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DublinCity: Annotated LiDAR Point Cloud
and its Applications
S. M. Iman Zolanvari1
Susana Ruano1
Aakanksha Rana1
Alan Cummins1
Aljosa Smolic1
Rogerio Eduardo da Silva2
Morteza Rahbar34
School of Computer Science and
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2University of Houston-Victoria, Victoria,
Texas, US
Department of Architecture
ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
4Department of Architecture
Tarbiat Modares University
Tehran, Iran
Scene understanding of full-scale 3D models of an urban area remains a challeng-
ing task. While advanced computer vision techniques offer cost-effective approaches to
analyse 3D urban elements, a precise and densely labelled dataset is quintessential. The
paper presents the first-ever labelled dataset for a highly dense Aerial Laser Scanning
(ALS) point cloud at city-scale. This work introduces a novel benchmark dataset that
includes a manually annotated point cloud for over 260 million laser scanning points
into 100’000 (approx.) assets from Dublin LiDAR point cloud [12] in 2015. Objects
are labelled into 13 classes using hierarchical levels of detail from large (i.e. building,
vegetation and ground) to refined (i.e. window, door and tree) elements. To validate the
performance of our dataset, two different applications are showcased. Firstly, the la-
belled point cloud is employed for training Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to
classify urban elements. The dataset is tested on the well-known state-of-the-art CNNs
(i.e. PointNet, PointNet++ and So-Net). Secondly, the complete ALS dataset is applied
as detailed ground truth for city-scale image-based 3D reconstruction.
1 Introduction
In computer vision, automated identification of three-dimensional (3D) assets in an unstruc-
tured large dataset is essential for scene understanding. In order to collect such a big dataset
at city-scale, laser scanning technology, also known as Light Detection and Ranging (Li-
DAR), offers an efficient means of capture. Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS), a LiDAR data
2019. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.
It may be distributed unchanged freely in print or electronic forms.
acquisition approach, is generally used for obtaining data for a large area (e.g. an entire ur-
ban region). The data consists of unprocessed waveforms and a discrete point cloud. In
addition, image data can be collected alongside this LiDAR point cloud data if an additional
camera is used.
To develop algorithms which are able to automatically identify 3D shapes and objects
in a large LiDAR dataset, it is crucial to have a well-annotated ground-truth data available.
However, the generation of such labels is cumbersome and expensive. It is essential to have
access to a full 3D, dense, and non-synthetic labelled point cloud at city-scale that includes
a variety of urban elements (e.g. various types of roofs, buildings’ facade, windows, trees
and sidewalks). While there have been several attempts to generate such a labelled dataset
by using photogrammetric or morphological methods, review of the well-known available
datasets shows that none of these can completely satisfy all requirements [17]. Therefore,
this paper presents a novel manually annotated point cloud from ALS data of Dublin city
centre that was obtained by Laefer et al. [12]. This dataset is one of the densest urban
aerial LiDAR datasets that have ever been collected with an average point density of 348.43
The main contribution of this paper is the manual annotation of over 260 million laser
scanning points into 100’000 (approx.) assets into 13 classes (e.g. building, tree, facade,
windows and streets) with the hierarchical levels. The proposed labelled dataset is the first
of its kind regarding its accuracy, density and diverse classes, particularly with the city scale
coverage area. To the best knowledge of the authors, no publicly available LiDAR dataset is
available with the unique features of the DublinCity dataset. The hierarchical labels offer ex-
cellent potential for classification and semantic segmentation of urban elements from refined
(e.g. windows and doors) to coarse level (e.g. buildings and ground). Herein, two different
applications are introduced to validate the important usage of the labelled point cloud.
The first application is an automated technique for classification of 3D objects by using
three state-of-the-art CNN based models. Machine Learning (ML) techniques offer rela-
tively efficient and high accuracy means to process massive datasets [38]. ML techniques
highly rely on input training datasets. Most datasets are not generated for detailed 3D ur-
ban elements on a city-scale. Therefore, there is limited research in that direction. Herein,
three highly cited CNNs are trained and evaluated by employing the introduced manually la-
belled point cloud. Secondly, in the original dataset, aerial images were also captured during
the helicopter fly-over. By using this image data, an image-based 3D reconstruction of the
city is generated and the result is compared to the LiDAR data across multiple factors. The
next section reviews previous related datasets and the aforementioned relevant applications
in more detail.
2 Related Work
Several state-of-the-art annotated point cloud datasets have provided significant opportu-
nities to develop and improve 3D analysis algorithms for various related research fields
(e.g. computer vision, remote sensing, autonomous navigation and urban planning). How-
ever, due to varying limitations, such datasets are not ideal to achieve the necessary accuracy.
Hence, the availability of high quality and large size point cloud datasets is of utmost impor-
In the ShapeNet dataset [38], point clouds are not obtained from scanning of real objects,
rather they are generated from 3D synthetic CAD models. In TerraMobilita/iQmulus [35]
and more recently in the Paris-Lille [25] project, the datasets are obtained by Mobile Laser
Scanning (MLS). However, MLS LiDAR datasets are not fully 3D, as MLS datasets can only
scan the ground and buildings’ facades without any information from the roof or the other
sides of buildings. While the ScanNet [6] dataset consists of real 3D objects, it only includes
indoor objects (e.g. chairs, desks and beds) without any elements from outside (e.g. build-
ings’ facade or roofs). In contrast, the Semantic3D [9] dataset generated outdoor point cloud
from several registered Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS). However, it only covers a small
portion of a city with a limited number of elements. Similarly, RoofN3D [37] only includes
a specific type of element (i.e. roofs) without even coverage of distinct urban roofs (e.g. flat,
pyramid, shed and M-shaped). More recently, the TorontoCity [36] dataset was introduced
which uses high-precision maps from multiple sources to create the ground truth labels.
However, the dataset still has no manually labelled objects. In addition to these datasets,
AHN 1,2 and 3 datasets [1] also provided large scale LiDAR data for a vast area of Nether-
lands. While the AHN datasets covered a large area, the average density of the point cloud is
only around 8 to 60 points/m2which is not sufficient for generation of a detailed 3D model.
3D Point Cloud Object Classification. Classification using the 3D point cloud data has
gained considerable attention across several research domains e.g. autonomous navigation
[21,24], virtual and augmented reality creation [10,23] and urban[13,34]-forest monitoring
[19] tasks. Amongst the state-of-the-art classification techniques, CNN based models offer
a reliable and cost-effective solution to process 3D point cloud datasets that are massive
and unstructured in nature. The earliest CNN model was introduced by [16], where voxel
grids are used as inputs. With rapid advancement in deep learning models, recently, several
methods [14,20,22] have been proposed in the literature that utilise the point cloud data to
train the CNN rather than the voxel grids [16,40] or collections of images.
PointNet [20,22] is one of the first successful attempts to describe the point cloud ob-
ject using a distinctive global feature representation. As an extension to the former, Point-
Net++ [22] is designed to further address the ‘fine’ local details in objects by building a
pyramid-like feature aggregation model. To achieve better performance, the recently pro-
posed SO-Net model in [14] formulates the single feature vector representation using the
hierarchical feature extraction on individual points.
Image-based 3D Reconstruction. Recently, driven by the collection of large imagery
datasets, the classic computer vision challenge of image-based 3D reconstruction has been
revisited to focus on large-scale problems [5,26]. As a result, the list of open-source methods
for Structure-from-Motion (SfM) [18,26,31,33] and Multi-view Stereo (MVS) [4,7,28]
has increased. However, one of the main issues working with these algorithms is the lack
of ground truth for measuring the accuracy of the reconstruction, which is usually acquired
with active techniques (e.g. LiDAR) and, therefore, it is rarely available for large-scale ar-
eas [11,15].
There are several benchmarks available for 3D reconstruction. One of the first is the Mid-
dlebury benchmark [30] which has been recently extended [3]. In [3] database, the number
of images and objects has increased. However, they provide less than 100 images for each
reconstructed model and focus on small objects in a confined indoor space. The EPFL bench-
mark [32] and the ETH3D benchmark [29] are also presented to fill the gap between image-
based reconstruction techniques and the LiDAR outdoors. While the benchmark dataset is
acquired with terrestrial LiDAR, the number of images and models are limited and they only
(a) Overview of data and the selected area where
labelled areas highlighted in red
(b) Hierarchy of classes (all 13 classes in 3 levels)
Figure 1: Overview of the database
focus on a few monuments. A dataset that overcomes the limitation of the terrestrial Li-
DAR is the Toronto/Vaihingen ISPRS used in [39], but it still covers a small area of the city
compared to the aerial LiDAR dataset available for the city of Dublin which is presented
in this work. In most recent benchmarks [11,15,29] COLMAP [26,28] is reported as the
best approach (SfM + MVS) to generate the reconstructions in the majority of the scenarios.
Therefore, in this work we use it to generate the image-based reconstructions.
3 Database Specification
The initial dataset [12] includes a major area of Dublin city centre (i.e. around 5.6 km2
including partially covered areas) was scanned via an ALS device which was carried out by
helicopter in 2015. However, the actual focused area was around 2 km2which contains the
most densest LiDAR point cloud and imagery dataset. The flight altitude was mostly around
300m and the total journey was performed in 41 flight path strips.
LiDAR data. The LiDAR point cloud used in this paper is derived from a registered
point cloud of all these strips. Since the whole stacked point cloud includes more than 1.4
billion points, they are split into smaller tiles to be loaded and processed efficiently. The
Dublin City airborne dataset is one of the world’s densest urban ALS dataset ever collected.
The final registered LiDAR point cloud offers an average density of 250 to 348 points/m2in
various tiles. Figure 1a shows an overview of the whole LiDAR point cloud that is colourised
with regard to the elevation of the points. The selected area for labelling is highlighted inside
the red boxes.
In this paper, around 260 million points (out of 1.4 billion) were labelled. The selected
area is within the most densely sampled part of the point cloud with full coverage by aerial
images. This area (i.e. inside the red boxes) includes diverse types of historic and modern
urban elements. Types of buildings include offices, shops, libraries, and residential houses.
Those buildings are in the form of detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and belong
to different eras (e.g. from 17th century rubrics building to the 21th century George’s Quay
complex as a modern structure).
In the initial data acquisition, generating LiDAR point cloud was the primary output
of the aerial scanning. However, the helicopter also collected imagery data during the
flight [12]. Two different sets of images are detailed:
Top view imagery. The dataset includes 4471 images taken from a helicopter and are
named in the cited repository as Geo-referenced RGB. The resolution in pixels of the images
is 9000 ×6732 and are stored in TIFF format, with a ground sampling distance of 3.4 cm.
The total size of the images is around 813 GB and they are presented in the different flight
paths. The geographic information is given as a GPS tag in the EXIF metadata and the
camera used for the capture is Leica RCD30.
Oblique view imagery. The oblique imagery contains 4033 JPEG images, which are
taken with two different NIKON D800E cameras. They are referred to as Oblique photos,
their resolution is 7360 ×4912 and its size is 18.5 GB. As per the geo-registered RGB im-
ages, they are presented in accordance with the flight path but include an extra subdivision
which corresponds to each camera.
Manual Labelling Process. Herein, a manually annotated airborne LiDAR dataset of
Dublin is presented. A subset of 260 million points, from the 1.4 billion laser point cloud
obtained, have been manually labelled. The labels represent individual classes and they are
included in three hierarchical levels (Figure 1b):
i. Level 1: This level produces a coarse labelling that includes four classes: (a) Building;
(b) Ground; (c) Vegetation; and (d) Undefined. Buildings are all shapes of habitable
urban structures (e.g. homes, offices, schools and libraries). Ground mostly contains
points that are at the terrain elevation. The Vegetation class includes all types of sep-
arable plants. Finally, Undefined points are those of less interest to include as urban
elements (e.g. bins, decorative sculptures, cars, benches, poles, post boxes and non-
static object). Approximately 10% of the total points are labelled as undefined and
they are mostly points of river, railways and construction sites.
ii. Level 2: In this level, the first three categories of Level 1 are divided into a series
of refined classes. Buildings are labelled into roof and facade. Vegetation is divided
into separate plants (e.g. trees and bushes). Finally, Ground points are split into street,
sidewalk and grass.
iii. Level 3: Includes any types of doors and windows on roofs (e.g. dormers and sky-
lights) and facades.
In order to label the LiDAR data, it is divided into smaller sub-tiles (i.e. each includes
around 19 million laser scanning points). The process starts with importing data into the
CloudCompare 2.10.1 [2] software. Then, points were coarsely manually segmented with
segmentation and slicing tools in three categories (i.e. building, vegetation and ground) and
labelled accordingly. Then, the process continues to the third level which has the finest
details (i.e. windows and doors). Thereby, this pipeline produces a unique label for each
point. The process is performed in over 2500 hours with an appropriate tutorial, supervision,
and carefully crossed-checked multiple times to minimise the error. The naming order and
the detail of labelling are demonstrated in more detail within the supplementary material.
Figure 2shows the visual representation of the classes for one sub-tile which consists of
around 19 million laser scanning points.
4 Results and Applications
As shown in Figure 3a, the majority of captured points belong to the ground classes. This is
expected because point cloud density for the horizontal planes reflects more points towards
the aerial scanner in comparison to the vertical surfaces (e.g. facades). Also, windows have
Figure 2: A Sample labelled sub-tile that visualises all classes
(a) Total number of labelled points for each class (b) Percentage of assets only in building class
Figure 3: Overview of the labelled results
fewer points as laser beam usually penetrates the glass and there are only a few points on
it. Similarly, the number of points in the door class is smaller as each building normally has
one door for its entrance and one door for access to the roof. While this table shows the
total number of points, Figure 3b shows the frequency percentage of each class that building
category contains. For example, around 75% of the objects in the building category are
windows and around 8.3% are doors as the number of windows in each building is much
higher than other classes.
The manually annotated point cloud dataset is available at https://v-sense.scss. An additional video is provided in the attached supplementary
material for visual demonstration of the dataset. In the next sections, two applications are
showcased by employing the annotated point cloud dataset.
4.1 3D Point Cloud Object Classification
The performance analysis of the dataset for object classification problem is showcased by
using the state-of-the-art models namely, PointNet [20], PointNet++ [22] and SO-Net [14].
These three models directly work on unstructured point cloud datasets. They learn the global
point cloud features that have been shown to classify forty man-made objects of the Model-
Net40 [38] shape classification benchmark.
The 3D point cloud dataset is comprised of a variety of outdoor areas (i.e. university
campus and city centre) with structures of facades, roads, door, windows and trees as shown
in Figure 2. In order to study the classification accuracy on the three CNN-based models, a
dataset of 3982 objects of 5 classes (i.e. doors, windows, facades, roofs and trees) is gathered.
To evaluate the three models, the dataset is split into a ratio of 80 : 20 for training and
testing respectively. While training, for each sample, points on mesh faces are uniformly
sampled according to the face area and normalised into a unit sphere (i.e. -1 to +1). Addi-
tionally, data augmentation techniques are applied on-the-fly by randomly rotating the object
along the up-axis and jittering the position of each point by Gaussian noise with zero mean
and 0.02 standard deviation. Each model is trained for 100 epochs.
In Table 1, the performance of the three trained models in a different point cloud input
setting using the Overall and Average class accuracy (as used in [20,22]) is shown. It is
observed that with an increase in the number of points per objects, the performance of the
three models increases. Amongst all the three networks, the So-Net architecture performs the
best. This is in consistence with the results in [14]. However, there is still a huge potential in
the improvement of the performance scores. This is primarily because dataset is challenging
in terms of structural similarity of outdoor objects in the point cloud space namely, facades,
door and windows.
PointNet [20]PointNet++ [22]So-Nets [14]
#Points Avg. Class Overall Avg. Class Overall Avg. Class Overall
512 24.17 35.17 39.47 45.56 41.89 48.74
1024 38.84 50.13 44.65 62.91 45.73 63.54
2048 46.77 59.68 49.23 63.42 49.34 64.55
4096 48.77 60.68 51.23 64.42 50.34 65.55
Table 1: Overall and Avg. class classification scores using the state-of-the-art models on the dataset.
4.2 Image-based 3D Reconstruction
In this section, the whole extension of the LiDAR point cloud described in Section 3is
exploited beyond the annotated data. To do that, an evaluation of the image-based 3D re-
construction is presented using two different types of aerial imagery data that are collected
alongside the LiDAR data [12]. The first set is composed of images with a top view of the
city (by a downward-looking camera) and the second set consists of oblique views (by a
≈45◦tilted camera). More details of the images are given in Section 3.
In order to carry out the experiment, the complete reconstruction pipeline is evaluated as
per [11]. This is because the ground truth for the camera positions to specifically evaluate the
camera poses from an SfM algorithm are not available, only the GPS position is known. The
open-source software selected for the reconstruction is COLMAP (SfM [26] and MVS [28]),
since it is reported as the most successful in different scenarios in the latest comparisons car-
ried out (see Section 2). Furthermore, it has advantages over other methods [4,18] because
#Points (×103)
Top view Oblique view LiDAR
Mean accur. (m)
Figure 4: On the left, the area of the city covered by the tiles in the comparison (in green). On the
right, a comparison of the number of points and the mean accuracy per tile.
it gives the possibility of handling a large amount of data without running out of memory. In
this experiment, COLMAP is applied with the same configuration to each set of images and
as a result, two dense point clouds are obtained. The configuration includes, apart from the
default parameters, using a single camera per flight path and the vocabulary tree method [27]
for feature matching. This was selected because it is the recommend mode for large image
collections (several thousands). Moreover, as in COLMAP there is no option implemented
to enforce GPS priors during SfM computation, we follow the recommendation of applying
the geo-registration after obtaining the sparse point cloud.
The point cloud associated with the top view images contains twenty-five million points
whereas the one associated with the oblique images, containing twenty-two million points,
is less dense. During the process, the point clouds are coarsely registered with the GPS
information to the LiDAR point cloud. The GPS information available for the top view
images is more accurate than the one available for the oblique ones but a fine registration
with an ICP method [2] (including scaling) is needed in both cases. The reconstructed point
cloud is split into the same tiles as the LiDAR point cloud, each of which covers an area of
500x500 m2. Overlap of these three point clouds is in twelve tiles only, which are shown
in green in Figure 4. This green area is the one under study, it is numbered for referential
purposes and it allows for comparison of the reconstructions in different areas of the city.
Some qualitative results are shown in Figure 5and from a quantitative perspective, it
can be observed in Figure 4that the LiDAR point cloud is more than four times denser than
the ones obtained with image-based reconstruction. A denser image-based reconstruction is
obtained with the top view data in every tile. At the bottom, the same figure shows the mean
accuracy from each reconstruction to the LiDAR point cloud. It shows that, on average, the
oblique imagery is closer to the ground truth. This difference is approximately 2 cm in the
majority of them, however, 3 of the tiles (2, 4 and 12) present a larger difference. As can be
seen in Figure 4, these correspond to the tiles with a river, and they are followed by tile 8,
which is also in the area.
As pointed out in [11], the mean distance between the point clouds can be affected by
outliers. Hence, they propose to use the following measurements for further study: precision,
recall, and F score. The precision, P, shows the accuracy of the reconstruction, the recall,
R, is related to how complete the reconstruction is, and the F score, F, is a combination
of both. They are defined in Eq. (1) for a given threshold distance d. In the equations, I
LiDAR Top view reconst. (color) Oblique view reconst. (color)
LiDAR Top view reconst. Oblique view reconst.
Figure 5: Qualitative results. Comparison of the LiDAR with the image-based 3D reconstructions
in two different parts of the city. Row I: including color. Row II: only geometry.
#Points (%)
F score of top view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 69.62
tile 2 55.07
tile 3 69.62
tile 4 60.48
tile 5 68.75
tile 6 63.01
tile 7 65.40
tile 8 67.05
tile 9 71.21
tile 10 63.75
tile 11 63.43
tile 12 67.93
#Points (%)
Recall of top view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 70.50
tile 2 53.62
tile 3 72.38
tile 4 59.74
tile 5 69.76
tile 6 57.24
tile 7 65.27
tile 8 68.18
tile 9 72.17
tile 10 60.18
tile 11 63.43
tile 12 69.69
#Points (%)
Precision of top view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 68.77
tile 2 56.60
tile 3 67.06
tile 4 61.23
tile 5 67.77
tile 6 70.07
tile 7 65.54
tile 8 65.96
tile 9 70.26
tile 10 67.78
tile 11 63.43
tile 12 66.26
#Points (%)
F score of oblique view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 70.85
tile 2 69.68
tile 3 70.74
tile 4 69.77
tile 5 67.95
tile 6 58.38
tile 7 67.08
tile 8 69.70
tile 9 72.31
tile 10 60.25
tile 11 63.95
tile 12 70.41
#Points (%)
Recall of oblique view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 68.28
tile 2 65.79
tile 3 68.54
tile 4 66.03
tile 5 64.54
tile 6 49.11
tile 7 63.14
tile 8 66.49
tile 9 70.65
tile 10 53.15
tile 11 57.60
tile 12 67.71
#Points (%)
Precision of oblique view images
reconst. per tile d = 0.21
tile 1 73.61
tile 2 74.05
tile 3 73.09
tile 4 73.95
tile 5 71.74
tile 6 71.94
tile 7 71.55
tile 8 73.22
tile 9 74.05
tile 10 69.54
tile 11 71.88
tile 12 73.34
Figure 6: F-score, recall and precision of the image-based reconstruction (from left to right) per tile.
The top row shows the results of the top view images reconstruction and the bottom one, the results
with the oblique view ones. The values given per tile corresponds with the value of the curves at a
given distance (dash line).
is the image-based reconstruction point cloud, Gis the ground truth point cloud, | · | is the
cardinality, distI→G(d)are the points in Iwith a distance to Gless than dand distG→I(d)is
analogous (i.e. distA→B(d) = {a∈A|min
b∈Bka−bk2<d},Aand Bbeing point clouds).
P(d) = |distI→G(d)|
|I|100 R(d) = |distG→I(d)|
|G|100 F(d) = 2P(d)R(d)
P(d) + R(d)(1)
The results of these three measurements are given in Figure 6. From these, the results of
the top view reconstruction are more tile dependant than the ones obtained with the oblique
imagery. The precision in the latter is very similar for every tile, however, the recall is much
lower in tiles 6, 10 and 11. A commonality amongst these tiles is that they contain part of
the parks of the city, as shown in Figure 4. Apart from that, tile 9 has a higher F score, which
corresponds to an area without any river or green areas.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presents a highly dense, precise and diverse labelled point cloud. Herein, an
extensive manually annotated point cloud dataset is introduced for Dublin City. This work
processes a LiDAR dataset that was unstructured point cloud of Dublin City Centre with
various types of urban elements. The proposed benchmark point cloud dataset is manually
labelled with over 260 million points comprising of 100’000 objects in 13 hierarchical multi-
level classes with an average density of 348.43 points/m2. The intensive process of labelling
is precisely cross-checked with expert supervision. The performance of the proposed dataset
is validated on two salient applications. Firstly, the labelled point cloud is employed for
classifying 3D objects using state-of-the-art CNN based models. This task is a vital step in a
scene understanding pipeline (e.g. urban management). Finally, the dataset is also utilised as
a detailed ground truth for evaluation of image-based 3D reconstructions. The dataset will
be publicly available to the community.
In addition to the above, the usage of the dataset can be extended in several applications.
For example, the annotated dataset can be used for a further evaluation of image-based 3D
reconstruction per class instead of per tile. Also, it can be employed for object segmentation
in remote sensing or Geographic Information System (GIS), volumetric change detection
for forest monitoring, as well as in disaster management. Additionally, it can be applied
to optimise traffic flow for smart cities and even for the generation of real models of large
cityscapes in the entertainment industry.
6 Acknowledgement
This publication has emanated from research supported in part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ire-
land (SFI) under the Grant Number 15/RP/2776 and in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 780470. The authors highly appreciate the original work of gen-
erating LiDAR Point Cloud at Urban Modelling Group in University College Dublin in 2015. In addition, we are
grateful for all of the volunteers who generously participated in the process of data labelling, especially Mr S Pouria
Vakhshouri Kouhi for his constant support. We also gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation
with the donation of the Titan Xp GPU used for this research.
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