pedagogical approach was formed. The learning objective of
the tutorial lesson was to enhance studentsunderstanding of the concepts of the digital divide
and the importance of cooperation in constructing knowledge. Even though the two concepts
were already covered in the lecture, students in Hong Kong often find these concepts too
abstracts and difficult to reflect on. They seldom think about the importance of cooperation in
knowledge construction. Besides, well-developed ICT infrastructure and affordable cost in
accessing to the Internet make most of them difficult to imagine, experience and recognize
the issue of digital divide. Arousing reflections related to relevant areas among Hong Kong
students through experiential learning may face challenges, but skilful incorporation with ICT
offers an envisaging here.
To implement the suggested pedagogical approach, the tutorial lesson has to be divided into
six units and students will all be assigned a task of problem to tackle, for instance, based on
the behaviourism as suggested by Burrhus F. Skinner, explain the difference between negative
reinforcement and punishment. The lecturer needs to divide the class into different units
based on whether students have prior knowledge on the assigned task or not. This can easily
be done by directly asking students whether they have acquired knowledge on the subject
matter of the task or not. The number of students and the instruction given to each unit are
not the same.
For the tutorial lesson with a class size of 35, unit 1 attaches with 10 students. Students in
this unit should all have already acquired knowledge on the subject matter of the task. They
can use their own different types of ICT devices and browse any pertinent websites they wish
during the activity. They are allowed to discuss the question within unit members.
Unit 2 is formed by the other 11 students. Students in this unit can be mixed between those
who have already acquired knowledge on the subject matter of the task and those who have
not. They can use ICT devices to surf an assigned online material only, which can be a little bit
relevant but must not be useful for solving the problem. For the problem in this proposed
pedagogical approach, webpage introducing a life history of B. F. Skinner compiled by Swenson
(1999) can be one of the many options. However, it should be noted that this is just one of the
suggested online materials. Students are allowed to discuss the problem within the unit.
Unit 3 accommodates another 11 students. They can be a mixture between those who have
already acquired knowledge on the subject matter of the task and those who have not. While
students cannot use any kind of ICT devices during the activity, they are allowed to discuss the
question within the unit.
For unit 4, it consists of one student only. That student cannot have knowledge on the
subject matter of the task. He or she can use ICT devices and access to any related webpages
during the activity. However, the student cannot discuss the problem with other units.
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Unit 5 composes of one student only. The student cannot have knowledge on the subject
matter of the task. He or she can use ICT devices to access the same online material as
assigned to unit 2 only. That student should work alone and cannot discuss the question with
other units.
Another student alone forms unit 6. That student cannot have knowledge on the subject
matter of the task. He or she can neither use ICT devices during the activity nor discuss the
problem with other units.
Duration of the whole activity is around 3045 minutes but that must be based on the actual
situation and should be flexible. However, the whole activity should be conducted coherently.
Depending on the actual class size and the need for classroom management, the number of
students in a unit can be adjusted, while the number of units should be kept at least six. In
other words, the number of students in unit 1, unit 2 and unit 3 is not fixed, as long as they
have more than one student in a unit. Besides, to avoid too many students in a unit due to
a large class size, certain units such as unit 1, unit 2, unit 3 and the likes can be duplicated.
Meanwhile, to facilitate the running of this proposed pedagogical approach, this activity is
better to be held in a classroom that equipped with floating tables and chairs. In addition,
despite the regulation on medium of instruction, students can use their mother tongue to
discuss with others when they are allowed to do so. To avoid costing unnecessary mobile
Internet fee, students are highly recommended to use free campus Wi-Fi throughout the whole
activity, provided that it is stable, and its connection speed is reasonable. It is not necessary for
every student in unit 1 and unit 2 to have ICT devices, even though nowadays almost all young
people in Hong Kong have at least one ICT device with them. In case students in unit 4 or unit
5 have no ICT device, the lecturer should provide a special arrangement to them such as
allowing them to use instructional computer in the classroom or swap the student with
another one in unit 2, unit 3 or unit 6. The assigned problem-solving task can also be changed
to suit for different teaching needs of course. Theoretically, the subject matter of the assigned
problem-solving task can be irrelevant to the course as well. After all, the problem-solving task
and its answer themselves are not important, but the way of organizing, conducting and
debriefing the activity is the keys in this proposed pedagogical approach.
During the problem-solving activity
Unit One Two Three Four Five Six
Number of students 10 11 11 1 1 1
Previous knowledge Yes Mixed Mixed No No No
Usage of ICT U*R*N*URN
Time between the problem-solving activity and
the written assignment
Writing individual assignment
Concrete experience
Figure 1. Operationalization of
Kolbs learning cycle.
* U: unrestricted; R: restricted;
N: not allowed.
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The way of proposed pedagogical approach at a whole in operationalizing Kolbs learning cycle is
visualized in Figure 1.
7. Findings and discussions
Based on the conversations among students and lecturer and students, results of implement-
ing the proposed pedagogical approach will be presented and discussed below with reference
to four stages of Kolbs learning cycle, namely, concrete experience, reflective observation,
abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. All names are pseudonymous.
7.1 Concrete experience
This proposed pedagogical approach itself already provided students with concrete experience.
The activity offered them with a special and unique opportunity to really taste various levels of
digital divide and cooperation that, as suggested before, they could rarely experience in their
daily life. By doing so, concrete experience accomplished. Overall speaking, the proposed
pedagogical approach was well received by students. Based on the observations, students
were actively participated in the activity with fun. Some students commented that:
You are a few among other tutors in this university that can really let me taste of what
mean by the tutorial lesson and your activity (the proposed pedagogical approach) make
me learn something. (Herbert)
Frankly, your teaching (the proposed pedagogical approach) is more practical and con-
crete than he did (the lecturer of the course). (Angel)
As suggested, the pedagogy is designed with an aim at creating a relevant and meaningful
experience to students to create knowledge, either individually or cooperatively, under different
levels of digital divide and cooperation. While students in unit 1 experience with free flow of
information and cooperation with others in the society, student in unit 4 experience with
handling information without cooperation and questioning by others. Unit 2 and unit 5 allow
students to experience an environment where the flow of information is limited or restricted
due to, for instance, Internet censorship and desire of authority. Difference between these two
units is the element of cooperation. Under the given environment, students in unit 2 can still
try to experience cooperation in creating knowledge through mutual discussion and challen-
ging, while student in unit 5 cannot. On the contrary, unit 3 and unit 6 allow students to
experience an environment of digital divide where the Internet or even radio cannot be
accessed due to poverty, ICT competencies, geographical locations and the likes. Again, the
difference between these two units is also on cooperation. Therefore, it is critical to remind
students that any forms of discussions, cooperation or assistance between units are not
allowed. Students also have to comply with the given instructions, and their active participa-
tions in the activity are expected. For the sake of providing students with the mentioned
meaningful and relevant experience, the lecturer thus has to deliver the instructions clearly
enough to the students so as to avoid any misunderstandings.
At the end of the activity, each unit had to briefly present their own understandings on the
problem-solving task. Nonetheless, as mentioned, this should be treated as a detonator, and
the lecturer should not spend a lot of time on that. Rather, based on studentspresentations,
the lecturer should lead students to further develop and share their reflective observations and
abstract conceptualizations from what they experienced from the activity.
7.2 Reflective observation and abstract conceptualization
Lecturer can help students to achieve reflective observation through asking the difficulties that
they encountered with and the associated feelings generated from the activity. When students
presented their solutions to the problem, the author asked students if they could assert the
correctness of their solutions and what difficulties they encountered in the activity. Through
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asking students with some of these enlightening questions, students could be stimulated to
further review their experience in the activity. For instance, among those units with only one
student, students always replied me by saying that they had no idea whether their answers were
correct, especially for those who could not use ICT devices during the activity. They also related
this to the difficulties that they faced with by expressing that
How can I assert that (the solution is correct)? I do not know Skinner before. I cant(use)
google (to find the answer) and I cant ask others. (Sharon)
I (feel) puzzled in the whole activity. I am alone, and no one can help me. (Peter)
The webpage (the assigned online material) is useless to solve the problem ……. I just count
myself (in finding the solution). (Agnes)
It shows that some students developed feelings of loneliness and helplessness in the whole
activity and they may because they could not obtain any help from the Internet, other
classmates or both. Even though the student in unit 4 was allowed to use ICT device and
access any related websites in the activity, the student told me in this way:
I think the solution is correct, if the information that I surf are not fake. (Darwin)
For those units having more than one student, even though they could not assert the correctness of
their solutions to the problem, their responses showed that they had confidence in their solutions.
Some websites also say in this way. (Patrick)
As shown above, in the problem-solving activity, students may generate a feeling of loneliness
and they may also catch into dilemma without knowing the correct answer. Such a feeling or
dilemma did not mark a downside of the suggested pedagogical approach. On the contrary, the
feeling and dilemma symbolized an achievement of reflective observation among students as it
showed their reviews over their experience from the activity.
Meanwhile, students also encountered difficulties in solving the problem. When asked them if
disagreement occurred within the unit and how they reached consensus, some of their
responses are:
some (of my) unit members have their ideas but I dont agree with them. (John)
At the beginning, I think the answer is this one. But after searching in google and listening
my unit members, I am not sure if I am right. (Amy)
I dont know the question at all, and I just listen to their (unit members) saying. (William)
it doesnt matter (when disagreement occur among us). I just give in. (Pauline)
Voting, (by) majority (Sam)
On one hand, the above suggests that some students also experienced certain kind of dispa-
rities over the solutions with others and that may because of the individual difference on
attitudes, perspectives, value judgement and the likes. On the other hand, these conversations
problem-solving task. Even though their attempts might suffer from many drawbacks and could
not be regarded as a successful one, their efforts in tackling the task already demonstrated
that abstract conceptualization did occur.
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The above questions suggested some measures in helping students to further realize, consolidate
and reflect their reviews towards their experience in the proposed pedagogical approach. The reflec-
tive observations as listed above formed partof the experience of students from the pedagogy. For the
sake of consolidating and reflecting from the experience, the lecturer should also try to help students
to develop their abstract conceptualizations from their experience as well. Without proper channelling,
students may not only miss a chance of transforming their reflective observation into potential
learning opportunities but also, for this case, even turning it into a negative sentiment towards the
lecturer (Sims, 2002, pp. 183184). The negative relationship between students and lecturer can affect
studentslearning motivations (Naude, van Den Bergh, & Kruger, 2014, pp. 222223).
One of the methods for the lecturer to help students in further developing their abstract
conceptualizations from the proposed pedagogical approach is through debriefing so as to
facilitate students in further associating their reflective observations from the pedagogy with
the knowledge that they learned in the lecture (Cant & Cooper, 2011,p.44;Reed,2012, p. 212;
Zigmont, Kappus, & Sudikoff, 2011, pp. 52, 54). Concerning this proposed pedagogical approach,
the author makes use of studentsfeeling of loneliness and helplessness generated from the
activity as a way to lead them to associate and apply their reflective observations with the
concept of digital divide and importance of cooperation in knowledge construction which they
already be taught in the lecture before. What is more, together with their experience of
disagreement and way of reaching consensus in the activity, the author further pointing out
the essential legal and social conditions for the successful cooperation in constructing knowl-
edge. By providing students with a relevant and meaningful experience, the concept of digital
divide and the importance of cooperation in knowledge construction no longer become
abstract knowledge to students. On the contrary, after this proposed pedagogical approach,
students found themselves much ready to digest and transform the knowledge that they
learned in the lecture to more meaningful and relevant experience and applied them on
other application. That was unveiled in active experimentation.
7.3 Active experimentation
After consolidating those of knowledge that they experienced and learned from the suggested
pedagogical approach, it is important for the students to apply them. In Kolbs learning cycle, it
is referred as active experimentation. Kolb (2015) indicated that assignment or project
a possible and appropriate way to attain active experimentation (pp. 281, 303). What is
more, in line with Hawk and Shah (2007), Svinicki and Dixon (1987)andWyndandBozman
(1996), Mobbs (2003) also proposed that one of the strategies in arousing studentsactive
experimentation from experiential learning is through assignment. As mentioned earlier, stu-
dents had to submit an individual essay a few weeks after the tutorial lesson which required
them to demonstrate their abilities of applying the knowledge that covered in the proposed
pedagogical approach. Before submitting their essays, when the author asked the students if
they had any difficulties in completing the essays, some of them responded in these ways:
Not so much (Eva)
When I starts writing your essay, I have a clear idea on what I need to write by recalling the
game (problem-solving activity). It sounds like I am listening your explanations (of the
concepts). (Alan)
I dont understand the lecturers teaching, but (after participating into the activity)
I understand yours. (Emily)
The above seems to indicate that the proposed pedagogical approach successfully generated
certain experience of digital divide and cooperation among students and that helped them in
preparing their individual essays. Nonetheless, even if it was the case, it did not mean that
students could successfully generate active experimentation from the activity that they
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experienced. In a sense, contents and results of their essays could allow us to have a general
picture on that. As a marker for the essays, the author fully complied with all of the assess-
ment rubrics set by module coordinator in evaluating the essays, and the results of the
assessment were further verified by the lecturer of the course, external reviewer and Board
of Examination. In general, the author found that studentsperformances in their essays were
up to the standard and could meet the assessment requirement. Especially, most of the
students in their essays demonstrated their understandings on digital divide and were able
to point out with illustrative examples on the importance of cooperation in knowledge con-
struction. About digital divide, students not only able to state its meaning but also able to
pinpoint and discuss the significant role that it played in influencing capability of a person as
a lifelong learner. Concerning cooperation in knowledge construction, the essays reflected
studentsrealizations on the potential weakness, constraints and limitations when developing
knowledgewithones effort only. Based on the above discussions, the author believed that
most of the students successfully achieved active experimentation through transforming and
applying what they experienced and learned from the pedagogical approach on their individual
As the instructor of the tutorial sessions, the author was able to observe studentsreactions
towards the proposed pedagogical approach. In afterwards lessons, every time when the
author reminded students on the problem-solving activity, some students showed their positive
response by showing different forms of apprehending gestures. Some of them enlivened and
immediately recorded my reminders by using their writing instruments or digital devices. In
addition, before submitting individual assignment and sitting for final examination, usually,
some students asked whether the instructions of the problem-solving activity could be
uploaded to the course management system for their preparations and revisions.
Observations from both studentsreactions and request sketched a picture which was consis-
tent with the above denotations that the proposed pedagogical approach did constitute Kolbs
learning cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and
active experimentation among students.
8. Implications for further work
This proposed pedagogical approach as outlined above can be a vital message for higher
education in teaching courses on general education and other fields. Strengths of embedding
Kolbs learning cycle into this pedagogical approach are as follows. Students can have treas-
ured opportunity to have a certain form of experience and immerse in abstract concepts or
ideas that they can hardly be experienced with under particular context of their social and
cultural settings. Moreover, Kolbs learning cycle can help students to reflect and consolidate
the knowledge that they learned with greater impression. What is more, through integrating
Kolbs learning cycle with this pedagogical approach, experiential learning can be implemented
beyond the outdoor environment. This can offer an alternative for institutional concerns on
balancing studentslearning needs and the issues of safety and health. However, students
need adequate time transferring experiences to knowledge. Course with intensive schedule and
heavy workloads may have difficulty when adopting Kolbs learning cycle.
To ensure the proposed pedagogical approach a successful one, certain conditions are
recommended to meet. First, the lecturer should able to identify a problem with its associated
knowledge that able to distinguish the class. Second, studentsactive participation is expected.
Third, stable Internet connection with floating tables and chairs.
In a sense, it may be difficult for higher education to change the role of general education in
fulfilling graduation requirement as it involves many complicated considerations. However, when
teaching general education, especially for those non-majored students, this proposed pedagogical
approach raised an important message of motivation and engagement to higher education. One of
the methods in arousing studentslearning motivation and engagement is to make use of the
Chiu, Cogent Education (2019), 6: 1644720
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thing that they are connected with and interested in, which is ICT in this case. By doing so, they
are much easy motivated to engage in and draw reflections from different learning experience. For
the sake of students, therefore, educationists should consider how to arouse studentslearning
motivation and engagement when designing teaching and learning activities, no matter inside or
outside the classroom context.
9. Significances
Significances of this study stem from its competence of facilitating studentsexperiential
learning through, first, transforming and empowering experiential learning to mutual beneficial
nature and, second, bridging and extending experiential learning from within to beyond class-
room environment. Brief accounts are as follows.
One of the significances of this study lays on its capability of transforming experiential
learning to mutual beneficial nature through stretching its boundary beyond the personal
level. Usually, experiential learning relies on studentsself-reflection. The self-reflection, how-
ever, may be mediated by personality and past experience and can only offer a very limited
personal perspective. In this regard, studentsself-reflection mainly serves for personal attain-
ment and is hardly to be challenged. Through encouraging students to share their comments
or responses with other students, this approach provided different perspectives to each student
by offering them non-personal views and even challenges for their reflections and internaliza-
tions. As a result, studentsself-reflections over their experience in the approach need not to
be solely relied on their own accounts and incorporation with certain external inspections and
even rectifications become possible. By doing so, this approach transforms and empowers
experiential learning to a more cooperative and mutual beneficial nature.
Another significance of this study is on its endowment of connecting and elongating teaching
and learning activity from within to beyond classroom setting. Students can assimilate the
experience within the classroom and are then able to apply what they experienced from the
approach when they are preparing their assignments after the lesson. Even though other
experiential learning activities may also able to perform a similar role, this approach offers
a feasible and resource-saving way of conducting experiential learning within classroom-
confinedsetting (Georgiou et al., 2008, pp. 808, 810). When comparing with other experiential
learning activities within classroom setting, this approach gains a comparative advantage
through satisfying teaching and even institutional considerations since it can be conducted
by one person within ordinary classroom setting without inducing additional burden of man-
power, resources or even funding. Unlike community-based experiential learning, this approach
avoids administrative work of arranging and bargaining with different internal and external
10. Limitations
Owing to various constraints, students in the study were formed into different units according
to their previous knowledge on the problem-solving task by treating no difference among their
learning needs, learning desires, learning styles and so on. Educationists may need to take the
individual difference into consideration when practising the approach. Also, participants in this
study were almost all Hong Kong students sharing the same mother tongue. Whether culture
and even language play roles in mediating students to receive the activity deserve further
11. Conclusion
To sum up, through presenting a pedagogical approach of innovatively and skilfully embedding
ICT with ELT, this study demonstrated a feasible and resource-saving way in conducting
experiential learning within a normal classroom setting. Based on the above denotations, the
approach facilitated students to assimilate and apply the experience under four stages of
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different sizes. As long as utilizing something like ICT that is already connected with students,
with some modifications, it is possible to apply this approach, practice experiential learning and
enhance studentslearning motivation and engagement in other academic disciplinaries.
The author would like to thank Dr David K. Herold and
all of the anonymous reviewers for their attentive read-
ings and insightful comments which were very con-
structive in improving this paper.
The author received no direct funding for this research.
Author details
Shui Kau Chiu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong
Citation information
Cite this article as: Innovative experiential learning
experience: Pedagogical adopting Kolbs learning cycle at
higher education in Hong Kong, Shui Kau Chiu, Cogent
Education (2019), 6: 1644720.
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... The instrument's evolution reflects its foundational role in educational methodologies and its expanding relevance in fields as varied as management, healthcare, and psychology, where experiential learning plays a crucial role in cognitive and social skill development [6]. This adaptation has also extended to professional development, where KLSI facilitates cultivating adaptive and reflective skills, crucial for thriving in the fastevolving modern work environment [7,8]. ...
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The Kolb Learning Style Inventory (KLSI) has progressed through various revisions to refine its validity, reliability, and adaptability as a tool for identifying individual learning styles based on Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory. This study reviews the development of KLSI from its initial version to the latest KLSI 4.0, examining major modifications and their impact on educational applications. Each version addressed previous critiques by enhancing psychometric properties and incorporating features such as adaptive learning flexibility and expanded normative data, making KLSI more relevant across diverse educational contexts. Key findings indicate that while these advancements support more personalised and flexible instructional strategies, certain limitations remain, particularly in capturing learning preferences' dynamic and culturally influenced nature. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of KLSI's evolution and its implications for promoting learner-centred education. It highlights future directions for improving its applicability in globalised and diverse learning environments.
... "Contextual Learning" and the establishment of informal "Learning Communities" emphasize the importance of experiential and social learning approaches in entrepreneurship education, as advocated by (Chiu, 2019). ...
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Penelitian ini mengkaji integrasi Artificial Intelligence (AI) sebagai modul pelatihan di inkubator bisnis perguruan tinggi. Studi kasus dilakukan di Inkubator Bisnis Institut Teknologi Nobel dan Bisnis Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi peserta, diskusi kelompok terfokus, dan analisis dokumen dari 60 pemangku kepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa integrasi AI berdampak positif pada proses pembelajaran dan pengembangan startup di inkubator bisnis, dengan 60% startup melaporkan perubahan signifikan dalam model bisnis. Tantangan utama termasuk kesenjangan dalam adopsi AI di antara peserta dan masalah etika terkait penggunaan data. Penelitian menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk desain program inkubator yang lebih efektif, termasuk kurikulum AI adaptif, integrasi etika AI, dan pendekatan holistik dalam pengembangan bisnis. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman tentang peran AI dalam pendidikan kewirausahaan dan pengembangan ekosistem startup di Indonesia.
... In this process, learners perceive, reflect, create, and act within specific circumstances. Engaging in experiential learning is believed to enhance learners' interest, motivation, and engagement by offering various situational selections or pathways [45][46][47]. Therefore, experiential learning increases learning relevance by making stronger connections between learners' involvement, practises, and applications [48][49][50][51]. ...
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This work integrates the circular economy (CE) into experiential learning in higher education, focusing on industrial and systems engineering. It addresses the need for suitable learning experiences and pedagogical strategies to enhance CE and sustainability education in active learning research. Accordingly, this study proposes integrating Kolb’s experiential learning cycle with the ADDIE model into an instructional design framework for reflective and active engagement in learning activities within realistic circular supply chain scenarios. The methodology demonstrates this framework through a case study of an undergraduate module for CE problem-solving, focusing on waste reduction within small and medium enterprises in Mexico City. Based on student surveys and achievement metrics, results show positive student feedback and evaluation results, meeting module targets. This work’s main contribution offers a framework for creating novel experiential learning cases and cultivating sustainability-related and disciplinary learning outcomes. It also recognises valuable links for citizenship commitment, problem-solving, community engagement, and CE education. However, this work acknowledges limitations in complex problem-solving difficulties, a resource-demanding nature, restricted transferability, and the limited evaluation of learning effectiveness. Future research will explore this work’s relevance across Kolb’s learning styles and diverse industries, focusing on student interest and motivation, and evaluating its impact on student outcomes in various educational contexts.
... Moreover, ethnoecological studies enrich contextual science learning, connecting theory with real-world applications in line with experiential theory (Kolb & Kolb, 2009;Mohammadi et al., 2020;Taneja et al., 2022). Central to this approach are problem-solving, active engagement (Chiu, 2019), and the direct learning advocated by Dewey (Dewey, 2012). Through ethnoecological Widowati, A., Fahlevi, A., Priyambodo, P., Winarto. ...
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Objective: The objective of this study is to investigates their environmental management, focusing on agricultural land and forest practices intertwined with indigenous beliefs of The Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung Jambi Indonesian Community to realize Goal 4 SDGS - Quality education. Theoretical Framework: This study considers The Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung Indigenous peoples, integral to the ancient Kerinci Tribe of Jambi, hold rich heritage encompassing land division knowledge and ancestral beliefs rooted in the environment as science learning resource. Method: We Employing qualitative methods—interviews, observations, and literature review—reveals the community's profound ecosystem comprehension. They employ distinct environmental units, including pelak, pnanam mudo fields, pnanam tuo fields, bluka mudo, bluka tuo, imbo adat, and imbo lengang, for cultivation and conservation. Findings: The study highlights inherent beliefs like uhang taman and dewa, intricately woven into environmental practices, fostering nature preservation. In summary, the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung indigenous people hold extensive knowledge in environmental management, closely linked to their ancestral beliefs, reinforcing sustainable practices and the crucial role of indigenous wisdom in harmonizing humans and nature. Research Implications: The efforts of the tigo luhah tanah sekudung indigenous people serve as a model for integrating traditional practices and beliefs science science learning resource. Novelty: This study explores the indigenous knowledge of the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung Jambi Indonesian Community as a source of science learning in implementing STEM learning.
... Most of the papers also emphasize students' active participation in their own learning and peer collaboration. These strategies go beyond passive listening by encouraging students to actively participate through discussion, problem-solving, collaboration, and hands-on activities (Bossaller, 2016;Burke & Larmar, 2021;Chiu & Lee, 2019;Itow, 2020;Karunanayaka, 2023;Peschl et al., 2021;Portuguez Castro & Gómez Zermeño, 2020;Tsekhmister, 2022). These activities are crucial for deep learning, as they help students develop critical thinking skills, retain information better, and apply knowledge in practical contexts. ...
... Previous work suggests the possibility of recreating this type of experience based on experiential learning as it articulates a continuous process of thinking and acting as part of an effective learning process [19][20][21]. This proposition calls for learners perceiving, reflecting, conceptualising, and experimenting in situated settings [22,23]. ...
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The post-pandemic era shaped by COVID-19 has compelled universities to reimagine their learning experiences, adapting to new educational requirements and heightened expectations. However, this transformation brings forth novel pedagogical requirements and learning limitations. In today’s educational landscape, learners seek active and relevant learning experiences that seamlessly integrate interactivity, crisis awareness, and global challenges tied to a resilience and sustainability perspective. To address this imperative, our work introduces an experiential learning lab to articulate Kolb’s experiential learning cycle and authentic assessment principles. By incorporating real-world events as study scenarios, higher-order skill challenges, and self-regulated learning in alignment with reflective and practical activities, we aim to enhance students’ engagement and learning relevance. To illustrate practical implementation, we propose a case study methodology regarding an experiential learning lab for operations management education. Specifically, we delve into a case study centred around the Social Lab for Sustainable Logistics, involving a circular economy challenge as a learning experience during the post-COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary results indicate that the experiential learning lab helped to create the learning experience in alignment with intended learning outcomes. However, further instances of such learning experiences are necessary to explore the contribution and applicability of the lab across diverse settings and disciplines.
Optimal learning is not only seen in the presentation of the theory in the class so that students are able to know and memorize the theories. However, depending on how the student gains direct experience and then reflects on it in the process of his graduation. Also at the college level, various forms of learning through the experience process will be more acceptable, one of which is the experiential learning model. In addition, the learning process is also developed by integrating service activities into the community. To this end, the aim of this research is to design and determine the feasibility of developing a model of experiential learning based on dedication to society in the course of teaching. The method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method with the 4D (four-D) model of Thiagarajan, i.e., defining, designing, developing, and deploying. The result is that (1) the stage of model design is structured based on the results of needs analysis, as well as the preparation of the framework and product development, which are carried out with the creation of books that include the rational development of the learning model; (2) the model of experiential learning based on dedication to society is highly qualified to be used as a model of learning both from the technical side of design, material, purpose, and motivation of learning.
Experiential learning has been described as the most effective approach in tourism and hospitality management education. Various experiential learning methods have been used to enhance students’ learning experience. There are many experiential learning methods which can cater to different subjects. This way of using these experiential learning methods has significant consequences for teaching and learning tourism and hospitality management education subjects. In this review, researchers analyse and discuss the results from 18 studies and highlight what type of experiential learning methods were used within tourism and hospitality management education. Researchers also explain how these EL methods were being used in tourism and hospitality management education. Findings showed the service-learning project were most used in incorporating experiential learning within tourism and hospitality management education and suggests that educators should choose the right experiential learning methods for the courses together with proper planning dan design contents to enhance the students learning experience, communication skills, operational skills, critical thinking skills, and teamwork skills.
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In recent years, researchers have reported positive outcomes and effects from applying computer games to the educational process. The preconditions for an effective game-based learning process include the presence of high learning interest and the desire to study hard. Therefore, educational video game design has to tailor gameplay to the style of the playing learner, i.e. to the psycho-cognitive abilities, attitudes, and skills of the individual player, in order to foster the player's motivation and creativity. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to draw a parallel between learning styles and styles of playing video games, and to investigate the correlations between these types of constructs. The article presents a new family of playing styles based on Kolb's experiential learning theory that is appropriate to be used for educational video games. This family is composed of four playing styles: Competitor, Dreamer, Logician, and Strategist, and corresponds to Honey and Mumford's learning styles based also on the theory of experiential learning, namely Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. To measure the four playing styles, a 40-item questionnaire was designed. In order to verify the consistency, validity, and reliability of that questionnaire as an accurate tool for recognizing the four suggested player styles, a pilot study was conducted. The article reports the results obtained from the study, along with their analysis and applicability.
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The incorporation of safer building practices into shelter after disasters continues to plague recovery efforts. While limited resources are one potential cause, evidence from case studies suggests that poor adoption of safer construction may stem from a knowledge deficit. Despite these shortcomings, previous research has done little to examine the current state of construction education and training in post-disaster shelter and housing, and there is lacking evidence to support how households acquire new knowledge of construction practice. Examining nineteen shelter projects in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan, training methods were categorized using Kolb's experiential learning theory poles. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was then used to analyze the impact of these methods on community construction knowledge. Findings reveal that households acquired knowledge either through a combination of formal training methods that encompassed reflective observation, active experimentation, and concrete experiences or alternatively through observation of on-site construction activities.
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This concise book shows readers how experiential learning can be used to overcome the challenges posed in applying and delivering information technology (IT) to their business needs through innovative, game-based approach. e-Book is available on Kindle & GooglePlayStore... &
This paper contributes to the literature on public administration experiential learning pedagogy in three ways. First, it outlines two alternative approaches to experiential learning in the quantitative classroom (a community-driven approach and a research-driven approach). Second, the paper evaluates the comparative benefits and trade-offs of these two approaches through analysis of data resulting from a semester in which students were randomly assigned to each of the two described conditions in a master’s-level public management statistics course. Third, the paper provides some general principles for incorporating faculty research endeavors into the public administration experiential learning classroom. While the empirical analysis found no demonstrable difference in learning outcomes, the project format did appear to significantly affect the nature of the student experience. Students in the community-driven condition felt that this interaction would help them professionally, felt a greater sense of ownership of the final project, and ultimately believed that their work was a more valuable contribution to the world than did their faculty-based research counterparts. However, the faculty research-driven model also has benefits. In addition to the economizing benefits of using students to help power faculty research, bringing research into the classroom may help students to perceive instructors as innovators and knowledge creators and may improve students’ overall impressions of the professor.
This discussion paper is aimed to map content analysis in the qualitative paradigm and explore common methodological challenges. We discuss phenomenological descriptions of manifest content and hermeneutical interpretations of latent content. We demonstrate inductive, deductive, and abductive approaches to qualitative content analysis, and elaborate on the level of abstraction and degree of interpretation used in constructing categories, descriptive themes, and themes of meaning. With increased abstraction and interpretation comes an increased challenge to demonstrate the credibility and authenticity of the analysis. A key issue is to show the logic in how categories and themes are abstracted, interpreted, and connected to the aim and to each other. Qualitative content analysis is an autonomous method and can be used at varying levels of abstraction and interpretation.
The Analects of Confucius is an important course in the curriculum of Asian Studies in the Chinese community and around the world. Students have to learn a collection of the thoughts of Confucius which have shaped world history and the soul of China. However, educators have indicated that most students fail to understand its abstract thoughts, or even realize its spirit in their daily life experience. Meanwhile, with the advancements of technology, learning with computer games is currently a rapidly developing area of interest for researchers, teachers, material writers and application developers in the educational field. Several studies have shown that by properly incorporating learning contents into game scenarios, an experiential game-based learning approach might foster students' motivation to learn through experience. In addition, the experiential game-based approach is a learning method with great potential for motivating students and stimulating their willingness to engage in continuous and constant learning. Thus, in this study, an experiential digital game has been developed and presented to a fifth grade class learning the Analects of Confucius at an elementary school in Taipei city. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach by situating the experimental group in an experiential game-based learning scenario, while the control group learned with a conventional technology-enhanced learning system. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach effectively enhanced the students' learning effects in terms of their learning motivation, deep learning strategy and acceptance of the technology. As a consequence, it is concluded that an experiential digital game-based learning approach can help students understand the conception and meaning of learning, which is important for them to become life-long learners with positive learning attitudes.
In our post-modern, globalised world, there is a risk of unique cultural heritages being lost. This loss contributes to the detriment of civilization, because individuals need to be rooted in their own specific identity in order to actively participate in community life. This article discusses a longitudinal case study of the efforts being made by Australian Jewish schools to maintain Jewish heritage through annual experiential religious education camps, coordinated in a programme called Counterpoint. The researchers’ aim was to analyse how a school youth camp can serve as a site for socialisation and education into a cultural and religious heritage through experiential learning and informal education. During research trips which took place over several years, interviews enabling insights into the process of experiential education were conducted with a total of three different Directors of Informal Jewish Education, two Jewish Studies heads, five participating teachers, seven youth leaders, as well as seven student focus groups. In their analysis of the semi-structured interviews, the authors of this article employed a grounded theory approach using a constant comparative method, which enabled a more nuanced understanding of the main phenomenon investigated. Over the years, they were able to observe two philosophical approaches, one of which focused more on socialisation, with immersion into experience, while the other focused on education, with immersion into Jewish knowledge. Their findings reveal that some educators aim to “transmit” knowledge through “evocation”, with the students involved in active learning; while others focus more on students’ “acquisition” of knowledge through transmission. Experiential learning activities were found to be more meaningful and powerful if they combined both approaches, leading to growth.